Is the word breakdown one word

Breakdown vs. Break down – What’s the Gist?

The difference between these two words is knowing whether you need a noun or a verb.

  • Breakdown functions as a noun, also called a substantive.
  • Break down functions as a verb phrase, also called a predicate.

Having the correct term boils down to how the word is being used in the sentence.

breakdown versus break down

How to Use Breakdown in a Sentence

Breakdown definition: As a noun, the word breakdown (all-one-word) means a failure to function; a failure to be effective; a mental, physical, or nervous collapse; or a division of categories.

For example:

  • After experiencing a transmission breakdown, the driver sat immobile on the side of the road. (Noun)
  • There was a breakdown in communication during the negotiations. (Noun)
  • Because she experienced one challenge after another, the woman had an emotional breakdown. (Noun)

If you are looking for a noun, use the term that is all-one-word: breakdown.

How to Use Break down in a Sentence

Break down definition: On the other hand, when this term break down is separated into two words, it functions as both a transitive and an intransitive verb.

As a transitive verb, which passes action and needs a direct object, break down means to cause to collapse by breaking; or to separate into simpler substances; or to take apart for storage/shipment.

For example:

  • His poor driving broke down the transmission. (Past Tense Verb)
  • During chemistry class, the professor will break down the chemicals to their most simple substances. (Future Tense Verb)
  • The assembly workers break down the desk parts into five pieces for ease in shipment. (Present Tense Verb)

As an intransitive verb, which expresses action rather than passes action, break down means to stop functioning; to fail in vitality; to lose one’s resolve; to undergo decomposition.

For example:

  • The car breaks down weekly. (Present Tense Verb)
  • Her countenance broke down into tears. (Past Tense Verb)
  • The mother broke down by giving into her daughter’s tantrum. (Past Tense Verb)

Outside Examples of Breakdown vs. Break down

  • But Marylue had no way to get to Kakaako quickly. A van was shuttling homeless people to shelters and to Kakaako Mauka Gateway Park, but a communication breakdown prevented the van from getting to Ala Moana Regional Park. –Honolulu Star-Advertiser
  • “People have a little lack of confidence that if something big and bad happens, that 911 might not work. We saw it with Katrina,” Mr. Hyatt said, referring to the breakdown in emergency response after the 2005 hurricane on the Gulf Coast. “People haven’t forgotten that a disaster happened, and the government didn’t come.” –The New York Times
  • “Baby wipes, even though some of them say they’re biodegradable, they really aren’t,” Sullivan said. “Those are one of the No. 1 causes of a backup in plumbing systems — baby wipes and paper towels. Paper towels are pretty tough. They’re designed to absorb spills, but they’re not designed like toilet paper, which is supposed to break down as soon as it hits water. They have a tendency to clump up and that causes problems.” –Chicago Tribune
  • I’m old-school, too, but I guess not as concerned about security. I keep my photos on the cloud. I used to store everything on my computer and my wife’s computer, but then one day her disk drive broke down. I thought I had been backing her stuff up to Time Machine, but that broke down as well, by the time I got to it, and we lost all of her digital photos. –The Wall Street Journal

Phrases That Use Breakdown and Break down

There are a few common phrases for the word breakdown or break down, including:

I’m having a nervous breakdown: Someone is expressing that he/she is emotionally falling apart either literally or figuratively.

  • After receiving the notice that he lost his job, the worker told his wife, “I am about to have a nervous breakdown.”

Break down and cry: When someone finally allows himself/herself to experience the pent-up emotional turmoil by releasing those feelings through crying.

  • After realizing that her toddler was going to be fine, the mother broke down and cried.

Break it down: To subdivide categories into steps for simplification or understanding.

  • While explaining the geometry proof, the math instructor said to the student, “Let me break it down for you.”

How to Remember These Words

Although these two words are spelled nearly alike, the similarities end there. Because they have different functions in a sentence, they are not interchangeable.

One way to remember how to keep these two words straight is to keep the spelling in mind.

The noun breakdown is all-one-word and refers to one thing. On the other hand, the predicate break down is actually a verb phrase because it has more than one word.

  1. After receiving the distressing news, the doctor had a major _______.
  2. The toddler _______ after hearing the word, “No.”
  3. Teaching her children how to do the dishes, the mother _______ the process into steps.
  4. An argument ensued after the _______ in communication occurred.

Article Summary

Is breakdown or break down correct? These two heteronyms are easily confused. If you need a noun, choose the word breakdown. If you need a verb, use break down.

  • Breakdown functions primarily as a noun.
  • Break down is a verb phrase.

Quiz Answers

  1. Breakdown
  2. Broke down
  3. Broke down
  4. Breakdown


  • 1 Breakdown vs. Break down – What’s the Gist?
  • 2 How to Use Breakdown in a Sentence
  • 3 How to Use Break down in a Sentence
  • 4 Outside Examples of Breakdown vs. Break down
  • 5 Phrases That Use Breakdown and Break down
  • 6 How to Remember These Words
  • 7 Quiz: Breakdown or Break down
  • 8 Article Summary

While listening to someone speak, have you ever thought you heard him or her say one word, but noticed that in context, it was used differently than what you’re used to hearing?

