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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

bro•ken /ˈbroʊkən/USA pronunciation  

  1. pp. of break.


  1. reduced to small pieces:cut himself on the broken glass.
  2. ruptured;
    fractured:His arm was broken in three places.
  3. not working or functioning;
    damaged:I think my watch is broken again.
  4. not kept;
    violated: a broken promise.
  5. interrupted or disconnected:a broken line.
  6. weakened in strength, etc.;
    crushed by bad experiences:a broken heart.
  7. [before a noun] (of language) imperfectly spoken: couldn’t understand his broken English.
  8. spoken in a halting or hesitant manner, as under emotional strain:In a broken voice he begged for forgiveness.
  9. divided or disrupted, as by divorce:[before a noun]broken families.
  10. [before a noun] not smooth;
    rough or irregular: broken ground.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(brōkən),USA pronunciation v. 

  1. pp. of break. 


  1. reduced to fragments;
  2. ruptured;
  3. not functioning properly;
    out of working order.
  4. Meteorology(of sky cover) being more than half, but not totally, covered by clouds. Cf. scattered (def. 4).
  5. changing direction abruptly:The fox ran in a broken line.
  6. fragmentary or incomplete:a broken ton of coal weighing 1,500 pounds.
  7. infringed or violated:A broken promise is a betrayal of trust.
  8. interrupted, disrupted, or disconnected:After the phone call he returned to his broken sleep.
  9. weakened in strength, spirit, etc.:His broken health was due to alcoholism.
  10. tamed, trained, or reduced to submission:The horse was broken to the saddle.
  11. imperfectly spoken, as language:She still speaks broken English.
  12. spoken in a halting or fragmentary manner, as under emotional strain:He uttered a few broken words of sorrow.
  13. disunited or divided:Divorce results in broken families.
  14. not smooth;
    rough or irregular:We left the plains and rode through broken country.
  15. ruined;
    bankrupt:the broken fortunes of his family.
  16. Printing[Papermaking, Print.]a quantity of paper of less than 500 or 1000 sheets.

broken•ly, adv. 
broken•ness, n. 

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

broken /ˈbrəʊkən/ vb

  1. the past participle of break


  1. fractured, smashed, or splintered: a broken vase
  2. interrupted; disturbed; disconnected: broken sleep
  3. intermittent or discontinuous: broken sunshine
  4. not functioning
  5. spoilt or ruined by divorce (esp in the phrases broken home, broken marriage)
  6. (of a trust, promise, contract, etc) violated; infringed
  7. (of the speech of a foreigner) imperfect in grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation: broken English
  8. Also: broken-in made tame or disciplined by training
  9. exhausted or weakened as through ill-health or misfortune
  10. irregular or rough; uneven: broken ground
  11. bankrupt or out of money
  12. (of colour) having a multicoloured decorative effect, as by stippling paint onto a surface
  13. South African informal drunk

ˈbrokenly adv

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

break /breɪk/USA pronunciation  v., broke/broʊk/USA pronunciation  bro•ken/ˈbroʊkən/USA pronunciation  break•ing, n. 


    1. to smash, split, or divide into parts violently: [+ object]He took the vase and broke it open.[no object]The vase broke.
    2. to (cause to) stop working, as through wear or damage: [+ object]I broke my watch.[no object]My watch broke.
    3. to disobey or disregard (a law, promise, etc.):[+ object]She broke her promise not to drink.
    4. to fracture a bone of: [+ object]He broke his arm.[no object]His arm broke when he fell on it.
    5. to burst through (the surface of);
      rupture: [+ object]When you fell you just broke the skin, so there’s only a little blood.[no object]The blood vessel broke and blood poured out.
    6. to interrupt (quiet, peace, or some continuing process or activity): [+ object]A scream broke the silence.[no object]Let’s break for lunch and come back later.
    7. to (cause to) come to an end;
      stop: [+ object]He broke radio contact when he realized he was being intercepted.[no object]Radio contact broke after just a few moments.
    8. Cryptography to discover the system, etc., for figuring out (a code):[+ object]During World War II theUnited States had broken the Japanese war codes.
    9. [+ object] to exchange for, or divide into, smaller units: Can you break a ten-dollar bill?
    10. [+ object] to make a way through;
      penetrate: The stone broke the surface of the water.
    11. [+ object] to escape from, esp. by force: to break jail.
    12. to better (a record):[+ object]When he jumped over eight feet he broke the old record of 7 feet 10 inches.
    13. [+ object] to tell or reveal: They broke the news to us gently.
    14. [+ object] to solve: to break a murder case.
    15. to ruin financially;
      bankrupt:[+ object]had made many enemies who worked together to break him.
    16. to (cause to) be overcome or worn down;
      (cause to) give in to pressure: [+ object]The police broke the spy in just a few hours.[no object]The captured spy broke quickly.
    17. to lessen the power or intensity of:[+ object]In order to break your fall, slap your arm against the floor as you go down.
    18. [+ object] to train to obedience;
      tame: to break a horse.
    19. to train away from a habit or practice:[+ object + of + object]tried to break him of his habit of biting his fingernails.
    20. Electricity to stop the flow of (a current):[+ object]He broke the circuit by disconnecting the wires.
    21. to become detached or disassociated: [+ from/with + object]decided to break from the past and leave her small town for good.
    22. Journalismto (cause a news item to) be released, published, or aired: [no object]The story broke the next day inmost newspapers.[+ object]The reporter promised not to break the story.
    23. to free oneself or escape suddenly, as from restraint:[no object]She broke free and dashed away.
    24. to run or dash toward something suddenly;
      force one’s way: [+ for]He broke for the goal line.[no object]The hunters broke through the underbrush.
    25. [no object] (of the day or dawn) to grow light: Day was breaking.
    26. to appear or begin violently and suddenly:[no object]After some rumbling in the distance,the storm suddenly broke.
    27. to give way or fail, as health or spirit:[no object]Her spirit broke when her two daughters died so young.
    28. (to cause the heart) to be overwhelmed with sorrow: [no object]His heart broke when she married another.[+ object]He broke her heart when he married another.
    29. (of the voice) to waver or change tone abruptly, as from emotion or the beginning of maturity:[no object]When she started to talk about the attack, her voice broke. When he turned fourteen his voice began to break.
    30. to drop, turn, or change direction down sharply and considerably: [no object]Stock prices broke quickly at the New York exchange.[+ object]The pitcher broke his curveball over the plate and the batter swung at it.
    31. [no object] to fall or collapse by colliding with something: The waves broke on the shore.
    32. Games to make the opening play in pool by scattering the racked balls with the cue ball:[no object]She won the toss to break and the game began.
    33. Sport[no object] to leave the starting point in a race: The horses broke from the gate.
    34. break away, [no object; ~ + away (+ from + object)]
      • to leave, esp. suddenly:One of the suspects broke away and dashed into the subway station.
      • to cut off connections with (a group or tradition):decided to break away from the Democratic party and form his own.

