Is the word could ve a verb

Asked by: Fredrick Block

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(8 votes)

Could’ve is the usual spoken form of ‘could have,’ when ‘have’ is an auxiliary verb.

Is could’ve grammatically correct?

And yes, could’ve is an acceptable contraction. … Contractions are abbreviations of words blending together. Can’t is a contraction of “cannot.” Won’t is a contraction of “will not.” The proper contracted forms of could/would/should have look like could’ve/would’ve/should’ve.

What could’ve mean?

Could-ve meaning

The definition of could’ve is something that potentially might have happened if it weren‘t for another alternative. An example of could’ve is for a student to say that he had the potential to do his homework instead of choosing to go to the basketball game. verb. 10. 2.

Is could’ve in the dictionary?

could’ve | American Dictionary

contraction of could have: It could’ve been anybody.

Is could’ve formal?

Writing could’ve and should’ve is standard, even if the spellcheckers say differently. The contractions just emphasize the pronunciation of the words. Um. Some slang beconmes standardised.

31 related questions found

Can you use it’s in formal writing?

contractions (can’t, don’t, etc.). That means you should avoid writing it’s in a formal essay. If you cannot resist, though, remember that it’s means “it is.” Its is a possessive pronoun, like his or ours.

Do not is formal?

If it is a formal document, then it is definitely proper to use full forms, i.e. do not, does not, I am not etc.. If it’s a very informal tone and it serves stylistic purpose, then you may use contracted forms, i.e. don’t , I’m, I’d etc…

What is could’ve short for?

Meaning of could’ve in English

short form of could have: It could’ve been much worse, you know.

What kind of word is could ve?

Could’ve is the usual spoken form of ‘could have,’ when ‘have’ is an auxiliary verb.

What kind of word is should ve?

Should’ve is the usual spoken form of ‘should have,’ especially when ‘have’ is an auxiliary verb.

What does could be mean?

—used to say that something is absolutely not true.

What is might ve?

Might’ve is the usual spoken form of ‘might have,’ especially when ‘have’ is an auxiliary verb.

Is shouldn’t’ve a word?

(nonstandard, informal) Contraction of should not have.

Is would’ve proper English?

As Loob says, «would’ve» is conventionally used to represent a special kind of speech. Ordinary speech is represented by «would have» (even though we are actually saying «would’ve»).

Can you say would of?

When people write would of, should of, could of, will of or might of, they are usually confusing the verb have with the preposition of. So would of is would have, could of is could have, should of is should have, will of is will have, and might of is might have: I would of come earlier, but I got stuck at work.

Is must’ve correct?

Must’ve is the usual spoken form of ‘must have,’ especially when ‘have’ is an auxiliary verb.

Is had had correct?

“Had Had” Another double you might encounter is “had had,” and Frank from New York would like to know if it’s a correct phrase. It is correct, though it too might seem a bit awkward.

Could ve should’ve would’ve meaning?

This is a common expression in English usually in response to someone making excuses all the time, meaning you cannot change the past. Yes, you could’ve done something, but you didn’t… or you should’ve done something, but you didn’t… or you would’ve done something, but you didn’t.

What is short for D?

you’d | American Dictionary

contraction of you had or you would: You’d (= You would) be warmer in your black jacket.

What is the short form of not ka?

DON’T (short form) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What does they’re mean?

They’re is a contraction that means «they are.» You can remember that apostrophes indicate the possessive only when used of ‘s, such as «the writer’s thoughts.» Otherwise, it’s generally a contraction of two words, as in can’t = cannot, or won’t = will not, or an omission of a letter or letters, as in singin’ for …

Is Don’t a formal contraction?

Avoid using contractions in formal writing. A contraction is a combination of two words as one, such as «don’t,» «can’t,» and «isn’t.» The use of contractions is inappropriate in formal legal writing. Replace them with the two-word version of the contraction.

Can I use it’s in academic writing?

It’s or Its? Keep in mind, too, that contractions are generally discouraged in formal writing, so you should try to avoid shortened terms like ‘it’s’ in university essays.

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∙ 5y ago

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The word could’ve is a contraction, a shortened form for could have.

The contraction could’ve functions as a verb (or auxiliary verb).


We could have taken the early train.


We could’ve taken the early train.

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Сегодня мы рассмотрим употребление модального глагола could и его прошедшее время could have. Но ведь could, скажете вы, и так является прошедшим временем модального глагола can. И будите правы.

Мы уже рассмотрели тему с глаголами can и could. Из неё вы узнали, что could может выступать прошедшим временем глагола can. Но это не единственный вариант употребления модального глагола could.

Для начала, давайте рассмотрим пример.

Употребление could и could have

I don’t know what to wear to the party. (Я не знаю, что надеть на вечеринку.)
You could wear your blue dress. ( Ты могла бы надеть твоё синее платье.)

Употребление could

Мы используем could для возможных действий в настоящем или будущем. Как правило, в подобном контексте выражается предложение или вариант сделать что-либо.


  • What shall we cook for dinner? We could have chicken. (Что приготовим на ужин? Можно сделать курицу);
  • Where do you want to spend the weekend? I don’t know. We could go skiing. (Где хочешь провести выходные? Не знаю. Можно покататься на лыжах);
  • You could stay with my cousin when you are in Moscow.(Ты мог бы остановиться у моего двоюродного брата, когда будешь в Москве).

Во всех вышеперечисленных примерах возможно употребление модального глагола can. Однако, could имеет меньший оттенок уверенности.

  • We can go skiing. (Мы можем покататься на лыжах);
  • We could go skiing. (Мы могли бы покататься на лыжах).

Мы используем could для нереалистичных событий и действий.

I’m so hungry. I could eat a bull. (Я такой голодный. Мог бы съесть быка).

В данном контексте нельзя использовать can.

Давайте сравним предложения.

  • It’s five of us. We can easily eat the whole turkey.  (Нас пять человек. Мы легко съедим целую индейку) — глагол can показывает реальную возможность;
  • What shall we have for dinner? We could have turkey. (Что будем на ужин? Можно индейку) — could показывает возможность, вариант;
  • I’m so hungry. I could eat an elephant. (Я такой голодный, мог бы съесть слона.) — нереальное действие.

Мы используем could, чтобы показать, что что-то возможно, или вероятно, сейчас или в будущем. Но нет точной уверенности, что так случится.


  • Be careful. You could slip. (Будь аккуратней, ты можешь поскользнуться);
  • The company I work for isn’t doing well this year. I could lose my job. (У компании, в которой я работаю, дела идут не важно. Я могу лишиться работы).

В вышеперечисленных примерах указывается вероятность чего-то. В данном контексте, could схож с модальными глаголами may и might. Подробнее о них читайте в статье про May и might.

  • You could slip/you might slip.

Can используется для действий в их общем понимании.

Давайте сравним два предложения.

  • One can easily slip on ice. (На льду легко поскользнуться) — общее понятие, что на льду можно поскользнуться всегда.
  • Be careful or you could slip on this ice. (Осторожней, или ты можешь поскользнуться на этом льду) — конкретная ситуация

Прошедшее время

Для прошедшего времени мы используем could have. Конструкция выражает нереальные действия в прошлом или события, которые могли случиться, но не случились.

Схема образования подобна времени present perfect.

Подлежащее + could have + плюс глагол с окончанием ed (третья форма глагола).

Окончание «ed» добавляется к правильным глаголам. Однако, большинство употребляемых глаголов являются неправильными. В таком случае форма прошедшего времени образуется иначе, без окончания «ed». Правил образования данной формы нет, поэтому неправильные глаголы необходимо запоминать. Список неправильных глаголов вы можете найти здесь.


  • I was so hungry. I could have eaten an elephant. (Я был такой голодный. Я мог бы съесть слона);
  • It was really careless of you to go that road. You could have slipped. (Было очень безответственно с твоей стороны идти этой дорогой. Ты мог бы поскользнуться);
  • You were very lucky. That dog could have bitten you. (Тебе очень повезло. Эта собака могла тебя укусить);
  • Why didn’t you call when you were in Dublin? You could have stay at my house. (Почему ты не позвонил, когда был в Дублине? Ты мог бы остаться у меня).

Couldn’t и Couldn’t have

Мы используем отрицательную форму «couldn’t» чтобы выразить невозможность чего-либо. Иными словами — мы не смогли бы сделать что-то сейчас, в будущем, или вообще.


  • I couldn’t wear this coat. People would laught at me. (Я не смог бы носить это пальто. Люди бы надо мной смеялись);
  • I couldn’t live near a highway. It’s too noisy. (Я бы не смог жить у автострады. Там слишком шумно);
  • The project is going really great at the moment. It couldn’t be better. (Проект идёт отлично. Лучше и быть не могло бы).

В прошедшем времени употребляется couldn’t have.

  • The project was going really great. It couldn’t have been better. (Проект шёл отлично. Лучше и быть не могло).

Заметьте, что couldn’t может иметь два значения:

Как форма прошедшего времени от глагола can. Когда вы что-то не смогли сделать.

  • I couldn’t eat anything yesterday. I had stomachache. (Я ничего не мог съесть вчера. У меня болел живот).

Вместо couldn’t здесь также может употребляться be able to. I weren’t be able to eat anything yesterday. I had stomachache.

