Is the word celebration a noun

празднование, торжества, чествование, церковная служба


- празднование; торжества

the celebration of a birthday — празднование дня рождения
the Fourth of July celebration includes a display of fireworks — (национальный) праздник 4 июля отмечается фейерверком (в США)
It calls for a celebration! — это (дело) надо отметить!

- прославление; воспевание
- церковная служба

the celebration of the Eucharist — совершение евхаристии

Мои примеры


formal celebration — официальное празднование  
noisy celebration — шумное празднование  
solemn celebration — торжественное празднование  
centenary celebration — празднование столетней годовщины  
religious celebration — церковный праздник  
to hold a celebration — организовывать празднество  
to nominate the day for the celebration of nuptials — объявить день празднования свадьбы  
celebration of contract — заключение договора  
celebration of marriage — акт заключения брака  
anniversary celebration — празднование годовщины; юбилей  

Примеры с переводом

It calls for a celebration!

это (дело) надо отметить!

The celebration was noisy and frenetic.

Празднование было шумным и неистовым.

The book is a celebration of womanhood.

Книга представляет собой оду женскому полу. / Эта книга прославляет женщин.

Their marriage was a cause for celebration.

Их свадьба стала поводом для торжества.

The show is a celebration of new young talent.

Данное шоу — это праздник новых молодых талантов.

The family gathered to celebrate Christmas.

Вся семья собралась, чтобы отпраздновать Рождество.

The book celebrates the movies of the past.

Книга воздаёт должное фильмам прошлых лет.

ещё 14 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I think this is a cause for celebration (=reason to celebrate).

Does this restaurant fit the bill for the celebration?

We heard the sound of corks popping as the celebration began.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): celebration
мн. ч.(plural): celebrations

  • 1


    1) празднование; торжества

    2) церковная служба


    ball, banquet, feast, festival, festivity, party

    * * *

    * * *

    празднование; празднество, торжества, торжество

    * * *

    [cel·e·bra·tion || ‚selɪ’breɪʃn]
    празднование, торжества, чествование, церковная служба

    * * *





    * * *

    1) празднование
    2) церковная служба
    3) восхваление

    Новый англо-русский словарь > celebration

  • 2

    1. n празднование; торжества

    2. n прославление; воспевание

    3. n церковная служба

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. celebration of the mass (noun) celebration of the mass; chanting; conducting; intoning; performing mass; praising god; reading; reciting mass; worship

    2. commemoration (noun) anniversary; ceremonial; ceremony; commemoration; coronation; installation; observance; ritual; solemnization

    3. festivity (noun) carnival; feast; festival; festivity; holiday; jubilation; merrymaking; rejoicing; revelry; revels; saturnalia; spree

    English-Russian base dictionary > celebration

  • 3

    1. n соблюдение

    2. n празднование, соблюдение праздника

    3. n обряд, обычай, ритуал; празднества

    4. n церк. устав ордена или прихода

    5. n церк. орден или приход

    6. n церк. арх. внимание, забота; любезность; услуга

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. notice (noun) attention; awareness; cognisance; cognizance; ear; heed; mark; note; notice; observation; regard; remark

    4. rite (noun) ceremonial; ceremony; custom; formality; liturgy; practice; rite; ritual; service

    English-Russian base dictionary > observance

  • 4

    1. n веселье, праздничность; праздничное, весёлое настроение

    2. n преим. празднество; торжества

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. celebration (noun) carnival; celebration; feast; festival; holiday; jubilation; spree

    2. fun (noun) fun; gaiety; jollity; merrymaking; rejoicing; revel; reveling; revelment; revels; whoopee

    3. merriment (noun) amusement; entertainment; frolicking; merriment; pleasure; revelry

    4. party (noun) affair; fete; function; gala; occasion; party; soiree

    English-Russian base dictionary > festivity

  • 5

    1. n геогр. Ревель

    2. n веселье, кутёж

    3. n часто l

    4. n пирушка, пир; празднество

    5. n буйство

    6. n диал. ярмарка, приходский праздник

    7. v пировать, кутить, бражничать

    8. v получать удовольствие, наслаждаться

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. festivity (noun) carousal; entertainment; festivity; frolic; gala

    3. fun (noun) fun; gaiety; jollity; merriment; merrymaking; reveling

    4. revelry (noun) high jinks; revelment; revelry; skylarking; wassail; whoop-de-do; whoopee; whoopla; whoop-up

    5. frolic (verb) carouse; celebrate; delight; drink; enjoy; frolic; hell; play; rejoice; relish; riot; roister; spree; wassail

    6. wallow (verb) bask; indulge; luxuriate; roll; rollick; wallow; welter

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > Revel

  • 6

    1. n пир; празднество; банкет

    2. n наслаждение

    3. n праздник

    feast rite — праздничный обряд, праздничная служба

    4. v пировать, праздновать

    5. v угощать; потчевать; принимать, чествовать

    6. v наслаждаться

    7. v услаждать, ласкать

    8. v совершать богослужение в праздники; праздновать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. banquet (noun) banquet; barbecue; dinner; regale; repast; spread; sumptuous repast

    2. celebration (noun) anniversary; carnival; carousal; celebration; ceremony; commemoration; entertainment; festival; fiesta; holiday; jubilee

