Is the word cousin capitalized

Asked by: Antwon Gottlieb

Score: 4.5/5
(8 votes)

This is true for all kinship names, which are words like brother, sister, father, mom, grandma, cousin, and aunt. If the kinship name is being used to describe the person you are talking about, with or without that person’s name, do not capitalize it. … Their cousin lives just down the road from them.

Do you capitalize relatives titles?

When terms denoting family relationships are used as proper nouns (as names), they are capitalized. However, when the terms are used as common nouns (not as names), they’re not capitalized. … In the examples above, Mom, Dad, and Grandma are capitalized because they are being used like names.

Should you capitalize aunt and uncle?

Words like grandpa, grandma, uncle, and aunt are capitalized when used as a title before a name.

Should brother be capitalized?

Sister and Brother are capitalized in the same way as Doctor — when used as honorifics or titles. These particular titles, along with «Mother» and «Father», are commonly used by religious orders.

Do you capitalize family in a greeting?

People often use family titles as names in greetings and closings of letters. The titles are capitalized. Sometimes the family titles are not part of the name and aren’t capitalized. Watch carefully.

44 related questions found

Is the F in family capitalized?

When family relationships are used as proper names, they too should be capitalized. … The «f» in «Father,» and the «g» in «Grandmother» or «Grandfather» would likewise be capitalized if used as proper nouns.

Do you capitalize all words in a letter closing?

The rule is to capitalize only the first word of the close. This rule applies wherever you use a complimentary close: emails, letters, notes, and even texts.

Is Sister Capitalised?

Sister and Brother are capitalized in the same way as Doctor — when used as honorifics or titles. You wouldn’t capitalize them (or “mom” or “dad”) when used with an article or possessive pronoun.

Is uncle capitalized with a name?

Correct: The other day I went shopping with my uncle. However, when referring to an uncle by name such as “Uncle Jim,” then the word uncle is capitalized because it is a part of the name so it becomes a proper noun.

Is brother a proper noun?

Generally, the noun ‘brother’ is a common noun. It is not the name of a specific brother. For this reason, it is usually not capitalized.

Does daughter have a capital letter?

In other words, capitalize words such as Mother, Father, Grandmother, Grandfather, Son, Daughter, and Sis when they are used in place of the person’s name. Do not capitalize them when they follow possessive pronouns such as her, his, my, our, your.

Does Great aunt need to be capitalized?

In the title “Great-Aunt,” “great” needs to be capitalized as the first word of the title anyway, and “aunt” is of at least equal significance, or as I have just claimed, even more significance, so naturally “aunt” must also be capitalized.

What are the rules of capitalization?

English Capitalization Rules:

  • Capitalize the First Word of a Sentence. …
  • Capitalize Names and Other Proper Nouns. …
  • Don’t Capitalize After a Colon (Usually) …
  • Capitalize the First Word of a Quote (Sometimes) …
  • Capitalize Days, Months, and Holidays, But Not Seasons. …
  • Capitalize Most Words in Titles.

Do you capitalize dear friends and family?

Note the comma in the salutation. … In formal letters or memos, nouns in salutations should be capitalized, according to EditPros, a California writing and editing group. Examples: “Dear Friends” and “Dear Parents.”

Is Mama and Papa capitalized?

Proper nouns are capitalized and common nouns aren’t. In other words, when “Mom” and “Dad” are used in place of a person’s name, they’re capitalized. When “mom” and “dad” describe a generic parental relationship, they’re lowercased.

Do I capitalize this in a title?

The rules are fairly standard for title case: Capitalize the first and the last word. Capitalize nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs (including phrasal verbs such as “play with”), adverbs, and subordinate conjunctions. Lowercase articles (a, an, the), coordinating conjunctions, and prepositions (regardless of length).

Does President need to be capitalized?

We have asked for a meeting with the President. I would like to be the president of a big company. In the first, the title the President is capitalized because it is a title referring to a specific person; in the second, there is no capital, because the word president does not refer to anyone in particular.

When should the word be capitalized?

If you are using the publication name as a modifier, you can just omit the “the.” For example, the official name of The New York Times is The New York Times, so if you are following AP style and writing something like “I had a book review in The New York Times,” you capitalize the word “the.” But, if you are writing …

Is Sister proper noun?

The noun sister can be used as either a proper or common noun. It is a proper noun when used as a title, as in Sister Maria led the other nuns in…

Do you capitalize best friend?

Bff can be written in uppercase and in lowercase letters, and since it’s usually not used in formal communication, you can write it either way. If you have to use it in formal communication, however, you should remember to pick one of the two capitalization options and use it consistently.

Is birthday capitalized?

Explanation: Words like birthday, anniversary, reunion and gala are lowercase. If you describe an event with a proper name (Lizzy’s Surprise 30th Birthday Bash), then it’s uppercase.

Which of these complimentary closings is capitalized correctly?

Capitalize the first word in the complimentary close, but do not capitalize the second and following words. As the complimentary close in business correspondence, the following is correctly capitalized: «Very Truly Yours.«

Is Kind regards both capitalized?

You definitely only need to capitalise the first letter, like this: ‘Kind regards’. Speaking of which, if you’re confused about which sign-offs are okay, and which are a professional no-no, read our article on the best ways to start and finish an email.

Do you capitalize Best regards both?

The rule for formal letters is that only the first word should be capitalized (i.e. «Best regards»). Emails are less formal, so some of the rules are relaxed. That’s why you’re seeing variants from other native English speakers. It would never be wrong, however, to continue using «Best regards» for emails.

