Is the word did past tense


The word DO appears a lot in English.

This is because it can be a verb, as in the verb TO DO which can be conjugated as Do and Does in the present tense, Did in the past tense and Done as a past participle.

DO can also be an AUXILIARY verb in the form of Do / Does to make questions in the present tense and Did to make questions in the past tense.

Let’s look at each one in more detail. We will start with the verb TO DO.

As we have seen, the verb TO DO has four forms: Do / Does / Did and Done
Lets look at its form in the simple present tense. 

TO DO – Present Tense

With the verb TO DO in the Present Tense…
We say: I do / you do / we do / they do
But we say: he does / she does / it does

Let’s look at some example sentences:

  • do my laundry on Saturdays.

(Do my laundry means I wash my clothes, well, I put in the washing machine)

  • They do their chores when they arrive home.

(Chores is the housework you need to do like washing the dishes, doing the vacuuming, etc.)

  • He does nothing all day. (That’s right… he is quite lazy, he does absolutely nothing.)
  • She does charity work when she has time. (People that do charity work are superheroes)

TO DO – Past Tense

The simple past tense of DO is DID for all subjects:
I did / you did / we did / they did / he did / she did / it did
Notice how there is only one form of the verb in the past tense…. DID.

  • He did a magic trick. (Yes, and everyone was amazed… wooow!)
  • The baby did a fart. (Yes, and the smell made everyone cry. How can such a cute thing produce something so rotten.)
  • did my homework in record time. (Yes, it only took me 5 hours instead of 10)
  • She did ballet after school last year. (This year she is doing something different)

TO DO – Past Participle

The past participle of DO is DONE. Remember that past participles are accompanied by a conjugation of the verb TO HAVE or TO BE (which means it is in the correct tense according to the subject)

In general Have + past participle is used with a perfect tense and BE + past participle is with the passive voice.
Let’s look at some examples:

  • I have done my homework.
  • He has done a good job.

These two sentences are in the present perfect tense because they have have or has before the past participle done.

  • The video will show you how it is done.
  • The report was done on time.

Here we used a conjugation of the verb To Be before the past participle done.

TO DO – To replace a verb

We sometimes use the verb DO to replace a verb when the meaning is clear or obvious. This replacement is more common in informal spoken English:

  • Have you done the dishes yet?

(Here done means washed)

  • I’ll do the kitchen if you do the lawns

(The first do means clean – The second do means mow)

Sometimes Do, Does, and Did are used as auxiliaries to make questions in English.

Let’s start with DO and DOES:

DO / DOES – For Questions

To make a question in the simple present tense in English we normally put the auxiliary Do or Does at the beginning of the question before the subject.
After the subject is the verb in its base form which means the infinitive without TO at the beginning.
Look at this affirmative sentence:

  • You speak English.

How can we make this a question? We add DO at the beginning so it becomes:

  • Do you speak English?

You will see that we add DO at the beginning when the subject is Iyouwe or they.

But look at this affirmative sentence:

  • He speaks Arabic.

To make this a question we say:

  • Does he speak Arabic?

You can see that we add DOES at the beginning when the subject is heshe or it.

Notice how the letter S at the end of the verb in the affirmative sentence (because it is in third person) disappears in the question. That is because the verb is in the base form of the infinitive.

NOTE: We DON’T use Do or Does in questions that have the verb To Be or Modal Verbs (can, must, might, should etc.)

DID – For Questions

Let’s look at the auxiliary DID.

To make a question in the Simple Past Tense in English we normally put the auxiliary DID at the beginning of the question before the subject.
And just like in the present tense, After the subject is the verb in its base form which means the infinitive with TO at the beginning.
Look at this affirmative sentence:

  • You lived in Spain.

How can we make this a question? We add DID at the beginning so it becomes:

  • Did you live in Spain?

We use the verb form Live and NOT lived because the auxiliary DID show that the question is in the past tense.

Did is also used with He, She and It. So with this affirmative sentence:

  • She lived in Japan.

To make it a question in the past tense we say:

  • Did she live in Japan?

Again we use DID for questions in the past EXCEPT with To Be and Modal Verbs such as Can.
Compare these questions:

  • Do you speak English?
  • Did you speak English?

The only difference between a question in the present tense and the past tense is the first part… DO or DID.
And look at these two questions

  • Does he speak Italian?
  • Did he speak Italian?

The only difference between a question in the present tense and the past tense when it refers to third person (he, she, or it) is the first part… DOES or DID.

Auxiliary and Verb together

Look at this question:

  • Do you do exercises every day?

Why are there two DOs in this question?
The first DO is necessary because we are making a question in the simple present tense.
The second DO is from the verb TO DO. You DO exercises.

What happens if instead of YOU we are asking about another person?

  • Does she do exercises every day?

We use DOES because it is necessary for simple present tense questions for third person, in this case for SHE. Does she….?
Again DO appears because you DO exercises. It appears as DO and not DOES because the verb needs to be in the base form of the infinitive.

Of course in the past tense you would say:

  • Did you do exercises yesterday?

Did is an auxiliary which is needed to make a question.
Do is from the verb To Do.

DO and DOES – For Emphasis

Sometimes Do / Does / Did are used in positive sentences to give special emphasis that what you say is true, despite what the other person thinks. Note that when speaking, the word (do/does/did) is stressed.

  • do want to go. (We put stress on the word DO to emphasize that we really want to go, even if you think it is not true.)
  • did study for the test. (Contrary to what you may believe… yes, I studied)

Notice that Did is used for positive sentences in the past tense and that the main verb is in its base form.

