Is sweltering a word

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Prof. Jordyn Treutel I

Score: 4.6/5
(37 votes)

intransitive verb. 1 : to suffer, sweat, or be faint from heat. 2 : to become exceedingly hot in summer, the place swelters. transitive verb.

Does sweltering mean humid?

Suffering from oppressive heat. (of weather) Hot and humid; oppressively sticky. Oppressively hot and humid; sultry. …

What is sweltering summer?

Sweltering means uncomfortably hot. Walking home from work on a sweltering day will leave you sweating. A sweltering summer afternoon might cause you to turn on the air conditioning in your apartment or take a cool shower.

How do you use sweltered in a sentence?

Sweltering sentence example

  1. It’s raining outside and I’m still sweltering . …
  2. When summer arrives, the season is dictated by little more than sweltering heat and the desire to stay as cool as possible.

Is Swelteringly a word?

swel·ter. To suffer from oppressive heat.

35 related questions found

What does sweltered mean in English?

1 : to suffer, sweat, or be faint from heat. 2 : to become exceedingly hot in summer, the place swelters. transitive verb. 1 : to oppress with heat. 2 archaic : exude sweltered venom— William Shakespeare.

What is sweltering with example?

Meaning of sweltering in English

extremely and uncomfortably hot: In the summer, it’s sweltering in the smaller classrooms. … scorchingWe’re due for another scorching summer day. blisteringWe’ve had blistering heat this week. swelteringShe won the race despite the sweltering heat.

What do you mean by scorching?

1 : to burn a surface of so as to change its color and texture. 2a : to dry or shrivel with or as if with intense heat : parch. b : to afflict painfully with censure or sarcasm.

What is precariously?

dependent on circumstances beyond one’s control; uncertain; insecure: a precarious livelihood. dependent on the will or pleasure of another; liable to be withdrawn or lost at the will of another: He held a precarious tenure under an arbitrary administration.

What type of word is sweltering?

adjective. suffering oppressive heat. characterized by oppressive heat; sultry.

What do the word inoperative mean?

: not operative: such as. a : not functioning an inoperative clock. b : having no effect or force an inoperative law. Other Words from inoperative Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More About inoperative.

What means muggy?

: being very warm and humid muggy weather.

What does dank mean in slang?

When not describing something as “moist” and “humid” like a basement, dank is a slang term describing something as “excellent,” especially marijuana. Dank can also refer to memes that are played out or extremely weird.

What does to abide mean?

1 : to remain stable or fixed in a state a love that abided with him all his days. 2 : to continue in a place : sojourn will abide in the house of the Lord. abide by. 1 : to conform to abide by the rules. 2 : to accept without objection : to acquiesce in will abide by your decision.

Is sweltering A British word?

sweltering ​Definitions and Synonyms

Definition and synonyms of sweltering from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. This is the British English definition of sweltering.

What is the best synonym of sweltering?

Synonyms & Antonyms of sweltering

  • scalding,
  • scorching,
  • searing,
  • sultry,
  • superheated,
  • torrid,
  • ultrahot,
  • white-hot.

What does inferior to mean?

1 : of little or less importance, value, or merit always felt inferior to his older brother. 2a : of low or lower degree or rank. b : of poor quality : mediocre. 3 : situated lower down : lower.

How do you use sultry in a sentence?

Sultry sentence example

  1. The weather had turned sultry but there was a cool breeze out on the patio by the barbecue. …
  2. His sultry expression quickened her pulse. …
  3. Looking up, she met his sultry gaze.

Is burned a synonym of Sweltered?

In this page you can discover 34 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for sweltering, like: hot, scorching, baking, muggy, blistering, scalding, burning, roasting, sweltry, freezing and humid.

What is the synonym of picturesque?

The words graphic and vivid are common synonyms of picturesque. While all three words mean «giving a clear visual impression in words,» picturesque suggests the presentation of a striking or effective picture composed of features notable for their distinctness and charm.

What is another word for nullification?

Some common synonyms of nullify are abrogate, annul, invalidate, and negate.

What is tranquilize mean?

: to make tranquil or calm : pacify especially : to relieve of mental tension and anxiety by means of drugs. intransitive verb. 1 : to become tranquil : relax sense 1. 2 : to make one tranquil.

