Is telescoping a word

Asked by: Mr. Durward Douglas DVM

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(42 votes)

Meaning of telescoping in English

to make or become shorter by reducing the length of the parts: We had to telescope five visits into two days.

What is the opposite of telescoping?

▲ Opposite of the act of extending or contracting in the manner of a telescope. decompression. expansion. repose.

Does telescopic mean extendable?

Capable of being extended or compressed by the use of parts that slide over one another.

How do you use telescopic in a sentence?

Telescopic in a Sentence ?

  1. The telescopic nature of the lens made the image look larger to me, just like a telescope is supposed to do.
  2. If you look through a telescope you are experiencing a telescopic view in which the object you are looking at appears larger than it is.

What is a telescoped word?

Definitions of telescoped. adjective. shortened by or as if by means of parts that slide one within another or are crushed one into another. “a miracle that anyone survived in the telescoped cars” “years that seemed telescoped like time in a dream”

27 related questions found

What does telescopic view mean?

capable of magnifying distant objects: a telescopic lens. obtained by means of a telescope: a telescopic view of the moon. seen by a telescope; visible only through a telescope. capable of viewing objects from a distance; farseeing: a telescopic eye.

What is telescopic arm?

The telescopic arm is connected by tubes to a central extraction and filter system. It is installed in confined booths or rooms with little space and is designed for continuous use. The telescopic arm is suitable for large amounts of smoke and dust such as welding fumes, gases, vapours or light dusts.

What is the root of the word telescopic?

Telescope is from the Greek roots tele. «far,» and skopos, «seeing;» so it literally describes what the instrument does. As a verb, telescope means «to become smaller through one part sliding into another,» the way a portable collapsing telescope does.

Why is it called telescopic?

The word telescope (from the Ancient Greek τῆλε, romanized tele ‘far’ and σκοπεῖν, skopein ‘to look or see’; τηλεσκόπος, teleskopos ‘far-seeing’) was coined in 1611 by the Greek mathematician Giovanni Demisiani for one of Galileo Galilei’s instruments presented at a banquet at the Accademia dei Lincei.

What is a telescopic crown?

The telescopic crown is defined as an artificial crown fabricated to fit over a coping (1). Telescopic crowns have been used mainly in removable dental prostheses (RDP) to connect the dentures to the remaining dentition (2, 3).

What is a telescopic system?

Telescopic systems are ideal for enlarging distant objects. There are two types of systems, Galilean and Keplerian systems. When combined with front caps, these telescopic systems also enable near vision, e.g. for reading, viewing photos or craftwork. Telescopic systems are available in a wide range of magnifications.

What is telescoping in English language?

The contraction of a phrase, word, or part of a word, on the analogy of a telescope being closed: biodegradable for biologically degradable; sitcom for situation comedy.

What is telescoping in social?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In cognitive psychology, the telescoping effect (or telescoping bias) refers to the temporal displacement of an event whereby people perceive recent events as being more remote than they are and distant events as being more recent than they are.

What does telescoping mean in medical terms?

The ‘compression’ or overlapping of clinical or pathologic features of a disease or lesion that is normally subdivided into chronologic stages of progression.

What is a telescoping boom?

Telescopic booms are aerial work platforms with boom sections that extend telescopically. They are also commonly known as “stick” booms because of their straight appearance.

What is telescoping in math?

In mathematics, a telescoping series is a series whose general term can be written as , i.e. the difference of two consecutive terms of a sequence .

What is telescopic gauge?

Telescoping gauges are indirect measuring devices used to measure the internal diameter of a bore, hole, groove, slot, etc. This T-shaped tool consists of a handle, two telescopic rods and a locking screw. … With the help of a micrometer, the telescopic rods measure the distance of the bore.

What is a telescope child definition?

definition: an instrument that uses lenses and sometimes mirrors to make distant objects appear larger.

What does it mean televise?

transitive verb. : to broadcast (something, such as a baseball game) by television. intransitive verb. : to broadcast by television.

What does a telescope do?

Telescopes collect and magnify the light from distant objects. The problem with observing objects in the night sky is that they are so far away and therefore appear extremely faint. The more light that can be collected with a telescope, the better we can see these objects.

What is a telescoping mechanism?

