Is stung a word

Asked by: Claudia Rutherford MD

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(73 votes)

verb Obsolete. simple past tense of sting.

Is Stang a legal scrabble word?

Yes, stang is in the scrabble dictionary.

Is Strang a word?

Yes, strang is in the scrabble dictionary.

What is Stran?

Definition. STRAN. Structural Analysis. Copyright 1988-2018, All rights reserved.

What does Strang mean in slang?

Strangadjective. strong. Etymology: [See Strong.]

20 related questions found

What is the difference between Stang and stung?

As nouns the difference between sting and stang

is that sting is a bump left on the skin after having been stung while stang is (archaic|or|obsolete) a long bar; a pole; a shaft; a stake.

What Stang means?

(stæŋ ) verb. archaic or dialect a past tense of sting.

Is Stang short for Mustang?

(slang, US) Short for «Mustang«, a brand of automobile produced by the Ford Motor Company.

What is the past tense of Sting?

a simple past tense and past participle of sting.

What is the verb of Sting?

transitive verb. 1 : to prick painfully: such as. a : to pierce or wound with a poisonous or irritating process. b : to affect with sharp quick pain or smart hail stung their faces.

What is the meaning of stinging sensation?

1. stinging — a kind of pain; something as sudden and painful as being stung; «the sting of death»; «he felt the stinging of nettles» sting. hurting, pain — a symptom of some physical hurt or disorder; «the patient developed severe pain and distension»

What is this word stung?

verb (used with object), stung [stuhng] or (Obsolete) stang [stang]; stung; sting·ing. to prick or wound with a sharp-pointed, often venom-bearing organ. to affect painfully or irritatingly as a result of contact, as certain plants do: to be stung by nettles. … to cause mental or moral anguish: to be stung with remorse.

What does stung mean in slang?

Slang. to cheat or take advantage of, esp. to overcharge; soak. 7. to use, have, or wound with a sting, as bees.

How do I know what I got stung by?

Some people don’t notice the insect and may not be aware of a bite or sting until one or more of the following symptoms emerge:

  1. swelling.
  2. redness or rash.
  3. pain in the affected area or in the muscles.
  4. itching.
  5. heat on and around the site of the bite or sting.
  6. numbness or tingling in the affected area.

How do you use stung?

Stung sentence example

  1. A bee settling on a flower has stung a child. …
  2. Tears stung her cheeks. …
  3. Of all the reasons he resented her, this was the one that stung him the most. …
  4. The words stung , because she hated feeling as though she, too, was beyond redemption. …
  5. His remark stung , as he’d meant it to.

What does Tharki mean in English?

The Urdu Word ٹھرکی Meaning in English is Lustful. The other similar words are Nafs Parast, Mast, , Kaami and Tharki. The synonyms of Lustful include are Lascivious, Lewd, Libidinous, Sensual and Wanton.

What is the synonym of stung?

adjectiveangry; hurt mentally. afflicted. aggrieved. annoyed. annoying.

What do you if you get stung by a bee?

Bee stings are traditionally treated with ice or cold compresses to help reduce pain and swelling. Anti-inflammatories such as Motrin or Advil may also help. You can treat itching and redness with hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion.

What does bewildering mean in English?

: extremely confusing or difficult to understand an utterly bewildering experience a bewildering number of possibilities

What does a tingly face mean?

Tingling face is a result of nerve dysfunction or nerve damage. It can be the result of an injury to the face or exposure to cold temperatures. Alternatively, tingling face may be caused by neuropathy, a disorder in which the nerves that relay signals between the body and the brain do not function properly.

Whats are Eastings?

easting. (ˈiːstɪŋ) n. 1. ( Nautical Terms) nautical the net distance eastwards made by a vessel moving towards the east.

What type of verb is lost?

1. Lost is the past tense and past participle of lose. If you are lost or if you get lost, you do not know where you are or are unable to find your way.

What is the 3rd form of sing?

The third form of sing is sung.

Is stung a verb?

verb. a simple past tense and past participle of sting.

Is stinging a verb or adjective?

STINGING (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

Is Stung an adjective?

Stung is a verb and can also act as an adjective. The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.

What is the verb form of Sting?

Sting is usually a verb. Its past tense and -ed participle is stung. The past tense and -ed participle of bite are bit and bitten.

