Is stricken a word

пораженный, раненый, разбитый


- поражённый (чем-л.)

stricken with disease — поражённый болезнью
stricken with grief — убитый горем

- книжн. раненый; больной

stricken beast — раненый зверь
stricken field — книжн. поле брани
he was stricken in his soul — он был ранен в самое сердце

- вровень с краями сосуда, меры

a stricken measure of grain — мера зерна без верха

- p. p. от strike

Мои примеры


a country stricken by severe economic problems — страна, переживающая серьёзные экономические проблемы  
to be horror-stricken at smth. — быть в ужасе от чего-л.  
poverty-stricken man — бедный человек  
poverty-stricken country — бедная страна  
to be stricken in one’s soul — быть раненым в самое сердце  
stricken in years — престарелый  
panic stricken — охваченный паникой  
plague stricken — зачумлённый; чумной  
he became planet-stricken — его охватил страх  
planet stricken — испытывающий влияние планеты; охваченный паникой; запуганный  
terror-stricken — объятый или охваченный ужасом; поражённый ужасом; охваченный ужасом  

Примеры с переводом

He looked stricken into stone.

Он словно обратился в камень.

Fire broke out on the stricken ship.

На подбитом судне вспыхнул пожар.

The Duke had been stricken by paralysis.

Герцога разбил паралич.

I saw her stricken face looking up at us.

Я видел её измождённое лицо, обращённое к нам.

A new trend in comics has stricken down many of the old taboos.

Новые веяния в комиксах смели многие прежние запреты.

The amazed horse veered quickly to one side, and stopped as if stricken to stone.

Испуганная лошадь шарахнулась в сторону и замерла, как каменная.

Over strong objections from the prosecutor, the judge ordered the question stricken.

В связи с решительным протестом прокурора судья приказал исключить вопрос.

  • 1

    stricken [ˊstrɪkǝn]

    1) поражённый (чем-л.);

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > stricken

  • 2

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > -stricken

  • 3

    Персональный Сократ > stricken

  • 4


    stricken в сложных словах означает охваченный, пораженный (чем-л.); подвергшийся (чему-л.); terrorstricken охваченный ужасом; droughtstricken пораженный засухой stricken p. p. от strike stricken в сложных словах означает охваченный, пораженный (чем-л.); подвергшийся (чему-л.); terrorstricken охваченный ужасом; droughtstricken пораженный засухой stricken пораженный (чем-л.); stricken with paralysis разбитый параличом; stricken with grief убитый горем stricken уст. раненый; stricken in years престарелый; stricken field решительное сражение; поле брани stricken уст. раненый; stricken in years престарелый; stricken field решительное сражение; поле брани stricken уст. раненый; stricken in years престарелый; stricken field решительное сражение; поле брани stricken пораженный (чем-л.); stricken with paralysis разбитый параличом; stricken with grief убитый горем stricken пораженный (чем-л.); stricken with paralysis разбитый параличом; stricken with grief убитый горем stricken в сложных словах означает охваченный, пораженный (чем-л.); подвергшийся (чему-л.); terrorstricken охваченный ужасом; droughtstricken пораженный засухой terrorstricken: terrorstricken, terrorstruck объятый или охваченный ужасом

