Is the word colour a noun

цвет, колорит, оттенок, цветовой, цветной, окрашивать, красить


- цвет; тон; оттенок

- краска; красящее вещество, пигмент

to mix colours — смешивать краски
to lay on the colours too thickly — сгущать краски, сильно преувеличивать

- иск. умение пользоваться цветом, колоритом

he is great in colour — он большой мастер цвета, он замечательный колорист

- спец. колер
- цвет лица; румянец

she has very little [too much] colour — она очень бледна [румяна]
she has a fresh colour — у неё свежий цвет лица
the colour rushed into his face — краска залила его лицо
to lose colour — побледнеть
to gain colour — порозоветь
to change colour — измениться в лице (побледнеть или покраснеть)

ещё 17 вариантов


- красить, окрашивать, раскрашивать
- принимать окраску, окрашиваться

the leaves have begun to colour — листья начали желтеть / или краснеть/

- покраснеть, зардеться (тж. colour up)

the girl coloured (up) — девушка покраснела

- рдеть, поспевать (о плодах, фруктах и т. п.)
- накладывать отпечаток

his experience has coloured his views — его жизненный опыт повлиял на его взгляды /сказался на его взглядах/

- приукрашивать; искажать

his criticisms are clearly coloured by animus — его критика явно недоброжелательна

Мои примеры


colour blindness — цветовая слепота, дальтонизм  
to colour the facts — искажать факты  
under colour of law — якобы по закону  
of uniform colour — одинаковой окраски, равномерно окрашенный  
colour edging — цветная окантовка  
snuff colour — табачный цвет  
colour synthesizer — синтезатор цвета  
colour pan — палитра (дощечка для смешивания красок)  
false colour — ложный предлог, повод  
colour of law — видимость наличия законного права  

Примеры с переводом

Do you like this colour?

Тебе нравится этот цвет?

What colour are his eyes?

Какого цвета его глаза?

Cats are not able to perceive colour.

Кошки не способны различать цвета.

This colour will stand.

Эта краска стойкая, не слиняет.

How long have you been colouring?

Вы давно краситесь (красите свои волосы)?

Pink’s a girlie colour!

Розовый — девчачий цвет!

What a revolting colour!

Какой отвратительный цвет!

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

His jacket’s a medium brown colour.

Set the monitor to 256 colour mode.

Paint the walls in a contrasting colour.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

colourable  — окрашиваемый, благовидный, правдоподобный
coloured  — цветной, в цвете, окрашенный, раскрашенный, смешаной расы, смешанного
colourful  — красочный, яркий
colouring  — раскраска, окраска, колорит, цвет, красящее вещество, чувство цвета
colourless  — бесцветный, бледный
discolour  — обесцвечивать, обесцвечиваться, изменять цвет, пачкать, пачкаться
overcolour  — сгущать краски, преувеличивать
colours  — расцветка, флаг, знамя
colourant  — краситель
colourist  — колорист, колорист

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: colour
he/she/it: colours
ing ф. (present participle): colouring
2-я ф. (past tense): coloured
3-я ф. (past participle): coloured

ед. ч.(singular): colour
мн. ч.(plural): colours

Is Colour a noun or adjective?

The word color (or colour) is a noun and a noun adjunct (a noun that acts like an adjective to modify another noun) as well as a verb and—in its participle forms—a participle adjective . . . I colored (verb) the black-and-white coloring (present participle adjective) page with a blue color (noun).

Is Colour a noun or verb?

colour noun (RED/BLUE ETC) red, blue, green, yellow, etc: She dressed in bright colours. Green is my favourite colour.

Is color name a noun?

The names of colors are generally not proper nouns. Words such as blue, green, orange, yellow, and red are all common nouns, so they are not…

What kind of noun is color?

[countable, uncountable] the appearance that things have that results from the way in which they reflect light. Red, orange and green are colours.

What type of word is colors?

As detailed above, ‘colors’ can be a noun or a verb. Noun usage: The colors were raised over the new territory.

What is Colour in simple words?

The definition of color is a component of light which is separated when it is reflected off of an object. To color something is to add a hue, shade, paint or dye to an object or picture.

What is Colour and types?

There are three different types of colors: primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. The primary colors are red, yellow, and blue. The secondary colors are green, orange, and purple. And the tertiary colors are yellow-orange, red-orange, red-purple, blue-purple, blue-green, and yellow-green.

What are the normal colors?

Red, yellow, and blue are the three traditional primary colours….The most common colour names are:

  • Red.
  • Orange.
  • Yellow.
  • Green.
  • Blue.
  • Cyan.
  • Purple.
  • White.

What color pee is bad?

Urochrome can be amber in color, but when you drink enough water, the amber color gets more dilute and appears yellow. Ideally, your urine will appear yellow or straw-colored. If it’s so light it’s almost clear, you may be drinking too much. If it’s darker, you may not be drinking enough.

What are the 10 basic colors?

English, for example, has the full set of 11 basic colors: black, white, red, green, yellow, blue, pink, gray, brown, orange and purple. In a 1999 survey by linguists Paul Kay and Luisa Maffi, languages were roughly equally distributed between the basic color categories that they tracked.

What are the 9 basic colors?

  • Red Egg, 2. Orange Egg, 3. Yellow Egg,
  • Green Egg, 5. Blue Egg, 6. Purple Egg,
  • Brown Egg, 8. Black Egg, 9. White Egg.
  • Created with fd’s Flickr Toys.
  • The eggs were created with

What are the 12 Colours name?

