Is the word confused a verb

  • 1

    1. a смущённый; поставленный в тупик

    2. a спутанный; смешанный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. chaotic (adj.) chaotic; embroiled; in disarray; inextricable; mixed up; out of order; snarled

    2. jumbled (adj.) disordered; helter-skelter; jumbled; mixed-up; muddled; topsy-turvy; upside-down

    3. perplexed (adj.) abashed; addled; baffled; befuddled; bewildered; dazed; disconcerted; doubtful; flustered; perplexed

    4. beclouded (verb) beclouded; befogged; blurred; clouded; fogged; muddied

    5. discomforted (verb) abashed; chagrined; discomfited; discomforted; disconcerted; discountenanced; embarrassed; fazed; mortified; put out; rattled

    6. disordered (verb) confused; disordered; fouled up; jumbled; mess up; muddled; scrambled; snarled; snarled up; tumbled

    7. misrepresented (verb) belied; colored; distorted; falsified; garbled; misrepresented; misstated; perverted; twisted; warped; wrenched; wrested

    8. mistook/mistaken (verb) confounded; mistook/mistaken; mixed; mixed up

    9. threw (verb) addled; balled up; befuddled; bewildered; confused; distracted; dizzied; flustered; fuddled; mistaken; mix up; mulled; perplexed; posed; puzzled; stumbled; threw; threw off/thrown off; threw out/thrown out

    English-Russian base dictionary > confused

  • 2

    a смущённый, озадаченный; сбитый с толку

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. amazed (adj.) amazed; astonished; blank; dazed; muddled; perplexed; vacant

    2. confused (adj.) addled; appalled; befuddled; confused; disconcerted; giddy; puzzled; reeling; thunderstruck

    3. confused (verb) addled; balled up; befuddled; bewildered; confused; distracted; dizzied; flustered; fuddled; mix up; mixed up; muddled; mulled; threw; threw off/thrown off; threw out/thrown out

    4. puzzled (verb) befogged; confounded; perplexed; posed; puzzled; stumbled

    English-Russian base dictionary > bewildered

  • 3

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. confused (verb) addled; balled up; befuddled; bewildered; confused; distracted; dizzied; flustered; fuddled; mixed up; muddled; threw off/thrown off; threw out/thrown out

    2. deadened (verb) benumbed; blunted; deadened; desensitized; dulled; numbed

    3. delayed (verb) dallied; dawdled; delayed; dillydallied; dragged; lagged; lingered; loitered; poked; procrastinated; put off; tarried; trailed

    4. reflected (verb) cerebrated; chew over; cogitated; contemplated; deliberated; meditated; mused; pondered; reflected; revolved; ruminated; think over; think through; turn over; weighed

    English-Russian base dictionary > mulled

  • 4

    1. a взволнованный, возбуждённый

    2. a слегка подвыпивший

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. perplexed (adj.) abashed; baffled; befuddled; bewildered; confused; dazed; disconcerted; doubtful; perplexed

    2. confused (verb) addled; balled up; befuddled; bewildered; confused; distracted; dizzied; fuddled; mixed up; muddled; mulled; threw off/thrown off; threw out/thrown out

    3. rocked (verb) agitated; bothered; discomposed; dismayed; disquieted; disturbed; flurried; perturbed; rocked; ruffled; shook; tossed; unhinged; unsettled; upset

    English-Russian base dictionary > flustered

  • 5

    1. a сбитый с толку, смущённый, встревоженный; расстроенный

    2. a обезумевший

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. distraught (adj.) distrait; distraught; distressed; frenzied; harassed; panicked; tormented; troubled; worried

    2. confused (verb) addled; balled up; befuddled; bewildered; confused; dizzied; flustered; fuddled; mixed up; muddled; mulled; threw off/thrown off; threw out/thrown out

    4. maddened (verb) crazed; deranged; frenzied; maddened; unbalanced; unhinged

    English-Russian base dictionary > distracted

  • 6

    a разг. подвыпивший

    Синонимический ряд:

    confused (verb) addled; balled up; befuddled; bewildered; confounded; confused; distracted; dizzied; flustered; mix up; mixed up; muddled; mulled; perplexed; threw; threw off/thrown off; threw out/thrown out

    English-Russian base dictionary > fuddled

  • 7

    1. a смущённый, сбитый с толку; поражённый

    2. a эмоц. -усил. отъявленный

    3. a эмоц. -усил. проклятый

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. aghast (adj.) agape; aghast; dismayed; dumbfounded; overwhelmed; shocked; thunderstruck

    2. confused (adj.) baffled; bewildered; confused; doubtful; dumfounded; mystified; nonplussed

    3. embarrassed (adj.) abashed; chagrined; disconcerted; embarrassed; mortified; put-out

    4. utter (adj.) absolute; accursed; all-fired; arrant; black; blamed; blank; blankety-blank; blasted; bleeding; blessed; blighted; blinding; blithering; blue; complete; consummate; crashing; cursed; cussed; dad-blamed; dad-blasted; dad-burned; damn; damnable; damned; dang; darn; dashed; deuced; doggone; double-distilled; double-dyed; dratted; durn; execrable; goldarn; infernal; perishing; so-and-so; utter

