Is steeper a word

Definitions For Steeper


  • A vessel (usually a pot or vat) used for steeping


  • To put (something) in a liquid for a period of time

English International (SOWPODS)

Points in Different Games


Words with Friends

The word Steeper is worth 9 points in Scrabble and 10 points in Words with Friends

Examples of Steeper in a Sentence

  • The stairs are very steep.
  • A steep drop in prices
  • The store’s prices are too steep for me.
  • Steep the tea for three minutes.
  • The tea steeped for five minutes.

Antonyms for Steeper

  • 1

    имя существительное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > steeper

  • 2

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > steeper

  • 3


    1. бучильщик

    2. = steep2 I 2, 2)

    НБАРС > steeper

  • 4

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > steeper

  • 5

    Англо-русский технический словарь > steeper

  • 6


    1) Общая лексика: бучильщик, ванна для пропитки, вздутый, вымачивать, делать настой, заливать, замачивать, замочка, крутизна, крутой, круча, мочило, мочка, настаивать, обрыв, погружаться, погрязнуть, пропасть, пропитка, пропитывание, пропитывать, топить, уходить с головой, погружать , погружение , окутывать , очень высокий

    3) Поэтический язык: небо

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > steeper

  • 7

    (n) бучильщик; ванна для пропитки; замочная жидкость; замочный чан; мочило

    * * *

    * * *


    * * *

    Новый англо-русский словарь > steeper

  • 8

    English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > steeper

  • 9

    Англо-русский словарь по пищевой промышленности > steeper

  • 10

    English-Russian smart dictionary > steeper

  • 11

    чан для замачивания, замочный чан

    English-Russian scientific dictionary > steeper

  • 12

    n бучильщик

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. abrupter (adj.) abrupter; bolder; more abrupt; more arduous; more precipitate; more precipitous; more sideling; more steepdown; more steep-to; more steep-up; sheerer

    2. more excessive (adj.) dizzier; more dizzying; more excessive; more exorbitant; more extravagant; more extreme; more immoderate; more inordinate; more sky-high; more stratospheric; more supernatural; more towering; more unconscionable; more undue; more unmeasurable; stiffer

    English-Russian base dictionary > steeper

  • 13

    English-Russian dictionary of leather and footwear industry > steeper

  • 14

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > steeper

  • 15

    1. мочильный чан

    2. более крутой

    The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > steeper

  • 16
    steeper ripple

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > steeper ripple

  • 17
    steeper sloped conical surface

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > steeper sloped conical surface

  • 18
    steeper sloped conical surface

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > steeper sloped conical surface

  • 19
    become steeper

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > become steeper

  • 20
    downhill not steeper than

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > downhill not steeper than

См. также в других словарях:

  • Steeper — Steep er ( [ e]r), n. A vessel, vat, or cistern, in which things are steeped. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Steeper — Steep Steep, a. [Compar. {Steeper} ( [ e]r); superl. {Steepest}.] [OE. steep, step, AS. ste[ a]p; akin to Icel. steyp[eth]r steep, and st[=u]pa to stoop, Sw. stupa to fall, to tilt; cf. OFries. stap high. Cf. {Stoop}, v. i., {Steep}, v. t.,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • steeper — noun see steep III …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • steeper — See steep2. * * * …   Universalium

  • steeper — adjective having more steepness, being steep to a greater degree …   Wiktionary

  • steeper — stɪːp v. soak in a liquid, immerse in liquid; saturate, imbue adj. having a sharp slope, precipitous; expensive, exorbitant; extreme …   English contemporary dictionary

  • steeper — steep·er …   English syllables

  • steeper — noun a vessel (usually a pot or vat) used for steeping • Derivationally related forms: ↑steep • Hypernyms: ↑vessel …   Useful english dictionary

  • tea steeper — /ˈti stipə/ (say tee steepuh) noun any of a number of devices to make tea by bringing tea leaves into contact with hot water, as a filter holding the leaves through which the water is poured, a small tea leaf holder with a handle which is put… …  

  • Ski touring — up a mountain slope. Ski touring is a form of backcountry skiing (or off piste skiing) involving traveling over the winter landscape on skis under human power rather than through the assistance of ski lifts or snow vehicles. It can take place in… …   Wikipedia

  • river — river1 riverless, adj. riverlike, adj. /riv euhr/, n. 1. a natural stream of water of fairly large size flowing in a definite course or channel or series of diverging and converging channels. 2. a similar stream of something other than water: a… …   Universalium

бучильщик, мочильный чан, чан для замачивания, замочный чан


- бучильщик

Мои примеры


steeper sloped conical surface — более круто расположенная верхняя коническая часть  
steeper ripple — крутой рифель  
become steeper — становиться круче  

Примеры с переводом

The mountains on either hand become loftier and steeper.

