Is surely a word

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


It is surely there, but demonstrated in key selected passages and persons.

В нем оно, несомненно, присутствует, но проявляется в ключевых избранных текстах и личностях.

There is surely also a genetic substrate necessary to becoming fully chimpanzee that humans lack.

Для того чтобы стать настоящим шимпанзе, несомненно, также нужен некий генетический субстрат, который отсутствует у людей.

Chianti is surely Italy’s most famous wine name.

Кьянти (Chianti): Бесспорно, самое знаменитое вино Италии.

This is surely a national educational problem.

И это, видимо, большая проблема отечественного образования.

That is surely within our power.

Hence, the traffic you get is surely targeted.

Следовательно, трафик, который вы получаете, безусловно, целевой.

The city is surely fighting for that spot.

If any liquid is special, it is surely water.

Если какая-либо жидкость и является особенной, то это, конечно, вода.

But there is surely tough competition in nation that famously loves pizza.

Но в стране, безусловно, есть жесткая конкуренция, которая лихо любит пиццу.

This is surely one of our greatest challenges.

Это, безусловно, одна из крупнейших задач, стоящих перед нами.

This decision is surely going in the right direction.

There is surely some overlap in meanings.

Очевидно, что существует некоторое частичное наложение его значений.

This is surely just as good as the reorganisation plan.

Следовательно, результат несомненно столь же благоприятный, как и по плану реорганизации.

The most famous reason they disappear is surely pregnancy.

Самая известная причина, по которой они пропадают, — это, безусловно, беременность.

Hereafter he is surely among the righteous.

الْآخِرَةِ, аль-ахирати) он точно будет (в числе) праведников.

The best way is surely silence.

Love is surely a powerful force to be reckoned.

Любовь — это самая могучая сила в отношениях, которую только можно себе представить.

Asbestos exposure is surely one of those factors.

If terrorism has any meaning, then it is surely this.

This matter is surely the most urgent facing the international community today.

Несомненно, что этот вопрос является самым неотложным из всех, стоящих сегодня перед международным сообществом.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат is surely

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Is surely a correct word?

“Surely” is traditional, formal, correct. “Sure” is colloquial, informal, common, and also correct (at least it is in America.) Well, beyond that “Americsn” or “British” never ending debate, basic rules do exsist in the common English Language. “Surely” is an adverb and “hot” is an adjective.

What’s another word for surely?

What is another word for surely?

certainly definitely
undoubtedly unquestionably
doubtless inevitably
incontestably incontrovertibly
indubitably irrefutably

Is it surely or surly?

As adverbs the difference between surly and surely is that surly is (obsolete) in an arrogant or supercilious manner while surely is without fail.

How do you use surely in a sentence?

Surely sentence example

  1. Surely she would understand.
  2. You surely did not expect to see that Asiatic capital.
  3. Surely he should have known she would get suspicious.
  4. Surely he must know that spending so much time with her might prove uncomfortable later.
  5. My dear Mr.

Will surely or surely will?

I’d prefer “will surely” — just for the sake of the rhythm of the sentence. Those who practise XYZ religion surely will be protected by the guardian deities. ‘Surely’ is an adverb and an adverb should be placed as near the verb, it is referring to, as possible.

Can we use surely?

We use the adverb surely to express a degree of certainty. It does not express as much certainty as definitely or certainly. When we use surely, we are hoping that our listener will agree with us: Lisa will surely find a solution to the problem..

Will surely do meaning?

I sure will

What does slowly but surely mean?

by making slow but definite progress

What does surely not mean?

1. used for showing that you do not believe that something can be true. ‘Did she tell you they’ve split up? ‘ ‘Surely not. ‘

What is mean by surely?

1 : in a sure manner: a archaic : without danger or risk of injury or loss : safely. b(1) : with assurance : confidently answered quickly and surely. (2) : without doubt : certainly they will surely be heard from in the future— R. J. Lifton.

What part of speech is surely?


What’s a word for being sure?

Frequently Asked Questions About sure Some common synonyms of sure are certain, cocksure, and positive. While all these words mean “having no doubt or uncertainty,” sure usually stresses the subjective or intuitive feeling of assurance.

How do you say yes in a cute way?

Creative Ways to Say “Yes”

  1. Okey-dokey!
  2. I’m at your behest.
  3. Aye aye, captain!
  4. I was born for this!
  5. That would be a Y-E-S!
  6. You just stole the words out of my mouth.
  7. Right on, brother/sister.
  8. Definitely not NO.

What is another word for yes?

What is another word for yes?

yeah yep
yah yea
yup absolutely
agreed alright
indeed sure

Is sure another word for yes?

Sure is used as “yes,” though it never means “yes.” Sure is a thumbs up to your face, and a jerkoff motion behind your back.

Is sure rude?

“Sure” is not at all rude in the American vernacular. If asked a question that would warrant a “yes “ or “no” answer saying sure could be seen as being rude. Usually it means the person didn’t understand the question and instead of asking for clarity or for the question to be repeated they would say “sure”.

Is sure thing rude?

“Sure thing,” although informal, is synonymous with “certainly.” If you and your boss have an informal type of relationship (a good barometer may be if you’re on a first name basis with him/her), then you could use it.

Is it rude to say yeah?

There’s nothing rude about “yeah”. It’s the normal affirmative word in English and all native speakers use it, even those who complain about it. In “yeah right”, using “yeah” is mandatory.

Is saying pardon rude?

Many of you will believe that ‘pardon’ is only polite. But the thing about ‘pardon’ is, it is certainly polite and respectful – which is not to be underestimated. ‘I beg your pardon’ in all its hauteur is rather flourishy and almost certainly sarcastic in the least entertaining way possible.

Is yeah a slang word?

It’s slang. It means “yes” or “whatever.” Sometimes we even use it with “so” to make it even more casual (or obnoxious), “Yeah, so, I was bored.” Big freakin’ deal.

