Is the word advantage a noun

преимущество, польза, плюс, перевес, способствовать, благоприятствовать


- преимущество; превосходство

the advantages of a good education — преимущества хорошего образования
to gain /to get, to score, to win/ an advantage of /over/ smb. — добиться преимущества /взять верх/ над кем-л.; оказаться в лучшем положении, чем кто-л.
to give /to provide, to confer on, to offer/ no unilateral advantage to either side — дип., воен. не давать преимущества ни одной из сторон
to take advantage of smb. — а) обмануть /перехитрить/ кого-л.; б) эксплуатировать кого-л.

- выгода; польза; выигрыш (в чём-л.)

- спорт. преимущество в счёте (в теннисе после счёта «поровну»)

advantage game — игра, выигранная в партии после счёта по пяти
advantage in — «больше» у подающего
to take smb. at advantage — захватить кого-л. врасплох
you have the advantage of me — а) вы меня знаете, а я вас нет; б) вы знаете что-то такое, что мне неизвестно


- давать преимущество; благоприятствовать; способствовать; приносить пользу, выгоду

to advantage agriculture — способствовать развитию сельского хозяйства
such action will advantage our cause — такие действия обеспечат успех нашего дела /пойдут на пользу нашему делу/

Мои примеры


the contention that the royal family took advantage of the young Diana’s naivety — утверждение о том, что королевская семья воспользовалась наивностью молодой Дианы  
e-mail scams that take advantage of unwary computer users — мошенники, работающие по электронной почте, которые пользуются доверчивостью компьютерных пользователей  
Worms take advantage of automatic file sending and receiving features found on many computers. — Вирусы-черви пользуются возможностью автоматической отправки и получения файлов, которая есть на многих компьютерах.  
unfair advantage — незаслуженное преимущество  
great / definite advantage over smb. — большое, явное преимущество над кем-л.  
advantage server, advantage in — «больше» у подающего  
to advantage the economy of the country — способствовать развитию экономики страны  
take advantage of — извлечь выгоду из  
gain advantage — получить преимущество, добиться преимущества  
offer advantage — обеспечить преимущество  
competitive advantage — эк.; полит. конкурентное преимущество  
dubious advantage — сомнительное преимущество  
fundamental advantage — основное преимущество  

Примеры с переводом

It turned out to my advantage.

Это обернулось мне на пользу.

Our team had the advantage of experience.

У нашей команды было преимущество, так как у нас было больше опыта.

The big advantage of this system is that it is fast.

Большое преимущество этой системы в том, что она быстрая.

Can’t you see (that) he’s taking advantage of you?

Как вы не понимаете, что он использует вас?

His height gives him an advantage over the other players.

Его рост дает ему преимущество перед другими игроками.

This system advantages the rich.

Эта система благоприятствует богатым.

Younger workers tend to be at an advantage when applying for jobs.

Молодые работники, как правило, имеют преимущество при приёме на работу.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The system has the added advantage of recordable DVD drives.

Businesses manoeuvred to have their industry organized to their own advantage.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

disadvantage  — невыгодное положение, неудобство, ущерб, причинять ущерб
advantageous  — выгодный, полезный, благоприятный
advantaged  — обладающий преимуществом, имеющий превосходство

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): advantage
мн. ч.(plural): advantages

What kind of noun is advantage?

NounEdit. (countable) An advantage is a condition or circumstance that favors success. (countable) An advantage is when someone has superiority over someone else. (countable) An advantage is a benefit, gain, or profit.

Is the word advantages a noun?

noun. any state, circumstance, opportunity, or means specially favorable to success, interest, or any desired end: the advantage of a good education.

Is advantage a noun verb or adjective?

verb. advantaged; advantaging. Definition of advantage (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb.

Which part of speech is advantages?


What part of speech is but?

Preposition. Sometimes, the word “but” is classified as a preposition that means “except.” It is commonly used after the words all, any, no, every, none, nothing, etc. In the sample sentence below: This is nothing but an insult. The word “but’ is considered as a preposition that means “other than.”

What is but in Old English?

From Middle English but, buten, boute, bouten, from Old English būtan (“without, outside of, except, only”), equivalent to be- +‎ out.

What are Old English names?

Popular Baby Names , origin old-english

Name Meaning Origin
Aldrich old king Old-English
Alfred wise counsel Old-English
Alvin elf wine, noble friend Old-English
Amberjill Old-English

How do you say today in Old English?

Via Middle English today, from Old English tōdæġe, tō dæġe (“on [the] day”), made from tō (“at, on”) + dæġe, the dative of dæġ (“day”). See to and day. Compare Dutch vandaag (“today”), Middle Low German van dage (“today”), Swedish i dag, idag (“today”).

What can we say instead of tomorrow?

Tomorrow Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for tomorrow?

future hereafter
afterward world to come
life to come fullness of time

What is the difference between to day and today?

“To-day” was the common spelling of the modern word “today” until the early 20th century. Words like “today” and “tomorrow” were once written as two words entirely (ex: “to day”) until the 16th century. Nowadays, the word “today” is only spelled as one word, with no hyphen.

How do you spell to day?

Correct spelling for the English word “day-to-day” is [dˈe͡ɪtədˈe͡ɪ], [dˈe‍ɪtədˈe‍ɪ], [d_ˈeɪ_t_ə_d_ˈeɪ] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….Similar spelling words for DAY-TO-DAY

  1. dated,
  2. Doted,
  3. today,
  4. Darted.

Why is today written as to day?

It’s actually be a process over the centuries of two words joining as one. It was written as “to day” (using ‘to’ as ‘on this’) until about the 16th century, then it was hyphenated as to-day up until around the 1910s or so, when the hyphen was dropped and it was just written as “today”.

What is another word for today?

What is another word for today?

nowadays currently
now presently
anymore right now
contemporarily these days
at present just now

How do we use as today?

As of today can mean “from the beginning up until now, including today,” as in this example: As of today, only three survivors have been found.

How do you say today formally?

Today is slightly more formal: Apartments today are often designed for people with busy lifestyles. We can use today, but not nowadays or these days, with the possessive ‘s construction before a noun, or with of after a noun.

What’s the antonym for today?

Antonyms of TODAY away, hitherto, distant, absent, former, previously, heretofore, preceding, out-of-date, late, formerly, previous, succeeding, past, obsolete, farthest, outdated, before, old-fashioned, later, then, future, antiquated, ancient, ago, once, far, long, remotest, earlier, eventually, passe, never, old.

What is the word now?

We use now most commonly as an adverb of time. It means ‘at the present time’, ‘at this moment’ or ‘very soon’.

What type of noun is now?

now used as a noun: The present time. “Now is the right time.” # The state of not paying attention to the future or the past.

Is now a verb or a noun?

Now as an adverb of time. We use now most commonly as an adverb of time. It means ‘at the present time’, ‘at this moment’ or ‘very soon’.

