Is the word conclusion a noun

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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Asked by: Ezekiel Kerluke

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conclusion noun — Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes.

What is the noun form of conclusion?

conclusion. The end, finish, close or last part of something. The outcome or result of a process or act. A decision reached after careful thought.

Is conclusion a common noun?

‘Conclusion’ is a noun. Nouns are words that stand for people, places, ideas, or things. A conclusion is a thing. Since it isn’t a specific name,…

Can Ending be a noun?

ending used as a noun:

A termination or conclusion. The last part of something.

What type of word is in conclusion?

It’s a type of transitional word, which are words such as first, next, or finally. Transitional words are like bridges between thoughts. The word conclusion comes from the Latin concludere, which combines con-, «completely,» and claudere, «to shut.»

30 related questions found

What is the verb of conclusion?

conclude. / (kənˈkluːd) / verb (mainly tr) (also intr) to come or cause to come to an end or conclusion. (takes a clause as object) to decide by reasoning; deducethe judge concluded that the witness had told the truth.

What is an example of a conclusion?

For example, if you write a paper about zoo animals, each paragraph would probably be about one particular animal. In your conclusion, you should briefly mention each animal again. “Zoo animals like polar bears, lions, and giraffes are amazing creatures.” Leave your readers with something to think about.

Is ending a verb or noun?

«End» and «ending» can both be used as verbs, but they can also be nouns.

Is the word end a noun or verb?

An end is a conclusion or a last part of a long object. To end is to cease. The word end has many other senses as a verb, noun, and adjective and is used in several idioms. End is a very general word that means a conclusion or a part that is near the conclusion.

What kind of noun is the word end?

end used as a noun:

Final point.

What is the adjective for conclusion?

(obsolete) Conclusive; convincing; decisive. Finishing; closing; final.

What is a conclusion sentence?

What is a Concluding Sentence? The conclusion is the last sentence in your paragraph. … — Wrap up your paragraph. — Consider using transition words to signify the end of your paragraph.

What is the conclusion of a project?

A conclusion is the final piece of writing in a research paper, essay, or article that summarizes the entire work. The conclusion paragraph should restate your thesis, summarize the key supporting ideas you discussed throughout the work, and offer your final impression on the central idea.

Which phrase does mean conclusion?

The phrase in conclusion means «finally, to sum up,» and is used to introduce some final comments at the end of a speech or piece of writing. The phrase jump to conclusions means «to come to a judgment without enough evidence.» A foregone conclusion is an outcome that seems certain.

What is the synonym of conclusion?

In this page you can discover 86 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for conclusion, like: wrap-up, summing-up, resolution, finish, commencement, end, judgment, corollary, deduction, decision and consummation.

What is the scientific definition of conclusion?

A conclusion is a statement based on experimental measurements and observations. It includes a summary of the results, whether or not the hypothesis was supported, the significance of the study, and future research.

What is a verb ending in that is used as a noun?

A gerund is a verbal ending in -ing that functions as a noun.

What part of speech is only?

Only is an adjective or adverb.

What part of speech is the word end?

End is a word that can be more than one part of speech. If end refers to the final point of something, then it is a noun.

What is the verb of end?

Verb (1) close, end, conclude, finish, complete, terminate mean to bring or come to a stopping point or limit.

Is like an abstract noun?

Abstract nouns represent intangible ideas—things you can’t perceive with the five main senses. Words like love, time, beauty, and science are all abstract nouns because you can’t touch them or see them.

What is the noun form of noticed?

notice. (chiefly uncountable) The act of observing; perception. (countable) A written or printed announcement. (countable) A formal notification or warning. (chiefly uncountable) Advance notification of termination of employment, given by an employer to an employee or vice versa.

How many sentences are in a conclusion?

Key aspects to remember:

A strong essay conclusion consists of three sentences minimum. It concludes thoughts, not presents new ideas.

How long is a conclusion?

Most conclusion paragraphs are four to five sentences long and should average between 50–75 words. They should be long enough to get your point across, but short enough that you’re not rehashing every idea you’ve ever had on the subject. Conclusion paragraphs begin by revisiting the main idea definition.

How do you start a conclusion example?

Examples of conclusion paragraph starter words and phrases include:

  1. all things considered.
  2. clearly.
  3. given these points.
  4. I feel we have no choice but to conclude.
  5. in conclusion.
  6. in drawing to a close.
  7. in general.
  8. in light of this information.

заключение, вывод, завершение, окончание, результат, умозаключение, исход


- окончание, завершение

the conclusion of a speech — заключительная часть /окончание/ речи
in conclusion — в заключение
to bring to a conclusion — довести до конца, завершить
in conclusion I’d like to say … — в заключение я хочу сказать, что …

- заключение

conclusion of truce [of peace] — заключение перемирия [мира]

- (умо)заключение, вывод

to draw a conclusion — делать вывод
to arrive at /to reach/ a conclusion — прийти к заключению
to jump to /at/ a conclusion, to rush to a conclusion — делать поспешный вывод

- лог. вывод силлогизма
- исход, результат

what will be the conclusion of all this? — каков будет результат всего этого?; чем всё это кончится?

- решение суда

conclusion of law — признание судом (какого-л.) факта или права, которое впоследствии не может быть опровергнуто

- заключительная часть или обобщение документа или аргументации в процессе

to try conclusions with smb. — вступать в спор /в состязание/ с кем-л.; сразиться с кем-л.

Мои примеры


the conclusion of a business deal — заключение сделки  
the conclusion of the peace treaty — заключение мирного договора  
a conclusion based on deductive reasoning — вывод на основе дедуктивного мышления  
to draw / make up a conclusion — делать вывод  
conclusion to the country — постановка стороной вопроса на разрешение присяжных  
to jump at conclusion — делать поспешный вывод  
to reach a conclusion — прийти к заключению  
to rush to conclusion — делать поспешный вывод  
to come to the contrary conclusion — прийти к противоположному выводу  
falsehood of the conclusion — ложность вывода, заключения  
to jump at a conclusion — делать поспешный вывод  
legitimate conclusion — логичное заключение  

Примеры с переводом

In conclusion I want to say…

В заключение я хочу сказать…

It’s important not to jump to conclusions.

Важно не спешить с выводами.

We came to much the same conclusion.

Мы пришли почти к тому же выводу.

The evidence allows only one conclusion.

Улики позволяют сделать лишь один вывод.

She drew the wrong conclusion from the meeting.

Она сделала неправильные выводы из этой встречи.

All men gladded themselves with this conclusion.

Все порадовались такому окончанию дела.

Those wise heads came to the conclusion that there was hope.

Эти мудрецы пришли к выводу, что надежда ещё есть.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): conclusion
мн. ч.(plural): conclusions

  • 1


    1) окончание; завершение; in conclusion в заключение; to bring to a conclusion завершать, доводить до конца

    2) заключение; conclusion of a treaty заключение договора

    3) умозаключение, вывод; to draw a conclusion делать вывод; to arrive at a conclusion прийти к заключению; to jump to (или at) a conclusion делать поспешный вывод; foregone conclusion предрешенное дело; предвзятое мнение

    4) исход, результат

    to try conclusions пробовать

    to try conclusions with smb. вступать в состязание с кем-л.

