Is the word calm an adjective

Words like steady, restful, etc. are some of the words that are helpful for the description of the word “calm”. Let us check the role the word “calm” plays as a part of speech.

The word “calm” belongs to the group of adjectives among the eight groups of English parts of speech. The word “calm” does not change its form while performing the role of an adjective, noun, or verb.

Now, we will go through various facts and explanations related to the use of the word “calm” as an adjective, noun, or verb.

When is “calm” an adjective?

Adjectives not only modify any noun or noun equivalent of a sentence but also act as a subject complement. Let us check when we can use the word “calm” as an adjective.

The word “calm” becomes an adjective when we use it to modify or describe any noun, pronoun, or noun equivalent to depict the attribute mild, placid, pacific, etc. of that specific noun or noun equivalent.

Now we are going to learn the situations where we can use the adjective “calm” along with related facts and explanations.

Situations to use the adjective “calm” Example Explanation
1. The adjective “calm” can be used to modify the attributes of any singular noun. Sometimes my daughter behaves as if she is calm as an angel. The mild nature of the singular noun daughter has been described with the help of the adjective “calm.”
2. The attribute of any plural noun
can be modified with the help of the adjective “calm”.
Sometimes my nieces behave as if they are calm as an angel. The mild nature of the plural noun nieces has been described with the help of the adjective “calm.”
3. The attribute of any singular noun phrase can be modified with the help of the adjective “calm”. Sometimes my sweet little daughter behaves as if she is calm as an angel. The meek nature of the singular noun phrase sweet little daughter has been described with the help of the adjective “calm.”
4. The attribute of any plural noun phrase can be modified with the help of the adjective “calm”. Sometimes my naughty nieces behave as if they are calm as an angel. The meek nature of the plural noun phrase naughty nieces has been described with the help of the adjective “calm.”
5. The attribute of any singular pronoun can be modified with the help of the adjective “calm”. My daughter does not like to make many friends, though she studies in class V. She is calm even if her friends are shouting and enjoying a fun game. The inactive nature of the singular pronoun she has been described with the help of the adjective “calm,” while the pronoun she refers to the noun the speaker’s daughter.
6. The attribute of a plural pronoun can be modified with the help of the adjective “calm”. The children of my neighborhood are very talkative, though they are calm in school. The placid nature of the plural pronoun they has been described with the help of the adjective “calm,” while the pronoun they refers to the noun children.
7. The adjective “calm” can be used to show similarity in any particular attribute among naming entities. Renu is not as calm as her sister Menu, though they are twin sisters. The adjective “calm” is used to show the similarity between the nature of the two twin sisters, Renu and Menu.
8. Comparison in any particular attribute between naming entities can also be done with the help of the adjective “calm”. Renu is calmer than her sister Menu, though they are twin sisters. The adjective “calm” is used to show the comparison between the nature of the two twin sisters, Renu and Menu.
9. The superiority of any noun or noun equivalent in any particular attribute can also be done with the help of the adjective “calm”. Renu is the calmest among all the students during any class, though she is very talkative during the recess period. The adjective “calm” is used to show the superiority of Renu’s nature over all the other students during the class.
Situations to use the adjective “calm”

Is “calm” a descriptive adjective?

The adjective “calm” is mainly related to words like soothing, relaxing, peaceful, etc. Let us check if the adjective “calm” belongs to the group of descriptive adjectives.

The word “calm” can certainly be marked as an adjective in those sentences where it is used to describe the position of mind in terms of emotion or situation in terms of ambiance. There are specific situations where we can use the adjective “calm” to describe that situation.

When is “calm” a descriptive adjective?

A list of the situations where we can use the descriptive adjective “calm” has been given below.

