Is stock broker one word

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Kara Tillman

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In most English speaking venues, the two word term stock broker, like stock brokerage, normally applies to the brokerage firm, rather than to the individual.

How do you spell stock broker?

a broker, especially one employed by a member firm of a stock exchange, who buys and sells stocks and other securities for customers. Also called broker.

Is stockbroker a noun?

A person who buys and sells shares (stock) on a stock exchange on behalf of clients.

What do stock brokers call themselves?

Even brokerage employees who are registered representatives and would previously have been called stockbrokers are calling themselves financial advisors, wealth managers or wealth professionals.

Is stockbroker a dying career?

Stock brokers are no longer a thing and are slowly becoming a dying breed. Investors are now capable of doing what stockbrokers have been doing thanks to the internet, automation, and passive investments.

17 related questions found

Can financial advisor call myself?

Anyone may call himself a «financial advisor». Just because someone calls himself a «financial advisor» does not mean that he has any specific education, background, experience, or certification which actually qualifies him to give financial advice.

What is a broker name?

The Broker name was coined by the Anglo-Saxon tribes of Britain. Broker was originally a name given to someone who worked as a broker, an agent for the sale and purchase of goods and services.

What is meant by Black Monday?

Black Monday refers to the stock market crash that occurred on Oct. 19, 1987 when the DJIA lost almost 22% in a single day, triggering a global stock market decline. The SEC has built a number of protective mechanisms, such as trading curbs and circuit breakers, to prevent panic-selling.

How much does a stockbroker earn?

In more boutique investment companies in London, salaries for junior brokers start from £40,000 plus a bonus on top of the base. With a combination of success, experience and length of service, stockbrokers can earn base salaries between £100,000 and £150,000, often with significant bonuses and commission.

What are the requirements to be a stock broker?

While there are no formal educational requirements for becoming a broker, (as there are to become a CPA or financial analyst), many firms seek candidates who have at least a bachelor’s degree, preferably focused on some aspect of business or finance; individuals who major in these subjects probably will have a leg up …

What is stock splitting definition?

A stock split is when a company’s board of directors issues more shares of stock to its current shareholders without diluting the value of their stakes. A stock split increases the number of shares outstanding and lowers the individual value of each share.

Which stock broker is best in Philippines?

Top 5 Best Stock Brokers in the Philippines:

  • First Metro Sec Pro.
  • COL Financial.
  • BDO Securities (former BDO Nomura)
  • BPI Trade.
  • Philstocks.

What archiving means?

1 : a place in which public records or historical materials (such as documents) are preserved an archive of historical manuscripts a film archive also : the material preserved —often used in plural reading through the archives. 2 : a repository or collection especially of information. archive. verb. archived; archiving.

What is a brokerage service?

A brokerage provides intermediary services in various areas, e.g., investing, obtaining a loan, or purchasing real estate. A broker is an intermediary who connects a seller and a buyer to facilitate a transaction. Individuals or legal entities can act as brokers.

What is a stockbroker kid definition?

Kids Definition of stockbroker

: a person who handles orders to buy and sell stocks.

How many times has the stock market crashed?

Famous stock market crashes include those during the 1929 Great Depression, Black Monday of 1987, the 2001 dotcom bubble burst, the 2008 financial crisis, and during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.

Is today Black Monday?

“Black Monday” – as it is referenced today – took place on October 19 (a Monday) in 1987. On this day, stock markets around the world crashed, though the event didn’t happen all at once. Black Monday saw the biggest one-day percentage drop in U.S. stock market history. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)

What was Black Monday quizlet?

Black Monday refers to Monday, October 19, 1987, when stock markets around the world crashed. … The crash began in Hong Kong and spread west to Europe, hitting the United States after other markets had already sustained significant declines.

What is a broker code?

BrokerCheck is a free tool to research the background and experience of financial brokers, advisers and firms. … BrokerCheck gives you a snapshot of a broker’s employment history, regulatory actions, and investment-related licensing information, arbitrations and complaints.

What is an example of a broker?

The definition of a broker is a person who buys and sells things on behalf of others. A person who you hire to buy stock for you on the stock exchange is an example of a broker.

Why do I need a broker?

In order to make investments like buying a selling stocks, you need a broker. Brokers are specifically licensed to make trades with securities exchanges. … You’ll meet with a full-service broker to discuss your investment goals do they can conduct research on your behalf and offer personalized advice.

How do you introduce yourself as a financial advisor?

Occasionally I get asked about the best way to introduce yourself as a financial advisor.

Ask them open-ended questions:

  1. “What kind of work do you do?”
  2. “How did you get into it?”
  3. “What do you specialize in?”
  4. “What attracted you to that field?”
  5. “What’s the biggest headache you face?”

Who is allowed to call themselves a financial advisor?

But most importantly, know that anybody can call themselves a financial advisor or planner, so be cautious, look for professional designations, such as CFP, and ask good questions.

Can anyone say they are a financial advisor?

According to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), almost anyone can claim to be a financial planner and might come from many different backgrounds. 1 Financial planners might be brokers or investment advisors, insurance agents, practicing accountants, or individuals with no financial credentials.

Is stock broker one word or two?

noun. a broker, especially one employed by a member firm of a stock exchange, who buys and sells stocks and other securities for customers.