  • Yes, he does like broccoli. (You may be surprised but yes, he likes broccoli)
  • You do need tickets for the event. (I am emphasizing that fact that tickets ARE needed despite what you think.)

Summary Chart

Difference between DO, DOES, DID and DONE in English

Lesson tags: Did, Do, Does, Done, Past Participles, Past Tense, Perfect Tense, Present Tense, Time
Back to: English Course > Perfect Tense

1. Base Form (Infinitive): Do
2. Simple Past: Did
3. Past Participle: Done
4. Present Participle: Doing
5. 3rd Person Singular: Does

do verb forms v1 v2 v3 past tense and past participle

Did is the past tense of the word do.

Do past participle

Done is the past participle of the word do.

Do verb forms V1 V2 V3 V4

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Present Participle
Do Did Done Doing

Conjugation of Do

Simple / Indefinite Present Tense
I do homework.
He/She/It does homework.
You/We/They do homework.
Simple Past Tense
I did homework.
He/She/It did homework.
You/We/They did homework.
Simple Future Tense
I will/shall do homework.
He/She/It will do homework.
You/We/They will/shall do homework.
Present Continuous Tense
I am doing homework.
He/She/It is doing homework.
You/We/They are doing homework.
Past Continuous Tense
I was doing homework.
He/She/It was doing homework.
You/We/They were doing homework.
Future Continuous Tense
I will be doing homework.
He/She/It will be doing homework.
You/We/They will be doing homework.
Present Perfect Tense
I have done my homework.
He/She/It has done my homework.
You/We/They have done my homework.
Past Perfect Tense
I had done my homework.
He/She/It had done my homework.
You/We/They had done my homework.
Future Perfect Tense
I will have done my homework.
He/She/It will have done my homework.
You/We/They will have done my homework.
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
I have been doing my homework.
He/She/It has been doing my homework.
You/We/They have been doing my homework.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
I had been doing my homework.
He/She/It had been doing my homework.
You/We/They had been doing my homework.
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
I will have been doing my homework.
He/She/It will have been doing my homework.
You/We/They will have been doing my homework.

More verb past tense

  • Drag
  • Draw
  • Dream
  • Drink
  • Drive

Таблица неправильных глаголов

В английском языке глаголы делятся на правильные и неправильные. Неправильные глаголы — это такие глаголы, у которых форма прошедшего времени ( Past tense form ), а также форма причастия прошедшего времени ( Past participle ) образуется не так, как у правильных глаголов. Правильные глаголы образуют эти формы путём прибавления –ed к первой форме. Подробнее про глаголы.

Нет общего правила для неправильных глаголов. Их нужно просто выучить.

