Is the word clean a noun

The word “clean” is one of the most used multipurpose words in the English language. Let us check the roles which the word “clean” is going to play.

The word “clean” can play the role of four types of parts of speech. Those four roles are “adjective,” “noun,” “verb,” and “adverb.” For clear understanding, we should try to avoid the use of the word “clean” in a sentence to represent two or more types of parts of speech.

Now, we will go through various explanations that will provide knowledge regarding the use of “clean” as an “adjective,” a “noun,” a “verb,” and an “adverb.”

When is “clean” an adjective?

Adjectives are the most important words to have information about a noun or noun equivalent. Let us check when the word “clean” performs the role of an adjective.

The word “clean” can be an adjective when it refers to certain aspects of a sentence. Now, we will go through the aspects that the word “clean” needs to go through to be called an “adjective”.

Aspects to call “clean” an adjective Example Explanation
1. Any “singular noun” must be modified or described by the word “clean” to mark the word “clean” as an “adjective”. You must have a clean mind to teach students with special abilities. We can mark the word “clean” as an adjective because it is in use to refer to the singular noun “mind” to depict the meaning “without any negative thoughts”.
2. Any “plural noun” must be modified or described by the word “clean” to mark the word “clean” as an “adjective”. You all must have clean minds to teach students with special abilities. We can mark the word “clean” as an adjective because it is in use to refer to the plural noun “minds” to depict the meaning “without any negative thoughts”.
3. Any “singular pronoun” must be modified or described by the word “clean” to mark the word “clean” as an “adjective”. You must have the right mind to teach students with special abilities, and it needs to be clean. We can mark the word “clean” as an adjective because it is in use to refer to the singular pronoun “it”, which refers to the noun “mind”.
4. Any “plural pronoun” must be modified or described by the word “clean” to mark the word “clean” as an “adjective”. I have found three handkerchiefs in the footstep of our building, and they are clean. We can mark the word “clean” as an adjective because it is in use to refer to the plural pronoun “they”, which refers to the noun “handkerchiefs”.
5. The word “clean” can be used to show similarity between two types of nouns, pronouns, or noun equivalents. Your copy books are as clean as mine, as both of us did not complete our homework. The word “clean” can certainly be marked as an adjective as it is used to show similarity between two white papers.
6. The word “clean” can be used to show a comparison between noun, pronoun or noun equivalent. The school uniform of Mina is cleaner than the school uniform of Renu. The word “clean” can certainly be marked as an adjective as it is in use to show a comparison between the school uniform of Mina and the school uniform of Renu.
7. The word “clean” can be used to show the superiority of a noun, pronoun, or noun equivalent. Mina’s school uniform is the cleanest among all the class students. The word “clean” can certainly be marked as an adjective as it is used to the superiority of the noun “school uniform of Mina”. The suffix “est” has been added to make the form superior.
Aspects to call “clean” an adjective

Is “clean” a descriptive adjective?

Descriptive adjectives are those adjectives that describe any quality or state of a noun, whether noun equivalent or pronoun. Let us check if the word “clean” is a descriptive adjective or not.

The word “clean” can be certainly marked as a “descriptive adjective” in those sentences where it is in use to provide particulars about a specific noun or noun equivalent.

When we can use “clean” as a “descriptive adjective”?

We can use the word “clean” as a descriptive adjective to serve any of the below-listed purposes.

Usage of the descriptive adjective “clean” Example Explanation
1. The descriptive adjective “clean” can be used to convey the meaning “free from any type of dirt or pollution.” You must give me a clean carry- box as I am going to take my lunch on it. The word “clean” can certainly be marked as an adjective as it is used to describe the noun “carry box” to depict the meaning “free from dirt”.
2. The descriptive adjective “clean” can be used to describe an object which “is not still not used.” Please, provide me a clean tissue paper to dry my hand. The word “clean” can certainly be marked as an adjective, as it is used to describe the noun “tissue paper” to depict the meaning “still not used”.
3. The descriptive adjective “clean” can be used to describe a document that has “no fault” in it. You cannot charge me a fine because my driving license is clean of any violations. The word “clean” can certainly be marked as an adjective as it is used to describe the noun “driving license” to depict the meaning “no-fault” in it.
4. The descriptive adjective “clean” can be used to depict the meaning “easy and simple.” Your prose is the best among all, as your prose is clean. The word “clean” can certainly be marked as an adjective as it is used to describe the noun “prose” to depict the meaning “simple”.
5. The descriptive adjective “clean” can be used to say “good morals.” I like to spend time with you as your clean speech helps me to motivate myself. The word “clean” can certainly be marked as an adjective as it is used to describe the noun “speech” to depict the meaning “good moral”.
6. The descriptive adjective “clean” can be used to present a document or object that does not have any bad remarks about it.     Please review my clean report on my final assignment, Mother. The word “clean” can certainly be marked as an adjective as it is used to describe the noun “report of final assignment” to depict the meaning “free from any type of bad remark”.
7. The descriptive adjective “clean” can be used to say “without any ailment or pain.” You do not need to apply any ointment to your clean wound. The word “clean” can certainly be marked as an adjective as it is used to describe the noun “wound” to depict the meaning “without any pain”.
8. The descriptive adjective “clean” can be used to describe a person who is spiritually and physically pure. Only clean people are allowed to come to serve the food. The word “clean” can certainly be marked as an adjective as it is used to describe the noun “person” to depict the meaning “physically and spiritually pure”.
9. The descriptive adjective “clean” can be used to depict the meaning “precise and compact” of any literary work. We need to select clean books for the students’ English literature in sixth grade. The word “clean” can certainly be marked as an adjective as it is used to describe the noun “students’ English literature of sixth grade” to depict the meaning “compact”.
10. The descriptive adjective “clean” can be used to convey the meaning “not involved with”. You can trust me to complete the task because I am clean of all addictions. The word “clean” can certainly be marked as an adjective, as it is used to describe the pronoun “I” to depict the meaning “not involved with”.
11. The descriptive adjective “clean” can be used to depict the meaning “vacant” of a storage device. I want a clean computer as I have to store my personal data on it. The word “clean” can certainly be marked as an adjective, as it is used to describe the noun “computer” to depict the meaning “vacant”.
Usage of the descriptive adjective “clean”

A word has to be a “naming entity” to be called a “noun”. Let us check if the word “clean” can perform the role of a noun or not.