What is the plural of trade?

Plural. trades. The plural form of trade; more than one (kind of) trade.

Are stockbrokers obsolete?

Stockbrokers are going extinct. Today, stockbrokers have been replaced with “financial consultants” (or whatever they choose to call themselves) who do nothing more than gather clients’ assets, outsource the actual investment management to third parties, and collect fees.

What is the plural of agent?

noun. ˈā-jənt plural agents.

What is Agent example?

An agent is defined as someone or something that makes something happen. A bee taking pollen from flower to flower is an example of the bee being an agent for pollination. An author’s agent; an insurance agent.

Who is the best secret agent?

  • Joe Turner – Three Days of the Condor (1975)
  • Gunther Bachmann – A Most Wanted Man (2014)
  • Nikita – La Femme Nikita (1990)
  • Alicia Huberman – Notorious (1946)
  • Jason Bourne – The Bourne Series (2002-)
  • George Smiley – Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011)
  • Harry Palmer – The Ipcress File (1965)
  • James Bond (1962-)

What is a secret hidden word?

Words related to secret secluded, covert, classified, undisclosed, private, undercover, mysterious, unknown, underground, furtive, hush-hush, obscure, unpublished, confidential, secretive, surreptitious, restricted, mystery, code, key.

Who was the first secret agent?

1. Nathan Hale. Often dubbed “America’s first spy,” Nathan Hale was a Yale graduate who served in Knowlton’s Rangers, a short-lived Continental reconnaissance unit.

Who is the greatest spy in history?

Aldrich Ames

Who is the father of espionage?

Not quite cricket: that’s what American diplomats once thought of spying. “The whole idea of espionage ran against the grain of American culture,” said Douglas Waller, author of “Wild Bill Donovan: the Spymaster Who Created the OSS and Modern American Espionage.”

How can I be a secret agent?

Secret service agent positions typically require candidates to have earned a GPA between 3.0 and 4.0 as well as be a member of an honor’s society. If you don’t hold a bachelor’s degree, you may be considered for a position as an agent with a minimum of three years of experience in law enforcement.

How long is secret service training?

Secret Service training usually takes several months. Agents complete the 10-week criminal investigator training program, followed by an 18-week special agent training course. Agents also undergo continuing education and training throughout their careers.

What is the age limit for Secret Service?

According to the Secret Service, applicants must adhere to these requirements: They must a U.S. citizen. Agents must be younger than 37 but at least 21 at the time they apply. A special consideration is made for veterans who must be younger than 40 at the time of the application.

Do First Ladies have Secret Service for life?

112–257 (text) (pdf) also known as the Former Presidents Protection Act of 2012. All living former presidents and their spouses after Dwight D. Eisenhower are now entitled to receive lifetime Secret Service protection. Their children are entitled to protection “until they become 16 years of age”.

Why do Secret Service agents hold their suits?

As noted in the Obama- and Hillary-Protect series, their Secret Service candidate-protective agents hold their hands at waist height, particularly in crowds, but also when standing guard. Presumably this allows quick action against hands of attackers or to draw weapons.

Why do Secret Service agents wear sunglasses?

Secret Service agents sometimes wear sunglasses to keep the sun out of their eyes, so they can increase their ability to see what people in the crowd are doing.

Are the windows on the White House bulletproof?

Bulletproof windows Funnily enough, in any photo you see of the White House, you’ll also see countless windows. Even the Resolute Desk is positioned with the President’s back turned to a bunch of windows in the Oval Office. Thankfully, they’re some of the most impenetrable windows known to man.

Do Secret Service wear jeans?

The image of a Secret Service agent wearing a suit and sunglasses, a finger pressed to a coiled-wire earpiece, isn’t strictly accurate. Agents, in fact, generally dress for the occasion. Sometimes it’s a suit or a tuxedo, but it’s just as often jeans and a jacket.

What weapons do the Secret Service carry?

The Secret Service’s current duty sidearm, the SIG-Sauer P229 double-action/single-action pistol chambered in . 357 SIG, entered service in 1999. It is the issued handgun to all special agents as well as officers of the Uniformed Division. As of 2019, the SIG-Sauer P229 is scheduled to be replaced with Glock handguns.

What pistol do Navy SEALs carry?

P226 MK25

What pistol does Delta Force use?

Beretta M9

What is better than a Glock 19?

The Sig P320 Carry is basically the same; it’s just 0.2 inches taller and holds 1 or 2 more rounds, depending on caliber. That said, the Glock 19 is only offered in 9mm; the Sig can be had in 9mm..Sig P320 vs Glock 19: By The Numbers.

Glock 19 Sig P320 Compact
Capacity 15+1 15+1
Barrel Length 4.01 inches 3.9 inches

What pistol do the Green Berets use?

In recent years the Glock has become preferred across the American military services. The Marine Special Operations Command has selected Glock 19s for its elite Raider unit, and even Delta has transitioned to the Glock 19—deciding the 9mm version suffers from less wear that the .


