Is stupider a word in the dictionary

A leading principle in learning grammar is that there are no stupid questions. However, there can be questions about the word stupid.

That brings us to the topic of today’s post: Is stupider really a word? Or would it be better grammar to say more stupid?

Neither is very polite, and the answers might surprise you.

The Smart Answer to the Stupider Question

As surprising as it might be to some, stupider is actually a proper word. Many people will claim it’s incorrect and prefer the term more stupid, but either is valid.

To understand why this is, there are a couple of things to know.

First, lots of short, one-syllable words get -er endings to indicate a greater degree or quantity (also known as comparative language). For instance, big becomes bigger, short becomes shorter, thin becomes thinner, and so on.

Longer, three-syllable comparative words are generally treated differently. Instead of -er endings, they are prefaced by “more” when a difference of degree is noted. That’s why we write more coordinated instead of coordinateder or more musical rather than musicaler. Aside from being difficult to speak, the wrong versions of these words would grind a sentence to a halt.

Two-syllable comparative words can fall under both categories. Tidy can become tidier, for instance, but careful is formed as more careful. Some words, such as stupid, can be used either way.

There are exceptions to these guidelines, of course, and explaining the nuances would require a further look into linguistics. For the sake of simplicity here, we will simply point out that this is a case where grammar follows speech patterns. It’s simply easier to say that something is prettier than it is to describe it as more pretty; more dangerous is easier to hear and understand than dangerouser.

One More Not-So-Stupid Detail

While we are on the subject, it’s worth pointing out that when writing or speaking comparatively, it’s also acceptable to use either stupidest or most stupid. That should make sense, given what you know about the other comparative qualities of the word.

So, while it might not be very nice to refer to something as stupid, you are well within your grammatical rights to refer to it as stupider, more stupid, most stupid, or even the stupidest.

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 (sto͞o′pĭd, styo͞o′-)

adj. stu·pid·er, stu·pid·est

1. Slow to learn or understand; obtuse.

2. Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes.

3. Marked by a lack of intelligence or care; foolish or careless: a stupid mistake.

4. Dazed, stunned, or stupefied: felt stupid after taking the pain medication.

5. Used to express disparagement or exasperation: Take your stupid notebook and go home.


A stupid or foolish person.

[Latin stupidus, from stupēre, to be stunned.]

stu′pid·ly adv.

stu′pid·ness n.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. lacking in common sense, perception, or normal intelligence

2. (usually postpositive) stunned, dazed, or stupefied: stupid from lack of sleep.

3. having dull mental responses; slow-witted

4. trivial, silly, or frivolous


informal a stupid person

[C16: from French stupide, from Latin stupidus silly, from stupēre to be amazed]

ˈstupidly adv

ˈstupidness n

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈstu pɪd, ˈstyu-)

adj. -er, -est,
n. adj.

1. lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind; dull.

2. characterized by or proceeding from mental dullness; foolish; senseless: a stupid question.

3. tediously dull, esp. due to lack of meaning or sense; inane; pointless: a stupid party.

4. annoying or irritating; troublesome: Turn off that stupid radio.

5. in a state of stupor; stupefied: stupid from fatigue.

6. Slang. excellent; terrific.


7. Informal. a stupid person.

[1535–45; < Latin stupidus=stup(ēre) to be numb or stunned + -idus -id4]

stu′pid•ly, adv.

stu′pid•ness, n.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. stupid - a person who is not very brightstupid — a person who is not very bright; «The economy, stupid!»

dolt, dullard, pillock, poor fish, pudden-head, pudding head, stupe, stupid person

berk — a stupid person who is easy to take advantage of

blockhead, bonehead, dumbass, dunce, dunderhead, hammerhead, knucklehead, loggerhead, lunkhead, muttonhead, numskull — a stupid person; these words are used to express a low opinion of someone’s intelligence

klutz — (Yiddish) a clumsy dolt

simpleton, simple — a person lacking intelligence or common sense

Adj. 1. stupid — lacking or marked by lack of intellectual acuity

unintelligent, stupid — lacking intelligence; «a dull job with lazy and unintelligent co-workers»

smart — showing mental alertness and calculation and resourcefulness

2. stupid — in a state of mental numbness especially as resulting from shock; «he had a dazed expression on his face»; «lay semiconscious, stunned (or stupefied) by the blow»; «was stupid from fatigue»

dazed, stupefied, stunned

confused — mentally confused; unable to think with clarity or act intelligently; «the flood of questions left her bewildered and confused»

3. stupid — lacking intelligence; «a dull job with lazy and unintelligent co-workers»


stupid — lacking or marked by lack of intellectual acuity

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. unintelligent, thick, dumb (informal), simple, slow, dull, dim, dense, sluggish, deficient, crass, gullible, simple-minded, dozy (Brit. informal), witless, stolid, dopey (informal), moronic, obtuse, brainless, cretinous, half-witted, slow on the uptake (informal), braindead (informal), dumb-ass (slang), doltish, dead from the neck up, thickheaded, slow-witted, Boeotian, thick as mince (Scot. informal), woodenheaded (informal) I’m not stupid, you know.
unintelligent bright, smart, intelligent, quick, sharp, brilliant, wise, clever, sensible, shrewd, astute, on the ball (informal), lucid, brainy, clear-headed, quick-witted, quick on the uptake

