Is supposing a word

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Otto Armstrong

Score: 4.1/5
(9 votes)

Supposing is a verb — Word Type.

What kind of word is supposing?

verb (used with object), sup·posed, sup·pos·ing. to assume (something), as for the sake of argument or as part of a proposition or theory: Suppose the distance to be one mile.

What type of word is unnecessarily?

not necessary or essential; needless; unessential. noun, plural un.

What do supposing mean?

: if by way of hypothesis : on the assumption that supposing I did agree with you.

Which what type of word is?

The word “which” is an adjective that modifies the noun “coat,” and is thus considered as an adjective.

45 related questions found

Which means sentence?

“Which means” used in a sentence. … If you have a simple sentence, such as “There’s the school“, and you want to extend the sentence to give more information, you can say “which has 2,000 students” and the new, longer sentence is a relative clause. In this example, “which” is related to “my school”.

What type of word is want?

As detailed above, ‘want’ can be a noun or a verb. Noun usage: And well are worth the want that you have wanted. … Verb usage: There was something wanting in the play. Verb usage: That chair wants fixing.

How do you use supposing?

We can also use suppose or supposing as an alternative to what if when we are asking about the consequences of an action: I’m not going to take my umbrella. ~ Suppose it rains?

  1. What if /suppose / supposing we invite Geoffrey to fill the empty place at dinner? …
  2. We haven’t got any cream for the sauce.

What literally means supposition?

1 : something that is supposed : hypothesis. 2 : the act of supposing. Other Words from supposition Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About supposition.

Is supposedly a real word?

Supposably means «as may be conceived or imagined» and is the adverb form of supposable, which means «capable of being supposed or conceived.» On the other hand, supposedly usually means «allegedly.» The words are often conflated when one usually intends to say «supposedly.» … The two words have distinct meanings.

What are the synonyms for unnecessary?

synonyms for unnecessary

  • avoidable.
  • gratuitous.
  • needless.
  • redundant.
  • superfluous.
  • unneeded.
  • useless.
  • worthless.

What is the root word of unnecessary?

1540s, from un— (1) «not» + necessary (adj.).

What are long words called?

sesquipedalian Add to list Share. Use the adjective sesquipedalian to describe a word that’s very long and multisyllabic. For example the word sesquipedalian is in fact sesquipedalian. … Each of those long words is referred to as a sesquipedalia.

What type of parts of speech is to?

The word “TO” can be used as a Preposition and as an Adverb. Take a look at the definitions and examples below to learn how “TO” works as these parts of speech. “To” can be considered as a preposition if it is used to indicate that a noun/pronoun is moving towards something.

What is the correct meaning of the word suppose in the sentence?

To suppose is to assume something without conviction or to assume something without full understanding or knowledge. An example of suppose is when you agree to go to a party you don’t really want to attend by saying you guess you will go.

What is another synonym for supposedly?

In this page you can discover 13 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for supposedly, like: apparently, probably, seemingly, supposably, allegedly, purportedly, believably, ostensibly, despot, ideologist and moralism.

What is supposition and examples?

The definition of a supposition is an assumption. An example of a supposition is when scientists are conducting an experiment and they go in with the assumption that all the people in the study will take their medicine.

What is the difference between assumption and supposition?

What’s the difference between an assumption and a supposition — both nouns that are often taken as synonyms for each other? An assumption is an idea or theory that is usually made without proof. A supposition, on the other hand, has the connotation that the idea or theory is testable and provable.

What is the difference between presupposition and supposition?

As nouns the difference between presupposition and supposition. is that presupposition is an assumption made beforehand; a preliminary conjecture or speculation while supposition is something that is supposed; an assumption made to account for known facts, conjecture.

Can we use suppose and if together?

They don’t go well together. You can say «Suppose I go on a trip to Mexico in the off-season. Will I …?» You could also say «If I go on a trip to Mexico in the off-season, …?»

What is the difference between if and if?

What if means What will/would happen if… You are right when you say it is used in a question. If on the other hand is used to introduce a conditional clause, not necessarily a question.