Is it Smith family or the Smith family?

The Smiths is plural for «Smith» and means there is more than one person named Smith and the invitation is from them all. When in doubt, we like to use «The Smith Family». The Smith’s (with an apostrophe before the s) is the possessive of «Smith» and indicates one person ownership.

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No, the word cousin is not capitalized, but Cousin is.

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Q: Is the word cousin capitalized

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Do you capitalize cousin?

No it’s not capitalized.

Is the word Chinese capitalized?

The word Chinese is a proper noun and is capitalized.

Is the word founder capitalized?

No it shouldn’t be capitalized.

Is the word librarian capitalized?

No it’s not capitalized.

Is the word ‘politics’ capitalized?

The word «politics» should not be capitalized unless it is the
first word of a sentence.

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Several readers have asked why kinship names, such as names of brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, etc., are sometimes capitalized and sometimes not. Let’s have a closer look.

Rule 1: Capitalize a kinship name when it immediately precedes a personal name or is used alone, in place of a personal name.

Andy and Opie loved Aunt Bee’s apple pies.
We adore Uncle Malik, because he always treats us like royalty when we visit him.
Grandma and Grandpa were married in a chapel in a small French village.
Let’s go ask Mom if we can go to the movies.

Rule 2: Do not capitalize a kinship name when it is not part of the personal name but is a word describing the personal name. This usually occurs when the kinship name is preceded by articles such as the, a, or an; or possessive pronouns such as his, her, my, our, your, or their.

Andy and Opie loved their aunt Bee’s apple pies.
We adore our uncle Malik, because he always treats us like royalty when we visit him.
My grandma and grandpa were married in a chapel in a small French village.
Let’s go ask my mom if we can go to the movies.

Rule 3: Do not capitalize a kinship name when it follows the personal name or is not referencing a specific person.

The James brothers were notorious for robbing scores of banks and trains.
There’s not one mother I know who would allow her child to cross that street alone.

Pop Quiz
Select the correct word:

1. We’d travel all day to eat a meal prepared by our aunt/Aunt Ella.
2. When I saw the letter from mother/Mother, I knew it contained only good news.
3. Lydia became a mother/Mother at twenty.
4. I’m sorry, son/Son, but we’re not going to have a campfire tonight.
5. Some fathers/Fathers build a campfire every night.

1. We’d travel all day to eat a meal prepared by our aunt Ella.
2. When I saw the letter from Mother, I knew it contained only good news.
3. Lydia became a mother at twenty.
4. I’m sorry, Son, but we’re not going to have a campfire tonight.
5. Some fathers build a campfire every night.


If the article or the existing discussions do not address a thought or question you have on the subject, please use the «Comment» box at the bottom of this page.

You may be wondering how to capitalize certain familial titles and we’re here to help. Below are some of the most commonly searched family titles and information about capitalizing them. In general, familial titles should be capitalized when used in titles/headlines or before a name, and lowercased when used generically in a sentence (e.g., “my aunt”).

Are Family Member Titles Capitalized?

Do you capitalize family member names like grandma, mom, dad, cousin, etc.? The words can be capitalized depending on how they are used in a sentence or title. When used generically in a sentence they should be lowercase such as in the following sentence: “my grandparents said to visit them,” then the word grandpa is lowercase because it is a generic noun. The same goes for cousin: “my cousin came to visit.”

Correct: My grandparents are the best.
Correct: My cousins are the best.
Correct: My cousin came to visit me.
Correct: My mom is the best.

However, if you are addressing your family members directly, such as when asking a question, then you should capitalize the word.

Correct: Can I go to the movies, Grandparents?
Correct: Want to go to the movies, Cousin?
Correct: Can I go to the movies, Mom?

The same holds true for any other family member names.

Is Mom Capitalized?

The word “mom” can be capitalized depending on how it is used in a sentence or title. Capitalize “mom” when used in a title.   When used generically in a sentence such as: “my mom said to visit her,” then the word mom is lowercase because it is a generic noun.

Correct: My mom is the best.

However, if you are addressing your mom directly, such as when asking a question, then you should capitalize the word mom or mother.

Correct: Can I go to the movies, Mom?

You should also capitalize “mother” in “Mother’s Day” because it is a holiday and thus a proper noun.

Is Mother Capitalized?

In general, the word “mother” is lowercased, but there are a few instances listed below when it is capitalized.

The word “mother” is capitalized:

1. When used as a proper noun or addressing one’s mother. An example is: Hello Mother, when are you going to visit me? However, you should not capitalize the word if you are referring to a relationship. “When I get back to the country, I will take my mother out.”
2. The word should also be capitalized when it’s used to refer to a holiday (Mother’s day).
3. When it’s used in a song or movie title.
4. Finally, the word mother should be capitalized when it’s the first word of a sentence.

What about mother-in-law?

The phrase “mother-in-law” follows the same rules as “mother.” It should not be capitalized unless used at the beginning of a sentence. However, when used in a title the words “mother” and “law” are capitalized so the phrase would read “Mother-in-Law.”

Is Dad Capitalized?

  • EM

  • Articles

  • Style

  • Capitalization


Family titles like mom and dad are capitalized when used to address a person or used as a name but lowercased otherwise.


  • Thanks, Mom and Dad!
  • I thought Mom and Dad would attend the ceremony.
  • but

  • I thought your mom and dad would be here.

Similarly, other kinship titles like grandma, grandpa, aunt, and uncle are capitalized when used in place of a person’s name but lowercased when used as common nouns.