English contains eleven basic color terms: ‘black’, ‘white’, ‘red’, ‘green’, ‘yellow’, ‘blue’, ‘brown’, ‘orange’, ‘pink’, ‘purple’, and ‘grey’. Italian, Russian and Hebrew have twelve, distinguishing blue and light blue, while French has beige to refer the colour of undyed wool.

What are the 7 primary colors?

Color Basics

  • Three Primary Colors (Ps): Red, Yellow, Blue.
  • Three Secondary Colors (S’): Orange, Green, Violet.
  • Six Tertiary Colors (Ts): Red-Orange, Yellow-Orange, Yellow-Green, Blue-Green, Blue-Violet, Red-Violet, which are formed by mixing a primary with a secondary.

What are the 12 basic colors?

There are 12 main colors on the color wheel. In the RGB color wheel, these hues are red, orange, yellow, chartreuse green, green, spring green, cyan, azure, blue, violet, magenta and rose. The color wheel can be divided into primary, secondary and tertiary colors.

What are the 8 primary colors?

Terms in this set (8)

  • Red. …
  • Blue. …
  • Green. …
  • Yellow. …
  • Orange. …
  • Purple. …
  • Brown. …
  • Black. …

What is the other name for color?

What is another word for color?

complexion hue
chroma paint
pigmentation wash
chromaticity chromatism
chromism coloration

What are the 16 colors?

a color name. HTML used to recognize 16 color names (“black”, “white”, “gray”, “silver”, “maroon”, “red”, “purple”, “fushsia”, “green”, “lime”, “olive”, “yellow”, “navy”, “blue”, “teal”, and “aqua”), but new browsers can recognize 147 CSS3 color names.

How many colors are in total?

First of all, scientists have determined that in the lab we can see about 1,000 levels of dark-light and about 100 levels each of red-green and yellow-blue. So that’s about 10 million colors right there.

What is the weirdest color name?

13 Incredibly Obscure Colors You’ve Never Heard of Before

  • Amaranth. This red-pink hue is based off the color of the flowers on the amaranth plant.
  • Vermilion.
  • Coquelicot.
  • Gamboge.
  • Burlywood.
  • Aureolin.
  • Celadon.
  • Glaucous.

What’s the prettiest color in the world?

YInMn blue is so bright and perfect that it almost doesn’t look real. It’s the non-toxic version of the world’s most popular favorite color: blue. Some people are calling this hue the best color in the world.

What is the most rare color?

Vantablack is known as the darkest man made pigment. The color, which absorbs almost 100 percent of visible light, was invented by Surrey Nanosystems for space exploration purposes. The special production process and unavailability of vantablack to the general public makes it the rarest color ever.

What is the 2nd rarest eye color?

Eye Color Statistics From Most Common to Most Rare

Rank Eye Color Estimated Percentage of World Population
1 Brown 55%–79%
2 Blue 8%–10%
3 Hazel 5%
4 Amber 5%

Is Black an eye color?

Contrary to popular belief, true black eyes do not exist. Some people with a lot of melanin in their eyes might appear to have black eyes depending on the lighting conditions. This is not truly black, however, but simply a very dark brown.

Asked by: Retta Tromp

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Color is the spelling used in the United States. Colour is used in other English-speaking countries. The word color has its roots (unsurprisingly) in the Latin word color. It entered Middle English through the Anglo-Norman colur


Color is an element consisting of hues, of which there are three properties: hue, chroma or intensity, and value. Color is present when light strikes an object and it is reflected back into the eye, a reaction to a hue arising in the optic nerve. … The next property is value, meaning the lightness or darkness of the hue.

, which was a version of the Old French colour.

Can color be plural?

The noun color can be countable or uncountable. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be color. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be colors e.g. in reference to various types of colors or a collection of colors.

How do they spell color in the UK?

Color and colour are alternate spellings of the same word. The former is the preferred spelling for American English, while the latter is the preferred spelling for British English.

What type of word is colour?

As detailed above, ‘color’ can be a noun, an adjective or a verb. Noun usage: Humans and birds can perceive color. Noun usage: Most languages have names for the colors black, white, red, and green. Noun usage: He referred to the white flag as one «drained of all color».

Why did America remove the U?

He dropped the letter u from words like colour and honour – which had developed from the French influence in England – to make them color and honor instead. He did the same to words ending in -ise to make them -ize, because he thought American English spelling should reflect the way it was said.

21 related questions found

Why do British say bloody?

Bloody. Don’t worry, it’s not a violent word… it has nothing to do with “blood”.”Bloody” is a common word to give more emphasis to the sentence, mostly used as an exclamation of surprise. Something may be “bloody marvellous” or “bloody awful“. Having said that, British people do sometimes use it when expressing anger…

Why do Americans not spell with AU?

The simple reason for this is that England and America went their separate ways before anyone became unduly rigorous about spelling words the same way every time. … This was largely to differentiate those words from the ones that end in –our and sound like –ower. As in hour, flour, sour and so on.

What is the verb form of Colour?

​[intransitive, transitive] to put colour on something using paint, coloured pencils, etc. … colour something + adj. He drew a monster and coloured it green.

How do you use color as a verb?

Verb We colored the water with red ink. The children were busy coloring in their coloring books. My nephew colored a picture for me. The child colored the sky blue and the sun yellow.

Why is color spelled Colour?

Difference Between Color and Colour

Color is the spelling used in the United States. Colour is used in other English-speaking countries. The word color has its roots (unsurprisingly) in the Latin word color. It entered Middle English through the Anglo-Norman colur, which was a version of the Old French colour.

Is it grey or gray?