This confusion stems from homophones in the English language—words that sound alike but don’t mean the same thing.

Breakdown and break down are homophones. One is a noun; one is a verb; and neither is used as any other part of speech at any time. If you aren’t sure whether you are hearing breakdown or break down, reading this article will help you know.

What is the Difference Between Breakdown and Break Down?

In this article, I will compare breakdown vs break down. As part of this comparison, I will use them both in a sentence to illustrate the proper context of each. Plus, I will outline a useful memory tool to help you remember if break down or breakdown is correct, depending on how you plan to use the term.

When to Use Breakdown

Definition of break down definition of breakdown definitionWhat does breakdown mean? Breakdown functions as a noun. It refers to a cessation of function or a subdivision of items within a broader category, often on a financial document.

For example,

  • If Jake walks more than two batters on Tuesday I will suffer a mental breakdown.
  • Stay off the freeway if you want to arrive to work on time; there is a breakdown just before exit 30.
  • See the breakdown on page 2 for an itemized list of expenses.
  • Here’s a breakdown of what we observed this week and how it might apply to the bigger picture. –The Wall Street Journal

As you can see, in the sense where something stops working, breakdown can be literal or metaphorical. During a typical mental breakdown, the brain still functions at a biological process level, but psychological functioning is severely hampered.

Other uses of breakdown simple refer to a point-by-point analysis of something.

When spoken, only the first syllable of breakdown is stressed.

When to Use Break Down

Define break down and define breakdownWhat does break down mean? Break down is a phrasal verb. It has various meanings, the two most common of which are to cease functioning and to disassemble.

For example,

  • Always break down your corrugated boxes before putting them in the recycling bin.
  • If you drive your car without oil, it will break down.
  • Negotiations break down every time the robber threatens to kill a hostage.
  • A newspaper investigation has found that Allegiant Air’s planes are four times as likely to break down in flight as those operated by other major U.S. airlines. –The Washington Post

When spoken, break down has equal stress on each word.

Trick to Remember the Difference

breakdown versus break downHere is a helpful trick to remember break down vs. breakdown

  • If the term you are wishing to use is a verb, separate it into two words to form break down.
  • As a noun, breakdown is only one word.
  • Break down is never a noun, and breakdown is never a verb.

You can remember that the verb form has two words since one of these words is break, which is a verb in its own right. By looking at the meanings of the individual words in this phrase, you can remember what part of speech it is.


Is it breakdown or break down? In spoken English, breakdown and break down are indistinguishable except for the lack of stress on the second syllable of breakdown. They are otherwise pronounced identically.

  • Breakdown is a noun.
  • Break down is a verb.
  • The terms are not interchangeable.

You can remember to use break down as a verb by remembering the individual meanings of the words in this phrase.

Remember, you can also check this article for a quick refresher at any time.


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Breakdown and Break Down?
  • 2 When to Use Breakdown
  • 3 When to Use Break Down
  • 4 Trick to Remember the Difference
  • 5 Summary

If the term you are wishing to use is a verb, separate it into two words to form break down. As a noun, breakdown is only one word. Break down is never a noun, and breakdown is never a verb.

So, which is correct breakdown or breakdown?

The difference is that, written as one word, breakdown is a noun, referring to the result of the action, while the two-word version, break down, is a phrasal verb that denotes the action leading to the result.

Also to know, what break down means?

To have a physical or mental collapse. 3. To give up resistance; give way: prejudices that break down slowly. 4. To fail to function; cease to be useful, effective, or operable: The elevator broke down.

What is a mental breakdown?

A nervous or mental breakdown is a term used to describe a period of intense mental distress. During this period, you’re unable to function in your everyday life. This term was once used to refer to a wide variety of mental illnesses, including: depression. acute stress disorder.

What does it mean to break someone down?

To Break Down Meaning

Definition: To stop functioning, collapse in emotion, or lose willpower. A second meaning is an emotional breakdown, where the person gets so overwhelmed that he or she breaks down and can no longer perform the task he or she is required to do.

Write Your Answer

It depends on whether you need a verb or a noun


Updated on April 14, 2019

The words breakdown and break down both refer to a failure or a dismantling of some kind, whether it’s mechanical, physical, or emotional. The difference is that, written as one word, breakdown is a noun, referring to the result of the action, while the two-word version, break down, is a phrasal verb that denotes the action leading to the result.

How to Use Breakdown

The one-word noun breakdown means a failure to function, a collapse, or an analysis, especially one relating to statistics. The word is pronounced with the stress on the first syllable.

A car can suffer a breakdown when something mechanical or computerized fails and the vehicle won’t run. A person suffering a nervous breakdown has an impaired ability to function because of a psychotic or neurotic disorder. An accountant can present a breakdown, or an analysis, of a business plan.

