Is the word beginning a noun

Every now and then, we tend to use incorrect spellings without being conscious of it; such is the case of Beginning Vs. Begining, where it might seem right for some but wrong for others. Which is the correct one to use? Or when should they be used? This is a common confusion when it comes to writing, and one of the words commonly misused and misspelled for the other. Here is a clear answer as to which is the correct one to use.

The correct spelling is «beginning,» but it tends to be misspelled as «begining» based on the similarities in word patterns. We must remember that the proper term to use always has a double ‘n’ despite one of them being silent.

Some people, when in doubt, would decide to use a different word or a synonym to avoid the headache of figuring out a spelling. I remember my mother telling my sisters and me about her journey during school years, how she always had to carry around a dictionary, go to the library, and do extensive research to gather information and clarify any topic. Thanks to technology, we have the answers to most of our concerns within a matter of seconds. Just a click away, we find the results we are looking for and exciting details we weren’t aware we needed.

the beginning written on a typewriter


Beginning implies the early part of a venture, the start of something new, or the origin of something. It also refers to the act of doing something at an early stage in time, state, or space. Beginning is a word that’s constantly being used if you haven’t noticed. It is all over our history textbooks, newspapers, magazines, and social media.


Beginning comes from the verbal noun begin, which in old English was ‘beginnan’ meaning to attempt or undertake something. It’s a combination of the verb to be-+ west germanic *ginnan. From the late 12th century was known to define originate or be the originator of something, but in the early 13th century, it changed to refer to the first step in or something to start with. The word has not changed much since then, but the different usage and conjugations have. It’s a word that doesn’t change its meaning no matter the English country where it’s being spoken.

Different Misspelling For Beginning

The word gets misspelled often because of the repetitive patterns of the letter ‘n,’ and it is a frequent mistake that we see in terms that have double consonants. We know that grammar is a crucial point for written communication; therefore, knowing the grammatical rules would be helpful when it comes to spelling. Here are some of the most frequent misspellings of the word beginning:begining, beginnig, beggining, beginnin, begening, and a few others. Based on some statistics and research about this topic, it shows that begining is the recurrent misspelling, with a 37.9% in rank.

Word Type

Begin As A Verb

To originate, to proceed to perform the early stage of some action, or to start.

Sentences with beginning as a verb (Begin)

  • When you look at it, you begin to realize; word puzzles can be very complicated if you’re not used to them.
  • Some schools in the Dominican Republic decided to begin celebrating Halloween and Thanksgiving.
  • I will begin my research paper tomorrow morning; today, I feel drained and have no energy.
  • The story begins with an exciting plot, but the ending is very tragic.
  • Julia will begin to divide the topics for the presentation later tonight, and I am helping her with the division.
  • Mary is indecisive, and she does not know if she should begin a master’s in human resources or administration.
  • If I begin to tell you the story of how I fell in love with your father, you wouldn’t believe we would last this long-married.
  • Not to begin with my negative thoughts, but I don’t think we should go camping in cloudy weather tomorrow.
  • Amy will begin writing a novel this summer and is looking forward to being a best-selling author.
  • I begin training on Monday, and I won’t get paid until next Friday, so I can not go out partying tonight.
  • James was about to begin reading his comic magazine, but Sophia wouldn’t stop crying.
  • Mr. Roger said that you could begin your final exam on the count of three but don’t forget to write the date on top and your full name first.
  • She said she would begin to forgive you when you demonstrate you love her and won’t do it again.

Beginning As A Noun

The circumstance or act of starting; the point where something begins; the first part; the initial stage of origin.

