Is the word employment a noun

  • 1


    1) служба; занятие, работа; out of employment без работы; full employment econ. полная занятость

    2) применение, использование; employment of industrial capacity использование производственных мощностей

    3) (


    ) employment bureau бюро найма (рабочих и служащих); employment exchange биржа труда и страховая касса; employment agent агент по найму; employment book расчетная книжка

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    (n) занятие; занятость; служба; трудоустройство

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    1) служба; занятие; работа 2) занятость

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    [em·ploy·ment || ɪm’plɔɪmənt]
    работа, служба, занятие, наем, применение, использование

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    1) служба; занятие; работа (по найму)
    2) занятость

    Новый англо-русский словарь > employment

  • 2

    1. n работа, служба

    2. n занятие, работа

    3. n занятие, профессия

    4. n занятость

    5. n приём; наём

    6. n применение, использование

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. engaging (noun) calling; commissioning; employ; engagement; engaging; hire; hiring; using

    2. use (noun) appliance; application; duty; exercise; exercising; exertion; implementation; operation; play; service; usage; usance; use; utilisation

    3. work (noun) business; job; line; occupation; profession; pursuit; trade; vocation; work

    Антонимический ряд:

    idleness; inactivity; laziness; unemployment

    English-Russian base dictionary > employment

  • 3
    FEPC Fair Employment Practices Commission

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > FEPC Fair Employment Practices Commission

  • 4
    USES United States Employment Service

    USES United States Employment Service noun Управление размещения и регули-рования рабочей силы США

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > USES United States Employment Service

  • 5

    1. наем; прием на работу

    2. нанимать; хайринг

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. employing (noun) contracting; employing; filling a vacancy; offering a job; offering employment; searching for an employee; taking on board

    3. renting (noun) booking; chartering; leasing; letting; procuring; renting

    4. engaging (verb) employing; engaging; putting on; retaining; take on; taking on

    5. letting (verb) chartering; hiring; leasing; letting; renting

    English-Russian base dictionary > hiring

  • 6

    1. n дело, занятие

    2. n обязательство; обещание

    3. n юр. формальное обязательство, соглашение

    4. n обручение, помолвка

    5. n приглашение; встреча; свидание; договорённость

    6. n ангажемент; контракт

    7. n воен. стычка, бой, схватка

    8. n тех. зацепление; сцепление

    9. n тех. сцепляющий механизм

    10. n тех. соединение

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. betrothal (noun) betrothal; betrothing; betrothment; espousal; troth

    2. conflict (noun) action; affair; battle; brush; combat; conflict; contest; encounter; sortie

    4. meeting (noun) agreement; appointment; assignation; date; interview; meeting; rendezvous; tryst

    English-Russian base dictionary > engagement

  • 7

    1. n библ. Иов

    2. n Джоб

    3. n многострадальный, терпеливый человек

    4. n работа, дело, труд

    in-process job — продолжающаяся работа; незавершенная работа

    5. n разг. трудное дело

    6. n работа, место службы; должность

    7. n профессия, род занятий, квалификация

    job analysis — исследование особенностей и специфики разных профессий и требований, предъявляемых к рабочим

    job family — родственные работы; родственные профессии

    8. n эк. рабочее место

    to create new jobs — создавать новые рабочие места, содействовать росту занятости

    9. n задание; урок

    by the job — сдельно, поурочно, поштучно, аккордно

    10. n хирургическая операция

    11. n положение вещей, ситуация

    bad job — безнадёжное дело; неудача

    12. n разг. коррупция; использование служебного положения в личных целях

    13. n разг. избиение; нанесение увечий

    14. n разг. сл. воровство, кража; грабёж

    15. n разг. сл. штучка; нечто особенное

    16. n разг. разг. обыкн. залежавшиеся товары, книги, продаваемые по сниженной цене

    17. n разг. тех. ком. деталь, изделие; обрабатываемый предмет

    fat job — тёпленькое местечко, выгодное дельце

    18. a сдельный, аккордный

    job work — сдельная, штучная работа

    19. a выполняемый по заказам

    job shop — предприятие, работающее по заказам

    active job — выполняемая работа; продолжающаяся работа

    job lot shop — предприятие, работающее по заказам

    20. a продаваемый или покупаемый партиями

    21. a относящийся к работающим, к занятости

    job security — гарантия занятости; обеспечение работой

    22. v работать сдельно

    23. v нанимать на сдельную работу

    job font — акцидентный шрифт, шрифт для акцидентных работ

    job placement — подыскание работы; направление на работу

    24. v работать нерегулярно; брать случайную работу

    25. v брать или давать внаём, напрокат лошадей, экипажи

    26. v бирж. спекулировать, барышничать; быть маклером

    27. v бирж. быть джоббером

    28. v бирж. разг. обыкн. продавать по пониженной цене залежавшиеся товары, книги

    29. v бирж. заключать недобросовестную сделку; злоупотреблять своим служебным положением

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. employment (noun) appointment; berth; billet; business; calling; connection; employment; engagement; line; occupation; office; place; position; post; pursuit; situation; slot; spot; trade; vocation; work

    3. task (noun) assignment; chare; chore; devoir; duty; effort; onus; responsibility; stint; task; taskwork

    4. dupe (verb) bamboozle; befool; catch; chicane; con; dupe; dust; flimflam; fool; gull; hoax; hoodwink; hornswoggle; kid; pigeon; spoof; trick; victimize

    English-Russian base dictionary > Job

  • 8

    1. n наём; прокат; сдача внаём или напрокат

    2. n плата за наём, за прокат

    3. v нанимать

    4. v снимать, брать напрокат

    5. v сдавать внаём; давать напрокат

    6. v уст. подкупать

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. remuneration (noun) compensation; earnings; emolument; fee; pay; pay envelope; remuneration; rent; rental; salary; stipend; wage; wages

    4. employ (verb) charter; draft; employ; empower; engage; enlist; lease; let; put on; rent; retain; secure; take on

    Антонимический ряд:

    buy; debt; discharge; fire; purchase; retire

    English-Russian base dictionary > hire

  • 9

    1. n работа по найму; служба

    2. n арх. поэт. дело, занятие

    3. v предоставлять работу; нанимать; держать на службе, работе; пользоваться услугами

    4. v употреблять, использовать, применять

    5. v часто заниматься

    6. v занимать

    7. v тех. загружать оборудование

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. apply (verb) actuate; adopt; apply; bestow; exercise; expend; exploit; handle; implement; make use of; manipulate; operate; play; practise; use; utilise; utilize

    3. engage (verb) commission; contract; engage; hire; occupy; place; procure; put on; retain; take; take on

    Антонимический ряд:

    dismiss; misuse

    English-Russian base dictionary > employ

  • 10

    1. a привлекательный, обаятельный; располагающий

    2. a тех. зацепляющий; зацепляющийся

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. appealing (adj.) alluring; appealing; attracting; attractive; bewitching; captivating; drawing; dulcet; entrancing; fascinating; fetching; glamorous; lovely; magnetic; mesmeric; prepossessing; pretty; seductive; siren; sweet; tempting; winning; winsome

