Is the word brother a noun

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Clovis Roob

Score: 4.9/5
(23 votes)

As detailed above, ‘brother’ can be a noun or a verb. Noun usage: My parents love me and my younger brother equally, even though he is adopted. Noun usage: He’s not a real brother.

Is brother a noun?

Brothers: A ‘brother’ is the noun that names a male sibling. Someone’s brother would share the same parents that he has. If brothers share just one parent, they are referred to as ‘half-brothers.

What kind of noun is my brother?

John is a proper noun while brother is a common noun.

Is little brother a noun?

A sibling’s younger brother (used especially by children, or by parents in speaking to their children).

Is its a noun or a verb?

But the possessive its is a pronoun, not a noun, and, like other possessive pronouns ( his, hers, yours, and theirs ), is written without that particular bit of punctuation: I have to fix my bike.

21 related questions found

How do you identify a verb and a noun?

Parts of Speech: Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, and Adverbs

  1. A noun is a person, place, or thing. Some examples of a person are: sister, friend, Alex, Stephanie, you, me, dog. …
  2. Verbs are action words! They are used to describe things that nouns do! …
  3. Adjectives are describing words. …
  4. Adverbs are words that describe verbs.

How do you identify a noun?

How can you identify a noun? If you can put the word the in front of a word and it sounds like a unit, the word is a noun. For example, the boy sounds like a unit, so boy is a noun. The chair sounds like a unit, so chair is a noun.

What is the verb of brother?

brother. (transitive) To treat as a brother.

Can me be a noun?

Definition. A pronoun (I, me, he, she, herself, you, it, that, they, each, few, many, who, whoever, whose, someone, everybody, etc.) is a word that takes the place of a noun.

What is called Small brother?

A younger brother is a male individual who has at least one older sibling. Younger brother or variants may also refer to: Younger Brother, British music group. Younger Brother, a term used by a native community of northern Colombia known as the Koguis.

Is brother a countable noun?

Other examples of countable nouns: Things – book, table, computer, banana, shirt, television, pen, house. People – man, woman, child, friend, brother, sister, uncle, teacher, boss.

Is brother a concrete noun?

In the above sentence, brother and girl are concrete nouns as they can be seen and touched. Love and honour are abstract nouns as they cannot be touched and seen.

What type of noun is family?

The noun «family» is usually a common noun, but it can be used as a proper noun as well.

Is Dad a common noun?

The noun ‘dad’ can be used as either a common or a proper noun. When it is used as the name of a specific person, ‘dad’ is a proper noun.

What is the parts of speech of brother?

As detailed above, ‘brother’ can be a noun or a verb. Noun usage: My parents love me and my younger brother equally, even though he is adopted. Noun usage: He’s not a real brother.

Is the word me a common noun?

A proper noun is the name of something unique, like me (Joe). You can learn about proper nouns here. … Simple examples of common nouns are: book, table, car.

What are adjectives give 10 examples?

10 Examples of Adjective

  • Charming.
  • Cruel.
  • Fantastic.
  • Gentle.
  • Huge.
  • Perfect.
  • Rough.
  • Sharp.

Is me a noun or pronoun?

Both I and me are pronouns. But there’s a clear difference between the two: I is what is known as a subject pronoun, and me is an object pronoun.

What is the adjective of brother?

What does brotherly mean? Brotherly is an adjective that most commonly means like a brother.

What brother means?

Rating. BROTHER. Black Rhyme Organisation To Help Equal Rights. Governmental » US Government.

Is student a common noun?

Each is a common noun because they name a thing, place, or person: People: mother, father, baby, child, toddler, teenager, grandmother, student, teacher, minister, businessperson, salesclerk, woman, man.

What is a noun in a sentence?

What is a noun? A noun is a word that names something, such as a person, place, thing, or idea. In a sentence, nouns can play the role of subject, direct object, indirect object, subject complement, object complement, appositive, or adjective.

How do you identify the verb form?

Verbs always tell the time (also called the tense) of the sentence. The easiest way to find a verb in a sentence is to change the time of the sentence and find the word that changes.

What is a noun test?

A noun quiz tests the student’s understanding of nouns and their function in the context of a sentence.

Asked by: Clovis Roob

Score: 4.9/5
(23 votes)

As detailed above, ‘brother’ can be a noun or a verb. Noun usage: My parents love me and my younger brother equally, even though he is adopted. Noun usage: He’s not a real brother.

Is brother a noun?

Brothers: A ‘brother’ is the noun that names a male sibling. Someone’s brother would share the same parents that he has. If brothers share just one parent, they are referred to as ‘half-brothers.

What kind of noun is my brother?

John is a proper noun while brother is a common noun.

Is little brother a noun?

A sibling’s younger brother (used especially by children, or by parents in speaking to their children).

Is its a noun or a verb?

But the possessive its is a pronoun, not a noun, and, like other possessive pronouns ( his, hers, yours, and theirs ), is written without that particular bit of punctuation: I have to fix my bike.

21 related questions found

How do you identify a verb and a noun?

Parts of Speech: Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, and Adverbs

  1. A noun is a person, place, or thing. Some examples of a person are: sister, friend, Alex, Stephanie, you, me, dog. …
  2. Verbs are action words! They are used to describe things that nouns do! …
  3. Adjectives are describing words. …
  4. Adverbs are words that describe verbs.

How do you identify a noun?

How can you identify a noun? If you can put the word the in front of a word and it sounds like a unit, the word is a noun. For example, the boy sounds like a unit, so boy is a noun. The chair sounds like a unit, so chair is a noun.

What is the verb of brother?

brother. (transitive) To treat as a brother.

Can me be a noun?

Definition. A pronoun (I, me, he, she, herself, you, it, that, they, each, few, many, who, whoever, whose, someone, everybody, etc.) is a word that takes the place of a noun.

What is called Small brother?

A younger brother is a male individual who has at least one older sibling. Younger brother or variants may also refer to: Younger Brother, British music group. Younger Brother, a term used by a native community of northern Colombia known as the Koguis.

Is brother a countable noun?