Telescoping in mechanics describes the movement of one part sliding out from another, lengthening an object (such as a telescope or the lift arm of an aerial work platform) from its rest state.

How do telescoping mechanisms work?

It work by tighten the large cone shaped ring on fingers under it to pinch or tighten against the smaller pole inside. You tighten the cone shape barrel by twisting it the tighter you do now the harder it is to undo later. … The tappered cone is tightened down against the fingers locking the poles in place.

What part of speech is telescopic?

of, relating to, obtained with, or observable using a telescope. capable of seeing distant objects. capable of being extended or compressed by the use of parts that slide over one another.

What is the cost of a telescope?

A good telescope can cost anywhere from $200 to $8000 US dollars. Depending on if you are just starting out or if you are looking for a professional telescope, prices will differ. The characteristics of a good telescope will be defined by the intended use and the needs of a particular user.

    NovaInfo 136, с.42-43, скачать PDF
    Опубликовано 18 января 2023
    Раздел: Филологические науки
    Просмотров за месяц: 9


    The article shows that the telescoping is considered as an independent productive way of forming a new vocabulary.

    Ключевые слова


    Текст научной работы

    Telescoping and telescopic formations have been studied by many linguists. The first attempts were made in the 19th century by H. Paul (1880) and H.H. Sweet (1892). During the 20th century a lot of scientific works were convened, such as Khrusheva O.A. (2011) H.A. IIIextMan (2003), D Aleo (1977), Kubozono H. (1990), A.A. De Bon (1998), Tomashevich (2008) and others. Many researchers find telescoping a very important phenomenon in linguistics. For a long time, telescoping was attributed to such a way of word formation as abbreviation.

    Later, many people began to consider telescoping as an independent way of word formation, which had a number of features. Today, telescoping is considered as an independent productive way of forming a new vocabulary. There are a number of definitions of this word-formation phenomenon, since telescoping remains a little-studied word-formation process.

    When studying the topic in some works, we met with the opinion that telescoping does not belong to the derivative way of word formation. The most frequent are the terms usage presented in the works of Lavrova N.A. «Contamination in Modern English: a fait accompli» (2012). In most foreign works, this word — formation phenomenon is called blending, and the units obtained with its help are blends (blend words).

    In foreign publications terminological variability is less, the phenomenon is described as «telescoping», «word blending», «conflation», «fusion», «contamination». It should be noted that terminology describes the same phenomenon in word formation, and not its classification. There is a significant difference in the definitions of telescoping in the linguistic literature. In the works of T. R. Timoshenko, the term «telescope» is used, referred to as such a way of word formation, which is a merger of two (or more) truncated stems or a merger of a full stem with a truncated stem, as a result of which a new word is formed, fully or partially including the value of all its constituent structural elements [Tymoshenko T.P., 1975].

    T.R. Timoshenko considers telescoping as an intermediate word-formation model and occupies an intermediate place between linear (suggesting the expansion of the source word, such as affixation) and non-linear models (suggesting the transformation of the source word, such as conversion). Sukhorukova O.N. considers telescopy as an independent method of word formation, which is a fusion of two or more truncated stems or a merger of a full word with a truncated stem, as a result of which a new formation of a telescopic unit appears, which completely or partially combines the values of all its constituent structural components.

    In his studies A. Yu. Muradyan uses the term «phrasing» and interprets it as the process of creating a new word and combining the forms and meanings of two words already existing in the system of the language with the obligatory truncation of at least one of the original words and their imposition at the junction [Muradyan A.Yu. 1978].

