Is the word faster an adjective

Table of Contents

  1. What is the adjective for fast?
  2. What is a specific adjective?
  3. What are 3 synonyms for fast?
  4. What is a better word for faster?
  5. What is another word for moving fast?
  6. Which word describes moving with short fast steps?
  7. What do you call a fast person?
  8. What is the fastest thing in the universe?
  9. How do you describe rapidly?
  10. What words describe movement?
  11. What are examples of movement?
  12. What are the types of movement?
  13. How do you describe sensitivity?
  14. What is the example of sensitivity?
  15. How do you develop sensitivity to others?
  16. Which word has the same meaning as sensitivity?
  17. How do you say sensitive in a nice way?
  18. What is another word for sensible?
  19. What do you call a person who is apathetic?
  20. How do you describe someone who doesn’t care?
  21. Is Mediocre Bad?
  22. Is Mediocre an insult?
  23. Is mediocre a bad word?

Faster can be a noun, an adverb or an adjective.

What is the adjective for fast?

adjective, fast·er, fast·est. moving or able to move, operate, function, or take effect quickly; quick; swift; rapid: a fast horse;a fast pain reliever;a fast thinker. done in comparatively little time; taking a comparatively short time: a fast race;fast work.

What is a specific adjective?

adjective. /spəˈsɪfɪk/ 1detailed and exact synonym precise I gave you specific instructions.

What are 3 synonyms for fast?


  • speedy, quick, swift, rapid.
  • brisk, nimble, sprightly, lively.
  • fast-moving, high-speed, turbo, sporty, accelerated, express, flying.
  • whirlwind, blistering, breakneck, pell-mell, meteoric, smart.
  • hasty, hurried.
  • unhesitating, expeditious.
  • fleet-footed.
  • informal nippy, zippy, spanking, scorching, blinding, supersonic.

What is a better word for faster?

What is another word for faster?

accelerated augmented
quicker hurried up
quick quickened up
sped up speeded up

What is another word for moving fast?

What is another word for fast-moving?

fast rapid
swift speedy
fleet nimble
flying hurtling
moving speeding

Which word describes moving with short fast steps?

scurry to move with small quick steps, especially because you are in a hurry or afraid: People were scurrying around like ants.

What do you call a fast person?

Fastness can be applied to anything. Characteristics of this person can be: likes a fast-paced life (in general) likes things to be done quickly.

What is the fastest thing in the universe?

Laser beams

How do you describe rapidly?

Some common synonyms of speedy are expeditious, fast, fleet, hasty, quick, rapid, and swift. While all these words mean “moving, proceeding, or acting with celerity,” speedy implies quickness of successful accomplishment and may also suggest unusual velocity.

What words describe movement?

Adjectives used to describe movement include: slow, slight, moderate, gradual, steady, quick, rapid, significant, sharp, substantial, dramatic. Adverbs are formed by adding -ly to the adjective, and sometimes one or two other letters change as well. Note that “dramatically” can refer to both good and bad changes.

What are examples of movement?

Movement is defined as changing locations or positions, a group of people with a shared aim or a development or change that occurs. An example of movement is when you lift your arm above your head. An example of movement is when you go from place to place and accomplish different tasks.

What are the types of movement?

Types of movements in the human body

Flexion Bending
Abduction Moving away from the reference axis
Adduction Bringing closer to the reference axis
Protrusion Forward
Retrusion Backward

How do you describe sensitivity?

Definition of sensitivity

  1. : the quality or state of being sensitive: such as.
  2. a : the capacity of an organism or sense organ to respond to stimulation : irritability.
  3. b : the quality or state of being hypersensitive.
  4. c : the degree to which a radio receiving set responds to incoming waves.

What is the example of sensitivity?

Sensitivity is the quality of being tender, easily irritated or sympathetic. An example of sensitivity is lights hurting someone’s eyes. An example of sensitivity is a person who gets upset very easily. An example of sensitivity is how a friend treats another who’s going through a tough time.