    2. charming (adj.) charming; enticing; gregarious; inviting; likeable; pleasant

    3. entertaining (adj.) amusing; cheering; enchanting; entertaining; interesting; lively; pleasing

    6. busying (verb) busying; engrossing; immersing; soaking

    8. engaging (verb) employing; engaging; hiring; meshing; putting on; retaining; take on

    10. having (verb) carry on; having; indulging; partaking; participating

    11. occupying (verb) involving; monopolising; occupying; pre-empting; tie up

    12. promising (verb) contracting; passing; pledging; promising; undertaking

    English-Russian base dictionary > engaging

  • 11

    1. n иск. линия; линии, контур

    2. n черта, штрих

    line style — тип линии; тип штриха литеры

    draw a line — подвести черту; положить предел

    3. n муз. линейка

    4. n черта, особенность, штрих

    5. n верёвка, бечёвка

    6. n провод

    line communication, line transmission — проводная связь; передача сообщений по проводам

    7. n леса

    8. n мор. линь

    9. n поэт. нить

    10. n граница, пограничная линия; предел

    11. n морщина, складка

    12. n линия ладони

    13. n l

    14. n контур, очертания; обводы

    wave line — линия волн; волнообразный обвод

    15. n план, теоретический чертёж

    line plan — контурный план; ситуационный план

    16. n ряд, линия

    17. n строй, ряд

    18. n воен. развёрнутый строй

    19. n мор. строй фронта

    20. n очередь, хвост

    21. n тех. конвейер, поточная линия

    22. n тех. трубопровод

    23. n тех. линия связи

    party line — спаренные телефоны; общий провод у нескольких абонентов

    24. n тех. линия сообщения

    25. n тех. линия электросети

    line bar — контактный рельс; собирательная шина

    in line — входящая линия; входная шина

    26. n тех. ж. -д. рельсовый путь

    27. n тех. экватор

    28. n тех. редк. меридиан или параллель

    29. n тех. направление; курс, путь

    party line — политический курс; линия партии

    30. n тех. направление, ход

    line of argument — последовательность доводов; ход доказательства

    31. n тех. образ действий; линия поведения

    32. n тех. полит. линия; курс

    33. n тех. происхождение, родословная, линия; генеалогия, семья

    34. n тех. очерёдность; перспектива

    35. n тех. с. -х. генеалогическая линия

    36. n тех. короткая записка

    37. n тех. стих, строчка стиха

    38. n тех. стихи, стихотворение

    39. n тех. школ. «строчки», дополнительное задание

    40. n тех. театр. роль, слова роли

    41. n тех. разг. свидетельство о браке

    42. n тех. медицинское свидетельство

    43. n тех. род занятий, род деятельности; специальность; область интересов

    in line of duty — при исполнении служебных обязанностей; на посту

    44. n тех. ком. ассортимент; партия товаров; серия изделий

    line cologne — одеколон, входящий в парфюмерную серию

    45. n тех. судьба

    46. n воен. линия фронта; оборонительный рубеж

    47. n воен. укреплённая линия

    48. n воен. сведения, информация

    49. n воен. нападающие

    50. n воен. пехотные части

    51. n воен. амер. строевые войска

    52. n воен. тлв. строка

    by line and level, by rule and line — очень точно; аккуратно, методично

    line advance — перевод строки; переход на следующую строку

    line overset — излишек букв в строке, переполнение строки

    53. v проводить линии; линовать

    column line — линия столбца; линия графы; вертикальная шина

    54. v строить, выстраивать в ряд, в линию; устанавливать в ряд

    55. v стоять, тянуться вдоль

    line wells — скважины, расположенные вдоль границ участка

    56. v тех. центрировать, выравнивать, правильно устанавливать

    57. v редк. завязывать, обвязывать бечёвкой, проволокой

    58. v амер. редк. удить

    59. v класть на подкладку, подбивать

    60. v служить подкладкой

    61. v обивать, обшивать изнутри; выстилать

    62. v покрывать; служить обивкой

    63. v тех. обкладывать, облицовывать

    64. v тех. прокладывать

    65. v метал. футеровать

    66. v разг. наполнять, набивать

    Синонимический ряд:

    3. course (noun) approach; attack; course; method; passage; path; plan; policy; polity; procedure; program; road; route; tack; technique; way

    4. dash (noun) band; dash; streak; stripe; stroke

    5. family (noun) ancestry; birth; blood; bloodline; descent; extraction; family; genealogy; lineage; origin; parentage; pedigree; relative; seed

    8. merchandise (noun) commodities; goods; merchandise; produce; stock; vendibles; wares

    9. occupation (noun) business; calling; discipline; employment; job; occupation; pursuit; racket; trade; vocation; work

    10. outline (noun) contour; delineation; figuration; lineament; lineation; outline; profile; silhouette

    12. row (noun) column; echelon; file; queue; rank; row; sequence; string; tier

    13. adjoin (verb) abut; adjoin; border; butt against; butt on; communicate; join; march; neighbor; touch; verge

    14. line up (verb) align; allineate; arrange; line up; marshal; order; range

    16. pad (verb) embroider; face; pad; panel; paper; quilt

    Антонимический ряд:

    contents; deviation; disarrange; discontinuance; interruption; solution; space; strip; variation

    English-Russian base dictionary > line

  • 12

    1. n услужение

    2. n работа

    3. n рабочий стаж, срок службы

    4. n государственная служба

    5. n учреждение

    6. n служба

    7. n обслуживание, сервис

    8. n сфера услуг; обслуживание населения; служба быта, сервис

    9. n библиотечное обслуживание

    10. n военная служба

    11. n воен. вид вооружённых сил; род войск

    the three services — the army, the navy, the aviation — три рода войск: сухопутные войска, военно-морской флот и военно-воздушные силы

    12. n услуга, одолжение; помощь

    13. n заслуга

    14. n сервиз

    15. n прибор

    16. n церк. богослужение, служба

    17. n юр. исполнение постановления суда; вручение; судебное извещение

    18. n с. -х. случка

    19. n мор. клетневание

    20. n тех. эксплуатация

    21. a военный; относящийся к вооружённым силам

    service test — испытания в войсках, войсковые испытания

    service troops — войска обслуживания; тыловые части и подразделения

    22. a служебный

    23. a повседневный; прочный, ноский

    24. a обслуживающий

    service trades — профессии, относящиеся к сфере обслуживания

    25. v обслуживать

    26. v производить осмотр и текущий ремонт

    27. v заправлять

    28. n бот. рябина домашняя

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. agency (noun) agency; bureau; commission; department

    3. aid (noun) aid; assistance; attendance; cooperation; help; ministration; usefulness; value

    8. favor (noun) courtesy; dispensation; favor; favour; grace; indulgence; kindness

    9. rite (noun) ceremonial; ceremony; formality; liturgy; observance; rite; ritual; sermon; worship

    11. use (noun) account; advantage; applicability; application; appropriateness; avail; employment; fitness; relevance; serviceability; use; utilisation

    English-Russian base dictionary > service

  • 13

    1. n заявление; заявка

    2. n просьба, обращение

    3. n юр. заявление, письменное ходатайство суду или судье

    4. n применение, приложение; использование

    5. n применение, употребление

    6. n прикладывание, накладывание; нанесение

    7. n мат. наложение

    8. n с. -х. проф. внесение удобрений или ядохимикатов

    reissue application — заявка на выдачу переизданного или исправленного патента; заявка на переизданный патент

