Is synced a word

Summary of Key Points

Definition: Synchronize
Type: Abbreviation
Guessability: 1: Easy to guess
Typical Users: Adults and Teenagers


  • 1 What does it mean to sync with someone?
  • 2 What does it mean when someone says Sync?
  • 3 What does sync messages mean?
  • 4 What does sync mean on social media?
  • 5 Does sync mean together?
  • 6 What does insinc mean?
  • 7 What does synch mean in texting?
  • 8 Should I turn sync on or off?
  • 9 What is sync in Mobile?
  • 10 Is Sync good or bad?
  • 11 What happens when Sync is on?
  • 12 What is the use of sync?
  • 13 What exactly is sync?
  • 14 What is the syncing meaning?
  • 15 What is sync in Gmail?
  • 16 What’s meaning of synced?
  • 17 What’s another word for sync?
  • 18 What’s meaning of Synchronise?
  • 19 What does sync up mean?
  • 20 Is sync a real word?

What does it mean to sync with someone?

Definition of in sync
—often + with She moved in sync with her partner. 2 : in a state in which two or more people or things agree with or match one another and work together properly Our ideas are in sync. —often + with The quarterback was in sync with his receivers.

What does it mean when someone says Sync?

Sync, short for synchronize, is defined as to match up, or when people or things move together. To match your phone’s contacts to the contacts on your computer is an example of sync. An example of sync is to have an idea that is similar to the idea of your coworker. verb.

What does sync messages mean?

Sync essentially syncs your contacts and other things with Google and other services. You may see all accounts on your phone by visiting Settings > Accounts and Sync. The Sync part of Android syncs things such as Documents, Contacts, and other things to services such as Facebook, Google, Ubuntu One…

What is social media synchronization? Social media synchronization allows you to sync all your social media accounts in one place, so that you can share your content across all your accounts – with just one post and click.

Does sync mean together?

Sync, short for “synchronize,” is a verb for making things work together. When you lip-sync, you are moving your mouth to exactly match someone else’s words spoken or sung at precisely the same time.

What does insinc mean?

INSINC. INS Integrated Network (US Department of Homeland Security)

What does synch mean in texting?

Synchronize” is the most common definition for SYNC on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. SYNC. Definition: Synchronize.

Should I turn sync on or off?

If you are using Enpass on multiple devices, then we recommend enabling sync to keep your database updated across all your devices.Also, you don’t need to worry about the safety of your database as using sync is safe. Your cloud always contains a copy of the same encrypted data as on your device.

What is sync in Mobile?

When the device “syncs”, it syncs the data from your phone onto the service’s servers. That way if you switch phones, if your new phone would have Syncing capability, you could retrieve your contacts and documents back to the phone. The syncing part of Android is also simplistic in a way too…

Is Sync good or bad?

The ability to select what you want to sync also makes it a greatly useful and personal option for each individual user. Documents, apps and settings specifically required for work can be selected as the only things to sync. This means an employee’s privacy can be maintained.

What happens when Sync is on?

When the device “syncs”, it syncs the data from your phone onto the service’s servers. That way if you switch phones, if your new phone would have Syncing capability, you could retrieve your contacts and documents back to the phone. The syncing part of Android is also simplistic in a way too…

What is the use of sync?

You’ll sign in automatically to Gmail, YouTube, Search, and other Google services. If you were signed in before turning on sync, you’ll stay signed in. If you change devices (like if you lose your phone or get a new laptop), you’ll get your synced info back.

What exactly is sync?

“Sync” is short for synchronize. When you sync a device, such as a cell phone, PDA, or iPod, you synchronize it with data on your computer. This is typically done by connecting the device to your computer via a USB or wireless Bluetooth connection.This is also referred to as “merging” the data.

What is the syncing meaning?

Syncing is the act of getting two elements into harmony. Transferring data between two or more devices so they will have the same files is an example of syncing.

What is sync in Gmail?

Sync Gmail: When this setting is on, you’ll get notifications and new emails automatically. When this setting is off, you have to pull down from the top of your inbox to refresh.

What’s meaning of synced?