How do you develop sensitivity to others?

5 Tips to develop sensitivity towards others.

  1. Keep the desires without greed.
  2. Try to walk in the shoes of the others and see.
  3. Treat people well specially who are lower than you in wealth, position and wisdom.
  4. Develop empathy, good listening and understanding.
  5. Do not react without giving proper thought to a situation.

Which word has the same meaning as sensitivity?

Some common synonyms of sensitive are exposed, liable, open, prone, subject, and susceptible. While all these words mean “being by nature or through circumstances likely to experience something adverse,” sensitive implies a readiness to respond to or be influenced by forces or stimuli. unduly sensitive to criticism.

How do you say sensitive in a nice way?

Sensitive Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for sensitive?

perceptive sympathetic
good-natured altruistic
big-hearted all heart
mild gracious
tolerant lenient

What is another word for sensible?

SYNONYMS FOR sensible 1 intelligent, sagacious, rational, reasonable. 2 conscious, understanding, observant. 4 perceptible, discernible, palpable.

What do you call a person who is apathetic?

Some common synonyms of apathetic are impassive, phlegmatic, stoic, and stolid.

How do you describe someone who doesn’t care?

Synonyms for doesn’t care include disregards, is aloof, is apathetic towards, is blasé about, is dispassionate, is impassive, is indifferent to, is lukewarm about, is nonchalant about and is unconcerned about. dresser noun. unaffiliated. To describe someone’s appearance, you will often use adjectives.

Is Mediocre Bad?

of only ordinary or moderate quality; neither good nor bad; barely adequate: The car gets only mediocre mileage, but it’s fun to drive. not satisfactory; poor; inferior: Mediocre construction makes that building dangerous.

Is Mediocre an insult?

‘Mediocre’ is just a masked insult to try to get you to change in some way that he thinks will make you hotter to his own fantasies and fetishes, or acceptable in some way that frees him from dealing with his own ambivalence or emotional immaturity.

Is mediocre a bad word?

Although some dictionaries accept the meaning of this word as “medium” or “average,” in fact its connotations are almost always more negative. When something is distinctly not as good as it could be, it is mediocre.



- ускоритель (напр., логического поиска)

Мои примеры


the claim that if you take enough vitamin C at the onset of a cold, you’ll often recover faster — утверждение о том, что приём достаточного количества витамина С в начале простуды часто помогает быстрее выздороветь  
faster-than-sound aircraft — сверхзвуковой самолет  
much faster — гораздо /значительно, (на)много/ быстрее  
at an ever faster pace — всё более нарастающими темпами  
faster driving — интенсификация  
faster growth — опережающее развитие  
faster-moving items — ходовые товары  
faster-than-light particle — частица, движущаяся со сверхсветовой скоростью; тахион  
faster-time-to-target characteristics — характеристики быстродействия системы наведения ракет  
beat faster — встрепенуться  
move / go faster — ускоряться  

Примеры с переводом

We took the faster route.

Мы выбрали самый быстрый маршрут.

Light travels faster than sound.

Скорость света превышает скорость звука.

The titles go by faster than I can read.

Титры идут быстрее, чем я читаю.

Drive faster — they’re catching up with us.

Поезжай быстрее, они нас догоняют.

The rain drove faster every minute.

С каждой минутой дождь усиливался.

The new program makes downloading faster.

Новая программа позволяет повысить скорость загрузки.

She writes code faster than anybody else.

Она пишет код быстрее, чем кто-либо другой.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Oliver lashed the horses to go faster.

She was 2 minutes faster than her nearest rival.