Gray and grey are both common spellings of the color between black and white. Gray is more frequent in American English, whereas grey is more common in British English. … Of the two, gray occurs more frequently in American English, while grey has historically been the spelling preferred by British English publications.

Why are there two grey spellings?

“Gray” and “grey” are two different ways of spelling the word; neither is technically “right.” There’s no difference in its meanings, and each comes from the same word: the Old English “grǽg.” Throughout the 14th century, examples appear of the word being spelled as both “greye” and “graye” in prominent works of …

Which grey is the color?

Gray is more common in the U.S., while grey is more common in other English-speaking countries. In proper names—like Earl Grey tea and the unit Gray, among others—the spelling stays the same, and they need to be memorized. Here’s a tip: Want to make sure your writing always looks great?

Is white a color?

Some consider white to be a color, because white light comprises all hues on the visible light spectrum. And many do consider black to be a color, because you combine other pigments to create it on paper. But in a technical sense, black and white are not colors, they’re shades. They augment colors.

Is red Colour a proper noun?

The names of colors are generally not proper nouns. Words such as blue, green, orange, yellow, and red are all common nouns, so they are not…

Are Colours abstract nouns?

Colour ( abstract noun)

How do you describe colors in writing?

Bright — Brilliant in color. Brilliant — Vivid; intense. Colorful — Full of vivid colors. Dappled — Having a spotted surface.

What is the adverb of Colour?

In a colorable manner.

What color is the USA?

Color is the aspect of things that is caused by differing qualities of light being reflected or emitted by them. To see color, you have to have light. When light shines on an object some colors bounce off the object and others are absorbed by it. … All light rays contain color. Light is made of electromagnetic waves.

What is the noun of Colour?

color. (uncountable) The spectral composition of visible light. (countable) A particular set of visible spectral compositions, perceived or named as a class. (uncountable) Hue as opposed to achromatic colors (black, white and grays).

Why don t British use the word the?

It is not necessary to say «go to the hospital» or «go on the holiday», when talking in a general sense. Use of the word ‘the’, means that the sentence is in a particular sense. A reference to one, particular example. «go to the hospital» will mean going to one, particular hospital.

Is defense spelled with ac or an S?

Defence and defense are both correct ways to spell the same word. The difference between them, the fact that one’s spelled with a “c” and the other with an “s”, comes down to the part of the world in which they are used. In the United States, people spell it with an “s”—defense.

Why do Americans use z instead s?

Many American words replace the “s” used in British spelling with a “z” for words such as “realize,” “apologize” and “cozy.” Using a “z” instead of an “s” makes more sense because we pronounce these words with a “z” sound. … Thus, “cozy” is the more logical spelling.

  • 1
    colour fast

    colour fast noun невыцветающий (о ткани); прочный (о краске)

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > colour fast

  • 2

    colour-blindness noun дальтонизм, неспособность различать цвета

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > colour-blindness

  • 3

    colour-wash 1. noun клеевая краска 2. v. красить клеевой краской

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > colour-wash

  • 4
    colour filter


    * * *

    (n) светофильтр

    Новый англо-русский словарь > colour filter

  • 5

    1. n цвет; тон; оттенок

    2. n краска; красящее вещество, пигмент

    3. n иск. умение пользоваться цветом, колоритом

    4. n спец. колер

    5. n цвет лица; румянец

    6. n цвет кожи; расовая принадлежность

    7. n видимость; оттенок, налёт

    8. n свет, вид

    9. n яркость, живость

    10. n муз. тембр, оттенок

    11. n предлог

    12. n арх. риторические фигуры

    13. n юр. очевидное, не требующее особых доказательств, законное право

    14. n амер. следы или крупинки золота в промываемой руде

    15. v красить, окрашивать, раскрашивать

    16. v принимать окраску, окрашиваться

    17. v покраснеть, зардеться

    18. v рдеть, поспевать

    19. v накладывать отпечаток

    20. v приукрашивать; искажать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. colouration (noun) brilliance; cast; colouration; hue; intensity; shade; tone

    2. colouring (noun) colorant; colouring; dye; dyestuff; pigment; stain; tincture; tint

    4. face (noun) cloak; cover; deception; disguise; facade; face; front; gloss; guise; mask; masquerade; outward appearance; pretence; pretext; semblance; show; veil; veneer; window-dressing

    5. bias (verb) bias; prejudice; prepossess; warp

    6. flush (verb) bloom; blush; crimson; flush; glow; mantle; redden

    7. gloss (verb) gild; gloss; palliate; varnish; veneer; whitewash

    8. load (verb) belie; corrupt; deceive; disguise; distort; falsify; load; misrepresent; misstate; pervert; slant; twist; wrench

    9. tinge (verb) daub; dye; imbue; paint; stain; stipple; tinge; tint

    Антонимический ряд:

    nakedness; openness

    English-Russian base dictionary > colour

  • 6

    1) цвет; оттенок; тон; primary (или simple, fundamental) colours основные цвета; all the colours of the rainbow все цвета радуги; out of colour выцветший; выгоревший; without colour бесцветный; fig. лишенный индивидуальных черт

    2) краска; красящее вещество, пигмент; колер; to paint in bright (dark) colours рисовать яркими (мрачными) красками

    3) свет, вид; оттенок; to cast (или to put) a false colour on smth. искажать, представлять что-л. в ложном свете; to come out in one’s true colours предстать в своем настоящем виде; to give some colour of truth to smth. придавать некоторое правдоподобие чемул.; to paint in true (false) colours изображать правдиво (лживо); to lay on the colours too thickly


    сгущать краски; сильно преувеличивать; хватить через край

    4) румянец (


    high colour); to gain colour порозоветь; to lose colour побледнеть; поблекнуть

    5) колорит; local colour местный колорит

    6) предлог;

    under colour of smth.

