Is surveying a word

обзор, обследование, обзорный, обследовать, обозревать


- обозрение, осмотр

a moment’s survey of her face — быстрый взгляд, брошенный на её лицо

- обзор

historical [political] survey — исторический [международный] обзор
a survey of modern literature — обзор современной литературы
to make a general survey of the situation — сделать общий обзор положения, в общих чертах описать /обрисовать/ положение
a survey course in literature — обзорный курс литературы

- инспектирование, обследование

annual survey — ежегодное освидетельствование
quality survey — контроль качества

- отчёт об обследовании
- амер. (таможенный) осмотр
- (геологическое) изыскание
- топ. съёмка; межевание; привязка к местности

aerial survey — аэросъёмка
survey sheet — карта съёмки; карта изысканий
survey stake — веха (мерная)
survey group — топографическая группа

- воен. инструментальная разведка
- топографическая служба


- обозревать, осматривать; просматривать

he carefully surveyed the valley stretching before him — он внимательно осмотрел простирающуюся перед ним долину
I surveyed him from head to foot — я окинул его взглядом с головы до ног

- рассматривать; исследовать, изучать

to survey the situation — изучить создавшееся /сложившееся/ положение; ознакомиться с положением
to survey bygone ages — изучать прошлое

- инспектировать, обследовать, проверять

to survey a railway — инспектировать железную дорогу
the committee surveyed our school — комиссия обследовала нашу школу

- амер. досматривать (на таможне)
- делать обзор

in his speech he surveyed the international situation [modern art] — в своей речи он сделал обзор международного положения [современного искусства]

- топ. производить съёмку; межевать

Мои примеры


a survey on American drinking habits — исследование застольных обычаев американцев  
a comprehensive survey of world affairs — всестороннее исследование международной обстановки  
according to the survey — по данным опроса  
to carry out a survey — проводить опрос  
survey of events — обзор событий  
market survey — обзор состояния рынка / обзор рыночной конъюнктуры  
a brief survey of the most important books on this problem — краткий обзор важнейших книг по этой проблеме  
a brief survey of some important books on economics — краткий обзор некоторых важных книг по экономике  
readership survey — опрос читателей  
mass survey — массовый опрос, массовое обследование  
survey plan — план обследования  
magazine audience survey — опрос читательской аудитории журнала  

Примеры с переводом

I’d like to survey the house before buying it.

Я хотел бы осмотреть дом перед его покупкой.

He sat down in the armchair and surveyed the room.

Он сел в кресло и внимательно осмотрел комнату.

Seventeen couples participated in the survey.

В опросе приняли участие семнадцать пар.

The magazine conducted a survey.

Журнал провёл опрос.

The teacher surveyed the room.

Учитель оглядел комнату.

Our company came out well from the recent survey.

Наша компания получила хорошую оценку в недавнем обзоре.

He surveyed his new classmates.

Он внимательно оглядел своих новых одноклассников.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

surveyor  — инспектор, землемер, геодезист, топограф, маркшейдер, контролер
surveying  — геодезия
surveyed  — обследовать, обозревать, осматривать, производить съемку, инспектировать

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: survey
he/she/it: surveys
ing ф. (present participle): surveying
2-я ф. (past tense): surveyed
3-я ф. (past participle): surveyed

ед. ч.(singular): survey
мн. ч.(plural): surveys

: a branch of applied mathematics that is concerned with determining the area of any portion of the earth’s surface, the lengths and directions of the bounding lines, and the contour of the surface and with accurately delineating the whole on paper

Example Sentences

Recent Examples on the Web

As a result, local environmental activists and a collective of local mayors and four Republican congressmen have suggested experts take a look at the effects of ocean floor surveying, which is currently underway as part of the preliminary steps toward an eventual offshore wind farm.

Tim Newcomb, Popular Mechanics, 27 Mar. 2023

Meet Skywalker: a vehicle that boh flies and Gao says his team is interested in commercializing Skywalker, given its broad range of potential applications—for example, in photography, exploration, rescue, surveying, and mapping.

IEEE Spectrum, 26 Mar. 2023

As such, the researchers turned to the hospital’s water sources, surveying sinks, showers, and ice and water machines on the floor.

