Is the word door a noun

  • 1


    1) дверь; дверца; дверной проем; front door парадный вход; to close the door (up)on smb. закрыть за кем-л. дверь; to answer the door открыть дверь (на стук или звонок); behind closed doors за закрытыми дверями, тайно; to slam (или to shut) the door in smb.’s face захлопнуть дверь перед самым носом кого-л.

    2) fig. путь, дорога; a door to success путь к успеху; to close the door to (или upon) smth. отрезать путь к чему-л.; сделать что-л. невозможным; to open a door to (или for) smth. открыть путь к чему-л.; сделать что-л. возможным;

    3) fig. дом, квартира, помещение; out of doors на открытом воздухе, на улице; within doors


    indoors; to turn smb. out of doors выставить за дверь, прогнать кого-л.; next door соседний дом; he lives next door (four doors off) он живет в соседнем доме (через 4 дома отсюда);

    next door to

    а) по соседству, рядом;

    б) на границе чего-л.; почти; he is next door to bankruptcy он накануне разорения

    to lay smth. at smb.’s door обвинять кого-либо в чем-л.

    * * *

    * * *

    * * *

    [ dɔː]
    дверь; дом, квартира, помещение; вход; путь, дорога; дверца, заслонка

    * * *










    * * *

    1) а) дверь; дверца; дверной проем
    б) тех. заслонка
    в) вход в помещение
    2) а) дорога
    б) благоприятная возможность, путь (в успеху и т.д.)
    3) дом

    Новый англо-русский словарь > door

  • 2

    door-post noun дверной косяк deaf as a door-post — глух как пень

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > door-post

  • 3

    door-case noun дверная коробка

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > door-case

  • 4

    door-keeper noun швейцар, привратник

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > door-keeper

  • 5

    door-plate noun табличка на дверях (с фамилией)

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > door-plate

  • 6

    door-stone noun каменная плита (крыльца)

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > door-stone

  • 7

    door-yard noun amer. дворик перед домом

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > door-yard

  • 8

    1. n дверь

    2. n дом, квартира, помещение

    out of door, without doors — на открытом воздухе; на улице, на дворе

    next door — в соседнем доме, по соседству; неподалёку; поблизости, рядом

    3. n вход

    church door — церковное крыльцо, вход в церковь

    4. n путь, дорога

    5. n дверца

    6. n тех. заслонка

    7. n дверной проём

    door sill — дверной порог; нижний брус дверной коробки

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. access (noun) access; adit; admission; admittance; entree; ingress; way

    2. entrance (noun) aperture; door opening; doorway; entrance; entranceway; entry; entryway; gate; gateway; hatch; hatchway; inlet; opening; passage; portal; postern

    English-Russian base dictionary > door

  • 9

    bascule-door noun подъемные ворота

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > bascule-door

  • 10

    fire-door noun tech. топочная дверца

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > fire-door

  • 11

    sash-door noun застекленная дверь

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > sash-door

  • 12
    sliding door

    sliding door noun раздвижная дверь

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > sliding door

  • 13

    swing-door noun вращающаяся дверь; дверь, открывающаяся в любую сторону(обыкн. двустворчатая)

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > swing-door

  • 14
    jib door


    1) потайная дверь

    2) constr. скрытая дверь

    * * *

    потайная дверь, скрытая дверь

    * * *

    1) потайная дверь
    2) строит. скрытая дверь

    Новый англо-русский словарь > jib door

  • 15

    barn-door 1. noun ворота амбара as big as a barn-door — очень больших раз-меров not to be able to hit a barn-door — быть очень плохим стрелком 2. adj. -barn-door fowl

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > barn-door

  • 16
    open door

    свободный, без ограничений

    Синонимический ряд:

    solicitation (noun) asking; encouragement; enticement; invitation; proposal; proposition; request; solicitation; suggestion

    English-Russian base dictionary > open door

  • 17
    barn-door skate

    зоол. крупный атлантический скат

    Синонимический ряд:

    fish (noun) cartilaginous fish; fish; flatfish; gray skate; ray; skate

    English-Russian base dictionary > barn-door skate

  • 18

    1. n путь; дорога; маршрут

    2. n направление

    3. n расстояние

    4. n движение вперёд; ход

    5. n образ действия; метод, способ

    6. n манера поведения

    7. n особенность, характерная черта

    8. n уклад, обычай, привычка

    the way of the world — общепринятый уклад жизни; традиционные взгляды; общепринятые нормы поведения

    9. n отношение, аспект

    10. n положение, состояние

    11. n размах, масштабы деятельности

    12. n разг. область, сфера; занятие

    13. n возможность, путь, средство

    14. n мор. стапель

    15. n тех. направляющая

    16. n юр. право прохода, проезда

    any way — и в том и в другом случае; в любом случае

    better by a long way, a long way better — гораздо лучше

    in a way — в известном смысле; до некоторой степени, в известной мере

    one way or another, some way or other — так или иначе; в любом случае; как бы то ни было

    nothing came my way — мне ничего не удавалось, мне не подвёртывалось ничего хорошего

    to make way — уступить дорогу ; расчистить путь; расступиться, раздвинуться

    to pay its way — окупаться, оправдывать себя, быть рентабельным

    17. a промежуточный; расположенный по пути

    18. adv амер. усил. далеко; на значительном расстоянии, в отдалении

    19. adv амер. усил. полностью, до конца

    20. adv амер. усил. близ

    21. int тпру!

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. behaviour (noun) actions; behaviour; comportment; conduct; demeanour; deportment

    3. door (noun) access; adit; admission; admittance; door; entrance; entree; entry; ingress

    4. habit (noun) consuetude; custom; form; habit; habitude; manner; practice; praxis; trick; usage; use; wont

    5. means (noun) design; fashion; means; method; mode; modus; plan; policy; procedure; process; style; system; technique; wise

    6. passage (noun) channel; course; drag; line; passage; path; route; throughway

    8. road (noun) artery; avenue; boulevard; drive; freeway; highway; road; roadway; street; thoroughfare; track

    9. type (noun) breed; cast; character; class; cut; description; feather; ilk; kidney; kind; lot; mold; nature; order; persuasion; sort; species; stamp; stripe; type; variety

    English-Russian base dictionary > way

  • 19

    1. n доступ, вход

    2. n приём

    3. n входная плата

    4. n допуск, допущение

    5. n тех. впуск, наполнение, подвод

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. acknowledgment (noun) acknowledgement; acknowledgment; affirmation; allowance; avowal; concession; confession; confirmation; declaration; disclosure; divulgence

    3. door (noun) access; adit; admittance; door; entrance; entree; entry; entrйe; ingress; introduction; key; pass; way