  • How’s Grandpa doing?
  • Thanks, Aunt Maya.
  • but

  • Your grandpa was an aviator.
  • My aunt Maya loves to travel.

Parents: Mom, dad

Capitalize titles like mom and dad when using them to address someone or as a name. Also capitalize their variations—mum, mama, mommy, mother, papa, pop, daddy, father, or any other words used to refer to one’s parents—whenever you use them in direct address or in place of someone’s name.


  • I was just about to clean my room, Mom.
  • Thanks, Dad, I’ll check and call you back.
  • Did you check with Mum and Dad?
  • It’s Mama’s birthday tomorrow.
  • I’m afraid Papa isn’t coming today.
  • Yes, Father, I’ve cleaned my room.

But don’t capitalize words like mom and dad if you use them as common nouns (i.e., not in place of a person’s name).


  • How’s your dad doing now?
  • I sent my mom flowers for Mother’s Day.
  • I’m visiting my mum and dad this Sunday.
  • Are all the moms and dads here already?
  • Neither your mother nor your father knows all the answers.


You know words like mom and dad are being used as common nouns instead of as titles when a determiner like a, my, your, her, or the appears before the word, or when it is used in the plural. In such cases, lowercase the word as you would any other common noun.


  • My mom is a doctor.
  • Did you call your dad on Father’s Day?
  • I ran into her father at the airport.
  • You should check with your mother.
  • We’ve invited all the mums and dads to the birthday party.

Relatives: Grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins

Capitalize titles for uncles, aunts, grandparents, and other relatives when using them to directly address someone or as a person’s name. Also capitalize such words when they appear as a title before a name.


  • Can you please take these eggs down to Grandma?
  • I never did ask Grandma how old she was when she first met Grandpa.
  • Have you thanked Grandpa Joe yet for the gift he sent you?
  • Today is Grandma Maria’s birthday.
  • If there is one person who is sure to support you, it is Aunt Maya.
  • Lulu loves to visit Uncle Farley’s farm.
  • We haven’t heard from Cousin Jo in a while.
  • This is a gift for you from Cousin Sameena.

When such words are used as common nouns instead of as titles or names, lowercase them as you would any other common noun.


  • My grandpa and grandma met during the war.
  • Have you called your grandmother yet?
  • Rita was brought up by her grandfather.
  • Was it your aunt who saw the UFO last week?
  • Your father’s brother is your uncle.
  • One of my cousins who live in Spain is an artist.
  • My mother’s cousin is a Martian.

  • Farley has forty-nine cousins on his father’s side.
  • She is my first cousin, twice removed.
  • Hey, cousin, what’s up?
  • All humans are cousins if you go back far enough.


Lowercase words like aunt and uncle when followed by an appositive. (An appositive is a noun that appears beside another one and describes it.)


  • I ran into your aunt Mira at the airport.
  • My uncle John was a guitarist.
  • Is that your cousin André?
  • but

  • I ran into Aunt Mira at the airport.
  • Did you know Uncle John was a guitarist?
  • Hey, that’s Cousin André!

As you can see, in apposition, the kinship term (aunt, uncle, etc.) is used as a common noun rather than as a title: it should therefore be lowercased.

Children: Daughter, son

Words like son and daughter (or son-in-law and daughter-in-law) are generally not capitalized. They are rarely used as titles and are lowercased even when used to directly address someone.


  • My son and daughter-in-law have signed up to go to Mars.
  • Neither my daughter nor my son has a car.
  • Our sons have been friends since the first grade.
  • Their daughter-in-law is running for president.
  • My daughter is a doctor.
  • Even though Farley is the seventh son of a seventh son, he has no magical powers at all.
  • Thanks, son, we loved the gift.

Siblings: Brother, sister

In general, don’t capitalize words like brother and sister when using them to address someone. These words (and the derivative bro and sis) are more often used as generalized forms of direct address in casual speech than as kinship terms for siblings.


  • The time has come, brothers, for us to act.
  • I’ll do what I can to help you, sister.
  • Well, brother, I warned you, didn’t I??
  • Where are you off to, sis?
  • Can you help me out, bro?

When brother and sister are used as common nouns, they are always lowercased.


  • Farley has seven brothers and seven sisters.
  • None of his brothers has a phone.
  • All his sisters are farmers.


When the words brother and sister are used before a name (for example, to refer to members of a religious order), they are capitalized.


  • Our school principal is Brother George.
  • We should ask Sister Agnes what she thinks.

Terms of endearment

Forms of affectionate address like sweetheart, darling, honey, and love are generally not capitalized.


  • How are you, sweetheart?
  • Thanks, honey.
  • Of course, darling.
  • Could you pass me those earphones, love?
  • Here you go, angel.
  • I love you, babe.
  • Well done, kiddo.
  • Be careful, munchkin.
  • Sure, champ.


Capitalize nicknames as you would any other proper noun.


  • I ran into Dotty at the supermarket this morning.
  • Did you call me last night, Ike?
  • Our son Abe is home for the holidays.
  • Where did you find that Tooksie?


  • 1 When did states get 2 letter abbreviations?
  • 2 Does state need a capital letter?
  • 3 When should I use a capital letter?
  • 4 When should you Capitalise words?
  • 5 Do you capitalize family after a last name?
  • 6 Does family have a capital F?
  • 7 Does cousin have a capital letter?
  • 8 Is Cousins a collective noun?
  • 9 Is Cousin a common gender?
  • 10 Is Aunt a proper noun?
  • 11 How do you call a daughter of your sister?
  • 12 What do I call my sister’s son?