What is if example sentence?

But what if they want something more exciting? But what if something happens to him? But what if something else were to blame? But what if something goes wrong?

What is v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 grammar?

Answer: v1 is present ,v2 past ,v3 past participate ,v4 present participate, v5 simple present. Smenevacuundacy and 220 more users found this answer helpful. Thanks 140. 3.6.

How do you use want and need?

Want is less important than Need. It might be your desire. Just Imagine that you are shifting to a new apartment. If you are thinking to buy a stove , so that is your need but if you are thinking to buy a stereo player so that is not your need, it is WANT.

Asked by: Rachelle McClure

Score: 4.7/5
(54 votes)

verb (used with object), sup·posed, sup·pos·ing. to assume (something), as for the sake of argument or as part of a proposition or theory: Suppose the distance to be one mile.

What type of word is supposing?

Supposing is a verb — Word Type.

What’s the definition of supposing?

: if by way of hypothesis : on the assumption that supposing I did agree with you.

Is its a noun or verb?

But the possessive its is a pronoun, not a noun, and, like other possessive pronouns ( his, hers, yours, and theirs ), is written without that particular bit of punctuation: I have to fix my bike.

What does I’m supposing mean?

used to show that you think something is true, although you wish that it were not: I suppose (that) all the tickets will be sold by now. [ + (that) ] used when you are annoyed: I suppose (that) you’re going to be late again.

15 related questions found

How do you use supposing?

You can use suppose or supposing before mentioning a possible situation or action. You usually then go on to consider the effects that this situation or action might have. If you suppose that something is true, you believe that it is probably true, because of other things that you know.

What should I do if it were true begin supposing?

Answer: We should act wisely provided it were true. Explanation: this is the most appropriate answer that is without changing the meaning.

What type of word is its?

Its can be a pronoun or an adjective.

Is its a pronoun?

Its is a possessive pronoun meaning, «belonging to it,» or a «quality of it» (Example: The carrier lost its license) or (Example: Its color is red.) And there’s absolutely, positively no such word as its’.

What form of grammar is its?

Its is a possessive form of the pronoun it, meaning belonging to it. It’s is a contraction of the words it is or it has.

How do you use Supposing in a sentence?

1. He was bluffed into supposing I was ill prepared. 2. Supposing he isn’t out, how can I do then?

Where did Supposably come from?

Supposedly comes from supposed, the past tense of suppose. This adjective describes things that were already supposed, or already assumed to be the truth.

What are talons define?

1a : the claw of an animal and especially of a bird of prey. b : a finger or hand of a human being. 2 : a part or object shaped like or suggestive of a heel or claw: such as.

What is another word for perpetually?

Some common synonyms of perpetual are constant, continual, continuous, incessant, and perennial.

What is a synonym for talons?

In this page you can discover 9 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for talon, like: claw, nail, spur, beak, clutches, hook, pincers, pedipalp and snout.

What is a synonym for supposedly?

In this page you can discover 13 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for supposedly, like: apparently, probably, seemingly, supposably, allegedly, purportedly, believably, ostensibly, despot, ideologist and moralism.

Which part of speech is its?

Explanation: It is a personal pronoun, and its is a possesive pronoun relating to personal pronoun it.

What is a pronoun example?

A pronoun (I, me, he, she, herself, you, it, that, they, each, few, many, who, whoever, whose, someone, everybody, etc.) is a word that takes the place of a noun. … There are three types of pronouns: subject (for example, he); object (him); or possessive (his).

IS ITS is an adjective?

In the sentence you read, the word “its” is a possessive adjective meaning “belonging to it.” And the “it” in this sentence is the group. Other possessive adjectives are words like “his, her, my, your, our and their.” These words appear before a noun, like most adjectives in English, and change the meaning of the noun.

Why is there no apostrophe in its?

Its, spelled without the apostrophe, is used to show possession of an item. … You do not need the apostrophe to show possession with this word as it is a possessive pronoun, similar to hers, his, our, yours, and theirs. The spelling of each of the words shows possession without using an apostrophe.

