Is the word crowd an adjective

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Dr. Dallin Howell DVM

Score: 4.6/5
(21 votes)

crowd (noun) crowded (adjective) crowd–pleaser (noun)

What type of adjective is crowd?

filled to excess; packed. filled with a crowd: crowded streets. uncomfortably close together: crowded passengers on a bus.

Is crowed an adjective?

CROWDED (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

Is crowded a noun verb or adjective?

crowded adjective — Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes.

What type of verb is crowd?

transitive verb. 1a : to fill by pressing or thronging together crowd a room. b : to press, force, or thrust into a small space crowded the people into the bus.

22 related questions found

Is crowd a noun or verb?

Crowd has several other senses as a noun and a verb. The word crowd can be used to describe any large group of people. Often, crowd is used to specifically mean that the people are standing close together.

What type of noun is the word crowd?

crowd. 1[countable] a large number of people gathered together in a public place, for example in the streets or at a sports game He pushed his way through the crowd.

Is crowd a common noun?

The noun «crowd» is a collective noun and it’s also a common noun, as are «herd» and «bouquet». They are general words for any group of people, animals, or flowers.

What are the different types of adjectives?

Common types of adjectives

  • Comparative adjectives.
  • Superlative adjectives.
  • Predicate adjectives.
  • Compound adjectives.
  • Possessive adjectives.
  • Demonstrative adjectives.
  • Proper adjectives.
  • Participial adjectives.

Is Noisy an adjective or noun?

adjective. adjective. /ˈnɔɪzi/ (noisier, noisiest) 1making a lot of noise noisy children/traffic/crowds a noisy protest (= when people shout) The engine is very noisy at high speed.

Is crowd an adjective or adverb?

crowd (noun) crowded (adjective) crowd–pleaser (noun)

How do you describe a crowd?

Some common synonyms of crowd are crush, horde, mob, and throng. While all these words mean «an assembled multitude,» crowd implies a close gathering and pressing together.

Is crowded a verb or adverb?

verb (used without object), crowed or, for 1, (especially British), crew;crowed;crow·ing. to utter the characteristic cry of a rooster.

How many is a crowd?

So to be a crowd there has to be enough people they feel pushed together, either literally or figuratively. Ten people in a small room is a crowd. Ten people in a large car park is not a crowd.

What are the 4 types of crowds?

Other sociologists distinguished four types of crowds: casual, conventional, expressive, and acting.

Is crowd an abstract noun?

The italicized word ‘crowd’ is not an abstract noun because we can see the crowd. Thus, this is an incorrect answer.

What are the 10 types of adjectives?

The 10 types of adjectives are as follows:

  • Adjective of Quality.
  • Adjective of Quantity.
  • Adjective of Number.
  • Demonstrative Adjective.
  • Distributive Adjective.
  • Interrogative Adjective.
  • Possessive Adjective.
  • Emphasizing Adjective.

What are adjectives give 10 examples?

Examples of adjectives

  • They live in a beautiful house.
  • Lisa is wearing a sleeveless shirt today. This soup is not edible.
  • She wore a beautiful dress.
  • He writes meaningless letters.
  • This shop is much nicer.
  • She wore a beautiful dress.
  • Ben is an adorable baby.
  • Linda’s hair is gorgeous.

What are the 7 types of adjectives?

7 Types of English Adjectives That Every ESL Student Must Know

  • Descriptive. A descriptive adjective is probably what you think of when you hear the word “adjective.” Descriptive adjectives are used to describe nouns and pronouns. …
  • Quantitative. …
  • Demonstrative. …
  • Possessive. …
  • Interrogative. …
  • Distributive. …
  • Articles.

What type of noun is the word happiness?

joy, the emotion of being happy. Good luck; good fortune; prosperity.

What kind of noun is people?

People can be a collective noun meaning a group of persons, such as the English people. The plural of this word is peoples, and means multiple groups, such as the European peoples.

Is crowd a common gender?

crowd — The word ‘crowd’ refers to a ‘large group of people’. This word does not have gender as it is a collective noun. This is not the required answer. … This word can be considered common for both genders.

What kind of noun is big?

As detailed above, ‘big’ can be a noun or an adjective. Adjective usage: Elephants are big animals, and they eat a lot. Adjective usage: There were concerns about the ethics of big science.

What type of noun is the word love?

[uncountable] a strong feeling of deep affection for someone or something, especially a member of your family or a friend a mother’s love for her children love of your country He seems incapable of love.

Can crowd be pluralized?

(countable) The plural form of crowd; more than one (kind of) crowd. The crowds parted in front of you to let you through.

Is crowd an adjective?

crowd (verb) crowd (noun) crowded (adjective) crowd–pleaser (noun)

Is crowded a adjective or adverb?

filled to excess; packed. filled with a crowd: crowded streets. uncomfortably close together: crowded passengers on a bus.

Is crowd a noun or verb?

A crowd is a large group of people or an audience. Crowd also means to cram closely together. Crowd has several other senses as a noun and a verb. The word crowd can be used to describe any large group of people. Often, crowd is used to specifically mean that the people are standing close together.

Is crowd a common noun?

The noun “crowd” is a collective noun and it’s also a common noun, as are “herd” and “bouquet”. They are general words for any group of people, animals, or flowers.

What is the verb form of crowded?

verb. Save Word. ˈkrau̇d crowded; crowding; crowds.

Is Delicious an adjective or adverb?

adjective. highly pleasing to the senses, especially to taste or smell: a delicious dinner; a delicious aroma.

Is Crowdest a word?

(archaic) Second-person singular simple present form of crowd.

What is the verb form of difference?

verb. differenced; differencing. Definition of difference (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. : differentiate, distinguish …

What is the verb of valid?

validate. To render valid. To check or prove the validity of; verify.

What is the verb for solution?

solve. To find an answer or solution to a problem or question; to work out.

What is the verb of little?

The verb form the word ‘little’ is ‘belittle’. Its meaning is ‘to make someone look less important’.

What is 1st form 2nd form and 3rd form?

1st form = base form, 2nd form = past form, 3rd form = Past Participle Form, s /es/ ies form, Ing form.

What is the 3 form of verb?

Verbs: the three basic forms. Main verbs have three basic forms: the base form, the past form and the -ed form (sometimes called the ‘-ed participle’): base form: used as the infinitive form, with to or without to (Do you want to come with us?

What is 3rd form writing?

Conjugation of verb ‘Write’

Base Form (Infinitive): To Write
Past Simple: Wrote
Past Participle: Written
3rd Person Singular: Writes
Present Participle/Gerund: Writing

What are the three verbs?

Verbs are words that express action or state of being. There are three types of verbs: action verbs, linking verbs, and helping verbs.

How many verbs are there?

There are sixteen verbs used in Basic English. They are: be, do, have, come, go, see, seem, give, take, keep, make, put, send, say, let, get….Kinds of Verbs.

auxiliary verbs lexical verbs
non-modal verbs He is sleeping He is sleeping

What are the 24 helping verbs?

Helping verbs, helping verbs, there are 23! Am, is, are, was and were, being, been, and be, Have, has, had, do, does, did, will, would, shall and should. There are five more helping verbs: may, might, must, can, could!