    9. n аппликация

    10. n прилежание, рвение, внимание

    11. n информ. программа

    Синонимический ряд:

    3. attention (noun) attention; concentration; consideration; debate; deliberation; heed; study

    4. bearing (noun) aptitude; aptness; bearing; pertinence; relevance; suitability; usability; utility

    5. persistence (noun) assiduity; assiduousness; commitment; dedication; devotion; diligence; effort; industriousness; industry; perseverance; persistence; sedulousness

    6. petition (noun) bid; document; form; inquiry; petition; questionnaire; report; request; solicitation

    7. prayer (noun) appeal; entreaty; imploration; imprecation; orison; plea; prayer; suit; supplication

    8. software (noun) module; procedure; program; programming; software; software package

    9. use (noun) appliance; applying; duty; employment; exercise; exercising; exertion; function; implementation; operation; play; practice; service; usage; usance; use; utilisation; utilization

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > application

  • 14

    1. n нагрузка, загрузка

    2. n заряд

    static charge — электростатический заряд; статический заряд

    3. n сигарета с марихуаной

    4. n приятное волнение, возбуждение; наслаждение, удовольствие

    5. n запись о выдаче книг, абонементная запись

    6. n геральд. фигура

    7. n тех. шихта

    8. n метал. колоша

    9. n тех. горючая смесь

    10. n горн. заряд шпура

    11. v нагружать, загружать

    12. v обременять

    13. v насыщать; наполнять; пропитывать, пронизывать

    14. v наполнять

    15. v заряжать

    16. v поручать, вверять; вменять в обязанность; возлагать ответственность

    took charge of — взял ответственность; брал ответственность

    17. v предписывать, приказывать; требовать; предлагать

    18. v юр. обвинять; выдвигать или предъявлять обвинение

    19. v вменять в вину; возлагать ответственность; приписывать

    20. v назначать, запрашивать цену, плату; взимать

    21. v воен. атаковать

    22. v нападать, атаковать, набрасываться; напирать, наседать

    23. v газировать

    записывать выдачу книг, делать абонементную запись

    24. v наводить, нацеливать

    25. v юр. напутствовать присяжных заседателей

    26. v геральд. изображать на щите

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. accusation (noun) accusation; allegation; complaint; crimination; denouncement; denunciation; imputation; incrimination; indictment; reproach

    2. assault (noun) assault; attack; encounter; invasion; onset; onslaught; outbreak; rush

    3. cost (noun) amount; assessment; cost; encumbrance; expense; fee; liability; price; price tag; rate; tab; tariff; toll

    4. duty (noun) commission; commitment; committal; devoir; duty; employment; imperative; must; need; obligation; office; ought; part; responsibility

    6. instruction (noun) admonition; behest; bidding; command; commandment; dictate; direction; directive; exhortation; injunction; instruction; mandate; order; requirement; word

    7. load (noun) burden; cargo; deadweight; freight; load; millstone; onus; payload; task; tax; weight

    8. oversight (noun) care; conduct; control; custody; guardianship; handling; intendance; keeping; management; oversight; running; superintendence; superintendency; supervision; surveillance; trust

    9. ward (noun) dependant; dependent; subject; ward

    10. accuse (verb) accuse; arraign; blame; censure; cite; criminate; denounce; denunciate; impeach; incriminate; inculpate; indict

    11. appoint (verb) appoint; authorize; commission; delegate

    12. ascribe (verb) accredit; ascribe; assign; attribute; credit; impute; lay; refer

    13. attack (verb) assail; assault; attack; dash; invade; lunge; set on; storm

    14. bind (verb) bind; commit; obligate; pledge

    15. burden (verb) arm; burden; choke; clog; cram; cumber; encumber; fill; freight; heap; lade; load; lumber; pack; pile; saddle; task; tax; weigh; weigh down; weight

    16. command (verb) bid; command; demand; dictate; direct; enjoin; exhort; instruct; order; require; tell; warn

    17. permeate (verb) compenetrate; impenetrate; impregnate; interfuse; interpenetrate; penetrate; percolate; permeate; pervade; saturate; suffuse; transfuse

    18. rush (verb) boil; bolt; chase; fling; lash; race; rush; shoot; tear

    19. sell for (verb) assess; debit; exact; figure; impose; levy; price; sell for

    Антонимический ряд:

    acquittal; exonerate; retreat; withdraw

    English-Russian base dictionary > charge

  • 15

    1. n ряд, линия; цепь, вереница

    2. n серия, ряд

    3. n редк. строй, шеренга

    4. n линия; направление

    5. n сфера, зона; область, круг; поле, арена

    6. n пределы

    7. n эк. изменение, колебание, движение

    8. n размах

    9. n физ. размах колебаний

    10. n протяжение, пространство; пределы

    11. n спец. радиус действия; предел применения; досягаемость

    12. n спец. диапазон

    13. n спец. чувствительность

    14. n спец. мощность

    15. n мат. область значений функций

    16. n дальность; расстояние, дистанция

    at long range — на большом расстоянии; далеко; издали

    17. n радио дальность передачи

    record range — пристрелянная дальность по реперу, ориентиру

    18. n воен. дальнобойность, дальность

    19. n воен. прицел

    20. n переход с места на место; блуждание

    free range — полный простор, полная свобода

    21. n открытая местность, степь

    22. n охотничье угодье

    23. n с. -х. неогороженное пастбище

    24. n ассортимент, сортамент; номенклатура

    25. n спец. шкала

    26. n биол. ареал; район обитания; область распространения

    27. n биол. период существования на Земле

    28. n биол. редк. класс, слой

    29. n биол. физ. длина пробега, пробег

    30. n спец. степень

    31. n спец. класс, разряд

    32. n спец. спорт. направление атаки

    33. n спец. мор. ряд портов, порты

    34. n спец. мор. створ

    35. n спец. воен. полигон, стрельбище; тир

    36. n спец. амер. геод. меридианный ряд населённых пунктов

    37. n спец. амер. двусторонний стеллаж

    38. v выстраивать в ряд; ставить, располагать в порядке

    39. v обыкн. выстраиваться, строиться в ряд; становиться, располагаться в порядке

    40. v простираться; тянуться вдоль

    41. v стоять на одной линии

    42. v быть на одном уровне, стоять наравне; относиться к числу

    43. v занимать определённую позицию

    44. v редк. вовлекать, привлекать

    45. v колебаться в определённых пределах

    46. v поэт. бродить, блуждать; странствовать; исколесить

    47. v бродить; блуждать

    48. v охватывать

    49. v классифицировать; систематизировать; распределять по категориям; относить к классу, разряду