June 1963

Does state need a capital letter?

The word State must be capitalized when talking about the United States as a country. You must also capitalize the word state when it forms the full name of a specific body. For example, “The State Finance Department.” The word should only be capitalized if it forms part of the name of the specific body.

Does principal get a capital letter?

Principal should be capitalized when used as a title preceding the name of the person but uncapitalized if used as a description following the name. For example, Let us welcome Bob, the principal of the school.

When should I use a capital letter?

You should always use a capital letter in the following situations:

  1. In the names of people, places, or related words. Use a capital letter when you are writing the names of people, places, and words relating to them:
  2. At the beginning of a sentence.
  3. In the titles of books, films, organizations, etc.
  4. In abbreviations.

When should you Capitalise words?

In general, you should capitalize the first word, all nouns, all verbs (even short ones, like is), all adjectives, and all proper nouns. That means you should lowercase articles, conjunctions, and prepositions—however, some style guides say to capitalize conjunctions and prepositions that are longer than five letters.

Should Dear all be Capitalised?

It is usually written as a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence only. When using colleagues in a title you would use a capital letter such as Dear Colleagues.

Do you capitalize family after a last name?

“Family” does not need to be capitalized; indeed, it shouldn’t be capitalized. “Smith” is functioning as an adjectival modifier of “family” in the noun phrase “the Smith family.” Incidentally, you could also (equally) say: The Smiths attended the baseball game.

Does family have a capital F?

When terms denoting family relationships are used as proper nouns (as names), they are capitalized. In the examples above, Mom, Dad, and Grandma are capitalized because they are being used like names. You could replace them with proper names without changing the rest of the sentence.

Should father have a capital F?

If you are using the word ‘Father’ or ‘Dad’ as a proper noun, then you should use a capital letter. But if you are using ‘father’ or ‘dad’ as a common noun, you shouldn’t capitalise the ‘f’.

Does cousin have a capital letter?

Is the word cousin capitalized? This is true for all kinship names, which are words like brother, sister, father, mom, grandma, cousin, and aunt. If the kinship name is being used to describe the person you are talking about, with or without that person’s name, do not capitalize it.

Is Cousins a collective noun?

We have plural nouns for most family relations, but for the connection between someone and their sibling’s children. See, “siblings”, “children”, all taken care of. Parents, grandparents, cousins, all well and good. The collective noun for niece/nephew is now ready to be unveiled.

Is Cousin a proper noun?

A proper noun is a name. “Cousin” is not a proper noun in the title given (although “Cousins”, being a surname, can be a proper noun in the right context).

Is Cousin a common gender?

A noun that denotes either a male or a female is said to be of the common gender. Examples are: parent, child, friend, servant, thief, enemy, cousin, student, baby, teacher, writer etc. A noun that denotes a thing that is neither male nor female is said to be of the neuter gender.

Is Aunt a proper noun?

However, when referring to an aunt by name such as “Aunt Audrey,” then the word aunt is capitalized because it is a part of the name so it becomes a proper noun..

Is niece a proper noun?

We all know that proper nouns are capitalized: Sally, Jerry, Fred, etc. When it comes to titles like uncle, aunt, cousin, niece, and nephew, things get a little trickier. A few things to know: If the familial title is used in place of the person’s actual name, then it is capitalized.

How do you call a daughter of your sister?

niece. a daughter of your brother or sister, or a daughter of your husband’s or wife’s brother or sister. Their son is called your nephew.

What do I call my sister’s son?

A sororal niece or sororal nephew is the child of one’s sister. A fraternal niece or fraternal nephew is the child of one’s brother.

What do u call your sister’s daughter?



  • #1


Does anybody know the meaning or the origin of «cousin it» look?
Some images that I found in the web show me some people (mainly women) with a «big» hair, almost covering their faces, so I have some ideia of what refers.
However I would need some other clue to think about a Portuguese synonym.


  • GreenWhiteBlue

    • #2

    Cousin Itt was the name of a character on the 1964-1966 American television show «The Addams Family», which was in turn based on the macabre cartoons (usually appearing in The New Yorker magazine) of Charles Addams.

    You may read more about Cousin Itt here:

    Here is a picture of part of the Addams Family; from left to right we have Uncle Fester, Gomez, and Morticia, and the short creature to the right of Morticia is Cousin Itt.


    • #3

    Thank you GreenWhiteBlue. A very complete answer!
    So, I may assume the cousin


    and cousin


    are the same, no?


    • #4

    Yes, I’m sure they are. I had never seen the name of the character in print until today, much as I enjoyed the show as a kid. I would have said (until now) its name was «Cousin It» (without the second «t»).

    Please note that the capitalization is important. Reading «cousin it» is confusing; «cousin» looks like a verb acting on «it». With the capitalization it becomes a name.


    • #5

    Thank you JamesM. I will have your advice in mind about lettering.

    • #6

    Thank you GreenWhiteBlue. A very complete answer!
    So, I may assume the cousin


    and cousin


    are the same, no?

    In «Cousin Itt,» not only is the given name capitalized, but so is the relationship label, as can be seen here.

    It is more usual to keep «cousin» uncapitalized in such a designation: «my cousin Frank,» «her cousin George.» But since «Cousin Itt» is capitalized that way, I would expect references to the «Cousin Itt look» to have «Cousin» capitalized as well.


    • #7

    Thank you also for your comment, Mplsray. Yes, in the original where the name appears, it is written as in the page of that Encyclopedia — Cousin It.

