Is talked a proper word

What is another word for talk?

chat conversation
gossip confab
natter rap
chatter confabulation
conference consultation

What is the other name of talk?

TalkTalk Telecom Group plc (commonly known as TalkTalk Group, trading as TalkTalk) is a company which provides pay television, telecommunications, Internet access, and mobile network services to businesses and consumers in the United Kingdom.

Is talked a proper word?

Both words are the past tenses of words with similar meanings. Spoke to means “held a conversation with.” Talked to means “communicated ideas, information, or feelings in spoken words.” However, talked to is deemed a little more forceful as it implies more of a one-sided conversation.

What is a person talking called?

The general term is “diction.”

What is the difference between told and talked?

talk=to speak: I like to talk about my dog. talked=spoke: I talked about my dog yesterday. tell=to speak to someone about something: I want to tell you about my dog. told=to have spoken to someone about something: I told you about my dog yesterday.

Is speaking and talking the same thing?

The only difference is that speak is more formal than talk. For example, talking to a friend is casual while speaking with your students is more formal and informative. Further, talking is more like striking a conversation (2 ways) while speaking comes from the noun speech, which often means relaying information.

What do you call a person who never stops talking?

Compulsive talking (or talkaholism) is talking that goes beyond the bounds of what is considered to be socially acceptable. Studies have shown that most people who are talkaholics are aware of the amount of talking they do, are unable to stop, or do not see it as a problem.

What do you call someone that talks nonsense?

noun One who talks nonsense in a blustering way; a blusterer.

Can we talk or can we speak?

When to Say tell and say?

We use say and tell in different ways in reported speech. Say focuses on the words someone said and tell focuses more on the content or message of what someone said: ‘Hello,’ she said. We use say with direct speech.

Which is better speaking or talking?

a simple past tense of speak. Nonstandard. a past participle of speak.

withheld held
——— ———-
hid refused
retained suppressed
checked contained
repressed reserved

Read the full answer

Moreover, How do you use spoke in a sentence?

– He opened the door and spoke quietly to someone.
– She spoke her mind.
– Pointing his fork at her plate, he spoke sternly.
– He spoke to his horse.
– Every one said I spoke very well and intelligibly.
– “You’ll have to hold on to me,” he spoke gruffly over a shoulder.
– I laughed when you spoke of old Neptune’s wild moods.

Secondly, Is it spoke or talked?

Both words are the past tenses of words with similar meanings. Spoke to means “held a conversation with.” Talked to means “communicated ideas, information, or feelings in spoken words.” However, talked to is deemed a little more forceful as it implies more of a one-sided conversation.

Simply so, What is another word for verbally?

In this page you can discover 30 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for verbal, like: linguistic, oral, titular, lexical, verbatim, diplomatic, spoken, literal, nominal, textual and rhetorical.

What is the antonym of speak?

speak(v) Antonyms: repress, suppress, refrain. Synonyms: utter, pronounce, say, articulate, enunciate, express, talk, discourse, address, declaim, harangue, preach, lecture, rant, descant, expatiate, accost, address, declare, publish, proclaim, announce, bruit.

28 Related Question Answers Found

When to use speak or talk in a sentence?

So speak tends to be used for one-sided communications (e.g. she spoke to her employees), whereas talk implies a conversation or discussion between two or more people (e.g. everyone was talking when he walked into the room). Speak is a little more formal than talk, and is often used in polite requests.

What word means to attack verbally?

A forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something. diatribe. tirade. harangue. abuse.

How do you use the word spoke?

– He opened the door and spoke quietly to someone.
– She spoke her mind.
– Pointing his fork at her plate, he spoke sternly.
– He spoke to his horse.
– Every one said I spoke very well and intelligibly.
– “You’ll have to hold on to me,” he spoke gruffly over a shoulder.
– I laughed when you spoke of old Neptune’s wild moods.

Is spoked correct?

1. Past tense of speak. 2. Archaic A past participle of speak.

What is a spoken word in a sentence?

a word that is spoken aloud. The spoken word is immediate but lacks permanence. 2. She combines visual images and the spoken word to great effect in her presentations.

Which one is correct spoke with or spoke to?

They are all correct. There is a difference in the meaning though. “To speak to” may infer giving an order, while “to speak with” usually means to have a conversation.

