Prepositions used with «bottom»
In 51% of cases bottom to is used
List the cards from top to bottom.
Shake City Hall from top to bottom.
Cross the cables from top to bottom using opposite hand and cable i.
What we need is a complete re-org, from top to bottom with a flattening of the hierarchy.
Just follow the steps from top to bottom and let me know which one resolved your problem.
The cards from the first deck should match their indexes from 1 to n in the order from top to bottom.
Instead of trying to fit all of them above the fold, the Adsense team suggested to look at your site from top to bottom.
Show Repeated Lyrics will show all lyrics from top to bottom, even if they are repeated from previous sections of the song.
Whenever you are around any kind of plants and flowers, generally put on garments that can deal with you from top to bottom.
And they were staffed with Dem political hacks from top to bottom to zip in make a quick fortune, and then get back to politics.
In 16% of cases bottom at is used
See footnote added 10-1-2012 at bottom of post.
Once you hit home screen at right corner at bottom it will take you to home screen.
Kitten uses litter box at bottom of house now and sleeps with child at top of the house.
Fuji Sengen Shrine is a historical shrine situated in the thick cedar forest at bottom of Mt.
Disordered Curly Haircut In this haircut the hair at bottom are shorter than those on the top of the head.
LGD, Round 1, Group A It was all about farms with Loda’s Syllabear free farming at bottom and LGD’s Morphling on Mid.
However, the image I had (pink flower) representing my page which people could see and click on (listed at bottom on friends list on old layout ), can no longer be seen.
The key to the algorithm is to keep the operators on the operator stack ordered by precedence (lowest at bottom and highest at top ), at least in the absence of parentheses.
The universe that we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but pitiless indifference.
In 16% of cases bottom from is used
I love my lover truly deeply from bottom of my heart.
In between, sea ice shows a linear gradient from bottom to top.
In other words the distance each piston in the engine travels from bottom to top dead center.
There was upward social mobility, from Class II to Class I, but few made it from bottom to top.
If you follow the no winner from bottom two you have Jahmene at evens (pretty much) and Chris at 7/1.
For your information Veddas don’t live in Amazon jungle nor in Namibian dessert and not from bottom of the ocean.
Last week Onion J had the bounce from bottom 2 plus the boybland transfer from Undistinct 3, ensuring they would avoid B2.
And the conditions which filter out the maximum records should be placed at the end after the joins as the parsing is done from bottom of the condition.
There is a huge white marble stairway on the middle of stair of each tier, with the relief of patterns of clouds, phoenix and dragon respectively, from bottom to top.
Liverpool go into the match fourth from bottom and without a league win this term although they beat Swiss side Young Boys 5-3 in Berne in the Europa League on Thursday.
In 4% of cases bottom of is used
The other thing I find very amusing is the etiquette of bottom sniffing.
Also, real leptons that are sometimes isolated are generated in decays of bottom and charm quarks, which are produced in abundance in QCD events.
The key feature of bottom and charm quarks is that they both live just long enough to usually decay at a measurable distance from the initial collision point.
In 4% of cases bottom on is used
A mouth on bottom (oral) surface and anus on the upper (aboral) surface of your body.
Even though there were so many empty seats on bottom, LOCOG refused to let anyone on top relocate to the bottom.
In 2% of cases bottom between is used
The scale of land acquisitions can at best be expressed as a range between bottom and top-end figures.
In 2% of cases bottom by is used
After all the fanfare about air tickets our boys have been humbled by bottom of the table Bandari.
Bottom die Bottom die of formwork bears a majority of weight of concrete beams, transmit loads to cross girder by bottom die screw jacks, then to main girder.
In 2% of cases bottom for is used
In 2% of cases bottom in is used
In 2% of cases bottom with is used
The majority are caught with bottom trawls, which result in accidental catches and significant damage to the seafloor.
‘Top’ and ‘bottom‘ are not directions (or prepositions), they are features of a static object by itself: ‘the top of my head’. … ‘Above’ and ‘below’ are the directions (and grammatically prepositions). They go in the direction according to gravity.
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below | bottom | In nautical terms the difference between below and bottomis that below is on a lower deck while bottom is certain parts of a vessel, particularly the cargo hold or the portion of the ship that is always underwater. As a preposition belowis lower in spatial position than. As an adverb belowis in a lower place. As a noun bottom isthe lowest part from the uppermost part, in either of these senses. As a verb bottom isto fall to the lowest point. As an adjective bottom isthe lowest or last place or position.
What should be used:
At the top/bottom/sides.
On the top/bottom/sides.
Which preposition is used with them?
Thank you
What complete sentence do you have in mind? And in what situation would you say it?
Something like:
The vase is broken at the sides/on the sides.
He put the stampe on the top/at the top of the envelope.
His hair are a bit pointy at the top/on the top , but not at the sides/on the sides
Put the label at the bottom/on the bottom of this vase.
So what will be used here?
At or on?
Why is «at top of the envelope » correct but «at the bottom » of the vase is wrong, and vice versa?
«At the top of the envelope» means near the top edge of the envelope,
so «at the bottom of the vase» would typically mean near the bottom edge of the vase, but on the side of the vase.
«On the bottom of the vase» means on the underside of the vase, which you do not see when the vase is standing upright on a table (unless it’s a glass table and you crouch underneath it).
Note: «at the top of the envelope».
Hi, if you stick a sticker to the bottom side of a desk and then someone asks where you stuck it, what can you answer?
1. On the bottom of the desk (or desk top)
2. Under the desk
3. On the underside of the desk (or desk top)
4. On the bottom side of the desk (or desk top)
5. I will never tell you, it’s my sticker and I’m gonna do whatever I want with it
All kidding aside, could you suggest better options than those I wrote?
