Is teaming a word

When you see «teaming with», it is fairly often a misspelling of «teeming with», rather than a use of the verb «team (something) with (something)» that you mention in your question.

The sentence you quote contains an example of this misspelling. With correct spelling, the sentence would be «It was the school holidays, and the place was teeming with people, families, youth groups, holiday clubs.» «The place was teeming with people» means «The place was full of people». Collins has an explanation in its entry for the verb teem:

verb [usually cont]

If you say that a place is teeming with people or animals, you mean that it is crowded and the people and animals are moving around a lot.

For most of the year, the area is teeming with tourists. [VERB + with]

The words «team» and «teem» are homophonous, and apparently etymologically related, but my understanding is that the spelling «teaming» is not considered standard in this context.

See Merriam-Webster’s «Usage Notes: ‘Teeming’ vs. ‘Teaming'»:

Each of these words has a number of meanings, spread across multiple parts of speech. The meanings which are most often mixed are “to become filled to overflowing” (teem) and “join forces or efforts” (team), especially when found as teeming and teaming. When one of these words is employed incorrectly it most often seems to be teaming used where teeming is called for.

My thoughts then drift to warmer days of spring and summer with green grass between our toes, birds chirping and calling in the fields around us, lakes and streams teaming with fish and the sights and sounds of a good thunderstorm dropping much-needed rain.
— Dan Ackerman, Bismarck Tribune (Bismarck, ND), 18 Jan. 2018

St. Vincent is a lush, volcanic island with magnificent rain forests and waterfalls, while the Grenadines are coral islands with pristine beaches and reefs teaming with life.
The Globe and Mail (Toronto, Can.), 7 Sept. 1996

The Google Ngram Viewer shows that «teeming with» is far more frequent in writing than «teaming with» even in recent years:

enter image description here

Some examples where «teaming with» is the correct spelling

Here are some examples from Google Books of situations where the spelling «teaming with» would be correct:

  • Teaming with Your Therapy Dog (book title)

  • «Teaming with local teams is considerably easier than with remote teams.» (A Commonsense Approach to Dealing with People: Managing People Made Easier, by Terry Jenkins, p. 32)

  • «A project would only support client innovation if it included teaming with clients.» (Teaming: How Organizations Learn, Innovate, and Compete in the Knowledge Economy, by Amy C. Edmondson)

  • «Initially believed to be an office stooge by Hayes and Gordy, Roberts fit right in — he could drink and party as well as any kid he was teaming with and his nonchalant attitude towards everything became his trademark.» (The Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame: The Tag Teams, by Greg Oliver, p. 49)

cobaltduck left a comment saying that «the more common way of expressing «teaming with» where the with-an-a spelling is correct, is «teaming UP with». This seems to be supported by another Google Ngram Viewer chart:

enter image description here

You can see that «teaming up with» seems to be more frequent than «teaming with», and because the line for «teaming with» presumably includes many misspellings that should be written as «teeming with», the real difference in frequency between (correctly spelled) «teaming with» and «teaming up with» is presumably even greater. We seem to see a difference in the same direction if we look at some examples with pronouns (although the absolute frequencies are rather low, so the charts look like they have a lot of noise):

enter image description here

enter image description here

Teeming means «in great abundance» and is used to describe things that are filled or overflowing, as in the phrase «a swamp teeming with fish and wildlife.» The homophone teaming is related to team, and refers to «joining together,» as in «friends teaming up to fix the problem.»

Many people find that they have trouble distinguishing between words that differ by a single letter, even if the meanings of these word are quite distinct. A fine example of an often-difficult pair is team and teem. If you’re someone who has never had a moment of doubt or hesitation about these two words, well, bully for you. For the rest of us here is a short explanation for how to differentiate between them.

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Teaming vs. Teeming

Each of these words has a number of meanings, spread across multiple parts of speech. The meanings which are most often mixed are “to become filled to overflowing” (teem) and “join forces or efforts” (team), especially when found as teeming and teaming. When one of these words is employed incorrectly it most often seems to be teaming used where teeming is called for.

My thoughts then drift to warmer days of spring and summer with green grass between our toes, birds chirping and calling in the fields around us, lakes and streams teaming with fish and the sights and sounds of a good thunderstorm dropping much-needed rain.
— Dan Ackerman, The Bismarck (North Dakota) Tribune, 18 Jan. 2018

St. Vincent is a lush, volcanic island with magnificent rain forests and waterfalls, while the Grenadines are coral islands with pristine beaches and reefs teaming with life.
The Globe and Mail (Toronto, Canada), 7 Sept. 1996

In many cases, two such similar words may be distinguished by the prepositions which follow. However, both teeming and teaming are often followed by with; «teeming with» refers to a setting in which there is an abundance of something (life, people, fish, etc.), and «teaming with» refers to the action of joining together with others. Teeming is occasionally found used in an adjectival manner (“teeming masses”) in a way that teaming would not be (you are unlikely to have reason to write of the “teaming masses”).

If you are referring to a large quantity of something you want teeming.
If you are referring to joining an enterprise or team you want teaming.