The word “clean” sometimes plays the role of a noun in a sentence where it replaces any name. Use of the word “clean” as a “noun” is applicable in British English, though it is not common in American English.

Example: Let us give a good clean to our ancestor’s house.


The word “clean” can be termed a “noun” in this sentence as it is in use as an “act of cleaning.”

Is “clean” a verb?

All types of nouns have three to four types of change of formation according to the tense and person of the sentence. Let us see if the word “clean” can be used as a verb or not.

The word “clean” can certainly be marked as a “verb” if it is in use as an “activity” to depict the meaning “remove the dirt” or “clear the dust” in a specific sentence.

What type of verb “clean” is?

The verb “clean” belongs to the group of “transitive verbs” in the parts of speech. It can also be termed an “action verb”. There are five forms of the verb “clean” according to the person and tense of the sentence.

Forms of the verb “clean” Example Explanation
1. The form “clean” can be used as the “present” form of the verb “clean” I like to clean my study room whenever I return home from the hostel on vacation. The verb form “clean” is in use to present a “simple present tense”.
2. We use the verb form “cleans” in a simple present tense with a third-person singular number. Renu cleans the kitchen even after she has prepared only tea for all. The additional “s” has been added to the root form of the verb “clean” as the subject of the sentence is a third-person singular number.
3. The form “cleaning” can be used as the “present continuous” form of the verb “clean.” Renu is cleaning the kitchen as she has prepared black tea for all. The additional “ing” has been added to the root form of the verb “clean” as the sentence is in the “present continuous tense.”
4.The form “cleaned” can be used as a “past” form of the verb “clean” Renu cleaned the kitchen after serving black tea to everyone. The additional “ed” has been added from the root form of the verb “clean” to the present “past form” of the verb “clean”.
5. The form “cleaned” can be used as a “past participle” form of the verb “clean.” The kitchen is going to be cleaned by Renu after the preparation of the black tea for all. The additional “ed” has been added to the root form of the verb “clean” to present the “past participle form” of the verb “clean”.
Forms of the verb “clean”

When we can use “clean” as a “Verb”?

We can use the word “clean” as a transitive action verb when we want to depict the meaning “to clear the dirt” or “to immaculate dust”. The word “clean” can depict only one single above-mentioned meaning as a “verb”.

Example: I decided to clean the entire house with the help of some professionals before my sister’s marriage.


The word “clean” can be certainly marked as a “verb” as it is in use to mark the activity “removing the dirt” from the house by some professionals. We have kept the verb “clean” in its root form because the sentence is in the present perfect tense and there is an infinite “to” before the verb “clean” in the example.

Is “clean” an adverb?

We have already seen the role of the word “clean” as an adjective and noun. Now, let us see if the word “clean” can play the role of an “adverb” or not.

The word “clean” can certainly be termed an “adverb” in situations where it can be used to modify any verb, adverb, or adjective. There are some specific purposes that can be served with the help of the adverb “clean”.

When we can use “clean” as an adverb?

Now, we will learn about the situations where we can use the word “clean” as an adverb.

Situations where to use the adverb “clean” Example Explanation
1. To stress that one’s work is “completely done” Rom creates a clean cut on the diamond with the glass. The word “clean” can certainly be marked as an “adverb” as it is modifying the verb “cut” to depict the meaning “completely done”.
2. To mark a “clean manner” Renu doesn’t only like to cook well but also likes to do a clean serving of the food to the guests.  The word “clean” can certainly be marked as an “adverb” as it modifies the verb “serve the food” to depict the meaning “clean manner”.
3. To completely “remove dirt”  I am requesting you to do a clean wash of my clothes. The word “clean” can certainly be marked as an “adverb” as it is modifying the verb “wash the clothes” to depict the meaning “to remove the dirt totally”.
4. To consume any “content” or “food clearly”  Sandip loves to have a clean dinner meal after the exhaustion of a full day of office work. The word “clean” can certainly be marked as an “adverb” as it is modifying the adjective “dinner meal” to depict the meaning “to clearly consume any content or food”.
Situations where to use the adverb “clean”


We can also use the word “clean” as a “phrasal verb”. We need to add some prepositions after the word “clean” to use it as a phrasal verb. Some of the most famous phrasal verbs framed with “clean” are “clean down,” “clean from,” “clean off,” “clean out,” and “clean up.”

What is a noun for the word clean?

cleaner. A person whose occupation is to clean floors, windows and other things. A device that cleans, such as the vacuum cleaner. A substance used for cleaning, a cleaning agent.

Can Clean be used as a noun?

If you clean something or clean dirt off it, you make it free from dirt and unwanted marks, for example by washing or wiping it. If something cleans easily, it is easy to clean. Clean is also a noun. Give the cooker a good clean.

Is cleaned a verb or noun?

As detailed above, ‘cleaning’ can be a verb or a noun.

What type of word is cleaned?

adjective, clean·er, clean·est. free from dirt; unsoiled; unstained: She bathed and put on a clean dress. free from foreign or extraneous matter: clean sand. free from pollution; unadulterated; pure: clean air; clean water.

What does clean mean in slang?

adjective. nice, excellent, worthy of envy; “cool”; “tight”; “awesome”; etc. Her new car is clean! See more words with the same meaning: good, okay, cool, awesome, fun.

What is the difference between cleaning and sanitizing?

Cleaning removes dust, debris and dirt from a surface by scrubbing, washing and rinsing. Sanitizing reduces the bacteria identified on the product’s label on surfaces and in laundry.