    English-Russian short dictionary > stricken

  • 5

    ˈstrɪkən прил.
    1) пораженный( чем-л.) stricken with paralysis ≈ разбитый параличом stricken with grief ≈ убитый горем
    2) уст. раненый ∙ stricken in years ≈ престарелый stricken field ≈ решительное сражение;
    поле брани
    пораженный (чем-л.) — * with disease пораженный болезнью — * with grief убитый горем (книжное) раненый;
    больной — * beast раненый зверь — * field (книжное) поле брани — he was * in his soul он был ранен в самое сердце вровень с краями сосуда, меры — a * measure of grain мера зерна без верха p.p. от strike
    ~ в сложных словах означает охваченный, пораженный ( чем-л.) ;
    подвергшийся (чему-л.) ;
    terrorstricken охваченный ужасом;
    droughtstricken пораженный засухой
    stricken p. p. от strike ~ в сложных словах означает охваченный, пораженный (чем-л.) ;
    подвергшийся (чему-л.) ;
    terrorstricken охваченный ужасом;
    droughtstricken пораженный засухой ~ пораженный (чем-л.) ;
    stricken with paralysis разбитый параличом;
    stricken with grief убитый горем ~ уст. раненый;
    stricken in years престарелый;
    stricken field решительное сражение;
    поле брани
    ~ уст. раненый;
    stricken in years престарелый;
    stricken field решительное сражение;
    поле брани
    ~ уст. раненый;
    stricken in years престарелый;
    stricken field решительное сражение;
    поле брани
    ~ пораженный (чем-л.) ;
    stricken with paralysis разбитый параличом;
    stricken with grief убитый горем
    ~ пораженный (чем-л.) ;
    stricken with paralysis разбитый параличом;
    stricken with grief убитый горем
    ~ в сложных словах означает охваченный, пораженный (чем-л.) ;
    подвергшийся (чему-л.) ;
    terrorstricken охваченный ужасом;
    droughtstricken пораженный засухой terrorstricken: terrorstricken, terrorstruck объятый или охваченный ужасом

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > stricken

  • 6

    1. [ʹstrıkən]

    1. поражённый ()

    3. вровень с краями сосуда, меры

    2. [ʹstrıkən]

    от strike1 II

    НБАРС > stricken

  • 7

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > -stricken

  • 8


    past participle

    of strike I 1.

    1) пораженный (чем-л.); stricken with paralysis разбитый параличом; stricken with grief убитый горем

    stricken in years престарелый

    stricken field решительное сражение; поле брани

    * * *

    1 (a) больной; пораженный

    2 (n) вровень с краями сосуда; раненый

    * * *

    пораженный; раненый, больной

    * * *

    [strick·en || ‘strɪkən]
    пораженный, раненый, разбитый (о сердце)

    * * *









    * * *

    пораженный (болезнью, горем и т.п.); книжн. раненый

    Новый англо-русский словарь > stricken

  • 9


    прош. вр. от strike




    раненый, больной


    Англо-русский современный словарь > stricken

  • 10

    Англо-русский современный словарь > -stricken

  • 11

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > stricken

  • 12

    1. a поражённый

    2. a книжн. раненый; больной

    3. a вровень с краями сосуда, меры

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. unlucky (adj.) cursed; doomed; hapless; hopeless; ill-fated; ill-starred; luckless; unfortunate; unlucky

    2. attacked (verb) assailed; assaulted; attacked; beset; fall on; go at; have at; sail in; stormed

    4. hit (verb) clouted; hit; knocked; occurred; popped; slammed; slogged; smacked; smashed; swatted; whacked; whammed

    5. influenced (verb) affected; impacted; impressed; influenced; moved; swayed; touched

    6. racked (verb) afflicted; cursed; excruciated; plagued; racked; scourged; smitten; tormented; tortured

    7. rung (verb) bonged; chimed; knelled; pealed; rung; tolled

    English-Russian base dictionary > stricken

  • 13

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > stricken

  • 14

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > -stricken

  • 15


    пораженный; раненый, больной

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > stricken

  • 16

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > stricken

  • 17

    English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > stricken

  • 18

    English-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > stricken

  • 19

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > stricken

  • 20









    English-Russian smart dictionary > stricken


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Stricken — Stricken, verb. regul. act. welches in einer doppelten Hauptbedeutung üblich ist. 1. Zunächst von Strick, und zwar in dessen Bedeutung eines Fall oder Fangestrickes, in einen solchen Strick verwickeln, damit fangen; in welchem Verstande es doch… …   Grammatisch-kritisches Wörterbuch der Hochdeutschen Mundart

  • Stricken — «Stricken» Sencillo de Disturbed del álbum Ten Thousand Fists Formato CD, 7 vinyl Género(s) Heavy metal Hard rock Duración 04:07 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Stricken — Strick en, p. p. & a. from {Strike}. 1. Struck; smitten; wounded; as, the stricken deer. Note: [See {Strike}, n.] [1913 Webster] 2. Worn out; far gone; advanced. See {Strike}, v. t., 21. [1913 Webster] Abraham was old and well stricken in age.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stricken — a past participle of strike, survives chiefly in compound adjectives such as grief stricken and panic stricken. In compositional uses such as Goya was stricken with a mysterious illness, it sounds archaic …   Modern English usage

