Is susceptible a word

Most people will remember 2020 and 2021 as the years of the pandemic that inconvenienced the whole world. As a result of COVID-19 and its devastating effects, numerous studies determined that older people were more «susceptible» to getting the virus. Health issues aside, do you know what is the best «susceptible definition, meaning, and usage in different sentences?»

The adjective «susceptible» means «easily affected or influenced.» In most sentences, the word describes people, animals, or things that are open, not resistant to stimulus, or mood. Anything described as «susceptible» has no control of the situation that it is open to.

Studies on older people being «susceptible» to COVID-19 disease from the above example means that seniors had shown to get infections at a higher rate than other members of the society. Read on to learn more about «susceptible» and the various ways to use the word in your sentences.

relax woman readingWhat is the Definition of Susceptible?

You can define susceptible (adjective) as highly impressionable or especially sensitive. The word describes things or people that can easily get swayed by someone or something. That means that they are easily influenced. 

The best way to understand the word «impressionable» or «suggestible» is with the word «susceptible.» When describing a person, the word means that they can easily get influenced emotionally by certain things or situations. It could also mean that people can trick you easily.

If something is «susceptible,» then it is likely to change its physical form, appearance, or state when exposed to a certain condition.

These are some examples:

  • Dogs that live outside are more susceptible to parasites and diseases than those in the house.
  • It is vital to give your babies a flu vaccine to ensure that they are less susceptible to the virus.
  • Kids are more susceptible to illness when exposed to extreme temperatures.

What is the Meaning of Susceptible?

Susceptible (adjective): Capable of submitting to an action, operation, or process. In this case, the word shows that it is likely to yield a given outcome when something gets subjected to certain operations.

The word «susceptible» also describes someone capable of submitting to some specified treatment. In such cases, you give in because of a certain power controlling you and treating you badly.

These are some examples:

  • The theory presented in the classroom is susceptible to proof.
  • The disease that attacked the city is susceptible to treatment,
  • The statement offered by Congressman Japher is susceptible to proof.

Meaning of Susceptible Phrases

You have probably come across words that you can’t separate because they are used together. These are word phrases. Here are two main word phrases for susceptible.

Meaning of susceptible of: «One that gives a chance for something.» It can also mean admitting or allowing.

Meaning of Susceptible to: «Something easily influenced by or affected with.»

Words That Have the Same Meaning with Susceptible

One great thing about the English language is that many words have different origins but near meanings. Here is a look at the words with the same meaning as «susceptible.»

  • Gullible
  • Naive
  • Exploitable
  • Liable
  • Open
  • Sensitive
  • Vulnerable
  • Prone
  • Swayable
  • Easy
  • Impressionable
  • Helpless
  • Liable
  • Endangered
  • Unsafe

Words That are the Opposite of Susceptible

Learning a new word also requires you to know the opposite words. That way, you enhance your vocabulary and learn better ways to use different words to express yourself. Here are words opposite to susceptible.

  • Unexposed
  • Impregnable
  • Invincible
  • Strong
  • Protected
  • Unbreakable
  • Guarded
  • Fortified
  • Thriving
  • Strong
  • Immune
  • Resistive
  • Closed
  • Acute
  • Sensitive

Words That Rhyme with Susceptible

  • Perceptive
  • Accessible
  • Incredible
  • Insensible
  • Eligible
  • Tangible
  • Dribble
  • Terrible
  • Possible
  • Edible
  • Responsible
  • Invincible
  • Variable
  • Suggestible
  • Equitable

How to Use Susceptible in a Sentence

The word susceptible is an adjective that names an attribute to a noun. So when using it in your sentences, keep in mind that the word should define a noun.

Is Susceptible a Negative Word?

In most cases, the word susceptible has some negative tone. It replaces words such as vulnerable and defenseless against something. But if you are creative enough, you can use the word to mean something positive. In this case, the word would show that the subject you are talking about is subjected to something positive, or it responds to something good or improves its condition.

Word Forms of Susceptible

Susceptibleness (noun): To open to something undesirable or harmful.


  • Professionals should handle a case of this extreme with susceptibleness.
  • This meeting aims to empower workers from the susceptibleness that might affect their work or relationship with the clients.
  • To console his wounded susceptibleness, he chooses to live a careless life.

Susceptibility (noun): State of being susceptible or affected.


