Is system wide one word

Is system wide one word or two?

-wide (suffix): Hyphenate suffix when base word is three or more syllables, such as university-wide but campuswide, systemwide, statewide.

What is this word system?

1 : a regularly interacting or interdependent group of items forming a unified whole a number system : such as. a(1) : a group of interacting bodies under the influence of related forces a gravitational system.

What does the suffix system mean?

How do you spell filing system?

filing system Add to list Share

  1. filing system.
  2. the “filing system” family.

What is an example of a system?

An example of a system is the way someone organizes their closet. An example of a system is all the organs that work together for digestion. A set or arrangement of things so related or connected as to form a unity or organic whole. A solar system, school system, system of highways.

What is system in your own words?

A system is a collection of elements or components that are organized for a common purpose. The word sometimes describes the organization or plan itself (and is similar in meaning to method, as in “I have my own little system”) and sometimes describes the parts in the system (as in “computer system”).

What is the importance of filing?

Filing helps in protection of important documents from fire, dust, insects, theft and mishandling. Previous records are base of past records, and they are used as an immediate reference. It helps in documentation of proof and legal evidence in the time of disputes. It helps in formulation of future planning.

What do you mean by filing?

filing Add to list Share. A filing is when a legal document becomes part of the public record. Anyone can read a filing. As you might imagine, a filing is an example of something being put in a file. You can take part in the physical act of filing by organizing documents in separate files.

What are the 5 basic filing steps?

The five basic steps for filing. Conditioning, releasing , Index and coding, Sorting, Storing and filing.

Which comes first M or MC?

Many Scottish and Irish names begin with Mac or Mc. The conventional way to alphabetize names that start with these prefixes is to treat Mac and Mc the same. Names that start with Mc are treated as though they were spelled Mac. In effect, “Mc” has an invisible “a” between the “M” and “c”.

What is file coding?

File coding is a shorthand identification of the major and minor group and folder number to identify where records are located and simplify routine filing and retrieval. File codes on folder labels and in file plans should mean something to users and help identify the contents of the file.

What are the 3 types of filing systems?

Filing and classification systems fall into three main types: alphabetical, numeric and alphanumeric. Each of these types of filing systems has advantages and disadvantages, depending on the information being filed and classified.

What are the three basic filing methods?

The three basic filing methods are alphabetic, numeric, and alphanumeric.

How do you file a document correctly?

How do you organize a filing system?

  1. Determine how you want to retrieve the files.
  2. Label each hanging and manila folders.
  3. Stick with the same labeling system.
  4. Leave space in the drawer for new files.
  5. Lay the paper in the folders so you can see the tabs.
  6. Find a filing cabinet that will hold all your files.

What are the two main filing systems?

There are 2 main methods of filing, which are Loose Leaf method and secondly, the Collective method. Documents are filed individually in a normal file, holes are punched in the documents and then they are filed. Documents can be filed and de-filed very easily. Does not occupy too much of space.

What is manual filing system?

1. The traditional submission method “either by hand or typewriter. Taxpayers usually perform complex calculations using mental arithmetic or calculator, and then the return is delivered to the tax agency through the postal service or in person ( Fu, Farn, & Chao, 2006 ).

What is one color coding method?

What is the most commonly used filing system?

The most commonly used filing arrangement is the alphabetical file. It is arranged in alphabetical order with a file guide for each letter of the alphabet.

What is the traditional filing method?

The traditional filing system (TFS) is a method of storing and arranging computer files and the information in the file (data). Basically it organizes these files into a database for the storage, organization, manipulation, and retrieval by the computer’s operating system.

What is alpha numeric filing?

n. a method for classifying materials for storage and access through use of letters and digits that represents a concept (View Citations)

Is the common technique for a proper filing?

Technique 1: Cross Filing

This is the most commonly used filing technique.

What are the types of traditional filing?

There are different types of traditional filing system. They are: Wrapped up or Bundle Filing, Wire or spike filing, Cardboard filing, Pigeon hole filing and Box filing.

What is traditional file system example?

The focus is on the individual processing needs of a particular department or area within an organisation. … These may be, for example, Accounts Receivable, Payroll, or Inventory Control. Each application is designed with its own set of data files.

What are the type of files?

6 Different Types of Files and How to Use Them

  • JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) …
  • PNG (Portable Network Graphics) …
  • GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) …
  • PDF (Portable Document Format) …
  • SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) …
  • MP4 (Moving Picture Experts Group)

Which is the cheapest form of filing?

Rod filing: Rod filing is one of the oldest and cheapest methods of filing.

Table of Contents

  1. What is a firm wide?
  2. Is it firmwide or firm wide?
  3. Is company-wide or companywide?
  4. Is corporate wide one word?
  5. Is system wide one word or two?
  6. Is restroom hyphenated?
  7. Is industry wide hyphenated?
  8. Should City Wide be hyphenated?
  9. Is Town Wide hyphenated?
  10. Is Office Wide hyphenated?
  11. What is system wide?