  • Stricken — can refer to: *Stricken (film), 2005 film with Hayley Mills *Stricken (song), a song by Disturbed *Strike from the record, testimony or evidence disallowed from being legally considered …   Wikipedia

  • Stricken — Stricken, 1) aus einem Faden eine zusammenhängende, einem Gewebe ähnliche Arbeit dadurch fertigen, daß man den Faden mit Hülfe zweier od. mehrer Stricknadeln zu Maschen verschlingt. Die Stricknadeln sind schwächere od. stärkere, gewöhnlich 8–10… …   Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

  • -stricken — [ strıkən ] suffix used with some nouns to describe people or things affected by serious problems or unpleasant emotions: poverty stricken grief stricken …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • stricken — [strik′ən] vt., vi. alt. pp. of STRIKE adj. 1. struck or wounded, as by a missile 2. afflicted or affected, as by something painful or very distressing [the stricken man, a stricken conscience] 3. having the contents level with the top of a… …   English World dictionary

  • -stricken — UK US [strɪkən] suffix used with some nouns to describe people or things affected by serious problems or unpleasant emotions poverty stricken grief stricken Thesaurus: suffixeshyponym …   Useful english dictionary

  • Stricken — Stricken, die mittels zweier Nadeln hergestellte Verschlingung eines einzigen Fadens in Maschen ohne Knoten zu einer Stofffläche, deren Faden sich aber wieder ausziehen oder auffädeln und von neuem bearbeiten läßt. Als Material gebraucht man… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • stricken — V. (Mittelstufe) mit zwei großen Nadeln Maschen aus Wolle machen Beispiele: Sie strickt an einem Schal. Du musst zwei rechts und zwei links stricken …   Extremes Deutsch

Table of Contents

  1. Is Struke a word?
  2. What is the noun form of struck?
  3. What is the adjective for strike?
  4. Which word is the most striking?
  5. What is striking word?
  6. What does it mean when a woman is striking?
  7. Is being called striking a compliment?
  8. What is the difference between beautiful and striking?
  9. When people say your striking?
  10. What is another word for striking?
  11. What is a striking look?
  12. How do you use striking?
  13. What does picturesque mean in English?
  14. What are the striking words examples?
  15. What is meant by striking face?
  16. What is striking words in literature?
  17. How do you use striking in a sentence?
  18. What does obvious mean in English?
  19. What does striking mean in music?
  20. What are striking games?
  21. Which of following is a striking game?
  22. What are the three types of physical games?
  23. What are the three skills needed to play the striking games?
  24. What are the skills needed to play the striking games?
  25. Is Tumbang Preso a target game?
  26. Is baseball a target game?
  27. How do you classify games?
  28. Why do you think it is called striking games?
  29. What are target games PE?

adjective. hit or wounded by a weapon, missile, or the like. beset or afflicted, as with disease, trouble, or sorrow: stricken areas; a stricken family.

Is Struke a word?

At its most basic, strike means to hit. If you strike someone, you hit them with your hand or a weapon. If lightning strikes, it makes contact. If employees want to protest their work conditions, they go on strike, or refuse to work until conditions improve.

What is the noun form of struck?

Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular present tense strikes , present participle striking , past tense, past participle struck , past participle stricken language note: The form struck is the past tense and past participle.

What is the adjective for strike?

attractive; impressive: a scene of striking beauty. noticeable; conspicuous: a striking lack of enthusiasm. being on strike, as workers.

Which word is the most striking?

most striking

  • bizarre.
  • eye-catching.
  • fascinating.
  • marked.
  • memorable.
  • noteworthy.
  • powerful.
  • startling.

What is striking word?

noticeable, remarkable, prominent, outstanding, conspicuous, salient, striking mean attracting notice or attention. noticeable applies to something unlikely to escape observation.

What does it mean when a woman is striking?

adjective. Someone who is striking is very attractive, in a noticeable way. She was a striking woman with long blonde hair. Synonyms: impressive, dramatic, stunning [informal], wonderful More Synonyms of striking.

Is being called striking a compliment?

