Is that a scrabble word

Scrabble Word Finder is a helpful tool for Scrabble® players — both on a traditional board and Scrabble Go fans. By entering your letter tiles in the search box, Scrabble Word Finder finds the best cheats and high scoring words instantly. The advanced options are intuitive, and easy to use, for seasoned pros and newcomers alike.

Ultimate Scrabble Word-Finder and Game Guide

“What words can I make with these letters?” This is the constant question when trying to win Scrabble. A word cheat tool is a handy thing that can help you unscramble letters to make words. With letters on your tray that are hard to use, like X, Z, Q, or nothing but vowels, it can be almost impossible to figure something out without a Scrabble word-finder cheat! Of course, “Scrabble cheat” may be the wrong way to think about it; it’s more like Scrabble word-search help. This powerful tool allows you to train your brain, build your vocabulary muscles, become a master Scrabble anagram solver, impress friends, strike fear into the hearts of your enemies, AND, naturally, learn some new words. Use our free Scrabble solver with blank tiles or question marks to unscramble words, cheat with permission, or just become better at the game!

Besides our ultimate word unscrambler tool, we also have some other helpful tips and tricks to help you win Scrabble®. Word-help searches for common problems like “two-letter scrabble words” and “words that start with Q” are listed here, and we’re also going to go into some Scrabble rules, a short history of the board game, some of the top strategies, and the best words for winning. We’ll answer any common questions you might have about the classic word game. Solver tools let you unscramble words, finder searches can help you solve specific problems, and all of our information can help you become the ultimate Scrabble champion!

50 Scrabble Words to Win With (Infographic)

You might already be an expert Scrabble word finder, sitting next to your Scrabble dictionary and looking up the definition whenever you come across a word you don’t know, but an essential piece of the game is something unrelated to your vocabulary: the strategy. You have to know the rules, so you don’t accidentally make a big mistake in Scrabble® — you don’t want to cheat or perform an illegal move. You also need to know some of the special tips for getting the most points possible! See a rundown in the next section.

50 Best Words to Help You Win At Scrabble Every Time - Word.Tips - Infographic

A Short Timeline of the Scrabble Board Game

How, why, when, and where did Scrabble originate? Americans weren’t always obsessed with the question, “What do these letters spell?” A few people with ingenuity in New York in the 1930s and ’40s developed the game we now know and love. Here’s a brief Scrabble timeline:

  • 1930s: During the Great Depression, when Scrabble was invented, an unemployed architect from Poughkeepsie, New York, named Alfred Mosher Butts begins designing the popular game, which he imagines as a combination of a board game, number game, and crossword puzzle. As urban legend has it, he chose the frequency of the game’s tiles and their values by counting up the letters on the front page of The New York Times. Funny enough, he reportedly did not like to spell.
  • 1948: After selling the game as “Lexiko” and then as “Criss-Cross Words,” Butts hands the reins to a New Yorker named James Brunot to mass-produce the game. Brunot comes up with a new color scheme as well as the now-famous name “Scrabble.” The game is trademarked in this year.

Fun Fact: The word “scrabble” is a real word; it means “to scratch, claw, or grope about clumsily or frantically.” You can play the word scrabble in the game Scrabble if you have the right tiles!

  • 1949:Brunot and his family rent an abandoned schoolhouse in Dodgington, Connecticut, to hand-produce the game. They reportedly make 2,400 sets but lose $450.
  • 1950s: Scrabble explodes in popularity when Jack Straus of Macy’s goes on vacation and discovers the game, deciding he wants to sell it in Macy’s stores.
  • 1952: The game is licensed to and manufactured by the Selchow & Righter Company.
  • 1953: Some of the rules, like parallel words and the effects of premium squares, are clarified.
  • 1973: The first tournaments begin, unofficially at first.
  • 1976: The rules are updated again to make clear who goes first, whether a player can pass their turn, and the final scoring.
  • 1978: The first national tournament is held, the North American Invitational.
  • 1984: Scrabble becomes a game show on NBC, running until 1990.
  • 1986: Selchow & Righter is sold to COLECO Industries.
  • 1989: COLECO Industries and its games are sold to today’s owner, Hasbro Inc.
  • 1991: The World Scrabble Championship (WSC) officially begins.
  • 1999: There is another major rule change, making clear some of the rules around challenges.
  • 2003: The first National School Scrabble Championship takes place in Boston.
  • 2004: The game is inducted in the National Toy Hall of Fame.
  • 2009: The competing online game Words With Friends is released and is an overnight success.

The Basics of the Official Scrabble® Rules: How to Play

One might be surprised that the official Scrabble® rules are fairly sparse. But don’t be fooled: It’s deceptively complex, with special championship or tournament rules and many different examples of creative house rules. What are the Scrabble rules newbies need to know in order to play? Here are some of the absolute basics of how to play Scrabble:

