Is taxis a word

Asked by: Taylor Terry

Score: 4.9/5
(55 votes)

Yes, taxis is in the scrabble dictionary.

Is there such a word as taxis?

The next morning, as if by magic, hundreds of taxis had sprung into existence, though they were much in demand. … For the few minutes before my eyes closed I pictured London, the taxis, the gay parties, the mystery of lights.

Whats taxis mean?

1a of an aircraft : to go at low speed along the surface of the ground or water. b : to operate an aircraft on the ground under its own power. 2 : to ride in a taxicab taxied to the train station. transitive verb. 1 : to transport by or as if by taxi.

Which one is correct taxi or taxis?

English speaking countries use both words to refer to the vehicle that is used to transport people from one point to another at a fee. Non-English speaking countries mostly use the word taxi. The licensing requirements for taxis are more stringent than that of cabs.

Is taxies scrabble word?

Yes, taxies is in the scrabble dictionary.

19 related questions found

Is the word taxi capitalized?

Capitalise the first letter in the first word of a sentence. – The taxi is coming. Capitalise the first word in a quotation. – Tom said, «Stop eating so much cake».

Are taxis countable?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishRelated topics: Motor vehiclestax‧i1 /ˈtæksi/ ●●● S3 noun [countable] a car and driver that you pay to take you somewhere SYN cab They sent me home in a taxi. You go somewhere by taxi: She goes everywhere by taxi. …

Is taxi a common noun?

taxi is a common noun.

What type of word is taxi?

a taxicab. verb (used without object), tax·ied, tax·i·ing or tax·y·ing.

What are examples of taxis?

Conversely, an example of taxis would be the directed movement of the flies back towards the ripe fruit. … Another common type of taxis is phototaxis, which is movement is response to a light stimulus. Moths are showing positive phototaxis when they move towards a light source.

Is taxi a noun or adjective?

taxi (noun) taxi (verb) taxi stand (noun)

Is taxi singular or plural?

The plural form of taxi; more than one (kind of) taxi.

Are airplanes TAXY or taxi?

Taxiing (rarely spelled taxying) is the movement of an aircraft on the ground, under its own power, in contrast to towing or pushback where the aircraft is moved by a tug. … An airplane uses taxiways to taxi from one place on an airport to another; for example, when moving from a hangar to the runway.

What does the root word taxis mean?

Ultimately, the word taxi originates from the ancient Greek word τάξις (taxis), which means ‘payment’. Taxi is a shortening of the French term ‘taximètre’. Germans named this device ‘taxameter’. This word stems from the medieval Latin word taxa (taxation), which initially applied to rental cars.

How do you use taxi as an adverb?

We do not currently know of any adverbs for taxi. Using available adjectives, one could potentially construct nonstandard adverbs such as taxilikely, taxiingly or taxiedly.

Is cab a British word?

British English Vs American English: “Taxi” or “Cab”

What is the meaning of taxi in American English?

1. countable noun [oft by NOUN] A taxi is a car driven by a person whose job is to take people where they want to go in return for money.

What is the gender of taxi?

Answer: Taxi is a female gender.

Is an uber a taxi?

It might look different to more traditional taxi firms, but at its heart – and in the eyes of the law – Uber is a transportation company, and it must abide by most of the same rules as other companies in this space.

Does taxi need a capital letter?

Any reference to Taxi as a product must be capitalised.

How do you use taxi in a sentence?

  1. [S] [T] I’ll go by taxi. ( CK)
  2. [S] [T] Let’s take a taxi. ( CK)
  3. [S] [T] Tom found me a taxi. ( CK)
  4. [S] [T] I’ll call you a taxi. ( CK)
  5. [S] [T] Is she a taxi driver? ( CK)
  6. [S] [T] Let’s go by taxi, OK? ( CK)
  7. [S] [T] Tom called me a taxi. ( CK)
  8. [S] [T] I got out of the taxi. ( CK)

What is taxi microbiology?

Taxis is a behavioral response of a cell or an organism to an external stimulus. … A positive taxis is one in which the organism or a cell moves towards the source of stimulation (attraction). A negative taxis is when the organism or a cell moves away from the source of stimulation (repulsion).

What does taxi mean in airplanes?

verb taxies, taxiing, taxying or taxied. to cause (an aircraft) to move along the ground under its own power, esp before takeoff and after landing, or (of an aircraft) to move along the ground in this way.

Why is it called taxi plane?

This online etymological site suggests that an airplane moves slowly across the field in a similar fashion to how a taxi-cab driver would slowly make his way down a block looking for fares, and the term is borrowed from that behavior.

