Is strike out one word

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  • 1
    strike out

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > strike out

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    strike out

    1. II

    2. III

    strike out smth. /smth. out/ strike out the last word зачеркнуть /вычеркнуть/ последнее слово и т.д.

    3. XVI

    1) strike out at smb. he struck out at me он бросился /замахнулся/ на меня || strike out from the shoulder ударить сплеча

    3) strike out for smth. strike out for the shore направиться /поплыть/ к берегу; strike out across smth. strike out across the field направиться /двинуться/ через поля

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > strike out

  • 3
    strike out

    1. phr v набрасываться

    2. phr v быстро двигаться; мчаться; поспешно продвигаться

    3. phr v двигать руками и ногами; перебирать ногами

    4. phr v вычеркнуть

    5. phr v изобрести, придумать

    6. phr v набросать план; сделать рабочий чертёж

    7. phr v мор. поднимать из трюма и спускать на стенку

    strike root — пускать корни; укореняться; укорениться

    8. phr v спорт. выбить в аут

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. cancel (verb) annihilate; annul; blot out; cancel; cross out; destroy; efface; eliminate; erase; expunge; obliterate; rub out; scratch out; undo; wipe out; x out

    2. head (verb) bear; go; head; light out; make; set out; take off

    English-Russian base dictionary > strike out

  • 4
    strike out

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > strike out

  • 5
    strike out


    1. набрасываться ()

    2. 1) быстро двигаться; мчаться; поспешно продвигаться

    the swimmer struck out strongly for the beach — пловец устремился к берегу

    to strike out boldly into uncharted sea — смело отправиться в дорогу по нехоженому пути

    2) двигать руками и ногами (); перебирать ногами ()

    3. вычеркнуть

    the offending parts of the article have been struck out — нежелательные места были вычеркнуты /исключены/ из статьи

    strike out any questions which do not apply — снимите все вопросы, которые не относятся к делу

    to strike smb. out of one’s will — вычеркнуть кого-л. из завещания /из числа наследников/

    4. изобрести, придумать

    to strike out a new idea — изобрести /придумать/ новый план

    to strike out a line for oneself, to strike out a line of one’s own — быть оригинальным /самобытным/; идти своим путём

    5. набросать план; сделать рабочий чертёж


    поднимать из трюма и спускать на стенку

    НБАРС > strike out

  • 6
    strike out

    1) вычеркивать, стирать;
    исключать Strike out the witness’s last remark, it has no place in the court record. ≈ Вычеркните последнюю фразу свидетеля, в протоколе суда ей не место. Calvin did not strike out asceticism entirely from his system as Luther did. ≈ Кальвин не вовсе исключил аскетизм из своей системы, как это сделал Лютер. Syn: erase, wipe out
    2) порождать, изобретать, превращаться( into) to strike out a new idea ≈ изобрести новый план Their hostility strikes out into many ramifications, but it is not difficult to trace all these to the parent root. ≈ Их враждебность породила множество ответвлений, и теперь трудно проследить их общий источник.
    3) представлять вчерне, набрасывать He has struck out the landscape with a few impetuous dashes of the hand. ≈ Он набросал пейзаж несколькими стремительными движениями руки.
    4) направляться( for, against) to strike out for the shore ≈ направиться к берегу
    5) атаковать, набрасываться (at) She was so angry she struck out at the waiter. ≈ Она была так сердита, что буквально напала на официанта.
    6) спорт выводится из игры
    7) терпеть неудачу Ann did her best, but she struck out anyway. ≈ Анна сделала все, что смогла, но все равно потерпела неудачу.
    набрасываться (с кулаками, с оружием) — to * wildly беспорядочно размахивать кулаками — to * right and left наносить удары направо и налево — to * from the shoulder бить сплеча быстро двигаться;
    поспешно продвигаться — the swimmer struck out strongly for the beach пловец устремился к берегу — she struck out for the bus spot она помчалась к автобусной остановке — to * boldly into uncharted sea смело отправиться в дорогу по нехоженому пути двигать руками и ногами (при плавании) ;
    перебирать ногами (при катании на велосипеде, на коньках) вычеркнуть — the offending parts of the article have been struck out нежелательные места были вычеркнуты /исключены/ из статьи — * any questions which do not apply снимите все вопросы, которые не относятся к делу — to strike smb. out of one’s will вычеркнуть кого-л. из завещания /из числа наследников/ изобрести, придумать — to * a new idea изобрести /придумать/ новый план — to * a line for oneself, to * a line of one’s own быть оригинальным /самобытным/;
    идти своим путем набросать план;
    сделать рабочий чертеж( морское) поднимать из трюма и спускать на стенку (спортивное) выбить в аут (бейсбол)

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > strike out

  • 7
    strike out

    фраз. гл.

    1) вычёркивать, стирать; исключать

    Strike out the witness’s last remark, it has no place in the court record. — Вычеркните последнюю фразу свидетеля, в протоколе суда ей не место.

    Calvin did not strike out asceticism entirely from his system as Luther did. — Кальвин не полностью исключил аскетизм из своей системы, как это сделал Лютер.


    2) порождать, изобретать

    Their hostility strikes out into many ramifications, but it is not difficult to trace all these to the parent root. — Их враждебность принимает различные формы, но нетрудно проследить её первоисточник.

    3) представлять вчерне, набрасывать

    He has struck out the landscape with a few impetuous dashes of the hand. — Он набросал пейзаж несколькими стремительными движениями руки.

    5) атаковать, набрасываться

    She was so angry she struck out at the waiter. — Она была так сердита, что буквально напала на официанта.

    Ann did her best, but she struck out anyway. — Анна сделала всё, что смогла, но всё равно потерпела неудачу.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > strike out

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    strike out


    You really struck out that time, didn’t you? — В этот раз у тебя сорвалось, не так ли?

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > strike out

  • 9

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > strike-out

  • 10
    strike out


    1) Общая лексика: быстро двигаться, вычёркивать, вычеркнуть, зачёркивать, изобрести, изобретать, мчаться, набрасываться , набросать план, поспешно продвигаться, придумать, придумывать, сделать рабочий чертеж, перебирать ногами , двигать руками и ногами , энергично двигать руками и ногами , направляться, отправляться, придумать , ударить с плеча

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > strike out

  • 11
    strike out at

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > strike out at

  • 12
    strike out

    1) /vt/ плакировать; 2) /in passive/ плакированный; 3) /in passive/ вычеркивавший

    Англо русский политехнический словарь > strike out

  • 13
    strike out

    вычеркивать, стирать; исключать

    порождать, изобретать, превращаться

    представлять вчерне, набрасывать


    атаковать, набрасываться

    выводится из игры

    терпеть неудачу

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > strike out

  • 14
    strike out

    набрасываться, направляться, энергично двигать руками и ногами, делать быстро и энергично, вычеркивать, вычеркнуть, зачеркивать, придумать, изобретать