What is the antonyms of speak?

speak(v) Antonyms: repress, suppress, refrain. Synonyms: utter, pronounce, say, articulate, enunciate, express, talk, discourse, address, declaim, harangue, preach, lecture, rant, descant, expatiate, accost, address, declare, publish, proclaim, announce, bruit.

What is a synonym for not happy?

depressed, miserable, sorry, troubled, despondent, bleak, blue, cheerless, crestfallen, dejected, destroyed, disconsolate, dismal, dispirited, down, down in the mouth, downbeat, downcast, dreary, gloomy.

When to use speak and tell?

One of the most important differences about using these verbs is that “tell” MUST have a person following. Now, what about “speak” & “talk”?! Just like “say” and “tell”, “speak” is an irregular verb. So in the past tense the form is “spoke”.

What does verbally attack mean?

Verbal abuse (also verbal attack or verbal assault) is the act of forcefully criticizing, insulting, or denouncing another person. Characterized by underlying anger and hostility, it is a destructive form of communication intended to harm the self-concept of the other person and produce negative emotions.

What is the difference between to tell and to say?

The main meaning of tell is to “say or write something to someone.” The main meaning of say is to “use your voice to express something in words.” However, there are some clear and easy rules to follow about when to use these two words, as shown below.

What is another word for spokes?

rods bar
—— —–
staves strip

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

The list seems endless, but it surely points to a proper talk rather than a divorce.

And then maybe you and me can have a proper talk.

И может быть, тогда мы с вами найдём общий язык.

Mark [Gatiss] has been doing other stuff as well, so we haven’t sat down and had a proper talk about what we would do with another series.

Марк Гейтисс тоже занимался другими вещами, поэтому мы пока не успели сесть и как следует обсудить, что нам делать со следующим сезоном.

I wanted to have a proper talk with you.

There was never time for a proper talk.

Everything can be solved with a proper talk.

We have not had a proper talk, Alexey Nikolayevitch.

Мы с вами еще не поговорили как следует.

Другие результаты

Even then very few of us have a proper training to talk on the telephone.

We tried to bring them to a proper condition during the talks.

Practice has proved that on the basis of the One-China Principle, it is entirely possible to find a proper way for holding talks, based on equality, between the two sides.

Практикой доказано, что, основываясь на «принципе единого Китая», переговоры между обеими сторонами можно проводить на равноправной основе.

Practice has proved that on the basis of the One-China Principle, it is entirely possible to find a proper way for holding talks, based on equality, between the two sides.

Практика показывает, что на основе принципа одного Китая вполне можно найти целесообразную форму равноправных переговоров между берегами.

I think the matter will end in major discussions, global conferences to examine global migration management and proper talks about what should be done.

Думаю, что дело кончится большими дискуссиями, глобальными конференциями с обсуждением глобального управления миграцией, правильными абсолютно разговорами о том, как это должно быть сделано.

Question: The last time you had proper talks with Barack Obama was in 2013.

Вопрос: В последний раз с Бараком Обамой Вы проводили полноценные переговоры в 2013 году.

Here it would be proper to talk about frequency divided parts of a single space.

Здесь уместно говорить о частотно разграниченных участках единого пространства.

I know it’s not proper to talk to strange men.

Not proper to talk about the present situation?

These are not proper ways to talk to the lady.

If you do something you don’t want to do every morning you’re already giving yourself the proper self-talk.

Если вы делаете каждое утро что-то, что вам не хочется делать, то вы уже идете в нужном направлении.

We believe it is proper for us to talk about the transcontinental nature of our Organization and its significant contribution to regional and international security.

Мы считаем уместным говорить о трансконтинентальном характере нашей Организации и ее значительном вкладе в региональную и международную безопасность.

There is so much talk about proper nutrition today, which may seem as if its significance is exaggerated.

