Is the word become a verb

Table of Contents

  1. Is become a verb or noun?
  2. Is the word becoming a noun?
  3. Is the word became a verb?
  4. What is had been in grammar?
  5. Had done or had been done?
  6. Was done or had been done?
  7. Had been done sentence?
  8. What is the difference between did and had?
  9. Have been doing or had been doing?
  10. Is been meaning?
  11. Is being created meaning?
  12. Where do we use being?
  13. Is being grammatically correct?
  14. What part of speech is being?
  15. What is the verb for being?
  16. What is the root word of being?
  17. What is the root word for friends?
  18. What is a better word for being?
  19. What is the root word of entertainment?

become ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌‌ Become can be used in the following ways: as a linking verb (followed by an adjective or noun complement): The problem became worse. He became president in 2001. as a transitive verb: Blue is a colour that becomes you. to start to be something linking verb.

Is the word becoming a noun?

noun. any process of change.

Is the word became a verb?

The word ‘became’ (which is a past tense form of the verb ‘become’) functions as both an action verb and a linking verb, depending on how it’s used….

What is had been in grammar?

“Had been” is the past perfect tense and is used in all cases, singular and plural. The past perfect tense refers to something that began in the past and was still true at another time that also was in the past.

Had done or had been done?

Have done — Have done is a present perfect tense, generally it is used when the action is completed recently/just now. Had done– Had done is a past perfect tense, generally refers to something which happened earlier in the past, before another action also occured in the past.

Was done or had been done?

“Has been done” is a present perfect passive tense, which should be used for an action that happened at an unspecified time in the past. You should not use this tense when the time is specified. Use the simple past passive “was done” instead.

Had been done sentence?

This is not a sentence, but just a verb form. ‘had been + past participle’ is the past perfect tense in the passive voice. It’s completely correct. had been done, had been seen, had been shown, had been found, had been known, had been sung, had been taken …

What is the difference between did and had?

“Did” is the past simple tense of the verb “do” while “had” is the past participle tense of the verb “have.” 2. “Did” is used to refer to something that has already been performed while “had” is used to refer to something that one possessed.

Have been doing or had been doing?

“Had been doing” is used in past perfect continuous tense. It tells that work/action was started in past and still continued in present. While, “Was doing” is used in past continuous tense which shows that work/action was happening in the past .

Is been meaning?

‘Is been’ is grammatically wrong,when you use the word ‘been’ you’re reffering the past or ongoing action that started in the past,while ‘is’ is indicating present action. So,’has been’ is the correct one.

Is being created meaning?

To exist; to have real existence. synonyms. get.

Where do we use being?

Uses of being

  • Being can be followed by a past participle.
  • Being late, he couldn’t watch the show.
  • Being a friend of the Minister, I am often invited to official parties.
  • Being quite slim, I managed to squeeze through the small opening in the wall.

Is being grammatically correct?

Both are correct. The first sentence is ‘present tense’, in that the word choice of ‘being’ means it is currently happening at this time. The second sentence is without a tense, and so it is more of a statement by itself. Both sentences sound like they are answers to a question, though.

What part of speech is being?

Being is a word that can be hard to master for English as a Second Language speakers. It can be used as a gerund, or in present or past continuous tenses. Being can also be used as a gerund, a word that acts like a noun and looks like a verb.

What is the verb for being?

In traditional grammar and pedagogical grammar, a verb that does not show action instead indicates a state of being. Although in English most being verbs are forms of to be (am, are, is, was, were, will be, being, been), other verbs (such as become, seem, appear) can also function as verbs of being.

What is the root word of being?

being (n.) 1300, “existence,” in its most comprehensive sense, “condition, state, circumstances; presence, fact of existing,” early 14c., existence,” from be + -ing.

What is the root word for friends?

friendless·ness n. Word History: The relationship between Latin amīcus, “friend,” and amō, “I love,” is clear, as is the relationship between Greek philos, “friend,” and phileō, “I love.” In English, though, we have to go back a millennium before we see the verb that we can easily connect to friend.

What is a better word for being?

What is another word for being?

life actuality
animation living
reality existence
existing livelihood
sustainment sustenance

What is the root word of entertainment?

Entertainment is from the Old French word entretenir meaning hold together or support. It was associated with hospitality––when you entertained a guest, you were keeping them happy.

What is the verb of become?

Conjugation of verb ‘Become’

Base Form (Infinitive): To Become
Past Simple: Became
Past Participle: Become
3rd Person Singular: Becomes
Present Participle/Gerund: Becoming

What kind of verb is became?

The word ‘became’ (which is a past tense form of the verb ‘become’) functions as both an action verb and a linking verb, depending on how it’s used….

What type of word is become?

become ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌‌ as a linking verb (followed by an adjective or noun complement): The problem became worse. He became president in 2001. as a transitive verb: Blue is a colour that becomes you. The sky became dark.

Is become transitive or intransitive verb?

Linking verbs—those that join a sentence subject to its complement—are likewise intransitive. Common linking verbs are become, seem, appear, feel, look, taste, smell, sound, and be.

What is the verb 3 of become?

Irregular Verbs List

V1 Base Form V2 Past Simple V3 Past Participle
become became become
begin began begun
bend bent bent
bet bet bet

Is became a real word?

Became is the past tense of become.

Is become present tense?

Word forms: becomes, becoming, becamelanguage note: The form become is used in the present tense and is the past participle.

What is intransitive verb and examples?

intransitive verb. A verb that does not need a direct object to complete its meaning. Run, sleep, travel, wonder, and die are all intransitive verbs.

What is 1st form 2nd form and 3rd form?

1st form = base form, 2nd form = past form, 3rd form = Past Participle Form, s /es/ ies form, Ing form.

How is the word become used in a sentence?

Become can be used in the following ways: as a linking verb (followed by an adjective or noun complement): The problem became worse.He became president in 2001. as a transitive verb: Blue is a colour that becomes you.

What is the meaning of the word’became’?

become (intransitive, obsolete) To arrive, come (to a place). [9th-18th c.] (copular verb) To come about; happen; come into being; arise. [from 12th c.] (copular verb) begin to be; turn into. [from 12th c.]

Which is an example of become verb conjugation?

become verb conjugation to all tenses, modes and persons. Search the definition and the translation in context for “ become ”, with examples of use extracted from real-life communication.

How to make a verb into a noun?

1 linking verb to start to be something + adj. It was becoming more and more difficult to live on his salary. It soon became apparent that no one was going to come. She was becoming confused. + noun She became queen in 1952. The bill will become law next year.

What is the past perfect tense of become?

Here’s the word you’re looking for. Answer. The past tense of become is became or becomed (archaic, nonstandard, poetic). The third-person singular simple present indicative form of become is becomes. The present participle of become is becoming. The past participle of become is become or becomen (rare or dialect).

What are all the regular verbs?

Regular verbs are those whose past tense and past participles are formed by adding a -d or an -ed to the end of the verb. Regular verbs list: arrange – arranged – arranged. arrive – arrived – arrived. ask – asked – asked. attack – attacked – attacked. bake – baked – baked. behave – behaved – behaved.

What tense is has become?

The past tense of become is became or becomed (archaic, nonstandard, poetic) . The third-person singular simple present indicative form of become is becomes . The present participle of become is becoming .

What does become of mean?

used to ask what will happen or what has happened to somebody/something: What became of that student who used to live with you? ♢ I hate to think what will become of them if they lose their home. See also: became , become , of , somebody , what , will

Is become transitive or intransitive?

Is became a verb or noun?

verb. the simple past tense of become.

Is become a real word?

verb (used without object), be·came [bih-keym], be·come, be·com·ing [bih-kuhm-ing]. to come, change, or grow to be (as specified): He became tired. to come into being.

How do you identify a transitive verb?

Recognize a transitive verb when you find one. A transitive verb has two characteristics. First, it is an action verb, expressing a doable activity like kick, want, paint, write, eat, clean, etc. Second, it must have a direct object, something or someone who receives the action of the verb.