    Новый англо-русский словарь > strike out

  • 15
    strike out

    перечёркивать, вычёркивать

    Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > strike out

  • 16
    strike out

    выбыть из игры, пропустив три удара

    The English annotation is below. (English-Russian) > strike out

  • 17
    strike out

    English-Russian marine dictionary > strike out

  • 18
    strike out at

    English-Russian military dictionary > strike out at

  • 19
    strike out

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > strike out

  • 20
    strike out

    а) вы́черкнуть, зачеркну́ть

    б) пойти́ по но́вому пути́

    в) бейсб вы́бить бэ́ттера из игры́

    г) бокс нанести́ уда́р

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > strike out


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Strike Out — Strike Out, (1969 1998), North American Harness racing champion Strike Out was born in 1969 at Castleton Farm in Lexington, Kentucky, and is by Bret Hanover out of the mare Golden Miss.He was purchased at a yearling auction for $15,000 by Beejay… …   Wikipedia

  • strike out — N. Amer. informal be unsuccessful. → strike strike out start out on a new or independent course. → strike …   English new terms dictionary

  • strike out — {v.} 1. To destroy something that has been written or drawn by drawing a line or cross through it or by erasing it. * /John misspelled corollary. He struck it out and wrote it correctly./ 2. To begin to follow a new path or a course of action… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • strike out — {v.} 1. To destroy something that has been written or drawn by drawing a line or cross through it or by erasing it. * /John misspelled corollary. He struck it out and wrote it correctly./ 2. To begin to follow a new path or a course of action… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • strike out — Out Out (out), n. 1. One who, or that which, is out; especially, one who is out of office; generally in the plural. [1913 Webster] 2. A place or space outside of something; a nook or corner; an angle projecting outward; an open space; chiefly… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • strike out — index annul, deface, delete, edit, eliminate (eradicate), eradicate, expunge, expurgate …   Law dictionary

  • strike out — [v] leave to begin new venture bear, begin, get under way*, head, initiate, light out*, make, set out, start, start out, take off*; concept 195 Ant. remain, stay …   New thesaurus

  • strike|out — «STRYK OWT», noun. 1. Baseball. a) an out earned by a pitcher throwing three strikes against a batter. b) the act of striking out: »“Casey at the Bat,” which builds up to one of the biggest letdowns in all literature Casey s strikeout with two… …   Useful english dictionary

  • strike out — the old phone number Syn: delete, cross out, erase, rub out …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • strike-out — → ponche, 2 …   Diccionario panhispánico de dudas

  • strike out — phrasal verb Word forms strike out : present tense I/you/we/they strike out he/she/it strikes out present participle striking out past tense struck out past participle struck out 1) [intransitive] to start doing something new or different,… …   English dictionary

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

UTOPIA I’d like to strike out the word «Utopia».

Before reading it out, he gave it to his main advisor, who made some small corrections, but at one place this man forgot to strike out the corrected word.

Перед тем, как прочитать ее, он передал текст своему главному советнику, который сделал несколько мелких поправок, но в одном месте забыл вычеркнуть исправленное слово.

Of every four words I write, I strike out three.

He wanted to break out the constrictive formats of Sri Lankan cinema and strike out in new and more fruitful directions.

Он хотел вырваться из тесных форматов шри-ланкийского кино и освоить новые, более плодотворные направления.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 246774. Точных совпадений: 1. Затраченное время: 897 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

вычеркнуть, вычеркивать, зачеркивать, набрасываться, направляться


- набрасываться (с кулаками, с оружием)

to strike out wildly — беспорядочно размахивать кулаками
to strike out right and left — наносить удары направо и налево
to strike out from the shoulder — бить сплеча

- быстро двигаться; мчаться; поспешно продвигаться

the swimmer struck out strongly for the beach — пловец устремился к берегу
she struck out for the bus spot — она помчалась к автобусной остановке
to strike out boldly into uncharted sea — смело отправиться в дорогу по нехоженому пути

- двигать руками и ногами (при плавании); перебирать ногами (при катании на велосипеде, на коньках)
- вычеркнуть

the offending parts of the article have been struck out — нежелательные места были вычеркнуты /исключены/ из статьи
strike out any questions which do not apply — снимите все вопросы, которые не относятся к делу
to strike smb. out of one’s will — вычеркнуть кого-л. из завещания /из числа наследников/

- изобрести, придумать

to strike out a new idea — изобрести /придумать/ новый план
to strike out a line for oneself, to strike out a line of one’s own — быть оригинальным /самобытным/; идти своим путём

- набросать план; сделать рабочий чертёж
- мор. поднимать из трюма и спускать на стенку
- спорт. выбить в аут (бейсбол)

Мои примеры


to strike out for the shore — направиться к берегу  
strike out right and left — наносить удары направо и налево  
strike out pleadings — признавать состязательные бумаги противной стороны, не имеющие юридического значения  
strike out a row — вычёркивать строку  
strike out for the shore — быстро поплыть к берегу  
strike out from the shoulder — бить сплеча  
strike out a line for oneself — быть оригинальным; идти своим путём; оригинальничать  
strike out — попытаться вступить в половую связь и получить отказ; быстро двигаться  
strike out an item — вычёркивать статью  
to strike out wildly — беспорядочно размахивать кулаками  

Примеры с переводом

Ann did her best, but she struck out anyway.

Анна сделала всё, что смогла, но всё равно потерпела неудачу.

Strike out the witness’s last remark, it has no place in the court record.

Вычеркните последнюю фразу свидетеля, в протоколе суда ей не место.

She was so angry she struck out at the waiter.

Она была так сердита, что буквально напала на официанта.

Unhappy young people will often strike out at the people closest to them.

Молодые люди часто срывают своё недовольство на самых близких.

He has struck out the landscape with a few impetuous dashes of the hand.

Он набросал пейзаж несколькими стремительными движениями руки.

Calvin did not strike out asceticism entirely from his system as Luther did.

Кальвин не полностью исключил аскетизм из своей системы, как это сделал Лютер.

Their joint venture in Las Vegas struck out, and they hurriedly dissolved the partnership.

Их совместное предприятие в Лас-Вегасе потерпело неудачу, и они поспешили расторгнуть партнёрство.

Forced to face the fact that he would always be an insignificancy in such a large law firm, he decided to strike out on his own.

Будучи вынужденным признать тот факт, что в такой крупной юридической фирме он всегда будет мелкой сошкой, он решил начать собственное дело.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…struck out all references to indecent matters…

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Want to cross out words, letters, or entire sentences in Microsoft Word? We’ll show you how to use strikethrough to cross out any text in your Microsoft Word document using a computer, Android, iPhone, iPad, or Windows tablet.

Things You Should Know

  • The strikethrough option is located in the Home tab at the top of Word.
  • You can apply a double-line strikethrough using the Font panel’s additional options.
  • To remove a strikethrough, highlight the text and click the strikethrough icon. Alternatively, select ‘Clear Formatting’ to remove it.
  1. Image titled Cross Out Words in a Microsoft Word Document Step 1


    Highlight the text you want to strike out. You can do this by clicking and dragging the mouse cursor over the word or phrase.

    • Although there is no keyboard shortcut for striking through text, it’ll only take a few seconds to apply the formatting.
  2. Image titled Cross Out Words in a Microsoft Word Document Step 2


    Click the Home tab. If you’re not already on the Home tab, you’ll need to click Home at the top of Word to go there now.


  3. Image titled Cross Out Words in a Microsoft Word Document Step 3


    Click the strikethrough icon. This icon looks like «


    » (or «


    » in some versions) with a horizontal line through both letters. You’ll see it up near the rest of your font options, such as the options to make words bold and italic. Clicking this icon will cross out all selected text.