  • Which words are officially allowed? There is a sanctioned dictionary produced by Merriam-Webster: the official Scrabble dictionary, online or in print. You can also check the word against the official Hasbro Scrabble page. It’s recommended to officially decide on a game dictionary before the game begins.
  • Which words are not allowed? Some types of words are not allowed, like foreign words that do not appear in official English-language dictionaries, abbreviations, suffixes, prefixes, hyphenated words, any word requiring an apostrophe, and proper nouns (or any word ordinarily requiring a capital letter).
  • Which Scrabble letter is worth the most? Q and Z are both worth 10 points and are the highest-point letters in Scrabble. Here’s how the rest of the letters rank in terms of Scrabble points:
    10 Points: Q, Z
    — 8 Points: J, X
    — 5 Points: K
    — 4 Points: F, H, V, W, Y
    — 3 Points: B, C, M, P
    — 2 Points: D, G
    — 1 Points: A, E, I, L, N, O, S, T, R, U
  • In Scrabble, can you make two words? Yes and no. When putting down new tiles, you must stick to placing tiles in one direction and stick to the row or column you started with. You can add letters both before and after an existing word in a single turn, but it must be going in the same direction to make a single word. But in Scrabble, can you add to a word and end up making more than one word? Yes, you can; the process is colloquially called “hooking” or “parallel words.” With parallel words, you might be able to complete and score points for several words, not just two. Basically, there are three main ways to form new words in Scrabble:
    — You can add more letters to a word that’s already been placed on the board.
    — You can place a word at a right angle, using one of the letters already on the board or adding a letter to an existing word.
    — You can place a complete word parallel to a word already on the board, as long as the adjacent letters all form complete words.
  • In traditional Scrabble®, how many players can play? The traditional board game is for two to four players.
  • In traditional Scrabble®, who goes first? After setting up the board and racks and deciding on a dictionary and any house rules, each player draws one tile from the pouch, and the player with the letter closest to “A” goes first; the second player is the one to that person’s left. Next, put the letters back into the pouch and mix them up. Then, each player draws seven letters to place on their rack. The first player needs to place a word on the board that crosses the square in the middle. That’s how Scrabble starts! Then, they should add up their score and draw tiles to replace the ones they played before the turn passes to the next player.
  • How does the game end? There is sometimes confusion about how Scrabble ends. The game ends when all of the letters have been drawn and one of the players uses their last letter (or when all plays possible have been made). When Scrabble ends, players may double-check their scoring, paying attention to the bonuses on the grid itself, and then, they must subtract the values of their unplayed letters from their score. If a player ends the game with an empty rack, they should add the values of everyone else’s unplayed letters to their score. Then, the highest point total decides the winner of the game.
  • When you’re playing Scrabble®, when you can’t go, what’s allowed? The official rules allow you to pass your turn and use it to exchange “all, some, or none” of the letters you have. This can slow down gameplay, so some people’s house rules allow the use of an online Scrabble word-maker tool like ours along with some sort of point penalty. (Players will definitely want to agree to this beforehand!) This may be a good idea to speed things along if you’re playing with young or new players who want to learn the game and have fun. For instance, if you’re a parent trying to expand your child’s vocabulary, using a free Scrabble word-builder and then going over what the word is and its definition might be a good idea!
  • Could I be playing the game wrong? Firstly, obviously, it’s important to have fun, so if you’re all flustered, consider taking a short break. But one common mistake a lot of players make is not picking a Scrabble word dictionary to use at the beginning of the game. That makes challenges hard later! You might even want to allow it to be used as a reference throughout the same for someone who is new to Scrabble®. Cheat tools like a Scrabble word-checker should definitely not be used without the other players knowing about it, though. Often, casual players are fine with someone new using a Scrabble helper, but absolutely ask permission before looking for a hint: You want to be known as the one who wins, not the one who cheats! And lastly, make sure you understand the rules about parallels. If you make a horizontal word that makes sense but one of the vertical words isn’t a word, you can’t place it.

It’s important to point out that there are several special rules in Scrabble®; for instance, you can get a 50-point bonus if you use all seven of your tiles in one turn (called a “bingo”). You can also get extra points by using bonus squares on the board, including the coveted “triple-triple,” when you play a word covering two triple word score squares. The special squares are double letter (DL), triple letter (TL), double word (DW), and triple word (TW). Bluffing is also allowed; it’s OK to play a fake word if you can get away with it! But your opponents can challenge a word if they think it’s fake, and if you’re caught, you’ll face a penalty. (Maybe don’t risk it if they already have a Scrabble dictionary handy!)

The Highest-Scoring Scrabble Word (and Other Amazing Scrabble Moves)

What Is the Highest-Scoring Scrabble Word in History?

It’s “caziques,” which is a variant of “cacique,” meaning “a native Indian chief in areas dominated primarily by Spanish culture.” It’s also a type of bird. On their own, the letters add up to 28 points, which isn’t too shabby, but in 1982, Karl Khoshnaw landed his Q on the double letter score box, his word landed on a triple-triple, and he got a 50-point bingo bonus, resulting in a total of 392 points.

The game has been full of tricky moves like that; just check the official NASPA records. Here are some of the other best Scrabble words and moves played in the game’s history as well as the latest Scrabble champions!

The Highest-Scoring Scrabble Moves Ever - Word.Tips - Infographic

Scrabble & Scrabble Go Tips and Tricks: Sneaky Strategies

As you can see from the highest-scoring Scrabble words, a huge vocabulary isn’t necessarily the secret to winning games. Being a master of placement is how to win at Scrabble. Can’t make a word? Chances are decent that you can pluralize one, add a suffix, or do something sneaky instead. Here are some other tips for winning Scrabble every time you play:

Tip #1: Aim to Get a Bingo

It’s 50 points; that’s nothing to sneeze at! You get a Scrabble bingo when you use all seven of the letters on your rack at once. Use our Scrabble word generator to practice figuring out seven-letter words and eight-letter words that will let you get rid of everything at once. This is a great reason to hang onto blank tiles as well.

Tip #2: Become a Master at “Hooking”

In Scrabble®, hooking is the practice of adding a letter to a word already on the board (usually an S) and then using that one letter to build a new word in the opposite direction. For example, you could add an “S” to the end of “hat” to create “hats” and then use the “S” to write out a whole new word, like “shield.” What’s important to remember is that once you pick a direction to drop letters in, you must keep to that same column or row.

Tip #3: Memorize High-Scoring Two-Letter Words for Parallel Words

Those semi-annoying words like aa, qi, xi, xu, ja, and ax are absolutely vital to your late-game performance, when there’s often less space available, especially if you’re planning on doing a parallel play. Parallels in Scrabble are sort of like the practice of hooking gone extreme: You can add a whole word parallel to another word, as long as the combination of letters line up to form words themselves. For example, if the word “zit” is on the board horizontally, you could add the word “at” horizontally underneath it, forming both “za” and “it” vertically. This practice can rake in a bunch of points later in the game!

