Is teamwork all one word

“Teamwork” is one of the foundational blocks of business and friendship. It will help to know whether it’s one or two words before you write it. This article will explain all the rules surrounding it and how you can get it to work!

“Teamwork” is one word. There are no other acceptable cases when you are talking about a group of people working together as a team. It should always be grouped into one as a noun because it’s a very common phrase that many people are aware of.

Teamwork or Team work?

According to Google Ngram Viewer, “teamwork” is the most popular choice of the two. This shows that it’s the only one that is acceptable and correct in many cases.

Teamwork or Team work - Statistics

However, considering “team work” is incorrect, it does have a surprising number of hits on the graph. These examples will explain why that might be:

  • We should watch the team work.
  • This team works well together.

As you can see, it’s sometimes possible for a space to come between “team” and “work.” However, this is a phrasal verb rather than a noun, and it does not follow the rules we’re looking for in this article.

The Cambridge Dictionary and The Oxford Dictionary provide definitions for “teamwork” as one word. This shows that it’s the only officially recognized variation, so it’s the only one you should stick to in your own writing.

Is “Teamwork” One Word?

“Teamwork” should be one word. We use it as a compound noun, where “team” and “work” are combined to show that people are working together to achieve a common goal. There is no reason to split these words because the meaning will be skewed.

The AP Stylebook teaches us that grouping words is acceptable when those words are commonly seen together. Since “teamwork” is such a fundamental thing to come across in today’s world, it makes sense to group them up.

We can also skip over the AP Style hyphen rules in this case because hyphens apply mainly to adjectives. Since “teamwork” is a compound noun, it makes more sense to keep it as a one-word variation rather than two words or hyphenated.

We’ll show you some examples to help you out:

  1. I love the teamwork that you’ve been demonstrating! It shows that you’re a really capable worker.
  2. He isn’t very good with teamwork. We’ve tried to include him, but he doesn’t seem to care.
  3. I love the teamwork that they show off together. I’m glad I managed to convince them to work on the same team.
  4. The teamwork of this office needs some work, to be frank. Nobody seems to care about their peers, and I don’t like that!

Is “Team work” Two Words?

“Team work” is not correct as two words when used as a noun. We mentioned that it could work as a phrasal verb, but that is not important for this article. We simply want to show you that you cannot separate the compound noun of “team work.”

Sometimes, we might keep words like this separate if the meanings of the individual words modify each other. However, it’s much more likely that “teamwork” is written together because the modification is irrelevant. We simply want to show that a team of people works together.

Also, splitting the two words would mean that “team” becomes an adjective, which isn’t what we’re trying to achieve from the phrase.

These examples should help you work it all out:

  • Correct: If you’re not going to give me more teamwork, then I don’t see why you’re here.
  • Incorrect: Team work is the most important thing for us to achieve in this company.
  • Correct: Whatever you say about her, you’ve got to admit that her teamwork skills are phenomenal!
  • Incorrect: I don’t like team work. It’s really difficult to find ways to communicate with your colleagues like that.

Tip To Remember The Difference

This quick tip should be all you need to remember what the differences are.

Teams are built on cohesion and connection. Since you have to work closely with other people in your team, it makes sense that you should work as a group. Therefore, we should also group the word “teamwork” to show that there’s a strong connection between the members.

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Is teamwork a word?

If you are referring to the quality of people working together as a ‘team’, then the “teamwork” is meant to be a single word. However, when the usage denotes about the activity, then, it would be better to use a different noun “e.g. This is a team effort, project, etc.”.

Does teamwork have a hyphen?

Hyphenation of teamwork This word can be hyphenated and contains 2 syllables as shown below.

How do you spell team work?

How Do You Spell TEAMWORK? Correct spelling for the English word “teamwork” is [tˈiːmwɜːk], [tˈiːmwɜːk], [t_ˈiː_m_w_ɜː_k] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

What is team work in one word?

cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting together as a team or in the interests of a common cause.

What is a good word for teamwork?


  • collaboration.
  • cooperating.
  • joint action.
  • joint effort.
  • synergy.
  • teamwork.

How do you describe teamwork on a resume?

You may have a team player award, served as team leader, coordinated a project, or been given a special role which involves liaising between team members. Another effective way to show collaboration skills on your resume is to include them in the skills section of your resume.

What is the importance of teamwork?

When work is divvied up among members of a team, it gets done faster, making the overall business operate more efficiently. Your team will develop a sense of comradery as you work toward a common goal. Teamwork builds morale. You’ll feel that your work is valued when you contribute to something that produces results.