    • To remove the strikethrough effect, highlight the word or phrase again, and then click the ab icon.
  4. Image titled Cross Out Words in a Microsoft Word Document Step 4


    Apply double-line strikethrough (optional). If you want to cross out the selected word or phrase with two lines instead of one, you can use the double-line strikethrough effect.[1]
    Here’s how:

    • With the word or phrase highlighted, click the small down-arrow on the «Font» panel at the top of the screen.
    • Check the box next to «Double strikethrough.»
    • Click OK.
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  1. Image titled Cross Out Words in a Microsoft Word Document Step 5


    Select the text you want to strike out. To do this, just tap and hold one of the words you want to cross out, and then drag either side of the selection bars until all of the desired text is highlighted.

  2. Image titled Cross Out Words in a Microsoft Word Document Step 6


    Tap the strikethrough icon (Android and Windows tablets only). If you see an icon that has lowercase «


    » with a horizontal line crossing through it, you can tap that icon to immediately strike through the selected text. If not, skip to the next step.

  3. Image titled Cross Out Words in a Microsoft Word Document Step 7


    Tap the text formatting icon. It’s the icon of a capital «A» that has three horizontal dots beneath it.[2]
    You’ll see this option at the top of the screen if you didn’t see a crossed-out «


    » icon.

  4. Image titled Cross Out Words in a Microsoft Word Document Step 8


    Tap Strikethrough. This crosses out the selected text.

    • If you want to remove the strikethrough effect, select the text again, and then tap the ab icon (if you see it) or tap the text formatting icon and select Clear Formatting.
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1. Highlight the word or phrase with your mouse cursor.
2. Click the Home tab.
3. Click the icon of a crossed-out «ab.»

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strike out

1. To erase, cancel, or cross out a line or portion of writing. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «strike» and «out.» Sorry, strike that last line out. I wrote an angry email but ended up striking out most of it before I sent it.

2. In baseball or softball, of the batter, to be out after getting three strikes and failing to hit the ball or reach base on a walk. If I strike out, we’re going to lose the game. Frequent home run hitters are also apt to strike out a lot.

3. In baseball or softball, of the pitcher, to retire a batter by throwing three strikes. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «strike» and «out.» The rookie has struck out more batters than anyone else in the league. If the pitcher strikes her out, we’ll lose this game.

4. To fail to achieve a desired result. The eighth film in the horror series struck out with audiences. I tried to get a phone number from her, but I struck out again.

5. To begin a journey of some kind; to set out. Tomorrow, we’ll strike out at dawn and our quest will be underway. The whole battalion struck out toward the border days ago.

strike out at (someone or something)

1. To attack or hit something with a sudden sharp physical blow. The belligerent man struck out at the dog with a rolled-up magazine, drawing scornful looks from passersby. Bill didn’t hear me coming up behind him and struck out at me when I touched his shoulder.

2. To attack someone or something verbally; to criticize, berate, or reprimand someone something. The government is striking out at misinformation about the crisis that has been circulating on the Internet. I’ve noticed Sam striking out at his friends whenever they bring the topic up in conversation.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

strike something out

to cross something out of a section of printing or writing. This is wrong. Please strike it out. Strike out this sentence.

strike out (at someone or something)

to hit at someone or something with the intention of threatening or harming. Dave would strike out at anyone who came near him, but it was all bluff. He was mad, and when anyone came close, he struck out.

strike out


1. Lit. [for a baseball batter] to be declared out after making three strikes. (Baseball.) And so Drew Wilson strikes out for his second time in this game! He struck out in the second inning, and the manager took him out then.

2. Fig. to fail. Well, we struck out again, but we’ll keep trying. I hear you struck out on that Acme proposal. Better luck next time.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

strike out

1. Cancel or erase, as in Strike out that last sentence, please. [Early 1500s]

2. Begin a course of action, set out energetically, as in Elaine was determined to strike out on her own. [Early 1700s]

3. Fail in an endeavor, as in His latest business venture has struck out. This usage originated in baseball, where it refers to a batter’s failure to put the ball in play ( Williams struck out three times in yesterday’s game), as well as to a pitcher’s success in eliminating a batter ( Clemens struck him out again in the fourth inning). [Late 1800s]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

strike out


1. To begin a course of action: After hatching, the baby turtles struck out toward the ocean. After the band broke up, the lead singer struck out on her own. We struck out on a mission to find the lost treasure.

2. To make an attempt to hit someone: The suspect struck out at the police officer.

3. Baseball To pitch three strikes to some batter, putting the batter out: The pitcher struck out the batter to end the inning. The pitcher struck the batter out with two curve balls and a fastball.

4. Baseball To be put out at bat with three strikes: The batter struck out and returned to the dugout.

5. To fail in an endeavor: They struck out in their attempt to raise taxes. The network struck out with its new television show and canceled it after the third week. The car salesman struck out with his first five customers.

6. To eliminate or delete something from a document or record: The editor struck out the final paragraph and rewrote it. The lawyer struck a clause out of the contract.

7. To put some claim or action out of a court of law without further hearing: The court struck out the claim when the plaintiff failed to produce enough evidence. The judge found the accusation unclear, so she struck it out.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

strike out

1. in. [for a baseball batter] to be declared out after three strikes. (Baseball.) He struck out in the second inning, and manager Willy “Herky” Simpson read him out then.

2. in. to fail. I hear you struck out on that Acme proposal. Better luck next time.

McGraw-Hill’s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • strike out at (someone or something)
  • lash out at (someone or something)
  • bump up
  • lash out against (someone or something)
  • kick at
  • kick at (someone or something)
  • bop
  • strike up a conversation
  • strike up a conversation (with one)
  • striking
    • See Also:
      • strigiform
      • strigil
      • strigose
      • strikable
      • strike
      • strike benefit
      • strike down
      • strike fault
      • strike force
      • strike off
      • strike out
      • strike pay
      • strike plate
      • strike slip
      • strike up
      • strike zone
      • strikebound
      • strikebreaker
      • strikebreaking
      • strikeout
      • strikeover
    • Recent searches:
    • View All

  • Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

strike out vb (adverb)

  1. (transitive) to remove or erase
  2. (intransitive) to start out or begin: to strike out on one’s own
  3. to put out or be put out on strikes
  4. (intransitive) US Canadian informal to fail utterly

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

strike /straɪk/USA pronunciation  
v., struck/strʌk/USA pronunciation ;
 or (esp. for 31-34. ) strick•en;