    5. discomforted (verb) abashed; chagrined; discomfited; discomforted; disconcerted; discountenanced; embarrassed; fazed; mortified; put out; rattled

    6. disproved (verb) broke/broken; confuted; controverted; disproved; everted; rebutted; refuted

    7. mistook/mistaken (verb) confused; mistook/mistaken; mixed; mixed up

    8. puzzled (verb) befogged; bewildered; perplexed; posed; puzzled; stumbled

    9. stumped (verb) baffled; confounded; nonplussed; stumped

    10. threw (verb) addled; befuddled; dizzied; fuddled; mistaken; mix up; threw

    English-Russian base dictionary > confounded

  • 8

    1. a ошибочный

    2. a неправильно понятый

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. off (adj.) confused; erroneous; fallacious; false; imprecise; inaccurate; incorrect; inexact; misguided; misinformed; off; unsound; untrue; wrong

    4. mistaken (verb) misapprehended; misconceived; misconstrued; misinterpreted; misread; mistaken; misunderstood

    5. slipped (verb) erred; miscued; slipped; stumbled; tripped

    6. off (other) confused; erring; in error; off; wrong

    English-Russian base dictionary > mistaken

  • 9

    1. a потерянный, утраченный, пропавший

    lost data — потерянные данные; потерянная информация

    2. a напрасный; даром потраченный

    3. a погибший

    4. a заблудившийся

    5. a неиспользованный, пропущенный

    6. a забывшийся

    7. a безразличный

    8. a проигранный

    9. a поэт. потерпевший поражение, разбитый

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. abstracted (adj.) absentminded; abstracted; bemused; distrait; faraway; inconscient

    2. confused (adj.) absent; bewildered; confused; perplexed; preoccupied; puzzled

    3. defeated (adj.) beaten; defeated; forfeited; vanquished

    4. depraved (adj.) abandoned; condemned; damned; depraved; dissolute; doomed; fated; irreclaimable; irredeemable; licentious

    5. extinct (adj.) bygone; dead; defunct; departed; destroyed; extinct; ruined; vanished

    6. missing (adj.) gone; irrevocable; lacking; missed; missing; passed

    7. wasted (adj.) dissipated; misspent; shot; squandered; wasted

    8. deprived (verb) bereaved or bereft; deprived; disinherited; dispossessed; divested; ousted; robbed

    9. dropped (verb) dropped; forfeited; lost out; sacrificed

    10. lost (verb) eluded; evaded; lost; shook; throw off

    13. rid (verb) cleared; rid; shook off/shaken off; unburdened

    14. shook/shaken (verb) shook/shaken; slipped; threw off/thrown off

    Антонимический ряд:

    found; honourable; pure

    English-Russian base dictionary > lost

  • 10

    1. a приведённый в беспорядок, спутанный

    2. a расстроенный, нарушенный

    3. a спец. разупорядоченный; неупорядоченный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. confused (adj.) chaotic; confused; helter-skelter; jumbled; mixed; mixed-up; muddled; topsy-turvy; upside-down

    2. displaced (adj.) deranged; dislocated; disorganized; displaced; in a jumble; in disorder; misplaced; out of kilter; out of place

    3. disrupted (adj.) disarranged; disorganised; disrupted

    4. incoherent (adj.) disconnected; discontinuous; disjointed; inchoate; incoherent; incohesive; unconnected; uncontinuous; unorganized

    5. insane (adj.) bedlamite; brainsick; crackbrained; cracked; crazed; crazy; cuckoo; daffy; daft; demented; distraught; insane; lunatic; mad; maniac; mindless; non compos mentis; nuts; nutsy; nutty; reasonless; screwy; teched; unbalanced; unsane; unsound; wacky; witless; wrong

    6. deranged (verb) confused; deranged; disarrayed; discomposed; disjointed; dislocated; disorganised; disorganized; disrupted; distempered; disturbed; jumbled; mess up; messed up; mix up; mixed up; muddled; mussed up; rummaged; scrambled; shuffled; sickened; snarled; tumbled; turned; unhinged; unsettled; upset

    7. messed (verb) disarranged; dishevelled; disordered; messed; mussed; rumpled; tousled

    English-Russian base dictionary > disordered

  • 11

    1. a смешанный, перемешанный

    2. a смешанный; разнородный

    3. a смешанный; для людей обоего пола

    mixed school — школа совместного обучения, смешанная школа

    4. a фон. среднего подъёма

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. commingled (adj.) assimilated; coed; coeducational; combined; commingled; joined; merged; mingled; united

    2. confused (adj.) confused; disordered; jumbled

    3. miscellaneous (adj.) assorted; chowchow; conglomerate; different; diverse; diversified; heterogeneous; indiscriminate; miscellaneous; motley; multifarious; promiscuous; sundry; unassorted; unsorted; varied; variegated; various

    4. admixed (verb) admixed; amalgamated; blended; combined; commingled; compounded; fused; immixed; intermingled; intermixed; made up; melded; merged; mingled; mixed; stirred

