Is specialisation a word

specialisation | specialization | Alternative forms |

Specialization is a alternative form of specialisation.

Specialization is a derived term of specialisation.

Specialization is a antonym of specialisation.

As nouns the difference between specialisation and specialization

is that specialisation is standard spelling of from=Non-Oxford British spelling|lang=en|specialization while specialization is the process of specializing.

Other Comparisons: What’s the difference?





Alternative forms

* specialisation (non-Oxford British spelling)


(en noun)

  • The process of specializing.
  • * 1973‘, , ‘ Time Enough For Love
    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    • 1

      специализация ; ? specialisation in production ;

      Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов > specialisation

    • 2

      Англо-русский экономический словарь > specialisation

    • 3

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > specialisation

    • 4

      English-Russian big medical dictionary > specialisation

    • 5
      specialisation in production

      специализация производства ;

      Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов > specialisation in production

    • 6
      specialisation ratio

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > specialisation ratio

    • 7
      economies of specialisation

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > economies of specialisation

    • 8
      in-house specialisation

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > in-house specialisation

    • 9
      industry group specialisation ratio

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > industry group specialisation ratio

    • 10
      plant specialisation statistics

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > plant specialisation statistics

    • 11
      mill product range specialisation

      Англо-русский словарь по прокатке металлов > mill product range specialisation

    • 12
      mill product range specialisation


      New terms dictionary > mill product range specialisation

    • 13
      in-house specialisation

      собственные специалисты; штатные специалисты; собственный штат специалистов

      Англо-русский экономический словарь > in-house specialisation

    • 14
      economic efficiency of international specialisation & cooperation of production

      определяется в расчете на каждый год и на период действия соглашении о специализации и кооперировании производства (с улетом разновидности величины годовых эффектов)

      Англо-русский экономический словарь > economic efficiency of international specialisation & cooperation of production

    • 15
      production specialisation

      рыночная форма международного разделения труда, ориентация страны на производство определенной продукции на основе принципов абсолютного и относительного преимуществ

      Англо-русский экономический словарь > production specialisation

    • 16


      specialization in smth. — специализация в чём-л.

      His specialization is gastroenterology. — Он специализируется в гастроэнтерологии.

      The lawyer said that he was unable to help us because our case fell outside his specialization. — Адвокат сказал, что он не в состоянии нам помочь, так как это дело выходит за рамки его специализации.



      Англо-русский экономический словарь > specialization

    • 17

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > EBVS

    • 18
      economic specialization of town (governing factor of urbanization and town economic development)

      1. профиль города народнохозяйственный

      профиль города народнохозяйственный
      Основное направление развития города, в котором градообразующим фактором является народнохозяйственная специализация
      [Терминологический словарь по строительству на 12 языках (ВНИИИС Госстроя СССР)]


      • город, населенный пункт


      • economic specialization of town (governing factor of urbanization and town economic development)


      • Wirtschaftsprofil der Stadt


      • spécialisation économique de la ville (facteur prédominant de l’urbanisation et du développement économique dune ville)

      Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > economic specialization of town (governing factor of urbanization and town economic development)

    • 19
      industrial specialization of town

      1. профиль города производственный

      Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > industrial specialization of town

    См. также в других словарях:

    • spécialisation — [ spesjalizasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1830; de spécialiser 1 ♦ Action, fait de (se) spécialiser. Spécialisation des fonctions d un organe. ♢ Spécialt Action, fait de se spécialiser dans un domaine de la connaissance. « Cette spécialisation tend […] à… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

    • Specialisation — Spécialisation La spécialisation est pour une entreprise ou un pays le fait de concentrer sa production dans un secteur économique ou un secteur d activité donné. Se spécialiser est le fait d acquérir des connaissances particulières ou d affecter …   Wikipédia en Français

    • specialisation — A form of co operation where two or more parties agree to give up the manufacture of a particular product and instead to obtain it only from the other party, or they agree to have the product manufactured jointly. Practical Law Dictionary.… …   Law dictionary

    • specialisation — (n.) British English spelling of SPECIALIZATION (Cf. specialization). For spelling, see IZE (Cf. ize) …   Etymology dictionary

    • specialisation — (Brit.) n. act of specializing; uniqueness, specific action; making something appropriate for a specific purpose; (Biology) structural adaptation of certain part of the body for a specific function; (Computers) reduction for the purpose of… …   English contemporary dictionary

    • Spécialisation — La spécialisation est pour une entreprise ou un pays le fait de concentrer sa production dans un secteur économique ou un secteur d activité donné. Se spécialiser est le fait d acquérir des connaissances particulières ou d affecter une machine à… …   Wikipédia en Français