Base form Past simple Past participle Перевод
arise arose arisen возникать, появляться
awake awakened / awoke awakened / awoken будить, проснуться
backslide backslid backslidden / backslid отказываться от прежних убеждений
be was, were been быть
bear bore born / borne родить
beat beat beaten / beat бить
become became become становиться, делаться
begin began begun начинать
bend bent bent сгибать, гнуть
bet bet / betted bet / betted держать пари
bind bound bound связать
bite bit bitten кусать
bleed bled bled кровоточить
blow blew blown дуть
break broke broken ломать
breed bred bred выращивать
bring brought brought приносить
broadcast broadcast / broadcasted broadcast / broadcasted распространять, разбрасывать
browbeat browbeat browbeaten / browbeat запугивать
build built built строить
burn burned / burnt burned / burnt гореть, жечь
burst burst burst взрываться, прорываться
bust busted / bust busted / bust разжаловать
buy bought bought покупать
can could could мочь, уметь
cast cast cast бросить, кинуть, вышвырнуть
catch caught caught ловить, хватать, успеть
choose chose chosen выбирать
cling clung clung цепляться, льнуть
clothe clothed / clad clothed / clad одевать (кого-либо)
come came come приходить
cost cost cost стоить, обходиться (в какую-либо сумму)
creep crept crept ползать
cut cut cut резать, разрезать
deal dealt dealt иметь дело
dig dug dug копать
dive dove / dived dived нырять, погружаться
do did done делать, выполнять
draw drew drawn рисовать, чертить
dream dreamed / dreamt dreamed / dreamt грезить, мечтать
drink drank drunk пить
drive drove driven управлять (авто)
dwell dwelt / dwelled dwelt / dwelled обитать, находиться
eat ate eaten есть, кушать
fall fell fallen падать
feed fed fed кормить
feel felt felt чувствовать
fight fought fought драться, сражаться, бороться
find found found находить
fit fit fit подходить по размеру
flee fled fled убегать, спасаться
fling flung flung бросаться, ринуться
fly flew flown летать
forbid forbade forbidden запрещать
forecast forecast forecast предсказывать, предвосхищать
foresee foresaw foreseen предвидеть
foretell foretold foretold предсказывать, прогнозировать
forget forgot forgotten забывать
forgive forgave forgiven прощать
forsake forsook forsaken покидать
freeze froze frozen замерзать
get got gotten / got получать, достигать
give gave given давать
go went gone идти, ехать
grind ground ground молоть, толочь
grow grew grown расти
hang hung / hanged hung / hanged вешать, развешивать
have, has had had иметь
hear heard heard слышать
hew hewed hewn / hewed рубить
hide hid hidden прятаться, скрываться
hit hit hit ударять, поражать
hold held held держать, удерживать, фиксировать
hurt hurt hurt ранить, причинить боль
inlay inlaid inlaid вкладывать, вставлять, выстилать
input input / inputted input / inputted входить
interweave interwove interwoven воткать
keep kept kept держать, хранить
kneel knelt / kneeled knelt / kneeled становиться на колени
knit knitted / knit knitted / knit вязать
know knew known знать, иметь представление (о чем-либо)
lay laid laid класть, положить
lead led led вести, руководить, управлять
lean leaned / leant leaned / leant опираться, прислоняться
leap leaped / leapt leaped / leapt прыгать, скакать
learn learnt / learned learnt / learned учить
leave left left покидать, оставлять
lend lent lent одалживать, давать взаймы
let let let позволять, предполагать
lie lay lain лежать
light lit / lighted lit / lighted освещать
lose lost lost терять
make made made делать, производить, создавать
may might might мочь, иметь возможность
mean meant meant значить, иметь ввиду
meet met met встречать
miscast miscast miscast неправильно распределять роли
misdeal misdealt misdealt поступать неправильно
misdo misdid misdone делать что-либо неправильно или небрежно
misgive misgave misgiven внушать недоверия, опасения
mishear misheard misheard ослышаться
mishit mishit mishit промахнуться
mislay mislaid mislaid класть не на место
mislead misled misled ввести в заблуждение
misread misread misread неправильно истолковывать
misspell misspelled / misspelt misspelled / misspelt писать с ошибками
misspend misspent misspent неразумно, зря тратить
mistake mistook mistaken ошибаться
misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood неправильно понимать
mow mowed mowed / mown косить
offset offset offset возмещать, вознаграждать, компенсировать
outbid outbid outbid перебивать цену
outdo outdid outdone превосходить
outfight outfought outfought побеждать в бою
outgrow outgrew outgrown вырастать из
output output / outputted output / outputted выходить
outrun outran outrun перегонять, опережать
outsell outsold outsold продавать лучше или дороже
outshine outshone outshone затмевать
overbid overbid overbid повелевать
overcome overcame overcome компенсировать
overdo overdid overdone пережари(ва)ть
overdraw overdrew overdrawn превышать
overeat overate overeaten объедаться
overfly overflew overflown перелетать
overhang overhung overhung нависать
overhear overheard overheard подслуш(ив)ать
overlay overlaid overlaid покры(ва)ть
overpay overpaid overpaid переплачивать
override overrode overridden отменять, аннулировать
overrun overran overrun переливаться через край
oversee oversaw overseen надзирать за
overshoot overshot overshot расстрелять
oversleep overslept overslept проспать, заспаться
overtake overtook overtaken догонять
overthrow overthrew overthrown свергать
partake partook partaken принимать участие
pay paid paid платить
plead pleaded / pled pleaded / pled обращаться к суду
prepay prepaid prepaid платить вперед
prove proved proven / proved доказывать
put put put класть, ставить, размещать
quit quit / quitted quit / quitted выходить, покидать, оставлять
read read read читать
rebind rebound rebound перевязывать
rebuild rebuilt rebuilt перестроить
recast recast recast изменять, перестраивать
redo redid redone делать вновь, переделывать
rehear reheard reheard слушать вторично
remake remade remade переделывать
rend rent rent раздирать
repay repaid repaid отдавать долг
rerun reran rerun выполнять повторно
resell resold resold перепродавать
reset reset reset возвращать
resit resat resat пересиживать
retake retook retaken забирать
retell retold retold пересказывать
rewrite rewrote rewritten перезаписать
rid rid rid избавлять
ride rode ridden ездить верхом
ring rang rung звонить
rise rose risen подняться
run ran run бегать
saw sawed sawed / sawn пилить
say said said сказать, заявить
see saw seen видеть
seek sought sought искать
sell sold sold продавать
send sent sent посылать
set set set ставить, устанавливать
sew sewed sewn / sewed шить
shake shook shaken трясти
shave shaved shaved / shaven бриться
shear sheared sheared / shorn стричь
shed shed shed проливать
shine shined / shone shined / shone светить, сиять, озарять
shoot shot shot стрелять, давать побеги
show showed shown / showed показывать
shrink shrank / shrunk shrunk сокращаться, сжиматься
shut shut shut закрывать, запирать, затворять
sing sang sung петь
sink sank / sunk sunk тонуть, погружаться (под воду)
sit sat sat сидеть
slay slew / slayed slain / slayed убивать
sleep slept slept спать
slide slid slid скользить
sling slung slung бросать, швырять
slink slunk slunk красться, идти крадучись
slit slit slit разрезать, рвать в длину
smell smelled / smelt smelled / smelt пахнуть, нюхать
sow sowed sown / sowed сеять
speak spoke spoken говорить
speed sped / speeded sped / speeded ускорять, спешить
spell spelled / spelt spelled / spelt писать или читать по буквам
spend spent spent тратить, расходовать
spill spilled / spilt spilled / spilt проливать, разливать
spin spun spun прясть
spit spit / spat spit / spat плевать
split split split расщеплять
spoil spoiled / spoilt spoiled / spoilt портить
spread spread spread распространиться
spring sprang / sprung sprung вскочить, возникнуть
stand stood stood стоять
steal stole stolen воровать, красть
stick stuck stuck уколоть, приклеить
sting stung stung жалить
stink stunk / stank stunk вонять
strew strewed strewn / strewed усеять, устлать
stride strode stridden шагать, наносить удар
strike struck struck ударить, бить, бастовать
string strung strung нанизать, натянуть
strive strove / strived striven / strived стараться
sublet sublet sublet передавать в субаренду
swear swore sworn клясться, присягать
sweep swept swept мести, подметать, сметать
swell swelled swollen / swelled разбухать
swim swam swum плавать, плыть
swing swung swung качать, раскачивать, вертеть
take took taken брать, взять
teach taught taught учить, обучать
tear tore torn рвать
tell told told рассказать
think thought thought думать
throw threw thrown бросить
thrust thrust thrust колоть, пронзать
tread trod trodden / trod ступать
unbend unbent unbent выпрямляться, разгибаться
underbid underbid underbid снижать цену
undercut undercut undercut сбивать цены
undergo underwent undergone испытывать, переносить
underlie underlay underlain лежать в основе
underpay underpaid underpaid оплачивать слишком низко
undersell undersold undersold продавать дешевле
understand understood understood понимать, постигать
undertake undertook undertaken предпринять
underwrite underwrote underwritten подписываться
undo undid undone уничтожать сделанное
unfreeze unfroze unfrozen размораживать
unsay unsaid unsaid брать назад свои слова
unwind unwound unwound развертывать
uphold upheld upheld поддерживать
upset upset upset опрокинуться
wake woke / waked woken / waked просыпаться
waylay waylaid waylaid подстерегать
wear wore worn носить (одежду)
weave wove / weaved woven / weaved ткать
wed wed / wedded wed / wedded жениться, выдавать замуж
weep wept wept плакать, рыдать
wet wet / wetted wet / wetted мочить, увлажнять
win won won победить, выиграть
wind wound wound заводить (механизм)
withdraw withdrew withdrawn взять назад, отозвать
withhold withheld withheld воздерживаться, отказывать
withstand withstood withstood противостоять
wring wrung wrung скрутить, сжимать
write wrote written писать