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Sarah Goyette

Score: 4.1/5
(36 votes)

The plural form of the word taxi is taxis.

What is the correct plural form of taxi?

noun. ˈtak-sē plural taxis ˈtak-​sēz also taxies.

Is there such a word as taxis?

noun, plural tax·es [tak-seez]. arrangement or order, as in one of the physical sciences.

Is taxis plural or singular?

The plural form of taxi; more than one (kind of) taxi.

What is the plural louse?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 plural lice ˈlīs

45 related questions found

What is irregular plural of louse?

IRREGULAR PLURALS. ?louse → lice??

Is Lousy a bad word?

The slang word lousy is the perfect way to describe something particularly awful or rotten. When you’re sick, you feel lousy, and when someone is mean or rude, they treat you in a lousy way. The original, literal meaning of lousy is «infested with lice,» those creepy crawly parasites that hang out on people’s scalps.

How do you determine singular and plural?

The difference between singular and plural nouns is easy to spot. When a noun indicates one only, it is a singular noun. When a noun indicates more than one, it is plural.

How do you use taxiing in a sentence?

The Boeing 777 from Pakistan was taxiing along the runway after landing when the blaze started. If you have been taxiing under conditions conducive to icing, do a static run-up prior to takeoff to assure normal engine operation. As we were taxiing out to the strip I saw some air activity east of the field.

Is taxi a common noun?

taxi is a common noun.

What do the word taxis means?

A taxis (plural taxes /ˈtæksiːz/, from Ancient Greek τάξις (taxis) ‘arrangement’) is the movement of an organism in response to a stimulus such as light or the presence of food. …

Is taxis a valid Scrabble word?

Yes, taxis is in the scrabble dictionary.

What is the difference between taxis and Kinesis?

Kinesis and taxis are both types of movement. Kinesis is undirected, random movement, while taxis is directed in relation to a given stimulus.

What is the singular form of taxis?

The plural form of taxi is taxis or taxies.

What is the plural of taxi in Afrikaans?

More Afrikaans words for taxi. The plural is dolosse.

Which suffix should be used to pluralize the following word taxi?

The correct answer is option 4), i.e. ‘- s’. Explanation: The root word is ‘taxi’ which is a ‘motor vehicle’. The given options are suffixes. Only the suffix ‘-s’ can be added to the root word to pluralize the word ‘taxi’.

How do you singular and plural in a sentence?

Subject–Verb Agreement Rules

  1. If the subject is singular, the verb must be singular too. …
  2. If the subject is plural, the verb must also be plural. …
  3. When the subject of the sentence is composed of two or more nouns or pronouns connected by and, use a plural verb.

What is the meaning of a lousy person?

If you describe someone as lousy, you mean that they are very bad at something they do. [informal]

What is the meaning of a lousy?

1 : infested (see infest sense 2) with lice the ragged, lousy tribesmen— T. E. Lawrence. 2a : totally repulsive (see repulsive sense 3) : contemptible a lousy way of getting even. b : miserably poor or inferior got lousy grades.

Is Lousy an American word?

lousy | American Dictionary

bad or unpleasant: The city does a lousy job of snow removal.

What is an irregular plural nouns list?

Irregular nouns made plural by changing vowels, changing the word, or adding a different ending:

  • More than one man = men.
  • More than one person = people.
  • More than one mouse = mice.
  • More than one child = children.
  • More than one foot = feet.
  • More than one goose = geese.
  • More than one tooth = teeth.
  • More than one louse = lice.

What is the irregular plural of deer?

The standard (irregular) plural is deer. Occasionally used in the sense of more than one species, especially when appearing in combination (such as red deer / red deers).

What is the difference between a kinesis and taxis provide an example of each?

On the other hand the rate of kinesis is dependent on the intensity of the stimulus. Some examples of taxis are; the movement of euglena or humans in response to stimulus and few examples of kinesis are; lice or beetles moving faster but not in any particular direction.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the plural form of taxi?
  2. Is taxi an American word?
  3. How do you spell taxi?
  4. What’s another word for taxi?
  5. What is plural form of class?
  6. What is the plural for gas?
  7. What is the plural form of fly?
  8. What is the plural of woman teacher?
  9. What is the plural of woman lawyer?
  10. What is the plural of lawyer?
  11. What is the plural of Lily?
  12. Is lawyer singular or plural?
  13. Is the court plural or singular?
  14. Is Team plural or singular?
  15. Is bread and butter singular or plural?
  16. Why bread and butter is singular?
  17. What does bread and butter mean in slang?
  18. How do you use bread and butter?
  19. Is bread and butter an idiom?
  20. Why is bread and butter so good?
  21. What is the bread and butter of the government?

taxies n. plural of taxi (irregular). taxies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of taxi.