2. silly, foolish, daft (informal), rash, trivial, ludicrous, meaningless, irresponsible, pointless, futile, senseless, mindless, laughable, short-sighted, ill-advised, idiotic, fatuous, nonsensical, half-baked (informal), inane, crackpot (informal), unthinking, puerile, unintelligent, asinine, imbecilic, crackbrained I wouldn’t call it art. It’s just stupid and tasteless. You won’t go and do anything stupid, will you?
silly wise, sensible, shrewd, reasonable, realistic, thoughtful, prudent, astute, well-thought-out

3. senseless, dazed, groggy, into oblivion, punch-drunk, insensate, semiconscious, into a daze She would drink herself stupid.

«He that reads and grows no wiser seldom suspects his own deficiency, but complains of hard words and obscure sentences, and asks why books are written which cannot be understood» [Dr. Johnson The Idler]
«Nothing sways the stupid more than arguments they can’t understand» [Cardinal De Retz Mémoirs]

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. Lacking mental and physical alertness and activity:

2. Lacking in intelligence:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


أحْمَق، غَبيغَبي، مَخْبولغَبِيّ







heimskur; heimskulegursljór, sinnulaus









ngu xuẩn




1. (= unintelligent) [person] → estúpido, tonto, imbécil; [question, remark, idea] → estúpido, tonto; [mistake, game] → tonto, bobo
don’t be (so) stupidno seas tonto
I’ll never do anything so stupid againnunca volveré a cometer semejante estupidez
don’t do anything stupid, will you?no vayas a hacer alguna tontería ¿eh?
it’s stupid to leave money lying aroundes una estupidez or es de tontos dejar el dinero a la vista de todos
to act stupid (= pretend to be stupid) → hacerse el tonto; (= behave stupidly) → hacer el tonto
she looks stupid in that hat, that hat looks stupid on herestá ridícula con ese sombrero
it looks stupidse ve ridículo, queda ridículo
to make sb look stupiddejar a algn en ridículo
it was stupid of youfue una tontería por tu parte, ¡qué tonto or imbécil fuiste!
it was stupid of me to say thatfui tonto al decir esocometí una estupidez al decir eso
it was a stupid thing to dofue una tontería or una estupidez
that’s the stupidest thing I ever heardjamás he oído semejante tontería or estupidez
see also plain B1

B. N (as excl) don’t do that, stupid!¡no hagas eso, imbécil!
come on, stupid! (said affectionately) → ¡venga bobo!

C. ADV don’t talk stupid!¡no digas tonterías or estupideces!

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005



dumm; (= foolish also, boring, wretched)blöd(e) (inf); don’t be stupidsei nicht so blöd (inf); I’ve done a stupid thingich habe etwas ganz Dummes or Blödes (inf)gemacht; you stupid idiot!du blöder Idiot!; you stupid little man!Sie Blödmann! (inf); take that stupid look off your faceguck nicht so dumm or blöd (inf)!; that was stupid of youdas war dumm (von dir); that was a stupid thing to dodas war dumm; it was stupid of me (to say anything)es war blöd von mir (etwas zu sagen); I was stupid to do thates war dumm von mir, das zu tun; you would be stupid to move to Londondu wärst ja dumm or blöd (inf), → wenn du nach London ziehen würdest; to make somebody look stupidjdn blamieren; to be so stupid or to be stupid enough as to do somethingdumm genug sein, etw zu tun; it is the stupidest thing I’ve ever done/hearddas ist das Dümmste, was ich jemals getan/gehört habe

adv (inf) to talk stupidQuatsch reden (inf); to act stupidsich dumm stellen

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈstjuːpɪd] adj (gen) → stupido/a; (person) → stupido/a, sciocco/a; (from sleep, drink) → intontito/a, istupidito/a
that was stupid of you, that was a stupid thing to do → hai fatto una stupidaggine
he drank himself stupid last night → era ubriaco fradicio ieri sera

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈstjuːpid) adjective

1. foolish; slow at understanding. a stupid mistake; He isn’t as stupid as he looks.

2. in a bewildered or dazed state. He was (feeling) stupid from lack of sleep.

ˈstupidly adverbstuˈpidity noun

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


غَبِيّ hloupý dum dumm κουτός estúpido typerä stupide glup stupido 愚かな 바보같은 dom dum głupi estúpido бестолковый dum โง่ aptal ngu xuẩn 愚蠢的

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. estúpido-a, imbécil.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


 (sto͞o′pĭd, styo͞o′-)

adj. stu·pid·er, stu·pid·est

1. Slow to learn or understand; obtuse.

2. Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes.