If two things are in/out of sync, they reach the same or related stage at the same time/at different times. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases. Simultaneous and consecutive. accompany.

What’s another word for sync?

What is another word for sync?

coincide agree
blend tie in
conform to synchronizeUS
click synchroniseUK
mesh attune

What’s meaning of Synchronise?

: to happen at the same time. transitive verb. 1 : to represent or arrange (events) to indicate coincidence or coexistence. 2 : to make synchronous in operation. 3 : to make (motion-picture sound) exactly simultaneous with the action.

Let’s break it down,“Sync up” is basically a semi-casual business phrase used for talking about updating people on information. Sync up meeting means to have a meeting so everyone can catch up and is on the same page.

Is sync a real word?

Both sync and synch are given as spellings, and a browser search indicates that both forms are in about equal use:The spelling synch presents no difficulty of pronunciation to speakers who know the origin and pronunciation of the shortened word.

Asked by: Herta Koelpin

Score: 4.6/5
(45 votes)

Having attained synchronization, together, coordinated, combined.

What is synchronize as a adjective?

/ (ˈsɪŋkrənəs) / adjective. occurring at the same time; contemporaneous.

Is synchronizing a noun or verb?

verb (used with object), syn·chro·nized, syn·chro·niz·ing. to cause to indicate the same time, as one timepiece with another: Synchronize your watches. to cause to go on, move, operate, work, etc., at the same rate and exactly together: They synchronized their steps and walked on together.

What part of speech is synchronizing?

part of speech: transitive verb. definition 1: to cause to occur, move, or operate at the same time or rate. The marching soldiers synchronized their steps.

Is syncing a verb?

sync Add to list Share. Sync, short for «synchronize,» is a verb for making things work together. When you lip-sync, you are moving your mouth to exactly match someone else’s words spoken or sung at precisely the same time.

20 related questions found

Is sync a real word?

Both sync and synch are given as spellings, and a browser search indicates that both forms are in about equal use: … The spelling synch presents no difficulty of pronunciation to speakers who know the origin and pronunciation of the shortened word.

What is called synchronization?

Synchronization is the coordination of events to operate a system in unison. For example, the conductor of an orchestra keeps the orchestra synchronized or in time. Systems that operate with all parts in synchrony are said to be synchronous or in sync—and those that are not are asynchronous.

What is synchronization with example?

To synchronize is to coordinate or time events so they happen all at the same time. An example of synchronize is when dancers coordinate their movements. An example of synchronize is when you and a friend both set your watch to 12:15. … To cause objects or events to move together or occur at the same time.

What is the noun for synchronize?

/ˌsɪŋkrənaɪˈzeɪʃn/ /ˌsɪŋkrənəˈzeɪʃn/ (British English also synchronisation) [uncountable] ​the fact of happening at the same time or moving at the same speed as something else; the act of making something do this.

Is neutralizing a verb?

verb (used with object), neu·tral·ized, neu·tral·iz·ing. to make neutral; cause to undergo neutralization. to make (something) ineffective; counteract; nullify: carelessness that neutralized our efforts.

Is SUNC a word?

The past tense is «synced«. «Sunk» is the past tense of «sink» which sounds the same but is a completely different word. «Synced» appears to have made its way into dictionaries: Merriam-Webster.

How do you use the word sync?

Sync sentence example

  1. It was good to be back in sync again. …
  2. Now that they were back in sync , would this unexplainable fear wedge itself between them? …
  3. It was nearing Christmas and while New York was aglow, my wife and I were just the opposite; out of sync with the mood of the city.

Is it sink in or sync in?

«Sync» is often used as «in sync» (to work well together; to be in agreement), e.g., We were in sync with each other, and our dance routine was flawless. «Sink in» is an idiom that means «(of words or facts) be fully understood»: — Her email is long, so you should read it carefully for the words to sink in.

What is synchronization in reference to a thread?

Explanation: When two or more threads need to access the same shared resource, they need some way to ensure that the resource will be used by only one thread at a time, the process by which this is achieved is called synchronization.

What language does synchronize come from?

synchronize (v.)