Tip #4: Have Backup Words in Mind for Tough Situations

If you have a Q, the urge might be to hang onto it forever until you get a U, but it’s important to remember that all unplayed letters are counted against you in the end. A Q tile is worth 10 points, so that would take 10 points off of your score! Sometimes, you need to figure out what to do with a Q quick, and the same goes for Z, which is also worth 10 points. Use our word scramble finder tool to figure out words ahead of time so you’re prepared for tricky situations, like when you have a Q without a U.

Tip #5: Pay Close Attention to the Board Itself

Remember if you’re a Words With Friends fan that the board for Scrabble is very different! Things are arranged differently so you’ll need to develop a strategy. For instance, it’s really important to keep in mind that you can get a “triple-triple.” According to the rules, “If a word is formed that covers two premium word squares, the score is doubled and then re-doubled (4 times the letter count) or tripled and then re-tripled (9 times the letter count).” Combining that with a powerful letter like Z, Q, or J can result in a ton of points, especially if you happen to get a bingo at the same time!

Scrabble FAQs

Here are some more interesting facts about one of America’s favorite board games.

Who Manufactures Scrabble?

Hasbro Inc. manufactures it within the U.S. and Canada, and Mattel manufactures it abroad.

Who Decides Scrabble Words?

Two main word lists exist: the Official Tournament and Club Word List (aka OWL or TWL) for players within North America and Collins Scrabble Words (aka CSW or SOWPODS) for players outside of the U.S. and Canada. There are some small differences. It may be odd, but this is a surprisingly political question, with some offensive words being removed from the OWL and a great deal of stress being caused by new versions.

The OWL is typically based on the Merriam-Webster dictionary, and the CSW is based on the Collins dictionary.

At the end of the day, though, who decides Scrabble words is you, the player: In the rules, it states that players should collectively decide at the start of the game which dictionary they’ll be checking during challenges. If you as a group, prefer the Oxford dictionary, for instance, you simply need to agree beforehand.

How Many Tiles in Scrabble Are There?

There are 100 total tiles in a game of Scrabble. If you feel like you’re missing some, feel free to count them up — there should be 98 letters and two blank tiles.

Here’s how many tiles there are for each letter in Scrabble:

  • 12 tiles: E
  • 9 tiles: A, I
  • 8 tiles: O
  • 6 tiles: N, R, T
  • 4 tiles: D, L, S, U
  • 3 tiles: G
  • 2 tiles: B, C, F, H, M, P, V, W, Y, Blanks
  • 1 tile: J, K, Q, X, Z

If a few have come up missing, you can often find replacement tiles online on sites like Etsy or Amazon. Also, you can use this list to make your own DIY Scrabble board, like this hardwood version or this magnetic board.

Can You Play Online? What is Scrabble Go?

One of the most popular apps for playing a Scrabble-like game is Words With Friends produced by Zynga, though there are differences between Words With Friends and traditional Scrabble. (For example, there’s no 50-point bonus in Words With Friends, and the board layout is different.) Some prefer the official Scrabble app produced by Scopely. There is also an official Facebook version of the game.

Why Is Scrabble Good for Your Brain?

Incredibly, the effects of playing Scrabble have been studied a great deal. Researchers have found that expert Scrabble players use different parts of their brains than non-experts, relying more on visual perception, and scientists hope that these discoveries mean that a fun word game like this one can be helpful to people with neurological degenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. Scrabble® is also praised as a fun word game for kids looking to work on their vocabulary and spelling, increase game skills, and practice thinking critically. But engaging people and bringing them together in a friendly and competitive way is why Scrabble® is important to us.

Asked by: Abdullah Will II

Score: 4.1/5
(33 votes)

Scrabble is a word game in which two to four players score points by placing tiles, each bearing a single letter, onto a game board divided into a 15×15 grid of squares. The tiles must form words that, in crossword fashion, read left to right in rows or downward in columns, and be included in a standard dictionary or lexicon.
The name Scrabble is a trademark of Mattel in most of the world, except in the United States and Canada, where it is a trademark of Hasbro. The game is sold in 121 countries and is available in more than 30 languages; approximately 150 million sets have been sold worldwide, and roughly one-third of American and half of British homes have a Scrabble set. There are approximately 4,000 Scrabble clubs around the world.

Is you are a word in scrabble?

No, youre is not in the scrabble dictionary.

What are the 2 letter scrabble words?

Scrabble/Two Letter Words

  • AA, AB, AD, AE, AG, AH, AI, AL, AM, AN, AR, AS, AT, AW, AX, AY.
  • BA, BE, BI, BO, BY.
  • DA, DE, DO.
  • ED, EF, EH, EL, EM, EN, ER, ES, ET, EW, EX.
  • FA, FE.
  • GI, GO.
  • HA, HE, HI, HM, HO.
  • ID, IF, IN, IS, IT.

Is faces a scrabble word?

Yes, faces is in the scrabble dictionary.

Is Za in scrabble dictionary?

About the Word:

ZA is the most played word containing the letter Z (and the only playable two-letter word with the letter Z) in tournament SCRABBLE play. … za is the country code for South Africa (Zuid-Afrika is Dutch for «South Africa»), but abbreviations and codes are not acceptable on the SCRABBLE board.

34 related questions found

Is QA a scrabble word?

To the frustration of quality assurance professionals and mystical students of Hebrew scripture alike, «qa» is not a playable word in Scrabble.

Is QO a word?

Qo is defined as the abbreviation of Qohelet from the Hebrew Bible which translates into Ecclesiastes, a book of teachings by Solomon in the Old Testament. An example of Qo is what people are referring to when they mention the Hebrew version of Ecclesiastes. Quality operations.

Is Qin a scrabble word?

No, qin is not in the scrabble dictionary.

Descramble Letters — New look! Feedback?