    Антонимический ряд:

    denial; disallowance; expulsion; refusal; rejection; repulsion

    English-Russian base dictionary > admission

  • 20

    1. n вход; входная дверь; въездные ворота

    2. n вход; въезд

    3. n выход

    4. n вступление; поступление

    5. n доступ, право входа

    6. n с. -х. леток

    7. v привести в восторг, очаровать, заворожить

    8. v приводить в состояние транса, экстаза, оцепенения

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. door (noun) access; adit; admission; admittance; door; doorway; entranceway; entree; entry; entryway; gate; ingression; inlet; introduction; introgression; opening; passage; portal; threshold; way

    4. charm (verb) beguile; bewitch; captivate; charm; delight; enchant; enrapture; enravish; enthral; enthrall; fascinate; ravish; spellbind; trance; transport

    Антонимический ряд:

    bore; departure; end; exclusion; exit; expulsion; outlet; recall; withdrawal

    English-Russian base dictionary > entrance

  • См. также в других словарях:

    • door — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ open ▪ closed, shut ▪ locked, unlocked ▪ half open ▪ The door was half ope …   Collocations dictionary

    • door — ► NOUN 1) a movable barrier at the entrance to a building, room, or vehicle, or in the framework of a cupboard. 2) the distance from one building in a row to another: he lived two doors away. ● lay at someone s door Cf. ↑lay at someone s door ●… …   English terms dictionary

    • door-to-door — ˈdoor to door adjective [only before a noun] 1. door to door sales, collections etc involve going to each house in a street in order sell something, to collect information etc: • They will be raising funds through door to door collections. • door …   Financial and business terms

    • door — [ dɔr ] noun count *** 1. ) a large flat object you open when you want to enter or leave a building, room, or vehicle: a little house with a red door The door creaked slowly open. There was a draft coming from under the door. open/close/shut the… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

    • door — noun (C) 1 the large flat object that you open and close at the entrance to a building, room, vehicle etc: open/close/shut/slam the door: Could you open the door for me? | Close the door behind you. | knock on/at the door: Knock on the door and… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

    • door prize — noun tickets are passed out at the entrance to a dance or party or other social function and a prize is awarded to the holder of the winning ticket • Hypernyms: ↑prize, ↑award * * * noun : a prize awarded to a holder of one of the winning coupons …   Useful english dictionary

    • door-to-door — adjective only before noun 1. ) going to all the houses in a particular area, for example, in order to sell something or ask for information or votes: a door to door salesman a door to door collection for a conservation fund 2. ) taking someone… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

    • door-to-door — adj [only before noun] visiting each house in a street or area, usually to sell something, collect money, or ask for votes ▪ a door to door salesman →door to door at ↑door …   Dictionary of contemporary English

    • door opener — noun 1. : a device to open a door: as a. : a tool used by firemen to jimmy a locked door b. : a release mechanism attached to a door lock and activated by a pushbutton or electric eye 2. : an inexpensive gift or premium offered to a prospect by a …   Useful english dictionary

    • door chain — noun : a chain serving as an inside lock for preventing a door from opening more than a few inches until one end is withdrawn from a slide fitting * * * a short chain with a removable slide fitting that can be attached between the inside of a… …   Useful english dictionary

    • door check — noun or door closer : a device to check a door; specifically : an attachment that is used to close a door and prevent its slamming * * * a device, usually hydraulic or pneumatic, for controlling the closing of a door and preventing it from… …   Useful english dictionary

    дверь, дверца, вход, путь, дом, дверной проем, дверной


    - дверь

    - дом, квартира, помещение

    in doors, within door(s) — в помещении
    out of door(s), without doors — на открытом воздухе; на улице, на дворе
    he lives two [three] doors away /off/ — он живёт через дом [через два дома] отсюда
    next door — в соседнем доме, по соседству; неподалёку; поблизости, рядом
    to live next door to smb. — жить дверь в дверь с кем-л.
    they lived two [three] doors to us — их дом был третий [четвёртый] от нашего
    she boarded across the street one door down from us — она снимала комнату в доме, стоявшем наискосок от нашего на другой стороне улицы

    - вход

    to pay at the door — платить при входе (на выставку и т. п.)

    - путь, дорога

    door to success — путь к успеху
    to open the door to an agreement — открыть путь к соглашению
    to close the door upon an agreement — закрыть путь к соглашению

    - дверца

    doors of a wardrobe [of a bookcase] — дверцы гардероба [книжного шкафа]

    - тех. заслонка
    - дверной проём

    Мои примеры


    a loud knock at the door — громкий стук в дверь  
    the rear door of the car — задняя дверь автомобиля  
    the west door of the church — западный вход в церковь  
    a door flush with the wall — дверь заподлицо со стеной  
    in a hurry to lock the door — спеша запереть дверь  
    the rear door of the plane — задняя дверь самолёта  
    to enter by the door — войти в дверь, через дверь  
    delivery at door — доставка заказов на дом  
    dent on the door of a car — вмятина на двери автомобиля  
    double door — двойная дверь  
    revolving door — вращающаяся дверь  
    screen door — дверь-ширма  

    Примеры с переводом

    Back from the door!

    Отойдите от двери!

    The door opened.

    Дверь открылась.

    I heard a knock on the door.

    Я услышала стук в дверь.

    He barred the door

    Он запер дверь.

    The door burst open.

    Дверь распахнулась.

    The door is ajar.

    Дверь приоткрыта.

    The door clapped to.

    Хлопнула дверь.

    ещё 23 примера свернуть

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    The door opens outwards.

    He beelined out the door.

    Is the door shut properly?

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    Возможные однокоренные слова

    indoor  — комнатный, домашний, находящийся в помещении, находящийся внутри дома
    overdoor  — картина или резная панель над дверью, картина над дверью

    Формы слова

    ед. ч.(singular): door
    мн. ч.(plural): doors

    Table of Contents

    1. What is the noun of door?
    2. Is door countable or uncountable noun?
    3. What is the verb form of door?
    4. What is a compound word for door?
    5. What is a compound word for egg?
    6. What are compound words with examples?
    7. Is inside a compound word?
    8. What is the compound word for tooth?
    9. What is the compound noun of hair?
    10. What is the compound word for rain?
    11. What is a dental comb?
    12. Do hominoids have a dental comb?
    13. Do Haplorhines have a dental comb?
    14. Is a gap in the front teeth attractive?
    15. Is having a gap in your teeth bad?
    16. Why have I suddenly got a gap in my teeth?
    17. How can I naturally get rid of a gap in my teeth?
    18. Do gaps in teeth get bigger with age?
    19. How do you keep a gap in your teeth from getting bigger?
    20. Are gaps unattractive?
    21. Can teeth gaps close naturally in adults?
    22. Can I use rubber bands to close my gap?
    23. How long does it take to close a small gap with rubber bands?
    24. Can your teeth fall out from rubber bands?
    25. Do rubber bands move your jaw or teeth?

    door (noun) door–to–door (adjective) door prize (noun) back door (noun)

    What is the noun of door?

    noun. a movable, usually solid, barrier for opening and closing an entranceway, cupboard, cabinet, or the like, commonly turning on hinges or sliding in grooves. a doorway: to go through the door. any means of approach, admittance, or access: the doors to learning.