Other examples of countable nouns: Things – book, table, computer, banana, shirt, television, pen, house. People – man, woman, child, friend, brother, sister, uncle, teacher, boss.

Is brother a concrete noun?

In the above sentence, brother and girl are concrete nouns as they can be seen and touched. Love and honour are abstract nouns as they cannot be touched and seen.

What type of noun is family?

The noun «family» is usually a common noun, but it can be used as a proper noun as well.

Is Dad a common noun?

The noun ‘dad’ can be used as either a common or a proper noun. When it is used as the name of a specific person, ‘dad’ is a proper noun.

What is the parts of speech of brother?

As detailed above, ‘brother’ can be a noun or a verb. Noun usage: My parents love me and my younger brother equally, even though he is adopted. Noun usage: He’s not a real brother.

Is the word me a common noun?

A proper noun is the name of something unique, like me (Joe). You can learn about proper nouns here. … Simple examples of common nouns are: book, table, car.

What are adjectives give 10 examples?

10 Examples of Adjective

  • Charming.
  • Cruel.
  • Fantastic.
  • Gentle.
  • Huge.
  • Perfect.
  • Rough.
  • Sharp.

Is me a noun or pronoun?

Both I and me are pronouns. But there’s a clear difference between the two: I is what is known as a subject pronoun, and me is an object pronoun.

What is the adjective of brother?

What does brotherly mean? Brotherly is an adjective that most commonly means like a brother.

What brother means?

Rating. BROTHER. Black Rhyme Organisation To Help Equal Rights. Governmental » US Government.

Is student a common noun?

Each is a common noun because they name a thing, place, or person: People: mother, father, baby, child, toddler, teenager, grandmother, student, teacher, minister, businessperson, salesclerk, woman, man.

What is a noun in a sentence?

What is a noun? A noun is a word that names something, such as a person, place, thing, or idea. In a sentence, nouns can play the role of subject, direct object, indirect object, subject complement, object complement, appositive, or adjective.

How do you identify the verb form?

Verbs always tell the time (also called the tense) of the sentence. The easiest way to find a verb in a sentence is to change the time of the sentence and find the word that changes.

What is a noun test?

A noun quiz tests the student’s understanding of nouns and their function in the context of a sentence.

брат, собрат, коллега, земляк


- (тж. brethren) брат

my elder [younger] brother — мой старший [младший] брат
the brothers Smith, the Smith brothers — братья Смит
sworn brothers — названые братья, побратимы

- близкий друг, брат
- друг, приятель, братишка (в обращении)

brother, give me a dime — ≅ приятель, дай пятак

- (pl brethren) собрат, коллега

brother in arms — собрат по оружию
brother of the brush — собрат по кисти, художник
brother of the quill — собрат по перу (писатель)

- земляк
- брат, член религиозного братства; монах


- относиться по-братски
- называть братом
- принимать в братство

Мои примеры


a man who took matters into his own hands and revenged the death of his brother — человек, который взял дело в свои руки и отомстил за смерть своего брата  
big / older brother — старший брат  
blood brother — кровный, родной брат  
kid / little / younger brother — младший брат  
elder brother’s care and elder brother’s love — забота и любовь старшего брата  
full brother — родной брат  
my little brother — мой младший брат  
half-brother — брат по одному из родителей  
he and his brother are poles apart — он полная противоположность своему брату  
he and his brother are poles asunder — он полная противоположность своему брату  
paternal half-brother — единокровный брат  

Примеры с переводом

He is my own brother.

Он мой родной брат.

You’ll like my brother.

Мой брат тебе понравится.

She took her brother along.

Она взяла с собой брата.

Charles is brother to John.

Чарльз приходится Джону братом.

His brother won the bet.

Его брат выиграл пари.

I owe my brother $50.

Я задолжал своему брату пятьдесят долларов.

Am I my brother’s keeper?

Я что нянька своему брату? (Возм. библейское происх-е фразы. Когда Бог спросил у Каина где его брат тот ответил «I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?»)

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Brother Justin

Nicole is married to my brother.

He has two sisters and a brother.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

broth  — бульон, суп, мясной бульон, похлебка, мясной отвар
brotherhood  — братство, братские отношения, профсоюз железнодорожников
brotherly  — братский, по-братски

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): brother
мн. ч.(plural): brothers

  • 1




    brothers; see also brethren)

    1) брат; brother german родной брат; brothers uterine единоутробные братья; sworn brothers названые братья, побратимы

    2) собрат; коллега; brother in arms собрат по оружию; brother of the brush собрат по кисти (художник); brother of the quill собрат по перу (писатель)

    3) земляк

    Brother Jonathan


    янки (прозвище американцев)



    * * *

    * * *

    * * *

    [broth·er || ‘brʌðə]
    брат, собрат, коллега, земляк

    * * *






    * * *

    1) брат
    2) собрат

    Новый англо-русский словарь > brother

  • 2

    1. n близкий друг, брат

    2. n друг, приятель, братишка

    3. n собрат, коллега

    not he, but his brother — не он, а его брат

    4. n земляк

    5. n брат, член религиозного братства; монах

    6. v относиться по-братски

    7. v называть братом

    8. v принимать в братство

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. allied (adj.) allied; kindred

    2. fellow man (noun) ally; associate; comrade; fellow man; friend; monk

    Антонимический ряд:

    sister; stranger

    English-Russian base dictionary > brother

  • 3

    foster-brother noun молочный брат

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > foster-brother

  • 4

    half-brother noun единокровный/единоутробный брат, брат только по одному изродителей

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > half-brother

  • 5
    blood brother


    1) родной брат

    2) побратим

    * * *

    * * *

    родной брат, побратим

    * * *

    1) родной брат, брат по крови
    2) побратим

    Новый англо-русский словарь > blood brother

  • 6

    1. n родной брат или родная сестра

    2. n редк. единоутробный или единокровный брат; единоутробная или единокровная сестра

    Синонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > sibling

  • 7

    noun dial.



    of brother) братец; Brer Rabbit Братец Кролик (сказочный персонаж)

    * * *

    * * *

    * * *


    Новый англо-русский словарь > brer

  • 8




    of brother)