Asked by: Prof. Jordyn Treutel I

Score: 4.6/5
(37 votes)

intransitive verb. 1 : to suffer, sweat, or be faint from heat. 2 : to become exceedingly hot in summer, the place swelters. transitive verb.

Does sweltering mean humid?

Suffering from oppressive heat. (of weather) Hot and humid; oppressively sticky. Oppressively hot and humid; sultry. …

What is sweltering summer?

Sweltering means uncomfortably hot. Walking home from work on a sweltering day will leave you sweating. A sweltering summer afternoon might cause you to turn on the air conditioning in your apartment or take a cool shower.

How do you use sweltered in a sentence?

Sweltering sentence example

  1. It’s raining outside and I’m still sweltering . …
  2. When summer arrives, the season is dictated by little more than sweltering heat and the desire to stay as cool as possible.

Is Swelteringly a word?

swel·ter. To suffer from oppressive heat.

35 related questions found

What does sweltered mean in English?

1 : to suffer, sweat, or be faint from heat. 2 : to become exceedingly hot in summer, the place swelters. transitive verb. 1 : to oppress with heat. 2 archaic : exude sweltered venom— William Shakespeare.

What is sweltering with example?

Meaning of sweltering in English

extremely and uncomfortably hot: In the summer, it’s sweltering in the smaller classrooms. … scorchingWe’re due for another scorching summer day. blisteringWe’ve had blistering heat this week. swelteringShe won the race despite the sweltering heat.

What do you mean by scorching?

1 : to burn a surface of so as to change its color and texture. 2a : to dry or shrivel with or as if with intense heat : parch. b : to afflict painfully with censure or sarcasm.

What is precariously?

dependent on circumstances beyond one’s control; uncertain; insecure: a precarious livelihood. dependent on the will or pleasure of another; liable to be withdrawn or lost at the will of another: He held a precarious tenure under an arbitrary administration.

What type of word is sweltering?

adjective. suffering oppressive heat. characterized by oppressive heat; sultry.

What do the word inoperative mean?

: not operative: such as. a : not functioning an inoperative clock. b : having no effect or force an inoperative law. Other Words from inoperative Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More About inoperative.

What means muggy?

: being very warm and humid muggy weather.

What does dank mean in slang?

When not describing something as “moist” and “humid” like a basement, dank is a slang term describing something as “excellent,” especially marijuana. Dank can also refer to memes that are played out or extremely weird.

What does to abide mean?

1 : to remain stable or fixed in a state a love that abided with him all his days. 2 : to continue in a place : sojourn will abide in the house of the Lord. abide by. 1 : to conform to abide by the rules. 2 : to accept without objection : to acquiesce in will abide by your decision.

Is sweltering A British word?

sweltering ​Definitions and Synonyms

Definition and synonyms of sweltering from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. This is the British English definition of sweltering.

What is the best synonym of sweltering?

Synonyms & Antonyms of sweltering

  • scalding,
  • scorching,
  • searing,
  • sultry,
  • superheated,
  • torrid,
  • ultrahot,
  • white-hot.

What does inferior to mean?

1 : of little or less importance, value, or merit always felt inferior to his older brother. 2a : of low or lower degree or rank. b : of poor quality : mediocre. 3 : situated lower down : lower.

How do you use sultry in a sentence?

Sultry sentence example

  1. The weather had turned sultry but there was a cool breeze out on the patio by the barbecue. …
  2. His sultry expression quickened her pulse. …
  3. Looking up, she met his sultry gaze.

Is burned a synonym of Sweltered?

In this page you can discover 34 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for sweltering, like: hot, scorching, baking, muggy, blistering, scalding, burning, roasting, sweltry, freezing and humid.

What is the synonym of picturesque?

The words graphic and vivid are common synonyms of picturesque. While all three words mean «giving a clear visual impression in words,» picturesque suggests the presentation of a striking or effective picture composed of features notable for their distinctness and charm.

What is another word for nullification?

Some common synonyms of nullify are abrogate, annul, invalidate, and negate.

What is tranquilize mean?

: to make tranquil or calm : pacify especially : to relieve of mental tension and anxiety by means of drugs. intransitive verb. 1 : to become tranquil : relax sense 1. 2 : to make one tranquil.