-wide (suffix): Hyphenate suffix when base word is three or more syllables, such as university-wide but campuswide, systemwide, statewide.

What is a firm wide?

Firmwide meaning Extending throughout a company, or firm. Firmwide risk.

Is it firmwide or firm wide?

For example, my firm’s style guide says, among other things, that firmwide is one word, not the hyphenated firm-wide [6]. However, only large firms have the resources to create their own style guides.

Is company-wide or companywide?

Meaning of company-wide in English relating to or affecting the whole of a company: There is a company-wide recruitment freeze in place. The CEO is to make a rare companywide announcement next week.

Is corporate wide one word?

Either is fine but (IMO) company-wide will feel more official to the average person, the reason being that since you’ll find examples of both usages online, and the group that expects there to be a hyphen may view it as misused, while the group that didn’t expect a hyphen but sees one is less likely to think it’s …

Is system wide one word or two?

Is restroom hyphenated?

I would either use two words or one (rest room or restroom), but I wouldn’t use a hyphen with either. I think either restroom or washroom could be used. In the U.S., bathroom is also used, even if there is no tub or shower in the room.

Is industry wide hyphenated?

Apparently, you sometimes use a hyphen when adding ‘wide’, such as with industry-wide, but sometimes you don’t, like with worldwide (which I’ve also seen written as ‘world wide’).

Should City Wide be hyphenated?

Q: Does the word “city-wide” need a hyphen? A: Actually, no. According to AP, when you’re using the suffix “-wide,” you don’t need to use a hyphen. Same goes for “statewide,” “nationwide,” and “worldwide.”

Is Town Wide hyphenated?

Enjoy! Q: Does the word “city-wide” need a hyphen? A: Actually, no. According to AP, when you’re using the suffix “-wide,” you don’t need to use a hyphen.

Is Office Wide hyphenated?

Suffixes usually are not hyphenated. So they’re easy. But be warned: Some terms can be either a word or a suffix. So it makes more sense to use the suffix and write “office wide” than to assemble two words to make your own compound “office-wide.”

What is system wide?

Of, relating to, or extending throughout a system; affecting or reaching the whole of a system.

Asked by: Jamie Swaniawski

Score: 4.4/5
(35 votes)

Of, relating to, or extending throughout a system; affecting or reaching the whole of a system.

What does it mean if something is systemic?

: of, relating to, or common to a system: such as. a : affecting the body generally systemic diseases. b : supplying those parts of the body that receive blood through the aorta rather than through the pulmonary artery.

Is it systemwide or system wide?

wide (suffix): Hyphenate suffix when base word is three or more syllables, such as university-wide but campuswide, systemwide, statewide.

What is a system simple definition?

1 : a regularly interacting or interdependent group of items forming a unified whole a number system : such as. a(1) : a group of interacting bodies under the influence of related forces a gravitational system.

What is the best definition of system?

An example of a system is the way someone organizes their closet. An example of a system is all the organs that work together for digestion. noun. 42. 9.

32 related questions found

What system means kids?

Kids Encyclopedia Facts. A system is a group of related things that work together as a whole. These things can be real or imaginary. Systems can be man-made things like a car engine or natural things like a star system. Systems can also be concepts made by people to organize ideas.

What makes a system a system?

Simply put, a system is an organized collection of parts (or subsystems) that are highly integrated to accomplish an overall goal. … So a system is usually made up of many smaller systems, or subsystems.

What is called system?

A system is a group of interacting or interrelated elements that act according to a set of rules to form a unified whole. A system, surrounded and influenced by its environment, is described by its boundaries, structure and purpose and expressed in its functioning.

What are the examples of a system?

Some examples include transport systems; solar systems; telephone systems; the Dewey Decimal System; weapons systems; ecological systems; space systems; etc. Indeed, it seems there is almost no end to the use of the word “system” in today’s society.

What is a system in did?

A system is a collection of alters within one body. The entirety of a system includes all of the alters within one body. … Instead, alters in large systems are likely to become active mostly when needed or triggered, and they often present in pairs or small groups.

How do you write ex officio?

Use ex officio to describe a position someone automatically gains because of another job or position she already holds. For example, the United States Vice President is the ex officio President of the Senate. Ex officio is a Latin phrase that can be used as an adjective or an adverb.

What does campus wide mean?

Campuswide meaning

Filters. Throughout a campus. The increase in student fees sparked off a campuswide protest. adjective.

Do you hyphenate community wide?

These don’t look so great with “wide” tacked on the end: “universitywide,” “communitywide,” “corporationwide.” So in these cases, there’s nothing to stop you from interpreting this “wide” as a whole word an not a suffix: university-wide, community-wide, corporation-wide. It’s a judgment call.