    35. break down,
      • [no object] to stop working;
        fail:The car broke down on the highway.
      • to cause to collapse or stop working: [+ down + object]to break down resistance.[+ object + down]to break it down.
      • to separate into component parts: [no object]These proteins will break down in your stomach.[+ down + object]Enzymes in your stomach break down proteins.[+ object + down]Let me break it down (= analyze the situation) for you.
      • [no object] to lose control over one’s emotions, esp. to cry:just broke down and began sobbing.
      • [no object] to have a complete physical or mental collapse.

    36. break even, [no object] to finish something with no loss and no gain:lucky just to break even this year.
    37. break in,
      • [no object] to enter a house or property by force or unlawfully:The thief broke in yesterday.
      • to train to a new situation: [+ in + object]He managed to break in a new assistant.[+ object + in]He managed to break her in in just a few days.
      • to wear or use (something new) and thereby ease stiffness, tightness, etc.: [+ in + object]to break in his new shoes.[+ object + in]to break them in.
      • [no object] to interrupt: He broke in with an objection.

    38. break in on or upon, [+ in + on + object] to intrude upon:I’m sorry to break in on you like this.
    39. break into, [+ into + object]
      • to interrupt:broke into the conversation and began shouting.
      • to express (an emotion, etc.) suddenly:broke into a huge smile when she saw me.
      • to begin making a sound:broke into a song.
      • to enter (a profession):She broke into journalism when she was eighteen.
      • to enter (property) by force:broke into the storage room and grabbed the safe.

    40. break off,
      • to cut off or remove (a part of) by breaking: [+ off + object]I broke off a piece of meat.[+ object + off]to break a piece off.
      • to stop suddenly;
        discontinue: [+ off + object]The two nations decided to break off relations.[+ object + off]to break them off.

    41. break out,
      • [no object] to begin suddenly;
        arise:An epidemic broke out.
      • [no object* (~ + out + in)] (of a person’s appearance) to have a mark or spots on the skin appear suddenly:Her face broke out in red blotches.
      • [+ out + object] to take out or prepare for use:to break out the parachutes.
      • [no object] to escape;
        flee:The prisoner broke out at about noon.

    42. break up,
      • [no object] to separate;
        scatter:The crowd broke up and people went on their way.
      • to (cause to) come to an end;
        discontinue: [+ up + object]The cops broke up the fight.[+ object + up]All right, break it up![no object]The meeting broke up.
      • to (cause a personal relationship to) end: [no object]decided to break up after five years.[+ up + object]Their children didn’t break up their marriage.[+ object + up]to break it up.
      • to (cause someone to) laugh a great deal: [no object]When she heard that joke she just broke up.[+ object + up]That joke just broke her up.

    43. break with, [+ with + object] to separate from:to break with one’s family.

    n. [countable]

    1. an opening made by or as if by breaking:a break in the window.
    2. an act or instance of breaking;
      rupture:heard a sharp crack and knew that she had suffered a clean break of her leg.
    3. an interruption or stopping of something:[usually singular]a break with tradition.
    4. a brief rest, as from work:Let’s take a break; I’m tired of all this homework.
    5. a sudden and obvious change:waited for a break in the weather.
    6. an attempt to escape:Let’s make a break for it!
    7. Informal Termsa case or piece of luck, esp. good luck:What a lucky break!
    8. Informal Terms the breaks, [plural] Informal. the way things happen;
      fate: Those are the breaks.
    9. Gamesthe opening play in a game of pool, in which the white ball is shot to scatter the balls.