Usage of the Descriptive Adjective “calm” Example Explanation
1.To describe a mental situation without any harsh emotions, like anger, tension, etc. My mother has been calming me down for the last four hours as I am very angry at her for not allowing me to go to play. The adjective “calm” is used to describe the mental situation in which the mother of the speaker is trying to impact upon the speaker as the speaker is very angry with her mother. We must notice the form “calming” as the sentence is in the present perfect continuous tense.
2.To describe any soothing attribute of a noun I can feel the calm voice of my teacher even without opening my eyes. The adjective “calm” is used to describe the soothing voice of the noun
speaker’s mother and we have used the root form “calm” as the sentence is in simple present tense.
3. To describe non-movement of any physical aspect. Renu is trying hard to see her complete feature on the calm water of the blue lake. The adjective “calm” is used to describe the still water and we have used the root form “calm” as it is describing the nature of water, though the sentence is in the present progressive tense.
4.To describe a situation without any excitement The female members of a family are solely responsible for making the situation calm as the males are always busy arguing to prove their point. The adjective “calm” is used to describe a situation that the ladies of the family are trying to create in a family while others are busy arguing, and the root form “calm” is in use as the sentence is in a simple present sentence.
5.To describe a situation which is not stormy or not affected by any natural turbulence We could not go shopping as the weather had not calmed down even after two hours of starting rain. The adjective “calm” is used to describe a situation that was affected by the natural force rain, and we have used the past participle form “calmed” as the sentence is in the past perfect tense.
Usage of the Descriptive Adjective “calm”

A noun does not always need to be the subject, but can also be a subject complement, direct object, etc. in a sentence. Let us check if the word “calm” is a noun or not.

The word “calm” can be certainly marked as a noun in a sentence if it is in use as a naming entity for some particular acts.

The list of usages of the word “calm” as a noun has been given below.

Usages of the word “calm” as a “noun” Example Explanation
1. The noun “calm” can be used to denote a situation without any tranquility. Renu wants calm and to study well without any disturbance. The noun “calm” is in use to denote a peaceful situation, which will help the subject, Rina, to study well without any disturbance.
2. The noun “calm” can be used to denote a weather condition without any storm or wind. The captain prefers to keep his ship calm in order to avoid any labour issues. The noun “calm” is in use to denote a weather condition which is without any natural calamities, like; rain and storm.
3. The noun “calm” can be used to denote a mental state without any harsh emotions. Mina wants to have calm to meditate well and leave life peacefully. The noun “calm” is used to denote an untroubled mental state which is not affected by any harsh emotions, for example, anger, disappointment, etc.
Usages of the word “calm” as a “noun”

Is “calm” a verb?

Each and every verb changes its formation according to the person and tense in which the sentence is. Let us check if the word “calm” can perform the role of a verb or not.

The word “calm” can be in possession of the parts of speech group verb in a sentence where it is in use as an activity and not as a naming entity or any attribute to modify a noun or noun equivalent.

What type of verb is “Calm”?

The verb “calm” can be poured into two types of verb groups: transitive verbs and intransitive verbs. If the verb “calm” is being used to soothe someone, then it can be marked as a transitive verb. If someone or something is being soothed, then the verb “calm” can be termed as an intransitive verb.

The change of the verb “calm” according to the person of the sentence:

Person Various Forms of the Verb “calm”
1.1st Person Singular Number “calm”
2.1st Person Plural Number “calm”
3.2nd Person Singular Number “calm”
4.2nd Person Plural Number “calm”
5.3rd  Person Singular Number “calms”
6.3rd  Person Plural Number “calm”
The change of the verb “calm” according to the person of the sentence

The change of the verb “calm” according to the tense of the sentence:

Tense Various Forms of the Verb “calm”
1.Simple Present “calm”
2.Simple Past “calmed”
3.Progressive “calming”
4.Past Participle “calmed”
The change of the verb “calm” according to the tense of the sentence

When we can use the verb “calm” –

Now, we will go through various usages of the verb “calm” along with related examples and explanations.

Usages of the verb “calm” Example Explanation
1. To feel relaxed or without any worry” All my family members are arguing about yesterday’s cricket match, but I am trying to calm myself as I am not interested in these trivial things. The verb “calm” has been used by the speaker to mark the meaning that she or he is trying to soothe or relax.
2. To create an anxiety or tension free situation” I am trying to calm the atmosphere of our home as all are in despair after the result of yesterday’s cricket match. The verb “calm” has been used by the speaker to mark the meaning that she or he is trying remove the anxiety from the atmosphere of her or his home.
Usages of the verb “calm”

Conclusion –

Now, let us make a note of the most common phrasal verb that has been framed with the word “calm”. Most of the time, we add the proposition down to the verb “calm” to frame the phrasal verb calm down to denote the meaning to make someone relaxed or without worry.

