Is stuffs a correct word

Which is correct– stuffs or stuff? Can we use it as a word?

The English language can be confusing. Even native English speakers sometimes have trouble knowing when to use certain words. One such word is stuff.

Stuff as a Noun and Verb

Stuff can be used as both a noun and a verb.

As a noun, stuff generally refers to objects or materials.

For example, you might say “I need to get some new stuff for my workshop.”

The plural is stuffs but is in very short usage.

As a verb, stuff generally means to fill something fully.

For example, you might say, “I need to stuff this chicken with cheese and tomato.”

The third person in the present tense in stuffs.

Sam stuffed the lunch box with pasta.

When do we use the word “stuff?”

Generally, we use the word stuff when we want to refer to a collection of things and is more informal than the term thing. For example:

I have too much stuff in my closet.

“I just have some stuff to do at the office.”

The Plural Noun of Stuff is Stuffs

Stuff is a collective noun that is uncountable, like money.

While the plural of money is money, you can use monies if you want to refer to money obtained from a certain source or allocated to a specific cause.

Stuffs would probably be used in this way; however, stuffs is rarely if ever used in the English language.

That doesn’t make it wrong though. I wouldn’t advise using this word, as I have never heard it said before as a noun in native English-speaking countries. is full of examples of “stuffs” in sentences which I will link here. You can see that they used it to describe stuff that was obtained from a certain source, like “silk stuffs,” “cotton stuffs” and “food stuffs.”

However, stuffs is in short usage and sounds wrong to a native English speaker so please be careful!

It is better to say, “there is a lot of stuff” or “I have so much stuff” rather than “stuffs.”

Stuffs in Literature:

“One day, two rogues… made their appearance. They gave out that they knew how to weave stuffs of the most beautiful colors and elaborate patterns.

The Emperor’s New Clothes, Hans Christian Andersen.

Stuff or Stuffs as a Verb

Stuffs is much better known as a third person verb in the present tense. Stuff means to fill tightly.

For example:

“The turkey is stuffed with herbs and citrus. The chicken is being stuffed now.”

She stuffs apples into a pie.

He stuffs his suitcase with clothes and toiletries for this trip.

How to Use Stuff in a Simple Sentence.

  • I have too much stuff in my closet.
  • I just have some stuff to do at the office.
  • The things you can do with a 3D printer are simply amazing. You can print out all sorts of stuff: toys, tools, replacement parts for various devices, etc.
  • We just love it when the DJ comes over and jams out with us to all of our favorite stuff.

In Conclusion

I hope that I have been able to answer your question about stuff and stuffs! As we can see, it is better to use stuff without the plural -s as this is most recognizable to native English speakers.

If you want to talk about the third person in the present tense you can use stuffs.

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I’m an Irish tutor and founder of TPR Teaching. I started teaching in 2016 and have since taught in the UK, Spain, and online.

I love learning new things about the English language and how to teach it better. I’m always trying to improve my knowledge, so I can better meet the needs of others!

I enjoy traveling, nature walks, and soaking up a new culture. Please share the posts if you find them helpful!

Asked by: Mrs. Rita Gulgowski I

Score: 5/5
(62 votes)

«Stuff» is a collective noun, but «stuffs» would probably be understood to mean distinctly separated groups of stuff. «Stuffs» as a noun is incorrect. The reason it is different from other collective nouns is because it is also a mass noun.

Are stuff or is stuff?

«Stuff» is a collective «thing» so although there might be a lot of things in a pile of «stuff», it is singular: «Where is my stuff?» is correct.

Is Things singular or plural?

The plural form of thing is things.

Is stuff a uncountable noun?

Stuff is an uncountable noun. We use stuff in similar ways to thing, especially in vague language phrases such as stuff like that: Where can we put our stuff? (our belongings) (very similar to, but more informal than, Where can we put our things?)

What is the plural of foodstuff?

(fuːdstʌf ) Word forms: plural foodstuffs. variable noun [usually plural] Foodstuffs are substances which people eat.

37 related questions found

Is it correct to say foodstuffs?