  • 1

    1. n преимущество; превосходство

    2. n выгода; польза; выигрыш

    advantage ground — выгодная позиция ; выгодное стратегическое положение

    3. n спорт. преимущество в счёте

    advantage game — игра, выигранная в партии после счёта по пяти

    4. v давать преимущество; благоприятствовать; способствовать; приносить пользу, выгоду

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. allowance (noun) allowance; bulge; draw; edge; handicap; head start; jump; odds; start

    2. benefit (noun) benediction; benefit; blessing; convenience; expediency; favour; gain; godsend; good; gratification; improvement; interest; preference; profit; prosperity; purpose; weal; welfare; well-being

    3. better (noun) better; superiority; upper hand; victory; whip hand

    4. dominance (noun) ascendance; dominance; leverage; precedence; preeminence; prevalence; supremacy; vantage point

    5. payoff (noun) accommodation; bonus; boon; payoff; perk; prerogative; privilege; reward; vantage

    6. use (noun) account; applicability; application; appropriateness; avail; fitness; gain; interest; profit; relevance; service; serviceability; use; usefulness; utility; value

    7. benefit (verb) avail; benefit; profit; serve; work for

    Антонимический ряд:

    curse; difficulty; dilemma; disadvantage; disappointment; drawback; frustration; handicap; hindrance; inferiority; loss; obstacle; obstruction; restriction

    English-Russian base dictionary > advantage

  • 2

    1) преимущество (of, over — над); благоприятное положение; to have the advantage of smb. иметь преимущество перед кем-л.; to take advantage of smb. обмануть, перехитрить кого-л.; to take advantage of smth. воспользоваться чем-л.; to take smb. at advantage захватить кого-л. врасплох

    2) выгода, польза; to advantage выгодно, хорошо; в выгодном свете; to turn smth. to advantage использовать что-л. в своих интересах




    * * *

    (n) выгода; польза; превосходство; преимущество

    * * *

    * * *

    [ad·van·tage || əd’vɑːntɪdʒ]
    плюс, преимущество, превосходство; перевес, выгода, польза; благоприятное положение
    давать преимущество, благоприятствовать, способствовать

    * * *














    * * *

    1. сущ.
    1) преимущество (of, over — над)
    2) выгода
    2. гл.; книжн.
    помогать, способствовать, оказывать помощь

    Новый англо-русский словарь > advantage

  • 3

    1. n порция; паёк; рацион, норма отпуска; квота

    2. n воен. довольствие; виды довольствия

    3. n денежное пособие, денежная помощь; содержание

    4. n амер. карманные деньги; деньги на мелкие расходы

    5. n юр. суммы, выплачиваемые на содержание

    6. n принятие во внимание, в расчёт; поправка, скидка; оправдание

    7. n скидка или надбавка с учётом

    8. n ком. скидка

    9. n признание; подтверждение; уступка

    10. n примиренчество; толерантность; одобрение

    11. n редк. разрешение; позволение

    12. n фин. допустимое отклонение от стандартного размера и веса монеты

    13. n тех. припуск; допуск; зазор

    14. n спорт. гандикап, фора, преимущество

    15. v книжн. рационировать потребление; вводить карточную или пайковую систему

    16. v книжн. выдавать в ограниченном количестве

    Синонимический ряд:

    3. advantage (noun) advantage; bulge; draw; edge; handicap; head start; odds; start; vantage

    4. amount paid (noun) advance; amount paid; gratuity; pocket money; salary; spending money; subsidy; wages

    5. authorization (noun) approbation; approval; authorisation; authorization; consent; leave; license; permission; permit; sanction; sufferance; tolerance

    6. discount (noun) bonus; deduction; discount; rebate; reduction; remission

    7. grant (noun) benefaction; donation; endowment; grant; scholarship

    8. ration (noun) allocation; allotment; annuity; apportionment; bite; bounty; cut; dole; lot; measure; meed; part; partage; portion; quantum; quota; ration; share; slice; stipend

    English-Russian base dictionary > allowance

  • 4

    1. n польза, выгода

    making profit — извлекающий выгоду; извлечение выгоды

    2. n часто прибыль, доход

    3. v приносить пользу, быть полезным

    allot profit — распределять прибыль; приносить прибыль

    4. v извлекать, получать пользу

    make profit — получать прибыль; извлекать прибыль

    5. v пользоваться, воспользоваться

    6. v получать прибыль

    trading profit — торговая прибыль; производственная прибыль

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. advantage (noun) advancement; advantage; benefit; blessing; boon; favour; good; improvement; interest; welfare

    2. gain (noun) dividend; earnings; gain; lucre; proceeds; return; returns; revenue

    3. use (noun) account; avail; use; usefulness; utility

    4. benefit (verb) advantage; assist; avail; benefit; capitalise; help; serve; work for

    5. gain (verb) advance; better; clear; earn; gain; harvest; improve; prosper; realize; recover

    Антонимический ряд:

    damage; destruction; detriment; disadvantage; failure; harm; hurt; indebtedness; injury; lose; loss; ruin; waste

    English-Russian base dictionary > profit

  • 5

    1. n ценность; важность; полезность

    merit value — значение функции полезности; величина выигрыша

    2. n ценности

    3. n значение, смысл

    standard value — стандартное значение; стандартная величина

    4. n ценность, стоимость

    5. n эк. цена; стоимость

    nominal value — нарицательная цена; номинальная стоимость, номинал

    issued value — эмиссионная стоимость; стоимость при эмиссии

    6. n полит. -эк. стоимость

    7. n фин. валюта; сумма векселя или тратты; эквивалент

    sales value — стоимость реализации; сумма продаж

    8. n спец. величина, значение

    absolute value — абсолютная величина, абсолютное значение

    9. n муз. длительность ноты или паузы

    10. n иск. валёр; соотношение тонов

    value of colour, colour value — интенсивность цвета; насыщенность цветового тона

    11. n фон. качество

    12. v оценивать, давать оценку

    13. v дорожить, ценить

    14. v фин. трассировать, выставлять вексель или тратту

    Синонимический ряд:

    3. cost (noun) amount; appraisal; assessment; charge; cost; expense; price; profit

    5. sense (noun) acceptation; content; force; import; intent; meaning; message; purport; purpose; sense; significance; signification; substance

    6. worth (noun) account; caliber; calibre; desirability; eminence; importance; merit; quality; stature; usefulness; valuation; virtue; worth

    7. estimate (verb) appraise; assay; assess; calculate; estimate; evaluate; gauge; judge; price; rate; reckon; set at; survey; valuate

    8. regard (verb) admire; consider; esteem; honour; regard

    9. respect (verb) appreciate; apprize; cherish; enjoy; esteem; prize; regard; relish; respect; savour; treasure

    Антонимический ряд:

    condemn; despise; discard; disesteem; disregard; drop; forego; misestimate; neglect

    English-Russian base dictionary > value

  • 6

    1. n красота; прекрасное

    2. n часто привлекательная или красивая черта; украшение

    3. n ирон. прелесть

    4. n красавица

    raving beauty — красавица, которая может с ума свести

    5. n красотка, красавец

    6. n собир. библ. поэт. краса, цвет

    7. n разг. преимущество, достоинство

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. advantage (noun) advantage; asset; attraction; benefit; feature; refinement; value; worth