Горы с обеих сторон становятся выше и круче.

Возможные однокоренные слова

steep  — крутой, отвесный, пропитка, крутизна, обрыв, пропитывать, бучить
steepness  — крутизна
steeply  — круто

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


более крутой

более резкое

более крутым

более крутые

более крутыми

более резким

более крутая




Some are just steeper than others.

Некоторые из них просто круче, чем другие.

Note that the winter angle is about 5º steeper than what has been commonly recommended.

Заметим, что зимой угол примерно на 5 º круче, чем то, что обычно рекомендуется.

Slots online slot machines — an alternative to the favorite games, which has now become even steeper and more diverse.

Слоты автоматы онлайн — альтернатива полюбившимся играм, которая теперь стала еще более крутой и разнообразной.

Up they went again — on a far steeper trajectory than prior to the alterations to the rules.

Их число опять пошло вверх — и по гораздо более крутой траектории, чем до изменения законов.

Analysts expect upcoming data will show an even steeper drop in mall traffic.

Аналитики ожидают, что предстоящие данные покажут еще более резкое падение посещаемости торговых центров.

They shouldn’t be used on anything too extensive or advanced but you can use them when the hills are a little steeper.

Они не должны использоваться на чем-то слишком обширном или продвинутом, но вы можете использовать их, когда холмы немного круче.

So the learning curve is much steeper.

Таким образом, кривая обучения намного круче.

A price steeper than the $50 oatmeal…

Круче, чем 50 баксов за овсянку…

The decline appears to be steeper than I extrapolated from the satellite image.

Склон, вероятно, круче, чем я рассчитал, полагаясь на изображение со спутника.

That’s steeper than I thought.

Это круче, чем я думал.

Soon instead on the coastal steeper «grown» real handsome palace.

Вскоре вместо него на приморской круче «вырос» настоящий красавец-дворец.

Combine attacks in order to make them several times more powerful and steeper.

Комбинируют атаки для того, чтобы они получились в несколько раз мощнее и круче.

This concern, however, looked more specifically: everyone wanted to be home was higher and steeper than the neighbor.

Озабоченность эта, правда, выглядела несколько специфически: каждому хотелось, чтобы его дом был выше и круче, чем у соседа.

A mountain is generally steeper and higher than a hill.

Гора обычно круче и выше холма.

Sure, there are other mountains bigger and steeper and higher.

Конечно, есть горы круче и выше.

Pam’s line gets even steeper (her rate of return increases) in another 10 years.

В следующие 10 лет линия Пэм становится ещё круче (увеличивается её ставка доходности).

Tiber valley is rougher and steeper, and the development and settlement here took place in a certain isolation from the surrounding area.

Долина Тибра круче, а также разработка и поселения здесь состоялась в определенном отрыве от его окрестностях.

For FDM, you want to minimize overhangs steeper than 45 degrees, since these will require support structures.

Для FDM необходимо минимизировать свесы круче 45 градусов, так как для этого потребуются опорные конструкции.

It should be said that the learning curve for managing a Linux server is undeniably steeper.

Следует отметить, что кривая обучения для управления сервером Linux, несомненно, круче.

Therefore 15th anniversary (Quinces) each girl celebrate steeper than age (18).

Поэтому 15-летие (Quinces) каждой девочки празднуют круче, чем совершеннолетие (18).

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steep 1


adj. steep·er, steep·est

1. Having a sharp inclination; precipitous.

2. At a rapid or precipitous rate: a steep rise in imports.


a. Excessive; stiff: a steep price.

b. Ambitious; difficult: a steep undertaking.

[Middle English stepe, from Old English stēap.]

steep′ly adv.

steep′ness n.

Synonyms: steep1, abrupt, precipitous, sheer2
These adjectives mean so sharply inclined as to be almost perpendicular: steep cliffs; an abrupt drop-off; precipitous hills; a sheer descent.

steep 2


v. steeped, steep·ing, steeps

1. To immerse in liquid for a period of time, as to cleanse, treat, or extract a given property from: steeped the cloth in red dye; steeped the tea bag in boiling water.