    50. v книжн. убирать, приводить в порядок

    51. v наводить, нацеливать

    52. v мор. воен. передвигаться, перемещаться

    53. v воен. двигаться впереди, в первом эшелоне

    54. v мор. проходить, обгонять

    55. v редк. проявлять непостоянство

    56. v биол. водиться, встречаться

    57. v с. -х. выпасать скот на неогороженном пастбище

    58. v полигр. выравнивать

    59. v мор. идти параллельно; проходить мимо, вдоль

    60. v мор. отпускать канат якоря

    61. v воен. определять расстояние до цели

    62. v воен. пристреливать цель по дальности; пристреливаться

    63. n кухонная плита

    64. n тех. агрегат, установка

    dyeing range — агрегат для крашения; красильная установка

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. ambit (noun) ambit; capacity; circle; compass; confine; confines; dimensions; extension; extensity; extent; grasp; horizon; ken; limits; orbit; panorama; purview; radius; realm; scope; sphere; stretch; sweep; width

    7. habitat (noun) habitat; haunt; home; locality; site; stamping ground

    9. order (noun) extent; magnitude; matter; neighborhood; order; tune; vicinity

    10. row (noun) file; line; row; series; tier

    11. extend (verb) extend; fluctuate; go; lie; occupy; run; stretch out; vary

    12. group (verb) arrange; array; assort; class; classify; dispose; distribute; group; marshal; order; organise; rank; sort; systematise

    13. line (verb) align; allineate; line; line up

    14. wander (verb) bat; circumambulate; drift; encompass; explore; gad; gad about; gallivant; maunder; meander; mooch; peregrinate; ramble; roam; roll; rove; straggle; stray; stroll; traipse; traverse; vagabond; vagabondize; wander

    Антонимический ряд:

    disconnect; disorder; disturb; intermit; remain

    English-Russian base dictionary > range

  • 16

    1. n действие, работа; функционирование

    to be in operation — быть в эксплуатации; действовать, функционировать, работать

    2. n процесс

    3. n действие, воздействие

    4. n торговая или финансовая операция; сделка

    5. n мед. хирургическая операция

    6. n обыкн. l

    7. n работы, операции

    8. n воен. операция, боевые действия, бой; сражение

    9. n разработка, эксплуатация

    10. n тех. операция, цикл обработки

    11. n мат. действие, операция

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. administration (noun) administration; control; controlling; guidance; maintenance; order; ordering; superintendence; supervision

    2. affair (noun) affair; agency; business; course; maneuver; manoeuvre; transaction

    3. effect (noun) action; effect; efficacy; force; influence; virtue

    4. procedure (noun) act; deed; doing; execution; handling; manipulation; procedure

    5. promoting (noun) advancement; compelling; enforcement; enforcing; promoting

    6. surgery (noun) acupuncture; biopsy; dismemberment; dissection; excision; removal; section; surgery; vivisection

    7. use (noun) appliance; application; employment; exercise; exercising; exertion; implementation; play; usage; usance; use; utilisation

    8. working (noun) behaviour; functioning; performance; reaction; working

    Антонимический ряд:

    failure; ineffectiveness; inutility; rest; uselessness

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  • 17

    1. n игра; забава

    2. n спорт. манера, стиль игры, игра

    fair play — игра по правилам, честная игра

    foul play — игра с нарушением правил, грубая игра

    3. n спорт. комбинация

    tip-off play — комбинация, начинающаяся начальным броском

    4. n спорт. борьба; бой

    5. n азартная игра

    6. n шутка

    7. n каламбур

    8. n пьеса, драма

    play doctor — редактор, «спасающий» пьесу перед премьерой

    9. n представление, спектакль

    10. n владение, умение обращаться

    11. n движение

    12. n переливы, игра

    to play high — играть по большой; ходить с крупной карты

    play street — улица, на которой разрешено играть детям

    13. n свобода, простор

    14. n действие, деятельность

    15. n действия, поведение; игра

    16. n диал. забастовка

    17. n диал. каникулы, свободное от занятий время

    18. n диал. ухаживание; свадебный танец

    19. n диал. проигрывание

    20. n диал. «пресса», освещение в прессе

    21. n тех. зазор

    22. n тех. игра, люфт, свободный ход; шатание

    23. n тех. авт. болтанка

    gallery play — стремление к дешёвой популярности; «работа на публику»

    24. v играть, резвиться, забавляться

    25. v сыграть шутку; разыграть

    26. v шутить; дурачиться

    27. v каламбурить, обыгрывать значение слова

    28. v поступать, вести себя легкомысленно

    play out — изживать себя, терять силу; исчерпать

    29. v флиртовать; ухаживать, заводить любовную интрижку

    30. v австрал. разг. разыгрывать

    31. v играть, участвовать в игре

    32. v спорт. отбивать, подавать мяч

    33. v использовать в игре, выставлять, заявлять

    34. v вводить в игру

    play debt — долг из игры, обязательство из игры

    35. v притворяться, прикидываться

    36. v поступать, действовать

    37. v стравливать, натравливать

    38. v рассматривать

    39. v подходить для игры

    40. v играть в азартные игры; быть игроком

    41. v играть на тотализаторе или на скачках

    42. v делать ставки, ставить

    43. v исполнять; играть

    44. v исполнять, играть роль

    45. v сниматься; участвовать, играть

    46. v сопровождать музыкой

    47. v давать представление; исполнять пьесу

    48. v амер. гастролировать

    49. v, исполняться

    50. v демонстрировать

    51. v идти

    52. v играть, работать

    53. v играть, воспользоваться

    54. v порхать, носиться, танцевать

    55. v переливаться, играть; мелькать

    56. v дрожать, трепетать

    57. v бить

    58. v направлять

    59. v стрелять

    60. v приводить в действие, пускать

    61. v тех. иметь люфт; шататься

    62. v диал. бастовать

    63. v диал. быть на каникулах

    to keep the goal, to play goal — стоять в воротах, быть вратарём

    64. v диал. водить, вываживать

    65. v амер. сл. опекать, покровительствовать

    66. v амер. сл. сотрудничать

    помещать, располагать на определённом месте

    to play silly buggers, to play the goat — дурачиться, идиотничать

    to play it by ear — принимать решение на месте; действовать в зависимости от обстоятельств

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. action (noun) action; activity; exercise; motion; movement

    3. fun (noun) amusement; disport; diversion; enjoyment; entertainment; frolic; fun; game; jest; joke; pastime; recreation; relaxation; sport; trifling

    5. performance (noun) comedy; drama; farce; melodrama; performance; piece; presentation; production; satire; show; tragedy

    6. room (noun) elbowroom; latitude; leeway; margin; room; scope

    7. trick (noun) artifice; chouse; device; feint; gambit; gimmick; jig; maneuver; manoeuvre; ploy; ruse; shenanigan; sleight; stratagem; trick; whizzer; wile

    8. use (noun) appliance; application; employment; exertion; operation; usage; usance; use

    9. act (verb) act; characterise; characterize; discourse; emulate; enact; imitate; impersonate; mimic; personate; playact

    10. compete (verb) compete; contend against; contend with; engage

    12. do (verb) bring about; do; execute; interpret; perform; render

    13. fool (verb) dally; fiddle; fidget; flirt; fool; monkey; putter; tinker; toy; trifle; twiddle

    14. manipulate (verb) beguile; exploit; finesse; jockey; maneuver; manipulate; manoeuvre

    15. put (verb) bet; gamble; game; lay; lay down; post; put; put on; set; stake; wager