What are the two main verbs?

As you can see from that definition, there are two main categories of verbs: action verbs and state of being verbs (also known as linking verbs). Because action verbs and linking verbs are strong enough to be used in sentences all by themselves, they are called main verbs.

How do you identify main verbs?

To find the main verb in a sentence, remember:

  1. A main verb will usually come right after the subject, and.
  2. A main verb will express actions, emotions, ideas, or a state of being. For example: run, love, think, play, hope, be, and is.

Can you have two main verbs in a sentence?

There can be more than one main verb within a sentence, depending on the complexity of the sentence. In general, there is only one main verb per clause; but if a sentence has multiple clauses and subjects, then each of those subjects could have its own main verb.

Can you have 3 verbs in a sentence?

The original sentence is possible. Have to” is not a modal verb, and that sentence is fine. In the third sentence, (Do you want to practice speaking English later?)

How do you use two tenses in one sentence?

These two actions (“stood” and “waved”) happen at the same time and hence, need to have the same tense. This sentence could take place in the present or future tense too, but both verbs will still need to take on the same tense. For example: Example 2: During my matches, my dad stands up and waves at me.

Do you conjugate both verbs in a sentence?

1 Answer. No, you don’t anymore than you do in English. There are times when you need to change verbs depending on what they mean, but generally only one verb is conjugated to the subject in a given clause, and clauses in Spanish are generally well demarcated.

Asked by: Dr. Dallin Howell DVM

Score: 4.6/5
(21 votes)

crowd (noun) crowded (adjective) crowd–pleaser (noun)

What type of adjective is crowd?

filled to excess; packed. filled with a crowd: crowded streets. uncomfortably close together: crowded passengers on a bus.

Is crowed an adjective?

CROWDED (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

Is crowded a noun verb or adjective?

crowded adjective — Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes.

What type of verb is crowd?

transitive verb. 1a : to fill by pressing or thronging together crowd a room. b : to press, force, or thrust into a small space crowded the people into the bus.

22 related questions found

Is crowd a noun or verb?

Crowd has several other senses as a noun and a verb. The word crowd can be used to describe any large group of people. Often, crowd is used to specifically mean that the people are standing close together.

What type of noun is the word crowd?

crowd. 1[countable] a large number of people gathered together in a public place, for example in the streets or at a sports game He pushed his way through the crowd.

Is crowd a common noun?

The noun «crowd» is a collective noun and it’s also a common noun, as are «herd» and «bouquet». They are general words for any group of people, animals, or flowers.

What are the different types of adjectives?

Common types of adjectives

  • Comparative adjectives.
  • Superlative adjectives.
  • Predicate adjectives.
  • Compound adjectives.
  • Possessive adjectives.
  • Demonstrative adjectives.
  • Proper adjectives.
  • Participial adjectives.

Is Noisy an adjective or noun?

adjective. adjective. /ˈnɔɪzi/ (noisier, noisiest) 1making a lot of noise noisy children/traffic/crowds a noisy protest (= when people shout) The engine is very noisy at high speed.

Is crowd an adjective or adverb?

crowd (noun) crowded (adjective) crowd–pleaser (noun)

How do you describe a crowd?

Some common synonyms of crowd are crush, horde, mob, and throng. While all these words mean «an assembled multitude,» crowd implies a close gathering and pressing together.

Is crowded a verb or adverb?

verb (used without object), crowed or, for 1, (especially British), crew;crowed;crow·ing. to utter the characteristic cry of a rooster.

How many is a crowd?

So to be a crowd there has to be enough people they feel pushed together, either literally or figuratively. Ten people in a small room is a crowd. Ten people in a large car park is not a crowd.

What are the 4 types of crowds?

Other sociologists distinguished four types of crowds: casual, conventional, expressive, and acting.

Is crowd an abstract noun?

The italicized word ‘crowd’ is not an abstract noun because we can see the crowd. Thus, this is an incorrect answer.

What are the 10 types of adjectives?

The 10 types of adjectives are as follows:

  • Adjective of Quality.
  • Adjective of Quantity.
  • Adjective of Number.
  • Demonstrative Adjective.
  • Distributive Adjective.
  • Interrogative Adjective.
  • Possessive Adjective.
  • Emphasizing Adjective.

What are adjectives give 10 examples?

Examples of adjectives

  • They live in a beautiful house.
  • Lisa is wearing a sleeveless shirt today. This soup is not edible.
  • She wore a beautiful dress.
  • He writes meaningless letters.
  • This shop is much nicer.
  • She wore a beautiful dress.
  • Ben is an adorable baby.
  • Linda’s hair is gorgeous.

What are the 7 types of adjectives?

7 Types of English Adjectives That Every ESL Student Must Know

  • Descriptive. A descriptive adjective is probably what you think of when you hear the word “adjective.” Descriptive adjectives are used to describe nouns and pronouns. …
  • Quantitative. …
  • Demonstrative. …
  • Possessive. …
  • Interrogative. …
  • Distributive. …
  • Articles.

What type of noun is the word happiness?

joy, the emotion of being happy. Good luck; good fortune; prosperity.

What kind of noun is people?

People can be a collective noun meaning a group of persons, such as the English people. The plural of this word is peoples, and means multiple groups, such as the European peoples.

Is crowd a common gender?

crowd — The word ‘crowd’ refers to a ‘large group of people’. This word does not have gender as it is a collective noun. This is not the required answer. … This word can be considered common for both genders.

What kind of noun is big?

As detailed above, ‘big’ can be a noun or an adjective. Adjective usage: Elephants are big animals, and they eat a lot. Adjective usage: There were concerns about the ethics of big science.

What type of noun is the word love?

[uncountable] a strong feeling of deep affection for someone or something, especially a member of your family or a friend a mother’s love for her children love of your country He seems incapable of love.

Can crowd be pluralized?

(countable) The plural form of crowd; more than one (kind of) crowd. The crowds parted in front of you to let you through.

Table of Contents

  1. Is crowd an adjective?
  2. What kind of adjective is crowd?
  3. Which kind of noun is crowd?
  4. Is crowd a transitive verb?
  5. What is the verb form of crowded?
  6. Is crowd a noun or verb?
  7. What is the verb form of difference?
  8. Is Crowdy a word?
  9. What does Crodie mean slang?
  10. What does Crowdy mean?
  11. What is croud?
  12. What are the four types of crowds?
  13. What is croud control?
  14. How do you control a crowd?
  15. What is a crowd security?
  16. Why is crowd control necessary?
  17. What is called to a crowd that is out of control?
  18. What is the difference between crowd management and crowd control?
  19. What are the five main goals of crowd control and crowd management?
  20. What are the principles of crowd control?
  21. What is crowd management techniques?
  22. How do you control an event?
  23. What makes an event successful?
  24. How do you plan an event successfully?
  25. How do you price an event?
  26. How much should I charge for event decorating?
  27. What is event pricing strategy?
  28. What is a psychological pricing strategy?

countable noun [with singular or plural verb] A crowd is a large group of people who have gathered together, for example to watch or listen to something interesting, or to protest about something. A huge crowd gathered in a square outside the Kremlin walls.