    5. eat (verb) eat; glut oneself; gorge oneself; gourmandize; stuff oneself

    Антонимический ряд:

    dearth; distress; famine; fast; hunger; indigence; necessity; need; scarcity

    English-Russian base dictionary > feast

  • 7

    n исп. празднество, фестиваль; карнавал

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. celebration (noun) anniversary; banquet; carousal; celebration; ceremony; commemoration; entertainment; feast

    English-Russian base dictionary > fiesta

  • 8

    1. n веселье, радость

    2. n празднование, праздник

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. jubilant (adj.) ecstatic; elated; exhilarated; exultant; jubilant; overjoyed; thrilled; triumphant

    2. celebration (noun) celebration; festivity; merrymaking; revelry; revels

    3. jubilance (noun) elation; exultance; exultation; jubilance; jubilation; triumph

    English-Russian base dictionary > rejoicing

  • 9

    1. n победа, торжество; триумф

    2. n радость победы

    3. n ист. триумф, торжественный въезд полководца-победителя в столицу, триумфальное шествие

    4. n ирон. воплощение, символ

    5. v побеждать, одерживать победу

    6. v процветать

    7. v торжествовать, ликовать; праздновать победу, триумф

    8. v ист. праздновать триумф

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. celebration (noun) celebration; ecstasy; exultance; exultation; joy; jubilance; jubilation

    2. victory (noun) achievement; ascendancy; conquest; mastery; success; victory; win

    3. best (verb) achieve; beat; best; conquer; defeat; master; overcome; prevail; rout; subdue; succeed; thrash; trounce; vanquish; win; worst

    4. celebrate (verb) be elate; be glad; celebrate; crow; delight; exult; glory; jubilate; rejoice; rejoinder; revel

    Антонимический ряд:

    adversity; calamity; catastrophe; defeat; destruction; disappointment; disaster; discomfiture; downfall; fail; failure; lose; loss; misfortune; mourn; yield

    English-Russian base dictionary > triumph

  • 10

    1. n празднество, праздник

    2. n церковный праздник

    3. n фестиваль

    4. n показ, выставка; демонстрация

    5. a праздничный

    6. a пиршественный

    Синонимический ряд:

    celebration (noun) carnival; celebration; competition; day of feasting; fair; feast; festivity; gala; holiday; jamboree; jubilation; jubilee; revelry; spree

    English-Russian base dictionary > festival

  • 11

    1. n иногда pl ликование

    2. n иногда pl торжество, празднество

    Синонимический ряд:

    celebration (noun) celebration; cheer; delight; ecstasy; enjoyment; euphoria; excitement; exhilaration; exultance; exultation; festivity; gala; happiness; joy; jubilance; merriment; party; pleasure; triumph

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > jubilation

  • 12


    празднество; фестиваль



    * * *

    (n) фестиваль

    * * *

    празднество, фестиваль

    * * *

    [fes·ti·val || ‘festəvl]
    празднество, фестиваль

    * * *








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    Новый англо-русский словарь > festival

  • 13


    1) веселье

    2) (


    ) празднества; торжества



    * * *

    (n) веселое настроение; веселье; празднество; праздничное настроение; праздничность; торжества

    * * *

    веселье, веселость; праздничность, праздник

    * * *

    [fes·tiv·i·ty || fe’stɪvətɪ]
    веселье, празднества, торжества

    * * *






    * * *

    1) веселье
    2) мн. празднества

    Новый англо-русский словарь > festivity

  • 14

    1. n годовщина; празднование годовщины

    2. a ежегодный, годовой

    3. a юбилейный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. commemoration (noun) celebration; ceremony; commemoration; coronation; installation; observance; ritual

    2. commemoration of a past event (noun) annual ritual; birthday; commemoration of a past event; natal day; once a year event; recurrent celebration; saint’s day; yearly celebration; yearly observance

    English-Russian base dictionary > anniversary

  • 15

    1. n день рождения

    2. n начало

    Синонимический ряд:

    commemoration of a past event (noun) anniversary; annual ritual; commemoration of a past event; natal day; once a year event; recurrent celebration; saint’s day; yearly celebration; yearly observance

    English-Russian base dictionary > birthday

  • 16

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. celebration of the mass (noun) celebration; celebration of the mass; chanting; intoning; performing mass; praising god; reading; reciting mass; worship

    2. accompanying (verb) accompanying; attending; bearing; chaperoning; consorting with; convoying; escorting

    3. behaving (verb) acquitting; acting; behaving; comporting; demeaning; deporting; disporting; doing; going on; moving; quitting

    4. carrying (verb) carrying; channeling or channelling; channelling; conveying; funneling; piping; siphoning; transmitting

    5. carrying on (verb) carrying on; directing; keeping; managing; operating; ordaining; running; supervising

    6. guiding (verb) guiding; leading; piloting; routing; seeing; shepherding; showing; steering; ushering

    7. waging (verb) carry on; carry out; prosecuting; waging

    English-Russian base dictionary > conducting

  • 17

    1. n месса, литургия; обедня

    high mass — торжественная месса, обедня с пением

    sung mass — торжественная месса; обедня с певчими

    2. v редк. служить обедню

    3. v редк. присутствовать на обедне

    4. n куча, груда; глыба

    5. n скопление

    6. n большинство, большая часть

    mass data storage — массовое запоминающее устройство; запоминающее устройство большой емкости; хранение больших массивов данных