    * * *

    (n) вывод; завершение; заключение; заключительная часть; исход; окончание; результат; умозаключение

    * * *

    окончание, заключение, вывод

    * * *

    [con’clu·sion || -uːʒn]
    окончание, завершение, заключение, умозаключение, вывод, исход, результат

    * * *














    * * *

    1) а) умозаключение, вывод, дедуктивный вывод
    б) логика силлогистический вывод из определенного числа посылок
    2) закрытие
    3) а) итог
    б) юр. окончательное решение суда, окончательный вердикт

    Новый англо-русский словарь > conclusion

  • 2

    1. n окончание, завершение

    2. n заключение, вывод

    3. n лог. вывод силлогизма

    4. n исход, результат

    5. n юр. решение суда

    conclusion of law — признание судом факта или права, которое впоследствии не может быть опровергнуто

    6. n юр. заключительная часть или обобщение документа или аргументации в процессе

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. end (noun) cease; cessation; close; closing; closure; completion; consummation; culmination; desistance; desuetude; discontinuance; discontinuation; end; ending; finale; finish; last; period; stop; termination; terminus; windup

    2. end result (noun) arrangement; consequence; end result; issue; upshot; wind-up

    3. inference (noun) assumption; corollary; deduction; illation; inference; opinion; presumption; ratiocination; realisation; realization; sequitur; speculation; understanding

    4. judgement (noun) agreement; decision; determination; judgement; judgment; judicial opinion; outcome; resolution; result; settlement; verdict

    5. summary (noun) epilogue; recapitulation; summary; summation; summing up; synopsis; wrap-up

    Антонимический ряд:

    beginning; commencement; introduction; preamble; preface; prelude; start

    English-Russian base dictionary > conclusion

  • 3

    1. n голова

    2. n головной портрет, изображение головы

    3. n жизнь

    4. n ум, рассудок; способности

    a cool head — трезвый ум, рассудительный человек

    a hot head — горячая голова, горячий человек

    5. n переносимость, способность

    strong head — крепкая голова; способность много пить не пьянея

    6. n человек

    7. n голова скота

    8. n стадо; стая

    9. n с. -х. поголовье

    10. n амер. разг. головная боль

    11. n сл. рот

    12. n рога

    13. n уст. причёска; волосы

    14. n наркоман

    15. n фанатик, страстный поклонник, болельщик

    16. a верхний; передний; головной

    waste head — головная часть слитка, отрезаемая в отход

    17. a главный, старший

    head boy — старший префект, старший ученик, староста

    head girl — старший префект, старшая ученица, староста

    18. a встречный

    19. a предназначенный для ношения на голове; головной

    20. v возглавлять, стоять во главе; идти, стоять впереди

    sunk head — заголовок главы, помещенный ниже первой строки

    drop head — заголовок главы, помещённый ниже первой строки

    21. v превосходить; быть первым

    22. v озаглавливать; начинать

    23. v начинать, быть началом, открывать

    24. v направлять

    25. v направляться; держать курс

    26. v мешать, препятствовать

    27. v уступать дорогу

    28. v подниматься к истокам; обходить

    29. v двигаться навстречу

    30. v навлекать на себя, напрашиваться

    31. v брать начало, вытекать

    head record — паспортная запись в начале массива; запись-заголовок

    32. v насаживать, приделывать головку

    33. v завиваться, образовывать кочаны

    34. v колоситься

    35. v нарвать, созреть

    36. v достигать наивысшей, критической точки

    37. v срезать верхушку

    38. v снимать, обрезать

    39. v обезглавливать

    40. v отбивать мяч головой; играть головой

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. chief (adj.) chief; dominant; preeminent; superior

    2. leading (adj.) arch; cardinal; champion; first; foremost; front; leading; main; premier; principal; topmost

    3. aptitude (noun) aptitude; brain; gray matter; intelligence; mind; wit

    7. director (noun) director; foreman; manager; overseer; superintendent; supervisor

    8. foam (noun) fizz; foam; froth; lather; spume; suds

    9. gift (noun) aptness; bent; bump; faculty; flair; genius; gift; inclination; instinct; knack; nose; set; talent; turn

    11. headpiece (noun) headpiece; noddle; noggin; noodle; pate; poll; sconce

    12. leader (noun) administrator; boss; chief; chieftain; cock; commander; commander in chief; dominator; headman; hierarch; honcho; leader; master; principal

    14. promontory (noun) beak; bill; cape; foreland; headland; naze; ness; point; promontory

    15. subject (noun) argument; matter; motif; motive; subject; subject matter; text; theme; topic

    16. toilet (noun) convenience; john; johnny; latrine; lavatory; privy; toilet; water closet

    17. top (noun) acme; crest; crown; peak; summit; tip; top

    18. bear (verb) bear; go; light out; make; set out; strike out; take off

    19. behead (verb) behead; decapitate; decollate; guillotine; neck

    20. direct (verb) address; administer; administrate; aim; cast; command; direct; govern; incline; lay; lead; level; manage; oversee; point; precede; present; run; set; superintend; supervise; train; turn; zero in

    22. spring (verb) arise; birth; come from; derive from; emanate; flow; issue; originate; proceed; rise; spring; stem; upspring

    Антонимический ряд:

    attendant; base; basis; body; bottom; bulk; clerk; continuation; dependent; disciple; follow; follower; foot; footman; foundation; subordinate

    English-Russian base dictionary > head

  • 4

    1. n юр. разбирательство, слушание дела в суде

    2. n юр. приговор, решение суда

    3. n наказание, кара

    it is judgement on you for … — это тебе в наказание за …; это тебя бог наказал за то, что …

    4. n критика, осуждение

    5. n суждение, мнение, взгляд, оценка

    6. n рассудительность; здравый смысл

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. decision (noun) decision; decree; determination; edict; opinion; pronouncement; ruling; verdict

    3. estimate (noun) appraisal; assessment; estimate; estimation; evaluation; valuation

    6. understanding (noun) discernment; discretion; discrimination; intelligence; perspicacity; prudence; sagacity; sense; understanding; wisdom

    Антонимический ряд:

    consideration; evidence; investigation; proposition

    English-Russian base dictionary > judgement

  • 5

    1. приговор; решение суда; суждение; рассудительность; мнение; взгляд

    2. решение

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. analysis (noun) analysis; belief; deduction; interpretation; opinion

    3. discernment (noun) critical faculty; discernment; discretion; discrimination; insight; intuition; judicious reasoning; sagacity; taste; understanding

    4. estimate (noun) appraisal; appraisement; assessment; calculation; computation; estimate; estimation; evaluation; stock

    6. sense (noun) common sense; good sense; gumption; horse sense; sense; wisdom

    English-Russian base dictionary > judgment

  • 6

    1. n бот. зоол. диагноз

    2. n глубокое понимание, точное определение; оценка

    3. n диагностика, обнаружение, установление

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. analysis (noun) analysis; examination; investigation; scrutiny; study

    3. forecast (noun) forecast; guess; outlook; prediction; prognosis; prognostication; projection; prophecy

    English-Russian base dictionary > diagnosis

  • 7

    1. n спад, разрядка напряжения

    2. n разочарование

    3. n стил. антиклимакс, спад

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. comedown (noun) comedown; deflation; disappointment; letdown

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > anticlimax

  • 8

    1. n фр. развязка

    2. n фр. завершение, исход

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. conclusion (noun) anticlimax; climax; conclusion; end; finale; outcome; result

    2. resolving (noun) answering; end result; explanation; issue; resolution; resolving; solution

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > denouement

  • 9

    1. n находка, обнаружение, открытие

    2. n решение

    3. n вывод, заключение

    4. n полученные данные; добытые сведения

    5. n l

    6. n приклад

    7. n фурнитура

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. regaining (noun) recovery; regaining; reparation; repossession; rescue

    3. catching (verb) catching; descrying; detecting; encountering; espying; hitting on; hitting upon; meeting with; turning up

    4. come across (verb) chance on; come across; come on; happen on; light on; run across; run into; stumble on

    5. giving (verb) delivering; dishing out; dispensing; feeding; furnishing; giving; handing; handing over; providing; supplying; transferring; turning over

    English-Russian base dictionary > finding

  • 10

    1. n юр. решение, определение

    2. n решимость, решительность, твёрдость

    3. n спорт. победа по очкам

    4. n спорт. присуждение победы по очкам

    Синонимический ряд:

    conclusion (noun) conclusion; decidedness; decisiveness; decree; determination; finding; firmness; judgment; purposefulness; purposiveness; resoluteness; resolution; resolve; ruling; settlement; verdict; will

