Is sweetheart one word

Is sweetheart one word or two?

sweetheart ​Definitions and Synonyms

singular sweetheart
plural sweethearts

Is sweetheart a compound noun?

Sweetheart is a 10 letter word, used as a noun or as a adjective satellite, a compound word, and has the letters aeeehrsttw (aehrstw). A compound word, sweetheart has more than one word within it. There’s 2 words which are sweet, and heart.

How do you spell blueberry?

Correct spelling for the English word “blueberry” is [blˈuːbɛɹi], [blˈuːbɛɹi], [b_l_ˈuː_b_ɛ_ɹ_i] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….Similar spelling words for BLUEBERRY

  1. blaeberry,
  2. blaberus,
  3. blubberer,
  4. blubber,
  5. blueprint,
  6. bluebird,
  7. bluebeard,
  8. blubber out,

What is the definition of the word blueberry?

: the edible blue or blackish berry of any of several North American plants (genus Vaccinium) of the heath family also : a low or tall shrub producing these berries.

What is blueberries slang for?

The definition of BLUEBERRY is “Form of marijuana”

What is the noun for blueberry?

noun, plural blue·ber·ries. the edible, usually bluish berry of various shrubs belonging to the genus Vaccinium, of the heath family.

Is a blueberry a common noun?

As detailed above, ‘blueberries’ is a noun.

What is the word formation process of blueberry?

adjective-noun compound: blue + berry → blueberry. verb-noun compound: work + room → workroom. noun-verb compound: breast + feed → breastfeed.

What is compound word formation?

In English grammar, compounding is the process of combining two words (free morphemes) to create a new word (commonly a noun, verb, or adjective). Also called composition, it is from the Latin for “put together”. Compounding is the most common type of word-formation in English.

What is borrowing word formation?

In linguistics, borrowing (also known as lexical borrowing) is the process by which a word from one language is adapted for use in another. The word that is borrowed is called a borrowing, a borrowed word, or a loanword.

What are the 4 kinds of clipping?

There are four main types of clipping. These include back clipping, fore-clipping, middle clipping and complex clipping.

What are clipping words?

In morphology, clipping is the process of forming a new word by dropping one or more syllables from a polysyllabic word, such as cellphone from cellular phone. In other words, clipping refers to part of a word that serves for the whole, such as ad and phone from advertisement and telephone, respectively.

What does clipping mean?

In linguistics, clipping, also called truncation or shortening, is word formation by removing some segments of an existing word to create a synonym. Clipping differs from abbreviation, which is based on a shortening of the written, rather than the spoken, form of an existing word or phrase.

What is clipping and example?

Clipping is one of the ways new words are created in English. It involves the shortening of a longer word, often reducing it to one syllable. Maths, which is a clipped form of mathematics, is an example of this. Informal examples include ‘bro’ from brother and ‘dis’ from disrespect.

sweetheart ​Definitions and Synonyms

singular sweetheart
plural sweethearts

Is it sweet heart or sweetheart?

sweetheart. A person who is much loved: beloved, darling, dear, honey, love, minion, precious, sweet, truelove. Informal: sweetie.

What is the meaning sweetheart?

1 : darling. 2 : one who is loved. 3 : a generally likable person. 4 : a remarkable one of its kind.

What can I say instead of sweetheart?


  • darling, dear, dearest, love, beloved, dear one, sweet.
  • informal honey, sweetie, sugar, honey pie, sweetie pie, cutie pie, baby, babe, doll, poppet.
  • archaic sweeting.

How do you write sweetheart in short form?

62. 애인 (ae-in) – “Sweetheart”

Can you call a man a sweetheart?

It’s very common to hear males being called “sweetheart” or “sweetie” by their partners. and is used equally to describe both males and females. In general, a man who casually calls women “sweetheart” (usually older men in my part of the US) is going to have some other term for men, whereas women can use it for both.

Can I say sweetheart to a man?

In the US, casual use of “sweetheart” is okay between women or from a woman to a man. But, as a woman, I would be offended by any man calling me “sweetheart” unless he was my boyfriend, husband, or very very close friend. Okay – Female waitress: “Can I get you some coffee, sweetheart?” My mom: “Hi, sweetheart.

What does Sweetheart mean in a relationship?

“Sweetheart” It’s a lovely term of endearment. That means the guy is into you.

Who do you call sweetheart?

Sweetheart: Someone who has a kind heart can be called a sweetheart, which is another term that can be said to almost anyone. It is okay to use this one with strangers. The receptionist at the doctor’s office might call you a sweetheart if she doesn’t know your name – but it’s also common between couples or friends.

What does it mean when a woman calls you babe?

#2 They find you attractive. This is probably the most obvious reason someone calls you babe. Because they actually think you’re a babe! Whether they directly call you it or just refer to you as babe, they could mean they find you attractive.

What does it mean when your boyfriend calls you by your name?