    1. Idioms break camp, to pack up tents and equipment and start again on a journey or march.
    2. Idioms break (new) ground,

      • to begin construction, esp. of a building:to break ground for a new housing development.
      • to start something new or from the beginning:Thelatest study linking heart attacks with smoking cigarettes doesn’t really break any new ground.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(brāk),USA pronunciation v., broke or (Archaic) brake;
 or (Archaic) broke;


  1. to smash, split, or divide into parts violently;
    reduce to pieces or fragments:He broke a vase.
  2. to infringe, ignore, or act contrary to (a law, rule, promise, etc.):She broke her promise.
  3. to dissolve or annul (often fol. by off):to break off friendly relations with another country.
  4. to fracture a bone of (some part of the body):He broke his leg.
  5. to lacerate;
    wound:to break the skin.
  6. to destroy or interrupt the regularity, uniformity, continuity, or arrangement of;
    interrupt:The bleating of a foghorn broke the silence. The troops broke formation.
  7. to put an end to;
    stop:His touchdown run broke the tie. She found it hard to break the cigarette habit.
  8. Cryptographyto discover the system, key, method, etc., for decoding or deciphering (a cryptogram), esp. by the methods of cryptanalysis.
  9. to remove a part from (a set or collection):She had to break the set to sell me the two red ones I wanted.
  10. to exchange for or divide into smaller units or components:She broke a dollar bill into change. The prism broke the light into all the colors of the rainbow.
  11. to make a way through;
    penetrate:The stone broke the surface of the water.
  12. Law
    • Lawto open or force one’s way into (a dwelling, store, etc.).
    • Lawto contest (a will) successfully by judicial action.

  13. to make one’s way out of, esp. by force:to break jail.
  14. to better (a given score or record):He never broke 200 in bowling or 80 in golf.
  15. to disclose or divulge personally in speech or writing:He broke the good news to her at dinner.
  16. to solve:The police needed only a week to break that case.
  17. to rupture (a blood vessel):She almost broke a blood vessel from laughing so hard.
  18. to disable or destroy by or as if by shattering or crushing:to break a watch.
  19. to cause (a blister, boil, or the like) to burst, as by puncturing:She broke the blister with a needle.
  20. to ruin financially;
    make bankrupt:They threatened to break him if he didn’t stop discounting their products.
  21. to overcome or wear down the spirit, strength, or resistance of;
    to cause to yield, esp. under pressure, torture, or the like:They broke him by the threat of blackmail.
  22. to dismiss or reduce in rank.
  23. to impair or weaken the power, effect, or intensity of:His arm broke the blow.
  24. to train to obedience;
    tame:to break a horse.
  25. to train away from a habit or practice (usually fol. by of ).
  26. Electricityto render (a circuit) incomplete;
    stop the flow of (a current).
  27. Journalism
    • to release (a story) for publication or airing on radio or television:They will break the story tomorrow.
    • to continue (a story or article) on another page, esp. when the page is not the following one.

  28. Games[Pool.]to cause (racked billiard balls) to scatter by striking with the cue ball.
  29. [Sports.]
    • Sport(of a pitcher, bowler, etc.) to hurl (a ball) in such a way as to cause it to change direction after leaving the hand:He broke a curve over the plate for a strike.
    • Sport(in tennis and other racket games) to score frequently or win against (an opponent’s serve).

  30. Nautical, Naval Termsto unfurl (a flag) suddenly by an easily released knot.
  31. to prove the falsity or show the lack of logic of:The FBI broke his alibi by proving he knew how to shoot a pistol.
  32. to begin or initiate (a plan or campaign), esp. with much publicity:They were going to break the sales campaign with a parade in April.
  33. to open the breech or action of (a shotgun, rifle, or revolver), as by snapping open the hinge between the barrel and the butt.


