Is sunglasses one word

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Q: Is sunglasses one word or two?

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  • #1

is it plural or singular?
this sunglasses ? or
these sunglasses

«sunglass» does this word exist? or only sunglasses?

how do you say it?

i apprecciate any help from the masters

    • #2

    It only exists in the plural, like glasses (gafas).

    • #4

    thankyou so much for your help

    • #5

    Yes, they are even referred to as «a pair» even though it’s only one item. Ex: I bought a new pair of sunglasses/eyeglasses.

    PS. It’s the same way with a «pair» of pants.

    • #6

    The word is plural, it doesn’t follow a singular way… just like SmallJosie says take the example of «Glasses».

    Best regards


    • #7

    Hola desde España!

    Tengo una regla (no siempre funciona). Muchos objetos que podrían «partirse por la mitad» en dos partes iguales tienen una única forma, siempre en plural.

    Trousers, pants, glasses, scissors, pliers…

    Un saludo.

    • #8

    gracias por la regla. facil de memorizar y usar!!

    Asked by: Ms. Annamae Beer IV

    Score: 4.5/5
    (39 votes)

    The plural form of spectacle; more than one (kind of) spectacle. Spectacles are a pair of eyeglasses.

    What is the plural of spectacles?

    /ˈspektəkəl ˈस्पेक्टकअल्/ Word forms: spectacles. plural noun. Someone’s spectacles are their glasses.

    Is it or are with spectacles?

    A point to note is that American English almost always treats collective nouns as singular, hence a singular verb is used with it. Nouns which have two parts such as spectacles, scissors or pants require plural verbs. E.g. My spectacles are missing.

    Where is my spectacles or where are my spectacles?

    Yes,you should use «where are my spectacles» or «where are my glasses» . It seems rather informal than where is my pair of glasses.

    How do you use spectacles in a sentence?

    Spectacles sentence example

    1. He felt the tears trickle under his spectacles and hoped they would not be noticed. …
    2. Convex spectacles were invented towards the end of the 13th century. …
    3. I imitated this action, even wearing his spectacles , thinking they might help solve the mystery. …
    4. Pierre looked at her over his spectacles .

    37 related questions found

    Where is my sunglasses or where are my sunglasses?

    Answer 1: Yes, plural or singular is correct. Answer 2: They are sunglasses. .. because sunglasses is a plural noun.

    What we use with glasses is or are?

    ‘Glasses’, ‘sunglasses’, ‘binoculars’ and so on are strictly plural nouns and always take plural verbs. What is unusual about them is that they have no singular: there is no such thing as *’a sunglass’ or *’a binocular’, and *’a glass’ means something completely different.

    Is spectacles a collective noun?

    There is no collective noun. Mark me brainliest! Explanation: (do you mean phenomena or eyeglasses?)

    Is sunglasses singular or plural?

    The noun sunglasses is plural only. The plural form of sunglasses is also sunglasses.

    What is the difference between spectacle and spectacles?

    As nouns the difference between spectacle and spectacles

    is that spectacle is something exhibited to view; usually, something presented to view as extraordinary, or as unusual and worthy of special notice; a remarkable or noteworthy sight; a show; a pageant while spectacles is .

    Do you say a pair of glasses?

    A person’s glasses are two pieces of glass in a frame which they wear to help them to see better. … Glasses is a plural noun. Don’t talk about ‘a glasses’. Instead say a pair of glasses.

    What is the singular form of glasses?

    There is no singular of glasses. The object is referred to as a pair of glasses. It is the same with the word scissors.

    Is sunglasses one word or two words?

    What type of word is ‘sunglasses’? Sunglasses is a noun — Word Type.

    What is the difference between sunglasses and shades?

    Sunglasses are used to shade the eyes from sunlight. … Sunglasses can have prescription lenses like eyeglasses, but they can also have lenses that are not for correcting vision. Shades is an informal word for sunglasses.

    Is sunglasses plural in Spanish?

    sunglasses {only plural}

    gafas de sol {}

    What is pair of spectacles?

    Filters. A pair of lenses set in a frame worn on the nose and ears in order to correct deficiencies in eyesight or to ornament the face.