    собратья; братия

    * * *

    1 (n) братишка; братия; земляк; собрат; собратья; член религиозного братства

    2 (v) относиться по-братски; принимать в братство

    * * *

    собратья; братия

    * * *

    [breth·ren || ‘breðrən]
    собратья, братия

    * * *




    Новый англо-русский словарь > brethren

  • 9


    1) пылинка

    2) пятнышко

    to see a mote in thy brother’s eye


    видеть сучок в глазу брата своего; преувеличивать чужие недостатки

    * * *

    1 (n) пылинка; пятнышко

    2 (v) ездить на автомобиле

    * * *

    пылинка, соринка

    * * *

    [ məʊt]
    пылинка, соринка, пятнышко

    * * *



    * * *

    1) а) пылинка
    б) причина раздражения, бельмо в глазу
    2) пятнышко
    3) соринка в шерсти или хлопке
    III сущ.
    звук рожка
    IV сущ.; астрон.
    движение небесного тела

    Новый англо-русский словарь > mote

  • 10

    1. n Чарити, Черити

    2. n благотворительность; филантропия

    3. n благотворительное общество

    4. n благотворительное учреждение

    5. n милосердие; отзывчивость; сострадание

    6. n снисходительность; доброжелательность; благожелательность

    7. n милостыня, подаяние

    8. n рел. любовь

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. indulgence (noun) caritas; clemency; forbearance; indulgence; leniency; lenity; mercifulness; mercy; patience; tolerance; toleration; understanding

    3. kindness (noun) altruism; beneficence; benevolence; bountifulness; compassion; generosity; grace; humanity; kindliness; kindness; love; magnanimity; open-handedness

    4. offering (noun) alms; beneficence; contribution; donation; gift; handout; offering

    5. organization to help the poor (noun) charitable institution; eleemosynary foundation; foundation; fund; goodwill; organisation to help the poor; organization to help the poor; Saint Vincent de Paul; salvation army

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > Charity

  • 11

    1. n старшие

    2. n старец

    3. n старейшина

    4. n церк. пресвитер

    5. n церк. церковный староста

    6. a арх. от d

    7. a старший

    8. a предшествующий, более ранний

    9. a старинный, древний, ранний

    10. n бот. бузина, самбук

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. chief (adj.) chief; older; ranking; senior

    2. more aged (adj.) aged; earlier; having seniority; more aged; more ancient; more mature

    3. dignitary (noun) chief; church dignitary; counselor; dignitary; father of the tribe; grandfather; grandmother; presbyter; tribal head

    5. senior citizen (noun) ancestor; ancient; golden-ager; old lady; old man; old woman; older person; oldster; old-timer; senior citizen; sexagenarian

    6. superior (noun) better; brass hat; higher-up; senior; superior

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > elder

  • 12

    1. n Билл

    2. n счёт

    legal bill — счёт адвоката, счёт адвокатских расходов

    3. n список, инвентарь

    4. n документ

    5. n билль, законопроект

    private bill — законопроект, имеющий местное значение

    kill a bill — провалить законопроект; провалить предложение

    pending bill — законопроект, находящийся на рассмотрении

    6. n программа

    7. n афиша, плакат

    8. n амер. банкнот, казначейский билет

    9. n вексель, тратта

    bill at sight — тратта, срочная немедленно по предъявлении

    10. n торговый контракт; декларация

    11. n накладная

    12. n опись товаров

    13. n юр. заявление, иск

    bill of indictment — обвинительный акт, предъявляемый на решение «большому жюри»

    14. n уст. документ с печатью

    15. n уст. папская булла

    16. n уст. уст. пасквиль, памфлет

    17. n уст. уст. жалоба, просьба

    18. n уст. уст. заявление в форме петиции в верховный суд

    19. n уст. уст. рецепт

    20. n уст. мор. список членов команды с распределением обязанностей

    21. v объявлять в афишах

    22. v обклеивать афишами

    bill at usance — вексель на срок; законопроект; билль; счет; афиша; вексель; объявлять; объявить; меню; закладная

    23. v выставлять или выписывать счёт

    bill me for $3 — запиши на мой счёт 3 доллара; запиши за мной 3 доллара

    24. v фактурировать; выписывать накладную

    25. n клюв

    26. n мыс

    27. n амер. разг. козырёк

    28. n мор. носок якоря

    29. v целоваться клювиками

    30. v ворковать, ласкаться

    31. n садовые ножницы; секач, кривой нож для обрубания сучьев

    32. n кирка, мотыга

    33. n уст. алебарда

    34. n уст. короткий меч

    very short bill — вексель, оплачиваемый в течение очень короткого срока

    35. n остриё лапы якоря

    36. v работать садовыми ножницами, подстригать

    37. v работать мотыгой, копать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. account (noun) account; charges; check; invoice; reckoning; score; statement; tab

    2. announcement (noun) advertisement; affiche; announcement; broadside; bulletin; circular; handbill; notice; placard; poster

    3. beak (noun) beak; mandible; neb; nib; pecker; projection

    7. paper money (noun) bank note; certificate; federal reserve note; greenback; paper money

    10. promontory (noun) cape; foreland; head; headland; naze; point; promontory

    11. proposed law (noun) act; draft; law; legislation; measure; proposal; proposed law