    • #8

    Thank you also for your comment, Mplsray. Yes, in the original where the name appears, it is written as in the page of that Encyclopedia — Cousin It.

    The cousin’s name appears twice on that page, but as Cousin Itt.


    • #9

    Yes, exactly. I was referring the capitalization and «skipped» the two tt’s.
    Thanks again

    Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

    This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

    Asked by: Mrs. Jolie Balistreri DDS

    Score: 5/5
    (58 votes)

    Sister and Brother are capitalized in the same way as Doctor — when used as honorifics or titles. These particular titles, along with «Mother» and «Father», are commonly used by religious orders. You wouldn’t capitalize them (or «mom» or «dad») when used with an article or possessive pronoun.

    Is brother capitalized?

    Siblings: Brother, sister

    In general, don’t capitalize words like brother and sister when using them to address someone. These words (and the derivative bro and sis) are more often used as generalized forms of direct address in casual speech than as kinship terms for siblings.

    Should family member names be capitalized?

    When terms denoting family relationships are used as proper nouns (as names), they are capitalized. However, when the terms are used as common nouns (not as names), they’re not capitalized. … It’s easy to get confused about whether you should capitalize family names in your writing.

    Can sister be a proper noun?

    The noun sister can be used as either a proper or common noun. It is a proper noun when used as a title, as in Sister Maria led the other nuns in…

    When should the word brother be capitalized?

    Sister and Brother are capitalized in the same way as Doctor — when used as honorifics or titles. You wouldn’t capitalize them (or “mom” or “dad”) when used with an article or possessive pronoun. “my sister” and “my brother” are correct, as are “my mom” and “my dad”.

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    Is brother a proper noun?

    Generally, the noun ‘brother’ is a common noun. It is not the name of a specific brother. For this reason, it is usually not capitalized.

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    noun. /ˈsɪstə(r)/ /ˈsɪstər/ a girl or woman who has the same mother and father as another person.

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    sister (noun) sister (adjective) sister–in–law (noun) … half sister (noun)

    Does sister get capitalized?

    Sister and Brother are capitalized in the same way as Doctor — when used as honorifics or titles. These particular titles, along with «Mother» and «Father», are commonly used by religious orders.

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    Why is «Grandpa Joe» capitalized? It’s a general version of a word. It’s a proper noun. It’s not a specific person’s name.

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    Capitalize family relationship titles when they are used with names or in place of names. Do not capitalize them if they do not replace the name. Aunt Denise, Uncle Jerry, Grandfather Joe.

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    All proper nouns in English must be capitalized, including the full names of family members. … Likewise, to describe one’s family using the dominant last name, such as Smith, the «S» in «the Smith family» must be capitalized.

    Is the word cousin capitalized?

    This is true for all kinship names, which are words like brother, sister, father, mom, grandma, cousin, and aunt. If the kinship name is being used to describe the person you are talking about, with or without that person’s name, do not capitalize it. … Their cousin lives just down the road from them.

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    We all know that proper nouns are capitalized: Sally, Jerry, Fred, etc. When it comes to titles like uncle, aunt, cousin, niece, and nephew, things get a little trickier. … If the familial title is used in place of the person’s actual name, then it is capitalized.

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    Usage notes

    «Mom» is capitalized when used as a proper noun, but not when used as a common noun: I think Mom likes my new car.

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    An abstract noun for sister is sisterhood.

    Is big sister a noun?

    IPA (US): Dictionary entry overview: What does big sister mean? Familiarity information: BIG SISTER used as a noun is very rare.

    What is noun and example?

    A noun is a word that describes a person, place, thing, or idea. Examples of nouns include names, locations, objects in the physical world, or objects and concepts that do not exist in the physical world; for example, a dream or a theory.

    What are types of noun?

    Types Of Nouns

    • Common noun.
    • Proper noun.
    • Concrete noun.
    • Abstract noun.
    • Collective nouns.
    • Count and mass nouns.

    What type of word is sisters?

    Sisters is a noun — Word Type.

    What kind of noun is my brother?

    John is a proper noun while brother is a common noun.

    What type of word is brothers?

    Brothers is a noun — Word Type.

    Is father a proper noun?

    As detailed above, ‘Father’ is a proper noun. Proper noun usage: Father Thomas was a good priest. Proper noun usage: I will only do what Father asks.

    This is true for all kinship names, which are words like brother, sister, father, mom, grandma, cousin, and aunt. If the kinship name is being used to describe the person you are talking about, with or without that person’s name, do not capitalize it. Their cousin lives just down the road from them.

    Are aunt and uncle capitalized?

    Relatives: Grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins. Capitalize titles for uncles, aunts, grandparents, and other relatives when using them to directly address someone or as a person’s name. Also capitalize such words when they appear as a title before a name.

    Do you capitalize family when referring to a specific family?

    When terms denoting family relationships are used as proper nouns (as names), they are capitalized. However, when the terms are used as common nouns (not as names), they’re not capitalized. It’s easy to get confused about whether you should capitalize family names in your writing.

    What letters do you capitalize in a title?

    What to capitalize in a title

    • Always capitalize the first word as well as all nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
    • Articles, conjunctions, and prepositions should not be capitalized.
    • Capitalize the first element in a hyphenated compound.
    • Capitalize both elements of spelled-out numbers or simple fractions.

    What words are not capitalized in a title MLA?

    Capitalization and punctuation Capitalize each word in the titles of articles, books, etc, but do not capitalize articles (the, an), prepositions, or conjunctions unless one is the first word of the title or subtitle: Gone with the Wind, The Art of War, There Is Nothing Left to Lose.