What is the plural form of taxi?


Is taxi an American word?

Thanks to Carl, Declan, Edeet, Gabriele, Hans, John, Karin, Liz, Monika, Ron, Ulrike and Vicky….British and American English – Vocabulary – N – Z.

British English American English
tap faucet
taxi cab
term semester

How do you spell taxi?

Correct spelling for the English word “taxi” is [tˈaksi], [tˈaksi], [t_ˈa_k_s_i] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….Similar spelling words for TAXI

  1. take,
  2. tack,
  3. taos,
  4. tag,
  5. Tasia,
  6. taka,
  7. task,
  8. tax,

What’s another word for taxi?

What is another word for taxi?

taxicab cab
minicab hack
hackney cab yellow cab
black cab hackney carriage
private hire car fiacre

What is plural form of class?

plural classes. 1 class. /ˈklæs/ Brit /ˈklɑːs/ plural classes.

What is the plural for gas?

(gæs ) Word forms: gases, gasses, gassing, gassedlanguage note: The form gases is the plural of the noun.

What is the plural form of fly?

fly. noun (2) plural flies. Definition of fly (Entry 4 of 6)

What is the plural of woman teacher?

What is the plural form of lady teacher? The singular of teacher is teacher. The plural of teacher is teachers. No distinction is make in either case whether the teacher is male of female.

What is the plural of woman lawyer?

The plural form of lawyer is lawyers.

What is the plural of lawyer?

Word forms: plural lawyers.

What is the plural of Lily?


Is lawyer singular or plural?

English 101 Folks of my generation remember from “Grammar Rock” that a noun is “a person, place or thing.” When a noun refers to one person, place or thing, we call it “singular.” When a noun refers to more than one person, place or thing, we call it “plural.” So lawyer is singular, and lawyers are plural.

Is the court plural or singular?

Yet the court is a singular entity, no matter how many judges make it up. If the writer is thinking of the judges individually, it would be better to write this: The judges must first determine if they have jurisdiction. Collective nouns are generally singular and take singular verbs and pronouns.

Is Team plural or singular?

Team is plural because separate presentations were given. Also, when the plural their is used, the implication is that the collective noun is being used as a plural.

Is bread and butter singular or plural?

In British English and various European languages (i.e. German Butterbrot, Russian Бутерброд), “bread and butter” is a set phrase meaning “an open-face sandwich”. This phrase is not common in American English; we would regard “bread and butter” as referring to two separate items and therefore plural.

Why bread and butter is singular?

However, in any sentence, the verb is according to a subject, either noun or pronoun. In this sentence, bread and butter is subject, and the verb always follows a noun, so it is singular.

What does bread and butter mean in slang?

“Bread and butter” is a superstitious blessing or charm, typically said by young couples or friends walking together when they are forced to separate by an obstacle, such as a pole or another person. By saying the phrase, the bad luck of letting something come between them is thought to be averted.

How do you use bread and butter?

bread and butter

  1. to indicate what a person earns or earns for.
  2. the reason for someone to make money.
  3. someone’s livelihood.
  4. often used as a synonym for the earnings of a person.

Is bread and butter an idiom?

The English idiom “bread and butter” is used when someone is talking about the main part of their income. Remember: Idioms are English phrases that have a different meaning to the individual words in the phrase. So, sometimes ‘bread and butter’ doesn’t mean a slice of bread with butter on it.

Why is bread and butter so good?

That is because fat is a great flavor carrier, and butter usually should have 82.5% of fat. To derive from that, it makes bread taste so much better. The diet food industry has gone to great lengths in trying to make reduced fat food taste good, greatly changing the ingredient list of a product.

What is the bread and butter of the government?

A bread-and-butter issue is one that affects everyday people, like tax rates or road conditions. Basic, fundamental matters are bread-and-butter issues. Issues that have some connection to money are often described this way too, especially by politicians and journalists.

The etymology of the word taxi

Ultimately, the word taxi originates from the ancient Greek word τάξις (taxis), which means ‘payment’. Taxi is a shortening of the French term ‘taximètre’. Germans named this device ‘taxameter’. … In the English language, however, taximeter is the correct word.