Is Stang a word?

stang n. (archaic or obsolete) A long bar; a pole; a shaft; a stake.

What is a sting word?

The definition of a sting is a pricking, wounding or causing of pain, or the pain or wound from such an act, or is slang and means a situation in which undercover agents trap criminals. An example of a sting is a situation when the police set up an illegal drug operation in order to catch drug dealers.

What does stab mean?

1 : to wound or pierce by the thrust of a pointed object or weapon. 2 : thrust, drive. intransitive verb. : to thrust or give a wound with or as if with a pointed weapon. stab in the back.

How old is Sting now?

69 years (October 2, 1951)

Is stink a bad word?

verb (used without object), stank [stangk] or, often, stunk [stuhngk]; stunk; stink·ing. to emit a strong offensive smell. to be offensive to honesty or propriety; to be in extremely bad repute or disfavor. Informal. to be disgustingly inferior: That book stinks.

Is Smelly a bad word?

Frequently Asked Questions About stinking Some common synonyms of stinking are fetid, fusty, malodorous, musty, noisome, putrid, and rank. While all these words mean “bad-smelling,” stinking and fetid suggest the foul or disgusting.

What is a stank?

a : pond, pool. b : a ditch containing water. 2 British : a small dam : weir. stank.

Is stank a proper word?

Use the past tense of “stink,” because “wanted” is past tense. The past tense of “stink” is “stank.” It’s past tense. Use “stank.” (The reason that may sound wrong is that so many people use the word incorrectly.)

What is stank face?

Thinks that are funky. Things that are nasty. Filthy McNasty. There’s a long tradition of reacting to something particularly funky with stank face. It’s a sign of respect, and for musicians like me, a sign that you’re doing it really right.

What is a stank in Scotland?

stank: a moat, ditch, small semi stagnant sheet of water.

What is a weegie in Scotland?

Weegie is a slang term referring to people from Glasgow in Scotland, which is used as a noun or adjective. It is a contraction of the word Glaswegian, referring to people from Glasgow.

What does Gies a Bosie mean?

Give us a hug!

Why is Och Aye noo offensive?

“Och aye the noo!” This is one of those Scottish phrases that can be heard in countless parodies aimed at poking fun at the Scots’ dialect and accent. Its direct English translation is “Oh yes, just now”. And, while some Scots may chuckle along with you, it is considered quite offensive by others.

How do you say shut up in Scotland?

Wheesht is the equivalent of “shut up.” “Gies peace man, wheesht.”

How do you say beautiful in Scottish?

Bonnie. Female | A quintessential Scottish name that will never go out of fashion, Bonnie is the Scots word for beautiful, pretty, stunning and attractive. Bonnies tend to have an inimitable personality.

How do you say my darling in Scottish?

Scottish Gaelic terms of endearment

  1. mo ghràdh – my love.
  2. mo chridhe – my heart.
  3. mo leannan – my lover, my sweetheart.
  4. m’eudail – my darling, my dear.
  5. a thasgaidh – my darling, my dear.

What is the Scottish word for wife?

Scottish Word: Wallie.

What do Scots call a baby?


What is the Scottish word for sweetheart?

This word is a Scots variant of ‘joy’, and can mean a sweetheart or lover, or be a term of endearment akin to ‘dear’ or ‘darling’.

What does the Scottish word Sasanach mean?

A Scottish word for an English person or a Highlander’s word for a Lowland Scot.

What is a Scottish kiss?

Glasgow kiss (plural Glasgow kisses) (Britain, euphemistic, humorous) A sharp, sudden headbutt to the nose, usually resulting in a broken nose.

How much older is Claire than Jamie?

According to Express, in season 1 of Outlander, Claire is 26-years-old with a birthdate of October 20, 1918. At that time, Jamie is 23-years-old, with a birthdate of May 1, 1721. Despite the small age gap, Claire is revealed to be the much more experienced one out of the pair.

How historically accurate is Outlander?

The Starz hit Outlander has become known for many things during its five seasons on the air. While intense battle scenes, stirring drama, startling deaths, and wondrous sexytimes are among those positive attributes, it can’t be said that the show is totally historically accurate at all times.

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Let’s see who will get stung.