What is another word for systemic?

Some near synonyms to systemic are structural, comprehensive, inherent, pervasive, ingrained, and extensive.

What is systemic culture?

Culture can be defined as the systemic patterns of behaviour in the organisation. It is created through the messages people receive about what is valued and those messages come from three main sources: behaviours , symbols, and systems. To shape culture, you need to realign the messages from the three channels.

What does systemic approach mean?

The systemic approach refers to an analysis method; a way to handle a complex system with a global point of view without focalizing on details. It aims for a better understanding of complexity without simplifying reality too much. … The systemic approach is also used with sociotechnical systems.

What are the 3 types of systems?

System: A quantity of the matter or part of the space which is under thermodynamic study is called as system. There are three types of system: closed system, open system and isolated system.

Where are IT system used?

Information systems are used to run interorganizational supply chains and electronic markets. For instance, corporations use information systems to process financial accounts, to manage their human resources, and to reach their potential customers with online promotions.

How do you make a system?

Create Systems – A 5 Step Process

  1. Take Inventory. Start by identifying the actions that you take on a regular basis, both at home and at work. …
  2. Analyze What You’re Currently Doing. …
  3. Plan Your New Process. …
  4. Execute Your Plan. …
  5. Continuously Improve the System.

What is system in sad?

A system may be defined as a set of procedures established or formulated to carry out a specific activity to solve a problem. … In short, System Analysis and Design (SAD), mainly deals with the software development activities. Success of any system depends on good SAD.

What is a system in the human body?

A system is an organization of varying numbers and kinds of organs so arranged that together they can perform complex functions for the body. Ten major systems include the skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and the reproductive system.

What is a system in physics?

A system is a portion of the universe that has been chosen for studying the changes that take place within it in response to varying conditions. A system may be complex, such as a planet, or relatively simple, as the liquid within a glass.

Is everything a system?

Life is simply a series of systems. People assume that life is random, spontaneous, and unpredictable but in reality patterns exist everywhere. Even when effort is made to avoid systems, they still control everything we do, everything we achieve and everything around us.

How do we identify a system?

Scientists most commonly call something a system if three features can be discerned: a purpose of the system (which again is a purpose to the observer, not excluding the possibility that a system is sufficiently complex to be capable of self-observation)

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Elta Armstrong

Score: 4.5/5
(4 votes)

Either is fine but (IMO) company-wide will feel more official to the average person, the reason being that since you’ll find examples of both usages online, and the group that expects there to be a hyphen may view it as misused, while the group that didn’t expect a hyphen but sees one is less likely to think it’s …

How do I spell company-wide?

Meaning of company-wide in English

relating to or affecting the whole of a company: There is a company-wide recruitment freeze in place.

Is there a hyphen before wide?

Use a hyphen with all proper nouns and wide: University-wide. Do not hyphenate other wide words: statewide, nationwide, countywide.

Is it firm wide or firm wide?

Firmwide meaning

Extending throughout a company, or firm. Firmwide risk.

Should enterprise wide be hyphenated?

Therefore, adding «wide» to a noun means «throughout» that noun. Substituting «enterprise-wide,» which is sometimes written «enterprise wide» or «enterprisewide,» you can deduce that it’s occurring throughout the enterprise.

20 related questions found

Is enterprise wide a word?

Throughout a business enterprise.

IS department wide a word?

Definitions for department-wide. de·part·men·t-wide.

Is system wide one word or two?

Don’t hyphenate other wide words: statewide, nationwide, countywide. NoteDon’t hyphenate “System-wide” because System (capitalized) is shorthand for the proper name of “UT System Administration.” Multi words are not hyphenated unless such spelling makes for awkward reading.

What is the meaning of system wide?

Of, relating to, or extending throughout a system; affecting or reaching the whole of a system.

What means wide company?

(a) company-wide (decision): (a decision) which applies to or affects all the employees of a company. idiom. wide: having a long or large distance between two sides or both ends.

Is there a hyphen in district wide?

Today, “co” words are usually written without the hyphen: cooperate, copilot, coordinate. … Ditto for “wide” words: areawide, citywide, districtwide. Last but not least, there’s another little thing hyphens do.

What is an example of something wide?

The definition of wide is extending over a large area, of great range or of greater than normal size. An example of something wide is a larger than average sized foot.

Is Town Wide hyphenated?

APStylebook on Twitter: «No hyphen in these and similar examples: citywide, nationwide, continentwide, statewide, countrywide, worldwide.»

Is company-wide 2 words?

Either is fine but (IMO) company-wide will feel more official to the average person, the reason being that since you’ll find examples of both usages online, and the group that expects there to be a hyphen may view it as misused, while the group that didn’t expect a hyphen but sees one is less likely to think it’s …

How do companies use wide?

relating to or affecting the whole of a company: There is a company-wide recruitment freeze in place. The CEO is to make a rare companywide announcement next week.