    • specialisation — specializacija statusas T sritis Švietimas ir mokslas apibrėžtis Darbo pasidalijimo forma, kai asmuo arba ūkio subjektas sutelkia savo veiklą į vieną palyginti siaurą veiklos sritį. atitikmenys: angl. specialisation pranc. spécialisation, f …   Aiškinamasis kvalifikacijų sistemos terminų žodynas

    • spécialisation — specializacija statusas T sritis Švietimas ir mokslas apibrėžtis Darbo pasidalijimo forma, kai asmuo arba ūkio subjektas sutelkia savo veiklą į vieną palyginti siaurą veiklos sritį. atitikmenys: angl. specialisation pranc. spécialisation, f …   Aiškinamasis kvalifikacijų sistemos terminų žodynas

    • specialisation — specializacija statusas T sritis Švietimas ir mokslas apibrėžtis Siauresnė už specialybę žinių ir pažinimo sritis. atitikmenys: angl. specialisation pranc. spécialisation, f …   Aiškinamasis kvalifikacijų sistemos terminų žodynas

    • spécialisation — specializacija statusas T sritis Švietimas ir mokslas apibrėžtis Siauresnė už specialybę žinių ir pažinimo sritis. atitikmenys: angl. specialisation pranc. spécialisation, f …   Aiškinamasis kvalifikacijų sistemos terminų žodynas

    • specialisation — /ˌspeʃəlaɪ zeɪʃ(ə)n/, specialization noun the act of dealing with one specific type of product ● The company’s area of specialisation is accounts packages for small businesses …   Marketing dictionary in english

    Other forms: specializations

    If you have a specialization, that means you focus on a specific aspect of a larger topic. If you’re a nurse, your specialization might be pediatric care, which means you focus on providing care to infants and children.

    You probably notice that the word special makes up a big part of specialization, which can help you remember its meaning. Your specialization is your special subject or skill. If you’re planning on studying biology in college, your advisor eventually will ask what your area of specialization will be. When you graduate, you’ll know a lot about biology in general, but there’ll be a particular area — such as marine biology or rodent reproduction — that you studied deeply.

    Definitions of specialization

    1. noun

      the act of specializing; making something suitable for a special purpose

    2. noun

      the special line of work you have adopted as your career

      specialization is gastroenterology”


      specialisation, specialism, speciality, specialty

    3. noun

      (biology) the structural adaptation of some body part for a particular function

    DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘specialization’.
    Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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    In 1981 graduated from Simferopol State University with specialisation physical culture.


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    В 1981 году закончил Симферопольский государственный университет специальность» Физическое воспитание.


    Education: Urals State University, specialisation in Applied Mathematics.


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    Образование: Уральский государственный университет, специальность« Прикладная математика».


    Currently some 226 family physicians and 162 nurses are passing specialisation trainings.


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    В настоящее время специализированную подготовку проходят около 226 семейных врачей

    и 162 семейные медицинские сестры.


    Bodies of the interior ensure specialisation of investigators responsible for corruption offences.


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    Органы внутренних дел обеспечивают специализацию следователей, отвечающих за коррупционные правонарушения.


    Each of these zones has a specialisation and subsequent economic growth is anticipated.”.

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    Каждая из этих зон имеет свою специализацию и предполагает последующий экономический рост…».

    cutting boards, trays, bread bins,


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    Специализацией нашей компании является производство таких кухонных принадлежностей как:

    разделочные доски, подносы.


    In addition, the Jury assessed service, atmosphere and specialisation of the restaurant.


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    Кроме того, Жюри оценивает сервис, атмосферу и специализацию ресторана.


    The effectiveness of NGOs is among other factors dependent on specialisation and professionalization.


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    Эффективность НПО связана, помимо прочего, со специализацией и профессионализацией.



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    Курсы повышения квалификации и/ или специализации для взрослых.


    The specialisation of the new museum was determined as technological and industrial.


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    Профиль нового музея был определен как техническо- промышленный.


    Regarding areas, a great deal depends on the specific investor and its specialisation.

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    Theory and History of Psychology, Personality Psychology; concentrations: Interpersonal Perception, Psychosemantics.


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    теория и история психологии, психология личности: 19. 00. 01; концентрации: межличностное восприятие, психосемантика.


    License Number: 47.157 Specialisation validated by exams of the International Council of Ophthalmology 2013- 2014.


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    Доктор Барбани подтвердила свою специальность, сдав экзамены в Международном совете по офтальмологии 2013-

    2014 гг.


    Moreover, their multitude, proximity to service users and specialisation often allow non-governmental providers to solve

    clients’ legal problems faster and more effectively.


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    Более того, их множественность, приближенность к населению, специализация позволяют решать многие юридические проблемы,

    с которыми обращаются граждане, более оперативно и эффективно.