1620s, «to occur at the same time,» from Greek synkhronizein «be of the same time,» from synkhronos «happening at the same time» (see synchronous).

What is the best synonym for synchronized?

synonyms for synchronized

  • adjust.
  • harmonize.
  • integrate.
  • mesh.
  • organize.
  • pool.
  • proportion.
  • set.

What is the synonym of synchronization?

verb. happen at the same time. synonyms: contemporise, contemporize, synchronize. type of: come about, fall out, go on, hap, happen, occur, pass, pass off, take place.

What does resync mean?

or resynchronise (ˌriːˈsɪŋkrəˌnaɪz) verb (transitive) to synchronize again.

Why is thread synchronization needed?

Thread synchronization is the concurrent execution of two or more threads that share critical resources. Threads should be synchronized to avoid critical resource use conflicts. Otherwise, conflicts may arise when parallel-running threads attempt to modify a common variable at the same time.

What is the importance of synchronization?

Synchronization is important because it checks for the differences between two data containers in order to avoid the unneeded transfer of data that already resides in both data sources. Therefore, synchronization schemes typically update both data sources by transferring only additions, changes, and deletions.

Why do we need synchronization in OS?

The need for synchronization originates when processes need to execute concurrently. The main purpose of synchronization is the sharing of resources without interference using mutual exclusion. The other purpose is the coordination of the process interactions in an operating system.

What is synchronization and its types?

There are two types of synchronization: data synchronization and process synchronization: Process Synchronization: The simultaneous execution of multiple threads or processes to reach a handshake such that they commit a certain sequence of actions. Lock, mutex, and semaphores are examples of process synchronization.

What are synchronization tools?

Data Synchronization Tools Compared

  • SpiderOak Secure Sync. The first synchronization application that I tried was SpiderOak Secure Sync. …
  • 2BrightSparks SyncBackPro. The next file synchronization application I tried was SyncBackPro from 2BrightSparks. …
  • Grig Software Synchronize It! …
  • ZumoDrive. …
  • Wuala. …
  • Focus on Features.

How is data synchronization done?

Data synchronization is the process of establishing consistency among data from a source to a target data storage and vice versa and the continuous harmonization of the data over time. It is fundamental to a wide variety of applications, including file synchronization and mobile device synchronization e.g., for PDAs.

Merriam-Webster on ‘sync’ versus ‘synch’

In the United States, many publications (including PC World, which nohat specifically mentions in his answer) use Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary as their default guide to spelling words, and the historical preference of Merriam-Webster for sync over synch goes back very far—certainly to an era before personal computers.

The first time sync/synch shows up in the Collegiate Dictionary series in in the Sixth Edition (1949). Here is the relevant entry:

sync, n. & v. Also synch. Motion Pictures & Television. Short for SYNCHRONIZATION, SYNCHRONIZE.

This brief entry tells us that from 1949, when sync/synch first became common enough to merit (in the eyes of Merriam-Webster’s lexicographers) an entry in the Collegiate Dictionary series, the publisher viewed sync as the more common spelling of the word. The entry also tells us that the original preference for sync probably arose in the film and television industry, a field where the fact that the ch in synchronize can be traced to the chi (χ) in chronos (χρονος) was probably not of widespread interest or concern.

The Seventh Collegiate (1963) dispenses with the -ch spelling altogether:


2sync vb synced syncing : SYNCHRONIZE

The spelling synch makes a comeback in the Eighth Collegiate (1973):

1sync also synch n : SYNCHRONIZATION, SYNCHRONISM —sync adj

2sync also synch vt synced also synched syncing also synching : SYNCHRONIZE

The Ninth (1983), Tenth (1993), and Eleventh (2003) Collegiates have retained the skeleton of the entries from the Eighth Collegiate, but they have added a couple of examples of sync as a noun, and they report that sync as a noun dates to 1929 and sync as a verb to 1945.

As this chronology demonstrates, for the past 57 years, Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary has always expressed a preference for sync over synch as the primary spelling of this truncated word—and for the period 1963–1972, it didn’t include synch as even a variant spelling.