    5. mistook/mistaken (verb) confounded; confused; mistook/mistaken; mixed up

    English-Russian base dictionary > mixed

  • 12

    1. a ясный, светлый

    2. a чистый, прозрачный

    3. a зеркальный

    4. a отчётливый, ясный

    5. a звонкий, отчётливый, чистый

    6. a отчётливый, внятный; чёткий

    7. a ясный, понятный; не вызывающий сомнений

    8. a светлый, ясный, логический

    9. a свободный, незанятый; беспрепятственный

    clear line — свободный путь; свободный перегон

    clear area — свободная область; чистый участок

    10. a чистый; здоровый

    clean clear coated: ?? — чистое и четкое изображение «СЗ»

    11. a полный, целый; весь

    12. a абсолютный, совершенный, полный

    13. a тех. незадевающий; свободно проходящий

    14. a клер, нешифрованный текст

    in clear — клером, в незашифрованном виде, открытым текстом

    15. adv ясно

    16. adv эмоц. -усил. совсем, совершенно; целиком; начисто

    17. adv в стороне от

    18. adv спорт. чисто

    19. v очищать

    20. v очищаться, становиться ясным, чистым; делаться прозрачным

    21. v объяснить, разъяснить, пролить свет

    22. v освобождать, очищать; убирать, устранять препятствия

    23. v оправдывать; очищать от подозрений

    24. v взять, преодолеть препятствие

    25. v едва не задеть, избежать

    26. v воен. вывозить, эвакуировать

    27. v распутывать

    28. v разгружать

    29. v заплатить долг, произвести расчёт; оплатить

    30. v банк. производить клиринг чеков или векселей; производить расчёт по векселям или чекам через расчётную палату

    очищать от пошлин; выполнять таможенные формальности

    31. v ком. получать чистую прибыль

    32. v распродавать, устраивать распродажи

    33. v дать допуск к секретной работе

    34. v спорт. отбить

    35. v спец. осветлять; очищать

    36. v тел. разъединять

    37. v амер. согласовать

    38. v расшифровывать, декодировать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. apparent (adj.) apparent; evident; explicit; indisputable; manifest; noticeable; obvious; open-and-shut; openhanded; palpable; patent; plain; sharp; straightforward; unambiguous; unequivocal; univocal; unmistakable; unsubtle

    2. bare (adj.) bare; devoid; empty; stark; vacant; vacuous; void

    3. bright (adj.) bright; brilliant; crystal-clear; crystalline; limpid; lucid; pellucid; see-through; translucent; transparent

    4. certain (adj.) alert; assured; certain; convinced; discerning; keen; positive; strong; sure; unconfused

    5. clear-cut (adj.) clear-cut; crystal; lucent; luculent; luminous; perspicuous; tralucent; translucid; transpicuous; unblurred

    6. decided (adj.) decided; definite; pronounced; unquestionable

    7. distinct (adj.) articulate; comprehensible; conspicuous; distinct; intelligible; legible; perceptible; visible

    8. fair (adj.) calm; clarion; cloudless; fair; fine; pacific; pleasant; quiet; rainless; serene; sunny; sunshine; sunshining; sunshiny; unclouded; undarkened; untroubled

    9. free (adj.) disengaged; free; limitless; open; unencumbered; unfastened; unfettered; unhampered; unhindered; unimpeded; unobstructed

    10. innocent (adj.) absolved; acquitted; excused; exonerated; innocent; irreproachable; not guilty; vindicated

    11. unblemished (adj.) clean; immaculate; pure; smooth; spotless; unblemished; undefiled; unsullied

    12. unbroken (adj.) faultless; flawless; unbroken; unmarked

    13. unimpeded (adj.) open; unimpeded; unobstructed

    14. absolve (verb) absolve; acquit; disculpate; exculpate; excuse; exonerate; pardon; resolve; vindicate

    18. clarify (verb) clarify; clear up; elucidate; explain; illuminate; illustrate

    19. clean (verb) clean; police; spruce; straighten; tidy

    20. cleanse (verb) blank out; cleanse; erase; expurgate; purge; purify; wash; wipe clean

    21. clear off (verb) clear off; discharge; liquidate; pay up; quit; satisfy; settle; square

    22. extricate (verb) clear away; cut away; discumber; disembarrass; disembroil; disencumber; disengage; disentangle; disentwine; extricate; remove obstructions; unentangle; unscramble; untangle; untie; untwine

    23. free (verb) clean out; drain; empty; evacuate; flush; free; open; unblock; vacate; void

    24. hurdle (verb) go over; hurdle; jump over; leap; negotiate; over; overleap; surmount; vault

    25. liberate (verb) emancipate; let go; liberate; set free; set loose; unchain; unfetter

    26. make (verb) clean up; gain; make; net; profit; realize

    28. pay (verb) bring in; draw; earn; gross; pay; produce; realise; repay; return; yield

    29. remove (verb) abolish; annihilate; blot out; eradicate; exterminate; extinguish; obliterate; remove; root out; rub out; snuff out; stamp out; uproot; wipe out

    30. rid (verb) lose; release; relieve; rid; shake; shake off; throw off; unburden