Sentences with beginning as a noun

  • I moved to Alaska for an internship, but I was beginning to hate the cold weather and cloudy seasons all year long.
  • Everything seems lovely at the beginning of a relationship, you are getting along with your partner, and everything is going well until the fighting and drama begin.
  • My anxiety was beginning to sink in, and I was getting a panic attack in public.
  • We arrived late to the movies and missed the beginning where the main characters were telling their stories.
  • Ana Rodriguez was a patient in depression for months, but recently she was beginning to feel better.
  • Hannah told Bethany to stop yelling at her; she was beginning to sound like her mother and not her friend.
  • Marcus finally got divorced from Marlenny; I was beginning to wonder when he would do so.
  • You’re beginning to act just like your alcoholic friends!
  • There were only ten minutes left for the lecture to finish, but I couldn’t understand anything from the beginning.
  • Mary, the editor, corrected my article and decided the beginning was not engaging and I should write it all over again.
  • John left his country searching for a new beginning, somewhere where he could be free and be his true self.
  • Beginning this winter, I will start dieting and having healthy habits to prepare for the Olympics.
  • Are you studying for your math test? Timothy heard the beginning of the exam is the hardest part.
  • I told you from the beginning that I would not tolerate lies, and now I can’t forgive you.
  • The beginning of technology brought chaos and additions, separating families and friends from reality.

arrow points toward the beginning

Synonyms And Antonyms

Synonyms For Beginning

These are some words that will mean the same if you refer to the beginning: start, commencement, origin, day-one, initiation, elementary, indication, genesis, provenience, first, foundation, cause, leading, early, introductory and more. All of these words can be a great substitution of beginning utilized in the proper context.

Antonyms For Beginning

Here are some words that mean the opposite of beginning: finish, ending, conclusion, the last part, the result, expiration, termination, the end, middle, completing, the outcome, subsiding, and few others. This is helpful to avoid any confusion when expressing ideas that have nothing to do with the starting of something.


Knowing what appropriate spelling to use, grammatical rules, conjugations, and tenses will allow us to communicate appropriately and give clear ideas of what we are trying to say or write. Understandably, we will not memorize all of these parts for the thousands of words in the dictionary. Luckily for us, the internet is a quick guide to respond if we are in a hurry and stuck while writing a high school or college essay. This article intends to be a clear guide of using the word beginning, and that «begining» is not the proper spelling to use.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

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The end is in the beginning and lies far ahead.

Ralph Ellison





Beginning is a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


Definition of beginning in the English dictionary

The first definition of beginning in the dictionary is a start; commencement. Other definition of beginning is a first or early part or stage. Beginning is also the place where or time when something starts.


Synonyms and antonyms of beginning in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «beginning» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «beginning» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of beginning to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of beginning from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «beginning» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

khởi đầu

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of beginning


The term «beginning» is very widely used and occupies the 3.297 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «beginning» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of beginning

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «beginning».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «beginning» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «beginning» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about beginning


Famous quotes and sentences with the word beginning.

People only stutter at the beginning of the word. They’re not afraid when they get to the end of the word. There’s just regret.

And that’s how I start myself. I usually go back a couple of pages, maybe to the beginning of the chapter, and I start reading. And as I’m reading, I’m tweaking — putting in a different word, changing the syntax, putting that clause over there, you know that sort of thing.

I’m beginning to get pigeonholed as the girl who plays the crazies and weirdoes — and that’s not the entirety of who I am. Hopefully, the whole point of being in this profession is that you change into anyone you want to be.

From quiet homes and first beginning, out to the undiscovered ends, there’s nothing worth the wear of winning, but laughter and the love of friends.

When you feel as though you can’t do something, the simple antidote is action: Begin doing it. Start the process, even if it’s just a simple step, and don’t stop at the beginning.

Fresh out of college, you tend to join a company because it’s a job. But, you tend to stay because it becomes a career; you start to feel at home. In the beginning of your career, you’re focused on you: ‘I like this place because I’m doing rewarding work; they take good care of me; the people are nice; there’s runway for me,’ etc.

My parents weren’t keen on the giving up of school at the beginning to go into singing and dancing, but once they saw I was serious about it, they gave support. I was quite stubborn about my decision, and in the end, they realised it was for the best.

But to be part of helping create a character and be a part of something from the beginning — the excitement of it — it doesn’t get any better.

I have felt terribly from the beginning when I saw the problems and recognized that they would be ongoing. We were hired to put back the contours of the greens as closely as possible to George Thomas’s designs and were real proud of what we did. It’s a sad situation now.

The end is in the beginning and lies far ahead.


Discover the use of beginning in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to beginning and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.

Create Flash game and other apps on Android. Build and experience the array of new WebM video and other multimedia APIs for Android and more. Who this book is for This book is aimed at people new to mobile development.