    2. belle (noun) belle; enchantress; femme fatale; goddess; knock-out; seductress

    3. eyeful (noun) eyeful; knockout; looker; lovely; stunner

    4. loveliness (noun) attractiveness; charm; comeliness; elegance; grace; gracefulness; loveliness; magnificence; pulchritude; radiance; resplendence; splendor; splendour

    5. merit (noun) distinction; excellence; merit; perfection; virtue

    Антонимический ряд:

    foulness; plainness; problem; ugliness

    English-Russian base dictionary > beauty

  • 7

    1. n часто предмет потребления, товар,

    2. n эк. продукт

    Синонимический ряд:

    4. goods (noun) articles; assets; consumer goods; goods; line of goods; materials; stock in trade; wares

    5. item (noun) article; item; object; piece; substance; thing

    English-Russian base dictionary > commodity

  • 8

    1. n остриё, лезвие; режущая кромка

    slit edge — кромка, образующаяся при продольной разрезке

    2. n острый край, острота

    deckle edge — неровный край бумаги, отливная кромка

    3. n остриё, острота

    4. n край, кромка

    5. n обрез

    6. n поле

    7. n бордюр

    8. n кряж, хребет; гребень

    9. n бровка

    10. n грань; фаска; ребро

    set on edge — устанавливать на ребро; установленный на ребро

    11. n опорная призма

    12. n критическое положение, критический момент

    13. n разг. преимущество, перевес

    14. n дуга

    15. n кант

    to be on edge — быть раздражённым ; нервничать, волноваться

    16. v точить, оттачивать; заострять

    17. v окаймлять, обрамлять

    18. v продвигаться; приближаться

    19. v проскользнуть, пробраться

    20. v выскользнуть, выбраться

    21. v столкнуть, спихнуть

    22. v спорт. кантовать, вдавливать лыжи кантами в снег

    23. v диал. раздражать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. advantage (noun) advantage; allowance; bulge; draw; handicap; head start; jump; odds; start; superiority; upper hand; vantage

    2. bite (noun) bite; incisiveness; keenness; sharpness; sting

    4. border (noun) border; borderline; brim; brink; edging; fringe; hem; margin; perimeter; periphery; point; rim; selvage; skirt; threshold; verge

    5. boundary (noun) boundary; bounds; end; extremity; ledge; limit; lip; list; outline; outside; term; tip

    6. border (verb) border; bound; define; fringe; hem; margin; outline; rim; skirt; surround; verge

    Антонимический ряд:

    area; center; disadvantage; interior; surface

    English-Russian base dictionary > edge

  • 9

    1. n употр. с гл. в ед. и мн. ч. шансы, вероятность, возможность

    2. n употр. с гл. в ед. и мн. ч. преимущество, перевес; превосходство

    against heavy odds — в исключительно неблагоприятных условиях, против значительно превосходящих сил

    3. n употр. с гл. в ед. и мн. ч. спорт. гандикап

    4. n употр. с гл. в ед. и мн. ч. разногласия

    5. n употр. с гл. в ед. и мн. ч. разница, неравенство

    over the odds — слишком много, с избытком; более чем достаточно

    the odds are that … — вероятнее всего, что …

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. advantage (noun) advantage; allowance; benefit; bulge; chances; difference; draw; edge; favor; favour; handicap; head start; start; superiority; vantage

    2. advantages (noun) advantages; allowances; bulges; draws; edges; handicaps; head starts; starts; vantages

    3. bits (noun) bits; oddments; remnants; scraps

    4. chance (noun) chance; likeliness; outlook; probability; prospect

    5. overlay (noun) overlay; place money; show money; square odds

    English-Russian base dictionary > odds

  • 10

    1. n предпочтение; преимущество

    2. n выбор; то, чему отдаётся предпочтение

    3. n юр. право кредитора на преимущественное удовлетворение; преимущественное право

    4. n эк. льготная таможенная пошлина; преференция

    5. n преферанс

    6. n амер. личные вещи космонавта

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. advancement (noun) advancement; elevation; preferment; prelation; promotion; upgrading

    3. choice (noun) alternative; bent; choice; desire; election; favorite; inclination; option; partiality; pick; predilection; propensity; selection

    4. favour (noun) favour; favouritism; partiality; partialness

    5. taste (noun) affection; disposition; fondness; liking; predisposition; taste

    English-Russian base dictionary > preference

  • 11

    1. n фин. активы

    2. n эк. имущество; достояние; средства; авуары, активы; капитал; фонды

    3. n юр. имущество, наследство, из которого могут быть выплачены долги; имущество несостоятельного должника

    4. n разг. ценное качество, плюс

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. advantage (noun) advantage; attraction; beauty; benefit; boon; excellence; help; refinement; value; worth

    2. assets (noun) assets; belongings; effects; holdings; possessions

    Антонимический ряд:

    drawback; liabilities

    English-Russian base dictionary > asset

  • 12

    1. n тяга

    draw pull — сила тяги на крюке, тяговое усилие

    2. n вытягивание, вытаскивание; выхватывание

    3. n амер. затяжка

    4. n разг. то, что нравится, привлекает зрителей; приманка; гвоздь программы

    5. n разг. провокационное замечание, провокационный вопрос

    6. n разг. тот, кто пытается спровоцировать собеседника на неосторожное замечание; тот, кто допытывается, выспрашивает

    7. n разг. тот, кто легко поддаётся на провокацию; тот, кто легко проговаривается, болтун

    8. n разг. жеребьёвка

    9. n разг. лотерея

    10. n разг. вытянутый жребий; выигрыш

    11. n разг. молодой побег,

    12. n разг. амер. диал. выдвижной ящик комода

    13. n разг. спорт. игра вничью, ничья

    14. n разг. амер. разводная часть моста

    15. n разг. амер. лощина

    16. n разг. рикошет

    17. n разг. тех. прокатка

    18. v тащить, волочить; тянуть

    19. v тащиться, волочиться; тянуться

    20. v пододвигать; подтягивать; приближать

    draw near — приближаться; приблизиться

    21. v пододвигаться; подтягиваться; приближаться

    22. v перемещать, передвигать

    23. v перемещаться, передвигаться

    they drew apart — они разошлись, они отдалились друг от друга

    24. v натягивать; вытягивать

    draw out — вытягивать; удлинять; растягивать, затягивать

    draw on — натягивать; надевать

    25. v натягиваться; вытягиваться

    26. v обыкн. вытягиваться, искажаться

    27. v вытягиваться, выпрямляться

    28. v привлекать, притягивать; собирать

    29. v привлекать зрителей, слушателей; пользоваться успехом

    30. v спорт. оттягивать на себя

    31. v вытаскивать, вытягивать; выдёргивать, вырывать

    32. v добывать

    33. v зондировать, прощупывать

    34. v провоцировать

    35. v отбирать, отделять; выделять, выбирать

    36. v спорт. нагонять, настигать; сокращать расстояние, разрыв

    37. v спорт. сводить, кончать вничью

    38. v не получать перевеса

    the battle was drawn — исход битвы был неопределённым, битва не принесла победы ни той, ни другой стороне

    39. v рисовать

    40. v представлять, изображать, обрисовывать

    41. v чертить, вычерчивать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. advantage (noun) advantage; allowance; bulge; edge; handicap; head start; odds; start; vantage