  1. to shatter, burst, or become broken;
    separate into parts or fragments, esp. suddenly and violently:The glass broke on the floor.
  2. to become suddenly discontinuous or interrupted;
    stop abruptly:She pulled too hard and the string broke.
  3. to become detached, separated, or disassociated (usually fol. by away, off, or from):The knob broke off in his hand.
  4. to become inoperative or to malfunction, as through wear or damage:The television set broke this afternoon.
  5. to begin suddenly or violently or change abruptly into something else:War broke over Europe.
  6. to begin uttering a sound or series of sounds or to be uttered suddenly:She broke into song. When they entered, a cheer broke from the audience.
  7. to express or start to express an emotion or mood:His face broke into a smile.
  8. to free oneself or escape suddenly, as from restraint or dependency (often fol. by away):He broke away from the arresting officer. She finally broke away from her parents and got an apartment of her own.
  9. to run or dash toward something suddenly (usually fol. by for):The pass receiver broke for the goal line.
  10. to force a way (usually fol. by in, into, or through):The hunters broke through the underbrush.
  11. to burst or rupture:A blood vessel broke in his nose. The blister broke when he pricked it.
  12. to interrupt or halt an activity (usually fol. by in, into, forth, or from):Don’t break in on the conversation. Let’s break for lunch.
  13. to appear or arrive suddenly (usually fol. by in, into, or out):A deer broke into the clearing. A rash broke out on her arm.
  14. to dawn:The day broke hot and sultry.
  15. to begin violently and suddenly:The storm broke.
  16. (of a storm, foul weather, etc.) to cease:The weather broke after a week, and we were able to sail for home.
  17. to part the surface of water, as a jumping fish or surfacing submarine.
  18. to give way or fail, as health, strength, or spirit;
    collapse:After years of hardship and worry, his health broke.
  19. to yield or submit to pressure, torture, or the like:He broke under questioning.
  20. (of the heart) to be overwhelmed with sorrow:Her heart broke when he told her that he no longer loved her.
  21. (of the voice or a musical instrument) to change harshly from one register or pitch to another:After his voice broke, he could no longer sing soprano parts.
  22. (of the voice) to cease, waver, or change tone abruptly, esp. from emotional strain:His voice broke when he mentioned her name.
  23. (of value or prices) to drop sharply and considerably.
  24. to disperse or collapse by colliding with something:The waves broke on the shore.
  25. Music and Danceto break dance.
  26. Sport(of a horse in a harness race) to fail to keep to a trot or pace, as by starting to gallop.
  27. [Bot.]to mutate;
  28. Linguisticsto undergo breaking.
  29. Games[Billiards, Pool.]to make a break;
    take the first turn in a game.
  30. Sport(of a pitched or bowled ball) to change direction:The ball broke over the plate.
  31. Sport[Horse Racing, Track.]to leave the starting point:The horses broke fast from the gate.
  32. Sport[Boxing.]to step back or separate from a clinch:The fighters fell into a clinch and broke on the referee’s order.
  33. to take place;
  34. Journalismto become known, published, or aired:The story broke in the morning papers.
  35. [Hort.]to produce flowers or leaves.
  36. break away:
    • to leave or escape, esp. suddenly or hurriedly.
    • to sever connections or allegiance, as to tradition or a political group.
    • to start prematurely:The horse broke away from the starting gate.

  37. break back, [Tennis.]to win a game served by an opponent immediately after the opponent has done so against one’s own serve.
  38. Nautical, Naval Terms break bulk, to remove a cargo wholly or in part.
  39. Idioms break camp, to pack up tents and equipment and resume a journey or march:They broke camp at dawn and proceeded toward the mountains.
  40. Electricity, Chemistry break down:
    • to become ineffective.
    • to lose control;
      weaken:He broke down and wept at the sad news.
    • to have a physical or mental collapse.
    • to cease to function:The car broke down.
    • to itemize:to break down a hotel bill into daily charges.
    • Chemistryto separate (a compound) into its constituent molecules.
    • [Elect.](of an insulator) to fail, as when subjected to excessively high voltage, permitting a current to pass.
    • to decompose.
    • to analyze.
    • to classify.
    • to separate into constituent parts:to break down a beef carcass into basic cuts.

  41. break even, to finish a business transaction, period of gambling, series of games, etc., with no loss or gain:He played poker all night and broke even.
  42. Idioms break ground:
    • to begin construction, esp. of a building or group of buildings:to break ground for a new housing development.
    • , Nautical[Naut.]to free an anchor from the bottom;
      break out.

  43. break in:
    • to enter by force or craft:Someone broke in and made off with all the furniture.
    • to train or instruct;
      initiate:The boss is breaking in a new assistant.
    • to begin to wear or use in order to make comfortable:These shoes haven’t been broken in.
    • to interrupt:He broke in with a ridiculous objection.
    • Mechanical Engineeringto run (new machinery) initially under reduced load and speed, until any stiffness of motion has departed and all parts are ready to operate under normal service conditions;
      run in;
      wear in.

  44. break in on or upon, to enter with force upon or accidentally interrupt;
    intrude upon:The visitor opened the wrong door and broke in on a private conference.
  45. break into:
    • to interpose;
      interrupt:He broke into the conversation at a crucial moment.
    • to begin some activity.
    • to be admitted into;
      enter, as a business or profession:It is difficult to break into the theater.
    • to enter by force:They broke into the store and stole the safe.

  46. British Terms, Idioms break it down, [Australian Slang.]
    • stop it;
      calm down.
    • (used as an exclamation of disbelief ) that can’t be true!

  47. break off:
    • to sever by breaking.
    • to stop suddenly;
      discontinue:to break off a conversation; to break off relations with one’s neighbors.

