Is symmetrical a word

Asked by: Josue Koch

Score: 4.4/5
(28 votes)

symmetrical Add to list Share. Something that is symmetrical has corresponding similar parts: in other words, one side is the same as the other. If you can draw a line down the center of something and get two similar halves, it’s symmetrical.

Is symmetrical a real word?

characterized by or exhibiting symmetry; well-proportioned, as a body or whole; regular in form or arrangement of corresponding parts.

What is it called when a word is symmetrical?

An ambigram is a calligraphic design that has several interpretations as written. The term was coined by Douglas Hofstadter in 1983. Most often, ambigrams appear as visually symmetrical words. … Ambigrams are found in different languages, various alphabets and the notion often extends to numbers and other symbols.

What is a symmetrical in English?

1 : having, involving, or exhibiting symmetry. 2 : having corresponding points whose connecting lines are bisected by a given point or perpendicularly bisected by a given line or plane symmetrical curves.

Is the word non symmetrical?

adjective (Biol.) Not symmetrical; being without symmetry, as the parts of a flower when similar parts are of different size and shape, or when the parts of successive circles differ in number.

16 related questions found

Is asymmetrical face attractive?

While studies employing the composite faces produced results that indicate that more symmetrical faces are perceived as more attractive, studies applying the face-half mirroring technique have indicated that humans prefer slight asymmetry.

What is a word for non symmetrical?

asymmetric Add to list Share. You describe something as asymmetric when it lacks the mirror-image quality of symmetry. … The a- prefix comes from Latin and makes a word into its opposite, so asymmetric is the opposite of symmetric.

What is symmetrical body shape?

A symmetrical shape is any shape the body makes which, if divided down the middle with an imaginary line, would show that each side is the same and forms a mirror image of the other side.

What are the 4 types of symmetry?

The four main types of this symmetry are translation, rotation, reflection, and glide reflection.

What does symmetrical look like?

Something is symmetrical when it is the same on both sides. A shape has symmetry if a central dividing line (a mirror line) can be drawn on it, to show that both sides of the shape are exactly the same.

Is the letter Z symmetrical?

The Z is has no lines of symmetry. The W and Y have one line of symmetry.

What is a symmetrical face?

When you look at someone’s face and it’s symmetrical, this means their face has the exact same qualities on either side. An asymmetrical face is one that might have one eye larger than the other, eyes at different heights, different sized ears, crooked teeth, and etc.

What are the symmetrical letters?

The alphabets T, U, V, W, X and Y also possess vertical symmetry as the line divides then equally in both the parts. However, the alphabet Z does not possess vertical symmetry. Hence, the alphabets which have vertical lines of symmetry are A, H, I, M, O, T, U, V, W, X and Y.

What is symmetrical curve?

A symmetric curve can have one midpoint that is located on the mirror plane. … In a symmetric curve, the curve continues to the mirror plane from the last defined point, and the curve is mirrored across the plane. So the direction of the points in a curve is significant, specifically the first point and last point.

What is a symmetrical line?

A line of symmetry is a line that cuts a shape exactly in half. This means that if you were to fold the shape along the line, both halves would match exactly. Equally, if you were to place a mirror along the line, the shape would remain unchanged. A square has 4 lines of symmetry, as shown below.

What is symmetry example?

Symmetry is defined as a proportionate and balanced similarity that is found in two halves of an object, that is, one-half is the mirror image of the other half. For example, different shapes like square, rectangle, circle are symmetric along their respective lines of symmetry.

What is symmetry give example?

Symmetry is an attribute where something is the same on both sides of an axis. … An example of symmetry is a circle that is the same on both sides if you fold it along its diameter.

What is natural symmetry?

Starfish, sea anemones, jellyfish, and some flowers have radial symmetry. Lastly, plane or bilateral symmetry (also reflective symmetry) means that a body can be divided by a central (sagittal) plane into two equal halves that form mirror images of each other. … Man is naturally attracted to symmetry.

Why is my body not symmetrical?

Almost everyone has some degree of asymmetry on their face. … Injury, aging, smoking, and other factors can contribute to asymmetry. Asymmetry that’s mild and has always been there is normal. However, new, noticeable asymmetry may be a sign of a serious condition like Bell’s palsy or stroke.

What is symmetrical body shape in dance?

When dancers move both sides of their bodies together to create symmetrical shapes, they balance each other in space and produce visual symmetry. … In this case, each dancer does the same movement as the partner but uses the same arms and legs (e.g., dancer A curves to her right; dancer B curves to his right).