Ngram charts of ‘sync’ versus ‘synch’ and ‘synced’ versus ‘synched’

In his answer, Hugo provides Ngram charts of relative frequency of use of synced and synched in American English and in British English for the period 1960–2000. These are interesting charts, but they don’t reflect a rather significant difference in frequency of use between sync and synch. Here is the chart I got for sync (blue line) versus synch (red line) for the period 1900–2008, with no year-to-year smoothing and no distinction between British English and U.S. English sources:

And here is the corresponding Ngram chart for synced (blue line) versus synched for the same period with the same conditions:

The rather startling thing here is the difference between the results for sync/synch (where sync has a huge advantage in frequency of usage over synch) and synced/synched (where between 1989 and 2005 synched was the more common form).

On this record it appears that people are far more likely to choose sync over synch than to choose synced over synched. Nevertheless, in the most recent years for which Ngram offers graph data (2006–2008), synced appears to have moved ahead of synched in overall frequency, too.


Returning briefly to nohat’s remarks about PC World magazine, I observe that PC World began publication in 1983, well into the era of Merriam-Webster’s express preference for sync (and synced) over synch (and synched). When I started working at PC World in 1995, I tried to use the spelling synch—because of the ancient Greek single letter (χ) for ch, obviously—and I was told that house style was sync, synced, syncing because Merriam-Webster recommended it. Case closed. Under the circumstances, it’s surprising that synched has done as well as it has against synced, especially when you consider how thoroughly sync has dominated synch during the same period.

Last Updated: February 20, 2022 | Author: johnsaverin

Is in sync one word?

Definition of in sync

1 : in a state in which two or more people or things move or happen together at the same time and speed The dancers moved in sync. The film’s sound and picture need to be in sync.

Is sync a Scrabble word?

Yes, sync is in the scrabble dictionary.

Which is correct sync or synch?

So which is best? Our research suggests that “synch” as an adjective to describe the overall type of licensing or a job description tends to be most AP Style-friendly, but “sync” has been more widely adopted as a noun.

Can you say Sync?

Is syncing safe?

Sync is safe to use, no matter where your business operates, with USA, EU / UK GDPR, and Canadian compliance built-in, including data residency.

What does SYNK mean?

2. Sync, short for synchronize, is defined as to match up, or when people or things move together. To match your phone’s contacts to the contacts on your computer is an example of sync. An example of sync is to have an idea that is similar to the idea of your coworker. verb.

What are sync words?

Sync, short for “synchronize,” is a verb for making things work together. When you lip-sync, you are moving your mouth to exactly match someone else’s words spoken or sung at precisely the same time. … The word now means any type of such matching up, including personal relationships.

What is sync in Chrome?

When you sync

You can see and update your synced info on all your devices, like bookmarks, history, passwords, and other settings. You’ll sign in automatically to Gmail, YouTube, Search, and other Google services. If you were signed in before turning on sync, you’ll stay signed in.

What is sync in Gmail?

Sync Gmail: When this setting is on, you’ll get notifications and new emails automatically. When this setting is off, you have to pull down from the top of your inbox to refresh.

Is syncing mail safe?

Also, you don’t need to worry about the safety of your database as using sync is safe. Your cloud always contains a copy of the same encrypted data as on your device. Your data is always transmitted in the encrypted format. All the encryption and decryption of data happen locally on the device.

Should I turn sync on or off?

Turning off auto syncing for Google’s services will save some battery life. In the background, Google’s services talk and sync up to the cloud. … If you turn off the location settings off many apps will not triangulate on your location using the in-built GPS in the phone, which sips more power and battery life.

Is Google Sync safe?

Short answer, yes. If sync is enabled, and you opt to save a password, that password will be sent to Google’s servers. That said, the data is encrypted, and access to it is limited. By default, Google encrypts your synced data using your account credentials.

Should I sync in Chrome?

Should You Sync Data in Chrome. Syncing Chrome’s data offers a seamless experience by making it natural to switch between multiple devices or to a new device. You don’t have to dig into your data on other devices just for a simple tab or a bookmark. With Chrome sync, it’s accessible immediately across devices.