Do you sanitize or disinfect first?

The fact is, to effectively sanitize or disinfect an area, you have to remove the dirt and debris from a surface first. That means cleaning first, THEN sanitizing or disinfecting. That’s because these products can’t effectively penetrate through dirt and debris to do their work.

What are the 3 methods of sanitizing?

There are three methods of using heat to sanitize surfaces – steam, hot water, and hot air.

What are the 4 cleaning agents?

There are four main types of cleaning agents used in commercial kitchens:

  • Detergents.
  • Degreasers.
  • Abrasives.
  • Acids.

What are the 5 cleaning agents?

They are generally classified as: water, detergents, abrasives, degreasers, acid cleaners, organic solvents, and other cleaning agents.

Should you vacuum first or dust first?

When doing your thorough cleaning, dust the room before vacuuming so you can vacuum up the particles that float into the air as you work and settle on the floor.

What is the most effective cleaning product?

13 best cleaning products for your home in 2021

  • White Vinegar.
  • Microfiber Cloths.
  • Canister Vacuum Cleaner.
  • Krud Kutter.
  • Castile Soap.
  • Colgate Extra Clean Full Head Toothbrush.
  • Bar Keepers Friend Powdered Cleanser & Polish.
  • Toilet Brush with Hideaway Holder.

What cleaning products do you really need?

These Are the Only 9 Cleaning Supplies You Really Need This Spring

  • Magic Eraser. 1/9. No, it’s not magic—it’s the Magic Eraser!
  • Disinfecting Wipes. 2/9.
  • Scrub Brush. 3/9.
  • Vinegar. 4/9.
  • Baking Soda. 5/9.
  • Quality Vacuum Cleaner. 6/9.
  • OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover. 7/9.
  • Brillo Pads. 8/9.

What is the best multi purpose cleaner?

Here, the best all-purpose cleaners to keep your home in top shape.

  • Best Overall: Mr.
  • Best Budget: Soft Scrub Total All Purpose Bath & Kitchen Cleanser.
  • Best Value: Lysol 144 oz.
  • Best Natural: Pardo Naturals Scrubbing Paste.
  • Best Pet-Safe: Aunt Fannie’s All-Purpose Cleaning Vinegar.

What is the best product for cleaning showers?

Here, the best shower cleaners out there now.

  • Best Overall: Earth Friendly Products ECOS Shower Cleaner.
  • Best for Hard Water: The Bucko Soap Scum and Grime Remover.
  • Best for Soft Water: Method Foaming Bathroom Cleaner Eucalyptus Mint.
  • Best for Mold: Mold Armor Mildew Stain Remover Plus Blocker.

What do professional cleaners use to clean showers?

All-purpose cleaners and white vinegar are excellent for cleaning almost any surface in the bathroom, but if you want to save yourself from the stretching and reaching involved in cleaning a tub and shower, then consider using a product like Scrubbing Bubbles, as the cleaners at Molly Maid do.

Does vinegar and Dawn cleaner shower?

Heat vinegar in microwave until hot and pour into squirt bottle. Add the Dawn soap. You now have a powerful cleaning product that will melt soap scum and tub and shower buildup, clean sinks, appliances and just about anything. Just spray it on, scrub, rinse and be amazed.

How do hotels keep shower glass clean?

Pour a mix of one part white vinegar and three parts warm distilled water into a spray bottle and spray it onto the glass. Rinse it with warm water after a few minutes and wipe it off with a cloth, newspaper, or paper towel. With Dish Soap: Combine dish soap and white vinegar, keeping a 1:1 ratio.

What is the best cleaner for glass shower doors?

The 10 Best Cleaners for Glass Shower Doors

  1. Rain-X 630035 Shower Door Cleaner — Best Overall.
  2. Windex 679593 Glass Cleaner — Best Value.
  3. Bio Clean SYNCHKG102497 Hard Water Stain Remover — Premium Choice.
  4. Rejuvenate RJ24SSR Soap Scum Remover.
  5. Bring It On Cleaner BIO Hard Water Stain Remover.
  6. Bar Keepers Friend Spray Cleanser.

Will WD 40 clean glass shower doors?

WD-40 is good for cleaning shower doors because it displaces water. It breaks down hard water stains and soap scum on glass shower doors. Spray WD-40 on your shower door and leave it for 15 minutes to break down hard water spots and soap scum.

How do you keep glass shower doors sparkling?

Make your own on the cheap — and without harsh chemicals — by mixing 1 cup water, 1/2 cup vinegar, a little dish soap, and 10-20 drops of your favorite essential oil. Keep it in the shower, and spray the glass door down after squeegeeing. (Skip the vinegar if you have a stone-tile shower.)

How do I keep my shower doors crystal clear?

Film on shower doorsClean them with vinegar, baking soda, and salt. Stubborn mineral buildup on glass shower doors is no competition for a few common household ingredients—white vinegar, baking soda, and salt. Spray vinegar on the door and let it sit for a few minutes.

How do you keep glass shower doors looking new?

Make your own cleaner on the cheap (and without harsh chemicals) by mixing 1 cup water, 1/2 cup vinegar, a little dish soap, and 10-20 drops of your favorite essential oil for scent. Keep it in the shower and spray the glass door down after squeegeeing.

What can I put on my glass shower doors to prevent water spots?

Water and vinegar. This one is incredibly simple. Just mix a solution that’s half water and half white vinegar in an empty spray bottle. Then spray the solution on your shower door and let it sit for a few minutes.

How do I make my shower doors sparkle?

Make your own on the cheap — and without harsh chemicals — by mixing 1 cup water, 1/2 cup vinegar, a little dish soap and 10-20 drops of your favorite essential oil. Keep it in the shower and spray the glass door down after squeegeeing. (Skip the vinegar if you have a stone-tile shower.)

How do I keep my shower glass door spot free?