    31. vanish (verb) disappear; evanesce; evanish; evaporate; fade; vanish

    32. well (other) afond; altogether; completely; entirely; fully; perfectly; quite; right; roundly; thoroughly; utterly; well; wholly

    Антонимический ряд:

    accuse; ambiguous; befoul; clog; cloudy; condemned; confined; confused; contaminate; culpable; dark; deny; dim; disturbed; doubtful; dubious; embarrass; encumber; inaudible; lose; murky; obscure; obstruct; obstructed

    English-Russian base dictionary > clear

  • 13
    put out

    1. phr v вытягивать, высовывать

    2. phr v вывешивать

    3. phr v выкладывать

    4. phr v выносить; выгонять; выпускать

    5. phr v выкалывать

    6. phr v тушить, гасить

    7. phr v расходовать, тратить

    8. phr v вывихнуть

    9. phr v расстраивать, выбивать из колеи, выводить из равновесия

    10. phr v причинять неудобство; затруднять

    11. phr v выпускать; издавать

    12. phr v распространять

    13. phr v отдавать

    14. phr v давать под проценты

    15. phr v отправляться; выходить в море

    16. phr v выпускать, производить

    17. phr v спорт. запятнать, лишать возможности увеличить счёт

    18. phr v груб. «давать»

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. discomforted (verb) abashed; chagrined; confounded; confused; discomforted; disconcerted; embarrassed; fazed; mortified

    2. exert (verb) exercise; exert; ply; throw; wield

    3. exerted (verb) exercised; exerted; plied; threw; threw/thrown; wielded

    4. extinguish (verb) blow out; douse; extinguish; out; quench; smother; snuff out

    7. irritate (verb) aggravate; burn up; exasperate; gall; get; grate; huff; inflame; irritate; nettle; peeve; pique; provoke; rile; roil

    8. irritated (verb) aggravated; burned up or burnt up; exasperated; galled; got/got or gotten; grated; inflamed; irritated; nettled; peeved; piqued; provoked; riled; roiled

    9. issued (verb) bring out; got out/got out or gotten out; issued; published

    English-Russian base dictionary > put out

  • 14

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. addressed (verb) addressed; applied; bent; buckled down; devoted; directed; gave; turned

    3. cast (verb) cast; fired; flung; heaved or hove; hove; hurled; launched; shied; slung; tossed

    4. dizzied (verb) addled; befuddled; bewildered; confounded; confused; dizzied; fuddled; mix up; perplexed

    5. donned (verb) assumed; donned; drew on; got on; huddled on; put on; slipped on

    6. downed (verb) bring down; cut down; decked; downed; dropped; felled; flattened; floored; grounded; knock down; levelled; prostrated

    7. exerted (verb) exercised; exerted; plied; put out; wielded

    8. overcame (verb) conquered; hurdled; licked; mastered; overcame; surmounted

    9. projected (verb) emitted; irradiated; projected; radiated; shed

    English-Russian base dictionary > threw

  • 15

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. addressed (verb) addressed; applied; bent; buckled down; devoted; directed; given; turned

    3. cast (verb) cast; fired; flung; heaved; heaved or hove; hurled; launched; shied; slung; tossed

    4. dizzied (verb) addled; befuddled; bewildered; confounded; confused; dizzied; fuddled; mix up; perplexed

    5. donned (verb) assumed; donned; drawn on; got on or gotten on; huddled on; put on; slipped on

    6. downed (verb) bring down; cut down; decked; downed; dropped; felled; flattened; floored; grounded; knock down; levelled; prostrated

    7. exerted (verb) exercised; exerted; plied; put out; wielded

    8. overcome (verb) conquered; hurdled; licked; mastered; overcome; surmounted

    9. projected (verb) emitted; irradiated; projected; radiated; shed

    English-Russian base dictionary > thrown

  • 16

    1. a озадаченный; сбитый с толку

    2. a недоуменный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. confused (adj.) bewildered; confounded; confused; disconcerted; doubtful; dumfounded; mystified; nonplussed

    2. frustrated (verb) balked; beat/beaten; bilked; buffaloed; checked; checkmated; circumvented; dashed; defeated; disappointed; foiled; frustrated; ruined; stymied; thwarted

    English-Russian base dictionary > baffled

  • 17

    1. a ошеломлённый, недоумевающий; сбитый с толку, растерянный

    2. a запутанный, сложный

    3. a спутанный, перепутанный, запутанный; переплетённый

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. bewildered (adj.) baffled; bewildered; confounded; confused; mystified; puzzled; stumped; troubled; uncertain

    2. involved (adj.) complicated; confusing; disorganised; disorganized; entangled; intricate; involved; jumbled bewildering; snarled

    3. tangled (verb) complicated; embarrassed; entangled; mix up; muddled; raveled or ravelled; ravelled; snarled; tangled

    4. threw (verb) addled; befogged; befuddled; bewildered; confounded; confused; dizzied; fuddled; posed; puzzled; stumbled; threw

    English-Russian base dictionary > perplexed

  • 18

    1. смотка; сматывание; намоточный; намотка

    2. наматывать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. confused (adj.) appalled; astonished; bewildered; confused; dazed; disconcerted; puzzled; thunderstruck