What does rolled out mean?

intransitive verb. : to get out of bed. transitive verb. : to introduce (something, such as a new product) especially for widespread sale to the public. Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More About rollout.

What are system wide issues?

The following list summarizes some of the more common system-wide problems that can happen: Systems running graphical terminals or many different networking protocols often need to have the value of STREAMS tunables adjusted. … Unmounting the NFS filesystems or rebooting system A will resolve the problem.

What is system wide issues Apple?

The iOS mobile operating system developed by Apple Inc. has had a wide range of bugs and security issues discovered throughout its lifespan, ranging from security exploits discovered in most versions of the operating system related to the practice of jailbreaking, as well as bypassing the user’s lock screen (known as …

What does it mean if something is systemic?

: of, relating to, or common to a system: such as. a : affecting the body generally systemic diseases. b : supplying those parts of the body that receive blood through the aorta rather than through the pulmonary artery.

Is wide a suffix?

-wide, suffix. -wide is used to form adjectives with the meaning «extending or applying throughout a certain, given space,» as mentioned by the noun:community + -wide → communitywide (= applying to or throughout the community);countrywide;worldwide.

What is a system Merriam Webster?

1 : a regularly interacting or interdependent group of items forming a unified whole a number system : such as. a(1) : a group of interacting bodies under the influence of related forces a gravitational system. (2) : an assemblage of substances that is in or tends to equilibrium a thermodynamic system.

What is an enterprise wide project?

Enterprise Wide (EW) projects bring transformation and change to organizations. Most of the EW projects are large initiatives to meet strategic needs of an organization. … EW projects are used to enable new business models, to improve operational excellence, and to focus on growth and productivity of an organization.

What is an enterprise wide approach?

It defines ERM as «a process effected by an entity’s board of directors, management and other personnel, applied in strategy and across the enterprise, designed to identify potential events that may affect the entity… to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of entity objectives».

What is enterprise wide ready?

A Clear Definition of Enterprise-Grade Software & Security

So, what does enterprise-ready really mean? At its core, it’s a marketing term designed to catch a buyer’s eye and tell them that a product can perform under the extreme duress a big company will put on it.

What does it mean by city wide?

: including or involving all parts of a city a citywide blackout.

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амер.  |ˈsɪstəˌmwaɪd|

брит.  |ˈsɪstəˌmwaɪd|

в масштабе всей системы


- в масштабе всей системы

Мои примеры


system-wide lock — блокировка на системном уровне  
system-wide password — системный пароль  
system-wide medium-term environment programme — общесистемная среднесрочная программа по окружающей среде  
system-wide login script — системная процедура регистрации; системный сценарий регистрации  
solar-system-wide probing — широкое зондирование солнечной системы  
system-wide approach — подход на основе теории систем; системный подход  
system-wide control — общесистемное управление  
system-wide plan — общесистемный план действий  
system-wide — в масштабе системы; общесистемный  
system-wide damage — общесистемное нарушение  

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  • 1

    1. на системном уровне

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > system-wide

  • 2

    в масштабе всей системы

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > system-wide

  • 3

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > system-wide

  • 4

    English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > system-wide

  • 5

    English-Russian SQL Server dictionary > system-wide

  • 6

    общесистемный; в масштабе системы

    English-Russian information technology > system-wide

  • 7

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > system-wide

  • 8
    system-wide project for electronic equipment at depots

    SPEED, system-wide project for electronic equipment at depots

    English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > system-wide project for electronic equipment at depots

  • 9
    system-wide project for electronic equipment at depots, extended

    SPEEDEX, system-wide project for electronic equipment at depots, extended

    общесистемный проект расширенного использования электронного оборудования на складах

    English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > system-wide project for electronic equipment at depots, extended

  • 10
    system-wide damage

    1. общесистемное нарушение

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > system-wide damage

  • 11
    system-wide control

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > system-wide control

  • 12
    system-wide medium term plan on women

    1. общесистемный среднесрочный план по вопросу о женщинах

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > system-wide medium term plan on women

  • 13
    system-wide barriers

    1. проблемы (препятствия) системного характера

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > system-wide barriers

  • 14
    system-wide lock

    English-Russian base dictionary > system-wide lock

  • 15
    system-wide damage

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > system-wide damage

  • 16
    system-wide lock

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > system-wide lock

  • 17
    system-wide damage

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > system-wide damage

  • 18
    system-wide medium-term environment programme

    Англо-русский словарь по экологии > system-wide medium-term environment programme

  • 19
    System-Wide Program on Integrated Pest Management

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > System-Wide Program on Integrated Pest Management

  • 20
    system-wide approach

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > system-wide approach


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См. также в других словарях:

  • System Wide Information Management — (SWIM) is an advanced technology to help provide data sharing of ATM system information such as equipment operational status, NOTAM, status of navigational aids and airspace restrictions.Eurocontrol initially presented the SWIM System concept to… …   Wikipedia