Выражение невозможности сделать что-то (я бы не смог сделать что-то).

  • I couldn’t eat a slug. It’s disgusting. (Я бы не смог съесть личинку. Это отвратительно).

Употребление could и could have — тест на закрепление

Native speakers of any language have a tendency to pronounce words imprecisely. These pronunciations can even differ depending on cultural considerations and regional dialectical variations.

Native English speakers share the same trait. They are likely to slur words together in everyday speech or leave entire letter sounds out of some words.

When most English speakers use the phrase could have, they say its contraction, could’ve. Could’ve sounds almost exactly like the written phrase could of, but is could of grammatically correct? Continue reading to learn more about this verb phrase.

What is the Difference Between Could of and Could Have?

In this post, I will compare could of vs. could have. I will outline which of these variations in correct and which you should avoid in your writing.

Plus, I will show you a helpful mnemonic device that you can use next time you need to choose could of or could have in your writing.

When to Use Could Have

Definition of could have definition and definition of could of definitionWhat does could have mean? Could have is a modal verb phrase. It is part of the conditional past tenses of most verbs. It usually describes something that was possible, but didn’t happen anyway.

See the sentences below,

  • I didn’t want to fight him, so I apologized, but I know I could have beaten him anyway.
  • We could have gotten married, but you decided to run off with a lying, cheating, good-for-nothing scumbag named Owen, instead.
  • The tweak could also have repercussions for the ad networks and companies that help place ads on those sites, potentially cutting off their ad inventory and revenue in the process. –The Wall Street Journal

Could have, like other modal verb phrases should have and would have, indicate something that is possible if certain circumstances are met.

Also, as I mentioned in the beginning, could have forms the contraction could’ve.

When to Use Could Of

Define could have and define could ofWhat does could of mean? Could of is a common misspelling of the verb phrase could have. Most native English speakers use the contraction could’ve in everyday speech. This pronunciation omits the stressed H sound that differentiates have from of in the slurred familiarity of spoken English.

Since could’ve sounds almost exactly like could of when spoken aloud, writers sometimes mistakenly believe could of is the correct version of this phrase. As the chart below makes evident, however, could of is almost never used in published English:

could of versus could have

This chart, which charts could have vs. could of, isn’t completely exhaustive since it only looks at books, but it still clearly illustrates a long-term usage trend.

Could have is a verb phrase, but of is not even a verb. Of is a preposition, and it is not part of the modal verb phrase could have.

Trick to Remember the Difference

You should never use could of. It is a mistake by careless writers that results from a misunderstanding of spoken English.

Since could have is a verb phrase, and of is preposition, you will always know to use could have as long as you can remember the parts of speech of have and of.


Is it could have or could of? Occasionally, writers will mistakenly use could of when they really mean could have.

  • Could have is a modal verb phrase.
  • Could of is a error.

There aren’t any instances where you should find yourself using could of.


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Could of and Could Have?
  • 2 When to Use Could Have
  • 3 When to Use Could Of
  • 4 Trick to Remember the Difference
  • 5 Summary

This is interesting — if I write «should’ve» (for «should have«), my spell checker underlines the word. Same happens if I do «could’ve» (for «could have«). I use these forms but I’m starting to question if there even is such form and if I’m using English correctly?

I also noticed that «I’ve» (for «I have«) doesn’t get underlines by the spell checker, but «things’ve» (for «things have«) does.

Can anyone explain this?

Helmar's user avatar


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asked Dec 20, 2013 at 19:29

bodacydo's user avatar


There is nothing wrong with those contractions at all. Your spell-checker, like most, is brain-dead.

answered Dec 20, 2013 at 19:33

Brad's user avatar


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«Should’ve» and «Could’ve» are auxiliary verb ( contractions, and are common in spoken American English.

«Things’ve» is not a contraction of the form described above — «things» is not an auxiliary verb, and is not as common as auxiliary verb contractions.

I will note that I was taught you usually should not use contractions in writing (there are exceptions of course — quoting, an author’s style, etc.).

Contractions in spoken English, however, are much more prevalent and accepted.

answered Dec 20, 2013 at 20:34

Josh's user avatar


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This is not an issue of auxiliaries — the grammatical construction «should have done» is called a perfect infinitive, used with a modal and should not be contracted — AT ALL.
you can contract anything you like when you speak, this should not be the case when you write. contractions are accepable in written english when you use a pronoun with an auxiliary, never with anything else — especially not with modal verbs. Of course it is just a matter of time when this becomes acceptable and the joke will be on me.

answered Mar 5, 2015 at 11:01

Andy who's user avatar


I never thought about this common mistake. It helped me with pronunciation. Thank you!


    Thank you, after I learn about could have should have and would have. I feel so glad


thank you its so important for us because iam kurdish & not know about english thank you so much


    some basic mistake you made in that sentence, and I know English is not your first language because of that you find it hard. I know everyone means you it’s eg it is, its normally means belonging to someone; I or we do, should be at the start of the sentence, and you do not need an ampersand (&). Plus you are using know in the wrong context (way). Here are some para phasing/redoing of your sentence
    thank you it’s this is important for us/me because I/we am Kurdish and do not know much English, i thank you.
    If you using, us use we and if using I use me; in the sentence you gone to, a loads of people to just yourself.


      am/are Kurdish. And unsure if a common or about after much and before English


In the quiz, you should have written bare infinitive, not just infinitive. Because infinitive is the verb that starts with to.


    This has been fixed. Thanks for your feedback, Shorty.


    Thank you for that correction.


hi there, pretty nice,short lesson buddy. please keep teaching us every week, thanks a bunch Jon. so long.


    So I would have said thank to everybody who make this program

    brian09 too.i want to be teacher teaching us more lesson


thank a lot for this video


Thank you Jon, i learn your lesson…


Thanks Jon! Keep the good work!


thanks , My mistake understand i need some test


thanks , igot english grammer mistakes.


Please I want more & more like these sentences to understand me


This side is good for who want the gather knowledge.




thanks for informing us

huseyin çeri

that is good lesson for us .thanks


thank you Jon.i can speak a littlebit faster English now.thanks the way,could u pleaz make a lesson about how we can pronounc g and i hwen they are pronounsed like j and e ?.my regards.


    Thanks for the suggestion. I will try to incorporate this into my next lesson.


Thank for this lesson.


thank you Jon.

I would like to ask you about the question 1 in the quiz .. it was: “I could ______ eaten that steak.” I solved it without have and it gave me wrong =( why? .. I followed your sentence which you wrote it in the video “I could eat chocolate” and you didn’t use have here =O, maybe I did’nt understand it well, could you please explain to me more, I would be grateful =)



    Hi friend
    Jon forgot to explain something….
    the two sentence “I could eat chocolate” and “I could have eaten(after have always past participle) chocolate” have a slight different meaning. Both sentence are refer to the past but the second, than the first, it shows us the feeling not to do the action to eat chocolate, I could eat chocolate but I couldn’t. It’s a regret. I hope not to make you further confusion. Bye


      Hi =D

      WOW thank you very much for your explain. Now it’s clear to me, I’m just confused with “have” when we used it and when we don’t need to use it =)

      really thanks -Best Regards-


I feel an important point is missing here – why do you use the contracted form “‘ve” instead of “have”? It depends on the stress and the implied meaning, check these examples:
1) I COULD have eaten that … (It was possible for me to do that in the past and I still have the possibility of doing that in the present – “have” can’t be contracted).
2) I could HAVE eaten that … (It was possible for me to do that in the past but I don’t have the possibility of doing that in the present – “have” can’t be contracted).
3) I could’ve EATEN that … (Here “have” can be contracted).
The meaning implied in the third example is something similar to “instead of”, but it’s commonly used with the meaning of 1) above, and that’s what adds (in my opinion) to the confusion.


this is helpful to some people and to me. to add, what have nocited to these model verbs they always end either with the past perfect tense or simple past tense…..thank you guys keet it up to you good work.


that is surprising …..


Can you please help me with this? What is the verb in” “What does your mother do on Tuesday?” Please explain or elaborate. Thank you.


thanks teacher Jon it is clear would, should and could


Thanks Teacher,it’s helpful.


Thank you. The video did teach me something. I got 4 out ot 4. Thanks makes me feel good.

Beverly Paige

hello every one..


thank you


thanks a lot of video about would have, coul

thanks you…


Thanks for the lesson.I could have polished my rusty english.

Md Hilmi A

very good lesson,it,s help me alots. thank you.


that is very short .we need more.thanks.


thanks a lot for that lesson.


great lesson thanks Mr John

Gray Wolf

great lesson thanks Mr John

Gray Wolf

thanks a lot a bout the lesson but whats the basic roles for making a sentences?


    I suppose the most basic rule is that a sentence should have a subject and a verb. But I like to think less of rules and more in relation to what you are trying to communicate.


it was great!


thank u mr.JON LOVE YOU ^_^


    Hi there, how are you and can we talk on skype to improve our english. Actually i am also learning Arabic so oblige me. وسوف أكون ممتنا لكم.


      My id is aman7en on skype.


Thanks Sir, very useful

Abdul Wahid Erfan

Great lesson!


New one n fantastic,tnx sir.


    its odl 1.


Thanks for this lesson. It’s dificult the pronunciation of contraction “modals + have”, This lesson resolve the problem.