So, if a guy makes a comment and then says your name, and does this over and over again, then he probably likes you. To be clear, just because a guy calls you by your name, doesn’t mean he likes you; but, if you are having a conversation with a guy and he says your name a lot, then he most likely likes you.

How do you tell if he’s serious about you?

10 Clear Signs A Man Is Serious About You

  • He makes the effort to see you.
  • He makes you feel considered.
  • You’ve met his friends/ family.
  • He makes plans with you.
  • He’s seen the real you – and is still here.
  • He apologizes when he needs to.
  • He’s willing to compromise.
  • He’s committed to you.

Why does he keep saying my name?

It could mean he is really into you and maybe he knows that some girls/women like hearing their name spoken. It could be that he is a little nervous or anxious – not in a bad way, but he doesn’t want to screw up what could be a great relationship. Just ask him why he keeps saying your name.

How do you respond when someone calls you sweetheart?

We could say,”Thanks, you’re a sweetheart.” or “Thanks, that’s really sweet/kind of you.” But a reply would be “Don’t mention it.”, It was nothing.

When people say your a sweetheart?

“You are a sweetheart” is, most often, not a romantic phrase, but a statement of a person’s kindness. If a person is habitually kind and gentle, and willing to volunteer or help out on a regular basis, then he or she is a real sweetheart.

What to say to someone who says I love you?

100+ Cute and Sweet Responses to “I Love You!”

  • I love you more.
  • Thank you.
  • Hearing you say that makes me so happy.
  • Did you know that you make the world a better place?
  • No, I love you!
  • You’re the only person who makes me smile constantly.
  • You’re so wonderful that you made me forget my reply to your “I love you.”
  • I’m so lucky to have you in my life.

How do you tell someone they don’t call you sweetie?

You can’t control how other people talk to you, only your reaction to it. If it annoys you and it’s worth it to stop it, tell them, “I don’t like being called sweetie.” It won’t change anything except that next time they might remember not to do it.

Is it patronizing to call someone dear?

“Dear” is dead. “Dear, hun, sweetie, babe, honey” are not terms of endearment at work, in business or in most environments. Most women hate being called similar pet names, by either men or other women, outside their home. Often, “dear” can also be used as an attempt to patronize superiority at work.

What does it mean when a guy calls you my dear in a text?

When a guy calls you “my dear” it is a sign of affection and generally caring. It’s a bit old-fashioned to use this phrase, but what is never old-fashioned is paying respect to someone who has your heart. Take it as a very nice and polite compliment.

  • 1

    Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок > SWEETHEART

  • 2

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Sweetheart

  • 3
    Keep It Sexy Sweetheart

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Keep It Sexy Sweetheart

  • 4
    Keep It Simple Sweetheart

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Keep It Simple Sweetheart

  • 5
    добиться расположения

    Новый русско-английский словарь > добиться расположения

  • 6

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > зазноба

  • 7

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > возлюбленная

  • 8

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > дорогая

  • 9
    полюбовное соглашение между предпринимателем и профсоюзом

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > полюбовное соглашение между предпринимателем и профсоюзом

  • 10

    скл. как прил.

    mistress, sweetheart

    * * *

    * * *

    скл. как mistress, sweetheart, beloved; lady-love

    * * *














    Новый русско-английский словарь > возлюбленная

  • 11

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > дорогая

  • 12
    ждать с нетерпением встречи с возлюбленной

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > ждать с нетерпением встречи с возлюбленной

  • 13



    * * *

    sweetheart, ladylove

    * * *



    Новый русско-английский словарь > зазноба

  • 14

    скл. как прил.


    * * *

    * * *

    скл. как sweetheart, darling

    * * *



    Новый русско-английский словарь > милая

  • 15

    heart; darling, love, sweetheart (обращение)

    * * *

    * * *

    heart; darling, love, sweetheart (обращение)

    * * *

    Новый русско-английский словарь > сердце

  • 16

    1) (к кому-л./чему-л.) sympathy (with/for), liking (for)

    2) разг. (о человеке)

    one’s sweetheart

    * * *

    * * *

    1) sympathy, liking 2) one’s sweetheart

    * * *





    Новый русско-английский словарь > симпатия

  • 17

    1) nice, sweet

    2) darling, dear




    sweetheart, darling


    ми́лый друг — sweetheart; lover, smb’s loved one

    ми́лое де́ло! разг. — just fine!, you couldn’t wish for anything better!; as snug as a bug in a rug идиом.

    э́то о́чень ми́ло с ва́шей стороны́ — it’s very kind / nice of you

    (вот) э́то ми́ло! — a pretty story, indeed!