    2. appeal (noun) allure; allurement; appeal; attraction; attractiveness; call; charisma; charm; drawing power; enchantment; fascination; glamour; lure; magnetism; seduction; witchery

    3. pull (noun) drag; draught; haul; puff; pull; traction

    4. tie (noun) dead heat; deadlock; dogfall; stalemate; standoff; stand-off; tie

    5. attract (verb) allure; appeal; attract; bewitch; captivate; charm; enchant; entice; evoke; fascinate; invite; lure; magnetise; magnetize; wile

    6. deplete (verb) bankrupt; deplete; draw down; exhaust; impoverish; use up

    8. drain (verb) drain; draw off; pump; siphon; tap

    9. eviscerate (verb) bowel; disembowel; embowel; eviscerate; exenterate; gut; paunch

    11. extend (verb) attenuate; draw out; elongate; extend; lengthen; prolong; prolongate; protract; pull out; spin out; stretch

    12. formulate (verb) compose; draw up; form; formulate; frame; prepare

    13. induce (verb) argue into; bring around; convince; draw in; draw on; induce; oversway; persuade; prevail on; prevail upon; procure; prompt; talk into; win over

    14. infer (verb) collect; conclude; deduce; deduct; derive; gather; get; infer; judge; make; make out; steal; take; understand

    15. pay (verb) bear; bring in; clear; earn; gain; gross; net; pay; produce; realise; repay; return; yield

    16. pick (verb) cull; extract; pick; pluck; select

    17. picture (verb) delineate; depict; design; etch; paint; pencil; picture; portray; sketch; trace

    19. pull (verb) drag; hale; haul; lead; lug; puff; pull; purchase; tow; trail; tug

    Антонимический ряд:

    compel; defeat; drive; estrange; fill; impel; propel; push; rebuff; reject; repel; repulse; shrink; throw; thrust; victory

    English-Russian base dictionary > draw

  • 13

    1. n добро, благо

    2. n польза

    to do good — быть полезным, приносить пользу

    what good will that do you?, what good will it be to you? — зачем вам это?, какой вам смысл делать это?

    3. n добрые люди

    for good — навсегда, окончательно

    4. a хороший

    in good English — на хорошем английском языке, безупречным английским языком

    very good! — прекрасно!, отлично!, замечательно!

    good points — хорошие стати, хороший экстерьер

    5. a приятный, хороший

    6. a выгодный; удобный

    7. a имеющий хорошую репутацию; хороший

    8. a высокий, важный

    9. a полезный

    10. a годный

    11. a умелый, искусный, хороший

    12. a подходящий; отвечающий цели, назначению; соответствующий

    13. a добрый, доброжелательный

    14. a благоприятный, положительный

    15. a добродетельный; чистый

    16. a воспитанный, послушный

    17. a милый, любезный, добрый

    be good enough to … — будьте так любезны …

    18. a свежий, неиспорченный; доброкачественный

    19. a настоящий, неподдельный

    20. a надёжный; кредитоспособный

    21. a здоровый, хороший

    22. a способный, в состоянии

    23. a действительный; действующий

    24. a основательный; оправданный; справедливый; законный

    25. a достаточный; обильный, изрядный

    26. a эмоц. -усил. сильный, большой, крепкий; как следует

    good many — многие; большое количество

    27. a хорошо

    good God!, good gosh!, good gracious! — господи!, боже мой!, боже правый!

    good Lord, deliver us! — господи, спаси и помилуй!

    as good as pie — очень хороший, симпатичный; благонравный, паинька

    to have a good mind to … — намереваться, собираться

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. admirable (adj.) admirable; capital; exceptional; precious; satisfactory; valuable

    2. advantageous (adj.) advantageous; auspicious; benefic; beneficial; benignant; brave; favoring; favourable; fortunate; gainful; helpful; lucrative; moneymaking; paying; profitable; promising; propitious; remunerative; serviceable; toward; useful; well-paying; worthwhile

    3. appropriate (adj.) appropriate; befitting; convenient; expedient; fit; fitting; meet; proper; suitable; tailor-made; useful

    4. big (adj.) altruistic; benevolent; benign; big; charitable; chivalrous; eleemosynary; humane; humanitarian; kind-hearted; philanthropic

    5. blameless (adj.) blameless; exemplary; guiltless; inculpable; innocent; irreprehensible; irreproachable; lily-white; moral; righteous; unblamable; upright; virtuous

    6. choice (adj.) choice; excellent; quality; superior

    7. clever (adj.) clever; scintillating; smart; sprightly

    8. commendable (adj.) commendable; favorable; flattering

    9. conscientious (adj.) conscientious; dependable

    10. considerable (adj.) considerable; great; immeasurable; large; sensible; sizable

    11. considerate (adj.) considerate; generous

    12. decent (adj.) acceptable; adequate; all of; all right; ample; common; decent; full; right; sufficient; tolerable; unexceptionable; unexceptional; unimpeachable; unobjectionable

    13. delicious (adj.) delicious; flavorful; tasty

    14. genial (adj.) agreeable; cheering; enjoyable; genial; satisfying

    15. healthful (adj.) healthful; hygienic; salubrious; salutary; salutiferous; wholesome

    16. healthy (adj.) healthy; sound; vigorous

    17. honest (adj.) honest; just; pure

    18. honorable (adj.) honorable; noble; respectable

    19. kind (adj.) beneficent; friendly; kind; kindly; obliging; well-disposed

    20. obedient (adj.) decorous; dutiful; heedful; obedient; tractable; well-behaved

    21. pleasant (adj.) congenial; grateful; gratifying; nice; pleasant; pleasing; pleasurable; pleasureful; welcome

    22. real (adj.) authentic; genuine; original; real; true; undoubted; unquestionable; valid

    23. reliable (adj.) loyal; reliable; trustworthy

    24. safe (adj.) safe; solid; stable

    25. skillful (adj.) able; adept; adroit; au fait; capable; competent; dexterous; efficient; pretty; proficient; qualified; skilful; skilled; skillful; wicked; workmanlike; workmanly

    26. well-founded (adj.) cogent; justified; well-founded; well-grounded

    27. whole (adj.) complete; entire; flawless; intact; perfect; round; unbroken; undamaged; unhurt; unimpaired; uninjured; unmarred; untouched; whole

    28. worthy (adj.) deserving; fair; honourable; immaculate; unblemished; unsullied; worthy

    29. advantage (noun) advantage; asset; benediction; benefit; blessing; boon; gain; godsend; interest; profit; prosperity; usefulness; utility; weal; welfare; well-being; worth

    30. kindness (noun) excellence; kindness; merit; righteousness

    32. virtue (noun) goodness; morality; probity; purity; rectitude; rightness; uprightness; virtue; virtuousness

    Антонимический ряд:

    abominable; bad; base; bland; calamity; contemptible; corrupt; counterfeit; curse; debased; defective; depraved; detestable; detriment; disadvantage; disagreeable; disgraceful; fickle; harm; ill; improper; incompetent; inferior; irresponsible; naughty; notorious; uncomplimentary; unstable