TIP: Use Space Bar or ? for Blank tiles. Results return with maximum of two blanks.

Use the Word Finder tool above to find every possible combination of words from your input word. You can use the generator tool as a cheat for scrabble, WWF, Jumble, Literati, and much more. To use our Scrabble Word Finder, enter in all your rack letters. You can enter «?»s for blank tiles. Use the Extra String input box if you know you have to use certain letters. For instance, in Scrabble, if you are building off a word that ends in the letter «G,» and you want your word to start with a «G,» you can enter G in the extra string, and choose «at beginning» so the Word Finder will return all words starting with the letter G that include your letters.

Note that in this case you will not have to enter the letter «G» in your letters up top, unless you have an additional «G» that you want to use in the word.

You can also choose to sort by Scrabble Point Values or WWF Point Values. This will tell you the most valuable plays you can make on your board. Each result links to The Word Finder dictionary so you can see the definition of the words you are about to play. We also have a Draw Something Help and a Scramble With Friends Tool that will allow you to achieve higher scores in those games. Most recently, we created a wordle solver which will give you possible answers and also the best letters to guess next.

Our Word Finder Tool searches our database of words from the SOWPODS dictionary that both Scrabble and WWF are based upon. It also includes words that were added by the creators of the both games such as «texting.» In some very rare occasions, there will be a word that is returned which is not accepted by Scrabble or WWF. Typically this is because Scrabble has chosen to remove the word because of its negative influence. We will refrain from posting sample words here because they can sometimes be vulgar. But if you are solely a words with friends conisuer, consider giving Scrabble a whirl on the app store. It has improved greatly! If you still prefer wwf, try out the words with friends cheat tool that we have as well.

The Word Finder

How can you get better at scrabble? To improve your score at pretty much any word game, you need to get familiar with a few sets of words. Check out our Scrabble Word Lists, which are invaluable to improving your score. If you get to know the 2 letter words and the words with a Q but no U in them, you will have a huge advantage. This is because you can rack up huge points by creating multiple words in just one play, and sometimes a 2 letter word allows you to do just that. Additionally, knowing your two letter words allows you to get rid of tiles at the end of games. Another list people don’t talk about as often is the list of hooks. A 3 letter hook allows you to create 2 words in your play, one that adds a letter to then beginning (or end) of a word, and your own word that you actually spell out. You can also access the Anagram Solver which will sort out your anagram finding issues. Currently it’s a single word Anagram Solver but we also have a multi word generator as well. It is also important to remember to play defense in Scrabble/WWF. This means that you should not only just unscramble letters but also avoid opening up the triple letter word tile for your opponent(s) because they can score big. One exception is if you yourself are scoring big in the process, or if you think your opponent cannot utilize the triple word tile. Even better is if you have a rare combination of letters (and blanks) that would allow you to use the triple word tile in your next turn after opening it up, while still making it tough for your opponent to use.

Also, be sure to let us know what you want to see on The Word Finder (contact below)! We want to hear from you and make your experience better! We promise to get back to you and take every suggestion very seriously! By the way you can also hit us up on Twitter!

Scrabble Word Finder

Is Que a Scrabble word?

Que is not a Scrabble word. Although Que is not in the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary, there are over 400 official words that include the word “Que.” The easiest high-point word to build with Que is Bisque for 17 points. Que is a valid Scrabble word in French, Spanish, and Portuguese.

In this article, you’ll learn the top 10 Que Scrabble builds, 400 other words you can make with Que, and how to get the highest points with Que.

Let’s get started!

Why Is Que Not a Scrabble Word? (3 Good Reasons)

(This post may have afilliate links. Please see my full disclosure)

Man with surprised look and Que Scrabble tiles—Is Que a Scrabble Word

Image by the author Via Canva—Is Que a Scrabble Word?

There are three good reasons that Que is not a legal word in Scrabble.

Here are those three reasons:

  • Que is not in the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary.
  • Que is not a recognized English word in two major English dictionaries.
  • Most people confuse Que with the word Queue or Cue.

Despite Que sounding like a word that should be in Scrabble, you can’t use Que in gameplay. The very similar-sounding “queue” is an official Scrabble word that means to stand in a line.

Que Scrabble Word Scoring

Since Que is not an official Scrabble word, it is not worth any points in the game.

However, if Que were allowed, it would be worth 12 points. That’s pretty dang good for a three-letter word.

Here is the theoretical breakdown of the scoring:

  • Q = 10
  • U = 1
  • E = 1

Therefore, the “Q” is the powerhouse of points in the word Que.

You can get and increase the points you earn with Que by:

  • Placing the letters “Que” on a double square
  • Placing the letters “Que” on a triple square
  • Adding “Que” to the beginning, middle, or end of other words
  • Using all 7 letters in your rack to get a Scrabble “Bingo”

If you manage to play all the letters in your rank during your round, you get a Scrabble Bingo worth 50 extra points in the game.

With Que, that means you automatically earn 62 points plus whatever you earned from using the other letters and bonus squares.

Top 10 Que Scrabble Word Builds

There are 10 fast, high-point builds with Que.

Check out this chart to find the best Que Scrabble word builds using the letters “Q”, “U”, and “E.”

Que Scrabble Word Builds Points
Queues 14
Roque 14
Toque 14
Pique 16
Fique 17
Bisque 17
Haique 18
Cheque 20
Jerque 22
Physique 25
Chart: Que Scrabble Word Builds—Is Que a Scrabble Word?

Based on this chart, the shortest word you can make with the most points is either fique or bisque, both for 17 points. The way to get the highest number of points with the fewest letters is by building the word physique for 25 points.

The highest point word you can make with Que is the 14-letter behemoth of a word, “microtechnique,” for 32 points.

If you want even more Scrabble Word alternatives for Que, this section is for you.