    он сде́лает э́то за ми́лую ду́шу разг. — he will be only too glad / happy to do it

    с ми́лым рай и в шалаше́ — ≈ a cottage is a castle for those in love

    ми́лые браня́тся — то́лько те́шатся посл. — lovers’ quarrels are soon mended; it’s only a lovers’ tiff

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > милый

  • 18


    1) favo(u)rite; beloved, darling attr

    люби́мый цвет — favourite colour


    сущ м beloved, sweetheart; darling, dear, sweetheart

    Русско-английский учебный словарь > любимый

  • 19

    имя прилагательное:

    имя существительное:

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > возлюбленный

  • 20

    1. ladylove

    2. sweetheart

    3. mistress; sweetheart

    4. beloved; lover

    5. lover

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. любимая (прил.) дама сердца; друг; дружок; дульцинея; зазноба; лад; люба; любезная; любимая; милаша; милашка; милая; миленок; милка; ненаглядная; подруга; подружка; сердечный друг

    2. любовник (прил.) любовник; полюбовник; сожитель; хахаль

    3. любовница (прил.) любовница; полюбовница; содержанка; сожительница

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > возлюбленный


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6

См. также в других словарях:

  • Sweetheart — (en español: cariño o dulce corazón) es una canción escrita por Rainy Davis y Peter Kessler y grabada por Davis. La canción llegó al número 24 de la lista estadounidense Hot Black Singles en 1986. En 1998, Jermaine Dupri y Mariah Carey realizaron …   Wikipedia Español

  • Sweetheart — is a term of endearment that could be applied to a person s significant other.The term is also used to refer to the following: *Sweetheart (song), recorded by Rainy Davis and re recorded by Mariah Carey and Jermaine Dupri *Sweetheart (company)… …   Wikipedia

  • sweetheart — sweet‧heart [ˈswiːthɑːt ǁ hɑːrt] adjective [only before a noun] a sweetheart deal, contract, agreement etc is unfair because it gives people who know each other well or have a lot of influence an unfair advantage: • Some executives have been… …   Financial and business terms

  • Sweetheart — (englisch Liebling , Liebste ) steht unter anderem für Monica Sweetheart, eine tschechische Pornodarstellerin Sweetheart (Krokodil), ein einst für regelmäßige Attacken auf Fischerboote bekanntes Leistenkrokodil (Crocodylus porosus) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • sweetheart — ► NOUN 1) a person that one is in a romantic relationship with. 2) (before another noun ) informal agreed privately by two sides in their own interests: a sweetheart deal …   English terms dictionary

  • Sweetheart — Sweet heart , n. A lover of mistress. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sweetheart — late 13c. as a form of address, 1570s as a synonym for loved one; from SWEET (Cf. sweet) (adj.) + HEART (Cf. heart). As an adj., with ref. to labor contracts, it is attested from 1959 …   Etymology dictionary

  • sweetheart — [n] person whom another loves admirer, beau, beloved, boyfriend, companion, darling, dear, dear one, flame, girlfriend, heartthrob, honey*, inamorata, inamorato, love, lovebird*, lover, one and only*, paramour, pet, significant other, steady*,… …   New thesaurus

  • sweetheart — [swēt′härt΄] n. 1. a) someone with whom one is in love and by whom one is loved; lover b) darling: a term of endearment 2. Slang a very agreeable person or an excellent thing …   English World dictionary

  • sweetheart — UK [ˈswiːtˌhɑː(r)t] / US [ˈswɪtˌhɑrt] noun [countable] Word forms sweetheart : singular sweetheart plural sweethearts 1) spoken used for talking to someone who you love Take care, sweetheart. 2) used especially by men for talking to a woman whose …   English dictionary

  • sweetheart —    A term of endearment, the equivalent of ‘darling’, since the end of the thirteenth century. The expression was at first two separate words, but their constant use together caused their fusion. Shakespeare uses ‘sweetheart’ vocatively in six of …   A dictionary of epithets and terms of address

What do you call your loved one? An important part of the process of falling in love is creating our own little world, and our language plays a big role in that. When we meet and fall in love, a whole new language develops, one of play-words and silly names that no one but the happy couple understands. This creative new language helps create a unique bond and brings us closer together.

Language has the power to convey all of our emotions, and when it comes to love, there’s often a lot we want to express. So it comes as no surprise to find that the English language is packed full of words of endearment – words that people use every day in conversations with the people that they love, be it family, friends, or that special someone.

In Britain, you’ll often find terms of endearment used casually among strangers – the guy that works in the newsagent, the woman who works in the baker shop, or the taxi driver taking you to the station – it may surprise you, but they’ll often use terms of endearment as a kind of casual, friendly greeting – it doesn’t mean they’re in love with you, they’re just trying to be nice!

So here we’re going to take a look at some of the most common, so you can add them to your own conversations and understand what Brits mean when they use them.

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The term love in Britain is often written as luv, and it gets used simply as a title most of the time. For example, if a woman runs into a man in the street he might say “Watch where you’re going, luv!” Similarly, if you walk into a café, whether you’re a man or a woman, the waitress might as you “What are you having, luv?” This is a word that’s more often used to address strangers among the working and middle classes and not typically among the upper classes.

