Is the word conversation a noun

Is conversation a noun or verb?

noun. noun. /ˌkɑnvərˈseɪʃn/ [countable, uncountable] conversation (with somebody) (about something) an informal talk involving a small group of people or only two; the activity of talking in this way a telephone conversation I had a long conversation with her the other day.

Is conversation an adjective?

adjective. of, relating to, or characteristic of conversation: a conversational tone of voice.

Is conversation a verb?

Conversate is a nonstandard verb that means “to have a conversation.” The standard verb (and the one you should use if you want to be correct) is converse.

Is conversation a word?

Plural form of conversation.

What’s a fancy word for conversation?

SYNONYMS FOR conversation 1 dialogue, chat, colloquy.

What do you call a good conversation?

conversationalist Add to list Share. A conversationalist is someone who likes to chat, and is good at it. Conversationalists love to have — surprise! — conversations.

Can hold a conversation meaning?

(hold/maintain) a conversation When you ‘hold a conversation’ or can ‘maintain a conversation’, you are able to carry out a conversation without any awkward silences, offering insights, building on what the other person is saying and contributing to a conversation in a meaningful way.

What does interlocutor mean?

1 : one who takes part in dialogue or conversation. 2 : a man in the middle of the line in a minstrel show who questions the end men and acts as leader.

How can I be a good interlocutor?

10 Ways How to Become Interesting Interlocutor

  1. Don’t rush into a conversation.
  2. Make eye contact.
  3. Notice the details and pay attention.
  4. Express your emotions.
  5. Use the best words or choose appropriate words.
  6. Uncover self-information.
  7. Self-Knowledge development.
  8. Follow basic conversation etiquette.

What is the meaning of nasty?

Something nasty is filthy, foul, dirty, or awful. Nasty isn’t a word for anything nice. The main meaning of nasty is for things that are unpleasant and very gross. If someone throws up in class, at least one student will probably say, “That’s nasty!” The smell of a bathroom is nasty.

What type of word is nasty?

adjective, nas·ti·er, nas·ti·est. offensive; objectionable: a nasty habit. vicious, spiteful, or ugly: a nasty dog; a nasty rumor. bad or hard to deal with, encounter, undergo, etc.; dangerous; serious: a nasty cut; a nasty accident.

What do you call someone who is nasty?

Noun. A mean (unkind) person. meanie. villain. rogue.

Can nasty be used in a good way?

The sexist use of nasty with girl has been around since at least the 1700s, but by the early 2000s, some women reappropriated the insult, positively describing a nasty girl as “excellent” or “very attractive.” However, fierce and excellent can also be synonyms for the slang use of nasty girls.

What does nasty mean girl?

What does nasty girl mean? A nasty girl variously refers to an ill-tempered, sexually adventurous, or self-empowered young woman.

Can disgusting mean good?

Definition of disgusting See more words with the same meaning: good, okay, cool, awesome, fun.

What are the grossest words?

Put down your lunch and take a peek.

  • “Moist” A “moist towelette” may help you get fresh after a messy meal, but the word “moist” itself is a gross word to some!
  • “Phlegm”
  • “Ointment”
  • “Panties”
  • “Lugubrious”
  • “Curd”
  • “Rural”
  • “Dollop”

What is the nastiest word?

The word “gurgle” is one, as is “squirt”; indeed, both ranks high on many “grossest word” lists. But before we ask why words are gross, let’s first bathe in the sounds of what Reddit deems to be the grossest words in the English language. I guarantee you, these words will fill you with sheer revolt. Enjoy!

Is Cringeful a word?

verb (used without object), cringed, cring·ing. to shrink back, bend, or crouch, especially in fear, pain, or servility; cower: She cringed in a corner and started praying.

What is a rare word?

Here are the fifteen most unusual words in the English language.

  • Serendipity. This word appears in numerous lists of untranslatable words.
  • Gobbledygook.
  • Scrumptious.
  • Agastopia.
  • Halfpace.
  • Impignorate.
  • Jentacular.
  • Nudiustertian.

How long does the longest word TAKE to say?

about 3.5 hours

разговор, беседа, переговоры, жанровая картина


- разговор, беседа

- неофициальные переговоры

I had several conversations with him — я имел с ним несколько неофициальных встреч

- жив. жанровая картина (тж. conversation piece)
- вчт. работа ЭВМ в режиме диалога

Мои примеры


the introduction of a new topic for conversation — введение новой темы для разговора  
a brief lull in the conversation — небольшая пауза в разговоре  
a verbatim account of our conversation — дословная запись нашего разговора  
to hold conversation — вести беседу, разговаривать  
to be deep in conversation — увлечься беседой  
to dominate the conversation — контролировать ход беседы  
heart-to-heart conversation — разговор по душам  
to hold a conversation — вести разговор  
to join in the conversation — вступить в разговор  
conversation laced with sarcasm — разговор с некоторой долей сарказма  
lull in the conversation — пауза в разговоре  
a good conversation opener — хорошее начало беседы  

Примеры с переводом

We had a pleasant conversation.

Мы славно побеседовали. / У нас состоялась приятная беседа.

Do you remember our conversation about that new movie?

Вы помните наш разговор о новом фильме?

We had a conversation by e-mail.

У нас был разговор по электронной почте. (Они обсудили дела в переписке по электронной почте)

He kept trying to engage me in conversation.

Он не оставлял попыток вовлечь меня в разговор.

We were engaged in conversation.

Мы были поглощены разговором.

She’s skilled in the art of conversation.

Она искусная собеседница.

He was lively in conversation.

В разговоре он очень оживлялся.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The conversation meandered on for hours.

Their conversation quickly became heated.

He’s always monopolizing the conversation.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

conversational  — разговорный, диалоговый, разговорчивый
conversationist  — любитель поговорить, интересный собеседник, любитель поговорить, говорун

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): conversation
мн. ч.(plural): conversations

Table of Contents

  1. What type of noun is conversation?
  2. Is conversation an abstract noun?
  3. Is conversation countable noun?
  4. What is the plural of conversation?
  5. What is the adjective for conversation?
  6. How do you say have a great conversation?
  7. How do you describe a boring conversation?
  8. How do you describe good conversation?
  9. What to say instead of says?
  10. What word means to start a conversation?
  11. How do you describe someone good at a conversation?
  12. What word means easy to talk to?
  13. What do you call someone who is a good talker?
  14. What do you call someone’s way of speaking?
  15. What means to speak to someone or a group?
  16. What is another word for easy going?
  17. Is angry and upset the same thing?
  18. Is being upset an attitude?
  19. What is the difference between mocking and sarcastic?
  20. Is sarcastic mocking?
  21. What type of word is mocking?
  22. What do you call a mocking laugh?
  23. What is the meaning of mocking smile?
  24. Who is mocking in a polite voice?