‘Foodstuffs’ (yes, plural) is restricted in use — it’s more a business term, and would probably be used for different products that food companies supply to supermarkets.

Is the word staffs correct?

Staff or staffs

Answer: The correct word is staff if you are referring to a group of people within an organisation. … Words commonly used are employee or staffer. You can also use staffs as a third-person singular verb meaning ‘to work or operate’. She staffs the shop every Monday.

Is stuff a slang word?

Informal. one’s trade, skill, field, facts, etc.: She knows her stuff. Slang. any kind of drug, especially an illicit one.

What is the plural of think?

Filters. Plural form of think. noun.

What is thing plural?

thing /ˈθɪŋ/ noun. plural things.

How do you use such as in a sentence?

Here’s an example of such as used correctly with a comma in a sentence:

  1. In this forest, you’ll see many types of coniferous trees, such as pine and spruce.
  2. Trees such as oaks and elms don’t grow at this altitude.
  3. Citrus fruits , such as oranges and grapefruits , are high in vitamin C.

Is it so many stuff or so much stuff?

«Much» is correct because «stuff» is an uncountable noun.

@OldGeezer I think so too. Thanks for your help :) @jjeonkim «Much» is used with uncountable nouns. «Many» is used with countable nouns.

What is the difference between staff and stuff?

As nouns the difference between stuff and staff

is that stuff is miscellaneous items; things; (with possessive) personal effects while staff is (label) a long, straight stick, especially one used to assist in walking.

Is it furniture or furnitures correct?

The noun furniture can be countable or uncountable. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be furniture. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be furnitures e.g. in reference to various types of furnitures or a collection of furnitures.

What is YEGG in slang?

yegg YEG noun. : one that breaks open safes to steal : safecracker; also : robber.

What is a jut?

: to extend out, up, or forward : project mountains jutting into the sky a jutting jaw. transitive verb. : to cause to project. jut.

Why is stuff called Stuff?

«The word first came up in the conversation in that return briefing. It was like, ‘all the stuff you do’… we walked out of that meeting and I turned around and went, ‘It’s Stuff, it’s got to be Stuff! It’s as democratised as you can get – it’s just all the stuff of life’.»

Who are staffers?

A staffer is a member of staff, especially in political organizations or in journalism. [mainly US] The newspaper has a small nucleus of full-time staffers.

How do you use staff in a sentence?

serve on the staff of.

  1. Bread is the staff of life.
  2. A staff is quickly found to beat a dog with.
  3. All the hospital staff were wonderfully supportive.
  4. There are standard procedures for dismissing staff.
  5. We’ll be down to a skeleton staff over Christmas.
  6. He refused to name the members of staff involved.

Is or are with staff?

“Staff are” is best used when the “staff” is acting as a plural unit. In a situation where the staff in question refers to a group of people, “staff are” is the correct format.

What does provender mean in English?

1 : dry food for domestic animals : feed. 2 : food, victuals.

What does Comestable mean?

edible; eatable. noun. Usually comestibles. articles of food; edibles: The table was spread with all kinds of comestibles.

What do you mean by foodstuff?

: a substance with food value specifically : the raw material of food before or after processing.

From Merriam-Webster’s definition of foodstuff is the following example sentence:

// Hyperinflation has put all but the most basic foodstuffs and medicines out of reach, leaving those who remain thin, hungry and sick.
Washington Post, «In Venezuela’s oil capital, life is a struggle. So is death.,» 20 Sep. 2019

The pluralization of stuffs isn’t that much of a leap from the pluralization of foodstuffs.

There are also other manipulations of English that have allowed for this kind of pluralization.

One has an additional twist, because it pluralizes a noun that shouldn’t really be a noun in the first place:

I have all the feels.

Another is a recent slogan from Arby’s [YouTube video]:

We have the meats.

Mass nouns are seldom pluralized. However, there are exceptions.

From «What is the Plural of ‘Money?'» by Merriam-Webster:

Like common mass nouns such as water and sand, there are occasions when money is inflected with a standard plural, like any count noun. It tends to occur when the reference is to discrete sums of money, obtained from a particular source or allocated to a particular cause.