Thank you
if you stick a sticker to the bottom side of a desk
You’re going to have to explain what you mean by this, because it’s self-contradictory.
I’d expect the bottom of a desk to be horizontal, and its side to be vertical.
You’re going to have to explain what you mean by this, because it’s self-contradictory.
I’d expect the bottom of a desk to be horizontal, and its side to be vertical.
I think a picture is going to explain what I mean much better than many words, it’s attached to this post EDIT Based on your comment however, I guess I should have written just bottom, the word side maybe is unnecessary and caused the contradiction you noticed
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Last edited: Nov 3, 2021
Here is the problem: in English the word «desk» includes the legs. So the bottom is on the floor (the bottom of the legs).
Your picture shows a flat surface. It could be a shelf. It could be a tabletop. It cannot be a desk or a desktop. A desktop would have a lower lip, like the one in picture 2. These are three desks:
2. Under the desk
3. On the underside of the desk (or desk top)
Those are both common terms for the place you want to put a sticker (underneath the flat writing surface of the desk)
I don’t think «under the desk» works. That’s where you’d expect to find the wastebasket.
But yes, «on the underside of» is fine.
I think I’d prefer to avoid the term «desktop» because of its association with computer virtual desktops, representing things that are
lying on top of
the surface of the desk.
Thank you Edinburger and dojibear. May I ask one more question? Neither of you seemed to like «on the bottom of the desk», and now I think I can understand why. What if desk were replaced with tabletop, would the following sound natural?
6. on the bottom of the tabletop
At the top/bottom/sides.
On the top/bottom/sides.
At is a general locative preposition. It is not very precise. = immediately adjacent to; in front of; within, etc. Compare
«I will meet you at the football stadium.» — somewhere very close to the football stadium
«At the main entrance.»- somewhere very close to the main entrance.
On is more precise and can be locative or, in the sense of «onto», it can indicate motion = on[to] the surface of
He put the painting on the wall/floor/ceiling = He put the painting on[to] the surface of the wall/floor/ceiling.
Last edited: Nov 3, 2021
would the following sound natural?
6. on the bottom of the tabletop
For me, it’s no better than with desk. Illogical though it may seem, changing bottom to underside makes it much better.
The vase is broken at the sides/on the sides.
He put the stamp on the top of the envelope.
He put the stamp at the top of the envelope.His hair
areis bit pointy
thetop, but not at the sides
Put the label at the bottom of this vase.
This is possible, but unlikely.
Put the label on the bottom of this vase.You’ll see numerous previous threads dealing with at/on top listed here: Forum thread titles for «on top» — and here: Forum thread titles for «at the top» —
Could you please correct the sentence «The vase is broken at the sides/on the sides.»? You just marked it as wrong. Thank you.
«The vase is broken at the sides/on the sides.»
Unfortunately, that sentence is incomprehensible. Nobody would understand what the vase might look like now. Most vases are circular: they only have one side.
Can you describe the vase and its damage?
We might say
«There is a hole in the side»
«There is a crack down the side.»
But not
«The vase is broken at the sides/on the sides.»
Unfortunately, that sentence is incomprehensible. Nobody would understand what the vase might look like now. Most vases are circular: they only have one side.
Can you describe the vase and its damage?
We might say
«There is a hole in the side»
«There is a crack down the side.»But not
«The vase is broken at the sides/on the sides.»
I’d like to ask you one more question. Can’t we say «There is a crack at the side of the verse» and «There is a hole at the side of the vase»?
We are able to say anything but, to be idiomatic, we must take some care with prepositions.
«There is a crack at the side of the vase»
«There is something wrong with the surface of the table…»
«You are right, there is a crack [on the surface of the table] at the side of the vase.»
You have chosen a very bad example with vase because of the nature of a vase’s «side». A vase is mostly «side», The use of «vase» does not help you understand «at» and «on».
If the vase is cracked, we would say «This vase is cracked.» The listener would assume that the crack is somewhere on the side unless you added «at the top, on the lip, or at the bottom.» These are the other parts of a vase.
We could say «This vase is cracked down its side.» With «down» we are describing the direction that the crack takes. If the crack goes from the top to the bottom, we can say informally, «This vase is cracked all down its side.»
We are able to say anything but, to be idiomatic, we must take some care with prepositions.
«There is something wrong with the surface of the table…»
«You are right, there is a crack [on the surface of the table] at the side of the vase.»You have chosen a very bad example with vase because of the nature of a vase’s «side». A vase is mostly «side», The use of «vase» does not help you understand «at» and «on».
If the vase is cracked, we would say «This vase is cracked.» The listener would assume that the crack is somewhere on the side unless you added «at the top, on the lip, or at the bottom.» These are the other parts of a vase.
We could say «This vase is cracked down its side.» With «down» we are describing the direction that the crack takes. If the crack goes from the top to the bottom, we can say informally, «This vase is cracked all down its side.»
Thanks a million for your help.
If you have a bucket, you can have a hole «in» the bucket (in the metal of the bucket). If the bottom of the bucket has the hole you can say «There is a hole in the bottom of the bucket».
It is in this way that the song (humourously) says «Theres a hole in the bottom of the sea». It means «a hole in the rock that contains the sea». Normally «At the bottom of the sea» would be correct in most contexts.
Similarly you can say:
My socks are at the bottom of my wardrobe.
There is a nail stuck in the bottom of my wardrobe.
Think how these refer to different things. The second is talking about the wooden floor of the wardrobe, the first is talking about the lowest part of the space inside the wardrobe.
It is also possible to have «on the bottom»
The anchor lay on the bottom of the sea.
(though «at the bottom» would also be possible here)