How do you identify a transitive and intransitive verb?

key idea

  1. When an action verb is transitive, it is followed by a direct object. A direct object is the pronoun, noun, or noun phrase that receives the action of a verb.
  2. When an action verb is intransitive, it does not have a direct object. Joan walked around the block.
  3. Linking verbs are always intransitive.

Did V1 or V2?

Do Past Simple, Simple Past Tense of Do Past Participle, V1 V2 V3 Form Of Do

V1 V2 V3
Do Did Done

What became means?

used to ask what will happen or what has happened to somebody/something: What became of that student who used to live with you? ♢ I hate to think what will become of them if they lose their home. See also: became, become, of, somebody, what, will.

Is become a adverb?

Appear, be, become, feel, get, go, grow, look, prove, remain, seem, smell, sound, stay, taste, turn. These verbs are often followed by adjectives instead of adverbs. In these sentences the adjective describes the subject of the sentence and not the verb which is why an adverb is not possible.

Has become or is becoming?

That is the auxiliary/helping verb, “has” in this respect linking to the word “became” is wrong and it should rather be in its past perfect/past participle aspect as “become,” and not “became.” However, it should be “has become.” This is the correct expression.

The present and past tense make up a large portion of our understanding of the English language. Sometimes, the rules associated with them can be confusing. In this article, we’ll help you understand the differences between “become” and “became” and the tenses they use.

What Is The Difference Between “Become” And “Became”?

“Become” should be used when writing in the present tense. “Became” should be used when writing in the past tense. Both words are part of the same verb form, “to become,” which means “to turn into something” or “to begin to be.”

What Is The Difference Between "Become" And "Became"?

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, the definition of “become” is “to start to be.”

That means when we say that something is “becoming” something, that thing is turning into the other thing and is at the start of that transitional phase. It’s a fairly common verb to come across.

Verb Become
Past Became
Past Participle Become

What Does “Become” And “Became” Mean?

Both of the words have the same meaning, which makes explaining them a lot easier. Since they both come from the same verb form, we only have to worry about the general definition rather than treating them as individuals.

“Become” and “became” are verbs that mean something has started to be something else. We usually include an adjective or noun after “become” to talk about what that thing is turning into.

“Become” is the present tense. That means we’re talking about something transitioning in the present, so the final product has not been completed.

  • I’m going to become homeless soon.
  • They’re becoming more compatible.

“Became” is the past tense. That means we’re talking about something transitioning in the past. The idea to start becoming something else and the final product of that transition has already been made apparent.

  • He became depressed.
  • It became visible over the years.

Examples Of How To Use “Become” In A Sentence

Let’s go over some examples to explain the two words better. We’ll start with the present tense form “become.”

“Become” means we’re talking about something that’s starting to be something else in the present. That means we’re not sure about the final outcome (or “becoming”) of the object because it’s happening as we speak.

  1. I’d like to become a police officer!
  2. How can I become a volunteer?
  3. We make sure to help out so that we can become employees.
  4. If you keep working, everything will become clear.
  5. He’s going to become homeless if he’s not careful.

From these examples, it’s clear that “become” talks about the state of turning into something else. We can use a noun (like “police officer” or “volunteer”) or an adjective (like “homeless”).

Whatever the case, we’re talking about something that somebody (or something) is turning into. Sometimes, it’s used to express a wish of turning into something without knowing straight away how to go about turning into it.

Examples Of How To Use “Became” In A Sentence

Now let’s see how “became” is used. It’s the past tense form, so you’ll have better luck with this when you’re writing about things that have already happened.

“Became” means we’re talking about something that started to become something in the past and has already finished doing that transition. There is nothing more that needs to be addressed in the present.

  1. He became a wise man as he grew older.
  2. She became beautiful, but I didn’t realize how beautiful!
  3. We became teachers together.
  4. It became obvious to me that people were trying to trick me, so I left.
  5. The world became more visible when they gave me the correct prescription glasses.

This time, “became” is used to talk about things that have happened in the past. We’re referring to previous events that have led someone (or something) to change into something new.

The idea behind using the past simple form is that “became” indicates that the transition is complete. There is nothing that can be done in the present to change the overall outcome that has already occurred.

When Should I Use “Become” Or “Becomes”?

With verbs, you’ll notice that there are very distinct differences in spelling based on the form. “Become” and “becomes” are both the same verb, but we use them in different situations.

“Become” should be used when using the pronouns “I,” “you,” “they,” and “we.” It’s also used when working with plurals. “Becomes” should be used when using the third-person singular pronouns “he,” “she,” and “it.”

Other than that, there are no major differences to highlight. In fact, the two words are yet again identical. Even their tenses are the same. They’re both the present tense.

  • I become envious.
  • You become annoyed.
  • He becomes childish at the sight of her.
  • She becomes angry all the time.

As you can see, we change the spelling from “become” to “becomes” based on the pronouns we use. Other than that, there are no other incidences where the two verb forms are used.

When Should I Use “Has Become” Or “Have Become”?

We can expand our understanding of the tenses even further. We’ve currently been talking about the past simple and present simple tenses. There’s also the present perfect tense to talk about.

“Has become” and “have become” should be used when writing in the present perfect tense. This tense is used to talk about something that started in the past but still can be impacted in the present.

Including the auxiliary verb (helping verb) “to have” before “become” is necessary here. That’s what we use to turn a verb into the present perfect tense. You’ll often find this tense form to be more suitable than the past simple tense.

  • He had become inclined to help her over the last few weeks.
  • I have become uninterested in these menial things.

We use “had” when working with the pronouns “he,” “she,” or “it.” It works similarly to using “becomes” from the previous section. We use “have” when using any other pronoun. “Become” stays the same no matter what pronoun is used.

Is It “Have Become” Or “Have Became”?

Whenever we’re writing in the present perfect tense, we must get our verb form correct.

“Have become” is the correct spelling. We use “to have” as the auxiliary verb in the phrase. We then need a present tense word to finish it, meaning “to become” is the verb we use.

“Have become” implies that something has happened in the past but can still be impacted in the future.

However, “have became” would mean that something happened and ended in the past, yet still somehow is changeable in the future. As you can see, this makes no sense, which is why we don’t use it.

What Is The Difference Between “Have Become” And “Became”?

“Have become” is the present perfect tense referring to a situation where something has changed in the past but is still changeable in the present. “Became” is the past simple tense referring to something changing and completing the change in the past.

The main difference is that “have become” can still be interacted with or changed, while “became” is not possible to change as it’s already happened.

When Should I Use “Had Become” Or “Became”?

“Had become” is another tense variation known as the past perfect tense. It’s less common to use than “became,” but it still works.

“Became” is the past simple tense, which means that something has happened in the past.

  • I became aware of the situation.

“Had become” is the past perfect tense. It means something happened and ended in the past, though it is usually used to show the events’ sequence.

  • I had become inclined to help out, but I changed my mind before I could.

Why Is “Has Became” Grammatically Wrong?

“Has became” is grammatically incorrect because it uses “became” as the past tense verb. When using the auxiliary “has” in the present perfect tense, we must follow it with the present tense of “become.”

Is It Ever Correct To Use “Was To Become”?

“Was to become” is a phrase we use when talking about an event in the past but referring to something in that event’s future. It will usually still refer to our past, but it refers to the future of the object we’re talking about.

  • Elizabeth Windsor, born 21 April 1926, was to become the Queen of England in 1953.

Even though both of these events refer to things that happened in the past, “was to become” is used to talk about Elizabeth’s future after her birth. It’s mostly used as a phrase in historical texts.

Quiz: Have You Mastered The “Become” Or “Became” Grammar?

Finally, let’s test your knowledge and see what you’ve picked up from this article. We’ll include all of the tenses we’ve previously mentioned to really give you a good go at it! We’ll also include answers at the end for reference.

  1. He had (A. become / B. became) obliged to accept his inheritance before he could stop it.
  2. She (A. become / B. became) beautiful over the weekend.
  3. He (A. becomes / B. becames) a man tomorrow.
  4. I have (A. become / B. became) tired of listening to you ramble.
  5. They (A. become / B. became) best friends through the years.