    12. announce (verb) advertise; announce; post; publicise; publicize; publish

    13. invoice (verb) draw upon; dun; invoice; send a statement; solicit

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > Bill

  • 13

    1. n скольжение; сползание

    2. n ошибка; промах

    3. n лифчик

    4. n комбинация

    5. n детский фартучек

    6. n плавки

    7. n наволочка

    8. n обыкн. свора, сворка

    9. n мор. слип

    10. n мор. стапель

    building berth, building slip — стапель

    11. n геол. сдвиг; небольшой сброс

    12. n геол. высота сброса

    13. n тех. падение числа оборотов

    14. n тех. пробуксовка

    15. v скользить; плавно или быстро передвигаться

    16. v пропустить; забыть; отнестись невнимательно

    17. v двигаться тихо или незаметно

    slip in — незаметно войти; прокрасться

    18. v вкрадываться

    19. v проходить незаметно

    20. v сделать тихо и незаметно

    21. v ускользать; удирать

    22. v выскальзывать, соскальзывать

    23. v снимать, стягивать

    24. v поскользнуться

    25. v тех. скользить, буксовать

    26. v ошибаться, совершать промах

    27. v разг. ослабевать, терять силы

    28. v разг. спадать, понижаться

    29. v разг. вывихнуть

    30. v разг. освобождать; сбрасывать

    31. n длинная узкая полоска

    32. n щепа; лучина

    33. n побег, отросток; черенок; саженец

    34. n поэт. отпрыск

    35. n маленькое существо

    36. n стандартное печатное извещение, уведомление или предупреждение

    37. n бланк, регистрационная карточка

    38. n полигр. гранка

    39. n амер. узкая скамья

    40. n театр. кулисы

    41. v срезать

    42. v сорвать, отломать

    43. n спец. суспензия, взвесь

    44. n амер. скисшее, свернувшееся молоко

    45. n тех. стеклопаста, шликер

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. decline (noun) decline; dip; downslide; downswing; downtrend; downturn; drop; falloff; sag; slump

    2. error (noun) blooper; blunder; boner; bull; bungle; erratum; error; fault; faux pas; fluff; indiscretion; lapse; miscue; misdeed; misstep; mistake; omission; oversight; rock; slipup; trip

    3. escape (noun) breakout; escape; escapement; escaping; flight; getaway; lam

    4. paper (noun) label; leaf; paper; piece; sheet; tag; ticket

    8. wharf (noun) berth; dock; jetty; levee; pier; quay; wharf

    11. drop off (verb) drop off; fall away; fall off; sag; slump

    13. loose (verb) disengage; loose; loosen; release; unbind; unclasp; undo; unfasten; unloose; unloosen; untie

    15. shed (verb) exuviate; molt; moult; shed; slough

    16. slide (verb) creep; ease; fall; glide; glissade; gumshoe; lurk; mouse; prowl; pussyfoot; shift; shirk; skid; skulk; slick; slide; slink; slither; sly; snake; sneak; steal; stumble; totter; tumble; waltz

    17. trip (verb) blunder; err; miscue; mistake; stumble; trip

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > slip

  • 14

    1. n вещество; материал

    2. n гной

    3. n филос. материя

    dead matter — неживая материя; неорганическое вещество

    4. n содержание

    5. n сущность, предмет

    6. n дело, вопрос

    7. n неприятное дело, неприятность; трудность

    to mend the matter, to mend matters — помочь делу

    8. n повод, причина, основание

    9. n собир. спец. почтовые отправления

    10. n юр. заявление, утверждение, требующее доказательств

    11. n юр. спорный вопрос, спорный пункт; предмет спора

    12. n полигр. рукопись, оригинал

    13. n полигр. набор; напечатанный, набранный материал

    no matter! — ничего!, неважно!, всё равно!

    over matter — набор, не вмещающийся в установленный параметр

    close matter — убористая печать, сплошной текстовой материал

    14. v иметь значение

    15. v гноиться

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. affair (noun) affair; business; circumstance; concern; shooting match; situation; thing; undertaking

    2. order (noun) extent; magnitude; neighborhood; order; range; tune; vicinity

    3. pus (noun) infection; maturation; purulence; pus; sore; suppuration; ulceration

    4. subject (noun) argument; content; essence; focus; head; interest; motif; motive; point; resolution; subject; subject matter; text; theme; topic

    5. substance (noun) amount; being; body; burden; constituents; core; crux; element; entity; gist; individual; kernel; material; materiality; meat; medium; nub; nubbin; object; pith; purport; sense; short; strength; stuff; substance; substantiality; sum and substance; sum total; thrust; upshot

    6. things (noun) beings; entities; individuals; objects; substances; things

    7. trouble (noun) difficulty; distress; perplexity; trouble

    8. count (verb) be important; carry weight; count; imply; import; mean; signify; value; weigh

    English-Russian base dictionary > matter

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    1. n опрокидывание

    2. n падение

    3. n беспорядок

    4. n крушение

    5. n ссора, размолвка

    6. n недомогание

    7. n расстройство, огорчение; потрясение

    8. n неожиданное поражение

    9. n тех. высадка; осадка

    10. n тех. высаженное изделие

    11. n тех. горн. восстающая выработка, сбойка

    12. a опрокинутый

    13. a расстроенный; встревоженный

    14. a ком. установленный, твёрдый

    15. v опрокидывать

    16. v опрокидываться

    17. v расстраивать, нарушать

    18. v полит. подрывать, дестабилизировать

    19. v выводить из душевного равновесия; огорчать

    20. v расстраивать здоровье

    21. v нанести неожиданное поражение

    22. v тех. обжимать, осаживать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. agitated (adj.) aggravated; agitated; concerned; disconcerted; disturbed; irritated; perturbed; troubled; uneasy; unnerved; worried

    2. messy (adj.) disordered; messy; sloppy; slovenly

    3. tipped (adj.) capsized; overturned; tipped

    4. upturned (adj.) inverted; upside-down; upturned

    7. defeat (noun) defeat; loss; overthrow; overturn; set-back

    10. mess (noun) disorder; mess; sicken; turn; unhinge

    11. turmoil (noun) disquiet; flurry; fluster; flutter; tumult; turmoil

    13. defeat (verb) beat; conquer; defeat; depose; displace; vanquish

    14. deranged (verb) deranged; sickened; turned; unhinged; unsettled

    15. discompose (verb) aggravate; agitate; bother; discombobulate; discompose; disconcert; dismay; disquiet; flurry; fluster; perturb; rock; ruffle; shook; toss; unnerve; untune

    16. discomposed (verb) agitated; bothered; discomposed; dismayed; disquieted; disturbed; flurried; flustered; perturbed

    17. disorder (verb) derange; disarrange; disarray; disjoint; dislocate; disorder; disorganise; disorganize; disrupt; distemper; jumble; mess up; mix up; muddle; muss up; rummage; shuffle; sicken; tumble; turn; unhinge; unsettle

