Is the word eat a verb

Table of Contents

  1. Is eating a gerund or participle?
  2. What is the verb for food?
  3. Is eating a action word?
  4. What is a better word than said?
  5. What is an eating or drinking verb?
  6. What are two verbs for ate?
  7. What is a vivid verb for eat?
  8. How do you say eat fast?
  9. What is a fancy word for food?
  10. How would you describe a messy eater?
  11. What can I say instead of eat?
  12. What does gobble mean?
  13. What names mean eat?
  14. What are cute food names?
  15. What is the most rare name for a girl?
  16. What name means nightmare?
  17. What’s a badass name for a girl?
  18. What girl names mean fearless?
  19. What is an evil name for a girl?
  20. What is the most evil name?
  21. What name means gift from God?
  22. What name means love?
  23. What name means daughter of God?
  24. What girl name means loved by God?
  25. What is the friendliest name?
  26. What are the top 10 prettiest girl names?

verb eats, eating, ate or eaten.

Is eating a gerund or participle?

Add a direct object, though, and eating is unambiguously a verb, hence a gerund. Add a definite article, and it’s a noun: I was thinking about the eating (not the drinking). Without the context, one can’t tell. In the gerund clause X ‘s eating the apple, eating is the gerund.

What is the verb for food?


The Verb (infinitive form) The Meaning
To cook To prepare food for eating by the use of heat.
To cut To divide food with a sharp instrument.
To dice To cut something into cubes.
To eat The complete action of putting food in the mouth and then biting, chewing and swallowing it.

Is eating a action word?

What are ACTION verbs? An action verb is a verb that describes an action, like run, jump, kick, eat, break, cry, smile, or think.

What is a better word than said?

Shouted, yelled, babbled, gushed, exclaimed. Fear: Whispered, stuttered, stammered, gasped, urged, hissed, babbled, blurted.

What is an eating or drinking verb?

To guzzle : To eat or drink a lot, with greed. You guzzled my dessert! What a pig! To gobble /gulp (down): to swallow something quickly.

What are two verbs for ate?


  • consumed,
  • ingested,
  • partook (of),
  • put away,
  • put down,
  • tucked (away or in)

What is a vivid verb for eat?

to eat or drink up; devour. chew. to crush or grind with the teeth; masticate. devour.

How do you say eat fast?

Gobble up – English is a funny language isn’t it? We wolf down, but we gobble up – and both mean the same thing: to eat fast. To gobble means to eat hungrily and hastily.

What is a fancy word for food?

What is another word for food?

nourishment subsistence
sustenance nutriment
nutrition nutrients
aliment diet
victuals provisions

How would you describe a messy eater?

When someone is eating messily, like when they play with their food, eat carelessly, or mess up their plate by making it look unappetising and gross, we say they are “balboocheh” (verb).

What can I say instead of eat?


  • consume, devour, ingest, partake of, gobble, gobble down, gobble up, gulp, gulp down, bolt, bolt down, wolf, wolf down, cram down, finish, finish off.
  • swallow, chew, munch, chomp, champ.

What does gobble mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to swallow or eat greedily. 2 : to take eagerly : grab —usually used with up.

What names mean eat?

More browsing options …

Name Gender Meaning
Daka Girl To Eat Something
Harivind Boy Invitng to Eat
Jalpan Boy Welcome; To Eat or D …
Jim Boy

What are cute food names?

I compiled a list of the cutest food inspired pet names and the kind of personalities that accompany these names.

  1. Bean. Bean is the perfect name for a little sporty pet who thinks he’s bigger than he really is.
  2. Pumpkin.
  3. Pepper.
  4. Sprout.
  5. Olive.
  6. Honey.
  7. Peanut.
  8. Chai.

What is the most rare name for a girl?

Rare Names for Girls

  • Aislinn – This Old Irish name means “dream” and it’s quite dreamy.
  • Bellamy – this uncommon first name is the first name of actress Bellamy Young from Scandal.
  • Cordelia – This Latin name is a popular character from Buffy, The Vampire Slayer.