Beth Mole, Ars Technica, 7 Mar. 2023

In addition to artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud computing technology, the collaboration could draw on companies in G42’s portfolio ranging from healthcare and biotech to geospatial mapping and surveying to the AIQ energy industry joint-venture with Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC).

Lee Igel, Forbes, 23 Feb. 2023

Where does the surveying go from here?

Jason Gay, WSJ, 20 Jan. 2023

Marit Alanen, lead biologist for the Mount Graham red squirrel with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service believes that the new method for surveying will be able to more accurately count populations that may have been missed in recent years since the fire.

Jake Frederico, The Arizona Republic, 29 Dec. 2022

The company started as a one-man consulting firm founded by Dr. Albert H. Halff and now does full-service engineering, architecture, environmental, planning, landscape architecture, right of way, surveying and construction engineering and inspection services.

Dallas News, 9 Nov. 2022

Though biannual surveying was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, a new population estimate is expected this year.

Yereth Rosen, Anchorage Daily News, 1 Feb. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘surveying.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

1682, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler

The first known use of surveying was
in 1682

Dictionary Entries Near surveying

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“Surveying.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
7 Apr 2023
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Примеры из текстов

The invention relates to the field of pump engineering, primarily to bore-hole jet devices for formation hydrofracturing, well testing and surveying.

Изобретение относится к области насосной техники, преимущественно к скважинным струйным установкам для гидроразрыва пласта, испытания и исследования скважин.

He made no sound as he stood there, surveying the unwary assemblage, but his intent was unmistakable.

Он стоял здесь, не издавая ни звука, присматривая за беспечными прихожанами, но его намерения не оставляли сомнений.

Brooks, Terry / Running with the demonБрукс, Терри / Бегущая с демоном

Бегущая с демоном

Брукс, Терри

Running with the demon

Brooks, Terry

The claimed method of operating the bore-hole jet device for formation hydrofracturing and surveying horizontal wells includes assembling a pipe string 1 by arranging a jet pump 2 and a packer 3 on the pipe string 1.

Способ работы скважинной струйной установки для гидроразрыва пласта и исследования горизонтальных скважин заключается в том, что проводят сборку колонны труб 1 путем установки на колонне труб 1 струйного насоса 2 и пакера 3.

Since it is a measure of the rotation of the earth relative to fixed celestial objects, UT1 is the form of time required in astronomical observing, including the analysis of interferometric observations, navigation, and surveying

Поскольку UT1 является мерой вращения Земли относительно фиксированных небесных объектов, то эта форма всемирного времени необходима для астрономических наблюдений, включая интерферометрию, навигацию и топографию.

Thompson, A. Richard,Moran, James M.,Swenson, George W. / Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio AstronomyТомпсон, А.Р.,Моран, Д.М.,Свенсон, Д.У. / Интерферометрия и синтез в радиоастрономии

Интерферометрия и синтез в радиоастрономии

Томпсон, А.Р.,Моран, Д.М.,Свенсон, Д.У.

© John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2001


Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy

Thompson, A. Richard,Moran, James M.,Swenson, George W.

© 2001 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

© 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

He went out into the street and spent a moment surveying his surroundings.

Выйдя на улицу, он неторопливо осмотрелся.

Salvatore, Robert / Road of the PatriarchСальваторе, Роберт / Дорога Патриарха

Дорога Патриарха

Сальваторе, Роберт

© 2007 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

© Е. Фурсикова, перевод, 2008

© ООО «Фантастика», 2008

Road of the Patriarch

Salvatore, Robert

© 2007 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

«Ha! my gentle cousin,» said Rashleigh, holding a candle towards me, and surveying me from head to foot; «right welcome to Osbaldistone Hall! —

— А-а! Мой любезный кузен! — сказал Рэшли, подойдя ко мне со свечой и оглядывая меня с головы до ног. — Добро пожаловать в Осбалдистон-холл!

Scott, Walter / Rob RoyСкотт, Вальтер / Роб Рой

Роб Рой

Скотт, Вальтер

© Издательство «ЛЕНИЗДАТ», 1953

An analysis of different bore-hole jet devices shows that the reliability of their operation may be improved by increasing their functionality during surveying and testing wells.