Is it safe to sync passwords?

Password, cookie and payment card secrecy is also important for security. Browser synchronization increases the risk of you inadvertently sharing that information with other users of the computers you sync between. It’s important to consider whether you are truly the only user of a system that is set to synchronize.

What does it mean to sync data?

Data synchronization is the ongoing process of synchronizing data between two or more devices and updating changes automatically between them to maintain consistency within systems.

What does sync your passwords mean?

Password synchronization is a process, usually supported by software such as password managers, through which a user maintains a single password across multiple IT systems.

Is Brave sync safe?

Unlike in Chrome, there is no Brave “account” that you can sign into. Instead, Brave uses the same “Sync chain” concept as before. Brave also enforces client-side encryption to keep your data safe and secure. Additionally, all Sync data is sent to Brave operated servers (no data is sent to Google or anywhere else).

Does Brave stop Google from tracking you?

Brave Search doesn’t track you or your searches. Ever. Brave Search is far more private than Google, Bing, or other major search providers. … Most Brave Browser users can set Brave Search as the default search engine in Brave or most other major browsers, and then search from the address bar of any browser tab.

How does Brave make money?

Brave is a privacy-focused internet browser that lets users navigate to websites, execute web apps, and consume online content. Brave makes money via banner ads, subscription fees, affiliate commissions, as well as by selling digital and physical products through its online store.

Does Brave virus?

Google shuts down malicious ad posing as Brave browser but delivering malware. Malicious ad lured internet surfers on fake Brave browser website. Fake website pushed a version of the Brave browser that contained a copy of the ArechClient (SectopRAT) malware. Google has taken down the malicious ad to stop the attack.

Definitions For Synced


simple past tense and past participle of sync



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75 words unscrambled from the letters synced.

75 words made by unscrambling the letters from synced (cdensy). The unscrambled words are valid in Scrabble. Use the word unscrambler to unscramble more anagrams with some of the letters in synced.

Words made from unscrambling the letters synced

  • 3 letter words
  • 4 letter words
  • 5 letter words
  • 6 letter words

3 letter words with synced unscrambled

  • Sec

6 letter words with synced unscrambled

  • Synced

Is synced an official Scrabble word?

Can the word synced be used in Scrabble? Yes. This word is an official Scrabble word in the dictionary.

Unscrambling synced Scrabble score

What are the highest scoring vowels and consonants? Unscrambling values for the Scrabble letters:

  • S
  • Y
  • N
  • C
  • E
  • D

The more words you know with these high value tiles the better chance of winning you have.

Unscramble words using the letters synced

Unscrambled words made from s y n c e d

Anagrams of synced

Unscramble six letter anagrams of synced. Anagrams solver unscrambles your jumbled up letters into words you can use in word games.

Unscrambling words starting with s

Unscrambling words ending with d

  • 1
    sync word

    1. слово записи синхронизации

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > sync word

  • 2
    sync word

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > sync word

  • 3
    loss of sync word failure

    1. отказ типа потери синхрослова

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > loss of sync word failure

  • 4
    SMPTE sync word


    синхрослово временного кода SMPTE

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > SMPTE sync word

  • 5

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > word

  • 6
    sync generator

    The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > sync generator

  • 7
    synchronization word

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > synchronization word

  • 8
    composite sync generator

    The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > composite sync generator

  • 9

    1. отказ типа потери синхрослова

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > LOSW

  • 10

    8) дорож. разделительная полоса

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > separator

  • 11

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > generator

  • 12

    The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > generator

  • 13

    English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > separator

  • 14

    English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > line

  • 15

    English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > pulse

  • 16

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > LWS

  • 17

    English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > character

  • 18

    English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > generator

  • 19
    inductor generator

    1. генератор с индуктором без обмотки

    2. индукторный генератор

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > inductor generator

  • 20
    pattern generator

    1. генератор испытательного сигнала

    2. генератор изображений

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > pattern generator

См. также в других словарях:

  • Word sync — is a technique for synchronizing digital audio signals between high end professional devices such as CD players, audio I/O cards etc. It is important because it allows all the components in the signal path to process the data and remain in… …   Wikipedia