    2. dizzy (adj.) dizzy; giddy; light-headed; vertiginous; woozy

    3. commotion (noun) agitation; commotion; convulsion; disorder; disturbance; turbulence

    4. reeling (verb) faltering; lurching; reeling; staggering; stumbling; teetering; tottering; weaving; wheeling; wobbling

    5. swimming (verb) spinning; swimming; swirling; turning; whirling

    English-Russian base dictionary > reeling

  • 19

    спотыкаться; запинаться

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. demurred (verb) balked; boggled; demurred; gagged; jibbed; scrupled; shied; stickled; strained; stuck

    2. happened (verb) bumped; chanced; happened; hit; lighted or lit; met; tumbled

    3. limped (verb) fumbled; limped; muddled; shuffled; staggered

    4. lumbered (verb) barged; clumped; galumphed; lumbered; stumped

    5. puzzled (verb) befogged; bewildered; confounded; confused; perplexed; posed; puzzled

    6. slipped (verb) erred; miscued; mistaken; slipped; tripped

    7. teetered (verb) blundered; bumbled; faltered; floundered; lurched; reeled; teetered; toppled; tottered; wallowed; wobbled; wove

    English-Russian base dictionary > stumbled

  • 20

    a сложный, запутанный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. absorbed (adj.) absorbed; captivated; engrossed; enthralled; fascinated; immersed; mesmerised; mesmerized; preoccupied; wrapped up

    2. complex (adj.) Byzantine; complex; complicated; confused; convoluted; daedal; elaborate; entangled; gordian; intricate; knotty; labyrinthine; multifarious; perplexing; sophisticated; tangled

    3. implicated (adj.) affected; caught up in; concerned; embroiled; immersed in; implicated; in trouble; incriminated; interested; mixed up in

    4. applied (verb) appertained; applied; bear on; concerned; pertained; referred; related

    7. had (verb) comprehended; comprised; consist of; contained; embodied; embraced; encompassed; had; included; subsumed; take in; took in/taken in

    9. took (verb) asked; call for; demanded; necessitated; required; took

    English-Russian base dictionary > involved

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    From the verb confuse: (⇒ conjugate)
    confused is: Click the infinitive to see all available inflections
    v past
    v past p

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    con•fused /kənˈfyuzd/USA pronunciation  

      1. hard to understand; mixed up;
        unclear:Your writing seems confused.
      2. (of a person) having difficulty understanding or doing something:The two confused tourists got lost in the mall.

      con•fus•ed•ly /kənˈfyuzɪdli/USA pronunciation  adv. 
      con•fus•ed•ness, n. [uncountable]

    Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

    conˈfused /kənˈfjuːzd/ adj

    1. feeling or exhibiting an inability to understand; bewildered; perplexed
    2. in a disordered state; mixed up; jumbled
    3. lacking sufficient mental abilities for independent living, esp through old age

    confusedly /kənˈfjuːzɪdlɪ -ˈfjuːzd-/ adv conˈfusedness n

    WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

    con•fuse /kənˈfyuz/USA pronunciation  
    v. [+ object], -fused, -fus•ing. 

    1. to cause to make a mistake;
      mix up: The flood of questions confused me.
    2. to make hard to understand, unclear, or indistinct:Let’s not confuse matters.
    3. to fail to distinguish between (two things):I always confuse the twins.[+ object + with + object]I always confuse one twin with the other.

      confuse is a verb, confusion is a noun, confused and confusing are adjectives:All those numbers just confused me. The airport was a scene of confusion. Confused students looked at one another nervously. It was a confusing homework problem.

    WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

    (kən fyo̅o̅z),USA pronunciation v.t., -fused, -fus•ing. 

    1. to perplex or bewilder:The flood of questions confused me.
    2. to make unclear or indistinct:The rumors and angry charges tended to confuse the issue.
    3. to fail to distinguish between; associate by mistake;
      confound:to confuse dates; He always confuses the twins.
    4. to disconcert or abash:His candor confused her.
    5. to combine without order;
      disorder:Try not to confuse the papers on the desk.
    6. [Archaic.]to bring to ruin or naught.
    • Latin confūsus, past participle of confundere; see confound
    • Anglo-French confus (with -eded2 maintaining participial sense)
    • back formation from confused (since early 19th century), Middle English confused

    con•fusa•ble, adj. 
    con•fus′a•bili•ty, n. 
    con•fusa•bly, adv. 

    (kən fyo̅o̅zid lē, -fyo̅o̅zd-),USA pronunciation adv. 

    con•fused•ness, n. 

      • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged mystify, nonplus.
        Confuse, disconcert, embarrass imply temporary interference with the clear working of one’s mind.
        To confuse is to produce a general bewilderment:to confuse someone by giving complicated directions.To disconcert is to disturb one’s mind by irritation, perplexities, etc.:to disconcert someone by asking irrelevant questions.To embarrass is to cause one to be ill at ease or uncomfortable, so that one’s usual judgment and presence of mind desert one:to embarrass someone by unexpected rudeness.
      • 4.See corresponding entry in Unabridged mortify, shame.
      • 5.See corresponding entry in Unabridged disarray, disarrange, disturb.

    Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

    confuse /kənˈfjuːz/ vb (transitive)

    1. to bewilder; perplex
    2. to mix up (things, ideas, etc); jumble
    3. to make unclear: he confused his talk with irrelevant details
    4. to fail to recognize the difference between; mistake (one thing) for another
    5. to disconcert; embarrass
    6. to cause to become disordered: the enemy ranks were confused by gas

    Etymology: 18th Century: back formation from confused, from Latin confūsus mingled together, from confundere to pour together; see confound

    conˈfusable adj n

    confused‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

    смущать, смешивать, сбивать с толку, спутывать, создавать путаницу


    - смущать, приводить в замешательство

    to confuse a pupil by difficult questions — смутить ученика трудными вопросами

    - смешивать, спутывать

    to confuse two authors of the same name — спутать двух писателей с одинаковой фамилией
    to confuse two words of similar spelling — спутать два слова с одинаковым написанием
    to confuse money with happiness — отождествлять богатство и счастье

    - запутывать, усложнять

    stop confusing the issue — перестаньте запутывать вопрос

    Мои примеры


    the kind of pigheaded person who seems to believe that facts only confuse an issue — из тех упрямцев, который, похоже, считают, что факты только запутывают проблему  
    blend confuse — смешивать  
    confuse a pupil by difficult questions — смутить ученика трудными вопросами  
    confuse an issue — внести путаницу в проблему; внести путаницу в вопрос  
    confuse money with happiness — отождествлять богатство и счастье  
    confuse opposing radar — вводить в заблуждение РЛС противника; дезинформировать РЛС противника  
    confuse principles — смешивать принципы  
    confuse the enemy — приводить противника в замешательство  
    confuse the issue — наводить тень на ясный день; внести путаницу в вопрос  
    confuse the leads — перепутать провод  
    confuse the reader — поставить читателя в затруднительное положение  

    Примеры с переводом

    I always confuse him with his brother.

    Я всегда путаю этого человека с его братом.

    You must be confusing me with someone else.

    Вы, должно быть, путаете меня с кем-то другим.

    These questions confuse even the experts

    Эти вопросы приводят в замешательство даже специалистов.

    I always confuse you with your sister — you look so alike.

    Я всегда путаю вас с вашей сестрой – вы очень похожи.

    The teacher confused the student with too many questions.

    Преподаватель засыпал студента вопросами, чем окончательно сбил его с толку.

    We in reality confuse wealth with money.

    На деле мы путаем богатство с деньгами.

    The general was trying to confuse the enemy.

    Генерал пытался запутать / сбить с толку врага.

    ещё 10 примеров свернуть

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    Don’t confuse the voters. Keep to the message.

    Be sure to carefully label the switches so that you don’t confuse them.

    …they liked to clothe the twins in identical outfits just to confuse people…

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    Возможные однокоренные слова

    confused  — спутанный, смущенный, сбивчивый, беспорядочный, поставленный в тупик
    confusion  — путаница, замешательство, беспорядок, смятение, беспорядки, смущение, неразбериха
    confusing  — смущать, смешивать, сбивать с толку, спутывать, создавать путаницу
    confusable  — очень похожий, с трудом различимый, ведущий к путанице

    Формы слова

    I/you/we/they: confuse
    he/she/it: confuses
    ing ф. (present participle): confusing
    2-я ф. (past tense): confused
    3-я ф. (past participle): confused

    If you are confused about something, you can’t think clearly. If your new friend keeps impossibly showing up in different outfits, you’ll be confused until you discover she has an identical twin.

    Confuse is a modern verb, the old form being confound which means «to bring to ruin or disorder.» When you are confused, what’s ruined is your sense of the order of things. If you return to a city where you used to live, and a dog grooming store has replaced your apartment and a dump has replaced the park, you’ll feel emotionally confused. If you think that Tom is Harry and Harry is Tom, you’ve confused them in your mind.

    Definitions of confused

    1. adjective

      mentally confused; unable to think with clarity or act intelligently

      “the flood of questions left her bewildered and


      addlebrained, addlepated, muddleheaded, puddingheaded

      stupid and confused

      addled, befuddled, muddled, muzzy, woolly, woolly-headed, wooly, wooly-minded

      confused and vague; used especially of thinking

      befogged, befuddled

      stupefied by alcoholic drink


      mentally disordered

      dazed, stunned, stupefied, stupid

      in a state of mental numbness especially as resulting from shock


      stupefied or dizzied by something overpowering


      as if in a trance

      punch-drunk, silly, slaphappy

      dazed from or as if from repeated blows


      confused or disoriented as if intoxicated through taking a drug


      full of difficulty or confusion or bewilderment

    2. adjective

      perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment


      at sea, baffled, befuddled, bemused, bewildered, confounded, lost, mazed, mixed-up


      full of difficulty or confusion or bewilderment

    3. adjective

      having lost your bearings; confused as to time or place or personal identity


      disoriented, lost


      not having position or goal definitely set or ascertained

    4. adjective

      lacking orderly continuity

      confused set of instructions”

      confused dream about the end of the world”


      disconnected, disjointed, disordered, garbled, illogical, scattered, unconnected


      without logical or meaningful connection

    5. adjective

      thrown into a state of disarray or confusion

      confused mass of papers on the desk”


      broken, disordered, upset

      disorganised, disorganized

      lacking order or methodical arrangement or function

    DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘confused’.
    Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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    Hello English learners! Today, I want to tackle the difference between confused about and confused with. Let’s begin with the word confused, since it is in both phrases.