душный, жаркий, изнемогающий от зноя, изнемогающий, задыхающийся от зноя


- изнемогающий, задыхающийся от зноя, жары
- знойный, душный, жаркий

sweltering day — жаркий день
sweltering office — душная контора

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

We were sweltering at the beach.

Мы изнывали от жары на пляже /на берегу/.

The air conditioning was broken, and it was sweltering in the office.

Кондиционер был сломан, и в конторе была ужасная духота.

The auditorium has an auxiliary cooling system used only on particularly sweltering days.

В аудитории есть вспомогательная система охлаждения, которая используется лишь в особенно жаркие дни.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We were sweltering in the summer heat.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

swelter  — зной, духота, изнемогать от зноя, париться

  • 1

    sweltering adj. знойный, душный

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > sweltering

  • 2

    sweltering изнемогать от жары.знойный см. также swelter

    Персональный Сократ > sweltering

  • 3


    1. изнемогающий, задыхающийся от зноя, жары

    2. знойный, душный, жаркий

    НБАРС > sweltering

  • 4

    1. a изнемогающий, задыхающийся от зноя, жары

    2. a знойный, душный, жаркий

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. hot (adj.) ardent; baking; blistering; boiling; broiling; burning; fiery; heated; hot; hot and humid; humid; muggy; red-hot; scalding; scorching; sizzling; sticky; sultry; sweltry; torrid; white-hot

    2. oppressive (adj.) breathless; close; congested; heavy; oppressive; stifling; stuffy; warm

    3. burning (verb) baking; broiling; burning; cooking; melting; roasting; scorching

    4. sweating (verb) lathering; perspiring; sweating; sweltering

    English-Russian base dictionary > sweltering

  • 5

    знойный; душегубка (о жаркой погоде)

    The weather’s been sticky and sweltering through much of the northern United States.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > sweltering

  • 6

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > sweltering

  • 7

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > sweltering

  • 8


    душный, жаркий, знойный

    изнемогающий от зноя

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > sweltering

  • 9

    1 (a) душный; жаркий; знойный; изнемогающий

    2 (r) задыхающийся от зноя

    * * *

    душный, жаркий, знойный

    * * *




    * * *

    1) душный
    2) изнемогающий от зноя

    Новый англо-русский словарь > sweltering

  • 10



    1) душный, жаркий, знойный


    Англо-русский современный словарь > sweltering

  • 11

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > sweltering

  • 12

    English-Russian smart dictionary > sweltering

  • 13
    sweltering day

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > sweltering day

  • 14
    sweltering office

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > sweltering office

  • 15

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > духота

  • 16

    1. n выпечка; выпекание

    2. n тех. горячая сушка; обжиг

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. hot (adj.) ardent; blistering; boiling; broiling; burning; fiery; heated; hot; red-hot; scalding; scorching; sizzling; sultry; sweltering; sweltry; torrid; white-hot

    2. burning (verb) broiling; burning; cooking; melting; roasting; scorching; sweltering

    English-Russian base dictionary > baking

  • 17

    a горячий, жаркий

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. hot (adj.) ardent; baking; blistering; boiling; burning; cooking; fiery; heated; hot; piping hot; red-hot; roasting; scalding; scorching; sizzling; steaming; sultry; sweltering; sweltry; torrid; white-hot

    2. burning (verb) baking; broiling; burning; cooking; melting; roasting; scorching; sweltering

    3. rioting (verb) brawling; caterwauling; rioting; squabbling; wrangling

    English-Russian base dictionary > broiling

  • 18

    1. n горение

    2. n обжиг; прокаливание

    3. n окисление

    4. n с. -х. пал

    5. n уст. жар

    6. a горячий, пылающий

    7. a эмоц. -усил. жгучий, нестерпимый

    8. a горючий

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. ablaze (adj.) ablaze; afire; aflame; alight; blazing; conflagrant; fiery; flaring; ignited; incandescent; inflamed; lighted; on fire

    2. caustic (adj.) biting; caustic; cutting; sharp; stinging

    3. feverish (adj.) fervid; fevered; feverish; heated; hectic

    4. hot (adj.) baking; blistering; boiling; broiling; hot; scalding; scorching; sizzling; sultry; sweltering; sweltry