  • The study will take a long time as scientists will have to test the susceptibility of all the species.
  • The research is to help identify the difference between the two types of susceptibility.
  • The areas that had the greatest susceptibility to drought were the most productive.

Other Words From Susceptible Include:

You will also come across the words below as you learn more about susceptible. Note that each word applies in a different context, and you should avoid confusion.

  • Non-susceptible
  • Non-susceptibleness
  • Non-susceptibility
  • Over-susceptible
  • Over-susceptibleness
  • Over-susceptible
  • Perceptible
  • Unsusceptible
  • Insusceptible

10+ Examples of Susceptible in a Sentence

Sentences are the backbone of communication, and without them, it would not be possible for people to pass clear information, data, or instructions from one party to another. So, It is vital to take the time to understand the various ways that you can create your sentences. Read on to see various sentences with the word susceptible.

  1. Though the operation was successful, it left James susceptible to brain damage, breathing problems, and convulsions.
  2. Scientists are researching why older people are susceptible to illness that revolves around heart and kidney failure.
  3. According to marketing studies, young people are more susceptible to online advertisements, especially those posted on social media.
  4. Despite her age, she is susceptible to scams, something many won’t believe.
  5. Since Matthew smoked for over thirty years, the doctors have said that he is susceptible to respiratory issues.
  6. If you do not vaccinate your dog, it will be susceptible to illness and diseases during winter.
  7. She is always going for check-ups since, as a dog walker, she is susceptible to transmissible dog-related illnesses.
  8. Many healthcare companies are starting to use social media in healthcare but they are also susceptible to social media miscues that could hurt the brand.
  9. James likes to impress everyone, which shows he is more susceptible to peer pressure.
  10. Note that children who do not get enough breast milk are susceptible to diseases and illnesses.
  11. Before you sign the contract, keep in mind that it is not susceptible to change.

How Do You Spell Susceptible?

The correct spelling of the word «susceptible» is «S.U.S.C.E.P.T.I.B.L.E.» If you know the phonic sounds, then spelling this word is easy. 

However, a common mistake that people who are not familiar with the word make is to use «BOL» at the last syllable instead of «BLE.» Keep this armature mistake when spelling the word. Note that poor spelling shows the reader that you did not care enough to proofread your work or that you do not understand the topic enough. These are two insinuations that you do not want to identify with when spelling a word.

How Do You Pronounce Susceptible?

The correct way to spell the word «susceptible» is » sə-ˈsep-tə-bəl» or «suh·sep·tuh·bl.»

This is a tricky word to many, and if you are not careful, then there is a high chance that you might mispronounce it. Take the time to practice the word, especially if it is part of a speech, to avoid unwanted embarrassment. You should note that correct pronunciation signifies that you know your English well. Besides, it is a way of making sure that your message is clear.

How Many Syllables Are In Susceptible?

The word «susceptible» has four syllables. These syllables are «sus.cep.ti.ble.» The stressed syllable is «cep.»

Knowing the syllables is important because it helps you know how to divide the long words to have an easy time reading them. So each time you learn a new word, it is vital to take some time to learn the best way to divide the syllables.

History & Etymology of Susceptible 

The origin of the word susceptible is Latin from the words «sub» and «capere,» which when combined means «to take, receive, or catch.» 

«Sub» (Latin) means «under, beneath, behind, resulting to. It could also mean «in power, little, within, or subject to.» «Capre» is from a root word «kap» which means «to grasp.» The suffix forms all parts of «cable, caitiff, capable, caption, chase, cop, have, hawk, occupy, participation, recover.»

table men readingWhen Was Susceptible First Used?

The first use of the word «susceptible» was in 1605.


Being «susceptible» is not good as it shows that you are unresistant to some stimuli. However, note that not all the stimuli are bad, which means being susceptible might not be bad. It is always vital to think about this word; the way you use it, and how it relates to you. Take time to reread and understand the susceptible definition and meaning to make sure it sinks deep in your mind.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

восприимчивый, чувствительный, впечатлительный, поддающийся, допускающий


- (обыкн. to) восприимчивый

susceptible mind — восприимчивый ум
to be susceptible to diseases — быть подверженным заболеваниям, быть восприимчивым к болезням
to be susceptible to flattery — быть падким на лесть
he is susceptible to kindness — добротой от него можно добиться чего угодно
he is susceptible to female charms — он неравнодушен к женским чарам