  1. to deal (a blow) to (someone), as with the fist, a weapon, or a hammer: [+ object]He struck a blow at his attackers.[no object]Suddenly the mongoose struck and the snake disappeared.
  2. to make a planned attack (on) suddenly: [no object]The dive bombers struck at dawn.[+ object]The bombers struck the oil refineries.
  3. to drive so as to cause impact or to collide:[+ object]to strike the hands together.
  4. to come into forceful contact or collision with;
    crash into: [+ object]The ship struck a rock.[no object]Will lightning strike in the same place twice?
  5. to thrust forcibly:[+ object]She struck a pike into the earth.
  6. to produce by hitting or friction:[+ object]to strike sparks.
  7. (of a match) to (cause to) ignite by friction: [+ object]He struck a match and lit the oil lamp.[no object]After the fifth time the match finally struck.
  8. to come (upon) suddenly, as with bad effect: [no object]If disaster strikes, will we have any money left?[+ object]If disaster strikes us, what will we do?
  9. to reach (the ear) or fall or shine upon, as sound or light does:[+ object]The bright light struck my eyes.
  10. to enter the mind of: [+ object]A happy thought struck him.[It + ~ + object + (that) clause]It struck me that I had forgotten to get a gift for the party.
  11. to impress strongly:[+ object]That particular painting struck my eye.
  12. to impress in a particular manner:[+ object + as]It strikes me as a ridiculous idea.
  13. to overwhelm emotionally;
    affect strongly:[+ object* usually: be + struck + with/by + object]He was struck with awe.
  14. to cause to become a certain way:[+ object (+ as) + adjective]Those lies about her struck me dumb.
  15. to bring about (a feeling) in;
    induce:[+ object]The Viking longships struck fear into the hearts of the villagers.
  16. to happen upon;
    discover:[+ object]The drilling crew struck oil.
  17. to arrive at;
    confirm:[+ object]The two sides struck a compromise.
  18. to take apart;
    pull down:[+ object]The army struck camp and marched off early the next day.
  19. to cancel;
    cross out;
    remove:[+ object]At the last minute he decided to strike that passage from the speech.
  20. Timeto mark or make note of (the time) by or as if by chimes, bells, or the like: [no object]The clock struck at midnight.[+ a number indicating time]The clock struck 12.
  21. to be indicated by or as if by such chimes, bells, or sounds:[no object]The hour has struck.
  22. to assume or take on the formal character of:[+ object]The model struck a pose.
  23. to go on strike against (an employer): [+ object]The workers struck the packing plant.[no object]The workers struck for higher wages.
  24. strike off, to remove: [+ object + off]to strike names off a list.[+ off + object]to strike off his name from our list.
  25. strike out:
    to (cause to) be put out by a strikeout in baseball: [no object]The batter struck out the last two times he was up.[+ object + out]On the next pitch he struck him out.[+ out + object]He struck out six batters in a row.
    [no object] to fail:Every time he tried to get a date with her he struck out.
    [no object]to make one’s way;
    set forth;
    venture forth:struck out on their journey.

  26. strike up, [+ up + object]
    • to cause to begin performing:She took the fiddle and struck up a tune.
    • to bring into being:They struck up a deep friendship from the first time they met.


  1. [countable] an act or instance of striking.
  2. a stoppage of activity to force an employer or some authority to agree to demands, or to protest conditions: [countable]a student strike.[uncountable* on + ~]The subway workers went out on strike for six weeks.
  3. Sport[countable] Baseball. a pitch that is swung at and missed.
  4. [countable] the knocking down of all the bowling pins with the first throw of the ball in a frame.

  5. Mining the discovery of a rich mineral deposit:[countable]a gold strike.
  6. a planned attack, esp. by military aircraft:[countable]a combined air and land strike against the occupied island.


  1. Idioms have two strikes against one, to be at a critical disadvantage:Without a job or a bank account, I’ll have two strikes against me.
  2. Idioms strike home, to deal an effective blow and achieve an intended effect:His argument really struck home and persuaded the jury.
  3. Idioms strike it rich, [no object] to have sudden or unexpected success.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(strīk),USA pronunciation v., struck  or  (Obs.) strook* struck  or (esp. for 31–34) strick•en  or  (Obs.) strook;
 n., adj. 


  1. to deal a blow or stroke to (a person or thing), as with the fist, a weapon, or a hammer;
  2. to inflict, deliver, or deal (a blow, stroke, attack, etc.).
  3. to drive so as to cause impact:to strike the hands together.
  4. to thrust forcibly:Brutus struck a dagger into the dying Caesar.
  5. to produce (fire, sparks, light, etc.) by percussion, friction, etc.
  6. to cause (a match) to ignite by friction.
  7. (of some natural or supernatural agency) to smite or blast:Lightning struck the spire. May God strike you dead!
  8. to come into forcible contact or collision with;
    hit into or against:The ship struck a rock.
  9. to reach or fall upon (the senses), as light or sound:A shrill peal of bells struck their ears.
  10. to enter the mind of;
    occur to:A happy thought struck him.
  11. to catch or arrest (the sight, hearing, etc.):the first object that strikes one’s eye.
  12. to impress strongly:a picture that strikes one’s fancy.
  13. to impress in a particular manner:How does it strike you?
  14. to come across, meet with, or encounter suddenly or unexpectedly:to strike the name of a friend in a newspaper.
  15. Miningto come upon or find (oil, ore, etc.) in drilling, prospecting, or the like.
  16. to send down or put forth (a root), as a plant or cutting.
  17. to arrive at or achieve by or as by balancing:to strike a balance; to strike a compromise.
  18. to take apart or pull down (a structure or object, as a tent).
  19. Show Businessto remove from the stage (the scenery and properties of an act or scene):to strike a set.
  20. [Naut.]
    • Naval Termsto lower or take down (a sail, mast, etc.).
    • Naval Termsto lower (a sail, flag, etc.) as a salute or as a sign of surrender.
    • Naval Termsto lower (something) into the hold of a vessel by means of a rope and tackle.

  21. Animal Behavior, Sport[Falconry.]to loosen (a hood) from the head of a hawk so that it may be instantly removed.
  22. Sport[Angling.]
    • to hook (a fish that has taken the bait) by making a sharp jerk on the line.
    • (of a fish) to snatch at (the bait).

  23. to harpoon (a whale).
  24. Building(in technical use) to make level or smooth.
  25. to make level or even, as a measure of grain or salt, by drawing a strickle across the top.
  26. to efface, cancel, or cross out, with or as with the stroke of a pen (usually fol. by out):to strike a passage out of a book.
  27. Currencyto impress or stamp (a coin, medal, etc.) by printing or punching:to strike a medal in commemoration.
  28. to remove or separate with or as if with a cut (usually fol. by off):Illness struck him off from social contacts. The butcher struck off a chop.
  29. Building[Masonry.]to finish (a mortar joint) with a stroke of the trowel.
  30. Timeto indicate (the hour of day) by a stroke or strokes, as a clock:to strike 12.
  31. to afflict suddenly, as with disease, suffering, or death (often fol. by down):The plague struck Europe. Apoplexy struck him down.
  32. to overwhelm emotionally, as with terror or fear;
    affect deeply.
  33. to make blind, dumb, etc., suddenly, as if by a blow.
  34. to implant or induce (a feeling):to strike fear into a person.
  35. to start or move suddenly into (vigorous movement):The horse struck a gallop.
  36. to assume (an attitude or posture):He likes to strike a noble pose.
  37. to cause (chill, warmth, etc.) to pass or penetrate quickly.
  38. to come upon or reach in traveling or in a course of procedure:We struck Rome before dark.
  39. to make, conclude, or ratify (an agreement, treaty, etc.).
  40. to estimate or determine (a mean or average).
  41. to leave off (work) or stop (working) as a coercive measure, or as at the close of the day.
  42. (of a union or union member)
    • to declare or engage in a suspension of (work) until an employer grants certain demands, such as pay increases, an improved pension plan, etc.
    • to declare or engage in a suspension of work against (a factory, employer, industry, etc.) until certain demands are met.

  43. Fine Artto draw (a straight line);
    paint the edge of an area with (a regular, usually straight line).
  44. Lawmakingto choose (a jury) from a panel by striking off names until only the required number remains.