    What words are capitalized in a title MLA?

    Are titles capitalized in MLA? Yes. MLA Style uses title case, which means that all principal words (nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and some conjunctions) are capitalized. This applies to titles of sources as well as the title in the heading of your paper.

    How does a MLA heading look like?

    The correct MLA heading is found on the first page of your paper. It includes your name, instructor, course, and date. MLA format also has a running header with the page number and your last name. It is right-aligned and found on each page.

    Do you capitalize the word after in a title?

    Rule 1: 1) Never capitalize prepositions and conjunctions of four or fewer letters. However, remember the above rule: words with five or more letters, regardless of whether the word is a conjunction or preposition, must be capitalized.

    How many prepositions are there in English grammar?

    150 prepositions

    What is camel case letters?

    noun. the convention of writing compound words or phrases with no spaces and an initial lowercase or uppercase letter, with each remaining word element beginning with an uppercase letter: iPod and WikiAnswers are both spelled in camel case.

    What is camel case example?

    For example, ComputerHope, FedEx, and WordPerfect are all examples of CamelCase. With computer programming, CamelCase is often used as a naming convention for variables, arrays, and other elements. For example, $MyVariable is an example of a variable that uses CamelCase.

    Why is it called Pascal case?

    Pascal case naming convention The use of a single uppercase letter for each additional word makes it easier to read code and discern the purpose of variables. The term Pascal case was popularized by the Pascal programming language. Pascal itself is case insensitive, so the use of PascalCase was not a requirement.

    What does camel case look like?

    The name camelCase (also “camel case” or “dromedary case”) comes from the hump on a camel, which is represented by the capital letter in the middle of the compound word. A camelCase word may have one or more capital letters.

    Can you use camel case in python?

    Do not separate words with underscores. This style is called camel case. Use a lowercase word or words. Separate words with underscores to improve readability.

    What is the difference between camel case and Pascal case?

    Camel case and Pascal case are similar. Both demand variables made from compound words and have the first letter of each appended word written with an uppercase letter. The difference is that Pascal case requires the first letter to be uppercase as well, while camel case does not.

    Presentation on theme: «Using Capital Letters Why is correct capitalization important?»— Presentation transcript:


    Using Capital Letters Why is correct capitalization important?
    First word of sentence Salutations and closings of letters The pronoun I Proper nouns Proper adjectives School subjects Titles Abbreviations Review A Review B


    Why is capitalization important?
    Suppose a friend sent you this text message. meet me at ken’s garage at 5:30. bring the beetle. Would you go to Would you bring or or Ken’s garage? Ken’s Garage? the beetle? the Beetle?


    Why is capitalization important?
    With correct capitalization, your mission is clear. Meet me at Ken’s Garage at 5:30. Bring the Beetle.


    First word of sentence Capitalize the first word in every sentence.
    After the concert we went out for fruit smoothies. Most of my friends liked the music. One day we may go to another concert.


    First word of sentence Capitalize the first word of a quoted sentence.
    Jack said, “Kangaroos and wallabies are marsupials.” Ms. Herrera said, “Your answer is correct, Jack.”


    Salutations and closings of letters
    In letters, capitalize the first word in the salutation the closing Dear Manager: Sincerely yours, My dearest Nora, Regards,


    The pronoun I Capitalize the pronoun I.
    When I finished the race, I was feeling strong. If you go running, I’ll go too.


    Using capital letters Capitalize each lowercase letter that should be a capital. Be prepared to explain your answers. 1. yesterday i memorized two short poems. 2. the tour guide said, “please watch your step.” 3. then i read the letter, which was signed, “yours truly, Roy Irwin.”


    Using capital letters Capitalize each lowercase letter that should be a capital. Be prepared to explain your answers. 1. Yesterday I memorized two short poems. Yesterday—first word in sentence I—capitalize the pronoun I


    Using capital letters Capitalize each lowercase letter that should be a capital. Be prepared to explain your answers. 2. The tour guide said, “Please watch your step.” The—first word in sentence Please—first word of quoted sentence


    Using capital letters Capitalize each lowercase letter that should be a capital. Be prepared to explain your answers. 3. Then I read the letter, which was signed, “Yours truly, Roy Irwin.” Then—first word in sentence I—capitalize the pronoun I Yours—first word in closing of letter


    Using capital letters On Your Own Correct each capitalization error in the following sentences. the kite i like has already been sold. my dad asked, “have you fed the cat yet?” during the rainstorm the barn flooded. 4. the letter began, “my dearest, How i have missed you.” 5. the firefighter said, “let’s not wait any longer.” [End of Section]


    Using capital letters Answers Correct each capitalization error in the following sentences. 1. The kite I like has already been sold. 2. My dad asked, “Have you fed the cat yet?” 3. During the rainstorm the barn flooded. 4. The letter began, “My dearest, How I have missed you.” 5. The firefighter said, “Let’s not wait any longer.”


    Proper nouns Capitalize proper nouns.
    A common noun names any one of a group of persons, places, things, or ideas. A proper noun names a particular person, place, thing, or idea. Common Nouns Proper Nouns dog Lassie, Spot patriot Patrick Henry city New Orleans


    Proper nouns Capitalize proper nouns. Names of people and animals
    Marcus the Collins family Rover Initials in names D. F. Scott Sabrina G. Santos Abbreviations before or after names Dr. Rachel Moss Herbert Wu, Sr.