Quiz Answers

  1. A
  2. B
  3. A
  4. A
  5. B

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martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

  • 1


    (past became;

    past participle


    1) употр. как глагол-связка делаться, становиться; he became a doctor он стал врачом; it became cold стало холодно

    2) случаться (of); what has become of him? что с ним сталось?; куда он девался?

    3) годиться, приличествовать

    4) быть к лицу; this dress becomes you well это платье вам очень идет

    * * *

    (v) годиться; становиться; стать

    * * *

    становиться, делаться

    * * *

    [be·come || bɪ’kʌm]
    делаться, становиться, случаться, стать; статься, приличествовать; быть к лицу, годиться

    * * *









    * * *

    прош. вр. — became; прич. прош. вр. — become
    1) а) стать
    б) устар. происходить (с кем-л./чем-л. — of)
    2) годиться
    3) а) быть к лицу, идти (о предмете, одежде)
    б) хорошо выглядеть (о человеке)

    Новый англо-русский словарь > become

  • 2

    1. v делаться, становиться; превращаться

    2. v случаться

    3. v годиться; приличествовать, соответствовать, подходить

    4. v быть к лицу, идти

    5. v гармонировать; дополнять

    6. v мат. принимать вид

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. come (verb) change; come; come over; develop; get; go; gone; got or gotten; gotten; grow; grown; mature; progress; run; turn; turned; wax; waxed

    2. fitted (verb) conform to; correspond to; fitted; match

    4. go with (verb) agree; agree with; augment; befit; behove; compliment; enhance; enrich; fit; flatter; go together; go with; harmonize; heighten; suit

    5. suited (verb) agreed with; befitted; gone together; gone with; suited

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > become

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    Разные лексические группы глаголов употребляются в разных типах конструкций: 1. Глаголы взаимного действия употребляются с подлежащим в форме множественного числа и, в отличие от их русских соответствий, не используют взаимных местоимений (one another, each other). К ним относятся: to agree, to argue, to coincide, to combine, to communicate, to compete, to correspond, to disagree, to embrace, to fight, to mix, to kiss, to marry, to meet, to quarrel, to strugglt: They agreed. Они согласились друг с другом. 2. Глаголы возвратного действия указывают на то, что действие обращено на подлежащее. Их русские соответствия имеют форму на -ся, однако в английском языке возвратные местоимения не употребляются. К глаголам возвратного значения относятся: to dress — одеваться; to shave — бриться; to wash — умываться; to upset — опрокидываться. 3. Ряд английских глаголов имеет как возвратное, так и невозвратное значение. Возвратное значение таких глаголов представляет действие, которое произведено неким лицом, и одновременно на него же направлено; в английском языке оно предсталяется конструкцией с возвратным местоимением oneself: to forget smb забыть кого-либо; to forget oneself забываться. К глаголам возвратного и невозвратного значения относятся: to amuse, to blame, to cut, to dry, to enjoy, to express, to help, to hurt, to introduce, to kill, to prepare, to restrict, to teach, to forget, to repeat, to justify, to defend: Don’t try to justify yourself. Не пытайтесь оправдываться. /Не пытайтесь оправдать себя. Русские соответствия глаголов возвратного и невозвратного значения имеют форму на -ся. 4. Возвратное значение ряда глаголов представляет действие, которое произведено одним лицом, а направлено на другое; в английском языке оно представляется конструкцией get/be/feel + Participle, или формой Passive. К таким глаголам относятся: to confuse, to embarrass, to hurt, to frighten, to surprise: He felt hurt. Он чувствовал себя обиженным. /Он обиделся. Русские соответствия этих глаголов имеют форму на -ся. 5. Глаголы суждения, мнения, вводящие отрицательную мысль, передают отрицание в главном предложении, в отличие от их русских соответствий. К таким глаголам относятся: to believe, to think, to suppose: I don’t believe he will come. Я думаю, он не придет. В кратких репликах такие глаголы употребляются с наречием so и отрицанием not: Do you believe he will come? I don’t think so. Как вы думаете, он придет? — Думаю, что да. 6. Некоторые глаголы употребляются обязательно с обстоятельствами, к таким глаголам относятся: to die, to sleep, to go: He died at home. Он умер дома. I like to sleep in the open. Я люблю спать на открытом воздухе. 7. Некоторые глаголы не употребляются без прямого дополнения. Если по смыслу прямое дополнение отсутствует, то используется местоимение it. К таким глаголам относятся: to like, to repeat, to open, to dislike: I keep repeating it all the time. Я без конца об этом говорю. 8. Ряд глаголов требует конструкции smb to do smth К таким глаголам относятся: to advise, to allow, to ask, to cause, to order, to tell: He told me to take the message. Он мне велел принять сообщение. /Он сказал, чтобы я ответил на звонок. 9. Группа глаголов требует обязательного косвенного дополнения с предлогом to независимо от его места в предложении. К таким глаголам относятся: to describe, to explain, to prove: I would like to describe the scene to you. Я хочу вам описать эту сцену. 10. Некоторые глаголы требуют двух дополнений — smb, smth К таким глаголам относятся: to allow, to ask, to award, to give, to deny, to envy, to forgive, to tell: It was decided to award the brave soldier a medal. Храброго солдата было решено наградить медалью. 11. Некоторые глаголы требуют обязательного косвенного дополнения с предлогом to или for. К таким глаголам относятся: to build, to book, to buy, to cook, to cut, to fetch, to find, to fix, to get, to guarantee, to keep, to make, to mix, to order, to pain, to pick, to pour, to prepare, to reserve, to save, to bring, to leave, to deny, to sing, to take, to write, to read: to write a letter to a friend написать письмо другу. 12. Глаголы становления: to become, to get, to grow, to turn, to go, обычно употребляются с последующим прилагательным или Participle II: to turn grey поседеть; to grow dark потемнеть; to get tired устать. 13. Глаголы тактильных ощущений: to smell, to feel, to taste, а также глагол to sound, обычно употребляются с последующим прилагательным: it smells/tastes bitter пахнет горько/горький на вкус; it sounds nice звучит хорошо. 14. Ряд глаголов использует не все словоизмененные формы. К таким глаголам относятся глаголы, не употребляющиеся в форме Continuous: to see, to hear; а также глаголы, не имеющие форм пассива: to get, to seem: He seems interested. Он кажется заинтересованным. 15. Некоторые глаголы сочетаются с последующим глаголом только в форме герундия: to mind, to finish: Do you mind my smoking here? Не возражаете, если я закурю

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > verb

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    Разные лексические группы глаголов употребляются в разных типах конструкций.
    (1). Глаголы взаимного действия употребляются с подлежащим в форме множественного числа и, в отличие от их русских соответствий, не используют взаимных местоимений (one another, each other). К ним относятся: to agree, to argue, to coincide, to combine, to communicate, to compete, to correspond, to disagree, to embrace, to fight, to mix, to kiss, to marry, to meet, to quarrel, to struggle:

    They agreed — Они согласились друг с другом.

    (2). Глаголы возвратного значения указывают на то, что действие обращено на подлежащее. Их русские соответствия имеют форму на -ся, однако в английском языке возвратные местоимения не употребляются. К ним относятся: to dress — одеваться, to shave — бриться, to wash — умываться, to upset — опрокидываться.
    (3). Ряд английских глаголов имеет как возвратное, так и невозвратное значение. Возвратное значение таких глаголов представляет действие, которое и произведено неким лицом, и одновременно на него же направлено; оно передается конструкцией с возвратным местоимением oneself: to forget smb и to forget oneself — забыть кого-либо и забываться. К таким глаголам относятся: to amuse, to blame, to cut, to dry, to enjoy, to express, to help, to hurt, to introduce, to kill, to prepare, to restrict, to teach, to forget, to repeat, to justify, to defend:

    Don’t try to justify yourself — Не пытайтесь оправдываться/оправдать себя.

