Is the word carefully an adverb

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Alva Wyman DVM

Score: 4.3/5
(27 votes)

We make many adverbs by adding -ly to an adjective, for example: … careful (adjective) > carefully (adverb)

Is carefully an adverb Yes or no?

Introduction to adverbs. Adverbs are a kind of modifier that you can use to change verbs or adjectives, like ‘very’ or ‘carefully’.

What kind of word is carefully?

‘Carefully’ is an adverb. In sentences, adverbs can be used to modify other adverbs, adjectives, or verbs.

What are 5 examples of adverbs?


  • He swims well.
  • He ran quickly.
  • She spoke softly.
  • James coughed loudly to attract her attention.
  • He plays the flute beautifully. ( after the direct object)
  • He ate the chocolate cake greedily. ( after the direct object)

What are the 10 examples of adverb?

What are 10 examples of adverbs?

  • He is often wandering the streets.
  • She never tells a lie.
  • He is generally late.
  • Actually, it was how my friends celebrated my birthday.
  • It is very fine today.
  • He is bold enough to face the enemy.
  • The baby was gazing adoringly at chocolate cake.

39 related questions found

What is an adverb example sentence?

An adverb is a word that modifies (describes) a verb (he sings loudly), an adjective (very tall), another adverb (ended too quickly), or even a whole sentence (Fortunately, I had brought an umbrella). Adverbs often end in -ly, but some (such as fast) look exactly the same as their adjective counterparts.

What is the adverb for easy?

“I climbed up ten flights of stairs easy.” Comfortably, without discomfort or anxiety. Without difficulty.

What is the verb form of carefully?

Word family (noun) care carer (adjective) careful ≠ careless caring ≠ uncaring (verb) care (adverb) carefully ≠ carelessly.

What is carefully in grammar?

adverb. In a way that deliberately avoids harm or errors; cautiously. ‘they must be carefully handled and stored

Can beautiful be an adverb?

We make many adverbs by adding -ly to an adjective, for example: … beautiful (adjective) > beautifully (adverb)

Is quickly an adverb?

Quickly is the usual adverb from quick:I quickly realized that I was on the wrong train. … Quick is sometimes used as an adverb in very informal language, especially as an exclamation:Come on! Quick! They’ll see us!

What kind of adverb is only?

We use only as an adverb to mean that something is limited to some people, things, an amount or an activity: This phone is only available in Japan. Only a few hundred houses survived the hurricane without any damage.

Is the a adverb?

In short, the word «the» is an article that functions as both an adjective and an adverb, depending on how it’s being used.

What kind of word is only?

Only is a versatile word, functioning as an adverb, an adjective and a conjunction. As an adverb it can generally be replaced by the word just, as in the following examples: It’s only an idea; She was only 18 when she had her first child; I only hope we can finish this on time.

Is carefully a noun or verb?

What type of word is carefully? As detailed above, ‘carefully’ is an adverb.

Is finally an adverb?

Final means «last,» so use the adverb finally to describe an end result or long-awaited satisfaction.

Is away an adverb?

Away is an adverb. Away from is a multi-word preposition.

Is Lazy A adverb?

lazily -​zə-​lē adverb We walked lazily down the path.

What is the adverb for polite?

in a polite manner.

What is the adverb for angry?

The adverb angrily comes from its related adjective, angry.

Where does an adverb go in a sentence?

Adverbs can go at the beginning or end of a sentence. Adverbs can go immediately after verbs or before them for emphasis. You can never separate haber, he, ha and so on from the following past participle (the -ado/-ido form of regular verbs). Adverbs generally come just before an adjective or another adverb.

What words are adverbs?

Adverbs are words that describe (modify) verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. They tell us how, when, where, to what extent, and why.

What are 4 examples of adverbs?

Some examples of adverbs of manner include:

  • Slowly.
  • Rapidly.
  • Clumsily.
  • Badly.
  • Diligently.
  • Sweetly.
  • Warmly.
  • Sadly.

Asked by: Ms. Kimberly Runolfsdottir Jr.

Score: 4.1/5
(26 votes)

CAREFULLY (adverb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

Is carefully an adverb Yes or no?

Introduction to adverbs. Adverbs are a kind of modifier that you can use to change verbs or adjectives, like ‘very’ or ‘carefully’.

What type of word is carefully?

‘Carefully’ is an adverb. In sentences, adverbs can be used to modify other adverbs, adjectives, or verbs.