    The word confused is a verb that means to be unclear or to not be able to tell the difference between and object or an idea.

    For example:

    • I find quantum physics confusing. (I have a hard-time understanding quantum physics).

    The word about has several definitions. I often tell my students that the word about means a general idea or many topics within a subject.

    For example:

    • We were talking about Australia. (We could be talking about the government, economy or its people).

    About when used as a preposition (telling location) means in regard to.

    For example:

    • The professor’s lecture was about global warming.

    The word about could also mean close to or near.

    For example:

    • She is about the same age as her sister; I think she is a twin.

    About is also an adjective. As an adjective, about means close to in number.

    For example:

    • He is about 6 feet tall.

    The word about also can mean almost or nearly.

    For example:

    • I am about finished with my math homework.

    Believe it or not, about is also an adjective. This meaning is defined as moving around.

    For example:

    • The toddler was up and about when she should have been asleep.

    The word with means a relationship. When two things combine to become one the word with is great to use!

    For example:

    • She is with Joe now, she is not dating Ben anymore. 
    • I like coffee with milk. 
    • Do you take your tea with sugar?

    The word with can be used as a preposition. With can mean accompanying.

    For example:

    • Do you want to go with me to the movies?

    When used as a preposition the word with can also mean having (like a quality).

    For example:

    • The student is a person with excellent work ethic.

    So what about the difference between confused about and confused with?

    The main difference between the two is the scope of the subject in which you are talking about. In general, confused about is used when discussing a general concept.

    Here are some examples to help clear this up:

    • The student was confused about circles. (There are many different concepts that circles contain. We could be talking about the shape, area, circumference, diameter etc).
    • To say that the student does not get the general concept about circles it is more appropriate to use confused about in this case.
    • The young girl was confused about love. (Once again, there are many aspects about love, and to say in general it would be more common to use confused about).
    • They were confused about John. (Normally, when using confused about, more questions need to be asked to figure out what specifically is confusing).

    Sometimes, English is more about psychology, especially at an Intermediate and Advanced level, than about grammar.

    The word usage allows me to understand what the person is thinking.

    Often, when a person uses the words confused about, they might be unsure how to put their doubts or confusion into words.

    They don’t know exactly what they don’t understand or do not know how to express exactly the difficulty they are having with the concept.

    When someone says confused about, they are inviting the listener to investigate more.

    This might help them express their exact difficulty. On the other hand the phrase confused with has to do with a specific concept. Look at these examples to get a better understanding of the use of this phrase:

    • The young girl was confused with her feelings.
    • I am confused with how to find the area of a circle. 
    • I am confused with the aspect of a utopia.

    The person saying the sentence has narrowed down the topic. The speaker has a better understanding of where the problem originates from but might not know what the answer is.

    In English, you may also use the phrase confuse with. This means you are unable to tell the two apart.

    For example:

    • I often confuse Mary with her twin.

    The difference between confused about and confused with is very small, but it gives an Intermediate or Advanced English speaker a clue on how to answer your doubt.

    Keep practicing and you will be able to get the hang of it. Try the comment box below. Write your own sentences to practice.

    Check out our blog at for more posts!


    - perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment (syn: befuddled, bemused, bewildered, confounded, lost, mixed-up)

    bewildered and confused

    - lacking orderly continuity (syn: disconnected, disjointed, disordered, illogical, scattered, unconnected)

    a confused set of instructions
    a confused dream about the end of the world

    - having lost your bearings; confused as to time or place or personal identity (syn: disoriented, lost)
    - thrown into a state of disarray or confusion (syn: broken, disordered, upset)

    a confused mass of papers on the desk

    Extra examples

    I’ve never been so confused.

    We’re confused about what to do next.

    He gave a confused speech denying the accusations.

    I was confused to learn of his latest decision.

    I’m totally confused. Could you explain that again?

    If you’re confused about anything, phone me.

    All the roads looked the same and he felt thoroughly confused.

    Witness statements presented a confused picture of the incident.

    She assumed from his expression that he was confused.

    …a writer of considerable perception, she remembers how it feels to be confused and insecure…

    The new evidence only confused matters further.

    We were confused by the ambiguous wording of the message.

    …a convoluted explanation that left the listeners even more confused than they were before…

    He felt confused and hopeless after losing his job.

    …police were concerned that the mimic gun, although intended only as a toy, might be confused with the real thing in certain situations…


    adjective прилагательное

















    1. запутанный

    2. беспорядочный

    3. бестолковый

    4. неясный

    participle причастие
















    1. смущенный

    2. сбитый с толку

    3. перепутанный

    4. сбитый

    5. спутанный

    6. путаемый

    7. дезориентированный

    8. замороченный

    Частота употребления

    Кол-во употреблений confused на 1 миллион слов: 23.