Simple past tense (past simple tense) is a verb tense that describes completed actions or past habits before now. It is also used to talk about a series of events in the past. “Did” is the helping verb of simple past tense. For affirmative (positive) sentences we use past simple form of a verb.

Table of Contents

  • ⬤ Formation of simple past tense
  • ⬤ Which auxiliary (helping verb) to use for simple past tense?
  • ⬤ Positive (Affirmative) sentences
  • ⬤ Negative sentences
  • ⬤ Interrogative sentences
  • ⬤ Sentence forms in simple past tense
  • ⬤ What are the regular verbs?
  • ⬤ What are the irregular verbs?
  • ⬤ Explanations and usages of Simple Past Tense
  • ⬤Using “was”, “were” to talk about past states.
  • ⬤ What are the time expressions in simple past tense?
  • ⬤ Time adverbs exercise
  • ⬤ Images and example sentences
  • ⬤ A conversation example
  • ⬤ Translate these sentences
  • ⬤ Sentence scramble game
  • ⬤ Example sentences about simple past tense
  • ⬤ Questions and with answers

Formation of simple past tense

For affirmative sentences we use the formation of “verb + ed”. For negative sentences and questions we use the auxiliary “did” or “did not”. See the chart below to learn the structure of simple past tense.

  Did Why didWhere did


arrivedworkedhelpdid not playplaygo


simple past tense - grammar timeline


Simple Past Tense Formation

(+) Affirmative form (-) Negative form (?) Question form
 I watched.  I didn’t watch.  Did you watch?
 You watched.  You didn’t watch.  Did you watch?

Which auxiliary (helping verb) to use for simple past tense?

The auxiliary verb in simple past tense is “did“. However we use “was-were” to talk about a state in the past.

  • I walked in the park.
  • I didn’t walk in the park.
  • Did you walk in the park?
  • I was in the park.
  • I wasn’t in the park.
  • Were you in the park?

Positive (Affirmative) sentences

For the formation of positive sentences in simple past tense we add “-ed“, “-ied” or just “-d” to the verb. We do not use “did” for the positive sentences.

  • I asked a question.
  • She studied maths.
  • She cleaned her room.
  • Jack repaired the car last week.
  • A traffic accident happened yesterday.

Negative sentences

For the formation of negative sentences in simple past tense we use “not” together with “did“. The short form is “didn’t

  • He did not want tea.
  • We didn’t wait for the bus.
  • I didn’t use your pen.
  • Susan didn’t lie.

Interrogative sentences

For the formation of question sentences (interrogative) in simple past tense we put “did” before the subject.

  • Did you enjoy your holiday.
  • Did she write an email.
  • Where did Yuto go?
  • What did Ali want?

Sentence forms in simple past tense

Simple Past Tense Formula with example sentences

(+) Affirmative sentences (-) Negative sentences (?) Interrogative sentences
 I played  I didn’t play  Did I play?
 You played  You didn’t play  Did you play?
 He played  He didn’t play  Did he play?
 She played  She didn’t play  Did she play?
 It played  It didn’t play  Did it play?
 We played  We didn’t play  Did we play?
 They played  They didn’t play  Did they play?

What are the regular verbs?

Regular verbs are the verbs that gets “-ed“, “-ied” or “-d” for the the past simple forms.

Regular verbs

Infinitive Past simple Past participle
clean cleaned cleaned
play played played
study studied studied

What are the irregular verbs?

Irregular verbs are the verbs which don’t get “-ed“, “-ied” or “-d” to form past simple form or past participle form. There are a number of irregular verbs which needs to be memorized. Because the formation has no standard rule. Some verbs have the same form as bare form, past simple form or past participle form. For example “cut, put, let, hit”.

Irregular verbs

Infinitive Past simple form Past participle form
find found found
go went gone
break broke broken
speak spoke spoken
put put put


  • (+) I visited my uncle. 
  • (-) I didn’t visit my uncle yesterday. 
  • (?) Did you visit your uncle yesterday? 
  • (+) They found the cat.
  • (-) They didn’t find the cat.
  • (?) Did they find the cat?