What is if and supposing?

We can also use suppose or supposing as an alternative to what if when we are asking about the consequences of an action: I’m not going to take my umbrella.

Had I known what to do I would have saved much time begin I would have saved much time provided?


How do you transform a sentence?

  1. Transformation of sentences means changing (or converting) the words or form of a sentence without changing its meaning (or sense). …
  2. If an auxiliary is present in the sentence, use the same. …
  3. If an auxiliary is not present in the sentence, use do / does/ did. …
  4. eg.

Предложения с «is supposing»

Near where Abessian Kings their issue Guard, Mount Amara, though this by some suppos’d True Paradise under the Ethiop line.

Рядом с тем местом, где Абессианские Короли охраняют своих потомков, находится гора Амара, хотя это, по некоторым предположениям , настоящий рай под линией Этиопов.

Or worse, what if I found her but I dumped her because she pronounces it, supposably ?

Что если я уже нашел ее, но бросил, потому что она говорит немаловероятно?

Now, supposably , Dennis didn’t see Maureen that night, but remember that Maureen was once Dennis’s…

Предположительно в ту ночь Дэннис не видел Марин но помните, что когда — то Марин была Дэннису…

Well, supposably , these bald-bodies find you attractive.

Ну, предположительно , эти качки считают тебя привлекательной.

Suppose that we can indeed eliminate 90 percent of those accidents, or even 99 percent in the next 10 years.

Представим, что мы сможем сократить число аварий на 90%, или даже 99%, в ближайшие десять лет

And I suppose , like only a teenager could, when I met him, he was this white-haired gentleman, I said to him, Why did you do it?

Мне тогда было интересно, как любому подростку, когда мы встретились, это был седовласый господин, я спросил его: «Почему вы так поступили?

Suppose Country A adopts a carbon dividends plan, and Country B does not.

Пусть страна А принимает план дивидендов за выбросы СО2, а страна Б — нет.

And for non-Nigerians, bottom power is an expression which I suppose means something like a woman who uses her sexuality to get favors from men.

Полагаю, оно относится к тем женщинам, кто через свою привлекательность получает помощь мужчин.

Now, what parallel universe do you suppose I live in?

Вы, наверное, думаете, что я живу в какой — то параллельной вселенной?

I suppose , for me, spit was kryptonite.

Думаю, плевки стали моей ахиллесовой пятой.

That’s all right, I suppose .

Положим, это нормально.

I suppose all the electricity in the neighbourhood is off.

Я полагаю, что электричество ушло по всей округе.

I suppose your next move is to threaten to resign.

Думаю, что сейчас вы будете угрожать мне отставкой.

I don’t suppose it’s that cozy down there.

Не думаю, что там внизу так же уютно.

But he didn’t suppose it would be easy.

Но Харви не предполагал, что побег будет легким.

I suppose Mr Napier will have to manage everything.

Полагаю, что мистеру Напьеру теперь придется все улаживать.

I suppose you’ll immediately turn her over to Quinn?

Я полагаю, что ты немедленно предоставишь ее Куину?

I don’t suppose you’ve thought of a chaperone?

Я так полагаю, что ты не подумала о присматривающем.

I don’t suppose things will get any worse.

Я не думал, что всё будет так плохо.

Don’t suppose they’re just trying to be friendly.

Не думаю, что они всего лишь пытаются быть дружелюбными.

I don’t suppose that he would deal with you?

Не думаю, что он захочет иметь дело с тобой.

Suppose you went to a restaurant, what would you order?

Если бы вы пошли в ресторан, то что бы вы заказали?

My father’s father, who kept, , who was a pharmacist, his wife is still alive, and she stays home, and she’s retired, so, yeah, I guess, they’re all living quietly enough now, I suppose .

Отец моего отца, у которого была, , который был аптекарем, так вот, его жена до сих пор жива, сидит дома, на пенсии, так что по моим предположениям , у них тихая спокойная жизнь.

