Is straw a word

Asked by: Dr. Gus Bartoletti

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(7 votes)

straw noun (DRIED STEMS)

Whats is the meaning of straw?

1a : stalks of grain after threshing broadly : dry stalky plant residue used like grain straw (as for bedding or packing) b : a natural or artificial heavy fiber used for weaving, plaiting, or braiding. 2 : a dry coarse stem especially of a cereal grass. 3a(1) : something of small worth or significance.

What type of word is straw?

straw used as a noun:

A dried stalk of a cereal plant. Such dried stalks considered collectively. A drinking straw. a pale, yellowish beige colour, like that of a dried straw.

Is Staw a word?

(UK, dialect, intransitive) To be fixed or set; to stay.

What is the origin of the word straw?

Etymology. From Middle English straw, from Old English strēaw, from Proto-West Germanic *strau, from Proto-Germanic *strawą (“that which is strewn”). Cognate with Dutch stro, Walloon strin, German Stroh, Norwegian and Swedish strå, Albanian shtrohë (“kennel”).

23 related questions found

What is plural for straw?

Plural. straws. A cat on some straw.

What is a Russian straw?

Noun last straw (pl. Pechka The heart of the traditional rural Russian home used to be a large, brick stove that took up about nearly one-quarter of the living space of a peasant home.

Is Staw a valid Scrabble word?

Yes, staw is in the scrabble dictionary.

What does thaw out mean?

to be freed from the physical effect of frost or extreme cold (sometimes followed by out): Sit by the fire and thaw out. (of the weather) to become warm enough to melt ice and snow: It will probably thaw today. … to cause to change from a frozen to a liquid or semiliquid state; melt.

What does stows away mean?

stowed away; stowing away; stows away. Definition of stow away (Entry 2 of 2) intransitive verb. : to secrete oneself aboard a vehicle as a means of obtaining transportation.

What is Staw?

Webster Dictionary

Stawverb. to be fixed or set; to stay.

Is straw edible?

Straw is mainly used for bedding though it can also be used as mulch. It is edible, but not very tasty and not very nutritious either.

Is straw a proper noun?

​[uncountable] stems of wheat or other grain plants that have been cut and dried. Straw is used for making mats, hats, etc., for packing things to protect them, and as food for animals or for them to sleep on. The animals sleep on straw.

Can I get a straw meaning?

to be the person in a group who has to do an unpleasant or difficult job. I drew the short straw and had to stay late. Synonyms and related words. To be in, or to get into a difficult situation. run out of road.

What is a straw in American?

straw in American English

hollow stalks or stems of grain after threshing, collectively: used for fodder, for bedding, for making hats, etc. 2. a single one of such stalks. 3. such a stalk or, now esp., a tube of waxed paper, plastic, etc., used for sucking beverages.

What is the sentence of straw?

1 A drowning man will catch at a straw. 2 A straw shows which way the wind blows. 3 You can’t make bricks without straw. 4 A drowning man will clutch at a straw.

Is Dethaw a word?

is that dethaw is (nonstandard) to thaw; to unfreeze while thaw is to melt, dissolve, or become fluid; to soften; — said of that which is frozen; as, the ice thaws specifically by gradual warming.

What do you mean by degraded?

verb (used with object), de·grad·ed, de·grad·ing. to lower in dignity or estimation; bring into contempt: He felt they were degrading him by making him report to the supervisor. to lower in character or quality; debase.

Does ice melt or thaw?

Defrost is a verb that means to (cause to) become free of ice, or to (cause to) become no longer frozen. … Melt is a verb, it means to turn from something solid into something soft or liquid. For example: «The ice melted in the heat.»

What is the meaning of Final Straw?

Definition of the final/last straw

: the last in a series of bad things that happen to make someone very upset, angry, etc. It had been a difficult week, so when the car broke down, it was the last straw.

What does straw mean in drug terms?

Straws are commonly used to snort cocaine or meth. They are usually cut into 3-inch to 5-inch lengths. Another method is to extract the inside of a ballpoint pen and snort the drug through the hollowed tube. 2. Rolled-up dollar bills can also be used to snort drugs.

How is Straw made?

Straw is an agricultural byproduct consisting of the dry stalks of cereal plants after the grain and chaff have been removed. It makes up about half of the yield of cereal crops such as barley, oats, rice, rye and wheat.

How many holes does a straw have?

So, according to Riemann, because a straw can be cut only once — from end to end — it has exactly one hole. If the surface does not have a boundary, like a torus, the first cut must begin and end at the same point.

What is the meaning of straw Colour?

: light yellow in color : like the color of straw.

солома, соломинка, соломка, пустяк, соломенный, ненадежный, желтоватый


- солома

to pack in straw — завернуть в солому
a house thatched with straw — дом с соломенной крышей

- соломинка (естественная или пластмассовая)

to catch /to clutch, to grasp/ at a straw — хвататься за соломинку
to drink smth. through a straw — пить что-л. через соломинку

- соломка (материал для шляп и т. п.)

to braid straw — плести соломку

- соломенная шляпа

a man in a white straw — человек в белой соломенной шляпе

- пустяк, мелочь

not worth a straw — ничего не стоящий
he doesn’t care a straw for … — ему наплевать на …

- палевый, бледно-жёлтый цвет, цвет соломы (тж. straw colour)


- соломенный

straw covering — соломенная кровля
straw bed /mattress/ — соломенный тюфяк
straw hat — соломенная шляпа
straw skep — с.-х. соломенный улей