A Bloomberg Terminal stockbroker

A stockbroker is a regulated professional individual, usually associated with a brokerage firm or broker-dealer, who buys and sells stocks and other securities for both retail and institutional clients, through a stock exchange or over the counter, in return for a fee or commission. Stockbrokers are known by numerous professional designations, depending on the license they hold, the type of securities they sell, or the services they provide. In the United States, a stockbroker must pass both the Series 7 and Series 63 exams in order to be licensed. In most English speaking venues, the two word term stock broker, like stock brokerage, normally applies to the brokerage firm, rather than to the individual.

Other designations[]

Professional titles similar to that of stockbroker include investment advisor, and financial advisor. A «financial advisor» may or may not be a stockbroker, since some Series 6 licensed individuals (who are prohibited from selling stock) go by that title. An «investment advisor», registered investment advisor, or investment advisor representative has training and capabilities similar to that of a stockbroker, but different licensing and different regulatory oversight. Many individuals hold both licenses, and might typically manage commission-based accounts as a stockbroker and fee-based accounts as an RIA investment advisor, or «IAR» investment advisor representative.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) provides an online tool designed to help understand professional designations.[1]



In Canada, a stockbroker is called a «Registered Representative» or an «Investment Advisor». To be licensed as a Registered Representative and thus qualified to offer investment advice and trade all instruments with the exception of derivatives, an individual employed by an IIROC member firm must have completed the Canadian Securities Course (CSC), the Conduct & Practices Handbook (CPH),and the 90 day Investment Advisor Training Program (IATP). Within 30 months of becoming licensed, the registrant is further required to meet the post-licensing proficiency requirement by passing the Wealth Management Essentials course (WME). A Registered Representative is also required to complete 30 hours of professional development (product knowledge) and 12 hours of compliance training every three year continuing education cycle as set out by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC). To trade options and/or futures, a Registered Representative must pass the Derivatives Fundamentals Course (DFC) in addition to the Options Licencing Course (OLC) and/or the Futures Licensing Course (FLC), or alternatively, the Derivatives Fundamentals Options Licensing Course (DFOL) for options.[2][3][4]

Hong Kong[]

To become a representative one has to work for a licensed firm and pass 3 exams to prove one’s competency. Passing a fourth exam results in obtaining a ‘specialist’ license. All tests can be taken with the HKSI. However, passing all tests doesn’t result in automatically obtaining the license. It still needs to be approved by the financial regulatory body.


In Singapore to become a trading representative, you need to pass 4 exams from the Institute of Banking and Finance. The 4 exams are Modules 1A, 5, 6 and 6A. After you pass the exams, you need to apply for the license through MAS and SGX.

United Kingdom[]

In the UK, brokers are required to pass the XII Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment[5] Certificate in Securities, this qualification is achieved by passing two exams:
Unit 1: FBI Financial regulations or Unit 10 Principles of Financial Regulation for MiFID compliant retail trading, and
Unit 2: Securities
Unit 3: Derivatives or
Unit 4: for both Securities and Derivatives. Passing Unit 10 or Unit 52 identifies individuals as having attained FCA Approved Person Status.

United States[]

While the term «stockbroker» is still in use, more common terms are «broker», «financial advisor», «registered rep.» or simply «rep.» — the latter being abbreviations of the official Financial Industry Regulatory Authority[6] (FINRA) designation «Registered Representative,» obtained by passing the FINRA General Securities Representative Exam (also known as the «Series 7 exam») and being employed («associated with») a registered broker-dealer, also called a brokerage firm or (in the case of some larger money center broker/dealers) a «wirehouse», typically a FINRA member firm.[7] Other FINRA licenses or series exams exist. Although individuals holding some of those licenses, such as the «Series 6», cannot be called stockbrokers since they are prohibited from selling stock and are not trained or licensed in the full array of capabilities of a Series 7 stockbroker (see list of securities examinations). Selling variable products such as a variable annuity contract or variable universal life insurance policy typically require the broker to also have one or another state insurance department licenses.

See also[]

  • Boiler room (business)
  • Boutique brokerage
  • Floor broker
  • Prime brokerage
  • Securities market
  • Stock market
  • Stock market data systems
  • Stock selection criterion


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ar:وسيط أوراق مالية
fr:Agent de change
id:Pialang saham
uk:Біржовий брокер
vi:Công ty chứng khoán

stock broker

маклер на фондовой бирже, биржевой маклер

Англо-русский юридический словарь.

Смотреть что такое «stock broker» в других словарях:

  • Stock broker — Broker Bro ker (br[=o] k[ e]r), n. [OE. brocour, from a word akin to broken, bruken, to use, enjoy, possess, digest, fr. AS. br[=u]can to use, enjoy; cf. Fries. broker, F. brocanteur. See {Brook}, v. t.] 1. One who transacts business for another; …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Stock-broker — (engl.) s. Stock …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Stock broker — A stock broker or stockbroker is a regulated professional broker who buys and sells shares and other securities through market makers or Agency Only Firms on behalf of investors. A broker may be employed by a brokerage firm. Contents 1 Services… …   Wikipedia

  • Stock broker — Société de courtage Une société de courtage ou courtier (broker en anglais) est une entreprise ou une personne qui sert d intermédiaire pour une opération, le plus souvent financière, entre deux parties. L activité de courtage est réglementée… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Stock Broker —    A company or individual, executing trades and/or providing investment advice to institutional customers, but not acting as a principal …   Financial and business terms

  • stock broker — n. one who buys and sells stocks for customers in return for a commission …   English contemporary dictionary