I suppose , you’ve got many impressions already.

Я полагаю, у вас уже много впечатлений.

I suppose I’ve always had a fondness for, sort of, the great generals, Alexander, or Wellington, or people like that, I suppose .

Я полагаю, что я всегда любил, своего рода, великих полководцев, Александра, или Веллингтона, или подобных людей, я полагаю.

I like art which has a sort of emotional effect on me, I suppose .

Мне нравится искусство, которое оказывает на меня эмоциональное воздействие, я полагаю.

I suppose when we’re dealing with intelligence it’s a question that you can have intelligent animals within a particular species.

Я полагаю, когда мы имеем дело с интеллектом, это вопрос, что вы можете иметь умных животных в пределах определенного вида.

I suppose the worst is always having to put an animal down, put it to sleep.

Полагаю, худшее, всегда когда приходится усыплять животное.

I suppose that ‘afraid’ is one word, ‘being extremely cautious of’, is another.

Я полагаю, что бояться — это одно слово, быть предельно осторожным — это другое.

I did in fact find some births that were quite close to the marriage dates, and that was a little unexpected, but my secret wish, I suppose , was to hope that Dick Shepherd, the highwayman, might have been somewhere in the family tree, but if he is, I haven’t got that far back, but I wouldn’t mind at all.

Я на самом деле нашел некоторые даты рождения, которые были совсем близко к датам свадьбы, и это было немного неожиданно, но мое заветное желание, я полагаю, было бы надеяться, что Дик Шеперд, разбойник, возможно, находится где — то в родословной, и если это так, я не дошел еще так далеко, то я был бы совсем не против.

Security checks are a bit annoying, but it’s a kind of necessary evil, I suppose .

Проверки безопасности немного раздражают, но это своего рода неизбежное зло, я полагаю.

Well, I suppose , this last role that I played is one of the most difficult parts, Tullus Aufidius in Coriolanus, because there were lots of things that were very demanding about the part.

Ну, мне кажется, последняя роль, которую я играл, является одной из самых трудных ролей, Туллус Ауфидий в Кориолане, потому что в этой роли было много вещей, которые были очень требовательны.

I suppose nervous at first but then you settle in and within a couple of minutes and before you know it you lose any kind of awareness of kind of any external factors or anything like that.

Я полагаю, в начале нервничал, но затем вы привыкаете и в течение нескольких минут, прежде чем вы поймете это, вы теряете всякую связь с какими — либо внешними факторами или чем — либо подобным.

Suppose that every day we would have only our favorite lessons.

Пусть бы каждый день были только любимые уроки.

I suppose you’ve got the same sanctimonious disposition.

Я предполагаю, что ты получила тот же ханжеский характер.

But I suppose distant nephew is probably more accurate.

Но я считаю, что дальний племянник гораздо более аккуратен.

I don’t suppose we could call it a draw?

Предположу, что мы не можем назвать это ничьей?

I don’t suppose you could be more precise.

Я не предполагал, что ты можешь быть более точным.

My parents love me and always suppose me.

Мои родители любят меня, и всегда поддерживает.

So, to sum it up, I suppose that my profession will be profitable for me and bring benefits to Russia as a whole.

Итак, в итоге, я полагаю, что моя профессия будет выгодна для меня и принесет доходы для России в целом.

For example, they suppose that people who listen rock music are very clever and reasonable.

Например, они предполагают, что люди которые слушают рок очень умные и рассудительные.

I suppose , it is very pleasant while the frost lasts, an unpleasant time comes when the thaw begins.

Я считаю, что пока длятся морозы, очень приятно, но когда наступает оттепель — приходит неприятное время.

Some people suppose that they are at the centre of the universe, but the world is around them.

Некоторые люди считают, что они в центре вселенной, а мир вокруг них.

It is also a great opportunity to socialize with people who have similar interest (as any sport I suppose ).

Это еще и прекрасная возможность пообщаться с людьми со схожими интересами (как и любой другой спорт, я полагаю).

I suppose I have never had such a good chance to be well-educated as in the era of globalization.