    Антонимический ряд:

    deferment; delay; indetermination; postponement; procrastination; vacillation

    English-Russian base dictionary > decision

  • 11

    1. n вывод, заключение; умозаключение

    2. n выведение

    3. n подразумеваемое, предполагаемое; предположение

    Синонимический ряд:

    conclusion (noun) conclusion; corollary; decision; deduction; illation; judgement; judgment; ratiocination; reason; sequitur; summation; supposition

    Антонимический ряд:

    evidence; foreboding; foresight; forethought; preconception; predilection; prejudgment; presentiment; proposition; statement; test

    English-Russian base dictionary > inference

  • 12

    1. n тк. g

    2. n протягивание

    3. n размах

    4. n досягаемость; доступность

    5. n радиус действия

    6. n дистанция удара

    7. n круг, уровень; кругозор; охват

    8. n круги; уровень

    9. n область

    10. n протяжение, пространство; полоса

    11. n колено реки; плёс; бьеф

    12. n прямой участок

    13. n ж. -д. длина плеча

    14. n перегон, этап

    15. n ездка

    16. n мор. галс

    17. v протягивать, вытягивать; простирать

    18. v вытягиваться, протягиваться

    19. v дотягиваться; тянуться

    20. v доставать, брать

    21. v разг. передавать, подавать

    reach me the mustard, please — передайте мне, пожалуйста, горчицу

    22. v простираться; доходить

    empire that reaches from … to … — империя, простирающаяся от … до …

    23. v охватывать

    24. v проникать, достигать

    25. v доходить

    26. v достигать; доезжать, доходить, добираться

    27. v прийти

    28. v арх. поэт. понимать, постигать

    29. v достичь, добиться

    30. v доживать; достигать

    31. v составлять; доходить, достигать

    32. v трогать, пронимать; производить впечатление; оказывать влияние

    33. v стремиться; добиваться, искать

    34. v разг. связаться; устанавливать контакт; сноситься, сообщаться; застать

    where can I reach you? — куда вам позвонить?; как можно с вами связаться?; где вас можно поймать?

    35. v проф. разг. попасть; задеть, ранить; нанести удар, ударить

    36. v амер. разг. «подъехать»; «обработать»

    37. v амер. разг. подкупить

    Синонимический ряд:

    3. range (noun) ambit; area; capacity; circle; compass; confines; dimensions; distance; extension; extensity; extent; gamut; horizon; influence; ken; length; magnitude; orbit; panorama; purview; radius; range; realm; scope; sphere; sweep; width

    4. arrive (verb) arrive; arrive at; come; come to; get; get in; get to; pull in; show; show up; turn up

    6. extend (verb) approach; carry; carry over; extend; go; lead; lunge; make; outstretch; overtake; spread; stretch

    7. gain (verb) accomplish; achieve; attain; gain; rack up; realise; realize; score; win

    8. number (verb) aggregate; amount; number; run; total

    Антонимический ряд:

    bungle; cease; drop; fail; leave; miss; start; stop

    English-Russian base dictionary > reach

  • 13

    1. n результат, следствие

    2. n цель; намерение

    3. n смысл; сущность, существо; содержание

    in effect — в сущности; по существу, фактически

    4. n действие, воздействие, влияние

    5. n действие, действенность; сила

    6. n осуществление, выполнение

    7. n эффект, впечатление

    for effect — для эффекта, напоказ; чтобы произвести впечатление

    8. n кино звуковое сопровождение кинофильма; шум

    9. n воен. огневое воздействие, убойность

    10. n тех. полезный эффект; производительность

    the answer was to the effect that … — они ответили, что …

    11. v осуществлять; совершать; выполнять; проводить; производить

    12. v заключать, оформлять

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. accomplishment (noun) accomplishment; execution; fulfillment; fulfilment; operation

    3. aftereffect (noun) aftereffect; aftermath; causatum; conclusion; consequence; corollary; end; end product; event; eventuality; fruit; harvest; issue; outcome; precipitate; purpose; result; sequel; sequence; upshot

    4. being (noun) actualisation; being; realisation

    5. effects (noun) assets; chattel; effects; possessions; property

    7. impact (noun) force; impact; impression; imprint; mark; repercussion

    8. influence (noun) effectiveness; efficiency; influence; potency

    9. significance (noun) import; intent; meaning; purport; significance; signification; tenor

    10. achieve (verb) accomplish; achieve; bring about; cause; complete; conclude; consummate; do; draw on; engender; exercise; fulfil; fulfill; induce; lead to; make; make happen; occasion; perform; produce; realise; realize; result in; secure

    11. execute (verb) bring off; carry out; carry through; effectuate; enforce; execute; implement; invoke; put through

    Антонимический ряд:

    abandon; beginning; cause; cease; commencement; fail; foundation; leave; neglect; omit; origin; overlook; prevent; quit; source

    English-Russian base dictionary > effect

  • 14

    1. n изучение, наблюдение

    2. n мор. наблюдение, обсервация

    3. n наблюдательность

    4. n обыкн. сведения, полученные путём наблюдений; результаты наблюдений; данные изучения или исследования

    5. n замечание, высказывание

    6. n соблюдение

    7. n измерение высоты или азимута небесного тела

    8. n воен. ближняя разведка

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. inspection (noun) examination; inspection; investigation; once-over

    4. notice (noun) aside; attention; cognisance; cognizance; comment; commentary; ear; heed; looking; mark; mention; note; notice; obiter dictum; observance; perception; regard; remark; speech; supervision; surveillance; utterance; view

    5. regarding (noun) attending; noticing; perceiving; recognizing; regarding; watching

    Антонимический ряд:

    ignorance; inadvertence; inattention; oversight; silence

    English-Russian base dictionary > observation

  • 15

    1. n вера, доверие

    2. n вера, убеждение

    3. n рел. вера, верование

    4. n разг. мнение, убеждение; понимание

    it is my belief that … — по-моему, по моему мнению

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. conviction (noun) assumption; assurance; certainty; conclusion; conviction; hypothesis; inference; interpretation; philosophy; postulate; theory

    4. creed (noun) article; canon; creed; doctrine; dogma; tenet; thought

    5. faith (noun) acceptance; assent; confidence; credence; credit; expectation; faith; hope; reliance; trust

    6. opinion (noun) eye; feeling; mind; notion; opinion; persuasion; position; sentiment; view

    Антонимический ряд:

    dissent; distrust; doubt; fact; knowledge; misgiving; reality; unbelief

    English-Russian base dictionary > belief

  • 16

    1. n конец, окончание

    happy end — счастливый конец; счастливая развязка

    to come to an end, to be at an end — прийти к концу, кончиться

    in the end — в конце концов, в конечном счёте

    end format — конец команды «формат», начало набора текста

    2. n конец, последняя, заключительная часть; завершение

    3. n смерть, кончина, конец

    4. n прекращение существования

    5. v кончать; заканчивать

    6. v кончаться, завершаться

    7. v прекращать

    8. v редк. кончиться, умереть

    9. v уст. прикончить, убить

    Синонимический ряд:

    3. butt (noun) bit; butt; fragment; remnant; scrap; shard

    4. cease (noun) attainment; bound; cease; cessation; close; closing; closure; completion; conclusion; consummation; denouement; desistance; desuetude; discontinuance; discontinuation; ending; epilogue; extreme; extremity; finale; finish; fulfillment; last; limit; limitation; period; stop; swan song; term; termination; terminus; windup; wrap-up

    6. view (noun) aim; design; drift; goal; intent; intention; meaning; object; objective; plan; point; purpose; reason; target; view

    7. close (verb) close; complete; conclude; consummate; crown; determine; do; finish; fulfil; fulfill; quit; terminate; ultimate; wind up; wrap up

    8. die (verb) depart; die; expire; pass away

    9. stop (verb) abort; cease; desist; discontinue; halt; pass; stop; vanish

    Антонимический ряд:

    accomplishment; begin; beginning; cause; commence; commencement; continue; enter upon; establish; found; foundation; front; inaugurate; inauguration; inception; initiate; initiation; introduction; start