    Is door countable or uncountable noun?

    Examples of countable and uncountable nouns

    baby bag ball
    brother bus car
    chair child city
    country cup daughter
    doctor dog door

    What is the verb form of door?

    doored. past tense of door is doored.

    What is a compound word for door?

    8-letter words that start with door doorstep. doorbell. doorknob. doorstop. doorpost.

    What is a compound word for egg?

    9-letter words that start with egg eggbeater. eggheaded. eggfruits. eggplants. eggshells.

    What are compound words with examples?

    Examples of Compound Words

    Cannot Baseball
    Together Sunflower
    Crosswalk Become
    Basketball Moonlight
    Football Railroad

    Is inside a compound word?

    A compound word is formed when two words are combined to make a new word. For example, you might use “in” and “side” to create the compound word “inside”. We should play inside today. The words “carry” and “over” can make the compound word “carry over”.

    What is the compound word for tooth?

    Save This Word! a combining form meaning “tooth,” used in the formation of compound words: dentiform.

    What is the compound noun of hair?

    9-letter words that start with hair hairstyle. hairbrush. hairpiece. haircloth. hairbands.

    What is the compound word for rain?

    The two parts may be written in a number of ways : Rainchecks; Rainmakers; Rainmaking; Rainproofs; Rainspouts; Rainsquall; Rainstorms; Rainwashed; Rainwashes; Rainwaters; 9 Letter words that start with rain.

    What is a dental comb?

    A toothcomb (also tooth comb or dental comb) is a dental structure found in some mammals, comprising a group of front teeth arranged in a manner that facilitates grooming, similar to a hair comb.

    Do hominoids have a dental comb?

    Because primates have more flexible diets and shorter faces, they have fewer and more generalized teeth. Catarrhines, apes, and humans all have a dental formula of Tarsiers have a dental formula of 2.1. Lemurs have specialized lower incisors that are pushed together to form a tooth comb.

    Do Haplorhines have a dental comb?

    Haplorhines are the so-called “higher” primates, an anthropocentric designation if ever there was one. They have furry noses and a plate separating orbit from temporal fossa, and they lack a toothcomb.

    Is a gap in the front teeth attractive?

    gap teeth have been looked upon as the essence of beauty in various societies, as a sign of sexual appetite, as a mark of God’s favor…” (New York Times, 1987). In Africa, especially in Nigeria, women with gap teeth are considered beautiful beings. They’re considered provocative.

    Is having a gap in your teeth bad?

    A diastema is a gap between the teeth. It is not harmful, and it appears in children and adults. In children, the gap typically closes when their permanent teeth come through.

    Why have I suddenly got a gap in my teeth?

    Causes of a diastema Gaps may form when a person’s teeth are too small for the jaw bone. As a result, teeth are spaced too far apart. The size of your teeth and jaw bone can be determined by genetics, so diastema can run in families.

    How can I naturally get rid of a gap in my teeth?

    Here are some of the ways for treating the teeth gap problem naturally:

    1. Using a dental impression kit. Using the dental impression kit can help to treat the problem of the teeth gap.
    2. Dental Bonding.
    3. Using dental aligners.
    4. Retainers.

    Do gaps in teeth get bigger with age?

    This may mean that gaps in teeth can get bigger over the years, or in some cases they may get smaller. You’ll need to have a consultation with an orthodontist to understand how your teeth are shifting as you age.

    How do you keep a gap in your teeth from getting bigger?

    There are several treatments to fix gap in front teeth, following are:

    1. Orthodontic treatment (Braces)
    2. Dental veneers.
    3. Dental bonding.
    4. Teeth effect bands, and many more.

    Are gaps unattractive?

    Originally Answered: Are people with gap teeth ugly? No, they are not ugly. Usually the gap in between the front teeth is called midline diastema. It is culturally accepted as a mark of beauty in certain countries.

    Can teeth gaps close naturally in adults?

    Gaps between adult front teeth often close by themselves as more adult teeth come through. Talk to your oral health professional or orthodontist about the need for treatment for gapped teeth.

    Can I use rubber bands to close my gap?

    Putting a rubber band around two teeth to close a space or gap between them isn’t standard treatment. In fact, the use of gap bands is highly discouraged by dentists, orthodontists, and many other medical professionals. If you’re concerned about a space between your teeth, talk with an orthodontist about your options.

    How long does it take to close a small gap with rubber bands?

    There are some bands sold for this specific purpose, and some folks have resorted to using small hairbands or orthodontic bands. Others even use floss or string to tie the teeth together. Many believe it to be a fast, effective way to close a gap, as people often see complete results in less than two months.

    Can your teeth fall out from rubber bands?

    The elastics can work their way below the gums and around the roots of the teeth, causing damage to the periodontium and even resulting in tooth loss.

    Do rubber bands move your jaw or teeth?

    Orthodontic elastic bands pull your jaw forward or backward depending on what movement you need to achieve proper alignment. Your upper teeth and lower teeth should line up and fit together comfortably when you bite down.

    Is door a noun?

    noun. a movable, usually solid, barrier for opening and closing an entranceway, cupboard, cabinet, or the like, commonly turning on hinges or sliding in grooves. a doorway: to go through the door. any means of approach, admittance, or access: the doors to learning.

    What kind of noun is a door?

    door used as a noun: A portal of entry into a building or room, consisting of a rigid plane movable on a hinge. Doors are frequently made of wood or metal. May have a handle to help open and close, a latch to hold the door closed and a lock that ensures the door cannot be opened without the key.

    Is door a count or Noncount noun?

    Examples of countable and uncountable nouns

    baby bag ball
    brother bus car
    chair child city
    country cup daughter
    doctor dog door

    What is a compound word for door?

    8-letter words that start with door doorstep. doorbell. doorknob. doorstop. doorpost.

    Is nighttime a compound word?

    The compound word nighttime is a US spelling.

    How do you know a compound word?

    Compound words can be written in three ways: as open compounds (spelled as two words, e.g., ice cream), closed compounds (joined to form a single word, e.g., doorknob), or hyphenated compounds (two words joined by a hyphen, e.g., long-term). Sometimes, more than two words can form a compound (e.g., mother-in-law).

    Is butterfly compound word?

    Compound words are single words that are made up from two other words. For example, the word “butterfly” is made from two words “butter” and “fly”.

    What kind of word is Butterfly?

    [countable] a flying insect with a long thin body and four large, usually brightly colored, wings butterflies and moths She’s like a butterfly.

    Why do we call it a butterfly?

    Butterflies might be named for the colour of their excrement. Old Dutch had the term “boterschijte”, which literally means “butter $#!t” (trying to keep this family friendly!) It has been suggested that people in the middle ages believed that butterflies stole milk and butter.

    How do you say something is unfair?