Я думаю, у меня никогда не было лучшего шанса получить достойное образование, чем в эпоху глобализации.

Some suppose that sophisticated gadgets are really useful and necessary, while others find them absolutely awful as they influence people badly.

Некоторые полагают, что сложные гаджеты на самом деле полезны и необходимо, в то время, как другие считают их ужасными из — за их отрицательного влияния на людей.

Suppose that I have a car, and then I will feel very easy because what I need to do is to put all my stuff at the back of the car.

Предположим, что у меня есть машина, и тогда я буду чувствовать себя очень легко, потому что все, что мне нужно сделать, это положить все мои вещи в багажник автомобиля.

Suppose we cloned a man.

Предположим, что мы клонировали человека.

I suppose you will share the opinion that in this historic city modern rules shoulders with the old, the present arises from the past, the great and the small live side by side in mutual tolerance and respect and in every part of its noisy and complex life there is to be found a great affection for old traditions and history.

Я полагаю, вы раздели мнение, что в этом историческом городе современные нормы (др. – правила, уклад) соседствуют со стариной, настоящее рождается из прошлого, великое и незначительное живут бок о бок, выказывая взаимное уважение и терпимость, и в каждом фрагменте его шумной и сложной жизни видна большая любовь к традициям и истории.

I suppose , it gives us a great amount of information and quickly and vividly reflects current and important events on its pages.

Я полагаю, она предоставляет нам большое количество информации и быстро и ярко отражает текущие и важные события на своих страницах.

It is no secret that not all the pupils are satisfied with the methods of teaching, but I suppose that we can see the same situation in every school.

Не секрет, что не все ученики удовлетворены методами преподавания, но я считаю, что мы может наблюдать такую ситуацию в любой школе.

My uncle Vova in fact older than my father is, so I suppose he’s the real head of the family.

Мой дядя Вова старше отца, таким образом, я предполагаю, что он — настоящий глава семьи.

I suppose it’s his little hobby.

Я даже думаю, что это его хобби.

I came to the end of all the books I had brought with me and knowing no Dutch had to buy the schoolbooks from which intelligent Javanese, I suppose , got knowledge of French and German.

Я перечитал все книги, которые привез с собой, и т.к. я не знал датского, то вынужден был купить школьные учебники, по которым образованные жители Явы, полагаю, изучали французский и немецкий.

A brave man and a foolish one, I would say-but I suppose we cannot call a man a fool when he only obeys his orders.

Но разве можно называть человека глупцом, если он всего лишь выполняет приказ?

I don’t suppose you enjoyed those wrestling bouts very much last night.

Не думаю, что вам понравился этот бой вчера вечером.

Don’t suppose you got me a backup generator for Christmas, did you?

Ты случайно не подарила мне на Рождество запасной генератор?

We might even suppose that professors exercise noticeable power in human society.

Мы сможем даже предположить , что профессора обладают заметным влиянием и весом в человеческом обществе.

I suppose this function is the primary reason for your visit.

Я полагаю, что ваш визит вызван именно этим обстоятельством.

My appearance has not improved, so I suppose it was a lucky break when he was attracted by my youthfulness.

Моя внешность не улучшилась, так что мне, наверное, повезло, когда его привлек мой юный возраст.

если, если бы, предположим, что, допустим, что


- если (бы); предположим (что …), допустим (что …)

supposing it rains what shall we do? a — что мы будем делать, если пойдёт дождь?
supposing (that) it were true, how we should laugh! — как бы мы смеялись, если бы это была правда!
always supposing — при условии, что

Мои примеры


to have reasonable grounds for supposing — иметь разумные основания для предположения  
have reasonable grounds for supposing — иметь разумные основания для предположения  
supposing that — как бы не  

Примеры с переводом

Supposing he refuses to help, what do we do then?

А если он вдруг откажется помогать, что мы тогда будем делать?

‘Supposing I had an accident.’ ‘God forbid!’

— Предположим, я попал в аварию… — Боже упаси!