  • System 7 — Infobox OS name = System 7 caption = Screenshot of System 7.5.3 developer = Apple Computer family = Mac OS Classic source model = Closed source latest release version = 7.6.1 latest release date = April 7 1997 kernel type = Monolithic for 68k,… …   Wikipedia

  • System Reference Document — The System Reference Document, or SRD, is a set of reference role playing game mechanics licensed under the Open Gaming License by Wizards of the Coast (or WotC ) and based upon their Dungeons and Dragons role playing game. The SRD forms the… …   Wikipedia

  • System Preferences — Infobox Software| name = System Preferences caption = System Preferences in Mac OS X Leopard after the MobileMe update, with no third party preference panes installed. developer = Apple Inc. latest release version = 5.0 (5.0) latest release date …   Wikipedia

  • Wide Area Augmentation System — WAAS — FAA WAAS logo …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer — (WISE) WISE prior to its mission into orbit …   Wikipedia

  • Wide Field Infrared Explorer — Le télescope spatial infrarouge Wire Caractéristiques Organisation NASA …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Wide area information server — Wide Area Information Servers or WAIS is a client server text searching system that uses the ANSI Standard Z39.50 Information Retrieval Service Definition and Protocol Specifications for Library Applications (Z39.50:1988) to search index… …   Wikipedia

  • Wide Ruins — Lugar designado por el censo de los Estados Unidos …   Wikipedia Español

  • Wide area information server — Wide Area Information Servers Wide Area Information Servers, ou Service, ou System ou Searching, aussi connu sous l acronyme WAIS, est un système informatique client serveur permettant à un logiciel client WAIS de se connecter à un serveur… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • System of systems — is a moniker for a collection of task oriented or dedicated systems that pool their resources and capabilities together to obtain a new, more complex, meta system which offers more functionality and performance than simply the sum of the… …   Wikipedia

Suffixes: How to Know Whether It’s Systemwide or System-wide *

A lot of people get tripped up on suffixes, unsure whether to hyphenate them or whether it’s okay to slap them right on the ends words, thereby forming conglomerations that send spellchecker into panic mode: words like “neighborhoodwide,” “instrumentborne,” and “dismissable.”

The alternatives don’t look much better:

neighborhood-wide, instrument-borne, dismiss-able

neighborhood wide, instrument borne, dismiss able

What to do?

Actually, this seeming conundrum is pretty easy to deal with. First, check your dictionary to make sure that a one-word form of your desired word doesn’t already exist. For example, “communitywide” is already listed in Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. So that’s a no-brainer. Just use the already-existing word.

If your main word isn’t in there, look up the suffix to find out if it’s really, well, a suffix.

Dictionaries designate suffixes with a little hyphen in front of them. For example, if you look up “wide” in Webster’s New World College Dictionary, you see the first entry is for the plain old adjective (“The street is wide”). But after that, there’s an entry for -wide, the suffix. And, like many dictionaries, this one’s very clear on how to deal with them. “The very full coverage of affixes (prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms) makes it possible for a dictionary user to understand and pronounce many words that are not entered in the dictionary. The dictionary user can form these words by combining affixes with words already entered.»

In other words, as long as it’s listed in the dictionary as a suffix, you can slap it right on the end of any other word in the dictionary, spellchecker be damned. A lot of suffix entries, including -wide, make these easy instructions even clearer by including the term “combining  forms» right in the dictionary entry, meaning you can combine them to other words at will.

On the other hand, if the word you want to use as a suffix isn’t actually a suffix, for example maker, you can’t attach it directly to another word. But you can follow one of two easy styles. In Chicago style (that is, in book- and magazine-style writing), make it two words: sneaker maker. In AP style (preferred by news media and PR agencies), connect the two nouns with a hyphen: sneaker-maker.

Even if you get that wrong, it’s not too big a deal. Most readers, including editors, know the rules aren’t exactly cut-and-dried. So no one will think it so bad if sneaker maker slips into an article you’re writing or sneaker-maker appears in your book manuscript.


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From system +‎ -wide.


system-wide (not comparable)

  1. Alternative form of systemwide
    • 1963 February, “Motive Power Miscellany: North Eastern Region”, in Modern Railways, page 137:

      The latest lists of locomotive withdrawals feature a massive attack on the Class J39 0-6-0s, of which the system-wide stock is now reduced to a mere 13.

    • 2022 December 14, David Turner, “The Edwardisn Christmas getaway…”, in RAIL, number 972, page 33:

      The Railway Magazine in 1912 stated that system-wide traffic increased in the week before Christmas.


  • “system-wide”, in Lexico,; Oxford University Press, 2019–2022.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


The gender mainstreaming System-wide Action Plan for the implementation of Security Council resolution 1325 was reviewed and updated.