As a way of cementing in your mind the difference between these words, we present you with an example of each one used in splenetic 17th-century prose. Because if you can figure out the snitty usage of the 1600s, today’s examples should give you no problem.

Teeming with (“in great abundance”):

… as will by their unanimous Acknowledgment of the unalterableness of the Succession (as has been lately done in Scotland) assert the Sacredness of the British Monarchy; by their Care to put a Stop to the Debauchery of the Press, whose prolifick Womb, daily teeming with new Monsters, fills every Corner of the Nation with Seditious Pamphlets, will take away those continual Incentives to Rebellion.
— Anon., Britanniae Speculum, 1683

Teaming with (“joining together”):

… he in those unhappy times, and all such adle brain Church Projectors were with Child, teaming with their own sacrilegious Bastard-brats or false conceptions how to Usurp the Lawes of God and Man, and to rob God most colourably.
— F. B., The Character of Sr. Arthur Haslerig the Church-Thief, 1661

Definitions For Teaming


  • A group of people who compete in a sport, game, etc., against another group
  • A group of people who work together
  • A group of two or more animals used to pull a wagon, cart, etc.


  • To bring together (two people or things)

English International (SOWPODS)

Points in Different Games


Words with Friends

The word Teaming is worth 10 points in Scrabble and 13 points in Words with Friends

Examples of Teaming in a Sentence

  • A doubles team in tennis
  • He is the best player on his team.
  • They are the worst team in baseball.
  • A show that teams two of television’s funniest comedians

Мои примеры


book teaming — теоретические знания; книжные знания  
teaming contractor — подрядчик по обустройству промыслов  

Фразовые глаголы

team up — объединяться, работать сообща, , играть в паре, участвовать в парной игре

Возможные однокоренные слова

team  — команда, бригада, экипаж, командный, объединяться в команду

Asked by: Misty Keebler

Score: 4.6/5
(70 votes)

noun. 1A man employed to drive a team of draught animals, especially a team of horses or oxen used to pull a plough, cart, etc., on a farm; compare «teamster»(now historical). 2A man who plays or works well as a member of a team; frequently with preceding qualifying adjective.

Is team mates one or two words?

Word forms: teammates

He was always a solid player, a hard worker, a great example to his teammates.

Is there a word Teamsmanship?

Teamsmanship encompasses attributes necessary to achieve teamwork, which is when people work together instead of separately.

What does Teamplayer mean?

: someone who cares more about helping a group or team to succeed than about his or her individual success.

Is teammate common noun?

One who is on the same team.

44 related questions found

What is a synonym for teammate?

A fellow member of a team. partner. colleague. collaborator. ally.

What is a good teammate?

A great teammate consistently shows a positive and energetic attitude. Consistency is key. A great teammate is positive, full of energy and enthusiasm, regardless of the situation. Positivity will transfer to the other members of your team, but, adversely, negativity will do the same.

What 5 qualities make a good team member?

5 Qualities that Make a Good Team Player Great

  • Always reliable. A great team player is constantly reliable day in and day out, not just some of the time. …
  • Communicates with confidence. …
  • Does more than asked. …
  • Adapts quickly and easily. …
  • Displays genuine commitment.

What are the six characteristics of effective teams?

The teams must show the following six characteristics in order to achieve victory:

  • A Common Goal. Successful teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision… …
  • Open Communication. The great enemy of communication… …
  • Team Roles. …
  • Time Management. …
  • Practical Problem Solving. …
  • Bonding.

What are Teamplayer skills?

“Team players” typically have strong communication, collaboration, active listening, and problem-solving skills. To build your teamwork skills, consult with your manager or a trusted coworker to identify your areas of improvement.

What is Teamship?

1. the theory and practice of working as a team. The concept of teamship is simple. A player has to understand that their every action has a reaction both on and off the pitch. Their teamship is impeccable.

What is the synonym of the word bound?

limit, restrict, confine, cramp, straiten, restrain, circumscribe, demarcate, delimit, define. 2’the heath is bounded by a hedge of conifers’ enclose, surround, encircle, circle, ring, circumscribe, border. hedge in, wall in, fence in, close in, hem in, lock in, cut off.

What is a synonym for dinosaur?

dodo, fogy. (also fogey), fossil, old-timer.

What is Groupmate?

noun. A fellow member of a group, especially a social group.

Is it spelled therefor or therefore?

Therefore is an adverb that means “as a consequence,” “as a result,” or “hence.” Therefor is an adverb that means “for that,” or “for it.”

What team members means?

A team member is an employee who works in a group or team, like those who work in restaurants, retail, and hospitality. Team members may work in guest services, with food, or with customers.

What a good team looks like?

A thriving team has open and honest discussions, sharing their thoughts, ideas and opinions. They engender a meritocracy, ensuring no-one is above anyone else and allowing everyone to feel as though they can contribute freely. Creating this sort of culture is one of the fundamental foundations of a successful team.

What are the three characteristics of effective teams?