Conversate means to have a conversation. To get to conversate, you’d have to take the noun “conversation,” remove the suffix -ion, add an “e” at the end, and use it as a verb.

What type of noun is conversation?

noun. informal interchange of thoughts, information, etc., by spoken words; oral communication between persons; talk: how to master the art of conversation.

Is conversation an abstract noun?

The word ‘ conversation ‘ is an abstract noun. This is because a conversation has no physical form,size and shape.

Is conversation countable noun?

(countable & uncountable) A conversation is when two or more people are talking informally. I had a really interesting conversation at work about how to improve things. She is very good at making conversation with people she meets.

What is the plural of conversation?

(kɒnvəʳseɪʃən ) Word forms: plural conversations. 1. countable noun.

What is the adjective for conversation?

Free and pleasant in discourse; agreeable. Disposed to converse, sociable. Pertaining to or exhibiting conversation.

How do you say have a great conversation?

Examples: “Nice to talk to you again.” “It was great chatting with you!” “Thank you for speaking with me.” Some of these types of generic phrases that are most common (for me) are: “It was nice to talk to you!” (usually after a convo), or “It was nice speaking with you.” Also “it was great” phrases, like “It was great …

How do you describe a boring conversation?

Boring people have unbalanced conversations. Instead of finding a rhythm between talking and listening, boring people are on either conversational extreme. Quora user Jack Bennett calls it an “asymmetry in the conversational ‘give and take’ — e.g. all listening and no talking, or all talking and no listening.”

How do you describe good conversation?

Some of the adjectives used to describe conversations that I found, are: Positive: – Animated, enjoyable, fascinating, meaningful, in-depth, riveting, hilarious, memorable.

What to say instead of says?

272 Words to Use Instead of “Said”

accused corrected lamented
argued demurred mumbled
asked denied murmured
asserted described mused
assured disagreed muttered

What word means to start a conversation?

strike up: to initiate, begin: to strike up a conversation. You can also kick off a conversation. kick off: to start out, begin. Alternately, consider conversation starter.

How do you describe someone good at a conversation?


  • talkative. adjective. a talkative person talks a lot.
  • chatty. adjective. someone who is chatty enjoys talking a lot in a friendly way.
  • voluble. adjective. formal someone who is voluble talks a lot.
  • loquacious. adjective.
  • longwinded. adjective.
  • garrulous. adjective.
  • gabby. adjective.
  • mouthy. adjective.

What word means easy to talk to?

Affable means friendly, pleasant, and easy to talk to.

What do you call someone who is a good talker?

Synonyms for well-spoken. articulate, eloquent, fluent, silver-tongued.

What do you call someone’s way of speaking?

Vernacular describes everyday language, including slang, that’s used by the people. The vernacular is different from literary or official language: it’s the way people really talk with each other, like how families talk at home. Vernacular language includes slang and obscenities.

What means to speak to someone or a group?

1. Literally, to communicate with someone or a group by speaking. To address some topic or issue verbally, as in a speech or interview. The senator spoke to the need for bipartisan support if any meaningful tax reform were going to be possible.

What is another word for easy going?

In this page you can discover 44 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for easygoing, like: carefree, laid-back, even-tempered, amiable, lenient, flexible, leisurely, careless, unaffected, unhurried and plain.

Is angry and upset the same thing?

Upset and angry are both are negative emotions, there are a few key differences: Being angry is a stronger, more aggressive emotion. When you are angry, you might want to yell, fight, or throw something. Being upset is a sadder, gentler emotion that we show. … Being very upset can lead to becoming angry.

Is being upset an attitude?

“Having an attitude” generally refers to someone who is angry and expressing this anger through a hostile demeanor. “Being mad” just refers to the condition of being angry, whether or not you show it.

What is the difference between mocking and sarcastic?

is that mock is an imitation, usually of lesser quality while sarcasm is (uncountable) a form of humor that is marked by mocking with irony, sometimes conveyed in speech with vocal over-emphasis insincerely saying something which is the opposite of one’s intended meaning, often to emphasize how unbelievable or unlikely …

Is sarcastic mocking?

Sarcasm is an ironic remark meant to mock by saying something different than what the speaker really means.

What type of word is mocking?

noun. a contemptuous or derisive imitative action or speech; mockery or derision. something mocked or derided; an object of derision. an imitation; counterfeit; fake.

What do you call a mocking laugh?

The word snicker, meaning “to laugh in a half-suppressed, indecorous or disrespectful manner,” has been around since the late 1600s. It is one of several words beginning with s used to refer to laughter more mocking and suppressed in nature than gleeful and boisterous; others include snirtle, snigger, and sneer.

What is the meaning of mocking smile?

A mocking expression or mocking behaviour indicates that you think someone or something is stupid or inferior. She gave a mocking smile.

Who is mocking in a polite voice?

When you talk to or about someone in a mocking tone, you’re making fun of them in a nasty, mean way. But if you’re a comedy writer or political satirist, a mocking attitude is a tool of your trade.