‘faster’ is the comparative of the adjective ‘fast’

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

fast  — быстрый, скорый, быстро, скоро, крепко, пост, засов, причал, поститься, голодать
fasting  — пост, натощак, постящийся
fastness  — стойкость, прочность, крепость, цитадель, оплот, твердыня
fastest  — быстрый, скорый, крепкий, прочный, стойкий, верный, твердый, нелиняющий, беспутный

For those interested in a little info about this site: it’s a side project that I developed while working on Describing Words and Related Words. Both of those projects are based around words, but have much grander goals. I had an idea for a website that simply explains the word types of the words that you search for — just like a dictionary, but focussed on the part of speech of the words. And since I already had a lot of the infrastructure in place from the other two sites, I figured it wouldn’t be too much more work to get this up and running.

The dictionary is based on the amazing Wiktionary project by wikimedia. I initially started with WordNet, but then realised that it was missing many types of words/lemma (determiners, pronouns, abbreviations, and many more). This caused me to investigate the 1913 edition of Websters Dictionary — which is now in the public domain. However, after a day’s work wrangling it into a database I realised that there were far too many errors (especially with the part-of-speech tagging) for it to be viable for Word Type.

Finally, I went back to Wiktionary — which I already knew about, but had been avoiding because it’s not properly structured for parsing. That’s when I stumbled across the UBY project — an amazing project which needs more recognition. The researchers have parsed the whole of Wiktionary and other sources, and compiled everything into a single unified resource. I simply extracted the Wiktionary entries and threw them into this interface! So it took a little more work than expected, but I’m happy I kept at it after the first couple of blunders.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: the UBY project (mentioned above), @mongodb and express.js.

Currently, this is based on a version of wiktionary which is a few years old. I plan to update it to a newer version soon and that update should bring in a bunch of new word senses for many words (or more accurately, lemma).

Good is an adjective. The adverb is well:
* Your English is good. but You speak English well.
* Susan is a good pianist. but Susan plays the piano well.

We use well (not ‘good’) with past participles (dressed/known etc.):
well-dressed well-known well-educated well-paid

But well is also an adjective with the meaning ‘in good health’:
* ‘How are you today?’, ‘I’m very well, thanks.’ (not ‘I’m very good’)

These words are both adjectives and adverbs:
* Jack is a very fast runner.
* Ann is a hard worker.
* The train was late.
* Jack can run very fast.
* Ann works hard. (not ‘works hardly’)
* I got up late this morning.
Lately = ‘recently’
* Have you seen Tom lately?

Hardly = very little, almost not. Study these examples:
* Sarah was rather unfriendly to me at the party. She hardly spoke to me. (= she spoke to me very little, almost not at all)
* George and Hilda want to get married but they’ve only known each other for a few
days. I don’t think they should get married yet. They hardly know each other. (= they know each other very little)

Hard and hardly are completely different. Compare:
* He tried hard to find a job but he had no luck. (= he tried a lot, with a lot of effort)
* I’m not surprised he didn’t find a job. He hardly tried to find one. (= he tried very little)

We often use hardly + any/anybody/anyone/anything/anywhere:
* A: How much money have you got?
B: Hardly any. (= very little, almost none)
* I’ll have to go shopping. We’ve got hardly any food.
* The exam results were very bad. Hardly anybody in our class passed. (= very few students passed, almost nobody passed)
* She ate hardly anything. She wasn’t feeling hungry. (= she ate very little, almost nothing)

Note the position of hardly. You can say:
* She ate hardly anything. or She hardly ate anything.
* We’ve got hardly any food. or We’ve hardly got any food. We often use can/could + hardly.

I can hardly do something = it’s almost impossible for me to do it:
* Your writing is terrible. I can hardly read it. (= it is almost impossible for me to read it)
* My leg was hurting me. I could hardly walk. Hardly ever = almost never
* I’m nearly always at home in the evenings. I hardly ever go out.

100.1 Put in good or well.
1. I play tennis but I’m not very _good._
2. Your exam results were very —.
3. You did very — in your exams.
4. The weather was very — while we-were on holiday.
5. 1 didn’t sleep very — last night.
6. How are you? Are you —?
7. George speaks German very —.
8. George’s German is very —.
9. Our new business is going very — at the moment.
10. I like your jacket. It looks — on you.
11. I’ve met her a few times but I don’t know her very —.