    What are the 10 examples of collective nouns?

    100 Examples of Collective Nouns

    • a heap of rubbish.
    • a hedge of bushes.
    • a library of books.
    • outfit of clothes.
    • orchard of fruit trees.
    • a pack of cards.
    • a packet of letters.
    • a pair of shoes.

    What are 5 collective nouns?

    Here are some examples of common collective nouns:

    • People: board, choir, class, committee, family, group, jury, panel, staff.
    • Animals: flock, herd, pod, swarm.
    • Things: bunch, collection, fleet, flotilla, pack, set.

    Are the glasses or is the glasses?

    Why Is There Confusion over the Plural of Glasses? Confusion arises because glasses is always plural (even if it’s just one pair of glasses). The word has no plural form to denote two pairs of glasses.

    What is the verb for glasses?

    glassed; glassing; glasses. Definition of glass (Entry 2 of 4) transitive verb. 1a : to provide with glass : glaze sense 1. b : to enclose, case, or wall with glass the sunroom was glassed in.

    Where is or are my pants?

    Pants is always plural. Therefore it’s «my pants are ripped» or «I don’t like them». It’s the same with other plural nouns, like binoculars, glasses, etc. One says «are your glasses alright», not «is your glasses alright», so it makes sense to assume that they are plural, not singular nouns.

    Where is my trousers or where are my trousers?

    Trousers ARE. Just like Glasses, or Pants. You’d have to say «A pair of trousers IS» if you want to use the singular form. Hope this helps.

    Where are my glasses He said change into reported speech?

    Answer : He asked where were his glasses.

    What does sunglass mean?

    1 : a convex lens for converging the sun’s rays. 2 sunglasses plural : glasses to protect the eyes from the sun.

    темные очки


    - употр. с гл. во мн. ч.
    - (тёмные) солнцезащитные очки

    Мои примеры

    Примеры с переводом

    The sunglasses concealed her eyes.

    Солнцезащитные очки скрывали её глаза.

    She was wearing sunglasses and heavy makeup.

    На ней были тёмные очки и толстый слой макияжа.

    You’ll need sunglasses that will cut out harmful UV rays from the sun.

    Вам понадобятся солнцезащитные очки, которые не будут пропускать вредные ультрафиолетовые лучи от солнца.

    She likes to make dramatic appearances wearing her trademark outsize sunglasses.

    Она любит эффектные появления в своих знаменитых огромных солнцезащитных очках.

    Формы слова

    ед. ч.(singular): sunglasses
    мн. ч.(plural): sunglasses

    It’s «a pair of sunglasses» or just «sunglasses». Since the word «sunglasses» is always used in a plural form, it’s incorrect to say «a sunglasses».

    It’s «a pair of sunglasses» or just «sunglasses«. Since the word «sunglasses» is always used in a plural form, it’s incorrect to say «a sunglasses».

    She’s wearing a new pair of sunglasses.

    She’s wearing a new sunglasses.

    My husband likes wearing sunglasses in summer.

    Follow the same convention with the plural nouns glasses, goggles, headphones, and binoculars.

    My sister bought an expensive pair of headphones last Tuesday.

    To introduce these objects, however, we often use a possessive pronoun (my, your, his, her, our, etc.)

    I can’t find my sunglasses.

    If you want to count them, you can use the expressions «two pairs of«, «three pairs of«, etc.

    My sister has four pairs of sunglasses in her room.

    You can also use other common determiners for plural nouns, like «some«, «any«, or «these» (not «this»).

    These sunglasses are particularly designed to eliminate the disabling effects of bright light.

    But use no determiner to speak about «sunglasses» in a general sense.

    Sunglasses are usually worn to protect against ultraviolet and infrared radiation.

    Be also aware that plural nouns, such as sunglasses, take a plural form of a verb, so we say «sunglasses are» (not «sunglasses is»).

    Where are my sunglasses?

    Where is my sunglasses?


    • 1

      Персональный Сократ > sunglasses

    • 2

      Англо-русский синонимический словарь > sunglasses

    • 3

      Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > sunglasses

    • 4


      употр. с гл. во мн. ч.