The spelling in these instance can be moneys or, more commonly, monies:

Some of the 2009 stimulus monies for high-speed rail should end up in the California project and more may be coming.
—James McCommons, Waiting on a Train, 2009

So, the only real reason why stuffs could be considered incorrect is simply because it’s not normally used. Since it isn’t used, it doesn’t sound normal. But that doesn’t mean that it can’t be used.

Repetition has made all the feels and we have the meats sound somewhat normal. Or at least more normal than when they were heard the first time …


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#1 is correct. «Stuff» is uncountable.

  • Английский (американский вариант)

@cvohr is correct. The word «stuff» is already plural.

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Let’s cross the road at the zebra crossing. It’s safer.

The staff members at the animal clinic are very helpful.

I’d like to open a bank
account, please.

When she found her dog safe after the accident, she burst into tears.

I want to be a nurse, so volunteering at my local hospital was a natural choice for me.


My computer will be checked for viruses tomorrow.

A lot of houses are destroyed by huge tornado last year.

This chair is made of plastic, don’t stand on it.

The work is very important and it must be done on time!

Our house is painted with expensive green paints.


Whoever wants to take part in the competition, should fill in this form.

Wherever Helen goes, she always takes her laptop with her.

Jason will not change his mind, whatever you say to him.

You can do the task however   you want: in writing or orally.

Whenever I hear this song, I remember my holidays in Spain.


Girls, if you want some food, help yourselves.

Did Olga clean all the house herself?

Mile likes to make himself heard.

I think, we can overcome the problem ourselves.

I’ve myself installed anti-virus software on my computer.


What time do we have to check out of
the hotel?

I am going to write a list of things to take with me and checked out the items I’ve already packed.

Tim and Rob checks off a nice café down the street yesterday.

Sam will check in for the flight after he finishes his coffee.

Laura always check on her children before she goes to bed herself.


Fill in the correct word / phrase.
*pocket money *training *button *role model *computer simulation
1. ……………… is used a lot in PC games.
2. You must save your ………………… if you want to buy a new computer.
3. This college offers many courses in teacher …………..
4. Press the ………………… to switch the computer on.
5. This singer is a good ……………….. for teenagers.

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Fill in the correct word
Profeddion uniform, appelied, art, transport, forces, freelancer, shift, responsibility, participated, resign, experience
1. Jill is very interested in comic book
2. He hates his schoo, but she has to wear it.
3. She works in a factory. She works
4. My sister works from home. She is a
5. Paula wants to pursue a career in the medical
6. The public in these city is horribl^it takes ages to go
7. Do you have any as a waitress.
8. Everyone in the school project.
9. He decided to from his job due to health problem.
10. Peter dreams of the career in the armed
11. I wouldn’t like to be a doctor. It’s too much
12. He has for the position of a secretary.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future form: Future Simple, Present Continuous, be going to, Future Perfect, Future Continuous.
1. I don’t think Jim (pass) his French exam; he hasn’t studied enough.
2. Jastin (drive) his new car tomorrow at 12 h.m.
3. «When (you/fly) to New — York?» «Tomorrow morning»
4. This time next week I (shop) in Milan.
5. By the end of the month I (finish) this project.
6. I can’t go shopping at the weekend. We (have)dinner with my parents at the weekend.
7. That’s terrible news! What (you/do)?
8. Ann and I (go) to the cafe tonight. Would you like to join us?
9. A; I am very hungry.
B: | make you something to eat.
10. The kids (go) to bed by 10 o’clock.
11. By the end of this year Susan (live) in the USA for 3 years.
12. My sister (be) ten in June.

Choose the correct answer A, В or C.
1. He starts his new tomorrow!
A profession В work C job
2 12 Do you have any as a beautician?
A experience В work C interests
3. 13 Doctor’s and teacher’s are not well-paid.
A salaries В money C wages
4. 14 Paul wants to apply for the of a flight attendant.

Fill in the correct word Profeddion uniform, appelied, art, transport, forces, freelancer, shift, responsibility, parti

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