Давай те посмотрим, кто будет ужален.

Schmidt reckons he’s been stung more than a thousand times by 150 different species.

По свидетельствам Шмидта, он был ужален более тысячи раз, 150 видами разных насекомых.

People who have never been stung may fear that they could be allergic.

Люди, которые никогда не ужалила, возможно, опасаются, что они могут быть аллергия.

A wasp stung him and he had an allergic reaction.

Его ужалила оса, и у него возникла аллергическая реакция.

Could you see? I think I just got stung by a wasp.

Смотрите, кажется, меня только что ужалила оса.

It stung a bit, but I shook it off.

Она ужалила немного, но я стряхнула ее.

Dad walked out there in socks, and one of the dead bees stung him.

Папа пошел туда в носках, и мертвая пчела ужалила его.

An example of the latter was that some trees harbored bees so vicious that bulldozer operators who were stung had to be hospitalized.

Пример latter был что некоторые валы затаили пчел настолько порочных что операторы бульдозера были ужалены должны быть госпитализированы.

However, the poison of each particular species has a number of features that determine its effect on the body that is stung.

Тем не менее, яд каждого конкретного вида имеет ряд особенностей, которые определяют его воздействие на организм ужаленного.

I’ll show you what it means to be stung.

Я покажу тебе, что значит быть ужаленным.

See where it’s stung you…

Посмотри, куда пчела тебя ужалила.

A separate conversation deserves a situation where a stung person is known for high sensitivity to the poison of insects.

Отдельного разговора заслуживает ситуация, когда у ужаленного человека известна высокая чувствительность к яду насекомых.

‘Tis given out that, sleeping in my orchard, a serpent stung me.

Объявлено, что спящего в саду меня змея ужалила.

Being stung an Indian Red scorpion is not going to be pleasant even if you are lucky enough to survive.

Быть ужаленным индийским красным скорпионом не будет приятным опытом, даже если вам повезет выжить.

I agree with Yuri, today wasp stung, but left a big sting.

Соглашусь с Юрием, сегодня ужалила оса, но оставила большое жало.

And Malcolm just got stung by a bee.

А Малькольма только что ужалила пчела.

When I first heard it, it stung.

Когда я услышала это в первый раз, я остолбенела.

But he was stung by the racism he encountered.

Он не рассчитывал на расизм, с которым ему пришлось столкнуться.

Blake looked at her, stung.

China, stung by U.S. tariffs, is decelerating.

Ожидается, что Китай, страдающий от тарифной политики США, тоже замедлится.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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жалить, ужалить, укусить, жечь, жечься, уязвлять, причинять острую боль, нагреть

неправильный глагол

- past и p. p. от sting

Мои примеры


to be stung by remorses — мучиться угрызениями совести  
he was stung for a fiver — его нагрели на пятёрку  
he was stung for ten sting — его надули на десять фунтов  
be stung by remorse — мучиться угрызениями совести  
stung by a serpent — беременная  

Примеры с переводом

I got stung by a bee.

Меня укусила пчела.

He was stung by a bee.

Его ужалила пчела.

He stung with remorse.

Он терзался угрызениями совести.

The cold rain stung my eyes.

Холодный дождь щипал мне глаза.

The jellyfish stung the swimmer.

Медуза ужалила пловца.

The hail stung their faces.

Град больно бил их по лицу.

I was stung by these bally wasps.

Эти проклятые осы ужалили меня.

Smoke from the campfire stung my eyes.

От дыма костра у меня защипало в глазах.

She was stung by their harsh criticism.

Она была уязвлена их резкой критикой.

Her harsh words stung him into action.

Её резкие слова подстегнули его к действиям.

She got stung by a bee.

Её ужалила пчела.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She had been stung by criticism.