I sometimes still hear it like a backhanded compliment. “Striking” and “stunning” means the person has strong, memorable features and a distinctive face that is interesting to look at but does not necessarily make the heart swell. It’s like recognition of someone’s virtuosity in an art form you don’t personally enjoy.

What is the difference between beautiful and striking?

As adjectives the difference between striking and beautiful is that striking is making a strong impression while beautiful is attractive and possessing charm.

When people say your striking?

Very noticeable or impressive; specif., very attractive in appearance.

What is another word for striking?

What is another word for striking?

conspicuous noticeable
marked obvious
prominent dramatic
manifest remarkable
salient unmistakable

What is a striking look?

adjective. sensational in appearance or thrilling in effect. “his striking good looks always created a sensation” synonyms: dramatic, spectacular impressive. making a strong or vivid impression.

How do you use striking?

  1. One of the most striking and salutary thing in Ameican life is the widespread study of law.
  2. That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.
  3. The striking miners will soon return to work.
  4. He was striking his dog with his whip.
  5. That hat looks very striking.

What does picturesque mean in English?

1a : resembling a picture : suggesting a painted scene. b : charming or quaint in appearance. 2 : evoking mental images : vivid.

What are the striking words examples?

other words for striking

  • bizarre.
  • eye-catching.
  • fascinating.
  • marked.
  • memorable.
  • noteworthy.
  • powerful.
  • startling.

What is meant by striking face?

2 adj Someone who is striking is very attractive, in a noticeable way.

What is striking words in literature?

Say: Writers use striking words and phrases to get readers’ attention and sometimes to help readers imagine unusual characters and scenes. In science fiction stories, writers use striking words and phrases to help readers imagine the unusual characters, settings, and themes these stories describe.

How do you use striking in a sentence?

Striking sentence example

  1. He made a striking figure, so tall and lean.
  2. They have crossed without striking a blow!
  3. He was dressed in black, and his chiseled features and striking blue eyes were perfect enough to have been sculptured.
  4. She stood for a long moment before striking out after them on foot.

What does obvious mean in English?

1 : easily discovered, seen, or understood It was obvious that things weren’t working out. She stayed for obvious reasons. 2 archaic : being in the way or in front.

What does striking mean in music?

Definition (verb): produce by manipulating keys or strings of musical instruments. Example: The pianist strikes a middle C. Definition (verb): produce by manipulating keys or strings of musical instruments.

What are striking games?

Striking/Fielding Games are activities in which players score points by striking an object and running to designated playing areas or prevent opponents from scoring by retrieving the object and returning it to stop the play.

Which of following is a striking game?

Examples of striking and fielding games include baseball, cricket, softball and kickball.

What are the three types of physical games?

Not sure what kinds of physical activity you should do? Well, you need three main types of activity. They are aerobic (sometimes called “cardio”), muscle-strengthening, and bone-strengthening.

What are the three skills needed to play the striking games?

*There are three types of skills involved in striking/fielding games: Locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills (Guest Editorial, no date).

What are the skills needed to play the striking games?

There are three types of skills involved in striking/fielding games: Locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills (Guest Editorial, no date). Locomotor skills involve players being able to run, slide, jump, and leap. Non-locomotor skills involve stretching, bending, and reaching for an object.

Is Tumbang Preso a target game?

Target Games (tamaang tao, tatsing, tumbang preso. The game was played by the Tagalogs of Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija.

Is baseball a target game?

Striking with hands, rackets, and paddles as well as volleying are primary skills in net and wall games. The space is usually divided in half. Batting, fielding, and run scoring games include softball, baseball, and cricket. Target games such as golf, archery and bocce involve sending objects toward a target.

How do you classify games?

Video games are most often classified into groups that represent what kind of system they are played on, like games that are made for computer systems or games that are made for consoles. These genre include action, shooter, action-adventure, adventure, role-playing, simulation, strategy, puzzles, cards, and race.

Why do you think it is called striking games?

Answer. Answer: Striking/Fielding Games are activities in which players score points by striking an object and running to designated playing areas or prevent opponents from scoring by retrieving the object and returning it to stop the play.

What are target games PE?

Target Games are activities in which players send an object toward a target while avoiding any obstacles. By playing these games, participants will learn the key skills and strategies for games such as Croquet, Golf, Archery, Boccia, Curling and Bowling.