О правильном питании сегодня говорят так много, что может показаться, будто его значение преувеличено.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 13839. Точных совпадений: 7. Затраченное время: 370 мс


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proper word

1) Математика: собственное слово

2) Макаров: нужное слово, подходящее слово

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «proper word» в других словарях:

  • Proper noun — Proper name and common noun redirect here. For the philosophy of language concept, see Proper name (philosophy). For the counterpart to scientific names for species, see Common name. A proper noun or proper name is a noun representing a unique… …   Wikipedia

  • Word Association — is a common word game involving an exchange of words that are associated together.How to playOnce an original word has been chosen, usually randomly or arbitrarily, a player will find a word that they associate with it and make it known to all… …   Wikipedia

  • Word wrap — or line wrap is the feature, supported by most text editors, word processors, and web browsers, of automatically replacing some of the blank spaces between words by line breaks, such that each line fits in the viewable window, allowing text to be …   Wikipedia

  • Proper adjective — In English usage, a proper adjective is an adjective that takes an initial capital letter. A common adjective is an adjective that is not a proper adjective. The term is used informally only; it is not used by grammarians or linguists. Contents 1 …   Wikipedia

  • Word of Wisdom — For the Pentecostal usage of this term, see Word of wisdom. The Word of Wisdom is the common name of a section of the Doctrine and Covenants, [In the edition published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, it is… …   Wikipedia

  • Proper name — A proper name [is] a word that answers the purpose of showing what thing it is that we are talking about writes John Stuart Mill in A System of Logic (1. ii. 5.), but not of telling anything about it . The problem of defining proper names, and of …   Wikipedia

  • proper noun — noun a noun that denotes a particular thing; usually capitalized • Syn: ↑proper name • Ant: ↑common noun • Hypernyms: ↑noun * * * noun, pl ⋯ nouns [count] : a word or group of words (such as “No …   Useful english dictionary

  • word association football — Meaning Origin A word game in which the first player starts with a word and subsequent players have to follow with a related word and so on. The pastime has been around for some years and is staple fare for families on long car journeys and the… …   Meaning and origin of phrases

  • proper — 1 adjective 1 (only before noun, no comparative) especially BrE right, suitable, or correct: She needs proper medical attention. | Put that back in its proper place. | I went through the proper process, I wrote to my MP. 2 socially or legally… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • proper — adj., adv., & n. adj. 1 a accurate, correct (in the proper sense of the word; gave him the proper amount). b fit, suitable, right (at the proper time; do it the proper way). 2 decent; respectable, esp. excessively so (not quite proper). 3 (usu.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • proper name — noun a noun that denotes a particular thing; usually capitalized • Syn: ↑proper noun • Ant: ↑common noun (for: ↑proper noun) • Hypernyms: ↑noun * * * …   Useful english dictionary

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Cathy and Hareton’s relationship changes when, eventually, Cathy decides to help him with his

secret self-education by teaching him how to read and talk properly.

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Отношения Кэти и Гэртона меняются, когда в конечном счете девушка решает помочь

Eventually, she becomes caught up in raggy toilet paper and cannot talk properly(due to eating stale bubble gum),

which leads to the boys mistaking her for the mummy and capturing her.

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В конечном счете, она замотана в туалетную бумагу и не может говорить должным образом( из-за несвежей жвачки),

она подходит к мальчикам, которые принимают ее за мумию и хватают.

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Owen, we need you to let Maddy go now… so that you and I can talk properly.

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Fiona, I have got to


to you.-Go ahead. No, you know, properly talk to you, privately.

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Фиона, мне надо с тобой


так говори нет, нормально поговорить, наедине нет, это- круг истины что бы у тебя там ни было,

Maybe we should go somewhere a bit quieter and talk about it properly.

And I want to make it clear that anyone with long hair and weird clothes,

who can’t talk politely and properly in polite, proper places will join the defendants!

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И мне хотелось бы прояснить вот что: любой человек с длинными волосами в странной, дикой одежде,

не способный разговаривать вежливо и подобающе вести себя в приличных местах, присоединится к обвиняемым!

This can be an educational game that teaches girls to make beautiful hairstyles, trendy makeup and stylish packing or

may be simulators business, talk about how to properly manage a beauty salon,

how skillfully engage the customer and do the hair and make-up, which is like him.


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Это может быть обучающая игра, которая учит девочек делать красивые прически, модный макияж и стильную укладку,

а могут и быть симуляторы бизнеса, рассказывают о том, как правильно управлять салоном красоты,

как умело привлекать клиента и делать ту прическу или макияж, которые нравится именно ему.


PARAD catering CEO talks about how to properly look for new areas development.


Given all this, it gives rise to strong apprehension as to whether the joint statement will be properly implemented, though the talks are resumed.