Is crowd an adjective?

crowd (verb) crowd (noun) crowded (adjective) crowd–pleaser (noun)

What kind of adjective is crowd?

filled to excess; packed. filled with a crowd: crowded streets. uncomfortably close together: crowded passengers on a bus.

Which kind of noun is crowd?

collective noun

Is crowd a transitive verb?

Verb. (intransitive) To press forward; to advance by pushing. The man crowded into the packed room. They crowded through the archway and into the park.

What is the verb form of crowded?

verb. Save Word. / ˈkrau̇d / crowded; crowding; crowds.

Is crowd a noun or verb?

A crowd is a large group of people or an audience. Crowd also means to cram closely together. Crowd has several other senses as a noun and a verb. The word crowd can be used to describe any large group of people. Often, crowd is used to specifically mean that the people are standing close together.

What is the verb form of difference?

verb. differenced; differencing. Definition of difference (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. : differentiate, distinguish …

Is Crowdy a word?

noun, plural crow·dies. a dish of meal, especially oatmeal and water, or sometimes milk, stirred together; gruel; brose; porridge.

What does Crodie mean slang?

to impair; deteriorate: Jealousy corroded his character.

What does Crowdy mean?

: a thick gruel of oatmeal and water or milk : porridge.

What is croud?

Croud is a digital agency that connects data, technology and creativity to drive business performance. Thanks to our ‘Croud Control’ platform which harnesses a global network of 2,400 digital experts, you’ll benefit from holding company scale with the precision of a specialist.

What are the four types of crowds?

The four types he distinguished are casual crowds, conventional crowds, expressive crowds, and acting crowds.

What is croud control?

Crowd control is a public security practice where large crowds are managed to prevent the outbreak of crowd crushes, affray, fights involving drunk and disorderly people or riots. At some events, security guards and police use metal detectors and sniffer dogs to prevent weapons and drugs being brought into a venue.

How do you control a crowd?

Tips for effective crowd management at events

  1. Know your audience.
  2. Plan in advance.
  3. Inform the relevant parties.
  4. Make a risk assessment.
  5. Have an emergency plan.
  6. Use a lot of signage.
  7. Demarcate the different areas.
  8. Limit access to alcohol.

What is a crowd security?

The idea for Crowd Security initially sparked when a small band of active community members realized their mutual concern about the rise of crime in Canada. Crowd Security is the product of those efforts: a free downloadable app that combines fast communication and state of the art technology.

Why is crowd control necessary?

First and foremost, effective crowd management helps to ensure the safety of those at an event, from the guests to the staff, and the performers. When an event is taking place, everyone in the venue should be able to enjoy themselves without worrying about their safety.

What is called to a crowd that is out of control?

Out-of-control crowd situation. RIOT.

What is the difference between crowd management and crowd control?

Crowd management refers to the proactive steps that can be taken to prevent potential problems at a facility. Crowd control refers to what happens after a crowd has gone wild and police or others are needed to try and prevent further harm or danger.

What are the five main goals of crowd control and crowd management?

Contents hide

  • 1 1. Superior Safety.
  • 2 2. Stronger Security.
  • 3 3. Better Organization.
  • 4 4. Extra Convenience.
  • 5 5. More Revenue.
  • 6 Crowd Control Misconceptions.
  • 7 Partner with a Crowd Control Expert.

What are the principles of crowd control?

PRINCIPLES OF CROWD CONTROL  Be Aware Of Your Audience’s Characteristics.  Control Access To Liquor.  Keep Access Points To A Minimum.  Screen For Contraband.

What is crowd management techniques?

Crowd management is the organised and substantiated planning and the direction given to the orderly progress of events where large groups of people gather together. As a part of crowd management, measures can be taken to direct or limit the behaviour of groups of people.

How do you control an event?

Top 10 Tips for Successful Event Management

  1. Begin Early. Begin planning as soon as you possibly can.
  2. Remain Flexible. Over the course of planning the event, things are going to change.
  3. Negotiate.
  4. Assign Responsibilities.
  5. Create a Shared Document.
  6. Have a Backup Plan.
  7. Do a Run Through.
  8. Photograph Everything.

What makes an event successful?

It’s often been said that the success of anything stems from good planning. So, if you’re wondering what makes an event successful, then the best way to start is by making sure it is planned meticulously, comprehensively and accurately. And that means getting things moving well in advance.

How do you plan an event successfully?

We hope the following provides a starting point for your event planning – and without further ado, here are the ten steps.

  1. Develop Your Event Goal and Objectives.
  2. Organize Your Team.
  3. Establish Your Budget.
  4. Set the Date.
  5. Create an Event Master Plan.
  6. Book Your Venue.
  7. Brand Your Event.

How do you price an event?

Add the total cost of the food, venue, entertainment, and misc. expenses together and divide that number by the amount of people you want to attend. That will tell you the average cost for each attendee. Next, you’ll need to determine how much profit you want to make from the event to set your break-even point.

How much should I charge for event decorating?

How much does an event decorator cost? On average nationwide, it costs $60 to $80 per hour to hire an event decorator, or a total average cost of $700 to $1,000—not including decorations—for most parties.

What is event pricing strategy?

Definition. The monetary value or price of attending an event. What it costs to buy a ticket for an event. Event pricing is critical to an event’s success and revenue.

What is a psychological pricing strategy?

Psychological pricing is the business practices of setting prices lower than a whole number. The idea behind psychological pricing is that customers will read the slightly lowered price and treat it lower than the price actually is.

Continue Learning about English Language Arts

Is uncrowded a noun?

No, it is an adjective. It is based on the noun crowd and the
verb to crowd.

Is crowd an abstract noun?

No, the noun crowd is a concrete noun; a word for a group, a word for a physical group.The word crowd is also a verb: crowd, crowds, crowding, crowded.The abstract noun form of the verb to crowd is the gerund, crowding.The abstract noun form for the adjective crowded is crowdedness.A person who crowds you is a crowder.

What is the collective noun for crowd?

The noun ‘crowd’ is a standard collective noun for a crowd of people, a crowd of onlookers.

What is the adjective form of crowd?

The word crowd is a noun or a verb. The present and past participles of the verb (to crowd) can be used as adjectives: crowded (busy) and crowding (impeding, pressing close), while crowding can also be used as a noun/gerund.

Is the word crowd a collective noun?

Yes, the noun ‘crowd’ is a collective noun as a word for a group.The noun ‘crowd’ is a standard collective noun for a crowd of people and a crowd of onlookers.The word ‘crowd’ is also a verb: crowd, crowds, crowding, crowded.

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  • 1

    crowd [kraυd]

    1) толпа́



    компа́ния, гру́ппа люде́й

    4) толкотня́; да́вка

    5) мно́жество, ма́сса (чего-л.)

    1) собира́ться толпо́й, толпи́ться; тесни́ться; набива́ться битко́м

    2) ска́пливать, нагроможда́ть

    3) тесни́ть, напира́ть, вытесня́ть

    4) ока́зывать давле́ние; торопи́ть, пристава́ть (с чем-л.)


    crowd into проти́скиваться, вти́скиваться;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > crowd

  • 2
    crowd in on

    crowd in on а) окружать Don’t all crowd in on me, I will see your books oneat a time. б) нахлынуть (о воспоминаниях) Happy memories crowded in on me as Ilooked at the photographs.