    18. disordered (verb) disarranged; disarrayed; disjointed; dislocated; disordered; disorganized; disrupted; distempered; jumbled; messed up; mixed up; muddled; mussed up; rummaged; shuffled; tumbled

    19. overturn (verb) knock over; overset; overthrew; overthrow; overturn; tip over; topple; turn over

    20. overturned (verb) knocked over; overthrew/overthrown; overturned; tipped over; toppled; turned over

    21. trouble (verb) ail; cark; distress; disturb; grieve; trouble; worry

    Антонимический ряд:

    calm; right; soothe; success

    English-Russian base dictionary > upset

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    1. n душа, сердце

    2. n рел. душа, дух

    3. n сущность, неотъемлемое свойство, основа

    4. n символ, олицетворение

    5. n центральная фигура, вдохновитель

    6. n человек

    simple soul — простак, простодушный человек, простая душа

    7. n редк. склонность, тяготение

    8. n душа, задушевность

    9. n амер. дух негритянского народа; самосознание негров

    10. n соул, негритянская музыка

    11. n негритянская кухня

    on my soul! — клянусь!, честное слово!, ей-богу!

    12. a сл. негритянский, чёрный

    soul sister — сестра по цвету кожи, чёрная сестра

    soul food — негритянское блюдо; негритянская кухня

    13. a сл. принадлежащий неграм

    soul shops — магазины, принадлежащие чёрным

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. anima (noun) anima; animus; elan vital; force; pneuma; psyche; vital force; vitality

    3. heart (noun) be-all and end-all; bosom; bottom; breast; center of emotion; core; core of one’s being; essence; essentiality; gist; heart; honor; honour; idealism; kernel; love; marrow; meat; nub; pith; quintessence; quintessential; reverence; rock bottom; root; sense of beauty; sentiment; stuff; substance; virtuality

    4. human (noun) being; body; chap; creature; fellow; human; human being; individual; life; man; mortal; party; person; personage; wight; woman

    5. mind (noun) consciousness; ego; genius; inner self; intellect; mind; reason; understanding

    6. spirit (noun) apparition; breath of life; ghost; shadow; spirit; spiritual being; wraith

    English-Russian base dictionary > soul

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    1. n мор. трюм

    2. n удерживание; захват; хватка

    3. n власть; влияние

    4. n то, за что можно ухватиться; опора; захват, ушко

    5. n хранилище, вместилище

    6. n арх. тюрьма, место заключения; тюремная камера

    7. n убежище, укрытие, приют

    8. n логово, берлога

    9. n заказ, требование

    10. n арх. арест; заключение в тюрьму

    11. n арх. крепость

    12. n захват

    13. n держание мяча

    14. n жарг. кино «холд», удавшаяся часть съёмки, произведённой в течение съёмочного дня

    15. n муз. фермата

    16. n спец. фиксация

    17. n ав. задержка

    18. n косм. задержка при предпусковой подготовке

    19. v удерживать, сдерживать; задерживать; останавливать

    to hold fire — не открывать огонь; воздерживаться от ведения огня

    hold off — удерживать, не пускать, держать поодаль

    20. v владеть, иметь; быть владельцем, держателем

    to hold good — иметь силу; оставаться в силе; действовать

    21. v удерживать; сохранять контроль

    hold in — сдерживать; удерживать

    22. v вмещать, содержать в себе

    to hold hard — крепко держать или держаться, не отпускать

    hold under — держать в повиновении; подавлять, угнетать

    hold council — держать совет; проводить совещание

    23. v держать, хранить

    24. v полагать, считать, находить

    to hold office — занимать должность, находиться в должности

    25. v юр. признавать, решать; выносить решение

    the court held that … — суд признал, что …

    26. v содержать под стражей; держать в тюрьме

    27. v уст. зависеть; быть обязанным

    подвергаться ; терпеть, выносить

    28. v уст. обязывать; вынуждать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. clamp (noun) clamp; clasp; clench; clinch; clutch; grapple; grasp; grip; gripe; handle; purchase

    2. control (noun) control; influence; maintenance; occupancy; ownership; retention; tenacity; tenure

    4. prison (noun) cell; deep; dungeon; keep; prison; tower

    6. adhere (verb) adhere; attach; cling; fasten; remain; stick

    7. arrest (verb) arrest; catch up; enthral; enthrall; fascinate; grip; mesmerise; mesmerize; rivet; spellbind; transfix

    8. believe (verb) believe; consider; credit; deem; entertain; espouse; esteem; feel; judge; opine; sense; think

    9. carry on (verb) carry on; celebrate; engage in; observe; preside over; pursue

    12. continue (verb) bear; carry; continue; endure; last; maintain; persist; support; sustain; uphold

    13. detain (verb) detain; hold up; impound; imprison; incarcerate

    15. have (verb) accommodate; boast; command; comprise; enjoy; have; occupy; own; possess

    16. keep (verb) hold back; keep; keep back; keep out; withhold

    17. press (verb) clasp; embrace; enfold; hug; press; squeeze

    19. restrain (verb) check; confine; deactivate; hinder; impede; restrain

    20. state (verb) affirm; assert; asseverate; aver; avouch; avow; declare; state

    Антонимический ряд:

    adjourn; bestow; break; cease; cede; concede; confer; convey; desert; disavow; dismiss; drop; fail; forego; forsake; free; lose; release; relinquish

    English-Russian base dictionary > hold

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    1. n положение, расположение

    the lay of the land — очертания и расположение страны; характер или рельеф местности

