Is the word director a noun

Asked by: Darrion Hodkiewicz

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(16 votes)

English Language Learners Definition of director

: a person who directs a play, movie, etc.

What type of word is director?

One who directs; the person in charge of managing a department or directorate (e.g., director of engineering), project, or production (as in a show or film, e.g., film director). A device that displays graphical information concerning the targets of a weapons system in real time.

What part of speech is director?

DIRECTOR (noun) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What do u mean by director?

A director is an elected individual who, along with other directors, is responsible for a company’s corporate policy. Collectively, directors form the board of directors.

Who is a director in simple words?

A director is the head of an organization, either elected or appointed, who generally has certain powers and duties relating to management or administration. A corporation’s board of directors is composed of a group of people who are elected by the shareholders to make important company policy decisions.

26 related questions found

Who is a CEO of a company?

A chief executive officer (CEO) is the highest-ranking executive in a company, whose primary responsibilities include making major corporate decisions, managing the overall operations and resources of a company, acting as the main point of communication between the board of directors (the board) and corporate …

What is the role of the director?

What does a director do? Directors are the creative leads of the film. They hold the creative vision throughout the whole process, from pre-production through to the final edit. They are employed by the executive producer or producer, who is ultimately in charge of a production.

What is another name for CEO?

In this page you can discover 8 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for ceo, like: executive director, co-founder, managing-director, chief operating officer, vice-president, chief executive officer, chief-executive and director.

What’s another name for creative director?

The creative director in the film industry is referred to as the «production designer». A production designer carries a large responsibility of designing the look of a movie.

What’s the difference between director and manager?

A manager is the person who is in charge of the specific unit or department of the organization and is responsible for its performance. A director is a person appointed by the shareholders to monitor and regulate the company’s activities, as per the vision of the company.

Is director a common noun?

(The word «director» could be considered a common noun or a proper noun.

What is an executive director of a company?

An executive director is the senior operating officer or manager of an organization or corporation, usually at a nonprofit. Their duties are similar to those of a chief executive officer (CEO) of a for-profit company.

What is the root word of director?

The Latin root, dirigere, means «set straight.» Definitions of director. someone who controls resources and expenditures. synonyms: manager, managing director.

How do you become a director?

Most film directors typically hold a bachelor’s in film or a related field and have several years of work experience. They often begin their film directing career as a film editor, actor, or assistant to an established director.

What does the suffix or mean in the word director?

A director is a person who directs movies. The word director contains the suffix -or. … The suffix -or means a person who or a thing that.

Is CEO the same as owner?

Considering Job Titles: CEO vs. Owner. … The title of CEO is typically given to someone by the board of directors. Owner as a job title is earned by sole proprietors and entrepreneurs who have total ownership of the business.

Is CEO another word for owner?

Here are several examples of job titles commonly used by business owners: Owner. CEO. Founder.

What is difference between CEO and director?

Both positions are considered top executive positions. While the managing director oversees daily operations, the CEO provides the vision for the organization.

What skills do I need to be a director?

The core set of skills company directors need to perform the responsibilities of the role include:

  • Management skills. …
  • Written and verbal communication skills. …
  • Strategic decision-making skills. …
  • Analytical skills. …
  • Adaptability. …
  • Creativity. …
  • Empathy. …
  • Visionary leadership.

What do directors do in rehearsals?

The rehearsal director is generally responsible for co-ordinating and supervising the rehearsals within a company. They may be known as the choreographer’s ‘right hand man’ and it is usually their responsibility to ensure that the dancers know and are able to interpret the work as set by the choreographer.

Do directors write scripts?

Screenwriters create the script either through original work or by adapting prior works. Directors interpret scripts and turn them into the creative vision for the movie or show. Although the roles of director vs. screenwriter are very different, the two often collaborate during the production process.

Who is higher than a CEO?

At many companies, the CEO is the leader, and the president is the second in command. Often the CEO and president carry out different duties, and the roles are performed by two people.

Who is more powerful CEO or owner?

These are the CEO and the owner. … While most large companies will have a CEO who is the highest-level executive in charge, smaller companies are usually run by an owner. The CEO is in charge of the overall management of the company, while the owner has sole proprietorship of the company.

директор, режиссер, руководитель, постановщик, начальник, кинорежиссер, дирижер


- член правления, директората; директор

board of directors — правление; совет директоров

- руководитель, начальник

director of public prosecutions — главный прокурор
director of studies — руководитель исследований
director of photography — кино главный оператор

- режиссёр, режиссёр-постановщик; продюсер

assistant director — помощник режиссёра
artistic director — художественный руководитель

- дирижёр
- церк. духовный отец, духовник
- спец. буссоль
- амер. воен. прибор управления артиллерийским, зенитным огнём
- радио директор (антенна)
- тех. направляющее устройство

Мои примеры


a former director of Gartmore Pensions Ltd — бывший директор Gartmore Pensions Ltd  
one of the director’s edgier films — один из самых острых фильмов этого режиссёра  
a bigtime director — прославленный режиссёр  
acting director — исполняющий обязанности директора  
general director, director-general — генеральный директор  
program director — руководитель программы, проекта  
to install smb. as director — назначать кого-л. директором  
marketing director — маркетинговый директор, директор по маркетингу  
sales and marketing director — директор по маркетингу и продажам  
secretary to the director — секретарь директора  
project director — руководитель проекта  
flight director — пилотажный командный прибор  

Примеры с переводом

He acted as director for a month.

Он в течение месяца выполнял обязанности директора.

She’s the director of personnel.

Она является директором по персоналу.

The director called for a retake.

Режиссёр дал команду переснять сцену.

Director decided to load more work on him.

Директор решил ещё больше загрузить его работой.

Deputy Director

Заместитель директора

He is the director and producer.

Он является режиссёром и продюсером фильма.

The director is accessible to everyone.