    а) под предлогом чего-л.;

    б) под видом чего-л.

    7) индивидуальность, яркая личность

    8) (


    pl) знамя; regimental colour полковое знамя; King’s (Queen’s) colour штандарт короля (королевы); to call to the colours


    призвать, мобилизовать;

    to come off with flying colours

    а) вернуться с развевающимися знаменами;

    б) добиться успеха, одержать победу; to desert the colours


    изменить своему знамени; дезертировать; to join the colours вступать в армию; to lower (или to strike) one’s colours сдаваться, покоряться; with the colours в действующей армии

    9) (


    ) цветная лента; цветной значок; цветное платье; to dress in colours одеваться в яркие цвета

    11) (


    ) цветной; colour bar, colour line ‘цветной барьер’, расовая дискриминация

    to see the colour of smb.’s money получить деньги от кого-л.

    to take one’s colour from smb. подражать кому-л.

    to stick to one’s colours оставаться до конца верным своим убеждениям

    to nail one’s colours to the mast открыто отстаивать свои убеждения; проявлять настойчивость; не отступать

    to sail under false colours обманывать, лицемерить

    1) красить, раскрашивать; окрашивать

    2) прикрашивать; искажать; an account coloured by prejudice тенденциозный отзыв; the facts were improperly coloured факты были искажены

    3) принимать окраску, окрашиваться

    4) краснеть, рдеть (о лице, о плоде; часто colour up)


    dye, paint, stain, tinge, tint

    see blush



    * * *

    * * *

    цвет; знамя

    * * *

    (Brit.) [col·our || ‘kʌlə]
    красить, раскрашивать, подкрасить, принимать окраску, окрашиваться; покраснеть, зардеться, краснеть; искажать, прикрашивать
    цвет, тон, оттенок; краска, красящее вещество, пигмент, колер; румянец, небелый цвет кожи; свет; вид; тембр; предлог; знамя, цветная лента, цветной значок; цветное платье

    * * *






    * * *

    1. сущ.; тж. color
    1) цвет (обычно яркий)
    2) краска, красящее вещество
    3) румянец (тж. high colour)
    4) мн. цветной, яркий предмет одежды
    2. гл.; тж. color
    1) а) красить, раскрашивать; окрашивать (тж. colour in)
    б) окрашиваться, становиться такого-то цвета; в частности краснеть
    в) перен. отбрасывать тень, окрашивать,
    г) перен. зреть
    2) перен. приукрашивать; искажать; представлять, подавать в том или ином виде
    3. прил.

    Новый англо-русский словарь > colour

  • 7

    dust-colour noun серовато-коричневый цвет

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > dust-colour

  • 8

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > ground-colour

  • 9

    oil-colour noun; usu. pl. масляная краска

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > oil-colour

  • 10

    rose-colour noun 1) розовый цвет 2) привлекательный вид 3) что-л. приятное

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > rose-colour

  • 11

    water-colour noun 1) usu. pl. акварель(ные краски) 2) акварель (рисунок) 3)attr. акварельный

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > water-colour

  • 12
    dead colour


    * * *

    (v) грунтовать

    Новый англо-русский словарь > dead colour

  • 13

    1. a красящее вещество

    2. a краски

    3. a чувство цвета

    4. a колорит

    5. a цвет

    6. a окраска, раскраска, окрашивание

    7. a приукрашивание

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. turning red (adj.) blushing; embarrassment; reddening; shame; turning red

    2. colour (noun) colorant; colour; dye; dyestuff; pigment; stain; tincture

    4. face (noun) cloak; cover; disguise; facade; face; front; gloss; guise; mask; masquerade; pretence; pretext; semblance; show; veil; veneer; window-dressing

    5. colouring (verb) belying; biasing; colouring; distorting; dyeing; falsifying; loading; misrepresenting; misstating; perverting; prejudicing; prepossessing; twisting; warping; wrenching

    6. flushing (verb) blushing; crimsoning; flushing; mantling; reddening

    7. glossing (verb) gilding; glossing; palliating; varnishing; veneering; whitewashing

    English-Russian base dictionary > colouring

  • 14

    1. n окраска, расцветка

    2. n окрашивание, раскраска

    3. n цвет лица

    4. n цвет кожи

    5. n жив. колорит

    6. n политическая окраска

    7. n муз. орнаментирование, фигурация

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. color (noun) brilliance; cast; color; hue; intensity; shade; tinge; tint; tone

    English-Russian base dictionary > coloration

  • 15

    1. n малиновый цвет; кармазин, тёмно-красный цвет

    2. n тёмно-красная краска

    3. n густой румянец

    4. a малиновый; кармазинный

    5. v окрашивать в малиновый или кармазинный цвет

    6. v окрашиваться в малиновый или кармазинный цвет

    7. v густо краснеть, покрываться густым румянцем

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. bloodstained (adj.) bleeding; bloodstained; bloody; ensanguined; gory; sanguinary; sanguine; sanguineous; wounded

    2. colour (noun) blush; colour; flush; pink; pinkish; reddening; reddish; rose

    3. blush (verb) blush; color; colour; flush; glow; mantle; pink; pinken; redden; rose; rouge