What name means nightmare?

To add to these dark and somewhat negative meanings, Mara also means “nightmare” in Swedish and “Death” in Sanskrit.

What’s a badass name for a girl?

Badass Girl Names for Your Rebel Princess

Davina Beloved Scottish
Diana Heavenly and divine Latin
Dola The crown brings honor African
Dominique Lord Latin
Domino Lord Latin

What girl names mean fearless?

18 Baby Girl Names That Mean Fearless

Basilah Brave; Fearless Girl
Binsa A woman who is fearless. Girl
Conradina Fearless, bold, never afraid, undaunted, valiant Girl
Emine it means one who is fearless and courageous. Girl

What is an evil name for a girl?

Names Meaning Evil

Name: Gender: Origin:
Daeva Feminine Evil spirit, India
Dysnomia Feminine Bad/wrong, Greek
Keres Feminine Evil spirits, Greek
Matchitehew Masculine Has an evil heart, Native American

What is the most evil name?

Demon And Evil Names For Boys:

  1. Azazel: In Hebrew, the word Azazel means the ‘scapegoat or total removal.
  2. Diabolos: Diabolos is a Greek mythological name meaning ‘slanderer or accuser.
  3. Abigor: Abigor is one of the few handsome demons.
  4. Ravana:
  5. Samael:
  6. Satan:
  7. Seth:
  8. Chernobog:

What name means gift from God?

Gracious Baby Names That Mean Gift From God

  • Adiel. Meaning: Hebrew for God sent.
  • Anana. Meaning: Greek for “Given by God”
  • Corbon. Meaning: Hebrew for “Offered from God”
  • Donato. Meaning: Italian for “Gift from God”
  • Dorek. Meaning: Polish for “God’s Gift.
  • Elsi. Meaning: Greek for “God’s satisfaction sent to earth”
  • Gaddiel.
  • Hanniel.

What name means love?

Girl baby names that mean love

  • Amara. Rooted in Greek, this elegant and regal name rolls off the tongue.
  • Aimee. There are many different variations of this French name, such as Amy, Amie and Ami.
  • Aphrodite. In Greek mythology, she’s the goddess of love.
  • Davina.
  • Esme.
  • Freya.
  • Imogen.
  • Ishtar.

What name means daughter of God?


What girl name means loved by God?

15 Cherelle. This is a wonderful name for parents who want a name that is uniquely spelled but sounds a lot like a name that is commonly used. Cherelle has English origins and means beloved of God. Some believe this name is a derivative of the French name Cheri which means beloved, dear.

What is the friendliest name?

Friendliest Names

  • Kelly.
  • Archie.
  • Jerry.
  • Ricky.
  • Cory.

What are the top 10 prettiest girl names?

Top 1,000 Baby Girl Names of 2020

  • Olivia.
  • Emma.
  • Ava.
  • Charlotte.
  • Sophia.
  • Amelia.
  • Isabella.
  • Mia.

Перевод eat с английского на русский

  • есть (поедать, съесть, поесть, питаться, съедать, кушать, потреблять, вкушать, пожирать, жрать, сожрать, покушать, пожрать, скушать, доедать, слопать, лопать)
  • употреблять
  • обедать (пообедать, ужинать)
  • будешь есть
  • наесться
  • проедать (выедать, проесть)


  • eat the passover (есть пасху)
  • eat unleavened bread (есть пресный хлеб)
  • eat raw meat (есть сырое мясо)
  • eat human flesh (есть человеческое мясо)
  • eat insects (поедать насекомых)
  • eat the cake (съесть торт)
  • eat plenty (поесть вволю)
  • eat carrion (питаться падалью)
  • eat daily (съедать ежедневно)
  • eat apples (кушать яблоки)
  • eat shit (жрать дерьмо)
  • eat fruit (употреблять фрукты)

3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form
Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
eat ate eaten eating
[iːt] [eɪt] [ˈiːtən] [ˈiːtɪŋ]
[iːt] [et] [ˈiːtən] [ˈiːtɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм


Спряжение eat в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

  • I eat
  • you eat
  • he, she eats
  • we eat
  • you eat
  • they eat

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

  • I ate
  • you ate
  • he, she ate
  • we ate
  • you ate
  • they ate

Future Simple
Простое будущее

  • I will eat
  • you will eat
  • he, she will eat
  • we will eat
  • you will eat
  • they will eat

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

  • I am eating
  • you are eating
  • he, she is eating
  • we are eating
  • you are eating
  • they are eating

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

  • I was eating
  • you were eating
  • he, she was eating
  • we were eating
  • you were eating
  • they were eating

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

  • I will be eating
  • you will be eating
  • he, she will be eating
  • we will be eating
  • you will be eating
  • they will be eating

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

  • I have eaten
  • you have eaten
  • he, she has eaten
  • we have eaten
  • you have eaten
  • they have eaten

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

  • I had eaten
  • you had eaten
  • he, she had eaten
  • we had eaten
  • you had eaten
  • they had eaten

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

  • I will have eaten
  • you will have eaten
  • he, she will have eaten
  • we will have eaten
  • you will have eaten
  • they will have eaten

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

  • I have been eating
  • you have been eating
  • he, she has been eating
  • we have been eating
  • you have been eating
  • they have been eating

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

  • I had been eating
  • you had been eating
  • he, she had been eating
  • we had been eating
  • you had been eating
  • they had been eating

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

  • I will have been eating
  • you will have been eating
  • he, she will have been eating
  • we will have been eating
  • you will have been eating
  • they will have been eating

Conditional — Условное наклонение


  • I would eat
  • you would eat
  • he, she would eat
  • we would eat
  • you would eat
  • they would eat


  • I would have eaten
  • you would have eaten
  • he, she would have eaten
  • we would have eaten
  • you would have eaten
  • they would have eaten

Present Continuous

  • I would be eating
  • you would be eating
  • he, she would be eating
  • we would be eating
  • you would be eating
  • they would be eating

Perfect Continuous

  • I would have been eating
  • you would have been eating
  • he, she would have been eating
  • we would have been eating
  • you would have been eating
  • they would have been eating

Imperative — Повелительное наклонение


  • you eat
  • we Let’s eat
  • you eat

Проспрягать другие глаголы

establish, insult, expand, mention, import, satisfy, begin, legitimate, cope, plan, hire, wear, redress, derail, double, exhibit, switch, submit, offload, cover, guard, bypass, clarify, measure, represent, explore, contribute

есть, кушать, съедать, поедать, закусить, разъедать, поглощать, грызть, разрушать


- есть, поедать: питаться

- иметь вкус

it eats well — это вкусно
to eat short — рассыпаться /таять/ во рту (о печенье)
potatoes eat better hot than cold — горячая картошка вкуснее холодной

- разъедать, разрушать (тж. eat away, eat up)

the river had eaten (away) its banks — вода размыла берега
eat en by canker — с червоточиной
to be eat en away with rust — проржаветь, быть съеденным ржавчиной
the flame ate up the forest — огонь пожирал лес

- разъедать (о кислоте и т. п.)

the acid has eaten holes in my suit — я прожёг себе костюм кислотой

- (into) растрачивать

these two sicknesses have eaten deeply into his savings — эти две болезни пробили большую брешь в его сбережениях

- тревожить, мучить

What’s eating you? — Что с вами? / Что вас тревожит? Какая муха вас укусила?
to eat dirt /dog, humble pie, амер. crow/ — а) проглотить обиду; покориться, смириться; сносить оскорбления; б) прийти с повинной; унижаться
to eat for the Bar, to eat one’s dinners /terms/ — готовиться к адвокатуре, учиться на юридическом факультете
to eat one’s head off — объедаться, обжираться
+4 to eat one’s heart out — страдать молча, терзаться, мучиться

to eat one’s words — брать назад свои слова
to eat out of smb.’s hand — полностью подчиняться кому-л.; быть совсем ручным
to eat smb. out — сл. есть поедом, поносить, разносить
to eat smb. out of house and home — объедать кого-л., разорять кого-л.