  48. Dialect Terms, Idioms break one’s heart. See heart (def. 19).
  49. break out:
    • to begin abruptly;
      arise:An epidemic broke out.
    • Pathology(of certain diseases) to appear in eruptions.
    • (of a person) to manifest a skin eruption.
    • to prepare for use:to break out the parachutes.
    • to take out of (storage, concealment, etc.) for consumption:to break out one’s best wine.
    • Naval Terms[Naut.]to dislodge (the anchor) from the bottom.
    • to escape;
      flee:He spent three years in prison before he broke out.
    • to separate into categories or list specific items:to break out gift ideas according to price range; The report breaks out quarterly profits and losses.

  50. Sport break service, [Tennis.]to win a game served by one’s opponent.
  51. Nautical, Naval Terms break sheer, (of an anchored vessel) to drift into such a position as to risk fouling the anchor or anchor cable. Cf. sheer2 (def. 6).
  52. Idioms break step. See step (def. 20).
  53. break up:
    • to separate;
    • to put an end to;
    • to divide or become divided into pieces.
    • to dissolve.
    • to disrupt;
      upset:Television commercials during a dramatic presentation break up the continuity of effect.
    • (of a personal relationship) to end:to break up a friendship; Their marriage broke up last year.
    • to end a personal relationship:Bob and Mary broke up last month.
    • to be or cause to be overcome with laughter:The comedian told several jokes that broke up the audience.

  54. break wind. See wind1 (def. 21).
  55. break with:
    • to sever relations with;
      separate from:to break with one’s family.
    • to depart from;
      repudiate:to break with tradition.


  1. an act or instance of breaking;
    disruption or separation of parts;
    rupture:There was a break in the window.
  2. an opening made by breaking;
    gap:The break in the wall had not been repaired.
  3. a rush away from a place;
    an attempt to escape:a break for freedom.
  4. a sudden dash or rush, as toward something:When the rain lessened, I made a break for home.
  5. a suspension of or sudden rupture in friendly relations.
  6. an interruption of continuity;
    departure from or rupture with:Abstract painters made a break with the traditions of the past.
  7. an abrupt or marked change, as in sound or direction, or a brief pause:They noticed a curious break in his voice.
  8. Informal Terms
    • an opportunity or stroke of fortune, esp. a lucky one.
    • a chance to improve one’s lot, esp. one unlooked for or undeserved.

  9. Informal Terms the breaks, the way things happen;
    fate:Sorry to hear about your bad luck, but I guess those are the breaks.
  10. a brief rest, as from work:The actors took a ten-minute break from rehearsal.
  11. Show Business[Radio, Television.]a brief, scheduled interruption of a program or broadcasting period for the announcement of advertising or station identification.
  12. Poetry[Pros.]a pause or caesura.
  13. Music and Dance[Jazz.]a solo passage, usually of from 2 to 12 bars, during which the rest of the instruments are silent.
  14. Music and Dancethe point in the scale where the quality of voice of one register changes to that of another, as from chest to head.
  15. Music and DanceSee break dancing. 
  16. Businessa sharp and considerable drop in the prices of stock issues.
  17. Electricityan opening or discontinuity in a circuit.
  18. [Print.]
    • Printingone or more blank lines between two paragraphs.
    • Printing breaks. See suspension points. 

  19. Printingthe place, after a letter, where a word is or may be divided at the end of a line.
  20. a collapse of health, strength, or spirit;
  21. Informal Termsan indiscreet or awkward remark or action;
    social blunder;
    faux pas.
  22. Games[Billiards, Pool.]a series of successful strokes;
  23. Games[Pool.]the opening play, in which the cue ball is shot to scatter the balls.
  24. Sporta change in direction of a pitched or bowled ball.
  25. Sport[Horse Racing, Track.]the start of a race.
  26. Sport(in harness racing) an act or instance of a horse’s changing from a trot or pace into a gallop or other step.
  27. Sport[Bowling.]a failure to knock down all ten pins in a single frame.
  28. Sport[Boxing.]an act or instance of stepping back or separating from a clinch:a clean break.
  29. any of several stages in the grinding of grain in which the bran is separated from the kernel.
  30. Botanya sport.
  31. Journalismthe point at the bottom of a column where a printed story is carried over to another column or page.
  32. Nautical, Naval Termsthe place at which a superstructure, deckhouse, or the like, rises from the main deck of a vessel.
  33. Geography breaks, [Phys. Geog.]an area dissected by small ravines and gullies.
  34. Mininga fault or offset, as in a vein or bed of ore.
  • bef. 900; Middle English breken, Old English brecan; cognate with Dutch breken, German brechen, Gothic brikan; akin to Latin frangere; see fragile

breaka•ble, adj. 
breaka•ble•ness, n. 
breaka•bly, adv. 
breakless, adj. 

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged fracture, splinter, shiver.
      Break, crush, shatter, smash mean to reduce to parts, violently or by force.
      Break means to divide by means of a blow, a collision, a pull, or the like:to break a chair, a leg, a strap.To crush is to subject to (usually heavy or violent) pressure so as to press out of shape or reduce to shapelessness or to small particles:to crush a beetle.To shatter is to break in such a way as to cause the pieces to fly in many directions:to shatter a light globe.To smash is to break noisily and suddenly into many pieces:to smash a glass.
    • 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged disobey, contravene.
    • 6.See corresponding entry in Unabridged disrupt.
    • 14.See corresponding entry in Unabridged surpass, beat.
    • 22.See corresponding entry in Unabridged demote.
    • 34.See corresponding entry in Unabridged fragment, smash.
    • 89.See corresponding entry in Unabridged rent, tear, rip, rift, split; breach, fissure, crack.
    • 94.See corresponding entry in Unabridged stop, hiatus, lacuna, pause, caesura.