Why do we say yeah?

“Yeah” with certain inflections is often used as an expression for “I don’t believe you” or “That’s nice.” Yeah, no. They’re confirming that they’re actually saying No. It’s just a verbal tic.

What does Yep mean from a girl?

YEP means “Yes”.

Why do we say um?

Some studies show that we use “um” to signal longer pauses, and “uh” to signify shorter ones. Linguist Mark Liberman believes that we say “um” when we’re trying to decide what to say, and “uh” when we’re trying to decide how to say it.

Is Yep unprofessional?

Is Yep unprofessional? Yep. Yes is not a formal word; you can use it in both formal and informal contexts. … Yep is used when it’s the only word in the answer; yeah is used in the other cases.

Is yep or Yup correct?

Yup and its more common variant Yep are informal ways of saying Yes. The only difference is one of formality. Use Yup only in informal (casual) settings; not, say, in a business meeting.

Is Yep dismissive?

7 Answers. You are correct that “yeah” and “yep” are informal variants of “yes.” In conversation among friends, any form is appropriate, but “yep” has a slightly dismissive tone.

What is difference between YEP and yes?

The difference is in their usage. ‘Yes’ is standard English and to be used when you are responding formally, in a mail or speaking to someone. ‘Yeah’ and ‘Yep’ are both informal and can be casually used when you are speaking or writing to friends, family etc.

What does Yep mean?

informal. : yes “Ready to go?” “

What do yeah mean?

Yea is pronounced “yay” and it means yes. You would typically use it only under specific circumstances, such as a formal vote.

How do you say yes in an email?

Polite Ways to Say Yes in English

  1. Yeah, sure. Here you go.
  2. No problem! I’m always happy to help.
  3. Yep! I will be right there. (Yep is another informal way to say yes like yeah.)
  4. Yeah, I’d be happy to!
  5. Cool. (Yes, cool can really be used to say yes or to show agreement.)
  6. You got it.
  7. Okay.

Is surely a correct word?

Alex Heath


Is surely a correct word?

The word surely is an adverb. An adverb is a word that modifies or describes a verb or an adjective. To help you remember the job of an adverb, think that it ADDS to the verb. The word surely means a good possibility or chance that it will happen.

What does it mean to be surely?

1 : in a sure manner: a archaic : without danger or risk of injury or loss : safely. b(1) : with assurance : confidently answered quickly and surely. (2) : without doubt : certainly they will surely be heard from in the future— R. J. Lifton.

Would surely Or will surely?

‘Surely’ is an adverb and an adverb should be placed as near the verb, it is referring to, as possible. So the correct sentence should be[b]” Those who practise XYZ religion will be surely protected by the guardian deities.

What type of word is surely?


Is surely formal or informal?

“Surely” is traditional, formal, correct. “Sure” is colloquial, informal, common, and also correct (at least it is in America.) Well, beyond that “Americsn” or “British” never ending debate, basic rules do exsist in the common English Language. “Surely” is an adverb and “hot” is an adjective.

What word is sure?

Adjective. sure, certain, positive, cocksure mean having no doubt or uncertainty. sure usually stresses the subjective or intuitive feeling of assurance.

How do you reply for sure?

Saying sure in response to thank you is very informal….Sure it is sometimes combined with other responses such as:

  1. Sure, no problem.
  2. Sure, don’t mention it.
  3. Sure, my pleasure.

Is sure better than yes?

It’s an increment of certainty. “Sure” is a more definite answer than “yes.” It displays a higher level of confidence. In everyday speech, the two words are used interchangeably.

Does sure mean no?

If asked a question that would warrant a “yes “ or “no” answer saying sure could be seen as being rude. Usually it means the person didn’t understand the question and instead of asking for clarity or for the question to be repeated they would say “sure”.

What can I say instead of sure?

  • Synonyms for sure. all right, alright, assuredly, certainly, clearly, definitely, doubtless, easily, forsooth, hands down, inarguably,
  • Words Related to sure. conceivably, likely, perhaps, possibly, probably. obviously, unmistakably.
  • Phrases Synonymous with sure. by all means, by all odds, damn well, for certain, for sure.

Can we say sure for thanks?

There’s no real need for a “thank you” and it is not viewed as rude. Sure means OK in this context. The standard, polite response is simply: “You’re welcome!”

How do you write OK thanks?

  1. That sounds great, thank you!
  2. Great Plan, looking forward do it!
  3. Okay that sounds great to me, let me know if anything changes in the mean time.
  4. Perfect! Thank you for your work on this!
  5. Okay that sounds great! See you then!
  6. Okay, that works for me. Thanks again!
  7. Okay, thank you for letting me know.
  8. Okay, I agree.

How do you reply to a thank you message?

10 English Phrases for Responding to “Thank You”

  1. You’re welcome.
  2. No problem.
  3. No worries.
  4. Don’t mention it.
  5. My pleasure.
  6. Anytime.
  7. It was the least I could do.
  8. Glad to help.

Does sure mean you’re welcome?

In the United States, in a mid-Western regional colloquial usage, or “in the countryside” in general (as in anywhere in the U.S. that is non-urban), the expression “sure thing” can replace “you’re welcome”. This is very casual usage though.

Why do people say sure instead of you’re welcome?

It means they didn’t even expect a thank you, and so feel weird saying “you’re welcome”, because it feels too grandiose for whatever they are being thanked for.

Is it polite to say no problem?

Other terms of politeness, including “no problem,” are also commonly used in this way. The fact is “you’re welcome” and “no problem” aren’t all that different. They can be sincere replies or reflexive expressions of politeness.

Can I say no worries to Sorry?

Explanation: This is very commonly in both regular daily life and in the work place. It can be used after an apology or after someone says thank you. In both cases, it is telling the person that the event was no big deal and it does not require an apology or a thank you.