  • sync — I UK [sɪŋk] / US verb [transitive] Word forms sync : present tense I/you/we/they sync he/she/it syncs present participle syncing past tense synced past participle synced to make sure that a computer has an exact copy of the data on something such …   English dictionary

  • lip-sync — lip synch UK [ˈlɪp ˌsɪŋk] / US or lip sync UK / US verb [intransitive] Word forms lip synch : present tense I/you/we/they lip synch he/she/it lip syncs present participle lip syncing past tense lip synced past participle lip synced to pretend to… …   English dictionary

  • Scrambler — For other uses, see Scrambler (disambiguation). In telecommunications, a scrambler is a device that transposes or inverts signals or otherwise encodes a message at the transmitter to make the message unintelligible at a receiver not equipped with …   Wikipedia

  • Linear timecode — Linear (or Longitudinal) Timecode (LTC) encodes SMPTE timecode data as a Manchester Biphase encoded audio signal. The audio signal is commonly recorded on a VTR track or other storage media. Each frame is terminated by a sync word which has a… …   Wikipedia

  • SMPTE time code — SMPTE timecode is a set of cooperating standards to label individual frames of video or film with a timecode defined by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers in the SMPTE 12M specification. Timecodes are added to film, video or… …   Wikipedia

  • TPEG — Die Transport Protocol Experts Group (TPEG) ist eine 1997 gegründete Expertengruppe innerhalb der Europäischen Rundfunkunion (UER/EBU). Sie entwickelte mit Fördermitteln der Europäischen Kommission den gleichnamigen offenen internationalen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Transport Protocol Experts Group — Die Transport Protocol Experts Group (TPEG) ist eine 1997 gegründete Expertengruppe innerhalb der Europäischen Rundfunkunion (UER/EBU). Sie entwickelte mit Fördermitteln der Europäischen Kommission den gleichnamigen offenen internationalen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Amiga Original chipset — The Original Chip Set (OCS) was a chipset used in the earliest Commodore Amiga computers and defined the Amiga s graphics and sound capabilities. It was succeeded by the slightly improved Enhanced Chip Set (ECS) and greatly improved Advanced… …   Wikipedia

  • Original Chip Set — The Original Chip Set (OCS) was a chipset used in the earliest Commodore Amiga computers and defined the Amiga s graphics and sound capabilities. It was succeeded by the slightly improved Enhanced Chip Set (ECS) and greatly improved Advanced… …   Wikipedia

  • Synchronization — Synchrony redirects here. For linguistic synchrony, see Synchronic analysis. For the X Files episode, see Synchrony (The X Files). For similarly named concepts, see Synchronicity (disambiguation). Not to be confused with data… …   Wikipedia

Предложения со словом «synced»

Bookmarks, open tabs and other data stay synced through your Opera account.

Синхронизируйте закладки, открытые вкладки и другие данные через учетную запись Opera.

Once company data is synced on your device and you go in offline mode, servers are pinged to validate your next application launch.

После синхронизации данных компании на вашем устройстве и вашего перехода в офлайн — режим выполняется опрос серверов, чтобы подтвердить очередной запуск вами приложения.

All your Chrome data, like your bookmarks, history, passwords, and other settings, is synced to your Google Account and available on any device where you sign in to Chrome.

Все данные браузера – закладки, пароли, история просмотров и настройки – синхронизируются с аккаунтом Google, и вы сможете получить к ним доступ на любом устройстве.

At any time, you can remove an account or make changes to the data that’s synced from your account.

В любое время можно удалить учетную запись и изменить данные, которые синхронизируются .

To stop syncing and clear your synced data or reset a sync passphrase, follow these steps.

Чтобы остановить синхронизацию, стереть информацию или сбросить кодовую фразу, следуйте инструкциям ниже.

Note that if your mobile contacts list is synced to other services, e.g. Facebook or Gmail, that information will be imported to LinkedIn as well.

Обратите внимание, что если список контактов в мобильном устройстве синхронизируется с другими службами, например, Facebook или Gmail, информация из этих служб также будет импортирована в LinkedIn.