    16. romp (verb) caper; frisk; frolic; gambol; revel; romp

    18. treat (verb) deal with; employ; handle; serve; take; treat; use

    Антонимический ряд:

    study; work

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  • 18

    1. n положение, местонахождение, расположение; место

    2. n обычное, правильное место, положение

    in position — на своём месте; в правильном месте

    3. n воен. позиция, расположение; рубеж

    4. n положение, поза

    5. n должность, место

    6. n тк. общественное положение

    7. n положение, состояние

    8. n возможность; способность

    9. n позиция, точка зрения; отношение

    10. n филос. полагание

    11. n муз. позиция, положение левой руки на грифе

    12. n муз. положение, расположение

    13. n муз. фон. положение, позиция

    14. n амер. бирж. разг. позиция, срочный контракт; сделка на срок

    bull position — позиция спекулянтов, играющих на повышение

    bear position — позиция спекулянтов, играющих на понижение

    15. n амер. бирж. разг. остаток, сальдо

    dollar position — сальдо по расчётам в долларах, остаток на долларовых счетах

    16. n амер. бирж. разг. запас; наличие материалов

    положение, позиция; поза; стойка

    17. n амер. бирж. разг. спорт. место, занятое в соревновании

    18. v редк. ставить, помещать

    19. v редк. определять местонахождение; локализировать

    20. v редк. спорт. занимать место; выбирать позицию

    21. v редк. выпускать или рекламировать товар, предназначенный для определённой категории покупателей

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. assertion (noun) assertion; contention; dictum; doctrine; predication; principle; proposition; thesis

    4. location (noun) bearing; capacity; employment; locale; locality; location; locus; orientation; point; site; situation; where

    5. place (noun) appointment; berth; billet; connection; job; office; place; post; slot; spot

    6. pose (noun) attitude; color; colour; condition; deportment; mien; outlook; pose; posture; stance; stand

    7. status (noun) cachet; character; consequence; dignity; footing; prestige; prominence; quality; rank; standing; state; station; stature; status

    8. view (noun) attitude; belief; conviction; idea; notion; opinion; persuasion; sentiment; view

    9. place (verb) arrange; discover; fix; install; locate; place; put; set; settle; site; situate

    English-Russian base dictionary > position

  • 19

    1. n место, местоположение

    2. n станция; центр, пункт

    3. n радиостанция

    4. n амер. почтовое отделение

    5. n вокзал

    6. n железнодорожная станция

    7. n стоянка

    8. n воен. пост

    9. n воен. пункт расквартирования

    10. n воен. гарнизон

    11. n воен. авиационная база, авиабаза

    12. n воен. военно-морская база

    service station — станция технического обслуживания; ремонтная база

    13. n воен. остановка

    14. n воен. место прохождения службы; страна или город пребывания

    15. n воен. общественное положение

    16. n воен. спорт. место на старте

    17. n тех. узел

    18. n тех. этап

    19. n тех. спец. ареал, место распространения, станция, участок местообитания

    20. n тех. австрал. овечье пастбище

    21. n тех. редк. стоячее положение; постановка, постанов

    22. n тех. участок

    23. n тех. пожарное депо

    24. n тех. амер. добавочный номер

    25. v ставить на предусмотренное место

    26. v направлять на место работы

    the consul is stationed at … — консул работает в …; консульство находится в …

    27. v помещать, размещать; определять позицию

    28. v размещать по списку

    Синонимический ряд:

    3. calling (noun) business; calling; employment; metier; occupation; trade

    4. depot (noun) depot; terminal; way-station; whistle-stop

    5. place (noun) base; caste; dignity; level; location; locus; order; place; point; position; post; rank; seat; site; situation; spot; standing; where

    8. status (noun) capacity; character; footing; quality; state; status

    9. establish (verb) assign; camp; commission; establish; fix; install; locate; place; position; post; set; situate

    Антонимический ряд:

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    1. n работа, труд; дело; деятельность

    2. n место работы; занятие; должность

    field work — полевая съёмка, работа в поле; разведка, съёмка

    3. n вид деятельности

    4. n результат труда; изделие, продукт

    donkey work — ишачий труд, большая и неблагодарная работа

    shop work — механизированный труд; работа с механизмами

    5. n произведение, творение, создание; труд, сочинение

    6. n действие, поступок

    dirty work — грязное дело; низкий поступок

    7. n дела, деяния

    8. n результат воздействия, усилий

    9. n рукоделие; шитьё; вышивание; вязание

    10. n обработка

    11. n предмет обработки; обрабатываемая заготовка; обрабатываемая деталь

    12. n диал. боль

    пена при брожении; брожение

    13. n сл. краплёная кость

    14. v работать, трудиться

    15. v работать по найму; служить

    16. v заставлять работать

    company work — работа, которой можно заниматься в компании

    17. v действовать, работать; быть в исправности

    18. v приводить в движение или в действие

    19. v двигаться, быть в движении; шевелиться

    20. v действовать, оказывать воздействие

    work on — воздействовать, оказывать влияние; убеждать

    21. v обрабатывать; разрабатывать

    work iron — ковать железо; обрабатывать железо

    22. v поддаваться обработке, воздействию

    23. v отрабатывать, платить трудом

    mental work — умственная работа, умственный труд

    24. v разг. использовать

    25. v добиваться обманным путём; вымогать, выманивать

    work out — высчитать, вычислить, определить путём вычисления

    26. v устраивать

    27. v заниматься рукоделием; шить; вышивать; вязать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. accomplishment (noun) accomplishment; achievement; deed; feat; fruit; performance; product

    2. bullwork (noun) bullwork; chore; donkeywork; drudge; drudgery; exertion; grind; labor; labour; moil; plugging; slavery; slogging; sweat; toil; travail

    3. businesses (noun) businesses; callings; employments; jobs; lines; occupations; pursuits

    4. enterprise (noun) enterprise; project; responsibility; task; undertaking

    6. profession (noun) business; calling; employment; industry; job; line; metier; occupation; profession; pursuit; trade; vocation

    9. accomplish (verb) accomplish; achieve; bring about; cause; do; effect; produce

    10. act (verb) act; behave; perform; react; take

    11. drive (verb) drive; drudge; fag; force; labor; labour; moil; push; slave; strain; strive; sweat; task; tax; toil; travail; tug

    12. form (verb) execute; fashion; finish; form; make

    14. operate (verb) control; function; go; handle; knead; manage; manipulate; operate; run; use

    16. tend (verb) cultivate; culture; dress; plow; tend; till

    Антонимический ряд:

    effortlessness; frustration; idle; idleness; indolence; inertia; leisure; miscarriage; recreation; rest; unemployment

    English-Russian base dictionary > work


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См. также в других словарях:

  • employment — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ paid, salaried ▪ full time, part time ▪ lifelong, lifetime, long term, permanent, stable …   Collocations dictionary

  • employment — ► NOUN 1) the action of employing or the state of being employed. 2) a person s work or profession …   English terms dictionary

  • employment — em‧ploy‧ment [ɪmˈplɔɪmənt] noun [uncountable] 1. HUMAN RESOURCES work that you do to earn money: • students seeking employment after college • Part time employment was often the only paid employment women could find. conˌtinuous emˈployment a… …   Financial and business terms