    5. impassioned (adj.) ardent; dithyrambic; eager; fervent; flaming; glowing; hot-blooded; impassioned; intense; overheated; passionate; perfervid; red-hot; torrid; vehement; white-hot; zealous

    6. painful (adj.) aching; irritated; painful; raw; sore; throbbing

    7. pressing (adj.) clamant; clamorous; crying; dire; exigent; imperative; important; importunate; insistent; instant; pressing; urgent

    8. baking (verb) baking; broiling; cooking; melting; roasting; sweltering

    9. beaming (verb) beaming; gleaming; glowing; radiating; shining

    11. boiling (verb) boiling; bubbling; churning; fermenting; moiling; simmering; smouldering

    12. burning (verb) angering; blow up; blowing up; boiling over; bristling; burning; exploding; flare up; flaring up; fuming; raging; seething

    English-Russian base dictionary > burning

  • 19

    1. n жаренье, обжаривание; запекание

    2. n тех. обжиг, прокаливание

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. hot (adj.) boiling; broiling; cooking; hot; piping hot; scalding; scorching; steaming; sweltering

    2. burning (verb) baking; broiling; burning; cooking; melting; scorching; sweltering

    3. lambasting (verb) blistering; castigating; drubbing; excoriating; flaying; lambasting; lashing into; scarifying; scathing; scoring; scourging; slamming; slapping; slashing

    English-Russian base dictionary > roasting

  • 20

    1. n запал, захват

    2. n подпалённое место; след утюга

    3. n превышение скорости

    4. a обжигающий; сжигающий; палящий

    5. a убийственный, уничтожающий

    6. adv невыносимо

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. hot (adj.) ardent; baking; blazing; blistering; boiling; broiling; burning; extremely hot; fiery; heated; hot; red-hot; scalding; searing; sizzling; sultry; sweltering; sweltry; torrid; white-hot

    2. scathing (adj.) acrimonious; brutal; caustic; derisive; harsh; nasty; sarcastic; scathing; stinging

    3. burning (verb) baking; broiling; burning; charring; cooking; melting; roasting; scorching; searing; sweltering

    4. lambasting (verb) blistering; castigating; drubbing; excoriating; flaying; lambasting; lashing; lashing into; scarifying; scathing; scoring; scourging; slamming; slapping; slashing

    English-Russian base dictionary > scorching


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

См. также в других словарях:

  • sweltering — [adj] very hot airless, baking, broiling, burning, close, fiery, humid, oppressive, perspiring, scorching, sizzling, stewing, sticky, stifling, stuffy, sultry, sweaty, sweltry, torrid; concept 605 Ant. cold, cool, freezing …   New thesaurus

  • sweltering — [swel′trē] adj. sweltrier, sweltriest [swel′təriŋ] adj. 1. that swelters or suffers from the heat 2. very hot; sultry: Also sweltry [swel′trē] adj. sweltrier, sweltriest swelteringly adv …   English World dictionary

  • sweltering — swel|ter|ing [ sweltərıŋ ] adjective extremely hot in an unpleasant or uncomfortable way: sweltering heat a sweltering day …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • sweltering — UK [ˈswelt(ə)rɪŋ] / US [ˈsweltərɪŋ] adjective extremely hot in an unpleasant or uncomfortable way sweltering heat a sweltering day …   English dictionary

  • sweltering — adjective excessively hot and humid or marked by sweating and faintness (Freq. 1) a sweltering room sweltering athletes • Syn: ↑sweltry • Similar to: ↑hot …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sweltering — Swelter Swel ter, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Sweltered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Sweltering}.] [From {Swelt}, v. i.] 1. To be overcome and faint with heat; to be ready to perish with heat. Sweltered cattle. Coleridge. [1913 Webster] 2. To welter; to soak.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sweltering — adjective Date: 1566 oppressively hot < sweltering summer days > • swelteringly adverb …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • sweltering — adjective hot and humid; oppressively sticky The day was sweltering, so Lauren put on the shortest pair of shorts she could find and went to get ice cream with her friend Rob …   Wiktionary

  • sweltering — adj. Sweltering is used with these nouns: ↑heat …   Collocations dictionary

  • sweltering — swel|ter|ing [ˈsweltərıŋ] adj extremely hot and uncomfortable ▪ sweltering August days …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • sweltering — [[t]swe̱ltərɪŋ[/t]] ADJ If you describe the weather as sweltering, you mean that it is extremely hot and makes you feel uncomfortable …   English dictionary

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They forced over 1,000 children and their teachers into a sweltering gymnasium, with virtually no food or water.