    Proper nouns Capitalize proper nouns. Geographical names
    Santa Fe (city) Red River (body of water) New Zealand (country) the Northwest (region)


    Grammar Gal Says… Proper nouns
    Words such as south, east, and northeast are not capitalized when they indicate direction. Grammar Gal Says… We were heading south. To the west we could see the mountains.


    Proper nouns Capitalize proper nouns.
    Names of organizations, teams, government bodies, and institutions Girl Scouts of America (organization) Austin City Council (government body) Pittsburgh Steelers (team) Stanford University (institution)


    Proper nouns Capitalize proper nouns.
    Names of historical events and periods, special events, holidays, and other calendar items Battle of Britain (historical event) Cinco de Mayo (holiday) Parents’ Day (special event) Thursday (calendar item)


    Grammar Gal Says… Proper nouns
    Don’t capitalize the name of a season unless it is part of a proper noun. Grammar Gal Says… The winter has been harsh. Let’s go to the Winter Wonderland Dance.


    Proper nouns Capitalize proper nouns.
    Names of nationalities, races, and peoples Korean Caucasian Aztec Asian Puerto Rican Zulu


    Proper nouns Capitalize proper nouns.
    Names of religions and their followers, holy days and celebrations, sacred writings, and specific deities Buddhism (religion) Buddhist (follower) Dead Sea Scrolls (sacred writing) Good Friday (holy day) Allah (specific deity)


    Proper nouns Capitalize proper nouns.
    Names of businesses and the brand names of business products Marvie Dot Com X-Sports! Shoes (businesses) PizzaWish Formed Cabinets Cheeky (brand names) SuperSwipes


    Grammar Gal Says… Proper nouns
    Do not capitalize a common noun that follows the brand name and identifies the type of product. Grammar Gal Says… Cheeky computer Liani bicycle 4/C p. 676 BirdieBye golf club


    Proper nouns Capitalize proper nouns.
    Names of planets, constellations, stars, and other heavenly bodies Saturn the Milky Way Orion Andromeda Galaxy Great Nebula 3/C p. 625 and 4/C p. 679 Image: T JPG


    Grammar Gal Says… Proper nouns
    Don’t capitalize earth unless it is used along with the names of other heavenly bodies that are capitalized. Grammar Gal Says… Which is larger, Earth or Mars? We should take care of the earth.


    Grammar Gal Says… Proper nouns
    The words sun and moon usually aren’t capitalized. Grammar Gal Says… The sun will set just over that mountain peak. Neither Mercury nor Venus has a moon.


    Proper nouns Capitalize proper nouns.
    Names of ships, trains, aircraft, and spacecraft Yankee Clipper Columbia Enterprise Queen Mary Spirit of St. Louis Orient Express


    Proper nouns Capitalize proper nouns.
    Names of awards, memorials, and monuments Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Nobel Prize Lincoln Memorial Heisman Trophy


    Proper nouns Capitalize proper nouns.
    Names of specific buildings and other structures Plaza Hotel the Alamo Great Wall of China Golden Gate Bridge Shasta Dam Tower of London


    Proper adjectives Capitalize proper adjectives.
    A proper adjective is an adjective formed from a proper noun. Proper Nouns Proper Adjectives Turkey Turkish border Thomas Jefferson Jeffersonian ideals Islam Islamic beliefs Queen Elizabeth Elizabethan drama


    Proper nouns and proper adjectives
    Identify the correctly capitalized word group in each pair. Be prepared to explain your answers. 1. African American man african american man 2. on Memorial day on Memorial Day 3. at Harvard University at harvard university 4. the Moons of jupiter the moons of Jupiter 5. the Pulitzer prize the Pulitzer Prize


    Proper nouns and proper adjectives
    Identify the correctly capitalized word group in each pair. Be prepared to explain your answers. 1. African American man African American man african american man African American—proper adjective


    Proper nouns and proper adjectives
    Identify the correctly capitalized word group in each pair. Be prepared to explain your answers. 2. on Memorial day on Memorial Day on Memorial Day Memorial Day—holiday


    Proper nouns and proper adjectives
    Identify the correctly capitalized word group in each pair. Be prepared to explain your answers. 3. at Harvard University at Harvard University at harvard university Harvard University—name of institution


    Proper nouns and proper adjectives
    Identify the correctly capitalized word group in each pair. Be prepared to explain your answers. 4. the Moons of jupiter the moons of Jupiter the moons of Jupiter moon—common noun, Jupiter—name of planet


    Proper nouns and proper adjectives
    Identify the correctly capitalized word group in each pair. Be prepared to explain your answers. 5. the Pulitzer prize the Pulitzer Prize the Pulitzer Prize Pulitzer Prize—name of award


    Proper nouns and proper adjectives
    On Your Own Correct the capitalization errors in the following word groups. pictures of the eiffel tower in paris the wisconsin badgers versus the texas longhorns 3. flying in the spruce goose 4. running in the boston marathon 5. a passage from the koran [End of Section]


    Proper nouns and proper adjectives
    Answers Correct the capitalization errors in the following word groups. 1. pictures of the Eiffel Tower in Paris 2. the Wisconsin Badgers versus the Texas Longhorns 3. flying in the Spruce Goose 4. running in the Boston Marathon 5. a passage from the Koran


    School subjects Do not capitalize the names of school subjects.
    geometry music chemistry art social studies Exception: Do capitalize the names of language classes and courses that contain a number. English Spanish Geometry II Chemistry I


    Titles Capitalize a person’s title when the title comes before the name. President Kennedy Dr. Sakamoto Professor Wells Generally, a title that is used alone or following a person’s name is not capitalized, especially if the title is preceded by a or the. Franklin Roosevelt was the president during World War II.