  • stock-broker — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Broker — Bro ker (br[=o] k[ e]r), n. [OE. brocour, from a word akin to broken, bruken, to use, enjoy, possess, digest, fr. AS. br[=u]can to use, enjoy; cf. Fries. broker, F. brocanteur. See {Brook}, v. t.] 1. One who transacts business for another; an… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cazenove (stock broker) — Cazenove is a British stockbroker, founded in 1823 by Philip Cazenove, with a long and illustrious history. Although the firm refuses to comment on its relations to the Royal Family, it is widely assumed that it is the appointed stockbroker to… …   Wikipedia

  • Stock — For capital stock in the sense of the fixed input of a production function, see Physical capital. For other uses, see Stock (disambiguation). Financial markets Public market Exchange Securities …   Wikipedia

  • Stock trader — A stock trader or a stock investor is an individual or firm who buys and sells stocks or bonds (and possibly other financial assets) in the financial markets.tock trader versus stock investorIndividuals or firms trading equity (stock) on the… …   Wikipedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



A stock trader with a multi-monitor workstation, including a Bloomberg Terminal.

Names Stockbroker
Investment advisor
Share broker[1]
Registered representative
Trading representative
Investment broker
Investment adviser
Financial adviser
Wealth manager
Investment professional

Occupation type


Activity sectors


A stockbroker is a regulated broker, broker-dealer, or registered investment adviser (in the United States) who may provide financial advisory and investment management services and execute transactions such as the purchase or sale of stocks and other investments to financial market participants in return for a commission, markup, or fee, which could be based on a flat rate, percentage of assets, or hourly rate. The term also refers to financial companies, offering such services.

Examples of professional designations held by individuals in this field, which affects the types of investments they are permitted to sell and the services they provide include chartered financial consultants, certified financial planners or chartered financial analysts (in the United States and UK), chartered strategic wealth professionals (in Canada), chartered financial planners (in the UK). The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority provides an online tool designed to help understand professional designations in the United States.[2]


The other names or titles include share holder registered representative (in the United States and Canada), trading representative (in Singapore), or more broadly, an investment broker, investment adviser, financial adviser, wealth manager, and investment professional.

History of stock broking[edit]

(…) This enigmatic business [i.e. the inner workings of the stock exchange in Amsterdam, primarily the practice of VOC and WIC stock trading] which is at once the fairest and most deceitful in Europe, the noblest and the most infamous in the world, the finest and the most vulgar on earth. It is a quintessence of academic learning and a paragon of fraudulence; it is a touchstone for the intelligent and a tombstone for the audacious, a treasury of usefulness and a source of disaster, (…) The best and most agreeable aspect of the new business is that one can become rich without risk. Indeed, without endangering your capital, and with out having anything to do with correspondence, advances of money, warehouses, postage, cashiers, suspensions of payment, and other unforeseen incidents, you have the prospect of gaining wealth if, in the case of bad luck in your transactions, you will only change your name. Just as the Hebrews, when they are seriously ill, change their names in order to obtain relief, so a changing of his name is sufficient for the speculator who finds himself in difficulties, to free himself from all impending dangers and tormenting disquietude.

The first recorded buying and selling of shares occurred in Rome in the 2nd century BC.[4] After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, stockbroking did not become a profession until after the Renaissance, when government bonds were traded in Italian city-states such as Genoa and Venice.[5] In 1602, the Amsterdam Stock Exchange (now Euronext Amsterdam) became the first official stock market with trading in shares of the Dutch East India Company, the first company to issue stock.[6] In 1698, the London Stock Exchange opened at the Jonathan’s Coffee-House.[7] On May 17, 1792, the New York Stock Exchange opened under a platanus occidentalis (buttonwood tree) in New York City, as 24 stockbrokers signed the Buttonwood Agreement, agreeing to trade five securities under that buttonwood tree.[8]

Licensing and training requirements[edit]


Up until January 1, 2019, investment professionals that offer financial advice in Australia had to pass training pursuant to RG146.[9] They must hold an Australian Financial Services Licence that is overseen by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.[10] They are subject to fiduciary obligations.

As of 2019, Australia’s biggest online stockbroker was Commonwealth Securities, other large brokers were ANZ Share Investing, nabtrade and Westpac Online Investing.[11]


In Canada, to be licensed as a «registered representative» or an «investment advisor» and thus be qualified to offer investment advice and trade all instruments with the exception of derivatives, an individual employed by an investment firm must have completed the Canadian Securities Course, the Conduct & Practices Handbook, and the 90-day Investment Advisor Training Program. Within 30 months of obtaining designation as a «registered representative», the registrant is further required to meet the post-licensing proficiency requirement to complete the Wealth Management Essentials course. A registered representative is also required to complete 30 hours of professional development (product knowledge) and 12 hours of compliance training every three year continuing education cycle as set out by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada. To trade options and/or futures, a registered representative must pass the Derivatives Fundamentals Course in addition to the Options Licensing Course and/or the Futures Licensing Course, or alternatively, the Derivatives Fundamentals Options Licensing Course for options.[12][13][14]

Hong Kong[edit]

In Hong Kong, to become a representative one has to work for a licensed firm and pass 3 exams to prove competency. Passing a fourth exam results in obtaining a «specialist» license. All tests can be taken with the Hong Kong Securities Institute.[15] After passing all tests, approval must be received by the Securities and Futures Commission.