Beginning Postmodernism

The first volume of Manchester University Press’ ‘Beginnings’ series, which is based on Peter Barry’s critically aclaimed bestseller, Beginning theoryThis brilliant digest offers a clear, step-by-step introduction to postmodernism on every …


Beginning Teaching, Beginning Learning: In Early Years And …

This collection provides an introduction to the practical skills which all student teachers have to develop, as well as celebrating the unpredictability and excitement of working with interested and inquisitive children.

Moyles, Janet, Georgeson, Jan, Payler, Jane, 2011


Beginning Postcolonialism

Designed especially for those studying the topic for the first time, Beginning Postcolonialism introduces the major areas of concern in a clear, accessible, and organized fashion.


Beginning Ruby: From Novice to Professional

Develop desktop and GUI applications with Ruby. Who this book is for Beginning programmers, programmers new to Ruby, and web developers interested in knowing the foundations of the language.

Offers meditations on our relationship with God through prayer and tells how to find consolation, express thankfulness, and apprehend the presence of the Lord


Beginning Biblical Hebrew

The book includes exercises that are drawn largely from the Hebrew Bible itself.


Beginning 3D Game Development with Unity: All-in-one, …

This book introduces key game production concepts in an artist-friendly way, and rapidly teaches the basic scripting skills you’ll need with Unity.


Beginning Kinect Programming with the Microsoft Kinect SDK

Covers the basics of three-dimensional vision, skeleton tracking, gesture recognition, and audio Provides fun examples that keep you engaged and learning What you’ll learn Create a proper development environment Work with data streams …

Jarrett Webb, James Ashley, 2012


Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics

Some of the later chapters focus in greater detail on specific bioinformatics topics. This book is suitable for use as a classroom textbook, for self-study, and as a reference.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term beginning is used in the context of the following news items.

New beginning for MLK hospital in Watts

«It really is a new beginning with new people,» said Dr. Oscar Casillas, the hospital’s director of emergency medicine. «The only thing that’s the … «Los Angeles Times, Jul 15»

The Bachelorette’s Chris Harrison: I’m Beginning to Believe Nick Is …

Harrison: Shawn was like Mount Vesuvius boiling over and at some point this was going to happen. While Shawn was smart enough to not … «, Jul 15»

Greece Is Just The Beginning Of The Great Austerity Backlash

President Barack Obama warned this past winter that “you can’t keep squeezing countries that are in the midst of depression. «Huffington Post, Jul 15»

Browns 2015 training camp features 11 free public practices …

beginning Thursday, July 30, as well as free access to the team’s Orange & Brown Scrimmage at Ohio Stadium in Columbus on Friday, Aug. «, Jul 15»

Portion of Union to close beginning Wednesday

A portion of Union Avenue will be closed for a few days beginning Wednesday so that sewer repairs can be completed, officials said Monday. «Memphis Commercial Appeal, Jul 15»

Troubles just beginning for Jeff Co. trailer park

Troubles just beginning for Jeff Co. trailer park. Flood victims at the Lakeside Manor mobile home park have taken one on the chin courtesy of … «KSDK, Jul 15»

Off-duty firefighter puts out beginning flames of wildfire

ARIZONA — Arizona will have one less wildfire this season, thanks to an off-duty firefighter who just happened to be driving by and saw it. «, Jul 15»

Family Fun Fest attendance doubled since beginning

Beginning at 5 p.m. residents were invited in to commenorate Independence Day, eat and shop from local vendors. The event ended at 9 p.m. … «Alton Telegraph, Jul 15»

It’s beginning to look like we’ll let Ukraine fall apart

RTX1IY3H REUTERS/Valentyn OgirenkoTyres are set on fire during a rally held by members of the far-right radical group Right Sector, … «Business Insider, Jul 15»

Confederate flags just the beginning? Other controversial symbols …

​The South Carolina Senate has voted overwhelmingly to remove the Confederate flag from state Capitol grounds, but as questions arise over … «RT, Jul 15»


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  • 1

    1. n начало

    2. n исходная точка; источник, происхождение

    3. n истоки; начальная стадия

    4. n рел. первопричина; начало всех начал

    5. a начальный, вводный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. elementary (adj.) basal; basic; elemental; elementary; rudimental; rudimentary; simplest