- ненадёжный, сомнительный

a man of straw — а) соломенное чучело; б) ненадёжный /несерьёзный/ человек; в) подставное /фиктивное/ лицо; г) воображаемый противник; д) довод, выдвигаемый спорящим только для того, чтобы самому его легко опровергнуть
straw bail — амер. ненадёжное поручительство; липовая гарантия

Мои примеры


the last straw to break the camel’s back — последняя капля, переполнившая чашу терпения  
cocoa straw hat — соломенная шляпка светло-шоколадного цвета  
to drink through a straw — пить через соломинку  
the last / final straw — последняя капля  
not to care a straw — относиться совершенно безразлично  
straw-fiddle — ксилофон  
a straw in the wind — намёк, предупреждение, указание  
to throw straws against the wind — пытаться угадать господствующую тенденцию, настроение и т. п.; ≅ посмотреть, куда ветер дует  
to draw straws — тянуть жребий (на длинную или короткую соломинку)  
to draw /to gather, to pick/ straws — слипаться (о глазах)  
the last straw — ≅ последняя капля; предел терпения  
it is the last straw that breaks the camel’s back — посл. ≅ последняя капля переполняет чашу  
a straw shows which way the wind blows — посл. и соломинка показывает, куда дует ветер; и мелочь порой имеет большое значение  

Примеры с переводом

She drank the juice through a straw.

Она пила сок через соломинку.

He was chewing on a straw.

Он жевал соломинку.

He wore a straw / squash / felt hat.

На нем была соломенная / мягкая / фетровая шляпа.

All straw is baled.

Вся солома увязана в кипы.

I drew the short straw and had to clean the toilets.

Я вытянул короткую соломинку, и мне пришлось чистить туалеты.

Jennie sucked up the last bit of milkshake with her straw.

Дженни втянула через соломинку последние капли молочного коктейля.

I do not think he cares a straw whether your temperature goes down or up.

Я думаю ему абсолютно наплевать, понижается у тебя температура или повышается.

ещё 13 примеров свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

strawy  — соломенный, похожий на солому, покрытый соломой

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): straw
мн. ч.(plural): straws



From Middle English straw, from Old English strēaw, from Proto-West Germanic *strau, from Proto-Germanic *strawą (that which is strewn). Cognate with Dutch stro, Walloon strin, German Stroh, Norwegian and Swedish strå, Albanian shtrohë (kennel).


  • (UK) IPA(key): /stɹɔː/
  • (US) IPA(key): /stɹɔ/
    • (cotcaught merger) IPA(key): /stɹɑ/
  • Rhymes: -ɔː


straw (countable and uncountable, plural straws)

  1. (countable) A dried stalk of a cereal plant.
  2. (uncountable) Such dried stalks considered collectively; this bulk matter may be a chief salable product, a by-product, fodder, bedding, or green manure, depending on region and on current market conditions.
    Coordinate terms: hay, stover, shaw, trash
  3. (countable) A drinking straw.
  4. (uncommon) A pale, yellowish beige colour, like that of a dried straw.


  5. (figurative) Anything proverbially worthless; the least possible thing.
    • 1889, Robin Hood and the Tanner, Francis James Child (editor), The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume 3, page 138:
      ‘For thy sword and thy bow I care not a straw,
      Nor all thine arrows to boot;
      If I get a knop upon thy bare scop,
      Thou canst as well shite as shoote.’
    • 1857, Anthony Trollope, Barchester Towers:
      He also decided, which was more to his purpose, that Eleanor did not care a straw for him, and that very probably she did care a straw for his rival.
    • 1881, Robert Louis Stevenson, Virginibus Puerisque:
      To be deeply interested in the accidents of our existence, to enjoy keenly the mixed texture of human experience, rather leads a man to disregard precautions, and risk his neck against a straw.

Derived terms[edit]