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С учетом всего этого возникает серьезное опасения на тот счет, будет ли надлежащим образом осуществляться совместное заявление, несмотря на возобновление переговоров.


If someone talks about Yoga and can’t pronounce the word»Yoga» properly is not being consistent.


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Если человек говорит о йоге, но не способен даже правильно произнести это слово, то это нелогично и смешно.


Kanai-san can talk


when it comes to this topic.

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Канай- сан может говорить внятно, только на эту тему.

Do you want to


about this properly?

So, what do you say we all go somewhere and talk about this


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Ну, что скажете насчет сходить куда-нибудь и поговорить как следует?

Why don’t you stop blowing that thing and


to us properly?

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Почему бы вам не прекратить это и не поговорить с нами нормально?

If you stop this now, if you calm down, let me stop the car,

we can talk through everything


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Если ты сейчас остановишься и остынешь, позволь мне остановить машину,

мы сможем обо все поговорить обстоятельно.

You’re going to want to


to me when you have read it properly.

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Ты захочешь поговорить со мной, когда прочитаешь это как следует.

Well, we are


about how to properly honor a man who gave his life as regional

manger of this company, Jan!

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Ну, мы говорим о том, как правильно помянуть человека, который отдал жизнь работе регионального

менеджера этой компании, Джен!

Therefore, it should, by itself, walk out of this process in a last attempt to serve and

help the ongoing


proceed properly and smoothly.


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Поэтому мы призываем ее добровольно выйти из этого процесса, что станет последней попыткой содействовать продолжающимся переговорам и


Serbia had proposed this

option to the Special Envoy at the beginning of the Vienna


but it had never been properly discussed.


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Сербия предложила этот

вариант Специальному посланнику в начале венских переговоров, однако по нему не было проведено должного обсуждения.


Hermione’s schedule was

so full that Harry could only


to her properly in the evenings, when Ron was,

in any case, so tightly wrapped around Lavender that he did not notice what Harry was doing.

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Расписание Гермионы был

настолько полным, что Гарри мог поговорить с ней должным образом только по вечерам, когда Рон был,

в любом случае, так сильно увлечен Лавандой, что он не замечал, что делал Гарри.

But the most competent option to expert

professional advice that will help you choose properly, will


about how the installation of the panels,

whether you need maintenance and regular reconfiguration of the device, according to the season.

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Но самый грамотный вариант, получить

квалифицированную консультацию специалиста, который поможет подобрать систему правильно, расскажет о том, как проводится

монтаж панелей, нужно ли обслуживание и регулярная перенастройка прибора, согласно сезону.

On the example of the Finlandia

case in the M1 Music Awards project, they will


about how to properly approach sponsorship,

create brand content that is part of a common communication strategy, and what role does creativity play.


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На примере кейса Finlandia в

проекте M1 Music Awards они расскажут о том, как правильно подходить к спонсорству,

создавать бренд- контент, который является частью общей коммуникационной стратегии, и какую роль играет креатив.


Asked by: Torrey Jacobs

Score: 4.6/5
(29 votes)

Conversate is a nonstandard verb that means “to have a conversation.” The standard verb (and the one you should use if you want to be correct) is converse.

How do you use conversing in a sentence?

Conversing Sentence Examples

  1. Sometimes I stood between two persons who were conversing and touched their lips.
  2. The other guests were all conversing with one another.
  3. It is impossible for any one with whom Helen is conversing to be particularly happy or sad, and withhold the knowledge of this fact from her.

What does the word conversing?

intransitive verb. 1 : to exchange thoughts and opinions in speech : talk spent a few minutes conversing about the weather The leaders were bellowing so loudly that you had to shout to converse with your dinner partner.—

What is the difference between conversing and Conversating?

is that converse is familiar discourse; free interchange of thoughts or views; conversation; chat or converse can be the opposite or reverse while conversation is expression and exchange of individual ideas through talking with other people; also, a set instance or occasion of such talking.

Is conversative a word?

(dated) Relating to conversation with others; social.

45 related questions found

Is Agreeance a word?

historical usage of agreeance

Agreeance is a word that seems to be continually reinvented and recycled. The term first appeared in the 16th century and enjoyed its greatest popularity in the 18th and early to mid-19th centuries. Since then it has fallen into disuse.