    Русские соответствия этих глаголов имеют форму на -ся.
    (4). Возвратное значение ряда глаголов представляет действие, которое произведено одним лицом, а направлено на другое; оно передается конструкцией get, или be, или feel + Participle II, или формой Passive. К ним относятся: to confuse, to embarrass, to hurt, to frighten, to surprise:

    He felt hurt — Он чувствовал себя обиженным/он обиделся.

    Русские соответствия этих глаголов имеют форму на -ся.
    (5). Глаголы суждения, мнения, вводящие отрицательную мысль, передают отрицание в главном предложении, в отличие от их русских соответствий. К ним относятся: to believe, to think, to suppose.

    I don’t believe he will come — Я думаю, он не придет.

    В кратких репликах употребляются с наречием so и отрицанием not:

    Do you believe he will come? I don’t think so.

    (6). Некоторые глаголы употребляются обязательно с обстоятельствами. К ним относятся: to die, to sleep, to go:

    He died at home.

    I like to sleep in the open.

    (7). Некоторые глаголы не употребляются без прямого дополнения. Если по смыслу прямое дополнение отсутствует, то используется местоимение it. К ним относятся: to like, to repeat, to open, to dislike:

    I keep repeating it all the time — Я без конца об этом говорю.

    (8). Ряд глаголов требует конструкции smb to do smth. К ним относятся: to advise, to allow, to ask, to cause, to order, to tell: He told me to take the message.
    (9). Группа глаголов требует обязательного косвенного дополнения с предлогом to независимо от его места в предложении. К таким глаголам относятся: to describe, to explain, to prove:

    I would like to describe the scene to you.

    (10). Некоторые глаголы требуют двух дополнений — smb, smth. К ним относятся: to allow, to ask, to award, to give, to deny, to envy, to forgive, to tell:

    It was decided to award the brave soldier a medal.

    (11). Некоторые глаголы требуют обязательного косвенного дополнения с предлогом to или for. К ним относятся: to build, to book, to buy, to cook, to cut, to fetch, to find, to fix, to get, to guarantee, to keep, to make, to mix, to order, to paint, to pick, to pour, to prepare, to reserve, to save, to bring, to leave, to deny, to sing, to take, to write, to read:

    to write a letter to a friend.

    (12). Глаголы становления to become, to get, to grow, to turn, to go обычно употребляются с последующим прилагательным или Participle II: to turn grey, to grow dark, to get tired.
    (13). Глаголы тактильных ощущений to smell, to feel, to taste, а также глагол to sound обычно употребляются с последующим прилагательным: it smells/tastes bitter; it sounds nice.
    (14). Ряд глаголов использует не все словоизменительные формы. К ним относятся глаголы, не употребляющиеся в форме Continuous: to see, to hear; глаголы, не имеющие форм пассива: to get, to seem.
    (15). Некоторые глаголы сочетаются с последующим глаголом только в форме герундия: to mind, to finish.

    English-Russian word troubles > verb

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    become aware of

    Синонимический ряд:

    recognize (verb) discern; discriminate; distinguish; ear; heed; mark; mind; notice; recognize

    English-Russian base dictionary > become aware of

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    1. n разг. ход, ходьба; движение

    passing go — решающий ход в настольной игре «го»

    2. n разг. обстоятельство, положение; неожиданный поворот дел

    3. n разг. попытка

    4. n разг. приступ

    5. n разг. порция

    6. n разг. сделка, соглашение

    7. n разг. разг. энергия, воодушевление; рвение; увлечение

    8. n разг. разг. успех; удача; успешное предприятие

    9. n разг. редк. походка

    10. n разг. ход; бросок


    quite the go — последний крик моды; предмет всеобщего увлечения

    first go — первым делом, сразу же

    11. a амер. разг. быть в состоянии готовности; работать

    12. v идти, ходить

    13. v направляться, следовать; ехать, поехать

    14. v ездить, путешествовать, передвигаться

    15. v ходить, курсировать

    16. v уходить, уезжать

    17. v отходить, отправляться

    18. v двигаться, быть в движении

    go forth — быть опубликованным, изданным

    19. v двигаться с определённой скоростью

    to go along — двигаться дальше; идти своей дорогой

    to go nap — поставить всё на карту, идти на большой риск

    20. v работать, действовать, функционировать

    21. v жить, действовать, функционировать

    22. v тянуться, проходить, пролегать, простираться

    go by — проходить, проезжать мимо

    23. v дотягиваться; доходить

    go about — расхаживать, ходить туда и сюда; слоняться

    24. v протекать, проходить

    25. v исчезать; проходить

    26. v исчезнуть, пропасть

    27. v передаваться

    28. v иметь хождение, быть в обращении

    29. v идти; брать на себя; решаться

    to go snacks — делить поровну; делиться ; брать свою долю

    30. v податься; рухнуть; сломаться, расколоться

    31. v потерпеть крах, обанкротиться

    to go bust — остаться без копейки, обанкротиться

    32. v отменяться, уничтожаться

    33. v отказываться; избавляться

    34. v быть расположенным, следовать в определённом порядке

    to go by the title of … — быть известным под именем …

    35. v храниться, находиться; становиться

    36. v умещаться, укладываться

    37. v равняться

    38. v заканчиваться определённым результатом

    39. v гласить, говорить

    properly speaking, you ought to go — собственно говоря, вы должны уйти

    40. v звучать

    the tune goes something like this … — вот как, примерно, звучит этот мотив

    41. v звонить

    42. v бить, отбивать время

    43. v умирать, гибнуть

    44. v пройти, быть принятым

    to take a turn, to go for a turn — пройтись

    45. v быть приемлемым

    46. v разг. выдерживать, терпеть

    47. v справляться, одолевать

    48. v ходить определённым шагом

    go and see — заходить; зайти; навещать; навестить

    go to see — заходить; зайти; навещать; навестить

    49. v спариваться

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. energy (noun) birr; energy; hardihood; pep; potency; tuck

    2. fling (noun) crack; fling; pop; shot; slap; stab; try; whack; whirl

    3. occurrence (noun) circumstance; episode; event; happening; incident; occasion; occurrence; thing

    4. success (noun) arrival; flying colors; prosperity; success; successfulness

    5. time (noun) bout; hitch; innings; shift; siege; spell; stint; time; tour; trick; turn; watch

    6. vigor (noun) bang; drive; getup; get-up-and-go; punch; push; snap; starch; vigor; vitality

    7. agree (verb) accord; agree; check; check out; cohere; comport; conform; consist; consort; correspond; dovetail; fit in; harmonise; harmonize; jibe; march; quadrate; rhyme; square; tally

    8. bear (verb) abide; bear; brook; digest; endure; lump; stand; stick out; stomach; suffer; support; sustain; swallow; sweat out; take; tolerate

    11. depart (verb) depart; exit; get away; get off; leave; pop off; pull out; push off; quit; retire; retreat; run along; shove off; take off; withdraw

    12. die (verb) cash in; conk; decease; demise; die; drop; expire; go away; go by; pass away; pass out; peg out; perish; pip; succumb

    16. give (verb) bend; break; break down; buckle; cave; cave in; collapse; crumple; fold up; give; yield

    17. go on (verb) continue; go on; maintain; persist

    19. happen (verb) befall; betide; chance; develop; do; fall out; hap; happen; occur; rise; transpire

    20. make (verb) head; make; set out; strike out

    23. proceed (verb) advance; cruise; elapse; fare; hie; journey; pass; proceed; progress; push on; wend

    24. resort (verb) apply; recur; refer; repair; resort; resort to; turn

    25. run (verb) carry; extend; lead; range; reach; run; stretch; vary

    26. set (verb) bet; gamble; lay; risk; set; stake; venture; wager

    27. spend (verb) conclude; consume; exhaust; expend; finish; run through; spend; stop; terminate; use up; wash up

    28. succeed (verb) arrive; click; come off; come through; flourish; go over; make out; pan out; prosper; prove out; score; succeed; thrive; work out

    29. work (verb) act; function; operate; perform; work

    Антонимический ряд:

    appear; approach; arrive; become; break down; clash; come; endure; enter; fail; improve; lack; live; persist; quit; regress; remain; rest; stand; stay