Был рассмотрен и обновлен общесистемный План действий по обеспечению учета гендерной проблематики в интересах осуществления резолюции 1325 Совета Безопасности.

System-wide review on ways to improve programming methodology.

Общесистемный обзор путей совершенствования методологии программирования.

System-wide innovations can only be realized in conjunction with related complementary innovations; in other words, these innovations are not autonomous.

Системные инновации могут быть реализованы только в сочетании с соответствующих дополнительных нововведений; другими словами эти нововведения не являются автономными.

System-wide reporting responsibilities have placed a considerable strain on individual organizations, as they have been borne within existing human and financial resources.

Введенные в масштабах всей системы требования в отношении отчетности стали значительным бременем для отдельных организаций, поскольку выполнение этих требований осуществлялось в пределах существующих людских и финансовых ресурсов.

System-wide efforts should also be made to establish a broader common logistics and operational support infrastructure.

В масштабах всей системы должны также предприниматься усилия по созданию более широкой общей инфраструктуры технической и оперативной поддержки.

System-wide policy orientation for development cooperation and country-level modalities was essential, including for UNDP.

Ориентация общесистемной политики на сотрудничество в области развития и механизмы, действующие на страновом уровне, имеют важное значение, в том числе для ПРООН.

System-wide assistance programmes in the field of education, housing and public health will need to bring their full weight to bear.

Полным ходом должны будут осуществляться общесистемные программы помощи в области образования, жилья и здравоохранения.

System-wide consultations take place on a continual basis that provide the scope and opportunity for beneficiary inputs to the reconstruction programme.

На постоянной основе проводятся общесистемные консультации, что обеспечивает масштабы и возможности для внесения добровольных взносов на цели осуществления программ по восстановлению.

System-wide policies, procedures and standards relating to field and headquarters needs should be developed and security staff should be trained accordingly.

Необходимо разработать общесистемную политику, процедуры и стандарты, касающиеся отделений на местах и штаб-квартир, а кроме того, необходимо организовать соответствующую подготовку сотрудников по вопросам безопасности.

System-wide monitoring and evaluation is of the utmost importance.

Общесистемные мониторинг и оценка имеют первостепенное значение.

A number of delegations indicated that, without proper resource allocation, it would be difficult to implement the System-wide Plan.

Ряд делегаций отметили, что без надлежащего распределения ресурсов будет трудно добиться осуществления Общесистемного плана.

Therefore, gender disparity has to be addressed as both a strategic and a programmatic issue in implementing the System-wide Plan.

Поэтому в ходе осуществления Общесистемного плана задачу ликвидации этого неравенства следует рассматривать в качестве стратегического и практического вопроса.

The present revision to the System-wide Plan would not, therefore, aim at surveying the work of individual organizations.

Поэтому настоящий пересмотр Общесистемного плана не ставит задачу провести анализ работы отдельных организаций.

Most delegations considered the revised System-wide Plan an improvement over the initial version.

Многие делегации признали, что пересмотренный Общесистемный план составлен лучше, чем его первоначальный вариант.

The purpose of the revision of the System-wide Plan is twofold.

Пересмотр Общесистемного плана преследует двуединую цель.

Despite certain difficulties encountered in the preparation of the System-wide Action Plan, the exercise should still be regarded as a useful one.

Несмотря на определенные трудности, возникшие в ходе подготовки Общесистемного плана действий, это мероприятие в целом можно считать полезным.

The present report presents a comprehensive and candid assessment of the first eight months of the implementation of the System-wide Action Plan.

В настоящем докладе представлена честная всеобъемлющая оценка осуществления Общесистемного плана действий за первые восемь месяцев после его принятия.

The report has identified the gaps and opportunities presented by the System-wide Action Plan and accordingly provides for some remedies.

В докладе определяются пробелы и проблемы в осуществлении Общесистемного плана действий, и, соответственно, предлагается ряд мер, призванных исправить эту ситуацию.

System-wide management, direction, strategic planning and performance monitoring functions of the Department will be strengthened.

Будут усилены функции общесистемного управления, руководства, стратегического планирования и наблюдения за ходом работы.

The periodic updating and implementation of the System-wide Action Plan are particularly useful in this respect.

Особенно важным в этой связи является периодическое обновление и осуществление Общесистемного плана действий.

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how do you spell system? – instances of mp-restricted frameworks incorporate rolemaster, high experience pretending, gurps, and passages and savages.

An ability restricted enchantment framework separates the spells into various abilities.

To perform abilities normally requires expertise checks: a dice roll, altered by character measurements.

The more troublesome the otherworldly impact, the higher the trouble of the bite the dust roll.

Such frameworks are much of the time restricted by an expansion in the trouble of the ability roll in view of the quantity of spells in a specific time span that have proactively been projected.

It is normal in ability restricted frameworks for a spellcaster to have the option to consolidate different mysterious abilities to perform impacts not covered by the abilities given.