Share brokers in India are governed by the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 and brokers must register with the Securities and Exchange Board of India. The National Stock Exchange of India and the Bombay Stock Exchange via brokers, provide an ecosystem to investors to trade in capital markets through various channels- broker offices, investment advisor or screen-based electronic trading system. An individual employed by an investment firm must complete the National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) exam and apply to SEBI for registration as an Investment Advisor.[16]

Stock market advisory and research services are highly regulated in India. Only SEBI registered stock advisory and investment research analysts are allowed to do so. The complete details of these authorized persons are available on website of SEBI for protection of investors.


The recognized benchmark designation for investment professionals in Ireland is the QFA («qualified financial adviser») designation, which is awarded to those who pass the Professional Diploma in Financial Advice and agree to comply with the ongoing «continuous professional development» (CPD) requirements. The qualification, and attaching CPD program, meets the «minimum competency requirements» specified by the Financial Regulator, for advising on and selling five categories of retail financial products:

  • Stock shares, bonds, and other investment instruments
  • Savings, investments, and pensions
  • Mortgage loans
  • Consumer credit
  • Life insurance

As of 2019, Davy and Goodbody were Irish largest stockbrokers.[17]

New Zealand[edit]

In New Zealand, the New Zealand Qualifications Authority oversees qualifications. The New Zealand Certificate in Financial Services (Level 5) is the minimum level of qualification necessary to offer investment advice.[18]


In Singapore, becoming a trading representative requires passing 4 exams, modules 1A, 5, 6 and 6A, from the Institute of Banking and Finance and applying for the license through MAS[clarification needed] and SGX[clarification needed].

South Africa[edit]

The Johannesburg Securities Exchange rules require that member firms must be under the control of a «qualified stockbroker», who is also an executive director of the firm; and branches, likewise managed.
The South African Institute of Stockbrokers (SAIS) [20] offers the six exams required to become such, a Certified Stockbroker, or CSb(SA), following 3 years’ work experience, and with other educational requirements met.[21]
See also re. «Regulated Positions» and «Registered Persons» at The South African Institute of Financial Markets.
(SAIS also offers the Financial Markets Practitioner vocational certification.[22])

South Korea[edit]

In South Korea, the Korea Financial Investment Association oversees the licensing of investment professionals.

United Kingdom[edit]

Stockbroking is a regulated profession in the United Kingdom and brokers must achieve a recognised qualification from the Appropriate Qualifications list of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).[23] The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI), established in 1992, is the largest UK professional body for investment professionals.[24] It evolved from the London Stock Exchange, has around 45,000 members in over 100 countries and delivers more than 40,000 exams each year.[25] CFA UK also offers qualifications. It represents the interests of around 12,000 investment professionals and is part of the worldwide network of members of the CFA Institute.[26]

Qualifications include: the CISI Level 4 Diploma in Investment Advice and the CISI Level 7 Diploma in Wealth Management

United States[edit]

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, a self-regulatory organization, regulates investment professionals in the United States. Exams that individuals may take for accreditation include the Series 7 exam, the Uniform Securities Agent State Law Exam (Series 63), the Uniform Combined State Law Exam (Series 66), and the Uniform Investment Adviser Law Exam (Series 65).[27]

Individuals holding some of those licenses, such as the Series 6 exam, cannot be called stockbrokers since they are prohibited from selling stocks.[citation needed] Selling variable products, such as a variable annuity contract or variable universal life insurance policy, typically requires the broker to also have one or another state insurance department licenses.

Individuals and firms are regulated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and laws related to the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, including laws related to fiduciary.

See also[edit]

  • Boiler room (business)
  • Electronic trading platform
  • Floor broker
  • Mutual fund
  • Prime brokerage
  • Securities market
  • Stock exchange
  • Stock market
  • Stock market data systems
  • Stock valuation