    7. n народные массы

    8. n воен. массирование; сосредоточение

    9. n воен. линия колонн на сомкнутых интервалах

    10. n воен. физ. масса

    11. a массовый, широкий

    12. v собирать в кучу; скапливать

    13. v собираться в кучу; скапливаться

    14. v воен. сосредоточивать, массировать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. body (noun) body; company; core; corpus; masses; object; rabble; staple; substance

    2. collection (noun) aggregation; amassment; assemblage; collection; cumulus; garner

    4. drove (noun) crowd; crush; drove; flock; horde; mob; multitude; swarm; throng

    5. expanse (noun) amplitude; expanse; extent; magnitude; size; span

    8. lump (noun) batch; block; chunk; hunk; lump; piece; portion; section

    9. much (noun) barrel; great deal; lashings; lot; mountain; much; multiplicity; peck; plenty

    10. pile (noun) bank; cock; drift; heap; hill; mess; mound; mow; pack; pile; pyramid; rick; shock; stack; stockpile; wealth; windrow

    11. quantity (noun) accumulation; aggregate; conglomerate; quantity; volume; whole

    13. worship (noun) catholic service; celebration; ceremony; eucharistic rite; holy communion; lord’s supper; observance; worship

    English-Russian base dictionary > mass

  • 18

    1. n партия

    2. a партийный

    3. n отряд, команда; группа, партия

    4. n компания

    5. n приём гостей; вечер, вечеринка; пикник; прогулка в компании

    to give a party — позвать гостей; устроить вечер; принимать гостей

    party pooper — гость, который уходит первым с вечеринки

    house party — гости, приглашённые на несколько дней

    6. n сопровождающие лица, свита

    7. n участник, участвующее лицо

    8. n разг. особа; человек

    9. n амер. студ. жарг. доступная девушка

    coming-out party — приём в честь девушки, впервые появившейся в свете;

    10. n юр. сторона

    guilty party — сторона, признанная виновной; виновный

    11. n амер. студ. жарг. обнимание, нежничание; вечеринка с поцелуями

    12. a геральд. разделённый сверху донизу на две равные части

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. affair (noun) affair; ball; banquet; bee; celebration; festivity; fete; fun; function; gala; occasion; social; soiree

    2. alliance (noun) alliance; attachment; body; circle; clique; coterie; league

    4. company (noun) band; company; corps; outfit; troop; troupe

    5. entertainment (noun) amusement; beguilement; carousal; diversion; entertainment; performance

    6. group (noun) assemblage; assembly; band; bevy; bunch; cluster; covey; crew; gathering; group; mob; multitude; team

    7. human (noun) being; creature; human; individual; life; man; mortal; person; personage; soul; wight

    8. litigant (noun) agent; compurgator; contractor; litigant; plotter

    9. orgy (noun) bacchanal; bacchanalia; debauch; orgy; saturnalia

    10. participant (noun) actor; partaker; participant; participator; sharer

    11. ring (noun) bloc; cartel; coalition; combination; combine; faction; ring

    English-Russian base dictionary > party

  • 19

    1. n крик, голос

    2. n зов; оклик

    within call — поблизости, рядом, неподалёку; в пределах слышимости

    3. n сигнал; звонок; свисток; «дудка»; сбор

    4. n охот. манок, вабик

    5. n перекличка

    call over — вызывать по списку; делать перекличку

    6. n призыв

    call to arms — призыв к оружию; призыв под знамёна

    7. n созыв

    8. n амер. решение национального комитета партии о созыве съезда для выдвижения кандидатур

    9. n телефонный вызов, звонок или разговор

    call chain — цепочка вызовов; вызывающая последовательность

    10. n театр. вызов

    to take a call — выходить на аплодисменты, раскланиваться

    11. n театр. амер. прослушивание; репетиция

    12. n театр. объявление о времени репетиции

    13. n театр. зов; тяга, влечение

    14. n театр. призвание

    15. n театр. визит, посещение; приход

    16. n театр. заход

    call at — заходить в; заход в

    17. n театр. остановка

    18. n театр. требование

    at call — наготове, к услугам, в распоряжении, под рукой

    on call — по требованию, по вызову

    call slip — требование, листок требований

    19. n театр. эк. спрос

    20. n театр. воен. заявка, требование; вызов

    at call — по вызову; по требованию

    21. n театр. полномочие; право

    22. n театр. нужда, необходимость

    23. n бирж. предварительная премия; опцион

    24. n бирж. сделка с предварительной премией

    25. n бирж. карт. объявление

    26. n бирж. церк. предложение прихода, места пастора

    27. n бирж. вчт. вызов, обращение

    subroutine call — вызов подпрограммы, обращение к подпрограмме

    28. v кричать, закричать

    29. v звать, позвать; подозвать; окликать

    he is in the next room, call him — он в соседней комнате, позовите его

    30. v будить, разбудить

    31. v называть; звать

    call down — позвать вниз; пригласить сойти вниз

    call up — позвать наверх; пригласить подняться наверх

    32. v созывать

    33. v вызывать; звать, приглашать

    34. v вызывать, давать сигнал, сигнализировать

    35. v призывать; взывать, обращаться

    to call to account — призвать к ответу; привлечь к ответственности; потребовать отчёта