- впечатлительный

susceptible young man — а) впечатлительный молодой человек; б) влюбчивый молодой человек

- чувствительный

susceptible to cold — чувствительный к холоду

- обидчивый
- (of) predic допускающий (что-л.), поддающийся (чему-л.)

a passage susceptible of another interpretation — отрывок, допускающий иное толкование
facts [statements] not susceptible of proof — факты [утверждения], которые нельзя доказать; бездоказательные /голословные/ утверждения
the word is not susceptible of exact definition — это слово не поддаётся точному определению

Мои примеры


susceptible to diseases — восприимчивый к болезням  
susceptible of simple solution — допускающий простое решение  
susceptible of being exercised — выполнимый  
susceptible target cell — сенсибилизированная клетка-мишень  
facts not susceptible of proof — факты, которые нельзя доказать  
susceptible to communications disruption — ее помехонезащищенный; помехонезащищенный  
susceptible to metamorphic effects — чувствительный к метаморфическому воздействию  
be susceptible to flattery — быть падким на лесть  
frost-susceptible soil — легкопромерзающий грунт  
susceptible to a herbicide — чувствительный к гербициду  

Примеры с переводом

Well-stretched muscles are less susceptible to injury.

Хорошо растянутые мышцы менее подвержены травмам.

The virus can infect susceptible individuals.

Вирус может инфицировать индивидуально восприимчивых к нему людей.

The old and the infirm are the most susceptible to this disease.

Этой болезни наиболее подвержены пожилые и хронически больные люди.

The diamond is not susceptible of fusion even at a very high temperature.

Алмаз не плавится даже при очень высокой температуре.

Vigilance is especially susceptible to fatigue.

Внимательность особенно восприимчива к усталости.

Limestone is susceptible to dissolution in slightly acidic rainwater.

Известняк легко растворяется под воздействием дождевой воды с незначительным уровнем кислотности.

Children are just as susceptible to psychosomatic conditions as adults.

Дети настолько же подвержены психосоматическим расстройствам / заболеваниям, как и взрослые.

Some people are more susceptible to depression during the winter because of reduced exposure to sunlight.

Зимой некоторые люди более подвержены депрессии из-за пониженного воздействия солнечного света.

From this graph, it can be seen that some people are more susceptible to the disease.

Из этой диаграммы видно, что некоторые люди более подвержены этой болезни, чем другие.

Возможные однокоренные слова

insusceptible  — невосприимчивый, нечувствительный, недоступный
unsusceptible  — нечувствительный, невосприимчивый

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

«Ultimately, any sign or word is susceptible to being converted into something else, even into its opposite.»

В конечном счете, любой знак или слово подходит для того, чтобы быть превращенным в нечто иное, даже в полную свою противоположность.

Другие результаты

The occult transmission of objects to a distance not being, «magic,» as Western readers understand the word, is susceptible of some partial explanation even for ordinary readers, for whom the means by which the forces employed are manipulated must remain entirely mysterious.

Оккультная транспортировка предметов на большие расстояния не является «магической» в том смысле, как это понимают западные читатели; при этом ей можно дать частичное объяснение, доступное даже для обыкновенных читателей, для которых остаются совершенно непостижимыми способы управления задействованными в ней силами.

The word «any» is susceptible to multiple, subtly different shades of meaning in English.

Слово «любой» в английском может принимать многие тонко различающиеся оттенки значения.

In other words, the narrative is susceptible to summary (what used to be called the argument).

Иными словами, повествовательный текст допускает, чтобы его резюмировали (прежде такое резюме называли словом argumentum).

Almost every word in that statement is susceptible to questioning.

Как ни странно, почти каждое слово в этой строчке может быть оспорено.

Words susceptible of two meanings shall be given the meaning that best conforms to the subject matter of the contract.

Выражения, которые могут быть поняты в двух смыслах, должны пониматься в таком смысле, который в наибольшей степени подходит к существу договора.

Just need to figure out which words your visitors are susceptible to and start using them profitably.

Просто нужно выяснить, к каким словам восприимчивы ваши посетители и начать их использовать с выгодой для себя.

They are very susceptible to words and actions of others.