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  • 1 Pronunciation
  • 2 Adjective
  • 3 Noun
  • 4 Verb
    • 4.1 Synonyms


  • Audio (US) (file)





  1. If a person, place or situation is calm, it is peaceful and quiet.
    There’s no wind and the lake is calm.
    I was angry a minute ago, but now I am calm.




  1. (uncountable) The state of being quiet and peaceful.
    I felt a calm come over me.
  2. (countable) A period of time without wind.
    The calm before a storm.


Plain form

Third-person singular

Past tense

Past participle

Present participle

  1. (transitive) To make someone or something calm.
    He was yelling and running around but I calmed him.
  2. (intransitive) When someone or something becomes calm.
    The lake calmed after the storm.


  • pacify
  • soothe
  • calm down
  • cool off
  • (verb): quiet

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  • Adjectives
  • Nouns
  • Uncountable nouns
  • Countable nouns
  • Verbs
  • Regular verbs
  • Transitive verbs
  • Intransitive verbs


Roger Morrison

Date Of Creation:

23 September 2021

Update Date:

5 April 2023

Sounds calm. Some synonyms of the adjectivecalm are peaceful and even-tempered. As a verb, itdescribes making someone steady and still — in other words,calm. As a noun, calm is a state of peace orstillness — the calm of your neighborhood at daybreakor the calm you seek when you exercise.

Is calm a verb or adjective? - books

Is calm a verb or adjective? — books


  • is Calm an adjective?
  • is friendly an adjective or adverb?
  • which part of speech is calm?
  • What are words for calm?

Of Them, is Calm an adjective?

adjective , calm . er, calm . est.without rough motion; still or nearly still: a calm sea.

Also, is friendly an adjective or adverb?

Some adjectives , such as friendly , lovely,timely, and masterly, already end in -ly and have no distinct adverb form. Use the adjective within an adverbial phrase: «It was done in a ____ way.» She spoke tome in a friendly way. Some adjectives do not add -lyto form an adverb .

Similar To, which part of speech is calm?


part of speech: adjective
related words: appease, console, ease, quiet, settle, soothe, steady
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About thisfeature
derivations: calming (adj.), calmly (adv.), calmness (n.)

People Also Ask, What are words for calm?

cool, composed, collected, serene, tranquil, sedate,levelheaded, coolheaded, impassive, detached, unmoved, aloof,unconcerned, disinterested, incurious, unaroused, unimpressed,nonchalant, neutral, listless, gentle, amicable, peaceable,peaceful, placid, unanxious, unexcited, unperturbed, unruffled,unshaken, amiable,

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  • 1

    calm [kɑ:m]

    1) ти́хий; безве́тренный

    2) ми́рный; споко́йный;

    3) беззасте́нчивый

    1) тишина́; споко́йствие;

    2) штиль, зати́шье



    успока́ивать; умиротворя́ть

    calm down успока́ивать(ся), смягча́ть(ся)

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > calm

  • 2

    calm n

    отсутствие ветра

    aerodrome calm

    отсутствие ветра в районе

    calm belt

    штилевая зона

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > calm

  • 3

    Персональный Сократ > calm

  • 4

    I [kaːm]


    1) безветренный, тихий

    calm day

    — calm sea
    — calm weather
    — calm voice
    — calm evening

    2) спокойный, невозмутимый

    He is always calm with children. — Он всегда ведет себя с детьми спокойно.

    He didn’t feel very calm in playing against such a strong opponent. — Он не был очень спокоен, играя против такого сильного противника.

    He is always calm in games. — Он всегда играет спокойно/хладнокровно.

    He is always calm with his son over his marks. — Он никогда не теряет терпения/не выходит из себя по поводу отметок сына.

    calm answer

    — calm expression
    — be calm about the coming talk
    — be calm about the matter
    — be calm about smb’s future
    — keep calm in games
    — look calm
    — seem calm
    — be calm with smb
    — keep calm
    — feel calm
    — be calm in action


    Английское прилагательное calm, как и его русское соответствие «спокойный», многозначно. Русское прилагательное «спокойный», соответствующее английскому calm 1., может передаваться также прилагательным quiet. Прилагательные calm и quiet в этом значении различаются тем, что calm относится к движению и эмоциям, a quiet — к шумам, звукам: a calm day тихий день; calm weather безветренная погода; calm sea спокойное море; calm pulse спокойный, ровный пульс, ср. the children were very quiet дети совсем не шумели; be quiet! не шуми!; the city was strangely quiet в городе было необычно тихо; to live a quiet life вести спокойный образ жизни