It was great! I didn’t know this! thank you!


good lessons


Frankly, your announcements was not clear. Do you know why? because You you explained quickly that I did not understand that I am with you I wish to explain to me and when to use this lesson is clear and thank you, Sir John


thank you Mr JON


    Russians, Country men, friends how are you lady, how is russia, when i will be in russia i’ll definitely meet you add me on skype as aman7en.


thnx alot!


Thank yu… gud lesson… :)
Mr Jon


    have u learnt english from this site. answer me ,please.


You’re the best. I do like you. I’ve never imagined that I could speak english. Thanks Engvid.

Maria Clara

thank you Mr.Jonh


thank u varry much mr jon.


hello to everyone i’m a n english student and i think websites like this are very very useful thanks …


clearly understand !


Thanks jon it’s very informative..


Good lecture..Thanks Jon


thanks thanks

eko widiyanto

can you tell me what is the diffrent between

would have , would
could have , could ?
and when can i use them ?

that is all
thank you my teacher :)


thanks for the providing the such good, and helpful video. I got much information.


Thanks Jon, this really helped in my assignments.


4 out of 4..thank you


i started to understand




Sorry,Jon, I dont understand, tell me,When do WE use the words would, should and could? What is it case in?


thanks Jon, i liked it


i hope your site help me to speak fluently


Thank you =)


4 out of 4. Thanks so much Jon.


hi this is cenk from istanbul and heart of the tourism in spice market i work in spice market im making practice everyday but i felt little better when i find to valen on the youtube after here u guys are perfect thanks for all lessons and pretty idoms


thanks a lot john.


thanks for everything mr.jhon


Thank you so much, teacher Jon! God bless you!


Thanks very helpfull videos

syed m mohsin

i like jon i want him to come to oman
i like fcbarcelona


would have + v3 is present perfect right?


this is really very good lesson that i have learnt .thanx once againg

manoj sharma

i like this

manoj sharma

thank so much you teach excellent every day I learn


thank you Jon
I want to listen and speak english
what do I do?


thanks son mucho i appreciate your class and i think i learn a little bit more.
I will understand this lenguge more each more




thnk you so much.these videos are of great help.can add more videos.


hi ! thanks 4 lesson…
i have a question that what’s the difference between infinitive and bare infinitive?


thanx alot mr: jon


Thank you Jon. I believe this is a common mistake for a native speaker.
If this helps Engstud:
Infinitive: “to work”, “to have”, etc.
Base form (or bare infinitive): “work”, “have”
Thanks Jon


I would be very thankful to Engvid team.this is very useful website to me.Thanks again!!!!!


Hi Jon!
I’ve got a problem with your first sentence. You said: “I would have picked you up, but I ran out of gasoline.”
In Hungary I learned Conditional this way:
“I would have picked you up, but I HAD run out of gas.”
Your second example is in the same form as mine, but I really don’t know why you used simple past intstead of past perfect.
Can you help me, please? Thanks, and best regards from Hungary!


All right Jon! It is all clear!
I didn’t notice the conjunction. It is BUT, not if.


This lesson is not good because you are just write some sentence and right about grammar. But you explain it is not clear and does not have more example. And explain how to use could have , should have or would have. However I would have thank to your lesson


thanks for this great lesson. now i understood. but could you plz explain what is the difference between rather or either in your next lesson.


I liked the lesson very much, and could you please make a video about WISH and its rules? It’d be very interesting a lesson about this. Thanks


    engVid Moderator

hi jon i love u


    Me too baby, join me on skype as aman7en i hope we will improve our english.


thank you very good tips


Hi.. is rather Verb?

Jon _____ rather ride his bike than take the bus.

cos u told to put Base form of verb after MODAL.. pls clarify


hi jhon
i really enjoy your lessons. I think you are great teacher.this topics are really helpfull for me .


very poor explanation


This was a good lesson. I’ve already seen this mistake on e-mails. Anyway, I wonder if you can please explain more the pronunciation of these modals as a native speaker (when it’s contracted)including might have + PP. Ronnie has a video similiar like this one but she didn’t include the pronunciation of might. I would like to know how it sounds when spoken.



that is nice


I’d like to know about using those Would’ve,should’ve,could’ve.I mean when and where I can use them and how do I use ?
Thank you!!!


i still dizzy about question number 2.
Can u sir explain me?


i want to ask if my choose is right

*people next door are very noisy! i wish they ……. stop
2.(would stop)
3.have stopped
4.will stop


another one sir

*the doctor will see you as soon as he………

4.will be able

that’s alright answer?


how can i know when to use could,should,would in sentence its so confusing for me pliss help..thank you


Dear Jon,
thank you very much for your lesson. I have a question out of your subject: the place of comma. As in another lesson, if you put a comma between to sentences that is incorect. I mean there is not a comma before “but” anf “if” in your two first examples. Is that right? Thank you!


Thank u mentor

Abdul Qayum

veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy poor explanation


hey john ,thanku so much , your videos are very informative with ease of grammer learning ,and test pattern is alo nice ,,good work john,………..


thank you…but too short…..anyway I like it


Can you please share a video on how to use would/could/should in spoken/conversation english


Thanks a lot!


thanks, the videos are excellent to learn the pronunciation of english


Thank you John, it was nice video lesson.


great lesson


Thank you!

Mariella Parra

very useful lesson!


Thanks a lot , I’ve ( I of //this is wrong//. ) got 100


thank you so very much


sir , U explained in very brief , U could have explain this by some more examples . Even exercise were also very few . Sir but any how Thank u ,Sir . It such a wonderful lesson that we need to speak in day to day life .


thank u good lesson.
but i don’t know this means.
i’d like to lean more thay means and how to use.
could u teach me about that??


god bless to engvid


Thanks for this great video. I do have a question. At the beginning of it, you said something like “I got” would’ve, could’ve… Or maybe you said “I’ve got” would’ve … so my question is which one did you say? I mean, I just can not tell the difference when people say “I got” or ” I’ve got”. Nor do I know when to use which.

Similarly, I can not tell the contraction “I’d” is for would or had.

Thanks for reading my questions. Looking forward to your reply or maybe a great video on this.


Thank you John. I really appreciate your lessons. You are a good teacher, thank you:)




Mr. Jon.. when i should use “should, would and could” in the sentence…?

thank u.. :)


Can I ask you question? In this sentence (found in the dictionary) why has “WOULD BE BOXED IN” been used instead of “WOULD HAVE BEEN BOXED IN”? The whole sentence is in the past tense and the fact that her son could have been boxed in didn’t happen! Look: “She didn’t want to send her son to a school where he woud be boxed in by so many rules and regulations”…I really don’t get it, and many times I’ve found this sort of sentence…


how about this.Harry’s daughter must have spent much of her time in hospital due to the illness. Harry and Sally would not have had a vacation in two year.


Thank you for this lesson. It was great.


I didnt know about this mistake , I mean I’ve never used Should of instead of Should’ve
thanks for this lesson anyway


Thanks Jon….


thank Jon…

ilda muco

Thanks Jon. If it’s possible for you to make a video explaining when to use “can, will” in comparison to modal verbs (could, would). Thank you in advance.


Hey Jon! How can i down this lessons substitle?


Incredible!Thank you a billion times!


i want to learn the difference between should, could, would. i get confuse while using them.

Pooja Bisht

I have a question for you Teacher Jon ? About these modals verb.
should’ve, could’ve, would’ve
All of these are past tense or present tense?
Thanks for sharing these lesson…


Thanks Jon.




This is the worst video that I’ve ever watched so far on envid.
Please get some feedback because I don’t see any teaching skills or passion for teaching .you could’ve thought that if I hadn’t liked your teaching,I should haven’t watched ,but I have to watch every single video here to improve my english .
Sorry but these are a piece of advice for you.


Thank you!

Nao Tsuboya

Incomplete explanation sir. I was waiting for you to explain on how to use would, could and shouldn’t in a sentence:( you should explain that further because these words really confused me.


Thanks John!

Isaias Menezes Silva

I am new here.So,will anyone tell me what to do to see video lectures.
Have i to subscribe it on youtube or elsemore?


Thanks you so much.

Marta Lopez

Thank you teacher:)

Sunny Muffin

4 question plz help me out

sistu vennela

Thanks Mr. Jon!


Thanks, Mr.Jon


Modal verb can

когда пишется can а когда could


What is modality and why is it needed at all when learning English?

At their core, modal verbs are not ordinary actions like run (run) or look (look), they allow you to make different shades of these very actions, for example, I must run (I must run), I can run (I can run) or I have to run (I have to run).

The difference in meanings is obvious, which is why so much attention is paid to modal verbs in English.

But in this article we will talk just about the modal verb can. It is found most often and it is it that schoolchildren begin to study it already in elementary school. This refers to the simplest sentences like “I can swim”, “I can count to 10” and so on. However, can has its own peculiarities. Let’s figure it out.

The modal verb can in the affirmative in the present tense

In affirmative sentences, you can very simply express your thought, you just have to remember about the structure of the sentence, namely: in order to say that you know how to do something, it is enough to use can with any action. Moreover, after can we use only the verb WITHOUT the TO particle, that is, the so-called bare infinitive or, in other words, “bare infinitive”. That is, for affirmative sentences, the small formula is applicable can+Vwhere V is the action.