100.2 Complete these sentences using well + one of the following words: balanced behaved done dressed informed kept known paid
1. The children were very good. They were _well-behaved._
2. I’m surprised you haven’t heard of her. She is quite —.
3. Our neighbours’ garden is neat and tidy. It is very —.
4. You should eat different types of food. Your diet should be —.
5. Ann knows a lot about many things. She is quite —.
6. His clothes are always smart. He is always —.
7. Jill has a lot of responsibility in her job but she isn’t very —.
8. Congratulations on passing your examinations —!

100.3 Are the underlined words right or wrong? Correct the ones that are wrong.
1. I’m tired because I’ve been working _hard._ _RIGHT_
2. I tried _hard_ to remember her name but I couldn’t.
3. This coat is practically unused. I’ve _hardly_ worn it.
4. She’s a good tennis player. She hits the ball _hardly._
5. Don’t walk so _fast!_ I can’t keep up with you.
6. Why are you walking so _slow?_ Are you tired?

100.4 Write sentences with hardly. Use one of the following verbs (in the correct form):
change hear know recognise say sleep speak
1. George and Hilda have only met once before. They _hardly know_ each other.
2. You’re speaking very quietly. I can — you.
3. I’m very tired this morning. I — last night.
4. We were so shocked when we heard the news, we could —.
5. Kate was very quiet this evening. She — a word.
6. You look the same now as you looked 15 years ago. You’ve —.
7. I met Keith a few days ago. I hadn’t seen him for a long time and he looks very different now. I — him.

100.5 Complete these sentences with hardly + any/anybody/anything/anywhere/ever.
1. I’ll have to go shopping. We’ve got _hardly any_ food.
2. It was a very warm day and there was — wind
3. ‘Do you know much about computers?’ ‘No —.’
4. The hotel was almost empty. There was — staying there.
5. I listen to the radio quite often but I — watch television.
6. Our new boss is not very popular. — likes her.
7. It was very crowded in the room. There was — to sit.
8. We used to be good friends but we — see each other now.
9. It was nice driving this morning. There was — traffic.
10. 1 hate this town. There’s — to do and — to go.


2 good 3 well 4 good

5 well 6 well 7 well

8 good 9 well 10 good

11 well


2 well-known

3 well-kept

4 well-balanced

5 well-informed

6 well-dressed

7 well-paid

8 Well done! (2 separate words)


2 right 3 right 4 wrong-hard

5 right 6 wrong-slowly


2 hardly hear

3 hardly slept

4 hardly speak

5 hardly said

6 hardly changed

7 hardly recognised


2 hardly any

3 hardly anything

4 hardly anybody/hardly anyone

5 hardly ever

6 Hardly anybody/Hardly anyone

7 hardly anywhere

8 hardly ever

9 hardly any

10 hardly anything … hardly anywhere

Adjective Definition – What are Adjectives?

Adjectives are describing words, such as blue, angry, cold, dry and hard. Technically, an adjective is described as modifying or quantifying a noun or pronoun, but an easier way to look at the definition of adjectives is that an adjective tells us more and gives us extra information about something. For example, if someone said: “It’s a warm day”, the adjective warm is giving us extra information about the noun day.  What are adjectives? Adjectives are words that make sentences more interesting and add spice to writing.

  1. Jason gave me a piercing look before he shut the open
  2. The Titanic was a great movie, but it was long and sad!
  3. Lauren has excellent managerial skills and is a superb listener.

Adjectives Position – Where to Position an Adjective?

Normally, adjectives are positioned before the noun that they describe: the yellow ribbon, the heavy box. These adjectives are said to be attributive, meaning they qualify the nouns. However, if a linking verb such as be or seem is used, the adjective becomes predicative and can be placed after the noun: the ribbon is yellow, the box seems heavy.