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > crowd in on

  • 3
    crowd on

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > crowd on

  • 4

    Персональный Сократ > crowd

  • 5

    1. II

    crowd somewhere people quickly crowd round when there is a street accident кегли происходит уличное происшествие, быстро собирается толпа

    2. III

    1) crowd smth. crowd a street собираться толпой /толпиться/ на улице и т. д., заполнить улицу и т. д, crowd a building [битком] набиваться в здание и т. д., тесниться в здании и т. д., you mustn’t crowd matters нельзя все дела решать сразу

    2) crowd smb. USA соll. crowd a debtor торопить /нажимать на/ должника , crowd a competitor теснить /»зажимать»/ конкурента

    3. IV

    crowd smb. somewhere I think we could manage to crowd a few more in думаю, мы могли бы втиснуть еще несколько человек

    4. XI

    be crowded the streets were crowded на улицах было полно народа, улицы были запружены народом crowd the buses are crowded автобусы переполнены /набиты битком/; be crowded in some manner be crowded to excess быть переполненным; be crowded to [utmost] capacity быть набитым до отказа /до предела/; the room was crowded to suffocation в комнату набилось столько народу, что можно было задохнуться; we are crowded too closely together у нас тут слишком тесно /ужасная теснота/; be crowded somewhere we are too crowded here нам здесь слишком тесно; we are very crowded in the flat у нас в квартире очень тесно; the houses are crowded together дома стоят тесно прижатыми друг к другу; be crowded off /out of/ smth. he was crowded off the pavement толпа оттеснила его /заставила его сойти/ с тротуара; he was crowded out of his study его вытеснили из собственного кабинета; be crowded to smth. people were crowded to the doors люди набились до самых дверей; be crowded with /by/ smb. streets are crowded with people на улицах и т. д. полно народу и т. д., the exhibition was crowded by young people молодежь заполнила выставку; the house is crowded with guests дом полон гостей; be crowded with smth. the streets in the town are crowded with traffic улицы города забиты машинами /транспортом/, на улицах города большое движение; the place is crowded with hotels гостиницы и т. д. [встречаются] здесь на каждом шагу; the room is crowded with furniture комната забита /заставлена/ мебелью; every page is crowded with facts на каждой странице полно /множество/ фактов и т. д, а century that was crowded with great events век . очень богатый /изобилующий/ большими событиями и т.д., he was crowded with work он был завален работой

    5. XIII

    crowd to do smth. people were crowding to board the bus народ толпился, пытаясь попасть /втиснуться/ в автобус и т. д.

    6. XVI

    1) crowd round /about/ smb., smth. crowd round the teacher толпиться / тесниться, собираться/ вокруг учителя и т. д.; they all crowded around the covered wagon and gaped они все сгрудились вокруг фургона и стали глазеть; crowd around smb., smth. noisily шумно и т. д. толпиться /тесниться/ вокруг кого-л., чего-л.; people crowded around smb., smth. curiously охваченные любопытством и т.д., люди толпились вокруг кого-л., чего-л.; they all crowded around her with congratulations они все обступили ее и стали поздравлять; the children crowded around the instructor to ask questions дети столпились вокруг инструктора, чтобы задать ему множество вопросов

    2) crowd against smth. crowd against the barrier напирать на барьер и т. д.; crowd through smth. crowd through the gate хлынуть в ворота и т. д.; crowd on smth., smb. memories crowded on his mind воспоминания нахлынули на него; sad thoughts crowded on him печальные мысли овладели им

    3) crowd into smth. crowd into a building втаскиваться / набиваться/ в здание и т. д.

    7. XXI1

    1) crowd smb. into smth. crowd the children into a room втискивать детей в комнату и т. д.; crowd smb. out of the room вытеснять кого-л. из комнаты; crowd smth. into smth. crowd everything into the cupboard запихнуть все в шкаф; crowd a great many facts into a few lines втискивать массу фактов в несколько строк и т. д.; crowd all the sights into one day втиснуть в программу одного дня осмотр всех достопримечательностей; crowd smth. with smb., smth. crowd a house with people набивать дом людьми и т. д.; crowd a room with things загромождать комнату вещами и т. д.

    2) crowd smb. against smth. crowd smb. against the fence прижимать /оттеснять/ кого-л. к забору и т. д.

    3) crowd smb. for smth. USA coll. crowd smb. for an answer торопить кого-л. /приставать к кому-л./ с ответом и т. д.

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > crowd

  • 6


    crowd разг. компания, группа людей crowd множество, масса (чего-л.) crowd амер. оказывать давление; торопить, приставать (с чем-л.) crowd собираться толпой, толпиться; тесниться; набиваться битком crowd театр. статисты; he might pass in the crowd он не хуже других crowd теснить, вытеснять crowd толкотня; давка crowd толпа crowd толпиться to crowd (on) sail мор. спешить, идти на всех парусах; crowd into протискиваться, втискиваться; crowd out вытеснять; crowd through = crowd into to crowd (on) sail мор. спешить, идти на всех парусах; crowd into протискиваться, втискиваться; crowd out вытеснять; crowd through = crowd into to crowd (on) sail мор. спешить, идти на всех парусах; crowd into протискиваться, втискиваться; crowd out вытеснять; crowd through = crowd into to crowd (on) sail мор. спешить, идти на всех парусах; crowd into протискиваться, втискиваться; crowd out вытеснять; crowd through = crowd into sail: it’s time to hoist crowd пора уходить (или идти); to crowd sail форсировать паруса; ставить все наличные паруса to crowd (on) sail мор. спешить, идти на всех парусах; crowd into протискиваться, втискиваться; crowd out вытеснять; crowd through = crowd into crowd театр. статисты; he might pass in the crowd он не хуже других