For example, the

  1. I can ride a bike really well.
  2. Masha and her friends can sing popular songs so professionally (Masha and her friends can sing popular songs professionally).

It is important to note that the modal verb can does not change depending on the number and person of the noun and pronoun, that is, we should not add any forms or endings either to it or to the action itself. Actions, in turn, refer to either the present or the immediate future.

For example, the

  1. She can write interesting texts, she is a cool copywriter (She can write interesting texts, she is a cool copywriter).
  2. Maria can make professional sketches, she is an artist (Maria can create professional sketches, she is an artist).

The modal verb can in negative present tense

As for negatives, here we just have to add a negative NOT particle to our modal verb, and schematically it will look like this: can + not + v, where V is a semantic verb.

Moreover, the full negative form of two words is written into one, that is, can not, in colloquial speech, we, as in other cases, can use an abbreviation that looks like this can’t.

Moreover, it is worth paying attention to the pronunciation: cannot read [‘kænɔt], can’t as [kɔ: nt].

For example, the

  1. People can’t fly birds, but they use special equipment to do it (People can’t fly like birds, but they use special equipment to do it).
  2. My sister cannot drive, that’s why she is studying at the driver training center to have a driving license.

The modal verb can in the interrogative form in the present tense

Speaking about interrogative sentences, it is worth remembering that the modal verb can does not require any special auxiliary verbs, it itself performs their role, therefore, in order to ask the question of whether someone knows how to do something, it is worth putting can at the beginning of the sentence.

For example, the

  1. Can I help you with your baggage? (Can I help you with your luggage?)
  2. Can you wake me up at 6 am? My train leaves the station at 7 am (Can you wake me up at 6 am? My train leaves the station at 7 am).

To create a small emotional shade in colloquial speech, you can use the question-negative form, that is, you need to put « can’t » at the beginning of the sentence, in which case, in Russian, these sentences will begin with the words «Really?»

For example, the

  1. Can’t you call me back in 3 minutes? I’m really busy now and I can’t talk with you, sorry. (Can’t you call back in 3 minutes? I’m very busy right now and can’t talk to you, sorry).
  2. Can’t you bake gingerbread men? Hmm, I must have eaten them made by you. (Don’t you know how to bake gingerbread men? Hmm .. I already ate them in your performance).

Modal verb can in the past tense

In general, based on the official grammatical data, in English there are 3 forms of the modal verb can:

Present tensePresent Simple


The verb can in English: its meanings, forms and examples of use

когда пишется can а когда could


The modal verb can and its past form could is by far the most commonly used modal. It is found in literature, and in the media, and in colloquial speech.

If you compare the frequency of use of can and could, it becomes clear that can is much more common.

This is due to the fact that in colloquial speech and literature, events occur mainly in the present tense, which means that can will be used in the meaning of physical ability. Let’s consider the grammatical features of these modal verbs and the peculiarities of their use.

What verbs are called modal?

Unlike ordinary verbs of the English language, modal verbs do not denote any processes or states, but only indicate the attitude of the actor to the action itself. For this reason, they are not used independently, but are always part of a predicate composed of verbs. For example: I can write it in a song (I can write / describe it in a song).

There are relatively few words of this kind in the English language. The most common of them are the modal verbs can (could), may (might), must.

Unique properties of modal verbs

  • Words of this type belong to defective verbs (insufficient) because they do not have all the properties of ordinary verbs. For example, of the three above, modal verbs have an individual form in the past tense: can (could), may (might). Most other similar terms are devoid of such properties as the time of the future, perfect forms and a passive voice, an extended form (for example: need, ought to and dare, must). In most cases, the corresponding equivalent words are used instead.
  • Modal verbs do not have impersonal forms (infinitive, gerund and participle).
  • Modal words never act as an independent member of a sentence — only together with another verb in the infinitive form, but without the usual to (except for need to, ought to). For example: I believe I can fly, but: I need to feel loved.
  • Unlike other verbs, which in Present Simple (present tense) in the III person singular get the ending -s, modals do not have this feature. For example: She can read very well, but: My sister reads tales.

Rules for modal verbs Can, Could

Dog translated into Russian as «to be able, to be able, to have the ability to do something.» This verb fulfills all 3 conditions of modal verbs, with the exception of one: it changes in tenses, namely, it has the form of the past tense — Could.

The American economy emerged from the crisis thanks to the Second World War. Front-line needs spurred industrialization, the country even faced a shortage of labor resources.

Wartime advertising campaigns urged people to be thrifty, to provide each other with all possible help.

Many women at this time also began to work at the machine: the slogan on one of the most famous posters of this period sounded «We can do it!» — «We can do this!» (1942).

This verb has 2 main uses.

  1. In the meaning of «to be able, to be able, to have the physical ability to do something.»
  • Terry can swim. — Terry can swim.
  • Can Terry swim? — Yes, he can./ No, he can’t. — Terry can swim,
  • Terry could swim when he was a child. — Terry knew how to swim as a child.
  • Could Terry swim when he was a child? — Yes, he could./ No, he couldn’t. — Did Terry know how to swim as a child?
  1. To ask permission in an interrogative form + tail please. Although you can not use this ponytail.
  • Can I open the window, please? — Yes, you can./ No, you can’t. — May I open the window?
  • Could I open the window, please? — Yes, you could./ No, you couldn’t. — May I open the window?
  • In this case, the difference in value or time between can и Could no. Just Could Is a more polite form from can .

How to build a sentence with can (could)

In the table, we will clearly show how to use can in different types of sentences.

Can I help you. — I can help you? Could they ride a bike. — Did they know how to ride a bike?

Let’s take a look at a few of the uses of can.

  • Can (could) is always between subject and predicate.
  • To ask questions, we’ll just move can and could to the first place, nothing else needs to be added.
  • In negation, the particle not joins can (could) to form cannot (could not). In colloquial speech, we usually abbreviate to can’t (couldn’t).

Using can / could in different situations

As mentioned above, can, as a general rule, denotes a physical or mental ability to do something. That is, this is what a person can do based on their own strengths and skills. This rule is best illustrated by the cases for the designation of physical ability:

  • I can swim well, don’t be afraid — I can swim, don’t worry.

The second case is a general possibility or likelihood, something that is easy to guess from the available facts.

  • She can be there, it’s quite her style — to vanish in some hidden nook for a couple of days — She can be there, it’s like her — disappear for a couple of days and sit in some secluded corner.

The third is not a concrete but a theoretical possibility. Sentences of this type are familiar to everyone from the school curriculum:

  • You can see a lot of pictures in the museum — You can see a lot of pictures in the museum.

Often can is used in asking questions. By the way, in denials that mean refusal, only can is used, which can be seen from the following example:

  • Can I come in? — No, you can’t, I am too busy. — May I come in? — No, you can’t, I’m very busy.

Can has an equivalent, may. But even to a question that begins with may, the answer will still be can’t. This question is more formal and polite than the can option.

  • May I take this cake? — No, you can’t. It’s for guests. — Can I have a cake? — No, you can’t, this is for guests.

Could, unlike can, is used either as a more polite option or to express past action. Could + have + V3 is used to denote a reproach:

  • Look what you did! You could have been more careful! — Look what you’ve done! You could be more careful!

Examples of using the modal verb can

The modal verb can corresponds to the Russian to be able, to be able, to be able to be used in appropriate cases:

  • I can write and I can read. (I can write and I can read.)
  • I can ski but I can’t skate. (I can (can) ski, but I cannot (cannot) skate.)
  • I can’t tell you that. (I can’t tell you this.)
  • I can’t do it anymore. (I cannot (cannot) do this anymore.)


When is can. can and could — rules of use

когда пишется can а когда could

Modal verb can (I can) and its shape Could (could) is the most commonly used modal verb in English. We use it to show that we can, are able, capable of doing something. In this article, we will get acquainted with all the features of the modal verb. can (Could).

The first thing to remember is after can or Could another verb must go. After all by itself can does not inform about the action, but only shows our attitude towards it: «I can do some action.» And after that «can I» must be added «can I do what?»: can dance (I can dance) can sing (I can sing) etc.

And the second thing to remember, after can we do not put to: can speak English… We are used to the fact that two verbs in English should be related to each other using to: decide to drink coffee (decide to have a coffee) or offer to go for a walk (suggest going for a walk). But modal can works without to.

We noted that this modal verb has two forms: can и Could… We use these forms with any subject, both singular and plural.

My friend can speak Japanese. — My friend can speak Japanese.

My friends can dance salsa. — My friends can dance salsa.

What’s the difference between can и Could? Dog used when someone is currently able to do something, and Could — when someone knew how to do something in the past, now, most likely, they no longer know how.

He can swim. — He knows how to swim.

He Could swim. — He was able to swim.

How to build a sentence with can (could)

In the table we will clearly show how to use can in different types of sentences.

Approval SubjectDog/CouldAction Example Negation

IYouHeSheItWeThey cancould verb I can help you… — I can help you.They could ride a bike… “They knew how to ride a bike.
IYouHeSheItWeThey can not (can’t)could not (couldn’t) verb I cannot help you… — I can not help you.They couldn’t ride a bike… “They didn’t know how to ride a bike.