  • strawhead
  • strawberry
  • strawpedo
  • strawman


  • Japanese: ストロー


a dried stalk of a cereal plant

  • Adyghe: хьэуарз (ḥewaarz), уарзэ (waarze), хьэуарзэ (ḥewaarze)
  • Ainu: ワラ (wara)
  • Aklanon: dagami
  • Armenian: ծղոտ (hy) (cłot)
  • Aromanian: palj n, paljiu n
  • Azerbaijani: çöp (az)
  • Basque: lasto (eu), zuhain
  • Belarusian: сало́міна f (salómina), сало́мінка f (salóminka)
  • Bikol Central: uhot (bcl)
  • Bulgarian: сламка f (slamka)
  • Catalan: palla (ca) f
  • Central Melanau: jeramek
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 稈子秆子 (zh) (gǎnzi), 秸秆 (zh) (jiēgǎn), 秸稈秸秆 (zh) (jiēgǎn)
  • Crimean Tatar: toban
  • Czech: sláma (cs) f
  • Danish: halm (da), strå
  • Esperanto: pajlo
  • Estonian: õlekõrs, kõrs
  • Finnish: olki (fi)
  • French: paille (fr) f, fétu (fr) m
  • Galician: palla (gl) f
  • Georgian: please add this translation if you can
  • German: Halm (de) m, Strohhalm (de) m
  • Hebrew: קַשׁ (he) m (qash)
  • Icelandic: strá (is) n
  • Ido: palio (io)
  • Irish: fadóg f (used in drawing lots)
  • Isnag: daxami
  • Italian: festuca f, pagliuzza (it) f
  • Japanese:  (ja) (わら, wara), ワラ (wara)
  • Javanese: dami (jv)
  • Kabardian: хьэуазэ (ḥewaaze)
  • Korean:  (ko) (jip)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: کا (ckb) (ka)
    Northern Kurdish: ka (ku) ka (ku)
  • Lao: ເຟືອງ (lo) (fư̄ang)
  • Latgalian: cysa f
  • Latvian: salms m
  • Lithuanian: šiaudas
  • Lombard: paia f, paja (lmo) f
  • Macedonian: сла́мка f (slámka)
  • Malay: jerami
  • Malayalam: വയ്ക്കോൽ (ml) (vaykkōl), കച്ചിൽ (ml) (kaccil)
  • Mansaka: dagami
  • Maori: kakau witi
  • Norman: païle f (Guernsey), pâle f (Jersey, continental Normandy), pâlle f (Jersey)
  • Occitan: palha (oc) f
  • Persian: کاه (fa) (kâh), پوشال (fa) (pušâl)
  • Polish: słomka (pl) f
  • Portuguese: palha (pt) f
  • Quechua: ichhu
  • Romagnol: paja f
  • Romanian: pai (ro) n
  • Russian: соло́мина (ru) f (solómina), соло́минка (ru) f (solóminka)
  • Scottish Gaelic: sràbh m
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: сламка f
    Roman: slamka (sh) f
  • Slovak: slama (sk) f
  • Spanish: paja (es) f
  • Swedish: halm (sv), strå (sv), halmstrå (sv) n
  • Tagalog: dayami
  • Thai: ฟาง (th) (faang)
  • Tibetan: སོག་མ (sog ma)
  • Turkish: saman (tr), hasır (tr)
  • Turkmen: sypal
  • Ukrainian: соломи́на f (solomýna), соломи́нка f (solomýnka)
  • Venetian: festuch (vec) m, festuca f
  • Vietnamese: rơm (vi)
  • Volapük: stolastag (vo)
  • Walloon: fistou (wa) m, strin (wa) m, paye (wa) f
  • Welsh: gwelltyn m
  • West Coast Bajau: rami
  • Zazaki: sakil n

dried stalks considered collectively

  • Albanian: kashtë (sq) f
  • Arabic: قَشّ (ar) m (qašš)
    Hijazi Arabic: قَشّ‎ m (gašš)
  • Armenian: ծղոտ (hy) (cłot)
  • Aromanian: paljã f
  • Asturian: paya (ast) f
  • Azerbaijani: saman (az)
  • Bashkir: һалам (halam)
  • Belarusian: сало́ма f (salóma)
  • Bengali: খড় (bn) (khoṛ)
  • Bulgarian: сла́ма (bg) f (sláma)
  • Burmese: ကောက်ရိုး (my) (kauk-rui:)
  • Buryat: һолоомон (holoomon)
  • Catalan: palla (ca) f
  • Chechen: ча (ča)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 稻草 (zh) (dàocǎo)
  • Czech: sláma (cs) f
  • Danish: halm (da) c, strå n
  • Dutch: stro (nl) n
  • Esperanto: pajlo
  • Estonian: põhk
  • Finnish: olki (fi), pahna (fi)
  • French: paille (fr) f
  • Friulian: pae f
  • Galician: palla (gl) f
  • Georgian: ჩალა (čala)
  • German: Stroh (de) n
  • Hebrew: קַשׁ (he) m (qash), תֶּבֶן (he) m (téven)
  • Hindi: पुआल (hi) f (puāl), तिनका (hi) (tinkā)
  • Hungarian: szalma (hu)
  • Icelandic: strá (is) n
  • Indonesian: jerami (id)
  • Interlingua: please add this translation if you can
  • Irish: tuí f, cochán m
  • Istriot: paja f
  • Italian: paglia (it) f
  • Japanese:  (ja) (わら, wara), ワラ (wara)
  • Kazakh: сабан (kk) (saban), салам (salam)
  • Khmer: ចំបើង (km) (cɑmbaəng)
  • Korean:  (ko) (jip)
  • Kurdish:
    Northern Kurdish: pûş (ku)
  • Kyrgyz: саман (ky) (saman)
  • Lao: ເຟືອງ (lo) (fư̄ang)
  • Latin: stipula (la) f
  • Latvian: salms m
  • Lithuanian: šiaudai m pl
  • Lombard: paja (lmo) f
  • Low German: Stroh n
  • Luxembourgish: Stréi n
  • Macedonian: слама f (slama)
  • Malay: jerami
  • Malayalam: വയ്ക്കോൽ (ml) (vaykkōl), കച്ചിൽ (ml) (kaccil)
  • Mongolian: дэрс (mn) (ders)
  • Neapolitan: paglia
  • Norman: païle f (Guernsey), pâle f (Jersey, continental Normandy), pâlle f (Jersey)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: strå (no) n, halm m
    Nynorsk: halm m
  • Occitan: palha (oc) f
  • Old Church Slavonic:
    Cyrillic: слама f (slama)
  • Old East Slavic: солома f (soloma)
  • Old English: strēaw n
  • Persian: نی (fa) (ney), کاه (fa) (kâh)
  • Polish: słoma (pl) f
  • Portuguese: palha (pt)
  • Romanian: paie (ro) n pl
  • Russian: соло́ма (ru) f (solóma)
  • Sardinian: palla f, padha f, pàgia f, pàlgia f, paxa f, patza f, paza f
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: слама f
    Roman: slama (sh) f
  • Slovak: slama (sk) f
  • Slovene: slama (sl) f
  • Sorbian:
    Lower Sorbian: słoma f
  • Spanish: paja (es) f
  • Swedish: halm (sv) c, strå (sv) n
  • Tagalog: munti
  • Tajik: пахол (paxol), коҳ (koh)
  • Thai: ฟาง (th) (faang)
  • Tibetan: སོག་མ (sog ma)
  • Turkish: saman (tr), hasır (tr), balya (tr)
  • Turkmen: saman, sypal
  • Ukrainian: соло́ма f (solóma)
  • Urdu: تنکا(tiṅkā), پوال‎ f (puāl)
  • Uyghur: پاخلا(paxla), سامان(saman)
  • Uzbek: poxol (uz), somon (uz)
  • Venetian: paja f
  • Vietnamese: rơm (vi)
  • Vilamovian: śtruf n
  • Volapük: stol (vo)
  • Walloon: strin (wa) m, paye (wa) f
  • Welsh: gwellt m
  • Yiddish: שטרוי‎ m or f (shtroy)
  • Zazaki: patil f