Because love is used regularly in everyday conversation, it’s very easy to transfer across when speaking to a partner, so many partners will call their loved one love, usually at the end of sentences – “How was your day, love?”, “Hello, love, would you like a cup of tea?”


Another word that tends to get shortened slightly in common usage – this happens often with terms of affection. Honey is a word that’s typically used between couples, but rarely by strangers. It’s far more common to hear the word hun used when someone you don’t know is talking to you, in much the same way as luv – “what can I get you, hun?”

It’s not unusual to find words relating to sweet foods used as terms of endearment, like sugar and honey pie. We find this in languages all over the world, like terron de azucar (sugarlump) in Spain, for example.


Another term that involves sweetness, sweetheart is used as a term of affection between loved ones and also as a familiar term of address, as in hun or luv. It can be traced all the way back to the 13th Century, where it comes from the Middle English swete hert. Because doctors knew little about our hearts and circulatory systems back then, figurative words were attached to the heart regarding people’s personalities, like heavy-hearted, light-hearted, and cold-hearted. As love makes us all giddy, often our hearts beat faster, and so the term swete hert came about to mean a fast beating heart. The term slowly grew into the term sweetheart – often used to address someone who makes your heart throb.

Heart-Shaped Balloons love quotes in english


This is another old term of endearment, dating back to at least the early 14th Century. It comes from the Old English deore meaning precious, valuable, costly, loved, beloved. It’s believed that this is a shortening of dear one, which has been used as a term of affection to begin letters since the 1500s. Today, it’s typically used by older couples – not young people as much, and it’s another term that you find strangers using sometimes too – “What can I get you from the menu, dear?”


Darling is a word that truly crosses boundaries of class. It’s used as a term of affection by the upper classes – “I love you, darling”, down to the taxi cab driver on the street – “Where you goin’, darlin’?” It’s though that this term of endearment is really a reworking of dear, from the Old English deorling, becoming deyrling during the 1500s, and eventually darling.


This is one of the most common terms of endearment all around the world, and there’s a very good reason for this. Loved ones and babies tend to evoke the same kind of emotions in us – we want to care, love for and protect them – we view them as precious. And so the word baby came to be used for lovers too, particularly in the US. Babe is simply a shortening of baby and is heard far more commonly in Britain today. Calling a woman baby can be seen as being condescending, unless it’s being used comically or playfully. Unlike the rest of the words above, both babe and baby tend only to be used by couples and not by strangers.

love is love love idioms romantic idioms

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Regional terms of endearment

These are common in specific areas of the country, and you’ll often only hear them used in certain parts of the UK.

  • Hen – Head to Glasgow in Scotland and, if you’re a woman, you’ll be called this all the time – “Salt and vinegar on your fish and chips, hen?”
  • Duck/me duck – Another example of a bird-based term of affection, this is one you’ll hear around the Midlands of England, usually when a man addresses a woman or a woman addresses a man – “Alright, me duck?”
  • Pet – See how the Brits like to use animals as terms of affection. Calling someone pet doesn’t mean you think they’re your little lapdog, it’s a typical way to end a greeting to someone in the North East of England – “How you doing, pet?”
  • My lover – Don’t be alarmed if you’re in the South West of England and anyone calls you this. It doesn’t mean that they want to take you to bed! It’s a common term of endearment and greeting in this area, so even the milkman might greet you with a “Good mornin’ , me lover!”
  • Babes – If you’re in Essex (just east of London) you’ll hear this at the end of sentences all the time – “Fancy going into town, babes?”
  • Boyo – Typically most of these terms of endearment are used to address women, but this Welsh term is primarily used between men, in much the same way as mate or pal – “Alright, boyo? What you been up to?”
  • Princess/treasure/beautiful – Have you encountered any Cockney yet? The language of East London, typically working class, if you’re a woman in the back of a black London cab the chances are that you’ve been called one of these. The use of these words can seem quite patronizing, but they are meant in a friendly, affectionate way, not really meant to offend – “Lovely chattin’ to ya, princess!”


Wil is a writer, teacher, learning technologist and keen language learner. He’s taught English in classrooms and online for nearly 10 years, trained teachers in using classroom and web technology, and written e-learning materials for several major websites. He speaks four languages and is currently looking for another one to start learning.

sweetheart — перевод на русский


Yes, sweetheart?

Да, дорогая?

One never knows, sweetheart.

Надо быть готовыми ко всему, дорогая.

Leave it open, sweetheart.

Оставь открытой, дорогая.

Good evening, my little sweetheart.

Здравствуй, дорогая…

Oh, now, sweetheart, let’s get this thing straightened out right now.

Дорогая, только не накручивай себя.

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Not yet, sweetheart.

Пока рано, милая.

Come on now, sweetheart.

— Успокойся, милая.

Everything’s all right, sweetheart.

Все будет хорошо, милая.

Sweetheart, what day is today?

Милая, какое сегодня число?

— No, no, sweetheart.

— Нет, нет, милая.