Анализ различных скважинных установок показал, что надежность их работы можно повысить путем увеличения функциональных возможностей установки при исследовании и испытании скважин.

For some seconds he stood staggering in the car, which now swayed sickeningly, surveying the exasperated crowd below him and trying to collect his mind.

Несколько секунд Берт с трудом сохранял равновесие — корзину страшно качало — и, глядя на разъяренную толпу, старался собраться с мыслями.

Wells, Herbert George / The war in the airУэллс, Герберт / Война в воздухе

Война в воздухе

Уэллс, Герберт

© Издательство «Правда», 1964

The war in the air

Wells, Herbert George

© the Literary Executors of the Estate of H. G. Wells

Said invention makes it possible to intensify surveying, testing and preparatory work and to improve the operational reliability of the well jet device.

В результате достигается интенсификация работ по исследованию, испытанию и подготовке скважин, а также повышается надежность работы скважинной струйной установки.

He went back into the sitting-room and, surveying the scene, wondered what to do;

Вернувшись в гостиную и обозревая царящий в ней хаос, Филип раздумывал, что ему делать.

Maugham, Somerset / Of Human BondageМоэм, Сомерсет / Бремя страстей человеческих

Бремя страстей человеческих

Моэм, Сомерсет

© «Издательство иностранной литературы», 1959

Of Human Bondage

Maugham, Somerset

© 1915, 1936 by Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc.

The objective of the invention is to intensify works on surveying, testing and preparing wells, first of all horizontal wells and wells having a great curvature.

Задачей, на решение которой направлено настоящее изобретение, является интенсификация работ по исследованию, испытанию и подготовке скважин в первую очередь скважин горизонтальных и большой кривизны.

Vittoria asked, surveying the deserted lawns and walkways.

спросила Виттория, обозревая пустынные лужайки и тротуары.

Brown, Dan / Angels and DemonsБраун, Дэн / Ангелы и демоны

Ангелы и демоны

Браун, Дэн

© Dan Brown, 2000

© Перевод. Г.Б. Косов, 2004

© ООО «Издательство ACT», 2005

Angels and Demons

Brown, Dan

Kwang was surveying Yang with raised eyebrows.

Куан изучал Яна, и брови его ползли вверх.

Gulik, Robert van / The Emperor’s PearlГулик, Роберт ван / Жемчужина императора

Жемчужина императора

Гулик, Роберт ван

© Robert H. van Gulik, 1963

© Перевод, ЗАО «Издательство «Центрполиграф», 2002

The Emperor’s Pearl

Gulik, Robert van

© Robert H. van Gulik, 1963

He entered the room with a look of self-consequence, slightly bowed to the ladies, without speaking a word, and, after briefly surveying them and their apartments, took up a newspaper from the table, and continued to read it as long as he staid.

Он вошел в гостиную с чопорным видом, слегка поклонился хозяйкам, не произнеся ни слова, коротко обозрел их, а также комнату и взял со столика газету, которую продолжал читать, пока не настало время откланяться.

Austen, Jane / Sense and SensibilityОстин, Джейн / Чувство и чувствительность

Чувство и чувствительность

Остин, Джейн

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1988

Sense and Sensibility

Austen, Jane

© Cambridge University Press 2006

‘It seems a strange sort of a thing, a knock coming at such a time in the morning,’ said Mr. Giles, surveying the pale faces which surrounded him, and looking very blank himself; ‘but the door must be opened.

— Довольно странно — стук в такой ранний час, — сказал мистер Джайлс, окинув взглядом бледные лица окружающих, да и сам он очень побледнел, — но дверь открыть нужно.

Диккенс, Чарльз / Приключения Оливера ТвистаDickens, Charles / Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist

Dickens, Charles

© 1990 by Random House, Inc.