    English-Russian base dictionary > good

  • 14

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. advantage (noun) accommodation; advantage; bonus; boon; perk; prerogative; privilege; vantage

    English-Russian base dictionary > payoff

  • 15

    1. n начало

    2. n отправление

    3. n тех. начало движения; пуск, запуск

    4. n ав. взлёт

    5. n воен. начало атаки

    6. n косм. запуск двигателя

    7. n спорт. старт

    8. n преимущество

    9. n спорт. гандикап

    10. n вздрагивание; рывок

    11. n редк. порыв, приступ

    12. n разг. неожиданность

    13. v отправляться, пускаться в путь, трогаться

    14. v отправлять

    15. v направляться

    16. v начинать; приступать

    17. v начинаться

    18. v порождать, начинать

    19. v зажечь

    20. v вздрагивать, пугаться

    21. v арх. заставить вздрогнуть, испугать

    22. v вскакивать; выскакивать

    23. v сдвигать; расшатывать

    the damage was trifling, not a rivet was started — повреждение было незначительным, ни одну заклёпку не вырвало

    24. v сдвигаться; расшатываться

    25. v вылезать, выступать

    26. v полигр. выступать

    27. v политься, хлынуть

    28. v выливать; переливать

    29. v выращивать, разводить

    30. v спорт. стартовать

    31. v спорт. давать старт

    32. v спорт. быть участником отборочных соревнований

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. advantage (noun) advantage; allowance; bulge; draw; edge; handicap; head start; odds; vantage

    2. beginning (noun) alpha; beginning; birth; commencement; dawn; dawning; day spring; debut; genesis; inauguration; inception; initiation; launching; leadoff; nascence; onset; opening; opening gun; origin; outset; outstart; setout; spring

    4. scare (noun) fit; jerk; scare; shock; spasm; turn; twitch

    6. begin (verb) approach; arise; begin; commence; depart; embark; embark on; embark upon; enter; get off; inaugurate; initiate; issue; jump off; kick off; lead off; open; set forth; set out; set to; take on; take up; tee off; undertake

    7. found (verb) constitute; create; establish; found; inaugurate; initiate; institute; organise; organize; originate; set up

    8. recoil (verb) blanch; blench; flinch; quail; recoil; shrink; shy; squinch; wince

    9. startle (verb) bolt; jerk; jump; spring; startle; twitch

    Антонимический ряд:

    end; finish; stop

    English-Russian base dictionary > start

  • 16

    1. n держащий пари

    2. n лучший; лучшее

    better by a long way, a long way better — гораздо лучше

    3. a от I

    4. a лучший; высший

    far better — гораздо лучший; гораздо лучше

    5. a более подходящий, более выгодный

    6. a больший

    7. adv от 2 I

    8. adv лучше

    9. adv в большей степени; больше

    10. adv полнее; основательнее; сильнее

    11. v улучшать; исправлять; совершенствовать

    12. v улучшаться; исправляться

    13. v получить повышение; продвинуться

    in a few years he had bettered himself considerably by his talents and industry — за несколько лет он значительно продвинулся по службе благодаря своим способностям и трудолюбию

    14. v превосходить, превышать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. abler (adj.) abler; more adept; more capable; more competent; more proficient; more proper; more qualified; more skilful; more skilled; more wicked

    2. best (adj.) best; greater; largest; most

    3. better (adj.) better; completer; fuller; more entire; more flawless; more intact; more perfect; more unblemished; more unbroken; more undamaged; more unhurt; more unimpaired; more uninjured; more unmarred; rounder

    4. bigger (adj.) bigger; kinder; kindlier; more altruistic; more benevolent; more benign; more charitable; more chivalrous; more eleemosynary; more humane; more humanitarian; more kind-hearted; more philanthropic

    5. cleverer (adj.) cleverer; more scintillating; smarter; sprightlier

    6. excellent (adj.) excellent; incomparable; larger

    7. healthier (adj.) convalescent; convalescing; haler; healthier; improving; mending; more right; more well-conditioned; more well-liking; more whole; recovering; saner; sounder; stronger

    8. luckier (adj.) happier; luckier; more fortunate; more providential

    9. more advantageous (adj.) braver; more advantageous; more benefic; more beneficent; more beneficial; more benignant; more favoring; more gainful; more helpful; more lucrative; more moneymaking; more paying; more profitable; more remunerative; more toward; more well-paying; more worthwhile

    10. more blameless (adj.) more blameless; more exemplary; more guiltless; more inculpable; more innocent; more irreprehensible; more irreproachable; more lily-white; more righteous; more unblamable; more virtuous; purer

    11. more considerable (adj.) more considerable; more respectable; more sensible; more sizable

    12. more decent (adj.) commoner; more acceptable; more adequate; more decent; more satisfactory; more sufficient; more tolerable; more unexceptionable; more unexceptional; more unimpeachable; more unobjectionable

    13. more decorous (adj.) more decorous; more well-behaved

    14. more favourable (adj.) more auspicious; more favourable; more promising; more propitious

    15. more healthful (adj.) more healthful; more hygienic; more salubrious; more salutary; more salutiferous; more wholesome

    16. more pleasant (adj.) more agreeable; more congenial; more favorable; more grateful; more gratifying; more pleasant; more pleasing; more pleasurable; more pleasureful; more welcome; nicer; pleasanter

    17. more prosperous (adj.) easier; more comfortable; more prosperous; more substantial; more well-fixed; more well-heeled; more well-off; more well-to-do

    18. more real (adj.) more authentic; more genuine; more original; more real; more undoubted; more unquestionable; truer

    19. more skillful (adj.) more adroit; more skillful; more workmanlike; more workmanly; prettier

    20. more superior (adj.) more excellent; more superior

    21. more well-founded (adj.) more cogent; more just; more justified; more well-founded; more well-grounded

    22. preferred (adj.) finer; fitter; improved; more applicable; more appropriate; more befitting; more convenient; more expedient; more fit; more meet; more suitable; more tailor-made; more useful; more valuable; preferable; preferred; superior

    23. advantage (noun) advantage; superiority; upper hand; victory; whip hand

    25. superior (noun) brass hat; elder; higher-up; senior; superior

    26. ameliorate (verb) advance; ameliorate; amend; correct; help; improve; meliorate; pacify; profit; refine; revamp; upgrade

    27. surpass (verb) beat; best; cap; cob; ding; eclipse; exceed; excel; outdo; outgo; outmatch; outshine; outstrip; overshadow; pass; surpass; top; transcend; trump

    Антонимический ряд:

    failing; inferior; worsen

    English-Russian base dictionary > better

  • 17

    n господство, преобладание, превосходство, влияние

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. advantage (noun) advantage; ascendance; leverage; precedence; preeminence; prevalence; superiority; vantage point

    2. command (noun) command; control; dominion; mastery; rule; sway

    3. supremacy (noun) ascendancy; ascendant; domination; masterdom; predominance; pre-eminence; preponderance; preponderancy; preponderation; prepotence; prepotency; sovereignty; supremacy

    English-Russian base dictionary > dominance

  • 18

    1. n средство для достижения цели, приём; уловка

    2. a целесообразный

    I deemed it expedient to … — я считал целесообразным …

    3. a выгодный, рациональный, подходящий, уместный

    4. a практически целесообразный, выгодный; соответствующий требованиям момента; ловкий