На приём к начальнику может прийти всякий.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The director’s use of the usual romantic conventions made the film boring and predictable.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

directorate  — дирекция, управление, директорат, правление, директорство
directorship  — руководство, директорство
directory  — каталог, директория, справочник, директивный, содержащий указания

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): director
мн. ч.(plural): directors

  • Albanian: drejtor (sq) m, drejtore (sq) f, drejtoreshë (sq) f
  • Arabic: مُدِير‎ m (mudīr), مُدِيرَة‎ f (mudīra); مُخْرِج‎ m (muḵrij) (film)
  • Armenian: տնօրեն (hy) (tnōren)
  • Azerbaijani: rejissor (film, theatre), direktor
  • Belarusian: дырэ́ктар m (dyréktar), дырэ́ктарка f (dyréktarka), рэжысёр m (režysjór), рэжысёрка f (režysjórka) (film)
  • Bulgarian: ръководи́тел (bg) m (rǎkovodítel), ръководи́телка f (rǎkovodítelka), дире́ктор (bg) m (diréktor), дире́кторка f (diréktorka), режисьо́р m (režisjór), режисьо́рка f (režisjórka) (film)
  • Catalan: director (ca) m, directora (ca) f
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 經理经理 (zh) (jīnglǐ), (film) 導演导演 (zh) (dǎoyǎn), 指揮指挥 (zh) (zhǐhuī) (conductor), 指揮者指挥者 (zh) (zhǐhuīzhě)
  • Czech: ředitel (cs) m, ředitelka (cs) f, režisér (cs) m, režisérka (cs) f (film)
  • Danish: direktør c, instruktør c (film)
  • Dutch: directeur (nl) m or f, regisseur (nl) m
  • Esperanto: direktoro, reĝisoro (eo)
  • Estonian: direktor, režissöör (film)
  • Finnish: johtaja (fi), (film director) ohjaaja (fi)
  • French: directeur (fr) m, directrice (fr) f, régisseur (fr) m, régisseuse (fr) f (film)
  • Galician: director m
  • Georgian: დირექტორი (direkṭori), რეჟისორი (režisori)
  • German: Direktor (de) m, Direktorin (de) f, Regisseur (de) m, Regisseurin (de) f (film)
  • Greek: (film director) σκηνοθέτης (el) m (skinothétis), διευθυντής (el) m (diefthyntís)
  • Greenlandic: pisortaq
  • Guaraní: sãmbyhyhára
  • Hausa: darekta (ha)
  • Hebrew: מנהל‎ m (menahel), (manager) מנהלת‎ f (menahelet), במאי (he) m (bamai), (in cinema or theater) במאית‎ f (bamayt)
  • Hindi: निर्देशक (hi) m (nirdeśak)
  • Hungarian: igazgató (hu), rendező (hu), rektor (hu)
  • Icelandic: leikstjóri m
  • Indonesian: sutradara (id) (film), direktur (id)
  • Irish: stiúrthóir m
  • Italian: direttore (it) m, direttorice (it) f, capo (it) m, regista (it) m or f (film)
  • Japanese: 監督 (ja) (かんとく, kantoku), 指揮者 (ja) (しきしゃ, shikisha) (conductor)
  • Kazakh: режиссёр (rejisser) (film), директор (direktor)
  • Korean: 감독(監督) (ko) (gamdok) (film)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: کاربەدەست (ckb) (karbedest)
  • Kyrgyz: директор (ky) (direktor) (film), режиссёр (rejissyor) (film)
  • Latvian: direktors m, direktore f, režisors m, režisore f (film)
  • Lithuanian: direktorius m, direktorė f, režisierius m, režisierė f (film)
  • Macedonian: директор m (direktor), режисер m (režiser) (film)
  • Malay: pengarah, sutradara (in film making), direktur
  • Maori: whakataka
  • Mongolian:
    Cyrillic: захирал (mn) (zaxiral), найруулагч (mn) (najruulagč) (film)
    Mongolian: ᠵᠠᠬᠢᠷᠤᠯ (ǰaqirul), ᠨᠠᠶᠢᠷᠠᠭᠤᠯᠤᠭᠴᠢ (nayiraɣuluɣči) (film)
  • Norman: directeu m (Jersey)
  • Norwegian: direktør (no)
    Bokmål: (film, theatre) regissør m
    Nynorsk: (film, theatre) regissør m
  • Persian: کارگردان (fa) (kârgardân), مدیر (fa) (modir)
  • Polish: dyrektor (pl) m, dyrektorka (pl) f, reżyser (pl) m, reżyserka (pl) f (film)
  • Portuguese: diretor (pt) m
  • Romanian: director (ro) m, directoare (ro) f, regizor (ro) m (film)
  • Russian: дире́ктор (ru) m (diréktor), режиссёр (ru) m (režissjór) (film), дирижёр (ru) m (dirižór) (conductor)
  • Rusyn: режісер m (režiser)
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: редитељ m, упра̀витељ m, ра̀внатељ m, рѐдатељ m, збороводја m (in a choir), режѝсе̄р m (film)
    Roman: reditelj (sh) m, upràvitelj (sh) m, ràvnatelj (sh) m, rèdatelj (sh) m, zborovodja m (in a choir), režìsēr (sh) m (film)
  • Slovak: riaditeľ m, riaditeľka f, režisér m, režisérka f (film)
  • Slovene: direktor m, direktorica f, režiser (sl) m, režiserka f (film)
  • Spanish: director (es) m, directora (es) f
  • Swahili: mkurugenzi (sw)
  • Swedish: chef (sv) c, direktör (sv) c, regissör (sv) c (movie/theater/show)
  • Tajik: директор (tg) (direktor), мудир (tg) (mudir)
  • Tok Pisin: dairekta
  • Turkish: yönetmen (tr), müdür (tr)
  • Turkmen: direktor
  • Ukrainian: дире́ктор m (dyréktor), дире́кторка f (dyréktorka), режисе́р m (režysér), режисе́рка f (režysérka) (film)
  • Uyghur: دىرېكتور(dirëktor), رېژىسسور(rëzhissor) (film)
  • Uzbek: direktor (uz), rejissyor (uz) (film)
  • Vietnamese: giám đốc (vi) (監督)
  • Volapük: dilekan (vo)
  • Yakut: режиссёр (rezhissor)