Asked by: Nikolas Emard V

Score: 4.9/5
(48 votes)

stricken (adj.)

1510s, «wounded, affected (by disease, trouble, etc.),» adjective use of archaic past participle of strike (v.). Figurative meaning «overwhelmed with terror, grief, etc.» is from 1530s. An earlier development is reflected in 13c.

Is there such a word as stricken?

English Language Learners Definition of stricken

: powerfully affected by disease, trouble, sorrow, etc.

Is it stricken or stricken?

Most of the time the past participle of “strike” is “struck.” The exceptions are that you can be stricken with guilt, a misfortune, a wound or a disease; and a passage in a document can be stricken out. The rest of the time, stick with “struck.”

What does stricken face mean?

(formal) ​seriously affected by an unpleasant feeling or disease or by a difficult situation. She raised her stricken face and begged for help.

Does stricken mean removed?

Stricken means dismissed or removed from the call.

41 related questions found

What does cause stricken mean?

n. a request for a judge’s order to eliminate all or a portion of the legal pleading (complaint, answer) of the opposition on any one of several grounds. It is often used in an attempt to have an entire cause of action removed («stricken») from the court record.

What does it mean when an answer is stricken?

To have your pleadings stricken means that your complaint, petition, or lawsuit will be dismissed. … If the opposing party proceeds without you then you no longer have the right to request relief from the court.

What is Inception day?

Definitions of inception. an event that is a beginning; a first part or stage of subsequent events.

How do you use the word stricken?

Stricken Sentence Examples

  1. Stricken, she wrapped her arms around her knees and began to cry.
  2. Herod was stricken with an incurable disease.
  3. Henry, stricken with sore disease, was unable to reap the advantage.
  4. With the exceptions of 1891 and 1894, every year in the period 1891-1900 was stricken by drought.

What does guilt stricken mean?

feeling extremely guilty for a long time. Synonyms and related words. Feeling ashamed or embarrassed.

What does panic stricken means?

: too frightened to think or act normally : overcome with panic. See the full definition for panic-stricken in the English Language Learners Dictionary. More from Merriam-Webster on panic-stricken. Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for panic-stricken.

What does it mean to be stricken by someone?

adjective. If a person or place is stricken by something such as an unpleasant feeling, an illness, or a natural disaster, they are severely affected by it.

What is the dictionary definition of stricken?

adjective. hit or wounded by a weapon, missile, or the like. beset or afflicted, as with disease, trouble, or sorrow: stricken areas; a stricken family. deeply affected, as with grief, fear, or other emotions.

What is poverty stricken?

: very poor : destitute.

What does stricken mean sentence?

the act of being struck down with something, whether it be disease, illness, or emotion. Examples of Stricken in a sentence. 1. During the middle ages, entire families were stricken with the plague. 2.

Is stricken a adjective?

STRICKEN (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

How do you use the word incredulous in a sentence?

Incredulous sentence example

  1. I was incredulous when he first told me the secret. …
  2. He was at first incredulous , but eventually learned the truth. …
  3. He was incredulous as a Missouri cynic but interested. …
  4. They are often incredulous at the sums that the poorest children and pensioners have received.

What does Genesis stand for?

The traditional Greek name for the first and best-known book of the Bible is Genesis, meaning «origin».

How did Inception end?

The crux of the ending is that Cobb doesn’t stick around to watch the top spin because he does not actually care if it falls or not. He’s home and reunited with his children, exactly where he wants to be, and he’s not about to go anywhere, no matter what the totem has to say about the situation.

What’s the meaning of RTA?

(rəʊd ˈtræfɪk ˈæksɪdənt) an accident involving vehicles. ▶ USAGE The abbreviation for road traffic accident is RTA.

How do you strike evidence?

At the trial stage, a party may wish to make a motion to strike to remove evidence–usually part of a witness’s testimony–from the court record, with the jury instructed to disregard the evidence. This is commonly accomplished by raising an objection, which a judge can either sustain or overrule.

What is strike trial date?

A motion to strike is a request by one party in a United States trial requesting that the presiding judge order the removal of all or part of the opposing party’s pleading to the court.

What does motion date stricken mean?