  • employment — em·ploy·ment n 1: an activity or service performed for another esp. for compensation or as an occupation 2: the act of employing: the state of being employed Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • employment protection — emˈployment proˌtection noun [uncountable] LAW HUMAN RESOURCES protection of the rights of workers in a company, for example the right for women to go on maternity leave or the right to be given a reasonable redundancy payment if you lose your… …   Financial and business terms

  • employment bureau — emˈployment ˌbureau noun employment bureaux PLURALFORM or employment bureaus [countable] HUMAN RESOURCES another name for employment agency …   Financial and business terms

  • employment agency — noun an agency that finds people to fill particular jobs or finds jobs for unemployed people • Syn: ↑employment office • Hypernyms: ↑agency * * * noun, pl ⋯ cies [count] : a company whose business is to find jobs for people He found work as a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • employment — noun 1 (U) work that you do to earn money: students seeking employment after college. | Are you in full time employment? | in employment (=doing a job) 2 (U) the situation or condition in which people are employed: a government inquiry into… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • employment agency — ➔ agency * * * employment agency UK US noun [C] (also staffing agency) HR ► a business that is paid to find suitable workers for other companies and organizations: »A good employment agency will match your skills and aspirations to available… …   Financial and business terms

  • employment discrimination — ➔ discrimination * * * employment discrimination UK US noun [U] (also workplace discrimination) HR, LAW ► a situation in which employees are treated unfairly because of their race, sex, age, religion, physical or health problems, etc.: »According …   Financial and business terms

  • employment theory — ➔ theory * * * employment theory UK US noun [C or U] (also theory of employment) ECONOMICS ► a set of ideas that try to explain how jobs are created, levels of pay are decided, etc.: »John Maynard Keynes offered new thinking on income and… …   Financial and business terms

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The uncontrolled increase of the euro rate vis-a-vis the dollar threatens employment growth in the euro area.

Peter Bofinger





Employment is a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.




Employment is a relationship between two parties, usually based on a contract, one being the employer and the other being the employee.

Definition of employment in the English dictionary

The first definition of employment in the dictionary is the act of employing or state of being employed. Other definition of employment is the work or occupation in which a person is employed. Employment is also the purpose for which something is used.


Synonyms and antonyms of employment in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «employment» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «employment» into 25 languages

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Find out the translation of employment to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of employment from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «employment» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

việc làm

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of employment


The term «employment» is very widely used and occupies the 3.543 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «employment» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of employment

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «employment».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «employment» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «employment» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about employment


Famous quotes and sentences with the word employment.

I will undoubtedly have to seek what is happily known as gainful employment, which I am glad to say does not describe holding public office.

Praise now is one of the great duties of the redeemed. It will be their employment for ever.

I forced myself to think what is the new concept and it became clear to me that it was risk, not only in technology and ecology, but in life and employment, too.

People told me, when I was coming through the ranks, that a mark of a great actor is one who deals with the period of unemployment as well as they deal with the period of employment.

The uncontrolled increase of the euro rate vis-a-vis the dollar threatens employment growth in the euro area.

Don’t believe those who claim that only left wing parties really care about employment.

And for myself, I think for the present He is calling me to another land; but how long shall be my abode, or what employment He has for me there, I know not, for I cannot think He is taking me there to live and lurk only.

If the Constitution is worth anything, if the Declaration of Independence is worth anything, if the boys who died on the field of battle did not die in vain, fair employment practices are correct and necessary.

So, Mr. President, what is wrong with the fair employment practice bill?

The unions claim the deck is stacked against them when it comes to labor laws, but the truth is many private and public sector workers are forced to pay union dues as a condition of their employment, yet they have little say in how the unions spend their money.


Discover the use of employment in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to employment and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


General Theory Of Employment , Interest And Money

Although Considered By A Few Critics That The Sentence Structures Of The Book Are Quite Incomprehensible And Almost Unbearable To Read, The Book Is An Essential Reading For All Those Who Desire A Basic Education In Economics.

John Maynard Keynes, 2006

This updated edition offers a fresh approach to the law governing employment relations, emphasizing the contemporary policy themes of social inclusion, competitiveness, and the rights of citizenship in the workplace.


Age Discrimination in Employment

Malcolm Sargeant’s Age Discrimination in Employment is an encyclopaedic guide for HR specialists and employment lawyers to the nature of age discrimination in the workplace in a number of countries, along with a discussion of the main …

Professor Malcolm Sargeant, 2012

EC Employment Law is the only current text in English examining the complex and rapidly changing area of EC employment law.


Handbook of Employment Discrimination Research: Rights and …

The Handbook of Employment Discrimination Research encompasses critical discussions across different social science disciplines, as well as between legal scholars and social scientists.

Laura Beth Nielsen, Robert L. Nelson, 2005


Basic Labor and Employment Law for Paralegals

Employment Discrimination treats various forms of employment discrimination in American law and the methods and procedures for pursuing employment discrimination claims dynamic pedagogy in every chapter, including: marginal definitions fact …


Selwyn’s Law of Employment

The book delivers a clear and practical examination of employment law, setting out the key cases and legislation, and considers all significant decisions from the UK and EU from both an individual and collective standpoint.


Employment and Labor Law

Excerpts from real case law throughout the book illustrate how labor-related disputes arise and get resolved in the courts.

Patrick Cihon, James Castagnera, 2013


Honeyball and Bowers’ Textbook on Employment Law

Online Resource Centre This book is accompanied by and Online Resource Centre containing weblinks and author podcasts helping to keep track of developments post publication»—Provided by publisher.


Youth Employment and the Future of Work

The essays collected here were developed from papers first delivered at a research seminar on youth employment organised by the partnership between the Council of Europe and the European Commission in the field of youth.

Jonathan Evans, Wei Shen, 2010


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term employment is used in the context of the following news items.

OECD Indicates Employment Is Growing Too Slowly

In its annual report on employment, the Paris-based research body said that as of May 2015, around 42 million persons were without work, … «Wall Street Journal, Jul 15»

USD/CAD outlook into Canadian employment report – TDS

FXStreet (Barcelona) — FX Strategists at TD Securities, view tomorrows employment report as an opportunity to position into next week’s BoC … «FXStreet, Jul 15»

Australia prints solid June employment report

FXStreet (Bali) — Australian employment change for June came at 7.3k vs -5k expected and 42k last. Full time employment was 24.5k vs 14.7 … «FXStreet, Jul 15»

Bearish AUD/USD Pattern to Gather Pace on Dismal Australia …

An uptick in Australia’s jobless rate paired with a flat employment print may spur fresh 2015 lows in AUD/USD as fears of a slower recovery puts … «DailyFX, Jul 15»

UPDATE 1-Australia employment proves surprisingly resilient in June

SYDNEY, July 9 (Reuters) — Australian employment defied expectations and rose for a second month in June to suggest the labour market was … «Reuters, Jul 15»

Investing in Youth Employment Today Will Reap Dividends for …

I spoke earlier this month at Rencontres Economiques d’Aix-en-Provence, an economics conference devoted to the theme of employment. «Huffington Post, Jul 15»

