Is starred a word

Emma Neve

  • #1

Hi there everybody!
My question: some dictionaries don’t contain the adjective «starred» (WordReference does, anyway) so I was wondering how common this adjective really is. Another thing I find somehow odd: there are lots of examples of «starred fabric» (if you look it up in Google images) while the same is not true for «starred wrapping paper» and what you find is «star wrapping paper» (maybe it’s just a weird coincidence?).
I am aware that there’s another adjective, starry, but I wouldn’t use it for items such as clothing, paper etc. , while I would say «starry night», for example. Am I right in this?
Thank you very much for your help!

Last edited: Jan 18, 2023

  • Uncle Jack

    • #2

    «Starred»/»starry» isn’t used nearly as much as words like «striped»/»stripy» or «patterned», and so the meaning might not be obvious to readers. I expect that things like «she wore a dress covered in stars» is far more common than «she wore a starry dress» (and «she wore a starred dress» just sounds weird to me). It might be worth noting that «stripy» is equally uncommon in things like «she wore a stripy dress» (it sounds rather a childish thing to say), but «she wore a striped dress» is ordinary English.

    «Starred wrapping paper» is possible (I find it a little odd that you find «starred fabric» more common), where stars might be expected, but I don’t think there are many other places where «starred» would fit naturally. «Star wrapping paper» is not something anyone is likely say, but is the sort of thing you find in product descriptions because it matches common search terms.

    «Starred» is a correct English word, whether it is in dictionaries or not.

    One problem with «starred» (which does not affect «striped» or «starry») is that the verb «star» generally means to feature, and has nothing to do with star shapes. Wherever there could be doubt in meaning, or potential confusion, people won’t use «starred» as an adjective to mean covered in stars.

    Emma Neve

    • #3

    What about «star patterned [name of object]»?

    Uncle Jack

    • #4

    What about «star patterned [name of object]»?

    It might be better than «starred», but it doesn’t sound very natural. «An [object] patterned/with in stars» sounds better.

    Emma Neve

    • #5

    Thank you very much Uncle Jack :)

    • #6

    «Star-patterned » sounds acceptable in US-English.

    Emma Neve

    • #7

    Do you think it could work with other «shapes» that are commonly used in (paper/fabric) patterns such as hearts, apples, etc? Below are some examples:
    1) heart-patterned fabric — heart-patterned wrapping paper — heart-patterned umbrella/T-shirt/blouse/boots…
    2) apple-patterned …
    3) leaf-patterned …
    4) clover-patterned …
    5) snowflake-patterned …
    6) daisy-patterned …
    7) diamond-patterned …

    Can anyone tell me if it sounds acceptable in British English as well?
    Thank you very much LVRBC :)

    Uncle Jack

    • #8

    Some of these are fine in BrE. There is nothing at all wrong with «diamond-patterned», and it is exactly the expression commonly used to describe the back of an adder.


    However, as you see, it is a definite pattern, not some individual diamonds on a background. This is diamond-patterned:


    This is patterned with diamonds (possibly):


    Emma Neve

    • #9

    That was so useful! Thank you again Uncle Jack, big hug!😍🤩

    • #10

    Do you think it could work with other «shapes» that are commonly used in (paper/fabric) patterns such as hearts, apples, etc? Below are some examples:
    1) heart-patterned fabric — heart-patterned wrapping paper — heart-patterned umbrella/T-shirt/blouse/boots…
    2) apple-patterned …
    3) leaf-patterned …
    4) clover-patterned …
    5) snowflake-patterned …
    6) daisy-patterned …
    7) diamond-patterned …

    Can anyone tell me if it sounds acceptable in British English as well?
    Thank you very much LVRBC :)

    These all work in US-English.

    Keith Bradford

    • #11

    And in British.

    By the way, don’t imagine that Google Images is in any way a reliable picture dictionary. As a simple proof, Google «Stan Laurel images» and see how many pictures you get of Oliver Hardy. I counted eleven in the first thirty. Obviously.