A stricken proceeding is one removed from the court calendar by a judicial officer and is not recorded on a calendar to take place at another date. … A stricken or canceled proceeding is only an instance where a proceeding has been set for a specific date and is stricken or canceled before that hearing commences.

Is striken a word?

Obsolete spelling of stricken; past participle of strike.

Is striked out correct?

If you strike out in a particular direction, you start travelling in that direction. In baseball, if a pitcher strikes out a batter or if a batter strikes out, the batter fails to hit three balls thrown properly by the pitcher, and is out. If someone strikes out, they fail.

What is the past tense of strike?

Most of the time the past participle of “strike” is “struck.” The exceptions are that you can be stricken with guilt, a misfortune, a wound or a disease; and a passage in a document can be stricken out. The rest of the time, stick with “struck.”

Is struck a present tense?

strike verb uses and phrases. Word forms: strikes, striking, struck, strickenlanguage note: The form struck is the past tense and past participle. The form stricken can also be used as the past participle for meanings [sense 5] and , [sense 13].

Is costed a real word?

Is costed a word? Yes, it is, but only in a specific sense. When you talk about the price of something, the past tense is cost just like the present tense. However, cost can also mean “to estimate the cost of”, for example when budgeting for a business, and in that sense the past tense is indeed costed.

Is it cost or costed?

Both cost and costed can be used; it depends on the sense in which you use them. It costs/cost/has cost me five dollars. However, if you use ‘cost (out)’ as an action verb to mean to determine or estimate how much something will cost you, then you can use costed as past tense and past participle.

What is the past tense of Yes?


Is Bleeded correct?

“My heart bled” is standard English, because “bled” is the past/preterite tense for the verb “to bleed,” which is an irregular verb, and thus “bleeded” is not correct. (However, “needed” is the correct past tense and past participle for “need,” because “to need” is a regular verb.)

Is Bleeded a word?

(sometimes nonstandard) Simple past tense and past participle of bleed.

What is the perfect tense of bleed?

Perfect tenses

present perfect
I have bled
you have bled
he, she, it has bled
we have bled

What is the past perfect tense of lead?

The past tense and participle forms of lead is led /led/.

What is past tense of forbid?


simple pastⓘ past simple or preterit
you forbade, forbad
he, she, it forbade, forbad
we forbade, forbad
you forbade, forbad

What is the irregular form of breed?

The irregular verbs in the table below have the same pattern as breed….Similar verbs.

Verb Simple past Past Participle
breed bred bred
bring brought brought
build built built
burn burnt/burned burnt/burned

What does breed mean?

sexual reproduction

What type of verb is wept?

verb. simple past tense and past participle of weep1.

What is the verb form of breed?

Conjugation of ‘Breed’

Base Form (Infinitive): Breed
Past Simple: Bred
Past Participle: Bred
3rd Person Singular: Breeds
Present Participle/Gerund: Breeding

Is breds a word?

Yes, breds is a valid Scrabble word.

Can Breed be used for human?

1 Answer. At the simplest level, it’s race for people, and breed for animals. However, the same entry then gives a second definition for breed: “A sort or kind of person or thing”.

What does it mean when someone says you’re a different breed?

1. Definition (n.) unique or different from others. Examples Actors are a strange and different breed.



: afflicted or overwhelmed by or as if by disease, misfortune, or sorrow


: made incapable or unfit

rescuers were sent to the stricken ship


: hit or wounded by or as if by a missile

the deer had been stricken by an arrow

Example Sentences

I saw her stricken face looking up at us.

Recent Examples on the Web

United Nations officials say the operation to remove some 1 million barrels of crude oil from the FSO Safer – a stricken tanker abandoned off the coast of Yemen – could be concluded by mid-June, but only if a $34 million funding gap for the operation is first closed.

Dominic Dudley, Forbes, 16 Mar. 2023

Miners, construction workers, and other volunteers converged on the stricken area to pull survivors from the rubble, while across the country people lined up to donate food and clothes.

Christopher De Bellaigue, The New York Review of Books, 16 Mar. 2023

But the brother’s sweetheart, Abra, succeeds in building a bridge between the stricken father and the repentant son.

Jack Moffitt, The Hollywood Reporter, 9 Mar. 2023

Blood was flowing through the stricken part of the patient’s brain once again.