    English-Russian base dictionary > crimson

  • 16

    краситель; пигмент

    Синонимический ряд:

    colour (noun) colour; colouring; dye; dyestuff; pigment; stain; tincture

    English-Russian base dictionary > colorant

  • 17

    Синонимический ряд:

    colour (noun) brilliance; cast; colour; hue; intensity; shade; tint; tone

    English-Russian base dictionary > colouration

  • 18

    Синонимический ряд:

    colour (noun) color; colorant; colour; colouring; dye; pigment; stain; tincture; tint

    English-Russian base dictionary > dyestuff

  • 19

    1. n тёмно-бордовый цвет

    2. n бурак

    3. a тёмно-бордового цвета

    4. n ист. марон

    5. n редк. человек, высаженный на необитаемом острове

    6. v высаживать на необитаемом острове

    7. v покинуть; оставить в безвыходном положении

    8. v ав. жарг. не давать подниматься в воздух, заставлять отсиживаться на аэродроме

    9. v бездельничать; слоняться, околачиваться

    10. v амер. устраивать пикник с ночёвкой в палатках или на открытом воздухе

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. colour (noun) carmine; cerise; cherry; colour; crimson; red; ruby; scarlet

    2. abandon (verb) abandon; bivouac; camp; desert; forsake; isolate

    English-Russian base dictionary > maroon

  • 20

    1. n ярко-красный, алый, багряный цвет, багрец

    2. n мантия, одежда из пурпура

    3. n редк. сан, звание, титул

    4. n редк. ткань алого цвета

    to don the scarlet — облачиться в кардинальские одежды; быть посвящённым в сан кардинала

    5. a ярко-красный, алый; багровый, багряный

    6. a раскрасневшийся, разрумянившийся

    7. a библ. одетый в пурпур

    8. a распутный; греховный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. color (adj.) Chinese red; color; mandarin red; orange red; Prussian red; red; royal red; turkey red; vermilion

    2. colour (noun) carmine; cerise; cherry; colour; crimson; maroon; red; ruby

    English-Russian base dictionary > scarlet

  • См. также в других словарях:

    • colour supplement — noun (British) a magazine that is printed in color and circulated with a newspaper (especially on weekends) • Regions: ↑United Kingdom, ↑UK, ↑U.K., ↑Britain, ↑United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, ↑Great Britain …   Useful english dictionary

    • colour scheme — noun a planned combination of colors the color scheme for this room was determined by an interior decorator • Syn: ↑color scheme • Hypernyms: ↑combination * * * colour scheme noun A planned combination of colours in a design or interior… …   Useful english dictionary

    • colour bar — noun barrier preventing blacks from participating in various activities with whites • Syn: ↑color bar, ↑color line, ↑colour line, ↑Jim Crow • Hypernyms: ↑ideological barrier * * * colour bar noun Social discrimination …   Useful english dictionary

    • colour code — noun A system of identification, eg of electrical wires, by different colours • • • Main Entry: ↑colour * * * ˈcolour code [colour code colour codes] (especially US ˈcolor code) …   Useful english dictionary

    • colour wash — noun a wash of whitewash or other water base paint tinted with a colored pigment • Syn: ↑color wash • Hypernyms: ↑wash * * * ˈcolour wash 7 [colour wash colour washes] (e …   Useful english dictionary

    • colour blindness — noun genetic inability to distinguish differences in hue • Syn: ↑color blindness, ↑color vision deficiency, ↑colour vision deficiency • Derivationally related forms: ↑colour blind (for: ↑color blindness), ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

    • colour line — noun barrier preventing blacks from participating in various activities with whites • Syn: ↑color bar, ↑colour bar, ↑color line, ↑Jim Crow • Hypernyms: ↑ideological barrier * * * colour line noun A social and political sep …   Useful english dictionary

    • colour television — noun a television that transmits images in color • Syn: ↑color television, ↑color television system, ↑colour television system, ↑color TV, ↑colour TV • Hypernyms: ↑television, ↑television system …   Useful english dictionary

    • colour television system — noun a television that transmits images in color • Syn: ↑color television, ↑colour television, ↑color television system, ↑color TV, ↑colour TV • Hypernyms: ↑television, ↑television system …   Useful english dictionary

    • colour television tube — noun a television tube that displays images in full color • Syn: ↑color tube, ↑colour tube, ↑color television tube, ↑color TV tube, ↑colour TV tube • Hypernyms: ↑kinescope, ↑picture tube, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

    • colour tube — noun a television tube that displays images in full color • Syn: ↑color tube, ↑color television tube, ↑colour television tube, ↑color TV tube, ↑colour TV tube • Hypernyms: ↑kinescope, ↑picture tube, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

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    I am a great lover of art, in many forms: paintings, objets, textiles. I don’t have the talent for painting, but I have a very good sense of colour, a love of visual beauty.

    Jacqueline Bisset



    From Old French colour from Latin color tint, hue.


    Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






    Colour is a verb and can also act as a noun.

    A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

    The verb is the part of the sentence that is conjugated and expresses action and state of being.

    See the conjugation of the verb colour in English.




    Color or colour is the visual perceptual property corresponding in humans to the categories called red, blue, yellow, green and others. Color derives from the spectrum of light interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors. Color categories and physical specifications of color are also associated with objects or materials based on their physical properties such as light absorption, reflection, or emission spectra. By defining a color space, colors can be identified numerically by their coordinates. Because perception of color stems from the varying spectral sensitivity of different types of cone cells in the retina to different parts of the spectrum, colors may be defined and quantified by the degree to which they stimulate these cells. These physical or physiological quantifications of color, however, do not fully explain the psychophysical perception of color appearance. The science of color is sometimes called chromatics, chromatography, colorimetry, or simply color science.