    II [kaːm]


    calm smb by smth

    — calm a frightened child
    — calm smb’s fears
    — calm oneself
    — calm smb by doing smth
    — calm the child by telling him a story

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > calm

  • 5

    1. n безветрие; тишь

    2. n мор. штиль, зеркальное море

    3. n тишина, покой

    4. n спокойствие, невозмутимость

    5. a безветренный; тихий

    6. a ровный

    7. a спокойный, тихий; мирный; невозмутимый

    pray, be calm! — пожалуйста, успокойтесь!

    8. a разг. самоуверенный, развязный

    9. v успокаивать; умиротворять; утихомиривать

    10. v успокаиваться

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. peaceful (adj.) balmy; halcyon; hushed; mild; pacific; peaceful; placid; quiet; smooth; still; stilly; undisturbed; untroubled

    2. relaxed (adj.) collected; composed; cool; cool-headed; detached; easy; easygoing; even; even-tempered; imperturbable; moderate; nonchalant; poised; possessed; relaxed; sedate; self-composed; self-possessed; serene; tranquil; unruffled

    3. calmness (noun) calmness; peacefulness; repose; rest; restfulness; sang-froid; serenity; tranquility; tranquillity

    4. composure (noun) aloofness; composure; control; equanimity; patience; peace of mind; poise; presence of mind; self possession

    5. quiet (noun) hush; lull; placidity; quiet; stillness

    6. allay (verb) allay; balm; becalm; comfort; compose; console; lull; pacify; quell; quiet; settle; soothe; still; tranquilize; tranquillise

    7. gentle (verb) appease; assuage; calm down; conciliate; gentle; mollify; placate; propitiate; soften; sweeten

    Антонимический ряд:

    aggravate; agitated; angry; boisterous; commotion; discompose; disconcert; excite; excited; fierce; furious; heat; inflamed; lash; nervousness; perturbed; rough

    English-Russian base dictionary > calm

  • 6

    имя прилагательное:

    имя существительное:


    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > calm

  • 7


    calm безветренный calm разг. беззастенчивый calm спокойный; тихий; мирный calm спокойствие calm тишина; спокойствие calm успокаивать; умиротворять; calm down успокаивать(ся), смягчать(-ся) calm штиль, затишье calm успокаивать; умиротворять; calm down успокаивать(ся), смягчать(-ся) down: to calm calm успокаиваться; the quality of ale has gone down качество пива ухудшилось; worn down with use изношенный restore calm восстанавливать спокойствие

    English-Russian short dictionary > calm

  • 8

    1. спокойный, тихий, безветренный; 2. спокойный, невозмутимый, мирный
    Английское calm, как и его русское соответствие спокойный, многозначно. Русское спокойный, соответствующее английскому calm , может передаваться также прилагательным quiet. Прилагательные calm и quiet в этом значении различаются тем, что calm относится к движению, а quiet — к шуму, звукам:

    a calm day — тихий день;

    calm weather — безветренная погода;

    calm sea — спокойное море;

    calm pulse — спокойный, ровный пульс.

    The children were very quiet — Дети совсем не шумели.

    Be quiet! — Не шуми!

    The city was strangely quiet — В городе было необычно тихо;

    to live a quiet life — вести спокойный образ жизни.

    English-Russian word troubles > calm

  • 9

    1. [kɑ:m]

    1. 1) безветрие; тишь


    штиль, зеркальное море

    2. тишина, покой

    3. спокойствие, невозмутимость ()

    he said so with forced calm — он сказал это неестественно спокойно /с напускным спокойствием/

    2. [kɑ:m]

    1. 1) безветренный; тихий ()

    2) спокойный ()

    2. спокойный, тихий; мирный; невозмутимый ()

    pray, be calm! — пожалуйста, успокойтесь!