Is Nevermind rude?

Never mind isn’t rude on its own, but you do want to be sure you are using the right tone of voice when you say it. If you say “never mind” rudely, then it’s obviously going to come across badly. There are so many different ways that you could use “never mind” in a situation.

How do you say no nicely to your boss?

Use these examples to politely say “no” to your employer and coworkers:

  1. “Unfortunately, I have too much to do today.
  2. “I’m flattered by your offer, but no thank you.”
  3. “That sounds fun, but I have a lot going on at home.”
  4. “I’m not comfortable doing that task.
  5. “Now isn’t a good time for me.

Asked by: Dr. Claud Swift Sr.

Score: 4.1/5
(6 votes)

We use the adverb surely to express a degree of certainty. It does not express as much certainty as definitely or certainly. When we use surely, we are hoping that our listener will agree with us: Lisa will surely find a solution to the problem.

Is surely a correct word?

The word surely is an adverb. … An adverb is a word that modifies or describes a verb or an adjective. To help you remember the job of an adverb, think that it ADDS to the verb. The word surely means a good possibility or chance that it will happen.

What is the phrase of surely?

1 : in a sure manner: a archaic : without danger or risk of injury or loss : safely. b(1) : with assurance : confidently answered quickly and surely. (2) : without doubt : certainly they will surely be heard from in the future— R. J. Lifton. 2 : indeed, really —often used as an intensive you surely don’t believe that.

Can we say surely?

«Surely» is an adverb and «hot» is an adjective. Adverbs modify adjectives. «Sure» is an adjective and modifies nouns and pronouns; since this is not the case here «surely» is thus correct AT ALL TIMES, grammatically.

Where do you put Surely in a sentence?

Surely sentence example

  • Surely she would understand. …
  • Surely he should have known she would get suspicious. …
  • You surely did not expect to see that Asiatic capital. …
  • My dear Mr. …
  • Surely he must know that spending so much time with her might prove uncomfortable later. …
  • Surely he must have noticed.

32 related questions found

What kind of word is surely?

We use the adverb surely to express a degree of certainty. It does not express as much certainty as definitely or certainly.

Will surely be or will be surely?

‘Surely’ is an adverb and an adverb should be placed as near the verb, it is referring to, as possible. So the correct sentence should be[b]» Those who practise XYZ religion will be surely protected by the guardian deities.

What is the difference between surely and sure?

Sure is an adjective. It modifies nouns or pronouns. Surely is an adverb. It modifies verbs, adjectives, or adverbs.

Is it surely or surly?

As adverbs the difference between surly and surely

is that surly is (obsolete) in an arrogant or supercilious manner while surely is without fail.

Will surely meaning?

If something will surely happen or is surely the case, it will definitely happen or is definitely the case. [formal] He knew that under the surgeon’s knife he would surely die.

What Shawty means?

Shawty, shorty, or shortie is an American slang used as a term of endearment but also frequently heard as a catcall. … Shawty is a Southern or rather African American variant of shorty, and can also refer to someone of a short height compared to a taller person, a newcomer, a child, or a good friend.

How do you use surely enough in a sentence?

You say sure enough, especially when telling a story, to confirm that something was really true or was actually happening. We found the English treacle pudding too good to resist. Sure enough, it was delicious. I thought she’d recognised me, and sure enough, she came across.

What does surely not mean?

used for showing that you do not believe that something can be true. ‘Did she tell you they’ve split up? ‘ ‘Surely not.

Is Used to be correct grammar?

Because the d and t sounds in used to are blended into a single consonant in speech, people sometimes get confused about the spelling of the phrase. It may be that many people in fact say use to rather than used to, but since the pronunciations are essentially identical, it makes no difference.

Will surely try Meaning?

Informal a declaration of willingness to do what is requested.

Can Sure mean yes?

The most passive-aggressive affirmative phrase is a thumbs up to your face, and a jerkoff motion behind your back. When someone asks you to perform a task, there are many ways to say yes. … Sure is used as “yes,” though it never means “yes.” Sure is a thumbs up to your face, and a jerkoff motion behind your back.

Will surely do synonym?

In this page you can discover 67 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for surely, like: certainly, unmistakably, positively, sure, absolutely, without any doubt, with assurance, certainly not, undoubtedly, without-doubt and beyond question.

What does surly mean?

1 : menacing or threatening in appearance surly weather. 2 obsolete : arrogant, imperious. 3 : irritably sullen and churlish in mood or manner : crabbed.

How do you spell Shirley?

Shirley is a given name and a surname originating from the English place-name Shirley, which is derived from the Old English elements scire («shire») or scīr («bright, clear») and lēah («wood, clearing, meadow, enclosure»).

Is sure informal?

words often confused with sure

Both sure and surely are used as intensifying adverbs with the sense “undoubtedly, certainly.” In this use, sure is generally informal and occurs mainly in speech and written representations of speech: She sure dazzled the audience with her acceptance speech.

Are good or are well?

The rule of thumb is that good is an adjective and well is an adverb. Good modifies a noun; something can be or seem good. … All you need to remember when you are pondering whether good or well is best for your sentence is that good modifies a person, place, or thing, whereas well modifies an action.

What does it mean when someone say sure?

No matter how the question was phrased, if you say Sure, it means «I agree with you and will do as you wish.» Of course, you can say sure sarcastically, as with anything, in which case it usually implies the express opposite: «I do not agree!» or sometimes «I don’t believe you.»

Will surely visit?

Genesis 50:25, “And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visit you, and ye shall carry up my bones from hence.”

What does I surely will mean?

I sure will!: Certainly I will! Of course I will! idiom.

What is which type of part of speech?

There are eight parts of speech in the English language: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. The part of speech indicates how the word functions in meaning as well as grammatically within the sentence.