3. Marked by a lack of intelligence or care; foolish or careless: a stupid mistake.

4. Dazed, stunned, or stupefied: felt stupid after taking the pain medication.

5. Used to express disparagement or exasperation: Take your stupid notebook and go home.


A stupid or foolish person.

[Latin stupidus, from stupēre, to be stunned.]

stu′pid·ly adv.

stu′pid·ness n.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. lacking in common sense, perception, or normal intelligence

2. (usually postpositive) stunned, dazed, or stupefied: stupid from lack of sleep.

3. having dull mental responses; slow-witted

4. trivial, silly, or frivolous


informal a stupid person

[C16: from French stupide, from Latin stupidus silly, from stupēre to be amazed]

ˈstupidly adv

ˈstupidness n

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈstu pɪd, ˈstyu-)

adj. -er, -est,
n. adj.

1. lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind; dull.

2. characterized by or proceeding from mental dullness; foolish; senseless: a stupid question.

3. tediously dull, esp. due to lack of meaning or sense; inane; pointless: a stupid party.

4. annoying or irritating; troublesome: Turn off that stupid radio.

5. in a state of stupor; stupefied: stupid from fatigue.

6. Slang. excellent; terrific.


7. Informal. a stupid person.

[1535–45; < Latin stupidus=stup(ēre) to be numb or stunned + -idus -id4]

stu′pid•ly, adv.

stu′pid•ness, n.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. stupid - a person who is not very brightstupid — a person who is not very bright; «The economy, stupid!»

dolt, dullard, pillock, poor fish, pudden-head, pudding head, stupe, stupid person

berk — a stupid person who is easy to take advantage of

blockhead, bonehead, dumbass, dunce, dunderhead, hammerhead, knucklehead, loggerhead, lunkhead, muttonhead, numskull — a stupid person; these words are used to express a low opinion of someone’s intelligence

klutz — (Yiddish) a clumsy dolt

simpleton, simple — a person lacking intelligence or common sense

Adj. 1. stupid — lacking or marked by lack of intellectual acuity

unintelligent, stupid — lacking intelligence; «a dull job with lazy and unintelligent co-workers»

smart — showing mental alertness and calculation and resourcefulness

2. stupid — in a state of mental numbness especially as resulting from shock; «he had a dazed expression on his face»; «lay semiconscious, stunned (or stupefied) by the blow»; «was stupid from fatigue»

dazed, stupefied, stunned

confused — mentally confused; unable to think with clarity or act intelligently; «the flood of questions left her bewildered and confused»

3. stupid — lacking intelligence; «a dull job with lazy and unintelligent co-workers»


stupid — lacking or marked by lack of intellectual acuity

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. unintelligent, thick, dumb (informal), simple, slow, dull, dim, dense, sluggish, deficient, crass, gullible, simple-minded, dozy (Brit. informal), witless, stolid, dopey (informal), moronic, obtuse, brainless, cretinous, half-witted, slow on the uptake (informal), braindead (informal), dumb-ass (slang), doltish, dead from the neck up, thickheaded, slow-witted, Boeotian, thick as mince (Scot. informal), woodenheaded (informal) I’m not stupid, you know.
unintelligent bright, smart, intelligent, quick, sharp, brilliant, wise, clever, sensible, shrewd, astute, on the ball (informal), lucid, brainy, clear-headed, quick-witted, quick on the uptake

2. silly, foolish, daft (informal), rash, trivial, ludicrous, meaningless, irresponsible, pointless, futile, senseless, mindless, laughable, short-sighted, ill-advised, idiotic, fatuous, nonsensical, half-baked (informal), inane, crackpot (informal), unthinking, puerile, unintelligent, asinine, imbecilic, crackbrained I wouldn’t call it art. It’s just stupid and tasteless. You won’t go and do anything stupid, will you?
silly wise, sensible, shrewd, reasonable, realistic, thoughtful, prudent, astute, well-thought-out

3. senseless, dazed, groggy, into oblivion, punch-drunk, insensate, semiconscious, into a daze She would drink herself stupid.

«He that reads and grows no wiser seldom suspects his own deficiency, but complains of hard words and obscure sentences, and asks why books are written which cannot be understood» [Dr. Johnson The Idler]
«Nothing sways the stupid more than arguments they can’t understand» [Cardinal De Retz Mémoirs]

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. Lacking mental and physical alertness and activity:

2. Lacking in intelligence:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


أحْمَق، غَبيغَبي، مَخْبولغَبِيّ







heimskur; heimskulegursljór, sinnulaus









ngu xuẩn




1. (= unintelligent) [person] → estúpido, tonto, imbécil; [question, remark, idea] → estúpido, tonto; [mistake, game] → tonto, bobo
don’t be (so) stupidno seas tonto
I’ll never do anything so stupid againnunca volveré a cometer semejante estupidez
don’t do anything stupid, will you?no vayas a hacer alguna tontería ¿eh?
it’s stupid to leave money lying aroundes una estupidez or es de tontos dejar el dinero a la vista de todos
to act stupid (= pretend to be stupid) → hacerse el tonto; (= behave stupidly) → hacer el tonto
she looks stupid in that hat, that hat looks stupid on herestá ridícula con ese sombrero
it looks stupidse ve ridículo, queda ridículo
to make sb look stupiddejar a algn en ridículo
it was stupid of youfue una tontería por tu parte, ¡qué tonto or imbécil fuiste!
it was stupid of me to say thatfui tonto al decir esocometí una estupidez al decir eso
it was a stupid thing to dofue una tontería or una estupidez
that’s the stupidest thing I ever heardjamás he oído semejante tontería or estupidez
see also plain B1

B. N (as excl) don’t do that, stupid!¡no hagas eso, imbécil!
come on, stupid! (said affectionately) → ¡venga bobo!

C. ADV don’t talk stupid!¡no digas tonterías or estupideces!

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005



dumm; (= foolish also, boring, wretched)blöd(e) (inf); don’t be stupidsei nicht so blöd (inf); I’ve done a stupid thingich habe etwas ganz Dummes or Blödes (inf)gemacht; you stupid idiot!du blöder Idiot!; you stupid little man!Sie Blödmann! (inf); take that stupid look off your faceguck nicht so dumm or blöd (inf)!; that was stupid of youdas war dumm (von dir); that was a stupid thing to dodas war dumm; it was stupid of me (to say anything)es war blöd von mir (etwas zu sagen); I was stupid to do thates war dumm von mir, das zu tun; you would be stupid to move to Londondu wärst ja dumm or blöd (inf), → wenn du nach London ziehen würdest; to make somebody look stupidjdn blamieren; to be so stupid or to be stupid enough as to do somethingdumm genug sein, etw zu tun; it is the stupidest thing I’ve ever done/hearddas ist das Dümmste, was ich jemals getan/gehört habe

adv (inf) to talk stupidQuatsch reden (inf); to act stupidsich dumm stellen

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈstjuːpɪd] adj (gen) → stupido/a; (person) → stupido/a, sciocco/a; (from sleep, drink) → intontito/a, istupidito/a
that was stupid of you, that was a stupid thing to do → hai fatto una stupidaggine
he drank himself stupid last night → era ubriaco fradicio ieri sera

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈstjuːpid) adjective

1. foolish; slow at understanding. a stupid mistake; He isn’t as stupid as he looks.

2. in a bewildered or dazed state. He was (feeling) stupid from lack of sleep.

ˈstupidly adverbstuˈpidity noun

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


غَبِيّ hloupý dum dumm κουτός estúpido typerä stupide glup stupido 愚かな 바보같은 dom dum głupi estúpido бестолковый dum โง่ aptal ngu xuẩn 愚蠢的

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. estúpido-a, imbécil.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


She angrily described her boss as a stupid old man.

He had a stupid expression on his face.

I’m not stupid enough to fall for that trick.

Why are you being so stupid?

It was stupid of me to try to hide this from you.

We were stupid to wait so long before we made a decision.

I did some pretty stupid things when I was young.

Two glasses of wine are enough to make me stupid.

I was stupid with fatigue.


a genius at math, but a total stupid when it came to his love life

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Recent Examples on the Web

People told me, ‘This may be a stupid idea to ship out of an island.

Jim Ryan, Forbes, 31 Mar. 2023

The Witch is like one of those really long jokes with a deeply stupid punch line.

Vulture, 31 Mar. 2023

For conservationists, this lack of fear engenders pity: The wolf is too stupid to fear the hunter’s gun or the poisoned trap, and must be saved from its own inability to be afraid.

Colin Dickey, The New Republic, 31 Mar. 2023

Burning is one thing, but burning to force a tie is just stupid!

Sydney Bucksbaum,, 29 Mar. 2023

Nobody’s suffered a season-ending injury (fingers crossed the Jays playing in the World Baseball Classic emerge unscathed) or is making stupid errors costing us games or anything.

Daniel Kohn, SPIN, 29 Mar. 2023

Spells fail, characters make stupid mistakes and terrifying creatures appear out of thin air.

Olivia Mccormack, Washington Post, 29 Mar. 2023

Industrial robots are powerful, precise, and mostly stubbornly stupid.

WIRED, 23 Mar. 2023

Veep stumbled just a bit once real-world politics somehow got even stupider than the Selina Meyer administration.

Alan Sepinwall, Rolling Stone, 22 Mar. 2023

People can be high achievers and still knee-walking stupid.

Philip Martin, Arkansas Online, 29 Nov. 2022

It is described as a stupid-kids-in-the-woods story with a wry twist.

Anna Marie De La Fuente, Variety, 20 Sep. 2022

But those options continue to be out of reach for the majority of those who are afflicted with this stupid, infuriating skin condition.

Megan Mcintyre,, 9 June 2022

Somebody who is dyslexic sometimes has this fear of being perceived as [stupid].