    36. v предоставлять слово; вызывать на трибуну

    37. v вызывать учащегося ответить на вопрос преподавателя

    38. v быть призванным; чувствовать призвание, потребность

    39. v быть вынужденным

    40. v объявлять; оглашать

    41. v навещать; посещать, приходить в гости, с визитом; заходить, заглядывать, завернуть

    call in this evening, if you can — если можете, заходите сегодня вечером

    call round — заходить; навещать; посещать

    42. v останавливаться

    43. v требовать, нуждаться, предусматривать

    44. v требоваться; быть нужным, уместным

    45. v звонить или говорить по телефону

    we called them to say that … — мы сообщили им по телефону, что …

    46. v считать, рассматривать; полагать

    you call it pleasure, I call it business — вы называете это развлечением, я же считаю это работой

    47. v шотл. гнать; погонять, понукать

    48. v охот. вабить, приманивать птиц

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. attraction (noun) allurement; appeal; attraction; attractiveness; draw; drawing power; lure; pull; seduction

    2. cause (noun) cause; justification; necessity; obligation; occasion; right; warrant

    3. cry (noun) bellow; chirp; clamor; clamour; cry; hail; lowing; note; outcry; song; whoop

    4. demand (noun) claim; demand; exaction; need; requirement; requisition

    5. summons (noun) bidding; command; invitation; proposal; request; signal; solicitation; summons; tocsin

    6. visit (noun) arrival; drop in; stay; stop; visit; visitation; walk in

    10. demand (verb) challenge; claim; demand; exact; postulate; require; requisition; solicit

    11. estimate (verb) approximate; estimate; judge; place; put; reckon; set

    12. foretell (verb) adumbrate; augur; forecast; foretell; portend; predict; presage; prognosticate; prophesy; soothsay; vaticinate

    13. gather (verb) assemble; call in; call together; collect; convene; convoke; gather; get together; marshal; muster; request the presence of; round up; send for; summon; summons

    14. name (verb) baptise; baptize; characterise; christen; denominate; designate; dub; entitle; label; name; style; tag; term; title

    17. rouse (verb) arouse; awaken; charge; rouse; shake; stir; wake up; waken

    18. shout (verb) bawl; bellow; bluster; clamour; cry; cry out; exclaim; hail; hallo; holler; hollo; roar; shout; trumpet; vociferate; voice; yell

    19. telephone (verb) dial; make a call; phone; put in a call; ring up; talk on the phone; telephone

    20. visit (verb) come by; come over; drop by; drop in; look in; look up; pop in; run in; see; step in; stop; stop by; stop in; visit

    Антонимический ряд:

    disperse; excuse; listen; refrain; restrain; stifle; whisper

    English-Russian base dictionary > call

  • 20

    1. n событие, важное явление; значительный факт

    2. n случай

    3. n мероприятие

    social event — неофициальная встреча; встреча друзей

    4. n спорт. соревнование

    5. n спорт. вид спорта

    6. n спорт. номер в программе состязания

    program event — программное событие; событие в программе

    7. n спорт. исход, результат

    8. n спорт. кино эпизод

    9. n спорт. тех. такт

    10. n спорт. физ. ядерное превращение

    11. n спорт. ком. распродажа по сниженным ценам

    12. n спорт. физ. событие, акт

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. effect (noun) aftereffect; aftermath; causatum; conclusion; consequence; corollary; effect; end product; fruit; harvest; issue; outcome; precipitate; result; sequel; sequence; upshot

    4. mishap (noun) accident; calamity; catastrophe; crisis; mischance; misfortune; mishap; mistake; predicament

    5. occurrence (noun) affair; case; circumstance; development; episode; eventuality; fact; go; happening; incident; news; occurrence; phenomenon; thing

    6. wonder (noun) adventure; celebration; holiday; marvel; miracle; triumph; wonder

    Антонимический ряд:

    contribution; convergence; inducement; operation; origin; predisposition; start

    English-Russian base dictionary > event

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    To each his own, but I just think that we women have a certain body type. As Indian women, we have a beautiful body type. And I believe in the celebration of curves. Whether it’s Salma Hayek, Penelope Cruz, Zeenat Aman or Shilpa Shetty, they are very curvaceous and beautiful. I don’t know why anyone would want to fight that.

    Vidya Balan





    Celebration is a noun.

    A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.



    Celebration or Celebrations may refer to: ▪ Party, a social gathering or celebration ▪ Festival, a community gathering to celebrate something in particular ▪ The observance of a feast day or holiday ▪ The celebration of the Eucharist ▪ Celebration…

    Definition of celebration in the English dictionary

    The definition of celebration in the dictionary is special event organized because something pleasant has happened, or to mark a birthday or anniversary. Other definition of celebration is expression of praise and appreciation for something.


    Synonyms and antonyms of celebration in the English dictionary of synonyms


    The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «celebration» and belong to the same grammatical category.

    Translation of «celebration» into 25 languages

    online translator


    Find out the translation of celebration to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

    The translations of celebration from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «celebration» in English.

    Translator English — Chinese


    1,325 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Spanish


    570 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Hindi


    380 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Arabic


    280 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Russian


    278 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Portuguese


    270 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Bengali


    260 millions of speakers

    Translator English — French


    220 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Malay


    190 millions of speakers

    Translator English — German


    180 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Japanese


    130 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Korean


    85 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Javanese


    85 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Vietnamese

    việc tổ chức ăn mừng

    80 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Tamil


    75 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Marathi


    75 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Turkish


    70 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Italian


    65 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Polish


    50 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Ukrainian


    40 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Romanian


    30 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Greek


    15 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Afrikaans


    14 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Swedish


    10 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Norwegian


    5 millions of speakers

    Trends of use of celebration


    The term «celebration» is very widely used and occupies the 6.066 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



    Very widely used

    The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «celebration» in the different countries.