    Definition of colour in the English dictionary

    The first definition of colour in the dictionary is an attribute of things that results from the light they reflect, transmit, or emit in so far as this light causes a visual sensation that depends on its wavelengths. Other definition of colour is the aspect of visual perception by which an observer recognizes this attribute. Colour is also the quality of the light producing this aspect of visual perception.




    I colour

    you colour

    he/she/it colours

    we colour

    you colour

    they colour

    Present continuous

    I am colouring

    you are colouring

    he/she/it is colouring

    we are colouring

    you are colouring

    they are colouring

    Present perfect

    I have coloured

    you have coloured

    he/she/it has coloured

    we have coloured

    you have coloured

    they have coloured

    Present perfect continuous

    I have been colouring

    you have been colouring

    he/she/it has been colouring

    we have been colouring

    you have been colouring

    they have been colouring

    Present tense is used to refer to circumstances that exist at the present time or over a period that includes the present time. The present perfect refers to past events, although it can be considered to denote primarily the resulting present situation rather than the events themselves.



    I coloured

    you coloured

    he/she/it coloured

    we coloured

    you coloured

    they coloured

    Past continuous

    I was colouring

    you were colouring

    he/she/it was colouring

    we were colouring

    you were colouring

    they were colouring

    Past perfect

    I had coloured

    you had coloured

    he/she/it had coloured

    we had coloured

    you had coloured

    they had coloured

    Past perfect continuous

    I had been colouring

    you had been colouring

    he/she/it had been colouring

    we had been colouring

    you had been colouring

    they had been colouring

    Past tense forms express circumstances existing at some time in the past,



    I will colour

    you will colour

    he/she/it will colour

    we will colour

    you will colour

    they will colour

    Future continuous

    I will be colouring

    you will be colouring

    he/she/it will be colouring

    we will be colouring

    you will be colouring

    they will be colouring

    Future perfect

    I will have coloured

    you will have coloured

    he/she/it will have coloured

    we will have coloured

    you will have coloured

    they will have coloured

    Future perfect continuous

    I will have been colouring

    you will have been colouring

    he/she/it will have been colouring

    we will have been colouring

    you will have been colouring

    they will have been colouring

    The future is used to express circumstances that will occur at a later time.



    I would colour

    you would colour

    he/she/it would colour

    we would colour

    you would colour

    they would colour

    Conditional continuous

    I would be colouring

    you would be colouring

    he/she/it would be colouring

    we would be colouring

    you would be colouring

    they would be colouring

    Conditional perfect

    I would have colour

    you would have colour

    he/she/it would have colour

    we would have colour

    you would have colour

    they would have colour

    Conditional perfect continuous

    I would have been colouring

    you would have been colouring

    he/she/it would have been colouring

    we would have been colouring

    you would have been colouring

    they would have been colouring

    Conditional or «future-in-the-past» tense refers to hypothetical or possible actions.



    you colour
    we let´s colour
    you colour

    The imperative is used to form commands or requests.


    Present Participle


    Infinitive shows the action beyond temporal perspective. The present participle or gerund shows the action during the session. The past participle shows the action after completion.


    Synonyms and antonyms of colour in the English dictionary of synonyms


    The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «colour» and belong to the same grammatical category.

    Translation of «colour» into 25 languages

    online translator


    Find out the translation of colour to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

    The translations of colour from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «colour» in English.

    Translator English — Chinese


    1,325 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Spanish


    570 millions of speakers



    510 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Hindi


    380 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Arabic


    280 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Russian


    278 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Portuguese


    270 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Bengali


    260 millions of speakers

    Translator English — French


    220 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Malay


    190 millions of speakers

    Translator English — German


    180 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Japanese

    130 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Korean

    85 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Javanese


    85 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Vietnamese

    màu sắc

    80 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Tamil


    75 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Marathi


    75 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Turkish


    70 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Italian


    65 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Polish


    50 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Ukrainian


    40 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Romanian


    30 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Greek


    15 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Afrikaans


    14 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Swedish


    10 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Norwegian


    5 millions of speakers

    Trends of use of colour


    The term «colour» is very widely used and occupies the 3.605 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



    Very widely used

    The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «colour» in the different countries.

    Principal search tendencies and common uses of colour

    List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «colour».


    The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «colour» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «colour» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

    Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about colour


    Famous quotes and sentences with the word colour.

    If you change the way you tell your own story, you can change the colour and create a life in technicolour.

    The industry is quite chauvinistic generally. Expectations of women, girls, what they should look like, how they should be, what they should say, what they should wear, how their hair should be, what colour their skin should be.

    The colour of the skin is in no way connected with strength of the mind or intellectual powers.

    I became intrigued with colour theory. The absurd pronouncements of the colour Institute, a group that decides what colours are hot each year or season, amused me.

    I am a great lover of art, in many forms: paintings, objets, textiles. I don’t have the talent for painting, but I have a very good sense of colour, a love of visual beauty.

    I know that if odour were visible, as colour is, I’d see the summer garden in rainbow clouds.

    Fashion should be something that in the morning, when you open your window, you say, ‘Oh fantastic, sun!’ Then you take your shower, you say, ‘OK fantastic, which colour I wear today because I feel happy?’ This should be fashion.

    Shadow is a colour as light is, but less brilliant; light and shadow are only the relation of two tones.

    Every time I have to try on a wig for work, I get excited about the colour; I’ve often thought about going for a platinum bob or also raven black, as it looks so great against pale skin. But I always end up being loyal to my red colour.