Supposing it were true, how we should grieve!

Как бы мы огорчились, если бы это было правдой!

Supposing it really is a fire!

А вдруг это и впрямь пожар!

Supposing the number of contents and not contents strictly equal in numbers and consequence.

Положим, число голосующих «за» и «против» равно как по численности, так и по значимости.

Возможные однокоренные слова

supposed  — предполагаемый, мнимый

Stage 5 Stage 6

This week we will be looking at the different ways we use the words if, whether, supposing and provided. Most students immediately recognize the word if, as it is a fundamental part of forming the conditionals: the Zero, First, Second, and Third conditionals. Before we go any further, let’s refresh our memory and take a quick look at the conditionals.

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Zero Conditional

We use the Zero Conditional to state facts, and also as a way to refer to a consequence of something. The construction is very simple: if + present + present. Let’s see some examples:

  • If we throw paper into a fire, it burns.
  • If you kill somebody, you go to prison.

First Conditional

We use the First Conditional when we think something is very probable to happen. The construction is: if + present + future simple. For example:

  • If I win the lottery, I will buy a new house.
  • If we don’t do our homework, we will get in trouble.

Second Conditional

We use the Second Conditional when we are only imagining something in the present or future. The construction is: if + past + conditional tense. For example:

  • If I had more time, I would be able to finish the project!
  • If I went to New York next year, I would visit my brother.

Third Conditional

We use the Third Conditional when we are imagining something in the past that did not happen. The construction is: if + past perfect + would have (past participle). For example:

  • If I had known the truth, I wouldn’t have gotten so angry at him yesterday!
  • If my father hadn’t burned the toast, I would have enjoyed it more.

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We can use the word whether instead of if when we want to express a doubt, and when two possible actions have the same result. When we use whether to express a doubt, it is often accompanied by a phrase like “not sure” or “don’t know” or “have no idea” in order to make it clear that there is doubt. Let’s see some examples:

  • I don’t know whether he will come or not.
  • She’s not sure whether we’ll have enough time.

As mentioned above, whether can also be used when two possible actions have the same result. For example:

  • Whether I go to New York or Los Angeles on vacation, I will have a good time!
  • We will proceed with the meeting whether he arrives on time or not.

The above examples demonstrate a simple idea: no matter what the conditions are, the end result will be the same (having a good time, and proceeding with the meeting).


Another word we can use in a conditional construction is supposing. We use supposing when we want someone to imagine something is true, or to imagine a particular thing will happen. We can use this word in both the First Conditional and Second Conditional constructions. Let’s see some examples:

  • Supposing they get here tomorrow, what will we do?
  • Supposing I forgot the number, I would ask my mother to remind me.

Note that when we use supposing, it’s possible to put the word ‘that’ after it, but not necessary.


We can also use the word provided to express a conditional idea. It means ‘on the condition that.’ Another way to say this is ‘if (something) happens.’ Just like supposing, it’s also possible to put the word ‘that’ after it, but it isn’t necessary. For example:

  • I would be very worried, provided that were the case.
  • Provided they have the necessary requirements, I see no reason why we shouldn’t hire them.

Try the exercises to practice what you’ve learned!

A. Edstrom
Callan Team

Harman, G. (2015) “The conditional Tenses” Recursos gratuitos de inglés. Callan School of English.
Edstrom, A. (2016) “The third conditional” Recursos gratuitos de inglés. Callan School of English.

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Mamen es licenciada en Historia por la Universidad de Valladolid. Ha trabajado Técnico de Cultura y programadora de Artes escénicas y en el campo de la arqueología. Implicada desde muy joven en el desarrollo local, cambió de rumbo hace unos años, instalándose en Barcelona para dar un nuevo giro a su vida profesional. Es una apasionada de la literatura, el cine y la ópera.

Mamen has a degree in History from the University of Valladolid. Her passions include literature, cinema and opera.  Mamen has worked as a Culture Technician, a Performing Arts programmer, in the field of archaeology, and she has also been involved in local development since she was very young.
She decided to change course a few years ago, when she settled in Barcelona to begin a new chapter of her professional life.