  • Afrikaans: gesprek (af)
  • Albanian: llafosje f, bisedë (sq) f
  • Arabic: مُحَادَثَة‎ f (muḥādaṯa), (esp. on the phone) مُكَالَمَة‎ f (mukālama), حِوَار (ar) m (ḥiwār)
  • Armenian: խոսակցություն (hy) (xosakcʿutʿyun), զրույց (hy) (zruycʿ), երկխոսություն (hy) (erkxosutʿyun)
  • Asturian: conversación f
  • Azerbaijani: söhbət (az), qonuşma, danışıq (az)
  • Basque: elkarrizketa (eu)
  • Belarusian: размо́ва f (razmóva), гу́тарка f (hútarka)
  • Bhojpuri: 𑂥𑂰𑂞𑂍𑂯𑂲 (bātkahī)
  • Bulgarian: ра́зговор (bg) m (rázgovor), бесе́да (bg) f (beséda), диало́г (bg) m (dialóg), общу́ване (bg) n (obštúvane), разгова́ряне n (razgovárjane)
  • Burmese: အပြော (my) (a.prau:)
  • Catalan: conversa (ca) f, conversació (ca) f
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 會話会话 (zh) (huìhuà), 談話谈话 (zh) (tánhuà), 對話对话 (zh) (duìhuà)
  • Cornish: keskows m, keskowsow m pl
  • Crimean Tatar: qonuşma, subet, musaabe
  • Czech: konverzace (cs) f, rozhovor (cs) m
  • Dalmatian: conversatiaun
  • Danish: konversation c, samtale (da) c
  • Dutch: gesprek (nl) n, conversatie (nl)
  • Esperanto: konversacio, interparolo
  • Estonian: vestlus (et)
  • Faroese: samrøða f, prát n
  • Finnish: keskustelu (fi)
  • French: conversation (fr) f
  • Galician: conversación (gl) f, conversa (gl) f
  • Georgian: საუბარი (saubari), ლაპარაკი (laṗaraḳi)
  • German: Gespräch (de) n, Unterhaltung (de) f, Konversation (de) f
    Alemannic German: Underhaltig f
  • Greek: συνομιλία (el) (synomilía), συζήτηση (el) (syzítisi), συνδιάλλαξη (syndiállaxi), συνδιάλεξη (el) (syndiálexi), κουβέντα (el) (kouvénta)
    Ancient: διάλογος m (diálogos)
  • Hausa: batu (ha)
  • Hebrew: שִׂיחָה (he) f (sikhá)
  • Hindi: बातचीत (hi) f (bātcīt)
  • Hungarian: beszélgetés (hu), társalgás (hu)
  • Icelandic: samtal (is) n
  • Indonesian: percakapan (id)
  • Irish: comhrá m
  • Italian: conversazione (it) f, dialogo (it) m, discorso (it) m
  • Japanese: 会話 (ja) (かいわ, kaiwa), 談話 (ja) (だんわ, danwa), 対話 (ja) (たいわ, taiwa),  (ja) (はなし, hanashi), カンバセーション (kanbāsēshon)
  • Kannada: ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆ (kn) (sambhāṣaṇe)
  • Kazakh: сөйлесім (kk) (söilesım), әңгіме (kk) (äñgıme)
  • Khmer: សន្ទនា (km) (sɑntĕəʼniə)
  • Korean: 대화(對話) (ko) (daehwa), 회화(會話) (ko) (hoehwa), 이야기 (ko) (iyagi)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: گفتوگۆ(giftugo), بارودۆخ(barudox)
  • Kyrgyz: сүйлөшүү (ky) (süylöşüü)
  • Ladino: kolokyo, charla, lakirdi
  • Lao: ການສົນທະນາ (lo) (kān son tha nā)
  • Latin: colloquium (la) n, sermō (la) m
  • Latvian: saruna f
  • Lithuanian: pokalbis m
  • Luxembourgish: Gespréich n
  • Macedonian: разговор (mk) m (razgovor)
  • Magahi: 𑂏𑂪𑂥𑂰𑂞 (galbāt)
  • Malay: perbualan (ms), percakapan
  • Malayalam: സംഭാഷണം (ml) (sambhāṣaṇaṃ)
  • Maori: reoreo
  • Marathi: संवाद (mr) m (sauvād), संभाषण (mr) (sambhāṣaṇ)
  • Mongolian:
    Cyrillic: яриа (mn) (jaria), үг (mn) (üg)
  • Norman: convèrsâtion f
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: samtale (no) m, konversasjon m
    Nynorsk: samtale (no) m or f, konversasjon m
  • Oromo: haasaa
  • Persian: گفتگو (fa) (goftegu, goftogu, goftgu), صحبت (fa) (sohbat), مکالمه (fa) (mokâleme)
  • Polish: rozmowa (pl) f, konwersacja (pl) f
  • Portuguese: conversa (pt) f, conversação (pt) f
  • Romanian: conversație (ro) f, convorbire (ro) f
  • Russian: разгово́р (ru) m (razgovór), бесе́да (ru) f (beséda)
  • Scottish Gaelic: còmhradh m, agallamh m
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: ра̏згово̄р m
    Roman: rȁzgovōr (sh) m
  • Slovak: konverzácia f, rozhovor m
  • Slovene: pogȏvor (sl) m
  • Spanish: conversación (es) f
  • Swahili: mazungumzo (sw)
  • Swedish: samtal (sv) n, konversation (sv) c
  • Tajik: гуфтугӯ (tg) (guftugü), сӯхбат (süxbat), муколама (mukolama)
  • Telugu: సంభాషణ (te) (sambhāṣaṇa)
  • Thai: การสนทนา (th) (gaan-sǒn-tá-naa)
  • Tibetan: སྐད་ཆ (skad cha), བཀའ་མོལ (bka’ mol)
  • Tok Pisin: toktok
  • Turkish: sohbet (tr), konuşma (tr), muhabbet (tr), diyalog (tr)
  • Turkmen: gürrüň, söhbet
  • Ukrainian: розмо́ва f (rozmóva), бе́сіда (uk) f (bésida)
  • Urdu: بات چیت (ur) f (bāt cīt)
  • Uyghur: سۆھبەت(söhbet), سۆزلىشىش(sözlishish), دىئالوگ(di’alog), پاراڭلىشىش(paranglishish)
  • Uzbek: suhbat (uz), gaplashish, gap (uz), soʻz (uz), mukolama (uz) (literary)
  • Vietnamese: (cuộc) đối thoại (vi)
  • Volapük: spikot (vo), spikotam
  • Welsh: sgwrs (cy) f, ymddiddan (cy) m
  • West Frisian: petear
  • Yiddish: שמועס‎ m (shmues), געשפּרעך‎ n (geshprekh)

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To make a song is a gift, and once it’s done it keeps evolving and changing and becomes a tool to interact with other people. It’s like a conversation.

Ryan Adams





Conversation is a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.