Key words: susceptible-adaptive, flexibly-turnung, initial subtype, introvert, irrational, linearly-energetic, psychological (interpersonal) compatibility, rational, socionical temperament, terminal subtype, uravnoveshenno-stable, extrovert, power dynamics of behavi

Ключевые слова: восприимчиво-адаптивный, гибко-разворотливый, инициальный подтип, интроверт, иррационал, линейно-напористый, психологическая (межличностная) совместимость, рационал, соционический темперамент, терминальный подтип, уравновешенно-стабильный, экстраверт, энергодинамика поведения.

In other words, when a person is stressed, any inflammatory reactions are likely to be more severe in a person who is susceptible to a reaction.

Другими словами, когда человек находится под стрессом, воспалительные реакции, вероятно, будут более серьезными у человека, который восприимчив к этому.

Vulnerability assessment highlights who is susceptible, how susceptible and why.

В ходе оценки подверженности уязвимости выявляется, кто именно ей подвержен, насколько и по какой причине.

Thus, anyone is susceptible to radicalization.

And this risk group is susceptible to other illnesses.

А это «группа риска», подверженная другим болезням».

Everyone is susceptible to Satan’s tricks.

The presentation of this material is susceptible to one leading idea, obviously defined by the writer.

Изложение материала подчиняют одной ведущей идеи, четко определенной автором.

They kill every kind of bacteria that is susceptible to them.

The route is susceptible to change along the way.

В процессе движения возможны изменения маршрута.

Any person is susceptible if the milk they consume contains harmful bacteria.

Любой человек восприимчив, если потребляемое им молоко содержит вредные бактерии.

This means that anyone without DDoS protection is susceptible to a $10 attack that could bring them down.

Это значит, что кто угодно без DDoS-защиты уязвим перед 10-долларовой атакой, которая может положить его сервис».

The bell is susceptible to damage; however, given its safe nature, destruction has been deemed unnecessary.

Колокольчик восприимчив к повреждениям; однако, учитывая его безопасный характер, уничтожение признано ненужным.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 9732. Точных совпадений: 1. Затраченное время: 481 мс


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What does the word susceptible mean?

According to Cambridge English Dictionary and Merriam-Webster Unabridged English Dictionary, the word susceptible (pronounced səˈsɛp tə bəl) is an adjective that describes something or someone that is easily influenced or harmed by something. For example, many children are susceptible to frequent ear infections. A doctor might prescribe the susceptible child medicine to have on hand. Some people are susceptible to UTIs – these susceptible individuals might keep cranberry juice or other remedies in their home to help combat it. People can also be susceptible to influence, meaning that they are gullible and take people at their word. The word susceptible can even be used emotionally; for example, someone’s monster of a boss might be susceptible to throwing things at his assistants. The word susceptible is a very versatile word that can be used in a variety of literal and figurative contexts. Try using this word of the day or other new words in a sentence today!

There are many different languages that also contain words that mean susceptible. You might notice that a lot of these words look and sound similar to the word susceptible. This is probably because they share a common origin. Often, cognates – which are words that look, sound, and mean something similar across languages – are formed when two words share a common ancestor such as Latin or Greek. This list of translations for the word susceptible is provided by Word Sense.

  • Finnish: altis‎
  • Catalan: susceptible‎
  • Persian: پذیرفتار‎ (paziroftâr)
  • Czech: náchylný‎ (masc.)
  • Hungarian: fogékony‎
  • Arabic: عرضه‎
  • Russian: восприи́мчивый‎, поддаю́щийся‎
  • Swedish: känslig‎, mottaglig‎
  • German: anfällig‎, beeindruckbar‎, empfänglich‎, empfindlich‎, suszeptible‎, anfällig‎
  • Turkish: duyarlı‎, elverişli‎, müsâit‎
  • Polish: podatny‎
  • Spanish: propenso‎, susceptible‎
  • Serbo-Croatian: подложно‎ (neut.)
  • Romanian: susceptibil‎
  • Dutch: vatbaar‎
  • Portuguese: suscetível‎

What is the origin of the word susceptible?

According to Etymonline, the word susceptible has been used since the year 1600. This word comes from the Late Latin susceptibilis, meaning capable or sustainable. This comes from the Latin suscept which is the past participle of suscipere meaning to take or accept. This comes from the prefix sub meaning under and the root capere meaning to take, from the Proto-Indo-European root kap meaning to grasp. Related words include susceptive, the adverb susceptibly, the noun susceptibility, as well as the words suspect, suspicious, insusceptible, intussusception, susceptibleness and susceptive.