I’ve collected 400 options divided into three categories:

  • Words that start with Que
  • Words that end with Que
  • Words that include Que

Words That Start With Que

  1. Queach
  2. Queaches
  3. Queachier
  4. Queachiest
  5. Queachy
  6. Quean
  7. Queans
  8. Queasier
  9. Queasiest
  10. Queasily
  11. Queasiness
  12. Queasinesses
  13. Queasy
  14. Queazier
  15. Queaziest
  16. Queazy
  17. Quebec
  18. Quebecs
  19. Quebracho
  20. Quebrachos
  21. Queechier
  22. Queechiest
  23. Queechy
  24. Queen
  25. Queencake
  26. Queencakes
  27. Queencraft
  28. Queencrafts
  29. Queencup
  30. Queencups
  31. Queendom
  32. Queendoms
  33. Queened
  34. Queenfish
  35. Queenfishes
  36. Queenhood
  37. Queenhoods
  38. Queenie
  39. Queenier
  40. Queenies
  41. Queeniest
  42. Queening
  43. Queenings
  44. Queenite
  45. Queenites
  46. Queenless
  47. Queenlet
  48. Queenlets
  49. Queenlier
  50. Queenliest
  51. Queenlike
  52. Queenliness
  53. Queenlinesses
  54. Queenly
  55. Queens
  56. Queenship
  57. Queenships
  58. Queenside
  59. Queensides
  60. Queeny
  61. Queer
  62. Queercore
  63. Queercores
  64. Queerdom
  65. Queerdoms
  66. Queered
  67. Queerer
  68. Queerest
  69. Queering
  70. Queerish
  71. Queerities
  72. Queerity
  73. Queerly
  74. Queerness
  75. Queernesses
  76. Queers
  77. Queest
  78. Queests
  79. Queint
  80. Quelch
  81. Quelched
  82. Quelches
  83. Quelching
  84. Quelea
  85. Queleas
  86. Quell
  87. Quellable
  88. Quelled
  89. Queller
  90. Quellers
  91. Quelling
  92. Quells
  93. Quelquechose
  94. Quelquechoses
  95. Queme
  96. Quemed
  97. Quemes
  98. Queming
  99. Quena
  100. Quenas
  101. Quench
  102. Quenchable
  103. Quenched
  104. Quencher
  105. Quenchers
  106. Quenches
  107. Quenching
  108. Quenchings
  109. Quenchless
  110. Quenchlessly
  111. Quenelle
  112. Quenelles
  113. Quep
  114. Quercetic
  115. Quercetin
  116. Quercetins
  117. Quercetum
  118. Quercetums
  119. Quercine
  120. Quercitin
  121. Quercitins
  122. Quercitron
  123. Quercitrons
  124. Querida
  125. Queridas
  126. Queried
  127. Querier
  128. Queriers
  129. Queries
  130. Querimonies
  131. Querimonious
  132. Querimoniously
  133. Querimony
  134. Querist
  135. Querists
  136. Quern
  137. Querns
  138. Quernstone
  139. Quernstones
  140. Quersprung
  141. Quersprungs
  142. Querulous
  143. Querulously
  144. Querulousness
  145. Querulousnesses
  146. Query
  147. Querying
  148. Queryingly
  149. Queryings
  150. Quesadilla
  151. Quesadillas
  152. Quest
  153. Questant
  154. Questants
  155. Quested
  156. Quester
  157. Questers
  158. Questing
  159. Questingly
  160. Questings
  161. Question
  162. Questionability
  163. Questionable
  164. Questionableness
  165. Questionablenesses
  166. Questionably
  167. Questionaries
  168. Questionary
  169. Questioned
  170. Questionee
  171. Questionees
  172. Questioner
  173. Questioners
  174. Questioning
  175. Questioningly
  176. Questionings
  177. Questionist
  178. Questionists
  179. Questionless
  180. Questionlessly
  181. Questionnaire
  182. Questionnaires
  183. Questions
  184. Questor
  185. Questorial
  186. Questors
  187. Questorship
  188. Questorships
  189. Questrist
  190. Questrists
  191. Quests
  192. Quetch
  193. Quetched
  194. Quetches
  195. Quetching
  196. Quethe
  197. Quethes
  198. Quething
  199. Quetsch
  200. Quetsches
  201. Quetzal
  202. Quetzales
  203. Quetzals
  204. Queue
  205. Queued
  206. Queueing
  207. Queueings
  208. Queuer
  209. Queuers
  210. Queues
  211. Queuing
  212. Queuings
  213. Quey
  214. Queyn
  215. Queynie
  216. Queynies
  217. Queyns
  218. Queys
  219. Quezal
  220. Quezales
  221. Quezals