Hello English learners! Today, I am going to discuss the difference between sure and surely.

Sure is most often used as an adjective. An adjective describes a noun.

The word sure means that the person is certain or it is an affirmation.

Here are some examples:

  • He is sure to do well on the exam.
  • She is sure that the car was stolen from her house.
  • May I borrow your car? Sure!

Now, when the word sure is used as an adverb, it has the same meaning as surely.

However, this can only be used in informal situations.

For example:

  • This soup sure is good!

Note: I would never say this to the President of the United States or any formal situations.

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The word surely is an adverb.

Most of the time, the letters –ly indicate that the word is an adverb.

An adverb is a word that modifies or describes a verb or an adjective.

To help you remember the job of an adverb, think that it ADDS to the verb.

The word surely means a good possibility or chance that it will happen. You are certain that something will happen.

The emphasis is using this word as an adverb. Be careful and you won’t get confused.

Here are some examples:

  • It will surely rain today.

Compare this to

  • I am sure that it will rain today.

The word sure in the sentence is an adjective. You could replace “sure” with other adjectives like happy, sad or mad and the sentence would still make since.

The word surely also means that it is possible to achieve something.

Be careful when using this word because it can be condescending. It is a way of putting emphasis on a task that should not be too difficult.

For example:

  • Surely, you are capable of cleaning up your own room. (This is not difficult to do so don’t pretend you are too tired to do this.)

That is it for sure versus surely. Be sure to check out other posts on the blog!

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The possibility of taking such steps is surely a principal outcome of the end of the cold war.


The concept of»reigning» is surely a part of this»kingdom» theology.

The other aspect of Turkey-Armenia relations for the AKP is surely the Armenian Genocide.


Prologue is surely to have an advanced multi-mode arpeggiator.


There is surely a method in the madness here, but we have yet to discern it.


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В этом безумии, безусловно, есть какой-то метод, однако, его еще предстоит найти.


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The analyzer is surely right, stating that the second condition


always true.


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Анализатор точно прав, заявляя, что второе условие всегда истинно.


Elizabeth’s delight is surely no longer your concern.

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Элизабет восторг, безусловно, больше не твоя забота.

If terrorism has any meaning, then it is surely this.


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If terrorism has any meaning, then it is surely this.


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Of all human rights, the right to life is surely the most precious.


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Из всех прав человека право на жизнь, безусловно, самое дорогое.


Global warming is surely a major problem of our age

and rightly figures as one of the central topics on the agenda of the sixty-second session of the General Assembly.


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Глобальное потепление, безусловно, является самой серьезной проблемой нашего времени

и справедливо занимает одно из центральных мест в повестке дня шестьдесят второй сессии Генеральной Ассамблеи.


The use of administrative data is surely one option in a world of shrinking financial and human resources.


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Использование административных данных, безусловно, является одним из возможных вариантов в условиях сокращения финансовых и людских ресурсов.


Nevertheless, the discovery in February 2004 of a sophisticated and

clandestine nuclear procurement network is surely reason enough for us all to enhance international cooperation to counter proliferation.


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Вместе с тем обнаружение в феврале 2004 года сложной и

тайной сети ядерных поставок, несомненно, является достаточным основанием для того, чтобы все мы укрепляли международное сотрудничество по борьбе с распространением.


The maintenance of international peace and security, is surely one of the noblest of our objectives.


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Поддержание международного мира и безопасности, безусловно, является одной из самых благородных наших целей.


Resumption of the substantive work of the

Conference on Disarmament in Geneva after many years of stalemate is surely a welcome development.


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Возобновление работы по существу на Конференции по

разоружению в Женеве после долгих лет застоя, несомненно, является позитивным сдвигом.


This is surely symptomatic of an enterprise eco-system that emphasises positive encouragement,

angel investment, and guidance from mentors, but that places little importance on selling to customers.


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Это, безусловно, является симптомом предпринимательской экосистемы, которая акцентирует внимание на позитивном стимулировании, инвестиции

бизнес- ангелов и руководстве со стороны наставников, но это не имеет большого значения на продажу продукта клиентам.


One of the mantras most popular

now in the ongoing Doha trade negotiations is surely«development round.


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Одним из наиболее популярных ныне<< заклинаний>>

на переговорах по вопросам торговли в Дохе, несомненно, является<< раунд, касающийся развития.


The realization of economic policies suitable for Africa, for the well-being of urban and rural families alike and

for the preservation of African values is surely an urgent international obligation.


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Осуществление экономической политики, отвечающей потребностям Африки и способствующей росту благополучия как городского,

так и сельского населения и сохранению африканских ценностей, безусловно, является важным обязательством международного сообщества.


The creation of a permanent court that will bring justice to victims of genocide, crimes against humanity,

war crimes and other serious international crimes is surely a priority for us all.


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Создание постоянного суда, который обеспечит справедливость в отношении жертв геноцида, преступлений против человечности,

военных преступлений и других серьезных международных преступлений, безусловно, является приоритетом для нас всех.


Increasing the number of the alternative ways to settle the dispute is surely a positive trend in the procedure law development



a necessary condition for reducing the workload of the court system.


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Расширение набора альтернативных способов разрешения спора является безусловно положительной тенденцией развития процессуального права, выступающей

необходимой предпосылкой для уменьшения нагрузки на судебную систему.


While the ability to 3D print an accurate model is surely a breakthrough, the material options of the Fortus 3D

printer also played a key role in streamlining the process.


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В то время как возможность 3D- печатать точную модель является, несомненно, прорывом, выбор материалов для печати на 3D-

принтере Fortus также сыграл важную роль в рационализации данного процесса.


The main geographical point of interest in Tanzania is surely Kilimanjaro, which


the highest mountain in Africa.


context icon

Главной географической достопримечательностью Танзании является, конечно же, Килиманджаро- самая высокая вершина Африки.