Мои примеры


to eat smb.’s bread and salt — быть чьим-л. гостем  
to eat / have breakfast — завтракать  
to eat crisp — хрустеть, есть с хрустом  
to eat heartily / voraciously — есть с аппетитом  
to eat like a horse — много есть  
to eat the / one’s leek — проглотить обиду  
to take / eat a bit of mutton with smb. — обедать с кем-л.  
eat prettily — ешь как следует  
to eat to satiety — есть досыта, до отвала  
eat supper — ужинать  

Примеры с переводом

What’s eating you?

Что с вами? / Что вас тревожит? Какая муха вас укусила?

They like to eat at home.

Они любят есть дома.

Would you like something to eat?

Хотите что-нибудь поесть?

Does Rob eat fish?

Роб еcт рыбу?

They’re eating breakfast.

Они завтракают .

You’ll feel better if you eat something.

Поешь, и тебе станет лучше.

This car eats petrol.

Этот автомобиль жрёт много бензина.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Фразовые глаголы

eat away — разъедать, съедать, выедать, разрушать, пожирать, проедать, подточить
eat in — питаться дома, столоваться по месту работы, въедаться
eat off — отъедать, объедать, жить за чей-л. счет
eat out — питаться вне дома, питаться, столоваться вне дома, пробирать, выговаривать
eat up — съедать, поесть, доедать, пожирать, поглощать, подъедать, скушать

Возможные однокоренные слова

eatable  — съедобный, годный в пищу, пища
eaten  — съеденный
eater  — едок, столовые фрукты
eating  — еда, пища, прием пищи, едящий, питающийся
overeat  — переедать, объедаться
eatage  — отава, подрост

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: eat
he/she/it: eats
ing ф. (present participle): eating
2-я ф. (past tense): ate
3-я ф. (past participle): eaten


You’ll feel better if you eat something.

I ate a big breakfast so I’m not very hungry.

They like to eat at home.

Recent Examples on the Web

Eating it: Some folks spoon directly into their mouths.

Ann Maloney,, 19 July 2017

New this year to True Nature is a retreat for those with eating disorders and their family members.

Plain Dealer Guest Writer,, 19 July 2017

However hot dogs may have originated, the council estimates Americans will eat 7 billion of them between Memorial Day weekend and Labor Day.

Don Sweeney, sacbee, 19 July 2017

In fact, a recent survey showed that 36% of Chick-fil-A dinner customers take their meal to go from restaurants to eat at home.

Meghan Overdeep, Southern Living, 19 July 2017

The casual restaurant and bar also offers an all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet at 8 a.m. Sundays.

Vickie Snow Jurkowski, Daily Southtown, 19 July 2017

Miami was last in the NFL at 57 plays per game last season partly because the offense didn’t convert effectively on third downs, but also because the porous run defense allowed opponents to eat up the clock.

Chris Perkins,, 19 July 2017

Parents and their children can bring a lunch to eat during the program.

Michelle Mullins, Naperville Sun, 18 July 2017

Hammerhead worms contain the same toxin as blowfish and can be harmful if eaten.

Liz Langley, National Geographic, 15 July 2017

Is this more of a baking butter or an eat with bread butter?

Kristine M. Kierzek, Journal Sentinel, 3 Apr. 2023

Is life under the sea like a dogfish-eat-dogfish world with everyone separated into their own special groupers, each one anemone to the other, or are all underwater creatures united for a common porpoise?

Richard Lederer, San Diego Union-Tribune, 1 Apr. 2023

Other do-not-eat areas in Oakland County are: Norton Creek, Hubbell Pond, also known as Mill Pond, and Kent Lake.

Frank Witsil, Detroit Free Press, 31 Mar. 2023

Children 5 and under eat free.