The frigid gusts of wind stung their faces.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • stung [stʌŋ] прич

    1. ужаленный

    2. уязвленный, задетый

      (wounded, affected)

  • sting [stɪŋ] гл stung, stung

    1. жалить, щипать, ужалить, кусать, укусить

      (bite, pinch)

    2. жечь, гореть, саднить


    3. задеть, уязвить, уязвлять

      (hurt, wound)

    4. колоть, уколоть


ужалить sting
жалить sting, bite
жечь burn, sting, parch, grill, smart, bite
укусить bite, sting, snap, nip, snap off
причинять острую боль sting, pang, cut
нагреть heat up, sting
жечься burn, sting
уязвлять sting, hurt, wound, gall, nettle
чувствовать острую боль sting
испытывать острую боль sting
терзать worry, rankle, maul, drag, prey, gnaw
обманывать deceive, cheat, kid, fool, spoof, delude
обирать fleece, despoil, pick, pluck, shave, pill
надувать inflate, swell, distend, finagle, diddle, swindle
побуждать urge, incite, motivate, induce, impel, prompt
возбуждать excite, stir, stir up, arouse, bring, stimulate

Предложения со словом «stung»

His heart thudded in his ears painfully, and the palms of his hands stung with the bits of grit embedded in the raw flesh.

Сердце болезненно стучало в самые уши, ладони саднило от мелкозернистых камней, впившихся прямо в мясо.

The drift of poison stung Althea’s skin like a sunburn.

Облако яда задело Альтию и показалось ей солнечным ожогом на коже.

Roland heard worry in the boy’s voice, but it was the disappointment that stung him.

Стрелок уловил тревогу в голосе Джейка, но куда больше его задело разочарование.

Reacher sensed a dull chalky impact nearby and something stung him on the right cheek.

Ричер ощутил спиной глухой удар в кирпичную стену, и что — то оцарапало его щеку.

His brown uniform was streaked with sweat, and his calloused palms stung .

Его коричневая форма была мокрой от пота, а мозоли на ладонях нестерпимо болели.

A preliminary hiss came from the darkness, with a rolling breath of oily stench and fumes that stung his eyes.

Из темноты раздалось предупреждающее шипение с шумным зловонным дыханием и клубами дыма, разъедающими глаза.

Eucrasia raised a grey hand in graceful gesture, and razor racks stung across Rebel’s face.

Эвкрейша изящно взмахнула серой рукой, и лезвия полоснули Ребел по лицу.

They stung their victims, then waited for the flesh to decompose.

Они жалили своих жертв, потом ждали, пока плоть разлагается.

We’ve got benadryl on board. If I get stung , I’ll just grin and bear it.

С бенадрилом на борту при укусе я просто поморщусь и перетерплю.

I feel certain I’ve been stung .

Я уверен, что меня сейчас ужалили .

I feel certain I’ve been stung .

Возможно, вам показалось?

Stung, Ray began to do the hard work of classifying plants by observation.

Уязвленный, Рей начал сложную работу по классификации растений с помощью наблюдения.

Tourism operators were stung by cancelations, as would-be visitors decided to visit Sri Lanka or Goa instead; 50% of existing convention bookings were canceled.

Туроператоры столкнулись с массовыми отказами от туров, поскольку потенциальные туристы решили поехать не в Кералу, а на Шри — Ланку или в Гоа; в частности, было отменено бронирование для 50% запланированных конференций.

The soapy droplet stung like crazy, blinding that eye until he could get back inside and remove his helmet.

Эта мыльная капля вызвала острое жжение, и Норьега не мог видеть этим глазом, пока не вернулся назад и не снял шлем.

On a work-funded trip to Turkey, Wiswell stripped naked and jumped into the Bosphorus after losing a bet, only to be stung by jellyfish, an attendee said.

Во время поездки в Турцию на корпоративные деньги Уисвелл, проиграв в споре, разделся догола и прыгнул в Босфорский пролив, где получил ожоги от медуз.

Farfrae, in staring new letters, Henchard was stung into bitterness; like Bellerophon, he wandered away from the crowd, cankered in soul.

Фарфрэ, написанной свежей краской и крупными буквами, Хенчарда это больно кольнуло, — подобно Беллерофону, он отошел от толпы с язвой в душе.

The sound of the explosions stung the air and the birds rose unseen from the woods around the house and made an echo with their clamour.

Грохот терзал воздух, из леса, окружавшего дом, поднялись невидимые нам птицы; их пронзительные крики вторили взрыву.

Yeah, they… they stung my doodad.

Ага, они… они ужалили мою штучку.

Even through her fear and bewilderment, his sneer stung .

Несмотря на обуревавшие ее страх и смятение, Скарлетт больно ранили его издевки.