Regularly, such mixes are more troublesome than the essential purposes of the abilities.

For instance, prisons and mythical serpents improved on jack vance’s recipe “to various spell spaces scaling with the player character’s level”.

[2] hackmaster likewise utilizes a spell-opening framework.

Is System Wide Hyphenated?

-wide (suffix): Hyphenate suffix when base word is three or more syllables, such as university-wide but campuswide, systemwide, statewide. work study: Hyphenate when used as an adjective preceding a noun (our work-study program); do not hyphenate when used as a noun (We have work study available).

Why Is The English Spelling System So Weird?

Modern English has a phoneme inventory of 44 sounds (with some variation according to dialect) but only 26 letters with which to write them. Since its very earliest days, this mismatch has been a key obstacle to spelling the language in a regular manner.

What Is The Simple Definition Of System?

A system is a collection of elements or components that are organized for a common purpose. The word sometimes describes the organization or plan itself (and is similar in meaning to method, as in “I have my own little system”) and sometimes describes the parts in the system (as in “computer system”).

Correct pronunciation for the word “system-wide” is [sˈɪstəmwˈa͡ɪd], [sˈɪstəmwˈa‍ɪd], [s_ˈɪ_s_t_ə_m_w_ˈaɪ_d].

Should Wide Be Hyphenated?

For example, open your dictionary and you’ll see a listing for the word “wide.” But just under that, an entry with a hyphen in front — “-wide” — indicates that it’s also a suffix. So it makes more sense to use the suffix and write “office wide” than to assemble two words to make your own compound “office-wide.”

Is Firm Wide Hyphenated?

For example, my firm’s style guide says, among other things, that firmwide is one word, not the hyphenated firm-wide [6]. However, only large firms have the resources to create their own style guides.

Why English Spelling Is Illogical?

The English spelling system developed over the centuries and the irregularities came about because of various invaders and writers trying to fit their alphabet and sounds to English: English developed from the Anglo-Saxons & Vikings from northern Germany and Scandinavia.

Why Does English Have Such Inconsistent Spelling?

English spelling is phonetic, to a certain extent. It’s just it was meant to (more or less) write down the language as it was about 700 years ago, and there’s not been a consistent or generalized effort to update the spelling to reflect the newer developments in pronunciation.

What Is The Problem With English Spelling?

English spelling is littered with irregularities: lurking mute letters, treacherous doubled consonants or slippery spellings with multiple pronunciations, which are, in most cases, far more confusing than those of French spelling, a close second when it comes to languages with a low graphy to sound correlation.

What Is System Simple Words?

A system is a collection of elements or components that are organized for a common purpose. The word sometimes describes the organization or plan itself (and is similar in meaning to method, as in “I have my own little system”) and sometimes describes the parts in the system (as in “computer system”).

What Is A System Of Meaning?

A system of meaning is a set of relationships between one group of variables (like words, behaviors, physical symbols, etc.) and the meanings which are attached to them.

What Is System And Example?

The definition of a system is a set of rules, an arrangement of things, or a group of related things that work toward a common goal. An example of a system are the laws and procedures of a democratic government. An example of a system is the way someone organizes their closet.

Is System Wide One Or Two Words?

-wide (suffix): Hyphenate suffix when base word is three or more syllables, such as university-wide but campuswide, systemwide, statewide.

How Do You Spell Company Wide?

Companywide definition Extending throughout a company.

Is Wide Hyphenated?

The word “county” and the word “wide” can be joined with a hyphen and thereby work as an adjective to describe “event.” So “county-wide event” is consistent with hyphenation rules.

Is There A Hyphen Before Wide?

In this case facility-wide is correct, both when preceding and following the noun it modifies. See the very last entry in the document: the rule for “wide” in a compound is that if you can’t find it in the dictionary as a single word (such as worldwide) you hyphenate it.

Should Company Wide Be Hyphenated?

Either is fine but (IMO) company-wide will feel more official to the average person, the reason being that since you’ll find examples of both usages online, and the group that expects there to be a hyphen may view it as misused, while the group that didn’t expect a hyphen but sees one is less likely to think it’s …

Should Australia Wide Be Hyphenated?

Australia-wide: hyphen. auto- words: solid where possible; eg autoimmune, autopilot, autoelectrician, etc. avian influenza — highly pathogenic avian influenza: abbreviate as AI HPAI.

Why Are English Spellings So Weird?

Modern English has a phoneme inventory of 44 sounds (with some variation according to dialect) but only 26 letters with which to write them. Since its very earliest days, this mismatch has been a key obstacle to spelling the language in a regular manner.

Why Is English So Illogical?

Examples of Why English Is Illogical English tends to be a combination of prefixes, suffixes, and borrowed words from several other languages. As a result, we end up with endless combinations of words with unpredictable, sometimes contradictory, meanings.