Andy Greene, Rolling Stone, 7 Mar. 2022

But right now, there’s a whole lot of stupid—Keizer has it right about that.

David Treuer, Harper’s Magazine, 26 Oct. 2021

In the final analysis, there are few things in tech that bring out the stupid to quite the degree that Apple does.

Andy Meek, BGR, 17 June 2021

The two camps trade insults regularly on the platform, with people on opposing sides calling each other stupid or worse.

Rong Xiaoqing, Curbed, 23 May 2021

Others who wouldn’t give their name called the mask mandate stupid or worse.

Sonia Chopra, The Enquirer, 8 July 2020

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘stupid.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ stoo-pid, styoo‐ ]

/ ˈstu pɪd, ˈstyu‐ /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

adjective, stu·pid·er, stu·pid·est.

lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind; dull.

characterized by or proceeding from mental dullness; foolish; senseless: a stupid question.

tediously dull, especially due to lack of meaning or sense; inane; pointless: a stupid party.

annoying or irritating; troublesome: Turn off that stupid radio.

in a state of stupor; stupefied: stupid from fatigue.


Informal. a stupid person.


What Is The Difference Between «Stupid» And «Ignorant»?

Do you know the difference between the words «stupid» and «ignorant»? This man didn’t either until, one day, he realized he should probably look the meanings up. Now, he can explain!




There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Origin of stupid

1535–45; <Latin stupidus, equivalent to stup(ēre) to be numb or stunned + -idus-id4

synonym study for stupid


stu·pid·ly, adverbstu·pid·ness, nounun·stu·pid, adjectiveun·stu·pid·ly, adverb

un·stu·pid·ness, noun


ignorant, stupid

Words nearby stupid

stupefacient, stupefaction, stupefactive, stupefy, stupendous, stupid, stupidity, stupor, Sturbridge, sturdy, sturgeon Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What are other ways to say stupid?

The adjective stupid describes things characterized or proceeding from mental dullness. Do you know when to use stupid, fatuous, silly, inane, foolish, and asinine? Find out on

Words related to stupid

dull, dumb, foolish, futile, ill-advised, irrelevant, laughable, ludicrous, naive, senseless, shortsighted, simple, trivial, dummy, loser, rash, thick, unintelligent, brainless, dazed

How to use stupid in a sentence

  • If all “stupid grids” were replaced by smart grids, it would allow cities, for example, to manage production, storage, distribution and consumption of energy and to cut peaks in energy demand that would reduce CO2 emissions dramatically.

  • I’m just going to make this as completely stupid as I want to be.

  • Her philosophy, onstage and off, is that not everybody is stupid, not only her views are right, and if we listen to those we disagree with instead of rolling our eyes, we might get somewhere.

  • What that story missed is that professional investors don’t underperform the market because they’re stupid.

  • Like, this thing will get published and then some Wyomingite will ride in on a horse and be all like, “Just kidding, we eat chicken wings at our Super Bowl parties, you stupid East Coast rube.”

  • Later, his turn as a lothario in the box office hit Crazy Stupid Love made him even more swoon-worthy.

  • Contrary to What Stupid Republicans Think… A completely different U.S. foreign policy may not be the answer.

  • As expected, initial reports were met with cries of “Stupid!”

  • On Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, who said Republicans are acting like the Stupid Party?

  • They did not pander to social-conservative populists, and no one would accuse them of representing the Party of Stupid.

  • Stupid things puns—made one myself then, though—just like me.

  • Stupid you were when you stole things out of my book—could you not guess that I might have read my own books?

  • Stupid you were when you thought yourself cleverer than me, and when you thought that I could be lured into becoming a thief.

  • Stupid you were when you thought balance could be restored by giving the world two thieves instead of one.

  • Stupid Polish Majesty has his natural envies, jealousies, of a Brandenburg waxing over his head at this rate.