What does team stand for?

Definition. TEAM. Time, Energy, And Money. TEAM. Together Everyone Achieves More.

How would you describe a good team?

A strong team usually has a leader that they trust and respect. This individual essentially works as the glue holding the team together and should be responsible for setting the pace, offers encouragement and motivation, and keeps all members of the team updated.

What qualities make a good team member?

Here are 10 qualities that can make for an outstanding team player in the workplace.

  • They are committed to the team.
  • They are flexible.
  • They are engaged.
  • They are reliable and responsible.
  • They actively listen.
  • They communicate within their team.
  • They lend a helping hand.
  • They are respectful.

What are examples of teamwork skills?

Top 10 Teamwork Skills—Examples

  • Communication.
  • Conflict resolution.
  • Rapport-building and listening.
  • Decision-making.
  • Problem-solving.
  • Organizational and planning skills.
  • Persuasion and influencing skills.
  • Reliability.

What makes a team unique?

Diversity and Heterogeneity Each team member is valued for their unique talents and skills. Collectively, a diverse skill set, way of thinking, experiences, idea generation and problem solving helps to create an effective team and enhance results.

How do you evaluate a good team?

5 Ways to Evaluate the Success of Your Team

  1. Establish a clear baseline. First, you must establish a bottom line.
  2. Quantify what success means for your team.
  3. Don’t ignore the competition.
  4. Take note of any positive or negative outliers.
  5. Assess your level of involvement.

What are four teamwork skills?

Teamwork: The 4 most important teamwork skills

  • Organisation and planning. Deadlines may be the bane of the existence of both workers and leadership, but when it comes to team projects, tasks, and strategies, meeting them is essential.
  • Problem-solving.
  • Communication.
  • Leadership.

How would you describe teamwork in an interview?

How to Answer “Give Us Examples of Your Teamwork”

  1. Situation. Provide a bit of context about the experience.
  2. Task. Explain the team’s goals – in particular, what project you were working on.
  3. Action. Explain the steps taken (including your own) to meet the team’s goals.
  4. Result.

Are you a good team player?

“I understand and appreciate the fact that a team environment is both productive and efficient. I have the ability to compromise, show respect to others and listen to the needs of my teammates. While I can be a leader when necessary, I can also play an equal role on the team when the situation merits.”

3 Answers. If you are referring to the quality of people working together as a team, then say teamworkone word. … You can say the more common string of words «This is a team effort» to mean that an effort should not be done by one person.

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Asked by: Dr. Chelsey VonRueden MD

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Deriving from a Proto-Germanic verb describing the actions of ‘pulling, drawing, bringing forth and producing offspring,’ the concept entered English circa 10th century, with the noun team first defined in the eleventh-century descendants of the earliest school text in the English language, The Antwerp–London …

Where did the word teamwork come from?

teamwork (n.)

also team-work, 1828 in the literal sense, «work done by a team of horses, oxen, etc.» (as distinguished from manual labor), from team (n.) + work (n.). Attested by 1909 in the extended sense.

What is the meaning of the word team in teamwork?

noun. cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting together as a team or in the interests of a common cause. work done with a team.

What do the letters in teamwork stand for?

Together Everyone Attaining Meaningful Well Organized Reward-able Work.

What’s a fancy word for teamwork?

In this page you can discover 22 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for teamwork, like: cooperation, collaboration, partnership, synergy, union, alliance, conflict, team spirit, partisanship, coaction and team-working.

20 related questions found

How do you say good teamwork?

Examples of team player statements to incorporate into your resume include:

  • Embraces teamwork.
  • Team-player who can also work independently.
  • Thrives in a team environment.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Enjoys working closely with others.
  • Team-oriented personality.
  • Dedicated team-member.
  • Team leader.

What words describe a good team?


  • collaboration.
  • cooperating.
  • joint action.
  • joint effort.
  • synergy.
  • teamwork.

What is importance of teamwork?

Teamwork helps solve problems.

Collaboration within a group can help solve difficult problems. Brainstorming is a good opportunity for the team to exchange ideas and come up with creative ways of doing things. By working together, teams can find the solutions that work best.

What are the benefits of working as a team?

10 benefits of teamwork

  • Great ideas don’t come from lone geniuses. …
  • Diverse perspectives help you come up with winning innovations. …
  • Teamwork can make you happier. …
  • When you work in a team, you grow as an individual. …
  • Sharing the workload eases burnout. …
  • Dividing the work lets you grow your skills.

What are kinks meaning?