    English-Russian base dictionary > end

  • 17

    1. n событие, важное явление; значительный факт

    2. n случай

    3. n мероприятие

    social event — неофициальная встреча; встреча друзей

    4. n спорт. соревнование

    5. n спорт. вид спорта

    6. n спорт. номер в программе состязания

    program event — программное событие; событие в программе

    7. n спорт. исход, результат

    8. n спорт. кино эпизод

    9. n спорт. тех. такт

    10. n спорт. физ. ядерное превращение

    11. n спорт. ком. распродажа по сниженным ценам

    12. n спорт. физ. событие, акт

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. effect (noun) aftereffect; aftermath; causatum; conclusion; consequence; corollary; effect; end product; fruit; harvest; issue; outcome; precipitate; result; sequel; sequence; upshot

    4. mishap (noun) accident; calamity; catastrophe; crisis; mischance; misfortune; mishap; mistake; predicament

    5. occurrence (noun) affair; case; circumstance; development; episode; eventuality; fact; go; happening; incident; news; occurrence; phenomenon; thing

    6. wonder (noun) adventure; celebration; holiday; marvel; miracle; triumph; wonder

    Антонимический ряд:

    contribution; convergence; inducement; operation; origin; predisposition; start

    English-Russian base dictionary > event

  • 18

    1. n выпуск, издание, опубликование

    2. n выпуск, издание; номер, экземпляр

    3. n выдача

    4. n эк. эмиссия, выпуск

    issue costs — расходы, связанные с эмиссией ценных бумаг

    5. n вытекание, истечение

    6. n выход, выходное отверстие

    7. n вопрос, проблема

    side issue — побочный, второстепенный, несущественный вопрос

    8. n юр. вопрос, составляющий предмет спора

    9. n исход; результат, итог

    10. n обыкн. эк. ценные бумаги; доходы, прибыли

    11. n мед. выделение

    12. n юр. потомок; потомство, дети

    13. v выпускать, издавать; пускать в обращение

    14. v выходить; издаваться

    15. v воен. отдавать приказы

    16. v выдавать

    17. v выходить, вытекать, исходить

    18. v кончаться, завершаться

    19. v обеспечивать, снабжать

    20. v юр. родиться, происходить

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. edition (noun) copy; edition; number; printing; publication; publishing

    2. effect (noun) aftereffect; aftermath; causatum; conclusion; consummation; corollary; effect; end; end product; event; eventuality; harvest; outcome; precipitate; result; sequel; sequence; upshot

    5. product (noun) brood; children; consequence; descendants; fruit; get; offspring; posterity; product; progeniture; progeny; scions; seed

    6. topic (noun) concern; crux; matter; nut; point; problem; question; topic

    8. emit (verb) discharge; emanate; emit; empty; flow; give off; give out; release; throw off; vent; void

    9. publish (verb) bring out; circulate; deliver; dispatch; dispense; distribute; get out; publish; put out; transcribe

    10. show (verb) appear; loom; materialise; show

    11. spring (verb) arise; birth; come; come from; derive; derive from; descend; head; originate; proceed; rise; spring; spurt; stem; upspring

    Антонимический ряд:

    retain; suppress

    English-Russian base dictionary > issue

  • 19

    1. n прыжок, скачок

    2. n скачок, внезапный подъём

    3. n спорт. соскок; вскок, наскок

    4. n прыжок с парашютом

    5. n вздрагивание

    6. n дрожь; подёргивание

    7. n разг. нервное возбуждение; волнение, страх

    8. n l

    9. n мед. хорея, виттова пляска

    10. n прост. белая горячка

    11. n амер. преимущество

    12. n сл. вечеринка с танцами

    13. n сл. музыка свинг

    14. n внезапный подъём воды

    15. n геол. дислокация жилы

    16. n горн. сброс, взброс

    17. n воен. угол вылета

    18. n амер. полигр. продолжение, перенесение на другую страницу

    jump over — продолжение, перенесённое на другую страницу

    19. n вчт. передача управления

    20. n кино дрожание, качание; неустойчивость

    21. n неприст. половой акт

    22. a сл. быстрый

    23. a сл. в стиле свинга

    24. v прыгать, скакать

    25. v прыгать с парашютом

    26. v вскакивать

    27. v вздрагивать

    28. v перепрыгивать, перескакивать

    29. v проскакивать, делать пропуски

    30. v внезапно переходить; перескакивать

    31. v заставить прыгать

    32. v трясти

    33. v подниматься, подскакивать

    34. v поднимать, повышать

    35. v карт. повышать игру, объявленную партнёром, более чем на одну взятку

    36. v дёргать, ныть

    37. v совпадать, соответствовать, согласовываться

    38. v брать, «съесть»

    39. v набрасываться

    40. v ругать, винить

    41. v сл. бежать, спасаться бегством

    42. v кино смещаться, искажаться

    43. v тех. сваривать впритык

    44. v тех. расковывать, осаживать металл

    45. v горн. бурить вручную

    46. v амер. полигр. продолжать рассказ на другой странице

    47. v уст. поэт. рисковать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. edge (noun) advantage; edge; superiority; vantage

    2. hurdle (noun) bounce; bound; caper; hop; hurdle; leap; skip; spring; vault

    3. increase (noun) advance; augmentation; boost; enlargement; escalation; growth; hike; increase; increment; multiplication; raise; rise; upswing; upturn

    7. begin (verb) begin; embark; inaugurate; initiate; kick off; launch; open

    8. bounce (verb) bolt; bounce; bound; hop; hurdle; leap; lop; lunge; pounce; saltate; spring; start; startle; vault

    12. raise (verb) advance; boost; elevate; escalate; hike; increase; jack; jack up; promote; put up; raise; up; upgrade

    Антонимический ряд:

    decline; deflate; include

    English-Russian base dictionary > jump

  • 20

    1. происхождение; начало; источник; первопричина; истоки

    2. возникновение; первоисточник

    3. источник; происхождение; начало

    4. начало; источник; адрес начала программы; начало отсчета; зарождение; происхождение

    5. происхождение; источник; начало

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. cause (noun) activation; cause; inducement; inspiration; motive

    2. line (noun) ancestry; birth; blood; bloodline; descent; extraction; family; genealogy; germ; heritage; line; lineage; parentage; pedigree; seed; stock

    3. nucleus (noun) egg; element; embryo; nucleus; principle; sperm

    4. opening (noun) alpha; beginning; commencement; dawn; dawning; genesis; inception; incipience; initiation; nascence; onset; opening; outset; rise; start

    5. producer (noun) agent; author; begetter; creator; determinant; heart; leaven; producer; progenitor

    6. source (noun) birthplace; cradle; derivation; foundation; fount; fountain; fountainhead; mother; provenance; provenience; root; rootage; rootstock; source; spring; well; wellhead; wellspring; whence

    Антонимический ряд:

    completion; conclusion; consequence; death; destination; destiny; determination; effect; end; extinction; finish; goal

    English-Russian base dictionary > origin

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    I came to the conclusion months ago, and I said it to members of Congress, that the only way people are going to fully appreciate what this reform is if we pass it and implement it and it becomes not a caricature but a reality, and I still believe that. So I think it will be easier to sell it moving forward than it was to this point.

    David Axelrod



    Via Old French from Latin.


    Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






    Conclusion is a noun.

    A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


    Definition of conclusion in the English dictionary

    The first definition of conclusion in the dictionary is end or termination. Other definition of conclusion is the last main division of a speech, lecture, essay, etc. Conclusion is also the outcome or result of an act, process, event, etc.


    Synonyms and antonyms of conclusion in the English dictionary of synonyms


    The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «conclusion» and belong to the same grammatical category.

    Translation of «conclusion» into 25 languages

    online translator


    Find out the translation of conclusion to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

    The translations of conclusion from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «conclusion» in English.

    Translator English — Chinese


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    85 millions of speakers

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    kết luận

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    75 millions of speakers

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    40 millions of speakers

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    30 millions of speakers

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    15 millions of speakers

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    14 millions of speakers

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    Translator English — Norwegian


    5 millions of speakers

    Trends of use of conclusion


    The term «conclusion» is very widely used and occupies the 5.728 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



    Very widely used

    The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «conclusion» in the different countries.