How can the word susceptible be used in a sentence?

The word susceptible can be used in a plethora of different circumstances both literal and figurative to describe someone or something that is easily influenced or harmed by something else. In this first example, Nora comes into work sneezing and sniffling. HEr coworker Judy asks her what’s wrong. 

Judy: Whoa, you okay? If you’re sick you should go home.

Nora: I’m not sick, it’s just allergies. I’m super susceptible to them this kind of year. As soon as those trees with the purple flowers start blooming, I’m done for.

Judy: Do you want any allergy medicine?

Nora: No, it puts me right to sleep. Thanks, though. I’ll just suffer.

Here, Nora uses the word susceptible to describe the fact that she is prone to allergies. In this next example, the word susceptible will be used figuratively. Here, Nora is getting hit on in a bar. Judy steps in.

Man: You’ve got great eyes. How about you and I get outta here?

Nora: No, I really–

Man: What’s the matter? I say nice things to you and that makes me the bad guy?

Judy: She’s not susceptible to flattery. Especially to weirdos in a dark bar.

Man: Whatever.

Nora: Thanks Judy.

Here, Judy uses the word susceptible to describe Nora, saying that she is not prone to being swayed by flattery or compliments. The word susceptible can be used in either a literal or figurative way.

What are synonyms and antonyms for the word susceptible?

There are numerous different words that someone can use in place of the word susceptible. These are called synonyms, which are words and phrases that have the same meaning as another word or phrase. Synonyms are useful to know if you are trying not to repeat yourself, or if you are working on growing your vocabulary. This list of synonyms is provided by Thesaurus. 

  • roused
  • be taken in
  • vulnerable
  • responsive
  • sensible
  • fall for
  • susceptive
  • sitting duck
  • gullible
  • sensile
  • impressible
  • affected
  • sentient
  • disposed
  • aroused
  • persuadable
  • naive
  • exposed
  • liable
  • subject
  • suggestible
  • receptive
  • wide open
  • swallow
  • out on a limb
  • stirred
  • predisposed
  • easy
  • sucker
  • touched
  • prone
  • soft
  • obnoxious
  • mark
  • tumble for
  • tender
  • ready
  • inclined
  • movable
  • sensitive
  • impressed
  • swayed
  • nonresistant
  • influenced
  • easily moved
  • impressionable
  • given
  • open
  • pushover

There are also many different words that mean the opposite of the word susceptible. These are called antonyms, and are also useful to know if you are trying to expand your vocabulary or knowledge of the English language. This list of antonyms for the word susceptible is also provided by Thesaurus. 

  • absurd
  • not probable
  • senseless
  • insusceptible
  • resistive
  • untoward
  • inconceivable
  • unconvincing
  • improbable
  • remote
  • repellent
  • unimaginable
  • outside chance
  • slight
  • faint
  • dead
  • strange
  • incredible
  • unbelievable
  • resistant
  • insensible
  • insensitive
  • anesthetized
  • asleep
  • unlikely
  • immune to
  • unfeeling
  • unsusceptible
  • questionable
  • unimpressionable
  • impervious
  • nonreactive
  • rare
  • unheard-of
  • contrary
  • invulnerable
  • doubtful
  • implausible
  • impassible
  • protected
  • benumbed
  • deadened
  • impassive
  • out of the ordinary
  • impervious to
  • proof
  • immune
  • dubious
  • not likely

Overall, the word susceptible is an adjective that refers to someone or something that is prone to something else, or who is easily influenced or harmed by something. This word can be used in a variety of both literal and figurative contexts and is of Latin origin. 




Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do’s and don’ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.

Other forms: susceptibly

If you are susceptible to something such as infections or earaches, it means you are likely to become sick with these things.

Have you ever received something you don’t want? Well, with susceptible meaning «likely to be influenced or affected by» that is probably going to be the case. If you’re susceptible to flattery, and someone wants something from you, all they have to do is give you a compliment or two and you’ll do what they want. Material that’s susceptible to cracking won’t be in good condition for long.