    5. a арх. библ. полезный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. advantageous (adj.) advantageous; beneficial; convenient; helpful; opportune; practical; profitable; useful

    2. appropriate (adj.) advisable; appropriate; befitting; desirable; discreet; due; fit; fitting; good; judicious; politic; proper; prudent; recommendable; suitable; tactical; tailor-made; wise

    4. means (noun) contrivance; device; means; shift; vehicle; way; way and means

    5. resource (noun) dernier ressort; expediency; makeshift; recourse; refuge; resort; resource; stopgap; string; substitute; surrogate

    Антонимический ряд:

    harmful; impractical; inapt; undesirable

    English-Russian base dictionary > expedient

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    1. n помеха, препятствие

    2. n физический или умственный недостаток; дефект; увечье

    3. n спорт. скачки или другие соревнования с препятствиями

    4. n спорт. автомобильные гонки по пересечённой местности

    5. n спорт. гандикап

    6. v быть помехой; препятствовать

    7. v спорт. уравновешивать силы, шансы на успех; уравнивать условия; давать фору

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. advantage (noun) advantage; allowance; bonus; boost; bulge; draw; edge; head start; odds; start; vantage

    2. impediment (noun) barrier; block; detriment; disability; disadvantage; drawback; hindrance; impediment; limitation; obstacle; penalty; setback; set-back; shortcoming

    3. physical impairment (noun) affliction; chronic disorder; embarrassment; impairment; infirmity; injury; physical impairment

    6. impose a handicap (verb) disable; disfavor; disfavour; encumber; give additional points; hamper; hinder; impair; impose a handicap; limit; retard

    Антонимический ряд:

    enable; penalize

    English-Russian base dictionary > handicap

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    1. n выпуклость

    2. n сл. преимущество

    3. n разг. повышение курса на бирже; вздутие цен

    4. n разг. временное увеличение объёма или количества

    5. n разг. увеличение рождаемости

    6. n разг. воен. выступ, клин

    7. n разг. горн. вспучивание, раздув

    8. n разг. мор. противоминная наделка, противоминное утолщение

    9. v выпячиваться, выдаваться; выпирать

    10. v выпячивать

    11. v деформироваться

    12. v раздуваться, быть набитым до предела

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. advantage (noun) advantage; allowance; draw; edge; handicap; head start; odds; start; vantage

    2. swelling (noun) enlargement; excess; growth; hump; jut; knob; knot; lump; outgrowth; outthrust; projection; prominence; protrusion; protuberance; swelling

    3. beetle (verb) bag; balloon; beetle; belly; bloat; distend; jut; overhang; poke; pouch; pout; project; protrude; protuberate; puff out; stand out; stick out; swell

    Антонимический ряд:

    hollow; shrink

    English-Russian base dictionary > bulge

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    Life is life — whether in a cat, or dog or man. There is no difference there between a cat or a man. The idea of difference is a human conception for man’s own advantage.

    Sri Aurobindo



    Avantage (later altered to advantage on the model of words beginning with Latin ad-), from Old French avant before, from Latin abante from before, away.


    Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






    Advantage is a noun.

    A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


    Definition of advantage in the English dictionary

    The first definition of advantage in the dictionary is often foll by over or of superior or more favourable position or power. Other definition of advantage is benefit or profit. Advantage is also the point scored after deuce.


    Synonyms and antonyms of advantage in the English dictionary of synonyms


    The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «advantage» and belong to the same grammatical category.

    Translation of «advantage» into 25 languages

    online translator


    Find out the translation of advantage to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

    The translations of advantage from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «advantage» in English.

    Translator English — Chinese


    1,325 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Spanish


    570 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Hindi


    380 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Arabic


    280 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Russian


    278 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Portuguese


    270 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Bengali


    260 millions of speakers

    Translator English — French


    220 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Malay


    190 millions of speakers

    Translator English — German


    180 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Japanese


    130 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Korean


    85 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Javanese


    85 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Vietnamese

    lợi thế

    80 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Tamil


    75 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Marathi


    75 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Turkish


    70 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Italian


    65 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Polish


    50 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Ukrainian


    40 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Romanian


    30 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Greek


    15 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Afrikaans


    14 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Swedish


    10 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Norwegian


    5 millions of speakers

    Trends of use of advantage


    The term «advantage» is very widely used and occupies the 3.132 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



    Very widely used

    The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «advantage» in the different countries.

    Principal search tendencies and common uses of advantage

    List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «advantage».


    The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «advantage» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «advantage» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

    Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about advantage


    Famous quotes and sentences with the word advantage.

    The ability of a television series to make adjustments is something you’ve got to take advantage of.

    Like most kids growing up, I had a very wide interest. I was interested in everything. I tried to take advantage of everything, from the sciences to music to writing to literature.

    The advantage of the consumer businesses is they tend to be much broader-based, much larger number of customers, that tend to over time be a lot more predictable. The advantage of the enterprise companies is they are not as subject to consumer trend, fad, behavior.

    Life is life — whether in a cat, or dog or man. There is no difference there between a cat or a man. The idea of difference is a human conception for man’s own advantage.

    I always believed that my silence on several topics will be an advantage in the long run.

    We have followed a path of moderation, development is our priority, national unity, good community relations, Muslims and non Muslims, this is what has given us the advantage.

    Well, if you look at all of the cultures in America, this is a great opportunity for us to really get acquainted with the rest of the world. America is the only place you can do that, but we don’t have sense enough to take advantage of that.

    I had an immense advantage over many others dealing with the problem inasmuch as I had no fixed ideas derived from long-established practice to control and bias my mind, and did not suffer from the general belief that whatever is, is right.

    But then, I just decided to get off my lazy butt and take advantage of the L.A. weather.

    In our passage from the Cape of Good Hope the winds were mostly from the westward with very boisterous weather: but one great advantage that this season of the year has over the summer months is in being free from fogs.


    Discover the use of advantage in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to advantage and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


    The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything …

    » This is the promise of The Advantage, Patrick Lencioni’s bold manifesto about the most unexploited opportunity in modern business.

    Patrick M. Lencioni, 2012

    The answer, Saxenian suggests, has to do with the fact that despite similar histories and technologies, Silicon Valley developed a decentralized but cooperative industrial system while Route 128 came to be dominated by independent, self …


    The Firstborn Advantage: Making Your Birth Order Work for You

    In this fascinating book, bestselling author, humorist, and psychologist Dr. Kevin Leman shows you how to • take advantage of being a firstborn • overcome the perfectionism that holds you back • learn how to bounce back when you fail …


    Cengage Advantage Books: Sustaining the Earth: An Integrated …

    New to this edition for instructors is PowerLecture, a one-stop shop for lecture prep that includes everything you need to create dynamic lectures all in one place.