Приключения Оливера Твиста

Диккенс, Чарльз

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1958

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sə’veɪɪŋСуществительноегеодезическая съёмка

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biogeochemical surveying

биогеохимическая разведка

borehole surveying

геофизические исследования в скважинах

engineering surveying

инженерные изыскания

geochemical surveying

геохимическая разведка

geodetic surveying

геодезическая съемка

land surveying


mine-surveying instrument

маркшейдерский инструмент

offshore seismic surveying

морское сейсмическое профилирование

plane surveying

горизонтальная съемка местности

scale of surveying

масштаб съемки

stadia surveying

тахеометрическая съемка

stadia surveying


surveying azimuth

геодезический азимут

surveying buoy

промерный буй

surveying camera


Definitions For Surveying


  • The practice of measuring angles and distances on the ground so that they can be accurately plotted on a map

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  • Survey — may refer to:Geography*Surveying, the technique and science of measuring positions and distances on Earth *Aerial survey, a method of collecting information using aerial photography *Cadastral survey, used to document land ownership, by the… …   Wikipedia

  • survey — survey, social survey At first, a survey was any systematic collection of facts about a defined social group, and the term is still used in this way. The term survey is therefore not necessarily synonymous with ‘questionnaire survey’, since other …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Survey — Sur vey, n. [Formerly accentuated universally on the last syllable, and still so accented by many speakers.] 1. The act of surveying; a general view, as from above. [1913 Webster] Under his proud survey the city lies. Sir J. Denham. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Survey — Sur*vey , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Surveyed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Surveying}.] [OF. surveoir, surveer; sur, sor, over, E. sur + veoir, veeir, to see, F. voir, L. videre. See {Sur }, and {Vision}, and cf. {Supervise}.] 1. To inspect, or take a view of;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • survey — [sər vā′; ] also, and for n. usually [, sʉr′vā΄] vt. [ME surveien < Anglo Fr surveier < OFr surveoir < sur (see SUR 1) + veoir < L videre, to see: see VISION] 1. to examine for some specific purpose; inspect or consider carefully;… …   English World dictionary

  • survey — vb view, espy, descry, behold, *see, observe, notice, remark, note, perceive, discern Analogous words: *scrutinize, scan, inspect, examine: *see, look, watch survey n *compendium, syllabus, digest, pandect, sketch, precis, aperçu …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • survey — [n] scrutiny, examination analysis, aperçu, audit, check, compendium, critique, digest, inquiry, inspection, outline, overview, pandect, perlustration, perusal, précis, review, sample, scan, sketch, study, syllabus, view; concepts… …   New thesaurus

  • survey — ► VERB 1) look carefully and thoroughly at. 2) examine and record the features of (an area of land) to produce a map or description. 3) Brit. examine and report on the condition of (a building), especially for a prospective buyer. 4) conduct a… …   English terms dictionary

  • survey — I (examine) verb analyze, appraise, consider, considerare, contemplari, evaluate, inspect, keep an eye upon, keep watch, look at, observe, overlook, oversee, peruse, reconnoiter, review, scan, scrutinize, search, spectare, study, view, watch,… …   Law dictionary

  • Survey — Survey,der:⇨Umfrage(1) …   Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme

  • survey — is pronounced with the stress on the first syllable as a noun and with the stress on the second syllable as a verb …   Modern English usage

  • English[edit]


    From Middle English surveyen, from Old French sourveoir, surveer (to oversee), from sour-, sur- (over) + veoir, veeir (to see), from Latin videre. See sur- and vision.


    • (noun):
      • (UK) IPA(key): /ˈsɜːveɪ/, /sɜːˈveɪ/[1]
      • (US) enPR: sûrʹvā, sər-vāʹ, IPA(key): /ˈsɝˌveɪ/, /sɚˈveɪ/[2][3]
      • In both Britain and America, the variant with initial stress is now significantly more common than that with final stress.
    • Rhymes: -ɜː(ɹ)veɪ
    • (verb):
      • (UK) IPA(key): /səˈveɪ/, /sɜːˈveɪ/, /ˈsɜːveɪ/[4][5]
      • (US) enPR: sər-vāʹ, sûr′vā, IPA(key): /sɚˈveɪ/, /ˈsɝˌveɪ/[6]
    • Rhymes: -eɪ


    survey (plural surveys)

    1. The act of surveying; a general view.
      • 1642, John Denham, Cooper’s Hill
        Under his proud survey the city lies.
    2. A particular view; an examination, especially an official examination, of a particular group of items, in order to ascertain the condition, quantity, or quality.