Show me the nettle that stung your hand yesterday.

Покажи, какая тебя вчера обожгла крапива?

Even so they were stung , bitten and cut.

И все равно не обходится без укусов и царапин.

He clapped his hand to his left arm. Something stung me like a red-hot needle.

Кто — то ужалил .., точно раскаленная игла вонзилась, пробормотал мистер Меркадо.

I’m not a coward, she cried, stung out of her fear.

Я не трусиха! — воскликнула она, от обиды забывая о своем страхе.

And the journalists, stung to the quick, retaliated with the only means in their power-printer’s ink abuse.

А журналисты, задетые за живое, ответили единственным доступным им способом — не жалея типографской краски, разразились площадной бранью.

Golden, horrid bees that stung , poisoned, and fell lifeless, like seeds on the sand.

Страшных золотых пчел, которые жалят, убивают своим ядом и падают замертво, будто семена на песок.

He was stung upwards of two hundred stings.

Он был укушен приблизительно двумястами из них.

It spattered my cheeks… it filled my nostrils, it stung my eyes… and then something jolted my brain… with multi-megavolt intensity.

Он ударил мне в щёки, заполнил ноздри, щипал глаза. А затем в моём мозгу случился взрыв невероятной мощности.

8:00 this morning, Roger Zisk, local hotshot, plowed through that fence into these bees and got stung about a hundred times.

В 8 утра, Роджер Зиск, местный кутила, пробил забор, врезался в пчел, заработал около ста укусов.

When the sparks made her soft hands smart, she did not withdraw them; on the contrary, she enjoyed the rain of fire which stung her skin.

Искры сыпались на ее нежные руки и обжигали их, но она не отодвигалась, — нет, она радовалась этому огненному дождю, хлеставшему ее кожу.

You’re supposed to be burning sage and dancing around the bed, whooping like a bee stung you.

Ты же должен жечь шалфей, вопить — и плясать вокруг кровати как ужаленный .

He merely turned his head backward, to the right, then to the left, balancing it as a bull does who has been stung in the flanks by a gadfly.

Он лишь откинул голову, повернул ее направо, затем налево, словно бык, которого укусил слепень.

Looking around carefully to see that she was not observed, she pinched her cheeks to give them color and bit her lips until they stung to make them red.

Осторожно оглядевшись, чтобы проверить, не видит ли кто, она пощипала себе щеки, чтобы немножко их подрумянить, и покусала губы, чтобы к ним прилила кровь.

Stir up a hornet’s nest, no telling who gonna get stung .

Если разворошить осиное гнездо… неизвестно наперед, кого ужалят .

It was not the hornet that stung Lady Boynton.

Леди Бойнтон ужалила не оса.

Unnatural! She suddenly recalled the word that had stung her most of all, not so much the word itself as the intent to wound her with which it was said.

Ненатурально, — вспомнила она вдруг более всего оскорбившее ее не столько слово, сколько намерение сделать ей больно.

Colonel Cathcart was stung by the blunt rebuke and skulked guiltily about his room in smarting repudiation.

Полковник Каткарт был уязвлен до глубины души столь грубым выговором и виновато забился в свою комнату.

You put your hands on a scallop… and see if you get stung .

Кладешь на него руки и говоришь: готов ли он к употреблению.

The amiable artist carried his sting, but Ladislaw did not choose to appear stung .

Добродушный художник не был лишен жала, но Ладислав не показал и вида, что почувствовал укол.

Then the match burned down, and stung my fingers, and fell, a wriggling red spot in the blackness.

Догоревшая спичка обожгла мне пальцы и упала на землю, тлея красной точкой в непроглядной тьме.

I had to dodge to get out of the way, and as it was, my ankle got stung with the sawdust.

Мне приходилось то и дело увертываться от них, но все же опилки попадали мне на ноги.

‘Yes,’ I said, stung by her question, thinking how just and appropriate her word.

Да, — сказала я, вздрогнув, как от удара, и подумала, как справедливы и уместны ее слова.

Now you play the peevish lover stung by jealousy and betrayal.

Теперь вы изображаете обиженного любовника, уязвленного ревностью и предательством.

The smell of sulphur stung his nostrils, but this was to be expected, as these were the famous Tbilisi sulphur baths.