Whether or not you use a passphrase, your synced data is protected by encryption when it’s in transit.

Даже если вы не используете кодовую фразу, синхронизируемые данные все равно шифруются при передаче между вашим устройством и сервером.

You can keep the folder synced or just do it one time and stop syncing once you upload what you need.

Папку можно синхронизировать постоянно или сделать это только один раз, добавив нужные файлы, а затем остановить синхронизацию.

Click Reset sync to stop syncing and clear all of your synced data.

Нажмите Остановить синхронизацию внизу страницы.

Music Pass items: Songs and albums that you download with a Music Pass can be downloaded and synced to a limited number of computers and devices.

Элементы Music Pass. Композиции и альбомы, загруженные с помощью Music Pass, могут быть загружены и синхронизированы с ограниченным числом компьютеров и устройств.

Once patched, new application groups will be synced correctly.

После исправления новые группы приложений будут правильно синхронизироваться .

It may be that a file has not yet synced.

Возможно, файл еще не синхронизирован .

If it doesn’t appear, wait about 5 minutes for your music to be synced to OneDrive.

Если она не отображается, подождите около 5 минут, чтобы музыка синхронизировалась с OneDrive.

It will stop sync on all of your devices and remove your synced data from your Google Account.

После этого синхронизация на всех ваших устройствах будет остановлена, а соответствующие данные – удалены из вашего аккаунта Google.

Note: When a device is connected to your computer as a guest, it is not synced automatically.

Примечание. Если устройство подключено к компьютеру как гостевое устройство, оно не синхронизируется автоматически.

Subtitles completely re-synced by Tronar for Episode The Runner Southland.S02E04.DVDRip.XviD-REWARD.avi

Саутлэнд 4 серия 2 сезона Бегунья

The display is synced to your phone.

Дисплей синхронизирован с твоим телефоном.

We have synced up the missile computers, Commander.

Мы синхронизировались с ракетным компьютером, Командир.

Captions by BBC America Synced and corrected by N-Team

Субтитры BBC America Синхронизация и перевод N — Team

All these features will be seamlessly synced to Hooli-mail.

Все эти функции будут легко синхронизироваться с Hooli — mail.

All right, I’ve done all the calculations… and each explosion will be perfectly synced to the beat.

Я произвел вычисления, и каждая вспышка будет идеально синхронизована.

Three next-generation helicarriers synced to a network of targeting satellites.

Три хеликэриэра следующего поколения, подключенных к сети спутников наведения.

I mean, I had a cousin who I was close to, and when our menstrual cycles synced, it was like gladiator school

В смысле, у меня была кузина, с которой я была близка и когда наши менструальные циклы совпадали, это было, как школа гладиаторов.

Now, I realize that you’ve only known each other for less than a day, but is it possible this crankiness is because your cycles have synced?

Я понимаю, что вы друг друга знаете меньше, чем один день, но это безумие возможно по причине того, что ваши циклы синхронизируются ?

It works on nerve endings, of course but it’s also synced directly to the brain synapses.

Она работает от нервных окончании, но также подключается непосредственно к мозговым синапсам.

You synced our calendars.

Ты синхронизировал наши расписания.

Sometimes, especially when separate teams work on SEO and PPC and the efforts are not synced, positive results of aligning their strategies can be lost.

Иногда, особенно когда отдельные команды работают над SEO и PPC и усилия не синхронизированы , положительные результаты согласования их стратегий могут быть потеряны.

Similar to the WhatsApp Web format, the app, which will be synced with a user’s mobile device, is available for download on the website.

Аналогично веб — формату WhatsApp, приложение, которое будет синхронизировано с мобильным устройством пользователя, доступно для загрузки на веб — сайте.

The song was lip-synced by Justin Timberlake in a scene from Richard Kelly’s 2006 film Southland Tales.

Песня была синхронизирована по губам Джастином Тимберлейком в сцене из фильма Ричарда Келли 2006 года Southland Tales.

Users’ purchased music, and playlists consisting of songs available on the service could be synced through OneDrive and accessed from multiple devices.