❯❯ Learn verb to be here
❯❯ Learn simple present tense here
❯❯ Learn present continuous tense here
❯❯ Learn future simple tense (will) here
❯❯ Learn be going to future tense here
❯❯ Learn past continuous tense here
❯❯ Learn present perfect tense here

Explanations and usages of Simple Past Tense

Let’s go on with the explanations, usages and time adverbs of simple past tense:

1- Finished actions in the past

Simple Past Tense is used to describe a finished action in a specific time in the past.
watched a film yesterday. 
didn’t watch a film yesterday. 
Last year, I traveled to Italy. 
Last year, I didn’t travel to Italy. 
She washed her hands. 
She didn’t wash her hands. 
I bought a hat yesterday.
Did you like your cake?
Where did you go?
What did Ethan say?
How did she get 100 points in the exam?

2- A series of finished actions.

Simple Past Tense is also used to describe past actions that happen one after the other. The series of actions are all expressed in simple past tense.
went out, walked to the park, and watched the sky silently.

He arrived from the airport at 11:00, looked for someone to ask the way, and called a taxi.

3- Past habits

We can also use simple past tense to talk about habits in the past.
always played basketball when I was a child.
He often played the guitar.
They never went to school, they always skipped.
She worked at the hospital after school.

Using “was”, “were” to talk about past states.

If you want to talk about a past state or condition we use “was, were”. The negative form is “was not, were not” or “wasn’t weren’t”. To make questions we use “was/were” before the subject.

I lived in London.
I was in London.

Examples (did)
Sally worked at the hospital.
Sally didn’t work at the hospital.
Did Sally work at the hospital?
Where did Sally work?

Examples (was-were)
Sally was at the hospital.
Sally wasn’t at the hospital.
Was Sally at the hospital?
Where was Sally?

What are the time expressions in simple past tense?

I went to the cinema yesterday. 
last week, last year, last Sunday, last month etc.
He bought a car last week. 
two years ago, four days ago, three minutes ago etc.
I saw her five minutes ago.
in 1995, in 2003 etc.
I had an accident in 2014.

Time adverbs exercise

You can see the simple past tense time adverbs below. Click on the cards and tell the meaning of them in your native language..

Images and example sentences

You can learn simple past tense with images and example sentences below.

A conversation example

Here is a dialogue to learn simple past tense. You can make similar conversations.

  1. avatar image

    Hi? Harry

    Did you win the match yesterday?

  2. avatar image

  3. avatar image

  4. avatar image

  5. avatar image

    What do you mean?

    Didn’t you play?

  6. avatar image

    Actually I didn’t.

    I had a traffic accident

    so I spent the night at a hospital.

    We won the match.

    My teammates dedicated the goals to me.

  7. avatar image

    How nice!

    Well. Your team needs you. Get well soon.

Translate these sentences

You will see random examples of simple past tense below. Try to translate them into your own language.

Sentence scramble game

You will see scrambled words of simple past tense sentences. Click on them in order to make a sentence.

Example sentences about simple past tense

You can see many sentences below to learn simple past tense.

10 examples of about simple past tense

  1. I listened to the new pop album yesterday. It’s great.
  2. She liked the film but she didn’t like the music.
  3. There was a problem with the plug.
  4. I was happy to see her with a smile in her face.
  5. Her parents travelled by train from Istanbul to Moscow.
  6. I phoned you four times last night but you were out.
  7. There were many workers waiting outside.
  8. We walked along the beach yesterday. It was lovely.
  9. I had a problem. So I asked to my mother about it.
  10. Last week I was in Paris. I stayed in a hotel.

Questions and with answers

Read the questions and the answers below to learn how to use about simple past tense.

10 questions and answers about simple past tense

  1. Did you like the film?
    Yes, I liked it very much.
  2. Did they give her a present after the ceremony?
    Yes, they gave her a new camera.
  3. When did you start playing the guitar?
    I started playing the guitar when I was nine.
  4. Was there a guard at the door?
    No. They let us in.
  5. When did you leave school?
    I left school when I was sixteen.
  6. Who invented the radio?
    Guglielmo Marconi invented it.
  7. When did you give your first concert?
    We gave our first concert in a wedding in Liverpool.
  8. How many sandwiches did he eat?
    He ate 3 sandwiches.
  9. Were you with Sally when she had an accident?
    Yes, I was.
  10. What did she do with the book?
    She sat on a bench and started reading.

External resources:
You can go to British Council page and study simple past tense, or watch a video from the popular movies about past simple tense.

Ask the Editor


did + main verb: base form or past tense form?






The short answer to your question is that the verb that follows did should be used in its base form. Read below for more information.

The verb did, the past tense form of do, commonly appears before another verb in these two sentence types:

1. Questions about the past

  • What did you eat? (The two verbs are did and eat.)
  • Did you eat pizza? (did, eat)

2. Negative statements about the past

  • I didn’t stay late.(didn’t, stay)
  • Julia didn’t come at all last night. (didn’t, come)

In both of these sentence types, did is an auxiliary verb (or “helping verb”) that is followed by a main verb, which carries the real verb meaning.

The auxiliary verb (did) is marked for past tense, but the main verb is not. It appears in its base form. A helpful way to remember this is that when there is an auxiliary verb, the main verb does not need to be marked for tense, because the tense is shown in the auxiliary. However, in a sentence about the past without an auxiliary verb, the main verb does need to be in the past tense form, as in this sentence:

  • He ate a whole pizza. (ate, the only verb, is in the past tense form)

I hope this helps.

You can read more articles in the archive.

Do V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 has five different forms: base form, past simple form, past participle form, present perfect form, and present perfect participle form. So what is Do‘s past? How to conjugate verbs with the verb Do?