What is symmetrical man?

«Previous studies have shown that symmetrical males have more masculine faces,» Brown said. «Males with more symmetrical bodies are faster runners, better dancers, have more pleasing body odor, more attractive faces and more attractive voices.»

How many faces are asymmetry?

How common is it? According to a 2015 study , facial asymmetry is common in the overall population. The same paper refers to previous studies that reported that 12–37% of orthodontic patients in the United States had an asymmetrical face.

What is the meaning of radially symmetrical?

: the condition of having similar parts regularly arranged around a central axis.

The link between the words symmetrical and asymmetrical is evident even for those coming across the two words for the first time. However, there is more to these terms than their close spellings; you’ll realize that from this symmetrical vs asymmetrical piece. So, are these words connected?

Symmetrical is an adjective meaning «exhibiting symmetry or having harmonious, corresponding, or proportionate arrangements of parts or relations.» In contrast, asymmetrical means «presenting a false dilemma or choice between two things that are not opposites or characterized by asymmetry.»

The differences between asymmetrical and symmetrical are easy to understand if you know their definitions. Therefore, this article will cover all the words’ linking elements and discrepancies. Read on to find out more.

symmetrical wood word

Definitions Of Symmetrical And Asymmetrical

The apparent link between the words asymmetrical and symmetrical is that they are both adjectives formed from the root word «symmetry.» Therefore, if you want to understand these words, start by learning about the word symmetry.

Symmetry is a noun that refers to «the correspondence in size, form, and arrangement of parts on opposite sides of a line, point, or plane.» That simply means «regularity of form or arrangement.» In this context, the synonyms for symmetry are reciprocal or corresponding.

Another definition of symmetry is «the proper or due proportion of parts or a body or a whole to another in terms of size and form.» In simpler words, symmetry is the excellence of proportion.

Another source defines symmetry as «beauty characterized by an excellence of proportion.»

In Mathematics, symmetry refers to «a geometrical or regularity possessed by mathematical objects characterized by the operations that leave the object invariant,» like rotational symmetry.

In Physics, symmetry refers to «a property of a physical system unaffected by specific mathematical transformations.» For example, gravity does not affect the symmetrical elements of an object.

Understanding the definitions of asymmetrical and symmetrical is easy once you have understood what symmetry means. So, now that we have covered the basic definitions of symmetry, we can get into the meanings of symmetrical and asymmetrical.

Here we go!

What Are The Definitions Of Symmetrical?

Symmetrical means «showing or exhibiting the qualities of symmetry.» Refer to an object as asymmetrical if it has a harmonious or proportionate arrangement of parts, corresponding parts or relations.

Another definition of symmetrical is «involving symmetry or having parts in due proportion as to dimensions,» like a symmetrical body or building.

Another symmetrical meaning is «having organs or parts of one side corresponding with those of the other side or having parts in two or more series of organs the same in number.»

A more straightforward definition of symmetrical is «having a common measure» or «having similarity in size, shape, and relative position of corresponding parts.»

What Are The Definitions Of Asymmetrical?

Asymmetrical means «not symmetrical.» Therefore, it is the opposite or antonym of «symmetrical.» Another close definition is «irregular in shape or outline,» like in asymmetrical features.

This adjective also means «presenting a false dilemma, or a choice between two things that are not opposites.» An example of an asymmetrical sentence is, «Are things following the right course or still asymmetrical?»

How To Properly Use Symmetrical And Asymmetrical In A Sentence

Symmetrical means that both sides of an item are identical. On the other hand, asymmetrical means that things are irregular, do not match up or are crooked. Therefore, these words are antonyms because they have opposite meanings.

That explains the link between these words beyond their spellings. Next, we discuss how you can use these words in sentences. Here are some valuable tips you must consider:

How To Use The Word Symmetrical

This term is an adjective that modifies a noun or a pronoun. It gives more details about something. So, use it to explain the following characteristics of an object:

  • Made up of similar opposite parts 
  • Having a proportionate arrangement of parts
  • Exhibiting characteristics of symmetry
  • Having great physical beauty, like a symmetrical face
  • Having similar or identical characteristics, amounts, or qualities
  • Consistency or compatibility in arrangement or another quality

How To Use The Word Asymmetrical

Like symmetrical, this word is also an adjective. It has the exact opposite meaning as its counterpart word. Use it to explain the following qualities:

  • Not having a balanced distribution of elements over a while
  • Without a distinct shape or form

Symmetrical Vs Asymmetrical: Understanding The Connections And Differences

The core connection between these words is that they are both formed from the root noun «symmetry.» On the other hand, the core difference is that they have opposite meanings.