    English-Russian short dictionary > crowd

  • 7

    1. сущ.
    1) а) толпа Syn: throng, multitude, croud б) массы
    2) большое количество, множество It is signed by a crowd of names. ≈ Это подписано большим количеством людей.
    3) разг. компания, группа людей in with the wrong crowd ≈ в плохой компании
    4) театр. статисты ∙ he might pass in the crowd ≈ он не хуже других
    2. гл.
    1) давить, толкать Syn: press
    2., push
    1., shove
    2) амер. оказывать давление Don’t crowd me, I’ll pay. ≈ Не дави на меня, я заплачу.
    3) амер.;
    разг. спешить When the gates of the ground were opened, all the football supporters crowded in. ≈ Едва открылись ворота стадиона, фанаты ринулись на трибуны. Syn: hurry
    4) протискиваться, проталкиваться Syn: press forward
    5) собираться толпой, скапливаться Syn: flock II
    6) толпиться, тесниться We were standing crowded together before the picture. ≈ Мы столпились вокруг картины.
    7) амер.;
    разг. приближаться к какому-л. возрасту George is crowding sixty. ≈ Джордж приближается к шестидесяти. ∙ crowd in crowd in on crowd into crowd on crowd out crowd through to crowd (on) sail мор. ≈ спешить, идти на всех парусах
    толпа — he pushed his way through the * он пробрался сквозь толпу (пренебрежительное) простой люд, народ;
    чернь — advertisements seek to appeal to the * объявления рассчитаны на привлечение масс — to raise oneself the * выбиться в люди;
    подняться над общим уровнем толкотня, давка — the audience was large, but there was no * публики было много, но давки не было ( разговорное) компания, группа людей — she came in with all her * она пришла со своей компанией множество, масса (театроведение) (кинематографический) статисты, фигуранты — * scene массовая сцена > he might pass in а * он не хуже других;
    > to follow the * делать то, что делают другие;
    поступать как все толпиться, тесниться — to * round smb., smth. толпиться вокруг кого-л., чего-л. набивать, переполнять, запрудить (пространство, помещение) — the room was *ed with furniture комната была заставлена мебелью;
    — the street is *ed with people улица запружена народом собираться, скапливаться;
    столпиться — we are too *ed here нам здесь слишком тесно собирать, скапливать;
    нагромождать — the boats are *ed together in the harbour в гавани скопились суда теснить, давить, напирать — don’t * so, stand back! не напирайте так, подайтесь назад! — people were *ing to board the bus люди теснили друг друга, чтобы сесть в автобус( спортивное) теснить, прижимать (американизм) (разговорное) оказывать давление, нажимать — to * matters ускорять дела, требовать немедленных действий — to * а debtor for payment требовать от должника уплаты долга — don’t * me, give me time to think не дави на меня, дай мне подумать втискивать — to * books into а boх втиснуть книги в ящик втискиваться, протискиваться — they *ed into the hall они протиснулись в зал( американизм) втягивать силой( во что-л.) — to * smb. into doing smth. принуждать кого-л. к каким-л. действиям (through) протискиваться — to * through а gate протиснуться в ворота (upon) нахлынуть на (кого-л.), охватить — suspicions *ed upon him подозрения охватили его — memories *ed upon me на меня нахлынули воспоминания( американизм) (разговорное) достичь определенного возраста — he confessed to *ing sixty он признался, что ему скоро стукнет шестьдесят > to * the mourners( американизм) нажимать, торопить неподобающим образом;
    > to * (on) sail форсировать паруса;
    спешить на всех парусах крота (старинный кельтский смычковый инструмент)
    crowd разг. компания, группа людей ~ множество, масса (чего-л.) ~ амер. оказывать давление;
    торопить, приставать( с чем-л.) ~ собираться толпой, толпиться;
    набиваться битком ~ театр. статисты;
    he might pass in the crowd он не хуже других ~ теснить, вытеснять ~ толкотня;
    давка ~ толпа ~ толпиться
    to ~ (on) sail мор. спешить, идти на всех парусах;
    crowd into протискиваться, втискиваться;
    crowd out вытеснять;
    crowd through = crowd into to ~ (on) sail мор. спешить, идти на всех парусах;
    crowd into протискиваться, втискиваться;
    crowd out вытеснять;
    crowd through = crowd into
    to ~ (on) sail мор. спешить, идти на всех парусах;
    crowd into протискиваться, втискиваться;
    crowd out вытеснять;
    crowd through = crowd into
    to ~ (on) sail мор. спешить, идти на всех парусах;
    crowd into протискиваться, втискиваться;
    crowd out вытеснять;
    crowd through = crowd into sail: it’s time to hoist ~ пора уходить( или идти) ;
    to crowd sail форсировать паруса;
    ставить все наличные паруса
    to ~ (on) sail мор. спешить, идти на всех парусах;
    crowd into протискиваться, втискиваться;
    crowd out вытеснять;
    crowd through = crowd into
    ~ театр. статисты;
    he might pass in the crowd он не хуже других

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > crowd

  • 8

    имя существительное:


    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > crowd

  • 9


    1. 1) толпа

    2) (the crowd)

    простой люд, народ; чернь

    advertisements seek to appeal to the crowd — объявления рассчитаны на привлечение масс

    to raise oneself /to rise above/ the crowd — выбиться в люди; подняться над общим уровнем

    2. толкотня, давка

    the audience was large, but there was no crowd — публики было много, но давки не было


    компания, группа людей

    4. множество, масса

    5. (the crowd)

    , кино статисты, фигуранты

    he might pass in a crowd — ≅ он не хуже других

    to follow /to go with/ the crowd — делать то, что делают другие; поступать как все

    1. 1) толпиться, тесниться

    to crowd round smb., smth. — толпиться /тесниться/ вокруг кого-л., чего-л.

    2) набивать, переполнять, запрудить ()

    2. 1) собираться, скапливаться; сосредоточиваться; столпиться

    2) собирать, скапливать; нагромождать

    3. 1) теснить, давить, напирать

    don’t crowd so, stand back! — не напирайте так, подайтесь /отойдите/ назад!

    people were crowding to board the bus — люди теснили /давили/ друг друга, чтобы сесть в автобус


    разг. оказывать давление, нажимать

    to crowd matters — ускорять дела, требовать немедленных действий

    don’t crowd me, give me time to think — не дави на меня /не торопи меня/, дай мне подумать

    5. (into, on to)

    1) втискивать

    to crowd books into a box [on to a shelf] — втиснуть книги в ящик [на полку]

    2) втискиваться, протискиваться

    to crowd smb. into doing smth. — принуждать кого-л. к каким-л. действиям

    4) (through) протискиваться

    6. (upon) нахлынуть на (), охватить


    разг. достичь определённого возраста

    he confessed to crowding sixty — он признался, что ему скоро стукнет шестьдесят

    to crowd the mourners — нажимать, торопить неподобающим образом

    to crowd (on) sail — форсировать паруса; спешить /мчаться/ на всех парусах


    НБАРС > crowd

  • 10




    а) толпа, скопление людей


    б) пренебр. массы, толпа, чернь

    to follow / go with the crowd — следовать за большинством, думать и поступать, как все

    2) большое количество, множество

    It is signed by a crowd of names. — Это подписано большим количеством людей.



    компания, группа людей

    4) ; кино статисты


    He might pass in the crowd. — Он не хуже других.



    1) давить, толкать





    оказывать давление

    Don’t crowd me, I’ll pay. — Не дави на меня, я заплачу́.




    ; = in устремиться , ринуться толпой

    We all crowded into her office to sing «Happy Birthday». — Мы всей толпой направились в её кабинет, чтобы спеть ей песню «С днём рожденья тебя».



    а) протискивать, втискивать

    Too much furniture had been crowded into the sale room. — В торговый зал втиснули слишком много мебели.

    б) протискиваться, проталкиваться


    5) собираться толпой, скапливаться


    6) толпиться, тесниться

    We were standing crowded together before the picture. — Мы столпились перед картиной.

    Don’t all crowd in on me, I will see your books one at a time. — Не нападайте все сразу, я прогляжу ваши тетради по очереди.

    7) нахлынуть , захлестнуть

    Happy memories crowded in on me as I looked at the photographs. — Тёплые воспоминания нахлынули на меня, когда я рассматривал фотографии.