  1. to deal or aim a blow or stroke, as with the fist, a weapon, or a hammer.
  2. Militaryto make an attack, esp. a planned military assault:Our troops struck at dawn.
  3. to knock, rap, or tap.
  4. to hit or dash on or against something, as a moving body does;
    come into forcible contact;
  5. to run upon a bank, rock, or other obstacle, as a ship does.
  6. to fall, as light or sound does (fol. by on or upon).
  7. to make an impression on the mind, senses, etc., as something seen or heard.
  8. to come suddenly or unexpectedly (usually fol. by on or upon):to strike on a new way of doing a thing.
  9. to sound by percussion:The clock strikes.
  10. to be indicated by or as by such percussion:The hour has struck.
  11. to ignite or be ignited by friction, as a match.
  12. Sportto make a stroke, as with the arms or legs in swimming or with an oar in rowing.
  13. Music and Danceto produce a sound, music, etc., by touching a string or playing upon an instrument.
  14. to take root, as a slip of a plant.
  15. to go, proceed, or advance, esp. in a new direction:They struck out at dawn. They struck toward a new town.
    • Military[U.S. Army.]to act as a voluntary paid servant to a commissioned officer.
    • Military[U.S. Navy.]to work hard: strive (followed by for):He is striking for yeoman.

  16. (of a union or union member) to engage in a suspension of work until an employer or industry meets certain demands.
  17. [Naut.]
    • Naval Termsto lower the flag or colors, esp. as a salute or as a sign of surrender.
    • Naval Termsto run up the white flag of surrender.

  18. [Angling.](of fish) to swallow or take the bait.
  19. Military strike camp, to dismantle and pack up equipment;
    prepare to move on;
    break camp:The army struck camp and moved on.
  20. strike hands, to conclude a bargain, as by shaking or joining hands;
    confirm an agreement:They reached a price satisfactory to both of them, and struck hands on it.
  21. strike home:
    • to deal an effective blow, hit a vulnerable part, or wound critically or mortally:The second arrow struck home.
    • to have the intended effect;
      hit the mark:The sermon on Christian charity struck home.

  22. strike in, to interrupt suddenly;
    intervene:I struck in with a suggestion.
  23. strike it rich:
    • to come upon a valuable mineral or oil deposit.
    • to have sudden or unexpected financial success:She struck it rich in real estate.

  24. strike off:
    • Printingto print:They struck off 300 copies of the book.
    • to remove or cancel, as from a record, list, etc.:His name was struck off the waiting list.
    • to produce rapidly and easily:She struck off several letters and had no more work to do.
    • to depart rapidly:We struck off for the country.

  25. Mining strike oil. See oil (def. 9).
  26. strike out:
    • [Baseball.]to put out or be put out by a strike-out:The pitcher walked two and struck out three. He struck out twice in three times at bat.
    • (of a person or effort) to fail:His next two business ventures struck out.
    • to lose favor.
    • to erase;
      cross out.
    • to set forth;
      venture forth:She struck out on her own at the age of 18.

  27. strike up:
    • to begin to play or to sing:The orchestra struck up a waltz.
    • to set in operation;
      begin:Strike up the band!
    • to bring into being;
      begin:to strike up an acquaintance with new neighbors.


  1. an act or instance of striking.
  2. a concerted stopping of work or withdrawal of workers’ services, as to compel an employer to accede to workers’ demands or in protest against terms or conditions imposed by an employer.
  3. a temporary stoppage of something.
  4. BuildingAlso called strike plate. a metal plate on a jamb holding the bolt of the lock on a door when closed.
  5. Sport[Baseball.]
    • a pitch that is swung at and missed by the batter.
    • a pitch that passes through the strike zone and is not swung at by the batter.
    • a foul tip caught by the catcher when there are already two strikes against the batter.
    • a foul bunt when there are already two strikes against the batter.
    • a ball hit foul and not caught on the fly when there are less than two strikes against the batter.

  6. Sport[Bowling.]
    • the knocking down of all of the pins with the first bowl.
    • the score so made. Cf. spare (def. 22).

  7. Time[Horol.]the striking mechanism of a timepiece.
  8. Wine[Brewing.]the degree of excellence or strength of beer, ale, etc.
  9. Sport[Angling.]
    • a sharp jerk on the line, made in order to set the hook in the mouth of the fish.
    • a pull on the line, made by the fish in the process of taking the bait.

  10. Currency[Coining.]a quantity of coins struck at one time.
  11. Geology
    • the direction of the line formed by the intersection of the bedding plane of a bed or stratum of sedimentary rock with a horizontal plane.
    • the direction or trend of a structural feature, as an anticlinal axis or the lineation resulting from metamorphism.

  12. Miningthe discovery of a rich vein or ore in mining, of petroleum in boring, etc.
  13. [Mil.]a planned attack, esp. by aircraft, on a target.
  14. have two strikes against one, to be in an unfavorable or a critical position:His age and his lack of education are two strikes against him in his search for a job.
  15. on strike, engaged in a stoppage of work, services, or other activities, as by union workers to get better wages.


  1. Militarydescribing a fighter-bomber aircraft designed to carry large payloads at high speeds and low altitudes and also to engage in air-to-air combat.
  • bef. 1000; 1768 for def. 74; (verb, verbal) Middle English striken to stroke, beat, cross out, Old English strīcan to stroke, make level; cognate with German streichen; (noun, nominal) Middle English: unit of dry measure (i.e., something leveled off; see strick), derivative of the verb, verbal; akin to streak, stroke1

strikeless, adj. 

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged Strike, hit, knock imply suddenly bringing one body in contact with another.
      Strike suggests such an action in a general way:to strike a child.Hit is less formal than strike, and often implies giving a single blow, but usually a strong one and definitely aimed:to hit a baseball.To knock is to strike, often with a tendency to displace the object struck; it also means to strike repeatedly:to knock someone down; to knock at a door.See also beat. 

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged miss.

strike out‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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Did i just see you strike out with a prostitute?

How’s that work?


По-моему, ты только что отшил проститутку?

Как у тебя получилось?

Just till morning.

We’ll strike out at first light.

I know you got the eagers.

— До утра.

Как рассветет, сразу поедем.

Я знаю, ты очень спешишь.

Cut out the infection.

Strike out in self-defence.

I don’t understand.

Удалить инфекцию.

Усилить самозащиту.

Я не понимаю.

I’ll just be a minute.

Then we can strike out for the chateau.

The fact is, the moment Sauvage gets that crown on his head, he’ll be able to do whatever he likes with the country that I love, and that is why you and I have got to stop him.


Солнце зайдет через час.

Тогда мы отправимся в замок. Как только Соваж наденет корону, он сможет делать всё что угодно со страной, которую я люблю и поэтому мы с вами должны его остановить.

Thank you for being so nice to me today.

. — I don’t want you to strike out tomorrow.

So maybe you could talk to me about lilies.

Спасибо за то, что был ко мне сегодня так добр.

-Я не хочу, чтобы завтра я тебя отшила.

Так что поговори со мной о лилиях.

I’m on location assuming command.

Strike out a fourth alarm.

OK, shut down all exterior operations.

Нахожусь на месте, беру командование на себя.

Объявить тревогу 4-й степени.

Прекратить все внешние работы.