Words That End With Que

  1. Antimasque
  2. Antiplaque
  3. Antique
  4. Applique
  5. Appropinque
  6. Arabesque
  7. Autocritique
  8. Babelesque
  9. Barbaresque
  10. Barbeque
  11. Baroque
  12. Barque
  13. Barrique
  14. Basque
  15. Bezique
  16. Bisque
  17. Biunique
  18. Blottesque
  19. Bosque
  20. Bourasque
  21. Boutique
  22. Breloque
  23. Brusque
  24. Burlesque
  25. Cacique
  26. Caique
  27. Calque
  28. Carnivalesque
  29. Casque
  30. Catafalque
  31. Cazique
  32. Cheque
  33. Chibouque
  34. Chivalresque
  35. Churrigueresque
  36. Cinematheque
  37. Cinque
  38. Cirque
  39. Claque
  40. Clinique
  41. Clique
  42. Cloque
  43. Colloque
  44. Comique
  45. Communique
  46. Critique
  47. Demipique
  48. Detraque
  49. Discotheque
  50. Domestique
  51. Dominique
  52. Embusque
  53. Equivoque
  54. Eurocheque
  55. Fabrique
  56. Fantasque
  57. Filioque
  58. Fique
  59. Gaminesque
  60. Gigantesque
  61. Grecque
  62. Grotesque
  63. Haique
  64. Humoresque
  65. Jerque
  66. Lalique
  67. Lasque
  68. Lustique
  69. Macaberesque
  70. Macaque
  71. Madrigalesque
  72. Manque
  73. Marque
  74. Masque
  75. Microtechnique
  76. Monocoque
  77. Moresque
  78. Mosque
  79. Mystique
  80. Nonunique
  81. Oblique
  82. Odalique
  83. Odalisque
  84. Opaque
  85. Ortanique
  86. Pauraque
  87. Paycheque
  88. Perique
  89. Perruque
  90. Petanque
  91. Physique
  92. Picaresque
  93. Picturesque
  94. Pique
  95. Piroque
  96. Plaque
  97. Plastique
  98. Plateresque
  99. Politique
  100. Postique
  101. Practique
  102. Pratique
  103. Pulque
  104. Radiopaque
  105. Relique
  106. Remarque
  107. Repique
  108. Risque
  109. Roentgenopaque
  110. Rontgenopaque
  111. Roque
  112. Sacque
  113. Saique
  114. Satyresque
  115. Sculpturesque
  116. Semicirque
  117. Semiopaque
  118. Shabracque
  119. Silique
  120. Soldatesque
  121. Statuesque
  122. Sympathique
  123. Technique
  124. Teleferique
  125. Telepherique
  126. Theorique
  127. Toque
  128. Torque
  129. Triptyque
  130. Tuque
  131. Ubique
  132. Unique
  133. Unpicturesque
  134. Usque
  135. Vehmique
  136. Veronique
  137. Videotheque

Words That Include Que

  1. Acquest
  2. Acquests
  3. Antimasque
  4. Antimasques
  5. Antiplaque
  6. Antiqued
  7. Antiquely
  8. Antiqueness
  9. Antiquenesses
  10. Antiquer
  11. Antiquers
  12. Antiques
  13. Antiquey
  14. Appliqued
  15. Appliqueing
  16. Appliques
  17. Appropinqued
  18. Appropinques
  19. Aqueduct
  20. Aqueducts
  21. Aqueous
  22. Aqueously
  23. Arabesqued
  24. Arabesques
  25. Arquebus
  26. Arquebusade
  27. Arquebusades
  28. Arquebuses
  29. Arquebusier
  30. Arquebusiers
  31. Autocritiques
  32. Banquet
  33. Banqueted
  34. Banqueteer
  35. Banqueteers
  36. Banqueter
  37. Banqueters
  38. Banqueting
  39. Banquetings
  40. Banquets
  41. Banquette
  42. Banquettes
  43. Barbequed
  44. Barbeques
  45. Baroquely
  46. Baroques
  47. Barquentine
  48. Barquentines
  49. Barques
  50. Barquette
  51. Barquettes
  52. Barriques
  53. Basqued
  54. Basques
  55. Becquerel
  56. Becquerels
  57. Bequeath
  58. Bequeathable
  59. Bequeathal
  60. Bequeathals
  61. Bequeathed
  62. Bequeather
  63. Bequeathers
  64. Bequeathing
  65. Bequeathment
  66. Bequeathments
  67. Bequeaths
  68. Bequest
  69. Bequests
  70. Beziques
  71. Bisques
  72. Biuniqueness
  73. Biuniquenesses
  74. Blanquet
  75. Blanquets
  76. Blanquette
  77. Blanquettes
  78. Blottesques
  79. Bosques
  80. Bosquet
  81. Bosquets
  82. Bouquet
  83. Bouquetiere
  84. Bouquetieres
  85. Bouquets
  86. Bourasque
  87. Bourasques
  88. Boutiques
  89. Boutiquey
  90. Breloques
  91. Briquet
  92. Briquets
  93. Briquette
  94. Briquetted
  95. Briquettes
  96. Briquetting
  97. Brusquely
  98. Brusqueness
  99. Brusquenesses
  100. Brusquer
  101. Brusquerie
  102. Brusqueries
  103. Brusquest
  104. Burlesqued
  105. Burlesquely
  106. Burlesquer
  107. Burlesquers
  108. Burlesques
  109. Caciques
  110. Caiques
  111. Calqued
  112. Calques
  113. Carnivalesque
  114. Casqued
  115. Casques
  116. Catafalque
  117. Catafalques
  118. Caziques
  119. Chaqueta
  120. Chaquetas
  121. Chequebook
  122. Chequebooks
  123. Chequer
  124. Chequerboard
  125. Chequerboards
  126. Chequered
  127. Chequering
  128. Chequers
  129. Chequerwise
  130. Chequerwork
  131. Chequerworks
  132. Cheques
  133. Chibouques
  134. Cinematheques
  135. Cinquecentist
  136. Cinquecentisti
  137. Cinquecentists
  138. Cinquecento
  139. Cinquecentos
  140. Cinquefoil
  141. Cinquefoils
  142. Cinques
  143. Cirques
  144. Claquer
  145. Claquers
  146. Claques
  147. Claqueur
  148. Claqueurs
  149. Cliniques
  150. Cliqued
  151. Cliques
  152. Cliquey
  153. Cloques
  154. Colliquescence
  155. Colliquescences
  156. Colloqued
  157. Colloques
  158. Comiques
  159. Communique
  160. Communiques
  161. Conquer
  162. Conquerability
  163. Conquerable
  164. Conquerableness
  165. Conquered
  166. Conquerer
  167. Conquerers
  168. Conqueress
  169. Conqueresses
  170. Conquering
  171. Conqueringly
  172. Conqueror
  173. Conquerors
  174. Conquers
  175. Conquest
  176. Conquests
  177. Consequence
  178. Consequenced
  179. Consequences
  180. Consequencing
  181. Consequent
  182. Consequential
  183. Consequentialities
  184. Consequentiality
  185. Consequentially
  186. Consequentialness
  187. Consequentialnesses
  188. Consequently
  189. Consequents
  190. Coquelicot
  191. Coquelicots
  192. Coquetries
  193. Coquetry
  194. Coquets
  195. Coquette
  196. Coquetted
  197. Coquettes
  198. Coquetting
  199. Coquettish
  200. Coquettishly
  201. Coquettishness
  202. Coquettishnesses
  203. Cotquean
  204. Cotqueans
  205. Counterquestion
  206. Counterquestioned
  207. Counterquestioning
  208. Counterquestions
  209. Craquelure
  210. Craquelures
  211. Critiqued
  212. Critiques
  213. Croqueted
  214. Croqueting
  215. Croquets
  216. Croquette
  217. Croquettes
  218. Delinquencies
  219. Delinquency
  220. Delinquent
  221. Delinquently
  222. Delinquents
  223. Deliquesce
  224. Deliquesced
  225. Deliquescence
  226. Deliquescences
  227. Deliquescent
  228. Deliquesces
  229. Deliquescing
  230. Demipiques
  231. Dequeue
  232. Dequeued
  233. Dequeueing
  234. Dequeues
  235. Dequeuing
  236. Detraque
  237. Detraquee
  238. Detraquees
  239. Detraques
  240. Discotheques
  241. Docqueted
  242. Docqueting
  243. Docquets
  244. Domestiques
  245. Dominiques
  246. Eigenfrequency
  247. Eloquence
  248. Eloquences
  249. Eloquent
  250. Eloquently
  251. Embarquement
  252. Embarquements
  253. Embusques
  254. Enqueue
  255. Enqueued
  256. Enqueueing
  257. Enqueues
  258. Enqueuing
  259. Equerries
  260. Equerry
  261. Eques
  262. Equestrian
  263. Equestrianism
  264. Equestrianisms
  265. Equestrians
  266. Equestrienne
  267. Equestriennes
  268. Equivoques
  269. Etiquette
  270. Etiquettes
  271. Eurocheque
  272. Eurocheques
  273. Exchequer
  274. Exchequered
  275. Exchequering
  276. Exchequers
  277. Fabriques
  278. Fantasques
  279. Filioques
  280. Fiques
  281. Frequence
  282. Frequences
  283. Frequencies
  284. Frequency
  285. Frequent
  286. Frequentable
  287. Frequentation
  288. Frequentations
  289. Frequentative
  290. Frequentatives
  291. Frequented
  292. Frequenter
  293. Frequenters
  294. Frequentest
  295. Frequenting
  296. Frequently
  297. Frequentness
  298. Frequentnesses
  299. Frequents
  300. Genderqueer
  301. Genderqueers
  302. Grandiloquence
  303. Grandiloquences
  304. Grandiloquent
  305. Grandiloquently
  306. Grecques
  307. Grotesquely
  308. Grotesqueness
  309. Grotesquenesses
  310. Grotesquer
  311. Grotesquerie
  312. Grotesqueries
  313. Grotesquery
  314. Grotesques
  315. Grotesquest
  316. Gyrofrequencies
  317. Gyrofrequency
  318. Hacqueton
  319. Hacquetons
  320. Haiques
  321. Haqueton
  322. Haquetons
  323. Harquebus
  324. Harquebuse
  325. Harquebuses
  326. Harquebusier
  327. Harquebusiers
  328. Harquebuss
  329. Harquebusses
  330. Henequen
  331. Henequens
  332. Heniquen
  333. Heniquens
  334. Huaquero
  335. Huaqueros
  336. Humoresque
  337. Humoresques
  338. Illaqueable
  339. Illaqueate
  340. Illaqueated
  341. Illaqueates
  342. Illaqueating