    Примеры предложений

    Tom was so confused that he didn’t even know what question to ask.
    Том был так растерян, что даже не знал, какой вопрос задать.

    I’m often confused with my brother.
    Меня часто путают с моим братом.

    Tom was confused by Mary’s request.
    Просьба Мэри смутила Тома.

    I think you’ve confused me with someone else.
    Думаю, вы меня с кем-то спутали.

    You must have me confused with someone else.
    Вы меня, должно быть, с кем-то перепутали.

    My doctor told me to pee in a cup, but I got confused and peed in his ashtray.
    Мой врач сказал, чтобы я пописал в банку, но я растерялся и пописал в его пепельницу.

    Mother never confused us.
    Мать никогда не путала нас.

    I confused her with her sister.
    Я спутал её с сестрой.

    You must have me confused with somebody else.
    Вы меня, должно быть, с кем-то перепутали.

    I am often confused with my brother.
    Меня часто путают с моим братом.

    I was confused by the expression on her face.
    Я был озадачен выражением её лица.

    Tom looks utterly confused.
    Том выглядит крайне смущенным.

    She confused a cup of tea with a bottle of vodka.
    Она перепутала чашку чая с бутылкой водки.

    Everyone looked confused and terrified.
    Все выглядели смущёнными и испуганными.

    I’m confused about my feelings.
    Я запутался в собственных чувствах.

    His words confused me.
    Его слова смутили меня.

    I think you’ve got me confused with someone else.
    Думаю, Вы меня с кем-то перепутали.

    Tom is confused and scared.
    Том смущён и напуган.

    I’m still confused.
    Я всё ещё в замешательстве.

    I’m feeling confused.
    Я в растерянности.

    I’m a little confused.
    Я немного смущен.

    I confused Mary with her sister.
    Я перепутал Мэри с её сестрой.

    Tom looked like he was confused.
    Том выглядел смущённым.

    Tom got confused.
    Том запутался.

    Tom is a bit confused.
    Том немного смущён.

    They were very confused.
    Они были очень смущены.

    She looks confused.
    Она выглядит смущённой.

    I was frightened and confused.
    Я был испуган и растерян.

    You’re no doubt confused, Tom.
    Несомненно, ты в замешательстве, Том.

    We’re a little confused.
    Мы слегка обескуражены.

    •  0
    •  46,790

    I would like to know when do you use i’m confuse and i’m confused. Do you say i’m confused, even though i’m still unsure about the situation or answer that i was given? Is this correct: i’m still confused? If so, then why? Why it’s in past tense when you are still unsure about it?

    Thank you so much.

    • anonymous
    •   answer


    Perhaps you are confused because you are trying to change the verb tense of a non-verb (is it an adjective?).

    I think the tense change comes from another word:

    Present: I AM confused (I’m confused) ………still

    Past: I WAS confused……not any more

    Future: I WILL BE confused…..not yet

    • anonymous
    • add a comment

    When you use confuse as a verb (without the am,was, will be…..):

    Present: I confuse you now.

    Past: I confused you yesterday.

    Future: I will confuse you tomorrow.

    In this case, you are DOING the confusion. You are not BEING in a state of being confused.

    • anonymous
    • add a comment

    Anonymous is correct, in the context which you are using «confused» it is not a verb; it can be an adjective or an adverb. There is a verb also, «to confuse.»

    So, if you say «I am confused,» or «You look confused,» it is not the verb. Your verbs in those two sentences are «am» and «look,» respectively. But if you say «That confuses me,» or «Don’t confuse me with someone else,» then you are using the verb forms of «confuse.» Then you could say «You confused me for a moment.» That is past tense, meaning that something the person did or said was confusing to you, but not anymore.

    Yes, «I’m still confused.» is a perfectly valid sentence, because your verb there is «am» (remember «I’m» is a contraction of the words «I am»). The form for this sentence, if you are no longer unsure, is «I was confused.»

    I hope this is helpful to you.


    • sbolton
    • add a comment

    Many, many verbs work this way.

    You are confusing me. I am confused.

    You are scaring me. I am scared.

    You are boring me! I am so bored!

    He intimindates me. I am intimidated.

    • BarbaraPA
    • add a comment

    It seems like people completely misunderstood the question (which is also why I came here).
    The question was : which one to use ? «I’m confuse» or «I’m confused » ?
    When I hear people talk ,or on TV ,I always hear «I’m confuse» and I’m not deaf nor have no hearing problems .
    And I also hear for instance «Now I’m confused» .
    What goes for what ,when ?

    • anonymous
    • add a comment

    I am confused is correct. I am confuse is wrong.
    Many speakers don’t pronounce the final d distinctly, so it sounds like I am confuse, and because it sounds like I am confuse there are many people who mistakenly write it this way. It’s wrong, though.

    • Blue Jay
    • add a comment

    Confused is an adjective here, not a verb. Never say I confused. You need to insert a form of the verb «to be» between I and confused. Examples: I am confused. I was confused.

    the same applies with other adjectives, like tired sleepy, or cold. I am tired. I was tired. I am sleepy. I was sleepy. I am cold. I was cold.

    • anonymous
    • add a comment
    • teal olive
    • add a comment

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