      НБАРС > sunglasses

    • 5

      очки от солнца, солнцезащитные очки

      Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь > sunglasses

    • 6

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > sunglasses

    • 7

      Сборный англо-русский словарь > sunglasses

    • 8

      (n) солнцезащитные очки

      * * *

      солнцезащитные очки

      Новый англо-русский словарь > sunglasses

    • 9

      Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине > sunglasses

    • 10

      Англо-русский современный словарь > sunglasses

    • 11

      n употр. с гл. во мн. ч. солнцезащитные очки

      Синонимический ряд:

      eyeglasses (noun) bifocals; corrective lenses; eye wear; eyeglasses; glasses; goggles; spectacles

      English-Russian base dictionary > sunglasses

    • 12
      sunglasses bin

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > sunglasses bin

    • 13
      Aviator sunglasses

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Aviator sunglasses

    • 14
      clip-on sunglasses

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > clip-on sunglasses

    • 15
      performance sunglasses

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > performance sunglasses

    • 16
      wrap-around sunglasses

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > wrap-around sunglasses

    • 17
      polaroid sunglasses

      Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > polaroid sunglasses

    • 18
      солнечный очки

      Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > солнечный очки

    • 19
      clip on

      Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > clip on

    • 20

      1. сущ.
      1) а) тень;
      полумрак to throw, cast, put into the shade ≈ затмевать б) перен. непонятность, неясность, неизвестность I have chosen to remain in the shade. ≈ Я предпочел остаться в неизвестности. Syn: obscurity
      2) прохлада, тень in a shade of the forest ≈ в прохладе леса
      3) а) тень, оттенок( в живописи) б) перен. намек;
      незначительное отличие light and shade ≈ светотень, свет и тени тж. перен. dark shade ≈ темный тон delicate shade, soft shade ≈ мягкий оттенок light shade ≈ светлый тон pale shades, pastel shades ≈ пастельные тона, оттенки в) менее удачные места( в литературном произведении) г) печальные, трагические эпизоды (в истории какого-л. государства)
      4) незначительное количество
      5) а) миф.;
      поэт. бесплотный дух;
      тень умершего Syn: ghost б) поэт. незримый, неотступно сопровождающий спутник
      6) экран, щит;
      стеклянный колпак
      7) а) маркиза, полотняный навес над витриной магазина б) амер. штора to draw, pull down shades ≈ задергивать шторы to raise the shades ≈ поднимать шторы window shade ≈ оконные шторы Syn: window-blind
      8) а) физ. защитное стекло( на опт. приборе) ;
      бленда б) амер., разг. солнцезащитные очки, очки от солнца Syn: sunglasses
      9) ист. силуэт, образ Syn: silhouette
      2. гл.
      1) заслонять от света;
      затенять The house is shaded from the midday heat by those tall trees. ≈ Дом защищен от полуденной жары вот теми высокими деревьями.
      2) скрывать, прятать( от взора, взгляда) shaded from view in the southern direction ≈ скрывшийся из виду в южном направлении Syn: veil
      2., obscure
      2. ;
      3) омрачать;
      затемнять, затуманивать His eyes shaded with pain. ≈ Его глаза затуманились от горя. Syn: darken, sadden
      4) перен. а) оставлять кого-л. в тени, опережать Syn: surpass, eclipse б) оттенять( хорошие качества плохими) His good qualities were not a little shaded by an inherent pride of ancestry, and an austerity of manners. ≈ Его хорошие качества ничуть не портились врожденной гордостью, доставшейся ему от предков, и отсутствием хороших манер.
      5) символически изображать( что-л.) Syn: symbolize
      6) тушевать, штриховать to shade the outlines ≈ заштриховать контуры Syn: hatch
      7) незаметно переходить( into — в другой цвет) ;
      незаметно исчезать( обыкн. shade away, shade off) ;
      смягчать( обыкн. shade away, shade down) As the sun set, the sky shaded from blue to pink. ≈ Когда зашло солнце, небо из синего незаметно стало голубым. The leaves shaded into gold and red. ≈ Листья стали золотыми и красными.
      8) амер. слегка понижать (цену) ∙ shade in
      прохлада — in the * (of a tree) в тени (дерева) — 20 degrees in the * двадцать градусов в тени — the trees make a pleasant * деревья образуют приятную тень неизвестность — to be in the * держаться в тени /на заднем плане/ — I have chosen to remain in the * я решил остаться в тени /неизвестным/ — to throw /to put, to cast/ smb., smth. in(to) the * затмить /превзойти/ кого-л., что-л. — to keep smb. in the * оставлять кого-л. на заднем плане — to fall into the * отойти на задний план pl сумерки;
      вечерний полумрак;