Attributive adjectives are used like this:

Poor, sick Robert won’t be coming to work today, he has a bad cold.

It takes longer to get there on the two-lane bumpy road than on the new fast highway.

Predicative adjectives are used like this:

  1. Robert seems sick.
  2. The road is bumpy.In some cases, adjectives can be said to be postpositive, coming after the noun: There are plenty of rooms available. Postpositive adjectives are not used as often as attributive or predicative adjectives:The blue boat sailed on the rough seas (attributive)The teddy-bear is soft and fluffy (predicative)The firemen found the buildings ablaze, with the damage catastrophic (postpositive)

    Sometimes these different adjective positions can be combined in a sentence:

    The soft (attributive) teddy-bear is also fluffy (predicative)

    The tired (attributive) firemen found the buildings ablaze (postpositive). The damage was catastrophic (predicative).

Adjective Degrees – What are Adjective Degrees?

Adjectives can be used to describe different degrees of comparison about something. For example, we can say that something is large, but we could also say it is larger (than something else) and the largest (of all) when comparing it to other things. These terms seem complicated, but they are just a way of using adjectives to compare one thing to another. Thus, we can breakdown adjectives into the following degree groups:

Positive Adjectives: small, old, fast.

Comparative Adjectives: smaller, older, faster.

Superlative Adjectives:  smallest, oldest, fastest.

I am small. The old men. The fast runner.

Examples of comparative adjectives:

  1. Smaller
  2. Older
  3. Faster

I am smaller than you. The older men knew more than the younger men. The faster runner won the race.

Examples of superlative adjectives:

  1. Smallest
  2. Oldest
  3. Fastest

Bilbo was the smallest of all hobbits. She is the oldest woman in America. Usain Bolt is the fastest man on the planet.

As you can see, a positive adjective can become a comparative one by adding “er” and a superlative adjective by adding “est”. However, a small group of adjectives do not follow this rule. Those that don’t are called irregular comparative and superlative adjectives. For example, the adjective good in its comparative form is better, not good(er), and is best in its superlative form, not good(est). Other examples include: far, farther, farthest and bad, worse, worst.

Examples of irregular comparative and superlative adjectives:

  1. Good, Better, Best
  2. Bad, Worse, Worst
  3. Far, Further, Furthest

Shakespeare is good, but Mark Twain is much better. However, Hemingway is best of all.

In addition, some adjectives will not change at all when used as comparative or superlative. Usually, these will take the addition of the words ‘more’ and ‘most’ to make the comparison.


  1. I am an interesting person (positive)
  2. He is more interesting than you (Comparative)
  3. Sylvia Plath is the most interesting of all poets (Superlative)

Other examples:

  1. Beautiful
  2. More beautiful
  3. Most beautiful
  4. Intelligent,
  5. More intelligent
  6. Most intelligent
  7. Practical
  8. More practical
  9. Most practical

Amy was beautiful, but Jo was more intelligent. Beth was certainly more practical than Jo and Amy However, Meg was the most practical, beautiful and intelligent of all the March sisters.