I’m for it if everyone else is.

Where will they find the money to strike out on their own?

It’s true, the house can be mortgaged… no need to sell it. But Cola is right:

Тогда мы сможем работать на себя, и расплатимся с долгами.

Я согласен, если все остальные согласятся…

Закладная за дом принесет небольшой капитал,..


Dare to strike out and find new ground.

Now in addition to your essays I would like you to compose a poem of your own an original work.

— Да! — (звенит звонок)

Боритесь, чтобы найти новую землю.

А теперь, в дополнение к сочинению, я задам вам написать стихотворение,

Look at you.

You’re really going to strike out tonight!

— Ain’t you hungry, Homer?


Ты действительно собираешься сегодня сражаться!

— Гомер, ты не голоден? — Умираю от голода.

I love the crowd as I love the sea.

engulfed or lost in it, but to sail on it like a solitary pirate, content to be carried by the current yet strike

Like the sea, a crowd is invigorating to my wandering mind.

Я люблю толпу, как люблю море.

Не за то, что она меня поглощает или втягивает, а за то, что я могу болтаться на поверхности одиноко, безмятежно, принимая её ритм. Это порождает мой собственный ритм, когда разбивается или растекается течение толпы.

Как и море, толпа меня тонизирует и помогает мечтать.

Look here, man, if they heard me play like this up north, you know I’d be richer than the man I sharecrop for!

And if they saw me pitch the way I did they’d hire me just to strike out Babe Ruth!

Well, you know, that sure is a- thrilling, yes Lord! What they do in them white churches, Mama?

Если бы моё пение услышали на Севере, я стал бы богаче моего арендодателя.

А если бы увидели мою сегодняшнюю подачу, то наняли бы меня выбить Бэйба Рута.

— Что делают в этих белых церквях, мам?

While the Moors hold Valencia…

Ben Yusuf can strike out from there, overrun all Spain.

Your Majesty must not let this happen.

Пока Валенсия в руках мавров,

Бен Юсуф может напасть оттуда и опустошить всю Испанию.

Ваше Величество не может допустить этого.

-Every man for himself, gentlemen.

Those who strike out are stuck with her friends.

I’m not going to strike out.

Иными словами, каждый за себя, господа.

Для тех, кого она отбреет, остаются ее подруги.

Меня не отбреет.

Those who strike out are stuck with her friends.

I’m not going to strike out.

You can lead a blonde to water, but you can’t make her drink.

Для тех, кого она отбреет, остаются ее подруги.

Меня не отбреет.

Можно привести блондинку к реке, но нельзя заставить ее пить.

His profile…

He’s likely to strike out at the things that made him the most human.

— You must be so disappointed in me.

Такова его натура…

Он старается избавиться от всего, что делает его человеком.

— Ты, должно быть, разочаровался во мне.

I thought you were black.

There’s four guys, we all strike out, am I right?

— He’s cute.

Отлично играл. Я сначала подумал, ты черный.

Нас четверо, и все хотят поразвлечься, так? — Какой милый.

— Он на тебя смотрел.

Which was given life by writing on its forehead the word ‘life’.

And when you strike out only one letter it’s ’emeth’.

And when you strike out the ‘e’, it becomes ‘meth’, which is ‘death’.

Которую оживили, написав у неё на лбу слово «жизнь» .

И когда вы стираете всего одну букву в слове «эмет».

Когда вы стираете букву «э», остаётся «мет», что значит «смерть».

And when you strike out only one letter it’s ’emeth’.

And when you strike out the ‘e’, it becomes ‘meth’, which is ‘death’.

So life and death depends on one letter.

И когда вы стираете всего одну букву в слове «эмет».

Когда вы стираете букву «э», остаётся «мет», что значит «смерть».

То есть жизнь и смерть зависят от одной буквы .

I’ll take your bags to the desk.

You strike out, I’ll get you a hotel.

— You’re all right, Argyle.

Я тогда принесу ваши сумки.

Если что-то не так, я отвезу вас в гостиницу.

— Ты молодец, Аргаль.

Fair enough.

But there comes a time when a man has to strike out on his own.

Stake his own claim.


Но всегда настает время, когда человек начинает работать на себя.

Смерть на костре — его собственный выбор.


How could you strike out six times?

It hasn’t been pretty.


Как ты мог шесть раз ударить мимо ворот?

Да уж, он показал себя.

An opening salvo.

… looking down at you, and you’re going to have one chance… to either hit it out of the park or strike

Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.

Слово, фраза, что-то неотразимое.

Цветик может явиться в любую минуту, и у тебя будет только один шанс — или ты делаешь точный удар, или выбываешь из игры. Будь готов.

Чёрт, чёрт, чёрт, чёрт.


How could you strike out six times?

It hasn’t been pretty.


Как ты мог шесть раз ударить мимо ворот?

Да уж, он показал себя.

Destiny is you’re supposed to win.

Since you’re supposed to win, since I expect you to win… don’t you celebrate when you strike out one

Hey, dogs, hats!

Наша цель, выиграть.

Как вы хотите выиграть, так и я жду вашей победы… я не помню, отмечали ли мы, когда в первый раз разгромили этих недоносков—

Эй, кепки!

And I’m not going to be one anymore.

No matter how hard it is to strike out on my own I’m gonna do what I think is right for me.

Even if it means breaking with everything in the past.

Но я больше не собираюсь быть робкой.

И не важно, какова будет цена за эти изменения я буду делать то, что сама считаю правильным.

Даже если это будет означать полный разрыв с прошлым.

You’re gonna be dead in 36 hours.

I am offering you an opportunity to live beyond death, to strike out at the man who took everything from

Yes or no?

Ты будешь мёртв через 36 часов.

Я предлагаю тебе возможность пожить поле смерти, достать человека, который отнял у тебя всё.

Да или нет? !

What derailed those big plans?

Well, there comes a time when a man’s gotta strike out on his own.

— Store burned down.

Что расстроило эти великие планы?

Всегда приходит время, когда мужчина должен двигаться вперед сам по себе.

— Магазин сгорел дотла.

In the meantime if you’re not gonna ask her to dance, then I will.

What happened, did my friend strike out?

Your friend?

А пока что… если ты не пригласишь ее на танец, то это сделаю я.

Что случилось, моя подруга налажала?

Ваша подруга?

♪ believe again, life throws you for a curve ♪

strike out swinging, you might learn ♪

♪ there’ll be another game tomorrow ♪

? Поверь,жизнь заставит тебя изгибаться ?

? Выбьет тебя из колеи,но тебе придется научится ?

? Завтра будет новая игра ?

We’re not gonna let AIDS get more hits than us.

We’re not gonna let AIDS strike out more people than us.

No, sir.

Мы не позволим СПИДу забрать у нас кого-то ещё.

Мы не позволим СПИДу поразить ещё больше людей.

Нет, сэр.

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Series finales have that responsibility to leave you feeling good about entire series. You want to feel like the viewer closes the book satisfied. And if you strike out on the finale it skews how you feel about the entire series.

Shawn Ryan





Strike out is a verb.

The verb is the part of the sentence that is conjugated and expresses action and state of being.


strike out


In baseball or softball, a strikeout occurs when a batter accumulates three strikes during a time at bat. It usually means the batter is out. A strikeout is a statistic recorded for both pitchers and batters, and is denoted by K. Although a strikeout suggests that the pitcher dominated the batter, the free-swinging style that generates home runs also leaves batters susceptible to striking out. Some of the greatest home run hitters of all time — such as Reggie Jackson and Sammy Sosa — were notorious for striking out.