Is careful a adjective or adverb?

careful adjective — Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced American Dictionary at

Is carefully a adjective?

In a careful manner.

19 related questions found

How do you use carefully as an adverb?

She put the glass down carefully. Please listen carefully. We need to think carefully about the possible consequences of this decision. The prime minister’s words were carefully chosen.

Is carefully an action verb?

Action verbs, on the other hand, are modified by adverbs. Compare: She drove carefully through the streets. (Here the adverb carefully modifies the action verb drove.)

Which is the part of speech of carefully?

CAREFUL (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What is the suffix in the word carefully?

care + ful = careful.

Is carelessly an adverb?

carelessly adverb —carelessness noun [uncountable]THESAURUScareless not paying enough attention to what you are doing, so that you make mistakes, damage things etcI made a few careless mistakes.It was careless of you to leave your purse lying about.

What is another adverb for carefully?

In this page you can discover 77 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for carefully, like: meticulously, conscientiously, punctiliously, deliberately, exactly, precisely, solicitously, attentively, correctly, trustily and discreetly.

What type of adverb is probably?

Probably is an adverb, so it describes the manner in which a verb is performed. You probably already know how to use it fairly well, and you’d be unlikely to use it when likely was called for.

What are the 10 examples of adverb?

What are 10 examples of adverbs?

  • He is often wandering the streets.
  • She never tells a lie.
  • He is generally late.
  • Actually, it was how my friends celebrated my birthday.
  • It is very fine today.
  • He is bold enough to face the enemy.
  • The baby was gazing adoringly at chocolate cake.

What is the verb form of carefully?

Word family (noun) care carer (adjective) careful ≠ careless caring ≠ uncaring (verb) care (adverb) carefully ≠ carelessly.

How do you tell if a word is an adverb?

In English, adverbs of manner are often created from adjectives by adding the suffix «ly» to the end; for example, «soft» becomes «softly» and «gradual» becomes «gradually.» The placement of «ly» on the end of a word can be a good clue that the word is an adverb.

What’s the base word of careful?

It actually comes from the Latin word cautus, which means «careful» or «heedful.» Cautious people always take their time, always approach decisions thoughtfully, and never «throw caution to the wind.» All that wariness may sound tedious, but as Confucius said, «The cautious seldom err.»

Is careful compound word?

No, »carefully» is not a compound word. A compound word consists of two separate words that are put together to form a new word.

What is the noun of careful?

The noun form of careful is carefulness.

What do you mean by adverbs?

Adverbs are words that usually modify—that is, they limit or restrict the meaning of—verbs. They may also modify adjectives, other adverbs, phrases, or even entire sentences. … Most adverbs are formed by adding -ly to an adjective. If the adjective already ends in -y, the -y usually changes to -i.

What is an adverb action verb?

adverbs is that verbs are action words, and adverbs are description words. Verbs state the action performed by a noun, while adverbs provide more information about how that action is performed.

What is frequency adverb?

An adverb of frequency describes how often an action happens. There are six main adverbs of frequency that we use in English: always, usually (or normally), often, sometimes, rarely, and never.

What are the three forms of adverbs?

There are three basic ways to make or «form» a comparative adverb:

  • One-syllable adverbs: add -er. If an adverb has only one syllable, we usually just add -er to make it comparative: fast → faster. …
  • Two-syllable adverbs: use more. …
  • Irregular Adverbs.

Which sentence is carefully?

Carefully sentence example. Sofia lifted the choker carefully , touching the charm. Deidre studied her, hearing the carefully chosen words. He dried a glass carefully , studying it against the light for spots.

What is the correct adjective of careful?

care noun verb. careful adjective (≠ careless) carefully adverb (≠ carelessly) caring adjective (≠ uncaring)

Is the word carefully an adjective or an adverb?

careful (adjective) > carefully (adverb)

What kind of word is careful?

Full of care or grief; sorrowful, sad. Full of cares or anxiety; worried, troubled. Having care (for); attentive to potential danger, error or harm; cautious.

What type of verb is carefully?

carefully is an adverb: In a careful manner.

What is carefully in grammar?

adverb. In a way that deliberately avoids harm or errors; cautiously. ‘they must be carefully handled and stored’ More example sentences. ‘he listened carefully to the way people spoke’

Is Manageably a word?

adj. Capable of being managed or controlled: manageable problems. man′age·a·bil′i·ty, man′age·a·ble·ness n.

What type of word is manageable?

adjective. that can be managed; governable; tractable; contrivable.

Is achievable a word?