    Emma Neve

    • #12

    I’m very grateful for your precious help 😍

    Asked by: Pauline Kuhic

    Score: 4.4/5
    (51 votes)

    starred adjective (SYMBOL)

    marked with an asterisk (= the symbol *): The starred items on the agenda are the most important.

    Is starring an adjective?

    Starring is an adjective that’s used when someone’s at the center of things, like a concert starring a famous cellist. The Greek word aster became the English word star, which was first used to mean «to be featured in a play» in the 1820s.

    What is the adjective of starry?

    adjective, star·ri·er, star·ri·est. abounding with stars: a starry night. of, relating to, or proceeding from the stars. of the nature of or consisting of stars: starry worlds. resembling a star; star-shaped or stellate.

    What is meant by the word starred?

    adjective. set or studded with or as with stars. decorated with a star, as of an order. marked with a starlike figure or spot, especially an asterisk.

    What part of speech is the word starred?

    starred adjective (RANK)

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    star used as a verb:

    To appear as a featured performer or headliner, especially in an entertainment program. To mark with a star or asterisk.

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    According to Google,»Starred contacts will stay in sync with Android Favorites. Starring a contact on desktop will star that same person in your Android contacts, and vice-versa, so you can see and manage your contacts seamlessly wherever you may be.»

    What is the root word of starred?

    STUDY. aster.

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    Noun. stary m pers (feminine stara) (slang, derogatory) father. (slang, derogatory) old man. (slang, derogatory) husband.

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    ADJECTIVE WORD FORM. Adding a suffix to a noun form is one way to form an adjective. A suffix is a part added to the end of a word to mark the word form. Below, an adjective occurs as (1) the complement to the predicate (It is __ , It seems __, It appears ___) or (2) the modifier to the noun (a) ___ noun.

    How do you write starred?

    starred adjective (SYMBOL)

    marked with an asterisk (= the symbol *): The starred items on the agenda are the most important.

    How do you spell starred or stared?

    verb (used with object), stared, star·ing. to stare at: to stare a person up and down. to effect or have a certain effect on by staring: to stare one out of countenance. a staring gaze; a fixed look with the eyes wide open: The banker greeted him with a glassy stare.

    What is the difference between starred and stared?

    Staring is a gerund form of the verb stare. Staring means looking at something or someone for a very long time. … Starring is a gerund form of the verb star. Starring is another way of listing cast member credits in a theater or film production.

    What does a star mean on a text message?

    WhatsApp for iOS recently received the new Starred Messages feature that allowed users to quickly access bookmarked messages including images, videos, or other content quickly. … The message would then be saved in a separate new Starred Messages tab. Once a message is starred, the star icon appears next to the message.

    Why is there a star by my text message?

    Google’s Messages app for Android lets you “star” those messages to easily find them later on. The feature is simple but quite useful. Similar to Gmail, you can “star” any text message and it gets saved to the “Starred” category.

    What does Star mean in phone?

    When you set your ring volume and you accidently scroll «sideways» and set your ring volume different for «priority» calls, it creates a star icon at the top.

    How do you say star in other languages?

    In other languages star

    1. American English: star /ˈstɑr/ sky.
    2. Arabic: نـَجْم
    3. Brazilian Portuguese: estrela.
    4. Chinese: 星
    5. Croatian: zvijezda.
    6. Czech: hvězda na nebi.
    7. Danish: stjerne.
    8. Dutch: ster hemel.

    What is the synonym of start?

    Some common synonyms of start are begin, commence, inaugurate, initiate, and usher in. While all these words mean «to take the first step in a course, process, or operation,» start, opposed to stop, applies especially to first actions, steps, or stages.

    What is the word starting with Star?

    8-letter words that start with star

    • starfish.
    • stardust.
    • starship.
    • starling.
    • stargaze.
    • starkers.
    • starwort.
    • startups.

    Is star a proper noun or common noun?

    The noun ‘star’ is a common noun.

    How you describe a star?

    A star is a luminous ball of gas, mostly hydrogen and helium, held together by its own gravity. Nuclear fusion reactions in its core support the star against gravity and produce photons and heat, as well as small amounts of heavier elements. The Sun is the closest star to Earth.