  • Bulgarian: сламен m (slamen)
  • Finnish: oljenkeltainen
  • French: jaune paille (fr)
  • German: strohfarben, strohgelb
  • Hungarian: szalmasárga (hu)
  • Italian: paglia (it) f
  • Japanese: 藁色 (わらいろ, warairo), わら色 (わらいろ, warairo)
  • Spanish: pajizo (es) m, pajiza (es) f

Translations to be checked

  • Georgian: (please verify) ჩალა (čala)


straw (not comparable)

  1. Made of straw.
    Synonym: strawen

    straw hat

  2. Of a pale, yellowish beige colour, like that of a dried straw.
  3. (figurative) Imaginary, but presented as real.

    A straw enemy built up in the media to seem like a real threat, which then collapses like a balloon.

Derived terms[edit]

Terms derived from the noun or adjective straw


made of straw

  • Armenian: ծղոտե (hy) (cłote)
  • Bulgarian: сламен (slamen)
  • Czech: slaměný (cs)
  • Esperanto: pajla (eo)
  • Finnish: olki-, oljesta tehty, olkinen (fi)
  • Galician: palloso (gl)
  • German: Stroh-
  • Kurdish:
    Northern Kurdish: ka (ku)
  • Macedonian: сламен (slamen)
  • Polish: słomiany (pl)
  • Russian: соло́менный (ru) (solómennyj)

See also[edit]

  • balibuntal
  • buntal
  • corn dolly
  • etiolated
  • fescue
  • huarache
  • leghorn
  • paillasse
  • paillette
  • pallet
  • parabuntal
  • rick
  • sacaton
  • skep
  • stipule
  • stubble
  • zori
  • Appendix:Colors


straw (third-person singular simple present straws, present participle strawing, simple past and past participle strawed)

  1. To lay straw around plants to protect them from frost.
  2. (obsolete, slang) To sell straws on the streets in order to cover the giving to the purchaser of things usually banned, such as pornography.
    • 1846, James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps, Letters of the kings of England, page 116:

      It was the custom for the disaffected of those days to make known their grievances by distributing papers on doors of public buildings, and even strawing them in the high way, for the benefit of the chance passenger.

    • 1851, Henry Mayhew, London Labour and the London Poor:

      I have already alluded to «strawing,» which can hardly be described as quackery. It is rather a piece of mountebankery. [] The strawer offers to sell any passer by in the streets a straw and give the purchaser a paper which he dares not sell. Accordingly as he judges of the character of his audience, so he intimates that the paper is political, libellous, irreligious, or indecent.

    • 1884, Nicholas Pocock, Troubles Connected with the Prayer — Book 1549, page 108:

      Forasmoche as there be diverse lewd and sedicious [folks] personnes [being so given to sedicon as they care not f] whiche do labor nowe to mayntain the traitorous doings of the duke of Somerset, and for that purposed do ivise the most vile false and traitorous bills, papers, and boks that ever were harde off, strawing the same in the stretes, aswel within the Citie of London [and] as in diverse [other] townes and other places in the cuntrey; wherein they do falsly and traitorously travail to slaunder the kings mat Counsail, thinking therby to amase and abuse his Mat good subgietts, which be in a redynes to joyne with the said counsail for the delyverey of the king our soveraign Lords most Royal person, remayning to his great peril and damage in the said dukes custody, and for the restoring of this noble Realme to some better order and quietnes, whiche shalbe the benefite [of every man] of us all universally;

    • 1998, Peter Hart, The I.R.A. and Its Enemies: Violence and Community in Cork, 1916-1923, →ISBN, page 182:

      Townspeople who saw ‘strawing’ and ‘following the wran’ as invasions by ‘lusty young men of the country’ saw Volunteer events in the same way.


  • Swart, swart, warts

Middle English[edit]

Alternative forms[edit]

  • strau, strawe, straugh, strauȝ, strawwe, stre, stree, stra, straa, strey, streaw, strew, streuw


From Old English strēaw. Some forms are influenced by Old Norse strá.


  • IPA(key): /strau̯/, /streː/
  • (Northern ME) IPA(key): /strɑː/


straw (plural strawes or stren)

  1. The remaining plant material after cultivation; halm, straw.
  2. An individual piece or section of straw.
  3. (figurative) Anything slight or worthless; the least possible thing.
  4. (rare) A measure of weight for candlewax.


  • strawbery
  • strawen


  • English: straw
  • Scots: strae
  • Yola: stre, strew


  • “strau, n.”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007, retrieved 2018-07-19.