Combine 4 cups of white vinegar, 4 cups warm water, and 1 tbs. dishwashing detergent (Dawn brand works best) in a spray bottle. Spray on your glass shower doors, let sit for 15 minutes then gently scrub the area with a clean, soft bristle brush. Rinse clean with hot water then squeegee or dry with a clean cloth.

How do you keep water spots off bathroom fixtures?

You can prevent hard water stains by keeping surfaces dry and moisture free. Of course, there are areas such as showers and sinks that come in contact with water every day. However, you shouldn’t let hard water sit long enough to dry. Wipe the faucets and other susceptible areas dry as soon as possible.

Will vinegar damage chrome fixtures?

Vinegar may be a mild acid, but it’s an acid nonetheless. Prolonged exposure to vinegar will damage chrome finishes by eating the finish right off of your fixtures.

How can I make my faucets look like new?

Dampen some paper towels with vinegar and wrap them around the faucet. Leave the towels for about 10 minutes. Vinegar both cleans and disinfects the faucet, and it is a mild acid so it will not damage you or your faucet.

Which is easier to keep clean chrome or brushed nickel?

Brushed nickel is extremely durable and tends to keep its finish longer than chrome. It doesn’t show fingerprints or water spots and is easy to clean. The downside to chrome finishes is that, unlike brushed nickel, it easily shows fingerprints and water spots.


  • enPR: klēn
  • IPA (key): /kliːn/
  • SAMPA: /kli:n/





A clean car
  1. If something is clean, it is free from dirt
    • Synonym: neat
    • Antonym: dirty
    The kids came back from the washroom with clean hands and faces.
    Did you wash these dishes? They don’t look very clean.
    To keep the air clean, smoking is not allowed.
    I clear our breakfast and wipe the table clean with a wet rag.
  2. If a technology is clean, it doesn’t produce much pollution.
    • Antonym: dirty
    We want to use wind as safe, clean, non-polluting energy.
  3. If something is clean, it is not bad.
    • Synonyms: fair, legal and nice
    • Antonyms: dirty, wrong, illegal, unfair and unclean
    There was a lot of pushing in their last game, but today’s match was mostly clean.
    No dirty jokes, please. Keep your language clean.
    The police searched the car for drugs, but it was clean.
    Her driving record was clean.
  4. (usually before a noun) A clean piece of paper, start, etc. has nothing from before: no writing, no history, etc.
    • Synonyms: fresh and new
    Why don’t you get a clean piece of paper and start over.
    I wanted a clean start, so I moved to LA.
  5. If a something is clean, it is smooth, simple, and regular, without anything unwanted.
    • Synonyms: sharp and crisp
    • Antonyms: rough and cluttered
    Your company website needs a clean design that makes it easy for consumers to understand what you’re selling.
    It’s a clean cut, made with something sharp like a razor or a knife.


  • unclean
  • cleanly
  • cleanliness


Plain form

Third-person singular

Past tense

Past participle

Present participle

A man cleaning a boat
  1. (transitive & intransitive) If you clean something, you take away the dirt and put everything in its place.
    • Antonym: dirty
    Tomo, will you clean up your room please. There are clothes all over the floor.


  • cleaner

Recent Examples on the Web

The clean, bright walls along with colorful rugs and hardwood floors can seem impossible for people living in apartments.

Kaitlyn Keegan, Hartford Courant, 3 Feb. 2023

At the end of the dredging, sediment that’s not placed on the beach could be left in the pit and covered with a layer of clean sand.

San Diego Union-Tribune, 3 Feb. 2023

Think about it: the record companies forced them to be clean cut and preppy and all those things.

Gary Gerard Hamilton, Anchorage Daily News, 3 Feb. 2023

Flathead is the largest natural freshwater lake west of the Mississippi, with clean, crystalline waters cradled in the Flathead Valley by the Mission Mountains to the east and the Salish Mountains to the west.

Deb Hopewell, Travel + Leisure, 3 Feb. 2023

Also known as overlock machines, sergers create strong, durable seams and help produce clean fabric edges.

Emma Seymour Feb 3, Good Housekeeping, 3 Feb. 2023

Under the auspices of the Sustainable Marblehead Beach Cleaning team, led by Pam Roberts, groups of volunteers clean at least one beach in Marblehead each week, year-round.

Bette Keva,, 3 Feb. 2023

Instead, use a clean Q-tip to gently wipe away any excess spray.

Leah Campano, Seventeen, 3 Feb. 2023

The clean, green power can then be used to power the motors and onboard amenities.

Rachel Cormack, Robb Report, 2 Feb. 2023

Natural Gas: Natural gas is a clean-burning fuel source that is generally less expensive than other fuels.

Gannon Burgett, Car and Driver, 28 Mar. 2023

These services sell carbon credits offered by NGOs and governments that, using offset proceeds, plant mangroves, distribute clean-burning stoves, preserve grasslands, and install digesters to capture cooking gas from manure among other types of projects.

Time, 21 Oct. 2022

BioLite’s innovative solar, power, and cookstove products make great backpacking companions, but its household products are also directly changing lives in communities where people lack access to electricity, artificial lighting, and clean-burning stoves.

Kassondra Cloos, Outside Online, 28 July 2022

But the bill, headed for a Senate vote this week, falls far short of President Joe Biden’s pledge to transform the nation’s heavily fossil-fuel powered economy into a clean-burning one and stop climate-damaging emissions from U.S. power plants by 2035.

Matthew Daly, Chron, 7 Aug. 2021

The candles are made mostly by artisan candlemakers and are clean-burning and free of some of the most common toxic ingredients.

Amanda Prahl, Peoplemag, 25 Feb. 2023

His goal is to transform the nation’s heavily fossil-fuel powered economy into a clean-burning one.

Michelle Chapman, Anchorage Daily News, 28 Jan. 2021

Take natural gas, for instance, a clean-burning fuel that plays an important role in the eventual conversion of a greener energy future (once that technology has been fully developed).