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged repair.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

break /breɪk/ vb (breaks, breaking, broke, broken)

  1. to separate or become separated into two or more pieces
  2. to damage or become damaged so as to be inoperative: my radio is broken
  3. to crack or become cracked without separating
  4. to burst or cut the surface of (skin, etc)
  5. to discontinue or become discontinued: they broke for lunch, to break a journey
  6. to disperse or become dispersed: the clouds broke
  7. (transitive) to fail to observe (an agreement, promise, law, etc): to break one’s word
  8. (followed by with) to discontinue an association (with)
  9. to disclose or be disclosed: he broke the news gently
  10. (transitive) to fracture (a bone) in (a limb, etc)
  11. (transitive) to divide (something complete or perfect): to break a set of books
  12. to bring or come to an end: the summer weather broke at last
  13. (transitive) to bring to an end by or as if by force: to break a strike
  14. when intr, often followed by out: to escape (from): he broke jail, he broke out of jail
  15. to weaken or overwhelm or be weakened or overwhelmed, as in spirit
  16. (transitive) to cut through or penetrate: a cry broke the silence
  17. (transitive) to improve on or surpass: to break a record
  18. (transitive) often followed by in: to accustom (a horse) to the bridle and saddle, to being ridden, etc
  19. (transitive) often followed by of: to cause (a person) to give up (a habit): this cure will break you of smoking
  20. (transitive) to weaken the impact or force of: this net will break his fall
  21. (transitive) to decipher: to break a code
  22. (transitive) to lose the order of: to break ranks
  23. (transitive) to reduce to poverty or the state of bankruptcy
  24. when intr, followed by into: to obtain, give, or receive smaller units in exchange for; change: to break a pound note
  25. (transitive) chiefly to demote to a lower rank
  26. (intr; often followed by from or out of) to proceed suddenly
  27. (intransitive) to come into being: light broke over the mountains
  28. (intr; followed by into or out into) to burst into song, laughter, etc
  29. to change to a faster pace
  30. (transitive) to open with explosives: to break a safe
  31. (intransitive)(of waves) (often followed by against) to strike violently
  32. to collapse into foam or surf
  33. (intransitive) (of prices, esp stock exchange quotations) to fall sharply
  34. (intransitive) to make a sudden effort, as in running, horse racing, etc
  35. (intransitive) (of a ball) to change direction on bouncing
  36. (intransitive) to scatter the balls at the start of a game
  37. (intransitive) (of two fighters) to separate from a clinch
  38. (intransitive) (of the male voice) to undergo a change in register, quality, and range at puberty
  39. (transitive) to open the breech of (certain firearms) by snapping the barrel away from the butt on its hinge
  40. (transitive) to interrupt the flow of current in (an electrical circuit)
  41. (intransitive) informal chiefly US to become successful; make a breakthrough
  42. break campto pack up equipment and leave a camp
  43. break the bankto ruin financially or deplete the resources of a bank (as in gambling)
  44. break the mouldto make a change that breaks an established habit, pattern, etc
  45. break serviceto win a game in which an opponent is serving


  1. the act or result of breaking; fracture
  2. a crack formed as the result of breaking
  3. a brief respite or interval between two actions
  4. a sudden rush, esp to escape: to make a break for freedom
  5. a breach in a relationship
  6. any sudden interruption in a continuous action
  7. Brit a short period between classes at school
  8. informal a fortunate opportunity, esp to prove oneself
  9. informal a piece of (good or bad) luck
  10. (esp in a stock exchange) a sudden and substantial decline in prices
  11. a series of successful shots during one turn
  12. the opening shot with the cue ball that scatters the placed balls
  13. Also called: service break, break of serve the act or instance of breaking an opponent’s service
  14. a short usually improvised solo passage
  15. an instrumental passage in a pop song
  16. a discontinuity in an electrical circuit
  17. access to a radio channel by a citizens’ band operator


  1. a command by a referee for two opponents to separate

See also breakaway, break downEtymology: Old English brecan; related to Old Frisian breka, Gothic brikan, Old High German brehhan, Latin frangere Sanskrit bhráj bursting forth

broken‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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сломанный, разбитый, сломленный, ломаный, нарушенный, прерывистый, изломанный


- сломанный; разбитый

broken leg — сломанная нога
broken stone — щебень

- подорванный, ослабленный (о здоровье)
- сломленный, сокрушённый

broken spirit — подавленное настроение
he is a broken man — он конченый человек

- разорённый, разорившийся
- ломаный (о языке)

he spoke broken English — он говорил на ломаном английском языке

- несвязный (о речи); прерывистый (о голосе, сне, линии)

she told her story in broken tones — она рассказывала свою историю прерывающимся голосом