Definition of strike out in the English dictionary

The first definition of strike out in the dictionary is to remove or erase. Other definition of strike out is to start out or begin. Strike out is also to put out or be put out on strikes.

Synonyms and antonyms of strike out in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «strike out» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «strike out» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of strike out to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of strike out from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «strike out» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali

স্ট্রাইক আউট

260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

làm văng ra

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

அவுட் வேலை நிறுத்தம்

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi

बाहेर दाबा

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

Dışarı atmak

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans

slaan uit

14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian

slå ut

5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of strike out


The term «strike out» is quite widely used and occupies the 54.370 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Quite widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «strike out» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of strike out

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «strike out».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «strike out» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «strike out» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about strike out


Famous quotes and sentences with the word strike out.

So all the system was running down and collapsing. Mrs. Thatcher became the leader of the Conservative Party in February 1975, and she clearly wanted to strike out and do something different.

I went to work with a guy named Matt Fuller, who was a Mothers fan, and low and behold, Arthur was working for him also. We worked together for about six months and decided to strike out on our own.

But I’m not looking forward to trying to strike out a lot of guys.

Animal abuse is rampant in the U.S., right under everyone’s eyes, for the entertainment of the public. The brutal confinement and pain of training methods of wild animals in the circus, the aquatic and theatrical shows, leads to retaliation by the animals. Eventually they find the right time to strike out, and they will.

I was reminded that when we lose and I strike out, a billion people in China don’t care.

Whosoever, in writing a modern history, shall follow truth too near the heels, it may happily strike out his teeth.

If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success.

Series finales have that responsibility to leave you feeling good about entire series. You want to feel like the viewer closes the book satisfied. And if you strike out on the finale it skews how you feel about the entire series.

I’m always amazed when a pitcher becomes angry at a hitter for hitting a home run off him. When I strike out, I don’t get angry at the pitcher, I get angry at myself. I would think that if a pitcher threw up a home run ball, he should be angry at himself.

I could throw pretty hard. I might strike out 16 guys, but I might walk 10. I mean, I was wild.


Discover the use of strike out in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to strike out and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Mighty Jackie: the strike out queen

In 1931, seventeen-year-old Jackie Mitchell pitches against Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig in an exhibition game, becoming the first professional female pitcher in baseball history.

Marissa Moss, C. F. Payne, 2004


101 Baseball Places to See Before You Strike Out

Whether you travel by car or plane or sit in the comfort of your armchair, this book leads to 101 of the very best baseball places, including the Ted Williams Museum, Ozzie Smith’s Restaurant & Sports Bar, the remnants of Forbes Field, Babe …

The girls have joined the Mahoney Marlins junior baseball team!

For use in schools and libraries only. Some of the most challenging issues in the news are examined in this dramatic series.


Journal of the House of Representatives of the … General …

In line 169 strike out «2500» and insert «3000. » Strike out «2150» and insert «3000.
» In line 170 strike out «2150» after the word ‘ ‘judge» and insert «3500.» Strikeout »
2000″ and insert «3000.» Strike out «2150» after the word «sheriff» and insert …

Ohio. General Assembly. House of Representatives, 1898


Journal of the Assembly of the State of New York

Page 105, line 16, strike out » commission » and insert » board «. Page 106, line 8,
strike out » commission » and insert » board «. Page 110, line 2, strike out »
commission » and insert » board «. Line 5, strike out » commission » and insert »
board «.

New York (State). Legislature. Assembly, 1921


Treaties and Conventions Concluded Between the United States …

BADEN. Page 47, in preamble, 14th line, after word “convention,” strike out
semicolon and insert comma instead ; in article 1, 13th line, strike out s from word
“offense” and insert c instead; strike out foot-note. Page 48, in article IV, 2d line,
strike …


The Journal of the Senate of the … General Assembly of the …

In line 3416 strike out word “Dormitory” and insert in lieu thereof “Gyrnnasium” _
_ _ ‘ N In line 3417 strike out numerals and insert in lieu thereof ‘ 50,000.00 In line
3434 strike out numerals and insert in lieu thereof “98,8o0.00” In _ line 3436 …

Ohio. General Assembly. Senate, 1921


Journal of the Senate of the State of California at the … …

Strike out “See. 84,” and insert “Sec. 79.» SEO. 8-1. Line eighteen, strike out the
word “of.” Strike out “See. 85,” and insert “ Sec. 80.” SEC. 85. Line eight,strike out
the words “ Auditors, or. strike out the words “ Auditors, or.” Strike out “See.

California. Legislature. Senate, 1861


Congressional Serial Set

STRIKE OUT, MOTION TO— Continued. Words once inserted may not be
changed or stricken out, but words relating to the same subject may be added to
another portion of the paragraph. (1048) 1-19, Journal, p. 794, Debates, p. 1261.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term strike out is used in the context of the following news items.

Rockies Strike Out Four Times In Same Inning For Second Night In A …

One of baseball’s rarest feats took place for the second night in a row as a Dodgers pitcher struck out four Rockies batters in one inning, only the 75th time in … «Deadspin, May 15»

ITV staff set to strike after unions reject 2% pay offer

The NUJ said the strike could affect live ITV programmes including Good … An ITV spokesperson said only 232 union members had voted to strike out of … «The Guardian, May 15»

Halo: Spartan Strike Out Now for PC and Mobile

With improved touch controls and weekly challenges in the Windows 8 version, Halo: Spartan Strike is available for $5.99 on iOS, Steam, Windows 8, and … «Gameranx, Apr 15»

MLB considering strike zone rule changes, per report

Major League Baseball could change the definition of a strike out of fear that the zone, as currently constituted, is assisting in the decrease of offense, according … «SB Nation, Feb 15»

In Syria, USN Tomahawks hit first and strike out in new tactical role

Sailing in the Arabian Gulf on 23 September 2014, the US Navy’s guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea (CG 58) launches a Tomahawk cruise missile to … «IHS Jane’s 360, Sep 14»

Royals join fight to ‘Strike Out Cancer’

Tuesday is National Strike Out Cancer day at ballparks all over the country as big league teams, like the Royals, are trying to do their part to help fight the … «KCTV Kansas City, Sep 14»

Editorial: Act Party’s burglary law will strike out

While the intent to steal may still have been there, the sentence, as with the third strike for a relatively moderate violent crime, would be out of proportion to the … «New Zealand Herald, Apr 14»

Hey IBM – Lenovo here. Sort your server factory strike out, will you?

Chinese PC maker Lenovo has shrugged its shoulders at a strike in a server factory in China, saying that it’s up to IBM to sort out the dispute before its server … «Register, Mar 14»

N.J. fast-food workers sit this strike out

Operators such as Peter Cancro, chief executive of Jersey Mike’s subs in Manasquan, started out making minimum wage and then became owners. «, Aug 13»

Will Mike strike out?

How long should New Yorkers put up with the school-bus strike? Last week … The last time the union went out on strike, in 1979, it stayed out 13 weeks. And the … «New York Post, Jan 13»


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strike out: translation

strike out



[for a baseball batter] to be declared out after making three strikes. (Baseball.) •

And so Drew Wilson strikes out for his second time in this game!