    самоуверенный, развязный

    3. [kɑ:m]

    (тж. calm down)

    1) успокаивать; умиротворять; утихомиривать

    calm yourself! — успокойтесь

    2) успокаиваться

    НБАРС > calm

  • 10

    1. успокаивать

    2. спокойный

    English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > calm

  • 11

    1. прил.
    1) спокойный, мирный, невозмутимый( о человеке, о характере человека) Syn: quiet
    2) безветренный;
    тихий, спокойный (о море) The sea is much calmer at the bottom, than in any part nearer its surface. ≈ Море гораздо спокойнее на дне, чем в слоях, близких к поверхности. Syn: windless, imperturbable, tranquil
    3) разг. нескромный, беззастенчивый, вульгарный
    2. сущ.
    1) спокойствие, выдержанность, невозмутимость( о характере человека)
    2) безветрие, затишье;
    штиль( о море) Before and after earthquakes there is a calm in the air. ≈ До и после землетрясения в воздухе абсолютное затишье. Syn: lull
    3) тишина;
    покой, тишь Syn: quiet, silence
    3. гл.
    1) затихнуть, успокоиться (напр., о ветре, море, шторме)
    2) успокаивать;
    нормализовать( о людях, об обстановке где-л.)
    3) заштилеть (судно) ∙ calm down Syn: quell
    тишь (морское) штиль, зеркальное море — * before the storm затишье перед бурей тишина, покой спокойствие, невозмутимость (человека) — he said so with forced * он сказал это неестественно спокойно /с напускным спокойствием/ безветренный;
    тихий (о погоде и т. п.) спокойный (о море и т. п.) ровный( о пульсе) спокойный, тихий;
    невозмутимый (о человеке) — pray, be *! пожалуйста, успокойтесь! ( разговорное) самоуверенный, развязный — it was rather * of him с его стороны это было довольно нескромно (тж. * down) успокаивать;
    утихомиривать — to * oneself успокаиваться — * yourself! успокойтесь — mother *ed the frightened baby мать успокоила испуганного ребенка успокаиваться — the storm ceased and the sea *ed море затихло после бури
    calm безветренный ~ разг. беззастенчивый ~ спокойный;
    мирный ~ спокойствие ~ тишина;
    спокойствие ~ успокаивать;
    calm down успокаивать(ся), смягчать( — ся) ~ штиль, затишье
    ~ успокаивать;
    calm down успокаивать(ся), смягчать( — ся) down: to calm ~ успокаиваться;
    the quality of ale has gone down качество пива ухудшилось;
    worn down with use изношенный
    restore ~ восстанавливать спокойствие

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > calm

  • 12

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > CALM

  • 13

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > calm

  • 14

    1. III

    calm smb., smth. calm a frightened child успокаивать испуганного ребенка и т. д; calm smb.’s fears рассеивать чьи-л. страхи; calm yourself успокойтесь [, возьмите себя в руки]

    2. XXII

    calm smb. by doing smth. calm the child by caressing him успокаивать ребенка лаской и т. д., приласкать ребенка, чтобы успокоить и т. д.

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > calm

  • 15



    1) спокойный, мирный, невозмутимый


    2) безветренный; тихий


    calm sea — штиль; зеркальное море

    The sea is much calmer at the bottom, than in any part nearer its surface. — Море гораздо спокойнее на глубине, чем в поверхностных слоях.




    нескромный, беззастенчивый



    1) спокойствие, выдержанность, невозмутимость

    2) безветрие, затишье

    Before and after earthquakes there is a calm in the air. — До и после землетрясения в воздухе бывает абсолютное затишье.


    4) тишина, покой, тишь



    ; = calm down

    1) успокаивать; умиротворять


    2) затихнуть, успокоиться

    Calm down, there’s nothing to worry about. — Успокойся, волноваться не о чем.

    The wind seems to be calming down at last. — Ветер, кажется, стихает.



    заштилеть, остановиться из-за безветрия

    Англо-русский современный словарь > calm

  • 16

    спокойный; успокаивать; спокойствие

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > calm

  • 17


    тишина; спокойствие; затишье

    to appeal / to call for calm — призывать соблюдать спокойствие

    Politics english-russian dictionary > calm

  • 18

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > calm

  • 19

    шотл. белый или светлоокрашенный сланец
    equatorial calm экваториальная зона затишья
    volcanic calm период покоя

    * * *

    зеркальное море град.