- неровный; бугристый (о земле)

broken ground — а) вспаханная земля; б) пересечённая местность; в) геол. разрушенная порода

- нарушенный (о слове, покое и т. п.)

broken oath — нарушенная клятва
the broken law — нарушенный закон
broken rest — нарушенный покой

- не сплошной, фрагментарный

broken masses of pine forest — островки хвойного леса
he worked a broken week — он работал не всю неделю

- с просветами (о небе)
- выезженный (о лошади)
- неустойчивый, переменный (о погоде)
- нечистый, с примесью (о цвете)
- воен. пониженный в чине

broken from sergeant to private — разжалованный в рядовые из сержантов

- муз. арпеджированный

broken chord — ломаный /арпеджированный/ аккорд

- фон. дифтонгизированный (о гласном)

- p. p. от break

Мои примеры


a horse broken to the saddle — объезженная лошадь / лошадь, приученная к седлу  
a chair with a broken leg — стул со сломанной ножкой  
a lamp with a broken shade — лампа со сломанным абажуром  
angle / broken brackets — угловые скобки  
three broken oars — три сломанных весла  
broken food — объедки, оставшиеся на столе  
broken bread, broken meat — остатки пищи  
broken-down car — сломанный автомобиль  
broken / fractured English — ломаный английский  
broken family — разбитая семья  
broken / cracked filling — сломанная пломба  
broken home — распавшаяся семья  

Примеры с переводом

Her spirit was broken.

Её дух был сломлен.

I’ve broken my nail.

Я сломала ноготь.

Mind the broken glass.

Осторожно, битое стекло!

Dave has a broken arm.

У Дэйва сломана рука.

My broken leg is mending

Моя сломанная нога идёт на поправку.

I become a broken vessel.

Я как разбитое корыто.

Someone’s broken the TV.

Кто-то сломал телевизор.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

A broken rib had perforated her lung.

She was immobilized with a broken leg.

He returned from the war a broken man.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

brokenly  — судорожно, отрывисто, урывками
unbroken  — непрерывный, целый, необъезженный, неразбитый, непокоренный, сдержанный

Asked by: Dr. Wayne Lind

Score: 4.4/5
(29 votes)

Meaning of «brokenness» in the English dictionary

Brokenness is a noun. … Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

Is there such a word as brokenness?

Being in a state of disarray; disordered: troops fleeing in broken ranks.

What does brokenness mean?

(ˈbrəʊkənnəs) the quality of being broken.

Is broken a adverb?

(broken is an adjective)

What is a noun for broken?

breakage. The act of breaking. Something that has been broken.

36 related questions found

Is jaggedness a word?

Lack of smoothness or regularity: asymmetry, crookedness, inequality, irregularity, roughness, unevenness.

What is the opposite of brokenness?

Opposite of the state or quality of having a rough surface. courtesy. evenness. gentility. kindness.

What is brokenness in the Bible?

Brokenness, in God’s eyes, is being so crushed by the sin and darkness of the world that we recognize there is no place to turn but to God. David’s life and brokenness is a perfect example. In 2 Samuel 12 and Psalm 51 we see it: the beauty of brokenness.

What does broken mean in slang?

The term broke has been slang for being “out of money” since the 17th century.

How does God use our brokenness?

Whether it’s lust, anxiety, anger—no sin is uncommon to man (1 Corinthians 10:13). God can and will use you even in the midst of your wrestling match with sin. He will use what you’ve learned in other’s lives. … God will also use your brokenness to grow you in Christ and also bring you closer to him.

What is a broken woman?

“A broken woman should stay single. She is angry and unable to give or process what a man needs as she is still hurt.” — unknown.

What is a contrite heart?

Contrite: 1. caused by or showing sincere remorse 2. Filled with a sense of guilt and the desire for atonement; penitent. So, to me, contrite means being remorseful when we have done somethings wrong, we feel truly sorry and we have a desire to repent. This fit perfectly with having a broken heart.

What is the meaning of Brocken?

Brocken. / (German ˈbrɔkən) / noun. a mountain in central Germany: the highest peak of the Harz Mountains; important in German folklore.

How do you know if your broke?

you may feel pain when you put weight on the injury, touch it, press it, or move it. the injured part may look deformed – in severe breaks, the broken bone may be poking through the skin.

The 3 most common signs of a broken bone (also known as a fracture) are:

  • pain.
  • swelling.
  • deformity.

What does human frailty mean?

: physical weakness : the quality or state of being frail. : weakness of character that causes a person to do things that are morally wrong.

What is a synonym for wholeness?

In this page you can discover 26 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for wholeness, like: integrity, completeness, entirety, durability, soundness, firmness, solidity, stability, strength, haleness and health.

What is the synonym of frailty?

Some common synonyms of frailty are failing, fault, foible, and vice. While all these words mean «an imperfection or weakness of character,» frailty implies a general or chronic proneness to yield to temptation.

What does Jaggedy mean?

adjective. having ragged notches, points, or teeth; zigzag: the jagged edge of a saw; a jagged wound. having a harsh, rough, or uneven quality.