    English-Russian base dictionary > go

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    1. n бег, пробег

    2. n бегство; беспорядочное отступление

    3. n побег; нахождение в бегах

    4. n короткая прогулка; пробежка

    5. n короткая поездка

    6. n рейс, маршрут

    milk run — рейсовый перелёт; рейс

    7. n переход

    8. n ж. -д. перегон, прогон

    run time — время прогона; время счета

    dry run — пробный прогон; формальный прогон

    9. n ав. полёт; перелёт

    10. n пройденное расстояние; отрезок пути

    11. n ав. отрезок трассы

    12. n ав. пробег; разбег

    13. n тропа

    14. n колея

    15. n период, отрезок, полоса

    16. n направление

    17. n геол. направление рудной жилы

    18. n тираж

    backup run — тираж, напечатанный начиная с оборотной стороны

    19. n спорт. единица счёта

    20. n спорт. перебежка

    21. n спорт. очко за перебежку

    run about — суетиться, сновать взад и вперёд

    22. n спорт. стадо

    23. n спорт. стая

    24. n спорт. косяк

    25. n спорт. карт. ряд, серия

    a run of cards — карты одной масти, идущие подряд по достоинству; «стрит»

    26. n спорт. средний тип, сорт или разряд

    out of the run — необыкновенный, из ряда вон выходящий, незаурядный

    27. n спорт. спрос

    28. n спорт. разг. разрешение, право пользоваться

    29. n спорт. загон

    30. n спорт. вольер

    31. n спорт. австрал. пастбище,

    32. n спорт. австрал. скотоводческая ферма

    33. n спорт. амер. ручей, поток

    34. n спорт. сильный прилив, приток

    35. n спорт. амер. ток; истечение

    36. n спорт. уклон, трасса

    37. n спорт. обвал, оползень

    38. n спорт. труба, жёлоб, лоток

    39. n спорт. длина

    a 500 ft run of pipe — пятисотфутовый отрезок трубы; труба длиной в пятьсот футов

    40. n спорт. размер

    41. n спорт. ход рыбы на нерест

    run idle — работать впустую; работать на холостом ходу

    run flat — шина, остающаяся безопасной после прокола

    42. n спорт. нерестящаяся рыба

    43. n спорт. мор. кормовое заострение

    44. n спорт. муз. рулада

    45. a жидкий; расплавленный; растопленный

    46. a вылитый в расплавленном состоянии; литой

    47. a отцеженный, отфильтрованный

    48. a разг. контрабандный

    49. a нерестящийся

    run fish — рыба, пришедшая в пресную воду на нерест

    50. a спец. мягкий

    run coal — мягкий или сыпучий уголь; мягкий битуминозный уголь; рядовой уголь

    51. a диал. свернувшийся, скисший

    52. v бежать, бегать

    to run mute — бежать за добычей, не подавая голоса

    53. v гнать, подгонять

    54. v убегать, спасаться бегством

    to run for it — удирать, спасаться, искать спасения в бегстве

    55. v двигаться, катиться, скользить

    56. v амер. разг. катать в автомобиле

    57. v ходить, следовать, курсировать, плавать

    58. v двигаться, идти

    59. v съездить на короткий срок

    60. v ав. совершать пробег, разбег

    61. v ав. заходить на цель

    62. v бежать, лететь, протекать

    run in — заглянуть; забежать; заехать

    63. v идти, происходить

    64. v проноситься, мелькать

    65. v распространяться

    66. v тянуться, простираться, расстилаться

    this line runs from … to … — этот маршрут проходит от … до …, эта линия соединяет …

    67. v ползти, виться

    68. v быть действительным на определённый срок

    69. v распространяться на определённую территорию, действовать на определённой территории

    70. v иметь хождение

    71. v сопровождать в качестве непременного условия

    72. v течь, литься, сочиться, струиться

    73. v протекать, течь

    74. v разливаться, расплываться

    75. v таять, течь

    76. v сливаться, переходить

    77. v лить, наливать

    78. v вращаться

    79. v касаться, слегка дотрагиваться до

    80. v гласить

    81. v проходить; преодолевать

    82. v линять

    83. v амер. австрал. дразнить, приставать, дёргать

    84. v стр. покрывать штукатуркой

    Синонимический ряд:

    4. group (noun) bevy; covey; crowd; flock; gaggle; group; herd; pack; school

    5. order (noun) chain; order; round; sequence; string; succession; suite; train

    7. series (noun) extent; motion; passage; progress; series; set

    9. stream (noun) burn; channel; rill; rivulet; runnel; stream

    13. bolt (verb) bolt; flee; fly; make off; skedaddle; skip; skirr

    15. challenge (verb) campaign; challenge; compete; contend; oppose

    18. continue (verb) carry on; conduct; continue; direct; keep; ordain; persevere

    19. drive (verb) drive; dug; maneuver; plunge; propel; rammed; stab; stuck; sunk; thrust

    21. extend (verb) carried; cover; encompass; extend; led; make; reach; spread; stretch

    22. flow (verb) circulate; course; flood; flow; leak; pour; proceed; roll; stream

    23. flux (verb) dissolve; flux; fuse; melt; thaw

    26. gone (verb) depart; exit; get away; go away; gone; left; pull out; quit; retire; run along; withdraw

    27. head (verb) administer; administrate; control; govern; head; manage; superintend

    30. hurried (verb) barreled; bucketed; bustled; fleeted; flitted; hasted; hastened; hurried; hustled; pelted; rocked; rocketed; rushed; scooted; scoured; skinned; smoked; sped or speeded; staved or stove; whirled; whisked; whizzed; zipped

    31. hurry (verb) barrel; barrelhouse; beeline; bucket; bullet; bustle; dart; dash; fled; fleet; flit; flown; get out; haste; hasten; highball; hotfoot; hurry; hustle; pelt; race; rock; rocket; rush; sail; scamper; scoot; scour; scramble; scurried; scurry; shin; shot; skin; smoke; speed; sprint; stave; whirl; whish; whisk; whiz; zip

    32. liquefied (verb) deliquesced; dissolved; fluxed; fused; liquefied; melted; thawed

    33. move (verb) actuate; impel; mobilise; move; propel

    39. turn (verb) refer; repair; resort to; turn

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    1. a пропащий, потерянный

    gone case — безнадёжный случай; пропащее дело

    2. a разорённый

    3. a прошедший, истекший

    4. a беременная

    5. a ушедший, умерший

    6. a возникающий в момент физической слабости

    7. a использованный, израсходованный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. absent (adj.) absent; away; lacking; missing; omitted; wanting

    2. ceased to exist (adj.) a casualty; ceased to exist; disappeared; disintegrated; dissipated; not around; past

    3. extinct (adj.) bygone; dead; defunct; departed; extinct; lost; vanished

    4. left (adj.) gone away; gone out; left; moved; not here; quit; taken leave

    5. pregnant (adj.) big; childing; enceinte; expectant; expecting; gravid; heavy; parous; parturient; pregnant

    6. agreed (verb) accorded; agreed; checked; checked out; cohered; comported; conformed; consisted; consorted; corresponded; dovetailed; fitted in; harmonized; jibed; marched; rhymed; squared; suited; tallied

    7. become (verb) become; come; got or gotten; grown; waxed

    8. borne (verb) abode or abided; borne; brooked; digested; endured; lumped; stood; stuck out; suffered; supported; sustained; swallowed; sweat out or sweated out; taken; tolerated

    9. consumed (verb) consumed; exhausted; expended; finished; run through; spent; used up; washed up

    10. departed (verb) departed; exited; get away; gone; got away or gotten away; got off or gotten off; left; moved; popped off; pull out; pulled out; pushed off; quit; retired; run along; shoved off; taken off; withdrawn

    11. died (verb) cashed in; conked; deceased; demised; died; dropped; elapsed; expired; go away; go by; pass away; passed away; passed out; pegged out; perished; pipped; succumbed

    13. fared (verb) fared; hied; journeyed; passed; proceeded; push on; pushed on; traveled or travelled; travelled; wended