2. To involve or preoccupy thoroughly; immerse: As a child, she steeped herself in adventure stories.

3. To make thoroughly wet; saturate.


To undergo a soaking in liquid: Let the tea steep for five minutes.



a. The act or process of steeping.

b. The state of being steeped.

2. A liquid, bath, or solution in which something is steeped.

[Middle English stepen, perhaps from Old English *stīepan; akin to Swedish stöpa and Danish støbe, to soak (barley for malting), cast (metal), from Germanic *staupjan, probably denominative verb from *staupan, a kind of vessel for liquids (also the source of Old Norse staup, cup; see stoup).]

steep′er n.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. steeper — a vessel (usually a pot or vat) used for steeping

vessel — an object used as a container (especially for liquids)

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

What does the word steeper mean?

1. Having a sharp inclination; precipitous. 2. At a rapid or precipitous rate: a steep rise in imports.

What does steepness mean in science?

adjective. having or being a slope or gradient approaching the perpendicular.

What is the definition of steep in math?

In math, steeper means bigger so the slope of that line is bigger than the slope of the second skater’s line. You may also notice that the skaters are going down the ramp from the left to the right. It also measures the steepness of a line – the steeper the ramp the larger the value will be for the slope!

What does steep mean in physics?

A sloping line on a speed-time graph represents an acceleration . The sloping line shows that the speed of the object is changing. The object is either speeding up or slowing down. The steeper the slope of the line the greater the acceleration.

How steep is a 10% incline?

the percent is rise / run * 100. Although you have it completely backwards 10% is steep and 10 degree angle is even steeper about 19%….How steep is a 10 percent slope?

Degrees Gradient Percent
10° 1 : 5.67 17.6%
14.04° 1 : 4 25%
15° 1 : 3.73 26.8%

Is a 5% slope steep?

How is gradient calculated? In cycling terms, “gradient” simply refers to the steepness of a section of road. A flat road is said to have a gradient of 0%, and a road with a higher gradient (e.g. 10%) is steeper than a road with a lower gradient (e.g. 5%). A downhill road is said to have a negative gradient.

What does a slope of 1 in 20 mean?

as a ratio of one part rise to so many parts run. For example, a slope that has a rise of 5 feet for every 100 feet of run would have a slope ratio of 1 in 20.

How steep is 45 degrees?

A 45-degree pitch is equivalent to a 100-percent grade, and both mean that a run descends one vertical foot for each horizontal foot. “In perspective, a very steep highway-pass road is approximately 7 percent or about 4 degrees,” according to the Highlands Extreme Guide trail map.

How steep is a 40% grade?

Slopes vs. gradients vs. % grades

Angle (degrees) Gradient
40 1 1.192
41 1 1.150
42 1 1.111

What is the most dangerous place to ski?

The 9 Most Dangerous Ski Slopes in the World

  • The Streif – Kitzbuhel, Austria.
  • Great Scott – Snowbird, Utah.
  • Harakiri – Mayrhofen, Austria.
  • Black Hole – Smugglers’ Notch, Vermont.
  • Corbet’s Couloir – Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
  • Paradise – Mad River Glen, Vermont.
  • Delirium Dive – Sunshine Village, Banff, Canada.

Has Corbets Couloir killed anyone?

Truth to tell, no-one has ever died in Corbet’s (or so the resort will tell you, and there is no reason to doubt it), although there has been a litany of blown-out knees, spiral fractures, and broken bones.

What is the hardest place to ski?

The world’s most challenging ski runs

  • Corbet’s Couloir, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA.
  • La pas de chavanette, Portes du soleil, France/ Switzerland.
  • Delirium Dive, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
  • Grand Couloir, Courchevel, France.
  • The Fingers, Squaw Valley, California, USA.
  • Tortin, Verbier, Switzerland.

What’s the most expensive ski resort in the world?

Top 10 most luxurious ski hotels & resorts in the world


Where do billionaires ski?

Aspen, Colorado

What is the cheapest ski resort?

10 of best, cheap ski resorts in the world

  • Les Houches, France.
  • Crested Butte Mountain Resort, Colorado.
  • Vogel, Slovenia.
  • Livigno, Italy.
  • Söll, Austria.
  • Cauterets, French Pyrénées.
  • Borovets, Bulgaria.
  • Andermatt, Switzerland.

Where do celebs go skiing?