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That’s okay, sweetheart, I got it anyway.

Не волнуйся, дорогуша, я их уже получил.

-Thanks, sweetheart.

— Спасибо, дорогуша.

Hello, sweetheart. Well, well.

Привет, дорогуша.

Now, sweetheart, you go home quietly. I’ve still got lots of work.

Теперь, дорогуша, иди домой, у меня много работы здесь.

Ta-ta, sweetheart.

Пока, дорогуша.

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How’s this for background, sweetheart?

Как насчет таких декораций, любимая?

Sweetheart, we’ve got a million dollars right here if I can get someone to back me.

Любимая, да у нас здесь миллионы долларов мне бы только спонсора найти.

Paul’s sister and his sweetheart, both trying to steer him into the electric chair.

Сестра Пола и его любимая, обе пытались отправить его на электрический стул.

Sweetheart, I have a surprise for you.

Любимая, у меня сюрприз для тебя.

-No, sweetheart.

Давай, любимая.

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Lillie, darling, the time is getting close on that date, sweetheart.

Лилли, дорогая, пора собираться, солнышко.

Goodbye now, sweetheart.

Теперь до свидания, солнышко.

Did you miss the carols, sweetheart?

Неужели ты пропустила песенки, солнышко?

Hello, sweetheart!

Привет, солнышко!

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I’ll win so much, you can send back to the old country for your wife and your sweetheart too.

Я выиграю столько, что ты сможешь послать на родину за своей женой, а также за своей возлюбленной.


Человек без жены, матери или возлюбленной.


Без возлюбленной?

Do you mean to say you never had one single sweetheart in all your life?

То есть, у вас ни разу в жизни не было ни одной возлюбленной?

Oh, got a note from your sweetheart.

У меня записка от твоей возлюбленной.

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Wonderful, sweetheart.

Прекрасно! Сладкий…

— Hello, sweetheart!

— Привет, сладкий!

— Yes, sweetheart.

— Да, сладкий.

Oh, sweetheart, I’m going to be there.

О, сладкий, я приду.

Sweetheart, you know how to fast-forward.

Сладкий, ты ведь умеешь сам перематывать вперёд.

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Sweetheart, you know what I told you.

Милашка, знаешь, что я тебе говорил.

So long, sweetheart.

Пока, милашка.

You’re a sweetheart.

Ты — просто милашка. Пока.

Come to me, sweetheart.

Пошли со мной, милашка.

Any fucking time, sweetheart!

Черт, в любое время, милашка!

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Sweetheart, come on now, girl!

Ну, давай, милочка, вперёд.

— Give us a smile, sweetheart.

Милочка, одарите улыбкой!

Do you have a high school sweetheart?

У тебя была девушка в старших классах Милочка?

I had a high school sweetheart.

У меня была девушка в старших классах, Милочка.

Bye-bye, sweetheart.

Прощай, милочка.

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Can do, sweetheart?

Сумеешь, детка?

Sweetheart, there are lots of things… we haven’t explained to you yet about:

Детка… Мы много чего не можем пока тебе объяснить.

Sweetheart, if the prize is you, I’m a ready teddy.

Детка, если этот подарок ты, я сгораю от нетерпения.

Do you know, sweetheart?

Ты сама это понимаешь, детка?

What’s your name, sweetheart?

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  1. sweetheart
  2. См. также в других словарях:
  3. Sweetheart что это значит
  4. Откройте возможности нейронного машинного перевода PROMT
  5. sweetheart
  6. Смотреть что такое «sweetheart» в других словарях:
  7. sweetheart
  8. Смотреть что такое «sweetheart» в других словарях:
  9. sweetheart
  10. Смотреть что такое «sweetheart» в других словарях:


1 sweetheart

2 sweetheart

3 sweetheart

дорогой, дорогая (в обращении) sweetie: sweetie разг. = sweetheart (особ. о женщине) sweeting: sweeting уст. = sweetheart

4 sweetheart

5 sweetheart

6 sweetheart

7 sweetheart

8 sweetheart

they have been sweethearts since childhood — они влюблены друг в друга с детства

9 sweetheart

10 sweetheart

11 sweetheart

12 sweetheart

13 sweetheart

14 sweetheart

15 sweetheart

16 sweetheart

17 sweetheart

18 sweetheart

См. также в других словарях:

Sweetheart — (en español: cariño o dulce corazón) es una canción escrita por Rainy Davis y Peter Kessler y grabada por Davis. La canción llegó al número 24 de la lista estadounidense Hot Black Singles en 1986. En 1998, Jermaine Dupri y Mariah Carey realizaron … Wikipedia Español

Sweetheart — is a term of endearment that could be applied to a person s significant other.The term is also used to refer to the following: *Sweetheart (song), recorded by Rainy Davis and re recorded by Mariah Carey and Jermaine Dupri *Sweetheart (company)… … Wikipedia

sweetheart — sweet‧heart [ˈswiːthɑːt ǁ hɑːrt] adjective [only before a noun] a sweetheart deal, contract, agreement etc is unfair because it gives people who know each other well or have a lot of influence an unfair advantage: • Some executives have been… … Financial and business terms