  1. ^ «Compare brokers: what is the best broker?». Retrieved April 17, 2016.
  2. ^ komsan, seksun. «Understanding Professional Designations». Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. Retrieved October 9, 2020.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  3. ^ De la Vega, Joseph: Confusión de confusiones (1688): Portions Descriptive of the Amsterdam Stock Exchange. Selected and translated by Hermann Kellenbenz. (Cambridge, MA: Baker Library, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, 1957)
  4. ^ Goetzmann, William N. (2017). Money Changes Everything: How Finance Made Civilization Possible. Princeton University Press. p. 17. ISBN 9780691178370.
  5. ^ Piola Caselli, Fausto (2015). Government Debts and Financial Markets in Europe. Routledge. p. 24. ISBN 9781317314233.
  6. ^ Beattie, Andrew (December 13, 2017). «What Was the First Company to Issue Stock?». Investopedia. Retrieved October 9, 2020.
  7. ^ Rolland, Gail (2010). Market Players: A Guide to the Institutions in Today’s Financial Markets. John Wiley & Sons. p. 277. ISBN 9780470665558.
  8. ^ «Wall Street and the Stock Exchanges: Historical Resources». Library of Congress. June 12, 2018. Retrieved October 9, 2020.
  9. ^ Goh, Jassmyn (June 10, 2020). «RG146 CPD no longer required». Retrieved October 9, 2020.
  10. ^ «Financial advice». Australian Securities and Investments Commission. Retrieved October 9, 2020.
  11. ^ Yeates, Clancy (September 30, 2019). «CommSec profits fall 20.8 per cent amid market turbulence». The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved October 9, 2020.
  12. ^ «CSI Career Map — CSI Global Education». Canadian Securities Institute.
  13. ^ «Continuing Education/Approval Category Chart» (PDF). Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada.
  14. ^ «Continuing Education & Member Resources». Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada.
  15. ^ Yiu, Enoch (December 1, 2012). «Hong Kong puts financial professionals to the test». South China Morning Post. Retrieved October 9, 2020.
  16. ^ «SEBI prescribes norms for investment advisors». Business Line. September 24, 2020. Retrieved October 9, 2020.
  17. ^ Hamilton, Peter (October 15, 2019). «So you want to invest in the stock market: what will it cost?». The Irish Times. Retrieved October 9, 2020.
  18. ^ «For Individuals Seeking to Complete the Level 5 qualification». Skills Organisation.
  19. ^ SAIS Gazette Report
  20. ^ South African Institute of Stockbrokers,
  21. ^ Becoming a Stockbroker,
  22. ^ Financial Markets Practitioner,
  23. ^ Williams, Alex (September 17, 2020). «Best Online Trading Platform (UK) in 2020». Retrieved October 9, 2020.
  24. ^ Mitra, Gautam; Mitra, Leela (2011). The Handbook of News Analytics in Finance. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 9781119990802.
  25. ^ Oates, Simon (February 1, 2022). «About The CISI». Retrieved February 2, 2022.
  26. ^ Tew, Imogen (October 9, 2020). «Investment sector fears major restructure and staff cuts». Financial Times Adviser. Retrieved October 9, 2020.
  27. ^ Fiorillo, Steve (August 22, 2019). «How to Become a Financial Advisor: What You Need to Know». Retrieved October 9, 2020.


фондовый брокер — лицо, имеющее лицензию на операции с ценными бумагами. То же, что и registered representative.

Глоссарий финансовых и биржевых терминов


Агент, который покупает и продает ценные бумаги на фондовой бирже от имени своих клиентов и получает за свои услуги вознаграждение в виде комиссии (commission). До октября 1986 г. (см.: Big Bang (“Биг Бэнг”)) фондовые брокеры, работающие на Лондонской фондовой бирже (London Stock Exchange), не могли, в соответствии с правилами Биржи, выступать в роли принципалов (principals) (сравни: stockjobbers (фондовые джобберы)) и работали за фиксированную комиссию, установленную фондовой биржей. Однако с октября 1986 г. многие лондонские фондовые брокеры воспользовались преимуществами, которые давали им новые правила, и стали покупать и продавать ценные бумаги, выступая в роли принципалов, в результате чего их стали называть “делателями рынка” (market makers). Это изменение в правилах сопровождалось и упразднением фиксированных комиссионных, что позволило фондовым брокерам менять ставку комиссионных, конкурируя между собой. Традиционно фондовые брокеры выступали в роли консультантов по инвестициям, особенно для своих институциональных инвесторов (institutional investors).

Финансы: оксфордский толковый словарь

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Any cartoon that can be liked by a committee is really not worth drawing; in fact, must not be drawn at all! Better to become a stockbroker.

Michael Leunig





Stockbroker is a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.




A stockbroker is a regulated professional individual, usually associated with a brokerage firm or broker-dealer, who buys and sells stocks and other securities for both retail and institutional clients, through a stock exchange or over the counter, in return for a fee or commission. Stockbrokers are known by numerous professional designations, depending on the license they hold, the type of securities they sell, or the services they provide. In the United States, a stockbroker must pass both the Series 7 and Series 63 and or Series 66 exams in order to be licensed. In most English speaking venues, the two word term stock broker, like stock brokerage, normally applies to the brokerage firm, rather than to the individual.

Definition of stockbroker in the English dictionary

The definition of stockbroker in the dictionary is a person who buys and sells securities on a commission basis for customers Often shortened to: broker.


Synonyms and antonyms of stockbroker in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «stockbroker» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of stockbroker to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of stockbroker from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «stockbroker» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish

corredor de Bolsa

570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi

शेयर दलाल

380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic

سِمْسَارُ البُورْصَة

280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian

биржевой маклер

278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese

corretor da bolsa

270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

Broker saham

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean

증권 중개인

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

người môi giới chứng khoán

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

borsa simsarı

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian

agente di cambio

65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish

makler giełdowy

50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of stockbroker


The term «stockbroker» is regularly used and occupies the 60.950 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.


The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «stockbroker» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of stockbroker

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «stockbroker».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «stockbroker» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «stockbroker» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about stockbroker


Famous quotes and sentences with the word stockbroker.

But I can’t imagine Harry being a stockbroker at 35. That doesn’t really seem the stuff of ‘Harry Potter’.

Any cartoon that can be liked by a committee is really not worth drawing; in fact, must not be drawn at all! Better to become a stockbroker.

At nineteen I was pretty sure I was going to be a professional soccer player. At that time I played for one of the Norwegian premier leagues. But I tore ligaments in both knees, so I started studying business administration and economics and became a financial analyst, and I worked at a brokerage firm as a stockbroker.