    2. n мор. спуск

    3. n сл. род занятий, профессия, работа

    4. n сл. план, намерение

    5. n груб. любовница; любовник

    6. n груб. совокупление

    7. n груб. мор. проф. доля в предприятии

    8. n груб. с. -х. яйценоскость; яйцекладка

    length of lay — период яйцекладки; период яйценоскости

    9. v класть, положить

    10. v прост. ложиться

    lay to — ложиться в дрейф; уменьшать ход до самого малого

    11. v класть определённым образом

    to lay bricks — класть кирпичи, делать кирпичную кладку

    12. v устанавливать; разрабатывать

    to lay eggs — сбрасывать бомбы; устанавливать мины

    13. v прокладывать, закладывать

    14. v повалить, свалить

    15. v разг. накидываться, набрасываться

    16. v примять, прибить

    17. v обыкн. помещать; переносить

    18. v предлагать пари, биться об заклад; делать ставку

    to lay a bet that … — держать пари, что …

    19. n лэ, баллада

    20. a светский, мирской; не духовный

    21. a не имеющий монашеского сана

    22. a непрофессиональный

    23. a некозырной

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. amateur (adj.) amateur; beginner; inexpert; neophyte; nonprofessional; novice

    2. laic (adj.) laic; laical; nonecclesiastical; profane; secular; temporal; unsacred; worldly

    3. lyric (noun) ballad; lyric; musical poem; ode; poem; rhyme

    4. melody (noun) air; diapason; measure; melisma; melodia; melody; strain; tune; warble

    6. song (noun) aria; descant; ditty; hymn; lied; song

    7. adduce (verb) adduce; advance; allege; cite; offer; present

    8. appease (verb) allay; appease; calm; quiet; still; suppress

    10. ascribe (verb) accredit; ascribe; assign; attribute; blame; credit; impute; point; refer

    11. direct (verb) address; aim; cast; direct; head; incline; train; turn; zero in

    12. draft (verb) draft; draw up; formulate; frame

    13. even (verb) even; flatten; flush; level; plane; smooth; smoothen

    15. impose (verb) assess; burden; charge; impose; penalise; penalize

    16. put (verb) bet; deposit; establish; fix; gamble; game; go; locate; place; play; post; put; put on; rest; risk; set; settle; spread; stake; stick; venture; wager

    17. rested (verb) consisted; dwelled; dwelt or dwelled; existed; inhered; lay; lay down; lie down; reclined; reposed; resided; rested; stretch out; stretched out

    Антонимический ряд:

    abrade; clerical; disarrange; disorder; erect; excite; lift; ordained; pick up; professional; raise; remove; spiritual

    English-Russian base dictionary > lay

  • 19

    1. n имя; фамилия

    full name — полное имя; все имена и фамилия

    2. n название, наименование; обозначение

    in name — номинально; по названию

    a mere name, only a name — пустой звук, одно название

    3. n тк. репутация; слава; имя

    bad name — плохая репутация, дурная слава

    to have a name for honesty, to have the name of being honest — славиться честностью

    4. n личность; человек

    people of name — люди с именем; известные деятели; знаменитости

    5. n род, фамилия

    6. n брань, бранные слова

    7. n грам. имя существительное

    name clash — конфликт по именам; конфликт на уровне имен

    8. n лог. термин; логическое понятие

    9. a именной

    name tag — именной жетон; медальон с фамилией; личный знак

    10. a авторский

    name entry — авторское описание, описание под именем автора

    11. a заглавный

    12. a амер. разг. известный; с именем

    name table — таблица имен; таблица идентификаторов

    13. v называть, давать имя

    14. v называть, перечислять поимённо

    15. v указывать, назначать

    16. v упоминать; приводить

    17. v парл. призвать к порядку

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. appellation (noun) appellation; appellative; autograph; cognomen; compellation; denomination; designation; diminutive; epithet; monogram; nomen; proper name; rubric; style; title

    2. celebrity (noun) big name; blue-booker; celebrity; headliner; hero; lion; luminary; notability; notable; person of renown; personage; personality; somebody; star

    3. fame (noun) acclaim; distinction; eminence; fame; honor; honour; note; praise; renown

    6. designate (verb) acclaim; characterise; characterize; classify; describe; designate; dignify; enumerate; finger; indicate; make; nominate; tap

    7. entitle (verb) address; baptise; baptize; call; christen; denominate; dub; entitle; identify; label; style; tally; term; title

    Антонимический ряд:

    disrepute; hint; individuality; obscurity; person; shadow; suggest

    English-Russian base dictionary > name

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    1. n держащий пари

    2. n лучший; лучшее

    better by a long way, a long way better — гораздо лучше

    3. a от I

    4. a лучший; высший

    far better — гораздо лучший; гораздо лучше

    5. a более подходящий, более выгодный

    6. a больший

    7. adv от 2 I

    8. adv лучше

    9. adv в большей степени; больше

    10. adv полнее; основательнее; сильнее

    11. v улучшать; исправлять; совершенствовать

    12. v улучшаться; исправляться

    13. v получить повышение; продвинуться

    in a few years he had bettered himself considerably by his talents and industry — за несколько лет он значительно продвинулся по службе благодаря своим способностям и трудолюбию

    14. v превосходить, превышать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. abler (adj.) abler; more adept; more capable; more competent; more proficient; more proper; more qualified; more skilful; more skilled; more wicked

    2. best (adj.) best; greater; largest; most

    3. better (adj.) better; completer; fuller; more entire; more flawless; more intact; more perfect; more unblemished; more unbroken; more undamaged; more unhurt; more unimpaired; more uninjured; more unmarred; rounder

    4. bigger (adj.) bigger; kinder; kindlier; more altruistic; more benevolent; more benign; more charitable; more chivalrous; more eleemosynary; more humane; more humanitarian; more kind-hearted; more philanthropic

    5. cleverer (adj.) cleverer; more scintillating; smarter; sprightlier

    6. excellent (adj.) excellent; incomparable; larger

    7. healthier (adj.) convalescent; convalescing; haler; healthier; improving; mending; more right; more well-conditioned; more well-liking; more whole; recovering; saner; sounder; stronger

    8. luckier (adj.) happier; luckier; more fortunate; more providential

    9. more advantageous (adj.) braver; more advantageous; more benefic; more beneficent; more beneficial; more benignant; more favoring; more gainful; more helpful; more lucrative; more moneymaking; more paying; more profitable; more remunerative; more toward; more well-paying; more worthwhile

    10. more blameless (adj.) more blameless; more exemplary; more guiltless; more inculpable; more innocent; more irreprehensible; more irreproachable; more lily-white; more righteous; more unblamable; more virtuous; purer