    Thus, as migrants, they can only apply for low-skilled jobs and, as a result,

    generally do not have the opportunity to continue their educations or obtain a specialisation.


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    Поэтому, находясь на заработках, они могут претендовать лишь на низкоквалифицированную работу, а

    впоследствии, как правило, не имеют возможности продолжить образование или получить специальность.


    At its current stage, the specialisation of Russian science,

    if measured by publications in international journals, remains at about the same level it was nearly 30 years ago, with physics, chemistry, space research,


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    На текущем этапе специализация российской науки, если

    измерять ее по публикациям в международных журналах, остается примерно такой же, как почти 30 лет назад.


    Economic specialisation in energy-intensive activities was the result of the under pricing of energy and a deliberate bias towards industry, in

    particular heavy industry.


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    Результатом установления недостаточно

    высоких цен на энергию стали экономическая специализация на энергоемких видах деятельности и намеренный уклон в сторону промышленности,

    прежде всего тяжелой.


    That it should respect students’ heterogeneity in terms of capacity and interests,

    offering more specialisation and tailor-made teaching by means of differentiated programmes,

    materials and teaching methods.


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    Данная система должна учитывать различия в способностях и интересах студентов,

    обеспечивая более высокую специализацию и индивидуальный подход к обучению при помощи специализированных программ,

    учебных материалов и методологии преподавания.


    In the beginning, the holding company’s main specialisation was investment in the construction of middle range housing.


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    Изначально основной специализацией холдинга было инвестирование в строительство домов среднего класса.


    Graduated engineer(University of applied sciences) as project engineer with specialisation in stage machinery for self-responsible supervision of the projects in the above-mentioned field.

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    Дипломированных инженеров, окончивших высшие специальные учебные заведения, со специализацией: инженер проекта/ инженер по сценическому освещению для самостоятельного сопровождения проектов в вышеназванной сфере.

    Efficiency has also been improved by specialisation that took place in the course of centralisation,

    where concentrating similar work segments has enabled organising work more effectively, thereby reducing the number of employees.


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    Кроме того, в процессе централизации эффективность повысила произведенная специализация, при которой объединение однотипных разделов работы позволило

    более эффективно организовать работу и тем самым сократить количество сотрудников.


    In 2011 she graduated with honours from the

    Belarusian State University the, Faculty of International Relations, specialisation: International Tourism Management.


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    С отличием окончила в 2011 г. факультет

    международных отношений Белорусского государственного университета по специальности менеджмент в сфере международного туризма.


    Education background: graduated from Cherepovets State University, specialisation in Management and Information Technologies in Engineering Systems; MBA.


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    Сведения об образовании: высшее образование- Череповецкий государственный университет по специальности Управление и информатика в технических системах; MBA.


    The authors focus on such factors as local knowledge spillovers, regional technological specialisation, scientific and educational infrastructure,

    industrial diversity and the intellectual property regime.


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    Авторов интересуют такие факторы, как переток локальных знаний, технологическая специализация региона, уровень развития научно-

    образовательной инфраструктуры, секторальное многообразие и правовой режим интеллектуальной собственности.


    Some in the legal profession have called this broad interpretation of the provisions of the law»On the Protection of Competition» risky,

    as it may restrict competition among contractors with a niche specialisation.


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    Столь расширительную трактовку нормы закона« О защите конкуренции» юристы назвали опасной:

    это может ограничить соперничество среди подрядчиков с узкой специализацией.


    Both institutes have similar specialisation, not just regarding foresight studies

    but other projects in the field of statistics and S&T indicators.


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    Оба института имеют схожую специализацию, причем это касается не только форсайт-

    исследований, но также проектов в области статистики и индикаторов науки и технологий.


    The Bank’s specialisation enables the Bank to respond flexibly

    and effectively to market changes and to pro- vide its customers with optimal solutions for any individual situation.


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    Специализация Банка позволяет гибко и эффективно реагировать на изменения рынка,

    предлагая клиентам оптимальные решения в различных условиях.


    This means that rather than seeking to identify new niches and specialisation of their own, regions often try to align

    themselves with what they see as current federal priorities.


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    Это означает, что вместо того, чтобы пытаться найти новые ниши и собственную специализацию, регионы часто пытаются подстроиться под то,

    что им представляется текущими приоритетами федерального центра.


    This is a very welcome development, which will allow ensuring effective specialisation of the prosecutor’s in corruption cases.


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    Это очень позитивный шаг, который позволит обеспечить эффективную специализацию данной прокуратуры в делах, связанных с коррупцией.


    Developed in collaboration with a consortium of universities, this specialisation benefits from the resources of UCA’s Mountain Societies Research Institute.