Simply so What does the Greek word taxi mean? Noun. borrowed from German Taxis, borrowed from Greek táxis “drawing up in rank and file, order of battle, arrangement, order,” from tag-, stem of tássein (Attic táttein) “to draw up in order (as troops, ships), post, station, place in order, prescribe, assess” + -sis -sis — more at tactic entry 2.

What are synonyms for taxi? cab

  • carriage.
  • hack.
  • hackney.
  • jitney.
  • taxi.
  • taxicab.
  • tourist car.

also How do you use taxi as an adverb? We do not currently know of any adverbs for taxi. Using available adjectives, one could potentially construct nonstandard adverbs such as taxilikely, taxiingly or taxiedly.

Is taxi an American word?

Here you will find words which have different meanings or are spelled differently in British and American English.

British and American English – Vocabulary – N – Z.

British English American English
tap faucet
taxi cab
term semester

What is a positive taxis? Taxis is a behavioral response of a cell or an organism to an external stimulus. … A positive taxis is one in which the organism or a cell moves towards the source of stimulation (attraction). A negative taxis is when the organism or a cell moves away from the source of stimulation (repulsion).

What is taxis and Kinesis?

Kinesis and taxis are both types of movement. Kinesis is undirected, random movement, while taxis is directed in relation to a given stimulus.

Who invented the taxi? In 1897, Gottlieb Daimler built the world’s first dedicated gasoline-powered taxi vehicle. Equipped with a taximeter, it was called the Daimler Victoria and was delivered to German entrepreneur Friedrich Greiner. He founded the world’s first motorised taxi company in Stuttgart.

What are taxis called in England?

The famous London taxis are actually called ‘hackney carriages’ but in London we just call them ‘black cabs/taxis’. London taxi drivers have to pass a special exam called the Knowledge to get their license so if you take a black cab, you can be sure the driver will know the way.

What’s another word for Uber? Uber Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus.

What is another word for uber?

mega super
ultra extreme
great very

How do you call a taxi driver?

What is another word for taxi driver?

cabbie cabby
cabdriver cab driver
cabman hack
hackman hacky

What type of noun is taxi? taxi used as a noun:

A vehicle that may be hired for single journeys by members of the public and driven by a taxi driver.

Which noun is taxi?

noun, plural tax·is or tax·ies. a taxicab. verb (used without object), tax·ied, tax·i·ing or tax·y·ing.

What is taxi biology?

A taxis (from Ancient Greek τάξις (táxis) ‘arrangement, order’; pl. taxes /ˈtæksiːz/) is the movement of an organism in response to a stimulus such as light or the presence of food. Taxes are innate behavioural responses.

What do they call a taxi in England? The famous London taxis are actually called ‘hackney carriages’ but in London we just call them ‘black cabs/taxis’. London taxi drivers have to pass a special exam called the Knowledge to get their license so if you take a black cab, you can be sure the driver will know the way.

Do British say taxi or cab? Both cab and taxi are possible in American English. Cab is not used in British English. The container that is called can in American English is called tin in British English. Candy is American.

What is the plural for zero?

ze·ro | ˈzir-(ˌ)ō , ˈzē-(ˌ)rō plural zeros also zeroes.

What is a taxis behavior? A taxis (from Ancient Greek τάξις (táxis) ‘arrangement, order’; pl. taxes /ˈtæksiːz/) is the movement of an organism in response to a stimulus such as light or the presence of food. Taxes are innate behavioural responses.

What is geo taxis behavior?

Geotaxis refers to the intriguing phenotype that induces a preference of movement away from or towards the source of gravity.

What does taxis mean in biology? taxis. / (ˈtæksɪs) / noun. the movement of a cell or organism in a particular direction in response to an external stimulus.

Are taxis random?

In the Taxis movement, organisms either move towards the stimulus or away from it. In Taxis, movement is always directional. It is not rapid, haphazard, or random.

What is the difference between tropism and taxis? The key difference between taxis and tropism is that the taxis refers to the directional movement of animals in response to a stimulus while tropism refers to the directional movement of plants in response to a stimulus. … Taxis is a motion or orientation of an animal in response to an external stimulus.

Table of Contents

  1. Is taxi an English word?
  2. Which country called Taxi taksi?
  3. What are taxis called in England?
  4. What’s an early form of taxi?
  5. When was the first taxi used?
  6. What color were the first taxis?
  7. What happens old taxis?
  8. When did taxis become popular?
  9. Do taxis take you anywhere?
  10. What is the best taxi car?
  11. Do taxis need child seats?
  12. Is a private hire vehicle a taxi?
  13. Why do taxi drivers not have to wear seat belts?
  14. Do taxis have 2 mots a year?
  15. What vehicles are exempt from MOT?

taxi (n.) 1907, shortening of taximeter cab (introduced in London in March 1907), from taximeter “automatic meter to record the distance and fare” (1898), from French taximètre, from German Taxameter (1890), coined from Medieval Latin taxa “tax, charge.”