    In the work of Lavrova N.A. uses the term contamination and explains that the word-formation model under consideration is the formation of a linguistic unit as a result of the contraction of morphological fragments, with the loss in the new formation of one or two adjacent identical or similar syllables in meaning [Lavrova N.A. 2012]. In the works of foreign linguists, the topic of telescope formations was widely covered in many linguists’ works. S. Grice uses the term blending, which can be defined as follows: blending is the creation of a new word from several lexemes by merging parts of at least two original words, in which either one word is shortened during the merging or there is a phonemic or grapheme superposition of source words [Stefan Th.Gries, 2004] G. Bergstorm telescoping as a process that occurs between two words due to their unification by synonymy or similarity of the meaning of the subordinate element» [Bergstorm, 1906]. J. Algeo refers to blends as «a combination of two or more forms where at least one is shortened in the process of combining», with the words. J. Algeo classifies them as compound words (Algeo.1977). G. Cannon pays special attention to the semantic similarity in telescopic formations, emphasizing that often blends are formed from two synonyms or words close in meaning. He defines blending as «the nesting (folding) of two or more separate shapes into one. Blends usually contain overlap and retain some of the meaning of at least one of the original words, although sometimes the roots are so lost that the blend cannot be analyzed. Štekauer’s works give the following view on the definition of blend: «blend comes from two motivated words that have been combined into a new word that cannot be parsed into a determinant defined». Stekauer separates the definitions of compound words and blends, emphasizing that phonemic overlap is important in the formation of a telescopic formation, as well as a new meaning for the word. In the works of Bauer, a blend is considered as «a new lexeme formed by parts of two words in such a way that it is not possible to conduct an explicit (direct) analysis of a word into morphs.

    However, Bauer makes it clear that blends usually take the first part of one word and the last part of another, thus contradicting itself. Concerning the difference between the telescoping of other derivational processes, Bauer highlights cases where one original word is left intact in the blend, so that the given word can be regarded as a case of clipping C. Kemmer, who adopted Bauer’s definition, gives the following definition of telescopic formation: «a new lexeme formed from parts of two (or more) other lexemes».

    Читайте также

    • Telescopic formation

      1. Базарбаева А.М.
      NovaInfo 136, с.43-44, 18 января 2023, Филологические науки
    • Principle of economy in the word-formation

      1. Базарбаева А.М.
      NovaInfo 135, с.39-40, 10 декабря 2022, Филологические науки
    • Systemic nature of the word-formation units in the language

      1. Базарбаева А.М.
      NovaInfo 134, с.70-71, 1 ноября 2022, Филологические науки
    • Main word formation issues, the conditions of utilizing shortened words

      1. Базарбаева А.М.
      NovaInfo 134, с.71-72, 1 ноября 2022, Филологические науки
    • Word Formation and its realization in newspaper style

      1. Исматова М.И.
      NovaInfo 132, с.84-85, 21 апреля 2022, Филологические науки

    Список литературы

    1. Adams Valerie, An Introduction to Modern English Word-Formation. Longman. 2001.
    2. Alger John., The acronym and its contents. 1975.
    3. Beck C.H. A Synchronic — Diachronic Approach. Munich, 1969.
    4. Buranov J, Mulino A., A Practical Course in English Lexicology. Tashkent, 1990.


    Базарбаева, А.М. Telescoping of words / А.М. Базарбаева. — Текст : электронный // NovaInfo, 2023. — № 136. — С. 42-43. — URL: (дата обращения: 14.04.2023).


    Able to reproduce both sexually and asexually, aphid populations can increase in size at exponential rates: when asexual females are pregnant, their embryos are also pregnant, so females can carry both their daughters and granddaughters, a condition called telescoping of generations. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    Federal safety officials have criticized the cars as being prone to «telescoping» in crashes. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    The cars have been criticized by federal safety officials as being prone to «telescoping» in crashes. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    Denise Mina, however, uses a modified version of it in FIELD OF BLOOD, which I dubbed «telescoping» when I stumbled on it, but now think might exemplify central intelligence. ❋ Unknown (2007)

    Imagine that you can grab handles on the ends of the two branches and move them up and down, in and out, with some kind of telescoping mechanism. ❋ Unknown (2007)

    A spokesman for the National Transportation Safety Board said the agency’s investigation would include an inquiry into the role of «telescoping,» in which a train plows into another, climbs atop its roof and collapses into itself like a retracting telescope, which appears to be what happened Monday, based on the wreckage. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    Just be aware that, depending on your gender and what it is you’re looking at, you’re liable to experience other types of «telescoping» as well. ❋ BikeSnobNYC (2009)

    The cervical cases are recognised by the «telescoping» of the neck, the head and thorax being unduly approximated; the dorsal cases by the well-known _hump_ or _hunch-back_, in which the spinous processes of the collapsed vertebræ constitute the apex of the hump; the thorax is telescoped from above downwards, the ribs are crowded together, the lower ones, it may be, inside the iliac crests, and the sternum projected forwards. ❋ Alexander Miles (1893)