Eva Holland, New York Times, 1 Mar. 2023

As both daughter and mother, employee and employer, tormentor and tormented, Piedade is the pivot point through which so much of the film’s unhappy energies flow, and thus only ever seems allowed that one, stricken expression.

Jessica Kiang, Variety, 25 Feb. 2023

The main Russian space corporation, Roscosmos, is set to conduct an uncrewed flight of a Soyuz spacecraft to the International Space Station as part of a plan to replace the stricken Soyuz MS-22 vehicle, reports.

Eric Berger, Ars Technica, 24 Feb. 2023

The response has included the emergency feeding, retrieval, examination and disposal of carcasses, rescue of stricken animals and intensive care of emaciated manatees by several private aquarium and zoo organizations.

Kevin Spear, Orlando Sentinel, 14 Dec. 2022

Roads to at least two villages in Shimian County were still impassable on Tuesday afternoon, Liu Chunliang, an information officer with the Ya’an Municipal Government, which oversees the district, told The Wall Street Journal by phone from the stricken area.

Dan Strumpf, WSJ, 6 Sep. 2022

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘stricken.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Middle English striken, from past participle of striken to strike

First Known Use

14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Time Traveler

The first known use of stricken was
in the 14th century

Dictionary Entries Near stricken

Cite this Entry

“Stricken.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on stricken

Last Updated:
31 Mar 2023
— Updated example sentences

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From the verb strike: (⇒ conjugate)
stricken is: Click the infinitive to see all available inflections
v past p (Mainly used for figurative senses relating to emotions, afflictions, etc.)

На этой странице: stricken, strike

WordReference English-Russian Dictionary © 2023:

Главные переводы
английский русский
strike n (work stoppage) забастовка, стачка ж
  The union called a strike for Friday.
  Профсоюз назначил на пятницу забастовку.
strike⇒ vtr (hit) ударять, бить несов
    ударить сов
    наносить удар несов + м вин
    нанести удар сов + м вин
  The boxer struck his opponent.
  Боксёр нанёс противнику удар.
strike vtr (a target) (цель) попадать в несов +вин
    попасть в сов + вин
  The arrow struck its target.
  Стрела попала в цель.
strike vtr (attack) напаст, атаковать сов
    накинуться, наброситься на сов
  The bear struck without warning.
  Медведь напал внезапно.
strike vtr (clock) (о часах) бить несов
    пробить сов
  The clock struck ten.
  Часы пробили десять.

Collins Russian Dictionary 2nd Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2000, 1997:

stricken [ˈstrɪkən]
adj (person) сражённый; (city, industry etc) пострада́вший
stricken with (arthritis, disease) поражённый +instr

* is used to mark translations which have irregular inflections. The Russian-English side of the dictionary gives inflectional information.

strike [straɪk]
(pt, pp struck)
n (of workers) забасто́вка#; (MIL) (attack) уда́р; (of oil etc) откры́тие месторожде́ния
vt (hit, person, thing) ударя́ть (уда́рить perf)
(fig, subj) (disease, disaster) поража́ть (порази́ть*perf)
(:idea, thought) осеня́ть (осени́ть perf)
(oil etc) открыва́ть (откры́ть*perf) месторожде́ние +gen
; (bargain, deal) заключа́ть (заключи́ть perf)
(make, coin, medal) чека́нить (отчека́нить perf)

vi (workers) бастова́ть (impf)
(attack, soldiers) напада́ть (напа́сть*perf)
(disaster, illness) приходи́ть*(прийти́*perf)
(clock) бить*(проби́ть*perf)

to be on strike (workers) бастова́ть (impf)

to strike a balance соблюда́ть (impf) равнове́сие

to strike a match зажига́ть (заже́чь*perf) спи́чку

strike back vi (MIL, fig) наноси́ть*(нанести́*perf) отве́тный уда́р

strike down vt сража́ть (срази́ть*perf)

strike off vt (name from list) вычёркивать (вы́черкнуть perf)
(:doctor etc) лиша́ть (лиши́ть perf) пра́ва практикова́ть

strike out vt (word, sentence) вычёркивать (вы́черкнуть perf)

strike up vt (MUS) заигра́ть (impf)
(conversation, friendship) завя́зывать (завяза́ть*perf)

* is used to mark translations which have irregular inflections. The Russian-English side of the dictionary gives inflectional information.

stricken‘ также найдено в этих статьях:


These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

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Some 200,000 tons of wheat were shipped from the United States to the stricken region.