A stockbroker urged me to buy a stock that would triple its value every year. I told him, ‘At my age, I don’t even buy green bananas.’

I’m still an athlete, I’m still a stockbroker, I’m still an actor. I think of it as more of an opening of new doors than an actual transition. I enjoy all of those things, which is why they remain a part of my life.


Discover the use of stockbroker in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to stockbroker and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Stockbroker Series 7 Exam General Securities Registered …

«This book will help stockbrokers pass the NASD Series 7 exam. This book has 1,000 sample questions and a study guide with math formulas. There are eight 125-question practice exams.

Philip Martin McCaulay, 2007


The Making of a Stockbroker

1925. This volume contains the story behind the making of a stockbroker, that being John K. Wing, the senior resident partner of Bronson and Barnes, a Boston firm which had risen to the top rank of stock commission houses in the early 1900s …


The Boston Institute of Finance Stockbroker Course: Series 7 …

If you’re looking to pass both the Series 7 and Series 63 exams, this is the only guide you will need. The Boston Institute of Finance Stockbroker Course is the premiere study guide for the securities industry.

Boston Institute of Finance, 2005


Barron’s Stockbroker Examination

This self-study manual and its model exams provide comprehensive preparation for the difficult but important Series 7 Examination. back cover] 3RD EDITION Choose Barron’s Method for Success on the Series 7 Exam Read this book’s overview of …

Michael T. Curley, Joseph A. Walker, 2007


The Ultimate Guide to Online Investing: A Stockbroker Tells …

The single most comprehensive guide to investing with an Internet broker, written by an eight-year veteran of the online investing revolution.Everything you’ll ever need to successfully invest with an online broker is here — how to be your …


Arco Registered Representative/stockbroker

This guide features two full-length sample exams with in-depth answers, hundreds of review questions with explanations, and complete coverage of all exam subjects, including the latest instruments, strategies, and SEC regulations.


How to Prepare for the Stockbroker Exam

«Comprehensice review of the topics you must master : corporate securities, underwriting, the Federal Reserve & margin, municipal securities, options, plus many more.

Michael T. Curley, Joseph A. Walker, 2000


How to Be Your Own Stockbroker

A complete guide to financial success that can save money immediately, by the popular founder of America’s largest discount brokerage company.


Jonathan White: Stockbroker in Orbit

PERILS OF THE ASTEROID BELT! Its dangers are known to all: the isolation, the vacuum of space, the interplanetary cold, the unimaginable distances…. But for JONATHAN WHITE, BROKER


Confessions of a stockbroker: you, too, can find tomorrow’s …

Filled with funny and enlightening anecdotes, Confessions of a Stockbroker shows you the way to find your own blue chips of the future, while taking you along on an always fascinating and entertaining journey.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term stockbroker is used in the context of the following news items.

Stockbroker’s profit soars

STOCKBROKER and financial advisor Bell Financial Group’s half year pre-tax profit has more than quadrupled. ITS unaudited results for the six months to June … «, Jul 15»

Ex-Stockbroker Involved in Broadway Scam Gets More Prison Time

A once high-flying stockbroker previously sentenced for conning the producers of Broadway’s «Rebecca» will serve 11 more years in federal prison. Mark Hotton … «NBC New York, Jun 15»

Carlsbad stockbroker pleads guilty to $6-million fraud scheme

A Carlsbad stockbroker pleaded guilty Tuesday to bilking investors out of more than $6 million through risky investments that turned into a classic Ponzi scheme. «Los Angeles Times, Jun 15»

Failed stockbroker BBY had been losing money for months

Failed stockbroker BBY had been losing money for about 18 months before it went under, according to investigations by administrators KPMG. Stephen … «Business Insider Australia, May 15»

Failed stockbroker BBY would have been badly hurt by the reversal …

One of the problems which hit stockbroker BBY in the weeks before it went into administration was a sharp fall in bank stocks. The banks and other financial … «Business Insider Australia, May 15»

Quindell founder named as major investor in City stockbroker

Rob Terry, the former boss of the embattled insurance outsourcing firm Quindell, has emerged as a major investor in the City stockbroker Daniel Stewart. «, Mar 15»

Stockbroker survives Cheshire crash in McLaren 650S

The stockbroker was taken by air ambulance to hospital where he was treated for fractures to a shoulder, elbow and ankle. He is still recovering from a series of … «Daily Mail, Mar 15»

Stockbroker fired after Twitter hit and run joke

A stockbroker has been sacked after tweeting that he hit a cyclist in his car — and drove off because he was late for work. Rayhan Qadar, who worked for … «CNBC, Jan 15»

Report: Ex-Huskers received benefits from shady stockbroker

Linebacker Steve Octavien, who lettered at NU in 2006-07, told the newspaper that he met stockbroker Mary Wong while he was playing at Nebraska, and that … «Lincoln Journal Star, Nov 14»

Ex-stockbroker sentenced to 34 months for ruining Broadway …

The curtain came down Friday for a disgraced ex-stockbroker when a federal judge sentenced him to 34 months in prison for ruining a planned Broadway … «New York Post, Oct 14»


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Stockbroker Meaning, Types

A stockbroker is a middleman who has the authority to buy and sell stocks and securities in a stock exchange on the investor’s behalf

Stocks are traded through exchanges. However, an investor cannot directly trade in stock exchanges. To buy a stock or sell a stock through exchanges, you need an intermediary who will help you with the transaction. This middleman can be a person or a company who is authorised to buy and sell stocks and other securities on your behalf. Such a person or a company is known as a stockbroker. Stockbrokers are generally associated with a stockbroking firm, but they can also be an independent person. For providing this service, a stockbroker charges a commission or a fee.