Let’s find with English tivi more details in this article.

See more at: Verbs

Do of Definition and Meaning

Do is a verb. It means to perform an action.

Base Form (V1) do
Past Form (V2) did
Past Participle Form (V3) done
s / es/ ies (V4) does
‘ing’ form (V5) doing

Do of Past Simple V2

The verb do is also employed in its V2 form as “did”’. It is used to indicate the past tense in sentences.


Do of Past Participle V3

This verb’s V3 form is ‘ done ‘ In the case of past perfect tense or present perfect tense, the word ‘ done ‘ is used.

+ In the present perfect tense, the word do is used ‘have + done ‘ or ‘has + done.’ 

  • I, you, and we are used as ‘have + done ‘ subjects.
  • He, she, and it are used as ‘has + done ‘ subjects.

+ If you need to use the past perfect tense, use ‘had + done ‘ regardless of the subject.

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Conjugation of Do V1 V2 V3 V4 V5

Conjugation table: Do
Number Singular
Present Simple of do I You She/He/It
do do does
We You They
do do do
Present Continuous of do I You She/He/It
am doing are doing is doing
We You They
are doing are doing are doing
Present Perfect of do I You She/He/It
have done have done has done
We You They
have done have done have done
Present Perfect Continuous of do I You She/He/It
have been doing have been doing has been doing
We You They
have been doing have been doing have been doing
Past Simple of do I You She/He/It
did did did
We You They
did did did
Past Continuous of do I You She/He/It
was doing were doing was doing
We You They
were doing were doing were doing
Past Perfect of do I You She/He/It
had done had done had done
We You They
had done had done had done
Past Perfect Continuous of do I You She/He/It
had been doing had been doing had been doing
We You They
had been doing had been doing had been doing
Future Simple of do I You She/He/It
will/shall do will/shall do will/shall do
We You They
will/shall do will/shall do will/shall do
Future Continuous of do I You She/He/It
will/shall be doing will/shall be doing will/shall be doing
We You They
will/shall be doing will/shall be doing will/shall be doing
Future Perfect of do I You She/He/It
will/shall have done will/shall have done will/shall have done
We You They
will/shall have done will/shall have done will/shall have done
Future Perfect Continuous of do I You She/He/It
will/shall have been doing will/shall have been doing will/shall have been doing
We You They
will/shall have been doing will/shall have been doing will/shall have been doing
Conditional Present of do I You She/He/It
would do would do would do
We You They
would do would do would do
Conditional Perfect of do I You She/He/It
would have done would have done would have done
We You They
would have done would have done would have done
Conditional Present Continuous of do I You She/He/It
would be doing would be doing would be doing
We You They
would be doing would be doing would be doing
Conditional Perfect Continuous of do I You She/He/It
would have been doing would have been doing would have been doing
We You They
would have been doing would have been doing would have been doing
Present Subjunctive of do I You She/He/It
do do do
We You They
do do do
Past Subjunctive of do I You She/He/It
did did did
We You They
did did did
Past Perfect Subjunctive of do I You She/He/It
had done had done had done
We You They
had done had done had done
Imperative of do I You She/He/It
We You They
Let’s do do

See more at: Vocabulary

Example Sentences with Do V1 V2 V3 V4 V5

In this section, we will learn about do sentence examples.


+ She does love this game.

+ He does want to come over now.

+ How do you do that?

+ They do my hair before school.

+ He wants to do his best in this race.

Synonym Words For Do

Synonym of the do word list. Here are a variety of words whose meaning is nearly the synonym of do:

  • satisfy
  • suffice
  • function
  • work

Opposite Words For Do

The antonym of the do word list. Here are some words that have nearly the opposite meaning as do.

  • idle
  • bum
  • dawdle
  • dillydally
  • laze
  • loll
  • lounge
  • sit
  • back
  • slack
  • slouch
  • stagnate

You might also like: Best List of Irregular Verbs in English

Some Frequently Asked Questions About Do (Verb)

What is the V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 of do?

The past tense of do is did. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of do is does. The present participle of do is doing. The past participle of do is done.

Base Form (V1) do
Past Form (V2) did
Past Participle Form (V3) done
s / es/ ies (V4) does
‘ing’ form (V5) doing

What is the V2 and V3 form of do?

+ The V2 and V3 form of do is “did and done“.

What is the sentence of do?

What is the past tense V2 of do?

+ The past tense of do is “did“.

What is the past participle V3 of do?

+ The past participle of do is “done“.

What is the present participle V5 of do?

+ The present participle of do is “doing“.


There are three types of Do V1 V2 V3 V4 V5: Base Form, Past Simple, and Present Continuous and Present Continuous. We know all about them. English is easier and more fun to learn if we make it easier and more fun to use.

You should follow the English TV YouTube channel to learn more about English and improve your skills.