What does the word Snaggy mean?

Snaggyadjective. snappish; cross; ill-tempered.

Is break a noun or a verb?

Break also functions as both a noun and a verb, and it’s the word you want in all other contexts, such as when the topic is something separating into parts or pieces («the plate will break if it falls,» «break a leg,» «a bad break»), being damaged to the point of no longer working («break a watch»), failing to do what …

What is adjective of broken?

adjective. fractured, smashed, or splintereda broken vase. imperfect or incomplete; fragmentarya broken set of books. interrupted; disturbed; disconnectedbroken sleep.

What can I say instead of broke?


  • bankrupt.
  • destitute.
  • insolvent.
  • penniless.
  • bust.
  • impoverished.
  • ruined.
  • strapped.

As Cambridge dictionary explains, when it describes something damaged, broken can be both predicative and attributive adjectives.

1. He put a sheet of plastic over the broken window. (attributive)

2. She had an X-ray to see if any of her ribs were broken. (predicative)

Regarding the third sentence, you need to use an article before the adjective.

However, you can consider be+broken as a passive construction, but in the passives the agents are the key elements. In other words, you use passives when the agent is more important than the subject. Needless to say that, be itself, is a linking verb which can be followed by adjectives.

I think if your examples were with more details, then it would be more easy to judge them:

  • This window is broken by little pressure. I don’t like it! (broken is a verb)
  • This window is broken though it couldn’t be discerned easily. (broken is an adjective)


She broke the cup when she dropped it on the floor.

Break the chocolate bar into pieces so that everyone can have some.

It is easiest to break a chain at its weakest link.

A chain will break at its weakest link.

The fall broke his arm.

His arm broke in three places when he fell.

A bruise forms when a blood vessel breaks under the skin.


The tank is reinforced to prevent breaks and leaks.

There was a break in the hedge.

We waited for a break in the traffic.

The fields extend for miles without a break.

We chatted during a break in the game.

All employees are entitled to two breaks during the workday.

We’ve been working all day without a break.

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

Then, build something that will prevent an egg from breaking after it’s thrown from a high height.

Leah Campano, Seventeen, 8 Apr. 2023

Kelly signed with North Carolina to play basketball before breaking Hoover’s all-time scoring record with 2,272 career points over five seasons.

Dennis Victory, al, 7 Apr. 2023

At Friday’s massive Star Wars Celebration panel, Lucasfilm unveiled plans for new Star Wars movies, including one that broke the audience’s brains: Daisy Ridley’s Rey will return for one of these films.

Devan Coggan And Nick Romano,, 7 Apr. 2023

Officials have offered a public apology to a man who was wrongfully detained when special forces broke into his hotel room during a training exercise.

Kerry Breen, CBS News, 7 Apr. 2023

Michael Cabanatuan is a general assignment and breaking news reporter who’s covered everything from wildfires and sports fans to protests and COVID masking requirements.

Michael Cabanatuan, San Francisco Chronicle, 7 Apr. 2023

The beauty of this stretch encapsulates restaurants and bars with unique items that always make for a good time and won’t break the bank.

Chuck Blount, San Antonio Express-News, 7 Apr. 2023

The subject came up after Cohen, 54, asked Ripa her reaction to the Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes scandal, in which the two one-time GMA3 hosts were ousted from the program after news of their love affair broke.

Nicholas Rice, Peoplemag, 7 Apr. 2023

Alarms started going off when news broke that the show wouldn’t be coming back in the fall with new episodes.

Selena Barrientos, Good Housekeeping, 7 Apr. 2023

Know when to take a break without completely faltering.

Tarot Astrologers, Chicago Tribune, 8 Apr. 2023

Gossip is the common currency of cubicle cultures and factory break rooms.

Chris Farrell, Fortune Well, 6 Apr. 2023

Per a report from the Waco Tribune Herald, the Gaines spent around $20 million redesigning the newspaper’s former building to house 20 conference spaces, a meeting area that can hold 200 employees, two break rooms, a lounge, and a test kitchen.

Ariana Garcia, Chron, 6 Apr. 2023

Chris Hemsworth is taking a break from playing the Asgardian god Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe for just long enough to build another franchise.

Temi Adebowale, Men’s Health, 5 Apr. 2023

His big break came from an invitation to join Thomas Johnson, who is widely acknowledged as the originator of clown dancing and has been working birthday parties and other events for decades as Tommy the Clown.

Wesley Lapointe, Los Angeles Times, 4 Apr. 2023

Miranda Lambert is in the middle of her Velvet Rodeo residency in Las Vegas, and she has unfortunately been forced to take a break.

Katie Bowlby, Country Living, 31 Mar. 2023

There are low-sensory areas at each park for guests to take a break and relax in a more low-key environment with less stimulation.

Rachel Chang, Travel + Leisure, 31 Mar. 2023

Take a break from devices, TV and the noise that may cause you any type of distress and also provide good quality time with family and friends.

Rosa Sanchez, Harper’s BAZAAR, 31 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘break.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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