    11. more considerable (adj.) more considerable; more respectable; more sensible; more sizable

    12. more decent (adj.) commoner; more acceptable; more adequate; more decent; more satisfactory; more sufficient; more tolerable; more unexceptionable; more unexceptional; more unimpeachable; more unobjectionable

    13. more decorous (adj.) more decorous; more well-behaved

    14. more favourable (adj.) more auspicious; more favourable; more promising; more propitious

    15. more healthful (adj.) more healthful; more hygienic; more salubrious; more salutary; more salutiferous; more wholesome

    16. more pleasant (adj.) more agreeable; more congenial; more favorable; more grateful; more gratifying; more pleasant; more pleasing; more pleasurable; more pleasureful; more welcome; nicer; pleasanter

    17. more prosperous (adj.) easier; more comfortable; more prosperous; more substantial; more well-fixed; more well-heeled; more well-off; more well-to-do

    18. more real (adj.) more authentic; more genuine; more original; more real; more undoubted; more unquestionable; truer

    19. more skillful (adj.) more adroit; more skillful; more workmanlike; more workmanly; prettier

    20. more superior (adj.) more excellent; more superior

    21. more well-founded (adj.) more cogent; more just; more justified; more well-founded; more well-grounded

    22. preferred (adj.) finer; fitter; improved; more applicable; more appropriate; more befitting; more convenient; more expedient; more fit; more meet; more suitable; more tailor-made; more useful; more valuable; preferable; preferred; superior

    23. advantage (noun) advantage; superiority; upper hand; victory; whip hand

    25. superior (noun) brass hat; elder; higher-up; senior; superior

    26. ameliorate (verb) advance; ameliorate; amend; correct; help; improve; meliorate; pacify; profit; refine; revamp; upgrade

    27. surpass (verb) beat; best; cap; cob; ding; eclipse; exceed; excel; outdo; outgo; outmatch; outshine; outstrip; overshadow; pass; surpass; top; transcend; trump

    Антонимический ряд:

    failing; inferior; worsen

    English-Russian base dictionary > better

  • English[edit]

    Alternative forms[edit]

    • brotha (Jamaican English, AAVE)
    • brothah
    • brothuh
    • bruvver (Cockney, MLE)
    • broth’r (obsolete)


    PIE word

    Inherited from Middle English brother, from Old English brōþor, from Proto-West Germanic *brōþer, from Proto-Germanic *brōþēr, from Proto-Indo-European *bʰréh₂tēr. Doublet of frater, friar, and pal.


    • (UK) IPA(key): /ˈbɹʌðə(ɹ)/
    • (US) IPA(key): /ˈbɹʌðɚ/
    • (New Zealand) IPA(key): /ˈbɹɐðɘ(ɹ)/
    • (th-fronting) IPA(key): /ˈbɹʌvə(ɹ)/
    • Rhymes: -ʌðə(ɹ)


    brother (plural brothers or (archaic in most senses) brethren)

    1. Son of the same parents as another person.
      • 1918, W[illiam] B[abington] Maxwell, chapter X, in The Mirror and the Lamp, Indianapolis, Ind.: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, →OCLC:

        It was a joy to snatch some brief respite, and find himself in the rectory drawing–room. Listening here was as pleasant as talking; just to watch was pleasant. The young priests who lived here wore cassocks and birettas; their faces were fine and mild, yet really strong, like the rector’s face; and in their intercourse with him and his wife they seemed to be brothers.

    2. A male having at least one parent in common with another (see half-brother, stepbrother).
    3. A male fellow member of a religious community, church, trades union etc.
      • 1975, New King James Version, Deuteronomy 23:19
        You shall not charge interest to your brother—interest on money or food or anything that is lent out at interest.

      Thank you, brother.

      I would like to thank the brother who just spoke.

    4. (informal) A form of address to a man.

      Listen, brother, I don’t know what you want, but I’m not interested.

    5. (African-American Vernacular) A black male.
      • 1991 January, SPIN, vol. 6, no. 10, page 58:
        SPIN: Aren’t you both as popular with white people as black people?
        L.L.: Oh, no question. But I’ve always said, that’s why when people say, «L.L., hey, like, on the last album, you sold out,» I say, «Yo, can I ask you a question, Mike Tyson sell out?» «No, he’s a brother.» I say, he’s a cross-over artist. He went pop. You know what I’m saying? I mean, the rap audience […] they have to understand that their music is for all people. Me personally, I don’t think it’s about being black or white, []
      • 2013, Gwyneth Bolton, Ready for Love:

        But damn if they knew when to just leave a brother alone and let him sulk in silence.

    6. Somebody, usually male, connected by a common cause, situation, or affection.
      • 1963, Martin Luther King Jr.
        The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to a distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny.
      • 2016, William Burkholder, The City of My Brothers:

        O, then! To ride upon such glories, Till my time comes nigh, And commune in the city of peaceful slumbers Among my brothers of wind-blown rye.

    7. Someone who is a peer, whether male or female.
      • And, above all, no animal must ever tyrannise over his own kind. Weak or strong, clever or simple, we are all brothers.
    8. (poetic) Someone who is a kinsman or shares the same patriarch.
      • 1995, Theophus H. Smith, Conjuring Culture, page 89:

        The eighteenth century text, with its antislavery message and its Adamic figuration, calls implicily for the reconciliation of all peoples as «brothers» (not the reprehensible brothers of Joseph but the cocreated brothers of Adam).

      • 1908 June, Grace Kellogg, “A Keeper of the Door”, in National Magazine, volume 28, page 280:

        Oh, my Brothers, five nights ago many of our braves were out upon the buffalo grounds.

      • 2010, Justin B. Richland, Sarah Deer, Introduction to Tribal Legal Studies, page 193:

        In the case of the boy, a certain amount of instruction comes from the male members of the mother’s clan, such as how to go after game, how to handle horses, how to dress, how to conduct yourself and what to seek in life. They also teach the boy how to treat domestic animals. Even pets understand kindness, and the clan brothers use that as an example.