    приближаться к какому-л. возрасту

    George is crowding sixty. — Джорджу скоро шестьдесят.

    — crowd on
    — crowd out

    Англо-русский современный словарь > crowd

  • 11

    1. n толпа

    2. n пренебр. простой люд, народ; чернь

    3. n толкотня, давка

    the audience was large, but there was no crowd — публики было много, но давки не было

    4. n разг. компания, группа людей

    5. n множество, масса

    6. n театр. кино статисты, фигуранты

    7. v толпиться, тесниться

    8. v набивать, переполнять, запрудить

    9. v собираться, скапливаться; сосредоточиваться; столпиться

    10. v собирать, скапливать; нагромождать

    11. v теснить, давить, напирать

    12. v спорт. теснить, прижимать

    13. v амер. разг. оказывать давление, нажимать

    14. v втискивать

    15. v втискиваться, протискиваться

    16. v амер. втягивать силой

    17. v протискиваться

    18. v нахлынуть на, охватить

    19. v амер. разг. достичь определённого возраста

    20. n крота

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. circle (noun) bunch; circle; clique; coterie; gang; lot; push; set

    2. drove (noun) army; cloud; drove; flock; horde; host; legion; mass; mob; multitude; pack; rout; scores; swarm

    3. group (noun) aggregation; assemblage; assembly; body; collection; congeries; congregation; congress; convocation; gathering; group; meeting; muster; ruck; troop

    4. people (noun) people; plebeians; proletariat; rabble; rank and file; run

    5. public (noun) commonalty; commoners; commons; masses; mob; populace; public

    6. throng (noun) company; concourse; crush; herd; press; squash; throng

    7. assemble (verb) assemble; congregate; flock; flock together; gather; herd; swarm; throng; troop

    8. press (verb) bear; charge; compress; constrain; cram; cramp; crush; force; jam; load; mash; mob; pack; press; push; ram; shove; squash; squeeze; squish; squush; stuff

    Антонимический ряд:

    disperse; individual

    English-Russian base dictionary > crowd

  • 12

    Politics english-russian dictionary > crowd

  • 13




    масса, множество, большое количество



    компания, группа, объединение





    массовка; статисты



    * * *

    «толпа»: биржевые дилеры и брокеры, собирающиеся в определенном месте торгового зала для заключения сделок по конкретным финансовым инструментам или выполняющие особые функции;

    bond crowd;

    floor traders;

    odd-lot dealers;


    Англо-русский экономический словарь > crowd

  • 14

    English_Russian capital issues dictionary > crowd

  • 15

    1. толпа; уплотнение

    2. уплотнение

    3. толпиться; переполнять

    English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > crowd

  • 16

    1) толпа

    2) толкотня; давка

    3) множество, масса (чего-л.)



    компания, группа людей

    5) theatr. статисты

    he might pass in the crowd он не хуже других



    1) собираться толпой, толпиться; тесниться; набиваться битком

    2) теснить, вытеснять



    оказывать давление; торопить, приставать (с чем-л.)

    4) to crowd (on) sail


    спешить, идти на всех парусах

    crowd into

    crowd out

    crowd through

    * * *

    (n) брокеры; секция; толпа

    * * *

    1) толпа 2) толпиться, тесниться

    * * *

    [ kraʊd]
    толпа, простой люд, народ; толкотня, давка; компания, группа людей, гурьба; множество, масса; статисты
    толпиться, тесниться, собираться толпой; сгрудиться, скапливать, нагромождать, теснить, напирать

    * * *





    * * *

    1. сущ.
    1) а) толпа
    б) массы
    2) большое количество
    2. гл.
    1) давить
    2) амер. оказывать давление
    3) амер.; разг. спешить
    4) протискиваться

    Новый англо-русский словарь > crowd

  • 17

    1) брокеры

    2) секция (на Нью-Йоркской фондовой бирже)

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > crowd

  • 18

    толпа; толпиться; переполнить

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > crowd

  • 19



    толпа, массы

    large crowd of people

    — gather a crowd
    — lose smb in the crowd
    — crowd gathers

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > crowd

  • 20






    Don’t crowd me, I’ll pay — Я заплачу, только не капай мне на мозги

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > crowd


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См. также в других словарях:

  • crowd — vb 1 *press, bear, bear down, squeeze, jam Analogous words: *push, shove, thrust, propel: *force, compel, constrain 2 *pack, cram, stuff, ram, tamp Analogous words: compress (see CONTRACT): *compact, consolidate, concentrate …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Crowd Lu — at 2009 Samsung Running Festival Chinese name 盧廣仲 (Traditional) Chinese name …   Wikipedia

  • Crowd — Crowd, n. [AS. croda. See {Crowd}, v. t. ] 1. A number of things collected or closely pressed together; also, a number of things adjacent to each other. [1913 Webster] A crowd of islands. Pope. [1913 Webster] 2. A number of persons congregated or …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • crowd — crowd1 [kroud] vi. [ME crouden < OE crudan, to press, drive, akin to MHG kroten, to oppress < IE base * greut , to compel, press > CURD, Ir gruth, curdled milk] 1. to press, push, or squeeze 2. to push one s way (forward, into, through,… …   English World dictionary

  • Crowd — (kroud), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Crowded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Crowding}.] [OE. crouden, cruden, AS. cr[=u]dan; cf. D. kruijen to push in a wheelbarrow.] 1. To push, to press, to shove. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] 2. To press or drive together; to mass… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Crowd — Crowd, v. t. To play on a crowd; to fiddle. [Obs.] Fiddlers, crowd on. Massinger. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Crowd — 〈[kraʊd] f. 10; Popmus.〉 Publikum bei Popkonzerten, in Diskotheken o. Ä. ● bereits zu den ersten Takten johlte die Crowd [engl., „Menschenmenge“] * * * Crowd [kraʊd], die; , s [engl. crowd < walisisch crwth]: Crwth …   Universal-Lexikon

  • crowd — crowd; crowd·er; crowd·ed·ly; crowd·ed·ness; …   English syllables

  • crowd — [n1] large assembly army, array, blowout, bunch, cattle, circle, clique, cloud, cluster, company, concourse, confluence, conflux, congeries, congregation, coterie, crew, crush, deluge, drove, faction, flock, flood, gaggle, great unwashed*, group …   New thesaurus

  • crowd´ed|ly — crowd|ed «KROW dihd», adjective. 1. filled with a crowd. 2. filled; filled too full; packed: »Figurative. One crowded hour of glorious life is worth an age without a name (Scott). 3. close together; too close together. –crowd´ed|ly …   Useful english dictionary

  • crowd|ed — «KROW dihd», adjective. 1. filled with a crowd. 2. filled; filled too full; packed: »Figurative. One crowded hour of glorious life is worth an age without a name (Scott). 3. close together; too close together. –crowd´ed|ly …   Useful english dictionary

Britannica Dictionary definition of CROWD

[+ object]


to fill (something) so that there is little or no room for anyone or anything else


to take up much or most of the space in (an area or space)

  • College students crowded [=packed] the little bar on the night of the poetry reading.