    Principal search tendencies and common uses of celebration

    List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «celebration».


    The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «celebration» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «celebration» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

    Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about celebration


    Famous quotes and sentences with the word celebration.

    In the West there has always been the attempt to try make the religious building, whether it’s a Medieval or Renaissance church, an eternal object for the celebration of God. The material chosen, such as stone, brick, or concrete, is meant to eternally preserve what is inside.

    Today’s date, the eighteenth of May, should sometime become an occasion of great international celebration, for on this day ten years ago the first Peace Conference opened at The Hague.

    To each his own, but I just think that we women have a certain body type. As Indian women, we have a beautiful body type. And I believe in the celebration of curves. Whether it’s Salma Hayek, Penelope Cruz, Zeenat Aman or Shilpa Shetty, they are very curvaceous and beautiful. I don’t know why anyone would want to fight that.

    I am excited to rise today to support National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day. This celebration honors the husband and wife business owner teams whose work helps drive the economy and fuel job growth.

    Every time — well, not every time, but in celebration of a great review or a great accolade, I take the team of Daniel to Katz’s Deli for lunch. We take the trip on the subway, we were like 40 or 50 people, and we go in the back room and have a pastrami sandwich.

    Of all the nonsense written about love, none is more absurd than the notion that ideal love is selfless. To love is to see myself in you and to wish to celebrate myself with you. What I love is the embodiment of my values in another person. Love is an act of self-assertion, self-expression and a celebration of being alive.

    I think the most important thing about the Emmys stuff is just to enjoy it. It can get really stressful in weird ways, and I have definitely experienced that. This year, I really just want to have it be a fun celebration!

    I’m predisposed to never be in pure celebration mode.

    The Monte Carlo TV Festival is great because it’s a celebration of television and great storytelling.

    In celebration of this Earth Day, I encourage all Members of the House to support legislation aimed at investing in the improvement of water quality in our Nation’s lakes, rivers, streams and estuaries.


    Discover the use of celebration in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to celebration and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


    The Celebration Chronicles: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit …

    Compelling and wide-ranging in its analysis, The Celebration Chronicles provides a startlingly fresh perspective on the link between contemporary urban planning and corporate bottom lines. From the Trade Paperback edition.


    Celebration of Discipline

    Hailed by many as the best modern book on Christian spirituality, Celebration of Discipline explores the «classic Disciplines,» or central spiritual practices, of the Christian faith.


    Celebration: A Ceremonial and Philosophical Guide for …

    It is an affirmation of the ethical view of life that dramatizes, in prose and poetry, what secular and humanistic Jews feel about their heritage.The celebration material in the book is primarily verbal.

    Fern Michaels, New York Times bestselling author of FINDERS KEEPERS, dazzles readers once again with the unforgettable story of one woman’s life — the betrayal that nearly destroys her, the love that helps her heal, and the struggle to …


    Dark Celebration: A Carpathian Reunion

    Now, she reunites all of them in a Dark Celebration.

    When a sensuous free spirit by the name of Too Much arrives at a Florida trailer park for the over-sixty-five set, she unleashes new life and stirs up trouble for her fellow residents


    Corporate Celebration: Play, Purpose, and Profit at Work

    «How ceremonies can be used to build relationships, relieve tension, level the hierarchy, create excitement, transform losses into gains, and provide access to life’s deeper lessons.»—Cover.

    Terrence E. Deal, M. K. Key, 1998

    This joyful novel ends with a wedding, a funeral, and a celebration — all in London, though the celebrants travel from countries across the globe.

    Jake Wizner. It was almost eleven o’clock, and Max was feeling randy. The
    curfew did not restrict students from visiting other rooms, so Max headed upstairs
    and knocked on the girls’ door. They were all there, hanging out in the common


    Punctuation Celebration

    Simple rhymes are used to explain rules of punctuation. «Parentheses’ two hands are gentle, Enclosing words that aren’t essential»


    Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term celebration is used in the context of the following news items.

    Freedom Celebration Day held at The Highground

    NEILLSVILLE – Several hundred visitors enjoyed a full day of events at The Highground Veterans Memorial Park during Freedom Celebration … «Marshfield News-Herald, Jul 15»

    Watch this perfect time-lapse video of Boston’s July 4 celebration

    Boston’s July 4 celebration through the years. Fireworks over the Charles River Esplanade for the Fourth of July in 1987. Previous — of — Next. «, Jul 15»

    Alamo hosts World Heritage celebration

    Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff and Mayor Ivy Taylor celebrate the World Heritage designation for San Antonio’s missions at the Alamo on … «, Jul 15»

    World Cup Party Kicks Off at Los Angeles’ Staples Center

    The Staples Center celebration began at 11 a.m. PT, but fans already gathered early Tuesday morning in front of a jumbo monitor outside the … «NBC Southern California, Jul 15»

    Dalai Lama Turns 80 Amid Three Day Celebration

    A celebration commemorating the 80th birthday of the 14th Dalai Lama drew a massive crowd in California on Sunday. Jonathan Alcorn/ … «Newsweek, Jul 15»