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    Данная специализация была разработана в сотрудничестве с консорциумом университетов и активно использует наработки Института исследований горных сообществ УЦА.


    There are many words in the English dictionary that might appear to explain the same action but are very different from each other in every sense.

    Such is the case with Formalization and Specialization, which are often confused with being similar but are not. 

    Key Takeaways

    1. Formalization is creating rules, procedures, and structures within an organization to ensure consistency and order, while specialization is the division of labor focusing on specific tasks or roles.
    2. Formalization helps to establish clear expectations, reduce ambiguity, and improve efficiency, whereas specialization enables employees to develop expertise and increase productivity.
    3. Both formalization and specialization contribute to an organization’s overall effectiveness and success.

    Formalization is the process of standardizing work procedures and rules to ensure consistent performance. Specialization is a process that involves training and education. It is the process of focusing on a specific area of expertise or task in order to improve efficiency and productivity.

    Formalization vs Specialization

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    Formalization is a word that has been in use for a very long time. It is usually a common term in organizations, companies, etc.

    It mostly deals with structuralizing a job post and creating related rules, policies, regulations, routines, etc.

    Under formalization, one of the advantages is that the employees’ behavior becomes very predictable and therefore easy to manage. Specialization is not a very ancient word but has become an important term for the youth.

    In a company, specialization is the method of dividing certain events and posts according to levels. This method of specialization is not always good and might make the job very monotonous and boring.

    Comparison Table

    Parameters of Comparison Formalization Specialization
    About It is the standardization and structure formation of a job. It is the division of levels and events within an organization.
    Origin It first came to use in the late 1500s. It first came to use in the late 1800s.
    Focus on The job-related rules, procedures, and policies. It focuses on the division of labor on different levels.
    Advantages  A very predictable behavior of employees. Job security and a very high level of productivity.
    Disadvantages A very long decision-making process. A very limited skillset of employees can lead to boredom.

    What is Formalization?

    When everything happens systematically, then it is easy to handle and manage things, especially in large firms or organizations where there are many different kinds of works and levels of procedure.

    It is important to have a set of rules and formal procedure protocol that is about the workflow and makes the complete task easier to manage. Formalization does exactly this task.

    In an organization, the process of making guidelines to manage work, providing rules and regulations, and structuring down the procedure and protocol for all the employees individually is what comes under formalization.

    This task is mainly in the hands of the company’s manager or a team. The creation of many provisions happens under formalization.

    This includes organization relationships, mission, and goals, ranges of power and responsibilities, basic posts regarding task and process patterns.

    The whole process of formulation happens in three stages: the creation of legal documents for the organization, a description of units in a detailed manner, and lastly, the organization continues to improve the documents while adapting the change from internal as well external sources.

    Sometimes the process of formalization becomes too long and results in a delay in the decision-making process which is seen as a drawback to this method of the organization, but at the same time, one of the advantages of formalization is that it makes it easier to predict the behavior of employees.

    What is Specialization?

    Specialization is a very vague term, and most often, people confuse it with mastering. It plays a very important role in the work process of an organization, no matter if it is a small-scale industry or a big industry.

    The process of specialization includes the division of labor. This is all the simple definition, and a description states that specialization is a method of dividing the roles of the employees in a company according to their skillset and need by the project.

    It places the employees on different levels in the organization according to the efficiency of their work. This makes it very helpful in determining the output from a particular sector of the company. 

    One of the advantages of specialization is that there is extreme job security, and employees can expect a quality level of productivity from the employees.

    The reason for good productivity due to specialization is that the employees are getting the exact work that matches their skill set and working efficiency.

    However, over time the employees might also face some drawbacks due to specialization. The employees have experience in only one area, which restricts their field of work.

    This leaves them with a limited skill set and boredom of performing the same work for a long period.

    Main Differences Between Formalization and Specialization

    1. The word ‘Formalization’ first came into use in the late 16th century. On the other hand, the word ‘Specialization’ in terms of an organizational method first came into use in the late 19th century.
    2. Formalization is a term that explains the formation and standardization of a post or job whereas, Specialisation is a term that best defines the distribution of posts to different levels in an organization.
    3. The process of Formalisation focuses on making policies, rules, and regulations. On the other hand, Specialization has its main focus on dividing the labor into different levels and standards.
    4. One of the advantages of Formalization is that it becomes easy for the employer to predict the behavior of the employee, while one benefit of specialization is that the work becomes easy and quick to cover.
    5. A drawback of Formalization is that there are lengthy procedures of deciding, whereas that of Specialisation is boredom due to monotony and restricted skillset.



    Emma Smith 200x200 1

    Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.

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