  • IPA(key): /straf/
  • Rhymes: -af
  • Syllabification: straw



  1. second-person singular imperative of strawić


straw f

  1. genitive plural of strawa

Further reading[edit]

  • straw in Polish dictionaries at PWN
    • See Also:
      • stratosphere
      • Stratton
      • stratum
      • stratus
      • Straus
      • Strauss
      • stravage
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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

straw /strɔ/USA pronunciation  

  1. Agriculture, Botany[countable] a single stalk or stem, esp. of a cereal grass.
  2. Agriculture a mass of such stalks, used as fodder:[uncountable]feeding the cows their straw.
  3. material made from such stalks for hats or baskets:[uncountable]a basket of straw.
  4. [countable] a narrow tube for sucking up a beverage from a container.

adj. [before a noun]

  1. of, relating to, or made of straw:a straw hat.
  2. of the color of straw;
    pale yellow.


  1. Idioms catch, clutch, or grasp at a straw or at straws, to try anything out of a desperate need to save oneself from something bad.
  2. (the) last straw, something intolerably bad or unpleasant that is the latest in a series of bad events:He had been late five times, but when he came to work drunk that was the last straw and he was fired.
  3. Idioms straw in the wind, [countable] a piece of information that seems to indicate future events.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(strô),USA pronunciation n. 

  1. Agriculture, Botanya single stalk or stem, esp. of certain species of grain, chiefly wheat, rye, oats, and barley.
  2. Agriculturea mass of such stalks, esp. after drying and threshing, used as fodder.
  3. material, fibers, etc., made from such stalks, as used for making hats or baskets.
  4. the negligible value of one such stalk;
    least bit:not to care a straw.
  5. a tube, usually of paper or glass, for sucking up a beverage from a container:to sip lemonade through a straw.
  6. anything of possible but dubious help in a desperate circumstance.
  7. See straw man (def. 2).
  8. Clothinga straw hat.
  9. catch, clutch, or grasp at a straw, at straws, or at any straw or straws, to seize at any chance, no matter how slight, of saving oneself from calamity.
  10. draw straws, to decide by lottery using straws or strawlike items of different lengths, usually with the short straw or straws determining the person chosen or the loser.


  1. of, pertaining to, containing, or made of straw:a straw hat.
  2. of the color of straw;
    pale yellow.
  3. of little value or consequence;
  4. sham;
  • bef. 950; Middle English; Old English strēaw; cognate with German Stroh; akin to strew

strawless, adj. 
strawlike′, adj. 

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

straw /strɔː/ n

  1. stalks of threshed grain, esp of wheat, rye, oats, or barley, used in plaiting hats, baskets, etc, or as fodder
  2. (as modifier): a straw hat
  3. a single dry or ripened stalk, esp of a grass
  4. a long thin hollow paper or plastic tube or stem of a plant, used for sucking up liquids into the mouth
  5. (usually used with a negative) anything of little value or importance: I wouldn’t give a straw for our chances
  6. a measure or remedy that one turns to in desperation (esp in the phrases clutch or grasp at a straw or straws)
  7. a pale yellow colour
  8. (as adjective): straw hair
  9. straw in the winda hint or indication
  10. the last strawa small incident, setback, etc that, coming after others, proves intolerable

Etymology: Old English streaw; related to Old Norse strā, Old Frisian strē, Old High German strō; see strew

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

Straw /strɔː/ n

  1. Jack, full name John Whitaker Straw. born 1946, British Labour politician; Home Secretary (1997–2001); Foreign Secretary (2001–06); Lord Chancellor from 2007

straw‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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He was chewing on a straw.

He asked for a straw for his iced tea.

She drank the juice through a straw.


the cheese maker told us that the best Parmesan cheeses are straw, not white, in color

Recent Examples on the Web

Reportedly, the last straw was his decision to display comments from his Kick chat on his Twitch channel for about 20 minutes, exposing viewers there to a deluge of abusive and offensive speech.

Miles Klee, Rolling Stone, 2 Apr. 2023

At Yew Dell Botanical Gardens, pine straw is one of our favorite organic mulches.

Paul Cappiello, The Courier-Journal, 31 Mar. 2023

Punch a single hole in the center of the flower and slip the straw through the hole.

Charlyne Mattox, Country Living, 30 Mar. 2023

Just as the straw would allow travel from one side of the paper to the other without traversing the surface of the paper, wormholes could allow passage from one side of the universe to the other without traveling the distance across space by which those points are physically separated.

Robert Lea, Popular Mechanics, 28 Mar. 2023

And the straw was difficult to remove and to reattach as well.

Good Housekeeping, 28 Mar. 2023

But the final straw for Christie came on election night in 2020, when Trump stood behind the presidential seal and falsely claimed the election had been stolen.

Candy Woodall, USA TODAY, 28 Mar. 2023

The straw that once stirred the drink is back to stir it one more time.

Odie Henderson,, 23 Mar. 2023

The last straw came in 2020, that first pandemic summer, with the explosion of late-night partying on their street involving cars with powerful speakers, said Mother Ana Maria, who spoke on behalf of the monastery, which used to be on Highland Boulevard.

Kaya Laterman, New York Times, 19 Mar. 2023

The nation’s largest auto finance company has dropped its lawsuit against auto dealer Russ Darrow over loans to what turned out to be straw buyers of luxury vehicles destined for China via a con man’s business.

Bruce Vielmetti, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 24 Apr. 2018

The nation’s largest auto finance company has dropped its lawsuit against auto dealer Russ Darrow over loans to what turned out to be straw buyers of luxury vehicles destined for China via a con man’s business.

Bruce Vielmetti, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 24 Apr. 2018

Straw bags with pom-pom accents are sure to please., 8 July 2017

Straw blinds go up to the ceiling, concealing the fact that the windows are much shorter.