      ночная мгла (тж. the *s of evening, the *s of night, evening *s, night’s *s) — the *s lengthen тени становятся длиннее;
      сумерки сгущаются — the *s of evening /of night/ fall спускаются сумерки уединенное место, убежище, сень — in the * of smth. под сенью чего-л. оттенок, тон — material in all *s of blue ткань всех оттенков синего цвета — in dark *s в темных тонах — the same colour in a lighter * тот же цвет более светлого оттенка отличие, нюанс — people of all *s of opinion люди всевозможных убеждений — delicate *s of meaning тонкие нюансы значения — newspapers of every * газеты всех направлений незначительное количество (чего-л.) — a * more немного больше — a * better немного /чуть-чуть, капельку/ лучше — a * uncomfortable немного неловко — I drew my chair a * nearer to her я подвинул свой стул немного ближе к ней тень, намек — a * of annoyance crossed /passed over, came over/ his face по его лицу пробежала /на его лице промелькнула/ тень неудовольствия — there was not a * of humour in his voice в его голосе не было и намека на шутку /на шутливый тон/ — he seemed to feel not a * of doubt that… он, казалось, нисколько не сомневался, что…;
      казалось, у него не было ни малейшего /ни тени/ сомнения, что… обыкн. pl (книжное) бесплотный дух, призрак — the *s of death тень смерти — the * of that which once was great призрак былого величия — among the *s в царстве теней тени — light and * свет и тени — it was a miserable painting without * or perspective это была жалкая мазня без теней и без перспективы экран, щит;
      абажур маркиза, полотняный навес над витриной магазина (американизм) штора — to pull down the * опустить штору козырек — with a green * over my eyes защитив глаза зеленым козырьком pl (разговорное) солнцезащитные очки, темные очки зонтик защитное стекло( на оптическом инструменте) ;
      бленда затенять;
      защищать, заслонять( от света, солнца) — to * one’s eyes (with one’s hand) заслонить глаза (рукой) (от солнца) — a hat that *s one’s eyes шляпа, защищающая глаза ( от солнца) — trees * the street деревья делают улицу тенистой — this spot *d by coconut palms этот уголок, затененный кокосовыми пальмами /тенистый от кокосовых пальм/ затмевать, отодвигать в тень (кого-л.) омрачать, делать мрачным — a sullen look *d his face угрюмый взгляд делал его лицо мрачным — his eyes *d with pain его глаза потемнели от боли штриховать, тушевать;
      класть тени — to * the outlines заштриховать контуры — to * a white spot затушевать белое пятно незаметно переходить (в другой цвет, качество и т. п.;
      тж. * away, * off) — scarlet shading off into pink алый цвет, переходящий в розовый постепенно исчезать (тж. * away) — their superiority *d away их превосходство постепенно сошло на нет смягчать( окраску, манеры, выражения и т. п.;
      тж. * away, * down) — a touch of coarseness in his manners has since *d down с того времени он стал мягче /манеры его утратили прежнюю грубость/ (американизм) слегка уменьшать — they *d the price они сбавили /снизили/ цену
      shade миф., поэт. бесплотный дух;
      тень умершего;
      among the shades в царстве теней
      ~ тень, прохлада;
      in the shade of a tree в тени дерева
      ~ тень;
      light and shade жив. свет и тени (тж. перен.) ;
      to throw (или to cast, to put) into the shade затмевать
      people of all shades of opinion люди самых разных убеждений;
      there is not a shade of doubt нет и тени сомнения
      shade миф., поэт. бесплотный дух;
      тень умершего;
      among the shades в царстве теней ~ заслонять от света;
      затенять ~ затенять ~ защитное стекло (на опт. приборе) ;
      бленда ~ маркиза, полотняный навес над витриной магазина ~ незаметно переходить (into — в другой цвет) ;
      незаметно исчезать (обыкн. shade away, shade off) ;
      смягчать (обыкн. shade away, shade down) ~ незначительное количество;
      a shade better чуть-чуть лучше ~ омрачать;
      затуманивать ~ оттенок ~ амер. слегка понижать (цену) ~ тень, прохлада;
      in the shade of a tree в тени дерева ~ тень, намек;
      оттенок, нюанс;
      незначительное отличие;
      silks in all shades of blue шелковые нитки всех оттенков синего цвета ~ тень;
      light and shade жив. свет и тени (тж. перен.) ;
      to throw (или to cast, to put) into the shade затмевать ~ тень ~ амер. штора ~ штриховать, тушевать ~ штриховать ~ экран, щит;
      стеклянный колпак ~ экранировать
      ~ незначительное количество;
      a shade better чуть-чуть лучше
      ~ тень, намек;
      оттенок, нюанс;
      незначительное отличие;
      silks in all shades of blue шелковые нитки всех оттенков синего цвета
      people of all shades of opinion люди самых разных убеждений;
      there is not a shade of doubt нет и тени сомнения
      ~ тень;
      light and shade жив. свет и тени (тж. перен.) ;
      to throw (или to cast, to put) into the shade затмевать

      Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > shade

    См. также в других словарях:

    • sunglasses — 1917, from SUN (Cf. sun) + GLASSES (Cf. glasses). Earlier sunglass (1804) meant a burning glass …   Etymology dictionary

    • sunglasses — ► PLURAL NOUN ▪ glasses tinted to protect the eyes from sunlight or glare …   English terms dictionary

    • Sunglasses — For the Divine Brown song, see Sunglasses (song). Wearing sunglasses under direct sunlight: Large lenses offer good protection, but broad temple arms are also needed against stray light from the sides. Sunglasses or sun glasses are a form of… …   Wikipedia

    • sunglasses — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ dark ▪ aviator, wrap around ▪ mirrored ▪ designer ▪ cool, stylish …   Collocations dictionary

    • sunglasses — UK [ˈsʌnˌɡlɑːsɪz] / US [ˈsʌnˌɡlæsəz] noun [plural] Word forms sunglasses : singular sunglasses plural sunglasses glasses with dark lenses that you wear to protect your eyes when the sun is bright …   English dictionary

    • sunglasses — [[t]sʌ̱nglɑːsɪz, glæs [/t]] N PLURAL: also a pair of N Sunglasses are glasses with dark lenses which you wear to protect your eyes from bright sunlight. She slipped on a pair of sunglasses. Syn: dark glasses …   English dictionary

    • Sunglasses — Sunglass Sun glass , n.; pl. {Sunglasses}. A convex lens of glass for producing heat by converging the sun s rays into a focus. Lighting a cigar with a sunglass. Hawthorne. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • Sunglasses — Lunettes de soleil Lunettes de soleil Les lunettes de soleil sont un instrument permettant de protéger les yeux du soleil, et parfois de corriger la vue par la même occasion. Du fait de la multitude des formes, des couleurs et des matières, elles …   Wikipédia en Français

    • Sunglasses at Night — is the platinum selling song recorded by Corey Hart. It was the first single to be released off his debut album, 1983 s First Offense , and became the lead hit single, rising to #7 on the Billboard Hot 100. The song is considered by many to be a… …   Wikipedia

    • sunglasses — /sun glas iz, glah siz/, eyeglasses with colored or tinted lenses that protect the eyes from the glare of sunlight. [1800 10; SUN + GLASSES] * * * …   Universalium

    • sunglasses — noun Tinted glasses worn to protect the eyes from the sun. Syn: shades, sunnies …   Wiktionary

    sunglasses — перевод на русский

    I said, dumbbell, I said, I got me a brand-new pair of sunglasses.

    Я сказала, тупица, сказала, что у меня теперь новенькие очки.

    I said, I got me a brand-new pair of sunglasses.

    Сказала, что у меня теперь новенькие очки.