Another connection between these words is that they are both adjectives. Therefore, their role is to expound on the characteristics of something or to tell more about a noun or a pronoun. Adjectives help readers visualize something through its characteristics.

 Below are other differences and connections between these words.

Origin And Etymology

The first known use of the word symmetrical was in 1751. The word came about by combining the root words «symmetry + ical.» «-Ical» is a compound adjectival word-forming element often used interchangeably with «-ic», like symmetric and symmetrical, that have the same meaning.

In contrast, the first known use of the word asymmetric was in the 1680s. It is formed by combining the words «asymmetry + ical.» Asymmetry is formed by combining the prefix «a- «and symmetry.» The prefix «a» means «not or without.» Therefore, asymmetry means «without symmetry.»

The origin and etymology of asymmetrical and symmetrical explain their differences and similarities more. For instance, both words feature the adjectival forming element «-ical» and are all formed from the root «symmetry.»


Do you know that the alternative words for asymmetrical and symmetrical are symmetric and asymmetric? The suffixes «-ic» and «-ical» are often interchangeable.

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The proper way to pronounce «asymmetrical» is «/ey-si-me-tri-kuh.» In contrast, the proper articulation of the word symmetrical is «/si-me-tri-kuh/.» While the pronunciations differ slightly, they also have a lot in common. For instance, the last four syllables have the same pronunciation. This is understandable since the words are from the same root word.

List Of Examples Of Symmetrical And Asymmetrical In Sentences

Many people avoid words like symmetrical and asymmetrical because they seem complicated. Firstly, they are long words with complex pronunciations. Also, people avoid them because of their complex spelling.

Luckily, you do not have to avoid these words after reading this article. We prepared some sample sentences to show you how to apply these terms in sentences. Here are some creative sentences:

Example sentences of the word symmetrical

  1. The students had a tough time calculating the symmetrical dimensions.
  2. David’s research concluded that the determinants were symmetrical.
  3. The dentist reported that it’s nearly impossible for all kids to have perfectly symmetrical teeth.
  4. The kid took a bite of the apple with his perfectly symmetrical teeth.
  5. The third method in the cookbook is the most symmetrical.

Example sentences of the word asymmetrical

  1. The results were usually proportional, but this time they are asymmetrical.
  2. We picked large asymmetrical leaves on our way to school.
  3. The asymmetrical proportions don’t explain the correlation between the vectors.
  4. Simon got the wrong results because he used asymmetrical formulas for the same measures.
  5. An asymmetrical blouse would look fantastic with that skirt.


After reading this post, explaining the difference between symmetrical and asymmetrical should no longer worry you. Understanding the differences and connections between these words is straightforward because if you know the definition of symmetrical, the meaning of asymmetrical becomes automatic. Another trick is to negate the definition of symmetrical as the meaning of asymmetrical.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

What is a symmetrical word?

Something that is symmetrical has corresponding similar parts: in other words, one side is the same as the other. If you can draw a line down the center of something and get two similar halves, it’s symmetrical. Shapes like squares and circles are symmetrical.

What is another word for symmetrical?

In this page you can discover 29 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for symmetrical, like: shapely, harmonious, balanced, well-formed, proportional, well-set, regular, commensurable, equal, asymmetrical and disproportioned.

What does a symmetry look like?

Something is symmetrical when it is the same on both sides. A shape has symmetry if a central dividing line (a mirror line) can be drawn on it, to show that both sides of the shape are exactly the same.

Where is symmetry used?

Real-life examples of symmetry Reflection of trees in clear water and reflection of mountains in a lake. Wings of most butterflies are identical on the left and right sides. Some human faces are the same on the left and right side. People can also have a symmetrical mustache.

What type of symmetry is a circle?

Since a circle has infinitely many diameters, it has infinitely many lines of reflectional symmetry. Furthermore, any size sector in the circle can be rotated about the center point, so this creates infinitely many instances of radial symmetry.

What is symmetry and its types?

Objects are said to be symmetrical if their pre-image and image have the same size and shape, but are either mirror images of each other or one has been rotated to go in a different direction from the first. There are three basic types of symmetry: reflection symmetry, rotational symmetry, and point symmetry.