    Creston Q125 celebration was all-around success

    CRESTON — If success could be measured in smiles and oohs and aahs, then Creston’s Q125 celebration last weekend was an overwhelming … «Norfolk Daily News, Jul 15»

    Americans enjoy 1 final championship celebration as 3rd World Cup …

    Video (03:46) : USA beat Japan 5-2 to win their first Women’s World Cup title since 1999.’s Jonathan Tannenwald and Matt Pentz of … «Minneapolis Star Tribune, Jul 15»

    A Celebration: Giambattista Valli and MAC Cosmetics

    PARIS — More than a decade ago, when John Demsey, the group president of Estée Lauder, first met Giambattista Valli, then a young … «New York Times, Jul 15»

    Independence Day celebration at Henry Law Park 2015

    Independence Day celebration at Henry Law Park July 4, 2015 with fireworks and the 39th Army Band. Posted Jul. 7, 2015. « Independence Day celebration at … «Foster’s Daily Democrat, Jul 15»

    Alan Shearer Nails Pinpoint Strike and Trademark Celebration in …

    If you’ve ever wondered whether the Premier League’s all-time leading scorer still has it—yes, yes he does. Alan Shearer’s son has shared a … «Bleacher Report, Jul 15»


    « EDUCALINGO. Celebration [online]. Available <>. Apr 2023 ».

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    a party or other special event that you have for an important occasion, holiday, etc.

    • a victory/birthday/holiday celebration

    • the town’s bicentennial celebrations



    the activity of doing special, enjoyable things for an important occasion, achievement, etc.


    the activity of celebrating

    • It was a night of celebration.

    • We’re having a dinner in celebration of their anniversary. [=as a way of celebrating their anniversary]

    • Your promotion is (a) cause for celebration.



    the performance of a religious ceremony

    usually singular

    • a celebration of Mass



    From Old French celebration, from Latin celebratio.


    • IPA(key): /ˌsɛlɪˈbɹeɪʃən/
    • Rhymes: -eɪʃən
    • Hyphenation: cel‧e‧bra‧tion


    celebration (countable and uncountable, plural celebrations)

    1. The formal performance of a solemn rite, such as Christian sacrament.

      We will attend the Christmas celebration in church.

    2. The observance of a holiday or feast day, as by solemnities.
    3. The act, process of showing appreciation, gratitude and/or remembrance, notably as a social event.

      She jumped in the air in celebration.

    4. A social gathering for entertainment and fun; a party.

      We’re having a little celebration tomorrow for Martin’s scholarship.


    • See Thesaurus:celebration

    Derived terms[edit]

    • celebration of life
    • goal celebration


    • celebrant
    • celebrat
    • celebrator
    • celebrity
    • celebrate


    formal performance of a solemn rite

    • Arabic: اِحْتِفَال‎ m (iḥtifāl)
    • Armenian: հանդիսավորություն (hy) (handisavorutʿyun)
    • Azerbaijani: bayram etmə, toy-bayram, təntənə
    • Belarusian: святкава́нне n (svjatkavánnje)
    • Bulgarian: че́стване n (čéstvane)
    • Chinese:
      Mandarin: 慶典庆典 (zh) (qìngdiǎn)
    • Dutch: viering (nl) f
    • Finnish: juhla (fi)
    • French: célébration (fr) f
    • Galician: celebración (gl) f
    • German: Feier (de) f
    • Italian: celebrazione (it) f, ricorrenza (it) f
    • Japanese: お祝い (おいわい, o-iwai), 祝賀 (ja) (しゅくが, shukuga), 慶祝 (ja) (けいしゅく, keishuku)
    • Korean: 축하(祝賀) (ko) (chukha), 경축(慶祝) (ko) (gyeongchuk)
    • Norwegian:
      Bokmål: feiring (no) m or f
      Nynorsk: feiring f
    • Persian: جشن (fa) (jašn)
    • Polish: celebracja (pl) f, celebra (pl) f
    • Portuguese: celebração (pt) f
    • Quechua: raymi (qu)
    • Romanian: celebrare (ro) f, celebrație (ro) f (rare), sărbătorire (ro) f
    • Russian: пра́зднование (ru) n (prázdnovanije), торжество́ (ru) n (toržestvó), че́ствование (ru) n (čéstvovanije)
    • Swahili: sherehe (sw)
    • Swedish: firande (sv) n
    • Tajik: ҷашн (tg) (jašn)
    • Turkish: kutlama (tr)
    • Ukrainian: святкува́ння n (svjatkuvánnja), торжество́ n (toržestvó)

    act or process of showing gratitude, appreciation or remembrance

    • Belarusian: урачы́стасць f (uračýstascʹ)
    • Bulgarian: че́стване n (čéstvane), просла́ва (bg) f (prosláva), възхва́ла (bg) f (vǎzhvála)
    • Danish: fejring c
    • Dutch: gedachtenis (nl), herdenking (nl), viering (nl) f
    • Finnish: juhla (fi)
    • Greek: γιορτή (el) f (giortí)
    • Hebrew: חֲגִיגָה (he) f (khagigá)
    • Malayalam: ആഘോഷം (ml) (āghōṣaṃ)
    • Polish: uroczystość (pl) f
    • Romanian: festivitate (ro) f, celebrare (ro) f
    • Russian: че́ствование (ru) n (čéstvovanije), прославле́ние (ru) n (proslavlénije), восхвале́ние (ru) n (vosxvalénije)
    • Sanskrit: उत्सव (sa) m (utsava)
    • Serbo-Croatian:
      Cyrillic: свѐчано̄ст f
      Roman: svèčanōst (sh) f
    • Swahili: sherehe (sw)
    • Ukrainian: урочи́стість f (uročýstistʹ)