      • 2020, Xiao Xiao Ma Jia Hao, Three Kingdoms: Super Hegemon:

        The carriage that the brothers of the Kai clan rode on had travelled a lot these past few days, and the horses that pulled the carriage were exhausted.

    Usage notes[edit]

    • The plural “brethren” (cf. “sistren”, “sistern”) is not used for biological brothers in contemporary English (although it was in older usage). It still finds use, however, in the meaning of “members of a religious order”. It is also sometimes used in other figurative senses, e.g. “adherents of the same religion”, “countrymen”, and the like.


    • (son of common parents): sibling

    Coordinate terms[edit]

    • (with regards to gender): sister

    Derived terms[edit]

    (Abbreviations): bro, brah, bra, bruh, bruv, bruvver

    • brothered
    • brotherhood
    • brotherless
    • brotherlike
    • brotherly
    • co-brother
    • 3/4 brother
    • big brother / Big Brother
    • blood brother
    • brother chip
    • brother from another mother
    • brother german
    • brother in law
    • Brother Jonathan
    • brother-german
    • brother-husband
    • brother-in-arms
    • brother-in-law
    • brother-officer
    • brother-out-law
    • brother-slayer
    • brother-zone
    • Christian Brother
    • co-brother-in-law
    • cousin brother / cousin-brother
    • everybody and his brother
    • everyone and his brother
    • everyone and their brother / everybody and their brother
    • foster brother / foster-brother
    • full-brother
    • good-brother
    • half brother / half-brother
    • half brother-in-law
    • kid brother
    • lay brother
    • little brother
    • milk brother
    • milk-brother
    • older brother
    • Robert’s your father’s brother
    • soul brother
    • stepbrother / step-brother
    • three-quarter brother
    • uterine brother
    • womb-brother
    • Xaverian Brother
    • younger brother


    • fraternal
    • fraternity
    • friar


    • Bahamian Creole: bredda
    • Belizean Creole: breda
    • Bislama: brata
    • Cameroon Pidgin: bro̱da
    • Gullah: broda
    • Hawaiian Creole: braddah
      • English: braddah
    • Islander Creole English: broda
    • Kabuverdianu: bróda
    • Krio: brohda
    • Nicaraguan Creole: brada
    • Nigerian Pidgin: broda
    • Pichinglis: brɔda
    • Pijin: brata
    • Saramaccan: baáa
    • Sranan Tongo: brada
      • Dutch: brada
    • Tok Pisin: brata, barata
    • Japanese: ブラザー
    • Korean: 브라더 (beuradeo)
    • Portuguese: brada (Mozambique), bróder (Brazil)



    brother (third-person singular simple present brothers, present participle brothering, simple past and past participle brothered)

    1. (transitive) To treat as a brother.
      • 1819, Walter Scott, Ivanhoe:
        Seest thou not we are overreached, and that our proposed mode of communicating with our friends without has been disconcerted by this same motley gentleman thou art so fond to brother?




    1. Expressing exasperation.
      We’re being forced to work overtime? Oh, brother!

    Middle English[edit]

    Alternative forms[edit]

    • broþer, broþir, broþur, broder, broðer, brothir, brothur, broiþer, bruther, brodir, broder, brothre, broþre, brodyr
    • (Ormulum) broþerr


    From Old English brōþor, from Proto-West Germanic *brōþer, from Proto-Germanic *brōþēr, from Proto-Indo-European *bʰréh₂tēr. Doublet of frere.


    • IPA(key): /ˈbroːðər/


    brother (plural brether or bretheren or brotheren or (rare) brothers, genitive brother or brothers)

    1. A brother or brother-in-law; a male sibling.
      • c. 1200, Ormin, “Dedication”, in Ormulum, lines 1-4:

        Nu bꝛoþerr Wallterr bꝛoþerr min / Affterr þe flæſheſſ kinde / ⁊ broþerr min i Criſſtendom / Þurrh fulluhht ⁊ þurrh trowwþe []

        Now, brother Walter, my brother / by way of blood relation / and my brother in Christendom / through baptising and through faith []
    2. A (Christian) man (i.e. as a «brother in life/brother in Christ»).
      • c. 1395, John Wycliffe, John Purvey [et al.], transl., Bible (Wycliffite Bible (later version), MS Lich 10.)‎[1], published c. 1410, Apocalips 1:9, page 117v, column 2; republished as Wycliffe’s translation of the New Testament, Lichfield: Bill Endres, 2010:

        I ioon ȝoure bꝛoþer ⁊ partener in tribulacioun ⁊ kingdom ⁊ pacience in criſt iheſu .· was in an ile þat is clepid pathmos · foꝛ þe woꝛd of god · ⁊ foꝛ þe witneſſyng of iheſu

        I, John, your brother and partner in tribulation, the Kingdom, and endurance in Jesus Christ, was on an island that’s called Patmos for the word of God and for the witnessing of Jesus.
    3. A blood brother; one in a mutual pact of loyalty between two.
    4. Another member of a religious community or order (when one is a member)
    5. Another member of a guild or craft association (when one is a member)
    6. A male individual who one has a close platonic relationship with.
    7. (rare) One of one’s peers as a ruler; (another) ruler.
    8. (rare) A relative or family member who is a man.
    9. (rare, alchemy) Something similar to something else.


    • brotherhede
    • brother-in-lawe
    • brotherles
    • brotherly
    • brotherwort


    • English: brother (see there for further descendants)
    • Scots: brither, bruther, broder, bruder
    • Yola: brover, brower


    • “brọ̄ther, n.”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007, retrieved 2019-02-21.

    Old Frisian[edit]


    From Proto-West Germanic *brōþer.


    brōther m

    1. brother


    • North Frisian:
      Amrum: bruder
      Föhr: bruler
      Northern Goesharder: (Hoolmer) broor, (Hoorninger) brår
      Southern Goesharder: brööðer
      Hallig: bröör
      Halunder: Bruur
      Mooring: brouder
      Söl’ring: Bröðer
    • Saterland Frisian: Brúur, Brour
    • West Frisian: broer



    brother m (plural brothers)

    1. Alternative spelling of bróder

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