    2. first (adj.) early; first

    3. initial (adj.) basic; dawning; first; inceptive; incipient; initial; initiative; initiatory; introductory; nascent; primary

    4. opening (noun) alpha; arising; commencement; dawn; dawning; day spring; emergence; genesis; inauguration; inception; initiation; launching; leadoff; nascence; onset; opening; opening gun; outset; outstart; setout; spring; start

    5. origin (noun) ancestry; birth; conception; creation; font; generation; origin; rise; source

    6. commencing (verb) approaching; arising; beginning; commencing; embarking; embarking on; embarking upon; entering; getting off; inaugurating; initiating; jumping off; kicking off; launching; leading off; opening; originating; set out; set to; setting to; starting; take on; take up; taking up; teeing off; undertaking

    Антонимический ряд:

    completion; conclusion; consummation; end; finish; goal

    English-Russian base dictionary > beginning

  • 2


    present participle

    of begin

    1) начало; since the beginning of time с незапамятных времен

    2) точка отправления

    3) источник; происхождение

    4) (


    ) истоки, начальная стадия

    a good beginning is half the battle, a good beginning makes a good ending посл.


    хорошее начало полдела откачало

    a bad beginning makes a bad ending посл.


    что посеешь, то и пожнешь

    in every beginning think of the end посл. начиная дело, думай о конце

    * * *

    * * *

    * * *

    [be’gin·ning || -nɪŋ]
    начало, источник, происхождение, истоки, начальная стадия, возникновение

    * * *





    * * *

    1) а) начало
    б) начальный этап, начальная стадия, мн. истоки
    2) точка отправления
    3) источник

    Новый англо-русский словарь > beginning

  • 3

    1. n голова

    2. n головной портрет, изображение головы

    3. n жизнь

    4. n ум, рассудок; способности

    a cool head — трезвый ум, рассудительный человек

    a hot head — горячая голова, горячий человек

    5. n переносимость, способность

    strong head — крепкая голова; способность много пить не пьянея

    6. n человек

    7. n голова скота

    8. n стадо; стая

    9. n с. -х. поголовье

    10. n амер. разг. головная боль

    11. n сл. рот

    12. n рога

    13. n уст. причёска; волосы

    14. n наркоман

    15. n фанатик, страстный поклонник, болельщик

    16. a верхний; передний; головной

    waste head — головная часть слитка, отрезаемая в отход

    17. a главный, старший

    head boy — старший префект, старший ученик, староста

    head girl — старший префект, старшая ученица, староста

    18. a встречный

    19. a предназначенный для ношения на голове; головной

    20. v возглавлять, стоять во главе; идти, стоять впереди

    sunk head — заголовок главы, помещенный ниже первой строки

    drop head — заголовок главы, помещённый ниже первой строки

    21. v превосходить; быть первым

    22. v озаглавливать; начинать

    23. v начинать, быть началом, открывать

    24. v направлять

    25. v направляться; держать курс

    26. v мешать, препятствовать

    27. v уступать дорогу

    28. v подниматься к истокам; обходить

    29. v двигаться навстречу

    30. v навлекать на себя, напрашиваться

    31. v брать начало, вытекать

    head record — паспортная запись в начале массива; запись-заголовок

    32. v насаживать, приделывать головку

    33. v завиваться, образовывать кочаны

    34. v колоситься

    35. v нарвать, созреть

    36. v достигать наивысшей, критической точки

    37. v срезать верхушку

    38. v снимать, обрезать

    39. v обезглавливать

    40. v отбивать мяч головой; играть головой

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. chief (adj.) chief; dominant; preeminent; superior

    2. leading (adj.) arch; cardinal; champion; first; foremost; front; leading; main; premier; principal; topmost

    3. aptitude (noun) aptitude; brain; gray matter; intelligence; mind; wit

    7. director (noun) director; foreman; manager; overseer; superintendent; supervisor

    8. foam (noun) fizz; foam; froth; lather; spume; suds

    9. gift (noun) aptness; bent; bump; faculty; flair; genius; gift; inclination; instinct; knack; nose; set; talent; turn