    Slip, or «telescoping» joints could be incorporated in the design where the prefabricated tunnel sections intersect the seawalls. ❋ William (2010)

    She also is developing advanced advertising applications that include linear applications such as telescoping, addressable targeting and VOD dynamic insertion. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    The sky here has been far too cloudy for any kind of telescoping, so I haven’t been able to get any good views of Mars this time around ❋ Unknown (2010)

    You can screw multiple rings put together in order to achieve a smaller thread size, but you need to be careful and use as few rings as possible to keep from having part of the picture being obscured or restricted by the «telescoping» effect of stacked rings. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    For instance, according to the Sun, after a fatal crash in 1996, the NTSB recommended that Metro reinforce its rail cars ‘structure to prevent «telescoping» during a crash. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    However, an NTSB report on a 2004 red line crash that injured 20 said the failure of the underframe end structure on the 1000-series cars «may make them susceptible to ‘telescoping‘ and potentially [result in] a catastrophic compromise of the occupant-survival space.» ❋ (2009)

    That’s largely because EBIF is expected to play a starring role in some upcoming revenue-inducing advertising applications, such as targeting and «telescoping,» a technique that allows users to find out more about a product with the click of the remote. ❋ Unknown (2008)

    Not all «telescoping» ladders really work like a telescope in that they slide one section into the next.www. is a true marvel of engineering. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    Whips around his bronze telescoping spear and pierces one through the face. ❋ Max Brallier (2011)

    All four were in an aluminum telescoping rod case which I was given to carry as my family hiked up to a mountain lake in Colorado. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    i was banging this bird last night. [grabbed] a [toilet roll] [tube] and proceeded in some telescoping ❋ Luvchild1 (2009)

    *Sheldon and Leonard are at the table in the cafeteria. [Raj] joins them.*
    LEONARD: Oh, how’d it go last night?
    [RAJ]: Oh, you know, same old same old. Looked through a telescope, saw some stars, [big move].
    LEONARD: Really? You waited months for a time with that telescope. What happened?
    RAJ: Why? You writing a book?
    SHELDON: I’m going to propose a hypothesis. Last night, Raj accidentally made contact with an alien civilization, and has been ordered by the United States government to keep it a secret.
    RAJ: Nothing happened! Can we please just change the subject?!
    SHELDON: That sounds [rehearsed]. [We are not alone].
    *Howard walks over to the table.*
    HOWARD: Hey.
    LEONARD: Hey.
    SHELDON: Hello.
    HOWARD: Hey.
    RAJ: Hey.
    LEONARD: You get to play with [Raj’s] big telescope last night?
    *Howard and Raj both react with shock.*
    HOWARD: Where’d that come from?!
    RAJ: He never touched my telescope!!
    HOWARD: Way to go shutting up!
    RAJ: I did shut up, now you shut up!
    HOWARD: Fine!
    RAJ: Thank you!
    RAJ: I can’t believe you didn’t call me this morning. ❋ Daedalus Suburbanus (2013)

    Dude#1“Bro u ever stick a cotton bud [up in ya] dickhole? [Shits dope]”
    Dude#2“Bitch please u ever try [telescoping]? Get yo dick out and lemme fuck your dick with my dick” ❋ Shittybottomus (2018)

    I’m [getting coffee] with them tomorrow, but [I don’t even know] what they look like, so I’ll have to do some [telescoping] tonight. ❋ Rwisgjg (2019)

    Jane [saw that] Ben was hard and said «do you want to [telescope]», Ben [unzipped] his trousers. ❋ Poopy Poop (2013)

    [Try] watching a [sexy girl] get [dressed] with a telescope. ❋ Spycatcher (2004)

    «Dude i had such a massive [bone on] [the bus] that i had to do a [telescope]!» ❋ VANis (2003)

    Hey [baby], mind [if I] use my [special] Telescope! ❋ DredrickTatem (2009)

    ‘Telascope, [on the side], get [alice]!!!’
    ‘Ah [fuck]!’
    ‘Where is waterpistol?’ ❋ Prof And Dr Gee (2004)

    I have the [Japanese telescope] [ready] ;). ❋ Chester St. Rumpterfrabble (2017)

    по природе экономен в средствах», — подчеркивал известный русский языковед А.М.