Conversation is a form of interactive, spontaneous communication between two or more people who are following rules of etiquette. It is polite give and take of subjects thought of by people talking with each other for company. Conversation analysis is a branch of sociology which studies the structure and organization of human interaction, with a more specific focus on conversational interaction.

Definition of conversation in the English dictionary

The definition of conversation in the dictionary is the interchange through speech of information, ideas, etc; spoken communication.


Synonyms and antonyms of conversation in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «conversation» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «conversation» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of conversation to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of conversation from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «conversation» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

cuộc nói chuyện

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of conversation


The term «conversation» is very widely used and occupies the 4.100 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «conversation» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of conversation

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «conversation».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «conversation» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «conversation» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about conversation


Famous quotes and sentences with the word conversation.

To make a song is a gift, and once it’s done it keeps evolving and changing and becomes a tool to interact with other people. It’s like a conversation.

Debate is masculine, conversation is feminine.

I myself spent nine years in an insane asylum and I never had the obsession of suicide, but I know that each conversation with a psychiatrist, every morning at the time of his visit, made me want to hang myself, realizing that I would not be able to cut his throat.

When I was a senior, I got accepted into the Julliard School for Dance, but ultimately decided to move to L.A. to act, so that was a fun conversation with the parents. I truly have some of the greatest parents ever.

Thanksgiving, our eminent moral holiday, doesn’t have much for children. At its heart are conversation, food, drink, and fellowship — all perks of adulthood.

That’s the nice thing about collaborating with someone: Your work becomes a conversation.

An ideal day for me is a combination of a fun-exciting creative moment with work partners, some laughs and games with my kids, a good surf session, and great conversation with friends around a meal.

I didn’t necessarily want to be famous growing up, but I knew I would be a good famous person because I’m not offended if somebody comes up to me and knows things about me and wants to engage me in a conversation.

The chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives are accounting for potentially 80% of the total health care bill out there. There is going to have to be a very difficult democratic conversation that takes place. The decision is not whether or not we will ration care. The decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open.

Whenever anyone asks me if I’m from a TV show, I say yes — no matter whether I’ve ever been on it. It just makes the conversation that much easier.


Discover the use of conversation in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to conversation and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.

Approaches the subject of conversation in a sophisticated, thought-provoking manner, explaining what kind of talk charmed and excited people in the past, why conversation is different today and what it could be like in the future.


How To Start A Conversation And Make Friends: Revised And …

Small-talk expert Don Gabor has completely revised and updated this definitive guide, showing how to combine essential techniques in the art of conversation with necessary skills for communicating in the twenty-first century.

«… Hopper’s aim is to begin to reveal to us the complex world of telephone conversation, and that is what he succeeds marvellously in doing.» —Discourse & Society «A guided tour through the interior world of phone interactions, …


Conversation: A History of a Declining Art

Essayist Stephen Miller pursues a lifelong interest in conversation by taking an historical and philosophical view of the subject.


Conversation: From Description to Pedagogy

This book provides a comprehensive account of conversation in English and its implications for the ELT classroom.

Scott Thornbury, Diana Slade, 2006


Joining the Conversation: Writing in College and Beyond

Meeting students where they are — working online and collaboratively — Joining the Conversation embraces the new realities of writing, without sacrificing the support that students need as they write for college and beyond.


Conversation: What to Say and How to Say It

If so, you need the comprehensive and straightforward advice that Mary Greer Conklin dispenses in Conversation: What to Say and How to Say It. A must-read for shy or socially challenged readers.


101 Conversation Starters for Couples SAMPLER

With 101 probing questions, couples will find their relationship enhanced, their intimacy deepened, and their romance ignited. 101 Conversation Starters for Couples is the perfect companion to the best-selling book, The 5 Love Languages.

Gary D Chapman, Ramon L. Presson, 2012


Conversation: An Interdisciplinary Perspective

This work focuses explicitly on the ways in which researchers from different disciplines investigate interpersonal communication.

Derek Roger, Peter Bull, 1989


Structure, Agency and the Internal Conversation

Explores the relationship between structure and agency through human reflexivity and the internal conversation.

Margaret Scotford Archer, 2003


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term conversation is used in the context of the following news items.

Conversation: How to Make It in Black America’ Is Rough, Raw, and …

Conversation: How to Make It in Black America Pt. 1, a compelling new performance piece by Modesto «Flako» Jimenez, Saroya Marsh, and … «Village Voice, Jul 15»

A Conversation With the Psychologist Behind ‘Inside Out’

Emotions expert Dacher Keltner, who advised director Pete Docter throughout the making of the new Pixar hit, dives deep into the science of … «Pacific Standard, Jul 15»

A Conversation With Tobias Oriwol

Mr. Oriwol, 30, is a former Olympic swimmer and now a project developer at Monadnock Development, a Brooklyn company that specializes in … «New York Times, Jul 15»

Conversation: Third Quarter Forecast Preview 2015

David Judson: Hi, I’m David Judson, editor in chief at Stratfor. With me today is Reva Bhalla, our vice president of analysis. Thank you for … «STRATFOR, Jul 15»

Rethinking Russia: A Conversation With Russia Scholar Stephen F …

Last week I had the honor of interviewing Stephen F. Cohen, Professor Emeritus of Russian Studies and Politics at NYU and Princeton … «Huffington Post, Jul 15»

The magical, disappearing Scott Walker conversation

The chief economist at the Heritage Foundation is itself an awkward title – the Republican think tank has moved away from its pretense of … «MSNBC, Jul 15»

Astoria Police to host ‘Coffee with a Cop’ conversation

Astoria Police officers will host an informal community conversation, “Coffee with a Cop,” at 8:30 a.m. July 20 at 3 Cups Coffee House, 279 W. «Daily Astorian, Jul 15»

Conversation With Composer Jozef van Wissem

Below is an excerpt from our conversation via Skype on June 14, 2015. MN: Tell me a little bit about who you are and where you are from. «Huffington Post, Jul 15»

Fell By Leather: A Conversation Between Mark Kozelek and Anar …

The conversation plays out like one of Kozelek’s recent songs on Universal Themes. The seemingly meandering details help paint the scope of … «Consequence of Sound, Jul 15»