Here is a list of 1000+ Adjectives

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • F
  • G
  • H
  • I
  • J
  • K
  • L
  • M
  • N
  • O
  • P
  • Q
  • R
  • S
  • T
  • U
  • V
  • W
  • X
  • Y
  • Z
  • aback abaft abandoned abashed aberrant abhorrent abiding abject ablaze able abnormal aboard aboriginal abortive abounding abrasive abrupt absent absorbed absorbing abstracted absurd abundant abusive acceptable accessible accidental accurate acid acidic acoustic acrid actually ad hoc adamant adaptable addicted adhesive adjoining adorable adventurous afraid aggressive agonizing agreeable ahead ajar alcoholic alert alike alive alleged alluring aloof amazing ambiguous ambitious amuck amused amusing ancient angry animated annoyed annoying anxious apathetic aquatic aromatic arrogant ashamed aspiring assorted astonishing attractive auspicious automatic available average awake aware awesome awful axiomatic
  • bad barbarous bashful bawdy beautiful befitting belligerent beneficial bent berserk best better bewildered big billowy bite-sized bitter bizarre black black-and-white bloody blue blue-eyed blushing boiling boorish bored boring bouncy boundless brainy brash brave brawny breakable breezy brief bright broad broken brown bumpy burly bustling busy
  • cagey calculating callous calm capable capricious careful careless caring cautious ceaseless certain changeable charming cheap cheerful chemical chief childlike chilly chivalrous chubby chunky clammy classy clean clear clever cloistered cloudy closed clumsy cluttered coherent cold colorful colossal combative comfortable common complete complex concerned condemned confused conscious cooing cool cooperative coordinated courageous cowardly crabby craven crazy creepy crooked crowded cruel cuddly cultured cumbersome curious curly curved curvy cut cute cynical
  • daffy daily damaged damaging damp dangerous dapper dark dashing dazzling dead deadpan deafening dear debonair decisive decorous deep deeply defeated defective defiant delicate delicious delightful demonic delirious dependent depressed deranged descriptive deserted detailed determined devilish didactic different difficult diligent direful dirty disagreeable disastrous discreet disgusted disgusting disillusioned dispensable distinct disturbed divergent dizzy domineering doubtful drab draconian dramatic dreary drunk dry dull dusty dynamic dysfunctional
  • eager early earsplitting earthy easy eatable economic educated efficacious efficient eight elastic elated elderly electric elegant elfin elite embarrassed eminent empty enchanted enchanting encouraging endurable energetic enormous entertaining enthusiastic envious equable equal erect erratic ethereal evanescent evasive even excellent excited exciting exclusive exotic expensive extra-large extra-small exuberant exultant
  • fabulous faded faint fair faithful fallacious false familiar famous fanatical fancy fantastic far far-flung fascinated fast fat faulty fearful fearless feeble feigned female fertile festive few fierce filthy fine finicky first five fixed flagrant flaky flashy flat flawless flimsy flippant flowery fluffy fluttering foamy foolish foregoing forgetful fortunate four frail fragile frantic free freezing frequent fresh fretful friendly frightened frightening full fumbling functional funny furry furtive future futuristic fuzzy
  • gabby gainful gamy gaping garrulous gaudy general gentle giant giddy gifted gigantic glamorous gleaming glib glistening glorious glossy godly good goofy gorgeous graceful grandiose grateful gratis gray greasy great greedy green grey grieving groovy grotesque grouchy grubby gruesome grumpy guarded guiltless gullible gusty guttural
  • habitual half hallowed halting handsome headstrong handy hanging hapless happy hard hard-to-find harmonious harsh hateful heady healthy heartbreaking heavenly heavy hellish helpful helpless hesitant hideous high highfalutin high-pitched hilarious hissing historical holistic hollow homeless homely honorable horrible hospitable hot huge hulking humdrum humorous hungry hurried hurt hushed husky hypnotic hysterical
  • icky icy idiotic ignorant ill illegal ill-fated ill-informed illustrious imaginary immense imminent impartial imperfect impolite important imported impossible incandescent incompetent inconclusive industrious incredible inexpensive infamous innate innocent inquisitive insidious instinctive intelligent interesting internal invincible irate irritating itchy
  • jaded jagged jazzy jealous jittery jobless jolly joyous judicious juicy jumbled jumpy juvenile
  • kaput keen kind kindhearted kindly knotty knowing knowledgeable known