      A survey of the stores of a ship; a survey of roads and bridges; a survey of buildings.

    3. The operation of finding the contour, dimensions, position, or other particulars of any part of the Earth’s surface.
    4. A measured plan and description of any portion of country.

      The owners of the adjoining plots had conflicting surveys.

    5. An examination of the opinions of a group of people.

      The local council conducted a survey of its residents to help it decide whether to go ahead with the roadside waste collection service.

    6. A questionnaire or similar instrument used for examining the opinions of a group of people.

      I just filled out that survey on roadside waste pick-up.

    7. (historical) An auction at which a farm is let for a lease for lives.
    8. (US) A district for the collection of customs under a particular officer.


    • (act of surveying): prospect, surveil
    • (particular view): review

    Derived terms[edit]

    • Ordnance Survey
    • trigonometric survey


    an examination of the opinions of a group

    • Arabic: اِسْتِبَانَة‎ f (istibāna)
    • Belarusian: апыта́нне n (apytánnje)
    • Bulgarian: допитване (bg) n (dopitvane), анкета (bg) m (anketa)
    • Catalan: enquesta (ca) f
    • Chinese:
      Mandarin: 民意測驗民意测验 (zh) (mínyì cèyàn)
    • Czech: anketa (cs) f, dotazník (cs) m
    • Danish: spørgeundersøgelse c
    • Dutch: enquête (nl) f
    • Esperanto: sondo, opinisondo
    • Finnish: kysely (fi), kyselytutkimus
    • French: sondage (fr) m
    • German: Umfrage (de) f
    • Greek: δημοσκόπηση (el) f (dimoskópisi), σφυγμομέτρηση (el) f (sfygmométrisi)
    • Hungarian: felmérés (hu)
    • Irish: suirbhé m
    • Italian: sondaggio (it)
    • Polish: przegląd (pl) m, ankieta (pl) f
    • Portuguese: sondagem f
    • Russian: опро́с (ru) m (oprós)
    • Spanish: sondeo (es) m
    • Ukrainian: опи́тування n (opýtuvannja)
    • Vietnamese: cuộc thăm dò ý kiến

    act of surveying

    • Bulgarian: преглед (bg) m (pregled), обзор (bg) m (obzor)
    • Catalan: enquestar (ca)
    • Czech: zaměření (cs) n
    • Finnish: yleiskatsaus, yleissilmäys
    • French: arpentage (fr) m, reconnaissance (fr) f, sondage (fr) m
    • Georgian: გამოკითხვა (gamoḳitxva), ანკეტირება (anḳeṭireba), გამოკვლევა (gamoḳvleva)
    • Higaonon: subayan
    • Indonesian: survei (id)
    • Irish: suirbhéireacht f
    • Italian: inchiesta (it)
    • Korean: 개관 (gaegwan)
    • Maori: rūritanga, weatanga
    • Polish: nadzór (pl) m, ankieta (pl) f
    • Portuguese: supervisão (pt) f
    • Russian: обзо́р (ru) m (obzór), обозре́ние (ru) n (obozrénije)
    • Scottish Gaelic: suirbhidh m
    • Serbo-Croatian:
      Cyrillic: земљомерство
      Roman: zemljomerstvo
    • Spanish: encuesta (es) f
    • Turkish: anket (tr)
    • Ukrainian: о́гляд (uk) m (óhljad)
    • Vietnamese: sự quan sát (vi)