Bungie Day: Here’s a Destiny conversation between devs and Wil …

It’s hosted by Wil Wheaton and features Bungie co-founderJason Jones, design director Luke Smith, senior environment animator Jason … «VG247, Jul 15»


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  • 1


    1) разговор, беседа; to make conversation вести пустой разговор

    3) paint. жанровая картина (тж.conversation piece)


    chat, colloquy, dialogue, discussion, tally, tete-a-tete

    * * *

    (n) беседа; разговор

    * * *

    разговор, беседа

    * * *

    [con·ver·sa·tion || ‚kɒnvə’seɪʃn]
    разговор, беседа, переговоры, жанровая картина

    * * *



    * * *

    1) разговор, беседа; речевое общение
    2) об. мн. неформальные переговоры
    3) половые сношения, сексуальная близость

    Новый англо-русский словарь > conversation

  • 2

    1. n разговор, беседа

    2. n неофициальные переговоры

    3. n жив. жанровая картина

    4. n вчт. работа ЭВМ в режиме диалога

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. communication (noun) advisement; articulation; communication; notification; statement; talking; telling

    2. talk (noun) chat; colloquy; communion; confabulation; consultation; converse; dialogue; discourse; discussion; gossip; intercourse; parley; talk; tete-a-tete

    English-Russian base dictionary > conversation

  • 3
    conversation piece

    1. жанровая картина, изображающая группу собеседников

    2. театр. пьеса, в которой главное — блестящий диалог

    Синонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > conversation piece

  • 4
    root (verb and noun)

    Австралийский сленг:

    synonym for fuck in nearly all its senses

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > root (verb and noun)

  • 5

    1. n книжн. разговор, беседа

    2. n книжн. общение

    3. v книжн. разговаривать

    4. v книжн. поддерживать отношения, общаться

    5. n лог. суждение, образованное посредством обращения

    6. a обратный, противоположный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. contrary (adj.) antithetical; contrary; corollary; inverse; reversed; transposed; turned around

    2. opposite (adj.) antipodal; antipodean; contradictory; counter; diametric; opposing; opposite; polar; reverse

    3. communication (noun) communication; communion; intercommunication; intercourse

    4. conversation (noun) chat; colloquy; confabulation; conversation; dialogue; parley

    6. opposite (noun) antipode; antipole; antithesis; contra; contradictory; contrary; corollary; counter; counterpole; inverse; opposite; polarity; reverse; transformation

    7. chat (verb) chat; chin; colloque; discourse; speak; talk; visit; yarn

    8. talk with (verb) confabulate; discuss; engage in conversation; parley; speak with; talk to; talk with; visit with

    English-Russian base dictionary > converse

  • 6

    1. n речь; речевая деятельность

    2. n дар речи

    3. n устная речь

    4. n выговор, манера говорить; характер речи

    5. n речь, выступление; спич

    halting speech — неплавная речь, речь с заминками и паузами

    6. n разговор

    7. n язык

    8. n диалект, говор

    9. n звучание

    10. n монолог; реплика

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. address (noun) address; allocution; declamation; dissertation; harangue; lecture; oration; recitation; sermon; tirade

    2. articulation (noun) articulation; diction; enunciation; locution; pronunciation

    4. language (noun) dialect; idiom; language; lingo; parlance; patois; tongue; vernacular; words

    5. utterance (noun) comment; communication; discourse; mention; remark; speaking; talk; utterance; verbalisation; verbalization; voice

    English-Russian base dictionary > speech

  • 7

    1. n передача, сообщение; информация

    2. n распространение, передача

    3. n общение; связь

    4. n сообщение, известие; письмо, послание

    5. n связь, сообщение; коммуникация

    6. n средство связи

    7. n спец. коммуникации, коммуникационные линии

    8. n сообщение, соединение

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. conversation (noun) advisement; articulation; conversation; discussion; expression; notification; talking; telling

    2. interaction (noun) commerce; communion; connection; contact; converse; interaction; interchange; intercommunication; intercourse; interplay; touch; transmission

    3. letter (noun) communiquй; disclosure; epistle; information; letter; missive; note; publicity; statement

    English-Russian base dictionary > communication

  • 8

    n амер. арх. обсуждение, подробное рассмотрение

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. conversation (noun) articulation; communication; conversation; discussion; expression; notification; statement; talking; telling

    3. study (noun) calculation; consideration; deliberation; study

    English-Russian base dictionary > advisement

  • 9

    1. n разговор, беседа; разговор о том о сём

    2. v болтать; непринуждённо беседовать; говорить о том о сём

    3. v разг. заговаривать

    4. n певчая птичка

    5. n австрал. птица

    6. n рудничная пустая порода

    7. n горн. убогая руда; промежуточные продукты обогащения

    8. n сл. вошь

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. chatter (noun) babble; bibble-babble; blab; blabber; brabble; cackle; chatter; chin-chin; chitchat; chit-chat; chitter-chatter; clack; gab; gabble; gibble-gabble; jabber; prate; prattle; stultiloquence; talkee-talkee; tittle-tattle; yak; yakety-yak; yak-yak; yatter

    2. conversation (noun) colloquy; confabulation; conversation; converse; dialogue; parley

    3. talk (noun) causerie; chin; palaver; prose; rap; talk; tete-a-tete; tкte-а-tкte; yarn

    4. babble (verb) babble; burble; cackle; chatter; chin-chin; clack; clatter; dither; gab; gabble; gas; jaw; patter; prate; prattle; rattle; run on; smatter; tinkle; twaddle; twiddle; twitter; yak; yakety-yak; yammer; yatter

    5. converse (verb) chin; colloque; converse; discourse; speak; talk; visit; yarn

    English-Russian base dictionary > chat

  • 10

    1. n разг. болтливость, разговорчивость

    2. n разг. болтовня

    3. n разг. хвастовство, хвастливая болтовня

    4. v разг. много говорить, болтать

    5. v разг. хвастать

    6. n тех. крюк; вилка

    7. n тех. выемка; отверстие

    8. n тех. вылет; вынос

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. chatter (noun) babble; bibble-babble; blab; blabber; brabble; cackle; chat; chatter; chin-chin; chitchat; chitter-chatter; clack; gabble; gibble-gabble; jabber; palaver; prate; stultiloquence; talkee-talkee; tittle-tattle; yak; yakety-yak; yak-yak; yatter