    You can’t take off your sunglasses at night.

    Вы даже ночью не снимаете свои очки.

    Take off your sunglasses!

    Снимите свои очки!

    Hey, man, we want them sunglasses back!

    Дружище положи очки на место!

    Показать ещё примеры для «очки»…

    He had sunglasses.

    У него были солнечные очки.

    «Joo Janta 200 SuperChromatic Peril-Sensitive sunglasses. «To help you develop a relaxed attitude to danger.

    Joo Janta 200 —упер ÷ветовые солнечные очки с детектором опасности помогают ¬ам научитьс€ расслабл€тьс€ в опасные моменты жизни.

    Sunglasses on Nagata!

    Солнечные очки на Нагату!

    — Wearing sunglasses.

    солнечные очки.

    that can only be seen with sunglasses.

    это видно только через солнечные очки.

    Показать ещё примеры для «солнечные очки»…

    They’re sunglasses.

    Это солнцезащитные очки.

    On the seat next to you are gloves, A blindfold and sunglasses.

    Рядом с вами перчатки, повязка и солнцезащитные очки.

    One the seat next to you are gloves, A blindfold, and sunglasses.

    Рядом с вами перчатки, повязка и солнцезащитные очки.

    I was wondering why you needed sunglasses at night. sir!

    Я интересовался, зачем Вам ночью нужны солнцезащитные очки?

    The truth? I never wore sunglasses at all until you guys enlisted.

    По правде, пока вы не призвались, я даже днём никогда не надевал солнцезащитные очки.

    Показать ещё примеры для «солнцезащитные очки»…

    People have to wear sunglasses.

    Люди должны носить тёмные очки.

    This one here wore sunglasses, smelt like a goat.

    Вот этот носил темные очки и вонял как козел.

    Sunglasses, sun lotion, water wings…

    Тёмные очки, солнцезащитный лосьон,

    I can’t see much through my sunglasses.

    Через тёмные очки видно очень плохо.

    You put on sunglasses and come right out in the open.

    Надел тёмные очки и ходит в открытую.

    Показать ещё примеры для «тёмные очки»…

    Maybe they were sunglasses!

    Может, солнечные.

    No, just sunglasses I bought in a store.

    — Нет, это солнечные, я просто так купил.

    I’ll put soon a pair of sunglasses as well.

    Я надеваю и солнечные очки.

    Did I leave my sunglasses in here?

    — Я не оставляла у тебя солнечные очки?

    — Those are sunglasses.

    — Это солнечные очки.

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    Give me those sunglasses.

    Дай мне солнцезащитные очки.

    Why Seymour, it seems I left my sunglasses on the bus.

    Сеймур, похоже я оставил солнцезащитные очки в автобусе.

    You say it was too dark, and then you just took off your sunglasses?

    Ты говорил что слишком темно, а потом взял и снял солнцезащитные очки?

    — I forgot my sunglasses.

    — Я забыла солнцезащитные очки.

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    Could you give me my sunglasses?

    Можешь дать мне очки от солнца?

    We have to find the perfect place. I would settle for finding my sunglasses.

    — Я буду рада, если найду свои очки от солнца.

    when we were together… You took my sunglasses.

    когда мы были вместе… ты забрала мои очки от солнца.

    And I need sunglasses.

    Мне нужны очки от солнца.

    Sunglasses from the crime scene.

    Очки от солнца на сцене преступления.

    Показать ещё примеры для «очки от солнца»…

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    I love sunglasses, I have all shapes and colors.

    Alessandra Ambrosio





    Sunglasses is a noun.

    A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.




    Sunglasses or sun glasses are a form of protective eyewear designed primarily to prevent bright sunlight and high-energy visible light from damaging or discomforting the eyes. They can sometimes also function as a visual aid, as variously termed spectacles or glasses exist, featuring lenses that are colored, polarized or darkened. In the early 20th century they were also known as sun cheaters. Healthcare professionals recommend eye protection whenever the sun comes out to protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation and blue light, which can cause several serious eye problems. Its usage is mandatory immediately after some surgical procedures such as IntraLASIK and recommended for a certain time period in dusty areas, when leaving the house and in front of a TV screen or computer monitor after LASEK. Sunglasses have long been associated with celebrities and film actors primarily from a desire to mask their identity. Since the 1940s sunglasses have been popular as a fashion accessory, especially on the beach.