Which country called Taxi taksi?


What are taxis called in England?

A hackney or hackney carriage (also called a cab, black cab, hack or London taxi) is a carriage or car for hire. A hackney of a more expensive or high class was called a remise.

What’s an early form of taxi?

Taxicabs were first known as taximeter cabs, where taximeter was “a commercial name of an instrument for automatically recording and mechanically computing the tax or charge to be made for the use of a hired vehicle in accordance with a determined tariff for such charges.” Taximeter comes from the Middle Latin taxa, “ …

When was the first taxi used?


What color were the first taxis?


What happens old taxis?

Once they were retired from taxi service, they typically were scrapped. Once production ceased in 1982, collectors became interested. At that time, however, only the later models still existed, so those are the cars that can be found today.

When did taxis become popular?

In 1922, Morris Markin started the Checker Cab Manufacturing Company, which later would become a huge success for the American Checker Automobile Company. By the early 1920s and 1930s, the taxicabs were beginning to offer great styling and features.

Do taxis take you anywhere?

Taxis have to be legal at the point of pickup, if the town/county has no taxi regulations most cabbies figure it’s legal. It’s not unusual for a taxi company to be legal in two or three towns if they are close together & have regulations. Those taxis should all have DOT numbers on the vehicle.

What is the best taxi car?

The Best Cars for Taxi Drivers

  • Mercedes V-Class.
  • Skoda Octavia.
  • Citroen Berlingo.
  • Volkswagen Passat.
  • Toyota Avensis.
  • Opel Insignia.
  • Toyota Prius.
  • Ford Mondeo.

Do taxis need child seats?

Taxis and minicabs (private hire vehicles) If the driver doesn’t provide the correct child car seat, children can travel without one – but only if they travel on a rear seat: and wear an adult seat belt if they’re 3 or older.

Is a private hire vehicle a taxi?

Private hire vehicles are family sized vehicles and minibuses which carry up to eight passengers. They: cannot be hailed in the street. cannot use taxi ranks.

Why do taxi drivers not have to wear seat belts?

The seatbelt exemption for taxi drivers, which was last reviewed in 1993, is in place because of concerns that wearing a belt would make them more vulnerable to assault or robbery.

Do taxis have 2 mots a year?

Taxi drivers in London will soon be required to endure two MoT tests per year as Transport for London changes outdated licensing rules next month. … In addition to the two MOT tests, NSL will carry out a taxi vehicle specific inspection on an annual basis prior to a licence being issued.

What vehicles are exempt from MOT?

Vehicles that do not need an MOT

  • the vehicle was built or first registered more than 40 years ago.
  • no ‘substantial changes’ have been made to the vehicle in the last 30 years, for example replacing the chassis, body, axles or engine to change the way the vehicle works.

Is taxi an American word?

Thanks to Carl, Declan, Edeet, Gabriele, Hans, John, Karin, Liz, Monika, Ron, Ulrike and Vicky….British and American English – Vocabulary – N – Z.

British English American English
tap faucet
taxi cab
term semester

Is taxi an English word?

A taxicab, also known as a taxi or a cab, is a type of vehicle for hire with a driver, used by a single passenger or small group of passengers, often for a non-shared ride.

What is the meaning of taxiing in English?

1. To be transported by taxi. 2. To move slowly on the ground or on the surface of the water before takeoff or after landing: an airplane taxiing down the runway.

Is taxiing a word?

Taxiing (rarely spelled taxying) is the movement of an aircraft on the ground, under its own power, in contrast to towing or pushback where the aircraft is moved by a tug. An airplane uses taxiways to taxi from one place on an airport to another; for example, when moving from a hangar to the runway.

Is taxiing a Scrabble word?

Yes, taxiing is in the scrabble dictionary.

What’s another word for taxi?

What is another word for taxi?

taxicab cab
minicab hack
hackney cab yellow cab
black cab hackney carriage
private hire car fiacre

What is the full form of taxi?

Acronym. Definition. TAXI. Transparent Asynchronous Transmit and Receive Interface. TAXI.

Why is it called a taxi?