    social gathering for entertainment and fun

    • Afrikaans: selebrasie
    • Arabic: اِحْتِفَال‎ m (iḥtifāl), مِهْرَجَان‎ m (mihrajān), مَهْرَجَان‎ m (mahrajān)
    • Armenian: հանդիսավորություն (hy) (handisavorutʿyun)
    • Azerbaijani: bayram (az), şənlik (az), qeyd etmə, toy-bayram
    • Belarusian: святкава́нне n (svjatkavánnje), свя́та n (svjáta), урачы́стасць f (uračýstascʹ)
    • Breton: lid (br) m
    • Bulgarian: тържество́ (bg) n (tǎržestvó), празну́ване n (praznúvane), пра́зненство (bg) n (práznenstvo), пра́зник (bg) m (práznik)
    • Catalan: celebració (ca) f
    • Chinese:
      Mandarin: 慶祝庆祝 (zh) (qìngzhù)
    • Czech: oslava (cs) f
    • Danish: fest (da) c
    • Dutch: festiviteit (nl), feest (nl), fuif (nl), viering (nl) f
    • Esperanto: festo
    • Estonian: pidu (et)
    • Finnish: juhlat (fi) pl
    • French: célébration (fr) f, fête (fr) f
    • Galician: celebración (gl) f
    • Georgian: ზეიმი (zeimi)
    • German: Feier (de) f, Fest (de) n
    • Gothic: 𐌳𐌿𐌻𐌸𐍃 f (dulþs)
    • Greek: γιορτή (el) f (giortí), εορτή (el) f (eortí) (formally), γλέντι (el) n (glénti) (colloquially)
    • Haitian Creole: selebrasyon
    • Hindi: उत्सव (hi) m (utsav)
    • Italian: festa (it) f
    • Japanese: お祝い (おいわい, o-iwai), 祝賀 (ja) (しゅくが, shukuga), 慶祝 (ja) (けいしゅく, keishuku)
    • Karelian: pruazniekku
    • Kazakh: мейрам (meiram)
    • Korean: 축하(祝賀) (ko) (chukha), 축제(祝祭) (ko) (chukje), 경축(慶祝) (ko) (gyeongchuk)
    • Kyrgyz: майрам (ky) (mayram)
    • Latin: convīvium n
    • Macedonian: празник m (praznik), прослава f (proslava)
    • Malay: perayaan (ms)
    • Northern Sami: ávvudeapmi, feasta, riemut pl
    • Norwegian:
      Bokmål: feiring (no) m or f
      Nynorsk: feiring f
    • Occitan: celebracion (oc) f
    • Persian: جشن (fa) (jašn)
    • Polish: uroczystość (pl) f, świętowanie (pl) n
    • Portuguese: celebração (pt) f, celebração (pt) f
    • Romanian: sărbătoare (ro) f, petrecere (ro) f, serbare (ro) f
    • Russian: пра́зднование (ru) n (prázdnovanije), пра́здник (ru) m (prázdnik), торжество́ (ru) n (toržestvó), пра́зднество (ru) n (prázdnestvo)
    • Serbo-Croatian:
      Cyrillic: пра̑знӣк m, про̏слава f
      Roman: prȃznīk (sh) m, prȍslava (sh) f
    • Slovak: oslava f
    • Slovene: praznovanje n
    • Spanish: celebración (es) f
    • Sranan Tongo: fesa
    • Swahili: sherehe (sw)
    • Swedish: fest (sv)
    • Tajik: ҷашн (tg) (jašn)
    • Tamil: கொண்டாட்டம் (ta) (koṇṭāṭṭam)
    • Tatar: бәйрәм (tt) (bäyräm)
    • Turkish: kutlama (tr), bayram (tr)
    • Turkmen: baýram (tk)
    • Ukrainian: святкува́ння n (svjatkuvánnja), свя́то n (svjáto), урочи́стість f (uročýstistʹ)
    • Uyghur: بايرام(bayram)
    • Uzbek: bayram (uz)
    • Welsh: dathliad (cy) m
    • Wolof: feet
    • Yiddish: שׂמחה‎ f (simkhe)


    • eniclobrate

    celebration /ˌseləˈbreɪʃən, ˌselɪˈbreɪʃən/ ‘British English’ ‘American English’ noun

    [Word Family: noun: ↑celebration, ↑celebrity; adjective: ↑celebrated, ↑celebratory; verb: ↑celebrate]

    1. [countable] an occasion or party when you celebrate something:

    the lively New Year celebrations in the city centre

    2. [singular, uncountable] the act of celebrating

    in celebration of something

    a reception in celebration of the Fund’s 70th Anniversary

    The show is a celebration of new young talent.

    I think this is a cause for celebration (=reason to celebrate).

    • • •


    ■ ADJECTIVES/NOUN + celebration

    a big/small celebration We’re having a small celebration for Dad’s birthday.

    a family celebration (=for family members) Everyone’s coming here for a family celebration.

    a special celebration There’s a special celebration tonight to mark the school’s 50th anniversary.

    a double celebration (=for two good things) It’s a double celebration for our first wedding anniversary and my birthday.

    a birthday/anniversary celebration He is planning a very special 40th birthday celebration. | It was the college’s 150th anniversary celebration last night.

    a victory celebration Some football fans were arrested during the victory celebrations.