    11. headpiece (noun) headpiece; noddle; noggin; noodle; pate; poll; sconce

    12. leader (noun) administrator; boss; chief; chieftain; cock; commander; commander in chief; dominator; headman; hierarch; honcho; leader; master; principal

    14. promontory (noun) beak; bill; cape; foreland; headland; naze; ness; point; promontory

    15. subject (noun) argument; matter; motif; motive; subject; subject matter; text; theme; topic

    16. toilet (noun) convenience; john; johnny; latrine; lavatory; privy; toilet; water closet

    17. top (noun) acme; crest; crown; peak; summit; tip; top

    18. bear (verb) bear; go; light out; make; set out; strike out; take off

    19. behead (verb) behead; decapitate; decollate; guillotine; neck

    20. direct (verb) address; administer; administrate; aim; cast; command; direct; govern; incline; lay; lead; level; manage; oversee; point; precede; present; run; set; superintend; supervise; train; turn; zero in

    22. spring (verb) arise; birth; come from; derive from; emanate; flow; issue; originate; proceed; rise; spring; stem; upspring

    Антонимический ряд:

    attendant; base; basis; body; bottom; bulk; clerk; continuation; dependent; disciple; follow; follower; foot; footman; foundation; subordinate

    English-Russian base dictionary > head

  • 4

    1. n понимание

    2. n концепция; понятие, представление, идея

    3. n замысел

    conception of invention — идея изобретения, изобретательский замысел; концептирование изобретения

    4. n физиол. зачатие, оплодотворение

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. beginning (noun) beginning; birth; commencement; creation; formation; generation; genesis; initiation

    2. conceiving mentally (noun) conceiving mentally; devising; drafting; generating; initiating; innovating; inventing; originating

    3. conceiving physically (noun) conceiving physically; fecundation; fertilization; impregnation; inception; insemination; pregnancy

    4. idea (noun) apprehension; conceit; concept; idea; image; intellection; notion; perception; understanding

    5. imagining (noun) bethinking; cogitating; communing; deliberating; dreaming; imagining; meditation; musing; speculating

    6. thought (noun) explanation; exposition; impression; interpretation; philosophy; representation; thought; version

    English-Russian base dictionary > conception

  • 5

    1. n рождение; зарождение, начало, источник

    2. n роды

    3. n происхождение

    4. n знатное происхождение

    5. n натура; призвание

    6. v редк. родить

    to give birth to triplets, to have triplets — родить тройню

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. beginning (noun) alpha; beginning; dawn; dawning; day spring; genesis; inception; nascence; onset; opening; opening gun; outset; outstart; setout; spring; start

    2. line (noun) ancestry; blood; bloodline; descent; extraction; family; genealogy; line; lineage; parentage; pedigree; race; seed; status

    3. origin (noun) commencement; derivation; nativity; origin; rise; source

    4. parturition (noun) bearing; bearing young; birthing; bringing forth; childbearing; childbirth; delivery; labour; parturition; travail

    5. spring (verb) arise; come from; derive from; emanate; flow; head; issue; originate; proceed; rise; spring; stem; upspring

    Антонимический ряд:

    death; end; extinction

    English-Russian base dictionary > birth

  • 6

    1. n поэт. рассвет, заря; восток

    2. n поэт. начало, зачатки, начатки, ростки, первые признаки, проблески

    3. a начинающийся

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. initial (adj.) basic; beginning; elementary; first; initial; introductory; primary; rudimentary

    2. beginning (noun) alpha; beginning; birth; commencement; day spring; genesis; inception; nascence; onset; opening; opening gun; origin; outset; outstart; setout; spring; start

    3. dawn (noun) aurora; cockcrow; cockcrowing; dawn; daybreak; daylight; light; morn; morning; sunrise; sunup

    4. appearing (verb) appearing; arising; commencing; dawning; emerging; originating

    English-Russian base dictionary > dawning

  • 7

    1. n взрыв, вспышка

    2. n начало

    3. n вспышка

    4. n массовое появление

    5. n мятеж, бунт; волнения

    6. n геол. выброс, выход

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. beginning (noun) beginning; commencement; dawn; inception; onset; outset