    Definition of sunglasses in the English dictionary

    The definition of sunglasses in the dictionary is glasses with darkened or polarizing lenses that protect the eyes from the sun’s glare.


    Synonyms and antonyms of sunglasses in the English dictionary of synonyms

    Translation of «sunglasses» into 25 languages

    online translator


    Find out the translation of sunglasses to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

    The translations of sunglasses from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «sunglasses» in English.

    Translator English — Chinese


    1,325 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Spanish

    gafas de sol

    570 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Hindi

    धूप का चश्मा

    380 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Arabic

    نَظَّاراتٌ شَمْسِيَّة

    280 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Russian

    солнцезащитные очки

    278 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Portuguese

    óculos de sol

    270 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Bengali


    260 millions of speakers

    Translator English — French

    lunettes de soleil

    220 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Malay

    Cermin mata hitam

    190 millions of speakers

    Translator English — German


    180 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Japanese


    130 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Korean


    85 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Javanese

    Kacamata hitam

    85 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Vietnamese

    kính râm

    80 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Tamil


    75 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Marathi


    75 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Turkish

    Güneş gözlüğü

    70 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Polish

    okulary przeciwsłoneczne

    50 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Ukrainian

    сонцезахисні окуляри

    40 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Romanian

    ochelari de soare

    30 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Greek

    γυαλιά ηλίου

    15 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Afrikaans


    14 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Swedish


    10 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Norwegian


    5 millions of speakers

    Trends of use of sunglasses


    The term «sunglasses» is very widely used and occupies the 5.584 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



    Very widely used

    The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «sunglasses» in the different countries.

    Principal search tendencies and common uses of sunglasses

    List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «sunglasses».


    The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «sunglasses» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «sunglasses» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

    Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about sunglasses


    Famous quotes and sentences with the word sunglasses.

    Some movie stars wear their sunglasses even in church. They’re afraid God might recognize them and ask for autographs.

    I love sunglasses, I have all shapes and colors.

    Apparently, I’m very good at firing a gun without blinking, which is unusual. That’s why so many action characters have to wear sunglasses during shoot-out scenes. That’s my party trick.

    I never go out during the day without sunglasses.

    The only reason we wore sunglasses onstage was because we couldn’t stand the sight of the audience.

    I am very much a person who appreciates perennial things. Things like a Lacoste shirt, a Clarks desert boot, Persol sunglasses and Vans shoes that have been the same forever. There are certain things that once you find it, you like it and it’s done. I like Italian clothing, like suits from Battistoni and I have a shirt by Piero Albertelli.

    Being stuck in airports, you always end up buying perfume and sunglasses.

    I met Jack Nicholson when I was about 10 at a party of my uncle’s, and it wasn’t so much that I knew his films because I was small, but he wore sunglasses inside at night and I thought that must mean he was very important and was suitably star struck by his charismatic presence.

    Putting on a new pair of glasses or sunglasses is a simple way to completely transform your look — just like a new hairstyle.

    Miami is just really fun whenever I go there. It’s like this post-apocalyptic Barbie world: everything is pink, and there’re palm trees everywhere. But then there are also all these people in crazy sunglasses, warehouses with sick parties where all the girls are covered in spikes and black leather. It’s a very weird place.


    Discover the use of sunglasses in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to sunglasses and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


    Pete the Cat and His Magic Sunglasses

    Pete the Cat is back in New York Times bestselling artist James Dean’s picture book Pete the Cat and His Magic Sunglasses, written by Kimberly Dean.

    James Dean, Kimberly Dean, 2013


    The Meaning of Sunglasses: And a Guide to Almost All Things …

    With both an insider’s relish and a layman’s exasperation, The Meaning of Sunglasses offers an encyclopedia of style that celebrates the joys, the silliness, and the occasional insanity of this relentlessly fascinating world.