  • Boxes crowded the floor of my apartment.

  • There are too many products crowding the market.

  • The hall was crowded [=crammed, packed] with scientists from around the world

  • streets crowded with traffic

[+ object]


to push or force (something) into a small space

  • The club has been accused of crowding too many people into too small a space.

[no object]


to move into a small space

+ into or onto

  • The four of us crowded into a little booth at the restaurant.

  • We crowded onto the bus.

[+ object]


to form a tight group around (something or someone)

  • Several horses were crowding [=crowding around] the water trough.

  • By the end of the 10th mile, three bicyclists were crowding the racer in front.

[+ object]

chiefly US


to stand very close or too close to (someone or something)

  • Please move back. You’re crowding me.

  • (baseball) The batter was crowding the plate.

sometimes used figuratively

  • He said he broke up with his last girlfriend because she was beginning to crowd him. [=she was not allowing him enough privacy and independence]

crowd around/round

[phrasal verb]

crowd around/round


crowd around/round (something)


to form a tight group around (something or someone)

  • A small group of people crowded around the car.

  • When one of the protesters began to speak, the people crowded around (him) to hear what he had to say.

crowded together

◊ If a group of people or things are crowded together, they are next to and usually touching each other in a space that is too small.

  • We need to organize the closet so that the shoes aren’t crowded together.


to move as a group into a small space

  • When we got to the elevator, everybody tried to crowd in.

of thoughts, memories, etc.


to come into your mind


to occupy your thinking

often + on

  • When I smell a pie baking, memories of childhood holidays crowd in on me. [=memories fill my mind]

crowd out (something or someone)


crowd (something or someone) out


to push, move, or force (something or someone) out of a place or situation by filling its space

  • The quick-growing grass is crowding out native plants.

  • She worries that junk food is crowding fruits and vegetables out of her children’s diet.

Britannica Dictionary definition of CROWD



a large group of people who are together in one place

  • The President will address the crowd later.

  • The crowd is restless. = (Brit) The crowd are restless.

  • a crowd of kids/reporters/shoppers

  • The formerly unknown singer now regularly performs to crowds of 10,000 (people).

  • Crowds lined the street to watch the parade.

  • His speeches always draw a big/large crowd. [=a lot of people come to hear him speak]

  • You can avoid the crowds by visiting a popular resort area in the off-season.

  • police trained in crowd control

the crowd


ordinary people


people who are not special or unusual

  • kids trying to distinguish themselves from the crowd

  • She prefers to be one of the crowd. [=she prefers to not be noticed or treated in any special way]

◊ Someone who is just another face in the crowd is not famous or well-known.

  • Until her book became a best seller, she was just another face in the crowd.

◊ Someone or something that stands out from the crowd is unusual in a good way.

  • As a teacher, he always stood out from the crowd.

  • The high quality of these tools makes them stand out from the crowd.

◊ Someone who follows the crowd or goes with the crowd does whatever most other people are doing.

  • He was never one to follow the crowd, so we weren’t surprised when he dropped out of college to start his own business.



a group of people who spend time together or have something in common

  • Her parents are concerned that she’s been hanging out with a bad crowd. [=with people who do illegal or immoral things]

usually used with the

  • Her parents are concerned that she’s been hanging out with the wrong crowd.

  • The new dance club caters to the under-18 crowd. [=to people who are less than 18 years old]

join the crowd


to become part of a larger group


to do what most other people are doing

  • You can find a private hideaway or join the crowd at the beach.


used to say that the problems or feelings someone is having are problems or feelings that you have had yourself

  • If you don’t understand the rules, join the crowd [=(more commonly) join the club]: no one else does either!

two’s company, three’s a crowd

see company

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a large number of persons gathered closely together; throng: a crowd of angry people.

any large number of persons.

any group or set of persons with something in common: The restaurant attracts a theater crowd.

the common people; the masses: He feels superior to the crowd.

a large number of things gathered or considered together.

Sociology. a temporary gathering of people responding to common stimuli and engaged in any of various forms of collective behavior.

verb (used without object)

to press forward; advance by pushing.

verb (used with object)

to press closely together; force into a confined space; cram: to crowd clothes into a suitcase.

to fill to excess; fill by pressing or thronging into.

to place under pressure or stress by constant solicitation: to crowd a debtor for payment; to crowd someone with embarrassing questions.



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Idioms about crowd

    crowd on sail, Nautical. to carry a press of sail.

Origin of crowd


First recorded before 950; Middle English verb crouden, cruden, croden, Old English crūdan, crēodan “to press, hurry”; cognate with Middle Dutch crūden “to push,” Middle Low German krūden to annoy”

synonym study for crowd

1. Crowd, multitude, swarm, throng refer to large numbers of people. Crowd suggests a jostling, uncomfortable, and possibly disorderly company: A crowd gathered to listen to the speech. Multitude emphasizes the great number of persons or things but suggests that there is space enough for all: a multitude of people at the market on Saturdays. Swarm as used of people is usually contemptuous, suggesting a moving, restless, often noisy, crowd: A swarm of dirty children played in the street. Throng suggests a company that presses together or forward, often with some common aim: The throng pushed forward to see the cause of the excitement.

grammar notes for crowd


crowder, noun

Words nearby crowd

crowbar, crowberry, crow-bill, crow blackbird, crowboot, crowd, crowded, crowder pea, crowdfunding, crowdie, crowd pleaser

Other definitions for crowd (2 of 2)

noun Music.

an ancient Celtic musical instrument with the strings stretched over a rectangular frame, played with a bow.

Also crwth [krooth] /kruθ/ .

Also called rota [roh-tuh], /ˈroʊ tə/, rote [roht], /roʊt/, rotta [rotuh], /ˈrɒt ə/, rotte [rot] /rɒt/ .

Origin of crowd


First recorded in 1300–50; Middle English croud, crouth, from Welsh crwth; see also crwth Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What is a basic definition of crowd?

A crowd is a large group of people or an audience. Crowd also means to cram closely together. Crowd has several other senses as a noun and a verb.

The word crowd can be used to describe any large group of people. Often, crowd is used to specifically mean that the people are standing close together. If a location has a large number of people in a small area, it is said to be crowded.

  • Real-life examples: A protest often involves a crowd of angry people. Crowds are often broken up when they get too large and unruly. You are very likely to see huge crowds in large cities like Los Angeles or in popular amusement parks like Disney World.
  • Used in a sentence: My sister got lost in the crowd of businesspeople boarding the subway car. 

In this sense, crowd is used as a verb to mean to gather together in large numbers.

  • Used in a sentence: We crowded around the trained monkey to watch it dance. 

Crowd is also used to mean an audience, even if not many people are in the audience.

  • Real-life examples: Musicians, circus performers, actors, and comedians perform in front of a crowd. Politicians often give speeches to a crowd. Every producer wants to attract a large crowd to a show so they make more money.
  • Used in a sentence: She received a standing ovation from the crowd. 

Crowd can also specifically mean a group of people who have something in common.

  • Used in a sentence: I don’t really fit in with this artsy crowd. 

As a verb, crowd means to pack or cram closely together in a tight space.