Definitions of susceptible

  1. adjective

    (often followed by `of’ or `to’) yielding readily to or capable of

    susceptible to colds”

    susceptible of proof”



    lacking protection or defense


    responsive to physical stimuli

    allergic, hypersensitised, hypersensitive, hypersensitized, sensitised, sensitized, supersensitised, supersensitive, supersensitized

    having an allergy or peculiar or excessive susceptibility (especially to a specific factor)


    open to being acted upon in a certain way

    capable, open, subject

    possibly accepting or permitting

    convincible, persuadable, persuasible, suasible

    being susceptible to persuasion

    fictile, pliable

    susceptible to being led or directed

    liable, nonimmune, nonresistant, unresistant

    (often followed by `to’) likely to be affected with


    made susceptible

    amenable, tractable

    readily reacting to suggestions and influences


    susceptible or responsive to suggestion


    susceptible to temptation


    not vaccinated


    susceptible to criticism or persuasion or temptation


    susceptible to attack

  2. adjective

    easily impressed emotionally


    impressible, impressionable, waxy

    easily impressed or influenced

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘susceptible’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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: capable of submitting to an action, process, or operation

a theory susceptible to proof


: open, subject, or unresistant to some stimulus, influence, or agency


Choose the Right Synonym for susceptible

open stresses a lack of barriers preventing incurrence.

exposed suggests lack of protection or powers of resistance against something actually present or threatening.

subject implies an openness for any reason to something that must be suffered or undergone.

all reports are subject to review

prone stresses natural tendency or propensity to incur something.

susceptible implies conditions existing in one’s nature or individual constitution that make incurrence probable.

very susceptible to flattery

sensitive implies a readiness to respond to or be influenced by forces or stimuli.

unduly sensitive to criticism

Example Sentences

Researchers at the University of South Carolina say that a chemical found abundantly in red wine, apples and onions helps protect against influenza, especially after a rigorous respiratory workout, when the body is more susceptible to infection.

Kim Marcus et al., Wine Spectator, 31 May 2009

Women were especially susceptible to his … charm, and he maintained dozens of relationships simultaneously. When he was finally being tried for his crimes, 20 women sat together in the courthouse’s public galleries, weeping: mistresses, lovers and admirers, all convinced of Unterweger’s innocence.

Robert MacFarlane, New York Times Book Review, 13 Jan. 2008

He grew up during the heyday of the Hegelian philosophy, which sought to explain all things in terms of historical development, but conceived this process as being ultimately not susceptible to the methods of empirical investigation.

Isaiah Berlin, The Hedgehog and the Fox, (1953) 1978

The virus can infect susceptible individuals.

some people are more susceptible to depression during the winter because of reduced exposure to sunlight

Recent Examples on the Web

Candida albicans is susceptible to all three and easier to treat than Candida auris, which is moderately resistant to all three classes of antifungals.

The Conversation, Fortune Well, 6 Apr. 2023

Tomato, pepper, eggplant and tomatillo are all susceptible to the same suite of soil pathogens.

Nan Sterman, San Diego Union-Tribune, 1 Apr. 2023

This threshold would provide meaningful protection to small and medium-sized businesses and ensure a solid base of deposits that aren’t susceptible to bank runs.

Randell Leach, Fortune, 31 Mar. 2023

This means that a large number of health devices, many of which are lifesaving, are susceptible to attack.

Annalisa Merelli, Quartz, 30 Mar. 2023

Versions that still work in Windows 7 and 8 will be susceptible to security bugs and, increasingly, rendering bugs and other functional problems as time goes on.

Andrew Cunningham, Ars Technica, 29 Mar. 2023

The report listed a number of medical devices that are susceptible to cyber attacks, including insulin pumps, intracardiac defibrillators, mobile cardiac telemetry and pacemakers.

Jennifer Korn, CNN, 29 Mar. 2023

Strong winds could knock out power Northern California, specifically the Bay Area, will again be susceptible to strong winds, which could leave many residents and businesses in the dark.

Jordan Mendoza, USA TODAY, 27 Mar. 2023

One minor downside is that the antifog coating seems to be susceptible to damage, so handle the goggles with care.