Here are other verbs V1 V2 V3 List

Base Form V1 Past Form V2 Past Participle Form V3
abide abode/abided abode/abided
arise arose arisen
awake awoke awoken
backslide backslid backslidden/backslid
be was/were been
bear bore borne
beat beat beaten/beat
become became become
befall befell befallen
begin began begun
behold beheld beheld
bend bent bent
beset beset beset
bespeak bespoke bespoken
bet bet/betted bet/betted
bid bid bid
bind bound bound
bite bit bitten
bleed bled bled
blow blew blown
break broke broken
breed bred bred
bring brought brought
broadcast broadcast broadcast
browbeat browbeat browbeaten/browbeat
build built built
burn burnt/burned burnt/burned
burst burst burst
bust busted/bust busted/bust
buy bought bought
cast cast cast
catch caught caught
chide chid/chided chid/chidden/chided
choose chose chosen
cleave clove/cleft/cleaved cloven/cleft/cleaved
cleave clave cleaved
cling clung clung
clothe clothed/clad clothed/clad
come came come
cost cost cost
creep crept crept
crossbreed crossbred crossbred
crow crew/crewed crowed
cut cut cut
daydream daydreamed
deal dealt dealt
dig dug dug
disprove disproved disproved/disproven
dive dove/dived dived
do did done
draw drew drawn
dream dreamt/dreamed dreamt/dreamed
drink drank drunk
drive drove driven
dwell dwelt dwelt
eat ate eaten
fall fell fallen
feed fed fed
feel felt felt
fight fought fought
find found found
fit fitted/fit fitted/fit
flee fled fled
fling flung flung
fly flew flown
forbear forbore forborne
forbid forbade/forbad forbidden
forecast forecast/forecasted forecast/forecasted
forego (also forgo) forewent foregone
foresee foresaw foreseen
foretell foretold foretold
forget forgot forgotten
forgive forgave forgiven
forsake forsook forsaken
freeze froze frozen
frostbite frostbit frostbitten
get got got/gotten
gild gilt/gilded gilt/gilded
gird girt/girded girt/girded
give gave given
go went gone
grind ground ground
grow grew grown
hand-feed hand-fed hand-fed
handwrite handwrote handwritten
hang hung hung
have had had
hear heard heard
heave hove/heaved hove/heaved
hew hewed hewn/hewed
hide hid hidden
hit hit hit
hurt hurt hurt
inbreed inbred inbred
inlay inlaid inlaid
input input input
inset inset inset
interbreed interbred interbred
interweave interwove
interwind interwound interwound
jerry-build jerry-built jerry-built
keep kept kept
kneel knelt/kneeled knelt/kneeled
knit knit/knitted knit/knitted
know knew known
lay laid laid
lead led led
lean leaned/leant leaned/leant
leap leapt /leaped leapt /leaped
learn learnt/learned learnt/learned
leave left left
lend lent lent
let let let
lie lay lain
light lit/lighted lit/lighted
lip-read lip-read lip-read
lose lost lost
make made made
mean meant meant
meet met met
miscast miscast miscast
misdeal misdealt misdealt
misdo misdid misdone
mishear misheard misheard
mislay mislaid mislaid
mislead misled misled
mislearn mislearned
misread misread misread
misset misset misset
misspeak misspoke misspoken
misspell misspelt misspelt
misspend misspent misspent
mistake mistook mistaken
misteach mistaught mistaught
misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood
miswrite miswrote miswritten
mow mowed mown/mowed
offset offset offset
outbid outbid outbid
outbreed outbred outbred
outdo outdid outdone
outdraw outdrew outdrawn
outdrink outdrank outdrunk
outdrive outdrove outdriven
outfight outfought outfought
outfly outflew outflown
outgrow outgrew outgrown
outleap outleaped/outleapt outleaped/outleapt
outlie outlied outlied
output output output
outride outrode outridden
outrun outran outrun
outsell outsold outsold
outshine outshined/outshone outshined/outshone
outshoot outshot outshot
outsing outsang outsung
outsit outsat outsat
outsleep outslept outslept
outsmell outsmelled/outsmelt outsmelled/outsmelt
outspeak outspoke outspoken
outspeed outsped outsped
outspend outspent outspent
outswear outswore outsworn
outswim outswam outswum
outthink outthought outthought
outthrow outthrew outthrown
outwrite outwrote outwritten
overbid overbid overbid
overbreed overbred overbred
overbuild overbuilt overbuilt
overbuy overbought overbought
overcome overcame overcome
overdo overdid overdone
overdraw overdrew overdrawn
overdrink overdrank overdrunk
overeat overate overeaten
overfeed overfed overfed
overfly overflew overflown
overhang overhung overhung
overhear overheard overheard
overlay overlaid overlaid
overpay overpaid overpaid
override overrode overridden
overrun overran overrun
oversee oversaw overseen
oversell oversold oversold
oversew oversewed oversewn/oversewed
overshoot overshot overshot
oversleep overslept overslept
overspeak overspoke overspoken
overspend overspent overspent
overspill overspilled/overspilt overspilled/overspilt
overtake overtook overtaken
overthink overthought overthought
overthrow overthrew overthrown
overwind overwound overwound
overwrite overwrote overwritten
partake partook partaken
pay paid paid
plead pleaded/pled pleaded/pled
prebuild prebuilt prebuilt
premake premade premade
prepay prepaid prepaid
presell presold presold
preset preset preset
preshrink preshrank preshrunk
proofread proofread proofread
prove proved proven/proved
put put put
quick-freeze quick-froze quick-frozen
quit quit/quitted quit/quitted
read read read
reawake reawoke reawaken
rebid rebid rebid
rebind rebound rebound
rebroadcast rebroadcast
rebuild rebuilt rebuilt
recast recast recast
recut recut recut
redeal redealt redealt
redo redid redone
redraw redrew redrawn
refit refitted/refit refitted/refit
regrind reground reground
regrow regrew regrown
rehang rehung rehung
rehear reheard reheard
reknit reknitted/reknit reknitted/reknit
relay relaid relaid
relearn relearned/relearnt relearned/relearnt
relight relit/relighted relit/relighted
remake remade remade
rend rent rent
repay repaid repaid
reread reread reread
rerun reran rerun
resell resold resold
resend resent resent
reset reset reset
resew resewed resewn/resewed
retake retook retaken
reteach retaught retaught
retear retore retorn
retell retold retold
rethink rethought rethought
retread retread retread
retrofit retrofitted/retrofit retrofitted/retrofit
rewake rewoke/rewaked rewaken/rewaked
rewear rewore reworn
reweave rewove/reweaved rewoven/reweaved
rewed rewed/rewedded rewed/rewedded
rewet rewet/rewetted rewet/rewetted
rewin rewon rewon
rewind rewound rewound
rewrite rewrote rewritten
rid rid rid
ride rode ridden
ring rang rung
rise rose risen
roughcast roughcast roughcast
run ran run
sand-cast sand-cast sand-cast
saw sawed sawn
say said said
see saw seen
seek sought sought
sell sold sold
send sent sent
set set set
sew sewed sewn/sewed
shake shook shaken
shave shaved shaved/shaven
shear sheared shorn
shed shed shed
shine shone shone
shit shit/shat/shitted shit/shat/shitted
shoot shot shot
show showed shown/showed
shrink shrank shrunk
shut shut shut
sight-read sight-read sight-read
sing sang sung
sink sank sunk
sit sat sat
slay slew slain
sleep slept slept
slide slid slid
sling slung slung
slink slunk slunk
slit slit slit
smell smelt smelt
smite smote smitten
sneak sneaked/snuck sneaked/snuck
speak spoke spoken
speed sped/speeded sped/speeded
spell spelt/spelled spelt/spelled
spend spent spent
spill spilt/spilled spilt/spilled
spin spun/span spun
spoil spoilt/spoiled spoilt/spoiled
spread spread spread
stand stood stood
steal stole stolen
stick stuck stuck
sting stung stung
stink stunk/stank stunk
stride strode stridden
strike struck struck
string strung strung
sunburn sunburned/sunburnt sunburned/sunburnt
swear swore sworn
sweat sweat/sweated sweat/sweated
sweep swept swept
swell swelled swollen/swelled
swim swam swum
swing swung swung
take took taken
teach taught taught
tear tore torn
telecast telecast telecast
tell told told
think thought thought
throw threw thrown
thrust thrust thrust
tread trod trodden/trod
typewrite typewrote typewritten
unbend unbent unbent
unbind unbound unbound
unclothe unclothed/unclad unclothed/unclad
undercut undercut undercut
underfeed underfed underfed
undergo underwent undergone
underlie underlay underlain
understand understood understood
undertake undertook undertaken
underwrite underwrote underwritten
undo undid undone
unfreeze unfroze unfrozen
unhang unhung unhung
unhide unhid unhidden
unlearn unlearned/unlearnt unlearned/unlearnt
unspin unspun unspun
unwind unwound unwound
uphold upheld upheld
upset upset upset
wake woke/waked woken/waked
wear wore worn
wed wed/wedded wed/wedded
weep wept wept
wet wet/wetted wet/wetted
win won won
wind wound wound
withdraw withdrew withdrawn
withhold withheld withheld
withstand withstood withstood
work worked worked
wring wrung wrung
write wrote written