    Principal search tendencies and common uses of conclusion

    List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «conclusion».


    The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «conclusion» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «conclusion» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

    Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about conclusion


    Famous quotes and sentences with the word conclusion.

    Religion is not a conclusion of the reason.

    He did not arrive at this conclusion by the decent process of quiet, logical deduction, nor yet by the blinding flash of glorious intuition, but by the shoddy, untidy process halfway between the two by which one usually gets to know things.

    I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not supposed to be married.

    The cosmical importance of this conclusion is profound and the possibilities it opens for the future very remarkable, greater in fact than any suggested before by science in the whole history of the human race.

    The weaker the data available upon which to base one’s conclusion, the greater the precision which should be quoted in order to give the data authenticity.

    I came to the conclusion months ago, and I said it to members of Congress, that the only way people are going to fully appreciate what this reform is if we pass it and implement it and it becomes not a caricature but a reality, and I still believe that. So I think it will be easier to sell it moving forward than it was to this point.

    Reasoning draws a conclusion, but does not make the conclusion certain, unless the mind discovers it by the path of experience.

    Obama and the Democrats’ preposterous argument is that we are just one more big tax increase away from solving our economic problems. The inescapable conclusion, however, is that the primary driver of the short-term deficit is not tax cuts but the lack of any meaningful economic growth over the last half decade.

    I came to the conclusion that the very best thing for Rosie, from the time she was 2 weeks old, was for us to get married.

    They have been saying for a long time that Iraq made an effort to import active uranium, and my colleague demonstrated the other day that they came to the conclusion that it was a fake document that everybody is relying upon.


    Discover the use of conclusion in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to conclusion and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


    Contract I: Pre-contractual Obligations, Conclusion of …

    The principles include a commentary outlining the Acquis foundations, as well as definitions of core legal terms and a glossary on terminology. Formulated with the Acquis Principles in mind, Contract I is the first of a new series.

    Research Group on the Existing EC Private Law, 2007


    Multiple-conclusion Logic

    This is a sustained study of the subject and is certain to stimulate further research.

    D. J. Shoesmith, Timothy John Smiley, 1978


    The Conclusion of the New Testament: Messages 276-294

    Messages 276-294 Witness Lee. is a “last day” to every kind of material thing of
    the physical life. If anyone thirsts and comes to the Lord Jesus and drinks,
    believing into Him, “out of his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water” (v.


    The Repugnant Conclusion: Essays on Population Ethics

    This is the first volume devoted entirely to the cardinal problem of modern population ethics, known as ‘The Repugnant Conclusion’. This book is a must for (moral) philosophers with an interest in population ethics.

    Jesper Ryberg, Torbjörn Tännsjö, 2004


    Misconceptions: Pride and Prejudice: A Conclusion

    Misconceptions begins where Jane Austen left off, with the undaunted Mrs Bennet continuing her search to fi nd rich and refi ned husbands for her unmarried daughters, Kitty and Mary.


    The Book of Merlyn: The Unpublished Conclusion to The Once …

    Even in addressing the profound issues of war and peace, The Book of Merlyn retains the life and sparkle for which White is known.

    The God Conclusion is a chapter-by-chapter rebuttal of the infamous book The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, perhaps the most well-known religion hater of all time.

    But they have nothing on the story I’m about to tell. This is the darkest fairy tale of all. Also, it is the weirdest. And the bloodiest. It is the grimmest tale I have ever heard. And I am sharing it with you.


    A Foregone Conclusion (Webster’s Japanese Thesaurus Edition)

    This edition is written in English. However, there is a running Japanese thesaurus at the bottom of each page for the more difficult English words highlighted in the text. There are many editions of A Foregone Conclusion.

    Inc Icon Group International, William Dean Howells, 2009


    Finally and in conclusion: a political memoir

    Barry Desmond’s habit of telling it like he saw it kept him close to controversy during thirty years in politics from the 60s to the 90s. A life-long member of the Labour Party, Desmond s


    Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term conclusion is used in the context of the following news items.

    Is Wimbledon Win a Foregone Conclusion for Serena Williams After …

    The draw is dwindling, and the pressure is rising. Only two matches stand in the way of Serena Williams and a second Serena Slam. To put it … «Bleacher Report, Jul 15»

    Carpenters Bluff bridge negotiations nearing conclusion

    Carpenters Bluff bridge negotiations nearing conclusion … The new Carpenters Bluff bridge negotiations are nearing a conclusion according to … «KXII-TV, Jul 15»

    Chico City Council unable to reach conclusion on what to do with …

    Chico >> With citizens championing for public access and some councilors questioning impacts to the city’s existing investment, action on … «Chico Enterprise-Record, Jul 15»

    Wang Yi: China and France Should Enhance Cooperation for an …

    Wang Yi: China and France Should Enhance Cooperation for an Early Conclusion of a Comprehensive Agreement on the Iranian Nuclear … «MFA China, Jul 15»

    Greece in or out? It’s a ‘close call’

    We have a Grexit scenario prepared in detail,» although he added that he was strongly against such a conclusion to the Greek crisis. «CNBC, Jul 15»

    Euro debt drama will soon arrive at a definitive conclusion

    Anti-austerity voters gathering to celebrate in front of the Greek Parliament building in Syntagma Square in Athens on Sunday. The result … «AsiaOne, Jul 15»

    Grexit not a foregone conclusion despite ‘no’ vote: DBS

    However, despite the over 61 per cent ‘no’ vote, a Grexit is not a foregone conclusion,» DBS Group Economist Radhika Rao said in a report. «Business Standard, Jul 15»

    Fare Thee Well Comes to an Emotional Conclusion

    The Fare Thee Well celebration came to roaring close last night at Solider Field as the core surviving members of the Grateful Dead took their … «, Jul 15»

    Jordon Begley’s family reacts to jury’s conclusion that taser should …

    The family of Jordon Begley, who died at home after being tasered by a police officer, have welcomed a jury’s conclusion that the use of a taser … «ITV News, Jul 15»

    School consultation ‘a foregone conclusion‘ says Newport councillor

    Newport councillor backs Carisbrooke College, slams Council for lack of transparency and calls the Consultation a foregone conclusion. «On The Wight, Jul 15»


    « EDUCALINGO. Conclusion [online]. Available <>. Apr 2023 ».

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    Alternative forms[edit]

    • concl. (shortening)


    From Middle English, borrowed from Old French conclusion, from Latin conclūsiō, from the past participle stem of conclūdere (to conclude), from con- +‎ claudō, ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *kleh₂u- (key, hook, nail).


    • IPA(key): /kənˈkluːʒən/
    • Rhymes: -uːʒən


    conclusion (plural conclusions)

    1. The end, finish, close or last part of something.
      • 1855–1858, William H[ickling] Prescott, History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain, volume (please specify |volume=I to III), Boston, Mass.: Phillips, Sampson, and Company, →OCLC:

        A flourish of trumpets announced the conclusion of the contest.

    2. The outcome or result of a process or act.
    3. A decision reached after careful thought.

      The board has come to the conclusion that the proposed takeover would not be in the interest of our shareholders.

      • 1598–1599 (first performance), William Shakespeare, Much Adoe about Nothing. [], quarto edition, London: [] V[alentine] S[immes] for Andrew Wise, and William Aspley, published 1600, →OCLC, [Act I, scene i]:

        [I]n her boſome Ile vnclaſpe my heart, / And take her hearing priſoner with the force / And ſtrong incounter of my amorous tale: / Then after to her father will I breake, / And the concluſion is, ſhe ſhal be thine, […]

      • 1992, Rudolf M[athias] Schuster, The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America: East of the Hundredth Meridian, volume V, New York, N.Y.: Columbia University Press, →ISBN, page vii:

        With fresh material, taxonomic conclusions are leavened by recognition that the material examined reflects the site it occupied; a herbarium packet gives one only a small fraction of the data desirable for sound conclusions. Herbarium material does not, indeed, allow one to extrapolate safely: what you see is what you get […]

    4. (logic) In an argument or syllogism, the proposition that follows as a necessary consequence of the premises.
      • 1716 April 20 (Gregorian calendar), Joseph Addison, “The Free-holder: No. 32. Monday, April 9. [1716.]”, in The Works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq; [], volume IV, London: [] Jacob Tonson, [], published 1721, →OCLC:

        He granted him both the major and minor, but denied him the conclusion.