Ultimately, the word taxi originates from the ancient Greek word τάξις (taxis), which means ‘payment’. Taxi is a shortening of the French term ‘taximètre’. Germans named this device ‘taxameter’. This word stems from the medieval Latin word taxa (taxation), which initially applied to rental cars.

Are taxis British or American?

Both cab and taxi are possible in American English. Cab is not used in British English. The container that is called can in American English is called tin in British English.

What do the British call a party?

A “do” is essentially a party, to my knowledge it doesn’t refer to a particular form of party, so feel free to use it as you like. For example, you might say ‘I’m going to Steve’s birthday do tonight.

What is the British English of diaper?

A diaper /ˈdaɪpə(r)/ (American and Canadian English) or a nappy (Australian English, British English, and Hiberno-English) is a type of underwear that allows the wearer to urinate or defecate without using a toilet, by absorbing or containing waste products to prevent soiling of outer clothing or the external …

Is soya bean a British word?

Also especially British, soy·a bean [soi-uh-been] .

Is Biscuit a British word?

Biscuit (UK) / Cookie (US) In the US, cookies are flat, round snacks made of sweet dough. In the UK, these are generally called biscuits, although people do call the bigger, softer kind cookies, too.

What do British call sneakers?

Plimsolls (British English) are “low-tech” athletic shoes and are also called “sneakers” in American English.

What do the British call a bra?

English (U.K.) I agree – bandeau bra.

Why do the British not use the word the?

For your main question, the answer is simple. It is not necessary to say “go to the hospital” or “go on the holiday”, when talking in a general sense. Use of the word ‘the’, means that the sentence is in a particular sense. A reference to one, particular example.

What do Americans call biscuits?

Americans are the outlier on how we use “biscuit” To most of the rest of the English-speaking world, a biscuit is what Americans would refer to as either a cookie or a cracker. Biscuits can be sweet (shortbread) or savory. They’re baked in the oven, and they’re crisp, not chewy.

What are slippers called in America?

Though the term loafer is relatively commonly used in America, this type of shoes are also known as slip-ons and even slippers! This can cause a bit of confusion, as in Britain slippers are casual house shoes.

Is it OK to wear slippers in public?

The only acceptable reason for wearing slippers outside the home is a health condition that makes it impractical or painful to wear shoes. Even then, those fuzzy slippers aren’t designed for the WalMart parking lot, and they shouldn’t be taken back to bed or the sofa with the large amount of filth they now carry.

What do Indians call flip flops?


What’s a flip flop?

1 : the sound or motion of something flapping loosely. 2a : a backward handspring. b : a sudden reversal (as of policy or strategy) 3 : a usually electronic device or a circuit (as in a computer) capable of assuming either of two stable states.

Why is it called flip flop?

Etymology. The term flip-flop has been used in American and British English since the 1960s to describe the thong or no-heel-strap sandal. It is an onomatopoeia of the sound made by the sandals when walking in them.

What is another word for flip flop?

What is another word for flip-flop?

somersault flip
backward somersault cartwheel
vault handspring
forward roll turn
flip flop

What is asynchronous counter?

Asynchronous counters are those whose output is free from the clock signal. Because the flip flops in asynchronous counters are supplied with different clock signals, there may be delay in producing output. The number of output states of counter is called “Modulus” or “MOD” of the counter.

What is difference between synchronous and asynchronous counters?

In synchronous counter, all flip flops are triggered with same clock simultaneously. In asynchronous counter, different flip flops are triggered with different clock, not simultaneously. Synchronous Counter is also called Parallel Counter. Asynchronous Counter is also called Serial Counter.

What does asynchronous mean?

1 : not simultaneous or concurrent in time : not synchronous asynchronous sound.

Is Johnson counter asynchronous?

In synchronous counters, all flip-flops share a common clock and change state at the same time. In asynchronous counters, each flip-flop has a unique clock and the flip-flop states change at different times. Johnson counter – a twisted ring counter. Gray-code counter – outputs a sequence of Gray codes.

такси, рулить, ехать на такси, таксомоторный


- такси

taxi driver — водитель такси, таксист
taxi rank /stand/ — стоянка такси
air taxi — прогулочный самолёт, авиатакси


- разг. ехать на такси
- везти на такси
- рулить
- выруливать (тж. taxi off, taxi out)

the aircraft taxied off the field — самолёт выруливал с лётного поля

Мои примеры


maxi-taxi — многоместное такси  
taxi dancer — профессиональный партнёр партнёрша  
he requested a taxi for 8 o’clock — он заказал такси на 8 часов  
taxi-holding position sign — указатель места ожидания на рулежной дорожке  
taxi holding position — место ожидания на рулёжной дорожке  
hop a taxi — вскочить на ходу в такси; вскочить в такси  
hover-taxi — рулить по воздуху  
taxi instruction — указания по выполнению руления; указание по выполнению руления  
taxi portion — участок для выруливания  
taxi rank — стоянка такси  

Примеры с переводом

I’ll order you a taxi.