Is Que a Scrabble Word in Other Languages?

Yes, Que is a Scrabble word in several other languages.

Que is a valid Scrabble word in:

  • French
  • Spanish
  • Portuguese

Here are the translations:

  • The French word Que means “That”
  • The Spanish word Que means “What”
  • The Portuguese word Que means “What”

Que Scrabble Word Example Sentences

I thought it might be helpful to add a short section for example sentences using a few Que Scrabble words.

Example sentences with the Que word “physique” in them:

  • I’m not happy with my physique. I need to hit the gym more.
  • She’s got an amazing physique. She must work out a lot.
  • He’s very proud of his physique and works hard to maintain it.
  • To achieve the perfect physique, he follows a strict diet and workout regime.
  • She’s very self-conscious about her physique and won’t wear revealing clothing.

Example sentences with the Que word “grotesque:”

  • The novel’s opening scene is a grotesque depiction of the protagonist’s mental state.
  • His behavior at the party was so grotesque that I had to leave.
  • The sight of the accident was so gruesome and grotesque that I will never forget it.
  • The politician’s lies were so grotesque that even his own party couldn’t defend him.
  • The paintings in the museum were quite beautiful, but some were also quite grotesque.

Final Thoughts: Is Que a Scrabble Word?

The bottom line is that Que is a Scrabble word that you can confidently play in the game.

To find out if other short word combinations are valid in Scrabble, check out the hand-picked batch of blog posts below.

Scrabble-related articles:

  • Is VI a Scrabble Word? (Official Answer + 300 Alternatives)
  • Is IQ a Scrabble Word? (Official Answer + 201 Alternatives)
  • Is Ra a Scrabble Word? (Solved + 1,000 Alternatives)
  • Is Oz a Scrabble Word? (Official Answer + 400 Alternatives)


Official Scrabble Players Dictionary

Are you fond of playing Scrabble? Are you looking for ways to improve your vocabulary skills? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this free scrabble word finder tool is for you! Discover new words, use it as a handy cheat board, or utilize it as a winning strategy. However you plan on using the cheat tool, you will surely find it incredibly functional!