    2. epidemic (noun) break out; disease; epidemic; pestilence; plague; rash; sickness

    3. outburst (noun) blow-up; breaking out; burst; disruption; ebullition; eruption; fit; flare; flare-up; gush; gushing forth; gust; outburst

    4. sudden violence (noun) brawl; commotion; disorder; explosion; fury; mutiny; revolution; sudden violence; tumult

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > outbreak

  • 8

    1. n начало

    2. n отправление

    3. n тех. начало движения; пуск, запуск

    4. n ав. взлёт

    5. n воен. начало атаки

    6. n косм. запуск двигателя

    7. n спорт. старт

    8. n преимущество

    9. n спорт. гандикап

    10. n вздрагивание; рывок

    11. n редк. порыв, приступ

    12. n разг. неожиданность

    13. v отправляться, пускаться в путь, трогаться

    14. v отправлять

    15. v направляться

    16. v начинать; приступать

    17. v начинаться

    18. v порождать, начинать

    19. v зажечь

    20. v вздрагивать, пугаться

    21. v арх. заставить вздрогнуть, испугать

    22. v вскакивать; выскакивать

    23. v сдвигать; расшатывать

    the damage was trifling, not a rivet was started — повреждение было незначительным, ни одну заклёпку не вырвало

    24. v сдвигаться; расшатываться

    25. v вылезать, выступать

    26. v полигр. выступать

    27. v политься, хлынуть

    28. v выливать; переливать

    29. v выращивать, разводить

    30. v спорт. стартовать

    31. v спорт. давать старт

    32. v спорт. быть участником отборочных соревнований

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. advantage (noun) advantage; allowance; bulge; draw; edge; handicap; head start; odds; vantage

    2. beginning (noun) alpha; beginning; birth; commencement; dawn; dawning; day spring; debut; genesis; inauguration; inception; initiation; launching; leadoff; nascence; onset; opening; opening gun; origin; outset; outstart; setout; spring

    4. scare (noun) fit; jerk; scare; shock; spasm; turn; twitch

    6. begin (verb) approach; arise; begin; commence; depart; embark; embark on; embark upon; enter; get off; inaugurate; initiate; issue; jump off; kick off; lead off; open; set forth; set out; set to; take on; take up; tee off; undertake

    7. found (verb) constitute; create; establish; found; inaugurate; initiate; institute; organise; organize; originate; set up

    8. recoil (verb) blanch; blench; flinch; quail; recoil; shrink; shy; squinch; wince

    9. startle (verb) bolt; jerk; jump; spring; startle; twitch

    Антонимический ряд:

    end; finish; stop

    English-Russian base dictionary > start

  • 9

    1. n крещение; крестины

    2. n введение, внедрение

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. benison (noun) benediction; benison; blessing; consecration; divine approval; divine sanction; Eucharist; sanctification; unction; windfall

    English-Russian base dictionary > baptism

  • 10

    1. n рассвет, утренняя заря

    2. n начало, начатки, зачатки; истоки

    3. v светать; брезжить, заниматься

    it dawns, morning dawns — заря занимается, рассветает

    4. v освещаться

    5. v начинаться, пробуждаться; появляться

    6. v осенять; приходить в голову; приходить на ум; доходить до сознания

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. aurora (noun) aurora; cockcrow; cockcrowing; dawning; daybreak; daylight; light; morn; morning; sunrise; sunup

    3. beginning (noun) alpha; beginning; birth; commencement; day spring; fountainhead; genesis; nascence; onset; opening; opening gun; origin; outset; outstart; setout; source; spring; start

    4. appear (verb) appear; arise; commence; emerge; originate; unfold

    Антонимический ряд:

    conclude; conclusion; disappear; dusk; elude; sunset

    English-Russian base dictionary > dawn

  • 11

    1. n младенчество, раннее детство

    2. n ранняя стадия развития, период становления; начало

    3. n юр. несовершеннолетие

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. beginning (noun) beginning; birth; conception; dawn; genesis; outset