When understanding stockbroker meaning, one should note that a stockbroker is performing a service for the investor. The role of a broker is to buy and sell shares for a client. Stockbrokers also play another vital role; they provide information that helps an investor make correct investment decisions.

Let us look at the services a stockbroker traditionally provides to its clients in greater detail.

  1. Stockbrokers give accurate advice on buying and selling stocks and other securities. Since they know the markets, they can advise a client on what stocks to buy and sell and when to buy or sell them.  They thoroughly research securities before making such recommendations
  2. Stockbrokers buy and sell shares on behalf of their clients and handle the associated paperwork. They also act as a record keeper and keep records of all transactions, statements and so on
  3. Stockbrokers manage the client’s investment portfolio and provide regular updates to their clients about their portfolios. They also answer investment questions that a client may have
  4. Stockbrokers inform their client about any new investment opportunity in the stock market
  5. Stockbroker also helps a client to make changes in investment strategies depending on the market conditions

How are they regulated?

Stockbrokers are governed under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act 1992, Securities Contract Regulations Act, 1956, and also the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Stockbrokers and sub-brokers Regulations), 1992. Stockbrokers are also regulated under other rules, regulations and bylaws that SEBI may issue from time to time. Every stockbroker in India needs to be a member of stock exchanges and also requires to be registered with SEBI. Stockbrokers display their registration details on their websites and even on official documents. One can also visit the Sebi website and find details of registered stockbrokers.

Types of stockbrokers

Now that you know what is a stockbroker and also how they are regulated, let us take a look at the types of stockbrokers. Based on types of service provided, there are two types of stockbrokers- full-service stockbroker and a discount stockbroker.

Full-service stockbrokers: Full-service stockbrokers offer a full stack of services to its clients. They are traditional brokers who provide a trading facility coupled with advisory services. For this reason, the fees charged by full-service stockbrokers are high, and the brokerage they charge is based on the total amount of trades that are executed by the client. Full-service brokerages are established players who have branches located all over the country. Clients can visit these branches for service and advice.

Discount stockbrokers: Discount stockbrokers have come into existence due to the increased use and availability of the Internet. These brokers provide an online trading platform for their clients. However, discount brokers do not offer advisory services and research facilities. For this reason, discount brokers also charge fewer commissions, which is mostly a flat fee.

All brokerages now provide services online where a customer can log in with a username and password and execute trades. Online stockbroking services are faster since transactions can be done with the help of the Internet, and the broker can also connect with the client through chat rooms, emails and provide real-time updates.

When knowing what is a stockbroker, it is also essential to understand the meaning of a sub-broker. A sub-broker is a person or agent who is appointed by brokers to act on their behalf. A sub-broker is not a member of the stock exchange. Sub brokers need to register with SEBI without which they do not have the permission to deal in securities.

: a broker who executes orders to buy and sell securities and often also acts as a security dealer

Example Sentences

Recent Examples on the Web

Baker, who was planning to work as a stockbroker, said that he’s always welcomed statistics as part of his decision-making process but feels the game no longer adequately balances makeup considerations with numbers.

Alex Speier,, 21 May 2022

So she got married, had two children and worked as a stockbroker for 50 years.

Scott D. Pierce, The Salt Lake Tribune, 24 Oct. 2021

On the day in 1918 when the Postal Service began selling stamps with an image of a newfangled airplane, a 29-year-old stockbroker‘s clerk and stamp collector went out on his lunch hour to buy some.

James Barron, Star Tribune, 13 Apr. 2021

His credentials as a neurosurgeon were used to support his claims of an afterlife, with an endorsement in the book’s opening pages from former stockbroker and Hello From Heaven!

Alex Orlando, Discover Magazine, 23 Aug. 2021

As soon as it was revealed in an earlier episode of Ghosts that the body of ’90s stockbroker bro Trevor Lefkowitz had been thrown into the pond at the Woodstone B&B, the discovery of his remains seemed to be an inevitable future episode.

Breanne L. Heldman, Peoplemag, 9 Feb. 2023

Their errors are the kind many Americans can relate to: buying expensive cars before building good credit; staying loyal to a stockbroker who no longer gave good advice; spending carelessly to fulfill an emotional need.

Los Angeles Times, 8 Feb. 2023

The stockbroker was convicted and jailed for five years; the consuls were not charged.

Debbie Cenziper, ProPublica, 22 Dec. 2022

Angela Bassett plays Stella, a stockbroker who doesn’t have much luck in the love department.

Amy Mackelden, ELLE, 1 Jan. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘stockbroker.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

circa 1706, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler

The first known use of stockbroker was
circa 1706

Dictionary Entries Near stockbroker

Cite this Entry

“Stockbroker.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
4 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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