Feds tally over $100M in employment insurance fraud, but slow to …

The collection bill for money fraudulently claimed through the employment insurance program has surpassed $100 million, but the government … «, Jul 15»

Credit watchdog wants refunds for Lewis Stores and Monarch’s loss …

Loss of employment cover is meant to settle consumers’ outstanding balances under their credit agreements in the event of their retrenchment … «Times LIVE, Jul 15»

Why employment contracts are so much fun for a public records geek

What is your favorite public record to request? Employment contracts are near the top of my list. They can tell you so much more than what … «, Jul 15»

Employment rates up, starting wages down for Western graduates

Of those respondents, 507 were reported as being available for employment, with the rest not in the labor force or continuing their education. «The Courier Life News, Jul 15»


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They do not stop to reflect that so much wealth has been wiped out of the world, and that _instead of the destruction furnishing so much additional employment, it has only changed the direction of the employment_. ❋ Charles Whiting Baker (N/A)

April 13th, 2009 at 4: 57 pm “Mooney was hoping his attack would result in employment from a security firm†¦ ” well sure, they still need a junior janitor they can piss on all day. kevin Says: ❋ Unknown (2009)

Mooney was hoping his attack would result in employment from a security firm, rather than prosecution, says PC Magazine. ❋ Unknown (2009)

“Mooney was hoping his attack would result in employment from a security firm …” ❋ Unknown (2009)

“Mooney was hoping his attack would result in employment from a security firm, rather than prosecution, says PC Magazine.” ❋ Unknown (2009)

Growth in employment is pretty much all immigrants and Public sector sinecures. ❋ Newmania (2008)

In Rochester that racial discrimination in employment is wrong, even where its ostensible goal is to help minorities? ❋ Unknown (2007)

Moreover, shutting down their ability to gain employment is dangerous. ❋ Unknown (2007)

The current rise in employment can therefore be at least partially attributed to the Bush tax cuts of several years ago (employment is a very lagging indicator – almost the last thing to show results from economic policy changes). ❋ Unknown (2006)

But more women will have to become much more aggressive than they are at present if equal opportunity in employment is to be achieved. ❋ Unknown (1970)

The improvement in employment is probably the most significant indicator of better times. ❋ Unknown (1933)

Do not misunderstand me; I do not say there shall not be discrimination in employment, for rational selection in employment is the foundation of success, just as is discrimination in life, in the selection of everything; but I mean there shall be no arbitrary discrimination against men because of their economic faith. ❋ Unknown (1921)

The Complaint alleges that positive statements made by the Company were materially false and misleading when made, and were known to be false and misleading because the Company failed to disclose that the Company’s purported Placement rates were achieved through an improper course of conduct and a manipulative use of the term «employment

The term employment, unless the context otherwise requires, shall not apply to — (1) Employment as a farm laborer; ❋ Unknown (1663)

Low level minions are damm well aware that their employment is at will. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Unfortunately, some of those cuts came in employment, which is why the unemployment numbers shot up so drastically. ❋ Unknown (2009)

This extended absence from work, which I call an «employment gap,» is an indication of a job seeker’s significant comfort level with collecting unemployment benefits. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Employer to female employee: «Would you be able to move that [lounge].»
Female Employee thinks: OMG!!!!!
Employer: «Would you be able to put [the umbrella] up?» (Cafe style umbrella- weights a fuckin’ [tonne])
If you want it done, do it your fuckin’ self! ❋ Trittrott (2010)

John is not in [employment]. He is a [lazy] [tosser]. ❋ Moosaidthedog (2005)

To remain employable, individuals must [learn] new [skills] [regularly]. ❋ UrbanDic??! (2015)

[annie] and [i are] going to see the employer this [thursday] ❋ Michael Foolsley (2009)

You request a specific set of skills and an alotted amount of time from me to accomplish a task/project. Therefore, upon my [employment], you give me whatever I want or [I accept] whatever you’re offering in return; proir to or upon [completion] of the task/project. ❋ TyvekNomex (2013)

«wow, [Ryan] your such an [employer]!!»
«[Thanks Bro]» ❋ Ballinbeinme (2012)

At varying times in my ultra-successful life I have been called The Great Employer since all of my ultra-successful businesses have [steadily] [employed] so many undocumented [immigrants] that you probably would be unable to count them since they are in fact not documented! ❋ Dr Bunnygirl (2020)

[Melissa] is always late, her works sucks, she’s [dumber than shit] and the other workers find her [annoying as hell]. But, she has been able to keep her job by performing a lot of employment fellatio. ❋ 23rd Chromosome (2015)

‘Hello i’m Sam; i’m your [Employment] Officer’
‘My your [stuby] [fingers] look like sausages’ ❋ Venom_of_Oswestry (2009)

I hate my [job], it’s so [boring] I’ve [contracted] Employment HIV. ❋ TheSparky04 (2011)

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[ em-ploi-muhnt ]

/ ɛmˈplɔɪ mənt /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


an act or instance of employing someone or something.

the state of being employed; employ; service: to begin or terminate employment.

an occupation by which a person earns a living; work; business.

the total number of people gainfully employed or working.

an activity or the like that occupies a person’s time: She found knitting a comforting employment for her idle hours.



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Origin of employment

First recorded in 1585–95; employ + -ment


non·em·ploy·ment, nouno·ver·em·ploy·ment, nounpro·em·ploy·ment, adjectivere·em·ploy·ment, noun

Words nearby employment

employed, employee, employee association, employer, employers’ association, employment, employment agency, employment equity, employment exchange, employment office, employment tribunal Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What does employment mean?

Employment most generally means the state of having a paid job—of being employed.

To employ someone is to pay them to work. An employer provides employment to employees.

Employment can also refer to the act of employing people, as in We’re working to increase our employment of women. 

Or it can refer to a person’s work or how they earn a living, as in What does he do for employment?

In the context of economics, employment is commonly used to mean the total number of people employed, such as in a country, as in Employment is up this quarter, with thousands of new jobs having been created. The opposite of this is unemployment—the total number of people who are unemployed (who do not have a job). Unemployment also commonly means the state of being unemployed.

Employ can also be used as a synonym of the verb use, and employment can be employed as a synonym of the noun use, as in The employment of artificial intelligence creates many ethical concerns. 

Example:In this economy, finding consistent employment is a challenge for many workers.

Where does employment come from?

Employment is a noun form of the verb employ, which is first recorded in the 1400s. Employ ultimately derives from the Latin implicāre, meaning “to engage” (the word engage is sometimes used to mean “to hire” or “to employ”). The words employer and employee came later. In employee, the suffix -ee indicates a person who is the object or beneficiary of employment.

While employees are often seen as the ones getting this benefit—and the benefits that sometimes come with it, such as health insurance—the employee-employer relationship is based on the exchange of work for money. This exchange is often formalized through some kind of contract or employment agreement, and employment is most often used in the context of official situations like this. Sometimes, a person may get paid by a company or person for work, but they may not consider themselves to be in the employment of that person or company—that is, they don’t consider themselves an employee.

Workers’ employment is sometimes discussed in terms of whether it’s full-time or part-time.