Ben Warwick, Forbes, 6 Jan. 2023

Both the exterior and the interior couple natural elements — like wood and stone — with more modern design choices, like the clean-lined flower beds at the front of the home and the on-trend light fixtures.

Dallas News, 20 Aug. 2022

Morales’ wife thoroughly cleans the odiferous tripe to remove any undesired smell.

Cesar Hernandez, San Francisco Chronicle, 3 Apr. 2023

The brand claims that the synthetic fiber is easy to clean and can be rinsed with a hose and soapy water.

Amanda Constantine, Good Housekeeping, 31 Mar. 2023

Autophagy cleans out the junk so new healthy cells can be created.

Erica Sweeney, Men’s Health, 31 Mar. 2023

Become a member Stripped to its studs, clutter cleaned away, the word can be seen the way it was meant from the first, the way the architects had outlined.

Joseph Lezza, Longreads, 30 Mar. 2023

Smart 1500 Electric Rechargeable: Simple to set up, easy to clean, intuitive to use—this toothbrush checked a lot of boxes.

Samson Mcdougall, Health, 29 Mar. 2023

In addition to using a cover, regularly cleaning your outdoor furniture will help extend the life of your furnishings.

Erica Reagle, Better Homes & Gardens, 28 Mar. 2023

Look for dresses that are easy to clean, whether that’s an easy machine-wash or even hand-wash.

Rena Behar, Travel + Leisure, 24 Mar. 2023

It was lauded for its ease of use as well as for being easy to clean.

Dorkys Ramos, Bon Appétit, 22 Mar. 2023

Niles The Forest Preserves of Cook County will host a forest clean-up at Bunker Hill on West Harts Road from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. April 22.

Chicago Tribune, 27 Mar. 2023

As is the ease of clean-up, with no firebox to empty.

Bradley Ford, Popular Mechanics, 8 Mar. 2023

In addition to residents who reported health effects, crews involved in the clean-up have also reported symptoms, according to a letter on behalf of workers’ unions to Buttigieg and Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine.

Pete Muntean, CNN, 2 Mar. 2023

The plans call for the demolition of the former, now vacant, college buildings, which will first require environmental clean-up.

Kenneth R. Gosselin, Hartford Courant, 27 Feb. 2023

The recovery never took place, and souvenir hunters stripped the Keuka clean of finds decades ago.

Sean Kingsley, Smithsonian Magazine, 20 Jan. 2023

The incident reignited arguments about safety, efficiency and profit-seeking, as well as who should pay for the clean-up, while federal and local officials struggled to ensure the area’s water and air were safe.

Kelly Yamanouchi, ajc, 23 Feb. 2023

Four additional shelter-in-place messages were sent out to the public throughout the hazmat spill clean-up until 5:06 p.m. the next day.

Sarah Lapidus, The Arizona Republic, 22 Feb. 2023

An entrapped perch in a PPE glove, found during a Plastic Spotter clean-up in the canals of Leiden, The Netherlands.

Li Cohen, CBS News, 9 Nov. 2021

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘clean.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Britannica Dictionary definition of CLEAN


free from dirt, marks, etc.


not dirty

  • a clean floor

  • This table isn’t clean. There’s a sticky spot where something spilled.

  • He keeps a very clean house.

  • The janitor does a good job of keeping the office clean.

  • clean laundry/socks/towels/sheets

  • I wiped the baby’s face clean.


tending to keep clean

  • He’s a clean young man.

  • Cats are very clean animals.


free from pollution or other dangerous substances

  • clean air/water


not causing pollution

  • Solar power provides clean energy.

  • a clean fuel


not yet used

  • a clean [=blank, fresh] piece/sheet of paper

of a document


not having any mistakes

  • We need a clean copy of the document.


not infected

  • a clean wound


pleasingly simple

  • I like the clean simplicity of the chair’s design.

  • She wore a formal wool suit with clean lines.


having edges that are straight and smooth

  • a clean cut

  • The vase was broken, but it was a clean break and easily repaired with a little glue.


completely and quickly done

  • The bank robbers made a clean getaway.

  • When he left home, he made a clean break with the past. [=he completely separated himself from everything that had been part of his life]



done in a skillful and impressive way without mistakes or awkwardness

  • a clean dive/catch/hit

  • The gymnast made a clean landing.



not showing evidence of any broken rules or laws

  • She has a clean driving record.

see also clean slate (below)



not connected with or involving anything illegal or morally wrong

  • a clean candidate

  • They believe in hard work and clean living.

  • The party was good, clean fun.


not referring to anything sexual or offensive

  • Only clean jokes, please. There are children here.

  • clean language


not used before a noun


no longer using drugs


not addicted to drugs

  • He’s been clean for five years.

  • clean and sober


not used before a noun,



not carrying any weapons, drugs, etc.

  • All visitors to the prison are searched to make sure they’re clean.

  • I checked her; she’s clean.

clean slate

also British

clean sheet


a person’s record (as from a school or a job) that shows no evidence of any problems, broken rules, etc.


a clean record

  • Everyone who comes to this school starts with a clean slate.

clean sheet



a game in which the opposing team is prevented from scoring

  • The team’s star goalie has had five clean sheets [=(US) shutouts] this season. [=has prevented the other team from scoring in five games]

clean sweep


a victory in which one side or team wins every game, contest, etc.

  • The Red Sox won the series in a clean sweep.

  • The election was a clean sweep for local Democratic candidates.


a complete change in something

  • The new governor has made a clean sweep of the staff in the governor’s mansion. [=the new governor completely replaced the former governor’s staff]


to tell the truth about what happened


to stop hiding the truth

  • Eventually she came clean and helped the police recover the goods she’d stolen.