And in the question, as expected, the word order will be slightly different.

QuestionDog/CouldSubject Action Example

Can Sould Iyouhesheitwethey verb Can I help you? — I can help you?Could they ride a bike? — Did they know how to ride a bike?

Let’s dwell on a few features of use can:

  • Dog (Could) is always between the subject and the predicate.
  • To ask questions, we will simply postpone can и Could in the first place, nothing else needs to be added.
  • In negation, the particle Note joins can (Could), forming the form can not (could not). In colloquial speech, we usually can not reduce to can’t (couldn’t) By the way can not — this is the only modal that merges with the particle Note when writing. Do you know how to pronounce correctly can’t: /kɑːnt/ or /kænt/? There is a British pronunciation — / /. And teacher Ronnie will teach you the American pronunciation in his video.

What does the modal verb can (could) mean?

The easiest way to understand the meaning can (Could) by examples. We express with can:

  1. The mental or physical ability to do something.

    In this case, can (Could) is usually translated as «to be able», «to be able».

    I can’t speak to you now but I can call you in the evening. — I can’t talk to you now, but I can call you tonight.

    He could speak French. — He could speak French.

    Can you drive a car? — Can you drive a car?

  2. Generally accepted statements
  3. We use canwhen we want to show that some statement is correct in most cases. Here we translate can how to «be able».

    The vacuum can frighten your cat. — The vacuum cleaner can scare your cat. (as a rule, cats are afraid of vacuum cleaners, but not all)

    In New York it can be difficult to rent an apartment. — It can be difficult to rent an apartment in New York.

    Flowers can grow faster if they get a lot of sunshine. — Flowers can grow faster if they receive a lot of sunlight.

    It should be noted that we are not using the form Could to express this value.

  4. Permission, request, prohibition.

    There are several patterns here: a request is usually conveyed through a question, permission through an assertion, and a prohibition through denial. If we see a request or permission in a proposal, then we translate can the verb «to be able», the prohibition is most often translated by the word «no».

    — Can I take your car for the weekend? — Can I take your car for the weekend? (request) — Yes, you can. — Yes you can. (permission)

    — But you can’t exceed the speed limit. — But you can’t exceed the speed. (ban)

We can express a request with can и Could… Both options are often used in speech, only such requests differ in the degree of politeness. Let’s take a look at some examples:

Can you tell me where the nearest bus station is? — Can you tell me where the nearest bus stop is? (such treatment is more typical if you communicate with a person of your same age)

Could you tell me where the nearest bus stop is? — Could you tell me where the nearest bus stop is? (this is a more polite question, more often the British will use this option in order to be as polite and courteous as possible in a conversation)

With help can we can not only ask permission, but also propose something ourselves. For this we use a question form.

Can I offer you a cup of tea? — May I offer you a cup of tea?

Can I help you choose a dress for the party? — Can I help you choose a dress for the party?

Watch an interesting video from the teacher Alex, in which he, to the already known to us can и Could, added a verb may.

  • And you can also learn about the features of the modal verb may in the article «».
  • Surprise, doubt, distrust.

    This function also has its own patterns: doubt and distrust are usually found in negative sentences, and surprise — in interrogative ones. The verb is translated can (Could) in such cases, the words «really», «cannot be», «hardly», «do not believe», «possibly», «probably».

    Can these shoes cost so much money? — Do these shoes really cost that much? (astonishment)

    He can’t work all day round. — It can’t be that he works around the clock. (mistrust)

    Do you know that Could Is the form of the past tense can… But if we want to express doubt in the past, then we use the form can’t have.

    He can’t have fallen asleep at the meeting. — It cannot be that he fell asleep during the meeting.

    They can’t have missed the last bus. “I can’t believe they missed the last bus.

    If someone violated the prohibition or did not follow the advice, then you can reproach him for this using the same verb can… There is, however, one peculiarity: such proposals are constructed in the form of a negative question.

    Can’t you just stop telling silly jokes to the guests? — Can you just stop telling stupid jokes to the guests?

    Can’t you get along with her friends? — Can’t you communicate normally with her friends?

  • Expressions with the verb can (could)

    Dog (Could) occurs in some well-established expressions. Here are some of the most common ones:

    1. Сan’t (couldn’t) but do something — there was nothing left but how.

      I couldn’t but agree with him. — I had no choice but to agree with him.

    2. Couldn’t help doing something — could not resist to; could not help but.

      I couldn’t help laughing. — I could not help laughing.

    3. Сan’t stand something / somebody — I hate something / someone.

      I can’t stand him. — I can’t stand him.

    To make sure the modal verb can (Could) you remember well, take the test and keep our handy plate for yourself.

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    Using the modal verb can (could)

    Today we will start exploring the category of modality. It includes verbs that are not actions, but allow to indicate the shades of the main events. With their help, the desire, opportunity, prohibition or permission of the specified action is expressed.

    In today’s lesson, we will analyze what and when the modal verb can is intended to denote in English. This is the most ambiguous and frequently encountered in conversations representative of this group.

    Let’s consider its construction, application and other grammatical nuances.

    In general, it is not difficult to apply this verb, therefore, even textbooks for toddlers contain the principle of forming phrases with can. Of course, only the simplest designs are selected for children, but complicated combinations are not difficult for older people.


    In an affirmative sentence, the compound predicate has the form «can + infinitive«. It is important to note that in this case, infinitives are always used without to.

    • Nick can run solid — Nick can run fast.
    • My sister can cook a cake —Mysisterknows howCookcake.

    The conjugation of the verb can in the present tense is the same for all persons of nouns and pronouns: it never changes its form and does not attach any endings. By meaning, this form of the verb can express events of the present or future (nearest).

    • My relatives can meet me at the railway station tomorrow —Morelativeswill be able totomorrowmeetmeontrain station.
    • She can call Them today — She can call them today.

    Modal verbs do not require the participation of auxiliary words, since in fact they themselves are. Therefore, they create interrogative and negative contexts on their own.

    In questions, the compound predicate is broken up, and can moves to the beginning of the sentence. If there are special interrogative words in the phrase, then they always precede the modal word.

    • Dog you bring the book? — Can you bring this book?
    • When can they arrive to us? —When can they come to us?

    To negate the main verb, can appends the particle not, forming the combination cannot, or abbreviated can’t. Pay attention to the continuous spelling of the official form.

    • My wife can not drive a car — My wife doesn’t know how to drive a car.
    • I can‘t cook lamb


    Using the to particle after modal verbs

    I am glad to welcome you, friends! When you remember all the rules you have learned at school in English lessons, what you have heard dozens of times becomes clear in your memory:

    «After modal verbs, the -to particle is not used, except for the following exceptions.»

    After the word “exclusion,” the thread of memory is interrupted. I believe that a similar situation is observed among many school leavers, and in general, it will be useful for beginners to learn about this rule. Let’s put things right by putting in place the words that are exceptions and those that aren’t.

    The to particle after the modal verb

    The general rule is that a modal verb is always followed by an infinitive verb

    It is well known that the grammatical feature of a verb in the infinitive is nothing more than the particle –to. A continuation of the above rule is a very important point that the verb is placed in the infinitive, but without the -to particle, indicating the infinitive.

    When the to particle is not used

    After the next series of modal verbs, the use of the infinitive indicator –to is not allowed:

    Do not need an infinitive
    Verb Example Transfer
    Dog My uncle can solve any mathematical equation. My uncle can solve any mathematical equation.
    May You may go if you want. You can go if you want.
    Must I must forget about my personal dis if I am a good doctor. I must forget about my personal animosity if I am a good doctor.
    Hall Is it too warm here, shall we leave this place? It’s very hot in here, maybe we’d better get out of here?
    Should We should send this letter. We must send this letter.
    Will We will visit this church when we come back to Moscow. We will go to this church when we come back to Moscow.
    Would He told her that you would invite her. He told her that you would invite her.

    Modal verbs that combine with the to particle

    As mentioned, there are a few modal verbs that are exceptions when used in conjunction with –to.

    Used from -to parts
    Verb Example Transfer
    Right to You ought to say this thing to him. You need to tell him that.
    Have (got) to You have to go with him, if you are free. He has got to be at work by 7:45 am. You should go with him if you’re free. He should be at work at 7:45 AM.
    Be to The bus is to leave in 8 minutes.When are we to return? The bus leaves in 8 minutes, when do we need to get back?

    Using to with the verbs need and dare

    In addition to the first and second groups of verbs, there are several modal verbs in English, which in some cases require the use of the -to particle after themselves, in some its use ceases to be necessary, these include:

    -Need has not only one shape, but two — sufficient (or correct) and insufficient.

    Insufficient form is used most often when specifying a one-time action. Observed only in negative and interrogative types of sentences in the present tense and used without -to to indicate the need for action

    • Need we go now? — Do we really need to go now?

    But the sufficient form –need is used to indicate repetitive actions in the meaning of «need», «required». Has the form of present and past tenses and can be used in all three types of sentences.

    • Do you need to help them every day? — Do you need to help them every day?
    • Do we need to go there every Sunday? — Should we go there every Sunday?

    -Dare is a semi-modal verb due to the fact that it stands on the border between full-valued and modal

    The modal –dare means “to have arrogance / courage”, has the forms of the present and the past, after which the infinitive is not used.