Sweetheart — (englisch Liebling , Liebste ) steht unter anderem für Monica Sweetheart, eine tschechische Pornodarstellerin Sweetheart (Krokodil), ein einst für regelmäßige Attacken auf Fischerboote bekanntes Leistenkrokodil (Crocodylus porosus) … Deutsch Wikipedia

sweetheart — ► NOUN 1) a person that one is in a romantic relationship with. 2) (before another noun ) informal agreed privately by two sides in their own interests: a sweetheart deal … English terms dictionary

Sweetheart — Sweet heart , n. A lover of mistress. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

sweetheart — late 13c. as a form of address, 1570s as a synonym for loved one; from SWEET (Cf. sweet) (adj.) + HEART (Cf. heart). As an adj., with ref. to labor contracts, it is attested from 1959 … Etymology dictionary

sweetheart — [n] person whom another loves admirer, beau, beloved, boyfriend, companion, darling, dear, dear one, flame, girlfriend, heartthrob, honey*, inamorata, inamorato, love, lovebird*, lover, one and only*, paramour, pet, significant other, steady*,… … New thesaurus

sweetheart — [swēt′härt΄] n. 1. a) someone with whom one is in love and by whom one is loved; lover b) darling: a term of endearment 2. Slang a very agreeable person or an excellent thing … English World dictionary

sweetheart — UK [ˈswiːtˌhɑː(r)t] / US [ˈswɪtˌhɑrt] noun [countable] Word forms sweetheart : singular sweetheart plural sweethearts 1) spoken used for talking to someone who you love Take care, sweetheart. 2) used especially by men for talking to a woman whose … English dictionary

sweetheart — A term of endearment, the equivalent of ‘darling’, since the end of the thirteenth century. The expression was at first two separate words, but their constant use together caused their fusion. Shakespeare uses ‘sweetheart’ vocatively in six of … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address


Sweetheart что это значит

Откройте возможности нейронного машинного перевода PROMT

PROMT.One ( – бесплатный онлайн-переводчик на основе нейронных сетей (NMT) для азербайджанского, английского, арабского, греческого, иврита, испанского, итальянского, казахского, китайского, корейского, немецкого, португальского, русского, татарского, турецкого, туркменского, узбекского, украинского, финского, французского, эстонского и японского языков.

Смотрите перевод слов и устойчивых выражений, транскрипцию и произношение в онлайн cловаре. Словари PROMT для английского, немецкого, французского, русского, испанского, итальянского и португальского языков включают миллионы слов и словосочетаний, самую современную разговорную лексику, которая постоянно отслеживается и пополняется нашими лингвистами.

Изучайте времена и формы глаголов в английском, немецком, испанском, французском и русском языках в разделе Спряжение и склонение. Учите употребление слов и выражений в разных Контекстах. Мы собрали для вас миллионы примеров перевода на разные языки, которые помогут вам в изучении иностранных языков и подготовке домашних заданий.



they have been sweethearts since childhood — они влюблены друг в друга с детства

Новый большой англо-русский словарь . 2001 .

Смотреть что такое «sweetheart» в других словарях:

Sweetheart — (en español: cariño o dulce corazón) es una canción escrita por Rainy Davis y Peter Kessler y grabada por Davis. La canción llegó al número 24 de la lista estadounidense Hot Black Singles en 1986. En 1998, Jermaine Dupri y Mariah Carey realizaron … Wikipedia Español

Sweetheart — is a term of endearment that could be applied to a person s significant other.The term is also used to refer to the following: *Sweetheart (song), recorded by Rainy Davis and re recorded by Mariah Carey and Jermaine Dupri *Sweetheart (company)… … Wikipedia

sweetheart — sweet‧heart [ˈswiːthɑːt ǁ hɑːrt] adjective [only before a noun] a sweetheart deal, contract, agreement etc is unfair because it gives people who know each other well or have a lot of influence an unfair advantage: • Some executives have been… … Financial and business terms

Sweetheart — (englisch Liebling , Liebste ) steht unter anderem für Monica Sweetheart, eine tschechische Pornodarstellerin Sweetheart (Krokodil), ein einst für regelmäßige Attacken auf Fischerboote bekanntes Leistenkrokodil (Crocodylus porosus) … Deutsch Wikipedia

sweetheart — ► NOUN 1) a person that one is in a romantic relationship with. 2) (before another noun ) informal agreed privately by two sides in their own interests: a sweetheart deal … English terms dictionary