If you say that something you are trying to do is achievable, you mean that it is possible for you to succeed in doing it. A 50% market share is achievable.

What is the root word of noticeable?

1796, “worthy of notice, likely to attract attention,” from notice (n.) + -able. Meaning “capable of being noticed or observed” is from 1809.

What part of speech is noticeable?

NOTICEABLE (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

Is it noticeable or noticable?

The right answer is that it´s spelled noticeable, not noticable.

What is the word for not noticeable?

Definitions of unnoticeable. adjective. not noticeable; not drawing attention. “”her clothes were simple and unnoticeable”- J.G.Cozzens” Synonyms: insignificant, undistinguished.

What part of speech is unremarkable?


What is the antonym of unremarkable?

What is the opposite of unremarkable?

abnormal exceptional
uncommon atypical
anomalous irregular
peculiar deviant
aberrant bizarre

Is Unremarkable good or bad?

Unremarkable: Just what you think it means. Boring! Normal. Negative: Usually referring to a medical test.

What is another word for normal?

What is another word for normal?

common standard
conventional routine
typical accustomed
average habitual
regular customary

What is a synonym for ordinary?

Synonyms for ordinary. average, common, commonplace, cut-and-dried.

Careful is an adjective – Word Type.

In a careful manner. “As he was a politician he discussed all subjects carefully not offending anyone.”

careful (adj.) Old English cearful “mournful sad ” also “full of care or woe anxious full of concern” (for someone or something) thus “applying attention painstaking circumspect” (late Old English) the main modern sense from. + -ful. … Cognate with lich and identical with like (adj.).

‘Carefully’ is an adverb. In sentences adverbs can be used to modify other adverbs adjectives or verbs.

Which means the same as carefully?

In this page you can discover 77 synonyms antonyms idiomatic expressions and related words for carefully like: meticulously conscientiously punctiliously deliberately exactly precisely solicitously attentively correctly trustily and discreetly.

What is the verb of careful?

Word family (noun) care carer (adjective) careful ≠ careless caring ≠ uncaring (verb) care (adverb) carefully ≠ carelessly.

What is the mean of carefully?

adj. 1. Attentive to potential danger error or harm cautious: was careful when crossing the street a careful answer. 2. Thorough and painstaking in action or execution conscientious: a careful search careful art restorers.

Is careful a noun or verb?

CAREFUL (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

Do it carefully the kind of this sentence is?

It is an imperative sentence.

What is it called when you do something carefully?

meticulous. adjective. very thorough and with careful attention to detail.

How do you write carefully?

When in doubt look it up. When not in doubt look it up. Don’t be content with spell-checking programs check not only definitions of words phrases and expressions but also their connotations.

Is the word probably an adjective?

Probably means most likely or in all likelihood. Probably is the adverb form of the adjective probable meaning “very likely to occur or be true.” Probably is used when you think something will happen or turn out to be true but you’re not certain enough to say it definitely will.

What type of word is possibly?

Possibly is an adverb – Word Type.

What type of speech is probably?

The word ‘probably’ is an adverb. It can be used to modify a verb. There are many different types of adverbs.

See also where do decomposers fit in the food web

How do you use carefully in a sentence?

How To Use Very Carefully In A Sentence?

  1. He made his way very carefully to the little mound.
  2. He reached down and seized it but very carefully.
  3. Robin bowed to her very carefully and stood upright again.
  4. Pink cut the cards very carefully and did not look up.
  5. He examined it very carefully then he handed it back.

What is the sentence of carelessly?

Carelessly sentence example. I know this letter is very carelessly written. He must have had a corrupt copy or read very carelessly .

What is the sentence of proudly?

Use “proudly” in a sentence

She proudly showed off her awards. He proudly told me his achievement. She proudly displayed her report to her grandpa.

Is carefully a suffix?

When the suffix begins with a consonant keep the silent e in the original word. Examples: care + ful = careful. care + less = careless.

What are compound words?

When two words are used together to yield a new meaning a compound is formed. Compound words can be written in three ways: as open compounds (spelled as two words e.g. ice cream) closed compounds (joined to form a single word e.g. doorknob) or hyphenated compounds (two words joined by a hyphen e.g. long-term).

Is Bumblebee a compound word?

Is it bumble bee or bumblebee? Should I write it as one word or two? The short answer is: Technically it should be written as two words – this is spelling sanctioned by entomologists however both versions are commonly used.

Which key term means carefully and thoroughly?

careful. adj. 1 cautious in attitude or action prudent. 2 painstaking in one’s work thorough.