    an examination

    • Bulgarian: изследване (bg) (izsledvane)
    • Chinese:
      Mandarin: 查勘 (zh) (chákān), 調查调查 (zh) (diàochá)
    • Czech: zjištění (cs) n, průzkum (cs) m, inspekce (cs) f
    • Dutch: enquête (nl), inspectie (nl), onderzoek (nl), rapport (nl)
    • Esperanto: esploro, enketo, sondo, sondado
    • Finnish: tarkastus (fi), katselmus (fi), katsaus (fi)
    • French: enquête (fr) f
    • Georgian: დათვალიერება (datvaliereba), გამოკვლევა (gamoḳvleva), მიმოხილვა (mimoxilva), გასინჯვა (gasinǯva), შემოწმება (šemoc̣meba), დაკვირვება (daḳvirveba), ინსპექტირება (insṗekṭireba)
    • German: Untersuchung (de) f
    • Greek: επιθεώρηση (el) f (epitheórisi), επισκόπηση (el) f (episkópisi)
    • Italian: indagine (it) f
    • Japanese: 調査 (ja) (ちょうさ, chōsa)
    • Korean: 조사 (ko) (josa)
    • Norwegian:
      Bokmål: undersøkelse m
    • Polish: ankieta (pl) f
    • Portuguese: levantamento (pt) m, enquete (pt)
    • Russian: обсле́дование (ru) n (obslédovanije), осмо́тр (ru) m (osmótr), инспекти́рование (ru) n (inspektírovanije), иссле́дование (ru) n (isslédovanije)
    • Scottish Gaelic: suirbhidh m
    • Serbo-Croatian: pregled (sh), istraživanje (sh) n
    • Spanish: supervisión (es) f, encuesta (es)
    • Swedish: granskning (sv), besiktning (sv), inspektion (sv)
    • Tagalog: siyasig
    • Turkish: inceleme (tr), tetkik (tr)
    • Ukrainian: дослі́дження (uk) n (doslídžennja), о́гляд (uk) m (óhljad), обсте́ження n (obstéžennja)
    • Vietnamese: cuộc khảo sát (vi), cuộc điều tra (vi)
    • Welsh: arolwg m


    survey (third-person singular simple present surveys, present participle surveying, simple past and past participle surveyed)

    1. To inspect, or take a view of; to view with attention, as from a high place; to overlook

      He stood on a hill, and surveyed the surrounding country.

      • 1667, John Milton, “Book III”, in Paradise Lost. [], London: [] [Samuel Simmons], [], →OCLC; republished as Paradise Lost in Ten Books: [], London: Basil Montagu Pickering [], 1873, →OCLC:

        Round he ſurveys, and well might, where he ſtood / So high above []

    2. To view with a scrutinizing eye; to examine.
      • 1681, John Dryden, The Spanish Fryar: Or, the Double Discovery. [], London: [] Richard Tonson and Jacob Tonson, [], →OCLC, Act V, page 66:

        [] with ſuch alter’d Looks, [] / All pale, and ſpeechleſs, he ſurvey’d me round;

      • 2012, James Lambert, “Beyond Hobson-Jobson: A new lexicography for Indian English”, in World Englishes[1], page 297:

        By using the same classification system for all the dictionaries surveyed, it was possible to compare the lexical richness of each against the other.

    3. To examine with reference to condition, situation, value, etc.; to examine and ascertain the state of

      It was his job to survey buildings in order to determine their value and risks.

    4. To determine the form, extent, position, etc., of, as a tract of land, a coast, harbor, or the like, by means of linear and angular measurements, and the application of the principles of geometry and trigonometry

      to survey land or a coast

      • 1960 March, J. P. Wilson & E. N. C. Haywood, “The route through the Peak — Derby to Manchester: Part One”, in Trains Illustrated, page 148:

        The proposed route had been surveyed by George Stephenson and consisted of a main line 41⅝ miles in length with two short branches, to Norbury and Poynton Collieries, and to Chapel-en-le-Frith.

      • 2020 August 26, “Network News: Mid-September before line reopens, says Network Rail”, in Rail, page 10:

        He explained that engineers had been able to examine the bridge visually, and had started surveying likely sites for access roads and where to place the heavyweight crawler crane. NR was also ordering the aggregates needed for the access roads.

    5. To examine and ascertain, as the boundaries and royalties of a manor, the tenure of the tenants, and the rent and value of the same.
      • 1713, Giles Jacob, The Complete Court-keeper: Or, Land-steward’s Assistant
        all the Tenants Leases and Copies are surveyed
    6. To investigate the opinions, experiences, etc., of people by asking them questions; to conduct a survey; to administer a questionnaire.