    Titles Capitalize a word showing a family relationship when the word is used before or in place of a person’s name. Uncle Manuel Cousin Josh Grandfather Do not capitalize a word showing a family relationship when the word follows a possessive noun or pronoun. my uncle Manuel your cousin Josh Kim’s grandfather


    Titles Capitalize the first and last words and all important words in titles and subtitles. Songs of the Tewa (book) “Love Without Love” (poem) It’s a Wonderful Life (movie) “Blue Moon” (song)


    Abbreviations Capitalize abbreviations if the words they stand for are capitalized. Abbreviations that come before or after names of persons Mrs. Jill Robbins John H. Glenn, Jr. Col. Whitman Abbreviations of geographical names Mt. St. Helens Bahama Is. Madera Co.


    Abbreviations Capitalize abbreviations if the words they stand for are capitalized. Abbreviations used in addresses 2414 Grand St. Witte Hall, Rm. 108 P.O. Box 1628 Abbreviations of the names of organizations, government bodies, and businesses American Dental Assn. CloudBank Corp. FCC (Federal Communications Commission)


    School subjects, titles, and abbreviations
    Capitalize each lowercase letter that should be a capital. Be prepared to explain your answers. 1. The mayor met with governor Richardson. 2. Use 658 Culver rd. as the mailing address. 3. Have you seen the play a raisin in the sun? 4. My cousin Carlos watches face the nation.


    School subjects, titles, and abbreviations
    Capitalize each lowercase letter that should be a capital. Be prepared to explain your answers. 1. The mayor met with Governor Richardson. Governor—person’s title used before the person’s name (The title mayor is not capitalized because it is not used with the person’s name.)


    School subjects, titles, and abbreviations
    Capitalize each lowercase letter that should be a capital. Be prepared to explain your answers. 2. Use 658 Culver Rd. as the mailing address. Rd.—abbreviation that stands for a word (Road) that is capitalized in an address


    School subjects, titles, and abbreviations
    Capitalize each lowercase letter that should be a capital. Be prepared to explain your answers. 3. Have you seen the play A Raisin in the Sun? A Raisin in the Sun—title of a play (Capitalize only the important words.)


    School subjects, titles, and abbreviations
    Capitalize each lowercase letter that should be a capital. Be prepared to explain your answers. 4. My cousin Carlos watches Face the Nation. Face the Nation—title of a TV show (Capitalize only the important words.) (The word cousin is not capitalized because it follows the possessive pronoun my.)


    School subjects, titles, and abbreviations
    On Your Own Correct the capitalization errors in the following sentences. Does dad like the movie fly away home? Did mr. Wills write a book about st. Augustine? Where are astronauts employed besides nasa? Ask principal Hendrix for a copy of the herald. Does your aunt really know mayor Goodall? [End of Section]


    School subjects, titles, and abbreviations
    Answers Correct the capitalization errors in the following word groups. 1. Does Dad like the movie Fly Away Home? 2. Did Mr. Wills write a book about St. Augustine? 3. Where are astronauts employed besides NASA? 4. Ask Principal Hendrix for a copy of The Herald. 5. Does your aunt really know Mayor Goodall?


    Review A Correct the following sentences by capitalizing or lowercasing letters as needed. 1. On saturday, may 18, my Brother ted and i won a Fact quiz against our parents. 2. Ted’s world literature I and spanish courses came in handy, and so did my Geography class. 3. Mom and dad couldn’t remember that the first united states satellite was explorer I. 4. can you believe we knew that kleenex® tissues were first used as gas-mask filters during world war I? [End of Section]


    Review A Correct the following sentences by capitalizing or lowercasing letters as needed. 1. On saturday, may 18, my Brother ted and i won a Soccer game against our parents. 2. Ted’s world literature I and spanish courses came in handy, and so did my Geography class. 3. Mom and dad couldn’t remember that the first united states satellite was explorer I. 4. can you believe we knew that kleenex® tissues were first used as gas-mask filters during world war I? 1. On Saturday, May 18, my brother Ted and I won a fact quiz against our parents. 2. Ted’s World History I and Spanish courses came in handy, and so did my geography class. 3. Mom and Dad couldn’t remember that the first United States satellite was Explorer I. 4. Can you believe we knew that Kleenex® tissues were first used as gas-mask filters during World War I?


    Review B Correct the sentences in the following paragraph by capitalizing or lowercasing letters as needed. (1) Louis armstrong was born in new orleans in august (2) While growing up, he played the trumpet on the Paddleboats that sailed the mississippi river. (3) Later he played in a band in chicago called the Creole jazz band. (4) The band’s pianist, Lil hardin, became mrs. armstrong in (5) Louis Armstrong soon became a Composer too. (6) He wrote the classic Jazz songs “dippermouth blues” and “wild man blues.” [End of Section]


    Review B Correct the sentences in the following paragraph by capitalizing or lowercasing letters as needed. (1) Louis Armstrong was born in New Orleans in August (2) While growing up, he played the trumpet on the paddleboats that sailed the Mississippi River. (3) Later he played in a band in Chicago called the Creole Jazz Band. (4) The band’s pianist, Lil Hardin, became Mrs. Armstrong in (5) Louis Armstrong soon became a composer too. (6) He wrote the classic jazz songs “Dippermouth Blues” and “Wild Man Blues.”


    The End

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