This encounter between England and Wales is surely one of the most unpredictable of the group stage.

context icon

Эта встреча между Англией и Уэльсом является, несомненно, самой неопределенной из всех групповых матчей.

In the end, what counts is surely the enjoyment of human rights rather than a particular constitutional definition.


context icon

В конце концов, главным, конечно же, является не наличие конкретного определения в конституции, а фактическое осуществление прав человека.


Though not explicitly

forbidden by the Financial Regulations of the United Nations, this is surely a bad management practice.


context icon

Хотя это прямо не запрещено финансовыми положениями Организации Объединенных Наций, это безусловно является свидетельством нерационального управления ресурсами.


The restaurant, which is surely part of the complex will treat both Ukrainian and traditional European dishes,

good wine and aromatic coffee.


context icon

Ресторан, который является непременно частью комплекса угостит как украинскими так и традиционными европейскими блюдами, хорошим

вином и ароматным кофе.


There is surely a little grain of truth in such an approach,

since in some dolmens human remains have indeed




context icon

в некоторых случаях находили останки людей.


She noted that denying people the right to meet with their families and friends is surely one of the greatest forms of torture

and collective punishment of civilians.


context icon

Отказ в праве на встречу со своими семьями и друзьями действительно является одной из наихудших форм пыток и коллективного наказания мирных жителей.


Poreč is surely the pearl of Croatian tourism which offers its visitors

a different kind of holiday full of entertainment and events….


context icon

Пореч однозначно является жемчужиной хорватского туризма, где всем посетителям и гостям

предлагают совсем иной отдых- наполненный развлечениями и мероприятиями.


конечно, несомненно, уверенно, обязательно, верно, непременно, наверное, надежно


- часто эмоц.-усил. конечно, непременно

he will surely fail — он наверняка потерпит неудачу; у него, конечно, ничего не выйдет
it surely cannot have been he — это, конечно, был не он; не может быть, чтобы это был он

- несомненно

surely I have met you before — я, несомненно, встречал вас прежде
surely you will not desert me — не бросите же вы меня
you didn’t want to hurt his feelings, surely — вы же не хотели его обидеть

- верно, надёжно

slowly but surely — медленно, но верно

- амер. обязательно, непременно (в ответе)

‘Would you be willing to help?’ ‘Surely!’ — — Можно ли рассчитывать на вашу помощь? — Разумеется!

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Surely I’ve met you before.

Несомненно я встречал вас раньше.

He will surely win.

Он наверняка одержит победу.

She answered quickly and surely.

Она ответила быстро и уверенно.

If you work hard, success will surely follow.

Если усердно работать, успех непременно придёт.

She surely got herself talked about.

Она, разумеется, заставила всех говорить о себе.

Surely no one would be foolish enough to lend him the money?

Надеюсь, ни у кого не хватило ума одолжить ему деньги?

As surely as the leaf fades, so surely shall we fade.

Как должно листьям увядать, так и мы должны увянуть.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

‘most surely’ is the superlative of the adverb ‘surely’

‘more surely’ is the comparative of the adverb ‘surely’

Surely you’re not going to give up? I thought you were made of sterner stuff (=were more determined).

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

leisurely  — неторопливый, медленный, досужий, спокойно, не спеша
sure  — конечно, непременно, безусловно, уверенный, верный, надежный, безопасный

The difference between “sure” and “surely” is that “sure” is an adjective and “surely” is an adverb. While both refer to a kind of solid certainty, they serve disparate grammatical roles. The best way to remember this is the –ly at the end of the word; it’s almost always an indicator of an adverb.

While this can get confusing, it doesn’t have to be. The difference in spelling is the key to recognizing the difference and utilizing them properly. As a tip, whenever you see –ly at the end of any word, it’s more than likely an adverb.

Definition; Use of “Surely”

“Surely” is an adverb to express a sense of definitiveness or certainty. It can also be a comment of surprise or amazement. Whenever you use “surely” at the beginning of a sentence, a comma (,) follows behind it.

  • Certainty: They surely can’t believe the lies that come out of broadcast news.
  • Amazement: Surely, you don’t expect me to trust anything they say on broadcast news!
  • Certainty: Surely, they won’t get further than five feet until they realize their laces are missing.
  • Amazement: Surely, they didn’t realize their laces were missing.
  • Certainty: You will surely ruin Thanksgiving just by burning the turkey.
  • Amazement: Surely, you can’t ruin Thanksgiving just by burning the turkey.

Definition; Use of “Sure”

“Sure” is a perfect adjective to describe something or someone as being certain or definitive about any given topic. However, “sure” can also be an adverb on rare occasions.

  • Adjective:  I was sure I put the keys on the mantle.
  • Adjective: The football team is sure about winning the next game.
  • Adjective: The only sure things in life are death and taxes.
  • Adjective: The ballerina moves about gracefully amid a sure flow of rhythm.
  • Adverb: He sure was angry after running his head straight into a brick wall.

“Sure” has also become a way to respond to a suggestion or thank you.

Mnemonic Device

To remember the difference between “sure” and “surely” is the indication of the –ly at the end. When in doubt, use “certain” or “certainly” as a synonym to see if it works. Also, try to remember the following phrase:

Surely, we can be sure about adverbs versus adjectives.


Understanding the difference between “surely” and “sure” can be a little tricky. But, if you can remember the –ly at the end of “sure” makes it an adverb, it will be as easy as pie.

  • Author
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Conor is the main writer here at One Minute English and was an English teacher for 10 years. He is interested in helping people with their English skills and learning about using A.I tools at work.

  • 1

    1) коне́чно, непреме́нно;

    2) несомне́нно;

    3) твёрдо, ве́рно, надёжно;

    4) (

    обыкн. амер.