Здесь ему в нос ударил запах серы, в чём не было ничего удивительного, ибо это были знаменитые тбилисские серные бани.

She saw his swarthy face change suddenly, anger and something she could not analyze making it twitch as though stung .

Она увидела, как вдруг изменилось его смуглое лицо — задергалось от гнева или от чего — то еще, словно его ужалили .

It was so peppery that it stung his eyes to tears and he began to cry.

Бегония оказалась такой горькой, что у него на глазах выступили слезы и он заплакал.

So, I’m raking the lawn for this new client, Mrs. Waterman, when suddenly I am stung by this horrible smell.

Я, значит, убираю сухую траву у миссис Вотермен, и, внезапно, противный запах бьет мне в нос.

The fog filled the open window, damp and clammy, it stung my eyes, it clung to my nostrils.

Туман застлал открытое окно; серый, липкий, он жег мне глаза, забирался в нос.

And when I asked the lifeguard if he would do it, he said he couldn’t touch me unless I was stung by a jellyfish.

А когда я попросил охранника он ответил, что ни в жизни, если только меня не ужалит медуза.

Agafea Mihalovna’s allusion to the very subject he had only just been thinking about, hurt and stung him.

Упоминание Агафьи Михайловны о том самом, о чем он только что думал, огорчило и оскорбило его.

Jealousy had got hold of him: she stung him; but the sting was salutary: it gave him respite from the gnawing fang of melancholy.

Она жалила его, но ее укусы были целительны: они отвлекали его от гнетущих мыслей.

Another thought that stung them to impotent wrath was the knowledge that the Yankees and Carpetbaggers would laugh.

Приводила их в бессильную ярость и другая мысль — сознание, что они станут предметом насмешек янки и саквояжников.

One of the first mentions is from 1866, a surveyor reported that his pack horse was stung , got mad and died within two hours.

Одно из первых упоминаний датируется 1866 годом, исследователь сообщает, что его лошадь получила ожог, впала в бешенство и умерла через два часа.

The thought of this perpetually stung him; it was a picture before his eyes, wherever he went and whatever he was doing.

Это воспоминание постоянно жалило его, а видение возникало перед глазами, куда бы он ни шел и что бы ни делал.

Monica got stung by a jellyfish.

Монику ужалила медуза.

When you get stung by one of these things, your lungs- they collapse.

Если вас кусает одна из этих тварей, происходит коллапс лёгких.

If I got stung by a bee, I could die.

Если меня укусит пчела, я могу умереть.

The gentleman I usually contract with is unavailable — stung by a Manta Ray off the barrier reef in Belize.

Джентльмен, с которым я обычно веду дела недоступен — его укусил Морской Дьявол на барьерном рифе в Белизе.

Right after I took this picture, she got stung by a bee on her foot.

Прямо после того, как я сделал снимок, её укусила пчела, за ногу.

We’re at Britannia Mines, and she was just stung by a giant scorpion.

Мы возле рудника Британия, и её только что ужалил гигантский скорпион.

He was stung to death by a scorpion, Wesley, in the bathroom of an aeroplane.

Он погиб от укуса скорпиона, Уэсли, в туалете самолёта.

  • 1

    Персональный Сократ > stung

  • 2

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > stung

  • 3

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > stung

  • 4


    stung past & p. p. от sting

    English-Russian short dictionary > stung

  • 5


    НБАРС > stung

  • 6

    Англо-русский технический словарь > stung

  • 7

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > stung

  • 8



    жгучий волосок

    укус; ожог

    острая боль

    колкость, язвительность; жгучесть

    острота; жизненность

    жалить; жечь; кусаться

    жечь, гореть от боли

    причинять острую боль

    чувствовать острую боль

    побуждать; стимулировать

    обманывать, одурачивать, надувать; обирать

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > stung

  • 9



    past participle

    of sting 2.

    * * *

    прош. и прич. прош вр. от sting

    Новый англо-русский словарь > stung

  • 10




    прош. вр. от sting 2.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > stung

  • 11

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > stung

  • 12

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > stung

  • 13

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. smarted (verb) bit; bit/bitten; burned or burnt; smarted

    English-Russian base dictionary > stung

  • 14
    stung past

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > stung past

  • 15
    stung by a serpent

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > stung by a serpent

  • 16
    stung by the mockings of others

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > stung by the mockings of others

  • 17
    get stung

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > get stung

  • 18
    I have been stung!