Lisa Cregan, House Beautiful, 19 Jan. 2017

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘straw.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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  • 1

    straw [strɔ:]

    1) соло́ма; соло́мка

    2) соло́минка

    3) пустя́к, ме́лочь;

    4) соло́менная шля́па

    а) соло́менное чу́чело;

    б) ненадёжный челове́к;

    в) подставно́е, фикти́вное лицо́;

    г) вообража́емый проти́вник;

    1) соло́менный

    2) желтова́тый, цве́та соло́мы

    3) ненадёжный, сомни́тельный;

    straw bail амер. ненадёжное, «ли́повое» поручи́тельство

    straw vote ( или poll) неофициа́льный опро́с обще́ственного мне́ния для выясне́ния настрое́ний обще́ственности

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > straw

  • 2


    1.   солома

    2.   соломенный цвет

    Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык.

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > straw

  • 3

    Персональный Сократ > straw

  • 4

    STRAW, strategic air war(fare)

    стратегические воздушные операции; боевые действия стратегической авиации

    English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > STRAW

  • 5

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > straw

  • 6


    straw пустяк, мелочь; not worth a straw ничего не стоящий; to catch at a straw хвататься за соломинку; the last straw последняя капля straw пустяк, мелочь; not worth a straw ничего не стоящий; to catch at a straw хвататься за соломинку; the last straw последняя капля a man of straw воображаемый противник; not to care a straw относиться совершенно безразлично; a straw in the wind намек, указание straw пустяк, мелочь; not worth a straw ничего не стоящий; to catch at a straw хвататься за соломинку; the last straw последняя капля straw желтоватый, цвета соломы straw ненадежный, сомнительный; straw bail амер. ненадежное, «липовое» поручительство straw пустяк, мелочь; not worth a straw ничего не стоящий; to catch at a straw хвататься за соломинку; the last straw последняя капля straw солома; соломка straw соломенная шляпа straw соломенный straw соломинка straw ненадежный, сомнительный; straw bail амер. ненадежное, «липовое» поручительство a man of straw воображаемый противник; not to care a straw относиться совершенно безразлично; a straw in the wind намек, указание straw vote неофициальный опрос общественного мнения для выяснения настроений общественности vote: straw straw (амер.) предварительное голосование (для выяснения настроения)

    English-Russian short dictionary > straw

  • 7

    1. сущ.
    1) солома;
    соломка to pack in straw ≈ завернуть в солому Syn: thatch, haulm
    2) соломинка to drink through a straw ≈ пить через соломинку
    3) соломенная шляпа
    4) мелочь, пустяк
    5) цвет соломы;
    бледно-желтый цвет ∙ to lay straw ≈ переставать, прекращать to draw/gather/pick straws ≈ быть сонным to have straws in one’s hair ≈ быть странным, эксцентричным man of straw
    2. прил.
    1) соломенный
    2) желтоватый, цвета соломы
    3) ненадежный, сомнительный straw bail амер. ≈ ненадежное, ‘липовое’ поручительство ∙
    солома — a house thatched with * дом с соломенной крышей соломинка (естественная или пластмассовая) — to drink smth. through a * пить что-л. через соломинку соломка (материал для шляп и т. п.) — to braid * плести соломку соломенная шляпа — a man in a white * человек в белой соломенной шляпе пустяк, мелочь — not worth a * ничего не стоить — he doesn’t care a * for… ему наплевать на… палевый, бледно-желтый цвет, цвет соломы (тж. * colour) > a man of * соломенное чучело;
    ненадежный /несерьезный/ человек;
    подставное /фиктивное/ лицо;
    воображаемый противник;
    довод, выдвигаемый спорящим только для того, чтобы самому его легко опровергнуть > a * in the wind намек, предупреждение, указание > to throw *s against the wind пытаться угадать господствующую тенденцию, настроение и т. п.;
    посмотреть, куда ветер дует > to draw *s тянуть жребий( на длинную или короткую соломинку) > to catch /to clutch, to grasp/ at a * хвататься за соломинку > to draw /to gather, to pick/ *s слипаться( о глазах) > the last * последняя капля;
    предел терпения > it is the last * that breaks the camel’s back (пословица) последняя капля переполняет чашу > a * shows which way the wind blows( пословица) и соломинка показывает, куда дует ветер;
    и мелочь порой имеет большое значение соломенный — * bed /mattress/ соломенный тюфяк — * hat соломенная шляпа — * skep (сельскохозяйственное) соломенный улей бледно-желтый, палевый, цвета соломы — * colour палевый /бледно-желтый, соломенный/ цвет ненадежный, сомнительный — * bail ненадежное /»липовое»/ поручительство
    ~ пустяк, мелочь;
    not worth a straw ничего не стоящий;
    to catch at a straw хвататься за соломинку;
    the last straw последняя капля
    ~ пустяк, мелочь;
    not worth a straw ничего не стоящий;
    to catch at a straw хвататься за соломинку;
    the last straw последняя капля
    a man of ~ воображаемый противник;
    not to care a straw относиться совершенно безразлично;
    a straw in the wind намек, указание
    ~ пустяк, мелочь;
    not worth a straw ничего не стоящий;
    to catch at a straw хвататься за соломинку;
    the last straw последняя капля
    straw желтоватый, цвета соломы ~ ненадежный, сомнительный;
    straw bail амер. ненадежное, «липовое» поручительство ~ пустяк, мелочь;
    not worth a straw ничего не стоящий;
    to catch at a straw хвататься за соломинку;
    the last straw последняя капля ~ солома;
    соломка ~ соломенная шляпа ~ соломенный ~ соломинка
    ~ ненадежный, сомнительный;
    straw bail амер. ненадежное, «липовое» поручительство
    a man of ~ воображаемый противник;
    not to care a straw относиться совершенно безразлично;
    a straw in the wind намек, указание
    ~ vote неофициальный опрос общественного мнения для выяснения настроений общественности vote: straw ~ (амер.) предварительное голосование( для выяснения настроения)