    обяза́тельно, непреме́нно ( в ответах)

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > surely

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > surely

  • 3


    surely конечно, непременно; he will surely fail он наверняка потерпит неудачу surely твердо, верно; надежно; slowly but surely медленно, но верно; to know full surely твердо знать surely твердо, верно; надежно; slowly but surely медленно, но верно; to know full surely твердо знать surely конечно, непременно; he will surely fail он наверняка потерпит неудачу surely несомненно; surely I’ve met you before somewhere несомненно я где-то вас видел surely adv (обыкн. амер.) разг. обязательно, непременно (в ответах) surely твердо, верно; надежно; slowly but surely медленно, но верно; to know full surely твердо знать surely несомненно; surely I’ve met you before somewhere несомненно я где-то вас видел

    English-Russian short dictionary > surely

  • 4

    ˈʃuəlɪ нареч.
    1) конечно, непременно Syn: certainly, of course
    2) несомненно surely I’ve met you before ≈ несомненно я встречал вас раньше Syn: undoubtedly, without doubt, without question
    3) твердо, верно;
    4) (обыкн. амер.) разг. обязательно, непременно ( в ответах) «I must go. Can I?» «Surely.» ≈ «Я должен идти. Я могу это сделать?» «Конечно.»
    часто( эмоционально-усилительно) конечно, непременно — he will * fail он наверняка потерпит неудачу;
    у него, конечно, ничего не выйдет — it * cannot have been he это, конечно, был не он;
    не может быть, чтобы это был он несомненно — * I have met you before я, несомненно, встречал вас прежде — * you will not desert me не бросите же вы меня — you didn’t want to hurt his feelings, * вы же не хотели его обидеть верно, надежно — slowly but * медленно, но верно (американизм) обязательно, непременно (в ответе) — would you be willing to help? S.! можно ли рассчитывать на вашу помощь? — Разумеется!
    surely конечно, непременно;
    he will surely fail он наверняка потерпит неудачу
    ~ твердо, верно;
    slowly but surely медленно, но верно;
    to know full surely твердо знать
    ~ твердо, верно;
    slowly but surely медленно, но верно;
    to know full surely твердо знать
    surely конечно, непременно;
    he will surely fail он наверняка потерпит неудачу ~ несомненно;
    surely I’ve met you before somewhere несомненно я где-то вас видел ~ adv (обыкн. амер.) разг. обязательно, непременно (в ответах) ~ твердо, верно;
    slowly but surely медленно, но верно;
    to know full surely твердо знать
    ~ несомненно;
    surely I’ve met you before somewhere несомненно я где-то вас видел

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > surely

  • 5

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > surely

  • 6



    наверно, наверняка

    Surely, I’ve met you before. — Мы наверняка когда-то встречались с вами.

    The plan will surely fail. — План наверняка провалится.

    He will surely win. — Он наверняка одержит победу.


    (1.) Наречие surely употребляется для усиления выражения несогласия с ранее высказанным утверждением: He is over 70. — Surely not. Ему за семьдесят. — Нет, не может быть! Surely he didn’t say such a thing. Не мог он такое сказать;. We’ve surely met before. Но я уверен, что мы где-то с вами раньше встречались. Когда такое возражение не имеется в виду, то усилительное значение передается словом definitely: The paintings were definitely not for sale. Эти картины, безусловно, были не для продажи. The call definitely came from your phone. Звонили, безусловно, с вашего телефона. Для выражения простого согласия используется наречие certainly. Для эмфатического выражения естественности каких-либо событий при данных обстоятельствах употребляется naturally, а не surely или certainly: He refused the invitation and naturally they were upset. Он отказался от приглашения, и они, естественно, были огорчены. (2.) See certainly, adv; USAGE (1.), (2.). (3.) See definitely, adv

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > surely

  • 7


    1. конечно, непременно

    he will surely fail — он наверняка потерпит неудачу; у него, конечно, ничего не выйдет

    it surely cannot have been he — это, конечно, был не он; не может быть, чтобы это был он

    2. несомненно

    surely I have met you before — я, несомненно, встречал вас прежде

    you didn’t want to hurt his feelings, surely — вы же не хотели его обидеть

    3. верно, надёжно

    slowly but surely — медленно, но верно


    обязательно, непременно ()

    would you be willing to help? Surely! — можно ли рассчитывать на вашу помощь? — Разумеется!

    НБАРС > surely

  • 8

    [‘ʃuəlɪ], [‘ʃɔː-]



    а) конечно, непременно

    He will surely win. — Он наверняка одержит победу.


    Surely I’ve met you before. — Несомненно я встречал вас раньше.

    As surely as the leaf fades, so surely shall we fade. — Как должно листьям увядать, так и мы должны увянуть.





    обязательно, непременно

    «I must go. Can I?» «Surely.» — «Я должен идти. Вы меня отпускаете?» «Конечно.»

    2) уверенно, верно; надёжно

    Англо-русский современный словарь > surely

  • 9

    1. наверное, наверняка; 2. не может быть, но ведь
    (1). Наречие surely употребляется для усиления возражения, несогласия с ранее высказанным утверждением:

    He is over 70. — Surely not — Ему за семьдесят. — Нет, не может быть!

    Surely he didn’t say such a thing — Не мог он такое сказать.

    We’ve surely met before — Но я уверен, что мы где-то с вами раньше встречались.

    Когда такое возражение не имеется в виду, то усилительное значение передается словом definitely:

    The paintings were definitely not for sale — Эти картины, безусловно, были не для продажи.

    The call definitely came from your phone — Звонили, безусловно, с вашего телефона.

    Для выражения простого согласия используется наречие certainly. Для эмфатического выражения естественности каких-либо событий при данных обстоятельствах употребляется naturally, а не surely или certainly:

    He refused the invitation and naturally they were upset — Он отказался от приглашения, и они, естественно, были огорчены.

    (2). See certainly, .
    (3). See definitely, .