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > I have been stung!

  • 19
    anger stung him to action

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > anger stung him to action

  • 20
    at the airport he was stung for a few dollars for having excess luggage

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > at the airport he was stung for a few dollars for having excess luggage


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

См. также в других словарях:

  • Stung — Stung, imp. & p. p. of {Sting}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stung — /stung/, v. a pt. and pp. of sting. * * * …   Universalium

  • stung — past and past part of STING …   Medical dictionary

  • stung — [stʌŋ] the past tense and past participle of ↑sting 1 …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • stung — the past tense and past participle of sting1 …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • stung — [stuŋ] vt., vi. pt. & pp. of STING …   English World dictionary

  • Stung — Sting Sting, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stung}(Archaic {Stang}); p. pr. & vb. n. {Stinging}.] [AS. stingan; akin to Icel. & Sw. stinga, Dan. stinge, and probably to E. stick, v.t.; cf. Goth. usstiggan to put out, pluck out. Cf. {Stick}, v. t.] 1. To… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stung — mod. alcohol intoxicated. □ I’m a little stung by the mule, but I can find my way home if you’ll just remind me how to open this door. □ She can drink that stuff all evening and never get stung …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • stung — [[t]stʌ̱ŋ[/t]] Stung is the past tense and past participle of sting …   English dictionary

  • stung — /stʌŋ / (say stung) verb 1. past tense and past participle of sting. –adjective Colloquial 2. drunk. 3. tricked; cheated …  

  • Stung Treng (Stadt) — Stung Treng …   Deutsch Wikipedia

Definitions For Stung


  • Aroused to impatience or anger

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From the verb sting: (⇒ conjugate)
stung is: Click the infinitive to see all available inflections
v past
v past p

Collins Russian Dictionary 2nd Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2000, 1997:

sting [stɪŋ]
(pt, pp stung)
n (from insect) уку́с; (from plant) ожо́г; (organ, of wasp etc) жа́ло; (inf)(confidence trick) моше́нничество
vt (also fig) уязвля́ть (уязви́ть*perf)

vi (insect, animal) жа́литься (impf)
(plant) же́чься*(impf)
(eyes, ointment etc) жечь*(impf)

my eyes are stinging мне жжёт глаза́

* is used to mark translations which have irregular inflections. The Russian-English side of the dictionary gives inflectional information.

stung‘ также найдено в этих статьях:




Past tense and past participle of sting.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




the past tense and past participle of sting


slang Austral drunk; intoxicated

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v. stung, sting•ing,
n. v.t.

1. to prick or wound with a sharp-pointed, often venom-bearing organ.

2. to affect painfully or irritatingly as a result of contact, as certain plants do.

3. to cause to smart or to feel a sharp pain.

4. to cause mental or moral anguish.

5. to goad or drive, as by sharp irritation.

6. Slang. to cheat or take advantage of, esp. to overcharge; soak.


7. to use, have, or wound with a sting, as bees.

8. to cause a sharp, smarting pain.

9. to cause or feel acute mental pain or irritation: The memory of that insult still stings.

10. to feel a smarting pain, as from a blow or the sting of an insect.


11. an act or an instance of stinging.

12. a wound, pain, or smart caused by stinging.

13. any sharp physical or mental wound, hurt, or pain.

14. anything or an element in anything that wounds, pains, or irritates.

15. capacity to wound or pain: Satire has a sting.

16. a sharp stimulus or incitement.

17. any of various sharp-pointed, often venom-bearing organs of insects or other animals.

18. Slang.

b. an ostensibly illegal operation, as the buying of stolen goods, used by undercover investigators to collect evidence of wrongdoing.

[before 900; Old English stingan, c. Old Norse stinga to pierce]

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Adj. 1. stung - aroused to impatience or angerstung — aroused to impatience or anger; «made an irritated gesture»; «feeling nettled from the constant teasing»; «peeved about being left out»; «felt really pissed at her snootiness»; «riled no end by his lies»; «roiled by the delay»

displeased — not pleased; experiencing or manifesting displeasure

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

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