Is a circle symmetrical?

Circle. A line (drawn at any angle) that goes through its center is a Line of Symmetry. So a Circle has infinite Lines of Symmetry.

What is symmetry in nature?

Symmetry is variously defined as “proportion,” “perfect, or harmonious proportions,” and “a structure that allows an object to be divided into parts of an equal shape and size.” When you think of symmetry, you probably think of some combination of all these definitions. …

What is the most common symmetry seen in nature?

bilateral symmetry

Is there symmetry in nature?

Importantly, unlike in mathematics, symmetry in biology is always approximate. For example, plant leaves – while considered symmetrical – rarely match up exactly when folded in half. Symmetry is one class of patterns in nature whereby there is near-repetition of the pattern element, either by reflection or rotation.

What is the appropriate usage of «symmetrical» and «symmetric» (using the geometrical adjectival definition of both terms)? Are they synonymous?

RegDwigнt's user avatar


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asked Apr 27, 2012 at 7:33

naught101's user avatar


Merriam-Webster lists symmetric as being a variant of symmetrical, which is the ‘official’ dictionary entry:

symmetrical, adj : 1 : having or involving symmetry : exhibiting symmetry : exhibiting correspondence in size and shape of parts :
BALANCED, REGULAR {the human body is symmetrical} {crystals are often
symmetrical} {a symmetrical garden} {a symmetrical grouping}

answered Apr 27, 2012 at 17:11

Gnawme's user avatar


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«Symmetrical» is a non-technical term, to describe any object that has symmetry; for example, a human face. «Symmetric» means «relating to symmetry», and is also used in a number of technical mathematical contexts (see Sam Lisi’s comment under the question).

answered Apr 27, 2012 at 8:35


I suggest that items may be symmetric in appearance; therefore, they are symmetrical. Ex: My hands are symmetric in appearance; therefore, they are symmetrical.

answered Mar 1, 2017 at 0:46

Laura's user avatar


411 bronze badge

Perhaps when speaking about one item as a whole, it is «symmetrical» (meaning that both individual sides are similar to one another); however, when speaking of both parts individually, they are «symmetric» to one another.

answered Mar 1, 2017 at 0:54

Laura's user avatar


411 bronze badge


Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Mrs. Zoila Hickle

Score: 5/5
(24 votes)

The alphabets T, U, V, W, X and Y also possess vertical symmetry as the line divides then equally in both the parts. However, the alphabet Z does not possess vertical symmetry. Hence, the alphabets which have vertical lines of symmetry are A, H, I, M, O, T, U, V, W, X and Y.

What does it mean when a letter is symmetrical?

In this activity, students look for symmetry in letters of the alphabet. Mirror (or reflection) symmetry divides a figure or design into halves that are mirror images. In other words, objects are the same on both sides of a line (usually in the middle).

What is an asymmetrical letter?

Asymmetrical – Not identical on both sides of a central line. The letter ‘A’ joined to a word means not. The paw print on the right is asymmetrical. …

Which of the following letter has symmetry?

The English alphabet [C] is symmetrical about a line. Here, the line of symmetry creates two congruent figures that are mirror images of each other. We cannot draw a vertical or a horizontal or closely for any lines of symmetry.

Is Z a symmetrical letter?

The Z is has no lines of symmetry. The W and Y have one line of symmetry.

32 related questions found

Which letter has no line of symmetry?

The letters of english alphabet have no line of symmetry are F, G, J, L, N, P, Q, R, S and Z.

What is an example of asymmetrical?

The definition of asymmetry means that two parts of something are not exactly the same. A fiddler crab has one claw that is bigger than the other so that is an example that a fiddler crab’s body has asymmetry.

Are faces asymmetrical?

Almost everyone has some degree of asymmetry on their face. But some cases of asymmetry are more noticeable than others. Injury, aging, smoking, and other factors can contribute to asymmetry. Asymmetry that’s mild and has always been there is normal.

What is symmetrical body shape?

A symmetrical shape is any shape the body makes which, if divided down the middle with an imaginary line, would show that each side is the same and forms a mirror image of the other side.

What’s a symmetrical number?

The symmetry number or symmetry order of an object is the number of different but indistinguishable (or equivalent) arrangements (or views) of the object, i.e. the order of its symmetry group.

Are all capital letters symmetrical?