Scrabble Game Essentials

Scrabble is a classic board game that has been enjoyed by many generations. The rules of the popular game are pretty simple. Each set includes a 15 x 15 tiled Scrabble board and 100 pieces of letter tiles — bearing consonants and vowels. These tiles have corresponding points in them. A game consists of a minimum of 2 players and a maximum of 4 players. Each player gets a combination of 7 letters on their rack for every round. Using his or her tiles, players take turns in forming words (accepted by the Scrabble dictionary) on the board, either sidewards or downwards.

What is the Scoring System?

Each letter tile has a corresponding point value. This depends on how rare the letter is and how difficult it can be to use and lay it on the board. A common letter like A, E or I has a lower value while the highest-point letters Q and Z have 10 points. Take note that there are 2 blank tiles included in the bag that can be used as a representative of any letter. These blank tiles have no point values.

1 Point: A, E, I, L, N, O, R, S, T & U

2 Points: D & G

3 Points: B, C, M & P

4 Points: F, H, V, W & Y

5 Points: K

8 Points: J & X

10 Points: Q & Z, the most difficult letter tiles

You will also find score multipliers scattered around the Scrabble board. When a tile is laid on one of these squares, its value or the whole word’s value will be multiplied double or triple. In other words, you can get a triple word score only by smartly placing the word on the board.

How Does the Game End?

Once there are no more tiles in the bag, and one of the players has already placed his or her tiles on the board, the game ends. The player with the highest score wins.

Scrabble Cheat

The biggest challenge of playing Scrabble is forming Scrabble words out of seven letters while making sure that it’s well connected with all the letters laid out on the board. Even long-time Scrabble players will find a hard time figuring something out at one point or another. This word generator is explicitly made to complement and improve your game skills. Use our online Scrabble solver to unscramble the jumbled letters on your rack and maintain your winning streak in this fun word game.

You may be having second thoughts about using scramble solvers while playing Scrabble or a different puzzle game, but we believe that the only way to improve your command of the language is by learning new words regularly. We encourage even the game experts to use this Scrabble cheat board as a training tool to help you improve your lexicon. The best thing about it is that it’s free! Use and abuse it to win your favorite board games and better your vocabulary and crossword puzzle skills.

Scrabble Solver Features

• Generates high-scoring words, accepted by the game dictionary, from a combination of letters.

• The search box accepts up to 15 letters and up to 2 blank tiles.

• By using advanced options, you can unscramble letters to match a specific pattern or get words of a certain length to place them in a desired position on the board game, form words with adjacent letters, or get rid of as many as possible unplayed letters.

• No registration is required to enjoy all the benefits of this cheat tool and get the highest-scoring word for any handful of letters.

• Free for unlimited usage so you can play countless word scramble games and always be the game winner.

Top 5 Scrabble Tips and Tricks

Aiming to be a master Scrabble® player? Here are 4 proven powerful tools to help you win the next game with your friends.

1. Go for Bingo

This is how you get a big score in a single turn in Scrabble the bingo! You get 50 points by getting rid of the seven unplayed letters on your rack all at once. This isn’t as easy as it sounds, though! You will find using this handy jumble solver to be helpful in achieving this Scrabble feat.

2. Look for a Hook

Hooking is the strategy of adding a single letter to the existing word in order to create a completely new one. An example of these is turning «rain» into «brain.» Employ the advanced search features to achieve this result.

3. Memorize High-scoring Short Words

Placement is key in playing Scrabble. Toward the end of the puzzle game, the board is slowly getting filled up with tiles. During this time, It will be extremely helpful to play high-scoring two-letter words and 3-letter Scrabble words. Use this online cheat for Scrabble to practice and memorize high-scoring three-letter words that will help you play the last extra letters.

4. Score with one Syllable Moves

Be on the lookout for words on the board that can be extended by placing prefixes and suffixes. This is another excellent strategy to continue scoring even through the later part of the game when the board becomes crowded already.

5. Aim to Lay on the Multipliers

The best strategy to win big points in Scrabble is by targetting the multipliers on the board. The premium word squares on the board are DL (Double Letter), TL (Triple Letter), DW (Double Word), and TW (Triple Word). Try to achieve as many special squares as possible. According to the rules, if a word is formed covering two premium squares, the score is either doubled and then redoubled or tripled and then retripled. Gain a higher score when you play this strategy using a 10-point tile!

Scrabble Words and Official Dictionaries

These are the dictionaries acknowledged by the official Scrabble game:

Official Scrabble Players Dictionary or OSPD

This is a popular reference for Scrabble words no longer than eight letters. The list includes other pieces of information, such as parts of speech and brief definitions.

Official Tournament and Club Word List or OTCWL

This dictionary version is used in regular competitive play. It is a list of all acceptable words, including those up to fifteen letters, the longest word that can be played on a Scrabble board. Unlike OSPD, OTCWL is a simple alphabetical list. It is only available to NASPA members at the NASPA Store.


The term is an anagram of OSPD (Official Scrabble Players Dictionary) and OSW (Official Scrabble Words). SOWPODS is the official dictionary used in English-language tournaments hosted by most countries outside the USA.

Our completely free cheat site to find Scrabble words is based on these extensive dictionaries. Use this anagram solver for your next game, and we guarantee you a competitive play!

Scrabble FAQs

Here are some more interesting facts about your favorite classic board game!

The Highest Scoring Scrabble Word

The highest score recorded in the history of Scrabble was made by Karl Khoshnaw in 1982. He made his move by forming the word “caziques,” defined as a native Indian chief in areas dominated primarily by Spanish culture. Apart from using the 10-point tile Q, he achieved a bingo and landed on a triple-triple. This move resulted in a whopping 392 points.

The Longest Words Played in the History of Scrabble

The North American Scrabble Players Association or NASPA has an official record of all the impressive feats in the world of Scrabble. One of the most prominent ones includes the longest words played by the game champions. These words are “discontentments” by Ed Liebfried in 2005 and “reconsideration” by Ken Clark in 1990.

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