    1. unfair. adjective. not fair or reasonable.
    2. unjust. adjective. an unjust decision, judgment, or action is not fair or reasonable, or is not done according to accepted legal or moral standards.
    3. unequal. adjective.
    4. unreasonable. adjective.
    5. one-sided. adjective.
    6. arbitrary. adjective.
    7. biased. adjective.
    8. wrongful. adjective.

    What girl name means rainbow?

    Iris: This is one of the most popular girl names that mean ‘rainbow’. It has a Greek origin. Iridiana: This is another one with Greek origins that means ‘a rainbow’.

    Is Rainbow a unisex name?

    The name Rainbow is a girl’s name meaning “rainbow”.

    • Adyghe: пчъэ (pĉe)
    • Afrikaans: deur (af)
    • Ainu: アパ (apa), アパウㇱタ (apausta)
    • Akkadian: 𒆍 (bābu)
    • Albanian: derë (sq) f
    • Amharic: በር (bär)
    • Arabic: بَاب (ar) m (bāb) (plural: أَبْوَاب (ar) m pl (ʔabwāb))
      Egyptian Arabic: باب‎ m (bāb)
      Moroccan Arabic: باب‎ m (bāb)
    • Aragonese: puerta f
    • Aramaic:
      Assyrian Neo-Aramaic: ܬܲܪܥܵܐ‎ m (tarʿā)
      Hebrew Script: תרעא‎ m (tar‘ā)
      Classical Syriac: ܬܪܥܐ‎ m (tar‘ā), ܒܒܐ‎ m (bāḇā)
    • Armenian: դուռ (hy) (duṙ)
      Old Armenian: դուռն (duṙn)
    • Aromanian: ushã f, ushi f, derã f
    • Ashkun: baikā
    • Assamese: দুৱাৰ n (duar), দৰ্জা (dorza)
    • Asturian: puerta (ast) f
    • Azerbaijani: qapı (az)
    • Balti: སྒོ (sgo)
    • Baluchi: گلو(galo)
    • Bashkir: ишек (işek)
    • Basque: ate (eu)
    • Belarusian: дзве́ры f pl (dzvjéry)
    • Bengali: দরজা (bn) (dôrja), ফটক (phoṭok), দরওয়াজা (dôrwaza)
    • Bikol Central: pinto (bcl)
    • Bole: bo bin
    • Breton: (please verify) dor (br) f
    • Bulgarian: врата́ (bg) f (vratá)
    • Burmese: ဒွာရ (dwara.)
    • Buryat: үүдэн (üüden)
    • Catalan: porta (ca) f
    • Cebuano: pultahan
    • Chamicuro: is̈hoplama
    • Chechen: неӏ (nẹ)
    • Chepang: धोका
    • Cherokee: ᎠᏍᏚᏗ (asdudi)
    • Chichewa: chitseko
    • Chinese:
      Cantonese: (mun4), (wu6)
      Dungan: мын (mɨn)
      Gan: (miin4)
      Hakka: (mùn) (Sixian, Pha̍k-fa-sṳ), (fu), (mun2) (Meixian, Guangdong)
      Jin: (meng1), 門子门子 (meng1 zeh)
      Mandarin:  (zh) (mén), 門兒门儿 (zh) (ménr),  (zh) ()
      Min Bei: (mô̤ng)
      Min Dong: (muòng)
      Min Nan:  (zh-min-nan) (mn̂g),  (zh-min-nan) (hō͘)
      Wu: (men), (hhu)
      Xiang: (men5)
    • Chuvash: алӑк (alăk)
    • Cimbrian: tüar f
    • Coptic: ⲣⲟ (ro), ⲥⲃⲉ (sbe)
    • Cornish: daras m
    • Cree: ᐃᔥᐧᑳᐦᑌᒻ (ishykaahtem)
    • Crimean Tatar: qapı
    • Czech: dveře (cs) f pl
    • Dakota: tiyopa
    • Dalmatian: puarta f
    • Danish: dør (da) c
    • Dolgan: аан
    • Dutch: deur (nl) f, (on a vehicle) portier (nl) n
    • Dzongkha: སྒོ (sgo)
    • Egyptian: (ꜥꜣ m), (sbꜣ m), (r m), (rwt f)
    • Embaloh: katumbangan, jilelen
    • Esperanto: pordo (eo)
    • Estonian: uks (et)
    • Even: уркэ (urkə)
    • Evenki: уркэ (urkə)
    • Ewe: ʋɔtru n
    • Extremaduran: please add this translation if you can
    • Faroese: dyr (fo) f pl, hurð (fo) f
    • Fijian: katuba
    • Finnish: ovi (fi)
    • French: porte (fr) f, (of a vehicle) portière (fr) f, (dated, literary) huis (fr) m
      Old French: porte f, (external door) huis m
    • Friulian: puarte f
    • Galician: porta (gl) f
    • Georgian: კარი (ḳari)
    • German: Tür (de) f, Türen (de) pl, Türe (de) f
      Alemannic German: Tüür f
    • Gilbertese: jetia
    • Gothic: 𐌳𐌰𐌿𐍂 n (daur), 𐌷𐌰𐌿𐍂𐌳𐍃 f (haurds)
    • Greek: πόρτα (el) f (pórta), (dated) θύρα (el) f (thýra)
      Ancient: θύρα f (thúra)
    • Guaraní: okẽ
    • Gujarati: દ્વાર (dvār), દરવાજો m (darvājo)
    • Hausa: ƙyaure, ƙofa (ha) f
    • Hawaiian: puka
    • Hebrew: דֶּלֶת (he) f (délet)
    • Higaonon: pultahan
    • Hindi: दरवाज़ा (hi) m (darvāzā), द्वार (hi) m (dvār), दरवाजा (hi) m (darvājā), दर (hi) m (dar), प्रवेश (hi) m (praveś)
    • Hungarian: ajtó (hu), kapu (hu), bejárat (hu), ajtónyílás (hu)
    • Hunsrik: Deer f
    • Icelandic: dyr (is), hurð (is) f
    • Ido: pordo (io)
    • Igbo: ụzọ
    • Indonesian: pintu (id)
    • Ingush: нӏи (nˀi)
    • Interlingua: porta
    • Iranun: pintu’
    • Irish: doras (ga) m
    • Istriot: puorta f
    • Italian: porta (it) f, portiera (it) f, sportello (it) m, uscio (it)
    • Iu Mien: gaengh
    • Japanese:  (ja) (と, to),  (ja) (とびら, tobira), 戸口 (ja) (と​ぐち, toguchi), ドア (ja) (doa)
    • Javanese: lawang (jv)
    • Kalmyk: үүдн (üüdn)
    • Kamkata-viri: du
    • Kannada: ಬಾಗಿಲು (kn) (bāgilu)
    • Kapampangan: pasbul
    • Karachay-Balkar: эшик (eşik)
    • Karelian: uksi
    • Kashmiri: دَروازٕ(darvāzụ)
    • Kazakh: есік (kk) (esık)
    • Khakas: ізік (ìzìk)
    • Khasi: jingkang
    • Khmer: ទ្វារ (km) (tviə)
    • Khoekhoe: dao-ams
    • Kikai: (と゚ぅー, θū)
    • Kimaragang: longobon
    • Komi-Permyak: ӧдзӧс (ödźös)
    • Korean: 문(門) (ko) (mun)
    • Kunigami: ぱし戸 (ぱしりー, pashirī)
    • Kurdish:
      Central Kurdish: دەرگا (ckb) (derga), قاپی (ckb) (qapî)
      Northern Kurdish: derî (ku) m, dergeh (ku) m
    • Kyrgyz: эшик (ky) (eşik)
    • Ladin: usc m
    • Ladino: puerta f
    • Lao: ປະຕູ (lo) (pa tū)