  • labored lackadaisical lacking lame lamentable languid large last late laughable lavish lazy lean learned left legal lethal level lewd light like likeable limping literate little lively living lonely long longing long-term loose lopsided loud loutish lovely loving low lowly lucky ludicrous lumpy lush luxuriant lying lyrical
  • macabre macho maddening madly magenta magical magnificent majestic makeshift male malicious mammoth maniacal many marked massive married marvelous material materialistic mature mean measly meaty medical meek mellow melodic melted merciful mere messy mighty military milky mindless miniature minor miscreant misty mixed moaning modern moldy momentous motionless mountainous muddled mundane murky mushy mute mysterious
  • naive nappy narrow nasty natural naughty nauseating near neat nebulous necessary needless needy neighborly nervous new next nice nifty nimble nine nippy noiseless noisy nonchalant nondescript nonstop normal nostalgic nosy noxious null numberless numerous nutritious nutty
  • oafish obedient obeisant obese obnoxious obscene obsequious observant obsolete obtainable oceanic odd offbeat old old-fashioned omniscient one onerous open opposite optimal orange ordinary organic ossified outgoing outrageous outstanding oval overconfident overjoyed overrated overt overwrought
  • painful painstaking pale paltry panicky panoramic parallel parched parsimonious past pastoral pathetic peaceful penitent perfect periodic permissible perpetual petite phobic physical picayune pink piquant placid plain plant plastic plausible pleasant plucky pointless poised polite political poor possessive possible powerful precious premium present pretty previous pricey prickly private probable productive profuse protective proud psychedelic psychotic public puffy pumped puny purple purring pushy puzzled puzzling
  • quack quaint quarrelsome questionable quick quickest quiet quirky quixotic quizzical
  • rabid racial ragged rainy rambunctious rampant rapid rare raspy ratty ready real rebel receptive recondite red redundant reflective regular relieved remarkable reminiscent repulsive resolute resonant responsible rhetorical rich right righteous rightful rigid ripe ritzy roasted robust romantic roomy rotten rough round royal ruddy rude rural rustic ruthless
  • sable sad safe salty same sassy satisfying savory scandalous scarce scared scary scattered scientific scintillating scrawny screeching second second-hand secret secretive sedate seemly selective selfish separate serious shaggy shaky shallow sharp shiny shivering shocking short shrill shut shy sick silent silky silly simple simplistic sincere six skillful skinny sleepy slim slimy slippery sloppy slow small smart smelly smiling smoggy smooth sneaky snobbish snotty soft soggy solid somber sophisticated sordid sore sour sparkling special spectacular spicy spiffy spiky spiritual spiteful splendid spooky spotless spotted spotty spurious squalid square squealing squeamish staking stale standing statuesque steadfast steady steep stereotyped sticky stiff stimulating stingy stormy straight strange striped strong stupendous stupid sturdy subdued subsequent substantial successful succinct sudden sulky super superb superficial supreme swanky sweet sweltering swift symptomatic synonymous
  • taboo tacit tacky talented tall tame tan tangible tangy tart tasteful tasteless tasty tawdry tearful tedious teeny teeny-tiny telling temporary ten tender tense tenuous terrible terrific tested testy thankful therapeutic thick thin thinkable third thirsty thoughtful thoughtless threatening three thundering tidy tight tightfisted tiny tired tiresome toothsome torpid tough towering tranquil trashy tremendous tricky trite troubled truculent true truthful two typical
  • ubiquitous ugliest ugly ultra unable unaccountable unadvised unarmed unbecoming unbiased uncovered understood undesirable unequal unequaled uneven unhealthy uninterested unique unkempt unknown unnatural unruly unsightly unsuitable untidy unused unusual unwieldy unwritten upbeat uppity upset uptight used useful useless utopian utter uttermost
  • vacuous vagabond vague valuable various vast vengeful venomous verdant versed victorious vigorous violent violet vivacious voiceless volatile voracious vulgar
  • wacky waggish waiting wakeful wandering wanting warlike warm wary wasteful watery weak wealthy weary well-groomed well-made well-off well-to-do wet whimsical whispering white whole wholesale wicked wide wide-eyed wiggly wild willing windy wiry wise wistful witty woebegone womanly wonderful wooden woozy workable worried worthless wrathful wretched wrong wry

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