The capital letters H, I ,O and X all have both horizontal and vertical line symmetry. All the rest of the letters (F, G, J, K, L, N, P, Q, R, S and Z) have no line symmetry.

What is order rotational symmetry?

The order of rotational symmetry of a shape is the number of times it can be rotated around a full circle and still look the same. If the triangle is rotated a full 360°, it never looks the same except when it arrives back at its original starting position.

Which word has a horizontal line of symmetry?

Symmetrical Words

Some long words with horizontal symmetry are: BEDECKED, BOOHOOED, CHECKBOOK, CODEBOOK, COOKBOOK, DECIDED, DIOXIDE, DOBCHICK, EXCEEDED, HOODOOED, and KEBOBBED. The longest such word, with ten letters, is OKEECHOBEE.

What letters are rotational symmetry?

The alphabets Z, H, S, N and O have rotational symmetry.

Is a capital letter is a vowel if it is symmetrical?

Answer: If the capital letter is symmetrical, only then would the letter be a vowel.

Is asymmetrical face attractive?

While studies employing the composite faces produced results that indicate that more symmetrical faces are perceived as more attractive, studies applying the face-half mirroring technique have indicated that humans prefer slight asymmetry.

Can asymmetrical face be fixed?

In most cases, facial asymmetry can be fixed by non-invasive treatments, and only severe cases require jaw surgery. However, you must keep in mind that severe cases don’t just affect the aesthetics of your face but also the functionality of your lower skull.

Does sleeping on your side cause asymmetry?

Sleeping on a favoured side can weaken the area where the skin naturally folds making them deeper on that side. Poor Posture and resting your face on your hand have been attributed to facial asymmetries. Sun damage & smoking have effects on the elastin, collagen and pigmentation, which can be attributed to asymmetry.

What does asymmetrical mean?

1 : having two sides or halves that are not the same : not symmetrical an asymmetrical design asymmetrical shapes. 2 usually asymmetric, of a carbon atom : bonded to four different atoms or groups.

What does asymmetry of breast mean?

Breast asymmetry occurs when one breast has a different size, volume, position, or form from the other. Breast asymmetry is very common and affects more than half of all women. There are a number of reasons why a woman’s breasts can change in size or volume, including trauma, puberty, and hormonal changes.

What is an example of asymmetrical balance?

What is asymmetrical balance in art? Asymmetrical balance in art is when each half is different but has equal visual weight. The artwork is still balanced. For example, in the Caravaggio (the picture in the right in the collage), the three men are balanced with Jesus on the left.

Which letter has 2 lines of symmetry?

Two Lines of Symmetry can be a combination of Vertical, diagonal or Horizontal Lines. Letters such as H and X also have two lines of Symmetry. An hourglass is also an example of Two Lines of Symmetry.

Which shape has 2 lines of symmetry?

Rectangle. A rectangle has two lines of symmetry. It has rotational symmetry of order two.

What are the 4 types of symmetry?

The four main types of this symmetry are translation, rotation, reflection, and glide reflection.

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Unless you’re paid by the syllable or intentionally bombastic you should never use symmetrical instead of symmetric, or asymmetrical instead of asymmetric.  The only reason to add -al is to convert the adjective to an adverb, as in symmetrically.

Dictionaries seem to have given a pass to adding the extra syllable to these two adjectives.  But that is no more correct than turning basic into basical, or ironic into ironical (unless, perhaps, you’re speaking sarcastically).

These examples illustrate that you should only add -al as part of -ally to convert a -ic adjective to an adverb.


: having, involving, or exhibiting symmetry


: having corresponding points whose connecting lines are bisected by a given point or perpendicularly bisected by a given line or plane



: being such that the terms or variables may be interchanged without altering the value, character, or truth

R is a symmetric relation if aRb implies bRa



: capable of division by a longitudinal plane into similar halves


: having the same number of members in each whorl of floral leaves


: affecting corresponding parts simultaneously and similarly


: exhibiting symmetry in a structural formula


: being a derivative with groups substituted symmetrically in the molecule

Example Sentences

The human body is symmetrical.

Recent Examples on the Web

No one’s face is symmetrical.

Christy Piña, The Hollywood Reporter, 17 Mar. 2023

Were my eyes symmetrical?

Chloë Grande, CNN, 28 Nov. 2022

But the effects were not symmetrical.

Craig Gilbert, Journal Sentinel, 21 Nov. 2022

The face just looks more symmetrical that way.