    16. given (verb) bent; break down; broken; buckled; cave in; caved; collapsed; crumpled; folded up; given; yielded

    17. happened (verb) befallen; betided; chanced; developed; done; fallen out; happened; occurred; risen; transpired

    18. made (verb) headed; made; set out; strike out

    20. resorted (verb) applied; recurred; referred; repaired; resort to; resorted; turned

    21. run (verb) carried; extended; led; made; ranged; reached; run; stretched; varied

    22. set (verb) betted; gambled; laid; risked; set; staked; ventured; wagered

    23. succeeded (verb) arrived; clicked; come off; come through; flourished; go over; gone over; made out; panned out; prospered; proved out or proven out; scored; succeeded; thriven; work out

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    1. a изготовленный на станке, машинного производства

    2. a обточенный

    turned work — токарная работа, токарные изделия

    rough turned — обточил начерно; обточенный начерно

    turned rough — обточил начерно; обточенный начерно

    turned taper — обточил на конус; обточенный на конус

    3. a имеющий такую-то форму

    4. a отделанный, отточенный

    5. a перелицованный

    6. a прокисший

    7. a достигший

    8. a ставший

    9. a полигр. перевёрнутый

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. addressed (verb) addressed; buckled down; devoted; gave/given; threw/thrown

    2. became/become (verb) became/become; came/come; got/got or gotten; grew/grown; ran/run; went/gone

    3. bent (verb) angled; bent; deflected; refracted

    5. changed (verb) altered; changed; modified; mutated; varied

    7. decayed (verb) break down; broke down/broken down; corrupted; crumbled; decayed; decomposed; deteriorated; disintegrated; moldered; mouldered; putrefied; rotted; spoiled; spoiled or spoilt; tainted

    8. defected (verb) apostatized; defected; deserted; ratted; renounced; repudiated; tergiversated

    9. directed (verb) aimed; cast; directed; headed; inclined; laid; leveled or levelled; levelled; pointed; presented; set; trained; zero in; zeroed in

    11. gave (verb) buckled; concentrated; dedicated; focused; gave

    13. plowed (verb) broke/broken; plowed; plowed up; turned over

    15. sheered (verb) averted; deflected; diverted; pivoted; redirected; re-routed; sheered; shifted; swung; veered; wheeled; whipped

    17. spun (verb) reeled; spun; swam/swum; whirled

    19. upset (verb) deranged; disordered; sickened; unhinged; unsettled; upset

    20. went (verb) applied; ran; recurred; referred; repaired; resort to; resorted; went

    21. wheeled (verb) circled; gyrated; revolved; rolled; rotated; wheeled

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    1. n приплод, потомство

    2. n диал. заработок, получка

    3. n диал. прибыль

    4. v доставать; добывать

    5. v доставать и приносить

    to get a shop — занять первое, второе или третье место

    6. v добиваться, получать

    7. v зарабатывать, получать

    8. v получать

    9. v покупать, приобретать

    10. v поймать, схватить

    11. v разг. отомстить

    12. v захватывать, увлекать, волновать

    13. v раздражать

    14. v понимать, постигать

    let me get this clear: is she married or not? — объясните мне, она замужем или нет?

    15. v улавливать, замечать, наблюдать

    16. v доводить до сознания; пронять

    17. v озадачить, поставить в тупик

    18. v попасть, угодить

    19. v получить, «схлопотать»

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. seed (noun) brood; descendants; issue; offspring; posterity; progeny; seed

    2. acquire (verb) acquire; annex; chalk up; come by; compass; gain; have; land; obtain; procure; pull; secure

    3. affect (verb) affect; carry; impress; inspire; move; strike; sway; touch

    4. become (verb) become; develop; go; grow; run; turn; wax

    5. beget (verb) beget; breed; engender; father; generate; procreate; produce; progenerate; propagate; sire

    6. catch (verb) bag; capture; catch; collar; nail; prehend; seize

    8. come (verb) arrive; come; come to; contact; get in; reach; show; show up; turn up

    9. induce (verb) adjust; argue into; bring around; convince; derive; dispose; draw; draw in; draw on; induce; influence; oversway; prevail on; prevail upon; prompt; talk into; win over

    10. irritate (verb) aggravate; annoy; bother; burn up; chafe; disturb; exasperate; fret; gall; grate; huff; inflame; irk; irritate; nettle; peeve; pique; provoke; put out; rile; roil; ruffle; vex

    11. learn (verb) apprehend; comprehend; grasp; know; learn; master; perceive; pick up; understand

    12. make (verb) bring in; chalk up; deserve; draw down; earn; knock down; make; merit; pull down; win

    15. prepare (verb) arrange; fit; fix; get ready; make up; prepare; ready

    16. take (verb) come down with; contract; net; sicken; sicken of; sicken with; take

    Антонимический ряд:

    abjure; desert; discourage; forego; forfeit; forgo; forsake; leave; lose; misconstrue; misunderstand; quit; release; relinquish; remain; renounce

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    Синонимический ряд:

    1. acquired (verb) acquired; annexed; chalked up; come by; compassed; had; landed; obtained; procured; pulled

    2. affected (verb) affected; carried; impressed; influenced; inspired; moved; struck; swayed; touched

    3. became/become (verb) became; became/become; grew; grew/grown; ran/run; turned; waxed; went/gone

    4. bothered (verb) aggravated; annoyed; bothered; burned up or burnt up; chafed; disturbed; exasperated; fretted; galled; grated; inflamed; irked; irritated; nettled; peeved; piqued; provoked; put out; riled; roiled; ruffled; vexed

    5. came/come (verb) arrived; came/come; contacted; got in/got in or gotten in; reached; showed up/shown up or showed up; showed/shown or showed; turned up

    6. contracted (verb) came down with/come down with; contracted; sickened of; sickened with; took/taken

    8. fathered (verb) begot/begotten or begot; bred; fathered; procreated; sired

    9. induced (verb) argued into; brought around; convinced; drew in/drawn in; drew on/drawn on; drew/drawn; induced; persuaded; prevailed on; prevailed upon; prompted; talked into; won over

    11. made (verb) brought in; deserved; draw down; drew down/drawn down; earned; gained; knocked down; made; merited; pull down; won

    13. nonplused (verb) beat/beaten; buffaloed; nonplused; stuck; stumped

    14. prepared (verb) fitted; fixed; made up; prepared; readied

    15. took (verb) bagged; captured; caught; collared; developed; nailed; netted; secured; sickened; took

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    1. n с. -х. оборот пласта

    2. n вращение; вращательное движение

    3. n авт. разворот

    4. n поворот, место поворота

    5. n изгиб

    6. n поворот; поворотный пункт; порог, конец

    7. n поворот; отклонение, отступление

    8. n изменение направления

    9. n смена, перемена курса

    10. n перемена, изменение

    11. n очередь

    in turn, by turns, turn and turn about — по очереди

    to take turns — делать по очереди; чередоваться, сменяться

    my turn will come! — придёт и мой черёд!; я ещё своё возьму!; я ещё своего добьюсь!