    Derived terms[edit]

    • king of all one surveys
    • surveying
    • surveyal
    • surveyance
    • surveyee
    • surveyor


    to view as from a high place

    • Finnish: tarkkailla (fi)
    • German: überblicken (de)
    • Japanese: 見回す (mimawasu), 見廻す (mimawasu), 見渡す (miwatasu)
    • Korean: 둘러보다 (ko) (dulleoboda), 전망하다 (ko) (jeonmanghada)
    • Latin: aspicio (la), despecto
    • Maori: tiro whānui
    • Russian: обозрева́ть (ru) (obozrevátʹ)
    • Spanish: reconocer (es)
    • Ukrainian: огляда́ти (ohljadáty)
    • Vietnamese: quan sát (vi)

    to inspect; to examine

    • Bulgarian: изследвам (bg) (izsledvam), инспектирам (bg) (inspektiram)
    • Dutch: onderzoeken (nl), rapporteren (nl)
    • Estonian: uurima (et)
    • Finnish: tarkastella (fi)
    • French: inspecter (fr)
    • German: untersuchen (de)
    • Japanese: 見渡す (miwatasu)
    • Korean: 조사하다 (ko) (josahada), 검사하다 (ko) (geomsahada)
    • Latin: aspicio (la), despecto
    • Maori: mātaki, mātakitaki, tiro, whakatātare, mātai
    • Portuguese: inspecionar (pt), investigar (pt)
    • Russian: осма́тривать (ru) (osmátrivatʹ), обсле́довать (ru) (obslédovatʹ), инспекти́ровать (ru) (inspektírovatʹ)
    • Spanish: inspeccionar (es)
    • Ukrainian: огляда́ти (ohljadáty), обсте́жувати (obstéžuvaty)
    • Vietnamese: khảo sát (vi), điều tra (vi), kiểm tra (vi)

    to determine the status or value of

    • Finnish: tarkastaa (fi), katsastaa (fi)
    • German: abschätzen (de), begutachten (de)
    • Japanese: 見渡す (miwatasu)
    • Korean: 조사하다 (ko) (josahada), 검사하다 (ko) (geomsahada)
    • Russian: обсле́довать (ru) (obslédovatʹ)
    • Spanish: valorar (es), avaluar (es)
    • Ukrainian: обсте́жувати (obstéžuvaty)
    • Vietnamese: khảo sát (vi), điều tra (vi), kiểm tra (vi)

    Translations to be checked

    • Spanish: informe (es), estudio de mercado


    1. ^ The Chambers Dictionary, 9th Ed., 2003
    2. ^ “survey”, in Unabridged,, LLC, 1995–present.
    3. ^ “survey”, in Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, Springfield, Mass.: Merriam-Webster, 1996–present.
    4. ^ “survey”, in Collins English Dictionary.
    5. ^ “survey”, in Lexico,; Oxford University Press, 2019–2022.
    6. ^ “survey”, in The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th edition, Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2016, →ISBN.

    Middle English[edit]



    1. Alternative form of surveyen

    Other forms: surveyed; surveying; surveys

    The verb survey means to look something over. When you buy your first home, it’s a pleasure to stand on the porch and survey your property.

    Survey has several meanings, all of which come from Medieval Latin and Anglo words for looking over. As a noun, survey can mean a detailed study of something, but it also means a short summary with a broad view. A survey course gives an overview of a particular subject area, but doesn’t make you an expert. Survey is also a verb. If you survey an area hit by an earthquake, you look closely at it to measure the damage.

    Definitions of survey

    1. verb

      consider in a comprehensive way

    2. verb

      hold a review (of troops)

    3. verb

      look over carefully or inspect

      surveyed his new classmates”

    4. verb

      keep under surveillance


      follow, surveil

      follow, pursue

      follow in or as if in pursuit

    5. verb

      plot a map of (land)

    6. verb

      make a survey of; for statistical purposes

      see moresee less


      canvas, canvass, poll

      get the opinions (of people) by asking specific questions

      circularise, circularize

      canvass by distributing letters

      type of:

      analyse, analyze, canvas, canvass, delve, examine, parse, study

      consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning

    Definitions of survey

    1. noun

      a detailed critical inspection

    2. noun

      short descriptive summary (of events)

    3. noun

      the act of looking or seeing or observing

      survey of the battlefield was limited”


      sight, view

    DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘survey’.
    Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
    Send us feedback


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