Table of Contents

  1. What is a verb director?
  2. What is the proper noun of director?
  3. What part of speech is directed?
  4. What does it mean to be self directed?
  5. What does it mean if something is directed?
  6. What is another word for directed?
  7. What is a directed person?
  8. Is addressed to meaning?
  9. What type of verb is addressed?
  10. What type of word is address?
  11. Who is the letter addressed to meaning?
  12. What is the root word of mistaken?
  13. Did Shakespeare invent the word gloomy?
  14. What do you call the person you are writing to?
  15. What means Ghostwriting?
  16. Are ghostwriters legal?
  17. How much do ghostwriters get paid?
  18. What are ghostwriting services?
  19. Who needs a ghostwriter?
  20. How can I get a free ghostwriter?
  21. Who uses ghost writers?
  22. Who is the most famous ghost writer?
  23. Why do artists have ghost writers?
  24. Do ghostwriters get royalties?
  25. How much do ghostwriters charge per word?
  26. Is Noble Ghostwriting Legit?
  27. Is ghostwriting ethical?
  28. Is ghost writing cheating?

(The word “director” could be considered a common noun or a proper noun.

What is a verb director?

direct. To manage, control, steer. To aim (something) at (something else). To point out or show to (somebody) the right course or way; to guide, as by pointing out the way.

What is the proper noun of director?

This is the British English definition of director. View American English definition of director….director ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌‌

singular director
plural directors

What part of speech is directed?

adjective. guided, regulated, or managed: a carefully directed program.

What does it mean to be self directed?

1 : directed for or by oneself self-directed retirement plans self-directed classroom activities a self-directed performance. 2 : directed at oneself self-directed anger. 3 : directing oneself or capable of directing oneself empowering students to become self-directed learners.

What does it mean if something is directed?

1 : subject to supervision or regulation a directed reading program for students. 2 : having a positive or negative sense directed line segment.

What is another word for directed?

Directed Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for directed?

aimed focussedUK
focusedUS guided
supervised conducted
controlled assisted
counselledUK counseledUS

What is a directed person?

directed person means a person given a safety direction under subsection (1).

Is addressed to meaning?

To indicate that something is to be sent to someone or some place by writing an address on it: She addressed the letter to her brother. 2. To say something directly to some specific person or group: The school president addressed the speech to everyone who plans to graduate this year.

What type of verb is addressed?

address verb [T] (SPEAK TO) to speak or write to someone, or to direct information to someone: The First Lady addressed the meeting briefly.

What type of word is address?

transitive verb. 1a : to mark directions for delivery on address a letter. b : to consign to the care of another (such as an agent or factor) 2a : to direct the efforts or attention of (oneself) will address himself to the problem.

Who is the letter addressed to meaning?

The person or organization to which something, such as a letter or message, is addressed or sent, for whom the item is intended. The person to whom mail, etc. is addressed.

What is the root word of mistaken?

You also might believe someone else is mistaken if their opinion seems wrong to you: “You think strawberry ice cream is better than chocolate, but you’re mistaken.” Mistaken comes from mistake, from its Old Norse root mistaka, “take in error.” Definitions of mistaken.

Did Shakespeare invent the word gloomy?

The word ‘gloom’ was originally a verb meaning ‘to look sullen’, and comes from the Norwegian dialect word glome, meaning ‘to look at in a suspicious manner’. By Shakespeare’s time, ‘gloom’ had developed into a noun, meaning ‘darkness’, but Shakespeare is the first recorded person to use the adjective ‘gloomy’.

What do you call the person you are writing to?

transcriber Add to list Share. A transcriber is someone who writes down what someone else is saying. In court, there’s always a transcriber who makes a record of the testimony. If you write down everything someone says, you’re transcribing their words.

What means Ghostwriting?

: to write for and in the name of another. transitive verb. : to write (a speech, a book, etc.) for another who is the presumed or credited author. Other Words from ghostwrite Example Sentences Learn More About ghostwrite.

Are ghostwriters legal?

The meaning of a ghostwriter is an individual whose task is to write a book (or other written work like a blog post or business plan) for somebody else who is the named author. Ghostwriting is legal. There’s no gray area here: it’s your ideas, your knowledge, your name, your book. We take no credit and no royalties.

How much do ghostwriters get paid?

On average, an experienced ghostwriter can make $20,000 per project and well over $50,000 if the client is a celebrity. Beginning ghostwriters average around $5,000. Depending on the topic and length of the book, the average completion time is six months.

What are ghostwriting services?

Ghostwriters are professional writers who write books and articles for other folks in exchange for a flat fee (or a percentage of royalties in rare cases). Many famous celebrities, chefs, actors, businesspeople, and even novelists (like James Patterson) hire ghostwriters to write books for them.

Who needs a ghostwriter?

Anyone can hire a ghostwriter. I have! If you have the budget and need a ghostwriter, then you can hire one. Anyone from authors to business owners to teachers and solopreneurs, the need is there.

How can I get a free ghostwriter?

Contact a local community or junior college and ask if you would be allowed to come and talk about ghost writing. Ultimately, offer the ghost writing opportunity to students in the class.

Who uses ghost writers?

10 Famous People Who Used a Ghostwriter

  • Gwyneth Paltrow:
  • Nicole Ritchie:
  • Pete Wentz:
  • Pamela Anderson:
  • Laura Bush:
  • Chip and Joanna Gains:
  • Hilary Duff:
  • John F. Kennedy:

Who is the most famous ghost writer?