  • He’s finally come clean about his role in the scandal.

give (someone or something) a clean bill of health

see 1bill

keep your nose clean

see 1nose

make a clean breast of

see 1breast

wipe the slate clean

see 1wipe

— cleanness




  • the cleanness of the image

Britannica Dictionary definition of CLEAN


to make (something) clean


to remove dirt, marks, etc., from (something)

[+ object]

  • The carpet needs to be cleaned.

  • clean your fingernails

  • clean [=brush] your teeth

  • clean [=wash] the windows

[no object]

  • They divide household duties so that she cleans and her husband cooks.

see also clean up 1a (below)

[no object]


to become clean

  • The pan has a surface that cleans easily. [=that is easy to clean]

[+ object]


to make (something, such as a room) neat and orderly

  • Clean your room.

see also clean out 1 (below), clean up 1b (below)

[+ object]


to remove the organs from the inside of (an animal) before cooking

  • They cleaned the fish and cooked them on the campfire.

  • skin and clean a rabbit/deer

clean (something) out


clean out (something)


to remove unwanted things from (a room, closet, etc.)

  • We spent the weekend cleaning out the garage. [=clearing unwanted items from the garage]

  • I need to clean out my purse.

clean (someone or something) out


clean out (someone or something)



to steal or take everything from (someone or something)

  • The thieves broke in and cleaned out the store.

  • She fell for the scheme and was cleaned out. [=all her money was taken]

clean (someone) out


clean out (someone)



to use up all or most of someone’s money

  • Buying the house really cleaned us out. Now we’re broke.

clean (something) up


clean up (something)


to remove (dirt, spilled substances, etc.)

  • Would you mind cleaning up the spilled milk?

  • It will only take a moment to clean this mess up.


clean up


to make (a room or space) clean and orderly

  • Would you mind helping me clean up the kitchen after dinner?

  • We stayed late to help them clean up.

◊ To clean up after someone is to make a place clean after someone has made it dirty or messy.

  • His mother is always cleaning up after him.

  • You should learn to clean up after yourself.


to remove pollution from (something)

  • The city has cleaned up the bay in recent years.

see also cleanup

clean up


clean (yourself) up


to make yourself clean


to wash your face and hands

  • I’m sure you’ll want to clean up after a full day of traveling.

  • I just need a few minutes to clean myself up before dinner.

  • The children are inside getting cleaned up.

clean (something) up


clean up (something)


to remove whatever is illegal or immoral from (something)

  • The new mayor has really cleaned up city hall. [=has made the city government less corrupt]


to make (something) clearer or more acceptable

  • We were able to clean up the sound on the recording using special equipment.

  • He’s cleaned up his image since his early rock music days.

clean (something) up


clean up (something)



to eat all of (something)

  • The teenagers cleaned up [=(more commonly) polished off] the pizza in a matter of minutes.



to make a large amount of money

  • She really cleaned up last year in the stock market.

clean up your act



to behave in a way that is more acceptable

  • After years of drug abuse, she finally got treatment and cleaned up her act.

clean your plate


to eat all the food on your plate

  • The children were not allowed to have dessert until they had cleaned their plates.

Britannica Dictionary definition of CLEAN



all the way


completely or entirely

  • Somehow, the top of the machine came clean off.

  • The nail went clean through the wall.

  • The fish were jumping clean out of the water.

Britannica Dictionary definition of CLEAN


an act of removing dirt from something

  • She gave the tub a good clean. [=she cleaned the tub thoroughly]

чистый, ровный, чистить, очищать, чистка, уборка, начисто, полностью


- чистый; опрятный

clean sheets [fingernails] — чистые простыни [ногти]
clean habits — чистоплотность
to keep oneself clean — быть опрятным
to keep one’s house clean — держать дом в чистоте

- мед. чистый, асептический; незаражённый

clean wound — чистая рана
clean bill of health — а) чистое карантинное /санитарное/ свидетельство; б) оправдание, реабилитация

- чистоплотный; приученный (о домашнем животном)

clean puppy — приученный /благовоспитанный/ щенок

- добродетельный

clean heart — чистое сердце
to lead a clean life — вести добродетельную жизнь

- незапятнанный; нескомпрометированный

to have a clean record — иметь чистый послужной список; иметь хорошую репутацию

ещё 22 варианта


- чистить; очищать

to clean teeth [nails, shoes] — чистить зубы [ногти, ботинки]
to clean a room — убрать комнату
to clean a window — вымыть /протереть/ окно
I must have these clothes cleaned — мне надо отдать в чистку эту одежду
to clean one’s plate — съесть всю тарелку
to clean the town by getting rid of criminals — очистить город от преступников

- промывать (золото); очищать (от примесей)
- потрошить (рыбу, птицу)
- обрабатывать начисто
- полировать (металлы)
- сглаживать
- трепать (лен)
- взять вес на грудь (тяжёлая атлетика)

to clean the slate — избавиться от старых обязательств
to clean smb.’s clock — а) набить кому-л. морду; б) победить кого-л. (в драке, состязании)


- разг. чистка, уборка

a good clean — основательная уборка
she gives the room a clean every day — она каждый день убирает эту комнату

- спорт. чистое взятие веса на грудь (тяжёлая атлетика)

clean and jerk — толчок
two hand clean and press — жим двумя руками


- совершенно, полностью

I clean forgot about it — я совершенно забыл об этом
clean broke — совершенно разорённый, обанкротившийся; без всяких средств
he is clean mad — он совсем рехнулся
clean gone — пропал, исчез без следа

- прямо

the bullet went clean through the shoulder — пуля прошла через плечо

- разг. начисто

to scrub floor clean — отскрести дочиста пол

- честно, добросовестно

play the game clean — вести игру по правилам
to come clean — полностью признаться (в чём-л.); ≅ расколоться

Мои примеры


the char will clean the carpet — уборщица почистит ковер  
a clean and sunny but completely dowdy room — чистая и светлая, но совершенно безвкусная комната  
clean boxer — боксёр, дерущийся по правилам  
to make a clean breast of it — чистосердечно сознаться в чем-л.  
to brush smth. clean / down — отчистить, вычистить  
clean stroke — ловкий удар  
to clean up — убирать, чистить  
to wipe clean — вытирать дочиста  
to fight clean — честно сражаться  
clean joke — ловкая шутка  
to put on clean sheets — постелить свежие простыни  
clean sheet — безупречное прошлое, незапятнанная репутация  

Примеры с переводом

Is it easy to clean?