Я закажу вам такси.

He drives a taxi.

Он работает таксистом.

She arrived by taxi.

Она приехала на такси.

Sally rang for a taxi.

Салли вызвала такси.

We all jumped in a taxi.

Мы все запрыгнули в такси.

The pilot taxied the plane to the end of the runway.

Пилот подвёл самолёт к концу взлётно-посадочной полосы.

The plane taxied to a halt.

Самолёт вырулил к месту стоянки.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The taxi sideswiped a parked car.

The pilot taxied out to the runway.

The plane taxied slowly to the runway.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

Возможные однокоренные слова

taxable  — облагаемый, облагаемый налогом, подлежащий обложению налогом
taxing  — налоговый, обложение налогом
taxer  — финансовый чиновник, сборщик налогов, служащий в английском университете
taxiing  — руление, рулежка, выруливание, рулить
taxite  — таксит, туфовая лава
taxless  — освобожденный от уплаты налогов, не облагаемый налогом, необлагаемый

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: taxi
he/she/it: taxies
ing ф. (present participle): taxiing
2-я ф. (past tense): taxied
3-я ф. (past participle): taxied

ед. ч.(singular): taxi
мн. ч.(plural): taxis


: reflex translational or orientational movement by a freely motile and usually simple organism in relation to a source of stimulation (such as a light or a temperature or chemical gradient)


: a reflex reaction involving a taxis

Word History



borrowed from German Taxis, borrowed from Greek táxis «drawing up in rank and file, order of battle, arrangement, order,» from tag-, stem of tássein (Attic táttein) «to draw up in order (as troops, ships), post, station, place in order, prescribe, assess» + -sis -sis — more at tactic entry 2

Noun combining form

borrowed from Greek táxis «arrangement, disposition, order» — more at taxis

First Known Use


1899, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of taxis was
in 1899

Dictionary Entries Near taxis

Cite this Entry

“Taxis.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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I miss the noise in New York: the sound of taxis and that constant buzz the city has.

Bridget Moynahan



Via New Latin from Greek: arrangement, from tassein to place in order.


Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






Taxis is a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.



A taxis is the movement of an organism in response to a stimulus such as light or the presence of food. Taxes are innate behavioral responses. A taxis differs from a tropism in that the organism has motility and demonstrates guided movement towards or away from the stimulus source. It is sometimes distinguished from a kinesis, a non-directional change in activity in response to a stimulus.

Definition of taxis in the English dictionary

The definition of taxis in the dictionary is the movement of a cell or organism in a particular direction in response to an external stimulus. Other definition of taxis is the repositioning of a displaced organ or part by manual manipulation only.


Synonyms and antonyms of taxis in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «taxis» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of taxis to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of taxis from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «taxis» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers



510 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic

سيارات الأجرة

280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese


80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of taxis


The term «taxis» is very widely used and occupies the 11.913 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «taxis» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of taxis

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «taxis».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «taxis» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «taxis» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about taxis


Famous quotes and sentences with the word taxis.

I’d love to have our trains, our subway cars and our taxis built right here in New York City. You can create 40,000 living wage jobs… the city’s contracting power is huge.

So much luck! I’m not putting myself down, I’m not saying I don’t have talent — I must have, to have got this far — but I honestly believe that some of the greatest actors in America are tending bar and waiting tables and driving taxis, and it will never happen for them.

When I was 15, my parents left town for a month. They hid the keys to the car, but I found them. That month, I drove my stepdad’s Thunderbird Super Coupe into Manhattan every day, and I would crank Cypress Hill as I flew around the city, racing the taxis.

I’ve worked as a labourer, driven taxis and school buses, and been a car mechanic — whatever I could do just to get by. But it does mean that I know a little bit about a lot of things.

I miss the noise in New York: the sound of taxis and that constant buzz the city has.

When I’m a brunette, it’s four times harder to hail a taxi. Then I go blonde again, and suddenly there are taxis everywhere.

When a man and a woman see each other and like each other they ought to come together — wham — like a couple of taxis on Broadway, not sit around analyzing each other like two specimens in a bottle.

I really don’t know the Chicago School. You see, I never walk. I always take taxis back and forth to work. I rarely see the city.