    Ajax is a multicultural club, and we have found that many talented immigrant players quit when they reach puberty. So we wanted to tackle this problem with someone from the same background who had come through it. And that was Edgar Davids. During one of our fights, I pointed that out to him. But it had nothing to do with his skin colour.


    Discover the use of colour in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to colour and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.

    To answer such questions on the nature of colour this volume gathers the combined knowledge of physics, biology, history and art.

    Trevor Lamb, Janine Bourriau, 1995


    Colour: A Workshop for Artists and Designers

    Demystifying its subject for professionals and students alike, this title inspires confidence in colour’s application to graphic design, illustration, painting, textile art, and textile design.


    Eco Colour: Botanical Dyes for Beautiful Textiles

    «This book by internationally renowned dyer, costumier and artist India Flint draws on her two decades of experience and experimentation in natural dyeing techniques to present an expert, highly accessible and achievable handbook of …

    Included in this special edition is the original patent application for A. Wallace Rimington’s Colour Organ, his 1895 speech announcing the new art of colour-music, and the full text of his 1912 book discussing his art in detail, complete …

    Discusses the colors of the natural world, the mechanism of color vision, uses of color in technology, and the psychological effects of color


    Colour and The Optical Properties of Materials: An …

    New to this Edition: The chapter framework of the first edition will be retained, with each chapter being substantially rewritten and some material would be relocated. Some chapters will be rewritten in a clearer fashion, e.g.

    Richard J. D. Tilley, 2010


    Colour: Seeing, Experiencing, Understanding

    This book is ideal for parents, teachers and anyone who wishes to develop a deeper knowledge and appreciation of the phenomenon of color.


    Colour: How to Use Colour in Art and Design

    This book provides a thorough grounding in colour theory as well as expert advice about putting the principles into practice.

    Edith Anderson Feisner, 2000


    Colour-coded: A Legal History of Racism in Canada, 1900-1950

    A richly textured narrative that seeks to capture the role played by the law in the definition of race and shoring up of racial repression in Canada.

    Constance Backhouse, Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History, 1999


    The Architectonic Colour: Polychromy in the Purist …

    With the term ‘the architectonic colour’, Le Corbusier (1887-1965) referred tot he profound link between this gamma and architecture. This book is an account of a significant aspect of Le Corbusier’s work.


    Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term colour is used in the context of the following news items.

    See your way to better colour choices

    But when it comes to choosing a wall colour, you’re stopped cold. You are not alone. I knew a woman who put less thought into her wedding … «Toronto Sun, Jul 15»

    Kylie Minogue injects a pop of colour to Lancome Celebrates 80 …

    Even shaped like the velvety lip colour, thanks to its off-the-shoulder shape, the Princess Of Pop was positively radiant from head-to-toe in the … «Daily Mail, Jul 15»

    Blake Lively debuts her new brunette hair colour on Instagram

    The actress debuted her new darker colour on Tuesday, giving her Instagram followers a look at her look, which she called: ‘bronde.’. «Daily Mail, Jul 15»

    Debra Williams blog: Well, colour me purple!

    ONE of the first questions children learn to answer is what is your favourite colour? Blue is the most popular colour, even in countries where … «South Wales Evening Post, Jul 15»

    Have a blast with Grove House’s first colour run

    St Albans estate agents Collinson Hall are playing a colourful part in the first-ever Colour Blast fun run in aid of Rennie Grove Hospice Care. «Herts Advertiser, Jul 15»

    New colour scale reveals FarSounder images

    FarSounder, the US-based navigation systems specialist, has altered the pallet of its colour-map’s in order to create more intuitive and readable … «Superyacht News — The Superyacht Report, Jul 15»

    Good news Tottenham fans: White is a more successful colour than …

    Previous research has suggested that teams wearing red win more matches because the colour subconsciously unnerves and scares … «Evening Standard, Jul 15»

    18 rare colour photographs of the Russian Empire from over 100 …

    Russian chemist and photographer Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii was one of the first to use colour photography in the early 20th … «Business Insider Australia, Jul 15»

    Colour Sound Invests In Robe BMFLs

    West London based lighting and visuals rental company Colour Sound Experiment now holds the largest stock of Robe BMFL Spot moving … «Live Design, Jul 15»

    Probe unveils Pluto as solar system’s second ‘Red Planet’

    More remarkable, though, is the zoomed-in, colour image that shows off the reddish hue of the surface — making Pluto strangely reminiscent of … «The Weather Network, Jul 15»


    « EDUCALINGO. Colour [online]. Available <>. Apr 2023 ».

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    Discover all that is hidden in the words on educalingo

    What is the name of the color?

    [countable, uncountable] the appearance of things as a result of the way they reflect light. Red, orange and green are the colors.

    What is the name of the color?

    [countable, uncountable] the appearance of things as a result of the way they reflect light. Red, orange and green are the colors.

    Is the color a common name?

    Answer: The word “color” is a common noun. For example, “Equality has no color.” Here, in this sentence, the word “color” is a (common) noun. …Similarly, in the sentence “peppers are green”, the word “green” is a descriptive adjective.

    Is the word color a noun?

    Color name (RED / BLUE, etc.)

    Red, blue, green, yellow, etc.: He wore bright colors. Green is my favorite color. What color to paint the kitchen?

    Is the color blue a noun?

    blue name (COLOR)

    Is color a noun or a verb?

    color (noun) color (verb) colorblind (adjective) color (adjective)

    What is a color verb?

    colorful tones Definition of color (Entry 2 of 2) Transitive verb 1a: to color. b: Color change (such as dyeing, dyeing or dyeing) Dye the hair.

    What are the 10 common names?