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > straw

  • 8

    1. n солома

    2. n соломинка

    3. n соломка

    4. n соломенная шляпа

    5. n пустяк, мелочь

    6. n палевый, бледно-жёлтый цвет, цвет соломы

    7. a соломенный

    8. a ненадёжный, сомнительный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. fair (adj.) blond; fair; fair-haired; flaxen; golden; ivory; light; pale; platinum

    2. strew (verb) bestrew; broadcast; disject; disseminate; scatter; sow; strew

    English-Russian base dictionary > straw

  • 9

    1. [strɔ:]

    1. солома

    to drink smth. through a straw — пить что-л. через соломинку

    3. соломка ()

    4. соломенная шляпа

    5. пустяк, мелочь

    he doesn’t care a straw for… — ему наплевать на…

    6. палевый, бледно-жёлтый цвет, цвет соломы (

    straw colour)

    a man of straw — а) соломенное чучело; б) ненадёжный /несерьёзный/ человек; в) подставное /фиктивное/ лицо; г) воображаемый противник; д) довод, выдвигаемый спорящим только для того, чтобы самому его легко опровергнуть

    a straw in the wind — намёк, предупреждение, указание

    to throw straws against the wind — пытаться угадать господствующую тенденцию, настроение ; ≅ посмотреть, куда ветер дует

    to catch /to clutch, to grasp/ at a straw — хвататься за соломинку

    to draw /to gather, to pick/ straws — слипаться ()

    the last straw — ≅ последняя капля; предел терпения

    2. [strɔ:]

    1) соломенный

    straw bed /mattress/ — соломенный тюфяк

    2) = straw-coloured

    straw colour — палевый /бледно-жёлтый, соломенный/ цвет

    3) ненадёжный, сомнительный

    straw bail — ненадёжное /«липовое»/ поручительство

    НБАРС > straw

  • 10



    1) солома; соломка


    4) мелочь, пустяк

    5) цвет соломы; бледно-жёлтый цвет


    to catch / clutch / grasp at a / any straw — хвататься за соломинку

    the last / final straw — последняя капля

    to draw / gather / pick straws — быть сонным

    — man of straw



    straw tick — амер. матрас, набитый соломой

    A straw bonnet with pink ribbons. — Соломенная шляпка с розовыми лентами.

    2) желтоватый, цвета соломы

    3) ненадёжный, сомнительный

    straw bail амер. — ненадёжное, «липовое» поручительство

    Англо-русский современный словарь > straw

  • 11

    имя существительное:

    имя прилагательное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > straw

  • 12

    1. солома

    2. соломенный цвет

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > straw

  • 13

    Англо-русский текстильный словар > straw

  • 14

    Англо-русский текстильный словар > straw

  • 15

    1) солома; соломка

    2) соломинка

    3) соломенная шляпа

    4) пустяк, мелочь; not worth a straw ничего не стоящий

    to catch at a straw хвататься за соломинку

    the last straw последняя капля

    a man of straw

    а) соломенное чучело;

    б) ненадежный человек;

    в) подставное, фиктивное лицо;

    г) воображаемый противник

    not to care a straw относиться совершенно безразлично

    a straw in the wind намек, указание

    1) соломенный

    2) желтоватый, цвета соломы

    3) ненадежный, сомнительный; straw bail


    ненадежное, ‘липовое’ поручительство

    straw vote неофициальный опрос общественного мнения для выяснения настроений общественности

    * * *

    1 (a) соломенный

    * * *

    солома, соломинка

    * * *

    [ strɔː]
    солома, соломка, пустяк, мелочь, соломинка, соломенная шляпа
    соломенный; цвета соломы, желтоватый; сомнительный, ненадежный

    * * *



    * * *

    1. сущ.
    1) солома
    2) соломинка
    3) соломенная шляпа
    2. прил.
    1) соломенный
    2) желтоватый, цвета соломы
    3) ненадежный

    Новый англо-русский словарь > straw

  • 16

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > straw

  • 17

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > straw

  • 18

    Англо-русский технический словарь > straw

  • 19

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > straw

  • 20

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > straw


  • Следующая →
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См. также в других словарях:

  • Straw — is an agricultural by product, the dry of a cereal plant, after the grain or seed has been removed. Straw makes up about half of the yield of cereal crops such as barley, oats, rice, rye and wheat. In times gone by, it was regarded as a useful by …   Wikipedia

  • Straw — Straw, n. [OE. straw, stre, stree, AS. stre[ a]w, from the root of E. strew; akin to OFries. str[=e], D. stroo, G. stroh, OHG. str[=o], Icel. str[=a], Dan. straa, Sw. str[*a]. [root]166. See {Strew}.] 1. A stalk or stem of certain species of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • straw — S3 [stro: US stro:] n [: Old English; Origin: streaw] 1.) a) [U] the dried stems of wheat or similar plants that animals sleep on, and that are used for making things such as baskets, hats etc →↑hay ▪ a straw hat b) a single dried stem of stra …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • straw — [strô] n. [ME stra < OE streaw, akin to streawian: see STREW] 1. hollow stalks or stems of grain after threshing, collectively: used for fodder, for bedding, for making hats, etc. 2. a single one of such stalks 3. such a stalk or, now esp., a… …   English World dictionary