    наши дни такое стремление к экономии языковых средств очень ярко проявляется в
    образовании новых слов при помощи телескопии.

    же такое телескопные

    толстых словарях и учебниках мы можем прочитать очень сложное определение:
    «Под телескопией понимается слияние двух или более сокращенных основ или
    слияние полной основы с сокращенной, в результате которого образуется новое
    слово, которое полностью или частично объединяет значение всех структурных
    элементов, входящих в его состав. Такое определение нам дает Л.А. Липилина, и с
    точки зрения науки оно очень правильное и всеобъемлющее. Но! Если попытаться
    объяснять своими словами, то телескопия — это процесс создания нового слова, из
    отдельных частей двух (или более) уже существующих в языке слов; при этом,
    получившееся слово объединяет в себе и значение двух исходных. Согласитесь,
    намного удобнее вместо длинных словосочетаний использовать одно короткое слово
    — но при этом значение сказанного вами не изменится, и все прекрасно вас

    английском языке очень много слов-телескопов. 

    американцы очень любят приглашать гостей на, так называемый, второй завтрак — brunch (breakfast + lunch): вроде как
    уже не завтрак, но еще и не обед, все заняты не столько едой, сколько беседой
    по душам, да и готовить много не надо — трудно поверь, что все это значение
    вмещает в себя маленькое односложное слово! Очень удобно! 

    названия многих известных нам торговых марок образовались благодаря телескопии.
    Например, название знаменитой фирмы Adidas является результатом слияния
    имени Adi Dasser, основателя компании по производству спортивной одежды и
    обуви, а известная авторская система физических упражнений Callanetics, очень
    популярная среди девушек, благодаря слиянию имени своего разработчика Каллана
    Пинкини и слова атлетика (Callan + athletics). 

    на каком континенте мы живем? Правильно! Мы живем в Евразии — а ведь это тоже телескопное
    слово: слияние слов «Европа» и «Азия» (
    Eurasia = Europe + Asia)!                                                

    самом деле, мы с вами знаем очень много телескопных слов, мы просто никогда не
    задумывались об их происхождении и способе образования. В русском языке таких
    слов тоже становится все больше и больше! В настоящее время мы не можем
    представить свою жизнь без компьютеров и интернета — вот и результат: огромное
    количество русских телескопных слов появляется именно в этой сфере:
     сисадмин = системный + администратор, рунет = русский + Интернет
    (русскоязычная часть Интернета),  
    нетикет = Интернет + этикет (правила
    общения в интернете) и многие другие. А если мы вспомним рекламные
    ролики, которые каждый день видим по телевизору? К примеру радиостанция Europa
    Plus постоянно использует яркое слово-телескоп «
    (музыка + кайф) для рекламы своей передачи топовых песен, а кофейный бренд
    Jacobs Monarch использует слово-телескоп в своем слогане: «Jacobs Monarch.
     Аромагия сближает»
    (аромат + магия). И таких примеров целая куча!

    еще более интересно, явление 
    телескопии изучено очень мало. Поэтому, изучая
    телескопные слова мы с вами выступаем в роли своего рода исследователей — быть
    может мы сможем сделать какое-нибудь лингвистическое открытие в этой области,
    кто знает?:) Ведь пока не существует ни конкретных моделей образования таких
    слов, ни единого названия для них. Да-да! Ученые-лингвисты как только не называют телескопные слова в своих трудах: и «


    » (тоже
    очень распространенное название, можно часто встретить при изучении
    слов-телескопов), и «сложносокращенными словами», и
    «словами-слитками», и «словами-портмоне» (это название,
    кстати, принадлежит Льюису Кэрроллу, автору «Алисы в стране» чудес, большому
    мастеру в создании телескопных слов в своих произведениях), и другими. А
    некоторые ученые вообще считают, что телескопию не стоит выделять как отдельный
    способ! Как же так!? Тем не менее, телескопных слов становится все больше как в
    английском, так и в русском языках. Поэтому нам очень важно иметь представление
    о таких очень интересных и функциональных лексических единицах!

    • 1


      телескопирование [выдвижение] стрелы

      Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык.

      * * *


      Англо-русский строительный словарь.

      Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > telescoping

    • 2

      Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > telescoping

    • 3

      1. телескопическая стрела
      2. раздвижной

      Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > telescoping

    • 4

      Англо-русский технический словарь > telescoping

    • 5

      1) выдвижной; телескопический

      2) выдвижение; вложение

      English-Russian scientific dictionary > telescoping

    • 6

      Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > telescoping

    • 7

      Англо-русский металлургический словарь > telescoping

    • 8

      English-Russian dictionary of geology > telescoping

    • 9

      телескопирование: сокращение время на производство партии товаров путем разбивки ее на несколько меньших групп и осуществление с ними одновременно нескольких разных видов производственных операций;



      Англо-русский экономический словарь > telescoping

    • 10

      * * *

      телескопический; выдвижной; раздвижной

      * * *

      Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > telescoping

    • 11

      телескопинг; проблема памяти, возникающая в опросах: респонденты что-то вспоминают, но не могут правильно сказать, когда это произошло, считая прошлое более недавним.

      * * *


      телескопинг; проблема памяти, возникающая в опросах: респонденты что-то вспоминают, но не могут правильно сказать, когда это произошло, считая прошлое более недавним.

      Англо-русский словарь по социологии > telescoping

    • 12

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > telescoping

    • 13

      Англо русский политехнический словарь > telescoping

    • 14

      техн. прил.

      выдвигающийся, складывающийся

      Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > telescoping

    • 15

      Англо-русский словарь по прокатке металлов > telescoping

    • 16

      раздвижной, выдвижной, телескопический.

      English-Russian dictionary of terms for geological exploration drilling > telescoping

    • 17

      English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > telescoping

    • 18

      машиностр. выдвижной

      * * *





      Новый англо-русский словарь > telescoping

    • 19

      English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > telescoping

    • 20

      Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > telescoping


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    См. также в других словарях:

    • Telescoping — Tel e*scop ing (t[e^]l [ e]*sk[=o]p [i^]ng), a. Capable of being extended or compacted, like a telescope, by the sliding of sections or parts one within the other; telescopic; as, telescoping tripod legs; a telescoping table, etc.; a term… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • telescoping — Telescope Tel e*scope (t[e^]l [ e]*sk[=o]p), a. Capable of being extended or compacted, like a telescope, by the sliding of joints or parts one within the other; telescopic; as, a telescope bag; telescope table, etc.; now more commonly replaced… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • Telescoping — Telescope Tel e*scope, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Telescoped}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Telescoping}.] To slide or pass one within another, after the manner of the sections of a small telescope or spyglass; to come into collision, as railway cars, in such a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • Telescoping (mechanics) — Telescoping in mechanics describes the movement of one part sliding out from another, lengthening an object (such as a telescope or the lift arm of an aerial work platform) from its rest state. In modern equipment, this is often done by… …   Wikipedia

    • Telescoping generations — occur in parthenogenetic species, such as aphids or other life forms that have the ability to reproduce without ovum fertilization. This occurrence is characterized by a viviparous female having a daughter growing inside her that is also… …   Wikipedia

    • Telescoping bolt — External view of Uzi and MP40 submachineguns, both 9mm submachineguns with a 10 (250mm) barrel, showing size advantage that telescoping mechanism allows …   Wikipedia

    • Telescoping series — In mathematics, a telescoping series is an informal expression referring to a series whose sum can be found by exploiting the circumstance that nearly every term cancels with either a succeeding or preceding term. Such a technique is also known… …   Wikipedia

    • Telescoping effect — In psychology and cognitive science, the telescoping effect is people s tendency to perceive recent events as being more remote than they are, and to perceive distant events as being more recent than they are. More specifically, the former is… …   Wikipedia

    • Telescoping stock — A telescoping stock (alternatively collapsing stock) is a stock on a firearm that telescopes or folds in on itself in order to become more compact. Telescoping stocks are useful for storing a rifle or weapon in a space that it would not normally… …   Wikipedia

    • Telescoping (railway) — In a railway accident, telescoping occurs when the underframe of one vehicle overrides that of another, and smashes through the second vehicle s body.Accidents where telescoping occurred are numerous and include: * The Illinois Central Gulf… …   Wikipedia

    • Telescoping — Неплотная намотка (ленты), конусность (рулона) …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

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