Your Favorite Authors Are Frauds: 6 Famous Ghostwriters

  1. Peter Lerangis. If you know young adult novels, you probably know Mr.
  2. Andrew Neiderman. V.C.
  3. H.P. Lovecraft. The father of Cthulhu and the Necronomicon dabbled in ghostwriting for none other than Harry Houdini.
  4. Raymond Benson.
  5. 5 & 6.

Why do artists have ghost writers?

Writers who do ghost write usually do it because it is guaranteed and upfront money. Since their real names don’t go on the finished book, usually the name of the person commissioning the book goes on it, as the writer – they do not have to worry about anything they write for that book.

Do ghostwriters get royalties?

In most cases, ghostwriters do not receive royalties for the books that they are hired to write. Similar to copyright, this will all be set out and agreed upon in a good contract, before any writing begins.

How much do ghostwriters charge per word?

For book-related projects, Reedsy’s ghostwriters charge an average of 35 cents per word. If you work with marketing content, the rate is usually a little higher.

Is Noble Ghostwriting Legit?

This is identity theft, fraud and 100% a scam. Thankfully they alerted us to this scam, which we then confirmed ourselves by pretending to be an interested customer of Noble ghostwriting.

Is ghostwriting ethical?

Ethics are a bit of a non issue here. Ghostwriting is a business transaction. There is nothing remotely unethical about hiring a ghostwriter. A book produced in this way is a perfect synergy between a professional ghost and an author.

Is ghost writing cheating?

While the practice of ghostwriting isn’t without controversy, it isn’t frowned upon nearly as heavily as contract cheating. But while the actual act may be very similar, the intent is very different. Furthermore, with ghostwriting, the person receiving the authorship credit is still very heavily involved in the work.

  • 1

    1. n член правления, директората; директор

    2. n руководитель, начальник

    3. n режиссёр, режиссёр-постановщик; продюсер

    4. n дирижёр

    5. n церк. духовный отец, духовник

    6. n спец. буссоль

    7. n амер. воен. прибор управления артиллерийским, зенитным огнём

    8. n радио директор

    9. n тех. направляющее устройство

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. executive officer (noun) administrator; executive; executive officer; foreman; head; manager; officer; official; overseer; superintendent; supervisor

    2. guide (noun) conductor; guide; head; mentor; pilot

    3. leader (noun) boss; chief; chieftain; leader; master

    4. moving-picture director (noun) moving-picture director; play director; producer; stage director; television director; TV director

    Антонимический ряд:

    employee; follower; worker

    English-Russian base dictionary > director

  • 2


    1) член правления; директор; managing director заместитель директора по административно-хозяйственной части, управляющий

    2) руководитель



    начальник управления

    5) (кино)режиссер

    6) дирижер (оркестра, хора)



    буссоль; прибор управления артиллерийским огнем

    * * *

    (n) директор; начальник; руководитель; руководство; член правления

    * * *

    директор, член совета директоров, член правления

    * * *

    [di·rec·tor || dɪ’rektə]
    член правления, директор, руководитель, начальник; режиссер, постановщик, кинорежиссер; дирижер; прибор управления артиллерийским огнем

    * * *






    * * *

    1) а) директор, член совета директоров, член правления
    б) руководитель
    в) воен. начальник управления
    г) ист. директор
    2) а) муз. дирижер
    б) режиссер
    в) церк. духовник
    3) а) воен. буссоль
    б) воен. прибор управления артиллерийским огнем
    в) воен. руль, киль торпеды
    г) ист.
    д) мед.
    е) геом. то же, что directrix

    Новый англо-русский словарь > director

  • 3
    stage director

    Синонимический ряд:

    moving-picture director (noun) director; leader; moving-picture director; play director; producer; television director; TV director

    English-Russian base dictionary > stage director

  • 4
    funeral director

    1. сотрудник бюро похоронных процессий

    2. бальзамировщик

    Синонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > funeral director

  • 5

    1. n голова

    2. n головной портрет, изображение головы

    3. n жизнь

    4. n ум, рассудок; способности

    a cool head — трезвый ум, рассудительный человек

    a hot head — горячая голова, горячий человек

    5. n переносимость, способность

    strong head — крепкая голова; способность много пить не пьянея

    6. n человек

    7. n голова скота

    8. n стадо; стая

    9. n с. -х. поголовье

    10. n амер. разг. головная боль

    11. n сл. рот

    12. n рога

    13. n уст. причёска; волосы

    14. n наркоман

    15. n фанатик, страстный поклонник, болельщик

    16. a верхний; передний; головной

    waste head — головная часть слитка, отрезаемая в отход

    17. a главный, старший

    head boy — старший префект, старший ученик, староста

    head girl — старший префект, старшая ученица, староста

    18. a встречный

    19. a предназначенный для ношения на голове; головной

    20. v возглавлять, стоять во главе; идти, стоять впереди

    sunk head — заголовок главы, помещенный ниже первой строки

    drop head — заголовок главы, помещённый ниже первой строки

    21. v превосходить; быть первым

    22. v озаглавливать; начинать

    23. v начинать, быть началом, открывать

    24. v направлять

    25. v направляться; держать курс

    26. v мешать, препятствовать

    27. v уступать дорогу

    28. v подниматься к истокам; обходить

    29. v двигаться навстречу

    30. v навлекать на себя, напрашиваться

    31. v брать начало, вытекать

    head record — паспортная запись в начале массива; запись-заголовок

    32. v насаживать, приделывать головку

    33. v завиваться, образовывать кочаны

    34. v колоситься

    35. v нарвать, созреть

    36. v достигать наивысшей, критической точки

    37. v срезать верхушку

    38. v снимать, обрезать

    39. v обезглавливать

    40. v отбивать мяч головой; играть головой

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. chief (adj.) chief; dominant; preeminent; superior

    2. leading (adj.) arch; cardinal; champion; first; foremost; front; leading; main; premier; principal; topmost