    • Latgalian: durovys f
    • Latin: foris (la) f, ostium n, ianua (la) f
    • Latvian: durvis f pl, (rarer) duris (lv) f pl
    • Ligurian: pòrta f
    • Limburgish: däör (li) f
    • Lithuanian: durys (lt) f pl
    • Livonian: ukš
    • Lotud: susuonon
    • Ludian: ukš
    • Luganda: olujji
    • Luxembourgish: Dier (lb) f
    • Macedonian: врата f (vrata)
    • Malagasy: varavarambe
    • Malay: pintu (ms)
      Jawi: ڤينتو
    • Malayalam: വാതിൽ (ml) (vātil), കതക് (ml) (katakŭ), കവാടം (kavāṭaṃ), പ്രവേശനമുഖം (pravēśanamukhaṃ)
    • Maltese: bieb (mt) m
    • Manchu: ᡩᡠᡴᠠ (duka), ᡠᠴᡝ (uce)
    • Manx: dorrys m
    • Maore Comorian: mulango class 3/4
    • Maori: tatau
    • Marathi: दरवाजा (mr) (darvājā), दार (dār)
    • Marshallese: aor
    • Mirandese: puorta f
    • Miyako: 宿 (やどぅ, yadu)
    • Mongolian:
      Cyrillic: үүд (mn) (üüd)
      Mongolian: ᠡᠭᠦᠳᠡ (egüde)
    • Mwani: nryango
    • Nahuatl: caltēntli
    • Nanai: уйкэ
    • Navajo: dáádílkał
    • Nepali: द्वार (dwār), ढोका (ḍhokā)
    • Ngazidja Comorian: mwango class 3/4
    • Nogai: эсик (ésik), капы (kapı)
    • Norman: hus m (Guernsey), porte f (Jersey)
    • North Frisian:
      Föhr-Amrum: dör f
      Helgoland: Deer f
      Mooring: döör f
    • Northern Amami-Oshima: 宿 (やど, yado)
    • Northern Sami: uksa
    • Northern Thai: ᨸᨲᩪ (pa tǔu)
    • Norwegian:
      Bokmål: dør (no) m or f
      Nynorsk: dør f
    • Occitan: pòrta (oc) f
    • Ojibwe: ishkwaandem
    • Okinawan: はし戸 (はしる, hashiru)
    • Old Church Slavonic:
      Cyrillic: двьри f du (dvĭri), врата f pl (vrata)
    • Old East Slavic: двьрь f (dvĭrĭ), двьри f du (dvĭri), ворота f pl (vorota)
    • Old English: duru f
    • Old Javanese: lawaṅ, pintu
    • Oriya: କବାଟ (or) (kôbaṭô)
    • Oromo: balbala
    • Ossetian: дуар (dwar)
    • Pali: dvāra n
      Burmese: ဒွါရ n (dvāra)
      Devanagari: द्वार n (dvāra)
      Khmer: ទ្វារ n (dvāra)
      Sinhalese: ද්වාර n (dvāra)
      Thai: ทฺวาร n (dvāra)
    • Pashto: ور (ps) (war)
    • Persian: در (fa) (dar)
    • Piedmontese: uss m
    • Pitcairn-Norfolk: dor
    • Plautdietsch: Däa f
    • Polish: drzwi (pl) n pl
    • Portuguese: porta (pt) f
    • Punjabi:
      Gurmukhi: ਬੂਹਾ (būhā), ਦਰਵਾਜ਼ਾ (darvāzā)
      Shahmukhi: بُوہا (pa) m (būhā), دَرْوازَہ‎ m (dar​vāza)
    • Quechua: punku
    • Rajasthani: please add this translation if you can
    • Romagnol: pörta f, ós m
    • Romani: vudar, wudar m (Kalderash)
    • Romanian: ușă (ro) f, uși (ro) f pl
    • Romansch: isch, esch, üsch
    • Rungus: vavazaan, rongobbon
    • Russian: дверь (ru) f (dverʹ), две́ри (ru) f pl (dvéri)
    • Saisiyat: ‘a’leb
    • Samoan: fai’toto’a
    • Sanskrit: द्वार् (sa) n (dvā́r), द्वार (sa) n (dvā́ra)
    • Sardinian: genna f, zanna f
    • Saterland Frisian: Doore f
    • Scots: door
    • Scottish Gaelic: dorus m
    • Sebop: belacek
    • Serbo-Croatian:
      Cyrillic: вра́та n pl (plural only)
      Roman: vráta (sh) n pl (plural only)
    • Shan: တူ (shn) (tǔu), ၽၵ်းတူ (phák tǔu)
    • Sherpa: སྒོ (sgo)
    • Shona: gonhi
    • Sicilian: porta (scn) f
    • Sindhi: دَروازو‎ m (darvāzo)
    • Sinhalese: දොර (dora)
    • Slovak: dvere (sk) f pl
    • Slovene: vrata (sl) n pl
    • Somali: albaab (so) m
    • Sorbian:
      Lower Sorbian: źurja pl
      Upper Sorbian: durje pl
    • Southern Thai: ตู
    • Spanish: puerta (es) f
    • Sranan Tongo: doro
    • Sumerian: 𒆍 (KA2)
    • Swahili: mlango (sw)
    • Swedish: dörr (sv) c, port (sv) c (of garage, main entrance of apartment)
    • Tagal Murut: totovon
    • Tagalog: pinto (tl), pintuan
    • Tajik: дар‍ (dar‍)
    • Talysh: بر(bar)
    • Tambunan Dusun: wawayaan
    • Tamil: கதவு (ta) (katavu)
    • Tangut: 𗐺 (*mẽ¹)
    • Taos: kə̏dénemą
    • Tatar: ишек (tt) (işek)
    • Telugu: తలుపు (te) (talupu), ద్వారము (te) (dvāramu)
    • Thai: ประตู (th) (bprà-dtuu)
    • Tibetan: སྒོ (sgo)
    • Tigrinya: ኣፍደገ (ʾafdägä)
    • Tillamook: sƛ̓kə́n
    • Timugon Murut: kulobon
    • Tiwi: kunji
    • Tocharian A: yokäm
    • Tocharian B: twere
    • Tregami: dår
    • Turkish: kapı (tr)
    • Turkmen: gapy, iişik
    • Udmurt: ӧс (ös)
    • Ugaritic: 𐎄𐎍𐎚 (dlt)
    • Ukrainian: две́рі (uk) f pl (dvéri)
    • Urdu: دَرْوازَہ‎ m (darvāza), دَر‎ m (dar) (poetic), باب‎ m (bāb) (literary or rare)
    • Uyghur: ئىشىك (ug) (ishik)
    • Uzbek: eshik (uz)
    • Venetian: pòrta (vec) f
    • Veps: uks’
    • Vietnamese: cửa (vi)
    • Volapük: yan (vo)
    • Voro: uss
    • Votic: uhsi
    • Waigali: dor, do
    • Wakhi: bar
    • Walloon: ouxh (wa) m
    • Waray-Waray: purta
    • Warlpiri: ngulya
    • Welsh: dôr (cy) f, drws (cy) m
    • West Coast Bajau: beloang
    • West Frisian: doar c
    • White Hmong: qhov rooj
    • Wolof: bunt
    • Wutunhua: men
    • Xhosa: ucango class 11/10
    • Yaeyama: 宿 (やどぅ, yadu)
    • Yagnobi: давар (davar)
    • Yakut: аан (aan)
    • Yiddish: טיר‎ f (tir)
    • Yonaguni: 宿 (だどぅ, dadu)
    • Yoruba: ìlẹ̀kùn
    • Yurok: ɂeksoɂ
    • Yup’ik: amiik
    • Zazaki: çêber (diq) m, kêber (diq) m, ber (diq) m
    • Zhuang: dou
    • Zulu: isicabha (zu) class 7/8