    Examples of common names

    • People: mother, father, baby, toddler, young child, teenager, grandmother, student, teacher, minister, businessman, salesman, woman, man.
    • Animals: lion, tiger, bear, dog, cat, alligator, cricket, bird, wolf.
    • Things: desk, truck, book, pencil, iPad, computer, coat, shoes,

    is birthday a noun?

    The name of the birthday boy is a common name. Common nouns refer to non-specific objects, people, places, or concepts, unlike proper nouns,…

    Is laughter a name?

    Laughter is a countable noun. A man might laugh or two, but he couldn’t put one together. On the other hand, it can be said that laughing at a funeral is inappropriate. They refer to the idea as a whole.

    What’s a fancy word for blue?

    What is another word for blue?

    azure cerulean
    cobalt navy
    sapphire indigo
    sky-blue turquoise
    ultramarine aquamarine


    - any material used for its color (syn: color)
    - (physics) the characteristic of quarks that determines their role in the strong interaction (syn: color)
    - interest and variety and intensity (syn: color, vividness)
    - the timbre of a musical sound (syn: color, coloration, colouration)
    - a visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect (syn: color, coloring, colouring)
    - an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading (syn: color, gloss, semblance)
    - the appearance of objects (or light sources) described in terms of a person’s perception of their hue and lightness (or brightness) and saturation (syn: color)


    - modify or bias (syn: color)
    - decorate with colors (syn: color, emblazon)
    - give a deceptive explanation or excuse for (syn: color, gloss)
    - affect as in thought or feeling (syn: color, distort, tinge)
    - add color to (syn: color)
    - change color, often in an undesired manner (syn: color, discolor, discolour)


    - having or capable of producing colors (syn: color)

    Extra examples

    Snakes’ colour discrimination is poor, the researchers say.

    This one is painted in dark colours.

    Five minutes to colours, sir.

    There are only two old colours in the new Oxford team.

    Rivers and lakes are often coloured green by algae.

    In the same pan, fry the chopped shallot and pancetta until they start to colour.

    The child coloured in the picture.

    Andrew couldn’t help noticing that she coloured slightly.

    Mary coloured up when Jim praised her cooking.

    Don’t allow your friends’ opinions to colour your judgement.

    In all these cases it is the motive that colours the act.

    Tomatoes colour if left in dark place.

    The sailor always colours up his adventures to please his hearers.

    Introduction of colour print made a revolution in the photography.

    What colour dress did you buy?

    Word forms

    I/you/we/they: colour
    he/she/it: colours
    present participle: colouring
    past tense: coloured
    past participle: coloured

    singular: colour
    plural: colours

    Americans have standardized around different spelling conventions from other parts of the world. There is a multiplicity of spelling differences between British and American English.

    Like many such dilemmas, deciding whether to use color or colour depends on the added U in colour. This feature is common to the spellings of many words which differ between American and British English. The American effort to standardize around simpler spellings, where these existed, brought about such differences.

    What is the Difference Between Color and Colour?

    In this article, I will compare color vs. colour. I will also use both of these words in sentences, as well as reveal a useful trick to help decide whether colour or color is the more appropriate variant for your writing.

    When to Use Color

    Define colour and define color What does color mean? Color can be a noun or a verb.

    As a noun, color is defined as a characteristic appearance achieved by reflecting certain frequencies of visible light while absorbing others. A blue surface, for instance, reflects blue frequencies of light, making the object in question appear blue.

    As a verb, color is defined as to give something a shade or a hue. Coloring can be achieved with paints, pencils, or through use of digital software.

    Below are examples of color in both its noun and verb forms.

    • Red is not the warmest color. (Noun)
    • “Oh Rachel, that color looks so good on you!” Bryan exclaimed. (Noun)
    • The water in the diving well turned a dark shade of green on Tuesday, and the larger pool began to turn the same color the following day. –New York Post (Noun)
    • “My children want you to color a picture with them,” the woman said to her realtor. (Verb)

    The below graph that charts color vs. color in American English, and, as you can see, color is clearly the dominant spelling.


    When to Use Colour

    What does colour mean? Colour is the British English spelling of this word. It is applicable to all the same contexts as color.

    • The colour catches the eye. Polychromatic stone sculpture is not something we are quite used to. –The Telegraph

    The below graph charts colour vs. color in British English, and, as you can see, colour has been vastly preferred since at least 1800. It does appear, however, that color is gaining ground, but colour is still the dominant spelling.

    Definition of color definition of colour definition

    Even though these charts aren’t exhaustive or scientific, they are useful for identifying long term trends.

    Trick to Remember the Difference

    Color and colour difference Here is a helpful trick to remember colour vs. color.

    Color is preferred in American English. Colour is preferred in British English.

    You can remember to use colour with primarily British audiences by noticing the U that colour has in common with United Kingdom. Since there is no U in the word America, you will know not to use colour when writing for American audiences.


    Is it color or colour? Color and colour are alternative spellings of the same word. As a noun, the word refers to the various shades of visible light reflected back to the eye from a surface. As a verb, it refers to the action of imparting color to an object.

    • Color is the preferred spelling in American English.
    • In British English, colour is preferred.

    You can remember to use colour with British audiences by noticing the U that colour has in common with United Kingdom.

    Color and colour are a good example of spelling differences between American and British English. Be sure to check this website next time you have questions about the meanings of similar words, or about spelling differences between these two varieties of written English.


    • 1 What is the Difference Between Color and Colour?
    • 2 When to Use Color
    • 3 When to Use Colour
    • 4 Trick to Remember the Difference
    • 5 Summary

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