    3. aptitude (noun) aptitude; brain; gray matter; intelligence; mind; wit

    7. director (noun) director; foreman; manager; overseer; superintendent; supervisor

    8. foam (noun) fizz; foam; froth; lather; spume; suds

    9. gift (noun) aptness; bent; bump; faculty; flair; genius; gift; inclination; instinct; knack; nose; set; talent; turn

    11. headpiece (noun) headpiece; noddle; noggin; noodle; pate; poll; sconce

    12. leader (noun) administrator; boss; chief; chieftain; cock; commander; commander in chief; dominator; headman; hierarch; honcho; leader; master; principal

    14. promontory (noun) beak; bill; cape; foreland; headland; naze; ness; point; promontory

    15. subject (noun) argument; matter; motif; motive; subject; subject matter; text; theme; topic

    16. toilet (noun) convenience; john; johnny; latrine; lavatory; privy; toilet; water closet

    17. top (noun) acme; crest; crown; peak; summit; tip; top

    18. bear (verb) bear; go; light out; make; set out; strike out; take off

    19. behead (verb) behead; decapitate; decollate; guillotine; neck

    20. direct (verb) address; administer; administrate; aim; cast; command; direct; govern; incline; lay; lead; level; manage; oversee; point; precede; present; run; set; superintend; supervise; train; turn; zero in

    22. spring (verb) arise; birth; come from; derive from; emanate; flow; issue; originate; proceed; rise; spring; stem; upspring

    Антонимический ряд:

    attendant; base; basis; body; bottom; bulk; clerk; continuation; dependent; disciple; follow; follower; foot; footman; foundation; subordinate

    English-Russian base dictionary > head

  • 6

    1. n церк. настоятель собора; старший священник

    2. n церк. помощник игумена

    3. n церк. декан

    4. n церк. преподаватель-воспитатель

    5. n церк. старшина дипломатического корпуса, дуайен

    6. n церк. старшина, старейшина

    7. n церк. глава компании; глава объединения или группы

    8. n церк. юр. председатель

    9. n балка, глубокая и узкая долина

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. director (noun) director; official; principal; provost; regent

    4. leader (noun) bellwether; doyen; guide; lead; leader; pilot

    5. university official (noun) administrator; dean of engineering; dean of men; dean of students; dean of the faculties; dean of the graduate school; dean of women; petticoat dean; university official

    English-Russian base dictionary > dean

  • 7

    1. n оператор

    operator guide — указание оператору; руководство оператора

    2. n механик, машинист; водитель

    3. n связист; радист; телефонист

    4. n воен. обслуживающий номер

    5. n прожекторист

    6. n то, что оказывает действие

    operator, would you mind switching this call through to Extension 779? — коммутатор, пожалуйста, переключите этот вызов на добавочный 779

    7. n мед. врач-хирург, оперирующий хирург

    8. n диспетчер

    9. n биржевой маклер

    10. n разг. делец, ловкач

    11. n биол. ген-оператор

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. charlatan (noun) charlatan; fraud; rascal; scoundrel; swindler

    2. director (noun) administrator; director; executive; supervisor

    4. user (noun) autoist; automobilist; driver; engineer; motorist; operant; operative; trained employee; user; worker; workman

    English-Russian base dictionary > operator

  • 8

    1. n управляющий, заведующий, руководитель, администратор; директор; менеджер

    2. n юр. управляющий имуществом

    3. n хозяин

    4. n импресарио

    5. n парл. представитель одной из палат, уполномоченный вести переговоры по вопросу, касающемуся обеих палат

    6. n амер. деятель политической партии, занимающийся, в основном, организационными вопросами

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. director (noun) administrator; boss; director; exec; executive; foreman; governor; head; officer; official; overseer; superintendent; supervisor

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > manager

  • 9

    1. n управляющий; директор

    2. n контролёр; надзиратель

    3. n суперинтендент

    4. n комендант жилого дома; управляющий домом

    5. a управляющий; руководящий

    6. a надзирающий; контролирующий

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. director (noun) administrator; advisor; director; head honcho; mentor; overseer; taskmaster

    2. leader (noun) boss; chief; commander; foreman; head; leader; manager; master; ruler; supervisor

    English-Russian base dictionary > superintendent

  • 10

    1. n бригадир, десятник; прораб

    2. n надсмотрщик

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. director (noun) administrator; advisor; boss; director; head honcho; mentor; overseer; superintendent; supervisor

    English-Russian base dictionary > taskmaster

  • 11
    executive officer

    1. строевой офицер корабельной службы

    2. амер. старший помощник

    Синонимический ряд:

    director (noun) administrator; director; leader; manager; supervisor

    English-Russian base dictionary > executive officer

  • 12

    n амер. владелец похоронного бюро; гробовщик

    Синонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > mortician

  • 13

    1. n надсмотрщик; надзиратель

    custodial supervisor — надзиратель в исправительном учреждении; тюремный надзиратель

    2. n инспектор, контролёр

    3. n методист

    4. n вчт. супервизор, диспетчер; операционная система

    Синонимический ряд:

    director (noun) administrator; boss; chief; director; executive; foreman; head; headman; manager; operator; overseer; superintendent

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > supervisor

  • 14


    1) посол; ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary чрезвычайный и полномочный посол; ambassador at large посол, полномочия которого не ограничены территорией определенного государства

    2) посланец, вестник; представитель; to act as smb.’s ambassador представлять кого-л.; he acted as director’s ambassador at the negotiations на переговорах он представлял директора


    envoy, legate, minister, nuncio, plenipotentiary

    * * *

    * * *

    * * *

    [am·bas·sa·dor || æm’bæsədə]
    посол, посланец, вестник, представитель

    * * *





    * * *

    1) посол
    2) посланец

    Новый англо-русский словарь > ambassador

  • 15

    (noun), Louise Malle (director) + malpractice

    неудачная сцена в кинофильме «Damage», снятая французским режиссером Louise Malle