When employment refers to the total number of people employed, it’s often used in news reports that discuss whether employment numbers are “up” (meaning the total has increased since the last time it was measured) or “down” (meaning it has decreased).

Did you know … ?

How is employment used in real life?

Employment is most commonly used in the context of jobs. When it’s used to as another word for the noun use, it’s somewhat formal.

Employment surged by 2.5 million in May — the biggest one-month jobs gain on record.

— CNBC (@CNBC) June 5, 2020

There was a dramatic decline in the employment of African-American teachers in the aftermath of desegregation

— The Economist (@TheEconomist) July 8, 2019

Initiatives like these will go a long way in creating new avenues for employment, which is most needed nowadays.

— Education Minister (@Minister_Edu) October 25, 2017

Try using employment!

Is employment used correctly in the following sentence?

Employment has been down for the last three quarters, but it’s expected to bounce back.

Words related to employment

business, contracting, enrollment, hiring, job, recruitment, service, trade, usage, utilization, assignment, avocation, awarding, calling, commissioning, craft, employ, enlistment, exercise, exertion

How to use employment in a sentence

  • Agencies would be responsible for reporting any changes in an officer’s employment or any complaints or misconduct charges.

  • She’s part of the team, for example, that is challenging Instacart under controversial new state employment laws.

  • LGBTQ people are more likely than the general public to have lost employment due to the pandemic.

  • While the entire world is feeling the effects, oil and gas cities and regions are on the frontline of those changes—the results produce huge shifts in employment, public funding, even migration.

  • Currently in the US, and indeed many other economies, healthcare is tied to employment.

  • In Turkey, crime groups in border areas are exploiting the labor of Syrian male refugees who cannot find legitimate employment.

  • In 2013, with help from corporations, the federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act finally passed in the Senate.

  • Thank you, government policies, for the employment—2.7 million jobs have been added to the U.S. economy this year.

  • Take the case of Herx v. Diocese of Fort Wayne, an employment discrimination suit in the Seventh Circuit.

  • They have multiple employment centers and the vast majority of commuters take to the roads.

  • My father, who was a professional cricketer, was smashed up by an accident, and I had three horrible years in employment in shops.

  • Thinking it was a request for employment which he could not offer, Malcolm stuffed it carelessly into a pocket.

  • The obstacles operating against the development of enterprises and employment of foreign capital to be removed.

  • To supply eminent humorists and others with enjoyable, rational, and profitable employment.

  • But the first practical point to be struggled for is that of steady employment and just reward for labor.

British Dictionary definitions for employment


the act of employing or state of being employed

the work or occupation in which a person is employed

the purpose for which something is used

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

employment /ɪmˈplɔɪmənt/ ‘British English’ ‘American English’ noun [uncountable]

[Word Family: noun: ↑employee, ↑employer, ↑employment ≠ ↑unemployment, ↑unemployed, ↑employ; adjective: employed ≠ ↑unemployed, ↑employable ≠ ↑unemployable; verb: ↑employ]

1. the condition of having a paid job:

She was offered employment in the sales office.

terms and conditions of employment

employment opportunities/prospects

The employment prospects for science graduates are excellent.

Steve’s still looking for full-time employment.

the needs of women who combine paid employment and care for their families

in employment

21.7% of all those in employment were in part-time jobs.

2. the act of paying someone to work for you

employment of

Mexican law prohibits the employment of children under 14.

3. the number of people who have jobs OPP unemployment:

Nationwide employment now stands at 95%.

full employment (=a situation in which everyone has a job)

Many economists consider full employment an unrealistic goal.

4. formal the use of a particular object, method, skill etc to achieve something

employment of

Was the employment of force justified?

• • •

COLLOCATIONS (for Meanings 1, 2 & 3)

■ adjectives

paid employment (=a job for which you receive money) 51% of women return to paid employment within 5 years of having a child.

full-time/part-time employment Mike is in full-time employment, but his wife is not working.

permanent/temporary employment university graduates entering permanent employment for the first time

long-term/regular employment (=working for the same company for a long time) She finally found regular employment at a hospital in York.

continuous employment (=working all the time, without any periods being unemployed) You can join the pension scheme after two years of continuous employment with the company.

■ verbs

give/offer somebody employment He was offered employment in the company’s main office.

provide employment (=offer jobs to people) The new power station will provide employment for around 400 people.

create employment (=make new jobs) The government is trying to stimulate the economy and create employment.

find/get employment The men hope to find employment in the construction industry.

obtain/secure employment formal (=get employment) He found it difficult to obtain employment because of his criminal record.

look for employment (also seek employment formal) My son had to leave the farm and seek employment elsewhere.

■ employment + NOUN

employment opportunities (=jobs that are available for people to apply for) There are very few employment opportunities in the area.

employment prospects (=someone’s chances of getting a job) Better qualifications will improve your employment prospects.

employment rights (=the rights that someone has in their job) Part-time workers don’t have the same employment rights as full-time staff.

employment levels (=the number of people employed in an area ) Employment levels in the region are above the national average.

employment conditions (also conditions of employment) (=details about someone’s employment such as how much they are paid, how much holiday they get etc) All workers have a right to a fair wage and decent conditions of employment.

an employment contract (also a contract of employment) (=an official document stating the details about someone’s employment) There is a clause in your employment contract covering holiday entitlement.

employment terms (also terms of employment) (=the details about someone’s employment that are written in their employment contract, including rules that they must follow) It’s in the terms of their employment that they can’t go on strike.

■ phrases

loss of employment Closure of the factory will lead to a substantial loss of employment.

sb’s place of employment formal (=the building where they work) They had a long journey to their place of employment.

• • •


job noun [countable] the regular paid work that you do for an employer: a full-time job | John got a job in a car factory.

work noun [uncountable] activities that you are paid for doing – used either when you work for an employer or when you work in your own business: I started work when I was 18. | He graduated from college last year and is still looking for work.

profession noun [countable] a job for which you need special education and training: There are now a lot more women in the legal profession. | Many teachers are leaving the profession.

occupation noun [countable] formal a job, or a type of job – often used on official documents: Please give your name, age, and occupation. | a traditionally male occupation

career noun [countable] the work you do or plan to do for most of your life: I’m interested in a career in journalism.

position noun [countable] formal a particular job within an organization: I am writing to apply for the position of technical assistant. | We regret that the position has already been filled. | Please state the position which you are applying for.

post noun [countable] formal a job, especially an important one in a large organization: She has held the post of managing director for two years. | He applied for the post of Senior Manager.

vacancy/opening noun [countable] a job that is available for someone to do: The hospital has been unable to fill the vacancy. | There are very few openings in scientific research.

appointment noun [countable] an important job which someone is asked to do: He took an appointment as US trade ambassador in Geneva.

posting noun [countable] a situation in which someone is sent somewhere to do a job for a period of time by the organization they work for: This was his first posting outside the UK. | an overseas posting | His next posting took him to the Ministry of Defence.

trade noun [countable] a job that involves using your hands, and for which you need special training: Most of the men had worked in skilled trades such as carpentry and printing.

employment noun [uncountable] the fact of having a job: The factory will provide employment for local people. | She was offered employment in the sales office.

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