How to Use Break Down

Break down is a verb phrase (consisting of a verb and another part of speech, in this case an adverb) meaning to go out of order, lose self-control, or separate into parts or decompose. The phrasal verb is pronounced with equal stress on both words.

Before a car stops running, a mechanical system or an onboard computer breaks down and prevents the car from running properly. A person crushed by emotional problems breaks down and can no longer function normally. The accountant breaks down the business plan, or separates it into its component parts for analysis. An organism


Here are examples that illustrate the difference between break down, the verb phrase, and breakdown, the noun:

  • The accountant will break down the budget and present the breakdown to all the board members. Here, break down refers to the action the accountant takes in separating the parts of the budget; it’s a verb phrase. The result of her effort, the document she presents to the board members, is the breakdown. It’s a noun.
  • Feeling the car break down after it hit the giant pothole was enough to send Peter into a breakdown. Break down describes the action of the car as it goes out of order; it’s a verb phrase. Peter’s breakdown is the result of the overwhelming emotions he feels when his beloved ’64 Mustang turns into scrap; it’s a noun.
  • Sara’s husband was afraid she would break down and cry, and it wouldn’t be the first breakdown she had suffered. Break down refers to Sara losing the ability to function normally because of stress; it’s a verb phrase. The result of Sara’s reaction to stress is a breakdown. It’s a noun.

How to Remember the Difference

To remember the difference, decide whether you want to convey an action or a «thing,» the result of an action. If it’s the former, you need a verb; if it’s the latter, you need a noun. Then, consider that:

  • With breakdown, the two words join together to create a noun, just as build and up make the noun buildup and down and turn create the noun downturn. So if you need a noun, pick breakdown. It’s always a noun.
  • In break down the word break stands alone, and break usually conveys action; more often than not, it’s a verb. So if you need a verb, break down is the right choice. It’s always a verb.
  • To help you recall that break down is the verb, remember that you can make break down past tense: or broke down, because the verb break is separate from the adverb down. You can’t make breakdown past tense. You can also put nouns between the two words, such as break the wall down.

Musical Breakdown

A breakdown in music can mean many things, depending on the genre. In many formats it refers to the musicians playing solo parts, or breaking down the music into its components. In heavy metal it can mean a slow, heavy part of the song, and in American country it can mean a lively, shuffling dance.


  • «Breakdown or Break Down: What’s the Difference?»
  • «Breakdown or Break Down: How to Use Each Correctly.»

Table of Contents

  1. Does breakdown have a hyphen?
  2. What does breakdown mean?
  3. What is the example of breakdown?
  4. What is another word for mental breakdown?
  5. What is another word for simplify?
  6. What is the opposite of simplify in math?
  7. What does complicate mean?
  8. What does Ravel mean?
  9. Is Uncomplicate a real word?
  10. What is the opposite of complicate?
  11. Is serene a name?

Frequently Asked Questions About break down The words analyze and dissect are common synonyms of break down. While all three words mean “to divide a complex whole into its parts or elements,” break down implies a reducing to simpler parts or divisions.

Does breakdown have a hyphen?

It depends on whether you need a verb or a noun The difference is that, written as one word, breakdown is a noun, referring to the result of the action, while the two-word version, break down, is a phrasal verb that denotes the action leading to the result.

What does breakdown mean?

1a : to cause to fall or collapse by breaking or shattering. b : to make ineffective break down legal barriers. 2a : to divide into parts or categories. b : to separate (something, such as a chemical compound) into simpler substances : decompose.

What is the example of breakdown?

The definition of a breakdown is a mechanical failure, a collapse of a system of authority, a failure of a relationship or interaction, or a collapse of someone’s mental health and a descent into permanent or temporary craziness. When your car stops working and will no longer start, this is an example of a breakdown.

What is another word for mental breakdown?

In this page you can discover 10 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for nervous-breakdown, like: emotional collapse, clinical depression, collapse, crackup, nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neurasthenia, neurosis, shattered nerves and burnout.

What is another word for simplify?

In this page you can discover 32 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for simplify, like: ease, reduce to essentials, explain, make clear, shorten, analyze, clarify, make plain, reduce, break down and mix.

What is the opposite of simplify in math?

Opposite of to simplify something. complicate. complex. complexify.

What does complicate mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to make complex or difficult. 2 : involve especially : to cause to be more complex or severe a virus disease complicated by bacterial infection.

What does Ravel mean?

transitive verb. 1a : to separate or undo the texture of : unravel. b : to undo the intricacies of : disentangle. 2 : entangle, confuse. ravel.

Is Uncomplicate a real word?

uncomplicate (English) (transitive) To remove complications from.

What is the opposite of complicate?

Opposite of to make something more complex. simplify. streamline. clarify. disentangle.

Is serene a name?

Serene as a girl’s name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Serene is “calm”. Serene is related to the name Serena.

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