    Англо-русский словарь. Современные тенденции в словообразовании. Контаминанты. > Malle-Practice

  • 16

    1. n администратор; управляющий; административное, должностное лицо; руководитель работ

    2. n юр. опекун

    3. n юр. душеприказчик; администратор наследства; исполнитель завещания

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. chief executive (noun) authority figure; CEO; chief executive; chief executive officer; executive secretary; president; supervising director; vice-president

    4. leader (noun) chief; chieftain; commander; commander in chief; head; leader; master

    5. official (noun) director; exec; executive; manager; officer; official; supervisor

    English-Russian base dictionary > administrator

  • 17

    1. n карета, экипаж

    2. n ист. почтовая карета

    3. n ж. -д. пассажирский вагон, разделённый на купе

    4. n амер. пассажирский вагон с сидячими местами

    5. n амер. второй класс

    6. n междугородный автобус

    7. n амер. жилой трейлер; дом на колёсах

    8. n амер. закрытый автомобиль

    9. n спорт. тренер, инструктор

    10. n унив. разг. репетитор

    11. n учитель, преподаватель

    12. n концертмейстер-репетитор

    13. n австрал. домашнее животное, используемое для приманки диких

    14. v спорт. тренировать, готовить к состязаниям; обучать

    15. v спорт. тренироваться, готовиться к состязаниям

    16. v спорт. ав. инструктировать лётчика по радио во время ночных полётов

    17. v унив. разг. натаскивать к экзамену, репетировать

    18. v унив. разг. заниматься с репетитором, преподавателем

    19. v унив. разг. разучивать партии с певцами

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. physical education instructor (noun) athletic director; athletic trainer; director; drillmaster; instructor; manager; mentor; phys ed teacher; physical education instructor; trainer; tutor

    2. vehicle (noun) brougham; buggy; carriage; gig; hackney; landau; phaeton; stagecoach; stage-coach; surrey; vehicle

    3. train (verb) direct; drill; guide; instruct; prompt; referee; teach; train

    Антонимический ряд:

    learn; player

    English-Russian base dictionary > coach

  • 18

    1. n хозяин, владелец; господин

    2. n учитель

    3. n глава колледжа

    4. n магистр

    5. n мастер, знаток своего дела, специалист

    6. n квалифицированный рабочий; мастер

    7. n великий, знаменитый художник, мастер

    master gunner — старший инструктор по стрельбе; мастер стрельбы

    8. n в названиях должностей

    9. n молодой барин, барчук; мастер, господин

    10. n шотл. старший сын титулованного лица

    11. n Христос

    12. n капитан, шкипер

    13. n ист. штурман

    14. n спец. модель; оригинал, образец

    15. n первый оригинал

    film master — оригинал микрофильма; оригинал на плёнке

    16. n руководство

    17. a главный, старший

    18. a основной; сводный

    19. a контрольный

    20. v справляться, одолевать, подчинять себе

    to master the enemy — наносить поражение противнику, одерживать победу над противником

    21. v преодолевать

    22. v овладевать

    23. v руководить, управлять

    24. v русск. как компонент сложных слов, соответствует компоненту -мачтовик

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. dominant (adj.) ascendant; dominant; outweighing; overbalancing; overbearing; overweighing; paramount; predominant; predominate; preponderant; prevalent; regnant; sovereign

    2. major (adj.) chief; excellent; leading; main; major; principal; supreme

    3. proficient (adj.) accomplished; adept; crack; crackerjack; deft; expert; masterful; masterly; practiced; proficient; skilled; skillful

    4. expert (noun) adept; artist; artiste; authority; champion; connoisseur; doyen; expert; genius; maestro; master-hand; maven; passed master; past master; pro; professional; proficient; sage; scholar; swell; virtuoso; whiz; wiz; wizard

    5. leader (noun) boss; captain; chief; chieftain; cock; commander; director; dominator; head; headman; hierarch; honcho; leader; lord; overlord; ruler; superintendent; supervisor

    6. lover (noun) boyfriend; fancy man; lover; man; paramour

    8. owner (noun) holder; owner; possessor; proprietor

    10. teacher (noun) educator; instructor; mentor; preceptor; teacher

    11. victor (noun) conqueror; defeater; subduer; subjugator; vanquisher; victor; winner

    12. conquer (verb) conquer; defeat; humble; overpower; rule; subdue; vanquish

    13. domesticate (verb) domesticate; domesticize; domiciliate; gentle; tame

    14. learn (verb) comprehend; control; dominate; gain mastery in; get; learn; pick up; study; understand

    15. overcome (verb) best; down; hurdle; lick; overcome; prevail; surmount; throw; triumph; worst

    Антонимический ряд:

    inept; novice; resist; student; subject

    English-Russian base dictionary > master

  • 19

    1. n председатель

    2. n президент, председатель правления

    3. n директор, главный управляющий

    4. n глава ведомства, учреждения

    5. n амер. ректор

    6. n ист. губернатор

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. chief executive (noun) chair; chief; chief director; chief executive; commander; director; executive; ruler

    2. head (noun) boss; dean; head; king; lead; pilot; principal; vanguard

    English-Russian base dictionary > president

  • 20

    1. n стул; кресло

    cane chair — плетёный стул; плетёное кресло

    2. n председательство; председательское место

    3. n председатель

    4. n кафедра

    5. n профессура, должность профессора

    6. n судейство; должность судьи

    7. n должность мэра

    8. n пост спикера палаты общин

    9. n амер. разг. электрический стул

    10. n амер. место свидетеля в суде

    11. n возвыш. высокое положение, трон

    12. n ист. портшез

    13. n архит. конёк крыши

    14. n ж. -д. рельсовая подушка

    15. n ж. -д. башмак

    16. n ж. -д. тех. подвесная люлька

    17. v усаживать

    18. v возводить в должность

    19. v возводить на трон

    20. v избирать председателем

    21. v возглавлять; быть председателем; руководить

    22. v поднимать и нести

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. administrator (noun) administrator; director; executive; manager; president; supervisor