Они согнали более 1000 детей и учителей в душный спортивный зал и держали их там фактически без еды и воды.

Every day, thousands of needy Venezuelans cross into this sweltering town to buy food and medicines that are scarce at home.

Каждый день тысячи нуждающихся венесуэльцев приезжают в этот душный город, чтобы купить еду и лекарства, которых не хватает дома.

Due to the invention of artificial ice, and now even in the sweltering summer you can enjoy a slide on the ice.

Благодаря изобретению искусственного льда, теперь даже в знойное лето вы можете насладиться скольжением по льду.

From bomb explosions on the ground in the sweltering July sky rose smoke and dust.

От разрывов бомб с земли в знойное июльское небо поднялись клубы дыма и пыли.

They are amazingly climate safe and will withstand the harshest winters and sweltering summers.

Они невероятно стойкие к атмосферным воздействиям и выдерживают самые суровые зимы и душное лето.

Open porch designed for those who want to escape from the sweltering summer bustle of the city.

Открытая веранда создана для тех, кто стремится вырваться из душной суеты летнего города.

This is an opportunity to escape from the sweltering concrete boxes and feel the present unity with nature.

Это возможность вырваться из душных бетонных коробок и почувствовать единение с природой.

Of course, freedom of speech, this is not the sweltering days of communism.

Конечно можно, свобода слова, это вам не душные времена коммунизма.

These areas see very little rainfall and experience sweltering summer heat.

Эти районы видим очень мало осадков и опыт душной летней жары.

Adelaide residents are used to sweltering days during the southern hemisphere summer, but even they struggled with the oppressive temperatures…

Жители Аделаиды привыкли к душным дням летом в южном полушарии, но даже они боролись с удручающими температурами.

And this summer, the Argentine moved to turintsam and went on a sweltering field in the starting lineup.

А с нынешнего лета аргентинец перебрался к туринцам и вышел на душное поле в стартовом составе.

Many states saw sweltering conditions through the summer, some of which have continued into September.

Многие штаты видели душные условия в течение лета, некоторые из которых продолжались до сентября.

It is a sweltering day, but he looks immaculate in a crisp white shirt and blue Gucci jacket.

Сегодня жаркий и душный день, но он выглядит безупречно в свежей белой рубашке и синем пиджаке Gucci».

The trek to Petra takes several hours, and it can be miserable during the sweltering summer.

Переход к Петре занимает несколько часов, и это может быть неудобным в течение душного лета.

The Month of Ramadan is like a gentle breeze that hastens to cool a sweltering summer night.

Месяц рамазан похож на легкий ветерок, который спешит охладить душную летнюю ночь.

When Russians celebrate the long-awaited winter holiday — New year in the southern hemisphere is sweltering summer.

Когда россияне справляют самый долгожданный зимний праздник — Новый год, в южном полушарии стоит знойное лето.

One can even experience skiing in sweltering summers by visiting the Snow theme Park.

Можно даже покататься на лыжах в знойное лето, посетив тематический парк Snow.

The coastal areas are sweltering during this period, but are more temperate at other times thanks to La Garuùa.

Прибрежные районы душное в этот период, но более умеренным в других раз благодаря La Garuùa.

Vertinsky sang for the first time in the sweltering predgroze before the Great War, when the world did not know that slides into the abyss of history.

Вертинский впервые запел в то душное предгрозье перед Великой войной, когда мир еще не знал, что соскальзывает в бездны истории.

Much of France was also sweltering.

Большая часть Франции также была душной.

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Other forms: swelteringly

Sweltering means uncomfortably hot. Walking home from work on a sweltering day will leave you sweating.

A sweltering summer afternoon might cause you to turn on the air conditioning in your apartment or take a cool shower. To be sweltering is more than merely being hot — it’s the kind of damp, intense heat that sends everyone to the pool or beach for some relief. The verb swelter came first, from the now obsolete word swelten, «be faint from heat,» rooted in the Old English sweltan, «to die or perish.»