Sweetheart — Sweet heart , n. A lover of mistress. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

sweetheart — late 13c. as a form of address, 1570s as a synonym for loved one; from SWEET (Cf. sweet) (adj.) + HEART (Cf. heart). As an adj., with ref. to labor contracts, it is attested from 1959 … Etymology dictionary

sweetheart — [n] person whom another loves admirer, beau, beloved, boyfriend, companion, darling, dear, dear one, flame, girlfriend, heartthrob, honey*, inamorata, inamorato, love, lovebird*, lover, one and only*, paramour, pet, significant other, steady*,… … New thesaurus

sweetheart — [swēt′härt΄] n. 1. a) someone with whom one is in love and by whom one is loved; lover b) darling: a term of endearment 2. Slang a very agreeable person or an excellent thing … English World dictionary

sweetheart — UK [ˈswiːtˌhɑː(r)t] / US [ˈswɪtˌhɑrt] noun [countable] Word forms sweetheart : singular sweetheart plural sweethearts 1) spoken used for talking to someone who you love Take care, sweetheart. 2) used especially by men for talking to a woman whose … English dictionary

sweetheart — A term of endearment, the equivalent of ‘darling’, since the end of the thirteenth century. The expression was at first two separate words, but their constant use together caused their fusion. Shakespeare uses ‘sweetheart’ vocatively in six of … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address



English-Russian short dictionary . 2015 .

Смотреть что такое «sweetheart» в других словарях:

Sweetheart — (en español: cariño o dulce corazón) es una canción escrita por Rainy Davis y Peter Kessler y grabada por Davis. La canción llegó al número 24 de la lista estadounidense Hot Black Singles en 1986. En 1998, Jermaine Dupri y Mariah Carey realizaron … Wikipedia Español

Sweetheart — is a term of endearment that could be applied to a person s significant other.The term is also used to refer to the following: *Sweetheart (song), recorded by Rainy Davis and re recorded by Mariah Carey and Jermaine Dupri *Sweetheart (company)… … Wikipedia

sweetheart — sweet‧heart [ˈswiːthɑːt ǁ hɑːrt] adjective [only before a noun] a sweetheart deal, contract, agreement etc is unfair because it gives people who know each other well or have a lot of influence an unfair advantage: • Some executives have been… … Financial and business terms

Sweetheart — (englisch Liebling , Liebste ) steht unter anderem für Monica Sweetheart, eine tschechische Pornodarstellerin Sweetheart (Krokodil), ein einst für regelmäßige Attacken auf Fischerboote bekanntes Leistenkrokodil (Crocodylus porosus) … Deutsch Wikipedia

sweetheart — ► NOUN 1) a person that one is in a romantic relationship with. 2) (before another noun ) informal agreed privately by two sides in their own interests: a sweetheart deal … English terms dictionary

Sweetheart — Sweet heart , n. A lover of mistress. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

sweetheart — late 13c. as a form of address, 1570s as a synonym for loved one; from SWEET (Cf. sweet) (adj.) + HEART (Cf. heart). As an adj., with ref. to labor contracts, it is attested from 1959 … Etymology dictionary

sweetheart — [n] person whom another loves admirer, beau, beloved, boyfriend, companion, darling, dear, dear one, flame, girlfriend, heartthrob, honey*, inamorata, inamorato, love, lovebird*, lover, one and only*, paramour, pet, significant other, steady*,… … New thesaurus

sweetheart — [swēt′härt΄] n. 1. a) someone with whom one is in love and by whom one is loved; lover b) darling: a term of endearment 2. Slang a very agreeable person or an excellent thing … English World dictionary

sweetheart — UK [ˈswiːtˌhɑː(r)t] / US [ˈswɪtˌhɑrt] noun [countable] Word forms sweetheart : singular sweetheart plural sweethearts 1) spoken used for talking to someone who you love Take care, sweetheart. 2) used especially by men for talking to a woman whose … English dictionary

sweetheart — A term of endearment, the equivalent of ‘darling’, since the end of the thirteenth century. The expression was at first two separate words, but their constant use together caused their fusion. Shakespeare uses ‘sweetheart’ vocatively in six of … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address



Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь . ramix . 2012 .

Смотреть что такое «sweetheart» в других словарях:

Sweetheart — (en español: cariño o dulce corazón) es una canción escrita por Rainy Davis y Peter Kessler y grabada por Davis. La canción llegó al número 24 de la lista estadounidense Hot Black Singles en 1986. En 1998, Jermaine Dupri y Mariah Carey realizaron … Wikipedia Español

Sweetheart — is a term of endearment that could be applied to a person s significant other.The term is also used to refer to the following: *Sweetheart (song), recorded by Rainy Davis and re recorded by Mariah Carey and Jermaine Dupri *Sweetheart (company)… … Wikipedia

sweetheart — sweet‧heart [ˈswiːthɑːt ǁ hɑːrt] adjective [only before a noun] a sweetheart deal, contract, agreement etc is unfair because it gives people who know each other well or have a lot of influence an unfair advantage: • Some executives have been… … Financial and business terms