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The word «do» comes up a lot in English. This is because it can be used in a variety of ways and tenses. Let’s look at each one in more detail below.

Grammar Corner DO – DOES – DID – DONE

TO DO – Present Tense

With the verb «to do» in the Present Tense…

We say: I do / you do / we do / they do

But we say: he does / she does / it does

For example:

  • I do my laundry on Saturdays.
  • They do their homework when they arrive home from school.
  • He does nothing all day.
  • She does her best every day at work.

TO DO – Past Tense

The simple past tense of «do» is «did» for all subjects:

I did / you did / we did / they did / he did / she did / it did

  • He did a magic trick.
  • The dog did a spin.
  • I did my homework in my bedroom.
  • She did ballet after school last year.

TO DO – Past Participle

The past participle of «do» is «done». It’s important to remember that past participles are accompanied by a conjugation of the verb «to have» or «to be».

In general «have + past participle» is used with a perfect tense and «be + past participle» is with the passive voice.

Let’s look at some examples:

  • I have done my homework.
  • He has done a good job.

These two sentences are in the present perfect tense because they have «have» or «has» before the past participle «done».

  • The video will show you how it is done.
  • The report was done on time.

In the two examples above, the conjugation of the verb «to be» is used before the past participle done. This indicates that the sentence is in the passive voice.

TO DO – To replace a verb

Sometimes the verb «do» can be used to replace a verb when the meaning is clear or obvious. This replacement is more common in informal and spoken English:

Have you


the laundry yet?



the kitchen if you do the lawns. 

DO / DOES / DID – For Questions

To make a question in the simple present tense in English we normally put the auxiliary «do» or «does» and for questions in the past tense «did» at the beginning of the question before the subject.

Look at this affirmative sentence:

  • You speak English.

How can we turn this into a question? We add «do» at the beginning so it becomes:

  • Do you speak English?

Another example would be:

  • He speaks Korean.

To make this a question we say:

  • Does he speak Korean?

For sentences in the past tense, it works very similar:

  • You lived in France.

How can we make this a question? We add «did» at the beginning so it becomes:

  • Did you live in France?

As you an see, the only difference between a question in the present tense and the past tense is when it refers to third person (he, she, or it) is the first part… «does» or «did».

DO and DOES – For Emphasis

Sometimes «do», «does» and «did» are used in positive sentences to give special emphasis that what you say is true, despite what the other person thinks. Note that when speaking, the word (do/does/did) is stressed with the voice.

For example:

  • I do really want to go. 
  • I did study for the test.

One thing to note here is that «did» is used for positive sentences in the past tense and that the main verb is in its base form.

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