When did Conversating become a word?

The word appears next in 1829, in the North-Carolina Free Press: “I love to conversate with wise men on any sorter ticks, more espesially pollyticks.” Although many of the uses of conversate in the beginning and middle of the 19th century are obvious attempts to reproduce language that would be thought of as …

When was orientate added to the dictionary?

The first known use of orientate was in 1848.

What is a nonstandard word?

non-standard adjective (LANGUAGE)

A non-standard word or phrase is not considered correct by educated speakers of the language.

Has Conversate been added to dictionary?

So a bunch of people noted in yesterday’s Ebonics thread that conversate wasn’t a word, because it wasn’t in the Oxford English Dictionary.

Is conversing talking?

As nouns the difference between speaking and conversing

is that speaking is one’s ability to communicate vocally in a given language while conversing is conversation.

What part of speech is conversing?

verb (used without object), con·versed, con·vers·ing. to talk informally with another or others; exchange views, opinions, etc., by talking.

What is the proper noun of Converse?

Word forms: 3rd person singular present tense converses, present participle conversing , past tense, past participle conversed pronunciation note: The verb is pronounced (kənvɜːʳs ). The noun is pronounced (kɒnvɜːʳs ). If you converse with someone, you talk to them. You can also say that two people converse.

Does Converse mean opposite?

The opposite or reverse. Reversed, as in position, order, or action; contrary. (logic) A proposition obtained by conversion. Converse means to talk with others.

What does Converse mean in slang?

to talk informally with another or others; exchange views, opinions, etc., by talking.

What do you call someone who converses?

Two or more people speaking to one another are each other’s interlocutors. 1 The terms conversation partner,[3] hearer,[4] or addressee[5] are sometimes used interchangeably with interlocutor.

Is worser a word?

It actually is in the Merriam Webster dictionary: worser. That said, I think people will frown upon it unless you are writing to achieve an «early/archaic English» effect. They might (incorrectly) assume you are using a non-word.

What is funner not a word?

But if you’re thinking that that logic is downright silly, most dictionary establishments agree with you. And they also agree that…the answer to “is funner a word?” is yes. If you want to consider “fun,” as an adjective, a word, then “funner” is indeed a word, as is “funnest,” per normal rules of adjective formation.

Is it correct to say irregardless?

Irregardless means the same thing as “regardless.” Yes, it’s a word. But major dictionaries label it nonstandard.

Why do Brits say orientated?

People say orientated because they hear the word orientation and think that’s the verb made from it. It’s called a «back-formation». (See Why are «colleagues» becoming «work colleagues»?).

Is it correct to say orientated?

Oriented is much more widely used and is strongly preferred. Orientated is not incorrect but is widely shunned.

Is orient or orientate correct?

Strictly speaking, then, to orient/orientate yourself means to align yourself to the east, although the verb now has the general sense of “to position yourself”. In the UK, it is more common for people to say “orientate” whereas in the US, “orient” is more common.

Is comfortability a proper word?

(uncountable) Comfort; the condition of being comfortable. (countable) The degree to which something or someone is comfortable.

What does the word confiscated?

transitive verb. 1 : to seize as forfeited to the public treasury. 2 : to seize by or as if by authority.

Is Presentate a real word?

Because ‘presentate’ isn’t a real word!

It’s a common mistake that people make when trying to work out the verb form of the noun “presentation”.

Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Англо-русский перевод PROPER WORD

мат. собственное слово

Big English-Russian dictionary .

     Большой Англо-Русский словарь.

надлежащий, правильный, собственный, должный, подходящий, настоящий, истинный


- присущий, свойственный

feelings proper to mankind — чувства, присущие человеку /людям/
ailments proper to tropical climates — заболевания, характерные для тропического климата

- правильный, надлежащий, должный

- подходящий, годный

proper word — подходящее /нужное/ слово
proper tool for this job — инструмент, требуемый /подходящий/ для такой работы
it was only proper to wear a hat — шляпа как раз была уместна
night is the proper time to sleep — ночь — (самое) подходящее время для сна

- приличный, пристойный

proper behaviour — хорошее поведение
quite a proper book [play] — вполне пристойная книга [пьеса]
I don’t think that’s quite proper — я думаю, что это не совсем удобно
that’s not the proper way to behave! — так себя не ведут!