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > infancy

  • 12

    1. n представление, знакомство

    2. n предисловие, введение; вступление, вступительное слово

    3. n введение; вводный курс

    4. n введение, внесение

    5. n введение, включение

    6. n введение, внедрение; установление, учреждение

    7. n новшество, нововведение

    8. n интродукция, введение в состав фауны или флоры

    9. n воен. ввод в боевой состав

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. beginning (noun) beginning; exordium; foreword; opening; overture; preamble; preclusion; preface; prelude; prelusion; proem; prolegomenon; prologue; voluntary

    Антонимический ряд:

    egress; end; epilogue; parting

    English-Russian base dictionary > introduction

  • 13

    1. n элементарные знания

    2. n начатки, зачатки

    3. n рудиментарный орган

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. base (noun) base; basis; cornerstone; root

    3. essential (noun) basic; element; essential; fundamental; necessary; necessity; part and parcel

    English-Russian base dictionary > rudiment

  • 14

    1. n первое

    2. n начало

    3. n степень бакалавра с отличием первого класса

    4. n муз. самый высокий голос или самая высокая партия

    5. n товар первого сорта, высшего качества

    6. n горн. лучшая кусковая руда; концентрат

    7. n место в первом классе

    first offender — преступник, совершивший первое преступление

    8. a первый по времени, самый ранний

    9. a первый, начальный

    10. a первый, пробный

    11. a первый, основной

    12. a первый попавшийся; первый представившийся; любой

    13. a первый, предварительный

    14. a первый, передний

    15. a первый, выдающийся, самый знаменитый

    16. a первосортный, самый лучший

    first string — лучшие игроки команды, первый состав

    17. a первый, ведущий

    18. adv сперва, сначала

    19. adv впервые

    20. adv скорее, предпочтительно

    first aid — первая помощь; скорая помощь

    21. adv первым; в первую очередь

    ladies first! — проходите, пожалуйста!; сначала дамы!

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. basic (adj.) basic; fundamental; primary

    2. early (adj.) beginning; early; initial

    3. initially (adj.) initially; originally; primarily

    4. least (adj.) least; slightest; smallest

    5. original (adj.) anterior; beginning; earliest; incipient; initial; maiden; original; pioneer; prime; primeval

    6. paramount (adj.) paramount; preeminent; superior; supreme

    7. top (adj.) arch; capital; cardinal; champion; chief; dominant; foremost; greatest; head; headmost; inaugural; key; leading; main; major; outstanding; pre-eminent; premier; principal; top

    Антонимический ряд:

    finish; last; latest; lowest; secondary; subordinate; subsequent; supplementary; ultimately; unimportant

    English-Russian base dictionary > first

  • 15

    1. n начало

    2. n актовый день

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. beginning (noun) advent; alpha; beginning; birth; conception; dawn; dawning; day spring; genesis; inauguration; inception; initiation; launching; leadoff; nascence; onset; opening; opening gun; origin; outset; outstart; setout; spring; start

    2. graduation ceremony (noun) admission; celebration; ceremony; convocation; graduation; graduation ceremony; graduation exercises; services

    English-Russian base dictionary > commencement

  • 16

    1. n натиск, атака, нападение

    2. n начало

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. attack (noun) aggression; assailment; assault; attack; charge; encounter; offence; offense; offensive; onfall; onrush; onslaught; rush; strike

    2. beginning (noun) alpha; appearance; beginning; birth; commencement; dawn; dawning; day spring; genesis; inception; incipience; nascence; opening; opening gun; origin; outbreak; outset; outstart; setout; spring; start

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > onset

  • 17

    1. n начало; первоначало; источник

    2. n первый член ряда

    3. n физ. альфа-частица

    4. n унив. альфа, оценка отлично

    Синонимический ряд:

    beginning (noun) beginning; birth; commencement; dawn; dawning; day spring; genesis; inception; incipience; initiation; onset; opening; opening gun; origin; outset; outstart; rise; setout; start

    English-Russian base dictionary > alpha

  • 18

    1. n pl гидр. главный водосбор

    2. n pl гидр. головное водохранилище

    3. n pl гидр. поверхностная вода

    4. n pl гидр. истоки; воды с верховьев

    Синонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > headwaters

  • 19

    n книжн. начало, появление, возникновение, начальная стадия

    Синонимический ряд:

    beginning (noun) appearance; beginning; commencement; onset; opening; origin; outbreak; outset; start