British Dictionary definitions for stupid


lacking in common sense, perception, or normal intelligence

(usually postpositive) stunned, dazed, or stupefiedstupid from lack of sleep

having dull mental responses; slow-witted

trivial, silly, or frivolous


Derived forms of stupid

stupidly, adverbstupidness, noun

Word Origin for stupid

C16: from French stupide, from Latin stupidus silly, from stupēre to be amazed

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

  • Afrikaans: dom (af)
  • Albanian: budalla (sq), makalush (sq)
  • Arabic: غَبِيّ(ḡabiyy)
    Egyptian Arabic: غشيم(ḡašīm), احمق(aḥmaʾ)
  • Aragonese: zamueco
  • Armenian: հիմար (hy) (himar), դանդալոշ (hy) (dandaloš)
  • Asturian: babayu
  • Assamese: মূৰ্খ (murkho), বুৰ্বক (burbok), অঁকৰা (õkora)
  • Azerbaijani: axmaq (az), qanmaz, key (az), küt (az), kütbeyin, tupoy (Russianism)
  • Belarusian: дурны́ (durný), глу́пы (hlúpy), тупы́ (tupý)
  • Bengali: মূর্খ (bn) (murkhô)
  • Buginese: ᨅᨛᨂᨚ
  • Bulgarian: глу́пав (bg) (glúpav), тъп (bg) (tǎp)
  • Burmese:  (my) (na.), မိုက် (my) (muik), တုံးတာ (my) (tum:ta), တုံး (my) (tum:)
  • Catalan: toix (ca) m, estúpid (ca) m, bèstia (ca) m or f, babau (ca), tanoca (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese: (ceon2)
    Mandarin:  (zh) (bèn),  (zh) (chǔn),  (zh) (dāi),  (zh) (), 愚笨的 (zh) (yúbèn de)
  • Cornish: gocki
  • Czech: hloupý (cs) m
  • Danish: dum (da)
  • Dutch: dom (nl), domme (nl), onverstandig (nl), onverstandige (nl), stom (nl), stomme (nl)
  • Esperanto: stulta (eo)
  • Estonian: rumal, loll (et), nõme, tobe
  • Faroese: býttur
  • Finnish: tyhmä (fi), see also Thesaurus:tyhmä
  • French: stupide (fr) m or f, bête (fr) f
  • Galician: estúpido m
  • Georgian: სულელი (suleli), შტერი (šṭeri), დებილი (debili), ჩლუნგი (člungi)
  • German: dumm (de), doof (de), blöd (de)
  • Greek: βλάκας (el) (vlákas), ηλίθιος (el) (ilíthios), ανόητος (el) (anóitos)
    Ancient: ἀνόητος (anóētos), ἀσύνετος (asúnetos), βλάξ (bláx), βεβρός (bebrós)
  • Hebrew: טיפש טִפֵּשׁ (he) m (tipésh), מטופש‎ m (metupásh)
  • Hindi: मूर्ख (hi) (mūrkh), नासमझ (hi) (nāsmajh)
  • Hungarian: buta (hu)
  • Icelandic: heimskur (is)
  • Ido: stupida (io)
  • Indonesian: bebal (id), bodoh (id), tolol (id), goblok (id), geblek (id), dungu (id), sontoloyo (id)
  • Irish: dúr, ainbhiosach, mórcheannach
  • Italian: stupido (it), scemo (it)
  • Japanese: 馬鹿 (ja) (ばか, baka), 馬鹿げた (ばかげた, bakageta), 間抜け (ja) (まぬけ, manuke), 愚か (ja) (おろか, oroka), 阿呆 (ja) (あほ, aho)
  • Javanese: bodho (jv), goblog (jv), sontoloyo
  • Kabuverdianu: tolobásku, jatu
  • Kazakh: мисыз (misyz), дүлей (dülei), ақылсыз (aqylsyz)
  • Khmer: ខ្លៅ (km) (khlaw), កំលៅ (kɑmlɨw), ងងីងងើ (ngɔɔngiingngəə), ងីងើ (km) (ngii ngəə), ឆោត (km) (chaot), ទុប្បញ្ញា (tupbɑɑññiə), ពភ្លីពព្លើ (pɔɔpliippləə), ពភ្លើ (km) (pɔphləə), ល្ងីល្ងើ (km) (lngii lngəə)
  • Korean: 어리석다 (ko) (eoriseokda)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: گەوج (ckb) (gewc), بێ عەقڵ(bê ‘eqill)
  • Kyrgyz: келесоо (ky) (kelesoo), акмак (ky) (akmak)
  • Lao: ຈ້າ (chā), ຊ້າ (), ຕຶບ (tưp), ປຶ ()
  • Latin: stultus, blennus, stupidus, stolidus
  • Latvian: stulbs, muļķīgs, dumjš
  • Lithuanian: kvailas
  • Macedonian: глупав (glupav)
  • Malay: bodoh (ms), ahmak (ms), baghal, bahlul (ms), bangang (ms), bebal (ms), benak, bengap, bingung, bongak, bongok (ms), congong, dogol, dongok, dungu (ms), goblok (ms), hamik, jahil (ms), palui, pandik, pongah, pusung, sementung, songor, tolol, tongong
  • Malayalam: മണ്ടൻ (ml) m (maṇṭaṉ), പൊട്ടൻ m (poṭṭaṉ)
  • Maori: moho, heahea, pongipongi, pohe, popohe, pōrewarewa, pōrewharewha
  • Mongolian: мохоо (mn) (moxoo)
  • Norman: niais
  • Norwegian: dum (no)
  • Old Church Slavonic:
    Cyrillic: глоупъ (glupŭ)
    Glagolitic: ⰳⰾⱆⱂⱏ (glupŭ)
  • Old English: dysiġ
  • Old Polish: głupy
  • Pali: duppaññā
  • Persian: احمق (fa) (ahmaq), کودن (fa) (kowdan)
  • Plautdietsch: frekjt
  • Polish: głupi (pl), durny (pl), tępy (pl), tępogłowy, zakuty (colloquial), durnowaty (pl) m
  • Portuguese: estúpido (pt)
  • Romanian: prost (ro), stupid (ro)
  • Russian: глу́пый (ru) (glúpyj), дурно́й (ru) (durnój), тупо́й (ru) (tupój), неу́мный (ru) (neúmnyj), тупоу́мный (ru) (tupoúmnyj)
  • Saanich: SC̸OTI
  • Sanskrit: अज्ञान (sa) (ajñāna), मूर्ख (sa) (mūrkha), मूर (sa) (mūra), जल (sa) (jala), मूढ (sa) (mūḍha), निर्बुद्धि (sa) (nirbuddhi)
  • Scottish Gaelic: gòrach, baoghalta, doilleir, amaideach
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: глу̑п m, тупоуман m, тупо̀глав m, бле̏сав m
    Roman: glȗp (sh) m, tupouman m, tupòglav (sh) m, blȅsav (sh)
  • Sicilian: stùbbitu m, scimunitu (scn) m, babbu (scn) m, critinu m
  • Sinhalese: මොට්ට (moṭṭa)
  • Slovak: hlúpy (sk)
  • Slovene: neumen (sl), butast, trapast, glúp
  • Slovincian: glʉ̇pï
  • Sorbian:
    Lower Sorbian: głupy
    Upper Sorbian: hłupy
  • Spanish: estúpido (es), menso (es), gilí, pendejo (es), tonto (es)
  • Sundanese: béno
  • Swedish: dum (sv), omtöcknad (sv)
  • Tagalog: bobo (tl), tanga
  • Tajik: аҳмақ (tg) (ahmaq), нодон (tg) (nodon), аблаҳона (ablahona), беақл (tg) (beaql)
  • Tamil: முட்டாள் (ta) (muṭṭāḷ)
  • Tatar: ахмак (tt) (axmaq)
  • Telugu: తెలివితక్కువ (telivitakkuva), బుద్ధిలేని (te) (buddhilēni), తెలివి లేని (telivi lēni)
  • Thai: โง่ (th) (ngôo)
  • Tocharian B: aknātsa
  • Turkish: aptal (tr), salak (tr), bön (tr), ahmak (tr), ahmaklar (tr) pl
  • Turkmen: akylsyz (tk), gagal, samsyk
  • Ukrainian: дурни́й (durnýj), тупи́й (tupýj)
  • Urdu: بے وقوف(be-vaqūf), ناسمجھ(nāsamajh), مورکھ(mūrkh)
  • Uzbek: ahmoq (uz)
  • Vietnamese: ngu (vi), ngu ngốc (vi)
  • Walloon: biesse (wa) m or f, loigne (wa) m or f
  • Welsh: twp (cy), bal