Легко ли его чистить?

Are your hands clean?

У тебя руки чистые?

This stove cleans easily.

Эта плита легко отмывается.

The car needs a good clean.

Автомобиль нуждается в хорошей чистке.

The room must be clean swept.

Комнату надо хорошенько подмести.

Cats are naturally clean.

Кошки по своей природе чистоплотны.

We scrubbed the tables clean.

Мы дочиста отмыли столы.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The boys cleaned the sandwich platters

Wipe that sink clean when you’re done.

The other players cleaned him completely

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

clean down — чистить, сметать
clean out — очистить, вычищать, обчищать, опоражнивать, обворовывать
clean up — убираться, убирать, прибирать, приводить в порядок, заканчивать

Возможные однокоренные слова

cleaner  — уборщик, чистильщик, средство для чистки, мойщик окон
cleaning  — очистка, уборка, чистка, обогащение, чистящий, очищающий
cleanly  — чисто, целомудренно, чистоплотный
cleanness  — чистота
unclean  — нечистый, грязный, неопрятный, отвратительный, аморальный
cleaned  — убранный, очищенный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: clean
he/she/it: cleans
ing ф. (present participle): cleaning
2-я ф. (past tense): cleaned
3-я ф. (past participle): cleaned

срав. степ. (comparative): cleaner
прев. степ. (superlative): cleanest

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I hate shaving. It’s much easier to just do a little stubble, but my wife and daughter like it when I’m clean-shaven. If you see me with a clean face, then you know I’m in the kissing mode!

Patrick Dempsey



Old English clǣne; related to Old Frisian klēne small, neat, Old High German kleini.


Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






Clean is a verb and can also act as a noun, an adjective and an adverb.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.

The verb is the part of the sentence that is conjugated and expresses action and state of being.

See the conjugation of the verb clean in English.

The adverb is an invariable part of the sentence that can change, explain or simplify a verb or another adverb.


Definition of clean in the English dictionary

The first definition of clean in the dictionary is without dirt or other impurities; unsoiled. Other definition of clean is without anything in it or on it. Clean is also recently washed; fresh.




I clean

you clean

he/she/it cleans

we clean

you clean

they clean

Present continuous

I am cleaning

you are cleaning

he/she/it is cleaning

we are cleaning

you are cleaning

they are cleaning

Present perfect

I have cleaned

you have cleaned

he/she/it has cleaned

we have cleaned

you have cleaned

they have cleaned

Present perfect continuous

I have been cleaning

you have been cleaning

he/she/it has been cleaning

we have been cleaning

you have been cleaning

they have been cleaning

Present tense is used to refer to circumstances that exist at the present time or over a period that includes the present time. The present perfect refers to past events, although it can be considered to denote primarily the resulting present situation rather than the events themselves.



I cleaned

you cleaned

he/she/it cleaned

we cleaned

you cleaned

they cleaned

Past continuous

I was cleaning

you were cleaning

he/she/it was cleaning

we were cleaning

you were cleaning

they were cleaning

Past perfect

I had cleaned

you had cleaned

he/she/it had cleaned

we had cleaned

you had cleaned

they had cleaned

Past perfect continuous

I had been cleaning

you had been cleaning

he/she/it had been cleaning

we had been cleaning

you had been cleaning

they had been cleaning

Past tense forms express circumstances existing at some time in the past,



I will clean

you will clean

he/she/it will clean

we will clean

you will clean

they will clean

Future continuous

I will be cleaning

you will be cleaning

he/she/it will be cleaning

we will be cleaning

you will be cleaning

they will be cleaning

Future perfect

I will have cleaned

you will have cleaned

he/she/it will have cleaned

we will have cleaned

you will have cleaned

they will have cleaned

Future perfect continuous

I will have been cleaning

you will have been cleaning

he/she/it will have been cleaning

we will have been cleaning

you will have been cleaning

they will have been cleaning

The future is used to express circumstances that will occur at a later time.



I would clean

you would clean

he/she/it would clean

we would clean

you would clean

they would clean

Conditional continuous

I would be cleaning

you would be cleaning

he/she/it would be cleaning

we would be cleaning

you would be cleaning

they would be cleaning

Conditional perfect

I would have clean

you would have clean

he/she/it would have clean

we would have clean

you would have clean

they would have clean

Conditional perfect continuous

I would have been cleaning

you would have been cleaning

he/she/it would have been cleaning

we would have been cleaning

you would have been cleaning

they would have been cleaning

Conditional or «future-in-the-past» tense refers to hypothetical or possible actions.



you clean
we let´s clean
you clean

The imperative is used to form commands or requests.


Present Participle


Infinitive shows the action beyond temporal perspective. The present participle or gerund shows the action during the session. The past participle shows the action after completion.


Synonyms and antonyms of clean in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «clean» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «clean» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of clean to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of clean from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «clean» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers



510 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

sạch sẽ

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of clean


The term «clean» is very widely used and occupies the 2.159 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «clean» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of clean

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «clean».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «clean» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «clean» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about clean


Famous quotes and sentences with the word clean.

We are used to cleaning the outside house, but the most important house to clean is yourself — your own house — which we never do.

I love Prada shirts because they’re so decorative and figure-hugging, but I also like Reiss shirts because they’re clean, simple and look as if they’ve come off the peg from a design house.

I said it’s impossible to have an amnesty without ID cards and a clean database, because you firstly don’t have any incentives for people to actually come up front and register, and make themselves available, and secondly you have no means of tracking them.