    5. (obsolete) An experiment, or something from which a conclusion may be drawn.
      • 1631, Francis [Bacon], “New Atlantis. A Worke Vnfinished.”, in Sylua Syluarum: Or A Naturall Historie. In Ten Centuries. [], 3rd edition, London: [] William Rawley; [p]rinted by J[ohn] H[aviland] for William Lee [], pages 33–34, →OCLC:

        [W]ee practiſe likewise all Concluſions of Grafting, and Inoculating, as well of VVilde-Trees, as Fruit-Trees, which produceth many Effects.

    6. (law) The end or close of a pleading, for example, the formal ending of an indictment, «against the peace», etc.
    7. (law) An estoppel or bar by which a person is held to a particular position.
      • 1818, William Cruise, A Digest of the Laws of England Respecting Real Property:

        It was determined, that though the fine operated at first by conclusion, and passed no interest, yet the estoppel should bind the heir


    • (end): endpoint, terminus; see also Thesaurus: finish
    • (end of literary work): epilogue, postamble; see also Thesaurus: afterword


    • (end): beginning, initiation, start; see also Thesaurus: beginning

    Coordinate terms[edit]

    • (in logic): premise

    Derived terms[edit]

    • foregone conclusion
    • in conclusion


    • conclude
    • conclusive
    • conclusively
    • conclusiveness


    end, final part

    • Armenian: եզրակացություն (hy) (ezrakacʿutʿyun)
    • Bulgarian: край (bg) m (kraj), завъ́ршване (bg) n (zavǎ́ršvane), приклю́чване (bg) n (prikljúčvane)
    • Catalan: conclusió (ca) f
    • Chinese:
      Mandarin: 結束结束 (zh) (jiéshù)
    • Danish: konklusion c, afslutning (da) c
    • Dutch: conclusie (nl), einde (nl)
    • Esperanto: konkludi (eo)
    • Finnish: päätös (fi), lopetus (fi), päätösosa
    • French: conclusion (fr) f, fin (fr) f
    • Galician: conclusión (gl) f
    • German: Schluss (de) m, Ende (de) n
    • Greek: κατάληξη (el) f (katálixi), λήξη (el) f (líxi), πέρας (el) n (péras)
      Ancient: καταστροφή f (katastrophḗ)
    • Indonesian: kesimpulan (id), konklusi (id), simpulan (id)
    • Italian: conclusione (it) f
    • Japanese: 終わり (ja) (おわり, owari), 結び (むすび, musubi), 終結 (ja) (しゅうけつ, shūketsu), 終了 (ja) (しゅうりょう, shūryō)
    • Korean: 종결(終結) (ko) (jonggyeol)
    • Kurdish:
      Central Kurdish: کۆتایی (ckb) (kotayî)
    • Latin: clausula f
    • Malay: kesimpulan, konlusi
    • Maori: whakamutunga, kupu whakatepe, porotutukitanga
    • Norwegian:
      Bokmål: avslutning (no) m or f
      Nynorsk: avslutning f
    • Portuguese: conclusão (pt) f
    • Romanian: concluzie (ro) f
    • Russian: оконча́ние (ru) n (okončánije), заверше́ние (ru) n (zaveršénije)
    • Scottish Gaelic: eàrr m or f
    • Sicilian: cunchiusiuni f, accapata f
    • Spanish: conclusión (es) f
    • Tagalog: pasyahin
    • Vietnamese: kết thúc (vi) (結束)


    • Bashkir: һөҙөмтә (höðömtä), нәтижә (nätijä), йомғаҡ (yomğaq)
    • Belarusian: рэзульта́т m (rezulʹtát), вы́нік (be) m (výnik)
    • Bulgarian: и́звод (bg) m (ízvod), резулта́т (bg) m (rezultát)
    • Catalan: conclusió (ca) f
    • Chinese:
      Mandarin: 結果结果 (zh) (jiéguǒ)
    • Dutch: besluit (nl), conclusie (nl)
    • Esperanto: konkludi (eo)
    • Finnish: tulos (fi), ratkaisu (fi), lopputulos (fi)
    • French: conclusion (fr) f
    • Galician: conclusión (gl) f
    • German: Abschluss (de) m, Ergebnis (de)
    • Greek: αποτέλεσμα (el) n (apotélesma)
    • Italian: conclusione (it) f
    • Japanese: 結果 (ja) (けっか, kekka), 結末 (ja) (けつまつ, ketsumatsu)
    • Korean: 결과(結果) (ko) (gyeolgwa)
    • Navajo: ałtso bééʼdeetánígíí
    • Persian: نتیجه (fa) (natije)
    • Polish: wniosek (pl), wynik (pl), rezultat (pl)
    • Portuguese: conclusão (pt) f
    • Romanian: concluzie (ro) f
    • Russian: результа́т (ru) m (rezulʹtát), исхо́д (ru) m (isxód)
    • Scottish Gaelic: buil f
    • Sicilian: accapata f, cunchiusiuni f
    • Spanish: conclusión (es) f
    • Tagalog: pasyahin
    • Ukrainian: результа́т (uk) m (rezulʹtát), ви́слід (uk) m (výslid)
    • Vietnamese: kết quả (vi) (結果)

    decision, judgment

    • Armenian: որոշում (hy) (orošum)
    • Asturian: conclusión f
    • Azerbaijani: nəticə (az), qənaət
    • Belarusian: вы́вад (be) m (vývad), вы́нік (be) m (výnik), заключэ́нне n (zaključénnje)
    • Bulgarian: заключе́ние (bg) n (zaključénie)
    • Catalan: conclusió (ca) f
    • Chinese:
      Mandarin: 結論结论 (zh) (jiélùn)
    • Czech: závěr (cs) m
    • Dutch: besluit (nl), conclusie (nl) f
    • Esperanto: konkludo
    • Finnish: ratkaisu (fi), johtopäätös (fi), päätelmä (fi)
    • Galician: conclusión (gl) f
    • German: Schlussfolgerung (de) f
    • Greek: συμπέρασμα (el) n (sympérasma)
    • Hungarian: következtetés (hu)
    • Italian: conclusione (it) f
    • Japanese: 結論 (ja) (けつろん, ketsuron)
    • Kazakh: тұжырым (tūjyrym)
    • Korean: 결론(結論) (ko) (gyeollon)
    • Norwegian:
      Bokmål: konklusjon (no) m
      Nynorsk: konklusjon m
    • Polish: wniosek (pl) m, konkluzja (pl) f
    • Portuguese: conclusão (pt) f
    • Russian: вы́вод (ru) m (vývod), заключе́ние (ru) n (zaključénije)
    • Sicilian: cunchiusiuni f
    • Slovak: záver m
    • Spanish: conclusión (es) f
    • Swedish: slutsats (sv)
    • Tagalog: pasyahin
    • Ukrainian: ви́сновок m (výsnovok), заклю́чення n (zakljúčennja)
    • Vietnamese: kết luận (vi) ( (vi))

    of a syllogism

    • Arabic: نَتِيجَة‎ f (natīja)
    • Azerbaijani: nəticə (az)
    • Bashkir: һөҙөмтә (höðömtä), нәтижә (nätijä), һығымта (hığımta), йомғаҡ (yomğaq)
    • Bulgarian: заключе́ние (bg) n (zaključénie)
    • Chinese:
      Mandarin: 結論结论 (zh) (jiélùn)
    • Czech: závěr (cs) m
    • Dutch: logisch gevolg, conclusie (nl)
    • Finnish: johtopäätös (fi), päätelmä (fi)
    • German: logische Schlussfolgerung f, Vernunftsschluss m, Folgerung (de) f
    • Greek: συμπέρασμα (el) n (sympérasma)
    • Japanese: 結論 (ja) (けつろん, ketsuron)
    • Korean: 결론(結論) (ko) (gyeollon)
    • Polish: konkluzja (pl) f
    • Portuguese: conclusão (pt) f
    • Russian: умозаключе́ние (ru) n (umozaključénije)
    • Sicilian: cunchiusiuni f, èsitu m, diduzziuni f, nnuzziuni f, abduzziuni f
    • Spanish: conclusión (es) f
    • Swedish: slutsats (sv) c
    • Thai: ข้อสรุป (th)
    • Ukrainian: умови́від m (umovývid)



    From Old French, from Latin conclūsiō, from the past participle stem of conclūdere (conclude).