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It doesn’t bother me that people are stupid. I’m not stupid.

Ahmed Best



From French stupide, from Latin stupidus silly, from stupēre to be amazed.


Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






Stupid can act as a noun and an adjective.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.



Stupid may refer to: ▪ Stupidity, a lack of intelligence ▪ Stupid, a group of artists in Cologne, Germany, in the 1920s ▪ «Stupid», on Raven-Symoné’s self-titled album ▪ «Stupid», on the album Afterglow ▪ «Stupid», a song by Swedish musician Per Gessle on his album The World According to GessleStupid!, a UK children’s television show on CBBC ▪, a web site…

Definition of stupid in the English dictionary

The first definition of stupid in the dictionary is lacking in common sense, perception, or normal intelligence. Other definition of stupid is stunned, dazed, or stupefied. Stupid is also having dull mental responses; slow-witted.


Synonyms and antonyms of stupid in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «stupid» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «stupid» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of stupid to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of stupid from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «stupid» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers



510 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

ngu xuẩn

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of stupid


The term «stupid» is very widely used and occupies the 4.883 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «stupid» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of stupid

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «stupid».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «stupid» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «stupid» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about stupid


Famous quotes and sentences with the word stupid.

Just for fun, I’m really goofy and I would love to do some stupid comedy. I’m talking, like, crazy, out there, Will Ferrell type of thing. I love it; I think those movies are so funny.

Of course, the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not terrorists or sympathetic to terrorists. Equating all Muslims with terrorism is stupid and wrong. But acknowledging that there is a link between Islam and terror is appropriate and necessary.

The most abysmal advise ever given by the ignorant to the stupid.

I think stupid people are surprised that I’m Australian. It’s a small-minded; we live in a global community, but I suppose some people still are small-minded.

Race and class are the easiest divisions. It’s very stupid.

It doesn’t bother me that people are stupid. I’m not stupid.

I’ve made my records and I’ve done all the interviews. I’ve done lots of long tours. I’ve made stupid videos. I’ve done all that stuff and learned all the lingo and gone to radio stations and shmoozed with DJs on the air and met retail people.

At times one feels that what is being said in the West is that the fact that you are a Muslim predisposes you to this blind, stupid terrorism.

The basic function of a comic is stand-up because it’s so straightforward and simple. If the audience don’t laugh, you didn’t do your job. I’ve had some audiences where I didn’t care if they laughed or not because they were either too drunk or stupid.