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    Country radio certainly widens the boundaries of what I can do. Other artists may do something more edgy that gets on radio and that opens the door for me to be more edgy, I think.

    Clint Black



    Old English duru; related to Old Frisian dure, Old Norse dyrr, Old High German turi, Latin forēs, Greek thura.


    Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






    Door is a noun.

    A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.




    A door is a moving structure used to block off, and allow access to, an entrance to or within an enclosed space, such as a building or vehicle. Similar exterior structures are called gates. Typically doors have an interior side that faces the inside of a space and an exterior side that faces the outside of that space. While in some cases the interior side of a door may match its exterior side, in other cases there are sharp contrasts between the two sides, such as in the case of the vehicle door. Doors normally consist of a panel that swings on hinges or that slides or spins inside of a space. When open, doors admit people, animals, ventilation, and light. The door is used to control the physical atmosphere within a space by enclosing the air drafts, so that interiors may be more effectively heated or cooled. Doors are significant in preventing the spread of fire. They also act as a barrier to noise. Many doors are equipped with locking mechanisms to allow entrance to certain people and keep out others. As a form of courtesy and civility, people often knock before opening a door and entering a room.

    Definition of door in the English dictionary

    The first definition of door in the dictionary is a hinged or sliding panel for closing the entrance to a room, cupboard, etc. Other definition of door is a doorway or entrance to a room or building. Door is also a means of access or escape.

    Synonyms and antonyms of door in the English dictionary of synonyms


    The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «door» and belong to the same grammatical category.

    Translation of «door» into 25 languages

    online translator


    Find out the translation of door to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

    The translations of door from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «door» in English.

    Translator English — Chinese

    1,325 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Spanish


    570 millions of speakers



    510 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Hindi


    380 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Arabic


    280 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Russian


    278 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Portuguese


    270 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Bengali


    260 millions of speakers

    Translator English — French


    220 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Malay


    190 millions of speakers

    Translator English — German


    180 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Japanese


    130 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Korean

    85 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Javanese


    85 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Vietnamese

    cửa ra vào

    80 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Tamil


    75 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Marathi


    75 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Turkish


    70 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Italian


    65 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Polish


    50 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Ukrainian


    40 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Romanian


    30 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Greek


    15 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Afrikaans


    14 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Swedish


    10 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Norwegian


    5 millions of speakers

    Trends of use of door


    The term «door» is very widely used and occupies the 1.511 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



    Very widely used

    The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «door» in the different countries.

    Principal search tendencies and common uses of door

    List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «door».


    The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «door» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «door» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

    Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about door


    Famous quotes and sentences with the word door.

    I’m at least getting my foot in the door as far as doing straight dramatic parts, which no one would have ever considered me for in the ’80s. I never objected to that because I love doing comedy, and I’m not the kind of actor that insists that unless you’re doing a serious dramatic role, you’re not acting.

    But first, the news: The House of Commons was sealed off today after police chased an escaped lunatic through the front door during Prime Minister’s question time. A spokesman at Scotland Yard said it was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

    In sales, a referral is the key to the door of resistance.

    Country radio certainly widens the boundaries of what I can do. Other artists may do something more edgy that gets on radio and that opens the door for me to be more edgy, I think.

    My door was open part of the time, and part of the time I tried to get a nap and their voices annoyed me, and I closed it. I kept it open in summer more or less, and closed in winter.

    France is the only place where you can make love in the afternoon without people hammering on your door.

    I understand what’s it like to work all week and on Friday night just want to go and leave your brain at the door, buy some popcorn and be thrilled by something.

    Everybody always says that I’m the girl next door, which makes me think that y’all must have a lot of weird next-door neighbours.

    I love shutting my front door and being at home with just my dog and me. That’s when I’m happiest.

    I just love the storyline, I thought it was hilarious — I loved that part when we opened the door, we all look ahead and we have to look down and see that we’re actually dealing with this little boy who did this horrible thing of ordering a wife through e-mail.


    Discover the use of door in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to door and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.

    The Door brilliantly evokes the development of the bond between these two very different women, and the tragic ending to their relationship.


    Behind the Kitchen Door

    Jayaraman focuses on the stories of individuals, like Daniel, who grew up on a farm in Ecuador and sought to improve the conditions for employees at Del Posto; the treatment of workers behind the scenes belied the high-toned Slow Food ethic …


    Knocking on Heaven’s Door: The Path to a Better Way of Death

    Katy Butler was living thousands of miles from her vigorous and self-reliant parents when the call came: a crippling stroke had left her proud seventy-nine-year-old father unable to fasten a belt or complete a sentence.


    The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of …

    This bestselling resource identifies seven common traits that show up again and again among those who have accumulated wealth. The new edition, the first since 1998, includes a new Foreword for the 21st century by Dr. Stanley.


    The Slave Next Door: Human Trafficking and Slavery in …

    Describes the practice of human trafficking that exists in the United States in the present day.

    Kevin Bales, Ron Soodalter, 2010


    Archimedes and the Door of Science

    This is a book about the life and work of Archimedes, the Greek mathemetician, a book designed particularly for students in home school situations but interesting for any young reader.