    12. n очередной номер программы, выход; сценка, интермедия

    13. n исполнитель номера

    14. n короткая прогулка, поездка

    to take a turn, to go for a turn — пройтись

    15. n короткий период деятельности

    16. n особенность, характерная черта; склад

    17. n стиль, манера; интерпретация

    18. n способность; дар; жилка

    19. n строение, форма

    20. n построение

    21. n оборот

    22. n разг. приступ, припадок, вспышка

    23. n разг. потрясение, шок

    24. n разг. менструация

    25. n бирж. акт купли-продажи

    26. n бирж. прибыль от купли или продажи ценных бумаг

    27. n бирж. оборот капитала

    28. n бирж. разница между курсом покупателей и курсом продавцов

    29. n бирж. полигр. марашка

    30. n ж. -д. обходный путь

    31. n ж. -д. виток

    32. n ж. -д. муз. группетто

    at every turn — на каждом шагу; повсюду, постоянно; каждый раз

    33. v поворачивать

    turn round — оборачиваться; поворачиваться

    turn aside — отклонять; поворачивать в сторону

    34. v отворачивать, отводить

    35. v вращать

    36. v обёртывать, наматывать

    37. v вращаться

    38. v кружиться

    39. v переворачивать

    40. v переворачиваться

    41. v опрокидывать; переворачивать вверх дном

    42. v выкладывать, выпускать

    43. v загибать; закручивать; отгибать

    44. v загибаться; закручиваться; отгибаться

    turn up — поднимать вверх; загибать

    45. v направляться

    46. v поворачиваться

    47. v отклонять, менять направление

    48. v отклоняться, менять направление

    49. v нацеливать, направлять

    50. v огибать, обходить

    51. v точить, обтачивать на токарном станке

    52. v поддаваться обработке на токарном станке, поддаваться токарной обработке

    53. v оттачивать, придавать завершённую форму

    54. v редк. менять; действовать

    55. v редк. изменяться, подвергаться изменению

    56. v редк. обращать в другую веру

    57. v редк. обращаться в другую веру, менять религию

    58. v редк. изменять, предавать

    59. v редк. редк. вызывать тошноту

    60. v редк. уст. иметь противоположный результат

    Синонимический ряд:

    3. angle (noun) angle; bow; flection; flexure; turning

    6. bend (noun) bend; deflection; double; shift; tack; yaw

    7. bent (noun) aptitude; bent; bias; disposition; inclination; leaning; partiality; penchant; predilection; predisposition; proclivity; proneness; propensity; squint; talent; tendency

    11. gift (noun) aptness; bump; faculty; flair; genius; gift; head; knack; nose; set

    12. go (noun) bout; go; hitch; innings; spell; time; tour; trick; watch

    13. move (noun) adjustment; manoeuvre; move; movement

    14. need (noun) exigency; necessity; need; requirement

    15. reversal (noun) about-face; changeabout; inversion; reversal; reverse; reversement; reversion; right-about; right-about-face; turnabout; volte-face

    16. revolution (noun) circle; circuit; circulation; circumvolution; cycle; gyration; gyre; orbit; revolution; revolve; rotation; tour; twirl; wheel; whirl

    19. walk (noun) constitutional; hike; ramble; saunter; stroll; walk

    20. become (verb) become; come; get; go; grow; refer; repair; resort to; run; wax

    21. bend (verb) angle; bend; curve; deflect; deviate; dodge; refract; swerve; veer

    23. change (verb) alter; change; convert; metamorphose; modify; mutate; refashion; transfer; transform; transmute; turn into; vary

    24. circle (verb) circle; circumduct; gyrate; gyre; revolve; roll; rotate; twirl; wheel

    25. decay (verb) break down; corrupt; crumble; decay; decompose; deteriorate; disintegrate; molder; moulder; putrefy; putresce; rot; spoil; taint

    26. defect (verb) apostatize; defect; desert; rat; renounce; repudiate; tergiversate; tergiverse

    27. direct (verb) aim; cast; direct; head; incline; lay; level; point; present; set; train; zero in

    28. distract (verb) derange; distract; disturb; infatuate; infuriate

    30. give (verb) address; apply; buckle; concentrate; dedicate; devote; focus; give

    32. sheer (verb) avert; divert; pivot; redirect; re-route; sheer; shift; swing; swivel; volte-face; wheel; whip

    33. upset (verb) disorder; unhinge; unsettle; upset

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    a погашенный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. acquired (verb) acquired; annexed; chalked up; come by; compassed; had; landed; obtained; procured; pulled

    2. affected (verb) affected; carried; impressed; influenced; inspired; moved; struck; swayed; touched

    3. become (verb) become; gone; grown; run; turned; waxed

    4. bothered (verb) aggravated; annoyed; bothered; burned up or burnt up; chafed; disturbed; exasperated; fretted; galled; grated; inflamed; irked; irritated; nettled; peeved; piqued; provoked; put out; riled; roiled; ruffled; vexed

    5. come (verb) arrived; come; contacted; got in or gotten in; reached; shown or showed; shown up or showed up; turned up

    6. fathered (verb) begotten or begot; bred; fathered; procreated; sired

    7. induced (verb) argued into; brought around; convinced; derived; drawn; drawn in; drawn on; induced; persuaded; prevailed on; prevailed upon; prompted; talked into; won over

    9. made (verb) brought in; deserved; draw down; drawn down; earned; gained; knocked down; made; merited; pull down; won

    11. nonplused (verb) beaten; buffaloed; nonplused; stuck; stumped

    12. prepared (verb) fitted; fixed; made up; prepared; readied

    13. taken (verb) bagged; captured; caught; collared; come down with; contracted; developed; nailed; netted; secured; sickened; sickened of; sickened with; taken

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    1. v приходить; идти

    volunteers, come forward — добровольцы, вперёд!

    2. v приезжать, прибывать

    3. v идти; ехать

    come! — пошли!, идём!

    4. v подходить, приближаться

    5. v доходить, достигать

    come across — быть понятным, доходить до собеседника

    6. v равняться, достигать

    come short of — иметь недостаток в; не достигать; не достичь; не достигнуть; не оправдывать; не оправдать

    7. v сводиться

    8. v прийти; достичь

    9. v наступать, приходить

    his turn came — наступила его очередь, настал его черёд

    come in — приходить, прибывать

    come on — наступать, надвигаться

    10. v ожидаться, предстоять

    11. v появляться, возникать

    12. v находиться

    13. v случаться; происходить; проистекать

    14. v выходить, получаться, приводить

    15. v происходить, иметь происхождение

    16. v прорастать, всходить, расти

    17. v амер. разг. устроить, сделать

    18. v разг. испытать оргазм, кончить

    19. v выражает

    come out with it, boy — ну, парень, выкладывай

    20. v упрёк, протест ну что вы!

    come again? — простите, не расслышал, что вы сказали?

    21. v увещевание полно!, ну, ну!

    22. v будущее

    23. v считать, считая с

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. advance (verb) advance; come along; get along; march; move; proceed; progress

    2. amount (verb) add up; aggregate; amount; number; sum into; sum to; total

    3. amounted (verb) added up; aggregated; amounted; numbered; run into; run to; summed into; summed to; totaled or totalled

    4. arrive (verb) appear at; approach; arrive; attain; close in; draw near; get; get in; show

    5. arrived (verb) arrived; got in or gotten in; got or gotten; reached; shown or showed; shown up or showed up; turned up

    6. become (verb) become; go; gone; grown; run; turn; turned; wax; waxed

    7. happen (verb) befall; betide; break; chance; do; fall; fall out; give; hap; happen; occur; pass; transpire

    8. happened (verb) befallen; betided; broken; chanced; come off; developed; done; fallen out; given; happened; occurred; passed; risen; transpired

    9. reach (verb) develop; expand; extend; grow; join; reach; spread; stretch

    10. reach orgasm (verb) climax; copulate; ejaculate; enjoy sex; have an orgasm; reach orgasm; reach sexual fulfillment

    11. show up (verb) appear; be accessible; be at one’s disposal; be convenient; be handy; be obtainable; be ready; enter; show up; turn up

    12. sprung (verb) arise; derive; emanate; flow; hail; issue; originate; rise; sprung; stem

    Антонимический ряд:

    leave; withdraw

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    1. v увеличивать, усиливать

    2. v повышать цену или ценность

    3. v спец. повышать качество с помощью ЭВМ

    Синонимический ряд:

    3. grace (verb) adorn; beautify; decorate; embellish; grace; ornament; set off

    5. intensify (verb) aggravate; amplify; deepen; heighten; intensate; intensify; magnify; make better; mount; redouble; rise; rouse

    6. promote (verb) advertise; boost; build up; promote; publicise; puff; tout

    Антонимический ряд:

    decrease; detract; diminish; simplify

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    1. n костюм

    2. n женский костюм, ансамбль

    3. n набор, комплект

    4. n прошение, ходатайство

    5. n сватовство; ухаживание

    6. n согласие, гармония

    7. n ист. присутствие в свите феодала

    8. n юр. иск; судебное дело; судебный процесс; судопроизводство

    9. n карт. масть

    10. v удовлетворять требованиям; подходить, устраивать

    nothing suits him today — ему сегодня всё не по нутру; на него сегодня не угодишь; он сегодня всем недоволен