    English-Russian dictionary of geology > calm

  • 20


    1) тихий, спокойный, мирный

    2) тихий, спокойный, безветренный

    calm sea — спокойное, гладкое море

    1) тишина, покой, безветрие, штиль

    2) спокойствие, выдержанность

    успокаиваться, стихать

    2000 самых употребительных английских слов > calm


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См. также в других словарях:

  • calm — CALM, Ă, calmi, e, adj., s.n. I. adj. 1. (Despre natură) Care se află în stare de linişte deplină. ♢ Calm ecuatorial = zonă îngustă de o parte şi de alta a ecuatorului, cu presiune atmosferică scăzută, vânturi slabe şi ploi abundente. Calm… …   Dicționar Român

  • calm´ly — calm «kahm, kahlm», adjective, noun, verb. –adj. 1. not stormy or windy; not stirred up; quiet; still: »In fair weather the sea is usually calm. SYNONYM(S): motionless, smooth, placid. 2. Figurative. not excited; peaceful: »Although she was frigh …   Useful english dictionary

  • calm — adj Calm, tranquil, serene, placid, peaceful, halcyonmean quiet and free from all that disturbs or excites. Calm is primarily applied to sea or weather, usually conveys an implicit contrast with its opposite, stormy, and suggests freedom, real or …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Calm — (k[aum]m), a. [Compar. {Calmer} ( [ e]r); superl. {Calmest} ( [e^]st)] 1. Not stormy; without motion, as of winds or waves; still; quiet; serene; undisturbed. Calm was the day. Spenser. [1913 Webster] Now all is calm, and fresh, and still. Bryant …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Calm — Calm, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Calmed} (k[aum]md); p. pr. & vb. n. {Calming}.] [Cf. F. calmer. See {Calm}, n.] 1. To make calm; to render still or quiet, as elements; as, to calm the winds. [1913 Webster] To calm the tempest raised by Eolus. Dryden.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • calm — [käm] n. [ME & OFr calme < OIt calma < LL (Vulg.: Job 30:30) cauma, heat, heat of the day (hence, in It, time to rest, quiet: see SIESTA) < Gr kauma, heat, esp. of the sun < kaiein, to burn; It sp. infl. by L calere, to be hot] 1.… …   English World dictionary

  • Calm — (k[aum]m), n. [OE. calme, F. calme, fr. It. or Sp. calma (cf. Pg. calma heat), prob. fr. LL. cauma heat, fr. Gr. kay^ma burning heat, fr. kai ein to burn; either because during a great heat there is generally also a calm, or because the hot time… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • calm — [adj1] peaceful, quiet (inanimate) at a standstill, at peace, bland, bucolic, cool, halcyon, harmonious, hushed, inactive, in order, low key, mild, motionless, pacific, pastoral, placid, quiescent, reposeful, reposing, restful, rural, serene,… …   New thesaurus

  • calm — ► ADJECTIVE 1) not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other emotions. 2) peaceful and undisturbed. ► NOUN 1) a calm state or period. 2) (calms) an area of the sea without wind. ► VERB (often …   English terms dictionary

  • CALM — may refer to: *Café au lait macules( spots ) as seen in the medical condition neurofibromatosis *Communications, Air interface, Long and Medium range, a standardized set of air interface protocols and parameters for medium and long range, high… …   Wikipedia

  • Calm — is an adjective meaning peaceful, quiet; particularly used of the weather, free from wind or storm, or of the sea, as opposed to rough. The word appears in French calme, through which it came into English, in Spanish, Portuguese and Italian calma …   Wikipedia

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Guillermo Dibbert

Score: 5/5
(45 votes)

Sounds calm. Some synonyms of the adjective calm are peaceful and even-tempered. As a verb, it describes making someone steady and still — in other words, calm. … As a noun, calm is a state of peace or stillness — the calm of your neighborhood at daybreak or the calm you seek when you exercise.

Is calmly an adjective or an adverb?

Calmly is an adverb that modifies verbs.

What is an adjective for calmly?

tranquil, serene, halcyon, peaceful, placid, mild, pacific, quiet, still, balmy, breathless, breezeless, clear, clement, idyllic, pacifical, reposeful, restful, somnolent, stormless, windless, stilly, storm-free, undisturbed, untroubled, motionless, unruffled, arcadian, smooth, hushed, lown, soothing, relaxing, silent, …

How do you identify an adverb of manner?