    • IPA(key): /kɔ̃.kly.zjɔ̃/


    conclusion f (plural conclusions)

    1. conclusion


    • conclure

    Further reading[edit]

    • “conclusion”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.


    • concluions



    conclusion (plural conclusiones)

    1. conclusion



    From Latin conclūsiō.



    conclusion f (plural conclusions)

    1. conclusion


    • conclure



    : a reasoned judgment : inference

    The obvious conclusion is that she was negligent.


    : the necessary consequence of two or more propositions taken as premises


    : the inferred proposition of a syllogism


    : the last part of something

    The team was exhausted at the conclusion of the game.

    : such as


    : result, outcome

    The peace talks came to a successful conclusion.


    conclusions plural

    : trial of strength or skill

    used in the phrase try conclusions


    : a final summation

    the counsel’s conclusion to the jury


    : the final decision in a law case


    : the final part of a pleading in law


    : an act or instance of concluding

    hoped for a quick conclusion to the war


    Example Sentences

    The evidence does not support the report’s conclusions.

    The evidence points to the inescapable conclusion that she was negligent.

    The logical conclusion is that she was negligent.

    What led you to that conclusion?

    They haven’t yet arrived at a conclusion.

    the conclusion of a business deal

    The case was finally brought to conclusion last week.

    See More

    Recent Examples on the Web

    The Masters will pare down the field after the conclusion of the second round, with the low 50 players and ties qualifying for the final 36 holes.

    Scooby Axson, USA TODAY, 8 Apr. 2023

    Balint observes that, in the 1930s, the majority of Poles felt their country would be better off if the Jews disappeared; the Nazis simply took that idea to its ultimate conclusion.

    Adam Kirsch, The New Republic, 6 Apr. 2023

    For their parts, Cain and Robinson are living in the moment with the Heat, back with the team following the conclusion of the Skyforce season, each eligible to be active with the Heat the balance of the regular season.

    Ira Winderman, Sun Sentinel, 6 Apr. 2023

    At its conclusion, new kid and British exchange student Michael Carrington arrives.

    Maureen Lee Lenker,, 5 Apr. 2023

    The Alaska Association of Basketball Coaches announced its All-State teams as well as both player and coach of the year award winners for all four divisions last week following the conclusion of the 2022-2023 season.

    Josh Reed, Anchorage Daily News, 4 Apr. 2023

    Yellowstone fans may have to wait a bit longer for the conclusion of season 5.

    Stephanie Wenger, Peoplemag, 3 Apr. 2023

    But the national intrigue has paled in comparison to the conclusion of the women’s NCAA tournament.

    Josh Criswell, Chron, 3 Apr. 2023

    But perhaps the most enduring moment of the trial came at its conclusion.

    Maham Javaid, Washington Post, 31 Mar. 2023

    See More

    These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘conclusion.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

    Word History


    Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin conclusion-, conclusio, from concludere — see conclude

    First Known Use

    14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

    Time Traveler

    The first known use of conclusion was
    in the 14th century

    Dictionary Entries Near conclusion

    Cite this Entry

    “Conclusion.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


    More from Merriam-Webster on conclusion

    Last Updated:
    11 Apr 2023
    — Updated example sentences

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    Merriam-Webster unabridged

    Table of Contents

    1. Is conclusion a noun or a verb?
    2. Which phrase does mean conclusion?
    3. What type of noun is conclusion?
    4. What is the root word of conclusion?
    5. What is the root word of conclusion Conclusionclussion?
    6. What can I say instead of conclusion?
    7. What is the root word of credible?
    8. What words are related to credible?
    9. What type of word is credible?
    10. What is Greg short for?
    11. What does Greg mean in Hebrew?
    12. What is the root word of Miss?
    13. What means miss?
    14. What is the root word for graph?
    15. What words have the root MIS?
    16. What is MIT in commit?
    17. Is Mono a root word?
    18. Is MIS in mistake a prefix?

    What is the noun for conclude?

    Is conclusion a noun or a verb?

    noun. the end or close; final part.

    Which phrase does mean conclusion?

    A conclusion is the last part of something, its end or result. The phrase in conclusion means “finally, to sum up,” and is used to introduce some final comments at the end of a speech or piece of writing.

    What type of noun is conclusion?

    The end, finish, close or last part of something. The outcome or result of a process or act. A decision reached after careful thought.

    1. The end, finish, close or last part of something.
    2. The outcome or result of a process or act.
    3. A decision reached after careful thought.
    4. (logic) In an argument or syllogism, the proposition that follows as a necessary consequence of the premises.

    What is the root word of conclusion?

    The word conclusion comes from the Latin concludere, which combines con-, “completely,” and claudere, “to shut.”

    What is the root word of conclusion Conclusionclussion?

    The root of the word “conclusion” is “concl” which comes from the Latin “concludere”. Explanation: “Conclusion” originated from the Latin “concludere” and means act, process or effect of termination; finalization, termination. Conclusion is the act of finalizing an activity.

    What can I say instead of conclusion?

    In Conclusion Synonyms

    • To sum up,
    • All in all,
    • In summary,
    • To conclude,
    • In closing,
    • Finally, it may be concluded…
    • To summarize,
    • Overall, it may be said…

    What is the root word of credible?

    Similar to words like reliable and plausible, credible is an adjective that comes to us from the Latin credibilis, meaning “worthy to be believed.” A credible reputation is often earned through consistent good behavior and an overall trustworthy personality.


    • believable,
    • creditable,
    • likely,
    • plausible,
    • presumptive,
    • probable.

    What type of word is credible?

    adjective. capable of being believed; believable: a credible statement. worthy of belief or confidence; trustworthy: a credible witness.

    What is Greg short for?

    The name Greg is primarily a male name of Greek origin that means Vigilant,, Watchful. Short form of Gregory. Greg Kinnear, actor.

    What does Greg mean in Hebrew?

    The name Gregory comes from the Greek Gregōrios, derived from the verb “gregōrien” meaning ‘watchful, vigilant’. The name was adopted by early Christians heedful of the Biblical passage located in 1 Peter 5:8, “Be sober-minded; be watchful.

    What is the root word of Miss?

    The English root mit and its variant miss comes from a Latin word that means ‘to send. ‘

    What means miss?

    What does “Miss” mean? “Miss,” when attached to a name, is a title of respect for an unmarried woman. You can use it by itself as a term of address or combine it with a surname, a descriptor of a prominent characteristic, or something she represents.

    What is the root word for graph?

    Graphic Writing There is much to say about the Greek root graph which means ‘to write,’ so let this ‘written’ discourse begin! One of the most common uses of this root is in the suffix -graphy. A biography is ‘writing’ about someone’s life, whereas an autobiography is ‘writing’ about your own life.

    What words have the root MIS?

    This meaning is found in such words as: admission, commissar, commissary, commission, compromise, demise, dismiss, emissary, impermissible, intermission, missal, missile, mission, missionary, missive, omission, permission, permissive, promise, promissory, remiss, submission, submissive, surmise, transmission.

    What is MIT in commit?