    Is star a collective noun?

    A star or stars form a collective nouns. The common name for stars is used to fully describe a group of stars and objects that can think or act in the same way. For example, you can see a lot of stars in the sky. A star can shift, one cannot be displaced, others can form a cluster.

    The word games Words With Friends, 4pics1Word, Word Chums, and Jumble which is by far one of the most successful of the word games. Jumble was created in 1954 — below, you will find the most unscrambled letters for each descramble word game that others have solved or decoded to make the word starred.

    Is starred a scrabble word or can you use starred in Words With Friends? The probability of getting this word in scrabble is 1 out of every 102929 games and in Words With Friends it’s 1 out of every 69168 games. This 7 letter 8 point scrabble word can be rearranged 2,520 ways. What other words can be made with the letters a, d, e, r, s, and t? There’s 24 with 9 letters or less with the letters a, d, e, r, s, and t. Here is a list of 24 to try to get you more points.

    усеянный звездами, отмеченный звездой, являющийся звездой


    - усеянный, усыпанный звёздами

    starred night — звёздная ночь

    - украшенный орденской звездой

    starred officer — офицер, увешанный орденами

    - со звёздочкой, с пятном, с отметиной на лбу (о животном)
    - полигр. отмеченный звёздочкой
    - звездообразный
    - треснувший лучами
    - театр. ставший ведущим актёром, выступающий в главных ролях

    Мои примеры


    he starred in numerous films — он снялся в главных ролях в большом числе фильмов  
    starred flag — адмиральский флаг  
    starred glaze — частично расстеклованная глазурь  
    ill starred — рождённый под несчастливой звездой; обреченный на неудачу; несчастливый  
    ill-starred — родившийся под несчастливой звездой; рождённый под несчастливой звездой  
    they co-starred in that picture — они снимались вместе в этом фильме в главных ролях  
    serum-starred cell — клетка, находящаяся в бессывороточной среде  
    column of four angles starred — колонна из четырёх уголков, расположенных крестом  
    four-starred general — генерал-полковник  
    four starred — с четырьмя звёздами на погонах  

    Примеры с переводом

    The starred items are available.

    В наличии — товары, помеченные звёздочкой.

    He wrote, directed, and starred in the play.

    Он написал эту пьесу, поставил её, и сыграл в ней главную роль.

    She starred for the basketball team last year.

    В прошлом году она великолепно выступила за баскетбольную команду.

    Which actress starred in the film ‘Cleopatra’?

    Какая актриса играла главную роль в фильме «Клеопатра»?

    The film starred Jack Lemmon and Shirley Maclaine.

    Главные роли в фильме сыграли Джек Леммон и Ширли Маклейн.

    Eastwood starred in ‘The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly’.

    Иствуд сыграл главную роль в фильме «Хороший, плохой, злой».

    This restaurant is starred in the guidebook.

    Этот ресторан отмечен в путеводителе звездой.

    The movie starred Orson Welles as Harry Lime.

    В этом фильме Орсон Уэллс сыграл главную роль Гарри Лайма.

    He starred in his first feature film a year ago.

    В своём первом полнометражном фильме он снялся год назад.

    Poitier starred in the classic film ‘In the Heat of the Night’.

    Сидни Пуатье снялся в классическом фильме «Душной южной ночью».

    He starred in both baseball and football when he was in college.

    В колледже он был звездой как бейсбольной, так и футбольной команд.

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    She has starred with many leading actors.

    She starred with Humphrey Bogart in the movie ‘Casablanca’.

    He’s on a self-indulgent ego trip with his latest movie, which he wrote, directed, and starred in himself.

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    Возможные однокоренные слова

    star  — звезда, звездочка, светило, звездный, выдающийся, играть главные роли
    staring  — пристальный, кричащий, бросающийся в глаза, яркий, широко раскрытый
    starless  — беззвездный

    Definitions of starred

    1. adjective

      marked with an asterisk

      starred items”




      having or as if having an identifying mark or a mark as specified; often used in combination

    DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘starred’.
    Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
    Send us feedback


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