What word means careful protection?

Use the noun preservation to refer to the protection of something — especially from loss injury or danger.

See also who established settlements in maine and new hampshire

What does heedful mean dictionary?

adjective. taking heed attentive mindful thoughtful careful: She was always heedful of others’ needs.

Adverbs: What Is An Adverb? Useful Grammar Rules List & Examples

Adverbs of Manner – Careful-carefully – Exercises + PDF – Easy English Lesson


PBS NewsHour full episode Nov. 25 2021

For those interested in a little info about this site: it’s a side project that I developed while working on Describing Words and Related Words. Both of those projects are based around words, but have much grander goals. I had an idea for a website that simply explains the word types of the words that you search for — just like a dictionary, but focussed on the part of speech of the words. And since I already had a lot of the infrastructure in place from the other two sites, I figured it wouldn’t be too much more work to get this up and running.

The dictionary is based on the amazing Wiktionary project by wikimedia. I initially started with WordNet, but then realised that it was missing many types of words/lemma (determiners, pronouns, abbreviations, and many more). This caused me to investigate the 1913 edition of Websters Dictionary — which is now in the public domain. However, after a day’s work wrangling it into a database I realised that there were far too many errors (especially with the part-of-speech tagging) for it to be viable for Word Type.

Finally, I went back to Wiktionary — which I already knew about, but had been avoiding because it’s not properly structured for parsing. That’s when I stumbled across the UBY project — an amazing project which needs more recognition. The researchers have parsed the whole of Wiktionary and other sources, and compiled everything into a single unified resource. I simply extracted the Wiktionary entries and threw them into this interface! So it took a little more work than expected, but I’m happy I kept at it after the first couple of blunders.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: the UBY project (mentioned above), @mongodb and express.js.

Currently, this is based on a version of wiktionary which is a few years old. I plan to update it to a newer version soon and that update should bring in a bunch of new word senses for many words (or more accurately, lemma).


How do you use carefully in a sentence?

Carefully sentence example

  1. She carefully lifted an egg.
  2. Deidre pushed herself up carefully , unable to take her eyes off of Gabriel.
  3. Carefully she moved her feet into a position with better leverage.
  4. Deidre studied her, hearing the carefully chosen words.
  5. Sofia lifted the choker carefully , touching the charm.

Is carefully a verb?

In a careful manner.

Is carefully an adverb?

We make many adverbs by adding -ly to an adjective, for example: careful (adjective) > carefully (adverb)

Is good a adverb?

Good is an adjective. It modifies a noun. Well is an adverb. Well may be used as an adjective to indicate good health or satisfactory conditions.

What type of adverb is carefully?

Manner adverbs

accurately beautifully professionally
anxiously carefully quickly
badly cautiously quietly

What type of adverb is too?

Adverbs of degree tell us about the intensity of something. Adverbs of degree are usually placed before the adjective, adverb, or verb that they modify, although there are some exceptions….Adverbs of degree.

Adverb of degree Modifying Example
too adverb You are walking too slowly.
enough adverb You are running fast enough.

What type of adverb is still?


Adverb Meaning Position
Just An action happened a very short time ago Usually before the main verb
Already An action happened sooner than expected Usually before the main verb
Still An action was expected to finish sooner Usually before the main verb
Yet An action is expected to happen Usually at the end of the sentence

What type of adverb is really?

Really is an adverb, and it modifies other adverbs, verbs, or adjectives. It has a meaning of “very.”

What are the 4 main types of prepositions?

There are five different types of prepositions:

  • Simple prepositions.
  • Double prepositions.
  • Compound prepositions.
  • Participle prepositions.
  • Phrase prepositions.

Where does really go in a sentence?

Types of adverbs and their positions

type position
degree Really, very, quite usually go in mid position. A lot and a bit usually go in end position.
focusing They usually go in mid position.

What is adverb give 5 examples?

If the adverb is placed before or after the main verb, it modifies only that verb….Examples.

Example Meaning
He asked me quietly to leave the house. the request is quiet
He asked me to leave the house quietly. the leaving is quiet

What are 15 adverbs?

Top 250 Adverbs

not 658 (adverb)
fairly 15 (adverb)
primarily 15 (adverb)
completely 14 (adverb)
ultimately 14 (adverb)

What are the 7 types of adverb?