  • straw — [ strɔ ] noun ** 1. ) uncount the yellow stems of dried crops such as wheat: bales of straw a straw hat 2. ) count a long thin paper or plastic tube that you use for drinking clutch/grasp at straws to try to find anything at all that will help… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • straw — straw; straw·berry; straw·ber·ry·ing; straw·en; straw·ish; straw·less; win·dle·straw; …   English syllables

  • straw — ► NOUN 1) dried stalks of grain, used as fodder or for thatching, packing, or weaving. 2) a single dried stalk of grain. 3) a thin hollow tube of paper or plastic for sucking drink from a container. 4) a pale yellow colour. ● clutch at straws Cf …   English terms dictionary

  • straw — (n.) O.E. streaw stems or stalks of certain cereals, lit. that which is scattered or strewn, related to streowian (see STREW (Cf. strew)), from P.Gmc. *strawam that which is scattered (Cf. O.N. stra, Dan. straa, Swed. strô, O.Fris. stre, O.Du., O …   Etymology dictionary

  • Straw — ist der Name folgender Personen: Ezekiel A. Straw (1819–1882), US amerikanischer Politiker Jack Straw (* 1946), britischer Politiker der Labour Party Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselb …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • straw|y — «STR ee», adjective. 1. of, containing, or like straw. 2. strewn or thatched with straw …   Useful english dictionary

  • Straw — Straw, v. t. To spread or scatter. See {Strew}, and {Strow}. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

I know the difference by knowing my own: in my country, _if the prince says, «Eat straw» we eat straw_. ‘ ❋ Edmund Burke (1763)

The word straw has often been used to refer to things that are not quite valid or sincere. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Ah, the straw-man or what I dub the straw-horse argument. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Buying a weapon for somebody who is otherwise by law not allowed to own a weapon is a violation of what we call our straw purchase law here and that is a serious crime. ❋ Unknown (2007)

* Drinking soda through a straw limits cavities, but only if the straw is aimed pretty much straight into your throat. ❋ Unknown (2005)

But rather than try to go with the rational argument which, granted, often seems not to work very well in this society, organizations in favor of equal opportunity try to back it up by arguing what you call the straw man. ❋ Unknown (2005)

State GOP officials had heavily promoted what they described as their straw ballot’s predictive power. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Ian Plimer is what one refers to as a straw man, as is Lord Monckton. ❋ Leo Hickman (2010)

I think this this what they call a straw dog — an argument you set up largely because it is so easy to knock down. ❋ Michael Pettis (2010)

David continues by quoting what he calls a straw man: ❋ Jenn Q. Public (2010)

Texas governor Rick Perry announced his candidacy on Saturday, the same day the midwestern state of Iowa held what is called a «straw poll,» seen as an early indication of voters’ preference. ❋ Unknown (2011)

«He and his brother Rob were inspirational and they led, spiritually, a lot of those training sessions because they would turn up covered in straw, sweat, mud and goodness knows what else, and they would flog themselves in every training session, and then go back to the farm» – Paul Cullen following the death of Garry Purdham, whom he coached at Whitehaven, in the Cumbrian shootings. ❋ Andy Wilson (2010)

Spreading straw is like making up a bed with clean sheets. ❋ Olga Bonfiglio (2010)

the man put his [STRAW] [in the little] girl’s [milkshake]. ❋ Chelsea (2003)

[Damn dude] [I can’t] believe the straw is still [cherried]. ❋ Kevinb930 (2008)

[i saw] his straw ❋ ? (2004)

You see that [boy]? [Yea] [thats] a straw. ❋ Tiara (2003)

«yo, damn, dude we played like 100 games [for free], cause the owner [strawed] the [tables] for us» ❋ Jitz Freak (2005)

She’s [a mighty] fine [straw]. Too bad I’m [strawless] in Seattle. ❋ Mookie123456 (2010)

“Give me a [straw], I [fancy] a [bump].” ❋ DragonLadyDragon (2019)

No♡ [straw] [albedo] is nasty, he is literally [chalk] ❋ Brynn’s Best Friend (2022)

«Man, I was so Strawed this morning. [Thank god] [Rachel] [drove me].» ❋ Bringingitwayback (2016)

Idiot: A [straw] has 2 holes
One [smarty] Boi: [REEEEEEE] THE [STRAW] HAS 1 HOLE ❋ OneSmartyBoi (2019)

Definitions For Straw


  • A thin paper or plastic tube used to suck liquids into the mouth
  • A variable yellow tint; dull yellow, often diluted with white
  • Material consisting of seed coverings and small pieces of stem or leaves that have been separated from the seeds
  • Plant fiber used e.g. for making baskets and hats or as fodder
  • The dry stems of wheat and other grain plants
  • A single dry stem of a grain plant
  • A thin tube used for sucking up a drink


  • Spread by scattering (
  • Cover or provide with or as if with straw


  • Of a pale yellow color like straw; straw-colored

English International (SOWPODS)

Points in Different Games


Words with Friends

The word Straw is worth 8 points in Scrabble and 8 points in Words with Friends

Examples of Straw in a Sentence

  • He was chewing on a straw.
  • He asked for a straw for his iced tea.
  • She drank the juice through a straw.
  • The cheese maker told us that the best Parmesan cheeses are straw, not white, in color

Synonyms for Straw

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