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suppose | supposing |

As verbs the difference between suppose and supposing

is that suppose is to take for granted; to conclude, with less than absolute supporting data; to believe while supposing is present participle of lang=en.

As a noun supposing is

the act of making a supposition.

Other Comparisons: What’s the difference?





  • To take for granted; to conclude, with less than absolute supporting data; to believe.
  • * {{quote-book, year=1963, author=(Margery Allingham), title=(The China Governess), chapter=15 citation
    , passage=‘No,’ said Luke, grinning at her. ‘You’re not dull enough! […] What about the kid’s clothes? I don’t suppose they were anything to write home about, but didn’t you keep anything? A bootee or a bit of embroidery or anything at all?’}}
  • To theorize or hypothesize.
  • * , chapter=5, title= Mr. Pratt’s Patients
    , passage=Of all the queer collections of humans outside of a crazy asylum, it seemed to me this sanitarium was the cup winner. […] When you’re well enough off so’s you don’t have to fret about anything but your heft or your diseases you begin to get queer, I suppose .}}
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2013-09-06, author= David Cox, volume=189, issue=13, page=30, magazine=(The Guardian Weekly)
    , title= Celebrity rules even Hawking’s universe
    , passage=Just what is supposed to be wrong with the pursuit of fame is not always made clear. Plato disapproved of competition for praise on the grounds that it would tempt the great to bend to the will of the crowd. It is hard to argue with that, and social degradation remains a fear.}}
  • To imagine; to believe; to receive as true.
  • * (William Shakespeare) (c.1564–1616)
    How easy is a bush supposed a bear!
  • * (Bible), 2 (w) xiii. 32
    Let not my lord suppose that they have slain all the young men, the king’s sons; for Amnon only is dead.
  • *
    As a political system democracy seems to me extraordinarily foolish,I do not suppose that it matters much in reality whether laws are made by dukes or cornerboys, but I like, as far as possible, to associate with gentlemen in private life.
  • To require to exist or to be true; to imply by the laws of thought or of nature.
    Purpose supposes foresight.
  • * 1752 , (Charlotte Lennox), (The Female Quixote)
    One falsehood always supposes another, and renders all you can say suspected.
  • To put by fraud in the place of another.
  • Synonyms

    * assume (1,2)
    * See also

    Derived terms

    * supposable
    * supposed to (idiom)
    * supposedly




    (en noun)

  • The act of making a supposition.
  • * 1837 , The Dublin University Magazine
    She could have joined most comfortably in all their supposings , and suspicions, and doubts, and prognostications, but the honour of the family was too nearly concerned to allow free reins to her tongue.
  • Suggestions

    We use suppose, supposing and what if + present verb form to make suggestions about what might happen:


    What time shall we meet?


    Suppose we meet in the offices downstairs at four o’clock?


    That’s perfect. I’ll let the others know.

    Supposing I don’t bring my car and you and I travel together. That would save us half the cost of petrol and parking.


    The electricity has gone. There must be a power cut.


    What if we find the candles and put them around the room?


    Okay. Good idea. Do you know where they are?


    When we are less certain, we use suppose, supposing and what if + past form to talk about future possibility:

    Suppose we asked Mary to baby-sit? Do you think she’d do it? (not as certain as Suppose we ask Mary to baby-sit?)

    Supposing someone else wrote the essay. How would we know? (not as certain as Supposing someone else writes the essay …)


    What if I gave up working full-time. I’d love that.

    When we refer to something that did not happen (something hypothetical), we use the past perfect:

    Suppose we hadn’t brought our umbrellas. (We did bring our umbrellas.)

    Supposing they had closed the road. Would that have been a good idea? (They didn’t close the road.)

    What if I had accidentally told Maria about the party! That would have ruined the surprise. (I didn’t tell Maria about the party.)


    We use be supposed to to talk about obligations and arrangements, not suggestions.

    You are supposed to put money in the parking meter!

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