  • Used in a sentence: Twelve clowns crowded into the tiny car.

Where does crowd come from?

The first records of crowd come from before 950. It ultimately comes from the Old English crūden, meaning “to press” or “to hurry.”

Did you know … ?

How is crowd used in real life?

Crowd is a common word that most often means a large group of people.

Large crowd continuing to march on Pike Street from downtown. Two individuals were arrested outside of the West Precinct. Demonstrators threw rocks, bottles and other items at officers. At least one officer has been transported to the hospital.

— Seattle Police Dept. (@SeattlePD) July 19, 2020

Proud of my hometown Miami crowd giving up that energy for our boys.. I know that energy well. #GoHeat

— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) June 10, 2012

Person in Tahoe looks at me in my small sedan as if it’s my fault because they are crowded into a parking space next to me. Don’t do that.

— Dan Wolken (@DanWolken) June 10, 2017

Try using crowd!

True or False?

A crowd is a small group of people.

Words related to crowd

circle, congregation, crew, group, horde, lot, mass, mob, pack, party, people, press, sellout, throng, cluster, congest, congregate, deluge, flock, gather

How to use crowd in a sentence

  • After he held an indoor rally in Nevada where a mostly unmasked crowd interacted, he told the Las Vegas Review-Journal that he didn’t feel as though he was putting himself at risk.

  • It’s amazing how small a barrier it takes to filter out the crowds.

  • The latest crackdown occurred on Sunday, when crowds took to the streets to oppose the government’s decision to postpone for an entire year legislative council elections that were supposed to take place on Sunday.

  • Winter is also nice—just pack some extra layers—and you’ll miss the crowds by visiting in the off-season.

  • CEOs and VPs always have people asking to take from them, so offering to help them in some way may make you stand out of the crowd.

  • He created his own crowd-funding platform for genetically modified organisms (GMOs), which has yet to be launched.

  • As he tried to make his way through a crowd of mourners late last month, he looked preoccupied and even disoriented.

  • But when I look out over the crowd now, I also see that they are trapped—trapped by their cowardice.

  • And so we compiled this list through conversations with colleagues and social media crowd-sourcing.

  • The Stormfront crowd offers its own helpful political advice, not only for Scalise but also for the entire GOP.

  • The crowd shuffled off in all directions, and then engaged in a confused struggle for the chairs.

  • The little crowd and the boats on the beach were right under them and no one paid any attention or seemed to be in a hurry.

  • Our social life is aimless without it, we are a crowd without a common understanding.

  • Soon after they parted, with a sarcastic laugh from the Spaniard, and Ma’amselle mingled with the crowd.

  • His Indian repute had not preceded him to such degree as to make the way easy for him through the London crowd.

British Dictionary definitions for crowd (1 of 2)


a large number of things or people gathered or considered together

a particular group of people, esp considered as a social or business setthe crowd from the office

  1. the crowd the common people; the masses
  2. (as modifier)crowd ideas

follow the crowd to conform with the majority


(intr) to gather together in large numbers; throng

(tr) to press together into a confined space

(tr) to fill to excess; fill by pushing into

(tr) informal to urge or harass by urging

crowd on sail nautical to hoist as much sail as possible

Derived forms of crowd

crowded, adjectivecrowdedly, adverbcrowdedness, nouncrowder, noun

Word Origin for crowd

Old English crūdan; related to Middle Low German krūden to molest, Middle Dutch crūden to push, Norwegian kryda to swarm

British Dictionary definitions for crowd (2 of 2)


music an ancient bowed stringed instrument; crwth

Word Origin for crowd

C13: from Welsh crwth

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with crowd

see follow the crowd; three’s a crowd.

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

толпа, народ, множество, масса, давка, толпиться, вытеснять, тесниться, теснить


- толпа

he pushed his way through the crowd — он пробрался сквозь толпу

- (the crowd) пренебр. простой люд, народ; чернь

advertisements seek to appeal to the crowd — объявления рассчитаны на привлечение масс
to raise oneself /to rise above/ the crowd — выбиться в люди; подняться над общим уровнем

- толкотня, давка

the audience was large, but there was no crowd — публики было много, но давки не было

- разг. компания, группа людей

she came in with all her crowd — она пришла со своей компанией

- множество, масса
- (the crowd) театр., кино статисты, фигуранты

crowd scene — массовая сцена, массовка
he might pass in a crowd — ≅ он не хуже других
to follow /to go with/ the crowd — делать то, что делают другие; поступать как все

- крота (старинный кельтский смычковый инструмент)


- толпиться, тесниться

to crowd round smb., smth. — толпиться /тесниться/ вокруг кого-л., чего-л.

- набивать, переполнять, запрудить (пространство, помещение)

the room was crowded with furniture — комната была заставлена мебелью
the street is crowded with people — улица запружена народом

- собираться, скапливаться; сосредоточиваться; столпиться

we are too crowded here — нам здесь слишком тесно

- собирать, скапливать; нагромождать

the boats are crowded together in the harbour — в гавани скопились суда

- теснить, давить, напирать

don’t crowd so, stand back! — не напирайте так, подайтесь /отойдите/ назад!
people were crowding to board the bus — люди теснили /давили/ друг друга, чтобы сесть в автобус

ещё 8 вариантов

Мои примеры


the dull roar of the crowd — негромкий шум толпы  
the dour mood of the crowd — мрачное настроение толпы  
in the midst of the crowd — в гуще толпы / посреди толпы  
to bustle through a crowd — пробиваться сквозь толпу  
to follow / go with the crowd — следовать за большинством, думать и поступать, как все  
to stand out in a crowd — выделяться из толпы, быть не таким, как все  
in with the wrong crowd — в плохой компании  
headless crowd — неорганизованная толпа  
to hustle through the crowd — протискиваться сквозь толпу  
to join the crowd — примкнуть к толпе  
to mingle in / with the crowd — смешаться с толпой  
orderly crowd — мирно настроенная толпа  

Примеры с переводом

It is signed by a crowd of names.

Это подписано большим количеством людей.

Don’t crowd me, I’ll pay.

Я заплачу, только не капай мне на мозги.

We were standing crowded together before the picture.

Мы стояли перед картиной, тесно прижавшись друг к другу.

George is crowding sixty.

Джорджу скоро шестьдесят.

Too much furniture had been crowded into the sale room.

В торговый зал втиснули слишком много мебели.

He might pass in the crowd.

Он не хуже других.

We all crowded into her office to sing «Happy Birthday».

Мы всей толпой направились в ее кабинет, чтобы спеть ей песню «С днем рожденья тебя».

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The crowd was well-behaved.

The crowd roared its approval.

The comedian convulsed the crowd

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

Возможные однокоренные слова

crowded  — переполненный, людный, многолюдный, полный, битком набитый, наполненный, прижатый
overcrowd  — переполнять, толпиться
crowding  — давка, толкотня
crowdy  — шумный, буйный, беспутный, вульгарный, буян, хулиган

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: crowd
he/she/it: crowds
ing ф. (present participle): crowding
2-я ф. (past tense): crowded
3-я ф. (past participle): crowded

ед. ч.(singular): crowd
мн. ч.(plural): crowds

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