- добродетельный, порядочный, почтенный
- (употреблённый) в собственном смысле, в узком значении

Greece proper — собственно Греция
footnotes are clearly set off from the text proper — примечания чётко отделены от самого текста
electronics proper doesn’t interest me — электроника как таковая меня не интересует

- эмоц.-усил. настоящий, совершенный, сущий

proper thrashing — хорошенькая /основательная/ трёпка /взбучка/
he is a proper rascal [rogue] — он настоящий мошенник [негодяй]
that child is a proper terror — этот ребенок — сущее наказание
there will be a proper row about this — по этому поводу будет форменный скандал
we’re in a proper mess! — ну и в переплёт мы попали!

- грам. собственный

proper name /noun/ — имя собственное

- мат. правильный, истинный; точный

proper fraction — мат. правильная дробь

- церк. используемый только в определённый день или праздник (о службе, молитве, псалме и т. п.)
- геральд. в естественном цвете (о фигуре)
- красивый

proper man — красивый человек

- отличный, превосходный
- арх. собственный

our proper son — наш собственный сын
with my own proper hands — своими собственными руками


- церк. (тж. Proper) изменяемая часть литургии, обедни или мессы (в зависимости от дня или праздника)
- служба, молитвы и т. п., назначенные на какой-л. день или праздник
- раздел молитвенника или требника с такими молитвами

Мои примеры


a very prim and proper young lady — очень чопорная молодая леди  
a disgraceful want of proper care — позорное отсутствие должного ухода  
proper custody — надлежащее хранение документа  
good / proper form — хороший тон, хорошие манеры  
in proper legal manner — в установленной законом форме  
proper party — надлежащая сторона  
the proper / right / true perspective — верная, правильная перспектива  
normal / proper / regular procedure — обычная процедура  
proper warning — надлежащее предупреждение  
without proper authority — без надлежащего правомочия  
proper subset — строгое подмножество  
proper field — собственное поле  

Примеры с переводом

The children need to learn proper behavior.

Детей необходимо обучать соответствующему поведению.

It is not proper to speak that way.

Не подобает говорить таким образом. / Так говорить неприлично.

Is this the proper spelling of your name?

Это правильное написание вашего имени?

You need to eat a proper meal instead of junk food.

Тебе нужно есть полноценную пищу, а не еду из дешёвых кафе.

I want our lass to have a proper education.

Я хочу, чтобы наша девочка (дочь) получила настоящее образование.

His attitude shows a want of proper respect.

Его отношение показывает недостаток должного уважения.

Capital letter is used in all proper names.

Все имена собственные пишутся с заглавной буквы.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Her aunts were very prim and proper.

To do a proper job, you’re talking £750 minimum.

When are you going to settle down and get a proper job?

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

improper  — неправильный, неподходящий, неуместный, неприличный, непристойный, ложный
prop  — пропеллер, опора, поддержка, подставка, поддерживать, подпирать, помогать
properly  — правильно, должным образом, собственно, как следует, хорошенько, прилично
property  — собственность, свойство, имущество, имущественный

The word ‘proper’ has more than one meaning. It can be an adjective, meaning (e.g.) ‘real, satisfactory, suitable, or correct’, ‘showing standards of behaviour that are socially and morally acceptable’, or ‘complete’.

The word also has a separate meaning when used, usually after a noun, in this case the name of a country: ‘belonging to the main, most important, or typical part’. This is the meaning you have seen in the Youtube comment.

During the Second World War, American military forces fought against
the Empire of Japan, following the attack by the latter on Pearl
Harbor. First the Americans attacked and defeated Japanese forces in
territories and occupied areas outside Japan, then in 1945 they
advanced to the edge of what Japanese people considered their homeland
area (and not colonies), for example Iwo Jima, in the Nanpo Shoto
Islands which are administratively, part of Tokyo, next, Okinawa.
These were Japan proper.

Other examples:

Before the meal proper begins at Silk, Frankfurt’s most futuristic
restaurant, you’re handed a ceramic spoon containing what appears to
be the yolk of an egg.

Before the concert proper Nico Muhly and friends played an
introduction to the first set of songs.

As soon as you’re unpacked and have found the right bed for you, the
holiday proper
can begin!

A swathe of wasteland follows and then, further along, comes the town proper.

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