    3. gossip (noun) baloney; gossip; idle talk; nonsense; prattle

    4. chat (verb) babble; burble; cackle; chat; chatter; chin-chin; clack; clatter; dither; gabble; gossip; jabber; jaw; patter; prate; prattle; ramble; rattle; run on; smatter; talk; tinkle; twaddle; twiddle; twitter; yak; yakety-yak; yammer; yatter

    English-Russian base dictionary > gab

  • 11

    1. n дружеская беседа

    2. n совещание, консультация

    3. n психол. ложь; фантазирование, выдумка; вымышленная история

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. conversation (noun) chat; colloquy; conversation; converse; dialogue; parley; talk

    2. discussion (noun) conference; debate; deliberation; discussion; rap; review; ventilation

    English-Russian base dictionary > confabulation

  • 12

    1. n диалог, разговор, беседа

    2. n полит. неофициальные переговоры, диалог; беседы в порядке зондажа

    3. n литературное произведение в форме диалога

    4. n диалог из литературного произведения

    5. v вести беседу

    6. v выражать в форме диалога

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. colloquy (noun) colloquy; discussion; exchange; remarks; tкte-а-tкte

    2. conversation (noun) chat; confabulation; conversation; converse; discourse; parley; talk

    English-Russian base dictionary > dialogue

  • 13

    1. a говорящий

    2. a разговорчивый, болтливый

    3. a выразительный; говорящий

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. expressing (adj.) articulating; discussing; eloquent; expressing; in conversation; pronouncing; speaking; verbalizing; vocalizing

    2. conversation (noun) advisement; articulation; communication; conversation; discussion; notification; statement; telling

    3. advising (verb) advising; conferring; consulting; parleying; powwowing

    4. chatting (verb) babbling; burbling; cackling; chattering; chatting; clacking; clattering; dithering; gabbing; jawing; prating; prattling; rattling; running on; smattering; tinkling; twaddling; twiddling; twittering; yakking; yammering

    6. noising (verb) blabbing; gossiping; informing; noising; noising about; noising abroad; rumoring; rumouring; tattling

    8. speaking (verb) addressing; conversing in; discoursing; lecturing; speaking; using; uttering; verbalizing; vocalizing; voicing

    English-Russian base dictionary > talking

  • 14

    1. n официальный разговор; обсуждение

    2. n конференция

    3. n лит. сочинение в форме диалога

    4. n амер. обмен репликами

    Синонимический ряд:

    conversation (noun) chat; chin; colloquium; confabulation; conference; conversation; converse; debate; dialogue; discourse; discussion; palaver; parley; rap session; seminar; talk; visit

    English-Russian base dictionary > colloquy

  • 15

    1. n рассказ

    2. n разг. выбалтывание

    3. n выговор, нагоняй

    4. n приказ

    5. n арх. подсчёт

    6. n учёт

    7. a эмоц.-усил. эффектный; сильный, основательный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. valid (adj.) cogent; convincing; persuasive; satisfactory; satisfying; solid; sound; valid

    2. very effective (adj.) cogence; effective; important; impressive; portentous; striking; very effective; weighty

    3. conversation (noun) advisement; articulation; communication; conversation; discussion; notification; statement; talking

    4. counting (verb) counting; enumerating; numbering; numerating; tallying

    5. informing (verb) acquainting; advising; apprising; cluing; educating; enlightening; filling in; informing; notifying; posting; wising up

    6. knowing (verb) differentiating; discerning; discriminating; distinguishing; knowing; separating

    7. ordering (verb) bidding; charging; commanding; directing; enjoining; instructing; ordering; requiring; warning

    8. revealing (verb) betraying; blabbing; blabbing out; discovering; divulging; exposing; give away; giving away; let out; letting on; mouthing; revealing; spilling; unbosoming; uncovering; unveiling

    9. stating (verb) articulating; bringing out; chiming in; coming out with; declaring; delivering; enunciating; expressing; saying; stating; throwing out; uttering; venting; vocalising; voicing

    10. telling (verb) breaking; carrying; communicating; conveying; disclosing; get across; imparting; passing; reporting; telling; transmitting

    English-Russian base dictionary > telling

  • 16


    1) диалог (в драме, романе)

    2) разговор



    * * *

    1 (a) диалоговый

    * * *

    разговор, беседа; диалог

    * * *

    [di·a·logue || ‘daɪəlɒg]
    диалог, разговор, обмен мнениями, неофициальные переговоры

    * * *



    * * *

    1. сущ.
    1) разговор, беседа; диалог (between, with)
    2) полит. диалог (между двумя сторонами)
    3) дуэт (в оперных ариях и т.п.); диалог (в пьесах и т.п.)
    2. гл.
    1) выражать через диалоги (в худ. произведениях); использовать диалог как художественное средство
    2) полит. принимать участие в переговорах; вести диалог (with)

    Новый англо-русский словарь > dialogue

  • 17


    1) обсуждение; the question is under discussion вопрос обсуждается

    2) прения, дискуссия

    3) переговоры; direct discussion непосредственные, прямые переговоры



    * * *

    (n) беседа; дискуссия; обсуждаемая тема; обсуждение; семинарское занятие

    * * *

    обсуждение, дискуссия

    * * *

    [dis·cus·sion || dɪ’skʌʃn]
    обсуждение, дискуссия, прения, переговоры, смакование

    * * *







    * * *

    1) а) подробное обсуждение (проблемы, вопроса), всестороннее исследование
    б) шутл. смакование
    2) дебаты
    3) юр. переговоры

    Новый англо-русский словарь > discussion

  • 18


    1) обломок; осколок; кусок

    2) отрывок; фрагмент

    3) обрывок; to overhear fragments of conversation услышать обрывки разговора


    remnant, scrap, shred


    totality, whole

    * * *

    * * *

    обломок; отрывок

    * * *

    [frag·ment || ‘frægmənt]
    обломок, осколок, кусок; обрывок, фрагмент, отрывок

    * * *







    * * *

    1) обломок
    2) а) составная часть
    б) спец. фрагмент, обрывок

    Новый англо-русский словарь > fragment

  • 19


    1) более низкое положение, достоинство, качество; he was painfully sensible of his inferiority in conversation он болезненно относился к своему неумению вести разговор