    English-Russian word troubles > surely

  • 10


    1) конечно, непременно; he will surely fail он наверняка потерпит неудачу

    2) несомненно; surely I’ve met you before somewhere несомненно я где-то вас видел

    3) твердо, верно; надежно; slowly but surely медленно, но верно; to know full surely твердо знать

    4) (




    обязательно, непременно (в ответах)

    * * *

    (d) наверняка; несомненно

    * * *

    конечно, непременно

    * * *

    [sure·ly || ‘ʃʊrlɪ /’ʃʊə-]
    непременно, конечно, несомненно, верно, наверное, уверенно, твердо, надежно, разумеется, обязательно

    * * *








    * * *

    1) а) конечно
    б) несомненно
    в) (обыкн. амер.) разг. обязательно, непременно (в ответах)
    2) твердо

    Новый англо-русский словарь > surely

  • 11

    1. adv эмоц. -усил. часто конечно, непременно

    he will surely fail — он наверняка потерпит неудачу; у него, конечно, ничего не выйдет

    2. adv несомненно

    3. adv верно, надёжно

    4. adv амер. обязательно, непременно

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. certainly (other) assuredly; certainly; cocksurely; confidently; definitely

    2. enduringly (other) enduringly; fixedly; steadfastly; steadily; unqualifiedly; unquestioningly; wholeheartedly

    3. firmly (other) firmly; securely; stably; staunchly; strongly

    5. positively (other) absolutely; beyond doubt; beyond the shadow of a doubt; doubtless; for certain; for sure; inarguably; incontestably; incontrovertibly; indisputably; indubitably; irrefutably; no doubt; positively; undeniably; unequivocally; unquestionably; without a doubt; without doubt; without question

    English-Russian base dictionary > surely

  • 12


    «Are you coming?» «Surely!» — «Ты идешь?» — «Разумеется!»


    «You’ll help her?» «Surely» — «Ты ей поможешь?» — «С удовольствием»

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > surely

  • 13

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > Surely!

  • 14

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > surely

  • 15


    1) Общая лексика: ведь, верно, конечно, наверно, наверняка, надёжно, несомненно, обязательно , твёрдо, уверенно, безбоязненно, знамо дело, знамо, без сомнений

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > surely

  • 16


    конечно, непременно


    обязательно, непременно

    уверенно, верно; надежно

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > surely

  • 17

    конечно; обязательно; надежно

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > surely

  • 18


    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > Surely!

  • 19

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > surely

  • 20








    English-Russian smart dictionary > surely


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Surely — Sure ly, adv. 1. In a sure or certain manner; certainly; infallibly; undoubtedly; assuredly. [1913 Webster] In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Gen. ii. 17. [1913 Webster] He that created something out of nothing, surely… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • surely — [shoor′lē] adv. 1. with assurance or confidence; in a sure, unhesitating manner 2. without a doubt; assuredly; certainly: often used as an intensive emphasizing a supposition [surely you don t believe that!] 3. without risk of failing: chiefly in …   English World dictionary

  • surely — index admittedly, fairly (clearly) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • surely — 14c., from SURE (Cf. sure) ( ) + LY (Cf. ly) (2) …   Etymology dictionary

  • surely — [adv] without doubt absolutely, admittedly, assuredly, beyond doubt, beyond shadow of doubt*, certainly, clearly, come what may*, conclusively, decidedly, definitely, distinctly, doubtlessly, evidently, explicitly, fixedly, for certain, for real …   New thesaurus

  • surely — ► ADVERB 1) it must be true that. 2) certainly. 3) with assurance. 4) N. Amer. informal of course …   English terms dictionary

  • surely — adverb 1 (sentence adverb) used to show that you think something must be true, especially when people seem to be disagreeing with you: You must have heard about the riots surely? | There must surely be some explanation. | Surely we can t just… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • surely — sure|ly W2S1 [ˈʃo:li US ˈʃurli] adv 1.) [sentence adverb] used to show that you think something must be true, especially when people seem to be disagreeing with you ▪ You must have heard about the riots, surely? ▪ There must surely be some… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • surely — [[t]ʃʊ͟ə(r)li[/t]] ♦♦♦ 1) ADV: ADV with cl/group (emphasis) You use surely to emphasize that you think something should be true, and you would be surprised if it was not true. You re an intelligent woman, surely you realize by now that I m… …   English dictionary

  • Surely — Infobox Single Name = Surely Artist = Five Star from Album = Heart and Soul Released = October 10 1995 Format = 7 single, CD single [ Recorded = ] Genre = Pop Length = 4:45 Label = Tent Writer = Doris Pearson, Delroy Pearson Producer = Buster… …   Wikipedia

  • surely — sure|ly [ ʃurli ] adverb ** 1. ) without any doubt: That is surely the stupidest thing I have ever done. 2. ) used for showing that you believe something is very likely: You surely realized we were in when you saw the lights on? Surely she didn t …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English




: without danger or risk of injury or loss : safely


: with assurance : confidently

answered quickly and surely


: without doubt : certainly

they will surely be heard from in the futureR. J. Lifton


: indeed, really

often used as an intensive

you surely don’t believe that

Sure vs. Surely: Usage Guide

Most commentators consider the adverb sure to be something less than completely standard; surely is usually recommended as a substitute. Our current evidence shows, however, that sure and surely have become differentiated in use. Sure is used in much more informal contexts than surely. It is used as a simple intensive

I can never know how much I bored her, but, be certain, she sure amused me

Norman Mailer

and, because it connotes strong affirmation, it is used when the speaker or writer expects to be agreed with.

it’s a moot point whether politicians are less venal than in Twain’s day. But they’re sure as the devil more intrusive

Alan Abelson

he sure gets them to play

D. S. Looney

Surely, like sure, is used as a simple intensive

I surely don’t want to leave the impression that I had an unhappy childhood

E. C. Welsh

but it occurs in more formal contexts than sure. Unlike sure it may be used neutrally—the reader or hearer may or may not agree

it would surely be possible, within a few years, to program a computer to construct a grammar

Noam Chomsky

and it is often used when the writer is trying to persuade.

surely a book on the avant-garde cannot be so conventional

Karl Shapiro


Example Sentences

She answered quickly and surely.