Basic Types of Adverbs

  • Interrogative Adverbs.
  • Relative Adverbs.
  • Simple Adverbs.
  • Focusing Adverbs.
  • Adverbs That Signal Attitude.
  • Adverbs of Evaluation.
  • Conjunctive (Linking) Adverbs.
  • They Make Asking a Question Easier.

What is an example of an adverb in a sentence?

An adverb is a word that modifies (describes) a verb (he sings loudly), an adjective (very tall), another adverb (ended too quickly), or even a whole sentence (Fortunately, I had brought an umbrella). Adverbs often end in -ly, but some (such as fast) look exactly the same as their adjective counterparts.

What is adverb of time with examples?


Adverb that can be used in two positions Stronger position
occasionally I go to the opera occasionally.
often Often, I jog in the morning.
regularly I come to this museum regularly.
sometimes I get up very early sometimes.

What are Adverbials examples?

Adverbials are words that we use to give more information about a verb. They can be one word (angrily, here) or phrases (at home, in a few hours) and often say how, where, when or how often something happens or is done, though they can also have other uses.

What are common adverbs?

List of Common Adverbs

  • boldly.
  • bravely.
  • brightly.
  • cheerfully.
  • deftly.
  • devotedly.
  • eagerly.
  • elegantly.

Are there any adverbs that don’t end in ly?

Many adverbs end in -ly, but not all of them do. Common adverbs that don’t end in -ly include “very” and “never.” She dribbled the basketball perfectly.

How do you use adverbs correctly?

When an adverb modifies a verb, you can almost always remove the adverb and pick a more accurate verb:

  1. She spoke softly—She whispered; she mumbled.
  2. She said loudly—She barked; she yelled; she screamed; she shrieked.
  3. She said jokingly—She joked.
  4. She worked really hard—She slaved; she labored; she toiled.

How do you explain adverbs to students?

Write down an adverb to go with each verb, such as “always kick,” “run quickly,” “sing loudly” and “dance everywhere.” Explain that adverbs can describe where, when and how often an action takes place, as well as how the action is done. Ask her to make up sentences using the phrases you wrote on the sheet of paper.

How do you explain what an adverb is to a child?

An adverb is a word used to tell more about a verb, and it almost always answers the questions how?, when?, where?, how often?, and in what way?. Words like slowly, loudly, carefully, quickly, quietly or sadly are all adverbs. Adverbs usually, but not always, end in -ly.

How do you teach grammar in a fun way?

6 Ways to Make Teaching Grammar Fun (I’m Serious)

  1. 1) Build grammar practice into fun writing assignments.
  2. 2) Make funny examples or practice sentences.
  3. 3) Make a bulletin board or anchor chart called “Why Grammar Matters” and have students contribute.
  4. 4) Have “story time” with this book one day.
  5. 5) Play Reviewsical Chairs with grammar concepts you’ve been learning.

How do you teach adverbs for beginners?

Read each one aloud and underline the adverbs. Tell the students which word the adverb is modifying and in what way. Then ask the students to think of other adverbs that fit in the sentence. “He ran quickly to the park.” Explain that “quickly” tells how he ran and that many adverbs explain how something happened.

What are the 5 types of adverbs?

To start, there are five types of adverbs you should familiarize yourself with: adverbs of degree, frequency, manner, place, and time.

How do you teach pronouns?

Ask students which words have been replaced by new words. Explain that pronouns replace proper names and nouns such as “David,” “Anna and Susan,” “the book,” etc. Ask students which pronouns would replace different names and objects. Make sure to switch between singular and plural subject pronouns.

How do you teach Adverbials?

6 Activities to Teach Adverbials in the Classroom

  1. The Fronted Adverbial Challenge.
  2. The great ed/ing/ly fronted adverbial challenge!
  3. Spot the adverbial!
  4. The where, when, how, and why detective!
  5. Word Place Challenge.
  6. Grammar with Emile.

What are fronted Adverbials examples?

Fronted adverbials are words or phrases placed at the beginning of a sentence which are used to describe the action that follows. Here are some examples: Before sunrise, Zack ate his breakfast. After the rain stopped, Sophie went outside to play.

What is an adverbial of time?

Adverbs of time tell us when an action happened, but also for how long, and how often. Adverbs of time are invariable. They are extremely common in English.

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Is the word carefully an adjective?

No, carefully is an adverb.

What is a sentence that has an adjective and an adverb that uses the word dictionary?

He carefully searched the big dictionary for the words he
Adverb: carefully.
Adjective: big.

Is joyfully an adverb or adjective?