Kelsey Ogle, Health, 27 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘susceptible.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Late Latin susceptibilis, from Latin susceptus, past participle of suscipere to take up, admit, from sub-, sus- up + capere to take — more at sub-, heave entry 1

First Known Use

1605, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of susceptible was
in 1605

Dictionary Entries Near susceptible

Cite this Entry

“Susceptible.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
11 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

  • 1

    susceptible [səˊseptəbl]


    1) впечатли́тельный, восприи́мчивый

    2) чувстви́тельный (to); оби́дчивый

    3) влю́бчивый



    допуска́ющий; поддаю́щийся (of);

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > susceptible

  • 2

    English-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > susceptible

  • 3

    Персональный Сократ > susceptible

  • 4


    to be susceptible to diseases — быть подверженным заболеваниям, быть восприимчивым к болезням

    he is susceptible to kindness — добротой от него можно добиться чего угодно

    2. впечатлительный

    susceptible young man — а) впечатлительный молодой человек; б) влюбчивый молодой человек

    3. (to)

    1) чувствительный

    2) обидчивый

    4. (of)

    допускающий (

    ), поддающийся ()

    a passage susceptible of another interpretation — отрывок, допускающий иное толкование

    facts [statements] not susceptible of proof — факты [утверждения], которые нельзя доказать; бездоказательные /голословные/ утверждения

    the word is not susceptible of exact definition — это слово не поддаётся точному определению

    НБАРС > susceptible

  • 5


    susceptible влюбчивый susceptible впечатлительный, восприимчивый susceptible a predic. допускающий; поддающийся (of); a theory susceptible of proof легко доказуемая теория susceptible допускающий, поддающийся susceptible чувствительный (to); обидчивый susceptible a predic. допускающий; поддающийся (of); a theory susceptible of proof легко доказуемая теория

    English-Russian short dictionary > susceptible

  • 6

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > susceptible

  • 7

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > susceptible

  • 8





    в) чувствительный; обидчивый



    3) допускающий; поддающийся

    susceptible of smth. — поддающийся , допускающий

    The diamond is not susceptible of fusion even at a very high temperature. — Алмаз не плавится даже при очень высокой температуре.


    Англо-русский современный словарь > susceptible

  • 9

    1. a восприимчивый

    2. a впечатлительный

    3. a чувствительный

    4. a обидчивый

    5. a допускающий, поддающийся

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. defenseless (adj.) defenseless; helpless; unprotected

    2. easy (adj.) easy; exploitable; fleeceable; gullible; naive

    3. open to (adj.) apt; disposed; exposed; given; impressible; impressionable; inclined; liable; likely; obnoxious; open; open to; perceptive; prone; receptive; responsive; sensible; sensile; sensitive; sensorial; sentient; subject; susceptive; sympathetic; tender; vulnerable

    Антонимический ряд:

    impervious; invulnerable

    English-Russian base dictionary > susceptible

  • 10

    подверженный; чувствительный

    English-Russian military dictionary > susceptible

  • 11

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > susceptible

  • 12

    восприимчивый; подверженный; чувствительный

    English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > susceptible

  • 13

    Англо-русский технический словарь > susceptible

  • 14


    1) Общая лексика: влюбчивый, восприимчивый, впечатлительный, допускающий, доступный, обидчивый, поддающийся, чувствительный, поддающийся , highly susceptible to, допускающий , уязвим

    4) Полимеры: склонный

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > susceptible

  • 15


    1) впечатлительный, восприимчивый

    2) чувствительный (to); обидчивый

    3) влюбчивый

    4) (


    ) допускающий; поддающийся (of); a theory susceptible of proof легко доказуемая теория



    * * *

    1 (a) восприимчивый; впечатлительный; допускающий; обидчивый; чувствительный

    2 (r) поддающийся

    * * *

    восприимчивый, впечатлительный

    * * *

    [sus·cep·ti·ble || sə’septəbl]
    восприимчивый, обидчивый, впечатлительный, влюбчивый, чувствительный, допускающий, поддающийся

    * * *












    * * *

    1) восприимчивый
    2) чувствительный (to)

    Новый англо-русский словарь > susceptible

  • 16

    The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > susceptible

  • 17

    1. уязвимый

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > susceptible

  • 18
    susceptible (of)

    Общая лексика:


    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > susceptible (of)

  • 19
    susceptible to

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > susceptible to

  • 20


    восприимчивый, впечатлительный

    чувствительный; обидчивый


    допускающий; поддающийся

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > susceptible


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • susceptible — [ sysɛptibl ] adj. • 1520 méd.; 1372 susceptible de, en parlant d une personne; répandu XVII e; bas lat. susceptibilis, de susceptum, supin de suscipere « prendre par dessous, subir », de sub « sous » et capere « prendre » 1 ♦ (1760) Vx Sensible …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • susceptible — 1. Cuando este adjetivo significa, dicho de una persona o de una cosa, ‘que puede recibir o experimentar una determinada acción’, se construye con un complemento introducido por de, que expresa dicha acción. El término de esta preposición puede… …   Diccionario panhispánico de dudas