Top 5 ski resort for celebrities

  • Verbier, Switzerland. Verbier comes out top as the resort most likely to be visited by celebrities.
  • Courchevel 1850, France.
  • Zermatt, Switzerland.
  • St Moritz, Switzerland.
  • Klosters, Switzerland.

What is the most expensive lift ticket?

Photo: Courtesy of Sunlight Mountain The Sunlight Mountain Ski Resort not only offers the most expensive lift ticket in North America at $700, but it also has the cheapest single-day adult lift ticket price in Colorado at $63.

Do celebrities ski?

While some resorts aren’t up to snuff in comparison to others, it’s hard to go wrong. But celebrities tend to have a preference. At least, they did this holiday season. A-Listers such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Gal Gadot, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Kylie Jenner all know exactly where to go skiing, snowboarding, and après-skiing.

Where do celebrities go skiing in USA?

Resorts included on the list include a handful of Colorado’s most popular destinations, such as Aspen, Snowmass, Vail, Beaver Creek and Jackson Hole, as well as Park City in Utah and California’s Mammoth Mountain.

Is skiing for the rich?

But despite the availability of deals, a report commissioned in August by the National Ski Areas Association found that skiing in the U.S. has increasingly become a sport for the wealthy. Ways to save money include half-day access, skiing at smaller resorts, and discounts for kids, seniors and groups.

Is Beaver Creek or Deer Valley better?

While Beaver Creek has some great slopes and nice accommodations, there’s really no comparing it to Deer Valley. Most importantly (to us), Deer Valley Resort is more geared towards families. Speaking of experienced skiers, one of Deer Valley’s best assets is that it’s a ski-only resort.

Is Vail or Beaver Creek expensive?

Seven of the nation’s 10 most expensive ski resorts are located in Colorado. The Vail resort, just a stone’s throw away from Beaver Creek, ranks fourth on the list with average available room rates coming in at $200. Still, that’s 36% cheaper than Beaver Creek.

Is Beaver Creek nicer than Vail?

Firstly, if you are a snowboarder, Beaver Creek might be your better option because Vail is catwalks all day long (long flat sections to get from one ski area to the next). Secondly, if you’re planning a trip that will be 3 days or less on the mountain, opt for Beaver Creek.

Do I need a car in Beaver Creek?

If you plan on staying within Beaver Creek for your stay, it’s recommended to enjoy the convenience of a shuttle ride and not worry about a car. If you are more adventurous and looking to explore more of what Colorado has to offer, a rental car will be the more convenient option.

Is Beaver Creek good for beginners?

Beaver Creek is an ideal ski resort for beginners. There are separate beginner lifts and people movers directly at Beaver Creek Village. Beginners can ski on many easy slopes in the upper area. A very easy run leads from the mountain back to the village.

In which dictionaries does the word steeper exist?

English International (SOWPODS) — Yes

English USA (TWL 98) — Yes

English USA (TWL 06) — Yes

Collins Scrabble Words (CSW2012) — Yes

Collins Scrabble Words (CSW2007) — Yes

Words with Friends (WWF) — Yes

Enable1 (ENABLE1) — Yes

Letterpress (LETTERPRESS) — Yes

steeper is an acceptable dictionary word for games like scrabble, words with friends, crossword, etc.

The word ‘steeper’ is made up of 7 letters.


  • (n) a vessel (usually a pot or vat) used for steeping

Using the word ‘steeper’ in Scrabble will fetch you 9 points while using it in Words with Friends will fetch you 10 points (without taking into consideration the effect of any multipliers).

Check out the Anagrams of steeper

Check out the Words which can be formed using the letters of steeper

Words Ending With ‘steeper’

There is 1 word which ends with ‘steeper

Words Starting With ‘steeper’

Following are 2 words which start with ‘steeper

Words Containing ‘steeper’

Following are 2 words which contain ‘steeper

Other Info & Useful Resources for the Word ‘steeper’

Info Details
Points in Scrabble for steeper 9
Points in Words with Friends for steeper 10
Number of Letters in steeper 7
More info About steeper steeper
List of Words Starting with steeper Words Starting With steeper
List of Words Ending with steeper Words Ending With steeper
List of Words Containing steeper Words Containing steeper
List of Anagrams of steeper Anagrams of steeper
List of Words Formed by Letters of steeper Words Created From steeper
steeper Definition at Wiktionary Click Here
steeper Definition at Merriam-Webster Click Here
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