Sarah Bahari, Dallas News, 29 Mar. 2023

The couple held hands and shared a sweet kiss while stopping for a meal at Great White in West Hollywood days after Justin’s ex defended Hailey Share Tweet Pin Email All Justin Bieber needs is a beauty and some eats.

Brenton Blanchet, Peoplemag, 27 Mar. 2023

Your delivery arrives fresh, so there’s no need to prep your eats (which include everything from breakfast burritos to soba noodles in peanut sauce).

Neha Tandon, Women’s Health, 23 Mar. 2023

The house has recessed and designer lighting, geometric details, vaulted living room with fireplace and angular-arched central window framing leafy views, a curve-walled eat-in kitchen, and large entertainment space off the family room.

The Week Staff, The Week, 19 Mar. 2023

Gas up your car and get ready to feed your soul (and fill your belly) with good eats at these seven stops on a Houston to Austin road trip.

Katherine Stinson, Chron, 18 Feb. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘eat.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

3 формы глагола eat

Английский глагол eat [i:t], переводится как: кушать,есть.
Входит в группы:
неправильные глаголы,
глаголы 3-й класс,
глаголы 4-й класс,
глаголы 5-й класс.

3 формы глагола eat: Infinitive (eat), Past Simple — (ate), Past Participle — (eaten).

📚 Глагол eat имеет значения: есть, кушать, питаться, иметь вкус, разъедать.

👉 Формы глагола eat в настоящем и прошедшем времени 2-я и 3-я форма.
❓ Как будет eat в прошедшем времени past simple.

Три формы глагола eat

Base Form Past Simple Past Participle Перевод
eat [i:t]

ate [ɛt]

eaten [i:tn]


Как поставить eat во 2-ю и 3-ю форму?

🎓 Как поставить глагол eat в Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect?

👉 Всё очень просто, в этих временах прошедшего, будущего и совершённого времени, в английском используются 2я и 3я форма глагола:

  • First form (V1) — eat. (Present simple, Future Simple)
  • Second form (V2) —

    (Past simple)

  • Third form (V3) —

    (Present perfect, Past perfect)

Как поставить eat в past simple?

Если вы не совсем поняли какую форму для eat нужно использовать в прошедшем времени, будет:
eat в past simple — ate.

What is the past tense of eat?

The past tense of eat is ate.

The past participle of eat is eaten.

Временные формы глагола — Verb Tenses

Past simple — eat в past simple, будет ate.

Future simple — eat в future simple будет eat. (will + V1)

Present Perfect — eat в present perfect будет
(havehas + V3)

Past Perfect — eat в past perfect будет

(had + V3)

Правильный или неправильный глагол eat?

👉 Правильный это глагол ли нет? Глагол eat это неправильный глагол.

Примеры применения глагола eat

    Does Bill eat fish? — Билл ест рыбу?
    (Present Simple)

    We ate a big pig at the lunch — Мы съели большого поросенка на обед.
    (Past Simple)

    Long vacation has eaten into all our savings — Длительный отпуск съел все наши сбережения.
    (Present Perfect)

    Please, stop saying that! Don’t you see I’m eating? — Перестань говорить это! Ты разве не видишь, я ем?
    (Present Continuous)

    No, I’m not eating, I’m all ears — Нет, я не ем, я весь во внимании.
    (Present Continuous)

    We never eat together at work, don’t have enough time — Мы никогда не едим на работе вместе, не хватает времени.
    (Present Simple)

    I’ve never eaten mango, can you believe that? — Я никогда не ел манго, ты можешь в это поверить?
    (Present Perfect)

    He’s never eaten strawberry ice cream, let’s buy it for him — Он никогда не ел клубничного мороженого, давай купим ему.
    (Present Perfect)

    I won’t eat alone, I will wait for you — Я не буду есть один, я тебя подожду.
    (Future Simple)

    He will be eating at 6 p.m., better call me a little later — Он будет есть в 6 вечера, лучше позвони немного позже.
    (Future Continuous)

Вместе с eat, часто смотрят глаголы


and fall.

Глаголы на букву:

























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