    • How dare she tell him this thing? — How dare she say that to him?

    The full-valued –dare has all the properties and characteristics of an ordinary verb, which is why it is followed by a verb in the infinitive with –to after it, as after an ordinary one.

    • John dares to lie to him. — John dares to lie to him.
    • He did not dare to lay a hand on her. “He dared not touch her.

    Features of the modal verb used to

    Another verb that should be mentioned in this article is -used to, always used with -to. Until now, its belonging to the category of modal words remains controversial, some linguists attribute it to the usual — full-valued. However, I am inclined to believe that its essence is closer to modal.

    Its main difference from other modal words is that it has only one temporary form — the past.

    • John used to be so serious when we knew him. “John was so serious when we knew him.

    The auxiliary verb -do can be used to form negations and questions with -used to.

    • I did not use to think of computer as a common thing when I was your age. “I didn’t treat the computer as a completely ordinary thing when I was your age.
    • Did she use to visit them? — Did she visit them?

    It is possible to construct these types of sentences without -do, which is another feature of this word.

    • I used not to worry about my clothes when I was 10 years old. — I didn’t pay attention to my clothes when I was 10.
    • Used you to play the piano? — Did you play the piano?

    Hopefully you’ve figured out how to use –to after English modal verbs.

    Good Luck!

    Modal verbs in English


    Modal verbs can, could, be able to: rules and examples

    Modal verbs in English differ from other verbs in that they are not used independently and do not denote a specific action or state, they reflect its modality, that is, the speaker’s attitude towards it. Below we will consider the similarities and differences of the important pair of verbs can could be able to.

    The can verb in English

    In English, there are two phenomena that express «Skill», «ability» to do something is the modal can and the be able to construct.

    The modal verb can is found already at an early stage of learning, so we, without hesitation, use it in speech, since we have been familiar with it for a long time. In the same article, we will focus on what is the difference between using can and be able to.

    Modal verb can / kæn / (the past tense form could / kʊd /) is the most common of the modal verbs. Used with a verb without particle to (can swim, can run, can read).

    Can is the only modal verb with which the negative particle not is written together — cannot / ˈKænɒt / (short form can’t / kаnt /).

    The verb can (could) has the following meaning: to have a physical or mental ability, the ability to perform an action expressed by the verb with which can (could) is combined.

    The verb can combined with verbs in the active voice (I can’t) is translated into Russian «to be able», «to be able» (I can, I can do). If can comes before the verb in the passive voice (It can be done), then it translates as «can be done», «can be done.» Let’s consider in detail with examples:

    • He can speak English. — He can speak English. (active voice)
    • He could run fast when he was 20. — He could run fast when he was 20. (active voice)
    • What can be done to help you? — What can be done to help you? (passive voice)
    • The house can be built here. — A building can be built here. (passive voice)

    Past and present can verb

    Affirmative form

    В affirmative sentences can is also used with the following meanings:

    Permissions to take action.

    • You can go home. — You can go home.
    • You can use this phone. — You can use this phone.

    Expressions of regretthat any action has not been performed in the past, the opportunity has not been realized.

    In doing so, we use Could + Perfect Infinitive (have done).

    • He could have done it himself. — He could do it himself. (but didn’t)
    • You could have told me about it long ago… “You could have told me about this long ago. (but didn’t say)

    negative form

    In a negative sentence cannot (can’t and couldn’t) translates to “cannot” or “cannot be” and is used in the following cases:

    For prohibition expressions.

    • I’m sorry you can’t park here. “I’m sorry, but you can’t park here.
    • It cannot be done. — It cannot be done (it cannot be done).

    For expressions of doubt, surprise, mistrust and will be translated as «it cannot be that», «incredible.» If we use infinitives of verbs in the present tense (do — Simple, be doing — Continuous), then we mean the present tense.

    • She can’t be at home now. “It’s unbelievable that she’s home now.”
    • You cannot be telling the truth! — It cannot be that you are telling the truth!

    If we express doubt or surprise in the past, then you need to use can / could + have done (Perfect Infinitive).

    • He can’t have done it. “It can’t be that he did it.
    • She can’t / couldn’t have said this. “It can’t be that she said that.

    Combination cannot but + verb translates as «I can not not», «I can not help.»

    • I cannot but agree with you. — It is impossible not to agree with you (I cannot but agree with you).
    • One cannot but admit — It is impossible not to admit

    Interrogative form

    Let’s take a look at the use of can / could in interrogative sentences:

    In questions, can / could comes first.

    • Can you drive a car? — Can you drive a car?
    • Can you speak any foreign language? — Can you speak any foreign language?

    Also, can in questions can express doubt, surprise, and then the verb can is translated as «really» (if we use could, then we express a greater degree of doubt).

    If the action refers to the past tense, then can / could + have done (Perfect) is used.

    • Can he be still working? — Is he still working?
    • Can you dis the book — Don’t you like this book?
    • Can / could they have left yesterday? — Did they leave yesterday?

    The verb can in questions can express a request. In a more polite form, could is used.

    • Can / could I take your dictionary? — Can I get your dictionary?
    • Could / can you answer my questions? — Could you answer my questions?

    Use of turnover to BE ABLE TO

    What is the use of can could be able to? It is no coincidence that these words were in the same row. All of them express the ability of a person to perform any action. The only difference is in the use. But first things first.

    • CAN — expresses the ability of a person to do something in the present tense
    • COULD — the CAN verb in the past tense, expresses the ability to perform an action in the past
    • TO BE ABLE TO — a substitute for CAN in the future tense; can be applied at all other times.

    The verb can has the equivalent be able / ˈeɪb (ə) l /, which is used with the particle to.

    The modal verb can in English officially cannot be used in the future tense, i.e. you cannot add will to it.

    Yes, it can be used to designate the shades of the future, as in Present Simple, but nothing more.

    We can use can to indicate opportunities that we already have, but we plan to take advantage of them in the future. If, however, we are talking about something that will only be mastered or obtained by us, then it is necessary to replace can with its equivalent to be able to.


    Modal verb CAN (COULD): rules of use and example sentences

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    The modal verb can (I can) and its form could (could) is the most common modal verb in English. We use it to show that we can, are able, capable of doing something. In this article, we will get acquainted with all the features of the modal verb can (could).

    The first thing to remember is that there must be another verb after can or could. After all, can by itself does not report an action, but only shows our attitude towards it: «I can do some action.» And after that, «can I» must be added «can I do what?»: Can dance (I can dance), can sing (I can sing), etc.

    And the second thing to remember is that after can we don’t put to: can speak English. We are used to the fact that two verbs in English should be related to: decide to drink coffee (decide to drink coffee) or offer to go for a walk (offer to go for a walk). But the modal can works without the to.

    We noted that this modal verb has two forms: can and could. We use these forms with any subject, both singular and plural.

    My friend can speak Japanese. — My friend can speak Japanese.

    My friends can dance salsa. — My friends can dance salsa.

    What is the difference between can and could? Can is used when someone is able to do something at the present time, and could — when someone knew how to do something in the past, now, most likely, they no longer know how.

    He can swim. — He knows how to swim.

    He Could swim. — He was able to swim.

    Using the modal verbs Can (Could) and May (Might), be able to

    What is a modal verb ?!
    Modal verbs in English differ from other verbs in that they are not used independently and do not indicate a specific action or
    states, they reflect his modality, that is, the attitude of the speaker towards him. Together, the modal verb and the infinitive of the significant verb form a composite modal predicate.

    I can swim. I can swim.

    The speaker can assess the action as possible, necessary, permitted, requested, prohibited, ordered, unlikely, very likely, etc.

    Can or May?

    The use of the verbs can and may in modern English is often difficult. Once upon the strict rules of English grammar
    can expressed physical or mental capacity,
    maypermission and approval… It was considered wrong to use can in the resolution value.

    Today, the rules of the language are not so definite. Already from the second half of the 19th century
    can used in informal speech to express permission. V
    formal and formal communication situations, the verb should be used may to request permission.

    For example, in a conversation with a restaurant waiter, it will sound more profitable

    May I have more salt, please?

    As for prohibition / denial, then the use mayn’t extremely NOT recommended. This applies to all styles.

    The use of may in such cases, although formal and permissible, sounds unnatural. Educated people would rather say
    «Can’t I?», Not «Mayn’t I?» or «May I not?» And even according to the strict rules of English grammar, the question «Why mayn’t I go to the disco?» sounds
    incorrect, one can say “not
    in English».

    CAN is used:

    1. When expressing abilities or capabilities
    do anything. (Indefinite Infinitive)

    I can swim. You can play. / I can swim. You can play.

    2. In the case of denial of opportunity or ability to do anything.

    I cannot swim. He cannot see / I cannot swim. He cannot see.

    3. When the possibility is denied that the action could
    come true in reality. (Perfect Infinitive)

    You cannot have done it. / It cannot be that you did it.

    COULD is used:

    1. When expression capabilities or abilities
    taking any action in the past… (Indefinite Infinitive)

    They could swim. / They couldn’t swim.

    2. When expression denial of opportunity or ability
    taking any action in the past.

    She couldn’t swim. / She couldn’t swim.

    3. When consumed indirect speechdepending from the verb in the past tense… (Indefinite Infinitive and Perfect Infinitive)

    I said that you couldn’t have done that. / I said you couldn’t do it.