1 : a short tight twist or curl caused by a doubling or winding of something upon itself. 2a : a mental or physical peculiarity : eccentricity, quirk. b : whim. 3 : a clever unusual way of doing something. 4 : a cramp in some part of the body.

What is the best definition of teamwork?

According to, teamwork is “The process of working collaboratively with a group of people in order to achieve a goal. … Teamwork means that people will try to cooperate, using their individual skills and providing constructive feedback, despite any personal conflict between individuals.”

What type of word is teamwork?

the cooperative effort of a team of people for a common end.

What can team stand for?

Definition. TEAM. Time, Energy, And Money. TEAM. Together Everyone Achieves More.

Is team work one word?

3 Answers. If you are referring to the quality of people working together as a team, then say teamwork — one word.

Is Teamship a word?

teamship ​Definitions and Synonyms

The concept of teamship is simple. A player has to understand that their every action has a reaction both on and off the pitch. Their teamship is impeccable.

Is team work a skill?

Teamwork is one of the most sought-after skills in the workplace, according to a survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers. … As a result, it’s even more important for employees to demonstrate strong teamwork skills, in both face-to-face and virtual team interactions.

What is the advantage of teamwork Class 5?

Promotes a wider sense of ownership:

Team projects encourage employees to feel proud of their contributions. Tackling obstacles and creating notable work together makes team members feel fulfilled. Teamwork is not just helpful for employees. It benefits the employer in the long run as well.

Why is teamwork better than working alone?

When people apply their unique skills to a common task, they often create more effective solutions than independent workers. Teamwork can also improves employee relations. Working together on a tough project can create bonds.

What makes a team successful?

Teams depend on the personalities of the members, as well as the leadership style of managers. … Having mutual respect, common and aligned goals, open communication, and patience can all help make for a successful team.

What teamwork means to you?

Teamwork is generally understood as the willingness of a group of people to work together to achieve a common aim. For example we often use the phrase: “he or she is a good team player”. This means someone has the interests of the team at heart, working for the good of the team. But teamwork is not exclusive to teams.

What are teamwork skills?

Teamwork skills are the qualities and abilities that allow you to work well with others during conversations, projects, meetings or other collaborations. Having teamwork skills is dependent on your ability to communicate well, actively listen and be responsible and honest.

How do you build teamwork?

How to Build Teamwork: 45 Tips

  1. Ban Micromanaging. Plainly said, micromanaging is kryptonite to teamwork. …
  2. Let Everyone See What Everyone is Doing. …
  3. Track Your Team’s Time. …
  4. Respect Their Work Time. …
  5. Make Sure Everyone is Sharing the Load. …
  6. Cut Meetings. …
  7. Keep Meetings Focused. …
  8. Be Present and Attentive.

How do you describe teamwork on a resume?

As you highlight teamwork on your resume, consider: Show action and be descriptive about what you did on your team. Think of words like “collaboration” and “project” Focus on people and communication skills.

What do you call a teamwork person?

▲ (management) A person who can function effectively with others in a group. dedicated team member. team-oriented worker.

How do you show teamwork at work?

How to Promote Teamwork in the Workplace

  1. Lead the Way.
  2. Give Your Teams Targets.
  3. Provide Regular Team Rewards.
  4. Make Every Meeting a Team Meeting.
  5. Set Up Team-Building Activities.
  6. Open Up Lines of Communication.
  7. Consider Your Office Layout.

  • #1

1. I think team work allows students to develop important social skills which are essential to thrive in workplace.

2. I think team working allows students to develop important social skills which are essential to thrive in workplace.

3. I think teamwork allows students to develop important social skills which are essential to thrive in workplace.

Which one should I use in this case? Is there a term team working?

Thank you

  • PaulQ

    • #2

    Teamwork is now written as one word.
    Most frequently, team working is written as two words. In BE «working in teams» would probably be more common.

    Use 2. or 3.


    • #3

    English doesn’t have any strict guidance for when to write combinations like this as one word or two, or hyphenated. All we can say is, which is more commonly used? ‘Teamwork’ is much more common than ‘team work’.


    • #4

    And keep in mind that there can be a difference in meaning.

    Teamwork = working together, there might not actually be a formal team anywhere

    In that sense, teamwork is more like a synonym for cooperation.

    «With teamwork we can get this done.»
    «By cooperating with each other, we can get this done.»

    Team work can be a synonym specifically for «working on a team».

    «This project is not suitable for team work, it’s more of an individual project.»

    That example probably isn’t too likely but there are definitely times when having a space and having no space will imply different things.

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