    11. v быть полезным, пригодным

    12. v годиться; соответствовать, подходить

    suit the market — годиться для рынка; удовлетворять требованиям рынка

    13. v идти, быть к лицу

    14. v приспосабливать

    15. v обеспечивать

    Синонимический ряд:

    3. lawsuit (noun) action; appeal; application; case; cause; entreaty; imploration; imprecation; lawsuit; litigation; orison; petition; plea; prayer; proceeding; supplication; trial

    4. set of clothes (noun) apparel; business costume; ensemble; livery; matched outfit; outfit; set of clothes; Sunday clothes; tuxedo; uniform

    5. adapt (verb) acclimate; acclimatise; adapt; adjust; change; conform; fashion; proportion; quadrate; readjust; reconcile; shape; square; tailor; tailor-make

    6. agree (verb) accord; agree; check; check out; cohere; comport; consist; consort; correspond; dovetail; fit in; go; harmonize; jibe; march; rhyme; tally

    7. agree with (verb) accommodate; agree with; be agreeable to; be amenable; content; go together; gratify; please; satisfy

    8. become (verb) become; befit; behove; conform to; correspond to; enhance; fit; flatter; go with; match

    10. do (verb) answer; do; serve; suffice

    Антонимический ряд:

    detract; displease

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    1. v расти, увеличиваться; усиливаться

    to grow in favour — всё больше завоёвывать расположение, пользоваться всё большим расположением

    grow down — увеличиваться; расти вглубь

    2. v расти, вырастать

    grow up — вырастать, становиться взрослым

    3. v расти, произрастать

    4. v выращивать, культивировать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. become (verb) become; come; get; go; run; turn; wax

    2. cultivate (verb) breed; cultivate; foster; nurture; plant; produce; propagate; raise; sow; tend

    3. increase (verb) accrue; advance; aggrandise; amplify; augment; build; build up; burgeon; dilate; enlarge; escalate; expand; extend; flourish; gain; greaten; heighten; improve; increase; magnify; mount; multiply; rise; run up; snowball; spread; stretch; swell; thrive; upsurge

    4. mature (verb) age; develop; grow up; maturate; mature; mellow; progress; ripen

    5. sprout (verb) arise; begin; germinate; originate; sprout; start

    Антонимический ряд:

    abate; decay; decline; decrease; destroy; deteriorate; die; diminish; droop; dwindle; etiolate; fade; fail; kill; lessen; shrink

    English-Russian base dictionary > grow

  • 18

    a взрослый

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. mature (adj.) adult; big; bigger; complete; developed; entire; evolved; full; full-blown; full-fledged; full-grown; grown up; grown-up; mature; matured; of age; ripe; ripened

    2. overgrown (adj.) overgrown; rank

    3. become (verb) become; come; gone; got or gotten; gotten; grown; run; turned; waxed

    5. increased (verb) aggrandised; amplified; augmented; built; burgeoned; enlarged; escalated; expanded; extended; heightened; increased; magnified; mounted; multiplied; risen; run up; snowballed; swollen; upsurged

    6. matured (verb) aged; grown up; maturated; matured; mellowed; ripened

    7. produced (verb) bred; cultivated; produced; propagated; raised

    English-Russian base dictionary > grown

  • 19

    1. n спичка

    dead match — негодная, незагоревшаяся спичка

    2. n воен. запальный фитиль; огнепровод

    3. v окуривать

    4. n человек, подходящий под пару; ровня; пара

    5. n равный по силам противник, соперник

    6. n вещь, подходящая под пару

    7. n матч, состязание, соревнование

    8. n брак

    9. n партия

    10. n уст. сговор

    11. n уст. пари

    12. v подходить под пару, под стать; соответствовать

    13. v подбирать под пару, под стать; сочетать

    14. v согласовывать, приводить в соответствие

    15. v тех. подгонять, пригонять, выравнивать

    16. v противопоставлять

    17. v женить; выдавать замуж; сватать

    18. v уст. жениться; выйти замуж

    19. v подбрасывать монету; играть в орлянку

    20. v стр. шпунтовать

    21. v редк. спаривать, случать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. contest (noun) competition; contest; event; game; meet; race; rivalry; sport; tournament

    3. mate (noun) companion; coordinate; double; duplicate; fellow; mate; riciprocal; twin

    4. opponent (noun) adversary; antagonist; anti; con; opponent; opposer; oppugnant

    5. parallel (noun) analogue; correlate; correspondent; counterpart; countertype; parallel

    6. union (noun) espousal; marriage; mating; union

    7. agree (verb) accord; agree; be twins; check out; comport; conform; correspond; fit; go together; go with; harmonise; harmonize; resemble; rhyme; square; suit; tally

    8. amount (verb) amount; approach; compare; correspond; equal; measure up; meet; parallel; partake of; tie; touch

    9. become (verb) become; befit; conform to; correspond to; fit; go with; suit

    10. equate (verb) assimilate; balance; equate; even; liken; marry; mate; pair; paragon; unite

    11. oppose (verb) array; compete with; counter; oppose; pit; play; play off; rival; vie

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > match

  • 20

    1. n форма, очертание

    2. n определённая форма; порядок

    3. n вид, образ, облик

    4. n вид, форма

    in no shape — никоим образом, ни под каким видом, ни в коем случае; ни в каком виде

    5. n призрак

    6. n разг. состояние, положение

    7. n спортивная форма

    8. n фигура; формы

    take shape — принять определенную форму; воплотиться

    9. n образец; модель

    10. n болванка

    11. n формочка

    12. n мат. шейп

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. appearance (noun) appearance; build; conformation; contour; figure; form; format; frame; guise; outline; physique; profile; silhouette

    2. configuration (noun) arrangement; cast; configuration; mold; mould; pattern; situation; stamp

    3. ghost (noun) apparition; ghost; phantom; shade; specter; spectre; wraith

    4. order (noun) case; condition; estate; fettle; kilter; order; repair; trim

    6. become (verb) become; canalize; crystallise; crystallize; develop; embody; grow; streamline

    7. make (verb) assemble; build; construct; erect; fabricate; forge; frame; make; manufacture; produce; put together

    8. mold (verb) block; carve; cast; chisel; fashion; form; model; mold; mould; sculpt; sketch; whittle

    Антонимический ряд:

    derange; discompose; distort; pervert

    English-Russian base dictionary > shape

  • For those interested in a little info about this site: it’s a side project that I developed while working on Describing Words and Related Words. Both of those projects are based around words, but have much grander goals. I had an idea for a website that simply explains the word types of the words that you search for — just like a dictionary, but focussed on the part of speech of the words. And since I already had a lot of the infrastructure in place from the other two sites, I figured it wouldn’t be too much more work to get this up and running.

    The dictionary is based on the amazing Wiktionary project by wikimedia. I initially started with WordNet, but then realised that it was missing many types of words/lemma (determiners, pronouns, abbreviations, and many more). This caused me to investigate the 1913 edition of Websters Dictionary — which is now in the public domain. However, after a day’s work wrangling it into a database I realised that there were far too many errors (especially with the part-of-speech tagging) for it to be viable for Word Type.

    Finally, I went back to Wiktionary — which I already knew about, but had been avoiding because it’s not properly structured for parsing. That’s when I stumbled across the UBY project — an amazing project which needs more recognition. The researchers have parsed the whole of Wiktionary and other sources, and compiled everything into a single unified resource. I simply extracted the Wiktionary entries and threw them into this interface! So it took a little more work than expected, but I’m happy I kept at it after the first couple of blunders.

    Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: the UBY project (mentioned above), @mongodb and express.js.

    Currently, this is based on a version of wiktionary which is a few years old. I plan to update it to a newer version soon and that update should bring in a bunch of new word senses for many words (or more accurately, lemma).

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