    Christmas/New Year celebrations They invited me to join in their Christmas celebrations.

    wedding celebrations The wedding celebrations can last for a week or more.

    centenary celebrations (=celebrating 100 years after a special event) A special committee was formed to organize the centenary celebrations.

    a national celebration The flag flies for a national celebration.

    ■ verbs

    have a celebration The villagers were having a celebration of some kind.

    hold/host a celebration formal The company is holding a celebration for its 75th anniversary.

    join in the celebrations You’re welcome to come and join in the celebrations!

    • • •


    party a social event when a lot of people meet together to enjoy themselves by eating, drinking, dancing etc: We’re having a party for Sarah’s 40th birthday. | I met my boyfriend at a party.

    get-together an informal party: Christmas is the perfect time for a family get-together.

    ball a large formal party where people dance: the end of term ball

    rave a large party which is held outside or in an empty building, where people dance to music and take illegal drugs

    reception a large formal party, especially one after a wedding or to welcome an important person: The wedding reception is at a nearby hotel. | a reception for the Thai Foreign Minister | They attended a White House reception to mark the Queen’s visit.

    function a large formal or official party: He has been asked to play at many corporate functions (=an official party held by a company).

    celebration a party or special event that is organized in order to celebrate something: the country’s 50th anniversary celebrations | It was a 21st birthday celebration which Mary would never forget.

    bash informal a party, especially a big one that a lot of famous people go to – used especially in journalism: the star’s birthday bash | a picture of him at a Hollywood bash | a showbiz bash

    do British English informal a party: We’re having a do to celebrate Margaret’s birthday.

    dinner party a party where people are invited to someone’s house for an evening meal: I met him at a dinner party.

    house-warming (party) a party that you have when you move into a new house: We’re having a house-warming next week.

    cocktail party (also drinks party British English) a party that people go to in order to talk and have a drink together for a few hours

    fancy-dress party British English, costume party American English a party where people dress in special clothes, for example to look like a famous person or a character in a story

    hen party especially British English a social event just before a wedding, for a woman who is getting married and her female friends

    stag night British English, bachelor party American English a social event just before a wedding, for a man who is getting married and his male friends

    baby/wedding shower American English an event at which people give presents to a woman who is going to have a baby or get married

    Continue Learning about English Language Arts

    Which noun is Diwali?

    The noun ‘Diwali’ is a singular, abstract, proper noun, the name of a specific celebration in the nation of India.

    Is Valentine’s Day a common noun?

    No, Valentine’s Day is a proper noun, the name for a specific
    day of celebration.
    A proper noun is the name of a person, place, thing; Valentine’s
    Day is a thing.

    Is celebrity a common noun?

    Yes, the noun celebration is a common noun, a word for any celebration of any kind.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, thing, or a title; for example:Celebration, FL 34747Celebration Lane, Staten Island, NYCelebration Inn, Lewisburg, TNMS Bahamas Celebration (cruise ship)»A Charlie Brown Celebration» 1982 TV animated feature

    What is the common noun for Christmas?

    The common nouns for the proper noun Christmas are holiday or holy day.

    Do you capitalize mothers day?

    Yes, the compound noun «Mother’s Day» is a proper noun, the name of a specific celebration. A proper noun is always capitalized.And don’t forget the apostrophe before the s, the noun Mother’s is a possessive noun.

    Lament vs Celebration — What’s the difference?

    lament | celebration |

    As nouns the difference between lament and celebration

    is that lament is an expression of grief, suffering, or sadness while celebration is celebration.

    As a verb lament

    is to express grief; to weep or wail; to mourn.

    Celebration vs Celebration — What’s the difference?

    celebration | celebration |

    As nouns the difference between celebration and celebration

    is that celebration is celebration while celebration is celebration.

    Liturgy vs Celebration — What’s the difference?

    liturgy | celebration | Related terms |

    Liturgy is a related term of celebration.

    As nouns the difference between liturgy and celebration

    is that liturgy is a predetermined or prescribed set of rituals that are performed, usually by a religion while celebration is celebration.

    Celebration vs Hallowing — What’s the difference?

    celebration | hallowing | Synonyms |

    Celebration is a synonym of hallowing.

    As nouns the difference between celebration and hallowing

    is that celebration is celebration while hallowing is the act by which something is hallowed.

    As a verb hallowing is


    Fame vs Celebration — What’s the difference?

    fame | celebration |

    As an adjective fame

    is (in combination ) having a specified reputation.

    As a noun celebration is


    Celebration vs Sacraments — What’s the difference?

    celebration | sacraments |

    As nouns the difference between celebration and sacraments

    is that celebration is celebration while sacraments is .

    Celebration vs Constellation — What’s the difference?

    celebration | constellation |

    As nouns the difference between celebration and constellation

    is that celebration is celebration while constellation is constellation.

    Celebration vs Decoration — What’s the difference?

    celebration | decoration |

    As nouns the difference between celebration and decoration

    is that celebration is celebration while decoration is decoration.

    Celebration vs Res — What’s the difference?

    celebration | res |

    As a noun celebration

    is celebration.

    As a symbol res is

    (label) (l).


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  • Is the word can an auxiliary verb

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