    Here’s what to look for in sunglasses— and why you need a pair that’ll do the job
    By RICHARD DAY This article has been reviewed /or accuracy by the American
    Optometric and American Medical Associations. If you buy sunglasses for style …


    Pirates Don’t Wear Pink Sunglasses

    At Camp Lone Wolf, the Bailey kids suspect that the camp director is a werewolf. What’s more, the newest member of the camp staff, Captain Teach, thinks he’s a pirate. Includes line drawings. Chapter Book: 13 chapters.

    Debbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton Jones, 2007

    Sunglasses After Dark, by award-winning author Nancy A. Collins, tells the story of a punk female vampire/vampire-hunter searching for the man responsible turning her into one of the undead One spring night in London, heiress Denise Thorne …


    Cycles and Sunglasses: The 7 Paradigms of Life Here on Earth

    Intr. U. n. lnnl. In my mind, life works in cycles. Such cycles are contracting,
    expanding or constant. What cycle we experience, depends on our point of view.
    For example: Let us see if the day cycle on Earth is contracting, expanding or
    constant …

    Heinrich Kleinschmidt, 2004


    Camping & Wilderness Survival: The Ultimate Outdoors Book

    Sunglasses Sunglasses always should be worn on bright days when the ground
    is covered with snow. They are designed to protect the eyes against sun glare
    and blowing snow. If not used, snow blindness may result.They should be used …


    Heaven-Colored Sunglasses

    Sunglasses. Front Cover.

    The manwith the brass knuckles staggered backward, his sunglasses askew.
    Blood dribbled down his chin. The second man drew ablackjack from his coat
    pocket. “Wexler didn’tsaynothin’about him beingafuckin’ linebacker,” growled the
    man …


    Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term sunglasses is used in the context of the following news items.

    Boy with ears made from his ribs gets OK to wear sunglasses

    His ears had healed just fine and he could now sport a pair of sunglasses just in time for summer. «Awesome,» Sorkin exclaimed, according to The Guardian, and … «CNET, Jun 15»

    Thieves swipe sunglasses, leave behind $1 million

    «Someone broke into our car a few weeks ago and stole a pair of sunglasses,» the couple said in a Wednesday news release. «The stolen sunglasses were … «KOMO News, May 15»

    In Naxal zone, a crackdown on sunglasses

    The Chhattisgarh government has issued a written warning to Bastar collector for wearing sunglasses while addressing PM Modi. «The Indian Express, May 15»

    Court lifts contempt ruling in Polo sunglasses dispute

    A federal appeals court says the United States Polo Association cannot be held in contempt for selling sunglasses with a logo that resembles Polo Ralph … «KY3, May 15»

    Rand Paul and Harry Reid Fist-Bump and Wear Sunglasses on …

    Reid, 75, was already wearing sunglasses at the time, as he is recovering from eye surgery following a New Year’s Day exercising accident. You can watch the … «People Magazine, Apr 15»

    Fort Worth man fatally shot 29-year-old man over sunglasses, police …

    Wyatt was sitting in a vehicle parked in front of Jackson’s house when the men got into an argument over a pair of sunglasses Jackson sold Wyatt. Wyatt died at … «Dallas Morning News, Apr 15»

    That Time Harry Reid Wore Dark Sunglasses to a News Conference

    Orthman noted Reid normally wears prescription glasses and that the sunglasses also have a prescription, allowing him to see properly out of his left eye. «ABC News, Feb 15»

    Anna Wintour keeps her sunglasses on throughout the Oscars and …

    She’s the undisputed queen of style but Anna Wintour raised eyebrows at the Oscars as she stuck to her signature shades and fur throughout the ceremony. «, Feb 15»

    $30000 worth of sunglasses stolen from St. Clair Square Mall business

    Fairview Heights Police are looking for the person who took $30,000 worth of sunglasses from The Sunglass Hut at St. Clair Square Mall this Sunday. «, Feb 15»

    New Lens Could Turn Eyeglasses to Sunglasses Within Seconds …

    … lenses, which also give the wearers the ability to customize the hues of the lenses, which would allow the eyewear to look like fashionable sunglasses. «Tech Times, Jan 15»


    « EDUCALINGO. Sunglasses [online]. Available <>. Apr 2023 ».

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