    2) (


    ) inferiority complex psych. комплекс неполноценности

    * * *

    (n) неполноценность

    * * *

    более низкое положение, достоинство, качество

    * * *

    более низкое положение, более низкое качествоin·fe·ri·or·i·ty || ɪ;n‚fɪ;rɪ;’ɔ;rə;tɪ; /-fɪ;ə;rɪ;’ɒ;r-

    * * *





    * * *

    более низкое положение, достоинство, качество, количество (to)

    Новый англо-русский словарь > inferiority

  • 20

    1. n течение, истечение; излияние

    parallel flow — параллельное течение; ламинарный поток

    2. n поток, струя

    3. n ход, течение

    4. n наплыв, прилив, изобилие

    5. n плавность линий

    6. n гидр. дебит воды

    7. n пчел. медосбор, взяток

    8. n спец. циркуляция в замкнутой системе

    9. n тех. деформация, коробление

    10. n физиол. менструация

    11. v течь; литься

    12. v течь, протекать

    13. v струиться, бить струёй, обильно литься

    blood will flow — прольётся много крови; будет большое кровопролитие

    14. v непрерывно двигаться

    15. v прибывать, подниматься

    16. v ниспадать

    17. v вытекать, происходить, проистекать

    18. v заливать, покрывать водой; наводнять, затоплять

    19. v лить; заливать

    20. v изобиловать, обиловать

    21. v горн. фонтанировать; выбрасывать

    22. v физиол. менструировать

    23. n болото, трясина; заболоченный низкий берег

    24. n зыбучий песок

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. current (noun) course; current; drift; ebb; flood; flux; rush; spate; tide; torrent

    5. river (noun) rill; river; rivulet; stream; streamlet

    8. discharge (verb) discharge; disembogue; emit; empty; give off; issue; jet; spout; spurt; vent; void

    9. proceed (verb) continue; march; move; pass; proceed; progress; roll on; run

    11. spring (verb) arise; birth; come; come from; derive; derive from; emanate; head; originate; rise; spring; stem; upspring

    12. teem (verb) abound; crawl; overflow; pullulate; swarm; teem

    13. well (verb) course; gush; pour; roll; rush; sluice; stream; surge; well

    Антонимический ряд:

    beat; cease; check; ebb; fail; halt; hesitate; prevent; stick; stint; stop; trickle

    English-Russian base dictionary > flow


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

См. также в других словарях:

  • conversation — ► NOUN ▪ an informal spoken exchange of news and ideas between two or more people. DERIVATIVES conversational adjective …   English terms dictionary

  • conversation stopper — noun a remark to which there is no polite conversational reply • Syn: ↑stopper • Hypernyms: ↑remark, ↑comment, ↑input * * * conversation stopper noun A comment that allows no appropriate response, usu because it is shocking, embarrassing or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • conversation — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ brief, short ▪ lengthy, long ▪ We engaged in a long conversation. ▪ endless, pointless …   Collocations dictionary

  • Conversation games — are games that require only conversational ability. Conversation games owe their popularity to their ability to be played almost anywhere with almost anyone and for their ability to generate conversation. Their popularity has gained in part due… …   Wikipedia

  • conversation — noun 1 (C) an informal talk in which people exchange news, feelings, and thoughts: a telephone conversation | He stood silent in the doorway, unwilling to interrupt their conversation. | have/hold a conversation: I had a long conversation with my …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • conversation — noun he may have overheard our conversation Syn: discussion, talk, chat, gossip, tête à tête, heart to heart, exchange, dialogue; informal confab, jaw, chitchat, chinwag, gabfest; formal confabulation, colloquy •• conversation, chat, colloquy,… …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • conversation — noun Etymology: Middle English conversacioun, from Anglo French conversacion, from Latin conversation , conversatio, from conversari to associate with, frequentative of convertere to turn around Date: 14th century 1. obsolete conduct, behavior 2 …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • conversation — UK US /ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃən/ noun [C] ► a discussion with someone about a particular subject: have a conversation »We believe the company has the resources it needs, but if more is needed, we ll have that conversation …   Financial and business terms

  • conversation — I noun articulation, causerie, chat, collocution, colloquial discourse, colloquy, communication, confabulation, conloquium, consultation, conversing, deliberation, dialogue, discourse, discussion, dissertation, exchange, exchange of views,… …   Law dictionary

  • conversation pit — noun : a usually sunken area (as in a living room) with intimate seating that facilitates conversation * * * a usually sunken portion of a room or living area with chairs, sofas, etc., often grouped around a fireplace, where people can gather to… …   Useful english dictionary

  • conversation piece — noun Date: 1712 1. a painting of a group of persons in their customary surroundings 2. something (as a novel or unusual object) that stimulates conversation …   New Collegiate Dictionary

Britannica Dictionary definition of CONVERSATION


an informal talk involving two people or a small group of people


the act of talking in an informal way


  • a casual/telephone/private conversation

  • He mentioned it during (the course of) our conversation.

  • Do you remember our conversation about that new movie?

  • The conversation turned to music. = Music became the topic of the conversation.

  • We got into a long conversation about his behavior.

  • I had a nice conversation [=(less formally) chat] with your mother.

  • They were engaged in a lengthy conversation about politics.

  • It was so noisy that we could hardly carry on a conversation. [=talk]

  • a perfect spot to hold a quiet conversation [=talk]

  • She often strikes up conversations with strangers. [=she often talks to strangers]


  • The topic came up in conversation.

  • They were so deep in conversation that they barely noticed me.

  • He kept trying to engage me in conversation.

  • She’s skilled in the art of conversation.

  • an interesting topic of conversation

  • “Where are you from?” he asked, trying to make conversation. [=start a conversation]



something that is similar to a spoken conversation

  • We had a conversation by e-mail.

Other forms: conversations

A conversation occurs when people talk to each other, like a conversation with your friend about school or professional basketball.

The noun conversation comes from the Old French word of the same spelling, meaning «manner of conducting oneself in the world.» When you have a conversation with another person or a group of people, you listen closely and respond appropriately, so that your conversation is a true exchange of ideas, not just people waiting for their turn to talk. A good conversation makes you feel heard, satisfied, and maybe even more informed.