    Alliance Advantage: The Art of Creating Value Through Partnering

    Argues that corporations need to pursue joint ventures—even those with their competition—and offers strategies for creating profitable partnerships

    Yves L. Doz, Gary Hamel, 1998


    Bargaining for Advantage: Negotiation Strategies for …

    This updated edition includes: A brand-new «Negotiation I.Q.» test designed by Shell and used by executives at the Wharton workshop that reveals each reader’s unique strengths and weaknesses as a negotiator A concise manual on how to avoid …


    The End of Competitive Advantage: How to Keep Your Strategy …

    This book serves as a new playbook for strategy, one based on updated assumptions about how the world works, and shows how some of the world’s most successful companies use this method to compete and win today.

    Rita Gunther McGrath, 2013


    Competitive Advantage of Nations: Creating and Sustaining …

    Hundreds of cluster initiatives have flourished throughout the world. In an era of intensifying global competition, this pathbreaking book on the new wealth of nations has become the standard by which all future work must be measured.


    Manufacturing Advantage: Why High-performance Work Systems …

    This revelatory book, written by some of the skeptics, lays some of the suspicion to rest.Based on their visits to 44 plants and surveys of more than 4,000 employees, Eileen Appelbaum, Thomas Bailey, Peter Berg, and Arne L. Kalleberg …


    The Keystone Advantage: What the New Dynamics of Business …


    Marco Iansiti, Roy Levien, 2004


    Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term advantage is used in the context of the following news items.

    Favorites take advantage of rainy day at Tour de France

    In ferocious winds and thunderous rain, Chris Froome and Alberto Contador managed to use the conditions to their advantage during the … «The Seattle Times, Jul 15»

    Gold Producers See Instant Advantage Should Greece Exit Euro

    Gold producers see potential for immediate gains should Greece exit the euro having voted against additional austerity measures. «Bloomberg, Jul 15»

    Home-field advantage eluding Real Salt Lake this season

    Michael Mangum | Special to the Tribune Real Salt Lake forward Olmes Garcia (13) reacts after a failed attacking opportunity during the first … «Salt Lake Tribune, Jul 15»

    The Latest: Heath’s goal restores 3-goal advantage for US

    The Latest: Heath’s goal restores 3-goal advantage for US. (AP Photo/Elaine Thompson). Stephanie Saylors, center, stands with her twin … «WHNS Greenville, Jul 15»

    The Competitive Advantage of the Best Biotech Stocks

    I can’t think of any competitive advantage more important than one emphasized by Warren Buffett: an economic moat. Buffett once stated that … «Motley Fool, Jul 15»

    O’s take advantage of White Sox mistakes

    CHICAGO —Jonathan Schoop homered in his first at-bat since coming off the disabled list and Miguel Gonzalez threw six solid innings as the … «WBAL Baltimore, Jul 15»

    DOUG LEIER: Take advantage of the ‘good old days’ of fishing in …

    It’s usually because I’m wondering where the first month of summer went, and I realize I haven’t gotten out as much as intended … so far. «Grand Forks Herald, Jul 15»

    Redeeming the dream: Ackley takes advantage of second shot at …

    Shaun Ackley, a Cleveland, Oklahoma, native, spent six years in the U.S. Navy before walking on to the Oklahoma State football team. «Stillwater News Press, Jul 15»

    Advantage Of Building Your Own Rods?

    I have developed a design feature that I use on many spinning rods that offers significant advantage in some kinds of fishing and it has yet to … «, Jul 15»

    It’s time for Joe Biden to jump into the 2016 race

    In 2016, Biden’s greatest liabilities can be turned to his advantage. One knock against Biden is that he’s been chasing the job for so long and … «New York Post, Jul 15»


    « EDUCALINGO. Advantage [online]. Available <>. Apr 2023 ».

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    Alternative forms[edit]

    • advauntage (obsolete)


    From Middle English avantage, avauntage, from Old French avantage, from avant (before), from Late Latin ab ante. The spelling with d was a mistake, a- being supposed to be from Latin ad (see advance). For sense development, compare foredeal.


    • (UK) IPA(key): /ədˈvɑːn.tɪd͡ʒ/
    • (US) IPA(key): /ədˈvæn.(t)ɪd͡ʒ/


    advantage (countable and uncountable, plural advantages)

    1. (countable) Any condition, circumstance, opportunity or means, particularly favorable or chance to success, or to any desired end.

      The enemy had the advantage of a more elevated position.

      • c. 1603–1604 (date written), William Shakespeare, “The Tragedie of Othello, the Moore of Venice”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act III, scene i]:

        Give me advantage of some brief discourse.

      • 2013 June 7, Ed Pilkington, “‘Killer robots’ should be banned in advance, UN told”, in The Guardian Weekly, volume 188, number 26, page 6:

        In his submission to the UN, [Christof] Heyns points to the experience of drones. Unmanned aerial vehicles were intended initially only for surveillance, and their use for offensive purposes was prohibited, yet once strategists realised their perceived advantages as a means of carrying out targeted killings, all objections were swept out of the way.

    2. (obsolete) Superiority; mastery; — used with of to specify its nature or with over to specify the other party.
    3. (countable, uncountable) Superiority of state, or that which gives it; benefit; gain; profit

      the advantage of a good constitution

      Having the faster car is of little advantage.

    4. (tennis) The score where one player wins a point after deuce but needs the next to carry the game.
    5. (soccer) The continuation of the game after a foul against the attacking team, because the attacking team are in an advantageous position.
      • 2012 November 17, “Arsenal 5-2 Tottenham”, in BBC Sport[1]:

        Webb played an advantage that enabled Cazorla to supply a low cross from the left for Giroud to sweep home first time, despite Gallas and Vertonghen being in close attendance.

    6. Interest of money; increase; overplus (as the thirteenth in the baker’s dozen).
      • c. 1596 (date written), William Shakespeare, “The Life and Death of King Iohn”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act III, scene iii]:

        And with advantage means to pay thy love.


    • (favorable condition or position): edge, vantage
    • (superiority of state, positive aspect): benefit, perk, upside, pro, foredeal
    • (in tennis): ad


    • disadvantage, drawback

    Derived terms[edit]

    • absolute advantage
    • advantage ground
    • advantageous
    • advantageously
    • advantageousness
    • comparative advantage
    • competitive advantage
    • have the advantage
    • have the advantage of someone
    • home advantage
    • home field advantage
    • mechanical advantage
    • play the advantage
    • rest of advantage
    • selective advantage
    • take advantage
    • take advantage of
    • take at advantage
    • to one’s advantage


    • advance
    • vantage


    any condition, circumstance, opportunity, or means, particularly favorable to success