  • Susceptible — Sus*cep ti*ble, a. [F., from L. suscipere, susceptum, to take up, to support, undertake, recognize, admit; pref. sus (see {Sub }) + capere to take. See {Capable}.] 1. Capable of admitting anything additional, or any change, affection, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • susceptible — SUSCEPTIBLE. adj. de tout genre. Capable de recevoir en soy. Le cameleon. est susceptible de toutes sortes de couleurs. la matiere est susceptible de toutes sortes de formes. Il se prend aussi figurement. Et se dit de l esprit de l homme.… …   Dictionnaire de l’Académie française

  • susceptible — has two principal meanings, each with its own construction. In the meaning ‘likely to be affected by’, it is followed by to: • The leopard frog…is particularly susceptible to a kidney carcinoma Scientific American, 1973 • Stinnes had reached that …   Modern English usage

  • susceptible — [sə sep′tə bəl] adj. [ML susceptibilis < L susceptus, pp. of suscipere, to receive, undertake < sus (see SUB ), under + capere, to take (see HAVE)] easily affected emotionally; having a sensitive nature or feelings susceptible of that gives …   English World dictionary

  • susceptible — adjetivo 1. Que puede ser modificado: Este trabajo es susceptible de mejora. 2. (ser / estar) Que tiende a ofenderse fácilmente: No seas tan susceptible, no se te puede decir nada porque todo te lo tomas a mal …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • susceptible — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (often susceptible to) likely to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing. 2) easily influenced by feelings or emotions. 3) (susceptible of) capable or admitting of. DERIVATIVES susceptibly adverb. OR …   English terms dictionary

  • susceptible — c.1600 (susceptive in the same sense is recorded from 1540s), from L.L. susceptibilis capable, sustainable, susceptible, from L. susceptus, pp. of suscipere sustain, support, acknowledge, from sub up from under + capere to take (see CAPABLE (Cf.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • susceptible — I (responsive) adjective compassionate, easily affected, flexible, impressible, impressionable, influenceable, mollis, movable, persuadable, pliant, reactive, readily impressed, receptive, sensitive, susceptive, swayable, sympathetic II… …   Law dictionary

  • susceptible — 1 sensitive, subject, exposed, prone, *liable, open Analogous words: inclined, disposed, predisposed (see INCLINE vb): alive, awake, sensible, conscious (see AWARE) Antonyms: immune 2 *sentient, sensitive, impressible, impressionable, responsive… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

«While luxuriating, don’t get sunk in debts.» — Купаясь в роскоши, не утони в долгах

 Friday [ʹfraıdı] , 14 April [ʹeıprəl] 2023

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  • Англо-русский словарь

    [səʹseptəb(ə)l] a (прил.)

    1. (обыкн. to) восприимчивый

    2. впечатлительный

    3. (to)

    1) чувствительный

    2) обидчивый

    4. (of) predic допускающий (что-л.), поддающийся (чему-л.)


Синонимы: susceptible;чувствительный, чутки|sensitive;чувствительный|vulnerable;ранимый|sensible;чувствительный|sympathetic;чуткий, отзывчивый.|responsive;чуткий|alive;чувствительный|receptive;восприимчивый|disposed;расположенный(к чему-то)|emotional;душевный|touchy;обидчивый

Синонимы: susceptible
1 Often, susceptible of or to. open (to), prone (to),
subject (to), disposed (to), predisposed (to), receptive (to),
affected by, responsive (to): Brass is susceptible of a high
shine. Are you still susceptible to her blandishments?
impressionable, influenceable, vulnerable, reachable,
accessible, credulous, suggestible, gullible, nave:
Susceptible youngsters need protection from commercial

Фразы, идиомы, фразовые глаголы, сленг , примеры предложений

Примеры фраз, тематические словари

susceptible mind — восприимчивый ум

susceptible to cold — чувствительный к холоду

to be susceptible to flattery — быть падким на лесть

he is susceptible to female charms — он неравнодушен к женским чарам

to be susceptible /predisposed/ to infection — быть восприимчивым /предрасположенным/ к инфекции


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