    The house next door to the Kennedys’ is haunted by an all-pervasive evil, and the couple watches in horror as owners are engulfed by the same sinister force—until the Kennedys attempt to destroy the house themselves.

    Anne Rivers Siddons, 2007

    The novel traces the pressures on young women and young men of that time and class as they seek to free themselves of family control and social expectations.


    The Sociopath Next Door

    Your boss who loves to humiliate people in meetings? The colleague who stole your idea and passed it off as her own? In the pages of The Sociopath Next Door, you will realize that your ex was not just misunderstood. He’s a sociopath.

    Martha Stout, Ph.D., 2005

    Which perfect family will save her? Or is it time she saved herself? A dreamy summer read, full of characters who stay with you long after the story is over.

    Huntley Fitzpatrick, 2012


    Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term door is used in the context of the following news items.

    Why desperate women pushed Greece towards the exit door

    They failed, and Greece has never felt closer to the exit door. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has until the end of the week to come up with … «, Jul 15»

    2015 Mini Cooper S hardtop four-door review

    That’s true of the 2015 Mini Cooper S Hardtop four-door, which despite adding two doors, a marginally usable rear seat and 6.9 inches … «Detroit Free Press, Jul 15»

    Blake Griffin tweets out photo of a chair blocking the door at …

    Apr 5, 2015; Los Angeles, CA, USA; Los Angeles Clippers forward Blake Griffin (32) and center DeAndre Jordan (6) on the bench in the fourth … «For The Win, Jul 15»

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    Britannica Dictionary definition of DOOR



    a movable piece of wood, glass, or metal that swings or slides open and shut so that people can enter or leave a room, building, vehicle, etc.

    • open/shut/slam/lock/bolt the door

    • I heard a knock on/at the door.

    • the bedroom/bathroom/cellar door

    • The car has four doors. = It’s a four-door car.

    • Leave the package at the front/back/side door. [=the door at the front/back/side of the house, building, etc.]

    • Can you answer the door? [=open the door to see who is knocking on the door or ringing the doorbell]

    • Is somebody at the door? [=knocking on the door or ringing the doorbell]

    • Let me open the door for you. = (US) Let me get the door for you.

    • (US) Can you get the door? [=can you open or close the door for me?] My hands are full.

    • an exterior/outside door [=a door that can be used to enter or leave a building]

    • an interior door [=a door inside a building; a door that connects rooms]

    • a garage door [=a large door that covers the opening through which a car enters and leaves a garage]

    • turn/pull the door handle

    • a large brass door knocker [=knocker]

    see also back door, dutch door, french door, revolving door, storm door, trapdoor


    a part of an object (such as piece of furniture or an appliance) that swings or slides open and shut

    • the cupboard/closet/refrigerator/oven door


    the opening for a door


    the entrance to a room or building



    • Please don’t block the door.

    • I peeked through the open door.

    • He stood at/before the door.

    • He greeted his guests as they came in/through the door. = He greeted his guests at the door.

    • She walked out the door [=left] without saying goodbye.

    • standing (just/right) inside/outside the door [=inside/outside the room, building, etc., near the door]


    a house, building, apartment, office, etc.

    used with an adverb to indicate where something is in relation to something else

    • She lives in a house two doors down/up from me. [=there is one house between our houses]

    • The library is a few doors down from the bank. [=there are several buildings between the library and the bank]

    • We grew up two doors apart. [=with one house/apartment between our houses/apartments]

    ◊ If you do something (from) door to door, you do it at each of the houses, apartments, or buildings in an area.

    • Girl Scouts are selling cookies door to door. = Girl Scouts are going door to door selling cookies.

    • She went (from) door to door looking for her cat.

    see also door-to-door, next door

    used especially with open or unlock to describe an opportunity or possibility

    • The grant will open new doors for our town. [=will give our town new opportunities]

    • The discovery may unlock the door to a cure for the disease.

    • The door is open (to you) if you want a better job.

    • A good education can open/unlock the door of success. [=can make success possible]

    • The patent on the product has expired, which leaves the door open for [=makes it possible for] other companies to make it.

    see also out of doors

    at death’s door

    see death

    behind closed doors

    see closed

    close the door on


    to no longer think about, consider, or accept (something)

    • I’d like to close the door on that chapter in my life.

    • The former senator says she hasn’t closed the door on politics.

    • Don’t close the door on your options.

    close your doors


    to not allow someone to enter

    • The country has closed its doors to immigrants.

    of a business or organization


    to close permanently


    to stop operating

    • The museum may be forced to close its doors.

    • The store closed its doors (for the last time) last fall.

    darken someone’s door/doors

    see darken

    get your foot in the door

    see 1foot

    keep the wolf from the door

    see 1wolf

    lay the blame for (something) at someone’s door


    to blame someone for (something)

    • They laid the blame for the book’s failure at my door.

    open doors for

    see 2open

    open the door

    see 2open

    open your doors


    to allow someone to enter

    • The country has opened its doors to immigrants.

    • local churches that open their doors to the homeless in the winter months [=that let homeless people stay there]

    of a business or organization


    to open for business


    to begin operating

    • The new store will be opening its doors next month.

    show (someone) the door


    to tell or force (someone) to leave

    • We don’t tolerate bad behavior. If you cause trouble, we’ll show you the door.

    • If the coach doesn’t win this year, they’ll show him the door. [=they’ll fire him]

    show/see (someone) to the door


    to go to the door with (someone who is leaving)

    • My secretary will show you to the door. [=show you out]

    • a doorless cubicle

    Continue Learning about English Language Arts

    What type of noun is door?

    The noun ‘door’ is a singular, common, concrete noun, a word for
    a thing.

    Is door a common noun?

    Yes, the noun ‘door’ is a common noun, a general word for a movable barrier at the entrance of a building, room, vehicle or other opening; a word for any door of any kind.

    What kind of noun is door?

    The noun ‘door’ is a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for
    a movable barrier at the entrance of a building or a room, a

    What parts of speech is door?

    Door is a common noun.

    Is wicket a common noun?

    Yes, the noun ‘wicket’ is a common noun, a general word for a small gate, door, or window; a general word for a piece of sporting equipment through a ball is rolled; a word for any wicket of any kind.

    click for a larger image


    A. rails

    B. stiles

    C. muntins





    a. A movable structure used to close off an entrance, typically consisting of a panel that swings on hinges or that slides or rotates.

    b. A similar part on a piece of furniture or a vehicle.

    2. A doorway.

    3. The room or building to which a door belongs: They live three doors down the hall.

    4. A means of approach or access: looking for the door to success.

    tr.v. doored, door·ing, doors

    1. Slang To strike (a passing bicyclist, for example) by suddenly opening a vehicular door.

    2. To serve as a doorman or doorwoman of (a nightclub, for example).


    at (someone’s) door

    As a charge holding someone responsible: You shouldn’t lay the blame for the fiasco at her door.

    close/shut the door on

    To refuse to allow for the possibility of: The secretary of state closed the door on future negotiations.

    leave the door open

    To allow for the possibility of: Let’s leave the door open for future stylistic changes.

    show (someone) the door Informal

    1. To eject (someone) from the premises.

    2. To terminate the employment of; fire.

    door′less adj.