Joyfully is an adverb like quickly and carefully. an adjective
is used to describe something like the words amazing or

Is eagerly an adjective or an adverb?

Eagerly is an adverb. Eager is an adjective.

Is silently an adverb or adjective?

Silently is an adverb. The adjective is silent.

This is the case of proper adverb placement. Most adverbs can be classified into 10 different types. See the types here in Cambridge: Types of adverbs and their positions. Different types of adverbs go in different places [there are exceptions though].

«Carefully» is an adverb of the type manner (how something is done). Adverbs of manner can be placed in the mid-position or in the end position (depending on the intended effect).

According to Cambridge (from the linked source), adverbs of manner «usually go in end position.» This is true if you want to focus or emphasize on how something is done or is being done (e.g., slowly, quickly, loudly, gently). «If the verb has an object, the adverb comes after the object».

She ate quickly. He ran to the store quickly. He looked at the numbers carefully.

«They sometimes go in mid position if the adverb is not the most important part of the clause or if the object is very long.»

She quickly ate her dinner and ran out.

He carefully looked at the numbers and found huge discrepancies in the sales records.

The Chicago Manual of Style (16th Ed) says «to avoid miscues, an adverb should generally be placed as near as possible to the word it is intended to modify.» — 5.167: Placement of adverbs

For example, what does «immediately» modify in the following sentence—compete or submitted?

«… the marathoners submitted their applications to compete immediately

Here, «immediately» needs to be placed right before the verb it actually modifies—submitted.

If an adverb modifies a verb phrase, it should be placed between the auxiliary verb and the principal verb.

«… the administration has repudiated this view.»

«… the administration has consistently repudiated this view.»

I have thoroughly studied every single chapter for the test.

He has carefully looked at the numbers; he is now ready to fire the sales manager for stealing from the company.

Based on this, your example sentence should be

«I was carefully looking carefully at it (=a mobile phone) to see who it belonged to.»

«If an adverb qualifies an adjective, an adverb, a preposition, or a conjunction, it should immediately precede the word [that is] qualified».


Introduction to Adverbs

An adverb is a word that describes a verb, an adjective or another adverb.

For example:

Gini drives carefully.

(The word ‘carefully’ is an adverb. It is describing the verb ‘drives’. It is telling us how Gini drives.)

It is a very beautiful painting.

(The word ‘very’ is an adverb. It is describing the adjective ‘beautiful’. It is telling us how beautiful the painting is.)

The team won the match quite easily.

(The word ‘easily’ is an adverb. It is telling us how the team won the match. The word ‘quite’ is also an adverb. It is describing ‘easily’. It is telling us how easily the team won the match.)

Sometimes, an adverb can also modify an entire clause that follows it.

For example:

Luckily, the boy reached home in time.

(The word ‘luckily’ is an adverb. It is describing the clause ‘the boy reached home in time’.)

Sometimes a clause can perform the role of an adverb in a sentence.

For example:

The movie started before I entered the theatre.

(Here, the clause ‘before I entered the theatre’ is performing the function of an adverb. It is describing the verb ‘started’. It is telling us when the movie started.)

Sometimes a phrase can perform the role of an adverb in a sentence.

For example:

The girl is singing very sweetly.

(Here, the phrase ‘very sweetly’ is performing the function of an adverb. It is describing the main verb (‘singing’). When you ask the question ‘singing how?’, you get the answer ‘very sweetly’.)

An adverb is a word that describes a verb, an adjective or another adverb.

For example:

Gini drives carefully.

(The word ‘carefully’ is an adverb. It is describing the verb ‘drives’. It is telling us how Gini drives.)

It is a very beautiful painting.

(The word ‘very’ is an adverb. It is describing the adjective ‘beautiful’. It is telling us how beautiful the painting is.)

The team won the match quite easily.

(The word ‘easily’ is an adverb. It is telling us how the team won the match. The word ‘quite’ is also an adverb. It is describing ‘easily’. It is telling us how easily the team won the match.)

Sometimes, an adverb can also modify an entire clause that follows it.

For example:

Luckily, the boy reached home in time.

(The word ‘luckily’ is an adverb. It is describing the clause ‘the boy reached home in time’.)

Sometimes a clause can perform the role of an adverb in a sentence.

For example:

The movie started before I entered the theatre.

(Here, the clause ‘before I entered the theatre’ is performing the function of an adverb. It is describing the verb ‘started’. It is telling us when the movie started.)

Sometimes a phrase can perform the role of an adverb in a sentence.


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