    2. electric chair (noun) capital punishment; death chair; death sentence; electric chair; electrocution; execution; hot seat

    3. furniture (noun) armchair; couch; furniture; place; seat; sofa; space; stool

    5. position of authority (noun) authority; chairman; chairperson; chairwoman; headship; instructorship; papal see; position of authority; professorate; professorship

    7. conduct (verb) conduct; direct; moderate; oversee; preside; supervise

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > chair


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См. также в других словарях:

  • director — ► NOUN 1) a person who is in charge of a department, organization, or activity. 2) a member of the managing board of a business. 3) a person who directs a film, play, etc. DERIVATIVES directorial adjective directorship noun …   English terms dictionary

  • director’s cut — noun The version of a cinema film preferred by its director as opposed to one edited by another, often incorporating scenes omitted from the commercially released version • • • Main Entry: ↑direct * * * director’s cut UK US noun [countable]… …   Useful english dictionary

  • director — di·rec·tor n 1: the head of an organized group or administrative unit or agency 2: any of a group of persons usu. elected by shareholders and entrusted with the overall control of a corporation ◇ Directors owe a fiduciary duty to the shareholders …   Law dictionary

  • Director of Public Prosecutions — Diˌrector of ˌPublic Proseˈcutions abbreviation DPP noun LAW JOBS in England, an important official who advises the government on legal subjects and decides which cases should go before a court of law: • A file was sent to the Director of Public… …   Financial and business terms

  • director — noun 1 controls a company/an organization ADJECTIVE ▪ company, managing ▪ executive, non executive ▪ assistant, associate, deputy …   Collocations dictionary

  • director general — noun (plural directors general also director generals) : a chief executive or administrator placed in overall charge of a bureau, department, or agency especially in a national government or organization with international orientation * * *… …   Useful english dictionary

  • director — noun (C) 1 one of the committee of top managers who control a company: a former director of Gartmore Pensions Ltd | board of directors (=the committee of directors) 2 the person who gives instructions to the actors, cameraman etc in a film or… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • director general — UK US (plural directors general) (also director general) noun [C, usually singular] ► WORKPLACE the person who controls a big organization, especially a public organization: »the director general of the BBC …   Financial and business terms

  • director’s interest — UK US noun [C, usually plural] (plural director s interests or directors interests) ► a situation in which a company director receives money or some other advantage from a deal, contract, etc.: »The Training and Enterprise Council is making… …   Financial and business terms

  • director’s chair — noun Etymology: so called from its use by movie directors : a lightweight usually folding armchair with a back and seat usually of cotton duck * * * diˈrector s chair 7 [director s chair] noun a folding wooden chair with crossed legs, a seat and… …   Useful english dictionary

  • director — noun /dɪˈrɛktə,daɪˈrɛktə,dɪˈɹɛktɚ,daɪˈɹɛktɚ/ a) One who directs; the person in charge of managing a department or directorate (e.g., director of engineering), project, or production (as in a show or film, e.g., film director). b) A device that… …   Wiktionary



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∙ 9y ago

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Yes, the word ‘director’ is a noun, a singular, common noun; a
word for a someone who is in charge of an activity, department, or
organization; a word for a person.

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∙ 9y ago

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Q: Is the word director a noun?

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What is gender noun of director?

The noun ‘director’ is a common gender noun, a word for a male or a female.

What is opposite gender of the word director?

The noun ‘director’ is a common gender noun; a word for a male
or a female who directs.

What part of speech is director?

The word director is a noun. The plural form would be

Is directress a female form of director?

The noun director is a common gender noun, a word for a male or
a female.
Although it is possible, I’ve never heard of a female director
called a directress.

What is the opposite gender of the noun director?

«Director» doesn’t have a female equivalent in English. The word
«director» can be used for both female and male.

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Britannica Dictionary definition of DIRECTOR



a person who manages an organized group of people or a part of an organization (such as a school or business)

  • the choir director

  • The company will hire a new director of marketing.

  • She’s the director of graduate studies at the university.

  • the school’s athletic director

see also funeral director


one of a group of managers who control a company or corporation

  • executive/deputy/associate directors

  • She’s on the board of directors [=a group of people who make decisions] for a large corporation.

see also managing director


a person who directs a play, movie, etc.

  • She’s considered one of the best young directors in Hollywood.

  • a movie/film/theater director

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from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun One that supervises, controls, or manages.
  • noun A member of a group of persons chosen to control or govern the affairs of an institution or corporation.
  • noun A person who supervises the creative aspects of a dramatic production or film and instructs the actors and crew.
  • noun The conductor of an orchestra or chorus.
  • noun An electronic device that continually calculates and displays information used for firing weapons at moving targets, such as missiles or aircraft.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun In geometry, a fixed guiding line.
  • noun The small printed or written letter inserted as a guide in the space to be afterward filled by the designer or illuminator of the large initial.
  • noun One who directs; one who guides, superintends, governs, or manages.
  • noun Specifically— One of a number of persons, appointed or elected under provision of law, having authority to manage and direct the affairs of a corporation or company. All the directors collectively constitute a board of directors. They are agents of the corporation, and not of the stockholders. Generally they are elected for one year.
  • noun In music, the leader or conductor of a company of vocal or instrumental performers: as, a choir director; an orchestral director.
  • noun Anything that directs or controls.
  • noun Specifically — In surgery, a grooved probe, intended to direct the edge of the knife or scissors in opening sinuses or fistulæ or making incisions generally, In electricity, a metallic instrument on a glass handle connected by a chain with the pole of a battery, and applied to the part of the body to which a shock is to be sent.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun One who, or that which, directs; one who regulates, guides, or orders; a manager or superintendent.
  • noun One of a body of persons appointed to manage the affairs of a company or corporation.
  • noun (Mech.) A part of a machine or instrument which directs its motion or action.
  • noun (Surg.) A slender grooved instrument upon which a knife is made to slide when it is wished to limit the extent of motion of the latter, or prevent its injuring the parts beneath.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun One who directs; the person in charge of managing a department or directorate (e.g., director of engineering), project, or production (as in a show or film, e.g., film director).
  • noun A device that displays graphical information concerning the targets of a weapons system in real time.
  • noun chemistry The common axis of symmetry of the molecules of a liquid crystal.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun the person who directs the making of a film
  • noun someone who supervises the actors and directs the action in the production of a show
  • noun member of a board of directors
  • noun the person who leads a musical group
  • noun someone who controls resources and expenditures