Sweetheart — (englisch Liebling , Liebste ) steht unter anderem für Monica Sweetheart, eine tschechische Pornodarstellerin Sweetheart (Krokodil), ein einst für regelmäßige Attacken auf Fischerboote bekanntes Leistenkrokodil (Crocodylus porosus) … Deutsch Wikipedia

sweetheart — ► NOUN 1) a person that one is in a romantic relationship with. 2) (before another noun ) informal agreed privately by two sides in their own interests: a sweetheart deal … English terms dictionary

Sweetheart — Sweet heart , n. A lover of mistress. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

sweetheart — late 13c. as a form of address, 1570s as a synonym for loved one; from SWEET (Cf. sweet) (adj.) + HEART (Cf. heart). As an adj., with ref. to labor contracts, it is attested from 1959 … Etymology dictionary

sweetheart — [n] person whom another loves admirer, beau, beloved, boyfriend, companion, darling, dear, dear one, flame, girlfriend, heartthrob, honey*, inamorata, inamorato, love, lovebird*, lover, one and only*, paramour, pet, significant other, steady*,… … New thesaurus

sweetheart — [swēt′härt΄] n. 1. a) someone with whom one is in love and by whom one is loved; lover b) darling: a term of endearment 2. Slang a very agreeable person or an excellent thing … English World dictionary

sweetheart — UK [ˈswiːtˌhɑː(r)t] / US [ˈswɪtˌhɑrt] noun [countable] Word forms sweetheart : singular sweetheart plural sweethearts 1) spoken used for talking to someone who you love Take care, sweetheart. 2) used especially by men for talking to a woman whose … English dictionary

sweetheart — A term of endearment, the equivalent of ‘darling’, since the end of the thirteenth century. The expression was at first two separate words, but their constant use together caused their fusion. Shakespeare uses ‘sweetheart’ vocatively in six of … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address



Be a sweetheart and help your grandmother.

She is such a little sweetheart.

Recent Examples on the Web

Parton is perhaps the most prominent example of an exceedingly rare category of celebrity – the American sweetheart.

Scottie Andrew, CNN, 5 Feb. 2023

Her dress for the ceremony, the Hunter gown, featured a sheer sweetheart corset bodice and floral embroidery that cascaded down the voluminous embellished silk tulle skirt to a wide horsehair-trim chapel train.

Alexandra Macon, Vogue, 4 Feb. 2023

Wishing you a very happy birthday sweetheart! Thank you for bringing so much happiness to my life.

Cameron Jenkins, Good Housekeeping, 2 Feb. 2023

For dessert, there’s a choice of a whiskey sundae or a sweetheart tart.

Dallas News, 2 Feb. 2023

The Shore Room at The Seabird Resort in Oceanside hosts a Puppy Love event from 5 to 8 p.m. Feb. 11— a Valentine’s Day event for dog lovers and their furry friends to celebrate the sweetheart holiday with dog treats and specialty drinks.

San Diego Union-Tribune, 1 Feb. 2023

No one is coming in with a sweetheart offer and relinquishing remarkable value for an asset that is widely regarded as somewhat average.

Morten Stig Jensen, Forbes, 27 Jan. 2023

This complexity hide various fraud underlying its operations—including a sweetheart arrangement with a sister trading firm, Alameda Research, and the use of customer money to make its own trades.

Leo Schwartz, Fortune, 19 Jan. 2023

Supporting actress — musical-comedy or drama television series: Julia Garner Jason Bateman, America’s sweetheart, plays Marty Byrde, a Chicago financial advisor.

Los Angeles Times, 11 Jan. 2023

But meanwhile, the European Commission is pressing on with its campaign against sweetheart corporate tax deals.

David Meyer, Fortune, 24 Sep. 2020

In exchange for a sweetheart deal, the company will bring tens of thousands of high-paying jobs and spend $5 billion in capital expenditures.

Alex Shephard, New Republic, 19 Jan. 2018

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘sweetheart.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.


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    Соединенные Штаты Америки

It’s common, but you only use it with your spouse/significant other or your children. Possibly also with other children you are really close to. It’s a term of endearment. Example:

«Oh, Sweetheart, I hope you feel better soon.»

You could also describe fictional characters as sweethearts.

«Bob acts tough, but actually he’s a real sweetheart.»

In general you wouldn’t use it to describe or address someone you’re not very close to.

There’s also a candy called sweethearts!

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@sgbowen Thanks for answering. Sweetheart is great word isn’t it?

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    Соединенные Штаты Америки

Very common! I use sweetheart only when speaking to my boyfriend, but I have been called sweetheart by older people on many occasions. Oftentimes cafeteria ladies or cafe workers (I find this to be especially common amongst older African American women; they’re very kind :))!


“Hello, could I please get a chai latte and chocolate chip cookie?”

“Of course you can, sweetheart. Would you like your cookie warmed up?”

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@whimsicalcactus I got it thank you. Sweetheart sounds beautiful.

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    Соединенные Штаты Америки

@michealknight it is quite lovely when you stop and think about the meaning :))

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