    American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.





    a. a hinged or sliding panel for closing the entrance to a room, cupboard, etc

    b. (in combination): doorbell; doorknob.

    2. (Architecture) a doorway or entrance to a room or building

    3. early doors informal esp sport Brit at an early stage

    4. lay at someone’s door to lay (the blame or responsibility) on someone

    5. out of doors in or into the open air

    6. show someone the door to order someone to leave

    [Old English duru; related to Old Frisian dure, Old Norse dyrr, Old High German turi, Latin forēs, Greek thura]

    Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


    (dɔr, doʊr)


    1. a movable, usu. solid, barrier for opening and closing an entranceway, cupboard, cabinet, or the like, commonly turning on hinges or sliding in grooves.

    2. a doorway.

    3. a building, house, or the like as represented by its entrance: two doors up the street.

    4. any means of access: the door to learning.


    1. lay at someone’s door, to hold someone accountable for.

    2. lie at someone’s door, to be the responsibility of; be imputable to.

    3. show someone the door, to order someone to leave.

    [before 900; Old English duru door, dor gate; akin to Old High German turi, Old Norse dyrr, Greek thýra, Latin foris]

    Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

    ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

    Noun 1. door - a swinging or sliding barrier that will close the entrance to a room or building or vehicledoor — a swinging or sliding barrier that will close the entrance to a room or building or vehicle; «he knocked on the door»; «he slammed the door as he left»

    car door — the door of a car

    cargo door — door used to load or unload cargo

    doorway, room access, door, threshold — the entrance (the space in a wall) through which you enter or leave a room or building; the space that a door can close; «he stuck his head in the doorway»

    double door — two vertical doors that meet in the middle of the door frame when closed

    fire door — a fire-resistant door that can be closed to stop the spread of a fire

    French door — a light door with transparent or glazed panels extending the full length

    interior door — a door that closes off rooms within a building

    lock — a fastener fitted to a door or drawer to keep it firmly closed

    movable barrier — a barrier that can be moved to allow passage

    revolver, revolving door — a door consisting of four orthogonal partitions that rotate about a central pivot; a door designed to equalize the air pressure in tall buildings

    screen door, screen — a door that consists of a frame holding metallic or plastic netting; used to allow ventilation and to keep insects from entering a building through the open door; «he heard the screen slam as she left»

    sliding door — a door that opens by sliding instead of swinging

    storm door — an extra outer door for protection against severe weather or winter

    swing door, swinging door — a door that swings on a double hinge; opens in either direction

    trap door — a hinged or sliding door in a floor or ceiling

    2. door - the entrance (the space in a wall) through which you enter or leave a room or buildingdoor — the entrance (the space in a wall) through which you enter or leave a room or building; the space that a door can close; «he stuck his head in the doorway»

    doorway, room access, threshold

    casing, case — the enclosing frame around a door or window opening; «the casings had rotted away and had to be replaced»

    door — a swinging or sliding barrier that will close the entrance to a room or building or vehicle; «he knocked on the door»; «he slammed the door as he left»

    doorcase, doorframe — the frame that supports a door

    doorsill, doorstep, threshold — the sill of a door; a horizontal piece of wood or stone that forms the bottom of a doorway and offers support when passing through a doorway

    entrance, entranceway, entryway, entree, entry — something that provides access (to get in or get out); «they waited at the entrance to the garden»; «beggars waited just outside the entryway to the cathedral»

    exterior door, outside door — a doorway that allows entrance to or exit from a building

    wall — an architectural partition with a height and length greater than its thickness; used to divide or enclose an area or to support another structure; «the south wall had a small window»; «the walls were covered with pictures»

    3. door — anything providing a means of access (or escape); «we closed the door to Haitian immigrants»; «education is the door to success»

    access, admittance, entree, admission, accession — the right to enter

    open door — freedom of access; «he maintained an open door for all employees»

    4. door — a structure where people live or work (usually ordered along a street or road); «the office next door»; «they live two doors up the street from us»

    structure, construction — a thing constructed; a complex entity constructed of many parts; «the structure consisted of a series of arches»; «she wore her hair in an amazing construction of whirls and ribbons»

    5. door — a room that is entered via a door; «his office is the third door down the hall on the left»

    room — an area within a building enclosed by walls and floor and ceiling; «the rooms were very small but they had a nice view»

    Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


    show someone the door throw out, remove, eject, evict, turn out, bounce (slang), oust, drive out, boot out (informal), ask to leave, show out, throw out on your ear (informal) Would they forgive him or show him the door?

    Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


    باببَابطَريق، وَسيلَه










    hurîleiî aî e-u



    duryskilimėlis prie durųtarpduristik per slenkstįvartai










    cửacửa ra vào

    Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005

    Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005



    in cpdsTür-;

    door chain

    nSicherheitskette f




    n (of hotel, block of flats)Portier m


    nTürpfosten m; deaf as a doorstocktaub


    n no pl (Brit Press) agressive Interviewtechnik, bei der Journalisten unangemeldet und ungebeten jdn zu Hause aufsuchen; (Pol) Methode der Wahlwerbung, bei der Politiker von Haus zu Haus gehen, um die Bewohner für ihre Partei zu gewinnen


    nTürstopper m


    adj attr, door to door


    n (of room)Tür f; (of building, shop)Eingang m; (fig, to success etc) → Weg m

    Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

    Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


    (doː) noun

    1. the usually hinged barrier, usually of wood, which closes the entrance of a room, house etc. He knocked loudly on the door.

    2. a means of achieving something. the door to success.

    ˈdoorknob noun

    a knob-shaped handle for opening and closing a door.

    ˈdoorman noun

    a man on duty at the door of a hotel, store etc.

    ˈdoormat noun

    a mat kept in front of the door for people to wipe their feet on.

    ˈdoorstep noun

    a raised step just outside the door of a house.

    ˈdoorway noun

    the space usually filled by a door. He was standing in the doorway.

    on one’s doorstep

    very close to where one lives. The Welsh mountains are on our doorstep.

    Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


    بَاب dveře dør Tür πόρτα puerta ovi porte vrata porta ドア deur dør drzwi porta дверь dörr ประตู kapı cửa ra vào

    Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


    n. puerta; [entrance] __ de entrada;

    back ______ de atrás.

    English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

    • Keep the door locked
    • Which is the key to the back door? (US)
      Which is the key for the back door? (UK)
    • Which is the key to the front door? (US)
      Which is the key for the front door? (UK)
    • Which is the key to this door? (US)
      Which is the key for this door? (UK)
    • The door handle has come off
    • The door won’t close
    • The door won’t lock
    • The door won’t open

    Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

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