He will surely be missed.

This is surely the best dessert you have ever made.

Surely you must admit that it was a good decision.

Recent Examples on the Web

Greg’s style slowly but surely improving 19.

Town & Country, 4 Apr. 2023

There is surely some truth scattered throughout it.

Alan Sepinwall, Rolling Stone, 3 Apr. 2023

Slowly but surely, a newer angle emerges.

Andy Hoglund,, 2 Apr. 2023

Harris would almost surely face a formidable challenge from Democratic rivals, but starts with considerable advantages, not least her position in the White House and a significant base among Black and female voters, the party’s muscle and backbone.

Mark Z. Barabak, Los Angeles Times, 2 Apr. 2023

The Fed wasn’t at zero when Apple nearly went bankrupt in the late 1990s, but rates were surely falling.

John Tamny, Forbes, 2 Apr. 2023

Vivacious enthusiasm and continued care for their artform will surely carry them for another 60 years.

Lauren Warnecke, Chicago Tribune, 1 Apr. 2023

There will surely be other, unforeseen consequences, none of which are likely to be good.

The Editors, National Review, 31 Mar. 2023

Our legal system is governed by precedent and replete with opportunities for defendants to litigate and appeal many of the issues that Trump will surely advance.

Jennifer Rodgers, CNN, 30 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘surely.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of surely was
in the 14th century

Dictionary Entries Near surely

Cite this Entry

“Surely.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
5 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

surely — перевод на русский


I’m sure they’re loving this.

Уверен, им это нравится.

I am not too sure.

Я не совсем уверен.

Sure we’re supposed to be wearing tuxes, dude?

Уверен, что нам стоило приходить в смокингах?

If it’s any consolation, I’m sure somewhere, deep down, he knew you hated him.

Если тебя это утешит, я уверен, что в глубине души он знал о твоей ненависти.

Because I was afraid of what you would think and because I wasn’t sure if we were going to become close enough — for it to even be relevant. — Oh!

Потому что боялся, что ты можешь подумать обо мне, и потому, что не был уверен, что мы станем настолько близки, что это будет важно.

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Oh, sure. That’d be great. Yeah.

Да, конечно Это будет здорово.

Sure, yeah, yes.

Конечно, да, да.

Oh, yeah, sure, uh, no problemo.

О, да, конечно, без проблем.

Yeah. Sure. (exhales)

Да, конечно.

Surely some of the other contenders felt the same way.

Конечно, некоторые другие соперники чувствовали то же самое.

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He just wants to protect her and make sure that she is happy.

Он просто хочет защитить её и убедиться, что она счастлива.

You got to make sure.

Нужно убедиться.

Yeah, make sure it’s okay to poison it.

Да, убедиться, что можно ее отравлять.

I wanted to make sure that he kept his promise to go away.

Я хотел убедиться, что он сдержал свое слово и уехал.

I just want to make sure.

Просто хотел убедиться.

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I’m sure… she’s got a picture of me on the wall… if I know her… just to get your goat.

Наверняка, у неё висит мой портрет на стене, назло вам, насколько я ее знаю.

Your classmate is surely nearby.

Ваш товарищ наверняка вот-вот вернется.

Mr. Glennister is sure enough on that boat, ain’t he?

Но мистер Гленнистер наверняка на корабле!

— I’m sure you can be a great help to us here.

— Ваши замечания наверняка помогут нам.

I’m sure you’d remember her.

Вы наверняка запомнили бы ее.

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I’m really not sure what rubric you’re using to grade these, but…

Я не знаю, по каким критерия вы оцениваете, но…

Now I know for sure – she loves me!

Теперь я знаю – она меня любит!

Oh, I’m sure this is a very good joke, but I’m awfully busy and…

О, я знаю, такие шутки применяют, но я ужасно занята, и…

Be sure you bring back all the pages too.

Только страницы не драть. Знаю я вас.

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Sure…you hate to lose the girl.

Разумеется… тебе не хочется терять девушку.

Ha-ha-ha. — Sure.


Surely, sir.


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Sure, you will.

Не сомневаюсь.

That fella Tyndall is gonna make trouble, sure as I’m standin’ here.

Этот Тинделл ещё принесёт проблем, не сомневаюсь.

— Yes, I’m sure I would.

Не сомневаюсь.

— I sure will.

— я не сомневаюсь.

Why, I sure will.

ƒа, € не сомневаюсь.

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Ah, we’ll surely see each other again, Kat.

А, мы несомненно встретимся снова, Кат.

— So, this woman, you will surely see her again.

— Хорошо, эту женщину ты увидишь, несомненно.

He’s sure to have influence.

Несомненно влиятельный человек.

I’m sure they would.

Несомненно будет.

If you didn’t see that poor chap in church this morning you heard him, I’m sure.

Все вы были сегодня в церкви. И если не видели того беднягу, то несомненно слышали его.

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Oh, yeah, sure, but…

Ну, да, хорошо, но…

My, my, you sure do smell pretty.

Ох, как ты хорошо пахнешь!

-Sure, sure.

— Очень хорошо.

— Smoke? Yes, sure. — A smoked fish will taste good.

Хорошо, если много дыма, рыба получается вкуснее.

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Sure, those things happen.

Ну, такое иногда бывает.

Surely, you don’t think…

Ну, не думаете же вы…

Sure, you bet.

Ну, конечно!

That sure was a sissy party.

Ну их, этих баб.

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