Порядка 200000 тонн пшеницы были отправлены из портов США в пострадавший регион.

There was difficulty in obtaining clear and useful images that would indicate the stricken areas.

Было весьма трудно получить четкие снимки для выявления пострадавших районов.

She saw his face, saw the stricken horror and grief.

Она видела его лицо, видел пораженный ужас и горе.

The stricken 4 house gives great existential difficulties.

Пораженный 4 дом дает большие экзистенциальные трудности.

Porsche enjoyed success in all regions last year, even economic stricken Europe.

В прошлом году модели Porsche пользовались успехом во всех регионах и даже в экономически пострадавшей Европе.

The stricken 9th house gives a very tense relationship with the ideal «I».

Пораженный 9 дом дает очень напряженные отношения с идеалом «я».

The stricken 7th house gives difficult and dangerous enemies, which at first to man are completely incomprehensible and will require careful study.

Пораженный седьмой дом дает трудных и опасных врагов, которые человеку вначале совершенно непонятны и потребуют внимательного изучения.

The stricken 6th house gives a rather difficult life program, especially if it is not worked out voluntarily at the first hints of fate.

Пораженный 6 дом дает достаточно трудную жизненную программу, особенно если его не прорабатывать добровольно по первым намекам судьбы.

In that regard, negotiations should be held in order to find effective and realistic ways of rehabilitating the stricken economies.

В этой связи необходимо проводить обсуждения в целях выявления эффективных и реалистичных путей восстановления пострадавшей экономики стран.

Heavy rain throughout the night has hampered efforts to rescue survivors from the stricken ferry.

Сильный дождь, который шел всю ночь, помешал попыткам спасти выживших с пострадавшего парома.

The bodies of all crew members were found in the cabin of the stricken aircraft.

Органы всех членов экипажа были найдены в кабине пострадавшего самолета.

Teams from the Pakistani army reached many of the stricken areas in the two days following the landfall of the cyclone.

Подразделения пакистанской армии смогли добраться до многочисленных пострадавших территорий спустя два дня после выхода циклона на сушу.

United Nations agencies and NGO personnel are required to take similar risks to provide relief to these and other stricken communities.

Учреждения Организации Объединенных Наций и сотрудники неправительственных организаций вынуждены подвергаться аналогичной опасности, когда они оказывают чрезвычайную помощь этим и другим пострадавшим общинам.

The prospects for economically stricken Venezuela were less encouraging.

Перспективы для экономически пострадавшей Венесуэлы были менее обнадеживающими.

All of the stricken Sisters, Vanessa — even your pious Officer, Bertino.

Все пострадавшие сестры, Ванесса, даже Ваши благочестивые служащие, Бертино.

Your honor, I’d like this stricken.

And I ask’s questions be stricken.

We ask that her testimony be stricken from the record as irrelevant.

Мы просим, чтобы ее показания были изъяты из протокола как не относящиеся к делу.

They are poverty stricken and cannot afford anything.

Они живут за чертой бедности, и не могут себе позволить ничего лишнего.

India is beautiful, but some parts are very poverty stricken.

«Индия — прекрасная страна, но некоторые ее районы просто поражают бедностью.

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level 1

Would the meaning be any different from «stricken»? «Stricken» is already the past participle.

level 2

Pretty sure this solves it right here.

level 1

He was struck. He looked stricken.

level 2

Yep. While stricken and struck can both function as the past participle, only struck works as the preterite (past tense)

level 1

No. “To strike” is an irregular verb. The past tense is “struck,” but it does not carry the same emotional meaning. If you are looking for an adjective, “stricken” by itself is fine. What are you trying to describe?

level 2

Is it not “struck from the records?”

level 2

I’ve read passages which announce me as supreme leader of the galaxy.

level 1

Nah, look up websters and type in both. This sub isn’t for that kind if question anyway.

level 1

No. The word would be struck.

level 1

Anything is a word if enough people use it. That’s why conversate has become a word

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