Is English An Illogical Language?

In general, the language from then on is essentially Modern English. English is illogical not only because it is a hodge-podge of several different languages but also because English words gained new meanings with the passage of time.

Why Is English Spelling Difficult?

As adults, we are not actively learning spelling, like we used to do in school, so we can forget how to spell some words that we don’t use very often. There are also lots of differences when it comes to spelling the same English word – it depends on which part of the world you’re in.

What Is Challenging About English Spelling?

In some ways, spelling is harder than reading or writing: There are far more spellings for a sound than pronunciations for letters. There is only one way to pronounce the word spelt by the letters s-e-e-p. But there are several ways of writing the sounds /si:p/, e.g. seep, seap, sepe, siep, and seip.

What Is The System Of English?

The four systems of language are grammar, vocabulary, phonology and discourse. The UCLES English proficiency exams explicitly test the four skills and also two systems, grammar and vocabulary.

What Does System Mean Example?

The definition of a system is a set of rules, an arrangement of things, or a group of related things that work toward a common goal. An example of a system are the laws and procedures of a democratic government. An example of a system is the way someone organizes their closet.

What Is A Meaning System In Research?

Backlund (2000) in his research defined system as “a whole that cannot be divided into independent parts.” … … Therefore, with these definitions, a system can be described as a composition of multiple dependent elements that interacts with each other and produces an outcome in totality.

What Are 3 Examples Of A System?

Some examples include transport systems; solar systems; telephone systems; the Dewey Decimal System; weapons systems; ecological systems; space systems; etc. Indeed, it seems there is almost no end to the use of the word “system” in today’s society.

What Is A System Of Systems Examples?

SoS Examples Examples of systems of systems, either existing or proposed, can be found in all societal sectors [5]: air and road transportation, power grids, healthcare, water management, industrial processes, building complexes, critical infrastructures, enterprise systems, smart homes and cities, and others.

What Is Called System?

A system is a collection of elements or components that are organized for a common purpose. The word sometimes describes the organization or plan itself (and is similar in meaning to method, as in “I have my own little system”) and sometimes describes the parts in the system (as in “computer system”).

What Means System Wide?

adjective. Of, relating to, or extending throughout a system; affecting or reaching the whole of a system.

Is It Systemwide Or System Wide?

-wide (suffix): Hyphenate suffix when base word is three or more syllables, such as university-wide but campuswide, systemwide, statewide. work study: Hyphenate when used as an adjective preceding a noun (our work-study program); do not hyphenate when used as a noun (We have work study available).

Is Company Wide One Word Or Hyphenated?

Both suggested spellings are correct.

How Do You Spell Firm Wide?

Firmwide definition Extending throughout a company, or firm. Firmwide risk.

What Does Firm Or Corporate Wide Mean?

Definition of corporate-wide : extending throughout or involving an entire corporation.

What Does Firmwide Mean?

firmwide (not comparable) Extending throughout a company, or firm firmwide risk.

Does Building Wide Have A Hyphen?

But she noted that whether or not it was in the dictionary, there was no need to add a hyphen. So no need to change the rules because one word is more popular than the other. Worldwide and buildingwide are both correct, but the latter is not in the dictionary because it is hardly ever used.

Is Bank Wide Hyphenated?

Would the word ‘bankwide’ be hyphenated?? Hi, Yes. Use a hyphen to show that this is really not a standard, official kind of word.

Is Enterprise Wide Hyphenated?

Therefore, adding “wide” to a noun means “throughout” that noun. Substituting “enterprise-wide,” which is sometimes written “enterprise wide” or “enterprisewide,” you can deduce that it’s occurring throughout the enterprise.

Is It Firmwide Or Firm Wide?

Some large architectural and engineering firms create their own style guides to answer specific style questions that occur often in their documents. For example, my firm’s style guide says, among other things, that firmwide is one word, not the hyphenated firm-wide [6].

Should Enterprise Wide Be Hyphenated?

Therefore, adding “wide” to a noun means “throughout” that noun. Substituting “enterprise-wide,” which is sometimes written “enterprise wide” or “enterprisewide,” you can deduce that it’s occurring throughout the enterprise.

Is Extra Wide Hyphenated?

When you use extra as an adverb meaning very, you usually don’t need a hyphen to join it to the word it modifies: Make your holidays extra special. You do need a hyphen, however, when extra is part of a compound modifier preceding the word it modifies: We’re planning extra-special holidays this year.

How Do I Spell Company Wide?

adjective. Extending throughout a company. ‘Very few new product introductions result in company-wide, double-digit sales increases.

Do You Hyphenate State Wide?

The adjective ‘statewide’ is a good example: many Hit Send clients write that as ‘state wide’, some slip in a cheeky hyphen to compromise with ‘state-wide’, but the Macquarie is firmly backing statewide: one word, lower case ‘s’.

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