    English-Russian base dictionary > incipience

  • 20
    opening gun

    разг. затравка

    Синонимический ряд:

    beginning (noun) alpha; beginning; birth; commencement; dawn; dawning; day spring; genesis; onset; opening; outset; outstart; setout; start

    English-Russian base dictionary > opening gun

  • For those interested in a little info about this site: it’s a side project that I developed while working on Describing Words and Related Words. Both of those projects are based around words, but have much grander goals. I had an idea for a website that simply explains the word types of the words that you search for — just like a dictionary, but focussed on the part of speech of the words. And since I already had a lot of the infrastructure in place from the other two sites, I figured it wouldn’t be too much more work to get this up and running.

    The dictionary is based on the amazing Wiktionary project by wikimedia. I initially started with WordNet, but then realised that it was missing many types of words/lemma (determiners, pronouns, abbreviations, and many more). This caused me to investigate the 1913 edition of Websters Dictionary — which is now in the public domain. However, after a day’s work wrangling it into a database I realised that there were far too many errors (especially with the part-of-speech tagging) for it to be viable for Word Type.

    Finally, I went back to Wiktionary — which I already knew about, but had been avoiding because it’s not properly structured for parsing. That’s when I stumbled across the UBY project — an amazing project which needs more recognition. The researchers have parsed the whole of Wiktionary and other sources, and compiled everything into a single unified resource. I simply extracted the Wiktionary entries and threw them into this interface! So it took a little more work than expected, but I’m happy I kept at it after the first couple of blunders.

    Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: the UBY project (mentioned above), @mongodb and express.js.

    Currently, this is based on a version of wiktionary which is a few years old. I plan to update it to a newer version soon and that update should bring in a bunch of new word senses for many words (or more accurately, lemma).

    начало, возникновение, истоки, начинающий


    - начало

    beginning of the press — спорт. начало жима
    beginning of a stroke — спорт. занос, начало гребка
    to read a book from beginning to end — прочитать книгу от начала до конца
    it is important to make a good beginning — важно хорошо начать

    - исходная точка; источник, происхождение
    - pl. истоки; начальная стадия

    the beginnings of scientific agriculture — первые шаги сельскохозяйственной науки
    the beginnings of English poetry — истоки английской поэзии

    - (the beginning) рел. первопричина; начало всех начал

    a good beginning is half the battle — посл. хорошее начало полдела откачало
    a bad beginning makes a bad ending — посл. плохое начало — плохой и конец


    - начальный, вводный

    Мои примеры


    the beginning of a new epoch — начало новой эры  
    the beginning of a new millennium — начало нового тысячелетия  
    beginning / elementary instruction — начальное обучение  
    near the beginning of the year — в начале года  
    a small beginning — скромное (не многообещающее) начало  
    successful beginning — удачное начало  
    beginning author — начинающий писатель  
    since the beginning of time — с незапамятных времен  
    to make a beginning — начать  
    to mark a beginning — зарегистрировать начало  
    at / in the beginning — вначале, сначала  
    beginning file label — метка начала файла  

    Примеры с переводом

    The milk was beginning to spoil.

    Молоко начинало портиться.

    I’ll start at the very beginning.

    Я начну с самого начала.

    Go back to the beginning of the song.

    Вернитесь к началу песни.

    Night was beginning to fall.

    Начала опускаться ночь.

    The rye was beginning to ear.

    Рожь начинала колоситься.

    This was not a promising beginning.

    Это было отнюдь не многообещающее начало.

    I opposed it from the very beginning.

    Я был против этого с самого начала.

    ещё 23 примера свернуть

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    The bodywork’s beginning to rust.

    She swallowed nervously before beginning.

    I was beginning to think I was cracking up!

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    Возможные однокоренные слова

    begin  — начинать, начинаться, завязать, наставать
    beginnings  — истоки, начальная стадия

    Формы слова

    ед. ч.(singular): beginning
    мн. ч.(plural): beginnings

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  • Is the word before an adverb
  • Is the word before a preposition
  • Is the word been past tense
  • Is the word been a linking verb

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