    4. In the main part of conditional sentences.

    In conditional sentences of the second type and the third type (Indefinite Infinitive and Perfect Infinitive).

    If he tried, he could do it. / If he tried, he could do it.

    If he had tried, he could have done it. / If he tried, he could do it.

    MAY is used:

    1. To express permission for any action (Indefinite Infinitive)

    You may go home now. / Now you can go home.

    2. To express an assumption: related to the present and the future (Indefinite Infinitive) or to the past (Perfect Infinitive)

    It may rain today. / It may rain today.

    She may have returned to Moscow. / She may have returned to Moscow.

    MIGHT is used:

    1. When using indirect speech, depending on the verb in the past tense.

    for expressing permission (Indefinite Infinitive) or expressing an assumption (Indefinite Infinitive and Perfect Infinitive)

    She said that he might take her cellphone. / She said he could take her phone.

    He said that she might know their address. / He said that she might know their address.

    2. In the main part of conditional sentences: in conditional sentences of the second (Indefinite Infinitive) and third type (Perfect Infinitive)

    If you tried, you might get her phone number. / If you tried, you could get hold of this book.

    If he had been here, he might have helped us. / If he was here, he could help us.

    It must be remembered

    — With all personal pronouns, the modal verb does not change.

    I, WE, YOU, THEY, HE, SHE, IT — can (cannot / can’t), could (couldn’t) — the verb «abilities» (do, play, see, come ..)

    — Between the modal verb and the verb «ability»

    Statement of a question

    In an interrogative sentence, the first place is
    1. An interrogative word, followed by 2. A modal verb, then 3. Acting person and finally 4. An action verb.

    (1) When (2) can (3) you (4) get home? / When can you come home?

    Will you be able to give me your book? — Can you give me your book? (As you can see, in the case of be able to, the question remains the same as with a regular verb.)


    Can or May? What is the difference between these verbs

    The question is which verb to use can or may may arise because in Russian we use words such as “can”, “can” where in English we meet and dog, и may, for example:

    May I ask you something? — Can I ask you something?

    Dog you wait for a while? — You can wait a little?

    In this article, we’ll look at when to speak can, and when may and what is the difference between them.

    Can or May? The main difference

    In short, the main difference is that can usually implies the physical ability to do something, and may — permission, permission. In other words, “I can” is like “I can”, and “I may” is like “I can”.

    I can lift a car. — I AM I can lift the car (I can physically).

    I may eat all the cookies. — To me can eat all the cookies (I was allowed).

    But there are other nuances, let’s consider them in more detail.

    When do we say Can?

    First, let’s look at the cases when we say can.

    • The physical ability to do something.

    I can breath underwater. — I can breathe underwater.

    Tomas can sleep four hours a day and feel well. — Thomas can sleep four hours a day and feel good.

    I can’t help you. — I cannot help you (I have no opportunity).

    This implies not just physical ability, but the availability of skills.

    Dog you ride a horse? — Do you know how to ride?

    I can’t play basketball. — I can not play basketball.

    • A question about physical ability or skill.

    When you ask a question, you are asking not whether, for example, an airplane is allowed to fly in space, but whether it is physically capable of it.

    Dog an airplane fly in the space? — Can a plane fly in space?

    Dog you play the piano? — Can you play the piano?

    • Expressions of surprise, doubt, disbelief

    For more information on this function of the can verb, see the article “The modal verb Can, Could”.

    Dog it be the truth? — Can it be true?

    No way, you can’t have done it! — It can’t be, you couldn’t do that!

    When do we say May?

    • Assumption of some probability, possible action.

    In this case, along with may used frequently might with a slight difference in meaning (if might, then the possibility seems a little less likely).

    Take an umbrella, It may / might rain tonight. — Take an umbrella, it may rain in the evening.

    The table is reserved but there might be another option. — This table has been booked, but perhaps there is another option.

    • Permission and prohibition (old school English). 

    In Strictly Correct Old School English, permission and prohibition are expressed by may

    May I suggest another decision? — May I suggest another solution?

    you mayNote play in the garden. — You can’t play in the garden.

    However, in modern English in these cases, they use and canand may.

    When can you say both Can and May?

    • Asking or giving permission

    dad, can / may I take your car? — Dad, can I take your car?

    Oh, you finished painting the fence! Well done! you can / may go now. — Oh, you’ve already painted the fence! Well done! You can go.

    As I mentioned above, it used to be the norm to use mayto ask or give permission. Strictly speaking, the question with can implies physical ability, and the question with may — permission. There is a well-known joke: a student raises his hand and asks “Can I go to the bathroom?” (can I go to the toilet?) and the teacher says “I don’t know, can you?” (I don’t know, can you?)

    However, in modern English, almost no one adheres to these differences, on the contrary, sentences with can in the «permissive» meaning are even more common (this is discussed in this article on Merriam-Webster). I once came across an interesting discussion on the Duolingo app where it was mentioned that the “May I” generation finally gave way to the “Can I” generation:

    “I think the last time I saw ‘May I’ was in the 1962 movie ‘Music Man’, where a piano teacher tried to get his student to say that. I’m afraid the “May I” generation lost to the “Can I” generation. (screenshot from Duolingo app)

    In English, a prohibition can be expressed in different ways, the harshest way is must not. If we say, “You must not cross this line” — this is something like “You are not allowed to cross this line,” that is, we are talking about a strict, categorical prohibition. Inhibit expressions with can not и may softer, but between them there is a small, not always significant difference in meaning.

    Prohibition with can’t means some kind of abstract neutral “forbidden”.

    I’m sorry but you can’t park here. — Sorry, but you can’t park here.

    you can’t smoke in the park. — No smoking in the park.

    Ban with may not can be perceived as a more personal prohibition with a touch of edification, instruction. Something like “you are not allowed”, “you are not allowed”, “you are not allowed”.

    you may not play with Bobby, he is a bully! — You can’t play with Bobby, he’s a bully!

    you may not go the party, you are grounded. — You are not allowed (I do not allow) to go to the party, you are punished

    Note: to ground — punish the child with “house arrest”.


    Difference between can and could — which is better

    Can, could, be able to Is like employees of one organization called Opportunity. Dog — the president, be able to is his deputy, a Could Is a lady accountant of venerable age.

    Be able to, the use of which helps to form the future, the past and convey the subtle shades of meaning — this is, in fact, a synonym for the verb can… And a very useful synonym, because in itself can does not have enough flexibility to change in different tenses and grammatical aspects.

    Modal verbs are generally not very likely to change their form, and they often need helpers. For example, must often outsourcing their functions to the verb have to.

    By the way, we have already touched upon the inexhaustible topic of modality before. For example, here in this article we explored the difference between can from may.

    A little about why modal verbs are needed

    I play the flute.I play the flute.

    I can play the flute. I can play the flute.

    How are these two phrases different? Of course, the fact that the second has a modal verb can.

    Modal verbs Are words that modify, that is, change the meaning of the semantic verb. More often than not, they help express ideas of opportunity, intention, commitment, and need.

    • The verb can gives other words a characterization feasibility, feasibility or skills.
    • Adding can in the sentence «I play the flute «, we get the value «the ability to play the flute«,»flute skills».
    • Simply put, I can = I can, I can.
    • Moreover, this “I can«Can be as an innate, natural skill, ability or property given by nature:

    Birds can fly.Birds can fly.

    Humans can make mistakes.People can make mistakes.

    Oil can be very sweet.Olya can be very nice.

    and a skill that develops with training, like a learned language or the ability to play the guitar:

    I can speak Japanese, I’ve been learning this language for 10 years.I speak Japanese, I studied this language for ten years.

    I can’t play the flute well enough. I don’t play the flute well enough.

    Olja is in the first grade, she can read and write.Olya is in first grade, she can read and write.

    1. Can is added to the schema sentence:
    2. In it, S is the subject (the one who performs the action), M is the modal verb, and V is the semantic verb.
    3. In a sentence «Mary can sing «(Mary can sing), Mary — subject, can Is a modal verb, and sing — semantic.
    4. Armed with this pattern, you can form a wide variety of sentences with modal verbs.

    Teachers can teach.Teachers can (can) teach.

    Cats can catch mice.Cats can (can) catch mice.

    I can watch TV for hours.I can watch TV for hours.

    Can also be used in the following cases:

    • When we ask someone for something in an informal setting:

    Dog you lend me ten dollars?Can you lend me ten dollars?

    • When we talk about plans for the near future:

    We can go out to the new Italian restaurant for dinner. We can dine at the new Italian restaurant.

    We have already said that modal verbs are quite clumsy people. Here is a list of what canAs modal verb, cannot do:

    • Can’t bend over faces.

    I must say that in general, when verbs are declined in English, this is expressed only in one thing — they add s in the third person singular:

    I sing. (I sing).She sings.(She sings).

    Everything. Different faces in English verbs do not cause any more transformations.

    So, modal verbs don’t change at all. These are conservative verbs. Dog will remain in any person can:

    I can dance.I can dance.

    She can dance.She can dance.

    Mistake: She can dance.

    • Can cannot be used with other auxiliary verbs.

    For example, you cannot use the verb to ask a question do:

    Do you play the flute? wrong.