Definitions of sweltering

  1. adjective

    excessively hot and humid or marked by sweating and faintness

    sweltering room”

    sweltering athletes”




    used of physical heat; having a high or higher than desirable temperature or giving off heat or feeling or causing a sensation of heat or burning

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘sweltering’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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sweltered / sweltered / sweltering / swelters


On a sweltering Tuesday afternoon in June, John McCain was working himself into a lather about the Obama administration’s handling of the crisis in Ukraine.
Душным июньским вечером во вторник Джон Маккейн с пеной у рта критиковал действия администрации Обамы в условиях украинского кризиса.

Flat as a board, enormous birthmark the shape of Mexico over half her face, sweating for hours on end in that sweltering kitchen while Mendl, genius though he is, looms over her like a hulking gorilla.
Плоская как доска, с родимым пятном в форме Мексики на пол-лица, часами изнемогает от жары на кухне, пока Мендл, пусть он и гений, нависает над ней, как неуклюжая горилла.

Souleymane Abdoulaye showed the judge the sweltering underground cell where, as a boy of fourteen, he was crowded in with 72 other prisoners, only eleven of whom survived the near-starvation regimen.
Сулейман Абдула показал судье душную подземную тюремную камеру, в которой он, будучи четырнадцатилетним мальчиком, находился в заточении в жуткой тесноте с еще 72 заключенными, из которых только одиннадцать выжили в условиях фактического голодания.

We all know that, following the kidnapping of an Israeli soldier in Gaza by Palestinian fighters a few weeks ago — which we condemned — Israel resorted to a full-scale war of bombardment that included major destruction of vital infrastructure, including power plants, depriving hundreds of thousands of civilians of electricity and water in the sweltering heat of summer.
Нам всем известно о том, что после похищения израильского солдата палестинскими боевиками в Газе несколько недель тому назад — которое мы осуждаем — Израиль прибег к широкомасштабной войне посредством бомбардировок, которая выразилась в серьезном разрушении жизненно важной инфраструктуры, в том числе электростанций, и в лишении сотен тысяч гражданских лиц электричества и воды в условиях изнуряющей летней жары.

I’d opted to sleep in the house, which was sweltering, but private.
Я предпочитала спать в доме, отдельно от других, несмотря на духоту.


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Example Sentences

the air conditioning was broken, and it was sweltering in the office

Recent Examples on the Web

The sweltering temperatures are part of a heat wave expected to hit the East Coast this weekend, as The Weather Channel forecast a high temperature in New York of 91 degrees and 95 degrees in Washington.

Allison Elyse Gualtieri, CBS News, 21 May 2022

Avoid the sweltering heat by hiking during October through April, and keep your eyes peeled for diverse wildlife, including javelina, fox, bobcat, rabbit, American kestrels, and Gila woodpeckers clinging to Cholla cactus.

Lauren Matison, Condé Nast Traveler, 2 Jan. 2023

The Furnace Creek area in this part of the California desert reached a sweltering 134.1 degrees Fahrenheit, or 56.7 degrees Celsius, on July 10, 1913.

Olivia Munson, USA TODAY, 26 Oct. 2022

As people crank up their air conditioners in places like Sacramento, which reached a sweltering 115 degrees on Tuesday, electrical grids are being pushed to their limit, increasing the risk of blackouts throughout the state.

Devika Rao, The Week, 6 Sep. 2022

The highest maximum temperature measured between December 2011 and July 2022 was a sweltering 130 degrees, recorded on Aug. 16, 2020 and again on July 7, 2021., 28 Aug. 2022

Providence hit 98 degrees, breaking its previous record of 94 in 1987, and Boston reached a sweltering 100 degrees, breaking its earlier record of 98 in 1933.

New York Times, 24 July 2022

Italy’s daily temperatures will remain high into the weekend, with Curtis forecasting northern and central areas in the 100 to 105 degree Fahrenheit region, and real-feels ranging to up to a sweltering 110 degrees.

Rachel Chang, Condé Nast Traveler, 22 July 2022

Temperatures hit a sweltering 123 degrees, say NPS, limiting search efforts.

Stella Chan, CNN, 16 June 2022

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘sweltering.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

1566, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler

The first known use of sweltering was
in 1566

Dictionary Entries Near sweltering

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“Sweltering.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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