An adverb of manner modifies or changes a sentence to tell us how something happens, such as whether it was quickly or slowly. They’re usually placed after the main verb or after the object. Just like other adverbs, they can provide more detail to sentences, giving the reader a clearer picture.

Is too an adverb of manner?

Adverbs of Manner always come after a verb and can be used with words like very or too.

40 related questions found

What is the difference between verb and adjective?

Verbs & Adjectives:

Verbs are words used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and form the main part of the predicate of a sentence, such as hear, become, happen etc; while Adjectives are words that describe or modify another person or thing in the sentence.

What are adjectives give 10 examples?

Examples of adjectives

  • They live in a beautiful house.
  • Lisa is wearing a sleeveless shirt today. This soup is not edible.
  • She wore a beautiful dress.
  • He writes meaningless letters.
  • This shop is much nicer.
  • She wore a beautiful dress.
  • Ben is an adorable baby.
  • Linda’s hair is gorgeous.

How do you tell if a word is a noun adjective or verb?

When in doubt, use the word in a sentence, then see how it’s being used.

  1. A noun will be something — a thing. It will be the thing that is acting or upon which it is being done.
  2. A verb will be the action the noun is experiencing.
  3. An adjective tells us more about the noun.
  4. An adverb tells us more about the verb.

What are the different types of adjectives?

Common types of adjectives

  • Comparative adjectives.
  • Superlative adjectives.
  • Predicate adjectives.
  • Compound adjectives.
  • Possessive adjectives.
  • Demonstrative adjectives.
  • Proper adjectives.
  • Participial adjectives.

Is loud an adjective?

loud used as an adjective:

Of a sound, of great intensity. «Turn that music down, it’s too loud.» Of a person, event, etc, noisy.

What is difference between adjective and adverb?

The main difference between them is what they describe. Adjectives describe a noun, whereas adverbs are used to describe verbs. The adjective is among the 8 parts of speech that describe a noun, or a pronoun. … Whereas, the adverb answers the questions like- how, when, where, how much, how often, to what extent, etc.

What is the verb of calmly?

verb. calmed; calming; calms. Definition of calm (Entry 2 of 3) intransitive verb. : to become calm —usually used with down The mayor asked the protesters to calm down so he could speak.

Is smoothly an adverb?

SMOOTHLY (adverb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What are 10 nouns?

10 Types of Nouns That You Use All The Time

  • Common Noun.
  • Proper Noun.
  • Abstract Noun.
  • Concrete Noun.
  • Countable Noun.
  • Uncountable Noun.
  • Compound Noun.
  • Collective Noun.

What is adjective and give 5 examples?

Adjectives are words that are used to describe or modify nouns or pronouns. For example, red, quick, happy, and obnoxious are adjectives because they can describe things—a red hat, the quick rabbit, a happy duck, an obnoxious person. Adjectives take many forms.

What are adverb give 10 examples?


  • He swims well.
  • He ran quickly.
  • She spoke softly.
  • James coughed loudly to attract her attention.
  • He plays the flute beautifully. ( after the direct object)
  • He ate the chocolate cake greedily. ( after the direct object)

What’s the difference between a verb and a noun?

Basically, a noun is a word that refers to a name, place, or thing, whereas a verb is a part of a speech that indicates an action.

Can a word be both a verb and an adjective?

Although there are eight parts of speech, many words can be used as more than one part of speech. This is also true for verbs. Verbs can be used as adjectives depending on their function and usage in a sentence.

What is the difference between an adjective and a noun?

A noun is a word that connotes a particular name, place, idea, or object. An adjective denotes a descriptive word that illustrates the noun used in a sentence. A noun functions as the subject or object of a sentence.

Is enough a adverb?

Enough is also used as an adverb to mean sufficiently or fully. Enough also has senses as a pronoun and an interjection.

What is adverb manner examples?

An adverb of manner describes how you do an action. For example, They dress elegantly. Some elderly people drive slowly.

How do you identify an adverb in a sentence?

An adverb is a word that modifies (describes) a verb (he sings loudly), an adjective (very tall), another adverb (ended too quickly), or even a whole sentence (Fortunately, I had brought an umbrella). Adverbs often end in -ly, but some (such as fast) look exactly the same as their adjective counterparts.

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