Приобретенная пользователями музыка и плейлисты, состоящие из песен, доступных на сервисе, могут быть синхронизированы через OneDrive и доступны с нескольких устройств.

Notifications can be synced between devices; dismissing a notification on, for example, a laptop, will also dismiss it from a phone.

Уведомления могут быть синхронизированы между устройствами; отклонение уведомления, например, на ноутбуке, также приведет к его отклонению с телефона.

Not a single word appeared to be lip-synced.

Ни одно слово, казалось, не было синхронизировано с губами.

Rahiem lip-synced Duke Bootee’s vocal in the music video.

Рахим губами синхронизировал вокал Дюка бути в музыкальном клипе.

Two prints, each carrying either the right or left eye view, had to be synced up in projection using an external selsyn motor.

Два отпечатка, каждый из которых был виден либо правым, либо левым глазом, должны были быть синхронизированы в проекции с помощью внешнего двигателя selsyn.

The server will be time synced to the card or token.

Сервер будет синхронизирован по времени с картой или токеном.

Drafts are unfinished messages synced across user devices.

Раненый и умирающий Билли Клэнтон вслепую выстрелил в окружавший его дым от выстрела, попав Вирджилу в ногу.

Earlier iPod Touch units must be plugged into a computer to be synced.

Более ранние устройства iPod Touch должны быть подключены к компьютеру для синхронизации.

This feature also allows for reading location, bookmarks, highlights, and notes to be synced across many devices.

Эта функция также позволяет синхронизировать местоположение чтения, закладки, основные моменты и заметки на многих устройствах.

Then in post the green screens are replaced with the synced up driving plates, and it works really well.

Затем в посте зеленые экраны заменяются синхронизированными приводными пластинами, и это действительно хорошо работает.

With CCD video cameras that have a trigger input, the camera now can be electronically synced up to the film transport framing.

С помощью ПЗС — видеокамер, которые имеют триггерный вход, камера теперь может быть электронно синхронизирована с кадром переноса пленки.

There are a variety of trends within TikTok, including memes, lip-synced songs, and comedy videos.

В TikTok есть множество тенденций, включая мемы, песни с синхронизацией губ и комедийные видео.

Delta Burke and Meshach Taylor lip-synced to this song in The Rowdy Girls episode of Designing Women.

Дельта Берк и мешах Тейлор губно синхронизировались с этой песней в эпизоде Rowdy Girls of Designing Women.

The time of day on the world map is synced to the player’s time zone and time of day.

Время суток на карте мира синхронизируется с часовым поясом игрока и временем суток.

The songs were synced with the movement of the animated characters.

Песни были синхронизированы с движением анимированных персонажей.

Sink and sync are two words that are pronounced in the same manner but are spelled differently and have different meanings. They are homophones. We will look at the definitions of the words sink and sync, where the terms come from and some examples of their use in sentences.

The noun form of the word sink designates a fixed basin with a tap that supplies water and a drain to drain away the water. Used as a verb sink means to descend, especially below water or another liquid, to slope downward, to dip, to go lower, to decline. Sink is used literally and figuratively, related words are sinks, sank, sunk, sinking, sinkable. The word sink is derived from the Old English word sincan, which means to subside or submerge.

Sync means to cause something to occur at the same time, in unison, to agree. The word sync is a shortening of the word synchronization, though it is now considered a word and not an abbreviation. The term sync was first used in the 1920s.


When we purchased the house, the inspection report noted a gurgling in the sink waste discharge pipe. (The Democrat and Chronicle)

Wasps reclaimed second place in the Aviva Premiership after they shrugged off a number of injuries to sink struggling Worcester at Sixways. (The Daily Mail)

The women are in perfect sync with one another, stepping in unison to a jaunty pop record and raising their hands in the air. (The Mirror)

The clip begins with Drake getting his game face on with a furtive lip-sync to T-Swizzle’s paean to friendship gone up in flames, “Bad Blood,” and ends with a bench press that fails to get air, leaving him sliding onto the floor in a neat homage to the original. (TIME Magazine)

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