Charles Scott Sherrington

Further study of central nervous action, however, finds central inhibition too extensive and ubiquitous to make it likely that it is confined solely to the taxis of antagonistic muscles.

No nice men are good at getting taxis.


Discover the use of taxis in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to taxis and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.

Learn about what taxis do and who uses them.

Wave down a taxi and catch a ride! These helpful cars take people where they need to go. Beginning readers will learn how to catch a taxi, how taxis work, and where taxis can take people.


Talkville City Metered Taxis Inc.

Talkville City Metered Taxis Inc. is a collection of spine-chilling modern, african urban tales of horror, terror, drama, suspense, mystery and myth.

Discusses the inventors, history, early models, major parts, and workings of taxis.


Improving Access to Taxis

minimum dimensions Spanish Standard (UNE) Finnish Invataxi French
Experimental Standard (type 3) UK Research Recommended dimensions EC
Taxis for All Project: «Ideal dimensions» Swedish “Universal” VW Proposal Fiat
Merc Vito …

European Conference of Ministers of Transport, 2007


The Uncertain Hand: Hong Kong Taxis and Tenders

These prices show that potential movements of the uncertain hand of regulation, rather than the inherent characteristics of the taxi business, are the major source of risk and thus speculation.

Christopher D. Hall, 1996


Mathematical Models of Taxis-driven Bacterial Pattern Formation

The hybrid cell-based model becomes computationally expensive because of the large number of cells due to cell division.


Troubles, Taxis and Toilets

SCHLEBUSCH % n A series. Front Cover.


Taxis and private hire vehicles: the road to reform, seventh …

Taxis and private hire vehicles (PHVS) are a vital but often overlooked part of the
public transport system. They serve a number of functions in different areas, from
getting people home from bars and nightclubs in the early hours of the morning …

Great Britain: Parliament: House of Commons: Transport Committee, 2011


Characterization of CetA and CetB, Energy Taxis Regulators …

Aer: An Energy Taxis Transducer in E. coli Identification of energy taxis
transducers in E. coli A mechanism to alter motility based on the energy level of
the cell had long been postulated prior to identification of any energy taxis
receptors …


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term taxis is used in the context of the following news items.

Uber Cheaper, Faster Than Taxis in Low-Income Neighborhoods

Research group Botec Analysis found that summoning an UberX, the company’s budget tier, took less than half as long as calling for a taxi in several low-income … «Wired, Jul 15»

For First Time, Uber Beats Taxis Among Business Travelers

In Certify’s head-to-head analysis of taxis vs. ridesharing services, Uber accounted for 55 percent of the ground transportation costs business travelers expensed … «Yahoo Travel, Jul 15»

Uber overtakes taxis in battle for business travelers

Business travelers are embracing the sharing economy, increasingly opting for Uber and Airbnb over taxis and hotels, a new report released today shows. «USA TODAY, Jul 15»

Uber’s Manhattan Invasion Is Killing the Loan Market for Taxis

Cabbies aren’t the only ones feeling the heat from Uber Technologies Inc.’s incursion into New York City. Their lenders are, too. Taxi companies typically borrow … «Bloomberg, Jul 15»

Autonomous Taxis Would Deliver Significant Environmental and …

Imagine a fleet of driverless taxis roaming your city, ready to pick you up and take you to your destination at a moment’s notice. While this may seem fantastical, … «Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Jul 15»

After Violent Clashes With Taxis, Here’s What It Was Like to Take an …

Close to 3,000 taxi drivers across the country are protesting Uber’s UberPop … is basic: UberPop prices are dramatically lower than those charged by taxis. «Re/code, Jun 15»

Amanda Fritz wrong about Uber, taxis (OPINION)

Portland Commissioner Amanda Fritz’s guest column about Uber does not address the reality of Uber and taxi service in Portland. In San Francisco, Denver and … «, Apr 15»

Uber Officially More Popular With Biz Travelers Than Taxis

Business travelers are bypassing the taxi queue with greater frequency, choosing instead ride-hailing services like Uber Technologies. A new report by expense … «Yahoo Travel, Apr 15»

Uber cars outnumber yellow taxis in New York City

For the first time, there are more black Uber cars on the streets of New York City than traditional yellow taxis, figures have revealed. The New York Taxi and … «BBC News, Mar 15»

More Uber cars than yellow taxis on the road in NYC

Uber has thrown down the gauntlet in the Big Apple taxi wars — overtaking the yellow-cab industry in total cars on the streets in less than four years of operation … «New York Post, Mar 15»


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