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

direct +‎ -or, influenced by Latin directorius


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  • While the new co-owners assured Zola they have confidence in his abilities — and said they want to achieve Champions League football «within seven years» — they refused to confirm the futures of Gianluca Nani, the technical director, plus the chief executive Scott Duxbury, and the finance ­director, Nick Igoe.

    The Guardian World News

  • I started work with a visit to Norway, with director Daniel Evans (also the Sheffield Crucible’s new artistic ­director), and designer, Ben Stone.

    Culture |

  • While the new co-owners assured Zola they have confidence in his abilities — and said they want to achieve Champions League football «within seven years» — they refused to confirm the futures of Gianluca Nani, the technical director, plus the chief executive Scott Duxbury, and the finance ­director, Nick Igoe.

    The Guardian World News

  • I started work with a visit to Norway, with director Daniel Evans (also the Sheffield Crucible’s new artistic ­director), and designer, Ben Stone.

    Culture |

  • The council unanimously agreed to send Gage a letter warning him for his decision last month to create and give the title director of public safety to Police Chief Randall Aragon without the council’s approval.

    The Daily News — News

  • The council unanimously agreed to send Gage a letter warning him for his decision last month to create and give the title director of public safety to Police Chief Randall Aragon without the council’s approval.

    The Daily News — News

  • The council unanimously agreed to send Gage a letter warning him for his decision last month to create and give the title director of public safety to Police Chief Randall Aragon without the council’s approval.

    The Daily News — News

  • The council unanimously agreed to send Gage a letter warning him for his decision last month to create and give the title director of public safety to Police Chief Randall Aragon without the council’s approval.

    The Daily News — News

  • The council unanimously agreed to send Gage a letter warning him for his decision last month to create and give the title director of public safety to Police Chief Randall Aragon without the council’s approval.

    The Daily News — News

  • The council unanimously agreed to send Gage a letter warning him for his decision last month to create and give the title director of public safety to Police Chief Randall Aragon without the council’s approval.

    The Daily News — News

  • Dictionary
  • D
  • Director


    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • UK Pronunciation
    • UK IPA
    • [dih-rek-ter, dahy-]
    • /dɪˈrɛk tər, daɪ-/
    • /dəˈrektə(r)/
    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • [dih-rek-ter, dahy-]
    • /dɪˈrɛk tər, daɪ-/

Definitions of director word

  • noun director a person or thing that directs. 1
  • noun director one of a group of persons chosen to control or govern the affairs of a company or corporation: a board of directors. 1
  • noun director the person responsible for the interpretive aspects of a stage, film, or television production; the person who supervises the integration of all the elements, as acting, staging, and lighting, required to realize the writer’s conception. Compare producer (def 3). 1
  • noun director the musical conductor of an orchestra, chorus, etc. 1
  • noun director the manager or chief executive of certain schools, institutes, government bureaus, etc. 1
  • noun director Military. a mechanical or electronic device that continuously calculates firing data for use against an airplane or other moving target. 1

Information block about the term

Origin of director

First appearance:

before 1470

One of the 25% oldest English words

From Late Latin, dating back to 1470-80; See origin at direct, -tor

Historical Comparancy

Parts of speech for Director

director popularity

A common word. It’s meaning is known to most children of preschool age. About 96% of English native speakers know the meaning and use the word.

Most Europeans know this English word. The frequency of it’s usage is somewhere between «mom» and «screwdriver».

Synonyms for director

noun director

  • head — Edith, 1897–1981, U.S. costume designer.
  • supervisor — a person who supervises workers or the work done by others; superintendent.
  • producer — a person who produces.
  • administrator — An administrator is a person whose job involves helping to organize and supervise the way that an organization or institution functions.
  • player — Gary, born 1935, South African golfer.

Antonyms for director

noun director

  • follower — a person or thing that follows.
  • worker — a person or thing that works.

Top questions with director

  • what does a director do?
  • how to become a director?
  • how to become an artistic director?
  • how to become an art director?
  • how to become and art director?
  • what does director mean?
  • what is a medical director?
  • how to become a creative director?
  • who is the director of star wars?
  • what is a creative director?
  • what does a movie director do?
  • doctor who director?
  • how to become a funeral director?
  • what is a director?
  • how to become an athletic director?

See also

  • All definitions of director
  • Synonyms for director
  • Antonyms for director
  • Related words to director
  • Sentences with the word director
  • Words that rhyme with director
  • director pronunciation
  • The plural of director

Matching words

  • Words starting with d
  • Words starting with di
  • Words starting with dir
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  • Words starting with direc
  • Words starting with direct
  • Words starting with directo
  • Words starting with director
  • Words ending with r
  • Words ending with or
  • Words ending with tor
  • Words ending with ctor
  • Words containing the letters d
  • Words containing the letters d,i
  • Words containing the letters d,i,r
  • Words containing the letters d,i,r,e
  • Words containing the letters d,i,r,e,c
  • Words containing the letters d,i,r,e,c,t
  • Words containing d
  • Words containing di
  • Words containing dir
  • Words containing dire
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  • Words containing direct

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