I have long known that it is part of God’s plan for me to spend a little time with each of the most stupid people on earth.


Discover the use of stupid in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to stupid and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.

Ignorance is bliss, or so hopes Antoine, the lead character in Martin Page?s stinging satire, How I Became Stupid?a modern day Candide with a Darwin Award?like sensibility.


Boys Are Stupid, Throw Rocks at Them!

Cartoons and sarcastic advice offer a tongue-in-cheek look at boys as seen by girls, including «ideas make boys’ heads hurt,» «boys are not potty trained,» and «boys aren’t housebroken.»

The former «Saturday Night Live» writer’s bestsellers, «America’s Dumbest Criminals» and «What’s the Number for 911?, » are followed by a new work that captures hilarious tales of idiotic criminals.


Women Are Crazy, Men Are Stupid: The Simple Truth to a …

Based on this groundbreaking insight, comedy writers and real-life couple Howard J. Morris and Jenny Lee have devised a relationship guide that is refreshingly honest, completely hilarious, and surprisingly practical.

Jenny Lee, Howard J. Morris, 2009


Just How Stupid Are We?: Facing the Truth About the American …

No more than one in seven can find Iraq on a map. Just how stupid are we? Pretty stupid. In Just How Stupid Are We?, best-selling author Rick Shenkman takes aim at our great national piety: the wisdom of the American people.


Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes: A No-Bullshit Guide to World …

In Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes, Cory O’Brien, creator of Myths RETOLD!, sets the stories straight. These are rude, crude, totally sacred texts told the way they were meant to be told: loudly, and with lots of four-letter words. Skeptical?


It’s the Middle Class, Stupid!

Political guru James Carville and pollster extraordinaire Stan Greenberg argue that our political parties must admit their failures and the electorate must reclaim its voice, because taking on the wealthy and privileged is not class …

James Carville, Stan Greenberg, 2012


It’s My Ovaries, Stupid!

Provides information on women’s hormonal dysfunctions, including evidence from research indicating that common environmental toxins and lifestyle factors contribute to conditions including depression, diabetes, and panic attacks.

Elizabeth Lee Vliet, 2003


Surviving Your Stupid, Stupid Decision to Go to Grad School

This is a book for dedicated academics who consider spending years masochistically overworked and underappreciated as a laudable goal.


Buddy is a Stupid Name for a Girl

When her father disappears mysteriously on a trucking job, eleven-year-old Buddy moves in with relatives she hardly knows and finds herself in a dysfunctional family with secrets about the past.

Willo Davis Roberts, 2001


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term stupid is used in the context of the following news items.

This Time Google Mum On Narendra Modi Showing Up In ‘Stupid

Amidst reports of Narendra Modi’s picture showing up in Google image searches of ‘world’s most stupid prime ministers’, a Google spokesperson told HuffPost … «Huffington Post India, Jul 15»

The pretentious nihilism of Plane Stupid

That the Plane Stupid protesters could so blithely interrupt the plans of thousands of … extremists to the mainstream narcissists of groups like Plane Stupid. «Spiked, Jul 15»

Heathrow Airport delays as Plane Stupid activists block runway — as …

This is the moment emergency service workers earlier used a cherry picker on the runway to talk to an activist from the pressure group Plane Stupid… dress as a … «, Jul 15»

Man United’s Louis van Gaal: Marouane Fellaini red card …

Manchester United manager Louis Van Gaal accused Marouane Fellaini of «unbelievable stupidity» after being sent off against Hull City on the final day of the … «ESPN FC, May 15»

‘You stupid blonde!’ Ankara mayor slams US official in sexist diatribe …

“Where are you stupid blonde, who accused Turkish police of using disproportionate force?” he added in a caption. Gokcek was referring to a report on a … «Raw Story, May 15»

‘I’m with stupid‘ moment for Ecuador’s leader

But the boy’s T-shirt had «I’m with stupid» printed on it in English — and an arrow which in the picture is pointing directly at the Ecuadorian president. After the … «BBC News, Apr 15»

Charlie Sheen rips Chuck Lorre, calls ‘Men’ finale ‘stupid,’ ‘immature’

«To go that low and be that immature, and be that completely unevolved and that stupid, in my face?,» Sheen sputtered to a camera crew from the celebrity site … «Los Angeles Times, Mar 15»

Michelle Rodriguez: ‘Sorry About That’

“It’s so stupid,” she said. “Stop stealing all the white people’s superheroes. Make up your own. What’s up with that?” The African-American actor Michael B. «TIME, Mar 15»

The Darwin Awards: 20 years of lethal stupidity

It started in 1985, or thereabouts: smart-aleck citizens of what would one day be called the internet collecting stories of deaths so staggeringly stupid that the … «, Dec 14»

I Don’t Care if Obama Thinks We’re Stupid; Just Repeal Obamacare

And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically, that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass. … Look, I wish (health … «Town Hall, Dec 14»


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