    It should be said simply:

    Can you play the flute?Can you play the flute?

    • Can not append an ending —ing.

    Consequently, the aspect of duration is inaccessible to him. To describe the duration of an action, you need some other verb.

    • Aspect perfect action is also unavailable.
    • Can does not exist in perfect. Therefore, one cannot say:
    • «I have canned»,
    • And you need:
    • «I have been able» (I was able).
    • У can there are no past and future tense forms.
    1. This verb simply does not cope alone with all tenses, therefore it resorts to the help of its «employees» — could and be able to.
    2. Let’s dwell on them in more detail.

    Can, could, be able to: regulations use

    Let’s see how this small team of professionals handles a wide variety of grammatical tasks.


    • Is a specialist in the past tense (do you remember that can does not understand anything in the past tense).

    Imagine Mold in the form of an old woman who constantly remembers how everything was before. We can say that she lives her past:

    I Could sleep less when I was young.I could sleep less when I was young.

    I Could walk for miles and miles.I could walk for miles and miles.


    Modal verbs — CAN, MUST, MAY and others!

    Why do we need modal verbs in English? Which modal verbs should and shouldn’t be memorized? How to build phrases with modal verbs correctly? You will find answers and many examples of English sentences with modal verbs in this article.

    Modal verbs are unusual in that they are never used on their own. A modal verb is always used in conjunction with another — a semantic verb. It is the semantic verb that shows what action is being discussed. And the role of the modal verb is to show the speaker’s attitude to this action.

    The easiest way to understand the purpose of modal verbs is with examples. Take a look at the proposal:

    I play football.
    I’m play soccer.

    Now, let’s add the modal verbs can, must, may to this sentence and watch how the meaning changes:

    I can play football.
    I can play football.

    I must play football.
    I have to play football.

    I may play football.
    I am allowed to play football.

    All three sentences have the same semantic verb — play (to play). But look how different in meaning we got the sentences using different modal verbs.

    Thus, modal verbs should be used when it comes to:

    • possibility / impossibility to perform an action;
    • presence / absence of the need to perform an action;
    • advice / order / recommendation to take action;
    • assessing the likelihood of performing an action.

    This is not a complete list of what modal verbs are used for in English. Next, we will take a closer look at 10 basic English modal verbs, what meanings they have and how to apply them correctly. Let’s start with the three most common modal verbs.

    Modal verbs in English: rules of use

    Modal verbs in English behave differently from most ordinary verbs. To correctly build sentences with modal verbs, you need to know a few rules. Here are the basic rules for using modal verbs:

    1. As already mentioned, a modal verb is always paired with a semantic verb.

    Moreover, the semantic verb is always taken in an indefinite form and the particle to is not placed in front of it. The combination of a modal and a semantic verb is called a modal predicate. In an affirmative sentence, the modal predicate is put in the place of the usual predicate, that is, immediately after the subject.


    I can speak Spanish.
    I can speak Spanish.

    You must help me.
    You have to help me.


    I can speak Spanish. You must help me.

    2. Modal verbs do not change by person. The ending «-s» in the third person is not appended to them.



    Modal verb Can in English

    No can climb any tree.
    He can climb any tree.

    After combining be able followed by an infinitive with a particle to.

    He is able to climb any tree.
    He can (he can) climb any tree.


    CAN is used in all persons in the present tense in the form can + Indefinite Infinitive and relates the action to the present or future.

    COULD is used in the past tense in the form could + Indefinite Infinitive and in conditional sentences.

    Negative form: cannot (can’t), could not (couldn’t). (The negation of not with the verb can is written together.)

    Interrogative: can I ?, could I? etc.

    Interrogative negative: can I not (can’t I) ?, could I not (couldn’t I)? etc.

    To be able (to) — equivalent to Can

    Negative: I am not able (I’m not able), he is not able (he’s not able), etc.

    Interrogative form: Am I able? Is he able? Are you able? etc.

    Interrogative negative: Am I not able? Aren’t I able? (ain’t I able — colloquial) Is he not able? (isn’t he able?) etc.

    Using can and its equivalent be able (to)

    1. Dog и be able (to) used to express a physical ability or ability to perform an action.

    NOTE, however, that the modal verb can means the possibility of performing an action in general, usually constantly, a to be able (to) — the possibility of performing an action for a single, specific case. For example:

    Dog you skate?
    Do you skate? (Can you (generally) skate?)

    Are you able to skate?

    Are you able to skate (i.e. skate after a fall, injury, etc.)?

    I can swim across this river.

    I can swim across this river (generally).

    I am able to swim across this river.

    I am able to swim across this river (now when necessary).

    Mold you speak English last year?

    Could you speak English last year?

    He wasn’t able to come yesterday because he had no time.

    He could not come yesterday because he did not have time.

    Dog used to express a possibility due to something (the state of something, circumstances, etc.).

    you can ski on the hills. (There is enough snow.) You can ski (walk) on the slides. (There is a lot of snow already.)

    We couldn’t bathe there. (The river was very deep.)

    We couldn’t swim there. (The river was very deep.)

    Combination of an indefinite pronoun one с can



    Мы используем can, чтобы сказать, что что-то возможно или разрешено, или что у кого-то есть физическая способность что-то сделать. Мы используем can + инфинитив (can do / can see и др.):

    • We can see the lake from our bedroom window.
    • ‘I haven’t got a pen.’ ‘You can use mine.’
    • Can you speak any foreign languages?
    • I can come and see you tomorrow if you like.
    • The word ‘play’ can be a noun or a verb.

    Отрицательная форма — can’t (= cannot):

    • I’m afraid I can’t come to the party on Friday.

    (Be) able to

    Вы можете сказать, что кто-то is able to (способен) сделать что-то, но can более естественный вариант:

    • We are able to see the lake from our bedroom window.

    Но у can есть только две формы: can (настоящее время) и could (прошедшее время). Поэтому иногда необходимо использовать (be) able to. Сравните:

    ◇ I can’t sleep.

    ◇ I haven’t been able to sleep recently.

    ◇ Tom can come tomorrow.

    ◇ Tom might be able to come tomorrow.

    ◇ Maria can speak French, Spanish and English.

    ◇ Applicants for the job must be able to speak two foreign languages.


    Иногда could используется как прошедшее время модального глагола can. Часто мы используем could с:

    see hear smell taste feel remember understand

    • We had a lovely room in the hotel. We could see the lake.
    • As soon as I walked into the room, I could smell gas.
    • I was sitting at the back of the theatre and couldn’t hear very well.

    Мы также используем could, чтобы сказать, что кто-либо обладал общей способностью или разрешением что-либо сделать:

    • My grandfather could speak five languages.
    • We were totally free. We could do what we wanted. (= we were allowed to do = нам было разрешено)

    Could и was able to

    Мы используем could, говоря об общей способности. Но если вы хотите сказать, что кто-то сделал что-то в какой-то конкретной ситуации, используйте was/were able to или managed to (not could):

    • The fire spread through the building very quickly, but fortunately everybody was able to escape / managed to escape. (not could escape)
    • We didn’t know where David was, but we managed to find / were able to find him in the end. (not could find)


    Mike was an excellent tennis player when he was younger. He could beat anybody. (= в общем, у него была способность/возможность победить кого угодно)


    Mike and Pete played tennis yesterday. Pete played very well, but Mike managed to beat him. (= он смог победить его конкретно в этой игре)

    Отрицательная форма couldn’t (could not) возможна во всех ситуациях:

    • My grandfather couldn’t swim.
    • We looked for David everywhere, but we couldn’t find him.
    • Pete played well, but he couldn’t beat Mike.


    1. Закончите предложения, используя can или (be) able to. Используйте can, если возможно; в противном случае, используйте (be) able to.

    1. Gary has travelled a lot. He speak five languages.
    2. I haven’t sleep very well recently.
    3. Nicole drive, but she hasn’t got a car.
    4. I used to stand on my head, but I can’t do it now.
    5. I can’t understand Martin. I’ve never understand him.
    6. I can’t see you on Friday, but I meet you on Saturday morning.
    7. Ask Catherine about your problem. She might help you.


    2. Напишите предложения о себе, используя идеи в скобках.

    1. (something you used to be able to do)
    2. (something you used to be able to do)
    3. (something you would like to be able to do)
    4. (something you have never been able to do)


    3. Закончите предложения с can/can’t/could/couldn’t + следующее:

    come eat hear run sleep wait

    1. I’m afraid I to your party next week.
    2. When Tim was 16, he 100 metres in 11 seconds.
    3. ‘Are you in a hurry?’ ‘No, I’ve got plenty of time. I .’
    4. I was feeling sick yesterday. I anything.
    5. Can you speak a little louder? I you very well.
    6. ‘You look tired.’ ‘Yes, I last night.’


    4. Завершите ответы на вопросы с was/were able to … .

    1. A: Did everybody escape from the fire?
      B: Yes, although the fire spread quickly, everybody …
    2. A: Did you finish your work this afternoon?
      B: Yes, there was nobody to disturb me, so I …
    3. A: Did you have difficulty finding our house?
      B: Not really. Your directions were good and we …
    4. A: Did the thief get away?
      B: Yes. No-one realised what was happening and the thief …


    5. Закончите предложения, выбрав could, couldn’t или managed to.


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