    -mit- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “send. This meaning is found in such words as: admit, commit, committee, emit, intermittent, noncommittal, omit, permit, remit, remittance, submit, transmit.

    Is Mono a root word?

    MONO- is a prefix meaning one or single. The prefix MONO– also appears as the root MON-, which also means one, single, or alone in words like monarch, monastery, and monocle.

    Is MIS in mistake a prefix?

    The prefix mis means wrong. For example, mistake or misunderstand.

    Britannica Dictionary definition of CONCLUSION



    a final decision or judgment


    an opinion or decision that is formed after a period of thought or research

    • What is your conclusion? [=what do you conclude?]

    • The evidence does not support the report’s conclusions.

    • The evidence points/leads to the inescapable conclusion that she was negligent.

    • The logical/obvious conclusion is that she was negligent.

    • What led/brought you to that conclusion?

    • After thinking about it, we came to the conclusion [=we decided] that we shouldn’t go.

    • Scientists haven’t yet reached a conclusion [=made a judgment/decision] on/about the causes of this illness.

    • They haven’t yet arrived at a conclusion.

    • Is it possible to draw conclusions [=make judgments] from this evidence?

    ◊ To jump/leap to conclusions is to make judgments too quickly before knowing all the facts.

    • The evidence suggests that he’s to blame, but let’s be careful not to jump to conclusions. He may have a good explanation for what happened.

    • We should hear his explanation before we jump to the conclusion that he’s to blame.



    the last part of something



    usually singular

    • Many people were upset at the conclusion of the meeting. [=when the meeting concluded/ended]

    • a satisfactory conclusion to the negotiations

    • The conclusion of her speech contained some surprising news.

    • The strike has finally reached its conclusion. [=has finally ended]

    • At this point, his victory seems to be a foregone conclusion. [=his victory seems certain; there seems to be no doubt that he will win]


    the act of concluding or finishing something or the state of being finished


    • We had hoped for a quick conclusion of/to the war. [=had hoped that the war would end quickly]

    • The case was finally brought to a conclusion [=was finally concluded] last week.


    • the conclusion of a business deal

    • The case was finally brought to conclusion last week.

    in conclusion

    used to introduce the final comments at the end of a speech or a piece of writing

    • In conclusion, I would like to thank you for inviting me to speak tonight.

    For those interested in a little info about this site: it’s a side project that I developed while working on Describing Words and Related Words. Both of those projects are based around words, but have much grander goals. I had an idea for a website that simply explains the word types of the words that you search for — just like a dictionary, but focussed on the part of speech of the words. And since I already had a lot of the infrastructure in place from the other two sites, I figured it wouldn’t be too much more work to get this up and running.

    The dictionary is based on the amazing Wiktionary project by wikimedia. I initially started with WordNet, but then realised that it was missing many types of words/lemma (determiners, pronouns, abbreviations, and many more). This caused me to investigate the 1913 edition of Websters Dictionary — which is now in the public domain. However, after a day’s work wrangling it into a database I realised that there were far too many errors (especially with the part-of-speech tagging) for it to be viable for Word Type.

    Finally, I went back to Wiktionary — which I already knew about, but had been avoiding because it’s not properly structured for parsing. That’s when I stumbled across the UBY project — an amazing project which needs more recognition. The researchers have parsed the whole of Wiktionary and other sources, and compiled everything into a single unified resource. I simply extracted the Wiktionary entries and threw them into this interface! So it took a little more work than expected, but I’m happy I kept at it after the first couple of blunders.

    Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: the UBY project (mentioned above), @mongodb and express.js.

    Currently, this is based on a version of wiktionary which is a few years old. I plan to update it to a newer version soon and that update should bring in a bunch of new word senses for many words (or more accurately, lemma).

    Their main conclusion is that the high returns earned on stocks over the last 75 years on average are not indicative of high returns in the future. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    The main conclusion is that the majority of the governments have been backsliding; that is, they have taken concrete actions that actually run counter to the commitments signed at previous summits. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    Here also, in conclusion, is a favorite poem of mine by Donald Hall … which reaches across some of the culture barriers that exist and addresses the real work at hand for all if us – readers and poets. ❋ Unknown (2007)

    And as I said, my main conclusion is that Canada needs more of the world. ❋ Unknown (2005)

    All I want to do in conclusion is say, «We’re in this together and let’s stay together.» ❋ Unknown (1994)

    My main conclusion is that the Federal Government has identified the correct policy priorities to respond to the changed world, but it has allowed the list of priorities to become too long. ❋ Unknown (1986)

    All I shall say in conclusion is that it is the wisdom of Canadians, as well as their high privilege, to make friends, real friends, with our neighbours to the west of us, the island Empire of the East, which resembles in so many respects our own mother country. ❋ Unknown (1915)

    Secondly, her conclusion is a complete and utter falsehood. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    And even after reading the story, my conclusion is the same. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    If you are beginning with the position that people cannot be trusted to allocate for their own retirements the the conclusion is the most efficient policy would be forced savings. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    My support for this conclusion is the following: Take the entire body of “international” law, and take the entire body of domestic law for every foreign country in the world. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    Ms. MARINER: I think the conclusion is there’s a need for the military to be grappling more explicitly with these ethical issues. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    This conclusion is the jumping off point for the remainder of the paper. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    The movement also, for all its talk of principles, rarely voices any kind of attempt to base its arguments on underlying principles — the conclusion is a given, and both the legislature and the judiciary are expected to back-construct to come up with the desired outcome. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    Read the book and you will understend everything exept the ending the author doesn´t mension what it´s going to be the conclusion is ours. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    This conclusion is amply supported by the Florence Agreement, of which our country has been a signatory since 1952, and which was taken into account when RA 8047 was being deliberated on until fully enacted into law. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    What makes me eager to see the conclusion is the fact that Oda takes a break from the floating-islands mayhem to take readers back to where everything started, centuries before Luffy was born, before he ever considered pillaging as a life calling. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    Each time the conclusion is the same: single-payer saves enough on wasteful paperwork to provide high quality health coverage to all and contain future health spending. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    Also supporting this conclusion is the fact that Larry E. Gugle’s name does not appear on the authentic ❋ Unknown (2010)

    «what’s [the word] for an [outro], but it’s [written]?» «a conclusion??» ❋ Juck143 (2020)

    «what’s [the word] for an [outro] but it’s [written]?» «a conclusion??» ❋ Juck143 (2020)

    «[In conclusion], the most basic and simplest way to end your [essay] that you forgot was due [the next day] is «[in conclusion]».» ❋ The Ace-o-spades (2010)

    1. After a tough hour with [the math] problem, he finally came to a [conclusion].
    2. «She saw me and her best friend [on the couch] talking and she jumped to conclusion ❋ Rebanex (2008)

    Woman (acting conclusive):
    «I know what you did…»
    «Ok if you would let me explain—»
    «[No that’s] [not it] I—»
    «FINE!! IT’S OVER!!! WE’RE THROUGH!! I’LL NEVER [SEE YOU AGAIN]!!!» ❋ Dave (2004)

    [After hours] of [hard work] and study, he got tired of thinking and finally came to a [conclusion]. ❋ Hopper91788 (2003)

    Thomas: «It all makes sense now»
    [Dustin]: «Ohh noo! Super [Conclusive] [Conclusion], Yes!»
    Thomas: «(popping noise)»
    Dustin: «WHY GOD, WHY» ❋ Dustin Emerson (2008)

    Person A: «Yeah so I saw your girlfriend talking to Brad last night and she said…»
    *Interruption by Person B*
    Person B: «Holy [Sh*t]! She’s cheating on me!»
    Person A: «Dude, stop [jumping to conclusions]! She said he needs to [get a life]!»
    Person B: «Oh…» ❋ Future Mind-Controlling Robots (2010)

    I saw your girl having lunch with some other dude, so [I came] to the [optical conclusion] that they were [bumpin’ uglies]! ❋ Jason Schueler (2007)

    [self conclusion] is often [not the] best [solution] ❋ Nick A (2007)

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