21 Feb What are the Characteristics of an Effective Team?

  • Clear Purpose. The vision, mission, goal or task of the team is defined and accepted by everyone on the team. …
  • Informality. …
  • Participation. …
  • Listening. …
  • Civilised Disagreement. …
  • Consensus Decisions. …
  • Open Communication. …
  • Clear Roles and Work Assignments.

What are characteristics of teams?

12 Key Characteristics of an Excellent Team

  • A clear mission. The task or objective of the group is well understood and accepted by all.
  • Informal atmosphere. …
  • Lots of discussion. …
  • Active listening. …
  • Trust and openness. …
  • Disagreement is OK. …
  • Criticism is issue-oriented, never personal. …
  • Consensus is the norm.

How do you describe teamwork on a resume?

Examples of team player statements to incorporate into your resume include:

  1. Embraces teamwork.
  2. Team-player who can also work independently.
  3. Thrives in a team environment.
  4. Excellent communication skills.
  5. Enjoys working closely with others.
  6. Team-oriented personality.
  7. Dedicated team-member.
  8. Team leader.

Why would I be a good team member?

The qualities that make a good team player include: Commitment to ensuring the team succeeds with all tasks, duties, and projects. … Commitment to making sure team members are informed on any developments related to projects or the company’s overall business. Reliability, responsibility, and excellent communication …

What Behaviours make a good team?

Successful Behaviours For Teamwork – 7 Effective Behaviours You Need To Possess

  1. Collaborate. This means to cooperate with one another. …
  2. Constructive Criticism. …
  3. Park Ego Outside. …
  4. Energetic And Enthusiastic. …
  5. Empathy. …
  6. Integrity. …
  7. Balances The Role Of Leading And Following.

What is a bad teammate?

Poor team members show little or no interest in the activities of the team and rely on others to make decisions and carry out the work. Also, apathetic team members fail to listen and consistently ask teammates to repeat information, showing a lack of interest and focus.

How can I be a good team mate?

10 Characteristics of an Awesome Teammate

  1. They Develop Real Relationships. …
  2. They’re Willing to Play Any Role. …
  3. They Work Hard to Improve. …
  4. They Lead by Example. …
  5. They Always Come Prepared. …
  6. They Understand Their Strengths/Weaknesses. …
  7. They Always Have a Positive Attitude. …
  8. They Hold Themselves and Others Accountable.

How can I be a good team member?

6 qualities that make a great team player

  1. You understand your role. As a team member, you understand your role within the team and work to achieve your duties to the best of your ability. …
  2. You welcome collaboration. …
  3. You hold yourself accountable. …
  4. You are flexible. …
  5. You have a positive attitude. …
  6. You commit to the team.

Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Англо-русский перевод TEAMING

группироваться в команду

English-Russian dictionary.

     Англо-Русский словарь.

  • Dictionary
  • T
  • Teaming


    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • UK Pronunciation
    • UK IPA
    • [teem]
    • /tim/
    • /ˈtiːm.ɪŋ/
    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • [teem]
    • /tim/

Definitions of teaming word

  • noun teaming a number of persons forming one of the sides in a game or contest: a football team. 1
  • noun teaming a number of persons associated in some joint action: a team of advisers. 1
  • noun teaming two or more horses, oxen, or other animals harnessed together to draw a vehicle, plow, or the like. 1
  • noun teaming one or more draft animals together with the harness and vehicle drawn. 1
  • noun teaming a family of young animals, especially ducks or pigs. 1
  • noun teaming Obsolete. offspring or progeny; lineage or stock. 1

Information block about the term

Origin of teaming

First appearance:

before 900

One of the 4% oldest English words

before 900; Middle English teme (noun), Old English tēam child-bearing, brood, offspring, set of draft beasts; cognate with Dutch toom bridle, reins, German Zaum, Old Norse taumr

Historical Comparancy

Parts of speech for Teaming

teaming popularity

A common word. It’s meaning is known to most children of preschool age. About 98% of English native speakers know the meaning and use the word.

This word is included in each student’s vocabulary. Most likely there is at least one movie with this word in the title.

Synonyms for teaming

noun teaming

  • cooperation — joint operation or action
  • give and take — the quality or state of being resilient; springiness.
  • logrolling — U.S. Politics. the exchange of support or favors, especially by legislators for mutual political gain as by voting for each other’s bills.
  • coadjuvancy — (rare) cooperation, mutual effort, joint-help.

Antonyms for teaming

verb teaming

  • disjoin — to undo or prevent the junction or union of; disunite; separate.

See also

  • All definitions of teaming
  • Synonyms for teaming
  • Antonyms for teaming
  • Sentences with the word teaming
  • teaming pronunciation

Matching words

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  • Words starting with te
  • Words starting with tea
  • Words starting with team
  • Words starting with teami
  • Words starting with teamin
  • Words starting with teaming
  • Words ending with g
  • Words ending with ng
  • Words ending with ing
  • Words ending with ming
  • Words containing the letters t
  • Words containing the letters t,e
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  • Words containing the letters t,e,a,m
  • Words containing the letters t,e,a,m,i
  • Words containing the letters t,e,a,m,i,n
  • Words containing t
  • Words containing te
  • Words containing tea
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