Washington Post, 11 Dec. 2021

Instead, the new chassis will be more symmetrical.

Chris Smith, BGR, 21 Oct. 2021

Any spherical distribution is symmetrical, since any point on a sphere would be equidistant from the center of the sphere.

Rhett Allain, WIRED, 14 Mar. 2023

Unlike the Origin which has a dedicated front and rear end, the Zoox vehicle is symmetrical.

Sam Abuelsamid, Forbes, 13 Feb. 2023

If the compression of the fuel is symmetrical enough, fusion reactions begin in a central hot spot and propagate smoothly outward, with the heat from fusion sparking more burning.

Bydaniel Clery,, 13 Dec. 2022

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘symmetrical.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

1653, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of symmetrical was
in 1653

Dictionary Entries Near symmetrical

Cite this Entry

“Symmetrical.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on symmetrical

Last Updated:
10 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

Definitions For Symmetrical


  • Exhibiting equivalence or correspondence among constituents of an entity or between different entities


  • Having similarity in size, shape, and relative position of corresponding parts

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The word Symmetrical is worth 20 points in Scrabble and 23 points in Words with Friends

Examples of Symmetrical in a Sentence

  • The human body is symmetrical.

Synonyms for Symmetrical




Words that Start with Symmetrical

Words that End with Symmetrical

Words that Contain with Symmetrical

Words that Rhyme with Symmetrical

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Something that is symmetrical has corresponding similar parts: in other words, one side is the same as the other.

If you can draw a line down the center of something and get two similar halves, it’s symmetrical. Shapes like squares and circles are symmetrical. Unless you’ve had a serious injury like losing a limb, the human body is symmetrical. Some people think that faces that are more perfectly symmetrical are more beautiful than other faces. On the other hand, an eye patch tends to look kind of cool, even though it makes a face unsymmetrical.

Definitions of symmetrical

  1. adjective

    exhibiting equivalence or correspondence among constituents of an entity or between different entities


    harmonious, proportionate


    being in a state of proper equilibrium

  2. adjective

    having similarity in size, shape, and relative position of corresponding parts




    being everywhere equidistant and not intersecting


    in accordance with fixed order or procedure or principle

    bilateral, bilaterally symmetric, bilaterally symmetrical, isobilateral

    having identical parts on each side of an axis


    showing both bilateral and radial symmetry

    cruciate, cruciform

    shaped like a cross

    even, regular

    symmetrically arranged


    (mathematics, logic) such that the arguments or roles can be interchanged


    (of a triangle) having two sides of equal length

    radial, radiate, stellate

    arranged like rays or radii; radiating from a common center

    centrosymmetric, radially symmetrical

    having a symmetrical arrangement of radiating parts about a central point

    rhombohedral, trigonal

    having threefold symmetry

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘symmetrical’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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symmetrical is an acceptable dictionary word for games like scrabble, words with friends, crossword, etc.

The word ‘symmetrical’ is made up of 11 letters.


  • (a) having similarity in size, shape, and relative position of corresponding parts
  • (s) exhibiting equivalence or correspondence among constituents of an entity or between different entities


Using the word ‘symmetrical’ in Scrabble will fetch you 20 points while using it in Words with Friends will fetch you 23 points (without taking into consideration the effect of any multipliers).

Check out the Anagrams of symmetrical

Check out the Words which can be formed using the letters of symmetrical

Words Ending With ‘symmetrical’

Following are 5 words which end with ‘symmetrical

Words Starting With ‘symmetrical’

Following are 4 words which start with ‘symmetrical

Words Containing ‘symmetrical’

Following are 10 words which contain ‘symmetrical

Other Info & Useful Resources for the Word ‘symmetrical’

Info Details
Points in Scrabble for symmetrical 20
Points in Words with Friends for symmetrical 23
Number of Letters in symmetrical 11
More info About symmetrical symmetrical
List of Words Starting with symmetrical Words Starting With symmetrical
List of Words Ending with symmetrical Words Ending With symmetrical
List of Words Containing symmetrical Words Containing symmetrical
List of Anagrams of symmetrical Anagrams of symmetrical
List of Words Formed by Letters of symmetrical Words Created From symmetrical
symmetrical Definition at Wiktionary Click Here
symmetrical Definition at Merriam-Webster Click Here
symmetrical Definition at Dictionary Click Here
symmetrical Synonyms At Thesaurus Click Here
symmetrical Info At Wikipedia Click Here
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