Having lived in the arid deserts of Southern California since the 1970s, my interest in water conservation is a very personal concern. Water! The source of life! Some people are squandering the world’s most precious resource while others have too little clean water to drink.

Bath twice a day to be really clean, once a day to be passably clean, once a week to avoid being a public menace.

It is not possible for a person to be completely free of sin and be squeaky clean.

It takes both courage and talent to stand up in front of fellow human beings and make them crack a smile, and at the same time keep it clean.

New Yorkers love it when you spill your guts out there. Spill your guts at Wimbledon and they make you stop and clean it up.

We moved to a place where we felt the children could have as normal an upbringing as possible. Los Angeles was not it. We live in a place with clean air and animals.

I hate shaving. It’s much easier to just do a little stubble, but my wife and daughter like it when I’m clean-shaven. If you see me with a clean face, then you know I’m in the kissing mode!


Discover the use of clean in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to clean and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Clean LP: The Revolutionary Program to Restore the Body’s …

The life-changing program everyone is talking about Alejandro Junger, M.D., offers a comprehensive and medically proven program to rid our bodies of the multitude of toxins that tax our systems on a daily basis.


Clean: Overcoming Addiction and Ending America’s Greatest …

Clean offers clear, cogent counsel for parents and others who want to prevent drug problems and for addicts and their loved ones no matter what stage of the illness they’re in.


Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship

Readers will come away from this book understanding How to tell the difference between good and bad code How to write good code and how to transform bad code into good code How to create good names, good functions, good objects, and good …


Clean Gut: The Breakthrough Plan for Eliminating the Root …

The Clean Gut program will put an end to these everyday ailments, reverse chronic disease, and help you achieve true, long-lasting health.

A group of teens in a Seattle-area rehabilitation center form an unlikely friendship as they begin to focus less on their own problems with drugs and alcohol by reaching out to help a new member, who seems to have even deeper issues to …


Clean: A New Generation in Recovery Speaks Out

Drawing on his own experiences, as well as the personal stories of others, the former cast member of MTV’s «Real World: Chicago» offers an inside look at addiction, treatment, and recovery.


Clean: The Humble Art of Zen-Cleansing

It’s easier than you think to clean your home in a nontoxic, environmentally responsible way!


Clean: A Proven Plan for Men Committed to Sexual Integrity

Clean is a priceless, no-nonsense resource for every husband, father, brother, son, friend, pastor, and Christian leader on the front lines of this war.


Clean Food: A Seasonal Guide to Eating Close to the Source : …

Presents more than two hundred vegan recipes organized by produce available in spring, summer, fall, and winter.

A life-changing medical breakthrough Clean is an M.D.’s program designed to be easily incorporated into our busy schedule while providing all the practical tools necessary to support and rejuvenate our bodies.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term clean is used in the context of the following news items.

The global clean energy economy is surging — and Canada is …

The global economy for clean energy is surging, but Canada is missing out, according to a new report on the top 10 trends driving and defining … «National Observer, Jul 15»

Clean Eating: What You Can & Cannot Eat

Instead, as a health coach, I advise my clients to focus on eating clean. Of course it is a form of detox, as you are getting rid of unhealthy foods … «Yahoo News, Jul 15»

Cat-Eye Clean-Up: How to Fix Winged Liner for the Eyeliner Impaired

Save yourself the Q-tips and stress spent striving for beauty perfection. Cat-eye clean-up is done and done with some strategic planning and a … «E! Online, Jul 15»

Kasukuwere vows to clean-up Harare mess

Speaking to ZBC News in Harare yesterday on his new portfolio, Kasukuwere said if the city fathers, especially in Harare, do not clean up the … «Nehanda Radio, Jul 15»

Preserve pure, clean flavors: from farmers markets to chefs’ freezers

“I know it’s such a cool and hip thing right now,” Verica said of the clamor over traditionally fermented foods, “but for me, I want pure clean … «The Seattle Times, Jul 15»

Federal plan to clean up Chesapeake Bay upheld

The federal plan to clean up the Chesapeake Bay survived a court challenge Monday that threatened to delay a 2025 goal for finishing the … «USA TODAY, Jul 15»

An Award-Winning Dallas Agency That Knows How to Clean Up a …

Professional sports referees don’t have a great reputation. So when the National Basketball Referees Association was looking for an image … «Adweek, Jul 15»

Clean water pact: Protect Lake Erie

Through Clear Water Inc.’s efforts and those of others, Congress enacted the Clean Water Act in 1972. Now, a half-century later, a group … «Toledo Blade, Jul 15»

Why a congresswoman started cooking — and ‘eating clean‘ — at 47

An hour before midnight on a recent Wednesday, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was carefully positioning roasted Brussels sprouts, fresh … «Washington Post, Jul 15»

Jose Aldo returns clean drug test result after controversy in Brazil

Featherweight champion Jose Aldo may not be fighting at UFC 189, but the results of his controversial drug test administered in Brazil in June … «, Jul 15»


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Continue Learning about English Language Arts

Can clean be a noun?

No, the word clean cannot be used as a noun. It is either a verb (to clean) or an adjective (a clean room).

What is the correct noun for clean?

The noun forms of the verb to clean are cleaner and the gerund, cleaning.The noun form of the adjective clean is cleanliness.

What is Abstract noun for clean?

The abstract noun form of the verb to clean is the gerund, cleaning.The abstract noun form of the adjective clean is cleanness.The abstract noun form of the adverb cleanly is cleanliness.

What is the abstract noun for clean?

The abstract noun form of the verb to clean is the gerund, cleaning.The abstract noun form of the adjective clean is cleanness.The abstract noun form of the adverb cleanly is cleanliness.

Is clean considered a common noun?

No, clean is an adjective or a verb. A verbal noun (gerund) is
the present participle (verbs ending in -ing) used as a noun.
Cleaning is my least favorite chore.

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