    • Albanian: përfitim (sq) m
    • Arabic: أَفْضَلِيَّة‎ f (ʔafḍaliyya), فَائِدَة‎ f (fāʔida)
    • Armenian: առավելություն (hy) (aṙavelutʿyun)
    • Asturian: ventaya f, ventaxa f
    • Basque: abantaila
    • Belarusian: перава́га f (pjeraváha)
    • Bengali: আসান (bn) (aśan), ফায়দা (bn) (phaẏoda)
    • Bulgarian: преди́мство (bg) n (predímstvo), преиму́щество (bg) n (preimúštestvo)
    • Catalan: avantatge (ca) m
    • Chinese:
      Mandarin: 利益 (zh) (lìyì), 優點优点 (zh) (yōudiǎn), 好處好处 (zh) (hǎochu)
    • Czech: výhoda (cs) f
    • Danish: fordel c
    • Dutch: voordeel (nl) n
    • Esperanto: (please verify) utilo, (please verify) avantaĝo (eo), (please verify) supereco
    • Faroese: fyrimunur m
    • Finnish: etu (fi), hyöty (fi)
    • French: avantage (fr) m
    • Galician: vantaxe (gl) f
    • Georgian: უპირატესობა (uṗiraṭesoba)
    • German: Vorteil (de) m
    • Greek: πλεονέκτημα (el) n (pleonéktima)
      Ancient: ὄφελος n (óphelos), προτέρημα n (protérēma)
    • Hebrew: יִתְרוֹן (he) m (itrón)
    • Hindi: लाभ (hi) m (lābh), फ़ायदा m (fāydā)
    • Hungarian: előny (hu)
    • Irish: buntáiste m
    • Italian: vantaggio (it) m, beneficio (it)
    • Japanese:  (ja) (とく, toku), 優位 (ja) (ゆうい, yūi), 有利 (ja) (ゆうり, yūri), 利点 (ja) (りてん, riten)
    • Khmer: ប្រយោជន៍ (km) (prɑyaoc), អត្ថប្រយោជន៍ (ʼatthaʼprɑyaoc)
    • Korean: 이점(利點) (ko) (ijeom), 리점(利點) (ko) (rijeom) (North Korea), 유리(有利) (ko) (yuri)
    • Krymchak: мефе (mefe)
    • Latin: quaestus m
    • Macedonian: предност f (prednost), предимство n (predimstvo)
    • Malay: kelebihan (ms)
    • Maori: huanga, patanga, pai (mi), painga
    • Mongolian:
      Cyrillic: please add this translation if you can
    • Nahuatl: teinellili, tlayacanaliztli (nah)
    • Norwegian:
      Bokmål: fordel m
      Nynorsk: fordel m
    • Persian: فایده (fa) (fâyede, fâyde), برتری (fa) (bartari), امتیاز (fa) (emtijâz)
    • Plautdietsch: Väadeel n
    • Polish: korzyść (pl) f, zaleta (pl) f
    • Portuguese: vantagem (pt) f, vantajoso (pt)
    • Romanian: avantaj (ro) n
    • Russian: преиму́щество (ru) n (preimúščestvo), вы́года (ru) f (výgoda)
    • Sanskrit: वीति (sa) f (vīti)
    • Serbo-Croatian:
      Cyrillic: пре̏дно̄ст f, преимућство n
      Roman: prȅdnōst (sh) f, preimućstvo n
    • Slovak: výhoda f
    • Slovene: prednost (sl) f
    • Spanish: ventaja (es) f
    • Swedish: fördel (sv) c
    • Tagalog: kalamangan
    • Tajik: фоида (tg) (foyida), бартарӣ (bartarī), афзалият (afzaliyat), имтиёз (imtiyoz)
    • Thai: please add this translation if you can
    • Turkish: avantaj (tr)
    • Ukrainian: кори́сть (uk) f (korýstʹ), ви́года f (výhoda), перева́га f (pereváha)
    • Urdu: فائدہ‎ m (fāida)
    • Vietnamese: lợi thế
    • Welsh: mantais (cy) f

    superiority; mastery

    • Albanian: epërsi (sq)
    • Belarusian: перава́га f (pjeraváha)
    • Bulgarian: преди́мство (bg) n (predímstvo)
    • Catalan: avantatge (ca) m
    • Chinese:
      Mandarin: 優勢优势 (zh) (yōushì)
    • Czech: výhoda (cs) f
    • Danish: fortrin n
    • Dutch: voordeel (nl) n, overhand (nl)
    • Finnish: yliote (fi)
    • French: avantage (fr)
    • Galician: vantaxe (gl) f
    • German: Vorteil (de) m
    • Hebrew: יִתְרוֹן (he) m (itrón)
    • Hungarian: fölény (hu)
    • Japanese: 優越 (ja) (ゆうえつ, yūetsu)
    • Krymchak: мефе (mefe)
    • Macedonian: предност f (prednost)
    • Nahuatl: tlayacanaliztli (nah)
    • Norwegian:
      Bokmål: fordel m
      Nynorsk: fordel m
    • Polish: przewaga (pl) f, awantaż (pl) m (dated)
    • Portuguese: vantagem (pt) f
    • Russian: превосхо́дство (ru) n (prevosxódstvo)
    • Serbo-Croatian:
      Cyrillic: пре̏дно̄ст f
      Roman: prȅdnōst (sh) f
    • Spanish: ventaja (es) f
    • Ukrainian: перева́га f (pereváha)

    superiority of state, or that which gives it

    • Albanian: epërsi (sq)
    • Catalan: benefici (ca) m
    • Chinese:
      Mandarin: 佔有優勢的占有优势的 (zhànyǒu yōushì de)
    • Danish: nytte c
    • Dutch: voordeel (nl) n (used with the definite article)
    • Finnish: etu (fi), hyöty (fi)
    • French: avantage (fr) m
    • Galician: beneficio (gl) m
    • German: Vorzug (de) m
    • Hebrew: יתרון (he) m (yitrón)
    • Japanese:  (ja) (toku)
    • Krymchak: мефе (mefe)
    • Latin: ēmolumentum n
    • Nahuatl: tlayacanaliztli (nah)
    • Polish: korzyść (pl) f
    • Portuguese: benefício (pt) m
    • Romanian: avantaj (ro) n
    • Spanish: beneficio (es) m, provecho (es) m


    advantage (third-person singular simple present advantages, present participle advantaging, simple past and past participle advantaged)

    1. (transitive) to provide (someone) with an advantage, to give an edge to [from 15th c.]
    2. (reflexive) to do something for one’s own benefit; to take advantage of [from 16th c.]

    Usage notes[edit]

    • Some authorities object to the use of advantage as a verb meaning «to provide with an advantage».


    • favor, favorise
    • benefit

    Derived terms[edit]

    • advantageable


    to provide with an edge

    • Bulgarian: подпомагам (bg) (podpomagam), благоприятствам (bg) (blagoprijatstvam)
    • Dutch: begunstigen (nl), bevoordelen (nl)
    • Finnish: antaa etulyöntiasema
    • French: avantager (fr), favoriser (fr)
    • Galician: avantaxar
    • Hebrew: העניק יתרון(heeník yitrón)
    • Romanian: avantaja (ro)
    • Ukrainian: віддавати перевагу (viddavaty perevahu), надавати перевагу (nadavaty perevahu)


    • advantage at OneLook Dictionary Search
    • advantage in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913

    Middle French[edit]


    From Old French, see above.


    advantage m (plural advantages)

    1. advantage
      • 1595, Michel de Montaigne, Essais:

        Et pour commencer a luy oster son plus grand advantage contre nous, prenons voye toute contraire a la commune.

        And to start removing the biggest advantage it has against us, let’s the take opposite route to the usual one.


    • advantageux


    • French: avantage
      • Albanian: avantazh
      • Polish: awantaż
      • Romanian: avantaj
      • Spanish: ventaja
      • Turkish: avantaj

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