He struck out in the second inning, and the manager took him out then.



to fail. •

Well, we struck out again, but we’ll keep trying.

I hear you struck out on that Acme proposal. Better luck next time.

* * *

{v.} 1. To destroy something that has been written or drawn by drawing a line or cross through it or by erasing it. * /John misspelled «corollary. » He struck it out and wrote it correctly./ 2. To begin to follow a new path or a course of action that you have never tried. * /The boy scouts struck out at daybreak over the mountain pass./ * /John quit his job and struck out on his own as a traveling salesman./ 3. To put (a batter) out of play by making him miss the ball three times; also: To be put out of play by missing the ball three times. * /The pitcher struck out three men in the game./ * /The batter struck out twice./ 4. To push out an arm suddenly in a hitting motion. * /The boxer saw his chance and struck out at his opponent’s jaw./


Смотреть что такое STRIKE OUT в других словарях:


вычеркивать, стирать; исключатьпорождать, изобретать, превращатьсяпредставлять вчерне, набрасыватьнаправлятьсяатаковать, набрасыватьсявыводится из игры… смотреть


[ʹstraıkʹaʋt] phr v1. набрасываться (с кулаками, с оружием)to strike out wildly — беспорядочно размахивать кулакамиto strike out right and left — нанос… смотреть


{ʹstraıkʹaʋt} phr v 1. набрасываться (с кулаками, с оружием) to ~ wildly — беспорядочно размахивать кулаками to ~ right and left — наносить удары на… смотреть


strike out: translationSynonyms and related words:abbreviate, abridge, abstract, be off, bear, bear for, bear up for, bear up to, beget, blot, blot out… смотреть


strike out: translationstrike out
1. Lit. [for a baseball batter] to be declared out after making three strikes. (Baseball.) • And so Drew Wilson strik… смотреть


strike out [ʹstraıkʹaʋt] phr v 1. набрасываться (с кулаками, с оружием) to ~ wildly — беспорядочно размахивать кулаками to ~ right and left — наносит… смотреть


1) вычеркивать, стирать; исключать Strike out the witness’s last remark, it has no place in the court record. — Вычеркните последнюю фразу свидетеля, в протоколе суда ей не место. Calvin did not strike out asceticism entirely from his system as Luther did. — Кальвин не вовсе исключил аскетизм из своей системы, как это сделал Лютер. Syn: erase, wipe out 2) порождать, изобретать, превращаться (into) to strike out a new idea — изобрести новый план Their hostility strikes out into many ramifications, but it is not difficult to trace all these to the parent root. — Их враждебность порождает множество ответвлений, но легко проследить их общий источник. 3) 3) представлять вчерне, набрасывать He has struck out the landscape with a few impetuous dashes of the hand. — Он набросал пейзаж несколькими стремительными движениями руки. 4) направляться (for, against) to strike out for the shore — направиться к берегу 5) атаковать, набрасываться (at — на кого-л., на что-л.) She was so angry she struck out at the waiter. — Она была так сердита, что буквально напала на официанта. 6) спорт. выводится из игры 7) терпеть неудачу Ann did her best, but she struck out anyway. — Анна сделала все, что смогла, но все равно потерпела неудачу…. смотреть


strike out: translation
UK US strike out
— Phrasal Verb with strike(••/straɪk/ verb (struck, struck)
► [I] to begin a new career or activity, usuall… смотреть


strike out а) вычеркнуть; strike out the witness’s last remark, it has noplace in the court record; б) изобрести, придумать; to strike out a new ideaизобрести новый план; в) энергично двигать руками и ногами (при плавании); tostrike out for the shore быстро поплыть к берегу; г) coll. не удаваться, поте-рять возможность; You really struck out that time, didn’t you!<br>… смотреть


phrvi AmE infml
She did her best but she struck out anyway — Она очень старалась, но у нее ничего не получилось
We struck out again — У нас снова ничего не вышло
You really struck out that time, didn’t you? — В этот раз у тебя сорвалось, не так ли?
2) vulg
He was afraid of striking out with that dame — Он боялся, что не уговорит эту чувиху… смотреть


strike out phrvi AmE infml 1. She did her best but she struck out anyway Она очень старалась, но у нее ничего не получилось We struck out again У нас снова ничего не вышло You really struck out that time, didn’t you? В этот раз у тебя сорвалось, не так ли? 2. vulg He was afraid of striking out with that dame Он боялся, что не уговорит эту чувиху… смотреть


strike out: translation phr verb
Strike out is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑batter
Strike out is used with these nouns as the object: ↑batte… смотреть


strike out: übersetzung
strike v out ausstreichen, durchstreichen, löschen


атаковать, набрасываться (at — на кого-л., на что-л.) вычеркивать, стирать; исключать порождать, изобретать, превращаться (into) представлять вчерне, набрасывать направляться (for, against) терпеть неудачу энергично двигать руками и ногами (при плавании)… смотреть


1) /vt/ плакировать; 2) /in passive/ плакированный; 3) /in passive/ вычеркивавший


набрасываться, направляться, энергично двигать руками и ногами, делать быстро и энергично, вычеркивать, вычеркнуть, зачеркивать, придумать, изобретать… смотреть


а) викреслитиб) винайти, вигадатив) прямувати


strike out a case: übersetzung
strike v out a case einen Fall streichen


strike out at: translation{v. phr.} To attack someone verbally or physically. * /She was so angry that she struck out at him every occasion she go… смотреть


strike out at: translation{v. phr.} To attack someone verbally or physically. * /She was so angry that she struck out at him every occasion she go… смотреть


strike out for some place: translation
strike out for some place
to begin a journey to some place; to set out on a journey for some place. • We struck … смотреть


strike out on one’s own: translation
strike out on one’s own & set out on one’s own
to start out to live, work, or travel by oneself. • I couldn’t get … смотреть

strike out — перевод на русский

/straɪk aʊt/

But I’m striking out.

Но я потерпел неудачу.

Since the founding of the Federal Reserve back under Woodrow Wilson, the Federal Reserve has struck out three times.

После основания Федерального резервного банка при Вудро Вильсоне, Федеральный резерв трижды потерпел неудачу.

I struck out, Finch.

Я потерпел неудачу, Финч.

My contact at the Bureau struck out.

Мой человек в Бюро потерпел неудачу.

I take it you struck out with Gianopolous?

Видимо, ты потерпел неудачу с Гианаполисом.

Показать ещё примеры для «потерпел неудачу»…

They wanted to put that in; but I insisted on its being struck out.

Они хотели добавить и это, но я настоял, чтобы это вычеркнули.

Did you strike out?

— Тебя вычеркнули?

You struck out.

Вы вычеркнули.

Yeah, we struck out on the incident reports, as well.

Да, мы также вычеркнули случаю нападения.

To strike out on your own.

Чтобы вычеркнуть по своему усмотрению

Показать ещё примеры для «вычеркнули»…

Struck out, huh?

Не вышло, значит?

I struck out again.

Ничего не вышло.

It seems, at least up to now, that we’ve struck out with the vault.

Кажется, с хранилищем ничего не вышло.

I struck out.

Не вышло.

— Ah, struck out.

-Только вышла.

Показать ещё примеры для «не вышло»…

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