Definitions of conversation

  1. noun

    the use of speech for informal exchange of views or ideas or information etc.

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    a lively or heated interchange of ideas and opinions

    phatic communication, phatic speech

    conversational speech used to communicate sociability more than information


    a mutual expression of views (especially an unpleasant one)

    chat, confab, confabulation, schmoose, schmooze

    an informal conversation

    gossiping, gossipmongering

    a conversation that spreads personal information about other people

    talk, talking

    an exchange of ideas via conversation


    inconsequential conversation


    social exchange, especially of opinions, attitudes, etc.


    formal conversation


    voluble conversation

    rap session

    conversation in a situation where feelings can be expressed and criticized or supported

    second-hand speech

    overheard conversation (especially overheard cellphone conversation)

    table talk

    conversation during a meal

    telephone conversation

    a conversation over the telephone


    a private conversation between two people

    causerie, chin wag, chin wagging, chin-wag, chin-wagging, chit chat, chit-chat, chitchat, gab, gabfest, gossip, small talk, tittle-tattle

    light informal conversation for social occasions


    spreading malicious gossip

    cant, pious platitude

    insincere talk about religion or morals

    dialog, dialogue, duologue

    a conversation between two persons


    an intimate talk in private


    (Yiddish) a warm heart-to-heart talk

    shop talk

    talk about your business that only others in the same business can understand

    idle words, jazz, malarkey, malarky, nothingness, wind

    empty rhetoric or insincere or exaggerated talk

    cackle, chatter, yack, yak, yakety-yak

    noisy talk

    honeyed words, sweet nothings

    inconsequential expressions of affection

    pillow talk

    intimate conversation between lovers (typically occurring in bed)

    type of:

    language, oral communication, speech, speech communication, spoken communication, spoken language, voice communication

    (language) communication by word of mouth

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘conversation’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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Spell your name and start a conversation.

Спросите, как его зовут, и начните приятный разговор.

I wonder how this conversation went.

Я спорю с тем, как ведется этот разговор.

Today I had a fabulous conversation with one of them.

Почему? Сегодня же у меня была интересная беседа с одним из них.

Especially given the conversation you mention…

Особенно после той беседы, о которой я уже рассказал тебе…

Do it again when the conversation ends.

Сделайте то же самое и после того, как ваше общение закончится.

Dinner IS the time for conversation.

Время, предшествующее ужину — это время для общения.

Counselling is where one person helps another through purposeful conversation.

Консультирование (consultation) — это способ, посредством которого один человек оказывает помощь другому, используя для этого целенаправленную беседу.

Nothing wrong with having the conversation.

И нет ничего плохого в том, что, начав беседу.

They never lacked subjects for conversation.

И с тех пор они не испытывали недостатка в темах для разговора.

Throughout our conversation u mentioned some other projects.

Но на протяжении нашей беседы Вы ни разу не обмолвились о других Ваших проектах.

All freedom begins with an honest conversation.

Любая трансформация начинается с честного разговора с самой собой.

The mediator ensures that the conversation remains focused and respectful.

Медиатор следит за тем, чтобы разговор был доверительным и направленным на цель.

The conversation quickly turned to women.

При этом случае разговор незаметно перешел к женщинам.

No one knows what conversation took place between the two.

О том, какой разговор был между ними, никому не известно.

I do actually believe that there can be conversation.

На самом деле, думаю, что разговоры какие-то могли бы быть.

When the other party does respond, the conversation continues.

И в то время как другая сторона должна ответить, на этом разговор также закончится.

They will have an odd conversation.

У нас все время будет происходить странный разговор.

What started as a conversation now became a discussion.

Но затем то, что начиналось как разговор, превратилось в спор.

It was quite similar to the other conversation.

В этом отношении она была очень похожа на любой другой разговор.

Hopefully he hangs in there and conversation can continue.

При этом абонент остаётся на линии, и разговор можно возобновить.

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: oral exchange of sentiments, observations, opinions, or ideas

… we had talk enough but no conversation; there was nothing discussed.Samuel Johnson


: an instance of such exchange : talk


: an informal discussion of an issue by representatives of governments, institutions, or groups

conversations among the senators


: an exchange similar to conversation

We had a conversation by email.


Example Sentences

Do you remember our conversation about that new movie?

We got into a long conversation about his behavior.

They were engaged in a lengthy conversation about politics.

The topic came up in conversation.

They were so deep in conversation that they barely noticed me.

He kept trying to engage me in conversation.

She’s skilled in the art of conversation.

an interesting topic of conversation

We had a conversation by e-mail.

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Recent Examples on the Web

But Wilson had no idea how illuminating the conversation would be.

Norman Vanamee, Town & Country, 5 Apr. 2023

The Current LeBron is still active in his own portion of the GOAT conversation, presumably by virtue of his status as producer on Starz’s Survivor’s Remorse.

Daniel Fienberg, The Hollywood Reporter, 4 Apr. 2023

These side conversations are what keep games in the spotlight long after the final buzzer sounds, and ensure that interest in sports and the people who play them aren’t dependent upon a single game.

Nancy Armour, USA TODAY, 3 Apr. 2023

In his view, however, too much of the contemporary conversation about race traffics in self-flagellation and apology.

Emma Green, The New Yorker, 3 Apr. 2023

The fact Counsell is in the final year of his contract has been another big topic of conversation, with both the manager and Arnold talking about it this spring.

Todd Rosiak, Journal Sentinel, 3 Apr. 2023

By adding more nodes in the cellular network, Ring’s system would avoid becoming overloaded with users, keeping airwaves clear for an exponentially greater number of simultaneous conversations.

Michelle Delgado, Smithsonian Magazine, 3 Apr. 2023

Below is the extended version of the conversation.

ABC News, 2 Apr. 2023

One of the conversations appears to involve his mother, Vanessa Lampkin, referring to racial remarks used toward her son.

Sportsday Staff, Dallas News, 2 Apr. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘conversation.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Middle English conversacioun, from Anglo-French conversacion, from Latin conversation-, conversatio, from conversari to associate with, frequentative of convertere to turn around

First Known Use

14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 2

Time Traveler

The first known use of conversation was
in the 14th century

Dictionary Entries Near conversation

Cite this Entry

“Conversation.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on conversation

Last Updated:
7 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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